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Wings Over Scotland

Us, now, or never

Posted on September 18, 2014 by

We have fifteen hours.


The next fifteen hours mark the only ones in the entire history of time in which the fate of Scotland has rested democratically in the hands of its people. In 1707 the country was sold from under its people’s feet by a tiny handful of “nobles”. Before that it was won or lost in blood and sorrow. Today, the will of the people – every man and woman with one equal vote, regardless of wealth or property – shall decide.

Voting Yes won’t magically solve our problems overnight. But they’ll be ours to own and solve for ourselves. We need not do things in the way they’ve “always been done”. We can take Scotland – a nation at once both proudly ancient and reborn afresh – and shape it in whatever form we choose.

It will be a land not inherited from our predecessors – for they never owned it to give – but lent to us by our children, to build into a place they can prosper and flourish, not be forced to leave in search of opportunity. For those already driven away, a home worth returning to. And for those who’ve never been, a welcoming beacon of hope.

All those Scotlands, shared by all of us. Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. You know the rest.

Our enemies are not the good people of England. They, like us and much of the rest of the world, suffer the injustices and indignities imposed by a ruling class which has no nation but power and no language but money.

A new feudalism grips the planet, a reversal of much of the progress of the 20th century. Workers have seen their rights diminished, and ever-greater toil yields an ever-smaller share of the rewards, which are greedily hoarded by the wealthy on a scale not seen since medieval times. Our children are placed under a yoke of enormous debt before their working lives even begin, our elderly pushed ever closer to the grave before they can rest.

Independence alone is not the solution. But it is the vital first step that makes the solution possible. Many of those in the rest of the UK, and elsewhere across the world, look enviously on the chance we hold in our hands today, and urge us to use it, to show that another way is possible.

If we vote Yes we will remain allies, comrades-in-arms and friends with our brothers and sisters to the south, and this time it will be a friendship forged from respect, not subservience or subsidy. But if we hand back power meekly to the Bullingdon elite like a cowed serf whose courage deserted him at the last moment we will have earned only their contempt, and it will be richly deserved and pitilessly exercised.

Those who rule over us had forgotten fear, except as a tool. They buy governments. They laugh in the face of the law. They own the press. The real, unelected holders and wielders of power are immune to transient politicians reliant on patronage.

But they’re afraid now.

You know it’s true. Have you ever in your life seen such blind, hysterical panic on the normally-serene faces of the insatiable rich? Have you ever before this day witnessed the privileged and powerful – the captains of industry, the commanders of armies, the self-proclaimed “masters of the universe” – in such abject, frenzied terror, cajoling and pleading and warning and bullying, saying anything they can think of to stop us?

Why do you think that is? Is it because they’re scared FOR us – they who’ve never previously cared about anything except our votes and our money, they who despise the frail and torment the vulnerable? Or is it because they’re scared OF us?

They have not been this weak in three centuries, and they will never be this weak again in our lifetimes. For let there be no mistake: they will not allow this unexpected, unforeseen peril, this democracy no longer de-fanged but suddenly red in tooth and claw, to threaten them twice.

We have no need of guns or bombs. This revolution will have no martyrs, no widows, no orphans. For fifteen precious hours our land can be won for a cross in a box. For one fleeting moment, our foes’ flank is exposed, all their mighty weapons useless.

On them, readers. On them. They fail.

2467 to “Us, now, or never”

  1. CameronB Brodie says:

    That’s odd. My ISP (EE) is blocking me from youtube and Reddit, but I was able to watch Lesley-Anne’s tinyur link to youtube.

    Confused and frustrated. I think I’ll have a word with EE tomorrow. 🙂

  2. hopper69 says:

    @Stevie boy
    4 out of 5 is what decides referendums.

  3. James says:

    Call me Dave…how could they possibly be relieved at this stage?? Even if yougov feed them a friendly exit snapshot from one of their panels, it’ll tell them nothing they did not not get from yougov yesterday. The turnout approaching 90% means the polls will be stretched. So no point worrying they know something we don’t at this stage. Blair MacDougal is only spouting what you’d expect at this point.

  4. EdinScot says:

    Oh im relieved to hear that Lesley-Anne! It was either that or a hands across the bord.. ehm Scotland moment. Its safety in numbers kind of thinking and around here im amongst my own folk no matter.

    Have a feeling the “darkened room” will have a revolving door policy tonight.

  5. Fiona says:

    what is the basis for them calling it either way before any results? Is there \an exit poll or something? I don’t watch tv so am not following that

  6. Lesley-Anne says:

    Ach hell! We only come this way but once in our lives. We have been waiting 307 years for this Defo SOD IT! You want to smoke in the bar then so be it. I’m too hyped up with a YES win to be bothered sticking to any health and safety thingy! 😛

  7. call me dave says:

    I’m watching Boulton & Co on sky never heard that, it’s only 22:35 and there is a first ruffle to do which is to count the votes cast. The sorting will commence after that into YES NO.

    There was a Ugov, I think, poll being done from 6pm tonight which is the exit poll. Same people they polled before.
    The great unwashed don’t have computers or haven’t signed up. Broad No need to worry yet.

    Cameron’s last night in No 10 if a heavy loss…There’s balance for you. They to are worried.

  8. ewen says:

    Channel 4 resurrected McGlashen. No Stoneybridge though.

  9. FergusMac says:

    I hope we rename every Union Street in Scotland!

  10. Jim says:

    Good luck folks and God bless you all.
    Lang may yer lum reek.

  11. Lanarkist says:

    Polls at local stations are high, 88, 84, 90 and a few declared at 100% of registered voters for that ward!
    This vote has broken all previous Scottish records!

    Feeling good about the whole thing. I got the impression that the BT poll agents thought that a high turnout would be bad news for them as it indicated all the previously disinterested people who had re-registered had turned out to vote!

    From the winks and thumbs ups that I saw at the exit door I am still going with Scottish Skiers prediction of 63% Yes.

  12. FergusMac says:

    And George Square will be Independence Square


  13. James123 says:

    Sky have based their call on a Yougov poll which asked exactly the same people as before, its bullshit.

  14. bookie from hell says:

    Curtis 99% certainty NO

  15. Jim says:

    Good luck and God bless folks.
    Lang May your Lum Reek.

  16. Lesley-Anne says:

    Kellner saying he is 99% certain of NO win. What a load of utter Garbage! I can’t wait to see him and everyone else in the polling fraternity receiving a LARGE egg in the face! 😛

  17. Graeme Doig says:

    Whats all this predictions nonsense.

    The fat lady hasn’t even arrived at the concert hall.

  18. ElGordo says:

    Yes Odds on Betfair and Betdaq exchanges all moved from 4/1 to 12/1 at 10:25 to 10:30pm.

    Something very odd about the money moving the market that much in 5mins with no results or exit polls in.

    Somebody knows something.

  19. Rabkae says:

    Thanks to all those who made today happen, and thanks Stu for your outstanding coverage.

  20. Jim says:

    Good luck and God bless you all folks and lang may your lum reek whatever the result.




  22. Scott says:

    This has been an incredible experience. I’m an Englishman with no direct say, but I’ve been impressed by the yes campaign and WoS in particular. Change is coming for all of us, No matter which way it goes.

  23. James123 says:


    Kellner said Labour would win the Euro elections in Scotland after the polls had closed and he was completely wrong.

  24. mogabee says:

    Listening now to Kelner telling us that no is going to win 54/46!

    I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight.

  25. bookie from hell says:

    were talking to ourselves



  26. westie7 says:

    Ruthie on BBC claiming to have good sample of postals over last few weeks

  27. Scott says:

    Kellner either has massive balls or he’s cleaning up on betfair.

  28. Juteman says:

    Kung Fu Krankie saying No are ahead in the postal votes, even though they haven’t been counted yet. She has seen ‘samples’.

  29. Lesley-Anne says:

    If I remember correctly Kellner has direct links to the Labour party so that doesn’t surprise me! 😛

    Oh look ANOTHER Lib Dem on SKY!

  30. Wilma Watts/ memaw says:

    Just returned from putting seals on Tarbert boxes. Apparently at least 80% turnout. Stayed until boxes safely in van to Lochgilphead. Been at polling station most of day.We actually had two Yes conversions because we were there to talk to people! Good atmosphere. A German tourist asked to photograph the No Thanks chap and us Yessers together because when he had passed we had been having a laugh. Hope it was as good natured everywhere. Now get ready for an all nighter until the results come in. Fingers crossed!

  31. Defo says:

    Ta L-A. I hope your dreams come true 🙂

  32. Big Jock says:

    How much more of this crap do we have to put up with. Wait till the first results come in. If they are basing their predictions on a shitty you gov poll done at 6pm. Then it tells them nothing. They sampled the same folk as before.

  33. bookie from hell says:

    hope we get @ least 48%

  34. Lesley-Anne says:

    No problems Defo. Don’t worry about my dreams though because like those of everyone else on here our dreams are coming TRUE tonight! 😛

  35. Marie clark says:

    how can any of these eejits say with 99% certainty No will win.Chancers indeed. As has already been said, the fat lady has not even arrived at the concert hall.

    Sheez, some folk are gonnae look gey shamefaced later. Hell mend the lot o’ them.

  36. misteralz says:

    I actually feel sick. I’m not long back in the house – I answered a ‘Get Out The Vote’ email just before seven, so I’ve been driving around the wilds of Aberdeenshire making sure those registered as a Yes had voted. The ones that I spoke to had. The houses that were in darkness, well, common decency prevented me from chapping the doors. Met some good people tonight and gave my old Rangie a proper thrashing up umpteen farm tracks. It’s what it was built for. I’ve been full of optimism all day long. But now the polls have closed and I am shitting myself. Completely and utterly shitting myself. Somebody write something that’ll get my spirits back up, please!

  37. Bingo Wings Over Scotland says:

    Stu, just want to say thank you for the ammunition you gave us to help in the campaign, and for the inspiration. Legend.

  38. Dorothy Devine says:

    I have cleared the dishes and a cupboard ,made two dinners – one for tomorrow and for Saturday – done an ironing that would frighten the army ,made apple jelly, stripped a bed and made up beds for my grandchildren, and now I’m just twitching.

    Darkened room and pleasant music, glass of whisky to aid relaxation.

  39. Croompenstein says:

    Oh FFS Torrance talking about division, the only way the division will be healed is with a yes vote as we will reach out to our countrymen who voted no to include them and it is safe to say that wont work the other way round, but I told someone today that when the yes win is announced and over the weekend the currency arrangements are agreed then those no voters will realise they have been lied to and disappear like snow of a dyke.

  40. daodao says:

    Peter Kellner (Yougov) is 99% certain of a No win. Sadly, I thinks he’s right.

  41. Indigo says:

    Anyone know when the first declaration is expected?

  42. Lesley-Anne says:

    Thing is Marie they HAVE to keep up the pretence. They have been using flawed data since day one and now the REAL vote has happened they are shiting themselves. They are hoping against hope that they have been right but in reality there are so many factors that they have NOT been able to take into account they are on a hiding to nothing! 😛

  43. Jenni Adam says:

    link to

    There’s an article down the page a bit expressing an opinion that there will be a ten point differential in NO’s favour. I’d dismissed it as twaddle. Can’t say I have a lot of faith in YouGov’s poll either.

    We will be strong. We will continue to wait in hope and we will see for ourselves what we have done.

    As I said to my sister earlier, if Scotland really had a majority of fearful, willfully ignorant effwits then it wouldn’t be the country which had produced this incredible debate and voter turnout at unprecedented levels for generations. It wouldn’t be the country we live in.

    To quote Salmond: Trust in ourselves. Trust each other.

  44. Lesley-Anne says:

    I think after YES wins then Kellner and his polling company are out the door. No one will be able to trust any of his political polls in future! 😉

  45. MacCruiskeen says:

    Been watching this whole process from exile in Germany with amazement and delight. Wish I could be there, wish I could vote, wish I could share the celebration. I have a strong feeling it’s gonnae be a Yes.

    I was present at the fall of the Berlin Wall. You may all trump me yet by being present at the end of the UK – thereby ending Tory rule forever, waving goodbye to a zombie empire and dismissing an entrenched elite of smug warmongers. Refusing to swallow their cruelty and bullshit, saying no to the neoliberal ice age… I’m getting carried away now. But a Yes could have positive repercussions well beyond the UK. It would constitute what Noam Chomsky called “the threat of a good example”.

    This is just the beginning.

    Kudos and respect to all who voted Yes despite Project Fear, and many thanks to Stuart Campbell for the sustained brilliant work of this website.


  46. Golfnut says:

    I decided not to sit and watch this media fest. From the comments it would appear they are predicting a no win, which is frankly impossible at this stage. Exit polls will still not reach the hidden voters. Remember you are dealing with a morally bankrupt media. My feeling is they are indulging in a little sadstic pantomine to keep you on a knifes edge. The opportunities to make us suffer are going be frw and far between after a yes vote.
    Stay cool.

  47. bookie from hell says:

    I will start 1st joke of night

    wow—a lot of orange lodges scotland

  48. fred blogger says:

    7am there is it, can you send us the result?

  49. msean says:

    Imagine if you were ever again able to afford to go on holiday as a no voter,what with paying that extra tax you wanted to pay,the embarrassment of being scared into giving away your country and its resources,leaving foodbanks in place,mad benefit sanctions,an nhs open to privatisation eventually,selling your kids futures down the Thames.It is actually as good as voting Tory,it really would be.

    Here’s hoping for a yes,because you can’t bring a country together when a part of it can’t afford to eat or buy shoes.

  50. Macca73 says:

    Everyone stop and think for a minute, I was also watching Sky when YOUGOV said that same statement but they have been MASSIVELY wrong before!! Keep believing

  51. macnakamura says:

    I have not read abcj=k for much ….. I have goner from optism to peesism bt i amnow now lost ….. ifit is no then I think I may give up voting ever.. asKenneth williams said “whqats the bloody point point” ….. whisky fingers

  52. Natasha says:

    Hi folks, transported a single mum with a four month old baby to the polling station tonight; she hadn’t been going to vote, because he had colic and wouldn’t stop crying. He calmed down as soon as the car started, and was as good as gold the whole time. I got a lovely cuddle as well! 95% turnout in Roxburghshire, local Tory MSP and councillor looking as sick as parrots.
    Love you all, see you in an independent Scotland.

  53. ewen says:

    Can we rename every Union street ..Independence street or Hope street or Scotland street or maybe Butterfly Boulevard.

  54. bookie from hell says:

    Source: North Lanarkshire, Glasgow and Clackmannanshire postal votes all 60%+ No. #indyref
    11:07pm – 18 Sep 14

  55. Weedeochandorris says:

    How can they possibly call it this early?

  56. heedtracker says:

    BBC propaganda still 100% full on, so they dove tail their NO win triumph with flogging us what ever it is Gordon Brown says is written in stone. Still no idea what their Vow is but if they do win it’s going to be whatever the BBC says it is. What will all these con artist liggers do if have they lost.

  57. James123 says:

    So it looks like maybe another 2 hours before we get any “real” indication of how the vote has gone, keep the faith guys.

  58. Andyc says:

    relatively low turnout in middle class Hyndland in Glasgow’s west end compared to elsewhere – around 78 per cent. My partner was there at the close. Could be good news for yes given the number of toffs in these parts?

  59. h_johnny says:

    Carmichael sitting on STV with a huge smile on his face as if they have won already. All they can talk about is opinion polls, nothing else to back their confidence up.

  60. Wp says:

    Bookie from hell, no disrespect, but you seem to be dying to give us bad news all evening.

  61. Colin Church says:

    How does Ruthie have ballot samples. What does that mean.

  62. Elizabeth Sutherland says:

    Was it a rigged postal vote that won it? The silent majority!!

  63. Training Day says:

    Canavan has basically conceded defeat there. In some ways it would be preferable to think this has been rigged. The harsher truth may be that Scotland is full of fearties.

  64. ewen says:

    What was Ruth Davidson on about regarding the opening of postal votes over a week ago?

  65. Dan Huil says:

    YouGov asked the same people that they asked yesterday or a few days ago. They were bound to get similar result.
    Plus 800 postal voters.
    Obvious they were going to get slightly better numbers for No because elderly use postal votes more than others.
    Crazy to call it at this time.
    Stay cool.

  66. bunter says:

    Wee Doogie cant hide his smile on BBC news 24. Looking well smug. All unionist on all channels looking confident and YES politicos talking up huge turnout only.

  67. goulashman says:

    It appears all is against us and we will wake up to a diminished, depressed Scotland ….but the ballots have not been counted yet. Keep hope.

  68. Alistair says:

    I read Kellner’s prediction. Yes I’m feeling deflated. But just remember, they didn’t hear the Yes elephant sneaking up on them last week until it trumpeted in their ear.

    After the first Salmond/Darling debate, I was quite new on here. I remember how deflated and despondent everyone was. I could feel the despair. But after the second debate – my God! What an explosion of hope and joy.

    There has been turnouts of over 95%. It is a binary question. It’s a referendum. They know not what they do. Just look at the streets. Listen to what people are actually saying. Yes can still win this.

  69. Croompenstein says:

    I smell shite, they have all called this for No before a f*ckin vote has been counted! What station, if any, are you watching Rev?

  70. bookie from hell says:

    maybe because it is bad news


  71. h_johnny says:

    @bookie from hell: There is no way in a million years Glasgow and NL are on 60%+ no postal votes. What magical source was that?

  72. Lesley-Anne says:

    Anyone being concerned about BBC/SKY going on and on and on about Kellner and anyone else quoting a NO win always remember this.

    There has NEVER been anything like this before so none of the polling companies have anything to fall back on.

    There has NEVER been a referendum before where 16 and 17 year olds were allowed to vote so the polling companies are unable to factor these voters into their calculations.

    There has been in excess of 42% Labour voters voting for YES again something the polling companies are unable to work into their calculations

    There has been a MASSIVE uptake on voting registration which again the polling companies have been unable to work into their calculations.

    Finally Ipsos Mori are reported as saying earlier tonight that if the voting turnout is over 80% then all their calculations are in effect null and void!

    For me these five points means that there has NEVER been a poll result over the last couple of months that has come even close to what we will actually see tonight!



    Oh jeez yet ANOTHER LibDem on SKY news, think it should be renamed the LibDem channel!

  73. Gus says:

    Hello fellow believers…

    Just thought I’d leave a note to offer my support to all the great work you seem to have done.

    In recent days I have been glued to this site and tonight more so than ever watching the results now.

    I need to offer my apologies to the young guy that I said “no thanks” to outside the st nic centre in Aberdeen when he tried to offer me a wings book. To explain, I have been a FIRM yes all my life (parents and other family have been councillor and activists for SNP!) and my no thanks was merely because I didn’t realise what the book was.

    My emotions are up and down every minute just now, can’t help but feel slightly disheartened by the yougov poll.

    Anyway, on a positive note, and regardless of what the outcome is I have a hope and belief towards the prospect of independence that until very recently and even since the SNP gained power at hollyrood that I have never felt in my 27 years to date.

    So proud of my country tonight and empowered to make sure that this is only the beginning.

    Apologies for the rambling (had just few Guinness so far!!) but you have all really touched me with your comments and filled me with pride.

    To finish? I noted a comment above about if YES we can hold our heads high and look our European neighbours in the eyes whereas a NO means we would be looking at our feet… I feel totally different that whatever the result, we now have our platform and can hold our heads up higher than ever.

  74. bookie from hell says:

    h johnny

    Iain Macwhirter tweet

  75. Valerie says:

    Reckon 80% turnout in Dendee. Also a well place Labour source reckons Glasgow is Yes, and if it is Yes, then Labour lost it!!!

  76. Big Jock says:

    Yep guys if it is no and the postal was 60\40 you have to ask questions. If we really have fallen for project fear. Not us I mean. We all voted for Scotland. Unfortunately I now suspect there are two nations Scotland and North Britain.Problem is some of us will end up disenfranchised from North Britain. I will just despair at our fellow contrymens lack of self respect.

  77. Valerie says:


  78. fred blogger says:

    if you have polling FACT to post, then post it, if not please don’t.

  79. h_johnny says:

    Some people on here are definitely losing their nerve, keep with it.

    What the hell was Canavan doing though basically accepting defeat? Is he playing a game?

  80. Macca73 says:

    Like the way that the YES camp have based themselves against EVERY count ..

  81. Jamie Arriere says:

    Cracking gaffe on BBC where Lisa Somers reporting from Fife referred to areas with ‘high levels of depravity’ – just picking myself off the floor laughing now 🙂

  82. Lesley-Anne says:

    SKY reporting 89.6% turn out for postal vote! 😉

  83. Krautsays says:

    This site has been amazing and has informed and enlightened so many of us. The WBB was a stroke of geniuous…thank you Stu for everything you’ve done. I’m feeling like I’m on a rollercoaster, let’s hope we all arrive at the end in one piece…YES!

  84. Anne says:

    I was at polling stations for Yes and managed to convince a couple of Undecided voters to vote Yes. According to Yes twitter feed I was not alone. Also Yes has been getting the registered Yes voters in housing schemes out to the polling stations. One had a piper leading them to the polling station.

  85. Valerie says:

    They just said postals cant be opened until 10pm tonight

  86. Tom Foyle says:

    Can’t handle this. Wanna get drunk but can’t afford it. Mental, eh?
    How can a “sample” have been taken from postal votes? Have they been opened yet? Well, I suppose they have by now, but even so, if they’re being mixed with polling station votes, then a sneak preview is surely at least a LITTLE bit naughty? (=illegal.)
    I’m feeling somewhat pessimistic too, although there’s a slight positive note. I regularly see healthcare professionals, (not MY fault I’m nae so healthy these days!) and they’re largely no – to save the NHS, they say. Funny, I voted YES to save the NHS…and one of them said,”I’m voting no, but all the rest of my family are yes!” Hopefully this is repeated for every doctor, nurse and pharmacist out there in TV land.
    BONUS! My neighbour, who I’ve only spoken to once, just chapped me door. Large bottle of whisky in hand, says, “You’re the only one in the scheme with yes posters in yer windies. Fancy a dram?” So…Catch you later guys, best of Briti…SCOTTISH luck to you all!!

  87. heedtracker says:

    BBC Strathclyde count lady looked like she is very worried.

  88. goulashman says:

    Hope mixed with despair, anxiety shading into frustration and anger that our Scotland could let itself be put permanently and firmly under Westminster’s thumb, I’m off to bed. What tomorrow will bring, God only knows …. all those disappointed hopes…. those engaged hopeful, joyful young people…. what has Scotland done!

  89. Training Day says:

    Twenty percent postal votes, twenty percent extra ballot papers printed.

  90. A.N.Surgent says:

    It means nothing, when the actual results start to come in thats what matters, its a referendum not an election, not watching news channels until the numbers come in.

  91. h_johnny says:

    @Bookie form hell

    I don’t see what you posted on his twitter, McWhirter said he was a yes voter recently.

    Are you a wind up merchant?

  92. bookie from hell says:

    not guessing percentages till actual vote counted

    I will only say this

    Better Together won with project fear


  93. heedtracker says:

    If we lose and an SNP member says they voted NO…

  94. James123 says:

    @bookie from hell

    If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’ve been trolling the entire day.

  95. Big Jock says:

    Lamont actually talked like the result was already known. What the hell is going on!

  96. bookie from hell says:

    he never said it–someone posted a retweet to him

    I’m not a wind up

  97. h_johnny says:

    Yup people need to turn the news off, just wait for the results and relax for god sake.

    Yougov have been wrong many many times before, do not listen to it. They just want you to tune in. I am still confident of 55% Yes win.

    • dougiekdy says:

      Relax? Relax? There are people’s beliefs and whole life’s work dependent on this.

      I’ll relax when we’ve won…

  98. Lesley-Anne says:

    Guys guys guys CHILL! There’s no need for any animosity on here, particularly tonight! The results are still HOURS away from being declared so just lay back and CHILL! 😉

  99. horacesaysyes says:

    I’m not sure I can cope with this for the whole night, but I’m certainly not getting any sleep. I just wish tonight was over already.

  100. James123 says:

    The Yougov poll is bullshit, even Prof Curtice is advising caution.

  101. bookie from hell says:


    I my last post–bye

  102. Everybody needs to keep cool.No votes counted -no right to call any way the results gone.Remember these are the same tv and media who have tried to smother this referendum from day one.If they told me it was dark outside I’d have to look out the window.ffs.

    wait for the real result.not these unqualified slaverings.

    Hold the dream

  103. heedtracker says:

    Why is Dougie Alexander talking like he’s won and here’s Sarah Smith warming up with her autopsy of Scottish democracy. Dodgy,,very dodgy.

  104. Chitterinlicht says:

    89% turn out Edinburgh. That is not good I am afraid.

  105. Lesley-Anne says:

    Big Jock says:

    Lamont actually talked like the result was already known. What the hell is going on!

    Don’t tell me you actually BELIEVE anything that woman says BJ? I thought you would have learned on here that NO ONE believes anything she says. Hell she says that it is raining outside then we’d all demand a second opinion! 😛

  106. Indy_Scot says:

    It does look like a stitch up, don’t know how they did it thou’

  107. fred blogger says:

    near 90% turn out why is that not good?

  108. Matt says:

    Best of luck in your quest for self-determination, from an Englishman.

    All I would say at the mo is that the high turnout makes this very unpredictable. People who haven’t voted for decades – who had completely fallen through the cracks in the political system – turned out today. That’s something to feel good about in itself. They’re not the sort of people who take part in landline opinion polls.

  109. Training Day says:

    It is VERY striking how this whole package is being presented as a done deal for No, with BT politicians and journos alike moving the narrative on to a post-No scenario immediately the coverage started.

  110. Kevin evans says:

    I’ll be ("Tractor" - Ed) hunting if it’s a no

  111. Big Jock says:

    Hey Lesley I agree. Lamont is a chump. However it just smells very fishy! Someone has tweeted that yes might have won Glasgow!

  112. laukat says:

    @bookie form hell

    The tweet is actually from @BritainElects who have tweeted a variety of rumours from Yes being well ahead in Dundee postal vote to No being well ahead in postal votes in Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Clackmannanshire and Edinburgh West.

    Not surprised if true. Our hopes for tonight always rested with the non-voters turning up at the polls rather than what came through the post

  113. Gus says:

    Wanted to add to my rambling something on the odds…

    I’ve been on willhill most days and up to yesterday it had gone from as much as 11/2 in to 3/1 for YES.

    Tonight I have been refreshing fairly regularly and at the time of the yougov poll YES went to 6/1 but has already come in to 9/2 again!…

    BELIEVE people!!!

  114. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    Here is my take on the day as I spent most of it at an Edinburgh Polling station and the rest chasing up voters.

    Start of the day I met a nice old guy No Polling agent and he told me that he had met Alex and had a lot of respect for him. He admitted that he had voted Yes first thing in the morning but he was still at the polling station with a No badge.

    I met lots of good No agents throughout the day and it was a great experience – we all got on great and wished each other well. Polls were really busy with a huge turnout.

    The friendly nature was spoiled by a politico guy at 9.00pm who nearly refused to shake my hand and was looking very uneasy and refused to talk. Did he have some real info from the No side?

    I had a great day – true democracy.

  115. goulashman says:

    Nightmare: FM Gordon Brown welcomes PM Boris Johnson’s need to ensure NHS is brought firmly into Westminster ownership. “It should be NHS UK and subject to the successful reforms already implemented in England.”

  116. stonefaction says:

    To help pass the time till the results come in here’s some photos from Dundee from today.

    link to

    link to

  117. Free Scotland says:

    @Lesley-Anne @11:18
    Thanks, Lesley-Anne. Makes sense to me.

  118. Chitterinlicht says:

    Because postals are generally elderly people who are mostly no voters.

  119. A.N.Surgent says:

    Some really bad news, I`ve ran out of coffee 🙂

  120. Defo says:

    Steady on peeps ! I think that many of us are playing tricks in our own heads. Fear the worst, accept it almost, to prepare for it. Darwinian self preservation.
    Kellner on Radio Scotia explaining…

  121. macnakamura says:

    If this is a NO vote then someone is going to be very persuasive if I am ever to vote again,

  122. heedtracker says:

    It’s corruption like never seen BBC wise. If No voters watching this yougov call for NO, what’s the reaction tomorrow if it’s wrong. Yougov hysterical about their online poll exit poll win but how many voters are online.

    Last night’s BBC world service propaganda and every news headline, had Scottish ref day today and the Australian PM had stopped a jihad plot to execute people in the streets of Australian cities with 800 cops. Whoever runs that outfit is one desperate unionist.

  123. highseastim says:

    The prices for a YES vote have started creeping back in on Oddschecker .

  124. A.N.Surgent says:

    Good news just in, theres beer in the fridge 🙂

  125. fred blogger says:

    the BT campaign are expected to stay around atm, don’t read too much into their reactions.
    they’re politicians with gold plated pensions etc.

  126. Deontas says:

    Wow wow wow folks, settle down, leave all the journo’s, presenters, politicians out of it at the moment, they have ALL spoke shite before and will do again.

    Its out on the streets that’s what really tells the truth, nobody can deny it was flooded with Yessers all over the country.

    Think on folks, we will be Yes in the end, its be a rough road with the constant lies but we are almost at the end.


  127. Macca73 says:

    can we have some optimism here please. This is history and I think we’ve still got a heck of a chance!!!

  128. h_johnny says:

    Turned it to SKY news for a second and the Better Together person said about ‘breaking news’ there is a call for people to get together, Salmond etc to get more powers for Scotland’.

    All the news channels are talking like they have won, without a signal result coming through.

    Is this really a stitch up? Or should i ignore them entirely?

  129. James123 says:

    Guys not a single vote has been declared, no one knows fuck all, nothing has happened yet.

  130. Indigo says:

    I have to say, I had the You Gov email and I thought twice about filling it in, I only did so because I had filled in the one a few days ago and thought I should participate incase they were doing a direct comparison. Their email invite offended me – they wanted to know my opinion for the bribe of effectively £1 and the phrasing of the invite made me want to ignore it, they trivialised this important day somehow. Wonder if other yes voters had a similar emotional response to it and declined to participate?

  131. Derek M says:

    i see the MSM are relentless with their scare tactics somebody phone them and tell them their scare nonsense is irrelevant now ,watching RT they are giving the BTNOTHANKS bunch a real kicking lol

  132. reginald says:

    O/T The Yes Movement should begin s campaign to abolish the compulsory television licence which is used to finance the BBC. We should adopt the American system of voluntary subscriptions.The current system distorts the market but far worse as we have witnessed,it allows the BBC to totally ignore its customer base.

  133. alexicon says:

    The bbc has now stopped it’s biased propaganda line and seems to be taking that we’ve always been neutral lines.
    If the polls have to be believed then there is no doubt in my mind that they were the main instigators is denying Scotland it’s democracy with their overtly biased reporting.
    They are the enemy of Scotland and are not fit for purpose in Scotland.
    They’re wanting tweets so all you tweeters go for it.

  134. bookie from hell says:

    boys & girls

    here’s a good live blog for media info

    link to

    let’s all calm down,I apologise for earlier tweets

  135. fred blogger says:

    we have already won a massive victory, now we can win some more.
    the YES movement is inspirational empowering it will not go away.

  136. Greannach says:

    They must have fiddled the boxes if they’re feeling confident in London.

    Imagine! Jack McConnell is on STV. I thought he was Governor General of Malawi. Is he on expenses for the trip from Lilongwe?

  137. Andy Howie says:

    I’m finding the BBC coverage far better than Sky. Don’t feel like throwing myself out the window…

  138. Marie clark says:


    Thanks doll. you’re really keeping the spirits up. How do any of these clowns actually KNOw anything yet. Still a while away from an actual result.

    Not watching telly anyway, why are people saying Canavan conceding defeat. Whit in the name o the wee man is going on? All over the country folk have turned out and voted some still on the streets partying. Why are the tv guys trying to rain on our parade.

    Come on guys, play nice now. I know nerves are a bit frayed, but keep the heid up, the truth is we just don’t know yet, but I’m still hopeful.

  139. goulashman says:

    I fear, if it is a NO victory, that my post 65 generation is responsible. I apologise for it … I am deeply ashamed for my age group, with its total self-interest denying a new hope to following generations.

  140. Andy Howie says:

    Interesting watching Carmichael on BBC. Completely changed his view on what he was saying on Sky

  141. bunter says:

    Mind if it is a NO, lets resolve to make sure we turn our attention to the Slab sellouts in the run up to the 2015 GE. We can still put them out a job. As for the media? Not one supported us so lets not support any of them, let them rot and their journalist with them.

  142. James123 says:

    @bookie from hell

    Welcome back! I know its an incredibly nervous and emotional day for everyone, don’t let the bastards in the MSM get you down, let’s wait for the first results.

  143. heedtracker says:

    So Glaswegian’s that hardly vote at all suddenly come piling in at 80% to keep Labour in power with Tory party goodness in London status quo? If that’s what they did I’m applying for that bloater’s DG job that currently runs the BBC in Scotland.

  144. Chitterinlicht says:

    fred blogger says:

    Well said and thanks. Roller coaster

  145. heraldnomore says:

    Carmichael, FFS, give that man his jotters, ermine rag or whatever – Rowling, Robinson and so on. This is not the time dimwit

  146. Lesley-Anne says:

    Big Jock says:

    Hey Lesley I agree. Lamont is a chump. However it just smells very fishy! Someone has tweeted that yes might have won Glasgow!

    Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland BJ and if that turns to be true, and I do believe it will be FACT then I think we will definitively have won! Forget any shite on TV about voting polls information they don’t know ANYTHING. They are doing what they have to do to please their political masters!

    Free Scotland says:

    @Lesley-Anne @11:18
    Thanks, Lesley-Anne. Makes sense to me.

    I’m so glad my pile of whatsit makes sense to someone else, I was beginning to wonder if I was just talking pish! 😛

    A.N.Surgent says:

    Some really bad news, I`ve ran out of coffee 🙂

    I feel your pain ANS but rest assured that whilst your news is bad it is the sort of bad news that at least we can all cope with without losing the heid! 😉

  147. Big Jock says:

    N Lanarkshire will declare at 12.45.

  148. M4rkyboy says:

    I am feeling deeply uneasy about these reported turnout numbers,especially surrounding postal votes.

  149. Andy Howie says:

    @Herald no mention of Andy Murray of course

  150. Greannach says:

    Forgot to mention that the inspirational Johann Lamont was on TV. I’d swear she managed to breathe unaided and she pronounced recognisable words. Margaret Curran will be on next proving she can open her mouth and eyes at the same time.

  151. paul gerard mccormack says:

    did anyone else think Alistair Carmichael wasd runk

  152. ewen says:

    “A.N.Surgent says:
    18 September, 2014 at 11:39 pm
    Some really bad news, I`ve ran out of coffee ”

    Even worse here. I am running out of beer.

  153. Soda says:

    Just heard the ETA for North Lanarkshire, my council area is due in at 12:45. A bit earlier than the 2:00/2:30 that was predicted…. been so content for the last 2 days… feeling a bit jittery here now troops..

  154. Murray McCallum says:

    Well I think we have learned from the BBC coverage in the last 2 hours that turnout is high.

    I am continuing to watch to see if anything else comes up.

  155. heraldnomore says:

    Bradford at a BT event; shoorly shome mishtake. This’ll be even and balanced then

  156. Big Jock says:

    Labour for indie tweeting Dundee looks really good for yes! Well we expected that!

  157. Bigbricks says:

    Spent day chapping doors to get Yes vote out (remarkably successfully, with >95% of canvassed yes voters actually doing it). I don’t know what the Hell has been going on in the world, but something is surely going on in the council schemes of Scotland. Today has been totally surreal, and elating. I feel as if I’ve come home from an independent republic.

    Favourite moment: door opened by lady in her 70s who had never, ever, voted, and had been close to tears in the ballot box. She was also highly pleased to have been canvassed at 9.30! Campaigning with other Yessers over the last couple of months has been a joy, including some of the best craic and laughs I’ve ever had. I truly believe we might have done this. I may have to go away and greet…………

  158. Andy Howie says:

    Laughing at the 2 reports there. You could not hear the Yes event it was so busy 😀

  159. Jimbo says:

    I would like to start by thanking everyone at Wings Over Scotland, NewsnetScotland, Bella Caledonia, and all the other pro indy sites for all the hard work and effort they have put in over the years on behalf of the whole independence movement.

    On the Scottish print and broadcast media I would like to say that they have been an absolute disgrace as they did everything within their power to subvert democracy in Scotland.

    On the Unionists, I have to say their campaign has been nothing short of Scandalous. They have been dishonourable, shameful and totally unprincipled. They left no barrel unscraped. No stoop was considered too low. No lie was considered too far fetched in their attempts to frighten the aged and the sick. They took immense pride in having nothing to offer but sneers, smears and fear in their attempts to not only denigrate their pro independence opposition but also any members of the public who were prepared to vote against them.

    I have waited all my adult life for this day. I don’t think we will ever get this opportunity again. If it’s a NO, Westminster will ensure we don’t. However, regardless of how this referendum turns out I would like to say a great big thank you, and well done to everyone on the YES side who’ve campaigned hard over the years for a better and fairer Scotland.

    Let’s now get back to everyone being on the one side in order to build a better, fairer country for all of Scotland’s people.

  160. M4rkyboy says:

    Aye,can i just say that Carmichael must surely be the worst Secretary of State for Scotland in history.
    The secretary of state for Scotland that is advocating partitioning Scotland
    It staggers me.

  161. Juteman says:

    BBC go to Eleanor Bradford at the BT after party (what a surprise), and she says that 35000 BT activists have been out on the street.
    I wonder if she or Jackie wears the strap-on?

  162. fred blogger says:

    check out the tweets on wing ipsomori claim anything anything over 80% is good for yes, this is confirmed by a team of canadian ref experts.

  163. MickyD says:

    link to

    Get with the real vibe : )

  164. bugsbunny says:

    An old neighbour of mine, 75 years old, was asked by me at the polling station which way he was voting? He replied NO as Gordon Brown told him so. I told him Gordon Brown was a liar and not to be trusted. His reply, “But he’s Labour, he can’t lie”. God, I hope this goes our ways. Imagine being defeated by a combination of fools, fearties and ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

    I’m actually quietly confident for yes. Remember the only poll that counts is the Referendum result. First from Individual Councils, (all 32), then the Scotland wide total. Remember the Better Together team is backed by MSM and the State. They would/will keep up the propaganda until they can no longer face the truth and will then move goalposts to, “Will the Queen sign it?”, to “Can we get a Majority of Unionists in the Negotiating team?”, to “Can we get them to sign a worthless Treaty?”, to can we get enough pro treaty MSP’s to miss the 2nd and/or 3rd Reading in the Scottish Parliament?”, to “Can we knobble this at the 2nd or 3rd Reading in the Commons, and if not there, the Lords?”, and back to a veto from the Queen.

    They will try and downplay us, even on Independence Day, and we will have to fight these tits up to 10pm on Thursday 5th May 2016.

    We cannot let up on these nest of vipers.

    Quietly confident for a narrow YES WIN.


  165. dougiekdy says:

    Will there be any moderation on here when some of us get a bit fu in the early hours:-)

  166. Juteman says:

    Loads of concern trolls on here tonight.

  167. JimnArlene says:

    For feks sake people, calm doon. It’s a poll that means fek all, the only poll that counts is the one we all took part in. It’s gonna be YES, you know it, I know it and soon the world will know it.

  168. Andy Howie says:

    Guys, Stop listening to the negative media. We have had this all fecking campaign.

    Would have thought you would have learned by now. The future is bright, the future is YES!

  169. bookie from hell says:

    good point

    postal vote—-elderly

  170. MickyD says:

    link to

    oops meant this : )

  171. ewen says:

    I think they have underestimated the first time voters. I am putting my hope on the folk from the schemes to save Scotland and I trust an Independent Scotland will show some gratitude by delivering what they need.

  172. Seasick Dave says:

    From Twitterland…

    Patrick Roden ?@pjrarab 23m

    Right so Dundee first count has Yes at 71% now if that’s confirmed we need to understand that just yesterday BT claimed Dundee was 54% NO!

  173. Onwards says:

    Doesn’t look good at this point, but we will see.

    The one consolation I can think of, is that I suspect we will be having a rematch in a few years, and the hardcore unionist vote is slowly dying out.

    If No does win, it will be because they have fooled enough voters with the promise of ‘more powers’, and a stronger Scottish parliament.
    Whatever does make it through Westminster will prove to be useless.

    They will never allow Scotland the powers to compete effectively, over another region of the UK.

  174. heraldnomore says:

    Keeping one eye on the Geo Sq Livestream. No sign of the Rev. I’d have thought he’d have been at the centre of a very big crowd, unless he’s in disguise, or drag, or both

  175. James123 says:

    First count has Dundee at 71% Yes, retweeted by Radical Independence.

  176. Tom Foyle says:

    It seems that, thanks to the generosity, and, can I say this, Dougie?…Aye, he says…thanks to Dougie’s generosity with the water of life and his fear, I will probably get slept the night. But it means I will have horrible dreams until whatever time I wake up.
    Lesley-Anne, if you’re awake, or intend to be awake, will you text me a reliable trend if/when it becomes apparent? I’ve engaged with you more than anyone else here, the number’s a cheapo fone I don’t use anymore so I’m nae bothered about publicising the number. 07463927779. It has a very loud alert tone, so any time is fine. If you’re away to your bed, can you pass on the number to someone who will be up? I’ll try to stay awake, the adrenalin should fire me up, but to be honest, I’ve had so little sleep over the past few days for some *ahem* unknown reason, that the combination of usquebaugh and knackered brain cells is likely to put me into somnolence pretty rapidly. I’ll stay online for an answer…maybe!
    Good luck everyone, everything, including eyes crossed. Hope the eyes have it! geddit? never mind. ALBA!!

  177. Lesley-Anne says:

    I can NOT watch the video from George Square and believe ANYTHING other than YES are winning. ANYTHING coming from the biased media BBC/SKY etc is just pure shite! THEY are TERRIFIED that we have won and they are doing everything they can to make US believe it.


    WE know that the MAJORITY of people do NOT believe the media any more. The internet is where the TRUTH is and we are all MASTERS of that! 😛

    Cometh the hour … cometh the man!

    Cometh the referendum … cometh the INDEPENDENT COUNTRY!

  178. heedtracker says:

    Carmichael now flogging devo is very weird with his NO vote ends the job of devo and unlocks English federalism, reform of lords, regional assemblies, but it’s up to the English now. So Scotland and democracy is momstred by every UKOK newspaper and now they go back to devo England. It’s going to be hard sharing this teamGB land with a triumphant BBC ConDemSlab world of shite.

  179. Mike Hamilton says:

    People, I’m observing some frayed nerves here. I saw the start of the BBC show where Kelner came on and stated that No would win by 54% to 46% based on a poll they did yesterday. Well. GTF to that, lets all take a breath and wait for the real numbers. We know that the BBC are propaganda central so why is anyone taking what they say with any authority at all? Rumours and hearsay and Twitter… Really? The real result will be in the early hours but I’ve got to go to work tomorrow so I’ll wake up to the real result (YES, obviously). A thought that came to me this morning was that in the event that No wins then I am going to join the SNP, having never been at all political in my life. If it’s a No then we get to work until we are independent. Simples. Chill people (wee smiley thing).

  180. jacksg says:

    seriously deluded no bloody count has been declared yet? how dim are these people ( excluding Johan Lamont that goes without saying)..

  181. Andy says:

    Lesley-Anne – you need to accept there are many, many people in Scotland who have not been sold the vision. They don’t post on this site.

  182. Big Jock says:

    What were we expecting in Dundee less than that?

  183. call me dave says:

    Scot goes Pop. link for comments.

    link to

    Opinion there mixed but generally pessimistic.

    Very few postal voters go to the polling station.

    High turnout our only hope + the new voters have to be heavily yes?

  184. jacksg says:


    hear hear

  185. heedtracker says:

    It must be lost now with those big BBC belly laughs from Carmichael and Marr liggers and troughers don’t guffaw like that when they are actually at the end of troughing days.

  186. Jenni Adam says:

    I’m watching Glee so as to avoid the MSM and oddly I have some amazingly aposite quotes:

    ‘We will send each other out into the world every day and we will make mistakes, we will – it’s human nature. But I choose to trust you and to believe in our love (nationhood for us), to believe that we will always have each other’s backs. I choose hope over fear.’

    This last from Shirley MacLaine’s character:

    ‘Never let anyone, even me, make you doubt what you are sure of.’

    I’ve paraphrased slightly but I’m feeling better and more hopeful again. Could be all the cheesy-grinned singing, mind you. 🙂

  187. Marcia says:

    Big Jock

    High 50’s were our hopes in Dundee.

  188. Greannach says:

    Loving David Torrance’s Brideshead outfit. The new Brian Sewell?

  189. Croompenstein says:

    @Lesley-Anne – I can NOT watch the video from George Square and believe ANYTHING other than YES are winning

    Watching it too Arb it is wonderful although I think Kevin is trying to get hold of Del but he is just lost in the whole thing..

  190. GrantMacD says:

    My job is analysis of money market moves. Just about every indicator suggests it will be a NO vote. However, an oddity is when the markets are about to sharply fall, they usually go up first.
    So here’s hoping I’m viewing false positives. The ‘tell’ will be GBPUSD above 1.66290. If that happens, Scotland has not won. Whereas below 1.6160, open the whisky.

  191. M says:

    Jim Sillars just said he believes we can win!

    However if you want a conspiracy:

    link to

    Wouldn’t be surprised – but let us dare to hope that the numbers are enough to absorb any jiggery pokery.

  192. call me dave says:

    That link doesn’t work.
    You all know where Scot Goes Pop is.
    Comments box window under the article

  193. James123 says:

    Yes think they’ve won Glasgow, James Cook BBC.

  194. Seasick Dave says:

    Can someone give me a decent George Square link please?

  195. Mike Hamilton says:

    Follow on to my last post, the lass next to me at work was on the phone to a colleague in Egypt and he asked, unsolicited, had she voted yet and when told “no, not yet”, said “why not?”. He wished us the best and hoped that Scotland would soon be independent. The world is watching.

  196. Devorgilla says:

    If Glasgow declares for Yes, let’s move the capital to there. Fed up with all the Nawbags in Edinburgh. In my stair I reckon it is 45:55 for Naw.

  197. heedtracker says:

    Ruth Davidson says go to link to for all their written in stone new powers for saps who bottled it and their site is down. What a surprise or tragedy really

  198. Democracy Reborn says:

    James Cook, BBC Tweet : Yes camp “much happier now than half an hour ago.” Also, Glasgow “looking good” for Yes.

  199. heedtracker says:

    No sorry here she is link to

  200. Chitterinlicht says:

    Love Lesley Riddoch giving Douglas Alexander his jotters. Henry MacLeish sorry but you botled it or were you playing with us?

  201. Lesley-Anne says:

    Returning officer for Orkney has just announced that there were 14907 votes which equates to 83.7%.

    Damn it Tom what you trying to do to me?

    You do know I’m technologically illiterate! 😛

    I’ve just put phone on charge. Well it’s either on charge or it’s sending all my photo’s down the line to some poor sod! 😀

  202. Nana Smith says:

    First official turnout figures in: Orkney 84%

  203. Mariaskid says:

    If there is a very high turnout in Edinburgh which we are expecting to go for No, surely high turnout is better for yes…. Even 50/50 would be an amazing result.

  204. heedtracker says:

    The Scottish Parliament should be handed full powers over income tax, according to a report commissioned by the Scottish Conservatives.

    Says Ruth. They keep the oil and gas and Scotland gets income tax which is also extremely unlikely to say the least.

  205. Greannach says:

    Danny Alexander scaremongering on STV. Contemplating his P45. Well earned. Safe Tory seat for loyal boy in Berkshire?

  206. John Young says:

    It will be Yes

  207. Fiona says:

    @ GrantMacD

    Markets do not get a crystal ball any more than anyone else. They have no skills at all in prediction, as shown by Kahneman

    link to

    Where they do score is when their actions are self fulfilling, because they make the weather.

    It is a mystery to me why people continue to have faith in these charlatans, and the same goes for bookies. This neoliberal narrative is very strong. But that does not make it right.

    All of the pollsters have been at odd with each other throughout, with you gov quite far adrift for most of the campaign. So the same applies as with the markets: why is one poll commanding such authority now?

    I don’t even understand the point of conducting this poll today: a real exit poll has not been conducted so their is a vacuum for the talking heads to fill till they get some results. What else they going to talk about?

  208. Hobbit says:

    Any guesses as to how Edinburgh City will go?

  209. Democracy Reborn says:

    Re. the YouGov ‘exit poll’, saw a tweet earlier which said that YouGov were 14% out in the AV referendum

  210. Seasick Dave says:

    STV reporting that North Ayrshire should be more than 55% in favour of a Yes vote.

  211. panda paws says:

    I’m not watching the telly until the first declaration is near -talking heids. The Herald is pinging updates so I’ll know it’s coming.

    I hope Lesley-Anne (are you Arbroath 1320?) is right and it’s all just blethers on the tv. God the tension.

  212. bookie from hell says:

    hilarious —-most of the NO camp interviews—sky

    House of Lords

  213. Mosstrooper says:

    If I have learned anything during this referendum it is the malignant effect that fear has on the human psyche.

    It was evident that our opponents new this to a great degree and used it to great effect so much so that a couple of neighbours actually said to me as I stood at the polling station ” we wanted to vote yes but we were scared”

    The weird thing is that due to there personal circumstances (long term ill health) they have nothing to fear from an independent Scotland and everything to fear from a continuing Union. They agreed with everything I had said during our discussions and were impressed by the WBB yet they allowed their fear to control them.

    How low have we been brought as a nation.How often are we offered the golden crown and refuse it when all we had to do was reach up.

    Grasp the crown Scotia, it is yours for the taking.

    Philosophical comment over.

  214. Big Jock says:

    Wait a minute 70% Dundee expected high 50s.The large turnout is suiting us! To win Glasgow would be special. This ain’t over guys.

  215. Croompenstein says:

    What, in the name of fuck, has Danny Alexander done to his hair it is on a par with that twat Torrance, oh no Forsyth now on cnut

  216. Mosstrooper says:

    Oops! their not there

  217. jeremy the lawyer says:

    I’m all over the place. Optimistic then pessimistic then elated then furious.

    I think I’mcurrently referendum bi-polar

  218. Lesley-Anne says:

    Seasick Dave says:

    Can someone give me a decent George Square link please?

    SS you’ll get a sight here, they are diving between George Square and the count! They are currently at the count! 😛

    link to

  219. Andy Howie says:

    BBC reporting Aberdeen is too close to call. I had that down as a solid no!

  220. dougiekdy says:

    Oh my dear God, they’ve dug up Michael Forsyth on STV. Is this man even relevant anymore?

  221. Phil says:

    I’m in the Easter road part of Edinburgh. Yes everywhere. I’ve been told there will be a big party on Calton Hill at 3am. If it’s no i’m asking where the fuck did all those no voters come from, because I’ve not seen that many.

  222. Nana Smith says:

    Official turnout figures from Clackmannanshire: 88.6%

  223. Seasick Dave says:

    Thanks Lesley-Anne!

    Just off to open my first beer…

  224. Derek M says:

    lol RT just had UKIP arse coburn on giving it big about us being nazi`s and how the SNP are fascists and how we never helped mother Russia blah blah ,never heard so much drivel in all my days ,credit to the channel they cut him off when they realized he was not answering their question,what a grade A fud that man is.

  225. misteralz says:

    This is torture. Why are we putting ourselves through it? Thing is, I won’t sleep either. Jeez.

  226. Devorgilla says:

    Population of Edinburgh is 495,000. How many voters is that? If there are 4.3 million in Scotland out of 5.3 million population? 4/5ths? Say, 400,000? If 85% turnout, that’s 340,000 votes… but very varied across the city. Somebody from RIC was saying this morning that Leith is 4:1 for Yes. Majority in Craigmiller too…but in Bruntsfield and Merchiston, more like 50:50.

  227. Lesley-Anne says:

    Have NO FEAR PP! I am the one, the only Arbroath 1320! 😛

  228. James123 says:

    The No camp were basing their initial optimism on fuck all, just shows them for the idiots they are.

  229. Big Jock says:

    I thought Aberdeen would go yes.Middle class vote not great for us though.We need at least 45% in Edinburgh!

  230. EdinScot says:

    Keep with Lesley-Anne. She is where the sanity is at. The ebc and sky are bitters to the end. Theyre hardly going to make it easy for us if weve rejected london rule!!

    We’re almost there folks. Keep the faith and hold the line. We all witnessed a huge turn out today and we sure as heck know it wasnt for more Westminster rule after being off the electoral roll for years.

  231. Lesley-Anne says:

    I see SKY reporting Clackmannanshire turnout is 88.6%

  232. paul gerard mccormack says:

    Alistair Carmichael was defo drunk. did anyone else notice it?

  233. Grouse Beater says:

    RT just had UKIP arse coburn on giving it big about us being nazi`s and how the SNP are fascists and how we never helped mother Russia

    Hate speech, incitement, racism – will he be arrested?

  234. Lesley-Anne says:

    STEADY ON EdinScot! You know my head expands exponentially when people say things like that about me! 😛

  235. Tom Foyle says:


    I trust you to get it right. Surely you ken how to text?!
    Oh crap, doug’s just honked on my carpet.

    Now the cat’s trying to eat it.
    Sorry, gotta go.

    Someone PLEASE text or phone regardless of hour you have my number thanx guys luck to all praying for freedom tomorrow/today love to everyone now I’m gone

  236. Devorgilla says:

    I think we might manage 45% in Edinburgh… affluent areas are not high density. It’s actually a very divided city. I encountered a strong traditional Labour vote when canvassing in the medium areas, but apparently Leith is 4:1 for Yes.

  237. Phil says:

    yeah your right, there are quite a lot of middle class in Edinburgh. My wife works in John Lewis here. She say the chairman had a video conference with a group of partners from all the Scottish shops, by all accounts the Glasgow staff really gave him a hard time about is interview with the bbc a week ago.

  238. Donald says:

    Kellner is talking p*sh Twitter is full of people who have said they were NO voters and have decided to vote YES.

  239. Kevin Evans says:

    I hate saying I smell a rat but then again 3 weeks ago I would have argued till I was blue in the face BBC were a trusted broadcaster.

    If it’s a no we all know where the blame lies and a day of reckoning might be called for.

    Sorry but am not getting shat on from corporate money grabbers.

  240. heedtracker says:

    Sarah bettertogetherBBC Smith says that No win means trouble ahead from Yes vote but she’s not asked what she means or, much like Ruth Davidson not asked what her vote No for Tory means.

    If NO wins, it’s cuts from ConDem’s and cuts austerity teamGB style for years and then if BBC can swing it, FM Johann Lamont. They annihilated Scottish democracy in 79, they’ve annihilated it in 2014 and now they’ll make sure we think we like it.

  241. David Stevenson says:

    Big Jock: Winning Glasgow is essential for a Yes victory.

  242. ewen says:

    I am optimistic. It is too early for anyone to know and if bt and their shills are looking confident it is probably because they live in their own wee insulated bubble. They have too much faith in polls in a campaign that has no pre vious data and has never had such a high turnout. The polls are worthless.

  243. Croompenstein says:

    @Grouse – Hate speech, incitement, racism – will he be arrested?

    Nah, probably be knighted 🙂

  244. James123 says:

    Looks like Orkney and Western Isles first to declare, expected to be comfortable for No, will give us some indication. NS Tweet

  245. bugsbunny says:

    Scot’s wha hae wae Wallace bleed,
    Scot’s wham Bruce has aften led;
    Welcome tae your gory bed,
    Or tae VICTORY;
    Now’s the day, and now’s the hour,
    See the front oh battle lour;
    See approach proud Edwards power,

    Wha can be a TRAITOR Knave,
    Wha can be fill a COWARD’S grave;
    Wha say base as be a SLAVE,
    Let him turn and flee;
    Wha for SCOTLAND’S KING and LAW,
    FREEDOM’S sword will strongly draw;
    FREEMAN stand or FREEMAN fa,
    Let him on wae me.

    By your SON’S in SERVILE CHAINS;
    TYRANTS FALL in every FOE,


  246. jacksg says:

    live feed at the count says south Lanarkshire declared in twenty we go folks

  247. Big Jock says:

    Yep Edinburgh is very mixed. There is a myth of toffs. However Craigmillar,Gorgie,Leigh..all old labour territory.Someone mentioned Kelner was a fantasist for his predictions. Are no basing a win on one poll.

  248. Croompenstein says:

    Naw but Jack McConnell is on something

    A shoogly peg ?

  249. alexicon says:

    Heard the queen is making an announcement tomorrow, I suspect it is to call for unity.
    Now I’m sorry, but there is no way I will be uniting with anyone who votes no not after the fracture policies of the unionist and their storm troopers on the ground the orange order.
    The orange order has been very active in our area and only yesterday and today they we ripping saltire flags down. I also witnessed their disgusting and provocative abuse they were delivering to at least 3 polling stations in our area.
    Sorry these no voters are denying me my country and costing me money.
    No doubt the no voters will be rushing to get their kilts and Scotland football/rugby shirts on to try and convince themselves that their Scottish.

  250. Ellie Mack says:

    Gossip here in North Ayrshire is that it’s 55% Yes

  251. Andy Howie says:

    Maybe she is going to abdicate?

  252. heedtracker says:

    Nick Robertson says Braveheart and Salmond in same sentence shock, as Salmond pulls out of own constituency declaration puts another big grin on their happy faces.

  253. Grouse Beater says:

    Better Together boasting they’ve won every area …

  254. Free Scotland says:

    Exit polls are meaningless guff. The only people they help are the bookies. If they had any meaning, why would all those guys and gals with yellow jackets be slaving away at the count?

  255. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  256. Lesley-Anne says:

    SKY claiming there are allegations of electoral fraud in Glasgow! Here we go. I’m wondering is this the first shot across a YES victory by the LOSERS of NO?

    Renfrewshire turnout 87.3%

  257. Kevin Evans says:

    “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”

    “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty . . . And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

  258. James123 says:

    Yes ballots on top of “No Table” in WOS Twitter page, WTF!!!

  259. call me dave says:

    AS cancels his visit to the local count which is bad sign.

    Seems people tell pollsters lies when asked

    Breaking news Electoral fraud allegations postal votes Glasgow.
    People at count in blue gloves remove the ballot papers for investigate.

  260. Ron says:

    I’ve had to turn the telly off, I can’t hack it. I’m on the verge of pissing my pants here. I can’t believe a bunch of no hope no thanks unionist better together I’m alright jack idiots might have blown our one and only chance and utterly fucked up the future of my country – a country I love very much. I won’t sleep a wink tonight.

  261. bookie from hell says:

    10 votes electoral fraud glasgow

    YES must be winning

  262. Grouse Beater says:

    Time to open the malt.

    Can’t be bothered to check if it was distilled by a No company or a Yes one.

    If the latter I celebrate with them, if the former I will piss it down the sewers in the morning.

  263. Joe says:

    electoral fraud in Glasgow, police involved , is this the way to lose ?

  264. Derek M says:

    Adam Bolton is a fud and thats all i will say on that back to RT Sky makes me want to puke

  265. M says:

    Repeating Nana’s tweet.

    Yes papers on a No stand? Why?

    link to

  266. bookie from hell says:

    NO table sky

    freeze frame shows YES votes

  267. Something not right here!

  268. John O says:

    Jim Wallce looks pissed on stv.

  269. Grantpotter says:

    There is a picture going round FB showing a table of a pile of no votes, if you look closely you can see the one on the top is clearly a yes vote

  270. heedtracker says:

    So now another upper class BBC twit says 5 million UK citizens in the Scotland region actually trouble 60 million other UK citizens in the region that actually runs the joint. A convention for and about sweaties is hardly credible now. Who would give a shit anyway if you vote Yes. Austerity UKOK is coming and if this is lost to the biggest fraud imaginable, we then have to listen to the whining.

  271. heraldnomore says:

    AS could have cancelled local count because he may have more important things to do elsewhere. Chopper for Salmond…

  272. geeo says:

    Falkirk rumoured earlier as 100% turnout !!!
    Surely not.

  273. Onwards says:

    There is no point in anyone being biased now.
    The results are in, so it is about pollsters reputations only.

    What I suspect is that the postal votes are heavily no, due to the fact many were sent in before the late YES swing.
    Also, because of the high proportion of old pensioners – the age group still heavily unionist.

    We needed a YES vote at 55% percent on the day, to overcome the postal vote head start for No.

    If these polls are correct, we just don’t have that.
    Even if we take Glasgow and Dundee, the rest of Scotland outnumbers that. Edinburgh will be especially bad.

    Sorry to say, but it doesn’t look possible at this point – unless something is SERIOUSLY wrong with these poll samples.

    The only consolation I can think of, is that people will soon realize they have been fooled – when the Tories get in again, and the ‘Devo-Max’ BS is exposed as a fraud.

    One more thing.
    Even if we have a turnout of approx. 85%, that just isn’t good enough. Sure, it might be a historically large turnout.

    But that still leaves 15% of voters who didn’t care enough to vote on the biggest decision in Scotland’s history.

    Around 1 in 7 people.

  274. Capella says:

    Jim Naughtie’s R4 prog predicting Glasgow YES win 54%

  275. call me dave says:


    Could be James.

    All you need is for piles of YES’s to be slight of handed into the NO pile. Chances are they are never likely to appear on the top.

    I warned of this very thing a few days ago (i have been at many counts as a checker foe SNP)

    However it might just be the verification counting of the number of votes cast that have been placed temporarily on a table later to be used for the NO pile. If so they then go after verification and get counted into the proper piles.

  276. James123 says:

    Yes just said Clakmannanshire not as good as hoped, well no fucking wonder, Yes ballots on No table!!

  277. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  278. Seasick Dave says:

    What is the significance of the AS move?

  279. Lesley-Anne says:

    I wonder how long it will be before questions are asked about this quite clearly blatant attempt at electoral fraud!

  280. Edward says:

    Question, which count was the picture showing Yes votes on a No table?
    If its one that there are Yes observers, then get them contacted to check it out
    Note if its Glasgow then Livestream are actually there inside the count so contact them to have a look

    Either way get someone contacted to check out the picture!

  281. call me dave says:

    I live in Glenrothes just to add fuel to the fire.

  282. bookie from hell says:

    SKY reporter trying to roast hosie


  283. Tom Foyle says:

    Canna dae it. Doogie’s asleep, poor wee soul it was a too much for him. Carpet’s sorted, cats are fed, ( dinnae ask!) doug’s encsnoced….encosced…ennossceded…curled up on ma sofa in the sitting room or possibly on the settee in the lounge…ah’m fair schnokkered…Lesley-Anne, dinna let me doon, quine, ony time o night,…night night…

  284. Molly says:

    Ron and anyone else go on independence live from George Square. There’s real people there , happy , having fun , full of hope. A complete contrast to the telly .

    That’s the movement , the energy we are part of, not the politicians and TV broadcasters playing a guessing game – shit , Anas Sarwar now reading his script!

    A N Surgent , you got Doritos?

  285. heedtracker says:

    Now BettertoghetherBBC man Hugh says he’s “delighted that BetterTogether have won Ayrshire” and that’s a good spot to not watch these fraudsters. Holy shit that’s awful.

  286. scotspine says:

    Adam Boulton is a Puddock.

  287. Big Jock says:

    Rumours of a leer jet for Salmond to go to Edinburgh! Seriously.Is someone going to report the yes votes on the no table. What is going on are we being conned.

  288. Skip_NC says:

    Police investigating electoral fraud in Glasgow. Reported on STV just now.

  289. Robert Peffers says:

    @John O says: 19 September, 2014 at 12:46 am:

    “Jim Wallce looks pissed on stv.”

    Ach! Jim Wallace always looks pissed on TV.

    Ow! Ponsonby just said reports coming in of police investigation of electorial fraud in Glasgow!

  290. Nana Smith says:

    Rumours of election-rigging in Glasgow, police have removed ballot boxes?? Here we go

    link to

  291. Grouse Beater says:

    Voting fraud reported in 10 cases in Glasgow – ‘personation’ – somebody pretending to be someone else.

  292. A.N.Surgent says:


    Afraid not, ate aw ma cheese n onion crisps. 🙂

  293. one less day says:

    Re yes votes on no table picture on Revs twitter very obvious yes on left no on right No poster taped to edge of table

  294. Seasick Dave says:

    Yes Dundee say:

    To clarify, ballot papers have not yet been sorted into Yes/No and are just resting on table where No will go once sorted. No need to worry.

  295. Nana Smith says:

    Sky news talking about 10 cases of voter fraud. Stewart Hosie saying ballots taken away to be fingerprinted.

  296. dougiekdy says:

    First results due soon, come on the wee county, lead the way to Independence!

  297. Tom Foyle says:

    Trying to make sense of comments. Drunk much. What’s happening? Should I give up and crash? These are rumours or truth? HELP ME!! (Boab!)

  298. Lesley-Anne says:

    bookie from hell says:

    SKY reporter trying to roast hosie


    I’ve always thought Bookie that the more irate an interviewer gets then the MORE the interviewee is getting to them. More over if the reality is NOT matching what the interviewer has been told then they, the interviewer, will feel rather uncomfortable hence the faux outrage! 😛

  299. Lesley-Anne says:

    Inverclyde turnout 87.4%

    Dundee turnout 78.8%

    Renfrewshire 87.3%

  300. heraldnomore says:

    Saw something about Clacks being disappointing flashing across a screen, or tweet. Shit my eyes are nipping.

  301. DoziR says:

    Are these 10 relevant? Yes will win!

  302. M4rkyboy says:

    Aye man,these turnouts are unreal,i smell a rat.
    Something this big cant be left out the establishments hands.
    I thought the fix was in the minute i read 97% registered.

  303. alexicon says:

    Don’t think it’s a good idea for people of both sides to be gathering in groups.
    That is a clear recipe for trouble and boy IF it’s a no the UK press will crucify the nationalists.
    In fact they’ll crucify us even if there’s a YES vote as they’ll say this has caused division.

  304. Lesley-Anne says:

    Hang on in there Tom. There are no results as of yet but there are allegations of electoral fraud in Glasgow. Check out the picture.

    link to

  305. call me dave says:

    @Seasick Dave

    That’s what I said might be the case further up thread.

    AS might be under the weather he has been working hard. Very stressful for him. We may be disappointed think what it must be like for him he carries all our hopes.


    Is the big turnout YESSERS or the quiet NO’s that is the question.

  306. Lesley-Anne says:

    Hang on in there Tom. There are no results as of yet but there are allegations of electoral fraud in Glasgow. Check out the picture.

    link to

    link to

  307. Dezcore says:

    If I had nails I would have chewed then off already. C’mon the Yes!

  308. heraldnomore says:

    Bloody Dan Snow now, with the Bradford wumman. Egg them both

  309. Gary McIlkenny says:

    The politicians all seem relaxed and jovial. I guess it’s their job and they can retain a sense of detachment.

    I’m sure I speak for many when I say that, after years of apathy, “I dared to dream” and I now I’m really struggling to keep the heid.

    If the No liars have managed to hoodwink more than 50% of Scotland it will be a tragedy. And what a punch in the stomach for the enlightened Yes consensus.

    I hope I will be looking at these comments in 6 hours and saying “how silly!”.

    In any case, my political engagement has been galvanized and I’ll be doing my bit for Scotland the rest of my life.

  310. Nigerian Pirate says:

    Hi folks,

    Working overseas so not able to keep up with the latest news. However just got this through on my Facebook account.

    Look closely at the top of the pile – WTF

    link to

  311. Lesley-Anne says:

    SKY reporting 10 voting slips have been quarantined by police. 10 slips, what about all those slips on the NO table?

  312. Nana Smith says:

    Counting has stopped at Clackmannanshire. Looking at “doubtful” ballots now

  313. Chitterinlicht says:

    How fair is it to have the white paper subject to 2years intense scrutiny when the paperless Vow has none

  314. Robyn - Quine fae Torry says:

    Tried to go to bed but can’t sleep. Not watching TV as I don’t have one. Stay positive folks. Going to be a very long night.

  315. Andy Howie says:

    Lesley Yes reps in that hall have confirmed they are unsorted bundles at the moment

  316. bugsbunny says:

    Dan Snow on BBC1 just now,

    Utter Prick spouting Utter Pish. He can go and fuck himself. I want to clean out ears and eyes after hearing/seeing him.


  317. Tom Foyle says:


    Can barely see!

    Lesley-Anne, folks. Mountain of strength, Valley of calm.

    Even though I’m aware of and respect your preferences, Lady, I will willingly worship at your temple.
    And now I’m really going to bed before I make even more of an utter fool of myself.
    Even god is weak compared to the Scots.
    15 hours to create a nation.

  318. Jamie Arriere says:

    Yes Dundee, 78.8%, with 97% registered, wtf? Not good enough

  319. Big Jock says:

    Its hard to know what to think if its no. I think its important our movement sticks together. We will be proven right as after no Scotland will get a kicking and no new powers. We will end up at war in Syria and out of Europe. 48% of us will end up feeling we don’t have any nation anymore. I won’t bother watching Scotland at football..I don’t want a pretendy country with plastic Scotsmen.

  320. Lesley-Anne says:

    Thanks for that Alex. 😉

  321. S.McLaughlin says:

    All these folks Gullible to the media Bull*hit ,These bloody pollsters no he haw defiant until the end .Its gonna be an aye get a grip folks .
    Remember this shower the last few weeks defiant until the end ,The sooner we have our own media channel(s) the better.

  322. bookie from hell says:

    call me numbnuts

    Why have a big NO on table then

  323. James123 says:

    Dundee, the most pro-Yes city in Scotland has the lowest turnout, WTF!!

  324. misteralz says:

    Power-napping. Here for ten, couch for ten.

  325. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  326. call me dave says:

    sky news have verified that the table with NO on it is a verification table and have yet to be counted. as I said and seasick Dave said a few comments ago.

  327. Grouse Beater says:

    Dan Snow keeps reiterating he is an historian as if he doesn’t believe it himself. Well, I agree with him.

    He’s a second-rate presenter with a thin narrative to offer and no expertise to impart.

    • dougiekdy says:

      Dan Snow and wife Lady Edwina Grosvenor – hmmm… Properly in touch with us lot then…

  328. Grouse Beater says:

    Dan Snow keeps reiterating he is an historian as if he doesn’t believe it himself. Well, I agree with him.

    He’s a second-rate presenter with a thin narrative to offer and no expertise to impart.

  329. A.N.Surgent says:

    They shouldnt allow media in at counts.

  330. scotspine says:

    To all those who have voted NO….Mmmmmeeeehhhhhhh (sheep)

  331. Lesley-Anne says:

    I have to admit, thinking about it Bookie that does seem rather strange. When I attended the 2001 count the slips were tipped straight onto the counter’s table and after they were sorted then they were put onto the correct table. This does raise the question why papers are put onto a table clearly marked up as NO when there are clearly YES papers in amongst them.

  332. bookie from hell says:

    Low vote Dundee

    must be a few quarry’s about

  333. westie7 says:

    STV reporter suggesting western isles safe no

  334. Jimbo says:

    @ Grouse Beater

    Voting fraud reported in 10 cases in Glasgow – ‘personation’ – somebody pretending to be someone else.

    That’s just the ones they know about. How many false votes NO camp have manged to get away with we’ll never know.

  335. David says:

    Just want to point out – everytime a nation has succeeded in getting itself free its been done by the brave minority, while the majority did nothing.

    Some things never change

  336. Derek M says:

    Dan Snow is a fud

  337. Croompenstein says:

    FFS Western Isles safe no,anyone from Stornoway on here tonight ?

  338. Andy Howie says:

    IPOS Mori are expecting a yes vote. Interesting

  339. Formychildren says:

    Jim Sillars still confident of a 55% Yes vote

  340. call me dave says:

    All votes are firstly counted at random and ‘not sorted’ to verify the total of votes cast.

    They are then counted again and put into the correct piles NO or YES then placed on the allocated table. It is all fine. WE have observers there to reassure us.

  341. Big Jock says:

    Yeh we needed to take Western Isles. Highlands postal 60/40 for no apparently…truly shocking if true. Where are our Highland patriots?

  342. Lesley-Anne says:

    Croomp we spoke to the father of one of our YES South Annandale people on Wednesday. He had driven down from Stornaway and it was his view that the Western Isles were solidly YES. He also said that they had good feelings for Orkney and Shetland.

  343. Nana Smith says:

    Not lived in Stornoway for 30yrs but I can’t believe they voted NO.

  344. Colin Church says:

    WTF happened in Dundee with turnout. We needed all the YES votes to count. It is not a FPP election FFS. I know too many acronyms…

  345. A.N.Surgent says:

    ARGHHH its not a fkn seat

  346. westie7 says:

    Jeez every reporter suggesting glum yes faces on every interview

  347. Juteman says:

    It has been raining all day in Dundee. I can only think this has kept some folk at home.

  348. bookie from hell says:

    SKY trying to trash scottish election with fraud

    4 votes


  349. Colin Church says:

    Kellner dominating other pollsters who seem scared of him. Letting them know if we fuck up we fuck up together. If we do then lets do post hoc justification. Polls should be banned at least 4 weeks before vote.

  350. Croompenstein says:

    @Lesley-Anne – nice one, just wondering what these animals are going on about, funny how now we have Jim Sillars on and allowed to talk without being interrupted. I can’t take any more of this pish LA they are doing ma heid in 🙁

  351. stonefaction says:

    It was dreich and drizzly all day in Dundee. I am hoping that this has kept the more complacent of the no voters at home, more likely pensioners. Time will tell.

  352. Lesley-Anne says:

    If it has been raining all day in Dundee Jute then I can only think that NO voters are the ones more likely to stay at home. YES voters are going to be the folk more determined to go out, in my view, in any weather to cast their vote.

  353. DaveDee says:

    Juteman says:

    19 September, 2014 at 1:19 am

    It has been raining all day in Dundee. I can only think this has kept some folk at home.

    Biggest decision in our history and people are afraid to get wet, very disappointing if that’s the case.

  354. Colin Church says:

    Rain? really? Rain? It is a Fing country man.

  355. Michael McCabe says:

    I am feeling a little Nervous. Wish I had my Wings Family Round about Me. link to Hope Over Fear.

  356. Andy Howie says:

    Dundee Turnout confirmed as 79%

  357. Colin Church says:

    Rain…If I knew we could have got a fundraiser for YES Dundee brollies

  358. scotspine says:

    Rain? Rain? FFS in other countries, people brave bullets and mortars to cast a vote. Pathetic.

  359. fionan says:

    Can hardly bear this. fellow Scots,sheeples you deserve everything that is coming to you now. Trouble is, you’ve dragged the rest of us who used our heads, down with you. Welcome to north Britain folks, the seat of neoliberal vicious cruelty to anyone who is weak, vulnerable, disabled

  360. westie7 says:

    Fire alarm Dundee!!

  361. Lesley-Anne says:

    Don’t worry Michael your Wings family IS around you just not physically but we are emotionally.

  362. Nana Smith says:

    Fire alarm going off at count in Dundee. Everyone evacuating.

  363. Big Jock says:

    Dundee will be 71% yes. But we really need 55% in Glasgow to win. Edinburgh is not looking good certainly in postal vote. D&G expected over 65% no. But 30% yes in D&G is not out with expectation.

  364. Fiona says:

    Lost in Clackmannan 🙁

  365. heedtracker says:

    Low turn out in Dundee is very weird. But if you’re a fraudster the easiest fraud Is losing ballot boxes and now a fire alarm at Dundee too. Dirty.

  366. Big Jock says:

    Loss in Clack by about 7% poor show!

  367. bookie from hell says:

    46.2% ok not disaster

  368. Lesley-Anne says:

    Clackmannanshire result!

    35410 votes cast

    88.6% turn out

    16350 YES 46.2%

    19036 NO 53.8%

  369. Derek M says:

    Breaking the Set special on RT with lovely Abbi 🙂

  370. G. Campbell says:

    Eleanor Bradford
    BBC Scotland Health Correspondent
    Glasgow hotel

    I’m with the Better Together campaign at the Marriott Hotel in Glasgow – they are looking increasingly confident.

    link to

    “I’m with the Better Together campaign”

    Like we hadn’t noticed, Eleanor.

  371. Andy Howie says:

    Ok now we can be despondant

  372. heedtracker says:

    Yougov could be right but it’s only one.

  373. James123 says:

    Weren’t we expected to win Clackmannanshire?

  374. bugsbunny says:

    Clackmannanshire YES 16 350 46% NO 19036 54%. It’s only the beginning folks. We can still win this.


  375. Fiona says:

    I think we should have won clackmannan. I do think this is very bad news

  376. call me dave says:

    @Fiona 🙁

    Possible recount Orkney count overdue says radio.

  377. Big Jock says:

    I think Clack was a marginal for us.We were expecting 49%!

  378. Lesley-Anne says:

    I have to admit both my partner and I are a wee bit disappointed with Clacks. Still many more to come. Keep your chins up folks. There is nothing to be despondent about yet.

  379. Nigerian Pirate says:

    Guys I’m from Stornoway although working overseas at the moment. Postal vote went in last week.

    I cant honestly believe that the western isles have voted no. We have SNP MP and MSP and Yes have been far more active on all parts of the island. If it’s true then I’m really gutted but also bewildered.

    I would have put money on Eilean Siar being a yes vote winner.

    Apologies for my fellow islanders and apologies for taking so long to post. Damn wifi is terrible over here and updates are taking forever.

  380. Colin Church says:

    Sorry, a bit of an intemperate dig. Not meant to be personal.

  381. James123 says:

    If Clackmannanshire is an indication then we’re fucked.

  382. Big Jock says:

    West lothian going no.I am sorry but I now don’t trust the results. I just can’t believe what I am hearing.

  383. Training Day says:

    STV reporting BT win in West Lothian.

    Back in your pen, Scottish sheep. I’m off to bed. The BBC will be triumphant.

  384. Colin Church says:

    Elaenor a complete disgrace. I am sure her news source is in that room. And why does the BBC not afford our Imperial Masters like McConnel and Reid their proper title. Lord… They stopped being “one of us” a very long time ago.

  385. Fiona says:

    @Peter G

    The turnout is high: the result is legitimate, whatever it is.

    If you are correct then it seems the MSM remains very powerful: and yet it was universally in support of no and still the result is respectable if clackmannan is correct. We have achieved a lot and we should not lose sight of this.

    Nonetheless the future is bleak, if the vote is no.

  386. Nana Smith says:

    So Yes votes are seen on a No table, spotted and reported and then there’s a fire. Suspicious or what.

  387. Big Jock says:

    Can we ever prove the postal vote was fiddled. These results are out of any realms of possibility given the anecdotal evidence.

  388. Kevin Evans says:

    A lot of people’s souls have been sold today – hell is too good for them – at least they’ll get to meet there mentor Mrs thatcher – I can believe clacks – a mining community – I know people who went without food during they times – oh how a crappy mortgage on a council house and a car on tick can make people forget – fuckin sleaves to the man – well not me

  389. laukat says:

    I think we have just witnessed Scotland vote itself out of existence. I suspect the overall margin of victory for No will mean we will not get another chance in my life time.

    I will not be supporting Scotland at any event from now on. Can’t respect a nation that doesn’t want to be a nation.

  390. one less day says:

    It looks as though we’ll be dying on our knees instead of living on our feet if this is a precursor to what is to come

    If people don’t have the backbone to stand up for themselves they deserve everything that’s thrown at them and everything will be thrown at them make no mistake The I’m all right Jacks will not be bothered and as there are many more poor people than rich it should have been a walkover

    I sincerely hope things change and I’m wrong

  391. misteralz says:

    My IBS is back. 🙁

  392. Big Jock says:

    Nana its just my feeling but something is not right about any of this.

  393. bookie from hell says:

    unionists will be taking the p^ss for years

    high turnout

  394. fred blogger says:

    prof curtice says too small a sample to worry about.

  395. I'veNeverSeenBraveheart says:

    Gutted. The thing is, the “I’m all right Jacks” won’t be the ones to suffer after this 🙁

  396. DoziR says:

    How can they keep an eye on things in Dundee after fire alarm? This is torture!

  397. Andy says:

    Big Jock – cognitive dissonance caused by too much time on this site.

  398. Colin Church says:

    I am looking at BBC and UKIP Coburn is sitting at a table in studio. WTF is going on at BBC.

  399. bookie from hell says:

    Scotland/England game

    Who will sing flower of Scotland ,won’t be the Scots

  400. Training Day says:

    I wish it was a rigged vote. It’s better than contemplating the possible truth that a majority of Scots are fearful sheep.

  401. A.N.Surgent says:

    Its less than 3000 votes

  402. panda paws says:

    Well if we haven’t won Clackmannanshire, it looks bad for Yes. I’m going to bed. I can only hope things pick up. The solid Nos won’t regret it. But those who fell for FUD and the promises of more devolution and ticked No on the basis of it will come to regret it.

    When the Tories are elected next year and the Scottish parliament can no longer protect social spending without tax increases, I’ll be saying hell slap it into you.

  403. Malcolm says:

    We are not too wee, or too poor. But as for the third part…….
    The servile nature of some people who live here is an embarrassment.
    Proudscotsbut? What a pathetic race, the laughing stock of the entire globe.

  404. Andy Howie says:

    We have conceded west lothian with 45% of the vote

  405. heraldnomore says:

    Why is that tit Coburn onmy telly; why is he even in my country?

  406. bookie from hell says:

    only 75% turnout glasgow

    rain again

  407. ChrisB says:

    UKIP “What we need is a bit of capitalism in Scotland” ffs

  408. Big Jock says:

    Laukat I am officially disenfranchised. Not because Scotland might democratically vote no. Because my so called fellow Scots have held Scotland back and given our nation back to the Tories and London. I couldn’t care less about pretending to be a nation at football matches that’s what proud Scots do. The establishment has a smile on its overfed face now.Scotland will be put back in its box. Lord Reid saying we will get together.No chance you lied and cheated and belittled me.

  409. Lesley-Anne says:

    Glasgow turnout 75%

    East Renfrewshire turnout 90.4%

    East Ayrshire 84.5%

  410. scotspine says:

    I will denounce my nationality after tonight if it goes NO. I will have no nationality except being an EU citizen.

    Thoroughly ashamed.

    I’m watching MSM people from down south all over the TV. Marr, Robinson et al.

    More of the same for ever it appears and resultant, as soon as I can, I will leave this “region” for a real country in Europe when I retire.

    If anyone has the brass neck to stand up and sing “Flower of Scotland” at a sporting event in the future, they are hypocrites and should be laughed off the world stage.

    We will be at war again in the middle east by Monday at the latest. More death in store.

    You will get fuck all from Westminster.

    Enjoy your fate north British county of Scotland.

    Bend over and accept the massive fucking you deserve.

  411. James123 says:

    I’m trying desperately to hold on to my spirits, buts it’s difficult, really difficult. Lot’s of pessamism coming from the Yes camp. All this talk of huge turnout I couldn’t give two shits about if it means a No vote, just means their are more cowards in our country than previously thought.

    Live from Glasgow looks like a wake, not a celebration.

  412. one less day says:

    Curran saying people in her constituency in Glasgow were concerned about share prices falling I think our concern for the poor of Glasgow is misguided if that’s the case There again when did she ever open her mouth and say anything that was true

  413. Inkall says:


    I will certainly be looking into if having a Northern Irish born Catholic Grandmother is enough to get an Irish passport.

  414. Stevie boy says:

    This is just wrong!

    MI5 or what, something not right. How can we be so bad Everywhere ?

  415. westie7 says:

    Depressed so far with west lothian and now looking like Aberdeenshire gone 60/40?

  416. CameronB Brodie says:

    Peter G
    Cool it please.

  417. bookie from hell says:

    What’s important now YES above 46%

    something to hold on too

  418. Devorgilla says:

    Look, things are never going to be the same again. We have achieved a fantastic amount. The real fight has just started. They have terrified pensioners into voting No. A result based on fear is not reliable. They have interfered with the voting process by introducing new terms after the postal votes were returned. This can be legally challenged. Plus Tory MPs are also refusing to co-operate. This is a time for gritting out teeth and getting meaner and more determined, not for throwing it all in in a hissy fit.

  419. laukat says:

    @Big Jock @scotspine

    Agree with your sentiment. I’ve voted in every election I could since I was old enough to do so. I think tonight will be my last. I see no point voting in UK elections and little point in voting at Holyrood now that Independence is no longer an option.

  420. YESGUY says:

    Right you lot


    Lets wait till half way through before we get worried. Did any of you expect this to be easy ??

    We’re just counting.

    Keep the faith.

    your upsetting yourself and everyone else. Come on Wingers have faith.

    We will win this.

  421. Colin Church says:

    Salmond made the strongest most compelling rallying calls I have witnessed in any political battle and moved me to heart bursting tears. Scotland and especially the “proudscotsbut” North Britons seemed to have thought we were just getting a little bit above ourselves. The sheep bettter get back in the pen. RICs efforts to register the disaffected may have been offset by the likes of the OO who can get knuckledraggers to march in the pissing rain for hours. Ermine for Brown and Darling and Murphy will follow on their coat tails.

  422. scotspine says:

    Rev, I have rooted for you and the massive efforts you have gone to for this “area of the UK”.

    I am sorry we have let you down.

    We are a pathetic lot in reality.

  423. Fiona says:

    Lost orkney 2:1

  424. Andy Howie says:

    Orkney as expected

  425. Mairileen says:

    We may not win this time but let’s see what happens now! The genie is out of the bottle and it’s bad for the country if it is halved in two. Something will have to happen. If it hadn’t been for this site it would have been a walk over for WM. If we get shafted now there will be a huge groundswell for another ref although people may not have the stomach for it right now. We will get this independence and it will not be another generation before it happens. It will be a lot sooner.

  426. Big Jock says:

    We just had to tick a box.We couldn’t do it or we were conned. Either way the world will look at us as failures.There are us guys but 60% of our countrymen might not be with us. What nation are we fighting for.It just feels like the 80s again before we even had devolution.

  427. Stevie boy says:

    I was so confident going into today…

    Local MP told me he was confident we would be building a new country after today!

    Chap from Yes Scotland said their canvassing results of 750000 people had us well ahead!

    1.4 million signatures on the Yes declaration!

    Even today all I’ve heard was people changing from No to Yes!

    What happened to all of that?

    I’m in utter shock.

  428. Nigerian Pirate says:

    Guys and girly, I know its early days but something doesn’t true to me.

    Dundee turnout less than 80%, Eilean Siar rumoured to be a safe No when all canvassing showed Yes support far outweighing the No side,

    I think we’ve been mugged. I think that those ‘soft no’ and maybe even definite no people who we thought we had ‘converted’ have pulled a flanker. Maybe they did it to shut us up, maybe for some other reason, maybe they never had any intention of voting yes, maybe they shat a breeze block at the polling booth but it makes no sense to me.

    What’s worse is that I feel that my son has been mugged of any fair chance in the future of Scotland. And it’s our own people who have mugged us if indeed it is a no vote overall.

    I seen a post earlier tonight on Facebook along the lines of, the reason Scotland cant stand divided from the rest of the UK is because history has shown we cant stand together. I hoped it was wrong but I’m having my doubts.

  429. Lesley-Anne says:


    14907 votes cast

    83.6% turnout

    4883 YES 32.8%

    10004 NO 67.2%

  430. YESGUY says:

    Orkeny was No cert.

    NO surprise there

  431. Michael McCabe says:

    Johann Lamont does my head in. and the Mainstream Media. Keep the head up. We are the people. link to Hope Over Fear.

  432. Scottishdragon says:

    Wtf Orkney?! This is depressing. Trying to keep the faith.

  433. M4rkyboy says:

    They can have Scotland the region,home of the proud Scot all to themselves.
    I will be gone if it’s a No.
    Eire if they’ll have me.

  434. ewen says:

    If it is a no, I am not moving back to Scotland.
    My Scotland football and rugby tops will be packed away. Anything with a saltire on it goes away and I will no longer be Scottish.
    I will be a north brit with a UK passport and no self esteem.
    North Britain, prepare to be assimilated.

  435. Inkall says:

    I’m still hoping for Plan A to come through.

    IF the worst comes to the worst we always have Plan B.

    Eventually, sooner rather than later, the abuse from Westminster will get too much. When that happens Scotland will become Independent and we will be given a chance to rebuild the demolished NHS, refocus on Education, start helping the poor again and so on.

  436. Nigerian Pirate says:

    Of course I meant guys and girls, not girly.

    I know there’s more than one girl on here at the moment. Delighted to see Lesley- Anne keeping it real and keeping the momentum going.

    Thanks L-A

  437. bookie from hell says:

    hardest job in the world will be andy murrays PR team

  438. James123 says:

    Turnout in Glasgow 75%, pathetic. Time to finish off the drink and go to bed.

    We have made a fool of ourselves in front of the world’s media. Hope all you fucking Labour ("Tractor" - Ed)s who voted No will look forward to Cameron’s victory speech at the next Tory conference.

    BTW all those No voters who claimed to have switched to Yes at the last minute, yeah sure. Just too fucking embarrassed to admit that you voted against your country.

  439. Stevie boy says:

    Also RIC canvassed 18000+ and had us at 63% or that.

    All these new voters registering for first time to vote presumably Yes.

    Fire alarm in Dundee AND a low turnout.. you couldn’t write this.

  440. Shudder be ok says:

    Fuck the oaps who voted no watch them squeal when they lose their free personal health care and free bus passes and free prescriptions they are fucking gutless ("Tractor" - Ed)s fuck them

  441. Andy says:

    @Big Jock – how many people did you tell to put a tick in the box? You’ve lost this for us – it’s supposed to be a cross!!

  442. bookie from hell says:


    not long till 2015

  443. Colin says:

    Come on guys, get a grip, there are only two resulst in with another 30 to go.
    Let’s at least wait until a third of them are in before we start getting suicidal.

  444. NotParanoidEnough says:

    Warning signs banning photography and “mobiles off” at my polling station (South Lanarkshire), setting off my spider senses. Ballot box an opaque plastic bucket; at east ukraine referendum they had heavy but transparent plastic boxes, looking much more the ticket. A minor rammy, verbals only, outside later on. England, if YES, is set to lose £2Trillion of petrochemicals, 40% of its landmass and berths for the nukes, and likely a seat on UN security council – does anyone think for a moment those “defence of the realm” obsessed spooky types simply sat on their hands, playing minesweeper and watching milf porn? Whenever I hear “postal vote” and “labour party” I cringe. Independence will forever be like the football, and the scottish people are “charlie brown” – I don’t believe there are enough western orangemen and east coast anglo financiers to explain this.

  445. Joe says:

    people its only 8thou votes , ignore percentage in the small areas 8 thou is not a lot in the big total

  446. Big Jock says:

    Scotland I have lost faith in you. I can’t go through this kind of hope and failure ever again. Its too painfull. Its best I stop it now. I will just get on with things now as best I can. It was nice to dream and I dreampt for 20 years. Its time to stop dreaming.At least I still have my beloved Partick Thistle. Scotland well I kind of hope England beat you again in November you deserve it!

  447. Defo says:

    Who will be first to use ‘parcel of rogues’ ?
    Whoops, me.
    2% declared. The Fat Lady is only gargling !
    Hi Michael McC. A fine day we had at PQ mate, hope your ‘awright’

  448. Andy Howie says:

    Well technically 3 as we know we have lost West Lothian

  449. lorna cruickshank says:

    I feel sick.I can omly hope it gets better

  450. Nana Smith says:

    So now we know why lamont,carmichael and the rest of them looked so smug tonight. They already new it was a rigged vote.

    That’s my thoughts on it for what they’re worth.

  451. Devorgilla says:

    No defeatism here! We fight on!

    As they say in the USA, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. Now is the time for the grim determination to come upon us.

    We have achieved a huge amount here. In terms of organisation, in terms of critiquing the system, in terms of challenging orthodoxy, we fight on until we win.

    This is just the start of a long battle. Incrementally we are moving forward. We have achieved a Scottish Parliament and a sworn statement in national newspapers for its permanence and for that of the Barnett formula.

    Remember, we were not fighting this battle on ground of our own choosing. We have still held on to a huge amount of ground and we are still in a stronger position than we ever were.

    Fight on, fight on. We are gaining ground.

  452. Andy Howie says:

    Interesting that many of them a really really close. Maybe not as bad as we thought

  453. I voted NO

  454. Colin says:

    Come on guys there has only been two out of 32 declarations, there are still 30 to go.

    Let’s not give up after just two.

  455. YESGUY says:


    They where 1/25 at corals .

    and there is only a wee drop of them.

    Keep the head on don;t be so quick to turn on your own. I will wait for half way before i worry.

    Wait for the big ones as they only have 8000 votes ahead

    Villages . Not city’s

    BELIEVE comon

  456. bookie from hell says:

    hope RIC managed to get YES glasgow ahead

  457. Andy Howie says:

    BBC seem to think a slight win for Yes in Inverclyde.

  458. scotspine says:

    For all the troughers and me, me, me, voters.

    When the UK general election comes and Tory and UKIP join forces and the following events come to pass:

    * departure from EU
    * solid anti-Scottish feeling amongst Westminster MP’s
    * hamstrung “Scottish” emasculated “parliament”
    * more war.
    * more food banks.
    * higher retirement age.
    * sudden discovery of massive oil fields


  459. Stevie boy says:

    I’m trying to keep the faith but these low turnouts in Glasgow and Dundee just look suspect.

    These people wanted to vote to change their lives.. but East Renfrewshire and places all had massive turnouts?!?

    I smell shite!!

  460. M4rkyboy says:

    Twitter,facebook,blogs,on the streets,in conversation,friends family everything is Yes.
    BT had to pay for supporters or bus them up from England or ship them over NI yet somehow.
    I dont get it man.

  461. Big Jock says:

    Andy yeh so that’s the reason! Lol

    I think we have to accept we are a divided country. We tried to unite everyone against the establishment. It never worked and it will probably never work. Too many selfish right wing people. Thatchers children I put up with them all day at work and they will be worse now. Just got to forget this and that Scotland will ever be a nation.

  462. Colin says:

    Come on guys there has only been two out of 32 declarations, there are still 30 to go and the no camp is only 8,000 votes ahead.

    Let’s not give up after just two.

  463. ewen says:

    Aye Big Jock, there is still the Jags.
    My best mate (a st Johnsone fan) promised me he’d vote yes. We had a few heated discussions as he was a staunch no. Well he emailed me.

    He placed his x next to yes and feels liberated. I just feel that something doesn’t seem right in the counts.

  464. M4rkyboy says:

    Aye stevie,this turnout differential looks suspicious as fuck.
    The turnout and the postal votes and the way they relate looks suspicious as well.

  465. Stevie boy says:


    Fair play to you man.. you are trying your best to keep us upbeat but I just feel flat!!

  466. heraldnomore says:

    What an emotional roller coaster. We’re down at the minute, but the path ahead rises again. It’s still very early, though signs of low turnout in Glasgow and Dundee are not good, and the rumours of Aberdeen and Edinburgh discouraging.

    Let’s have no despair yet. Remember the highs of the journey we’ve been on; the journey and The Establishment and the role played by the media for The Establishment

    But , but, but…

  467. Lesley-Anne says:

    Guys guys guys! We have TWO results in so far that has resulted in a total number of votes for YES of 21233 and NO of 29040.That is all! We are only 7807 votes BEHIND! Remember the two counts that we’ve had are from the smaller counts. The biggest counts don’t declare until much much later.


  468. Jenni Adam says:

    Ok am trying to get a grip. Clackmannanshire was a blow but Orkney was predicted. And these are only 50,000 votes – which is less than 1% of the potential total vote.

    Call me naive and wildly optimistic if you will but this isn’t over yet.

  469. kendomacaroonbar says:

    I just don’t get this chat as if YES have conceded defeat WTF ?

  470. jacksg says:


    two seats out of 32 declared and you are throwing in the towel..Orkney was a dead cert c moan keep the hied!

  471. John Young says:

    1979 Vote Orkney% Y27.89 N72.11

    2014 Vote Orkney% Y32.6 N67.4
    Yes won overall in 1979 so still hopeful

  472. Calgacus says:

    Rifkind has just dismissed the extra powers pledge as a mere press release and that the Scots will not be allowed to vote on English matters. Hahahaha

  473. heedtracker says:

    Henry MacLeish really going for it ITV on the vote No and you’re getting so much more powers fraud. Why not give it up and just be straight with the Yes vote for once in your endless con, which is not how the next year or so is going to pan out.

    No change, next up UKOK could be out of EU but project fear seems to work and now it’s UKIP’s turn for 2 years, if we lose. Still early though. And now it’s Menzies doing his Brown timetable fraud too because all three parties will suffer but so what Menzies, as if Cameron and Osborne will give a hoot. If everyone’s turned out to keep the status quo, back benchers in Westminster are really going to vote for change aren’t they.

  474. Mairileen says:

    If you think that the yes campaign has had to fight against the huge no establishment we are doing well. We are showing what a great move we have had. SLAB is dead in Scotland and Alec Salmond is the best politician in Europe and the establishment know it. We should get a number of yes victories coming in soon.

  475. Colin Mccartney says:

    come on people – 50k have declared out of millions of votes – its the big cities that will decide it

  476. thoughtsofascot says:

    I cant believe the low turnouts in Glasgow and Dundee. They are yes cities, but the win always needed to be convincing to outweight the idiots voting no in other places

  477. Paula says:

    Don’t worry guys, after a NO vote, Ed Milliband and The Vow will look after us! Urgh…

  478. Mariaskid says:

    Thanks Lesley-Anne…… You’re keeping my head up.

  479. Molly says:

    Tell you what I don’t understand, why is Sarah Smith or STV asking NOW if the 3 parties can deliver ? Why didn’t they ask Gordon Brown or any of the Unionists a couple of days ago?

    Go Colin Fox !!

  480. Big Jock says:

    Fire alarm Dundee looks suspicious! Did they not suggest 71% yes expected. If it comes back 65% its been fiddled. I don’t trust anything anymore!

  481. Hobbit says:

    Edinburgh could go 60 percent no, how come?

  482. heraldnomore says:

    JoLa – predominantly young activists, whist omitting to mention bussed in and paid

  483. Paula says:

    @Jenni Adam

    Yes, very true. Is there a fat, singing lady in the house?

  484. Andy Howie says:

    Edinburgh, East Ren and Aberdeenshire are reporting 60-40 no

  485. Big Jock says:

    I will not be voting in the next UK election. Either way.

  486. Calgacus says:

    Wtf 75% turnout in Glasgow. Have ballots been dumped?

  487. Lesley-Anne says:

    Right guys I think we need to look at the two sets of results so far declared as part of a bigger picture so here I go again with my old overall calculations.

    Total number of eligible voters 4385323

    80% of eligible voters 3508258

    50% of the 80% eligible voters 1754129

    50% +1 of the 80% eligible voters 1754130 (the winning line)

    votes counted so far 50273

  488. Stevie boy says:

    I’ll keep my chin up.

    Not just the 2 small ones that have declared.. it’s the seemingly lower estimates from the other counts so far that getting me down.

  489. James123 says:


    You are angel for trying to keep our spirits up. But it isn’t just the two results, it’s the low turnout in working class areas and the high turnout in middle class areas, which I have to say is bizarre, we were led to believe it would be the opposite. It’s also the pessimistic tone from the Yes camp and it’s looking like Stirling and Edinburgh have gone to No by a large majority. I think you have to accept it’s not our night.

  490. Kevin Evans says:

    The sky footage of the no table with yes votes on it has been removed of blocked on YouTube – why?

  491. Lesley-Anne says:

    Mariaskid says:

    Thanks Lesley-Anne…… You’re keeping my head up.

    I’m trying my best Maria. 😉

  492. A.N.Surgent says:

    Dont give up yet people , its going to be a long night.

  493. Kevin Evans says:

    What are they trying to hide

  494. Big Jock says:

    Lesley do you not think its suspicious that the 2 big yes cities have the lowest turnout. This is not a clean fight. The fire alarm also at Dundee and vote fraud in Glasgow. Its all too convenient!

  495. brian penn says:

    This is another stepping stone, regroup, refocus and try, try again.

  496. Jenni Adam says:

    @ Paula

    Aye, but I’m singing ‘I will survive!’ very badly off key – does that count for much?

    Fingers still crossed, which is admittedly, hampering my typing 😛

  497. Kevin Evans says:

    All these feelings of mistrust are all justified people – remember over the last 2 weeks the lies that have been clearly shown

  498. CameronB Brodie says:

    I didn’t canvas much in Edinburgh, but I did some around Blackford Hill (middle class), two nights ago. I got 60-70% for Yes, in terms of number of voters, not addresses.

  499. YESGUY says:

    The state have been at great lengths to damage us. The TV are the states best toys.

    They were always gonna call NO votes first it the MSM waken up.

    just wait folks a couple of YES results and you’ll be singing yer heeds off.

    Have faith in the people of Scotland.

    Were at war folks and Wingers know this.

  500. Colin West says:

    Aye, only 50,000 Votes declared so far. Still 4.25 Million to go. If we get one of the Big ones by a decent margin, it’ll wipe out the current No Lead in one shot.


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    • sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…Mar 16, 12:40
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…Mar 16, 12:29
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…Mar 16, 11:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Agreed 100% Sven. In retrospect, a golden age. Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He…Mar 16, 11:37
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here. Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts…Mar 16, 11:24
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Here you go YS: [See what I did there? 🙂 ]Mar 16, 11:14
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “Hi T.C . Yea , I think it’s going to take some kind of genuine , deeply-felt patriotism to create…Mar 16, 11:03
    • Dave on The evolution of fairness: “NuttersMar 16, 10:58
    • socratesmacsporran on Meet The FILTH: “Holyrood is a nice wee “Pretendy Parliament”, Billy Connolly got that right, because “Power devolved is Power retained” – Westminster…Mar 16, 10:46
    • Desimond on Meet The FILTH: “Pesky today, gone tomorrowMar 16, 09:29
    • Tinto Chiel on Meet The FILTH: “Agree with much of that, Robert, particularly your final paragraph. Since party politics is clearly irretrievably corrupt and the SNP…Mar 16, 08:28
    • Yoon scum on Meet The FILTH: “You do know you are part of the problem? As I bet you do not have the balls to question…Mar 16, 07:56
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “I am told that leaving the union will result in a dramatic improvement in the quality of politicians elected in…Mar 16, 07:44
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “As someone who try to see the good in everyone Which is bloody hard with manky I will say the…Mar 16, 07:40
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “far right boot licking English cap doffing cunt here How long do I have to sell up the house and…Mar 16, 07:38
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “” trough ” gluttonyMar 16, 07:38
    • Sandy Howden on Meet The FILTH: “The seat to look out for is in Midlothian where an almighty battle is about to take place. Colin Beattie…Mar 16, 07:31
    • Sven on Meet The FILTH: “George Ferguson. Whilst I agree entirely with you on the disastrous state of an SNP devolved administration, since 2014, this…Mar 16, 07:29
    • Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “I’ll join with Ian B & Robert ( aka Twathater ) in praising your positivity and patience in the face…Mar 16, 07:07
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well done Sarah in NOT letting the naysayers beat you down, you have explained the aim of the Liberation movement…Mar 16, 03:46
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “I posted this response on the previous post re your previous comment,as you are still carrying on regurgitating your usual…Mar 16, 03:28
    • twathater on Signal and noise: “Bastard TAX John MOAN I wouldn’t expect anything less of a response from you, you are well known by everyone…Mar 16, 03:01
    • Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “Oh well, I’ll ask as everyone else is flirting round the subject like moths and a light bulb.. Did she/it/…Mar 15, 23:45
    • Cynicus on Meet The FILTH: ““I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the doubt” ========= Why? What makes this shifty snake-oil salesman…Mar 15, 23:33
    • Andy Storrie on Meet The FILTH: “Fcuk sake, Campbell. Support for breaking free from the failed state, disloyal, unrecognisable, hostile UK is riding at over 50%!…Mar 15, 22:23
  • A tall tale

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