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Wings Over Scotland

The Tory Variant

Posted on June 05, 2021 by

736 to “The Tory Variant”

  1. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Tannadice Boy – Thanks for that. I’m contacting the ICE tomorrow. They’ve been excellent and I’m working on it right now.

  2. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Tannadice Boy – ICE, then HSE…that’s the plan for tomorrow.

  3. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stuart MacKay, Republicofscotland et al –

    Have been thinking about your exchange this afternoon.

    Couple of weeks ago I tweeted to see if there would be any interest in a ‘Friends of Wings’ type of gathering before the end of this year. Quite a positive reaction overall, with the expected couple of snide remarks about Stu being ‘yesterday’s man’ etc.

    But it’s a sad fact that we won’t be able to have such gatherings again. Well, we could certainly organise something but there’s no chance it would be the same. I always assume that, as an ordinary Yes supporter, my experiences mirror those of others. And if that’s true then the damage done is beyond repair. The suspicion, the anger, the sense of betrayal. God only knows how long it’ll take to heal, if it ever does.

    We can argue over who to blame, but the end-result remains the same. The Yes movement we all helped to build (if only by being physically present) has been destroyed. And now we fight like rats in a sack. And if we run out of indy-related scores to settle with one another we can always argue about The Covid, or whether or not such-and-such a ‘wummin’ has undescended testicles.

    I don’t mean this to sound negative. It’s how I honestly see it right now and I suspect many others feel the same.

    Fuckin ‘serr fecht’ right enough…


  4. The world slowly wakening up to the abomination that is the transcult,

    the transcult has no real empathy for transgender people,

    they are the privileged white uni educated middle class,

    generally making things worse then f@cking off when they get bored.

    I see privileged white uni educated middle class Keir Starmer has endorsed unconditional Self ID just as the rest of the world now thinks it`s a fricken atrocity.

  5. DUBAI: Global oil prices continued their surge on Wednesday as traders and analysts eyed the prospect of crude spiking above $100 per barrel this year for the first time since 2014.

    Brent traded above the $70 mark for the third consecutive day, hitting a two-year high,

    Traders are increasingly betting that crude can go all the way to $100 per barrel by the end of the year, with large amounts of speculative money in New York and other trading hubs buying contracts at that price.

  6. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ScotF (10.48) –

    For the economically illiterate among us, could you please help out a bit? What do you think that signifies?

  7. Hugh Jarse says:

    Ian B.
    An interpretation.
    The price of the oil extracted from Scottish waters is on the “embarrassing” level, and headed towards historic heights.
    Production similar.

    Take just a tenner from each barrel, and let your imagination go.
    Food banks?
    Third world educational system?
    Houses fit for purpose?
    Underpinning for sinking Schools…

  8. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Hugh Jarse –

    Okay, thanks.

    It’s not ‘our’ oil.

    That one.

    A sobering reminder!



  9. Dan says:

    Quelle surprise… Not

    No action will be taken against Scottish Green chiefs who breached Covid rules by going for a pint in Edinburgh, cops have confirmed.

    link to

    Quality Polis were probably too busy chasing “real crime” like chasing those pesky women standing up for their rights by putting wee stickers on lampposts…

  10. cynicalHighlander says:

    Apparently Reporting Scotland should be of interest tomorrow.

  11. Dan says:

    Meanwhile in NuScotland

    link to

    Why the drama and angst, surely Trans Wildcats are Wildcats. Problem solved. HTH

    Yeah, I know that really friendly soft, cuddly and purring wildcat sitting on your lap looks like a white Persian and it would probably get beat up by a mouse, but it really is a bona fide Scottish tabby wildcat.

  12. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cynicalHighlander (11.39) –

    Please tell!


  13. Benhope says:

    I think it should be (sair fecht ).

    There is a rumour going about that there is a school sinking in Aberdeen and it is all Honest John Swinney`s fault. Note correct use of the apostrophe.

    I think this is even more boring than Cameron B Brodie.I did not think that was possible !!!!

  14. Don says:

    Hugh Jarse 9 June, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    “The price of the oil extracted from Scottish waters is on the “embarrassing” level, and headed towards historic heights.
    Production similar.”

    Pretty much meaningless , so what if there is a spike or not , its not going to last any length of time , who is going to want Oil when Petrol and Diesel vehicles start getting phased out in under 10 years time ?

    To quote Edwin Starr “What is it good for? ..Absolutely nothing,
    link to

  15. Don says:

    Hugh Jarse 9 June, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    “In comments broadcast in a radio interview, Andrew Wilson – who chairs the party’s Growth Commission – conceded that any future economic case for independence should not include North Sea oil revenues.”
    link to

  16. Charles Hodgson says:

    Don joins the Greens. The mental lentil.

  17. Charles Hodgson says:

    cynicalHighlander says:
    9 June, 2021 at 11:39 pm
    “Apparently Reporting Scotland should be of interest tomorrow.”

    Officially announcing their support for Gareth Southgates brave boys?

  18. Breeks says:

    link to

    Take a bow Sturgeon.

  19. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Sorry I have no idea it came from Bridges for Indy.

  20. Effigy says:

    Yesterday Tory Minister and snivelling creep Gove
    was found to have acted illegally in awarding government
    contracts to Dominique Cummings family.

    Hardly a whimper anywhere from U.K. media?

    Our money is being stolen in front of our faces and it doesn’t seem to matter?

  21. Breeks says:

    link to

    Comedy gold.

  22. Breeks says:

    Oh wait… I’m sorry, the date on that is 2018. As you were… 😉

  23. Davie Oga says:

    I think a lot of the issues independence supporters have been lumbered with are down to the fact that independence has been unilaterally gifted to politicians of the worst sort.

    Building a new state is an immense task filled with self sacrifice.

    Scotland does not have a political class with the means or ability, let alone integrity to deliver.

    I’ll pay attention again when the criminals, cocksuckers, cross dressers, political Islamists and complete cunts that comprise the current parliament are gone.

    I don’t expect I’ll take a proper interest again anytime soon, if ever.

    I have 4 citizenship/passports.

    I doubt I will ever return to Scotland. I have a wife and child to think of as well as a business to run.

    I wouldn’t have my daughter in a Scottish state school under any circumstances and I won’t be censored unless what I say is defamatory ( I would apologise if I were wrong of course, aaaaah memories of democracy and debate).

    I’m sure Scotland doesn’t need me. I can be replaced easy by a Pole or a Pakistani or someone else right? No problem eh. Just accident of birth or a state of mind that Scottishness thing. Same with my daughter, Scotland doesn’t need her. Wouldn’t want to take up resources that can be better used for real Scottish people, like men from England who wear panties and jack off in women’s or people from Islamic countries who come under false pretences, break immigration law, and refuse to LEAVE. I’ll leave Scotland to the real Scots.

  24. J.o.e says:

    @Davie Olga

    The irony being is that Scotland needs guys like you the most.

  25. J.o.e says:

    @Stuart Mackay

    Sorry for late reply. I’ll have to see about getting my nose in that book, sounds quite informative. The guy who started the UK Column has been speaking about the depth of the psychological operations that have been going on in Britain against the public and has considerable evidence via government documentation.

    In regards to my search for a magic phrase to unlock peoples will to think critically about any particular subject im half mocking and half alluding to the way that people are propagandised into a highly distorted worldview so that people can be in an uproar about something quite small while being extremely passive about another much bigger and more outrageous issue.

    To put it roughly in my darker moments I wonder if the elite aren’t somewhat correct when they assume that people are pliable idiots who get what they deserve.

    If your neighbour is a known thief and you come home one day to find your house burgled you might have a justified suspicion that it could be him

    If a band of multi billionaires who have profited off the misery and debt slavery of most of the world while projecting a false image through their media turn up on your radar of suspicion for world events that drastically increase their wealth while limiting your freedoms then its conspiracy theory and not justified suspicion.

    Both situations are justified suspicion. One is plausible to most. The other is inconceivable to most – apparently regardless of evidence. This is why we are in the situation that we are in.

    I don’t believe most people want truth. Even the ones who say they do. What they want is a semi-plausible story that near enough fits what they are experiencing so that they can wake up in the morning not feeling like they should just end it and find the motivation to go to work.

    Ive had a couple of experiences in the last decade that pretty much turned my somewhat mainstream worldview on its head and if im honest it wasn’t nice.

    Someone said ‘the truth shall set you free’ but they never mentioned it would isolate you and alienate you from those who don’t find it quite so important.

  26. Dan says:

    @ Breeks

    That SNP Fact Checking & Rebuttal Service appears to be run by a comatose sloth.

    link to

    You’d think it would be the perfect communication conduit to inform the plebs as to where the 600k ring-fenced Indy fund is,
    or keeping us up to speed on The Indy Pollyanna Joneses and Their Quest For A Section 30,
    or even what’s occurin’ with a certain school’s foundations…

  27. Republicofscotland says:

    So Johnson and Gove were found to have broken the law in a High court ruling, on giving their buddies PPE contracts worth over £500,000 pounds, the info was outed thanks to the magnificent efforts of The Good Law Project.

    However the millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party Sir Keir Starmer, failed at yesterdays PMQs to apply a coup de grace in Johnson’s direction on the matter, is it any wonder then that Starmer’s poll rating are plummeting.

    No action or consequences will befall Gove or Johnson for their blatant cronyism using taxpayers cash, for like the Scottish government at Holyrood there is no accountability.

  28. @Don,

    $100 per barrel could well be a spike , you don`t know and i don`t know and nobody else in the world truly knows,

    what i do know is Scottish Brent Crude has on average for the last 40 years been priced at over $50 per barrel,

    (average means taking the high price years and the low price years and dividing them by the ammount of years),

    $50pb x 40years x 1billion barrels per year = $2trillion.

    Biggest theft in human history and still going on, $70,000,000 yesterday and $70,000,000 today.

  29. Stoker says:

    For anyone unaware, the first show has launched. Make of it what you will: link to

  30. cynicalHighlander says:

    A law for some and not for others.

    link to

  31. Daisy Walker says:

    Just a few wee thoughts re CM’s verdict.

    On the one hand they are prosecuting him because as a blogger he does not uphold the fine standards of the MSM (being ironic here), and who due to their status and influence can be ‘trusted’ to behave, and on the other hand they are throwing the book at him with a draconian prison sentence in order to deter others from even thinking about it – which would sort of mean that his blog has as much influence and credibility than the MSM.

    By setting the bar so low that no-one can report any of the defence evidence in the Alex Salmond trial – they are undermining the function of the court and encouraging the ‘court of public opinion’ – ie the mob.

    Deeply corrupt.

  32. Stoker says:

    “People who cannot admit to mistakes are of absolutely no use to making decisions – in fact, they’re detrimental to the decision-making process.”

    One time avid contributor to these WOS btl threads, now a dedicated fulltime Sturgeon fan boy, Doug Daniel (6/11/2013).

  33. Dan says:

    Wonder if this decision now means it is hate speech to class gender critical folk as transphobic.

    link to

  34. Ruby says:

    link to

    What Natalie McGarry knew or didn’t know about Alex Salmond is not all that interesting.

    What I found interesting was that she said she hates the SNP.

    Could she have some other bits of info that she could spill? Would anyone believe her?

    The other thing that struck me was the similarity between her case and that of the SNP’s missing funds.

    If Natalie had only been able to deny others access to the books she wouldn’t be on trial.

  35. Ruby says:

    Dan says:
    10 June, 2021 at 10:45 am
    Wonder if this decision now means it is hate speech to class gender critical folk as transphobic.

    link to


    Interesting question.

    I like Luke Warm Dave’s tweet

    Replying to
    Fantastic result. Incredible that we’re celebrating something that should never have happened, let alone got as far as it did”

  36. Ruby says:

    Dan says:
    10 June, 2021 at 10:45 am
    Wonder if this decision now means it is hate speech to class gender critical folk as transphobic.

    Does this help? 🙂

    “The victory for Maya Forstater, who was backed by JK Rowling and SNP MP Joanna Cherry QC, means people with ‘gender critical’ beliefs must not be sacked simply for holding them.

    However, they cannot express them in a way that discriminates against trans people.”

    link to

  37. Grouse Beater says:

    NUJ defend Murray: “I am forced to add, the NUJ was seriously deficient in protecting Stuart Campbell, editor of Wings Over Scotland, from the antics British state, police harrassment, death trolls, and all. He resigned from the NUJ in disgust.”

    ‘Truth versus Law: link to

  38. sarah says:

    O/T Petition to UK Parliament to devolve broadcasting to Scotland: please see Scot Goes Pop today for the link.

    It will raise the issue’s profile in Scotland even though Westminster won’t lift a finger – well, not in a useful way. 🙂

  39. James Che. says:

    Re wildcats,
    That’s funny.
    The wildcats that have become accustomed to being fed, sheltered, probably inoculated and wormed by humans for a number of years and having human contact will be released into the wilderness of Scotland as new age wildcats. I hope they remember how to hunt.

  40. David Caledonia says:

    Life evolves at its own pace, I have seen them all come and go in politics and there is one thing I have learned, most of them are in it simply for the dosh.
    Look up the word principle in the dictionary, but before that look up the word perhaps, that comes before it.

    Perhaps I will stick to my principles, but no chance if I will get slung off the gravy train if I do

  41. David Caledonia says:

    John Reid, health secretary in a labour government, had to make a decision about abortion times, he never resigned on principle

    He claims he is a catholic, now with Glasgow Celtic the man
    god, more a man of dosh before anything else

  42. Socrates MacSporran says:

    OK – we all accept the Holyrood Parliament is choc-a-bloc with numpties, but, as an old “hot metal” journalist I was shocked at the Scottish Daily Mail sending an office boy to cover events.

    Their representative on FMQs today came across as if he was there on work experience.

  43. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Knight 3.38

    You wrote “Deluded or conceited? Take your pick.”

    Neither Robert. A reasonable analogy might be that I am a member of a club, a member leaves – why would I change the name of the club?

    Once again, the mutant Stockholm Syndrome variant that affects some Yessers rises up on these pages. If Scotland was an Independent country why would you care what other folk happen to call their country (i.e. the country that you are not part of)? Why would you care what the citizens of a country that you were not part of, call their Queen?

    You need to get some therapy Robert.

  44. David Caledonia says:

    Oil be with you in apple blossom time, oil be with you when you change your price I’ll be fine

    Boris Johnstone and the crudes, band on the run lol

  45. David Caledonia says:

    Ferdinand Marcos and wife, president and first lady of the philippines Dec 30 1965 to Feb 25 1986, 20 years and 57 days.

    Nicked between 5 billion dollars and 10 million dollars from the people of the philippines where ousted and fled to a safe haven which happens to contain pearl harbour, but they only took money with them, no honour Lu LU was required.

    The Snp are missing 600 grand and Saint nick and her man, the mighty doughnut know where it is but keeping it a secret to themselves.
    They are only part/timers compared to Ferdinand and his missus, I don’t think those two will be near a beach in honalulu, more likely a cell with an indoor toilet and skye Tv facilities

  46. Dan says:

    @ James Che

    Indeed, the adopted lifestyle choice of TransWildcats with little if any basic survival training to exist in the solitude and wilderness of Scotland will be fraught with new world issues.
    EG. What employment opportunities exist for the self supporting feline so they can earn money to buy their luxury gourmet cat foods and cat litter.
    Access to healthcare and who pays for it.
    Where can a cat procure a tin opener or scissors capable of being operated by an individual with tiny paws and no opposable thumbs so entry into those food tins and sachets can be established.
    Can a cat apply to the local authority for recycling and general waste bins to dispose of food packaging and dirty litter tray contents.

    Messy wild campers are bad enough, but if herds of Trans Wildcats start leaving their food packaging and shit everywhere then Scotland’s tourism industry will inevitably suffer, with all the negative implications that brings for our economic recovery from covid before she / her carrot dangler extraordinaire actually manages to locate that 600K to campaign with and progresses towards furnishing the Scots with an option to choose our own destiny and a return to self-governance.

    I also suspect we’ll see a lot of TWs wanting to de-transition after enduring less than an hour of freezing cold inclement Scottish winter weather, once it became very clear the lack of cozy airing cupboard and central heated radiators was an aspect they hadn’t factored in or considered prior to going native.

  47. Ruby says:

    link to

    Why Cats Purr and Other Feline Mysteries Explained.

    Great read!

  48. Ruby says:

    According to Desmond Morris when cats bring you dead mice etc it is because they are trying to teach you how to hunt and to discourage you from going to the supermarket to buy tins which require a tin opener.

  49. Republicofscotland says:

    So the president of the most evil empire on earth Joe Biden, has said that the Great Satan (USA) will give away to other countries that need it, 500 million doses of Covid vaccine absolutely free with no strings attached.

    Of course the plan is to stop any other countries from acquiring Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, or China’s Covid vaccine, so in reality Biden the head of the US snake isn’t acting in a humanitarian way, he sees a way to slow down or stop Russian and Chinese influence via their Covid vaccines.

  50. Republicofscotland says:

    “Sturgeon has said she stands “full-square” behind transgender people.”

    Yes I believe that to be true, so much so that she’s endorsed the freedom of speech curtailing HCB, and the very unpopular GRA, not to mention taking absolutely no action on death threats to women, and indeed some of her non-supporting crushing of women’s rights MSPs, MPs, have also had threats of violence against them in which Sturgeon doesn’t appear to have condemned.

    Yet we have had, and are in the process, of seeing ordinary worried women who speak up face the wrath of Police Scotland, and the possibility of a prison sentence for expressing their freedom of opinion, which has been hijacked and wrongly relabeled hate speech.

    link to

  51. Stuart MacKay says:

    Ian Brotherhood @10:08pm

    There’s little point in looking back. All you’ll see are the faithful grasping onto the wreckage still hoping (praying) that St. Nicola is going to deliver. Instead it’s time for a new direction that does not all the eggs in one basket and is able to deal with sniping that will come from north and south of the border.

    It’s just a pity we didn’t get to this level of understanding regarding the situation a little sooner.

  52. Stuart MacKay says:


    > Sturgeon has said she stands “full-square” behind transgender people.”

    With both arms at the ready for when it’s time to push them under the bus.

    I still think it’s weird she invests so much in such a tiny group. This must be some kind of initiation ceremony she has to go through to impress somebody high up in the New World Order.

    If only #womentwontwheest can get their shit together and get organised. This could all be over by lunchtime.

  53. Republicofscotland says:

    Sarah @12.11pm.

    There’s not a snowballs chance in hell of broadcasting being devolved to Scotland, for it is Westminster’s prime source of propaganda, without it I think Scotland would’ve become independent by now.

    Catalonia and a small enclave of Moldova have their own devolved channels.

    Of course its timely that this petition has arisen at a time when the BBC has decided to roll back much of the BBC in Scotland, closing studios, letting staff go, and reducing or even removing any Scottish content which is at present at a minimum.

    I’ve absolutely no sympathy for Scots working at the BBC in Scotland, the Pacific Quay mob have done the BBC’s and Westminster’s dirty work for them for decades, pumping out propaganda in favour of the union, I couldn’t care less if the BBC HQ bigwigs empty the place out.

    The same applies to the misnamed STV who sold Scotland out years ago, it now carries English content entirely, with a few Scottish voice overs inbetween programmes to give off the feeling that somehow its Scottish.

    If you wish to actually watch any Scottish content and its usually decades old Taggart, Take the High Road etc, you need to go onto the STV player.

    Scottish culture has all but been eroded and replaced with English culture, and most Scots don’t even realise it, or don’t care.

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    Stuart MacKay @3.24pm.


    We know that the Lib/Dems took millions from the puberty blocker producing companies to push the trans agenda, we know that the SNPs NEC is at present under the influence of the Genderwoowoo brigade and that Sturgeon has chaired it on occasion.

    We know that the HCB is intended to stop anyone (mainly women) speaking out or complaining about the infringement of their private spaces by the a section of the trans community, and we know that prosecutions of women are already under way for exercising their right to freedom of speech on the matter.

    We can only surmise as to why Sturgeon fully supports the trans community so much so that she said so at FMQ’s, which will be seen as a hammer blow to women and girls who fear for their safety in their private spaces, and the threats of violence they receive online, which are numerous and go unpunished by Police Scotland

  55. James Che. says:

    Stop it , I am trying seriously to convince the spouse that we could make a pedal go cart for the both of us instead of two single bikes, by combining them together, an that way our old dog could come with us.
    While am smiling at both of you’re funny comments the spouse thinks I am joking.:-)

  56. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    10 June, 2021 at 3:16 pm
    “Sturgeon has said she stands “full-square” behind transgender people….

    …Yet we have had, and are in the process, of seeing ordinary worried women who speak up face the wrath of Police Scotland….

    If she/her/it had a shred of integrity, she would step aside and make way for a true believer in Scottish Independence who was prepared to stand full square behind Scottish Independence.

    Instead, she sits there as if she owns the YES Movement, doing sweet fuck all to further Scottish Independence, but declares open war on anybody and everybody in the YES Movement family who actually want to see Scottish Independence delivered, getting them smeared, jailed, and discredited.

    She has hijacked the electoral popularity of Scottish Independence, and is using it as the mule to carry through the deeply unpopular anti-science bullshit on the Transextremists agenda.

    I find Nicola Sturgeon utterly disgusting. She is a corrupt, conceited, self serving grifter taking the absolute piss out the Yes Movement and an embarrassment to Scotland who’s tenure as Scottish First Minister cannot come to an end soon enough.

  57. robertknight says:


    So tell me Sensible – why did neither the Czech Republic nor Republic of Slovakia keep the name Czechoslovakia and claim successor status? What was so different to their circumstances?

  58. Stuart MacKay says:


    That’s why I added the comment about women getting their act together. If our chalk-wielding, sisters-in-arms could get mobilised, Sturgeon would be faced with a brutal choice: “trans” vs “career”. Past behaviour suggests that it won’t be her who will be “taking one for the team”.

  59. Saffron Robe says:


    Along with many others I think you are one of the best commentators on here, but I disagree that Scotland should accept any of the UK’s debt. The debt has been rung up by Westminster with Scotland’s vast resources at their disposal. Even considering oil and whisky alone, we have contributed billions and billions of pounds to the UK economy, far more per head of the population than any other part of the UK. If anything we are due reparations!

    Besides which, accepting any of the UK’s debt is not how debt works. Stuart, the great man himself, put it best as follows:

    “No, there will be no inherited debt because that’s not how debt works. You can’t just palm it off to someone else against their will. It remains the responsibility of whoever took it out, in this case the UK government.

    If the UK government wants to OFFER something in NEGOTIATION in return for Scotland taking on some of its debt, that’s another matter. But as a simple fact of law, Scotland owns absolutely none of that debt. Not one penny. You can whine about that as much as you like but it won’t stop being true.”

  60. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    That programe has been delayed till next week.

    link to

  61. twathater says:

    Cynical H , bridges are hinting it’s a prog about the £600,000 missing funds which the lying beeb have put together, are we going to be disappointed or happy with the prog , will there be any reveals or will it just be the usual bait for viewers , judging by their avoiding any exposures of sturgeon’s lunatic policies, GRA,HCB, or her continued ignoring of Alex Salmond’s trial outcome to continue to SMEAR him , or revealing the redactions in the judicial review and who done them , I think we will face the usual disappointment

  62. Ruby says:

    James Che. says:
    While am smiling at both of you’re funny comments the spouse thinks I am joking.:-)


    What happened to your 🙂


    You need to put a space after the full stop.

  63. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cynicalHighlander (5.34) –

    Cheers for update. Was wondering what it could be.

    If twathater (6.09) is right and it’s just another fig-leaf for the Murrells, great – they’ve already built up a lengthy rap sheet but the more items on it the better. Wark and Garivelli both dug big holes for themselves – if someone else wants to join them, fair enough. It’ll all go on the record.

  64. Republicofscotland says:

    Stuart MacKay @5.05pm.

    Its ironic that Scottish women have to a certain extent, and I can only see it getting stronger over the next few years, found a champion of their just cause in the Alba party, in that its head Alex Salmond was wrongfully and unjustly accused of sexually assaulting women, and he was cleared by a woman judge, and a jury made up of predominantly women.

    As for Sturgeon she has intimated that she might not stand again for FM in 2026, it could be pastures new await her, within the EU or UN, so the damage that she will do in this term will probably not fall on her or her husbands shoulders, ergo women’s rights could be impinged upon even further, and the trans communities position could be further fortified.

    The big question or than why she sold out Scotland on independence, is why is she selling out women for the trans community.

  65. Ruby says:

    James Che. says:
    10 June, 2021 at 3:51 pm
    Stop it , I am trying seriously to convince the spouse that we could make a pedal go cart for the both of us instead of two single bikes, by combining them together, an that way our old dog could come with us.

    Sounds like a good idea!
    link to

    Will your wife get a ‘backie’ or will she be the one doing the pedalling?

    Friend bought a very fancy go cart for her old dog who has really bad arthritis.

    Dog refuses to ride in the cart!

  66. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    Went fishing this afternoon to practice hunting, save the environment, and test the homemade Guinness widget ball floats.
    Great success! Well, that’s “success” if you call loads of pike attacking the floats while you are trying to catch a decent perch for your tea.
    No perch caught and really should have kept the 3lb jackpike that didn’t bite through the line so I actually managed to land it. At least that would have given me some protein for a few dinners.
    Sacked it off after a couple of hours as the terrain was bloody lethal what with all the beavers digging the bank away.
    I caved in and went to the local shop and bought some reduced price pork pies, burgers, mushrooms, and a 4 pack of Magners, like a true new age hunter gatherer…

    @ Saffron & Breeks

    Re. Debt
    link to

  67. Republicofscotland says:

    “I find Nicola Sturgeon utterly disgusting. She is a corrupt, conceited, self serving grifter taking the absolute piss out the Yes Movement and an embarrassment to Scotland who’s tenure as Scottish First Minister cannot come to an end soon enough.”

    Breeks @4.21pm.

    Yes all very true, as for the above we know this, but there’s a helluva lot of Scots that don’t know what’s going on. They haven’t spent anytime looking into what Sturgeon has done, nor have they bothered to check out the likes of Stu’s blog, or Craig Murray’s blog, they take Sturgeon at face value, mainly because the unionist media doesn’t report any of it.

    Craig Murray and Stu Campbell are persona non grata on the unionist mainstream media. Covid has also worked against those in the know, but, for Sturgeon and her daily briefings, it gave her a false air of credibility, and a fair chunk of popularity with the Scottish public.

    What can we do, I’ve said of late that the AUOB should switch from a happy clappy bagpipe playing flag waving tourist attraction, to a pro-active demo movement, that needs to pressurise Sturgeon at Holyrood and Bute House, or when she decides to go walkabouts in Scotland waving and smiling at the public.

    I’m not talking about tens of thousands of folk doing it, I’d prefer a small hardcore indy group of folk who can move swiftly (a couple of minibuses) to be in place when they get word of where Sturgeon is going to be.

    Placards would be the order of the day with questions such as keep your promise and name an referendum date, or show us the ringfenced indy money etc. These tactics could in theory be carried out for a long time, and they’d surely get on Sturgeon’s nerves, and keep independence in the limelight.

  68. Ruby says:

    Dan says:
    10 June, 2021 at 6:29 pm
    @ Ruby

    Went fishing this afternoon to practice hunting…….

    I caved in and went to the local shop and bought some reduced price pork pies, burgers, mushrooms, and a 4 pack of Magners, like a true new age hunter gatherer…

    Cat says “pathetic!”
    link to

  69. Republicofscotland says:

    I found it very interesting to read that the Tories, and the Lib/Dems want to partition Scotland, the borders and Shetland and Orkney, because these places voted for the Lib/Dems and the Tories, and they should be ripped from Scotland’s grasp on independence.

    So in their deluded minds anywhere that votes for a unionist party in Scotland and not an indy party, could be partitioned off and kept by the UK.

    But then this shouldn’t surprise us all one little bit, the British government partitioned/divided up much of the Middle East using straight lines then there was the Sykes-Picot lines, though they had help with that one. The British also had a hand in the partitioning of India, and Northern Ireland, for the people of the Chagossian islands though, they went one step further, the British government had the islanders intimidated and threatened, they had their livestock and pet dogs killed, and eventually they forced the Chagossian folk from their homes forever, to allow a US airbase to take over the islands.

    Partitioning is a dirty tool of Westminster, and if you think it won’t happen in this day and age to Scotland on independence, you’d do well to remember that Westminster with the queens consent moved the Scottish sea boundary and stole 6,000 miles of Scottish waters at the stroke of a pen, now when you look out at Carnoustie in Scotland, you’re looking at English water and not Scottish waters.

  70. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 10 June, 2021 at 7:15 pm

    “I found it very interesting to read that the Tories, and the Lib/Dems want to partition Scotland, the borders and Shetland and Orkney, because these places voted for the Lib/Dems and the Tories, and they should be ripped from Scotland’s grasp on independence.

    So in their deluded minds anywhere that votes for a unionist party in Scotland and not an indy party, could be partitioned off and kept by the UK.

    But then this shouldn’t surprise us all one little bit, the British government partitioned/divided up much of the Middle East using straight lines then there was the Sykes-Picot lines, though they had help with that one. The British also had a hand in the partitioning of India, and Northern Ireland, for the people of the Chagossian islands though, they went one step further, the British government had the islanders intimidated and threatened, they had their livestock and pet dogs killed, and eventually they forced the Chagossian folk from their homes forever, to allow a US airbase to take over the islands.

    Partitioning is a dirty tool of Westminster, and if you think it won’t happen in this day and age to Scotland on independence, you’d do well to remember that Westminster with the queens consent moved the Scottish sea boundary and stole 6,000 miles of Scottish waters at the stroke of a pen, now when you look out at Carnoustie in Scotland, you’re looking at English water and not Scottish waters.”

    LoL Another pile of your own fabricated garbage once again
    ps No Seas were Stolen (Just another Craig Murray fabricated story) only a Fishing Boundary alone was changed for Devolution as the existing one marked roughly on a map decades earlier before Devolution was even thought about was in in the wrong place and if it had been in the wrong place the other way of course you too would have wanted it corrected.

  71. Dan says:

    @ ROS

    This twitter account doesn’t appear to be active anymore but is worth a scroll down the feed for examples of “Great” British behaviour.

    link to

  72. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan thanks for the link, it appears to still work.

    For those unaware of the machinations of Westminster towards Scotland (I’m sure you’re aware Dan) some can be found here.

    link to

  73. Don says:

    Ruby 10 June, 2021 at 10:53 am

    “What Natalie McGarry knew or didn’t know about Alex Salmond is not all that interestin”

    Of course its interesting because she says she told Sturgeons staff about Salmonds antics yet Sturgeon told Parliament and Scotland she knew of no previous talk of Salmonds behaviour , someone is Lying and lying to Parliament by an FM means resigning.”

    “What I found interesting was that she said she hates the SNP.
    Could she have some other bits of info that she could spill? Would anyone believe her?”

    Everybody wouldn’t beleive Her but a whole lot of popel would because she is after all the neice of Ex SNP MSP Tricia Marwick

  74. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 10 June, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    “Dan thanks for the link, it appears to still work.
    For those unaware of the machinations of Westminster towards Scotland (I’m sure you’re aware Dan) some can be found here.

    link to

    Hahahahha Its a website completely filled with utter invented piss yet you think its all true ? Hahhahahahahhahahahahahhhaha

  75. Don says:

    Republicofscotland 10 June, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Here is your Sea Border , just as it always was Suckers.

    link to

  76. Dan says:

    Here’s the link to Craig Murray article re. Maritime Border

    link to

    I’ll tack on a couple of links to job vacancies RevStu “might” be interested in… 🙂

    link to

    link to

  77. napier says:

    “robertknight says:

    So tell me Sensible – why did neither the Czech Republic nor Republic of Slovakia keep the name Czechoslovakia and claim successor status? What was so different to their circumstances?”

    At the risk of answering for Sensible… the clue is in the name: Czechoslovakia was formed in the early part of the last century as a combination of two areas, inhabited by Czechs & Slovaks. When they demerged, reverting to countries of similar area, separately inhabited by Czechs & Slovaks, then Czech and Slovak Republic made more sense to them than either one remaining Czechoslovakia… this was the Velvet Divorce.

    Imagining a future demerger of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: the word “Scotland” occurs nowhere in the full Sunday name of that country, which is one of the major differences; another being relative population size.

    You’d have a point if the UK was called AngleScot. But it isn’t.

  78. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan @7.47pm.

    Nice one Dan, I haven’t read that one of Craig’s in awhile.

  79. JimuckMac says:

    It’s like the bucking Don & Dan Show on here.

  80. Republicofscotland says:

    I haven’t posted this link for awhile, and it came to my mind when Dan posted Craig Murray’s excellent article on the stealing of Scottish waters by Westminster in collusion with the queen.

    Fell the love for Scots here.

    link to

  81. Republicofscotland says:

    I haven’t posted this link for awhile, and it came to my mind when Dan posted Craig Murray’s excellent article on the stealing of Scottish waters by Westminster in collusion with the queen.

    Feel the love for Scots here.

    link to

  82. wull says:

    People are posting about partition. A not-too-far-distant historical analogy might be apposite.

    When the British government and civil service began to recognise that ZAMBIA (formerly Northern Rhodesia) would inevitably become independent, they made a plan to partition it too. The British would keep the Copperbelt, running along the border with the Congo (now the DRC) in the North East of the country, for themselves.

    All very convenient, and utterly laughable. The Copperbelt already had huge mines exploiting massive mineral deposits, mainly copper but also other minerals too. This was already being mined at great profit, but there was still a massive amount waiting to be further exploited.

    The plan was that the British, in their paternal generosity, would allow the Zambians to have the rest of the country, while they pinched all the goodies. The rest of country was of no great interest to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office – or whatever it was called – because it was deemed to have very poor resources, even in agricultural terms (Zimbabwe, or Southern Rhodesia as it then was, was regarded as the place for agriculture).

    The Zambians, of course, would quite rightly have none of it, and did not allow any dismemberment of their nascent nation.

    The fact that there are even a few voices down south proposing such nonsense in regard to Scotland demonstrates both a complete ignorance even of British History and the fact that the colonial mentality, which everyone else sees as a thing of the past, still stalks the English mind. There are English politicians who are totally ignorant of the nature, origin and history of the nation they purport to serve and represent.

    The English – and I mean specifically English – imperial mindset is totally incompatible with the existence of a genuine British state. Most ordinary English do not necessarily comply with it, and should not be identified with the political elites that seize the microphone and seek (too often successfully) to be pretendy lords who are entitled to lord it over them.

    One of the purposes of Scottish independence is to puncture such ancient and ridiculous pretensions for ever. This has two wings to it: saving Scotland from being infected with the mindset behind these pretensions and, hopefully, liberating the English from the assumptions that are holding them back.

    Unfortunately, Nicola Sturgeon is a British politician to her fingertips. She has always struck me as such. Despite her pretensions and hopes to move about in the (mainly phoney) world of international political elites, her mindset is provincial, narrow, and shallow. Her culture is anything but international. It seems there is no depth to the woman at all, and no breadth either.

    How did we end up with someone like this? Look at most of the rest of Holyrood as well … Even in terms of expertise, were any of them ever any good at anything? Granted there might be the odd exception – and there has been – you really have to wonder…

  83. Don says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    10 June, 2021 at 7:52 pm
    Dan @7.47pm.

    “Nice one Dan, I haven’t read that one of Craig’s in a while.”

    Its hilarious isn’t it ?
    link to

    Of course if your incapable of being able to understand what that link actually shows all you need to do is to send an email to ask if Seas were “Stolen” or not and that would clear the issue up and show you how Craig Murray is taking the mick once and for all.
    But I think your likely too feart of the real truth.
    link to

  84. wull says:

    Why did she sell out Scottish independence? And why is she selling out Scottish women?

    Because everyone likes doing what they’re good at.

    And the one thing she is really, really good at is – well, precisely – selling people out.

  85. Wee Chid says:

    wull says:
    10 June, 2021 at 8:11 pm
    “People are posting about partition.”

    Including a now Tory, formerly SNP councillor in Dumfries and Galloway – and he isn’t the first to suggest it here.

  86. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    As Craig Murray types (at DAN’s link), he was involved in UK maritime negotiations.

    Here’s a quote from it,

    “After independence I would make a maximalist claim and draw a straight baseline from Eyemouth to Peterhead, enclosing the highly indented coastline. Then measure and delimit the seas from there.

    This would straighten the England/Scotland border back towards the traditional East West alignment. In so doing, I would make plain that this would not involve any claim to push the outer limits of Scottish seas further or to adjust the boundary with countries across the North Sea; it would merely affect the angle of the England/Scotland border and where the England/Scotland border strikes the tripoint. I would be prepared to pull back that baseline a bit in negotiation.

    I am a former Head of the Maritime Section of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and have actually negotiated maritime boundaries for the UK in real life. These things are very much a negotiation, which infuriates the academics who like to believe they are issues of pure geometry.

    There are two other points worth considering:

    1) The UK has never claimed international boundaries are a matter of pure geometry. Its boundaries are always officially characterised as a modified median line, to acknowledge the give and take of negotiation.
    2) The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea does not mandate that the boundary has to be a median line. Other factors may be taken into account including historical jurisdiction. This is a major further argument in Scotland’s favour.

    I apologise for the length and detail of this, but the facile and ill-informed criticism had become somewhat annoying.”

  87. robertknight says:

    Napier @7:48

    “You’d have a point if the UK was called AngleScot. But it isn’t.”

    As would you/he, if it weren’t for the same logic applying to England.

    The Kingdom of England, which as we all know has included Wales since 1536/42, likewise makes no appearance in either “United Kingdom” or “Great Britain”, so how can the Kingdom of England & Northern Ireland, post the Kingdom of Scotland reverting to an independent state, refer to itself as either the UK or GB?

    Simples… it can’t.

  88. She/Her and her SNP transcult are a hindrance to transgender people,

    this is about their woke egos (I CAN`T BE WRONG I AM WHITE MIDDLE CLASS AND WENT TO UNI)and nothing to do with making the world a better place for the trangender person.

  89. Dan says:

    It looks like The School has some competition! 😉

    If planners did 10 pints of Carlsberg…

    link to

  90. robbo says:

    The gutters look sound though Dan, no?

  91. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sturgeon has already stated, in parliament, that she welcomes, and is preparing for, the vaccination of children in Scotland.

    Here’s what that will look like:

    link to

  92. Robert Graham says:

    The Trans nutters were dealt a wee set back in their march to alter human biology today with the Employment Tribunal appeal ruling of a woman sacked because she who refused to call a Trans woman a Woman , at last normal people are fighting back against these unhinged individuals who demand we change to suit whatever fashion they seem to think is appropriate this week .

    These people can call themselves whatever they like just dont expect me to follow their dictats regarding LGBT . LGBT+ minus or pink ,they are either men or woman there is no in between live with it it’s called Nature or Biology and this assigned at birth shite should be wiped off the vocabulary and any official documentation that has been altered to plecate these individuals

  93. napier says:

    “robertknight says:
    10 June, 2021 at 9:30 pm
    Napier @7:48

    “You’d have a point if the UK was called AngleScot. But it isn’t.”

    As would you/he, if it weren’t for the same logic applying to England.

    The Kingdom of England, which as we all know has included Wales since 1536/42, likewise makes no appearance in either “United Kingdom” or “Great Britain”, so how can the Kingdom of England & Northern Ireland, post the Kingdom of Scotland reverting to an independent state, refer to itself as either the UK or GB?

    Simples… it can’t.

    Almost there, follow the naming logic a little bit further…

    a) Czechoslovakia splitting into successor Czechoslovakia and new state Slovakia: would not be sensible due to confusion in composite and new state names.
    b) Hypothetical AngleScot splitting into successor AngleScot and new state Scotland: would not be sensible for same reason.


    1) Canada splitting into successor Canada and new state Quebec: fine
    2) Australia splitting into successor state Australia and new state Tasmania: no problem
    3) USA splitting into successor state USA and new state Texas: works too
    4) UK splitting into successor state UK and new state Scotland: absolutely OK

    On the question of how could the state refer to itself as UK post independence: very easily – firstly remember that the “U” in “UK” is not related to Scotland – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Name could stay that way, or maybe United Kingdom of Britain & Northern Ireland. Their call.

    But the key point is that the successor state can retain the name if they want to – it’s their choice, and no external nation can prevent that. Alternatively they could change it if they wish, subject to no objections from other countries with similar names – and bear in mind that there aren’t a whole lot of helpful ISO 3166 two & three letter codes left.

    As an aside, I reckon iScotland would be best asking for AB & ABA for Alba, while being known as Scotland.

    There would be bigger fish to fry during negotiations than the other country’s name. Unless Scotland particularly wants to spend several decades as the Republic of North Caledonia while waiting to get into the UN.

  94. Breeks says:

    napier says:
    10 June, 2021 at 11:46 pm

    But the key point is that the successor state can retain the name if they want to – it’s their choice, and no external nation can prevent that….

    It isn’t complicated. The Treaty of Union between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England is the treaty which created the United Kingdom. When the Treaty of Union expires, the two signatories of the Treaty will revert back to their pre-Treaty status as independent sovereign entities, and the United Kingdom created by that Treaty will no longer exist, with neither component Nation being a Continuer State nor Successor State. They joined as Constitutional Equals and when the Treaty ends, they will part as Constitutional Equals.

    If, after that 1707 United Kingdom has ceased to exist, England wants to ”self ID”, as the United Kingdom, then that is up to England. But calling itself the United Kingdom and pretending it is the Continuer State of “The” United Kingdom does not make it true.

    By all means England, go ahead and make a new Treaty of Union with Wales and call yourself another United Kingdom, but understand that will be a Sevco United Kingdom, a NEW 2021 (or whenever) state, not a Continuer State of the 1707 United Kingdom.

    Truth be known, the fact that conceited Unionists and the British Establishment demand that England be recognised as a superior or Continuer State is in itself a damning indictment of just how rotten and asymmetric the Treaty of Union has always been towards denigrating Scotland’s Constitutional status, and been fundamentally disingenuous by masking it’s colonial intent.

    Fast forward 300+ years, and we have a UK Prime Minister playing the very same game; showing utter contempt and it’s own perfidious interpretation of both the Good Friday Agreement and the Northern Irish protocol where the UK self evidently doesn’t feel any compunction to honour the agreements it enters into with other sovereign Nations of equal status to itself.

    British exceptionalism will not allow the BritNats to respect other nations as their equal, and if Ireland is destabilised and deaths result from the accordant violence, then Westminster will simply wash it’s hands of responsibility.

    You have to wonder whether the UK Government is a rogue government which cannot be trusted to keep its word, or a stupid government which doesn’t read the International Agreements it signs up to. (In truth, there are very few who wonder any such thing).

    The UK is the spoiled brat of International nations, which chooses to believe it’s own deluded exceptionalism rather than face up to it’s grievous history of blood thirsty colonialism and murderous exploitation.

    The UK cannot even be honest with itself. It cannot look at itself in the mirror and see itself as created by a thoroughly ordinary and threadbare Bipartite Treaty between two Nations. It has to reinvent it’s humble and grubby birth as something, yet again, “exceptional”.

    British exceptionalism has been the scourge of the planet for 300+ years and outside these shores, very few people will mourn it’s overdue demise.

  95. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert 5.09

    You “So tell me Sensible – why did neither the Czech Republic nor Republic of Slovakia keep the name Czechoslovakia and claim successor status?”

    Oh dear, the Stockholm Syndrome Variant is strong with this one.

    The UK (after Scotland has left (if it ever does)), would call itself whatever it wants – simply because it can – dimwit. It certainly wouldn’t worry about your weird obsession to dictate what a country that you are not part of, calls itself.

    Go get that therapy Robert. Try to understand why you seek to dictate what I call my country (clues: unhealthy dislike of particular nationalities, grievance culture, obsessions, illogical thinking, attention seeking, narcissism).

  96. robertknight says:


    The United Kingdom of Scotland, or U.K. when shortened, it is then! Glad that’s settled.

    Just need the Kingdom of England & Northern Ireland to decide what it’s going to call itself. After all, you can’t have two UK’s – that’d be stupid.

  97. Robert Hughes says:

    If, after that 1707 United Kingdom has ceased to exist, England wants to ”self ID”, as the United Kingdom….”

    ” By all means England, go ahead and make a new Treaty of Union with Wales and call yourself another United Kingdom, but understand that will be a Sevco United Kingdom, a NEW 2021 (or whenever) state, not a Continuer State of the 1707 United Kingdom.”

    LOL Breeks , brilliant .

    How about ” The Damned United Kingdom of Windsorland ” ?

    Brian Clough could replace auld Geordie as the patron saint and John Bullshit as national symbol

  98. Robert Hughes says:

    Ian B @ 11.20 pm

    Whatever anyone thinks about the * apocalyptic * virus panacea * vaccines *

    The indoctrination / mass vaccination of YOUNG , HEALTHY CHILDREN is a fuckn outrage and anyone who agrees with it is complicit and will be equally responsible for any future consequences . Don’t say you were not warned

    And , of course , Sturgeon is fully signed-up to the ” Programme ” – when has she EVER took stance at variance with the Globalist mindset . She is an imagination-free drone only too happy to tick all the boxes of the dominant power worldview

  99. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Hughes 8.20am

    You wrote “How about ” The Damned United Kingdom of Windsorland ”?

    Ok, so it appears that it is ok to disrespect other countries on here. So after Independence, is Scotland going to change its name Brokeland?

  100. robertknight says:


    No. Told you already…

    The United Kingdom of Scotland

  101. Sensible Dave says:

    I may have mentioned that I have read on these pages that folk agree that the Scottish Government is totally corrupt, The First Minister of the country and her senior Ministers are totally corrupt, the judiciary is totally corrupt and the Police force is totally corrupt.

    In addition, I am also told here that around half of the Scotland’s citizens are anti-Scottish, disloyal, hooligan half wits?

    … not the ideal characterisation of a country from its most ardent supporters? Hey Ho, I am sure you know best.

  102. Breeks says:

    If SEVCO UK, the future United Kingdom comprising England, Wales and Northern Ireland, I think technically, a Union of Kingdom’s requires more than one “Kingdom” or it isn’t a Union of Kingdoms, thus Wales would (I think) be celebrating the return of the Independent Welsh monarchy. I wonder if Gruffudd ap Llywelyn has any living relatives.

    Any hey, FFS Wales, if you need advice about your Royal succession, DO NOT INVITE the opinion of a serving English monarch… fking draw lots, toss a coin, or rock/paper/scissors it amongst yourselves. Lol

    Be a lot less fuss just calling themselves England and Wales, and bringing their own archaic and “anarchaic” Constitutions up to date.

  103. Breastplate says:

    “ So after Independence, is Scotland going to change its name Brokeland?”

    You really shouldn’t take Don’s comments seriously, it’s not a good look.

  104. Robert Hughes says:

    Ah Sensible D , there was me thinking I was making a wee joke sans malice and there you are getting all hurt and offended .

    Try a thought experiment mate ….

    Imagine the roles were reversed , the seat of UK Gov in , say , Glesga , England sending all it’s money there , getting a % back , rarely getting the Party/Gov it voted for , being TOLD it’s simply not Shinty to leave what it thought was a voluntary arrangement ie the Union etc

    How do you thing YOU would feel ?

  105. Robert Hughes says:

    ” think “

  106. James Barr Gardner says:

    After Scotland breaks free of the toxic UK Union, the country to the South will be England, simple….

    England will be similar to Spain in many ways…

    Wales will be a region in England similar to Catalonia in Spain.

    England and Spain both have Monarchs as head of State.

    England will have an enclave in the North of Ireland, Spain has enclaves in North Africa.

    England has Islands off the coast Europe, Spain has Islands off the coast of Africa.

    Both England and Spain have police forces that subjugate their subjects.

    Folk in the south of the island will love to live in England they always have, Americans and Europeans have always called it that so no confusion.

    So UK scrapped and the Union Flag scrapped, team GB scrapped and the term Brit scrapped, confusion over !

  107. Willie says:

    Had to smile last night listening to the big balloon balls that Boris Johnson has.

    After all of the choreographed stuff with President Biden and the assuring words about protecting the Good Friday Agreement and working with Ireland and Europe ( and the US!) our big man then went on in a later solo press interview to pay tribute to Belfast and its place in the United Kingdom.

    And at a stroke our man declared no surrender and fuck you Mr, island of Ireland supporting , President.

    Big balls indeed is our Boris, telling the President and the EU to fuck right off.

  108. Dan says:

    Latest from jaggy.

    link to

    @ Stuart Mackay

    I appreciate you collating a feed of many articles on your site.

    link to

    FYI when looking for content to list the following site may be worth a peruse too.

    link to

  109. Can someone explain the stooshie about teams taking or not taking `the knee`,

    seems like another mess that the white, privileged, uni educated, permanently offended, woke have dragged society into.

  110. Republicofscotland says:

    So a Scottish Tory MP Andrew Bowie, has called for a plan to route out any alleged pro-independence bias at schools in Scotland. Bowie wrote a paper on how anti- British imperialism threatens the union.

    A co-author of the report is Nigel Biggar, who is currently within a group that’s goal is to counter views that imperialism is wicked and unethical. Biggar was previously an advisor to the pro-union think tank These Islands, Biggar also penned an article in defence of colonialism, the overall plan is to sell a pretty picture of Britain’s imperial past to young folk.

    180 Oxford scholars have signed a letter condemning Biggar’s views adding that he’s a colonial apologist.

  111. Republicofscotland says:

    Well todays the day, that the Euros get underway, in a recent friendly England’s national football team were booed by their own fans for taking a knee against racism. It would appear that, that incident has frightened the horses at the SFA’s HQ, and Scotland player will not be taking a knee against racism.

    In a recent YouGov poll (though YouGov polls are in my opinion suspect) 49% of Scots backed taking a knee, and a staggering 42% did not.

  112. Don says:

    Breastplate 11 June, 2021 at 9:19 am

    “ So after Independence, is Scotland going to change its name Brokeland?”

    It must be going to come soon as a massive shock to most Nationalists that after a decade (or a lifetime for the older gits) of being told they are being robbed of Scotlands very own finances that Andrew Wilson of the SNP’s own Growth Commission (that Sturgeon fully supports) that he and the SNP are going to flip from that view to a new one that says Scotland actually gets free handouts on top of all Scotlands own finances and that we should be prepared to give up all that extra money we get on top of all Scotlands own finances and sell ourselves into penury instead with 20% cuts to Scotlands Public Services. (Austerity 4 times higher than Tory Austerity) but Andrew Wilson says it will all be worth it but will millions in the banks it won’t be him that suffers will it ?
    Andrew Wilson is one of the Senior Partners of Charlotte Street Partners which is a shady unit of ex-banking elite types that advises Businesses on how to get away with Tax evasion and other related issues. Andrew Wilson himself is an Ex Royal Bank of Scotland Banker who worked alongside Fred Goodwin and also personally financially benefits from being part of the group that financed the new Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh and received millions of pounds a month from Scottish Tax payers in loan repayments even throughout the period it was closed. Andrew Wilson is the true face of the Right Wing elites in Charlotte Street partners who are the true puppetmasters of the SNP who want to have an open hand to rob Scotland blind for their own financial gain.
    link to

    link to

  113. Don says:

    Republicofscotland 11 June, 2021 at 10:04 am

    “It would appear that, that incident has frightened the horses at the SFA’s HQ, and Scotland player will not be taking a knee against racism.
    In a recent YouGov poll (though YouGov polls are in my opinion suspect) 49% of Scots backed taking a knee, and a staggering 42% did not.”

    Quite right too, Football and other sports should stop getting on their knees for what is no more than an policitcal activist group and nothing more. Keep politics OUT of sport altogether for good.

  114. Breeks says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    11 June, 2021 at 9:47 am
    Can someone explain the stooshie about teams taking or not taking `the knee`…

    I believe it started in the US when sportsmen over there started taking the knee to show their support for the Black Lives Matter protests about innocent black Americans being gunned down by the cops.

    It has kind of developed from that into a wider symbol anti-racism, and resonated with many non-white football players in Europe who routinely suffer racism and abuse from the crowds.

    I’m in two minds about it. I firmly oppose the racism, but a protest which becomes commonplace loses much of it’s potency. I think you have to give the sports authorities a chance to tidy up it’s act and deal with the racism, otherwise, the never ending protests just begin to echo the stalemate, not the issue of racism.

    Right now, if people / teams want to show that solidarity, then I’d respect that choice, but give people the benefit of the doubt if they don’t. It doesn’t mean they’re siding with racism.

    Why is it a stushie? It’s football. Spiritual home of the stushie.

  115. J.o.e says:

    Sensible Dave says:
    11 June, 2021 at 8:51 am
    ‘I may have mentioned that I have read on these pages that folk agree that the Scottish Government is totally corrupt, The First Minister of the country and her senior Ministers are totally corrupt, the judiciary is totally corrupt and the Police force is totally corrupt.

    In addition, I am also told here that around half of the Scotland’s citizens are anti-Scottish, disloyal, hooligan half wits?

    … not the ideal characterisation of a country from its most ardent supporters? Hey Ho, I am sure you know best.’

    The corruption of the current government has no bearing on the long term prospects of our nation. Short term yes, its a problem to be dealt with and I believe it should be dealt with harshly.

    As for the disloyal hooligan halfwits, it is quite a tricky situation to deal with though there is more to it than simply loyalty to Britain or loyalty to Scotland. The Scottish independence movement pisses me off with its general fawning over every progressive cause, no matter how obviously stupid, and the massive preferences shown to everyone who isn’t your basic heterosexual Scot as a purely virtue signalling exercise showcasing the ‘look at us, we are so nice’ misguided pride.

    Then there really is the anti-English side of things. Certain characters who try to advertise their own blogs on this one fall entirely into that category judging from what ive seen on social media.

    The boorish mindlessness of the British loyalist thugs is goaded by the uppity mindlessness of the Scottish indy types, many of whom are no clearer thinkers and about as bigoted in their own special progressive way.

    This chalk and cheese situation keeps us perfectly divided. It will only get worse as other peoples with their own sectarian problems are continually introduced into our country.

    Scotland doesn’t have a nationalist movement in my opinion because what the bulk of Scottish Indy supporters seem to be advocating for is a Scotland that is run by international unions that will place decision making even further from normal Scots.

    The unionists I have known and been friendly with are reacting to these multiple levels of unnecessary bullshit on top of their own ingrained loyalty to Britishness.

    Scotland needs a nationalist movement that is utterly ruthless, within the law, in its pursuit of Scottish sovereignty and its defense of the Scots (note that this is different from ‘the people of Scotland’) from economic, propagandistic, educational and all other forms of force or coersion and this extends to all Scots regardless of loyalties.

    A Scottish Independence movement that functions powerfully outside of politics as well as obviously seeking power within the political world coupled with a friendly hand extended to our English neighbours and visitors could give us victories in the realms of law, business, cultural awareness and a general sense of self worth that I know would be more appealing to our Unionist countrymen than the weak, limp wristed, mindless, uppity progressiveness on display now.

    The one problem with that can be best explained by a thought when a year or so ago I found someone saying: ‘What Scotland needs to lead us is a leader who can be a total bastard’

    To which I found myself thinking: ‘A total bastard in the current Scottish independence movement is a white man who leaves the toilet seat up and doesn’t display mild regret every day for breathing while being white and male.’

    The Unionists are not wrong to be unimpressed.

  116. robbo says:

    Don says:
    11 June, 2021 at 10:09 am
    Breastplate 11 June, 2021 at 9:19 am

    “ So after Independence, is Scotland going to change its name Brokeland?”


    Hey Don

    After winning a Indy Ref we’ll be the ones doing the books- not England. We’ll decide what needs to be done , not the UK London jack booters!

    I rather read and listen to Richard Murphy than you ya clown.

    link to

    Any chance you could provide us with stand alone GERS for Engeeeerland figures?

  117. Don says:

    Breeks 11 June, 2021 at 7:03 am

    “You have to wonder whether the UK Government is a rogue government which cannot be trusted to keep its word….”

    LOL I hope you don’t expect to be taken at all seriously ?
    link to

  118. J.o.e says:

    Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it:

    link to

  119. Ruby says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    11 June, 2021 at 9:47 am
    Can someone explain the stooshie about teams taking or not taking `the knee`,

    seems like another mess that the white, privileged, uni educated, permanently offended, woke have dragged society into.


    Any talk of players wearing a suffragette ribbon?

    I’m guessing that would be seen as transphobic.

    Players taking the knee seen as ‘white lives don’t matter’?

  120. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Hughes 9:22 am

    You Wrote “Ah Sensible D , there was me thinking I was making a wee joke sans malice and there you are getting all hurt and offended .”

    Robert, there was me thinking I was making a wee joke sans malice and there you are getting all hurt and offended!!!!!

  121. Ruby says:

    Aspirin may cause serious side effects including:

    ringing in your ears,
    rapid breathing,
    seizure (convulsions),
    severe nausea,
    stomach pain,
    bloody or tarry stools,
    coughing up blood,
    vomit that looks like coffee grounds,
    fever lasting over 3 days, and
    swelling or pain lasting over 10 days

  122. Don says:

    robbo 11 June, 2021 at 10:26 am

    “After winning a Indy Ref we’ll be the ones doing the books- not England. We’ll decide what needs to be done , not the UK London jack booters!”

    The “The Books ” are done in Edinburgh by the Scottish Government and published on the Internet for the whole World to see, you think the SNP are publishing the wrong numbers to make themsleves look mental ?

    “Q: Who produces GERS?
    A: GERS is produced by Scottish Government statisticians. It is designated as a National Statistics product, which means that it is produced independently of Scottish Ministers and has been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority as being produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics. This means the statistics have been found to meet user needs, to be methodologically sound, explained well and produced free of political interference.
    link to

    “I rather read and listen to Richard Murphy than you ya clown.”
    LOL Poor you , he got ripped apart at a Holyrood Committee on GERS and had to admit he hadn’t looked into them properly. He is much more interested in conning the gullible as it boosts his own Youtube account revenues. Self interest is his game.

    The SNP and Sturgeon fully accept Scotland has a very large spending deficit so how do you struggle to understand it ?
    Scotlnds deficit is three times higher per Capita than the UK deficit.
    link to

    “Any chance you could provide us with stand alone GERS for Engeeeerland figures?”

    There are here but there is no chance of someone like you being able to understand them
    link to

  123. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @J.o.e. (10.22) –

    Hear hear.

    A properly unifying cause should be the protection of our own weans.

    Parents have to sign consent forms if a school authority so much as plans to take them to the local park. The parent/guardian has to be given details of where, when, what will be happening etc.

    Likewise, the consent for this jag has to be ‘informed’ otherwise anyone involved in administering it is complicit in a criminal assault. That’s about as basic as it gets.

    So, what kind of ‘information pack’ will parents be given prior to their signature being sought? Will they see anything in writing or is it just assumed that everyone will comply?

    How many Scots have ever heard the word ‘Ivermectin’?

    How many Scots know – even roughly – the confirmed fatalities as a direct result of the jag (esp AZ)?

    There is no medical justification for children being ‘vaccinated’ against this bug. It must not be allowed to happen.

    For some folk the ‘hill to die on’ is GC rights, for others it’s Independence. But this cause is surely more important than both – who wants an independent Scotland where a hefty % of the population is crippled with all sorts of long-term neurological problems and another demographic is effectively shunned as undesirables? It’s already happening FFS.

  124. Ruby says:

    Side Effects of Terbinafine
    Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

    Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:

    More common
    Less common
    Body aches or pain
    difficulty with breathing
    ear congestion
    general feeling of discomfort or illness
    joint pain
    loss of appetite
    loss of voice
    nasal congestion
    runny nose
    skin rash or itching
    sore throat
    trouble with sleeping
    unusual tiredness or weakness
    upper abdominal or stomach pain
    Dark urine
    difficulty with swallowing
    pale skin
    pale stools
    redness, blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
    stomach pain
    unusual bleeding or bruising
    yellow skin or eyes
    Incidence not known
    Black, tarry stools
    bleeding gums
    blood in the urine or stools
    chest pain
    cough or hoarseness
    fast heartbeat
    feeling of discomfort
    flu-like symptoms
    general feeling of tiredness or weakness
    hair loss
    high fever
    inflammation of the joints
    large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs
    light-colored stools
    lower back or side pain
    muscle aches
    painful or difficult urination
    pains in the stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
    persistent loss of appetite
    pinpoint red spots on the skin
    puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
    red skin lesions, often with a purple center
    red, irritated eyes
    red, scaling, or crusted skin
    sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
    sores, welting, or blisters
    stomach pain, continuing
    swollen glands
    swollen lymph glands
    tightness in the chest
    troubled breathing with exertion
    ulcers, sores, or white spots in the mouth
    unexplained bleeding or bruising

  125. Hugh Jarse says:

    I wonder what rank Dave is.
    Captain, hopefully.

  126. Don says:

    Brian Doonthetoon 10 June, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    Craig Murray also tried to say it was some sort of Con trick as it was never discussed in the Commons but deliberately missed out stating the obvious fact there was no need for it to be discussed in the Commons as it was an existing law that was merely amended via the second house of Lords where laws drawn up in the commons are finally passed or dismissed.

    “As Craig Murray types he was involved in UK maritime negotiations.”

    Craig Murray types many things that are simply not true , can he provide proof other than his own words he was involved ? Probably not , why would he be ? What on earth would it have to do with a mere ambassador to a foreign country ?

    Remember all that other stuff Craig Murray spent months writing about that Israel was responsible for the Novichok incidents in Salsbury ? Completely raving bonkers.
    link to

  127. Stuart MacKay says:

    Scot Finlayson

    Also at American sporting events everybody, and I mean everybody, on the field and in the arena or stadium is expected to stand for the national anthem when it is played before the start of a game. This applies down to college level sports at least. Also there’s usually a parade of the flag with the military or some para-military organisation involved. Kneeling at this is a giant F*** You! to the establishment.

    Since everything that happens in the good old USA must be good for the rest of the world the idea has spread but only after it was sanitised into a “Against Racism” protest – which ostensibly it was but it was major affront to American sensibilities when it first happened, especially when it was done by one of those uppity minorities who clearly didn’t know their place – go search for the reaction of the National Football League and the team owners when it happened.

    So Breeks is right. It loses it’s impact when everybody does it and the real meaning gets lost. Just another platitude to avoid having to make actual change.

  128. Ruby says:

    I won’t post any more lists of contra-indications of various drugs.

    Pick up any drug and you will see a long list of contra-indications on the enclosed leaflet. I expect most people don’t read them.

    The point I’m making is that whatever drug or vaccine you put in your body there is a risk and you have to weigh up these risks.

    In the case of ‘Terbinafine’ which is used to treat ‘fugal nail infection’ the choice seems to be between going bald or having grotty toenails.

  129. Robert Hughes says:

    Sensible D . I was neither hurt nor offended by your comment : glad you weren’t by mine . * thumbs up *

  130. Pixywine says:

    Nicola Sturgeon, the “Common Purpose” puppet is a deadly threat to our children and their liberties. The “vaccine” is an Gene therapy experiment and there are disturbing stories of magnets sticking to vaccination sites on people’s arms. Those videos are found on various platforms including bitchute YouTube.
    Sturgeon wages war on us. She has no care or concern for our health as she institutes prison conditions for the whole population.
    Having spent 12 years of my life in Scottish prisons I understand and recognise a prison regime when its so slap in the face obvious. A lifetimes experience has alerted me to the danger our Governments present to us. Nicola Sturgeon the child snatcher, stay the Hell away from my children you Evil little Witch.

  131. Pixywine says:

    So Ruby. You’re now a spokes person for the Pharmaceutical Industry? Who knew?

  132. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Craig Murray was head of the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Maritime Section, when he negotiated the UK’s maritime boundaries with Belgium, France, Denmark (Faroes) and Ireland, no “mere ambassador to a foreign country”.

    The Stolen Seas

    link to

  133. Breastplate says:

    The whole point is that we are NOT able to weigh up the risks because of suppression of information.
    Added to that is the train of thought amongst the totalitarian elements of our society that people should be forced to take a vaccine that they do not trust.

  134. Republicofscotland says:

    As recent articles reported that the Met police force sent spycops to infiltrate and inform on Scottish anti-nuclear groups, we already know what Johnson thinks of Scots, extermination is his preferred choice.

    The British government spent five years and £2.3-million training “specialist cadres of police” in Colombia, where dozens of protesters have been killed over the past month in a police crackdown on anti-government demonstrations. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of us, as Westminster has sanctioned the sending of Met police officers to other oppressive regimes such as Bahrain, to teach local “law” enforcement officers in techniques of how to further oppress its citizens.

    Westminster via the MoD and the FCO also runs a multi-million pounds project in the edges of the occupied West Bank, that further aids in the protection of the occupying oppressive apartheid military regime known as Israel, but does nothing for the oppressed Palestinian folk.

    We also have Nigerian helicopter pilots that are/were trained in England (Newport) who are now murdering Nigerian citizens and destroying schools with their new found skills they learned in England. Then of course there’s the Saudi pilots trained at RAF bases in England, that have went on to kill thousands of Yemeni women and children with their illegal invasion of Yemen.

    These are just a few examples of the bucket of sewage that Britain has become, and has been for a long time, why would the Welsh, never mind the Scots want to remain chained to this union.

  135. Breeks says:

    I think too, we need to remember there is actually graphic symbolism to the act of kneeling, given the killing of George Floyd, arrested in Minneapolis where one of the arresting officers knelt on his windpipe and killed him, despite Floyd’s audible protests that he couldn’t breathe.

  136. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Hughes 11:33 am

    I’ve been commenting here for many years Robert as a white, middle-aged Englishman. The site really needs me. It needs a moment of relief from the echo chamber, dog whistle, unchallenged bull-crap stuff and it needs me to hold a mirror up to the loonies when they start spouting anti-english stuff. But most of all, I feel it is my duty and calling to educate and inform those that frequent the site that are only blessed with very small brains.

  137. Breastplate says:

    This site has never been an echo chamber. There are years of feisty debate btl to prove that.

    Of course, there are people who don’t wish to debate here and would like people such as yourself banned merely for disagreeing with them but you may or may not remember that me and people like me thought otherwise, as did Stuart.

  138. J.o.e says:

    Ive got no idea why anything that happened in America necessarily has relevance anywhere else. Especially in regards to racism and especially in regards to Scotland.

    The fact this is even an issue or a topic is enough evidence to show that corporate media has an absolutely massive ability to distort priorities.

    Again the perfect example is that we literally had a discussion in the Scottish parliament regarding George Floyd while we have had evasion regarding the (insert ethno religious group here) exploitation, rape and occasional murder of literally 10’s of thousands of working class, mainly English, girls based on their different religious persuasion to the perpetrators ALL facilitated by a police and political establishment that were provably trying to ignore it.

    The fact that everyone has heard of George Floyd and probably nobody can remember Kriss Donald is all you need to know about the sympathies of our corporate media, the politicians they work with and the control of your understandings based on the information you are exposed to.

  139. robbo says:

    Aye Donny boy

    I understand what it means.

    Take in loads of cash in tax receipts. Give a little back (budgets) and spend the rest on shit.

  140. Breastplate says:

    Yes, there was a time when the internet and social media had a life of its own, the time when “fake news” was the constant go to phrase and we couldn’t escape it.
    Although you may still hear it occasionally, social media is a different animal now and well regulated now from a US government point of view.

    They’re back in control of the narrative which means they’re back in control full stop (or should I say, period).

  141. robbo says:

    Ah Dave lad. We know all about you English types. LMAO

    You wouldn’t be angry Frank by any chance?

    link to

  142. Sensible Dave says:


    My apologies Sir! I hope you understand that when one is on maneuvers in a hostile environment, one doesn’t spend too much time considering whether source of the object hurtling towards you has launched an apple or grenade. Best give it a swipe, duck or shoot the launcher – and worry about collateral damage afterwards.

  143. Robert Hughes says:

    Sensible D .

    Breastplate gave the response to your comment to me I would have made myself .

    WOS has never been an echo chamber , alas too many pro-Indy sites are , hence the impasse the movement finds itself in , with – possibly – the majority of * pros * unable or unwilling to acknowledge the damage N Sturgeon is inflicting not only on the cause but to the country also .

    None so blind …….

    As a matter of interest …..has your reading and commenting here for years given you a better understanding of the feelings, thoughts and arguments that inform our desire for Independence ?

  144. Stuart MacKay says:

    From the utterly dismal The National which makes the tiniest local newspaper look like a powerhouse of journalism:

    “Young Scots firmly back world’s first carbon neutral space hub in Scotland”, link to

    This is the proposed space port for the A’ Mhoine peninusula* in Sutherland which is an idea that is apparently “alive and well”.

    “Knowing that others in Scotland see the potential that the space hub has to revitalise our rural community is very encouraging.”

    Because, as we all know, Sutherland is awash with rocket scientists and aerospace engineers sitting there in their crofts with nothing to do.

    There’ll need to be lots of construction of manufacturing, testing and assembly facilities because of the roads being unsuitable for transporting pretty much anything larger than a container and shipping everything in by sea is going to be a bit expensive. Yes, it has all the makings of a sound plan to revolutionise the entire Scottish economy.

  145. James Che. says:

    Sensible Dave,
    I agree that you should have a voice, I have always thought that the opposition of another voice gives the independence movement a clearer head and brings discussions to the table Scots would otherwise skim over, it helps focus the independence movement when they get offended by the likes of ( Don)comments or occasionally your own stray comment such as calling people on this site loonies or people blessed with small brains,
    The slurs and derogatory comments offend us enough for those here with knowledge to share those links with other people, educating some Scots that may have been sleep walking rather than having small brains, indeed a timely wake up call and often thanks to verbal abuse thrown out by unionists voices,
    There has been a wide array of important topics and historical facts discussed here on Rev stu’s site over the years, and recently, that we may never have looked at in our busy life’s if it hadn’t been for the mud slinging,
    To all those whom are fighting Scotland’s independence by contributing insults to the independence movement, may I say thank you for keeping us on our toes, encouraging us to share knowledge and supporting each other, sharing links, having a laugh occasionally and helping us in building a stronger concenus and community spirit here in Scotland.
    In the future I could see the population of Scotland whom have had their eyes opened with regards the snp and ousting her in an unfamiliar fashion to political etiquette,
    Yours and others whom have similar views [ For ] the Scots are indeed helpful.

  146. napier says:

    Breeks says:
    11 June, 2021 at 7:03 am

    It isn’t complicated. The Treaty of Union between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England is the treaty which created the United Kingdom

    You are right that it is not complicated:

    In 1707: Kingdom of Scotland + Kingdom of England = Kingdom of Great Britain.
    The UK does not exist.

    In 1801: Kingdom of Great Britain + Kingdom of Ireland = United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
    Now the UK exists.

    When the Treaty of Union expires, the two signatories of the Treaty will revert back to their pre-Treaty status as independent sovereign entities, and the United Kingdom created by that Treaty will no longer exist

    Still nope. The United Kingdom was not created by the 1706 Treaty of Union. I sometimes worry about what they teach in school nowadays…

  147. J.o.e says:

    @Stuart Mackay

    Looks like Elon Musk style promotion of unworkable vaporware has arrived in Scotland.

  148. Sensible Dave says:

    Napier & Breeks 2.49

    The key bit that is still being missed by many here on Wings is, contrary to the wishful thinking, to most folk the “United Kingdom” is a place – it is not a reference to a “thing” (i.e. some treaty or whatever).

    If folk stop overthinking things – the answers become much simpler.

    If you ask a Frenchman where the United Kingdom is they will be able to tell you. If you ask them about some Treaty signed in 1707 or whatever they wont know or care.

    If Scotland were to become Independent, and you then ask a Frenchman where the United Kingdom is – they will still be able to tell you where it is (clue: its still in the same place).

    They might then struggle to tell you where Scotland is though? But that’s another issue though.

  149. Lochside says:

    FAO DON…

    G.E.R.S as its originator, Ian Lang intended it to be, is a fabricated Unionist deception and gerrymandering of Scotland’s fiscal reality.

    ‘If we look back as far as reliable historical figures for Scotland’s revenues and expenditure go, we can see that in 1980-81, before the UK debt started to spiral, Scotland was charged £3bn to service the UK debt. Despite that, it managed to record a surplus of more than £1bn.368 Indeed, using GERS, Scotland’s finances showed a surplus until 1990, when the cumulative surplus amounted to £38.8bn (£74bn surplus without debt loading)’. (Bus. for Scotland).

    Guess what? Lang introduced the following two years..I wonder why? Oh, that’s right, he told us why….
    “I judge that [GERS] is just what is needed at present in our campaign to maintain the initiative and UNDERMINE the other parties. This initiative could score against all of them.”

    You can’t use GERS as an argument against independence. Scotland
    is allocated ‘Estimated’ costs as part of the UK’S expenditure. Allocating interest charges on debt that Scotland did not and cannot legally generate, allows GERS to show a deficit. GERS assumes that those surpluses disappeared into thin air, and that could not have happened. It is an undeniable fact that in an independent Scotland those surpluses would either have been invested to grow Scotland’s economy or possibly put into a sovereign wealth fund for the future benefit of our nation, as Norway has done.

    Explain why Norway with 3% less oil revenue accrued has a Sovereign fund of £1.3 billion, whereas the UK has a debt of £1 TRILLION!
    A UK Government, which alone borrows and controls all economic levers for the whole UK is solely responsible for this disaster. Anyone who has lived through the past forty years of boom, bust and austerity under successive Unionist UK governments cannot misunderstand this unless terminally stupid or in your case, terminally dishonest,

    Scotland is paying England’s debt interest. It started in 1707 when England’s debt was £14 million the equivalent of £1.5 BILLION. We are still doing this and liars and dissemblers like you keep repeating the lie.

    Dennis Healey, former Chancellor, admitted as much in the following quotes:

    ‘World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.'(England)

    Denis Healey, again:
    ‘Scotland “pays its fair share” and that “these myths” are simply perpetuated by those that oppose independence”. And that “Scotland’s oil wealth had been squandered by Westminster rather than invested, while being underplayed (in value terms) by the UK government to subdue calls for Scottish independence”.

  150. Sensible Dave says:


    You wrote “Explain why Norway with 3% less oil revenue accrued has a Sovereign fund of £1.3 billion …. ” .

    £1.3 Billion??? Scotland wins £8 Billion from the Barnett formula every year. 🙂

  151. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I see our esteemed First Minister has praised the Scottish football squad for deciding they will “take a knee” before the game against England at Wembley.

    How typical, she’s all for gesture politics, but not so good at doing her job and getting us Independence.

    Taking a knee will not make a blind bit of difference, and the rabid Fascists int he England support will still boo the gesture.

    The fact England is doing it is, to me, all the more reason for Scotland not to.

  152. Stuart MacKay says:


    If only. The vapid press has a long and venerable history of publishing pie in the sky initiatives that that are going nowhere. Take this headline from a couple of days ago in Holyrood Magazine:

    “Leadership team appointed to deliver Scotland’s artificial intelligence strategy”

    Sounds grand, except all they are doing for the next five years is creating a plan. The current AI balloon (actually it’s just statistics and has very little to do with intelligence) will probably have burst by then.

    All is designed to give the impression that things are happening when they aren’t. It’s carrot dangling but using a real carrot would involve work so it’s just a piece of paper that’s been scribbled on by a small child with an orange crayon.

    Instead of space port how about building some decent roads so a space port while still unlikely would at least be possible (though you’d have to fix the weather while you were at it).

    Instead of an artificial intelligence strategy how about pouring more money into computer science and engineering courses so you actually have people who would be able to do the work.


    On another note. Here’s an entertaining read that will get the blood boiling, link to I wonder how long it will be before it’s suggested by you know who.

  153. Confused says:

    some articles of general interest

    “celebrating” the guardian, which has been a shitty rag for a very, very long time
    link to

    – quality gatekeeping, explained
    link to
    note how “human rights” and “humanitarianism” becomes a cover for blowing the shit out of brown people and generally wrecking anything you don’t like.

    where did the virus come from (- and why is the previously ridiculed “conspiracy theory” aka the Lab Leak hypothesis, now the mainstream)
    link to
    if you wait long enough, you realise every conspiracy theory is actually true; they are now wanting to vaccinate the little kids when only the old and the fat (plus pre-existing ill health) are at risk from covid
    link to

    – don’t worry about unz being a “far right neo nazi jewish white nationalist” as greenwald explains – we are ALL far right these days
    link to

    rich don’t use PAYE
    link to
    who knew? The dumb public maybe thought the “top rate of income tax” somehow got applied to these guys!

    indyref#2 delayed again due to mousepox; curiously, mousepox was one of the first virus that biowarfare experts got interested in.

  154. Hugh Jarse says:

    Captain sensible.
    Having lived en France for a bit, and had my share of travelling, i can assure you that that Frenchman equates GB, UK,& England. Interchangeable, sometimes in the same conversation.

    Ecosse? They know fine well where, and who we are.
    An auld alliance. Far older than 300 years.

  155. Breeks says:

    napier says:
    11 June, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    The UK does not exist.

    Go and read the Treaty and stop being an imbecile.

  156. Hugh Jarse says:

    Sorry, forgot. Lochside/Dave
    Norway isn’t sitting on $1.3 Billion!

    It’s $1.3 Trillion.


    link to

  157. Republicofscotland says:

    “Socrates MacSporran says:
    11 June, 2021 at 4:05 pm
    I see our esteemed First Minister has praised the Scottish football squad for deciding they will “take a knee” before the game against England at Wembley.”

    Socrates McSporran, yes but they still won’t take a knee at their Hampden games, well according to the press they won’t.

    On our esteemed FM, she has no problems on using double standards, praising the Scotland team for taking a knee, whilst trying to prosecute a woman for posting a piccy of a Suffragettes ribbon.

  158. Republicofscotland says:

    So Perfidious Albion aka Westminster sent an aircraft carrier to its closest ally in the Middle East Oman, it has a naval base there at Duqm, and GCHQ has three not so secret listing stations there as well.

    “Police” in the country have been putting down demonstrations and marches as the people of the country as fed up with corruption, and mass unemployment, all political parties are banned, and the UK is selling the authorities billions of pounds worth of arms to suppress the people.

    The Sultan of Oman rules with absolute power, and Westminster are firmly behind this despot. Oman is a hive of British secret activities, and they turn a blind eye to violence against its people whilst supplying the despot led regime with billions of pounds of armourments.

    Like I said why would any nation want to be in a union that supports evil around the world.

  159. Sensible Dave says:


    As I keep saying RoS, I am told regularly and often here that The SCottish Government is corrupt, The First Minister and all her Senior Ministers are corrupt, the Scottish Judiciary is corrupt and the Scottish Police are corrupt.

    So to parapharase, “why would any nation want to have anything to do with a country whose institutions are so corrupt”???

  160. Ian Hart says:

    @ breeks

    Colin Kapernick who was QB for the San Francisco 49ers began kneeling during the anthem to protest against police brutality on black Americans. This was 2016 (I think) long before the death of George Floyd and BLM.

    It caused a huge outcry not about the violence but on being anti-american…

    Colin Kapernick paid the price for his stance. Drummed out of the NFL and hasn’t played since the 2016 season.

  161. Don says:

    Republicofscotland 11 June, 2021 at 4:39 pm

    “So Perfidious Albion aka Westminster sent an aircraft carrier to its closest ally in the Middle East Oman, it has a naval base there at Duqm, and GCHQ has three not so secret listing stations there as well.

    “Police” in the country have been putting down demonstrations and marches as the people of the country as fed up with corruption, and mass unemployment, all political parties are banned, and the UK is selling the authorities billions of pounds worth of arms to suppress the people.

    The Sultan of Oman rules with absolute power, and Westminster are firmly behind this despot. Oman is a hive of British secret activities, and they turn a blind eye to violence against its people whilst supplying the despot led regime with billions of pounds of armourments.

    Like I said why would any nation want to be in a union that supports evil around the world.”

    Most likely because as you well know you just made this BS story up yourself inside your own head. I spotted this fantastic oppertunity for you and others here to get properly educated
    link to

  162. Grouse Beater says:

    “why would any nation want to have anything to do with a country whose institutions are so corrupt”? Sensible Dave 4.50pm

    Depends what one can get from this nation that helps to turn a blind eye to how its elite operate. And if corrupt oneself, you will feel comfortable. Said nations trade and do deals all the time. Hence, your question could be aimed at almost any major nation in the west.

    The democratic system offers the chance to right wrongs, if the populace remember the electorate and its activists are the real power, and can fix things if it has a mind to.

  163. Sensible Dave says:

    Grousey 5.05

    Yo Grousey! How have you been?

    You may have missed my irony in my comment at 4.50.

    RoS refers to “Perfidious Albion” without a hint irony intended (when on these pages, contributors all seem to agree on just how perfidious and corrupt Scotland’s institutions are. Just sayin’!

  164. Don says:

    @Grouse Beater 11 June, 2021 at 5:05 pm

    “Depends what one can get from this nation that helps to turn a blind eye to how its elite operate. And if corrupt oneself, you will feel comfortable. Said nations trade and do deals all the time. Hence, your question could be aimed at almost any major nation in the west.

    The democratic system offers the chance to right wrongs, if the populace remember the electorate and its activists are the real power, and can fix things if it has a mind to.”

    LOL, Oh Dear. And you think would be leaders of Alba would be any better than the corrupt SNP ? link to

    “In 2016, Wilson and Chic Brodie, an SNP MSP representing the South Scotland electoral region at the Scottish Parliament, faced controversy over a public expenses scandal, with Chic Brodie transferring £87,616 of public expenses into Corri Wilson’s Caledonii Resources”
    link to

  165. Ruby says:

    The only time a Frenchman is asked about ‘Le Royaume-Uni’ is on the ‘Eurovision Song Contest’.

    Last time the response was ‘Nul Points’

    The UK is referred to by the man in the street in France as ‘Angleterre’ pretty much like the man in the street in England only they use English.

    Who remembers Leveson slipping up & referring to the UK Gov as the English parliament to which Alex Salmond answered ‘English Parliament, I like that’.

  166. Dan says:

    @ Sensible Dave

    The scale of perfidy and corruption is relative though. The Scottish Government Administrators of Devolved Powers can only exercise perfidy and corruption within the constraints of the powers they have.
    We just want the ability to directly elect and have reins on the politicians we empower to serve us so they can be kept in check should they err, involve themselves in corruption, or fail to represent the electorate’s best interests.

    Westminster is a different kettle of fish though, as UK Government has significantly more ability to be perfidious & corrupt with the full powers it controls.
    Plus Scots only make up less than 10% of UK population, so we can do little to influence the choice of Government in Westminster.
    Maybe if your good selves down south elected a Government that better served the needs of the majority of folk in the UK there would be less motivation for Scots to desire and work towards returning to a self governing status.
    Just sayin’…

    Y’all cool with this down south?

    link to

  167. Don says:

    @Dan 11 June, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    “Maybe if your good selves down south elected a Government that better served the needs of the majority of folk in the UK there would be less motivation for Scots to desire and work towards returning to a self governing status.
    Just sayin’…

    Y’all cool with this down south?
    link to

    Seems you are way behind the times with what the SNP has already done to you Dan
    link to

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    Did it ever cross your minds why Burma, now Myanmar, soldiers have been so good of late at putting down internal protests and killing demonstrators under the regimes General Min Aung Hlaing?

    Well yet again Perfidious Albion spent thousands of pounds on training the country’s soldiers, and MI5 and MI6 gave the country’s intelligence service lectures. High ranking individuals were even invited and attended at the British military academy Sandhurst.

    Perfidious Albion was desperate to get a foothold in Myanmar due to its location with regards to China and India.

  169. Ruby says:

    Sensible Dave says:
    11 June, 2021 at 12:28 pm
    Robert Hughes 11:33 am

    I’ve been commenting here for many years Robert as a white, middle-aged Englishman. The site really needs me. It needs a moment of relief from the echo chamber, dog whistle, unchallenged bull-crap stuff and it needs me to hold a mirror up to the loonies when they start spouting anti-english stuff.


    I’m glad you are here SD as I have a question I would like answered.

    What do you mean by english as in anti-english stuff?

  170. Ruby says:

    Sensible Dave says:
    “why would any nation want to have anything to do with a country whose institutions are so corrupt”???


    If we were to judge by their elected representatives England seems extremely keen/almost desperate.

  171. twathater says:

    As a poster suggested why doesn’t the SCOTLAND team and all SCOTLAND supporters wear the colourful ribbons of the women suffragettes to show their SOLIDARITY and SUPPORT with their MOTHERS,WIFES,DAUGHTERS,GIRLFRIENDS against the deliberate theft of women’s spaces and the threat to their safety

    Surely the safety and security of women and girls encompasses all colours and ethnicities and would be applauded and celebrated by our feminist first minister

    PLEASE would someone on twatter ,faceplook and all the other social sites propose the SCOTLAND TEAM DO THIS

  172. Ruby says:

    Sensible Dave is here to check for any incidents of anti-english stuff (whatever that means) which is fair enough.

    What I can’t figure out is why Don is here.

    Can anyone help?

  173. Dan says:

    It seems Don failed to notice the word “Intra” in the title of the document they linked to…
    There is a difference between sharing personal health data constrained within the remit of providing healthcare in Scotland, when compared to allowing it to potentially be shared on a much wider scale.

  174. J.o.e says:


    Im going to hold off judgement on that subject.

    The way western intelligence services along with certain NGO’s and foundations have worked in a number of countries is that when an election goes against their interests, or a current sitting leader goes rogue, they essentially astroturf a public uprising and use the media to paint it as ‘the people’ rising against tyranny.

    I was in the middle of one such event in Eastern Europe and it seemed to me that many of the so called anti-government protestors were foreigners brought in for the job which included damage to public buildings and intimidation to nationalists and dissenting public officials.

    An event that I wasn’t near but happened at the same time has pretty much been proven to be funded and organised by foreign groups.

    The corporate empire under whose heel we are now being ground has used the notion of democracy to crush sovereign peoples the world over and paint it as a nice and fluffy upgrade, courtesy of our taxes, on our media.

    Ultimately the military of any given country are the best placed to put down such artificial uprisings but we never know when this is a legitimate military response to outside agitators or is in fact an unjust military takeover because it is so easy to make the former look like the latter if you get to send 4am talking points to the media organisations.

    All of the ‘bad guys’ of the last 100 years who were deposed in some way from power were only removed because they were in some way not playing ball with our international financial empire, not because of any crimes they committed or are supposed to have committed. Our media, entertainment and government-friendly education then sweeps up the uncomfortable truths and we are then left with the impression that something good was done in the interests of ‘democracy’.

    Conversely the crimes of the monsters our financial and political elite have gotten us to work with, for their own benefit, are hidden and played down.

  175. Ruby says:

    twathater says:
    11 June, 2021 at 5:56 pm
    As a poster suggested why doesn’t the SCOTLAND team and all SCOTLAND supporters wear the colourful ribbons of the women suffragettes to show their SOLIDARITY and SUPPORT with their MOTHERS,WIFES,DAUGHTERS,GIRLFRIENDS against the deliberate theft of women’s spaces and the threat to their safety


    ‘cos they are not as brave as the Colin Kaepernick!

    Might be a whole different scenario if it were the women’s team.

  176. Robert Graham says:

    A few comments about our esteemed FM aye oh dear what a bleedn embarrassment she is becoming especially to anyone who supports Independence ,
    firstly she has never attended one AUOB march she has attended various other marches including gay Pride yet a Independence march is beneath her ,
    that stupid clip she just had to make to placate the poor souls who dont know what they are and she assumed had hurt feelings because people did not agree with their definition of what a Woman is ( not a difficult question ) but it sends that little creep that is joint leader of the Greens into verbal gymnastics over a very simple question ,
    Sturgeons view of what Scotland is I believe totally at odds with the majority of normal people and this apparent link to the Greens where did that one come from ? did the deluded people who still vote SNP realise that wee Green creep would be invited to have a say in the way the country is run.

    Christ it gets weirder everyday

  177. Lochside says:

    Hugh Jarse..Thanks for picking up the £1.5 TRILLION not Billion mistype for Norway’s wealth fund. Naturally, ‘InSensible Dave’ the ‘thinking Englishman’ ( oxymoron, with the emphasis on ‘moron’) uses the slip to sneer at Scotland, totally ignoring all the evidence. Par for the course of a habitual trolling Unionist arse wipe.

  178. Robert Graham says:

    The gullible clowns over in La La Land still believe Princess Nicola is their route to Independence , oh well ignorance is Bliss as they say ,its the same shite they have been talking about for the last 6 years only its a different day , the walking dead could learn a lot from them because most of them will be dead before princess Nicola gets off her well paid arse and does something .

    Still lost the £600000 then ?

    Still no sackings or resignations over the millions wasted in trying to jail Alex Salmond

    This Indyref2 eh when is it happening again ? .

  179. Republicofscotland says:

    j.o.e @6.15pm.

    Putting Perfidious Albion to the side for a moment, I’m under the impression that the military coup in Myanmar occurred because the military backed party USDP performed poorly in the elections, and they wanted a rerun.

    The timing of the coup could have centered around negating the legitimacy of the result.

    Burma/Myanmar has a history of such coups.

  180. Sensibledave says:

    Ruby 5.56

    By way of demonstration Ruby, I will pop back tomoz, and highlight some of the stuff that has been said since this comment. Deal?

  181. So why are England fans booing `taking the knee` ?

  182. J.o.e says:


    Yep. Im really just saying that the people who engineer colour revolution style coups are usually more careful with optics than the nationalists opposing them and have made sure to get the kind of infrastructure in countries that allows them to show thousands of ‘pro democracy protestors’ gallantly taking on an ‘evil regime’ for which we will then consent to greater use of force or economic sanctions against the country.

    Ive seen it first hand where a country is attacked in this way and the leaders of the nationalists who may indeed not be great people have been put into a PR box by the worlds media and have little means of fighting back without risking some sort of war or violence on themselves. Ultimately the country then submits to a whole raft of neoliberal policies and a puppet government that further impoverish the people and opens the doors to greater exploitation by international interests.

    We then get told its a victory for democracy

  183. Sensibledave says:

    Dan 5.40

    Down south, we realised long ago that when we vote we are choosing the least worst option. Johnson v Corbyn is an easy choice. Corbyn is socialist – so he disqualifies himself. Up in Scotland, I’ve watched the crowning and deification of St Nicola, turn into the situation of loathing now.

    It’s the hope that kills ya.

    Now you’ve perhaps grown up a bit, you might choose your next government on the basis of who might do the least worst job … then perhaps, you might get a government that actually achieves something . Give me a list of the SNP’s 2 greatest achievements in government. Whilst your thinking about it, the not much liked Tories have fulfilled the mandate to Brexit despite all the combined opposition and produced a brilliant vaccine programme. You may not like them but they do actually achieve things.

    Anyway can’t wait to hear what brilliant things the SNP have achieved.

  184. Ruby says:

    Sensibledave says:
    11 June, 2021 at 7:44 pm

    Anyway can’t wait to hear what brilliant things the SNP have achieved.



    What’s your interest in the SNP?

  185. J.o.e says:

    ‘Anyway can’t wait to hear what brilliant things the SNP have achieved.’

    Yeah. Coz everyone here is well into the SNP. Clearly

  186. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ruby , wrong question.

    Ask SD what the wondrous, brilliant Westminster government has achieved.

  187. James Che. says:

    Awww I am feeling left out sensible Dave, you have ignored my comments. 🙁

  188. Ruby says:

    Sensibledave says:
    11 June, 2021 at 7:15 pm
    Ruby 5.56

    By way of demonstration Ruby, I will pop back tomoz, and highlight some of the stuff that has been said since this comment. Deal?


    Why do you need so long to define ‘anti-english stuff’?

    Did you mean anti-English?

    If so perhaps you could define what you mean by English.

  189. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    link to

    An interesting document. It covers the sharing of patient info between NHS Scotland affiliated organisations.

    Some quotes from it:-

    16.In general terms, NHS Scotland organisations do not require explicit consent to share information between NHS organisations for the provision of healthcare or the management of services.
    17.NHS Scotland organisations are not required to develop information sharing agreements for established purposes involving routine business as usual processes. It is considered best practice to develop agreements for non-routine or voluntary information sharing. NHS organisations should develop a risk assessment and review whether an agreement is required in light of their risk appetite.

    6.This Accord has been developed to facilitate the legitimate,justifiable and proportionate sharing of personal data between NHS Scotland organisations as referenced in section 2A of the National Health Service (Scotland) 1978 Act for health care purposes.

    For example,this may include,but not be limited to,the sharing or disclosure of information between Health Boards (including Special Health Boards), GPs, Dentists, Hospitals, Prison Medical Staff, Primary Care Contractors as part of routine health care delivery. This Accord is location agnostic(e.g. police premises etc.)as long as the data flow is required for an NHS Scotland function, service or task within the scope described in section6 of this Accord.

    So this document covers the exchange of info between NHS Scotland organisations, eg Health Boards (including Special Health Boards), GPs, Dentists, Hospitals, Prison Medical Staff, Primary Care Contractors as part of routine health care delivery.

    Seems efficient to me. If I have an accident in Aberdeen and am hospitalised, I would hope that Tayside Health Board would pass on my data to Aberdeen.

    The proposal in NHS England appears to enable sharing patient data with organisations OUTWITH NHS England. A quote from the link below:-

    What this means in practice is that all your GP interactions, starting from the time you were born (and including many of the most intimate details of your life) are at risk of being indirectly sold to corporations.
    To be specific, your GP data includes details of physical, mental and sexual health, drug and alcohol history, and any family and work-related problems that you thought you’d disclosed in confidence. What’s worse, your personal information will not be fully anonymous, meaning it is relatively easily identifiable as yours (you can opt out after 23 June, but NHS Digital holds on to whatever data it has obtained, and still makes it available to third parties).

    link to

  190. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’ve remembered a personal example.

    I was referred to the Uni’s (my employer) Occupational Health Service.
    They needed consent from me to enable them to access my hospital/GP records.

  191. Ruby says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    11 June, 2021 at 7:50 pm
    Ruby , wrong question.

    Ask SD what the wondrous, brilliant Westminster government has achieved.


    I think he already answered that.

    Funding the vaccine programme using taxpayers money
    & Brexit.

  192. Pixywine says:

    Do NOT bend the knee to Communists.

  193. Robert Hughes says:

    J.o.e @ 6.15

    I watched – on a side street where a pro-Independence march was taking place nearby, a lock-up door swing open and a group of well * disguised * ( in typical young Independista dress and accoutrement ) agent provocateurs emerge , flanked by Guardia Civil goons cheering them on .

    Nothing new there , it’s a well-used strategy to discredit any popular movement that threatens the interests of the State and/or the financial interests that manipulate whatever selection of crooks , malleable donkeys and sociopaths that constitute the – ostensible – power in the State .

    You asked recently if there could be a form of words , a simple phrase that could distil the complexity of the ways in which we’re all ill-served ( putting it mildly ) by the power structures in our – and most other – society/ies , so that more people may at least be disabused of the idea that these structures work for our benefit : ideally , forming part of a critical mass that could actually wrest power from the elite/s

    No , I couldn’t come up with a definitive one either ! Ha !

    Perception,being notoriously subjective/unreliable and fairly easily manipulated,it’s difficult to convince anyone of what you think is a more accurate perception of reality than their own . To complicate matters , can we ever be 100% sure even our own perceptions are accurate ?

  194. I remember a picture of the England football team,Stanley Matthews i think was playing,giving the Nazi salute in Berlin 1938,

    does anyone know if the England fans booed their team for doing this henious act.

  195. Republicofscotland says:

    j.o.e @7.36pm.

    Yes Joe I agree with that, and a clear cut for instance would be the USA’s 2014 coup in Ukraine. The coup was overseen by Victoria Nuland, she was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, from the USA’s State Department.

    Many of the demonstrators at the Maidan, were briefed and trained via the US Embassy in Kiev to be mobilised against Yanukovych.

    Demonstrators at the Maidan and even Berkut (Ukrainian police officers) were killed by US funded snipers from Lithuania, Belarus Ukraine, and one US sniper was also present.

  196. Hugh Jarse says:


    You can pick 2 out of the New Forth crossing, the re-established Waverley line, & dualling the A9.
    You could be cruel and add salvaging the Embra tram fiasco that the Unionist

    No Westminster contributions.

  197. Hugh Jarse says:

    …s started.

    Pick 2

    ‘Free’ social care for the elderly, free guaranteed nursery places (which scheme is being extended), and free prescriptions for all.
    Rape clause mitigation.

    Minimum alcohol pricing ?. It was needed!

  198. J.o.e says:

    @Scot Finlayson

    There is footage somewhere of some SNP folk giving it the Ave Caesar from the 30’s also.

    The difference in what it means depends what era your information comes from – pre war or post war.

  199. @J.o.e,

    do you have a link for what you said regarding SNP and Nazi salute.

  200. Dan says:

    @ Sensible Dave at 7.44pm

    No Alert Reader badge for you Dave! If you’d been attentive whilst reading btl commentary over the years you have frequented this parish, you would know that I’ve long been an advocate and campaigned on the basis of voting for the least shit option.
    Scotland returning to a self governing status would also reduce the frequency of having to vote for shit options because the UK layer would no longer be relevant.
    I may be an optimist, but at least I aspire to the possibility that one day our politics might improve to the point I no longer use the vote for least shit option modus.

    As an Englishman that acknowledges you are voting for the least shit option, do you have no desire for that situation to improve so that your country’s folk are better represented?

  201. J.o.e says:

    @Scott Finlayson

    Unfortunately no, or id have shared it. I looked for it since but can’t see it.

  202. bipod says:

    It really is remarkable that the glasgow “fan zone” is going ahead, which will have up to 6000 a day attending and during the England vs Scotland (friday night in the middle of glasgow) match I am sure there will be many more people than that in attendance at any one time.

    Our so called experts like “professor” jason leitch and Devi Sridhar insist that the fan zone is totally safe and fine while simultaneously telling us that the lockdown must continue indefinitely, it is not safe to meet up with more than 6 people in a cafe, pub or restaurant, you can’t work in an office unless it is essential and mask wearing and social distancing are likely to continue forever despite the vaccines. I’m sorry but that is totally bonkers, if I can go to a park with thousands inebriated people no problem then I should be able to work in an office or go to a pub without having to take a medical and hand over my personal details.

  203. Dan says:

    As for the SNP’s achievements. Here’s an extensive list of stuff Grousebeater put together showing what they had managed using the devolved powers Scotland does have.
    Of course different folk will hold their own views on the worth of the contents of the list, but folk need to remember they are Governing Administrating Devolved Powers for everyone in our society and not your own personal wonts.

    link to

    Obviously there has been a lot of contention regarding all the recent shit policies and extra curricular activities they have embroiled themselves in. That in itself highlights how the Party has lost its way and focus since she her carrot dangler took the reigns…

  204. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Grousebeater 5:05pm
    I have always look at Holyrood as my Government. I don’t look to Westminster. My Government is corrupt. Saying Westminster is corrupt matters nought to me. We had a chance and we blew it twice. Why? Twice? Listen to Stu. Sturgeon poisoned the well. Wheest for Indy should be replaced by wheest for the Murrells.

  205. J.o.e says:

    @Scot Finlayson

    To be fair now that I think about it, while it didn’t seem so the footage must be inaccurate or unofficial or perhaps simply made up.

    The reason I say this is because I find it hard to believe that it could be so hard to find it again. Given that it was a good number of years ago the daily mail and a million other organisations would have made sure it is very easily at hand.

    Anyway my point was a gesture means nothing. Despite the gulags, secret police, holodomor, tortures, invasions, oppression there’s people sill wear Soviet paraphernalia. Now that I think about it the same could be said for Britain itself.

  206. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @bipod (10.17) –

    Leitch, on Off The Ball last week, chucked Sturgeon under the bus over the ‘fan zone’ nonsense. If it goes ahead, it’s *her* decision, according to him. He’s also spoken about having a ‘reverse gear’ re fan zones so that the decision can be overturned if there’s evidence of a spike in cases. He knows it’s a logic-free zone, and anyone with a functioning brain will be able to rip him a new one over this in live debate. Or, indeed, in court.

    Bottom-line here – Leitch is probably wakening up to the fact that he is going to be personally liable for deceiving the public and actively encouraging what looks like criminality by government ministers and public health officials working at the behest of staggeringly powerful pharma companies.

    There is talk of Nuremberg-style trials for the organisers of this outrage. If that does happen, Leitch and Sturgeon will be at or near the top of the list of ‘Scottish’ defendants.

    ‘I was only doing my job’ won’t cut it. Nor will ‘we were acting on the best medical advice available’ when it’s clear that they have ignored swathes of evidence and expertise which just happens *not* to advocate the use of these so-called ‘vaccines’.

  207. Confused says:

    aye, right …

    link to

    When Lewis Hamilton got called names on twitter by that 12 year old, it was like I could see the marks of the whip on his back, the bitter welts of racist oppression

    – but being worth about $1B (estimated as he’s another fucking tax cheat) perhaps he has enough money to buy himself a tube of savlon …

    Footy coming up and the race grifting never stops. Nothing says “obedient slave” like kneeling or “taking the knee”; doing it before God is arguable tho, I mean, He Is Who He IS – but this new ritual being enforced by intense social pressure at all sporting events – I say bin it.

    I hope Scotland refuse to kneel against the English in the upcoming footy, while they all will do so. Then we win – and half of England will be cheering for us as well.

    Unless any of our lads are the direct descendants and heirs, still living in vast estates, of the masters of the cotton/sugar/slave trade, there is no blame, at all. Some of the lads might be from poor backgrounds themselves, being blamed for things they did not do and encouraged to do so by an entire generation of racial grifters who have suffered little from “racism”, other than, at times, vulgar words; well, the world is a nasty place when you walk out your front door.

    or contra –

    Take the Knee ? – why stop there?? Let’s see – let’s get a Holocaust Memorial in there; all the players construct one on the pitch before kickoff, then put on gas masks to symbolise the gassing; the Armenians now have a genocide, let’s get in on that too. Hutus and Tutsis – is a good one, but “white” players need to be sensitive about doing “blackface”. Howsabout – the extermination of the plains tribes by the USA; check, then a vast 16 hour wagnerian extravanganza about every evil bit of fuckery the British Empire ever did (- and no one pulled them up for it.)

    We could even have one for – The Highland Clearances … !

    – wait, stop that; that’s just being racist about the English, anyway it wasn’t a proper genocide or ethnic cleansing – a lot of these people would have gone anyway, the redcoats just hurried them along a bit … there were better lives to be had in America, anyway, so it all turned out right again … you scots with a chip on the shoulder – WHY CAN’T YOU JUST KEEP POLITICS OUT OF SPORT – you people.

    never mind JUST WATCH THE FOOTY … here is what happens : another scottish HARD LUCK STORY … about to qualify, 17 minutes into injury time, the entire team get sent off for a postive covid test and england are awarded 3 penalties, one of which they manage to convert despite only having 3 players on the pitch themslves due to half the team being shot in a drive by for dissing some south london crew and the rest being banned for transphobic tweets they made when they were 9 …

    italy win the final, but are disqualified for not being diverse enough, their players being actual italians. The final is replayed but no one knows who won as all the players in both teams are wearing strips consisting of rainbow/pride/trannie/perv flags. There is some controversy at one point as a goal will be scored by one team while their opponents are still “taking a knee”.

  208. Alfred says:

    Hughe Arse

    Dualling of the A9 has virtually stopped

  209. JimuckMac says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 10.58. Great post. You are on the pulse, interesting times ahead. Leitch and Sturgeon will both hang.

  210. J.o.e says:

    The thought of a good hanging involving the top SNP people who pushed the covid BS in Scotland leaves me with goosebumps.

    I’d pay quite a bit for a gallows-side seat.

  211. Robert Hughes says:

    Confused @ 11.02

    Hahaha , excellent post , nailed the whole fckn self-perpetuating thought police babble of the Race Industry .

    Everything is being hollowed out , diminished , trivialised by this facsimile of * Solidarity * , which skims the surface of contentious issues without ever disturbing the deep , dark water below them

    Enforced homogeneity of thought , belief ,perception is the order of the day and by fuck they’re intent on ramming it down our throats whether we want it or not

    What’s developing with the whole * Progressive * ideology is a perfect example of what the Greeks called ” Enantiodromia ” ie ” the tendency of things to change into their opposites, especially as a supposed governing principle of natural cycles and of psychological development ”

    In human terms , the frustrating , seemingly inevitable propensity to take a good idea and fuck it up beyond redemption

  212. Don says:

    Robert Hughes 12 June, 2021 at 12:31 am

    “In human terms , the frustrating , seemingly inevitable propensity to take a good idea and fuck it up beyond redemption”

    Which is ofcourse exactly what Nationalists are trying to do with something called the UK wide Socialist System that gives Scotland more back than it raises in taxes from itself. That Stench you smell is called Hypocrisy.
    link to

  213. Don says:

    @Very Confused 11 June, 2021 at 11:02 pm

    “We could even have one for – The Highland Clearances ”

    The Highland Ckearances were of course exacted on Scots only by Scots themselves.
    link to

  214. Don says:

    @Ian Brotherhood 11 June, 2021 at 10:58 pm

    “Bottom-line here – Leitch is probably wakening up to the fact that he is going to be personally liable for deceiving the public and actively encouraging what looks like criminality by government ministers and public health officials working at the behest of staggeringly powerful pharma companies.”

    No shortage of evidence here link to


  215. Confused says:

    Ah, Don –

    I would call you a half-wit, but I think you still have your half-wit finals to sit before you graduate with your BA (Bachelor of Arse) in Demi-Cognition.

    – we have had you stink up the place with your determined but pathetic defence of GERS, now you make more errors

    “Bella” is not well-liked round these parts; like “turning up in a celtic shirt at the louden tavern” not-well-liked. It is the haunt of the fake nat, the woke-nat, the SNP-zealots, the 12th of never gradualists, bourgeois lefties, middle class twats, guardian readers, fucking students – it is the problem of the YES movement, in its very essence because their motto is

    “anything except Scotland, everything before Scotland, everyone else in front of the Scots”

    – they are a bunch of trannies on byres road, looking for fairtrade coffee and artisanal cheese, while tweeting about the diversity of govanhill on their iphones. Mike Small’s ambition in life is a job at the guardian.

    As for the “scottishness” of the tr4itorous aristocracy, they don’t get counted.

    – be more like Robert Hughes, he reads the greeks

    I now know your purpose – it is to make SensibleDave look like an intellectual.

  216. Pixywine says:

    Don. You midwit.

  217. Gary45% says:

    I meant to say brilliant “Toon” as always Chris, although Ross didn’t need to open the door, he could easily have slithered under it.

  218. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Don (1.51) –

    After my comment about Jason Leitch I’m struggling to understand why you thought I’d spend twenty minutes watching an interview with…Jason Leitch. I’ve heard enough of him to last a lifetime and there is nothing – nothing at all – that he could say which would surprise me or change my mind about him.

    If he does a special interview, spilling all and begging for forgiveness, fair enough. But otherwise, I’d much much prefer to see him face a fair trial, then spend the rest of his life in prison. He’s a man of faith (CoS), so he’ll know how to deal with it philosophically.

  219. Saffron Robe says:

    It has struck me recently that the union between Scotland and England is a political union, nothing more. Just as it was created at the stroke of a pen, it can be dissolved at the stroke of a pen.

    And Ian Brotherhood, as is nearly always the case, I agree with your sentiments. It would be great to see all the corrupt politicians who have instilled fear in the population and abused our human rights and civil liberties in the name of Covid brought to justice.

  220. Gary45% says:

    Saffron Robe@5.35
    Since I had my second AZ vaccine, I’ve noticed my watch is getting faster, is this something to do with me now being totally magnetised? I’ve also noticed mountains no longer exist.

  221. Gary45% says:

    I’ve also just managed to stick a bit of plastic to my skin.
    Magnet-plastic? keep chewing the sideboard suckers.
    Get the vaccine and get back to some sort of normality.

  222. Grouse Beater says:

    “LOL, Oh Dear. And you think would be leaders of Alba would be any better than the corrupt SNP?” Don 5.05pm

    Your reponse does not relate to anything I posted. I have no idea why you think I was discussing ALBA other than you enjoy waving your prejudices in the air like a sweaty T-shirt. In fact, that’s what your answer amounts to, bare chested jeering.

  223. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Saffron Robe (5.35) –


    It’s a pity some folk get so upset about non-mainstream takes on what’s going on and appear to take it personally, as if we’ve nothing better to do with our time than think of ways to upset them.

    But there’s a point beyond which mere incredulity or frustration slides into something else which resembles complicity.

  224. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Gary45% –

    Is this the type of thing you’d like to see happening to ‘anti-vaxxers’?

    link to

  225. Gary45% says:

    Certainly not, have a look on YouTube at Ari Melber, Conspiracy Theorists Think Covid Vaccine Makes You Magnetic.
    Type in the whole title, I’ve tried adding links before but the post never appears.
    Please watch it, then make your mind up, so called medics in the states talking absolute bollocks to a very thick nation.
    Before you go off on one, I am not referring to you, but I have no idea where the anti- vaxxers get their nonsense from.
    Covid is real, I personally know people who have died from it, been on ventilators, I’ve taken the vaccine, I suggest you do.
    Its the last comment I’ll make on this site regarding the situation. I’d be sorry if any of you got Covid and died, but you’ve all been warned, so take your chances, I’ll not shed any tears for stupidity.

  226. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Gary45% –

    It doesn’t really matter where so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ get their ‘nonsense’ from, does it?

    If the bottom-line is that people like you will have people like me instantly castigated and demoted to second-class citizenship if we don’t have the correct paperwork, it doesn’t matter what is or isn’t in the fuckin thing. It could be a placebo for all you know, but the important thing is compliance, isn’t it? You’re miffed because others won’t validate your take on it all.

    ‘You’ve all been warned, so take your chances…’

    Aye, Gary, we’ve been warned. Well warned.

    But I don’t fear Covid.

    I fear people like you.

  227. J.o.e says:


    ‘have a look on YouTube at Ari Melber, Conspiracy Theorists Think Covid Vaccine Makes You Magnetic.
    Type in the whole title, I’ve tried adding links before but the post never appears.
    Please watch it, then make your mind up, so called medics in the states talking absolute bollocks to a very thick nation.’

    Yeah because that’s obviously the crux of any of our arguments. I just can’t get past the magnetism part. Fuck that. Of course im being sarcastic.

    ‘I have no idea where the anti- vaxxers get their nonsense from.’

    Well you seem to be very quiet when the track record of certain vaccine episodes are mentioned, such as Swine flu, equally when people at the top of their field who are not ‘anti-vax’ urge caution. However if you find something like a flat earther who also talks about vaccines you are all over it

    ‘Covid is real, I personally know people who have died from it, been on ventilators’

    Me too. What’s your point?

    ‘I’ll not shed any tears for stupidity.’

    lol me neither.

    All in all Gary you come over as extremely disingenuous, completely unwilling to mention the bread and butter of the real concerns anyone has while making cringe worthy attempts at mockery.

    You are either a shill or one of thickest arseholes ive ever come across and I mean that sincerely.

  228. David Caledonia says:

    If someone has an opinion he or she is entitled to express that opinion without being called an idiot or worse on here.
    Nothing wrong with disagreeing with an opinion, but there is nothing wrong with being civil to each other while doing it

  229. David Caledonia says:

    As for covid, I have had all kinds of vaccines since I was about 6 years old, never had any trouble with any of them, had my 2 for protection against the virus
    In my humble opinion, there is no reason not to have it, in fact it could well protect us against other viruses like the flu.
    I read about some guy who said it could make women infertile, he must have read that in the beano or big Nelly McGrews book of one thousand and one conspiracy theories for the hard of thinking

  230. David Caledonia says:

    Between 50 million and one hundred million died from the so called spanish flu, which actually came from america when they transported troops to france in the latter stages of the first world war, ( well documented ).
    No vaccines in those days, and tellingly no international air travel either, it seems a chinese lab was to blame for covid and it was covered up, just like their cheap goods, covered up to look good

  231. David Caledonia says:

    Scottish people do not pay any taxes, and the trillions made from the north sea ( scottish sector ) are part of a formula that we don’t pay for as we are all sponging off the english people who pay for everything in the union.
    Oh look, the fairies are out at the bottom of my garden again, need to stop reading Conan Doyle, he believed in fairies, seems he did not know that little girls liked to play with their scrapbooks and cameras lol

  232. J.o.e says:

    Scottish people do not pay any taxes, and the trillions made from the north sea ( scottish sector ) are part of a formula that we don’t pay for as we are all sponging off the english people who pay for everything in the union.
    Oh look, the fairies are out at the bottom of my garden again, need to stop reading Conan Doyle, he believed in fairies, seems he did not know that little girls liked to play with their scrapbooks and cameras lol’

    To be honest, Dave, your 1st paragraph seemed to fit in fine with the other comments you wrote. I actually had to be told you were joking.

  233. Saffron Robe says:

    Ian at 11:39 pm, I agree with you. Health apartheid is every bit as repugnant as racial apartheid.

  234. David Caledonia says:

    Why is Ian Wright working for ITV in the football extravaganza we are witnessing.
    Has Ian fallen out with his champagne charlie buddy Gary Stinkerer, the man who’s brain has only one purpose, to keep his big ears apart lol

  235. David Caledonia says:

    Land of the purple heather
    Land of the lousy weather
    Land where the midges gether
    Scotland the brave

    I have a one pound bet on for scotland to win the whole thing
    at 200/1………………. am I being foolish, yes I am, I
    should have put 2 quid on ….. lol

  236. David Caledonia says:


    Seeing the funny side of all the shit that goes on in this world is the only way to deal with it, Boris Johnstone actually saying he was glad to meet Binden as he is much better than trump

    Is that not so funny, it made me laugh


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