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Wings Over Scotland

Truth With Ruth

Posted on February 05, 2017 by

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson a couple of hours ago:


Just a few teeny tiny issues with that one.

Firstly, as we all know by now, there was no “tax grab” in the budget. Not one single Scot had their taxes increased in any way whatsoever. Indeed, a person whose wages haven’t changed will pay slightly LESS tax this year than they did last year, because their personal allowance has gone up and everything else has stayed the same.

(That didn’t stop the Sunday Times from punting the same lie, of course – sneaking it casually into a story about something else entirely, in the way the media likes to do with things it knows aren’t true but which it wants people to believe anyway.)


And secondly, the budget was revealed on Thursday, which was the 2nd of February. But when did Panelbase ask people for their voting intentions?


Ah. A week to two weeks BEFORE the tax measures were known. And it’s not even the first time Davidson’s had some trouble reading the data from that same poll:


Because as all alert readers will know, what it actually found was support for a second referendum at some point within the next two years is currently at 50%, not 27%.


And there’s even more. Despite Davidson’s claims, the poll DOESN’T show a 3% drop for the SNP and a 6% rise for the Tories. Compared to the previous Panelbase poll on Westminster voting intention – in September 2016 – the SNP haven’t dropped at all. They’re still on the same 47%, with the Tories up just 3%, from 24%.


So that’s THREE falsehoods in a single tweet – there was no “tax grab”, the poll was before the budget not after it, and the change numbers are wrong by a factor of 100%.

Nice try, though. We think we begin to see where David Torrance gets it from.

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Ian McCubbin

Well Ruth does not give up trying her spinning. At least we have you Stu to challenge her stories. Seems a fair poll for late December. She still has a bit of catch up to do.


Tories and truth, two strangers on separate trains, going in the opposite direction.

Auld Rock


Auld Rock

Auld Rock

Hi Jimnarlene, hope they are both on the same track going in opposite directions. Roll-on the sequel to the ‘Wreck of the Old ’97’.

Auld Rock


Tory def of “Work harder”

Tell bigger lies more often.


The Tories and the unionist media are pretty much just scum. I don’t think there is any other way to put it.


You’ll have had your tea then, Ruth?

Its an East Coast thing.


Let’s all go out for a celebration beer when
Labour support drops to single figures.


I done a recent survey as Panelbase member just a number of days ago, not sure who wanted it done. It was all about views of Scot parties and leaders, Indy and EU questions. The weirdest thing was there was a list of statements which apply or none of each leader Dugdale, Davidson, Nicola AS WELL AS> Gordon Brown. Statements like “good in a crisis” kind of statements. I hope that auld fart isn’t returning to politics.


I don’t think Ruth actually checks anything she posts, she is an ex BBC journalist after all.



What does that woman actualy DO to earn her keep?

Perpetual lying.

Acts of cowardice.


I wish some people (Ruth the mooth in particular) would just go and ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡.

Robert J. Sutherland

ElaineS @ 19:08,

Hmmm, now that Ruthless has become somewhat tarnished by her abrupt volte-face on Brexit (“proud protector of Scotland” – not!), maybe El Gordo is being lined up as the front man for BT2.

He has the ego for it, that’s for sure. Although definitely long past his blustering best, maybe the Tories reckon he’s still their most likely patsy next time around.

Dr Jim

Remind me again, Ruth Harrison is that the Brexit party woman?

Dr Jim

Jessica Duckdown she’s the other Brexit one eh?


A week to two weeks BEFORE the budget measures were known.

Ruth Davidson ?@RuthDavidsonMSP 2h2 hours ago
1st poll after the tax-grab budget. Let it spur us to work harder

What a way to go about your profession. Shameless tory lairs, one and all.

Let it spur us on to not vote for tory fraudsters.

Robert Peffers

@Dr Jim says: 5 February, 2017 at 7:25 pm:

“Remind me again, Ruth Harrison is that the Brexit party woman?”

Ah divna ken, Dr Jim. whit pairty yon wummin maun be. Ah div ken she’s no the Tupperware Pairty Wummin but.


Truth with Ms Harrison,
Now there’s an oxymoron.


Dr Jim says:

is that the Brexit party woman?

Definitely not. Nothing at all to do with the London Tories. Completely dissociated from them. No connection. 😉

Well, pretending that has been part of the reason for the modest increases in their fortunes.

I read somewhere the phrase ‘fire wall’ being used to describe the way the Scottish branch tries to dissociate itself from the completely unpalatable head office. Davidson and her North British side kicks try to maintain a ‘fire wall’ between themselves and London.

Therein lies their Achilles Heel. On every occasion everyone needs reminded they ARE the party of austerity, Brexit, xenophobia, isolationism etc etc.. They should never be allowed to hide that.



Meg merrilees

Am I being ignorant – I can’t find the figures that TRuthless is tweeting, anywhere in this Panelbase poll

However, studying the poll there are some interesting figures:

If there was an Indyref tmrw how would you vote? 43% yes; 51% no; 7% DK = 101%

When do you think it should be held ( 27%+23%+51% = 101%)
Within 2 years, before leaving EU – 27%
after Brexit – 23%
Not in the next few years – 51%

If there was another EU ref how would you vote? 61% remain; 39% leave = 100%

After leaving the EU will Scotland’s economy be weaker? 41% yes

After leaving EU will Scotland have more or less control over own laws?
29% more; 48% much the same; 22% less =99%

After Brexit, are you in favour of joining the EU ? 48% for – 31% against, 21% DK = 100%

Surprised that some of the totals tally at 99% or 101%- sloppy work from Panelbase.

Maybe (t)Ruthless might care to consider the results of the Kilmarnock east by-election as a better indication of where things are at..

SNP 48.7% (+ 2.1%) Lab 29.4% (- 16.6) Cons 20.1% (+12.7)


Dr Jim says:

Jessica Duckdown she’s the other Brexit one eh?

I said elsewhere today. We used to joke that the various Unionist parties were all different flavours of Tory. Now, it is beginning to look like UKIP, Con, and Labour are becoming UKIP-Max, UKIP-Classic, and UKIP-Lite!

[…] Wings Over Scotland Truth With Ruth Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson a couple of hours ago: Just two teeny tiny […]


Post-truth-Ruth tweets again. I wonder what was going on the week of 20th Jan. Trump? Poor economy figures released for Burns Night? Seems like a lifetime ago.

Robert Peffers

From what I see on-line the current, co-ordinated unionist, push seems to be to portray any thoughts of the coming referendum as going to be divisive. Which, considering it is a two answer question of YES & NO could hardly be any different than a division by two but with a smattering of, “dinna kens”.

I don’t see it as any more divisive throughout Scotland than a GE or Council Election or answering the question, “Do you want another cup of tea”?

In fact that last question is more divisive for some might reply, “I’d rather have a dram o Glenmorangie”, or, “Only if you put two sugars in the tea”.

Seems they may be attempting to preparing the media for their Westminster agents provocateurs or some such. We may even have seen them here on WoS already. They can do no harm if we all keep calm.


Tories now on 27%!!!

That to me is unbelievable, just shows you though what some will do in order to save the Union. The cry was no surrender right enough even if you have no food in the fridge or money in the meter for the leccy.

The Red White and Blue is more important to so many. Madness.

There is I’m afraid no other explanation for the rise in Tory support in Scotland other than support of Unionist Nationalism of the worst kind fleeing from Labour to the Tories. Yes, madness.


The unionist media and politicians rely on misinformation to make their case, and repeat it and repeat it.

The beauty of this is that others tag on to their false information and even rty to defend it. All we have to do is repeat the true facts, and repeat them – with instructions on how to check it out for themselves. The hardline unionist activists won’t do that of course, they’ll try to argue with increasingly desperate nonsense. Which gives us the chance to repat and repeat again, the true information – and how lurkers or the undecided can check it out for themselves.

The effect of this is not only to get the true information out there, but to totally discredit the likes of Ruth Davidson who rely on lies to make their case, and the media that helps to propogate their lies.

I we’re unable to post a URL (moderation policy) I post simple instructions like:

“You can get the full results of that Panelbase poll and check for yourself. Go to the Panelbase dot com main page, there’s a row of tabs /links at the top. Move the cursor over the one marked “media” and you see underneath “news” and “polls”. Click on the one “polls” and you get a page with a list of the opinion polls actual data tables. Click on the one you want, probably near or at the top. Check it out yourself, don’t believe ANYONE, me included, believe yourself. You’ll have to click “+” a few times to be able to see it!”.

There seems to be a lot less people trying to still misrepresent that poll as “only 27% supports a second indy ref”.

I wonder why!

Robert Peffers

@Robert J. Sutherland says: 5 February, 2017 at 7:20 pm:

“Hmmm, now that Ruthless has become somewhat tarnished by her abrupt volte-face on Brexit”

Now to be fair – it was only her brass neck that got tarnished.


I thought Slab might have something to say about the poll but naw still on the Daisley non-story

link to

Marra the heidcase greeting about abuse.. absolute joke..


This makes me larf,

link to

No idea why Mirror liggers think she’s channelling Tom Cruise either. Show me the money, more like, Show me the honours and the money teamGB.


Stuart, would Davidson have party to early servey results? What she is saying, sounds more like the poll I was sent on the 1st of Feb and I did on the 2nd of Feb, there were questions on what we thought of each party and who would would chose at GE, Scot Election, council Election etc so it sounds like she has gotten the results of the most recent poll done just a few days ago. Most of the polling companies are connected to Westminster Tories in one way or other and maybe Tories got Sunday Times to commission a this poll.


Stuart, would Davidson have party to early survey results? What she is saying, sounds more like the Panelbase poll W9437W5 I was sent on the 1st of Feb and I did on the 2nd of Feb, there were questions on what we thought of each party and who would would chose at GE, Scot Election, council Election etc so it sounds like she has gotten the results of the most recent poll done just a few days ago. Most of the polling companies are connected to Westminster Tories in one way or other and maybe Tories got Sunday Times to commission a this poll.


Ian McCubbin,

“Well Ruth does not give up trying her spinning. At least we have you Stu to challenge her stories.”

It is plain lying, not even spinning.

The Rev. Stuart Campbell tirelessly exposes their lies day in day out.

How many unionist lies has the “independence supporting” The National exposed in its two years or more of existence?

Articles like these would be headline news every day in a genuine independence supporting newspaper.


Y’know, over the years I think we’ve all seen our fair share of dishonesty in the political world. Some would say it’s their stock in trade and plenty of media have. Politics as it is practised etc.

But I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so nakedly, transparently and consistently dishonest and disingenuous as Ruth Harrison…

The Scottish Conservative branch manager truly is a piece of work. If she told me the sky was blue and the grass was green, I’d instantly ask for a second opinion.

Dr Jim

Forget about what polls say
The bookies say Independence win 2/5 on


Said it before re. Fluffy. Same applies…



Yes, ElaineS is right, the Pabelbase poll Davidson gave a link to didn’t ask the Holyrood or Westminster voting intention, just Ref, Indy and EU questions. She got it wrong, and so unfortunately …


What it could be though with that poll is that the poll did ask the questions, but the Times used some last weekend, and some this weekend. In that case Panelbase would be releasing the data to the VI poll on Monday probably.

So it could still be the same poll, and fieldwork dates.



There was apparently some poll or other on page 8 of the Times today. No idea if the numbers were there or not.

I suppose the big news is that Labour’s position is truly dire.

Bill Glen

She make’s me so proud,,,,I Never vote for tory’s

Scot Finlayson

Remember Ruth worked for the BBC where she would have learned how to use propaganda and misinformation to manipulate public opinion,

she also has all the characteristics of a sociopath which includes a pleasure in manipulation through deceit and a total lack of empathy for the suffering of others,

with a compliant/complacent media in this new Post Truth World, where lying is seen as OK in the path to your objective,she is a dangerous person to Scotland and her citizens.


No great fan of Davidson but it is true to say that achievers in Scotland will be paying more in taxes and NI than their counterparts in ruk.
Surely that’s the point.



Achievers in Scotland?!- please define.
No friend of Davidson!! Next you will be saying you are a proud Scot but….

Jamie Green MSP one of Davidsons acolytes spouts forth about the polls– despite WoSc aready showing the days don’t correlate. This guy was one of tomknins wee pals that went off to Israel for a wine tasting session. Why? What benefit to the West of Scotland has Jamie Green brought as a result. None. He went pear shaped though just before the elections when a local loyal brexit tory and NAC councillor said on BBC radio that he wanted Prestwick Airort to close. In it for themselves those brexit tories.



“But I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so nakedly, transparently and consistently dishonest and disingenuous as Ruth Harrison…”

I recognised her nastiness a long time ago and posted that Davidson is the most disgraceful and dishonest politician in Scotland.


Impact of divergence from U.K. Tax for 40% payers has been known since last year.

link to

What all the parties were offering has been known for weeks.

Dan Huil

@Pete 9:23pm


Your choice of word says much. I think you really are a great fan of davidson.

Robert Peffers

@Scot Finlayson says: 5 February, 2017 at 9:11 pm:

” … in this new Post Truth World, where lying is seen as OK in the path to your objective,she is a dangerous person to Scotland and her citizens.”

Perhaps, but if it is handled properly by the Indy movement, with the Tory party on only 27% as opposed to the SNP’s 47% and the Greens on a even just a few list MSP there is probably far more danger to the Tory vote by her lies getting found out than to the SNP from the lies not found out.


Pete,I’m no friend of Davidson

Just as a follow up I take those persons not affected are none achievers in your eyes?

PS NI and tax are different


@ Pete

No, they won’t, because tax is not just income tax. (You said “taxes” before you try to claim you meant IT.)

Dan Huil

I fully expect the britnat media, including the bbc, will repeat Davidson’s lies.


@ me

Punctuation fail in post at 9.42:
I should have written “you said “taxes” – before you try to claim…”

What I actually wrote is slightly ambiguous.

Dan Huil

Davidson’s latest error-strewn tweet just underlines her desperation.


Pete says:
5 February, 2017 at 9:23 pm
No great fan of Davidson but it is true to say that achievers in Scotland will be paying more in taxes and NI than their counterparts in ruk.
Surely that’s the point.

We high achievers also get a lot more than our counterparts in rUK Pete, for our buck.

Surely that’s the point.


Honestly, if Scotland does not votes Yes in IndyRef2, I believe I might go insane.


Might as well complete the ‘full hoose’.. I’m sure ye won’t mind my sayin’ and also agree that..

Ruth Davidson is a can’t.


Ruth Davidson is a liar.


WOULD Davidson have access to early results ?

In my experience, yes .


While we await James Kelly doing his report, I am struck by the very high proportion of people born in England in the unweighted sample. They get roughly the right number for born other than Scotland/ England. Why such a huge discrepancy? And there’s a lot of over 55 ladies too – overwhelmingly No supporters.

I suspect there’s some dodgy methodology here. Tell us whats happening Mr K.

Oh, and kids reading – go visit yer granny and make sure she has to vote yes next time or stay at home. Scotland’s future is about her young people.

Roddy Scott

If ‘X’ commissions a poll about ‘Y’
And ‘W’ rigs the figures to give the result ‘Z’
Ye’ll ken it is just another Tory lie
That from a woman who’s not right in the head

She works as a mouthpiece for the Westminster Tory
From having a job wi’ the Beeb distorting the truth
Her manipulations of fact is just the same old story
Does anyone believe that nippit wee lassie Ruth?

Frank Lynch

See Scottish Tories embracing the whole Fake News thing. Next stop the Alt Right movement…

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

I think we should ask Ruth Davidson if she is prepared to take a lie detector test regarding the recent statements she has been making.

How about Ruth, are you up for it???

Lenny Hartley

ElaineS I have received a couple of invites to take part in Panelbase political polls in the last couple of weeks, unfortunately none of the links they provided worked even though I switched on my desktop. For some reason Panelbase won’t allow you to conduct a politics poll from a phone or tablet.

Anyhows , I did complete a panel base political poll several weeks ago that sounds just like your one asking about leaders and asking about Broon. I never did see it published so I guess it must be a private one for Blis. Maybe even Broon himself checking if his popularity is on the ascendancy before making a move on Kezia. For someone as delusional as him I would not rule anything out.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Let it spur us…’

She’s definitely got a thing about riding, eh?

Robert Peffers

I really cannot understand why the general public in Scotland can believe the utter bovine rectally sphinctered waste matter excreted by the Unionists and their tame propaganda spreading friends in the media.

I’m just reading some BBC news reports on Ceefax on BBC Radio Scotland’s channel on the TV.

NHS operations, ‘Long Waiters’, rise by 163%in England. English Patients are meant to be treated in under 18 weeks for knee and hip operations but numbers there are now over 350,000 waiting longer and 3.7 million on the waiting list.

Yet there is Wullie Rennie spending tax payers money on FOI requests to discover that a patient in Dumfries & Galloway, in the period between 2013 & 2016, was kept in hospital unnecessarily for 508 days before discharge.

The wee nyaff then tries to blame the SG even although the figures are down between 2015 and 2016. Now you do not need to be brain of Britain to work out who really is to blame in Dumfries & Galloway.

The hospitals are under the control of the local Hospitals Board and Hospital Boards are seeded with local councillors by the local councils but the reason a patient is NOT released is because they cannot discharge a patient without the patient being properly supported in the community and that is the responsibility of the Local Council’s Social Work Department, (but the SG is changing that now).

So Wee Willie’s besttest pals are the Tory & Labour Party and the council is :-
Conservative 15
Labour 14
Scottish National Party 10
Liberal Democrat 1
Independent 7

Independent usually means Tory in disguise.

So draw your own conclusions.

Lenny Hartley

Davidb, previous polls have also had about twice the number of English born people taking part and a higher proportion of Elderley, wonder how many 16/17 year olds in the samples?
I guess even when weighted it slews the figures in the Yoons favour , otherwise why do the do it?


I think the Yoons are very worried.
There has been a ramping up of lies.

Andra Neil has been on twitter all day, raving about fiscal transfer.

Cos you know WM just hands us £9bn for no reason.

ian m

The biggest problem for the Unionist politicians is when Scotland votes for Independence their chance of a knighthood goes oot the windae

chris kilby

If Tank Girl is so convinved her lot would win Indyref2 why is she clearly so terrified of holding one…?


Like a broken record no indy no indy wahhhh lentils sandals and watermelons.

Got to say one of Andrew`s articles in the Sunday Post today the one about the glorified footballer and a certain email from Mr Dan Snow was top notch.

Bravo Sir


I’m inclined to agree with Bob MACK 9:52.
It is a FACT that Ms Davidson, at best, conveyed misleading information in her tweet at 5:18 today since Panelbase Poll W7181w9 did not include any questions relating to the Scottish electorate’s voting intentions in any future elections. If Ms Davidson has to hand any documentary evidence supporting the numbers she quoted, then she has a moral obligation to publish it. Should she be unwilling to do so we can only regard her tweeted statement as a LIE.
I was under the impression that an agency had been established to check social media content for factual integrity – who or what instigates these checks?

chris kilby

Ruthie Tank Commander isn’t lying. She’s merely giving us alternative facts.

chris kilby

Ruthie-Anne Davidson.

Simon Curran

I notice that in the poll it just refers to Ruth’s party as ‘Con’, sums it up nicely!


I should have added that I don’t do twitter, but if any on here feel inclined, perhaps they might tweet Ms Davidson and challenge her.
Might get an interesting response!

ronnie anderson

BBC covering Mundells arse no repeat on 10pm scottish news.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

C’mon Nicola, announce the date of IndyRef2 at the SNP Spring Conference in Aberdeen in March.

We can’t take any more of this!!!


What truth-proof Ruth seems incapable of understanding is that when she says there is no support for Indy2 and then says Indy 2 is a threat , it cannot be both.

Scot Finlayson

@ian m

with Independence we will still have Elizabeth as our monarch,

i`m sure our august scholar Mr Peffers would confirm that our Independence annuls the political union not the monarchic union,

so knighthoods could still be up for grabs and we will still have an establishment that sees glory in such silly things.



Already done exactly that to Jamie Greene MSP who is that latest Tory liar to tweet the exact same lie.

“There is NOT even a question on Holyrood or Westminster voting intention in that poll you linked too.”


liz says:

I think the Yoons are very worried.

Absolutely shiting themselves.

The majority of Unionist MPs across the UK and MSPs here didn’t want a Leave result with EURef. That’s what happened and as good UKOKers they need to now say ‘will of the UK in total’. They all know Brexit is going to be a mess and will damage their UK, and as a result damage their Union. It’s lose, lose, lose all round for them. And threatening to be a win for us.

Remember, the day after EURef most of us realised that result represented a potential trigger for IndyRef2 in circumstances which suited us. The more forward thinking Unionists must have realised the result put their Union on a shoogly peg.

They have much to be feart aboot!


Got it in one! Snappy and to the point.
Keep it up.


Wee Ruth Krankie and Kim Jong-in both operate with fear and lies as to beat the public to submission.

I’d like to wash her lying mouth out with Carbolic soap but how could I wash my hands afterwards?

With regard the polls, they might be the same elitist owned polls used to try and manipulate the electorate to suit the needs of the wealthy.

They are so correct that we have a UK Labour Government,
Hilary Clinton is President, and we voted to Remain???

With Regard Clunker Brown making a comeback, how can the man who sold our Gold Reserves just before they tripled in value, the man who took £10 Billion from ordinary peoples private pensions, the man who got £50 Billion of PFI schools and hospitals that will cost us over £300 Billion with the interest payments, the man who was known as Bully by has staff and who showed his true colours when he left his mike on to describe pensioner Gillian Duffy, the man who lied for Better Together to say that an independent Scotland wouldn’t have pensions, Blood Transfusion, nor Transplant lists when all 3 were Guaranteed, the man who said the smaller party at the election couldn’t form the government, when we read his statement from the previous election when he assured us that they could, the man who couldn’t keep his promise to keep his local Tesco Store open, the man who has £3 Million in his own charity and never thought to give a penny to Food Banks in Fife, the man who spends £10,000 per week in “Expenses” from his own charity so that he can travel the globe in 5 Star Luxury extolling the virtues of telling jaw dropping Lies.

Why don’t we have his old mate Tony back too and he can again pledge all the UK resources to be at the disposal of
another US President.
Another man with £50 Million in the bank who shares the difficult decisions with ordinary working people.

My arse Tory Tony and Clunker the Conservative!


Got it in one, snappy and to the point!
Keep it up.


Thrawn was doing his damnest to support Torrance’s assertions. However he never turned up to support Mundell or Davidson!

Iain More

Do they still make Brasso?

Ben Power

Ranting Ruth an Angry Aggie spewing out anything to please her Englexit masters in the hope of being rewarded with a safe tory westminster seat down south.

Power in the south is historically the hope of many tory hatchet jobbers.


No great fan of Davidson but it is true to say that achievers in Scotland will be paying more in taxes and NI than their counterparts in ruk.


Are you saying that someone working hard and only earning £36,000 is not achieving anything?

The ways of the Unionist are strange indeed.

Dave McEwan Hill


Busy day today. Doing the YES Cowal accounts, tidying up the Forward Shop, home for tea thne lots of stuff on my computer till .decided to watch the Scottish football on the BBC. There is NO Scottish football on the BBC this week!


Kevin Hague ?@kevverage Feb 4
I make no apologies for sharing this again – if you only read one piece on Scottish politics today, make it this

Took Kev Rippey advice, yoohoo Kevin, and read Daisley of the Heil’s thing today. The big schlub gets around to slagging off everyone really but its really funny and then not so funny, considering this reprobates going to be spending every Daily Heil minute venerating the UKOK goddess that is Ruthie babes.

SNP bad, SNP like Pres Trump, Sturgeon bad, Salmond bad, even poor old Iain Macwhirter, bad, cybernats bad, academia bad? civic Scotland bad, and on and on it goes, but then

“STV is drunk on access and stumbles over the line so many times it no longer remembers that the line exists.

Given the intimidation of industry leaders during the independence referendum — the phone calls and raised voices and thinly-veiled threats — it’s not surprising that businesses are keen to keep ministers on side.”

No one but no one messes with a Daily Heil creep. Cant think a lovely tory unionist like Kev wants us to read it.

You’re fired, ed.


I see over on the Rev’s twitter account that someone has posted alternative [real] figures for the poll.

link to

Anyone got any details?

Robert J. Sutherland

Actually, when you think about it, what does Ruthless’s injunction to “work harder” really mean?

It can’t be to win support from the SNP, whose following is clued-up and rock-solid, so who then?

Ahem. The “also-rans” of BLiS, obviously. Which makes it all the more odd that the dwindling Labourites still persist in clinging to this failing Tory-run Union. Dim or what..?

Meg merrilees


Please can people sign this petition. A young Kenyan man in Glasgow, due to marry in 6 days is to be deported from Scotland on the 5.25 flight tomorrow.

All of his family live here and he will be destitute if sent to Kenya. He is a sound engineer and part of the Glasgow music scene.

please help.

link to


Signed Meg, but bloody hell – deported tomorrow? Sickening. That’s Brexit Britain right there.

Meg merrilees

link to

Apparently this is where Liar Harrison got her results from earlier today.
It’s a site called ‘What Scotland thinks’ – but what demographic of Scotland?

Meg merrilees

PS still dated jan 2017 so still pre-budget!


It is absolutely terrible how you burly writers are bullying poor Ruth with correct numbers and dates

What is the world coming to if a far right politician like Ruth can’t have her own alternative facts.


With that to bed


@ alexicon

James Kelly now has a discussion of the poll:

link to

This includes the correct data and a potential entry in the Guinness Book of Records.


Thank you crazycat. read and understood.


You’ll get a laugh out of this, not long tweeted by Ruth Harrison:

link to

TSE of Public Betting got taken in as well by whatscotlandthinks, Prof Curtice with the wrong figures. Again. Someone who used to post on the Grun is the only comment on the page (his Sep figures are wrong) …

link to

Dig dig dig … wonder what Harrison’s next twit will be?

Dr Jim

Runnie Willie sounds better than Willie Rennie

What pains me about Lib Dems and their FOI obsession it’s our taxpayers money they spend just to try and annoy the party that the rest of us actually vote for

Pay for it out of the Carmichael liars fund that they gave some back to cover up the fact that it looks like Jakey Rollingpin gave him it


Plus of course that the table Davidson tweeted shows the previous figure as Sep 2016 – and the one she refers to as Jan 2017.

Perhaps she didn’t notice the date was February already during the budget debate as she was too busy tweeting on her phone in Holyrood.



Meg merrilees:

Signed and Donated and Sickened.

Peace Always.

Still Positive

Meg merillees @12.00

Signed with pleasure.

Off to bed now.


Someone clued up had already done that on Davidson’s feed – same guy came up first with the alert about the 27% misrepresentation. Also SGP is on the case, waiting for the datatsets if they come out tomorrow (today now!).


@Meg merrilees
That’s Curtice’s blog. I think he’s a frustrated devo-maxer who likes being on the media as much as possible!


Scot Goes Pop does spoil Ruth’s day by showing that she used the wrong figures in quoting a drop in SNP support. Apparently Panelbase corrected their previous wrong figures in September but John Curtice’s site “What Scotland Thinks” hasn’t updated the correction.

Oh well. Nice try.

link to


@ Capella

O/T since you’re here – my Co-op’s double cream has gone back to the Saltire. It still has the tractor logo though.

meg merrilees

Yesindyref2 and Cappella

Brilliant detective work there. TRuthless definitely needs that large tin of Brasso now!


Please can you sign this petition- Robert is being deported today at 17.25 from Glasgow to Nairobi. All his family are in Glasgow and he will be destitute in Kenya. He is due to be married on the 11th Feb. It is only because he and his fiancé gave notification of his marriage that the home office have investigated whether or not he is in a true relationship. now they want to deport him.

link to


@ crazycat – I got a reply from a customer service person re Co-Op cream. Seems they have a “Labelling Team”.

” I have spoken with our Labelling Team and they have advised this is not a political statement in any way. The Saltire and Union Jack are a visual representation of where the product is sourced from.

Our Scottish stores usually receive the cream with the Saltire on as this is a locally sourced product. Unfortunately, we have experienced some availability issues with the supplier and rather than the product not be available at all, some Scottish stores were given the cream that would be stocked in our other stores as a substitute.

I apologise again that this has disappointed you however, I hope this information helps. The labelling Team have advised they will take your comments on board.”

So basically, if it is from Scotland, it gets a Saltire. If it’s from England, it gets a Union Jack. I did point out the fallacy of their policy. I look forward to the outcome of the Labelling Team taking my comments on board.


@ meg merilees – petition signed. I normally avoid petitions like the plague unless they are official government forms. But I made an exception in this case. I detest the arbitrary deportation that seems to be going on at the moment. Its inhumane.


Yeah, I signed it too (not displayed). Found I still had my old email addy for change.


Good grief, found via a National article after a quick search

link to

link to

I don’t do facebook (or Twit), but they could do with more likes …

John Moss

Roothie babe is just an Alistair Carmichael in drag. No need to bother with her lies. She’s on her way out 🙂

Jack Collatin

Extract from Theresa May’s speech to the EU March 31st 2017.

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
..But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage;

And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
..I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’

No, honest, I’m not making it u; alternatively.

Jack Collatin

Extract from Theresa May’s speech to the EU March 31st 2017.

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
..But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage;

And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
..I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’

No, honest, I’m not making it up; alternatively.


Never had their bern a bigger liar than A. Neil. Tory totally lying Neil lining his pockets on the total mismanagement of the Scottish economy by Westminster Unionists. A. Neil is supposed to be impartial but is nothing by a lying sythophant on re-dial to Westminster Unionists. Greedy beyond reproach. Alcoholics make poor decisions. They should get help not be in a kying position of power,lying their pockets on public money of those they wish to maliciously insult, wiyjoit compassion of any kind for their community and society.

Neil supports Illegal wars costing Trns and murdering and maining millions. Causing the worst migration crisis since 11WW. Livings people in desperation and misery, A Westminster system that is malicious as it is useless. Anyone who joins a Unionist Party is doing it to line their own pockets not from any condisetstion if their fellow citizens. The corrupt is complete. The Tories committed electoral fraud in 31Constituencie to once again ruin the UK economy.

A, Neil should get the sack for total political bias and supporting a corrupt regime forever. To defraud taxes and the taxpayers to line their greedy pockets. Every word utters is a lie. The BGC should be closed down or held to account. A Westminster psychopathic spokesperson ruining people!s lives. Absolutely appalling.

Unionists illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion, The debt every increasing. HMRC not enforcing the tax Law and colluding with tax fraud by BBC employees. Setting up companies of personal remuneration to avoid tax.

Scotland has systematically been defrauded of every resource by total Unionist mismanagement. Corbyn is a disgrace, The fraudulent Tories have derived the people in Scotkabdvtge right to manage better their economy. The illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion inn the UK is an absolute disgrace. The accumulated Unionist debt and ultimate state of the Scottish economy because of Unionist politicans and their sychophanic lies leading to the demise of democracy is criminal. Most of the Unionists criminals should be in jail.

The appalling lies told about the Scottish economy by ignorant, arrogant greedy Unionists full of their own conceit is beyond comprehension. Westminster is wasting another £500Billion on Hinkley Point, HS2, Heathrow and Trident. All dusters waiting to happen when there are credible alternatives.

Westminster Treasury have been illegally taking funds out of Scotland for years and trying to hide it through fraudulent accounting, They try and hide the deficit by the same methods. Westminster mismanagement of the Scottish economy is criminal. Taking £Billions from Scotland to be wasted by Westminster Unionist crooks, The BBC is an absolute politically corrupt greedy organisation. Another part of Westminster Gov political propaganda machine.

If Trump stops the illegal wars he is doing the world a favour. As soon as Trump made gains the military was stood down. Says it all for the corrupt, the warmonger career politicians, who have no clue. The corrupt Non Dom tax evaders are getting called out. The Press is an international failure. Cutting to it’s own demise. A self defeating echo chamber, which people do not take seriously any more. It makes them even more ridiculous and angry. Going from more ridiculous nonsense. extreme to another. The epitome of Westminster unionists who have to act illegally to try and gain powers to abuse. A total failure. Time after time after time.

Vote YES in another IndyRef is the only solution to the corrupt Westminster exclusion and refusal. The Westminster unionists are pathetic corrupt, useless lying sycophants. Along with the Tory Royals who are completely out of touch with reality. A. Neil Thatchers sycophantic henchman trying for a knighthood has lost all credibility. An appalling grasp of facts, and manipulated lack of knowledge.


Ruth has little interest in politics nowadays.

Her Political stance is now only media friendly sound bytes, plus having political status she loves nothing better than her jaunts to London to make guest appearances on TV Shows, where I believe the money is not to be sneered at.



link to

link to

MSPs urge bespoke immigration deal for Scotland post-Brexit
link to

link to


link to

May’s Brexit plan under pressure ahead of parliamentary test
link to

link to

British warships are ‘so noisy’ Russian subs can hear them 100 miles away
link to


The salient point about the tax “changes” is that nothing actually changed! Scotland chose not to cut taxes for higher earners, while england did so. Kim Yong Ruth’s indignation at this suggests that england have, prior to their changes, been overtaxing the wealthy.

That must mean they’ll be getting big rebates!

Dr Jim

Mews revealed this morning that David Mundell is in fact not a real person but a Holographic Algorithm


BBC have done detailed analysis of voting patterns for the EU referendum. Seems the closest correlation is education level. The higher the graduate count, the more likely to vote remain. Age also had an effect.

Does this mean Scots are nation of bright young outward looking scholars?

Local voting figures shed new light on EU referendum – link to

Liz Rannoch

Meg Merrilees @ 12.00


Vile people them Tories and I am horrified to find out that they have opened an office in Dunfermline! Two nobodys, Liz Smith and…. Murdo the Turdo. First reaction was to find a gun, rocks, C4…then realised I don’t know where the cctv cameras are. lol
Have now calmed down (somewhat) but what can I do?


Hey Rev –

After SBowl last night must be an opportunity
To ditch all the #SNPbad guff.

Should jump on the bandwagon and rebrand as
New Scotland Patriots ! Surely an opportunity since Patriotism good but Nationalism bad (Obvs)

I’m sure Cairnstoon could do a cracking rebrand Pats like logo too !!

Since your all SNP thru & thru and have FMs ear (not literally of course). But you know ?…. ???


Worth listening to Prof Allyson Pollock on GMS Radio Scotland this morning at a 8.40 am telling us the truth about the NHS in Scotland and England.


Nana says:

link to

Depressing stuff. If the Tories are threatening by coded messages of violence, then they no longer believe they can maintain their Union using the bollot box, ….. and they will get their comeuppance via the ballot box.


Does this mean Scots are nation of bright young outward looking scholars?

Maybe but Leave means that a lot of Brits just don’t like foreigners. They want to live in 1950’s UK, where everybody knows your name.

Ken Clarke on Brexit: ‘I’ve never seen anything as mad or chaotic as this’

Last week, the veteran parliamentarian was the only Tory to vote against triggering article 50, his passionate pro-Europe speech making him an unlikely hero of the Remain vote. So how bad does he think Brexit could be? ‘A historic disaster,’

Historic disaster or £350 million a week, for a new hospital a week, a Leave vote explained to me. Its much like listening to a NO vote explain Scottish indy is an IRA plot.

Brexit and the Project Fear win in Scotland are both spectacular triumphs of propaganda. Most obvious statement of this Baltic morn.

Just listened to wheezy Nic Robertson’s vote tory BBC r4 Today show. English elderly care could well cause the collapse of the NHS, raise English tax? Dont buy nukes? Its another week on planet toryboy teamGB.

Also, not so future Sir David Beckham’s got a dark side.


To newbies and lurkers

A word to the wise regarding the petition put on this thread at 1:32am. It is a private marketing company and the “petition” will not even be considered by the ‘Petitions Committee’ at Westminster.

Several weeks ago i wrote to the Petitions Committee enquiring about these companies and received an official response, which i put up on here for everyones benefit, and it clearly stated that these private petition companies do not get considered.

Continuing to put those links up on sites such as WOS, regardless of how heart-wrenching the case may be, achieves nothing but playing on and conning the considerable readership of WOS into parting with personal details.

Using fake and/or old emails to sign them also achieves nothing but continuing to perpetuate and encourage the myth and helps to con newbies into believing they’re doing something helpful via these marketing companies when the only people you’re helping are the owners of said companies to fill their own pockets.

Also, if “Robert” is to be deported today at 5:25pm do you truly believe you’ll stop that deportation by signing that con today?

Furthermore, here is a case that should be far more concerning to us. It’s about a woman who has lived for almost 30-years in England, raised family there and is now to be deported. They have been keeping her locked up in the doomed Dungavel ‘House’ (basically a prison for immigration cases).
link to

Her story has not been given much airing by the BBC branch office at Pacific Quay because instructions are to keep it as hush hush as possible. This story that Unionists are using our country to exact their filthy games is on a scandal par with the rendition flights touching down on Scottish soil under the cover of darkness.

We need to be making more people aware and protesting at the gates, not playing on the kindness and popularity of Wings to help struggling English marketing companies.

Please guard your personal details and avoid these private companies like the plague.

call me dave

Radio shortbread are calling this week ‘NHS week’ and called on Prof Jamie Weir in Aberdeen & Prof Alison Pollock health teaching adviser working in Newcastle to compare Scotland with England about 08:30hrs

Prof Pollock did not hold back stating the NHS in England was scrapped in 2012 (quoted some act of parliament) and rapidly being privatised and funding reduced. This was resulting in the SNHS was being starved of funding because of the the way the Barnett formula is structured. But the SNHS was doing well in comparison in spite of this but was in danger from lack of funding from Barnett ‘block grant’ reductions from WM government.

Prof Weir preferred to talk about how badly Scotland was doing comparing staff levels to our European neighbours and money wasn’t everything.

Well worth a listen and I hope many people heard what we here all know to be the case. I doubt Prof Pollock will not be on Auntie’s Christmas card list. 🙂


Ms Harrison needs to work harder.

Dorothy Devine

OT I may be the only person to cheer on Donald Trump but his ‘ do you think we are so innocent….’ has fair gladdened my heart.

And it would be good to see Russia and the USA tolerate each other at the very least.

I still ask myself , had Clinton won would be seeing the demo’s and violence on the streets of America?

Would we read that ‘Arnie” wants to punch her lights out ?
And just how much must we read/ hear from the UK media of how bad he his ?

If I had lived in the USA and had to make a choice ‘twixt those two candidates ,I would not have chosen Clinton. Given the poverty of the choice I would probably not have voted , something I have never contemplated here.


The National thids morning reports that 60% of pupils get at least one Higher.

Had fallen to 41.6 in 2007 (when SNP formed government) now 60.2%.

£750 million being invested in education driving up standards.

Something to remember when told education in Scotlanmd is a disaster.

Dorothy Devine

OT but just watched an RT report on Catalunya – things are hotting up.

81% want independence according to the last referendum and the Spanish Gov. is threatening them if they dare to hold a second one this year by closing polling booths , stopping salaries of civil servants and any other anti democratic means possible.

C’mon Catalunya!


What about managing the Scottish economy anther way. The way the majority want. Cut obsolete Trident £1Billion, a tax (minimum pricing) on ‘loss leading’ drink. £1Billion. No tax evasion by multi million (foreign) companies making vast profits. £3Billion? Not repaying debt on money never borrowed or spent in Scotland £4Billion. Not taxing the Oil sector at 60% to 80% when the price had fallen 75%. Costing Scotland £Billions and thousands of jobs. £4Billion+ (last 6 years £24Billion). = £13Billion+

Borrowing and spending 10% of the £54Billion+ Scotland raises in the economy leading to higher investment. £7Billion.

The (unfair, unequal) Union costs Scotland. £20Billion.

Not forgetting the Oil revenues which were secretly and illegally taken from Scotland to be illegally squandered and wasted. The UK Treasury fraudulent accounting practices.

Illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. The Westminster unionist policies. Ruining the world economy. Brexit will ruin the UK economy even more. Affecting the Scottish economy negatively. Once again Scotland dragged down with policies with which the majority do not agree. Even if the illegal wars are stopped. Plus the EU stops tax evasion by foreign internationals. That causes unfair, non equal trade.

Brexit will now ruin the world economy. The Tories have done it again. Borrowing, more debt and wasting £Billions of tax payers money. £Trns. . Not funding essential sevices NHS/Education, Spending £500Billion more of borrowed money. On Hinkley Point, HS2, Heathrow Airport and Trident, All disasters waiting to happen. Total mismanagement. The illegal Unionist Westminster Gov want out of the EU so they and their associates can continue to illegally tax evade. Lowering living standards and increase the cost of living.

Just like in the last decades. The US and Russia have to stop the arms race. It is bankrupting both countries. There will have to be a disarmourment deal. Or world will suffer more. Russia saved the West in the 11WW. 26Million Russian died. 1in 6 The highest desths apart from Germany. 1 in 4. Far higher than the UK (1/2million) France (1/2milion) and the US.(1941) in Europe. One of the biggest armageddon catastrophe with which the world has ever had to deal. Still affects the world.

Scotland’s EU contribution is £1Billion. Even more comes back in CAP, Grants, shared Defence costs. Investment by the EU/ECB in renewables and other enterprise projects. Unlawful Brexit will damage the Scottish economy.

Tinto Chiel

Dr Jim says:

“News revealed this morning that David Mundell is in fact not a real person but a Holographic Algorithm”.

Thanks for starting a great new anagram competition, Dr J.

Regarding Nana’s link to: link to

I got a close look at the more extreme supporters of The Queen’s XI when they visited my team’s ground recently: not a pretty sight. Coincidentally, I met an old colleague at the game whom I hadn’t seen since before the referendum. We both watched the behaviour and read the “staunch” banners and then he turned to me and said, “You realise when we win the next referendum they’ll be on the streets?”

It’s no coincidence it was a Tory who first used the term “Ulsterisation” in a Scottish context. It’s pretty much the Unionists’ last hope, along with electoral fraud and the sudden appearance of some mythical Scottish Republican group to blow up post boxes and frighten the natives.

Tin-foil hat maybe slightly askew, but I like it that way…..

Brian Powell

I see the support for an Independence Referendum in Catalonia at 81%.

As for us, we know the Tories despise their fellow Scots but for the rest, those in between 46% who support Ind and the 25% who support the Tories, is that OK? Are they to be the most easily scared in Europe? So scared they will let the Party of that 25% decide our future?

What I find amazing is when Ruth Davidson or a Westminster Tory MP claims ownership of all who voted No at the last Ref, we hear not a peep from Slab.


In Catalonia the turnout for an Independence Referendum was 40% Quite low. 2.2million majority out of a 5.2 million electorate. 7.5Million pop. A majority did not vote on whether to have a Referendum on Independence. More autonomous system over essential matters, ‘Corrupt federal system’ The Spanish corrupt politicians and Gov.

There is higher support in Scotland for Independence (SNP policies) among the electorate. Influenced by Westminster Unionist broken promises.


Sinky says:
6 February, 2017 at 8:45 am
‘Worth listening to Prof Allyson Pollock on GMS Radio Scotland this morning at a 8.40 am telling us the truth about the NHS in Scotland and England.’

Its a shame that didnt get the prime 7:50 slot.

Westminster rhetoric in support of the NHS must be one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on the English electorate. It is being privatised by stealth.

Jack Collatin

I’ve had enough of New Labour/Militant/ Momentum Labour’s Scottish Branch Office.
There was no message to be heard when the citizens of Scotland astoundingly voted out 40 of their 41 MPs in the May 2015 UK GE, and Ian Murray, of whom we would never have heard otherwise, now stands alone shooed in on the back of ‘tactical voting’ by the Tory Morning Tea Ladies of Morningside.
There was no message to be heard when the citizens of Scotland returned 56 SNP MPs, and the Unionist haul was reduced to one feckless Border Tory, Murray the not so Red New Labour Brown acolyte, and Pants On Fire Carmichael from the Clegg /Cameron Lib Dem Appeasers.
There was no message to be heard, when despite the massive pro Union MSM/BBC propaganda drive against ‘Nicola Sturgeon’ and the SNP which rivalled the Indyref Better Together Project Fear Surge in intensity, the SNP were returned as the Government for a third time, retaining a working majority with the Pro Independence Greens, while maintaining the impetus towards Independence.
There was no message to be heard when the Scottish Branch was demoted to third place behind Davidson’s Uber Right Wing LisTory gang.
There was no message to be heard when 62% of Scots citizens voted Remain.
There was no message to be heard when NS and the Scottish Government developed proposals to argue that as Scotland voted Remain, May’s Brexit negotiations could and should include a discrete deal for Scotland, maintaining access to the Single Market, and control of its own immigration policy and procedures.
There was no message to be heard when polls indicate that 50% of Scots expect a second Indyref within two years, following May’s Brexit stance, to mitigate the threat to 80,000 jobs and the disastrous financial calamity of billions in lost revenue id Scotland is dragged out of the EU against its express wishes.
There was no message to be heard when Ruth Davidson’s Tories ‘got on with the day job’, cut Public Spending by £25 billion by slashing Welfare spending, sacking 100,000’s of public servants, closing down government facilities like Job Centres, DWP Offices, and transfer ring the work to the South of England, ‘pooling and sharing’ proving to be a one way street.
There was no message to be heard following the introduction of the Universal Credit Scheme, which meant the end to Housing Benefit, Income Support, Job Seekers’ Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Working Families’ Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, now paid in one lump sum, and cuts to individual Allowances ‘hidden’ within .
There was no message to be heard when Housing Benefit for 18-21 year olds was scrapped.
There was no message to be heard when ESA to disabled Job Seekers was cut by £29.05 a week from April to align it with JSA rates for the unemployed who had none of the additional expenses met by Scots citizens with extra costs due to disability.
There was no message to be heard when Child Tax Credits element of UCS will be paid for two children only. A third child must eat and drink fresh air when their parents are unemployed.
There was no message to be heard when the Housing Benefit Scheme has been scrapped. UCS will include a notional amount for ‘rent’ which the individual will now be required to pay direct to their landlord. Aye, right. Shoes for Child number three, or the rent?
There was no message to be heard when the Universal Pension Rate was introduced, but would require another 3 years Nat Insurance contributions for entitlement at age 67, 68, 69, 70?
There was no message to be heard when it was established that 200,000 Scottis children are living below the poverty line because of the Red Blue and Yellow Tories’ vote through a Charter for Budget Responsibility in Jan ’15 to implement £25 billion in ‘Austerity’ cuts to Welfare and Public Services while cutting the taxes of the Richest by 5%.
There was no message to be heard over the utterly shameful statistic that 500,000 of our Scots citizens are living on or below the poverty line.
There is no message to be heard when our FM and the Scottish Government welcomes refugees escaping the horror of war in the Middle East, while in the South, Ruth’s Party fans the flames of Brexit xenophobia and racism.
Yet they say they’ve been listening, and ‘get it’?
Just once, for just one tiny moment in time, will anyone from the Scottish Red Tory Branch Office stand up at FMQ and train their guns across the chamber and fire salvoes at the guffawing woofing bunch of self-satisfied Blue Tories, the real ‘enemy’ whom they are supposed to be opposing?
By the way, Kezia, Neil. Jenny, Johann, Iain, Jackie, even, god help us, Anas,you can ‘get it right up them’, by pointing to the mess the Blue Tories in England are making of England..NHS, LA funding cuts, and so on.
If Ruth, WATP Two Jobs Tomkins, and Murdo the Queen’s Eleven Fraser, and the Tony Blair New Labour detritus in your own Branch Office got their way, there can be no doubt that we would be in as much of an unholy mess as May/Corbyn/ Farron England finds itself.
After all, you are trying to win seats back from them, your arch foes.
Perhaps you hear the messages; but I’m afraid that you are not listening; and that’s why you are dead in Scotland.
Free of Charge, I offer to run a Listening Workshop for the Movers and Shakers of what’s left of the Labour Movement Up Here. I’m in the book if anyone’s listening.
We need a Labour Movement, more than ever.
But not an England uber alles Labour Movement.


Alt-Truth-Ruth or ATR for short.

I do not think they care, reckoning that their supporters are not bothered by factual discrepancies but get the general feeling of the message, Tories good, SNP bad.

Brian Powell

Jack Collatin

Do you mind if I reprint your ‘list’ (there was no message) on a Facebook page?

mike d

Dorothy the catalonians will win independence because they have something that half of scotland don’t have. A spine.

Calum McKay


Scotland was told we would have roaming charges in the EU by better together if we left the uk.

Seemingly it is the other way round, if we remain with the uk and leave he EU we will have roaming charges imposed on us as we are no longer in the club!

Fancy that, better together lied to Scots!



Prof robertson writes to Donalda

link to

Amazing turnout in support of Artur Mas
link to

T May dismisses again

link to

NHS health check. Which part of UK doing best?
link to


Calum McKay says:

Fancy that, better together lied to Scots!

BT was set up to spread and promote lies. That was the entirety of the save-the-Union plan.

What else could they do? There is/was no positive case for the Union.

It isn’t going to be so easy for then next time! Most of the lies have been debunked and there is now a massive negative case against the Union thanks to the Tories and Brexit. They will be on the back foot.


Shocking piece of nonsense from the Spanish,what is it with these Relics of feudalism and imperialism that they think they have a divine right to suppress other countries into their own fake construct of empire.


The pollsters, like our media institutions are all owned and controlled by shysters, often staffed by former Whitehall civil servant buddies..

I don’t believe their overall independence figures for one minute.


More Not Scots oil work diverted to England. Graun leave out Scotland England North Sea territorial line too, on their nice map of UK oil patch, which is not that surprising,

link to

Wonder why our imperial masters refuse to give Holyrood oil and gas devo, in Scots waters.


Catalunya and Espana.

Apparently, the present situation came about because as Spain came out of the dark Fascist era in a democratic monarchy, the hard right still wielded power. The late 70s constitution allowed for extensive devolution to the constituent nations. (Far more than Scotland). However, to ‘buy off’ the hard right, the constitution also stated that Spain was indivisible and cannot be broken up.

And therein lies a lesson for Scotland!

We should prepare ourselves for the hard right of Greater England making an offer.

Scotland will be offered DevoSuperHomeMaxFederalRule (again) in return for a legally binding constitutional change making the UK indivisible and the Union eternal (except for Northern Ireland, of course).

When WM talks of a federal solution, and/or a new Treaty of Union. I suspect this is what they plan.


Graun’s Brent decom thing interesting in that they have no Scottish view in there at all, government, industry or environmental, just this dude,

“Duncan Manning, who spent 19 years with the Royal Marines and is now one of the team charged by Shell with overseeing the decommissioning of Brent, is confident the group won’t repeat the mistakes of the past.”

Tony Blair’s redrawing of England’s North Sea territory takes almost half of Scottish North Sea oil fields too.


Ruth will have the full protection of the BBC for all the daftness she can spout

On the subject of the BBC they have a lovely wee article on Hadrian wall which was built to keep back “northern ancient Britons”

I am sure they all stood back waiving their wee plastic union jacks printed in Hong Kong. OH how the romans were worried about north britons?

Mind control at its best


There s a lot of scope for developing the arguments that unionist are:

subsidy junkies
Unwilling to support themselves

And every headline from the mail/express will support this


Anyone know what poll this is from

link to

A friend called to tell me several no voters in her area have changed their minds, two were tory voters but no longer. They are disgusted by T May but more disgusted by Davidson’s complete u turn on brexit.


Civilization is not empire,empire is the barbarians at the gates,all it does is limit ideas inside civilization,suppresses free thought and other ways of doing things,it is a step backwards as a species.

So hurry up and sign a50 may you victorian backwards headcase i am itching to move the human species forward into the 21st century.


@ Nana

I believe the poll is referenced in this article in the National Nana.

link to


Nana says:

Anyone know what poll this is from

Two tweets from there …

New survey says 71% of 16-34 year olds would vote YES to Scottish independence tomorrow.


but we need to get them out to vote

And THAT second one is the truth! The secret to winning IndyRef2 is to get all YES supporters to actually get out and vote!



It is from the poll that this article is about. Page 4.

link to


Fake News!

Ruth Davidson spouts that much verbal shite, she is having false teeth fitted, so she can eat through her arse.
Only liquid intake to start with, until she learns to chew.


Thanks guys. A pal sent me the tweet asking where it was from[like I’m some sort of detective or ?] and told me her neighbour’s grandson asked his gran to vote yes next time as it was for his future.

Maybe more kids need to speak to their grandparents and parents with this message.

I think getting teens to go and vote will be easier next time. As the boy said “it’s my future”


Heh heh, from Curtice’s twitter

link to

Poor Babe Ruth, she’s going to need a Babegrow with her soft boiled eggs and soldiers.


That Panelbase poll.

Immediately obvious weasel words ..

On IndyRef question it says “If the referendum was held again tomorrow ….

On EuRef question it says “And how would you vote on another referendum on …

The use of “another” is less biased than the use of “the” and “again” IMO.

This might not sway the results by much, but why bother with suggestive wording like that?


Atten shun! Eyes far right.

21 gun salute at noon, says Sky. They hovered over the troops sitting by their antique cannons but we could only see dark blobs, due to the filthy smog in London.

Robert J. Sutherland

Sinky @ 08:45, Glamaig @ 10:18,

Missed that prog myself, but that Allyson Pollock is a true hero. A veritable rarity in these days of broadcast misinformation and spin, someone who knows her stuff and strives to get the facts into the public domain.

I remember her from the days of the “Scottish Executive”, being dissed on telly by some thug of a Labour minister (Tom McCabe, possibly) for daring to mention a few salient but inconvenient facts about the Scottish NHS at the time.

Now as then, I would take her word over any Blue Tory, Red Tory or Yellow Tory politician any time.


What a hero Artur Mas is, he will be written about in the future.

My wee Spanish rescue dog sends him strength thoughts, cos she is now a vile Sep over here.

Dorothy Devine

Mike d, I think you are wrong about the spine – I think half of Scotland don’t have the information and are willing to believe the old ‘trusted ‘ media.

The MSM is the messenger of choice for many and unless we can do something to counter that lying , manipulative bunch of cockroaches we will remain in a slight minority.

I am more than surprised that we did so well last time considering the forces of evil ranged against us.


Oh aye, glad to say the updated panelbase tables DO show the data about voting intention for Westminster WAS from that same survey, fieldwork up till 26th January before the budget so my worry was groundless.

Perhaps the Rev has secret sources of info …

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

Nana @ 11:49:

Maybe more kids need to speak to their grandparents and parents with this message.

Absolutely. I likewise think this should be an important contribution to the campaign in indyref2.

And not just to those old folk who happen to have grandkids either. A letter or audio message from some young person should go to every older voter without family urging them to bequeath the young a future with hope.

(Assuming UKGov allow us to have an indyref2, that is. =wink=)

Dorothy Devine

P.S I see that old dog ,Nicholas Soames is on the Daily Politics – wish I could give him a whistle.


@Dorothy Devine
Bit by bit Dorothy, one by one, get them to doubt the media – and its favourites. Once we do that they might not become YES voters straight away, but they’ll forever doubt the traditional media. That tweet from Prof Curtice is a perfect example of one to use:

Thanks to @WingsScotland our figures for @Panelbase Sept 2016 now reflect the co’s post-publication corrections. link to

link to


Does Ruth Davidson ever get her spurs on for her constituents? She doesn’t seem to hold open surgeries and contact is by e-mail only.As a constituent, how could you trust an MSP whose main skill set is lying, hypocrisy and total lack of credibility?

So glad that Stuart will always hold this disgraceful public servant to account and hope that her constituents try to do so, if she ever finds time to do her day job properly.


How many twitter users are there in Scotland? Say 2 million (I don’t use it), then Curtice’s tweet should be retweeted to every single one of them. There shall be no exceptions!



Lawyer behind Trump petition
link to

Who will be footing the bill
link to

Listening to people can’t be a crime
link to

Seems to me the unionists are ramping up the threats, the scotsman has history woman writing or in her case ranting
link to



Aye, the press has become the home of some dubious commentators recently. I’m seeing a pattern. 😀

Not content with the impact of essenpee badness from their usual scribes, they are hiring the more… how to put this… aggressive anti independence voices on the fringe.

I’m sure their readership will improve no end with this fresh drive to include love, peace and fellowship filled input. 🙂


Thanks Nana, Seems to me the unionists are ramping up the threats, the scotsman has history woman writing or in her case ranting

Wow! Instead of Prof Jill actual photo, hootsman liggers use a lovely photo of bonny girls capering too. Planet toryboy is just so creepy.

“THE indy campaign and the EU referendum both ran on ill will, says Jill Stephenson
I have always been proud of being Scottish. And Scottish is what I am. My parents and grandparents and their parents were all born in Scotland, and all lived their lives in Scotland”


Proud Cybernat


“I’m British.”

Robert J. Sutherland


It was an interesting photo to accompany that “I’m not a tractor” rant in The Scotsman by History Woman. Full of cheering young “no” supporters, even though we all know full well now that support for “no” was heavily biased towards the old rather than the young. But a bunch of cheering old dears just wouldn’t carry the right message somehow, would it?

And I’m left wondering, in the light of all the betrayals since, how many of the young people in that photo, if they were Scottish, are still feeling like cheering now…


@ Capella at 1.58

o/t Thanks for your reply (I logged off just after posting, which was bad planning – I didn’t see your answer till just now).

The Co-op’s response is interesting. I went back to our conversation in January and it does seem that the tubs labelled “Scottish” had the appropriate flags, and the ones with the UJs were “British” cream. That is consitent with their explanation.

Well done for raising it with them, though – it might deter them from any future skullduggery if they realize customers are already watching out for it.

Proud Cybernat

And what is ‘British’ anyway? It’s a pseudo ‘nationality’ for those with an inferiority complex.

Proud Scot – an nae butsabootit.


“THE indy campaign and the EU referendum both ran on ill will, says Jill Stephenson
I have always been proud of being Scottish. And Scottish is what I am. My parents and grandparents and their parents were all born in Scotland, and all lived their lives in Scotland”

But… i am an idiot.


BBC Radio Scot John Beattie show at 1.20 discussing revelations about David Beckham’s knighthood but no mention of the emails saying it would help if he came out for No during the Referendum.

Why not?


Proud Cybernat says:
6 February, 2017 at 1:14 pm

Even if you’ve not given Prof Jill much attention, her but, is not going to be very interesting, proud Scot but that is.

Mhairi Black’s a foul mouthed slut! Welcome aboard Prof Jill, you’re just what UKOK hackdom is lacking these days, have you met Prof Adam yet, he’s a delightful soul from Glasgow uni.


BBC r4 lunchtime news, Ian Murray just there, also stoking up terrible ref divisions for Scotland, for his tory BBC masters, Scots white paper was just lots of words that didn’t mean anything says Ian, christ he’s a slimy git too.

Lunchtime in yoon BBC led hackdom is always good for the digestion.


Proud Cybernat says:

And what is ‘British’ anyway? It’s a pseudo ‘nationality’ for those with an inferiority complex.

For me the acid test lies in the fact that there are those who declare themselves to be North British, in contrast there is no such thing as South British. ‘British’ clearly means two different things to those from each end of this island.

Those in the North believe there is a Union and that gives them a collective identity above and beyond regions such as Scotland, England, Wales.

Those in the South believe no such thing, to them there is the synonymous UK/Britain/England.


I see Ruth Davidson still hasn’t acknowledged even one of her poll errors on her twitter feed.

Now THAT’S a surprise!


@ sinky

They must hide the collusion of the BBC,celebrities and a certain Mr Snow.

We should be playing this one big time could even expose the links between SiU and the BBC.

Dr Jim

Nicola Sturgeon didn’t tell a lie and was proved not to have told a lie and yet we never heard the end of it and still it crops up from time to time that she never told a lie but was she thinking about a lie when she didn’t say anything

And yet: Ruth Harrison tells giant porkies and nobody utters a syllable in any news anywhere even when corrected by the worlds only respected living psephologist she perseverves with the same lie and doesn’t retract it or correct it in any way shape or form

Ruth Harrison is now along with her buddies in the Threaten Together campaign suggesting and implying murder mayhem and violence towards those of us who support Independence for our country which by the way she claims is not a country but a sub section of the United Kingdom thereby not even defending the parliament and people she purports to represent who elected her (sort of)to be a member of that parliament

Fratricide, Scot against Scot, Take up arms, are all quotes from Ruth Harrison David Mundell and Thon stupit Historywoman who’s supposed to be educated for God sake

2014 Saw arrests for violence from the Unionist side against the public and the police and their horses and an attempt on the former FM Alex Salmonds like (albeit a pathetic one and foiled by officers) but nevertheless the guy had a go

I have to say this tactic from the British was and is predictable it’s what they do when they know they can’t win by threats, they resort to disruption violence and destruction and then blame it on the other side with the willing assistance of their compliant media

We on the Independence side of the argument use truth humiliation comedy and a lot of persuasion to try and get our message accross but I’m afraid the Brits are coming to their final solution


This is quie funny. Well, not really it’s dangerous but it is funny.

link to

Exclusive Google is blocking access to the entire NHS network, mistaking the amount of traffic it is currently receiving as a cyber attack.


Been over a week and still no sign of the ERS Scotland regarding tactical voting. Still, given the rise of constituency votes and fall in seats won you might argue that that was due to SNP support becoming less concentrated and Labour / Lib Dem supporters being encouraged to vote Conservative ( and Unionist )

Proud Cybernat


The worm is truly turning.

Just spoke to a woman (diehard NO in IndyRef1). She lives in Spain but is terrified of UK leaving EU as it will impact on her (and loads of others in Spain) big time. Wants Scotland to stay in the EU and said if there’s another Referendum she’ll definitely be voting YES.

We’re deffo on our way, peeps and nothing will stop us now!

Jack Collatin

Brian Powell @10.39
Feel free to use it any way you want to, Brian.
I long for the day when somebody in the Scottish Labour Movement starts attacking post Truth Davidson and her LisTory Boys and laying the blame for Scotland’s social and economic decline where it truly lies; with an Arch Right Wing English dominated parliament in London. It makes my blood boil to witness Dugdale, Baillie, and even so called ‘left’ politicians like Findlay, join the Tories in SNP Bad tantrums, when we all know where the cancer lies…New Labour Neo Con neo liberal privateers, who are dead set on destroying Scotland’s civic society.
If you can’t pay for it, beg from a Charity. That’s the Truth Truth of Ruth Davidson’s evil little party.
They’d privatise air if they could get away with it. Oh wait, they tried that. The Poll Tax.
The Union is unsustainable. We cannot stand by and ‘let’ an English Parliament drag us out of Europe like this.
Whether to Remain or Leave the EU is for the citizens of Scotland alone to decide, post Self Determination.
Surely to God most young Socialists Up Here see that now.
I repeat, we desperately need a revitalised Socialist Movement, and not Blair’s Red Tories, or Corbyn’s Militant Marxists.


Latest offering from WGD.

link to


Debate expected to start at 5pm

link to

Ach when the time comes they will probably abstain
link to


Now, i am not a number cruncher at heart, so if i have made any glaring errors here, feel free to point them out…

The latest Panelbase Poll of voting intentions released yesterday shows that SNP (47%) are polling 5% HIGHER than the Tories (27%) and labour (15%) COMBINED.

15% of the electorate are intending to vote labour.
Lets look see what happens if that 15% figure plays out across the country…

There are 32 directly elected Councils in Scotland and 1,223 elected councillors. (Cosla figures).

15% of 1223 = 183.45 labour Councillors in total

183.45 ÷ 32 council areas = 5.7 labour councillors per council area.

Now, granted, these are average figures and some councils may yield a few more or a few less councillors here and there, but on a 15% share of the vote, labour are in for one hell of a thrashing in May.

Just for fun….SNP are on 47% of the vote….

47% of 1223 councillors = 571.81 councillors.

571.81 ÷ by 32 council areas = 17.96 councillors per council area.

Even more fun….tories on 27% of the vote….

27% of 1223 councillors = 330.21 councillors in total.

330.21 councillors ÷ by 32 council areas = 10.31 councillors per council area.

Tory and Labour combined (in coalition) would give these figures (bearing in mind they are average figures not exact to specific they could be better in some places and worse in others).

Tories and labour COMBINED = 513.66 councillors = 16.01 councillors per council.

SNP = 571.81 Councillors = 17.96 councillors per council area.

As you can see, not withstanding the effects of independents, lib dems and Greens, the SNP are pretty close to being in a position to win overall control of EVERY council in May.

Of course, they will not do so, as these are as i said, average figures and regional variances will impact on who controls where, but the Latest Panalbase poll does show how strong the SNP are, going into this election, EVEN IF labour go into coalition with the tories, as is their stated aim, they could STILL be out-numbered by the SNP in loads of councils.

May 2017 is going to be an absolute slaughter of labour councillors.

Cannot wait !


The time may have come for the entire YES side to do two things …

Firstly, completely and categorically reject anything which could be considered threatening, violent or inciting. Zero tolerance for anything of a violent nature. If anyone steps out of line anywhere, fellow Yessers should tell them to stop it.

Secondly, call out the elements of the Unionist side who have began to subtly, and not so subtly, rank up the violent language and threats. Individual ‘nobodies’ are bad, but media, politicians, columnists, pundits, are an utter disgrace and they really need to act more responsibly.

Take the moral high ground? Yes, Scotland doesn’t need their Ulsterisation.

Alba 46

Davidson lives by the mantra of Goebbels, don’t bother with the small fibs, lie big and keep repeating it. In the end some of the people will believe especially if you have a compliant state broadcaster and sub subservient print media.

Slab and the Lib Dems are not much better. For the life of me i cannot fathom out why the unionist mob want to be ruled by another country. Are they so insecure and lack conviction that deep down they know full well that they don’t have what it takes to run their own affairs but rely on our colonial masters in london to do it for them.

Nelson Mandela said
“there is no passion to be found in playing small – in
settling for a life that is less than the one you are
capable of living”.

I would doubt that the various unionist parties even understand that statement never mind trying to live by it. There total and utter insecurity is quite frightening and pathetic and a betrayal of all the pioneering Scots that went before them.



I’d add cut the use of insulting or bodily language about the other side. I don’t know who it’s supposed to impress, but it sure as hell doesn’t impress undecided or soft NOes.

And bearing in mind hard NOes are coming over to YES, it’s not likely to help them come over to YES either.

Insulting each other is OK 🙂 😉 O:)


Alba 46 says:
6 February, 2017 at 2:22 pm
Davidson lives by the mantra of Goebbels

Working class girls, grow up in stable homes, council house, NHS health care, pretty good schools, clever girls, work hard, go to good unis, all of it free, at the point of source… one of the girls joins the BBC, gets into politics, within 6 months she’s leader of the tory party in Scotland, a minority outfit all and only for protecting the rich and the privileged, hell bent on destroying the Scottish wealthfare state and everything that she took for granted as hers.

The other girl grew up to be Nicola Sturgeon.

Its a clear freakin choice Scotland, no matter how hard all the creeps in the UKOK meeja say you’re all mad, for not voting Truth Davidson.

Cant beat a good rant on freezing Monday afternoon:D

Robert J. Sutherland

Alba 46,

I think it’s slowly getting through to people that “thinking small” is the best that the Unionists are capable of. And often that best is way too much for them.

Even some traditional Tory voters are now beginning to conclude that the constant denigrating of all things Scottish by the likes of (T)Ruthless is actually unpatriotic. Shameful even.

It’s one thing to promote the positives of your cause as you see them. But it’s quite another, and actually a losing game, if the best you can do is besmirch your country and its people in an attempt to frustrate all their hopes of a better future.


I see from the above posts that the hysterical historical mad professor thinks there should be a bar of Yes 60% for the coming referendum. Lets make it retrospective. That means the Brexit should fall as it was under 52% that want to leave. If we have another vote on Brexit those campaigning for leave would struggle to get over 50%.


heedtracker says:

… leader of the tory party in Scotland, a minority outfit all and only for protecting the rich and the privileged ,..

And she pretends otherwise. Their election leaflets in May often didn’t even mention the Tories, it was the Ruth Davidson Party. She has been quite adept at distancing herself and branch from their true nature. And of course the media colluded.

She, along with Mundell, are the face in Scotland of the mad bad hard right Brexit loving Tory Party. As Brexit unfolds this is something she will find more and more difficult to stand back from. Her teflon will begin to peel.

Chick McGregor

Another example of Post Ruth politics. Jackie Baillie is going to have to up her game if she wants to to regain her title.

Robert Peffers

@liz says: 5 February, 2017 at 10:30 pm:

“Andra Neil has been on twitter all day, raving about fiscal transfer.
Cos you know WM just hands us £9bn for no reason.”

Neil is at the old, old game of quoting just one side of the balance sheet. To see the correct totals of a balance sheet you must consider both sides of the accounts.

Any state operating a system of fiscal transfer must also be a state operating a fiscal taxation policy. Thus you need both sides of the equation to arrive at either a negative, positive or Fiscally Balanced total.

That Fiscal balance can best be stated as a per capita GDP and as Scotland’s Per Capita GDP is usually higher than both that of England, Wales, N.I. or the UK as a whole, then Scots, on a per capita basis, are the highest per capita payers of UK tax & Excise in the UK.

They collect tax from all areas and transfer some of it back to all areas.

You cannot draw any total area gain or and area total loss unless you are shown both sides of the equation.

So Auld numptie Neil can be tied up in knots simply by asking him to expose the other side of the equation.

Like, “Yes Andrew but to show that there is a gain or loss can you tell us what is the total revenue, including the hidden revenue, collected by HM Treasury from Scotland”.

Then, no matter what figures the auld numptie quotes you can then bring up any one of the many nice wee earning scams operated by Westminster.

Like, “Does that include the double fiscal taxation differences introduced by charging Scots electricity generating companies more in,’Grid Connection Charges’ while also subsidising those generators in the vicinity of London for the power they each produce”?

Like everything else Neil claims. he really doesn’t know what he is talking about.

He’s just a very expensive wee, fat, baldy, budgie pre-programmed to repeat a soundbyte over and over again because some Yoon Loon has told him , “Whose a pretty boy then”.

Why do you imagine they call it, “Twitter”, Liz?

If not to let wee, fat, baldy, budgies tweet away all day, to their heart’s content, and then shit all over their cage floor.

Robert Peffers

@freedo says: 5 February, 2017 at 10:48 pm:

” … who or what instigates these checks?”

Rev. Stuart Campbell – just for starters, freedo.

Alert readers and other commenters on WoS too.

Robert J. Sutherland

Marcia @ 14:59

I see from the above posts that the hysterical historical mad professor thinks there should be a bar of Yes 60% for the coming referendum.

Yes, the all-too-predictable next Unionist line of defence, after the “you can’t have it” ploy inevitably fails.

The 1979 Labour MP Cunningham “poison pill” ploy revisited. But we’re haein’ nae mair o’ that devilry.

The antidote is just as you say: the Brexit result.

Lenny Hartley

Heed, don’t think Ruth Harrison could be said to have working class roots, unless you include Daddy being MD of a Distillery as working Class!

Fife Wossers Look out for my bike’s photo appearing in Fife Free Press in the next few weeks, in relation to an event at Beveridge Park in May. You can tell it’s my bike as it has a certain Sticker on it 🙂

Meg merrilees

Stoker @9.02 am
I appreciate your information regarding petitions.

May I say that you choose a strange argument when you try to dismiss one person’s case and substitute another for consideration.

Robert has actually lived in Scotland for 34 years and was being held in Colnbrook detention centre prior to deportation today. I’m not aware that his case was presented on the BBC either, along with many others that we never hear about but as a fellow musician I felt an affinity with his plight.

I don’t want to get into an argument about which case is more deserving as I think both cases are a disgraceful way to treat any person, especially someone who has lived and worked and chosen to be a participant in this country or any country.

Will I choose to ignore them – NO!

If the Government chooses to ignore them , I can’t help that but if the subject can see that some people have signed a petition supporting them ( whether it achieves it’s stated aim or not) then I will sign in the knowledge that I am least giving them and their families some recognition and hopefully some sustenance in their time of need.

Proud Cybernat

Always Read the Small Print…

link to


They have tried this before.

Remember the NI thugs outside Nicola’s parliamentary office? Going to teach her a lesson as I recall. Wasn’t there also the sight of uniformed British soldiers playing up to the Rangers crowd around the same time? 2013 Armed Forces day wasn’t it?

Be nice to think the sectarian divide and conquer is a busted flush, and I’m not sure how much actual leverage can be brought into play to ramp up the tension between Unionist and Independentist.

I think the biggest battle the Unionists are going to have is a battle in their heads between self delusion and the objective reality of events. There is going to a lot more uncomfortable realism for Unionists to deal with in Indyref2 than there was in 2014.

They stood by the Union in 2014, and the Union has shown them it’s gratitude by doing absolutely nothing, not a single thing, to bolster the myth that Scotland would be rewarded for its “loyalty”. Thanks Scotland, now sit down, shut up, and remember where your place is.

I’ve never really grasped the rewards of being a Unionist. I mean, ermine and a life of idle privilege for the few, but nothing for the rank and file. I suppose I can appreciate the unquestioning loyalty of a dog to serve its master to the last, but to have that as a lifelong aspiration just defies my understanding. To have it as a lifelong aspiration for your children, and your children’s children, turns it into something malignant and objectionable.

Well Mr or Mrs Unionist, whether you approve of it or not, Independence is going to bring your children deliverance from your fears and prejudices, and hopefully replace the inner hate passed down from father to son with outer self confidence, a place in the world amongst friends and equals, and a proper, honourable country of their own to believe in. If wanting that for you and your kin makes me your enemy, then my sad deluded fool of a brother, you will have to reason things out for yourself, but I won’t be raising my hand against you.


galamcennalath says:
6 February, 2017 at 3:10 pm
heedtracker says:

I get tory voters though. I grew up with tory voting friends, work mates, relatives etc and I get that the system that they have before them has and does work for them, money, security, class, safety, opportunity, ability to make professional success of themselves, that they take for granted. All of that is what the tory vote wants to preserve and clearly, lefty progressive Scottish democracy is a possible threat to it, not that much, but tory vote ensures the life styles of the middle and upper classes are not affected much at all. A lot of tory voters even game the system with private schools, and look at the tory horrors El Tone or the Flipper, what they produce.

And yet in slams Truth Davidson. Which I do not get.

Robert Peffers

@freedo says: 5 February, 2017 at 10:57 pm:

“I should have added that I don’t do twitter, but if any on here feel inclined, perhaps they might tweet Ms Davidson and challenge her.
Might get an interesting response!”

If you look towards the top right hand side, (here on the Wings blog), Under the heading, “Tweets”. You will observe that the Rev. Stuart Campbell does just that and puts the tweets here for Wingers to read. Mind you it may not just be the, “Not Tory Party Leader”, @Ruth Harrison he engages in twitersation with.

Can’t be bothered with it myself. Far too many twits tweeting twaddle for my taste.


I hope the Labour/LibDems continue to haemmorrhage voters to the Tories for two reasons :

1) Its going to make the BBC look even more biased when it comes to televised “discussions” where they’re going to have to give equal time to LibDems/Greens/SLAB(stop laughing at the back you BBC Shortbread viewers);

2) Its going to make a nice simple online meme – “Voting No? You’re a tory, end of story” followed up with a load of images of tory polices which ScotGov have mitigated & how in an indy Scotland we could do more.

In theory this should be a slam-dunk indyref.

However I suspect the elephant in the room will be Trump, who I am 100% certain has assured May that the USA will not recognise Scotland (or some such nonsense). It’ll be legally delusional but the yoon MSM will push it for all its worth. Having said that I have doubts about whether anyone will care what the USA says by 2018.


@Robert Peffers- Thanks for that.
I, and others did ask sensible questions which were of course ignored.

He chucked about some insults, like – you’re drinking the bucky early today – and waited for someone to react.

Of course they did, so he claimed the moral high ground.

On a different topic – I’m fairly sure I read a while back about a particular journalist,(in the news at the moment) who doorstepped a young lad and tried to get him sacked for some drunken rant about ‘the English’.

Said journo worked for NotW, I think, but can’t find any info on line.Does this ring a bell with anyone?


Meg merrilees wrote on 6 February, 2017 at 3:39 pm:

“May I say that you choose a strange argument when you try to dismiss one person’s case and substitute another for consideration.”

I did no such thing, they are your words not mine. It was crystal clear to everyone that i was dismissing the commercial cons that are commercial petition sites.

It can be more than frustrating, and sometimes very suspicious, when someone like myself goes to the trouble of exposing things like this and providing the factual evidence, only for another ‘Winger’ some time later to start putting the links to those sites back up on here. You also wrote….

“I don’t want to get into an argument about which case is more deserving as I think both cases are a disgraceful way to treat any person,”

Nor do i, my post clearly shows that i wasn’t attempting to. I was pointing out what should be more concerning to us, the way a Scottish detention centre was being used by the Westminster establishment. Everyone of those cases bother me simply because they are being carried out on Scottish soil by a foreign aggressor. Finally, you wrote….

“if the subject can see that some people have signed a petition supporting them ( whether it achieves it’s stated aim or not) then I will sign in the knowledge that I am least giving them and their families some recognition and hopefully some sustenance in their time of need.”

How do you know they get to see that you’ve signed a powerless petition? Why not write them a personal letter of support? No, Meg, i’m not out to argue with you either but i will always object to Wingers being exposed to these commercial cons and if other Wingers are going to throw my efforts back in my face then i’ll just have to keep educating the newbies and lurkers.

You may have noticed that i deliberately avoided using yours or anyone else’ name in my comment post, that was to show that my intentions was not a personal attack on any individual. I think you’ve got a reasonable knowledge of me by now Meg and know that if i had a beef with you i would make that clear, most probably by naming you or some sort of derogatory remark aimed at you.

Private petition companies are commercial cons and if you want to sign them then that’s your lookout but can i ask that you don’t bring them on to WOS and not expect me or others not to say something about them.

WOS is all about TRUTH not deception!

Robert Peffers

@Scot Finlayson says: 5 February, 2017 at 11:04 pm:

” … so knighthoods could still be up for grabs and we will still have an establishment that sees glory in such silly things.”

That is a matter of opinion, Scot. To get the matter into perspective we have to look at it from the legal POV.

Her Majesty is the Monarch of the Kingdom of England and, Under English law, that means she has sovereign powers but only in, “her”, three country Kingdom of England, but under only English law, she was made to legally delegate the sovereignty of the Kingdom of England to only the Kingdom of England’s parliament.

That Kingdom of England’s Parliament sat ans dissolved itself in April 1707 and there has never been another Parliament of England convened ever since.

On 1 May 1707 a Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain was opened at Westminster. Since then not a single member has been elected to a parliament of England.

Under Scots law the people of Scotland are sovereign and the monarch is the protector of the people’s sovereignty and, as sovereign, the people can sack a monarch who does not protect their sovereignty. Furthermore, there is now a legally elected parliament of Scotland who, obviously, are delegated the sovereignty of the people of Scotland.

Now here’s the thing – The Parliament of the United Kingdom has assumed by itself that it holds sovereignty over Scotland but it runs itself as the de facto parliament of England and it treats the Kingdom of Scotland as just one other dominion of the country of England and just as a country like Wales or N.I. that are actually parts of the Kingdom of England.

Now,(at risk of being incarcerated in the Tower of London, or perhaps even Hung, Drawn, Quartered and having my entrails cut out and roasted on a fire before my eyes), I have to accuse the Queen of England of NOT protecting the people of Scotland’s legal sovereignty and call upon the sovereign people of Scotland to have our elected and delegated Parliamentarians sack and replace our present monarch who is failing in her sworn duty.

Is that a Black Helicopter I hear in the distance?


Vestas says:

I suspect the elephant in the room will be Trump, who I am 100% certain has assured May that the USA will not recognise Scotland

If they are becoming besties, then perhaps.

Meanwhile, the elephant in the other corner is the EU.

They’ve been quiet. However once Article 50 happens, I think we will hear a lot more from them. While the UK has been evasive or indecisive or both, I expect the EU to be more open and clear on how they feel about Brexit.

I hope in a Scottish context they will be willing to stick by, and stick up for, a small nation who say they want to continue to be in the EU. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

Normally the EU won’t interfere in the internal politics of a member, however that isn’t really the situation here post Article 50.

14 of the 28 members became independent in the 20thC, a further two in the 19thC. And two, Italy and German only got together in the 19thC. They should understand what Scotland is about.

All we need to do is get our act together and vote Yes.


How extraordinary. John Berrow has just stated that as Speaker he refuses to let Trump address Westminster because he is a racist and bigot. A thunderous round of applause from the SNP ,which he accepted in good grace. Amazing


@ galamcennalath :

Its really a case of tempus fugit in all sorts of ways.

As soon as A50 gets declared then we’ll see what we see.

The French renting a building for a consulate is good but if Le Pen gets in then who knows.

The Netherlands are looking fairly dodgy too in terms of Eurosceptiscism.

If its an indyref with just England/Wales saying “fuck the EU” then that’s one thing. If France goes that way & Germany continues its historic interest in all things East* then who knows.

Best to get on with it really 🙂

*odd how many ex-German politicians (chancellors even!) end up on the boards of things like, oh I dunno, Gazprom for example excusing things like the invasion of Crimea.


Just watched the Speaker of the Commons state his strong opposition to Donald Trump addressing the Commons. Also stated his opposition to racism and misogyny and importance of the independence of the judiciary.

Great applause form the Labour and SNP MPS. Stony silence from the Tories. Well worth a watch. Approx at 16:50 in the proceedings:
link to


Thanks for the info at 3:47 but I’m afraid I’m disinclined to spend time scrolling thru yards of stuff in the off-chance of finding enlightenment. That’s why I don’t do twitter. What’s your reason? ‘Twas only a nudge to any that have that sort of dedication to have a go.


WOS archive links now showing over on O/T.


90 more likes for Germany for Indy, 110 for Netherlands since the National article.

link to

link to

I don’t do facebook (or Twit), but they could do with even more likes …

Socrates MacSporran

Robert Peffers @ 4.30pm

Well said (again) Sir, however, in your final paragraph, should it not be Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, you should be accusing of not protecting the People of Scotland’s sovereignty?

Custom and practice has it that the Queen of England does what her Parliament tells her – since she agreed to cede her Divine Right to rule to that Parliament.

With the People of Scotland, being Sovereign – the Queen of Scots has to do what her people tell her, or risk the boot.

I have long held, the Act of Union might well be the principal battle-ground over Independence. This scenario Robert Peffers has put forward reinforces that belief.


Vestas says:

The French … if Le Pen gets in then who knows. The Netherlands are looking fairly dodgy too in terms of Eurosceptiscism.

I have a funny feeling that Brexit will serve many purposes to the EU mainstream and one may well be … “look at the UK, this is what you can expect if vote for the mad bad right!”

I expect the Brexiteers to be demonised along with Trump’s lot if they carry through some of their more extreme rhetoric. Europe has had more historical experience, up close and personal, with the hard right than anywhere else, I think the mainstream (many of whom are pretty right anyway) will want to avoid the nutty fringe gaining too much power.

It may not pan out quite like that, but in the global contest between the hard right representedby the UK and US, Scotland should be on the democratic centre’s side.

We’ll see soon enough !


Many thanks Capella @5.03pm for the alert.

Quite a performance from the Speaker of the HoC – just wow!

Contrast this with what had happened a few minutes earlier, when two Tory backbenchers got all upset that Clerks in the Chamber would no longer need to wear wigs!!

Robert Peffers

I’m not sure if Wingers realise that what is actually going on in the USA amounts to. However, I see it as a fundamental constitutional crisis situation very like what happened here in the United Kingdom.

I refer to the Donald Trump election as President and subsequent events now unfolding before our eyes. I may be wrong but here is how I see it.

The USA is exactly what it’s title says it is – a single country that is formed by what was originally many independent states.

Furthermore, it not only broke away from England but it also had a civil war before it became a single federal country.

At present its legal system has two legal systems. It has State Law and Federal Law and federal law overrules State law and state laws differ state to state.

So Trump is attempting to claim that the President has sovereignty over both state & federal law. Legally he has not.

We see this with the Donald’s own personal decree that certain Muslim Country’s citizens are denied entry to the USA. Under what legal system has he done so is the big question and that has now become a fundamental constitutional battle for control that could very well reverberate around the World.

At least two States have used Federal Law to overrule the Presidential decree on the grounds that it is against Federal law. So if Federal law does NOT allow a USA President to do as the USA President personally dictates is a USA legal stance where does that leave the USA claims that their resident is the most powerful person in the World?

This is much like how Westminster has set itself up as the de facto parliament of England against any form of legal system in the United Kingdom.

The present system is certainly not a bipartite United Kingdom and the country of England is, not in itself, the Kingdom of England. Like the USA President, Westminster has just grabbed for itself the powers it now claims it legally wields.

The biggest difference between the two situations is that in the USA both State law and Federal law are now making a stance against the elected president who is claiming he has sovereignty over them both.

In the United Kingdom the Supreme Court, that Westminster itself set up, is backing Westminster’s claim to have sovereign power over everyone else as the de facto parliament of England. That is The Supreme Court is backing the claim of Westminster that it is the de facto parliament of the country of England but while operating as the parliament of the country of England it is calling itself the Parliament of the United Kingdom but if the Kingdom of Scotland no longer exists then there cannot now be two kingdoms to form a United Kingdom.


@ stewartb – yes the Speaker was quite adamant and glared directly at the Tory benches while making his point about equality under the law. The cheers and clapping from the opposition was spontaneous. I heard a Tory complain about the clapping!

Here’s the link again. You need to scroll along to approx 16:52

link to

Commons now debating the European Union Notification of Withdrawal Bill.

Meg merrilees

Stoker @ 4.24

Handshake offered.

My post to you @ 3.39 was not intended as a personal attack, but as an explanation of my opinion. Since it was my post @ 1.30am that was being addressed by your comments, I felt I had to respond to you directly.

No offence meant and hopefully none taken.


Robert J. Sutherland

BBC TV news at 18:00 making a Big Thing about the NHS in dire straights.

Just waiting for the howls of protest from Ruthie & Co. demanding resignations.

Oh, wait a mo, it’s the NHS in England (though the report never said so).

I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the Blue/Red/Yellow Tory calls for heads to roll, then…

Robert Peffers

@Socrates MacSporran says: 6 February, 2017 at 5:25 pm

“Well said (again) Sir, however, in your final paragraph, should it not be Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, you should be accusing of not protecting the People of Scotland’s sovereignty?”

Well spotted, (again), Socrates, but I thought about it before posting. The monarch has lots of titles besides the two in the narrative and she is all of them at once. My thoughts were that I should accuse her as the Queen of England. As it is as Queen of England she is allowing England, (the country), to claim over-lordship over the Kingdom of Scotland and over two of the three countries of Her Kingdom of England.

In any case it is irrelevant as her sovereignty over the Kingdom of England is held by the defunct Parliament of England that last sat in 1707. This is the very thing that needs to be legally thrashed out.

If, as is claimed by Westminster, the Treaty of Union made only two kingdoms into a United Kingdom and that, “Extinguished”, the Kingdom of Scotland then it must also have extinguished the Kingdom of England in creating the United Kingdom. It cannot legally be both at once.

Yet it now undoubtedly functions as the de facto parliament of the country of England and it even excludes all others from interfering with its functioning as the parliament of England by EVEL.

It thus cannot be the United Kingdom as that Parliament has disunited the two kingdoms and assumes itself to be the country of England ruling over the other three countries.

It isn’t up to me to decide what Her Majesty is – only she can decide it – and it is time she did just that.


galamcennalath says:
6 February, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Vestas says:

The French … if Le Pen gets in then who knows. The Netherlands are looking fairly dodgy too in terms of Eurosceptiscism.

I have a funny feeling that Brexit will serve many purposes to the EU mainstream and one may well be … “look at the UK, this is what you can expect if vote for the mad bad right!”….

Funny, but whenever you browse for information about Le Pen or the AfD in Germany, you are never far away from an “Express” headline. The vast majority of links take you to Express articles too. The Express really is a poisonous piece of work with tentacles everywhere.

The BBC of late is curiously more liberal in its opinion of Le Pen, largely because she is, or was, the French Brexiteer. La Penn however, post Brexit, has toned down her exit referendum rhetoric, and favours reform.

And even if Le Pen is successful, it seems her capacity to bring down the EU might be overstated.

To quote:

link to

“…The French Republic’s political system is so fashioned that parliamentary elections tend to be seen as a sideshow to the all-important race for the presidency. Under the Fifth Republic, they have generally handed the newly elected president a majority in parliament, and thus a chance to form a like-minded government. That pattern would be disrupted should the presidential election offer a surprise in May. While an upset by Le Pen or Macron cannot be excluded, neither would command a natural majority in parliament: the former because her National Front party has no chance of winning a majority of seats, the latter because he doesn’t even have a party.”…..

Consequently, it is very difficult to guage precisely what threat of disintegration the EU is or is not facing. However, take everything “Express” related out of the picture, and you see Europe struggling to cope with a huge influx or refugees. The numbers involved are testing Europe’s capacity to cope, and do feed right wing tensions and xenophobia, however the assertion that Europe is on the point of collapse seems a somewhat creative agenda given legs by opportunistic shit stirrers like the Express.

Time will tell of course, but Brexit seems bound to get worse, and the worse it gets, the less pressure the EU comes under.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Peffers @ 18:15:

…only she can decide it – and it is time she did just that.

Well, frankly, no it’s not.

The last thing we need right now is another totally irrelevant diversion. The future of the monarchy may come under consideration when her present maj. “pops her clogs”. And we may pray it’s not until well after independence so we can decide how to proceed without being overruled yet again by a foreign government that we never voted for.

Please, stow this stuff. Personal hobbyhorses like this are just not helpful.