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Wings Over Scotland

The Super-Duper Mega Vow Deluxe Plus

Posted on February 02, 2015 by

We’ve already said all we’ve got to say on this one.

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donald anderson

Nuff said. Panties on fire again.


Gordon Brown: ex-politician.

Ghengis D'Midgies

Lol, literally.

How can they hope to get away with this ridiculous con. I suppose they did once before but its the same con!


LOL your funniest post thus far

ronald alexander mcdonald

We’re all familiar withe the phrase, fool we once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Are we that stupid? Time will tell.


Now we have
Vow Plus
Just tell Broon
To shut his pus

Robert Kerr

This is going to be very well received everywhere.

Pass the popcorn indeed.

G H Graham

It’s a shame the French don’t have their own phrase for “déjà vu”.

Ian Brotherhood

Could you please squeeze ‘acme’ in there as well?


Is this a VOW trilogy?

What next, Triple-fan-dabby-fuckin-dozy-VOW”

George S Gordon

Ed Balls trying to outdo Tories on cash to regions for votes.

Gordon Brown trying to outdo himself on lies for votes.

The dilithium crystals cannae take it Captain!

Grouse Beater

It’s new ‘Vow,’ with added blue whitener!

dennis mclaughlin

Signed Change.Org’s petition……… all you Wingers get yer fingers oot and sign the petition ….only 1,079 votes to go 🙂


So Murphy and Milliband are running so scared they need to roll out the ‘big guns’ again in the form of Gordon Brown? A former PM, one who was much disliked and criticized, has one of the worst attendance records in Westminster and who isn’t even standing for re-election. Are they really admitting that he has more ‘authority and charisma’ than the current leadership? Oh my!


Every time I see this man’s face I want to throw up!

This man should be in prison for the fraud he commited during the referendum and especially now with the continuation of his fraud and lies to the vulnerable, weak and old people of Scotland!

Better still will someone just shoot the b@#&%*^ and do the whole country one huge favour!

This man is a DISGRACE to politics in Scotland. He is a COWARD who only *ahem* talks to pre-vetted audiences cause he is too FEART that a totally open audience will actually ask him a question that might show him up for what he really is … a MUPPET without a solitary brain cell!


That was a tonic! I even read some of the comments just for a laugh. And the list of related stories was good too though I didn’t click.
We await A Cochrane’s next novel, “Broon. A Study in Tyranny”.


Ooft, this will take SNP membership over 100k mark.

How dare he even mention the pension???

Batten down the hatches for more anti sweaties rhetoric from the south.

The Man in the Jar

Dont forget to scroll down to the comments in the Telegraph and feel the love. Can’t say I blame a lot of them.

Brown is really taking the piss. Doesn’t he know that it is illegal under EU law to have different levels of benefits within a member state.

A two year old would recognise this as bullshit. I wait with baited breath for the Scottish MSM pointing out that this is a bigger con than the vow. 🙁

Nana Smith

There’s that brown shite again, can you smell it?

link to


@ Nana

Why yes, yes I can.

Oh, Mr Broon?

And the horse you rode in on.

Will Podmore

Lesley-Anne – incitement to murder is arguably criminal.
Serial abuse is arguably a sign of irrationality.


The only time I believe what Brown says is when a microphone is left on by accident.


And this from a party that fought so hard to water down the Smith recommendations.

fred blogger

re differing benefit rates;
link to see article 12.


I can understand them being panicked into a Vow II, even after all the exposure of Vow I being just a fraud. They have little else to use.

BUT, why this far ahead of the vote? Or will we be on Vow IV or Vow V by May?

The Man in the Jar

Got a source on that?

I am sure that I have it somewhere. I will go and bury myself in my “referendum” bookmarks and I may have to Google and have a look. I may be some time.


Will Podmore says:

Lesley-Anne – incitement to murder is arguably criminal.
Serial abuse is arguably a sign of irrationality.

I’m guessing that this makes me an irrational criminal then Will. 😉

At least unlike Broon the Loon I have an excuse … I’m the village idiot 😀 … what is Broon other than a two faced, useless, fraudulent, lying, self centred, egotistical, fat, EX politician!

Helena Brown

Read this on Wings Twitter page this morning so Stu was just waiting on you getting you teeth into this. Funny I thought Gordon Brown was meant to be still in the Labour Party, had not really gone over to work full time for The Conservative Party. but then who knows?
Reading the hysterically funny posts on this in comments would say he definitely has, nothing more likely to make Southern English vote Tory than this load of drivel, tripe
(substitute appropriate word).
Now if he had put it in the Mirror or the Retard I might have taken a stab at it being there to get the vote out for Labour, but naw.

Findlay Farquaharson

love it

think again

Desperate times for the Scottish Branch Office.

Is Jim now saying some of our parcels were left on the delivery van by mistake?

Is Gordon now saying our representatives on the Smith Commission forgot to put some of our parcels on the van in the first place?

Are we to believe that the Labour Party will have two manifestos, one for England and one for Scotland? If so what about Wales and Northern Ireland? Would we need two / four budgets and two / four chancellors?

Are Scottish labour rearranging deckchairs on a sinking ship?

If Scottish Labour didn`t exist as it does now you certainly wouldn’t invent it.

Did I say desperate times? I meant sad times, brought on by opportunist politicians who, let me be charitable, somehow lost their way and any connection with the people of Scotland and their claim to be the party of Home Rule.

The Labour Party in Scotland are in terminal decline, let us put them out of their misery in May and, once they accept what is happening in Scotland in general, rather than the stolen result of the referendum let them think again about what they stood for in the past that was good rather than what they have become.


Sorry, Labour, still not enough Vow for me – I don’t get out of bed for anything less than an Über-Vow.


The Vow 2: Electric Boogaloo.

the sequel no one wanted or asked for, but spewed up by the former unelected Prime Minister anyway.

Nana Smith


Yeehaw, hubby just joined the snp!!!

Keep going Broon the loon you’re doing a grand job recruiting new members for the snp and pro indy parties.

Home home on the range
where labour are put out to grass
here comes broon with a policy change
lying as usual out of his ass


What we are witnessing is Gordon Brown attempting to save what remains of his own political legacy, at the expense of the almost certain destruction of the Labour Party in Scotland. The guy’s ego cannot handle SLAB being beaten in a general election by the SNP. Therefore, he is prepared to lie and lie again to the people of Scotland, basically being a fraud. Brown is deluded, and if SLAB had any sense they would side-line him immediately. Happily they are not going to do this because it would mean relying solely on that chancer Murphy and co. Brown does not give a shit about Labour, he only cares about himself.


Not just free squirrels for all, now it is free giant squirrels with golden nuts!!
(But why does Eggy need help from SuperGord? Wasn’t he just in the papers saying how easy it all was? Pathetic).


@ Nana

😀 Good for him and nice ditty.

Their day is coming Nana and not so far in the future. In January I’d have put a fiver on twenty seats,… today? Well today I’d be sorely tempted to put a fiver on thirty.

That’ll get the job done and send a huge message to the establishment parties. The people are back, large and in charge. Let’s clean the crap out of our politics in May, starting with Labour. 😉


Not only can you smell the shit but, there’s a strong whiff of desperation.

Blind Squirrel

Reset and start again. Problem is voters are less likely to trust you every time.

And I thought Brown was throwing his weight behind the Smith Commission DESPITE previously expressing grave concerns about the dangers of devolving tax to the Scottish Parliament.

He is an intellectual heavyweight apparently, but he is also a programmable Labour MP. Reset, wipe and scrap.

Grizzle McPuss

Look into my eye, the eye, the eye, not around the eye, don’t look around my eye, look into my eye…you’re under.

I have not been taking the piss, I am the Scottish saviour and, OH, I was a good Prime Minister.

Three, two, one… You’re back in the room.

Nana Smith

@Rev stu

Some info here re member states benefits.

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Somebody said on here a couple of days ago

How now
Brown’s vow?


In the pipeline:

Vow 3: super-max-devo powerhouse powers
Vow 4: ultra-super-max powerhouse extra radical powers
Vow 5: ultra-extreme-super-max powerhouse ultra amazing powers

And all of this extreme home rule leaves only a tiny 85% of control retained outside the country.

think again

Did Jim and Gordon clear this with Dianne Abbott?

Les Wilson

I really cannot stand this low life. Regardless of possible running foul of European law, there is absolutely NO CHANCE of it EVER being passed at Westminster. NONE!
and he well knows it.

He is allegedly doing this to save Labour in Scotland?

Deceit is all they know, but now voters know it too, go crawl under the rock from where you came.


@Grizzle, Exactly what I was thinking!

It really is a sad state of affairs when he is all that the (once proud) labour party can produce.

Gordon is truly yesterdays man.

Bring on the 21st century politics, I know I’m ready 😉


And so the scaly old reptile, you know, the one that saved the world in 2008, and saved the union in 2014, rears its ugly head yet again and intervenes to save his beloved Red Tory Party.


PS don’t mention the gold, or the pensions – ooops!

Helena Brown

What can one say to a failed politician that doesn’t have a clue but still gets press to release his words to the masses. Has this been reprinted in the Daily Retard this morning and if so, has it got a cartoon attached because it should have.
If this wasn’t so serious it would be laughable, och it is.


thank you for that link, fred blogger, 11.19

This is an excerpt from the section on Article 12.
The Committee concludes that the situation in United Kingdom is not in conformity with Article 12§1 of the Charter on the ground that:
? the minimum levels of short-term and long-term incapacity benefit is manifestly inadequate;
? the minimum level of state pension is manifestly inadequate;
? the minimum level of job seeker’s allowance is manifestly inadequate.

When I see this in print, I can only wonder at the NO-voting pensioners.

Dan Huil

So a failed politician, who is leaving the house of commons in May, will stand up and promise the people of Scotland improvements on a devolution “vow” which he has already said was the best devolution settlement for Scotland. Improvements which he will have no power to implement?! And he expects the people of Scotland to believe him?!

This is beyond parody. This is sick.


More window dressing from the Fife fraudster Brown. Go away you utter creep.

bookie from hell

Just woke up,watching Super Bowl

vow+ omfg

it’s a sign of weakness


Will Podmore at 11.10

Trolling is fine though Will, so keep up Will. Weel dun Will. Go Willy. Up wi the Willy and other silly Willy puns.

Do you like that will. It’s called Cybernattery. I’ll bet your fed up of it already. You must see it al the time, spending all day as you do monitoring this wee Gnatsite that nobody reads.

Folks such as yourself are far far worse than your typical ignorant NO voter. You, as a result of visiting this site, know exactly what the real deal is yet you choose Union. I’m not religious but I truly hope there is a place for you and the Murphies, Broons and Cochranes of this world.

Big Red

ronald alexander mcdonald says:
2 February, 2015 at 10:50 am
We’re all familiar withe the phrase, fool we once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Are we that stupid? Time will tell.

Our version should be “Fool we once shame on you. Fool me for 300 years shame on me, I must be pretty thick.”

We have a chance coming up to stop this all – for ever. We need a new political world. No compromises, no vows, no broken promises and constant lies. We must use the General Election to get independence back on schedule.


@Will Podmore.

Fuck off you lurking prick! If you can’t see that people are so irate at Brown that they are incandescent with rage, then you are simply a drone for the state.

If you are suggesting that there is an incitement to kill someone here, then you are certainly sloshing about in the depths of trolldom.

Now fuck off you imbecile.


Language young man, tut tut tut. 🙂

You know Labour are worried when they start offering things that they cannot deliver. I don’t think Labour MP’s from outwith Scotland would be pleased at the offer.

Dundee West SNP candidate is Chris Law.


Save us from the vows of dinosaurs past.Scotland really canny afford any more vows n’ pledges from these these secret weapons. Enough damage has been done already.


@Les Wilson

Brown does not give a fuck about Labour, this is all about his ego and legacy. He does not want to see the SNP beat Labour in Scotland in a general election just after he retires as an MP. Brown knows it will look awful. If Brown cared so much about Labour he would not have spent so much destabilising his own party when he was in government, all because he wanted to be PM. What no journalist in the MSM will tell voters is that Brown has been abandoning and betraying Labour values from the late 1980s onwards.

Bob Mack

The first one was so comprehensive. What is left to offer ?

wee sandy

It really is Groundhog Day!
And the Hogs are really trying to keep their snouts in the trough!

Rosa Alba

So by now I am expecting that Labour will promise us another referendum for our votes, with the understanding that they will promote Yes.
Do not trust them.


I just can’t fathom why all these column inches are being given over to a NON-POLITICIAN, especially someone who is stepping down as an MP.

It’s a bit like asking a serial killer health and well being tips to live a long and healthy life.

Labour think this is a winning strategy? Really? What deranged , mad, megalomaniacs have they employed at UK Labour Branch in Scotland…

oh hang on.. Jonny McT, Blair McD and mad crazy woman who’s name I can’t remember (and can’t even work up the energy or enthusiasm to give up the two seconds it would take look up).


Has anyone photo-shopped Gordies face onto Flash Gordon.. That would be funny.. But Gordon, we only have 14hours to.. (insert witty retort)


Fascinating evolution on from Murphy saying the Vow was delivered in full, no more powers to this.

I’m not complaining, I think every step towards autonomy is a step in the right direction but I really can’t see how they can avoid accusations of panicking. This has been dragged from them rather than it being a genuine desire to improve the ability of Holyrood to develop the Scottish economy and protect the vulnerable. The private polling can’t be good.

Gavin Alexander

Holyroods powers are all ‘given’ to us, bit-by-bit, by unionist politicians in Westminster. Their aim is primarily to stifle the demand for independence, not for the best outcome for Scotland. That is no way to organise any sort of serious government.


Well …you know what they say.

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me!

I think over the next few months, we will all be reminding some of our friends who voted ‘no’ to take note of that old saying.

Once I begin posting that saying on Facebook, I have no intention of getting into spats and squabbles with friends as I did during the Referendum. On this little matter with the possible resurrection of Broon, I will post that saying, and then leave folk to ponder over it…

On their own head be it!

Nana Smith

Slightly off topic

Labour “a cult like mafia”…

First Minister Carwyn Jones’ aide, and one of the Labour Party’s most prominent young Welsh politicians has sensationally quit the party tonight, citing

“abhorrent misuse and blatant politicking”

link to

Graeme Doig

Why was this not agreed through Smith Mr Broon? Why did your colleagues not argue for more at the time?

You are a con artist and a showman, nothing more.



Sorry ma’am.

Temper got the better of me.


Every time a new release on devolution comes out from Labour, you just know how badly they tried to screw the electorate over prior to the referendum. Calman – Calman + – Devo plus – Devo Nano – Smith Commission proposals – Watered down Smith Commission proposals – Devo Super-Duper Mega Vow Deluxe Plus.

Lying, deceitful, two faced, hypocritical one and all. The very least possible for their own electorate at every possible turn. The big hoose on the Thames had to retain all the control that mattered. Our own representation subverted and used against us at every turn. Establishment pets taking handouts from the leash holders whilst taking taking the very food from the mouths of their own electorate.

There isn’t enough swerry wurds in the dictionary.


Good grief! I am having great difficulty believing that they really do think that (a) we’re daft, and that (b) our heads button up the back.


If they are offering this now, just think what could be wrung out of them if they needed SNP support to form a government! I’m sure the more intelligent traditional Labour supporters will be way ahead of me on this one, and will have worked out which way to vote in May to ensure they aren’t landed with another 5 years of Toryism of whatever colour.

Geoff Huijer

@Lesley Anne at 11.04

Totally agree about Gordon Brown. I cannot understand for the life of me how he is not in jail as a conman. (Well I can because Wings has explained how politicians can legally lie). There are laws which are meant to protect our old folk from conmen (obviously, they don’t apply to the likes of Gordon Brown).

I don’t normally post a link to my own blog but I will now as I am so annoyed about Brown getting away with this.

link to

Hoss Mackintosh

I thought the Vow had been delivered already.

Vow plus ?

Surely PANIC plus…

The next 95 days are going to be a hoot – Bring on May 7 for a Labour wipeout in Scotland.

Brown’s final legacy – destroyed the UK economy and then destroyed the Labour party in its own heartland. A failure.


So if I understand Gordon correctly; Labour will allow Holyrood to create and fund extra welfare from a budget that Labour will cut by £3 billion after the election…..gee thanks. What a Fud!


I know I don’t need to link this cause we all know that the BBC will be all over this and yup they certainly are!

link to

I warn everyone to ensure that they have a rather large bucket to hand when they read the *ahem* article … no forget that, let’s call it out for what it really is … the S@#$*& in the Daily Record!

link to


The Red Tory’s are desperate to win back their traditional supporters that voted YES in 2014. So what to do? Why,of course, wheel out the old Vow beast for one more roar!

Has it not occurred to them, that the huge numbers of traditional Labour supporters that voted YES in September, actually chose to ignore the noises that the bellowing beast was making? What makes them think that those voters will pay attention to the ogre now?

The Red Tories certainly cannot be accused of joined-up-thinking.


@ Nana Smith
Thanks for that post Nana-it demonstrates further that Labour isn’t just in dire trouble in Scotland but in England & Wales too. Wales has always been a Labour stronghold but by the looks of it the cracks are appearing there too & I never thought I’d live to see that happen.

People are planning to vote Labour in England as the least worst option & that is not a sound basis on which to elect a government. I see Scotland ditching Labour first, then by 2020 election England & Wales doing likewise.

Hope springs eternal as they say. Roll on May & show Scotland branch of London Labour what we think of them 🙂

[…] The Super-Duper Mega Vow Deluxe Plus […]

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 2 February, 2015 at 10:54 am:

“Could you please squeeze ‘acme’ in there as well?”

Jings! For a moment there, Ian, I thought you said, “squeeze acne”.

fred blogger

re differing benefit rates;
link to see article 12.
this does cover the whole of the uk, but!

Patrick Roden

brings to mind the interesting claim that MI5 knew about the perverts who abused children and would even film them, so that they had leverage over them and could depend on them doing their bidding if needs be.

Once they had someone in this predicament they would use other in the same boat, to make sure this politician was promoted, hence making them even more likely to be useful, when needed.

Westminster needs Scots who are prepared to betray their own people, even though their time as politicians looks to be almost at an end.
People who would normally not get involved as they knew they would have to live among the very people they would be lying to and so would spend the rest of their lives being asked about the false promise, or whatever.

So can anyone think of strange characters who seem to lack any genuine talent, and yet have somehow made it to the top of their respective parties/media Career/Campaign Teams?

Why did these strange people make it to the top when other, far more likeable people didn’t?

Has Westminster been in dire need of Scots to assure the low information voters that they will get a whole load of goodies if they Vote No?

Are Westminster now again finding that they need Scots to help stop the SNP having the balance of power, hence upset the apple-cart?

If you read the blogs that mention the historic child sex abuses in politics you might be surprised to see some of the prominent names who delivered the Vow, mentioned as abusers.

Just saying like.


anyone else hear the cillit bang tv ad announcer’s voice in their head when reading this article ?


Just got a flyer through the door from “Scottish” Labour with the usual pish-posh saying a vote for SNP means 5 more years of Tory government – They never tire of telling the same old lies.

They’re going to end the bedroom tax – Something the SNP Scottish government has already done.

They’re going to freeze gas and electricity prices – something the power companies have already done.

They’re going to increase the minimum wage to £8 an hour by 2020 – Something that will likely happen anyway.

They’re going to cut tax for the lowest paid – You know, the tax that Gordon Brown doubled that so pleased them the Labour MPs cheered in their HoC seats and punched the air with glee.

And finally, they’re going to give more powers to the Scottish government – even though they keep saying they’ve delivered them already.

Robert Peffers

I have this thought that if any of these vows ever get to the HOL there will be a massive audience all looking like they are watching a Murray/Djokovic Australian final with heads swivelling watching the bill bounce between the Commons and the Lords.

The Man in the Jar

@Rev Stu

Earlier in this thread I commented that it was illegal under EU law to pay different benefits within an EU state. You requested a link to this statement. Unfortunately I am unable to do so. I have scoured my bookmarks and googled away without success. Nana Smith provided a link to EU benefits but that has been a bit of a dead end. Most EU legislation regarding benefits applies to “foreigners” claiming benefits.

Can I offer my sincere apologies. there was no intent to misinform I genuinely believed it to be the case.

I shall spend the rest of the day sitting in a corner wearing a large conical hat with a capital letter “D” printed on the front. 🙁


The time has come to create a task force of independists to follow Gordon Brown everywhere he goes – perhaps something like that chicken that the Tories deployed a few years back. That way we can turn his every move into a reminder of his uselessness and his lies. The same goes for the Murph.


Hi all, first time poster here and apologies if this is o/t, but did anyone hear on Sky News ‘stand up and be counted’ section, Ed Milliband tell viewers that it was ridiculous that the banks were allowed to get away with saying they would leave the UK if they were threatened with more regulation.

The discussion came just after a question was posed asking whether companies such as Amazon or Google would just leave UK if asked to pay more tax. Ed Milliband’s reply to that question is recorded on the ‘Stand Up and be Counted’ Twitter page but the comments he made after that regarding the banks are not recorded.

I cant quote word for word what he said because of that but at the time I thought how rich that was to let Scotland think it was ok to be threatened by a very similar thing. Grrr.


Still not buying this vow stuff as it doesn’t yet have enough added home, I am waiting for home, home, home rule, should be about 2 weeks out from the election.

@Nana Smith, thanks for the link, very interesting. I do, however, think they spelled cult incorrectly.

Derick fae Yell

A big thank you to everybody for making me laugh of a lunchtime. Awaiting the next Greg Moodie strip now!

Gordon needs to be sectioned. He’s really not well


As we know Gordon Brown is stepping down in May and I think he is settling a few scores.

He doesn’t care about the Labour party as all this we will give Scots this, that and the other is winding up the English Labour voter.

They see it as taking more of their taxes to bribe the Scots.

Why isn’t he in jail someone said, well if you look at the rules for Masons they are not allowed to disadvantage members in anyway and that includes charging them for offences, allegedly.


It’s a shame Labour weren’t involved in the Smith Commission. It would have been the ideal opportunity to propose these policies.

Jim McIntosh

I really get sick and tired of this fallacy the Brown saved the world in 2008.

Regarding Brown’s 6-point plan (yes another one) to provide a global early warning system, to stop it happening again:

“But the German finance minister, Peter Steinbruek, pointed out Brown’s plan came ‘two years too late’. It turned out German Chancellor Angela Merkel had, during her presidency of the G8 in 2007, advanced similar measures. These proposals were rejected by the US and UK when Gordon Brown was Chancellor under PM Tony Blair.

Excerpt from – The Crash of International Finance-Capital and Its Implications for the Third World
By Dani Wadada Nabudere

Jamie Arriere

To come up with this Vow Plus drivel with the ink barely dry on the Smith Report is taking the electorate for absolute monkeys, and shows incredible bad faith.

Calman, Indyref, Smith – how many more chances do they need to forget to add new powers to Scotland?

Answer NONE. So let’s not give them another


THe Darling’s were apparently concerned about Broon’s stability, exiled as he is in Columbey de deux Queensferries, watching the weans and tormented by a blood-soaked conscience, awaiting the sound of Drake’s Drum being walloped, summoning him south to save Labour & the Union.
“If you don’t like these Vows we have others!”


I think this little escapade by Labour, The Vow – the Sequel, may already be coming back to bite them. The Daily Telegraph (on line) has it headlined on their front page as ‘Brown promises higher pensions for Scotland’. The comments section has lit up like a Christmas tree and I think it is fair to say middle England is not happy. Given that Labour needs to win lots of seats in England to win the election I think this may make that more unlikely.

Probably they calculated that none of the English papers would bother reporting what Labour are saying in Scotland. Big mistake.

Nana Smith


Britain ‘Losing Influence’ In Europe, Peers Warn

Negative attitudes and a lack of “hard graft” are fuelling a decline in Britain’s influence in Brussels, according to peers.

The implications of regulatory reforms on the British financial sector are “immense” but the ability to control the changes is continuing to diminish, they warned in a critical report.

link to

wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall when Yanis [Greek minister for finance] meets with georgie porgie [ex towel folder]


Derick fae Yell says:

A big thank you to everybody for making me laugh of a lunchtime. Awaiting the next Greg Moodie strip now!

Gordon needs to be sectioned. He’s really not well

I am sure everyone agrees with you Derick about Broon the Loon needing to be sectioned. Unfortunately there is a teeny weeny itsy bitsy little problem with sectioning Broon the Loon … those people who carry out the sanctioning have certain standards that *ahem* prospective patients need to attain before they even consider examining them for readinesss to be sectioned. Unfortunately Broon the Loon fails to meet even the minumum requirements to be sectioned! 😀


Welcome Tillda.

No, missed that from Mr Ed, but that kind of hypocrisy sounds right up his street.

think again

Look on the bright side Stu, there will be less potential authors of VOW2 for you to suss out. Unless of course they have farmed it out to one of the 10 new starts. We can rule out Dianne Abbott for certain.

Tam Jardine

There is a great pic of Jim the apprentice lurking, brooding behind his master, the Sith Lord Brown in the Scotsman.

Murphy is learning grand deception from the expert in the dark ways of the union.

An image ripe for Greg Moodie’s pen.

When will the rest of this country wake up to these charlatans?

The text in the Scotsman makes me think I am living in a parallel fucking universe. How have these men found a comfortable living in this land of ours? How have they prospered? How are they tolerated?

I don’t normally go in for the more extreme rhetoric of the 45 being a moderate, quiet soul but what we have to do is get rid of every single one of these red tory parasites as soon as possible from our public life.

May will have to do but I would rather it was sooner.

Nana Smith

Labour does not look like a party that, as Douglas Alexander claimed yesterday, is “going on to victory”. Even if Ed Miliband becomes prime minister, the left looks weak.

link to

Jim Mitchell

Well I am puzzled, why isn’t this being called Home Rule Plus?


Been off line for a few hours, so just wanted to check if the stakes had been raised yet, to include a free unicorn.

r baxter

is there NO one out there with a decent judge of character.

Alistair Darlings' Beard

Are the people of Scotland as daft as Labour are desperate? We will find out in May I suppose.


Labour and Miliband will be crucified if those extra powers get BBC TV national news coverage in England.

Miliband is less popular than Cameron in Scotland so there is a prize of a framed copy of The Vow for the first winger to spot a photo of Miliband on a North British Labour leaflet.


By out there I assume you mean OTHER than on here R Baxter because as you well know everyone on this site is an EXCELLENT judge of character. 😀


Welcome Tillda 🙂 glad you’ve dipped your toe in the water – as you can see it feels fine!

Re the latest Vow sequal, I can just hear Mr Hi Jumpy – “I’ll see your Vow Plus and raise you 1,000 Vows!”

wee sandy

If SLAB are promising more powers at this stage of the campaign, is that not encouraging as to what they will offer AFTER we vote a strong SNP team into Westminster?
Or am I being naive?
I’ll get my coat.

frazer allan whyte

When the monster emerges from his dark castle on the hill it is traditional for him to be greeted by enraged villagers carrying torches and pitchforks. Can’t the metaphorical equivalent be done to this thuggish imposter? Unbelievable how he got away with his select venue lying technique during the referendum – he shouldn’t get away with it again.


The “vow”?,
Naw, I’m waiting until Jesus of Nazareth signed, in person!!!.


@Macart and @mumsyhugs Thank-you!
I was hoping someone had recorded the whole section and could find a quote that I could post on social network pages word for word as I’m such a stickler for proven facts and all that which is of course why I read Wings.

Glad to have stuck my toe in the water and will do so again as I have lots to say.

Love Wings for keeping me sane.


I’m waiting for Jesus of Nazareth to sign “the vow mk2”, in person!!!.

dennis mclaughlin

Just waiting for Sylvester Stallone’s new epic ‘the Return of the Vow Part 3.5 mabye’.
This is better than any D.C.Thompson Bumper Summer Special ????.

r esquierdo

Tam Jardine asks how have they prospered and how are they tolerated.Well Tam those who listen to Tax Cheat Gordo screw missing are thicker than shoit on a weans nappy. Nae disrespect to the weans. Prior to the referendum I continually wrote on this site asking the faithful how do you educate the hard of learning.? This is the problem and it still applies.


I wonder how much he’ll be charging for his speech, maybe he’ll also charge for airfares and sundries for his team from wherever he/they are in the world just prior to giving said speech?

I notice he doesn’t fleece the Germans or the Nords anywhere near as much as he does the USAns or the Mexicans, maybe we’ll get a discout for being “local”.


So Murphy is unable to shift the polls for Labour hence why he phones Brown, only this time it won’t work.


Opinion polls suggest 25% still intend to vote Labour! For heaven’s sakes! Between now and May there must be a lot of scope for getting the truth through to more of these people!

People say voting intentions have changed. Not all that much since 2011 when the LibDem vote collapsed. I can see only two changes. Firstly, those who voted SNP for Holyrood now intend to do so for WM too. Secondly UKIP have grown from 1 to 5%, that’s even worse than sticking with Labour!

90odd days to change the world forever.


When are the S.N.P. going to counter G Browns speech?, I remember when he gave those speeches just before the independence vote, I knew that if the S.N.P. did not come out and confront his “vow”, that the public would fall for it,and so it remains the same today, the S.N.P. MUST come out and publicly denounce him, and his side-kick!.
And there are only two people who could “take him on”, Nicola Sturgion , and Alex Salmond, and the sooner the better.
Stew, how about contacting some of your local M.P.s and ask them on thier views of Browns “exstra” powers to Scotland, I think it would be rather enlightening.

Bob Sinclair

It’s all kicking off on the Daily Express website re this. Sustained anti Scottish racism & bile for all.

Tam Jardine

Now that Gordon has embarked on that difficult second vow (maybe even the third if we count the pledge) can we envisage a fourth just before the election?

Whilst this may seem like a joke, I won’t discount any tactic.

Big Jim is maybe feeling a little unusual having to sit in the corner while Gordo is released to prowl, like a mad dog across the stage, his hands almost turned inside out, mouth hoovering in air and expelling deception.

Bite down Jim and take a back seat for a couple of days. By Wednesday the media will be back ramming your drivel down our throats and your puss in our faces.

I wasn’t prepared for this third vow. Can I suggest if they roll out vow/pledge number IV we all agree to just abandon democracy, abandon the rule of law, abandon our clothes and just start rutting in the streets in a howling, raging festival of nihilistic despair?

I can’t think of another course of action.


Well, another big pile of steaming Brown stuff dumped on the Scots.

Sleekit Jim nae cuttin’ the mustard, eh?

Is this creepy Jim getting the “exit stage left” shuffle from McTernan and MacDougall? Things not all “rosy” over there Jim?

Who called Brown? One of the poisonous McMac twins? Milliband himself?

Cameron even?

Given both the red and blue tories must be worried that their endless political see-saw is being invaded by anti-establishment forces out to get them.

When it comes to protection of the state (establishment) Better Together are still alive and well.

Brown, coward that he is, gives his roaring ramble behind closed doors to a hand picked obsequious audience. The man is no more than a bully and a coward. He will galvanise the Scottish establishment vote though, so we shouldn’t underestimate his power when combined with our dear, dear state broadcaster. We will have to work hard to achieve our goal.

Even Ch4 News was getting in on the act with a report from Gary Gibbons with Gordy’s rant and a wee bit o’ Eck campaigning. He really doesn’t get us Scots at all. He (along with many of the London mob and some No’s too) can’t get his head around how Yes could lose and yet they act like the winners. Why is it, when No won, that the establishment (on both sides of the border) feel like the losers?

They don’t get the Scottish humour of it all. Which just makes it all the funnier.

It did occur to me that in a union 300 years old with another country which is supposed to be an equal partnership that they’d get it by now. That they don’t doesn’t say much for their ideas of union or equality.

Oh, and as it seems they are reading this; you are a bunch of lowlife scumbags, and we are out to get you. Tick, tock 😉


laughing my socks off at this startling revelation .

Signed the petition TWICE using secret email addresses.

Must be worth a badge 🙂

Gordon brown get to f88k

Nick Heller

I hear that this is to be an annual event – The Festival of Vow

link to


Does this come with fries and a coke?

Mark Harper

Buy one get one free! The JML Vow!!

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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I couldn’t find that article by the search button. Could you remember which year it was so that I can…Jan 18, 23:22
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “I missed that bit about the registering of judges’ interests being stopped by Sturgeon. Now why would she do that?…Jan 18, 23:07
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “Thank you Sarah. The grousebeater article is most interesting. Mmm. 1996/97 is quite close to the devolution referendum for comfort,…Jan 18, 22:59
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The two parliaments who enacted the treaty no longer exist, and haven’t existed for hundreds of years, so the problem…Jan 18, 22:47
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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Hard to believe, isn’t it? LOLJan 18, 22:10
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “That should read “administrative structures of the EU”Jan 18, 21:55
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    • McDuff on Poisoning The Unwell: “Another great one Chris.Jan 18, 21:04
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    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Another of Xaracen’s posts I bookmarked to save them retyping so often. 18, 20:44
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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Indeed, and that proves that the terms of the Treaty of Union cannot have primacy over all other forms of…Jan 18, 18:42
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