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Wings Over Scotland

Top 10 posts, 12th-18th August 2012

Posted on August 19, 2012 by

The most-read WingsLand posts of the last seven days, in descending order.

Those vile cybernats
The positive case for the Union.

WCR Smackdown 2012
Willie Rennie performs epic fail, gets pwned.

The devolution reality check
Gordon Brown torpedoes the good ship Jam Tomorrow.

Another Union dividend
Is Scottish athletes being forced to emigrate a good thing?

The assault on reason
Subtly shifting the goalposts of “bias”.

A brief note on opinion polls
Cause for optimism.

Reading between the numbers
Analysing the meaning of Scottish newspapers’ sales figures.

Scots eat cake, demand cake
The greedy voters who want it both ways.

Showing your hand
“Liberal Democrats” attempt to silence liberal and democratic dissent.

Now that’s just going too far
Sainsbury’s tell Scots their place.

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