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Wings Over Scotland

The resentful elephant

Posted on December 28, 2014 by

Several papers lead this morning with a Panelbase poll showing that a sizeable majority of Scots – regardless of their party allegiances – think that electing a large number of SNP MPs at next May’s UK general election will be the only practical way to safeguard Scotland’s interests in the wake of the referendum No vote.

This poll, currently live on the YouGov website, shows why:


The problem that will arise if most Scottish Labour MPs keep their seats in 2015 will be that there is only one Labour Party and it has only one leader.

Scottish MPs will be obliged to follow the UK party whip, and the UK party will be absolutely terrified of being seen to give Scotland anything, because most people south of the border already think it gets more than its fair share and will react furiously to anything they perceive as preferential treatment. Scottish Labour MPs will simply be UK lobby fodder – standing up for Scottish interests won’t be an option.

The entirety of Scottish Labour’s campaign, as we’ve already seen, will be “Vote for us to save Scotland from the Tories”. It was never true, but on current polling it looks to be a line that’s finally passed its sell-by date.

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Alex Grant

Excellent analysis Stu. Might be worth a campaign to ask constituents to write to all Lab MP’s to flush them out on their views on this prior to GE? I realise they can lie but there must be some way of exposing this to the wider electorate?


Didn’t take long for the snarkers at Labour to try making mileage out of the SNP selection process ‘Bedroom Tax’ question.
Didn’t Lamont indicate the reason for calling SLAB a branch office was that she had been whipped into keeping her mouth shut on Labour’s support for the bedroom tax?

So will part of any SNP deal with WM Labour on a ‘case by case basis’ include allowing their members a conscience vote?

Or will they be whipped ‘like a Lamont’ as well?


And yet NI can get Corporation Tax and another £2 billion just for threatening to leave when they are already on 50% more per head than us! We should try harder but we won’t get anything if we are beholden to WM parties. NI have all their own home grown parties and SF dont even attend WM.

Vote SNP and watch them make WM ungovernable just like the Irish did in the run up to 1914. Independence is coming!


Have the people, of Scotland, finally woken up? I sincerely hope so. Labour have long since used Scots as voting fodder, that era (or should that be, error), seems to be drawing to a close.
We need to dispel the myth of, Scots as “subsidy junkies”, we here know that to be a lie. The above poll shows that the Westminster establishment, have succeeded in propagating the myth, and will use it to deny any meaningful powers coming Scotland’s way.

[…] Several papers lead this morning with a Panelbase poll showing that a sizeable majority of Scots – regardless of their party allegiances – think that electing a large number of SNP MPs at next May’s UK general election will be the only practical way to safeguard Scotland’s interests in the wake of the referendum No vote.  […]


Nice article Stu, followed by “Handclapping’s” summery of the NI situation. The NI meetings with the usual WM type deadline had the PM requiring to have a quick change of underwear.
Keep up the pressure it is having a great effect as portrayed in the “Torygraph” this weekend.

[…] The resentful elephant […]


Insightfull as usual……
However the game is up as far as campaign promises go especially where ScotLab are concerned.
Their shortcomings have been exposed so clearly even the most traditionally entrenched labour voter has to ask questions now.


Where I am in England, English people that do actually vote rather enjoy mocking scrounger Scotland but in the last few days before the 18th Sept, they completely changed. So, ho ho ho scrounger sweaties mockery morphed into real anger, panic stricken who the hell do they think they are leaving us like this, anger. It was not pretty.


I wish people would do some research before they launch on the “bedroom tax question”.

It is a behavioural test!

It is not a policy statement!

Questions on Royal Family / Europe / Gay marriage / Abortion / etc are to gain indicators of honesty, loyalty etc.

During interviews I used to ask offshore personnel if they would report someone they thought had been drinking before getting on the helicopter.
99% said Yes because they thought that was what I wanted to hear. I liked the guy who said “to be honest I would tell him to shift and make sure I was at the window in case of an Emergency”

It is dangerous to mix the question content with the intent of the test.


SwamiBackverandah says:
28 December, 2014 at 1:24 pm

When interviewing personnel for offshore I used to ask them what they would do if they thought another passenger had been drinking before the flight.
Nearly all stated that they would report it to the pilot as that is what the thought I wanted to hear.

One guy replied “To be honest I would tell him to let me sit at the window in order that his stupid behaviour didn’t put me at risk”

The questions asked at selection are NOT policy. They are designed to uncover behavioural traits / integrity / honesty etc

The question could have been about any topic from the Royal Family to Gay Marriage.

This was a selection interview not a policy development forum!

[…] The resentful elephant […]


“Scottish Labour MPs will simply be UK lobby fodder – standing up for Scottish interests won’t be an option.”

For London Labour’s Scottish MPs, standing up for Scottish interests has never been an option.

Grouse Beater

Sadly, it’s true, too many English believe Scotland is given vast subsidies so that we can have free this and free that. They’d rather we suffer just like them.

The fools.

Tired of hearing the same old crap, whenever I engage them my answer nowadays is reduced to two sentences: ‘You are pitifully wrong. You need to do some homework, not trot out myths and propaganda.’


To Stuart and the wings family I have to draw your attention to the Bruce Anderson piece in the Torygraph.Racist and vile.My blood is still boiling and hour later. Reconciliation? Fuck that.


Yes, there is only one Labour Party. The North British branch and Murphy are not allowed to have policies on UK wide issues which diverge from HQ … Probably just like the Devon branch, or the Yorkshire branch. It is even doubtful if NBLab are allowed to deviate devolved policies from UK mainstream.

The problem is they will lie and pretend they have a Scottish identity.

This is the main message we need to get across … vote Labour, or Con, or Lib, or UKIP and get a Unionist London focused MP. …. vote SNP and you’ll get a MP 100% focused on Scotland.

And, that London Labour agenda is in direct conflict with Scottish interests.

Do I believe a bus load of SNP MPs will command power at WM? Possibly not! Lab / Con might well gang up to prevent the SNP achieving anything. Of course this could lead to an excuse for indyref2 so could be the ideal outcome!

Jim Thomson

@Alex Grant 1:19pm

I realise they can lie

I assume that was a typo and should have been simply “I realise they lie…”

You’re welcome 😛


Now that accounts are being published in the press about the run up to the referendum, YES & NO voters are able to see quite clearly how they were being manipulated & lied to by MSM for such a long time.

It was all going to come out eventually but so far enough has been revealed to make enough No voters feel angry that their leaders put Westminster & their own party before the interests of Scotland & it’s electorate’s needs.

This is just a continuation of that manipulation-tories are nowhere in Scotland & unlikely to be, Slab & Libdems likewise. They’ve used the argument once too often & voters have woken up in Scotland.

Unfortunately, the lies still carry weight in England because they are constantly fed the subsidy junkie myth & now that Scots have control over all welfare etc. I happened to say that I was a member of SNP even though I’m English & live in England & colleagues were horrified. They couldn’t understand how I could support a party that I couldn’t even vote for. So I had to say stop listening/watching BBC & look at other sources of info to find out the truth about Scotland & the UK.

Two have since come back to say that they understand now that SNP is the only party fighting purely for Scottish interests & that they can see that independence from WM is the only answer. That made my day 🙂

I have to endorse heedtracker’s comments-I also saw that panic & anger in England being fed by MSM, BBC & WM politicians- a deliberate ploy to cause division & yet they have the gall to suggest that division was caused by Scots. No it wasn’t-it was a deliberate tactic used by Westminster & I will never ever forgive them for it. I am ashamed of a Westminster that couldn’t conduct itself in an honourable manner.


Sorry for the double post above 🙁
I got an error meassage stating it was gone.
I then tried to remember what I had written!


fred blogger

yes exactly.
bed tax has been mitigated in scotland, in any case.
labour who introduced it now want to abolish or say they will.
but i’m not as much interested in what they say, but judge character by what they freely do.
labour did have to be dragged kicking and screaming to set up the scottish parliament, as they do on every issue that matter’s to us subjects!
the snp trump labour on this and in every dept.

Swami Backverandah

Hiya Cloootie
I’m surprised you take me for an idiot, so I guess that makes me one.
I’m well aware of the purpose of the question.
In fact I’m so well aware of it, it’s not even the point I was trying to make.

Let me try again.
To begin, being respectful of House rules, I was not intending to go off topic, but tie my comment in to the article’s focus on ‘whipping’.
However, it is a current example, and it has ramifications.

If we’re denigrating Labour for whipping, will the SNP allow conscience vote on matters of principle?
In this latest example, the reason for rejection of candidature given was something along the lines of, ‘if you put your principles before party policy, you will be censured’.
Hence the vetting process.

Now this is all very well, this is politics, so what does one expect from a political party. However, to declare a candidate unsuitable using ,b>that particular reason, ie for taking a principled stance on this – or any humanitarian and widely supported principle – has exposed a serious flaw. In this regard, this current example has brought to the attention of the public a particular message, and in this respect, the candidate serves only as messenger. There are other issues embedded in this but perhaps this is not the place for it. So let’s just say, as a headline format, it looks something like this:

Candidate Too Principled for Selection.

As the young ones say – Not A Good Look.

gerry parker

Excellent once again Stu.

I can feel another letter coming on.


The ENGLISH outside of London are fed the line (by msm & EBC) that the daft jocks are subsidised by them. They are also brainwashed into believing that they are equal to LONDON (in fact they are subsidising LONDON also is omitted). London and SE ARE SUBSIDISED BY EVERYBODY OUTSIDE SE OF ENGLAND. It’s called divide and rule or playing both ends against the middle.

Time to get out. WESTMINSTER is poisonous, corrupt and evil run only for the benefit of the London & SE establishment, no one else.



” … ploy to cause division …. was a deliberate tactic used by Westminster”

Indeed. WM have, and still are, stoking resentment of Scotland across England with the whole subsidy junky myth.

In the course of the last 12months we have all learnt that WM will stope low to win. It seems they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve a goal. On the one hand, we are now all aware of what we are up against; on the other hand, I do worry about just how far WM would go to subvert our democratic process.

wingman 2020

Does anyone have figures for Northern Ireland taxes generated versus Barnett?

De Valera

Excellent article. The voters of England make up 85% of the electorate, so it makes sense for any mainstream party to keep as many of those 85% happy as they can.
More money/powers for Scotland is a certain vote loser.

Since the referendum politics in Scotland has polarised into unionist or nationalist, a vote for Labour is simply an endorsement for the union. If you don’t believe in it, why vote for it? If you believe in independence, vote for the party that has the most chance of delivering it.

I always have a wry laugh at the term “Scottish Labour”, as the Scottish Labour Party was disbanded in the early 80s. So Murphy’s crew are clearly impostors.
(I nearly called them Murphy’s Mob but I remembered that was a kids tv show from the 80s, can’t remember the storyline).

Paula Rose

Remind me – labour won a large number of seats. At the last GE, did they form the government?

Jim Thomson

@De Valera 3:49

even IMDB is a bit sparse on the details
link to


De Valera

That Anderson article is extremely nasty indeed, he is suggesting that if Scotland voted for independence in future it could be partitioned, after all it has been so successful in Ireland. He also sems to forget that mighty England/UK is a trillion and a half pounds in debt and rising.

@ Jim Thomson

Yes I can’t find much info on it either, although I do remember it was about football.
Maybe a remake with plenty of bevvying and religious intolerance on the terraces would be up Oor Murphs’ street.


When any party works with the tories and ukip (as well as some other right wing parties)against the people who voted for them,they shouldn’t be surprised when those people don’t want to vote for them now.

Don’t forget they want to continue with the condems austerity plans,continue to fight wars we cannot afford to fight. If you canny afford to pay for the NHS or feed your hungry citizens, then you really can’t afford to bomb folk on other side of the planet.


@ msean

Your post says it all for me.Well done!

Dr Jim

Northern Ireland get what they want coz they threaten the UK. I think an army of SNP MPs in Westminster can do the same thing in a different way so i dont really want them thinking for themselves that’s not the point of an army is it? Just while i’m thinking about it, also Cameron and others of the Unionist colour keep talking about the 4 Nations of the Union being saved by a No vote, when did Northern Ireland become a nation, maybe i’m wrong somewhere but i always thought it was a breakaway part of it’s original Nation and then became a Colonial Satellite of the UK coz nobody knew what else to do with them, my point is, look at the trouble they get away with because they’re a bloody nuisance, so what trouble could the aforesaid big army of SNP MPs be, it’s an absolute delight…I am Alex Salmond…


There is, with regard to the whole whipping thing, the small matter of the candidate who was actually rejected on those grounds. I and many others have said that while Craig Murray is a top dude, a guy whom I have a lot of respect for, his candidacy for the SNP however was a disaster waiting to happen. He is way way too outspoken to be a parliamentary candidate for the SNP, someone who would do more harm than good in that role.

I imagine the SNP were looking at the best possible way to reject him without scaring the horses. I’m not sure if the quite managed that, but I’m hardly surprised that they did.


Imagine the furore if the headline was “Scotland must save the English from themselves”, Brit poison pen writers like Bloated Bruce Anderson just dont get irony, as for partition well doesnt that sum up the colonial mindset of the London Westminster clique. Im telling you folks we are terrifying them. The perfidious b@stards are on the run!


Yeah, their narrative worked only too well in the media. Pretty much the rest of the UK would strip Scotland of its cash and powers in a heartbeat. I doubt many would raise a voice in protest from across the union.

We don’t send down ample protection in May, you might as well paint a big sign on the border saying FIRE SALE! Everything must go!

fred blogger

Paula Rose
someone ought to come up with an ask slab, QnA interactive game, what a scream.

gerry parker

Murphy and the Magic has beens.
Coming to a Theater near you.


Excellent post.


Alas – most voters are too busy watching “Strictly Come Dancing”, The X Factor and the Great British Bake-off !

Thomas Valentine

England is even more subject to the manipulation and abuse Scotland suffered during the referendum. Cradle to Grave propaganda about their place in the world and the true state of their economy. We are told constantly we are poor and subsidised that even those who don’t believe it completely don’t realise the wealth within this country. Enough to turn even diehard Tories if they were compared to their counterparts in Norway or Denmark.

The problem we face in the near future is the hate politics that’s leading English politics is also directed against us. We never saw the Oil revenues or the much more massive profits of the oil companies. Oil trades didn’t make up a large section of the business of Edinburgh. But it did in London. Now with the massive and continuing fall in oil prices, even though they won’t last, England is looking at a serious problem in balance of trade and the value of Sterling.

How long before they blame us? The fact it will lay bare the fact they are propped up by Scottish resources will be completely ignored while their stockmarket crashes. The City that they have focused their entire economy on to the detriment of most of England. It will be much easier to blame the Scots, Pak..s, Chi..ks, ni..nogs, refugees.


Perhaps slightly O/T,but I’m not so sure that having a large bunch of SNP MP’s in Westminster is automatically going to make everything hunky dory.
Labour have shown in the past that they would prefer to be in Opposition(let’s face it-that means no change to the troughing arrangements)than do any thing to strengthen the SNP or Scotland’s position.
Hopefully they would still manage to get more powers but I got a feeling that the game’s up and the WM parties will do all they can to screw us over.
Still, won’t be too long to find out and if you told me things would work out like they are today for the YES posse I don’t think I’d have believed it.
Onwards and upwards.
p.s On the Craig Murray situation,while I feel for Craig I think he could have handled things a bit less dramatically.
Still agree he would make a good Independent MP.


Unfortunately, we didn’t get the front door key to our own house.. but the way things are shaping up, looks like we could be getting rapidly closer to independence via the Stage Door, with Access-All-Areas 2015 passes in hand.

I kinda like the idea of pro-Scottish politicians working in Westminster, not only for the good of Scotland, but also issues that will affect Wales, Northern Ireland and England too, don’t you?

As ever, and as has ever been, let Scotland lead the way.

Enter Stage Door left.. 😡


Can anybody get behind the FT paywall?
They have this headline
3:20pm Fears Nimrod axe poses threat to UK sub fleet
which will hopefully be about the fact that Trident cant work without the air cover to prevent other subs from picking them up as they leave Faslane.

Add another £4bn to the cost of replacing Trident. Food banks, what food banks?

Paula Rose

A significant number of SNP MPs elected to Westminster will also be the practical way to protect the interests of the majority of people across the UK in the event of a hung parliament.


Very true Paula Rose, very true.


“Do you think ‘Scotland’ gets more than its fair share…”

Why is ‘Scotland’ in inverted commas? Is it because they think we’re just a figure of speech, that we don’t really exist?



Can anybody get behind the FT paywall?
They have this headline
3:20pm Fears Nimrod axe poses threat to UK sub fleet
which will hopefully be about the fact that Trident cant work without the air cover to prevent other subs from picking them up as they leave Faslane.

Aye, article is Here!

Dan Huil

When – if! – a Labour supporter knocks on your door in May and proclaims a vote for the SNP is a vote for the Tories just remind him, or her, that the majority of people in Scotland voted Labour in 2010 but were rewarded with a Tory/Libdem government.


I took part in this poll during the week. I actually enjoyed giving my opinions in it. All the better because I voted Labour in 2010. (Don’t judge me – I didn’t know as much then as I do now!)

It gave me great pleasure to tell them I voted Labour in 2010, but was voting SNP in 2015, and thought that the more SNP MPs there were at Westminster, the better things would be for Scotland.

It is also, I think, possible that the SNP will be able to prevent Labour being as rightwing as they would be otherwise, supposing there is some sort of Coalition.


BTW, the poll asked which “Region” of the UK I lived in. “Scotland” was one region, so I didn’t get asked the question highlighted. I imagine that was saved for those outwith Scotland.


Thanks Roll_On_2014. It is a pleasure to read an article that just gives you the facts and leaves you to make your own mind up on their importance.

Once again the incompetence of the “master race” in Westminster / Whitehall shows through and its down to the FT, that isn’t a proper newspaper at all as it deals with finance and not celebrities, to tell us the truth. The Beeb, the MSM, not a whisper that the bill for Trident has just upped by a squadron of MR aircraft and all their electronics and the flyers and their bases. And even the Americans think we are daft even to be thinking of doing this, but no, our British PM must not be allowed to go into important meetings without a BSD to bolster his/her ego whatever the cost to us mere plebs.

Westminster isn’t working


Why is it ‘Scotland’?

Kyle Mackay

ClanDonald, I was thinking just the same. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but I can’t help feeling there’s a very deliberate put down in that wee set of inverted commas.


Dan Huil says:
“When – if! – a Labour supporter knocks on your door in May”

IF seems most appropriate. There are so few active members, the chances of a visit will be low.

My guess is all that will happen is they will pay Royal Mail to make leaflet deliveries!

CameronB Brodie

If this is how England views the current allocation of ‘UK resources’, imagine what it will be like when Barnet is replaced by’ needs based’ allocation. Thatcher’s ‘Death by a thousand cuts’ will seem like a picknick. Just in tme for the TTIP to ensure foriegn corporations ‘fill the role’ of local service provider.

Scottish society faces a verry real existential threat, IMO. 🙁

fred blogger

‘whiskey galore,’ what a great film.

ben madigan

@wingman 2020 at 3:45 pm who asked
Does anyone have figures for Northern Ireland taxes generated versus Barnett?

No one seems able to get those figures. I know of several people on both sides of the NI divide who have been looking for them either to show
a) we pay so much and don’t need the Uk subsidy so let’s look at independence and a united ireland or
b) we pay so little so really need the UK subsidy so shut up about independence and a United ireland.

The only interesting quote on the subject is from a former Secretary of State

Peter Brooke said Britain had no “selfish strategic or economic interest” in Northern Ireland and would accept unification, if the people wished it. “It is not the aspiration to a sovereign, united Ireland against which we set our face, but its violent expression.” link to

make what you will of that!


The two party political state has gone but the Labour and Tories don’t seem to be seeing that at all and are trying everything to grasp onto it. It’s only a matter of time before they DO find someone to vote for in England but that will be long after Scotland has set sail into a second referendum this time with a YES vote because the rest of the UK has found itself on the outside of Europe.

Dr Jim

As long as the Brits are running Northern Ireland they’ll stay Brits, Unification, if the South would have them would be better for all i think that’s why NI was against Scottish Independence coz without us and the obvious subsidy they would look like the economic basket case they are and London would’nt continue to subsidise them on their own coz that would mean stealing even more money from English regions to feed London and the English natives are getting more restless now we’ve woken them up. Maybe when the former 1st Minister gets down there he’ll start the English revolution and that’ll keep the blue and red Tories so busy they wont notice we’ve left and nicked off with what’s ours. Bit like when your wife leaves when you’re at work and the spoons are gone when you get home…Never happened to me!..No Really!


Is this the reason Labour still runs Glasgow despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing and corruption. It seems many are still blind to the truth

Expected to rubber stamp the move today to transform the east end of the city into a thriving hub of activity including bars, restaurants, improved transport links, leisure facilities and a museum for the manky mob, it also will install the infrastructure for links and walkways from the beggardome to all the other commonwealth games venues, even though it will only be used for the opening ceremony porkheid is in line to be revamped under the guise of the commonwealth games. GCC is expected to give full backing to the spend of millions of taxpayers money to completely transform the area surrounding the beggardome and hand over car parking facilities and the new veladrome to the manky mob once complete, nothing will stand in the way of this unprecedented transformation of a part of the city and money will be no object. Meanwhile over at Ibrox the residents who live around the magnificent Ibrox stadium look out their windows onto waste ground as GCC refused planning permission until the building game went t1ts up and refused to allow the Rangers to buy the land and transform it themselves, it now lies as a wasteland because the cooncil dont have the money to rededvelop the area, the Hinselwood project has been shelved again. Blue

link to

Bob Mack

No matter how I try to envisage how a lot of S.N.P. elected members would operate in Westminster,I always come to the same conclusion,which is they would not be able to influence benefit I base this presumption on several factors,We have seen that the English public wrongly believe they subsidise Scotland.This factor added to the palpable added resentment coming from South ot the border would make it very difficult for any mainstream English Party to be seen colluding with or assisting Scottish M.P.s to obtain concessions The S.N.P. is also seen as the main protagonist in Scotland gaining independence.If we look at the referendum Unionist parties put aside Party political differences as they were so desperate to keep Scotland in the Union.I think they will do the same at Westminster,in order to neuter any political advantage to the S.N.P. The Union supercedes political differences for those in Westminster. What then is left to do? I believe that ultimately this will play into the hands of those seeking independence,as the Scottish public may become more and more frustrated ,having sent a strong representation to Westminster only to find they are being sidelined and parked.,


I am approaching 60 years of age, and during my lifetime, my fellow Scots have NEVER voted for a Tory Government, and yet for most of my life, I have been governed by a procession of Tory Governments? How on earth and these Red Tories argue against this obvious fact that a vote for Labour will most likely result in yet another Tory government.
Would the electorate also remind themselves that whichever colour of Tory you vote for,you will be on the receiving end of the most severe austerity cut ever known.
in the modern era.

Christian Wright

ClanDonald wrote: ‘“Do you think ‘Scotland’ gets more than its fair share…”

Why is ‘Scotland’ in inverted commas? Is it because they think we’re just a figure of speech, that we don’t really exist?

Correct. Scotland is a “figure of speech” having been extinguished in 1707 when it had the great good fortune to be absorbed by England (the titles “England” and “UK” are synonyms describing the same continuing unitary state).

We know this because constitutional lawyers with impeccable credentials, retained by HMG, told us it was so.

This reality is driven home in a simply splendid article in today’s Telegraph, written by Bruce Anderson (one I hope every jock reads).

Now some charge old Brucie was born with a silver foot in his mouth but I disagree. It’s high time “Scotland” was told what’s what and the drug-addled spongers who infest the place given what-for!

As for these flag-waving, goosestepping, nationalist scum, they are a suppurating boil on the arse of the British body politic that needs to be lanced.

The jocks need a firm hand, always have, but in recent years we have indulged them and bankrolled their indolence and unerring penchant for stupidity. Well, no longer. They are about to be taught a lesson they shall never forget!

Grouse Beater

Just heard BBC Television news on a review of 2014 state that the ‘governor of the Bank of England said no to sharing the currency.’

Is it indolent journalists, piss-poor research, or bloody-minded, hell bent propagandists that cause BBC to continue telling blatant lies to its viewers?

The Rough Bounds

Why on earth is the SNP even condidering going into coalition with that nest of vipers called the Labour Party? They will promise Heaven on Earth just to get back into power and the SNP will simply be suckered into believing they will be able to get something worthwhile out of the deal. Trident out of Scotland? Forget it. Unionists just can’t be trusted as they have too much to lose.

As for the question that was put to Craig Murray regarding the ‘bedroom tax’ he ought to have told the selection panel to shove their questions where the sun doesn’t shine. What a preposterous question! There is no way he could have given them the right answer because there isn’t one. It’s like something out of Soviet Russia: ”Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer yes or no.” Or perhaps the questions asked in the 50’s on ‘un-American’ activities’ would be a closer parallel.

Do I think Craig would be a good choice? I’m not sure; I have seen him speak and he strikes me as being almost naive in his utterances. But to ask any candidate that question was just ridiculous. It was flawed psychology at best.


@christian wright
Does your mummy know you are up so late.

Ian Brotherhood

This is, arguably, O/T, but several regulars have been calling for the gloves to come off.

This snippet has been culled from Jim Murphy’s appearance on Radio Scotland’s Off The Ball, Saturday before last. I didn’t hear all of the programme, and missed this part, so I’m grateful to Newsnet Scotland, who put it on YT, and apologise for being very harsh about Stuart Cosgrove in a recent comment (although I still believe he could and should have declined to present the show).

The point is this – Jim Murphy either attended university for nine academic ‘years’, or he didn’t. He has a degree earned during that time, or he doesn’t.

How difficult can it be to establish two simple facts? His protestations are here, and unequivocal – isn’t there anyone in this country who can confirm the truth one way or t’other?

link to

Christian Wright

@hopper69 Irony in pursuit of a point, AKA satire.

The Rough Bounds

Chris Wright.

The most popular first name for male children born in England in 2014 was Mohammed or a variation thereof.

Your ‘England’ no longer exists. Ipso facto.


@Christian Wright

Shakin in my boots so ummur

Alan McHarg

Sorry if its already been mentioned but regarding Northern Ireland remember “the IRA hasn’t gone away”. I am quite sure this remains the case…Quite a bargaining chip!

link to


And very scary satire it was too, Christian.

Christian Wright

@Alan McHarg Unsure how this is relevant, Alan. The article is also 19 years and 4 months old.


@Ian Brotherhood

Unbelievable! Murphy really appears to be a pathological liar, and doesn’t seem to give a shit.

I’m going to email Strathclyde University, just asking them to confirm that Murphy was a matriculating student at the uni in the past.

Ian Brotherhood

‘In 1996, upon ceasing to be NUS President, Murphy was offered a position as the Special Projects Manager of the Scottish Labour Party; he accepted the role, dropping out of university in order to do so.’

So, it gets curiouser – he ‘dropped-out’?

link to



We know this because constitutional lawyers with impeccable credentials, retained by HMG, told us it was so.

Yes,hmg lawyers,who obviously will defend the position of their handlers/owners. No doubt a knighthood or two a bit down the road as well. I’m quite sure the UK has no written constitution,for the reason that the present system is flexible to whoever is in power.

Only a few months and those lawyers will have new handlers. Cheers.

Christian Wright

@ClanDonald I found it difficult to accept Anderson’s bigoted, racist, and 19th Century colonialist, polemic could possibly be other than satire . . . until I read his bio.

A real-life Colonel blimp with a cartoon understanding of Scotland and the Scottish political dynamic. Alas, I fear his views do however encapsulate (largely)un-uttered core resentments and contempt for Scotland and Scots, shared by many in the English Ruling class.

Andrew Walker

Bang On. Not difficult to work out hence the huge support in the polls. Personally I think if we get the ideal of a Labour minority uk govt relying on SNP then UK wide voting will be changed from Labour to SNP for the foreseeable future. Got my SNP membership card today. Don’t support them in everything but let’s keep keep the fight going and SNP are at present the way ahead.

Dr Jim

@Christian Wright.
Keep posting this shit you’re our kinda idiot this is exactly what we need as a demonstration of the mindless Telegraph, Daily mail type Englander mentality.
I thank you for assisting our cause, and it gladdens my heart to know that there are so many like you out there to help…smiling as i press Submit Comment…

James Caithness

@Ian brotherhood – Listening to Murphy you can tell he is lying. Trying to move the speaker away from the question he was asking. Answering just off the line, without actually answering.

This is his achilles heel and now can we say he out an out lied? He didn’t he can still say he never actually said he got a degree.

I bet because its so sensitive to him that there just might be some subterfuge as to creating a record at the university.

This is definatley one to keep on at him about for the next 5 months right up to the election.


To my mind, a prospective candidate who, when turned down, uses his rejection as a big story in the media to deicredit the SNP has shown himself to be completely unfit to stand as a candidate anyway. I don’t know the full story so can’t make a judgement on the ins and outs, but his behaviour afterwards marks him as disloyal and untrustworthy, whatever good he might have done in the past.

As for the election, I agree – the box is open and neither the Tories nor Labour can stuff all the revelations about their manipulations back into it. They have a nerve asking us to be reconciled when the media does nothing but vilify us.

Dr Jim

@Andrew Walker
Welcome to the party Andrew…

Murray McCallum

Legally, England must come before Scotland or even the United Kingdom.

I’m sure I saw this expert opinion suitably demonstrated by the legal experts at AAA 1 Laywers4U. I think HMG must have got these guys involved in their neutral piece regards the formation of Greater England in 1707.


To Chris Wright – take care dude it’s a thin line between satire and offense – and some can’t see the line at all.

James Caithness

Why not take Ian Brothhood’s link to Jim Murphy on ”On The Ball” radio interview and go over to twitter and ask the question there ”Do you think Jim got a degree” and add the link.

Also ask Stathclyde Uni on the whatdotheyknow website if he got a degree.

Paula Rose

I love the world of peace that my friends who follow Islam embrace – I am an atheist, but I have many friends who have a deep belief, we must cherish our differences.

Christian Wright

@Murray McCallum:

Got to admire the brass neck. Their legal opinion was released 10 Dec 2012 IIRC (adopted as official policy by HMG early 2013) and I’m still laughing.

Ian Brotherhood

Christian Wright’s 9.04 comment appears to have caused some offence, but please, please folks, get real – would a genuine Bitterthegither old-major type use an image of the wonderful Patrick McGoohan as his avatar?

CW has been posting here for a long long time – please be assured, he’s one of the good guys!

Christian Wright

@Krackerman “[O]ffended”? They should be. This is how our masters see us. Anderson’s polemic should be required reading in Scotland.


I seriously worry about some of the posters intelligence on here if they are taking the CW post as malicious…dearie me.

ben madigan

@Ian brotherhood who queried murphy’s university career

I listened to the video you posted a couple of times.
I understood
a) murphy was a bona fide student for a couple of years
b) got involved in the NUS
c) continued fraudently enrolling as a student but never did any studying as he pursued his role in NUS
d) was there for 9 years without graduating but falsely registering as a student every year
e) dropped out i.e. no longer registered as a student once he was offered a job as Special projects manager

Thanks to Dr Jim for replying on the NI issue. I will try and get back to you tomorrow on it as I want to think over the points you made


McCrone Report, Thatcher secrecy and lies. Without an SNP Gov at Holyrood there is no account of the accounts just Westminster secrecy and lies. Scotland will not have a say in any Scottish spending, borrowing and taxes because Unionists will keep it secret. Westminster secrecy and lies. It is only SNP representation that can show what Westminster are up to by publishing the accounts, which because of Westminster obstruction, are not even full accounts.

No taxation without representation. Unionists lies, saying Scotland is subsidised. They have lied since before 1928 and will continue to do so until they are flushed out. Scotland can build a better, fairer society without Westminster interference, and has the means to do it. At least no one will be sanctioned and have to go to food banks. That is despicable in a wealthy country.

call me dave

Ian Brotherhood & Joemcg

Thanks for your support. CW has been a long time yesser. I think, like you, he was referring to the views of another in yesterday’s paper.


Somethings that unite Scotland are the word “Scotland”, the fact that we’ve all, every single one of us, 100% of those that voted and some at least of the 15% that didn’t, had to choose between having Scotland as an Independent country or part of the UK, and that all of us have therefore had to actually think about Scotland.

My intuition tells me that this is a very profound statement, but I’m faced with the choice between justifying that, or having a cup of tea.

I’m off to put the kettle on!


@roll_on_2014 and handclapping – thanks for the link to the FT article. The Ministry of Defence spent billions rebuilding then scrapping the Nimrod fleet with no back-up plan. So the UK is now a maritime nation without the capability of patrolling its coastal waters by air or sea. This is another example of Westminster’s gross incompetence. BetterTogether, not!

Tam Jardine

Christian Wright

Can I add Christopher Brooker’s companion DT piece:

link to

I read both and was not surprised. The referendum has given some English people a useful conduit for their anti-Scottish prejudice. The anti-Scottish (let’s just call it racism) is vast as far as I can tell and absolutely dwarfs any anti English sentiment – something I barely witnessed during the campaign and certainly zero from anyone involved.

Often we see articles where phrases like ‘anti English bile’ are repeated within anti-Scottish bile with zero irony.

This type of commentator is whipping themselves into a frenzy at the prospect of a legion of SNP MPS rampaging through Westminster.

Fancy – a political party in Scotland galvanised and fighting to send large numbers of representatives down to Westminster to represent Scottish interests! The fact that this is so extraordinary tells us all we need to know about Scotland’s representation over the years.

In the years labour have had vast numbers of Scottish seats has there ever been a sense they were about to descend on Westminster to push Scotland’s interests?

I don’t know how guys like Conan can be bothered fighting BTL against the ignorance and prejudice of biblical proportions. I would find it difficult not just slinging abuse back.


“Vote for us to save Scotland from the Tories”.

Scotland voted for them in 2010.

Can someone from Labour give one example of how they have saved Scotland from the Tories since May 2010?

We must completely wipe them out from Scotland in 2015 to save Scotland from them.

Scotland desperately needs to be saved from Labour.

Ian Brotherhood

@ben madigan (11.13) –

In that one comment you’ve already done more ‘analysis’ than I can be bothered attempting.

The dates and claims just don’t add-up, no matter which way you interpret the available data. If Wikipedia is right (and let’s be fair, it could’ve been ‘written’ by anyone) then Murphy is lying. If Murphy is being honest with Tam Cowan & Stuart Cosgrove, in a live broadcast on Radio Scotland, then Wikipedia is publishing lies about him and he’d best get them cleared-up pronto.

If I never see Murphy’s face again I could care less. But he’s forced his coupon, and his agenda, into OUR faces, via a co-ordinated media campaign which started months before the referendum was held. One regular here linked to a comment from Dick Gaughan (aye, THAT Dick Gaughan) which predicted Johann’s demise, and replacement by the Boney-M. And so it did come to pass…

Whether we, he, or anyone else likes it, Jim Murphy is Labour’s figurehead in Scotland. He’s not the ‘leader’ of anything real, and he knows it. And he knows we know it. The sooner we put him out of his misery the better – nailing blatant lies can only help that process.

CameronB Brodie

@ Bruce Anderson

Drugs are bad, mmkay.

Patrick Roden

@ Ian Brotherhood,

Sounds to me like Jim Murphy is admitting that he played the system in order to continue pursuing his political ambition as leader of the NUS.

He betrayed the NUS on behalf of Tony Blair, so I wonder if this is the reason he was able to stay at university for 9 years (robbing someone else of this place and ripping off the tax payer)

I think the University might be asked why he didn’t get removed from the Uni if he wasn’t showing up for lectures and wasn’t sitting exams/assessments etc.

Who was the Principle of the University at this time and what was his relationship with New Labour/Tony Blair before or after this time?


Re, Jim Murphy, If it helps with the chronology at all, I graduated from Strathclyde in 92 and have a vague recollection of him being there at the graduation. Doesn’t mean he graduated of course, he may have been there in a student politics capacity. Age wise he should have graduated by 89.


I very dimly remember how the NUS / SRC thing worked at my Uni, partly because it was suggested to me I put myself up for it.

I think if you’re a member, you get certain privileges at the Uni like still being able to consider yourself a student, and maybe even do the odd 1st / 2nd year course / now module outside the usual already quite flexible arrangements.

As for “dropping out” of Uni, there were in mine circumstances where you could “drop out” for a year at any rate, but still have rights as a student, such as resits, and even ability to get accomodation.

As I said it’s a hazy memory. Ironically part of the reason it was suggested I put myself up was because I did, liking a blether as always and knowing loads of people, know the rules, and the ways around.


Sorry to go O/T But this I just read about the postal vote allegations.
link to

It’s still on going & maybe arrests made after the investigation is passed on to Scottish Parliament

Alan McHarg

Christian Wright…Thank you for pointing that out. I just feel that the statement made by a man committed to the independence of his country would be as true today as it was then…just a gut feeling.

Here is a link to the bbc NI which surprised me. Its either some sort of April fool or there has been a news blackout re NI or I’ve been in a coma!

link to

Grouse Beater

Jim Murphy is Labour’s figurehead in Scotland. He’s not the ‘leader’ of anything real.

Interesting observation.

To be a leader, a natural leader, you tend to be elevated by a group, by those around. Siezing leadership generally issues from a desire to dictate.

I don’t see leadership qualities in Murphy.


Jim “Spud” Murphy (1992 – 1997) The Student Union Years and his Carefully Planned and “Jammy” Rise to Political Office

President of the National Union of Students. (Full time member of the Union from 1992 until 1996). *Indications are that his studies did not progress as expected in the first 2 years of his attendance and becoming increasingly involved with student politics he gave up Studying in 1992 retaining this status until the end of his tenure as President of the Union late summer of 1996. When he gave up student politics and University membership taking up employment with the Labour party.

A record of events is attached providing a record of events that brought this chancer to political office.

link to


I personally don’t see a Lab-SNP coalition at Westminster being feasible at all, for many reasons already mentioned.

1) Labour can’t be trusted.
2) Haven’t we learned anything at all from the Con-Dem coalition of 2010-2015?
3) Haven’t we learned anything at all from 1974-1979? When the Labour Government falls (and they will), they *will* blame the SNP, Greens and PC for allowing another Tory government in. They will use this as an excuse to reset the political landscape. I promise you that.
4) If Labour are not smart enough to see that they could use a coalition or supply and confidence vote to annihilate the SNP as before, they will join with the Tories to create a ‘grand’ coalition, or failing that, form a Lab-Lib-UKIP coalition.

This is dangerous stuff.


The last few weeks polls now fairly consistently show the SNP as quite possibly having 40+ seats, the LibDem support hasn’t revived and may not so they’d sit at about 23 seats, and UKIP if anything have slumped a bit, hence the calls to be more moderate on immigration. Current prospects are they woon’t even hold the 2 by-election defections and “victories”. To get anything sensible like 20 seats, they would probably need because of FPTP 20% of the UK vote and they’re nowhere near.

That leaves SNP (+Plaid) with the balance of power, as long as neither Lab or Con totally mess up, though with Miliband anything is possible. A Coalition has not been mentioned by the SNP itself, just by Alex Salmond to stir it up a bit, a role he’s well suited to!

Polls are polls and elections are elections of course. I can’t see this idea of a Grand Coalition taking off. Neither party cares about Scotland, whether Independent or part of the Union, certainly not enough to band together at UK level to keep out the SNP.


I think they have enough smart minds in their midst to see the value of an informal alliance with the SNP, but I think it would be against the interests of the SNP to do so. Look at the hypothetical question the SNP gave to Craig Murray and look at how polarised many of us are over the answer to that. All the Red Tories have to do is repeat that exact same question to the SNP after May and they will cleave us in half.

They have people extremely skilled in the dark arts of politics working for them. Any deals done with the SNP will be ones that are designed to split us so that they can take back their throne in 2020.

ian foulds

Lollysmum at 3.09pm

Well done to you!!!

Let us hope your kind of action can be the ‘small acorn’ that allows the English people to waken up and be empowered to change things and to remove those who blight their lives, as we are doing here.


Even more lies from the Unionists and the Unionist Press. When will people realise the SNP Gov has mitigated the ‘room tax’ in Scotland, which costs more than it saves. When will the Unionists and the Unionists Press stop lying and admit Scotland raises more than it spends (pro rata). It will raise more than it spends in the future, if not just taxes but spending powers were in the hands off the Scottish Gov.

The key to an even more successful Scotland is not spending on the Unionist economic plans but spending on an economic plan that is right for Scotland and the Scottish economy. Scotland is held back by flawed Westminster’s borrowing, spending and economic plans which do not suit the Scottish economy, or the rest of the UK, but suit Unionist Parties at Westminster. They think they are above the Law and abuse power.

Stop ‘Unionist’ lying to conceal the truth. Stop sanctioning people and having them walking to food banks, while giving tax breaks to the wealthy (who caused the problems ie Westminster), It is bad for the economy and the people. Undernourished, worried, cold people get sick. It costs more. More money should have been allocated to the NHS because of the recession. .NHS/Education spending should not been cut. ConDems elected to protect NHS/Education cut both. Cut taxes and borrowed too much. They have not balanced the books. Scotland could balance the books without Westminster interference. Stop the abuse of power and Westminster lies, people are sick of it. Try the truth and apologise. Or get lost.

A few Hotel Bills or illegal wars, misery and death worldwide. People are not fools. Stop the crap. People are sick to death of it. Stop the abuse of power, losers.

john king

Whats this about Christian Wright being a unionist troll?


Have I woken up in a parallel universe?

Does EVERYONE here see a unionist troll under their beds?

I think it was Ken Macintosh who said to me that irony/satire doesn’t travel well but seriously folks get a grip,

Im pretty sure Christian has already moved on to another site for more intelligent discourse, some people are starting to sound like hill billy’s on here!


@ Tam Jardine

“I don’t know how guys like Conan can be bothered fighting BTL against the ignorance and prejudice of biblical proportions. I would find it difficult not just slinging abuse back.”

Among the trolls and kippers there are genuine people who really do believe the nonsense that the MSM churns out about us; I try to be polite to them 😉


Good morning.

Bugger (the Panda)

Christian Wright a troll, FFS!

Get a grip.

Reset your paranoia button and think irony.

I think there is greater chance on Conan the Librarian being Alan Cochrane in disguise.


More humour please. When you work on a rig (especially at this time of the year) you look forward to opening Wings and getting the latest news from around Scotland mixed in with a little bit of a laugh. I have noticed a bit to much growling lately.

Let’s concentrate on the real enemy of Scotland, as in:-
Scottish Labour
BBC Scotland and
The Daily Record.

We have got this lot on the back foot, let’s keep them their.

Remember Wingers, Unity is Strength.

Wishing you all a fantastic 2015.

Bugger (the Panda)


Are you a troll?

Never seen you before until your idiotic or subtly stupid post.


The rough bounds said,

“The most popular first name for male children born in England in 2014 was Mohammed or a variation thereof.”

I’m sure I read that was a wholly made up story by the Daily Mail.


CW a unionist?

Bwahahahahaha. 😀

OFFS, that’s a beaut!


Old Bank of England boss Mervyn King on BBC R4 news guest editor, says out loud the 2008 bank crash was “fun” to his US counterpart who says he wouldn’t say that. Our imperial masters are not a bunch of upper class twits are they. Also Mervyn sez no bankster bonuses are ever paid on bank losses which is another horrible example of how bad it is at the BBC UKOK propaganda machine. Neither the Flipper or Crash Gordon mentioned in this version of how our imperial masters fart about in very expensive west end offices.

Dorothy Devine

Good morning Christian, it would be good to have your input but I doubt you can be bothered after the reception you received here.

Wakey , wakey folks!

Go read those wonderful offerings from the Cochrane paper – preferably don’t sign in to comment , starvation would be good for the Telegraphs soul!
( Conan!)



BBC Scotland Health Correspondent Eleanor Bradford admitted to hospital this morning following complete ‘voice box’ failure induced by having to report on story favourable to Scot’s Government.

Unfortunately, medical experts forecast a complete recovery!


Christian posts here regularly-what are you all going on about?

Don’t know about this being the season of goodwill-seems like season of paranoia to me. Get a grip folks please.


But a must read 🙂

link to


Re spud… If he was a student and doing it purely to remain in ” politics ” as he claimed, I wonder if he claimed for books, accommodation, student grants etc? With his track record on expenses it would be interesting to know how much he cost the NUS in his years of tenure. There is a lot to beat him with. Somebody out there with nationalist leanings must be a few keystrokes away from an interesting post.

call me dave

Labour attempting to play to the Scottish people’s sense of ‘fair play’. 🙂

Article in the Herald this morning.

James Kelly, Labour’s Scottish Parliament Business Manager, said: “When SNP ministers travel abroad, they are staying at some of the world’s top hotels. There is absolutely no justification for staying in luxury hotels on private islands while on Government business.

We are too wee and don’t know our place it seems, staying in the same hotel as Gordon.. how dare we?

Roll on this GE.


Bugger (the Panda) says:

“I think there is greater chance on Conan the Librarian being Alan Cochrane in disguise.”

I think you might be on to something there BtP 😉


Can we foi a union re expenses?

Robert Louis


What? Conan is actually Cochrane in disguise? Jeezo. 🙂

Actually, sometimes it is rather funny, when people on here completely fail to understand humour and irony, and then jump into labelling people such as Christian Wright a unionist, which in terms of outright stupidity is akin to labelling bullingdon boy Boris Johnson a Scottish nationalist.

What is interesting in some recent media coverage from Englandshire, is the complete disconnect between what people there think has happened in Scotland, and what ACTUALLY happened- and still is happening. The narrow defeat (5% short of the winning line) of independence in September has actually galvanised the resolve of Scots. Whilst the commentariat in the English run media witter on about how ‘the issue is now settled’, what we know up here, is there is a seething discontent with the outcome. Nothing is settled at all.

Some in Englandshire might like to ‘teach us uppity jocks a lesson’, but in reality it is the Scots who are about to give London a lesson it will never forget. Westminster literally pleaded (via their pathetic English prime minister) to stay, so we’ll elect an SNP majority to Westminster, and be RIGHT in their faces every freaking day.

If ever a Parliament will truly regret usurping the democratic independence of a nation, then it shall be Westminster in 2015.

50 SNP MP’s, oh aye, it’s comin yet for a that.


Do not access the Telegraph pages. Do not give it any energy, The Scottish Gov should have implemented the Leveson recommendations to have a fairer, free and balanced Press.

Cochrane’s antics are designed to line their pockets. Do not offer any encouragement. Do not give it oxygen. People are very angry.

The banker’s ‘bonuses’ caused the losses.

Schrodingers cat

you’re a stronger man than me, the anti scots propaganda was the result of the BT campaign, and it worked. the scots now just need to get in line behind the french, muslims and other johnny foriegners. BT won the battle to save the union at the cost of damaging it.Im almost tempted to return to the DT as an agent provocateur 🙂

on the issue of coalitions. if Labour need the SNP to form a government, the consessions to the SNP would leave labour without a majority for much of the time since the SNP MP’s wouldnt be voting on many of the issues, so i cant see how it would work. however, if a tory/ukip/NI unionist coalition had a majority over labour, they might opt to give in to the SNP demands for FFA as it would leave them with a working majority for 90% of the time. It would also solve the issue of EVEL and their mistaken belief about subsidy junkies. Also, for such a right wing coalition to get the bill for an EU referendum through the HOC, they would require the SNP MP’s to, at least sit on their hands. :), of course, if any party can form a majority with or with out a coalition, then regardless of how many SNP MP’s are returned by us….they will ignore scotland and we will all be here on the 8th may 2015 planning our next move

Schrodingers cat

“I think there is greater chance on Conan the Librarian being Alan Cochrane in disguise.”

I knew it!!!

we have been duped………..

David Stevenson

Re the OT discussion of Jim Murphy’s University education, I have no idea if he graduated or not, but his matriculation as a student at Strathclyde during his tenure as President of NUS Scotland and then NUS would be legitimate. These are sabbatical posts and he would not have been paid a grant for those years (were he entitled to one) but would have been paid a stipend by NUS.

I could readily see him not bothering to complete his degree, having climbed onto Labour’s greasy pole of careerism, but do not know if he did or not. His reply on Off the Ball is typical of him: A bit evasive and less than forthcoming.

David Stevenson

Good to see James Kelly get all self-righteous about expenses. No sooner had he been elected as MSP for Rutherglen than he had his wife on the payroll, a wee ploy he no doubt learned from Tommy McAvoy, former MP and now Lord picking up his £300 a day appearance money in the unelected chamber. McAvoy had his wife and his son on the payroll while an MP. Rutherglen Labour: elected office treated as a family business. Poor Mr. Kelly must have been gutted when the Scottish Parliament banned the employment by MSPs of family members as support or research staff….

Schrodingers cat

ha ha ha ha ha

i knew Chris Wrights post was a parody of a Colonel Blink, but then I am familiar with his writings. I went back and reread his post and I can see how people unfamiliar with Chris’s posts might have taken him to be a unionist troll….snigger, unlucky chris. Indeed, i thought his icon was a photo of himself, the irony of it has only just dawned on me. my icon is far less subtle, its designed to scare the sh1t outta folks, nothing more

Grouse Beater

Schrodinger: we have been duped……….


Conan was a great comfort on the Guardian site when Scotland haters – and that includes its moderators – appeared determined to harass Yes voters into oblivion.

the Scots now just need to get in line behind the French, muslims and other johnny foriegners.

I enjoyed that remark. Too close to the truth.


The SNP will not have a Coalition with Labour they will support, on a vote to vote arrangement. The SNP did it in a minority administration, gaining by partisan support. Before the last Holyrood election to get legislation through Holyrood. That is what Alex Salmond said. As soon as he said it, every Labour/Unionist troll disappeared off the Scotsman website. Gone. Following instructions. The Daily Record has not allowed comments on it’s website since the ‘VOW’. Doesn’t like the comments of it’s former readers. Ground Hog Day on the Herald continues. Total waste of time and money.


Free personal care means less bed blocking in the NHS. Less beds needed. People can stay in their own homes for longer. Win, win. Free personal care costs £60+ a week, Hospital beds costs £600+ a day.


from the Panelbase Poll – leaders ratings –

Do you trust [NAME] to stand up for Scotland’s interests?
Nicola Sturgeon – Yes: 59%; No: 27%; DK: 14%
John Swinney – Yes: 42%; No: 28%; DK: 29%
Patrick Harvie – Yes: 30%; No: 36%; DK: 34%
Jim Murphy – Yes: 39%; No: 37%; DK: 25%
Ruth Davidson – Yes: 27%; No: 52%; DK: 21%
Willie Rennie – Yes: 19%; No: 50%; DK: 32%
David Cameron – Yes: 18%; No: 70%; DK: 12%
Nick Clegg – Yes: 10%; No: 74%; DK: 16%
Ed Miliband – Yes: 18%; No: 63%; DK: 18%

Schrodingers cat

“Ken500 says:
The SNP will not have a Coalition with Labour they will support, on a vote to vote arrangement… That is what Alex Salmond said”

You are of course correct ken, i just dont think that either option is viable, which is why i didnt differentiate. A vote to vote arrangement would still leave a labour government in a minority whenever trying to pass laws which only effect england(the SNP MP’s dont vote on such issues) and any concessions to the SNP will only increase the frequency of this situation arising??

wingman 2020


Jim Murphy – Yes: 39%; No: 37%; DK: 25%

Quite frankly, I don’t believe this result. It’s clearly a fix of some sort.

Tam Jardine

Schrodingers cat

Christian’s post was too convincing – it seems over the top bit having waded through some of the 2000 comments on one of the DT articles I read it and my first instinct was ‘here’s another one of these ****s.’

When viewing on my phone McGoohan is sacrificed to read the text better so yeah – I can see why folk thought it trolling. That such a crazy post seems real says more about the unionist commentators than it does Wingers!

Guid health SC- and to Conan for putting up with all the pish on the DT.


wingman 2020

Considering he has had wall to wall media backing for weeks it is not that great. The Westminster leader ratings are dire.

ronnie anderson

Bugger (the Panda) says:
29 December, 2014 at 8:13 am

Christian Wright a troll, FFS!

Get a grip.

Reset your paranoia button and think irony.

I think there is greater chance on Conan the Librarian being Alan Cochrane in disguise.

Seriously BTP Conans actualy Cochers.Me & Bob Sinclair tain him hame to Winchburgh on the 4th July (newsroom nite out), had we known that at the time, he would have been dropped of in LYNCHBURGH.the things you learn on hear that urnae real,Christian & Conan are real YESSERS. BTW me & Bob had a tour of Scotland that morning ( never to be repeated ) are you reading this Conan LoL.

Schrodingers cat

Ken500 says:
“The SNP will not have a Coalition with Labour they will support, on a vote to vote arrangement. That is what Alex Salmond said.”

You are, of course, correct Ken
I just dont think either option is viable as they would both leave a lab government in a minority when trying to pass english only legislation(SNP MP’s dont vote on such issues) and any consessions to the SNP would only increase the frequency of such situations arising. Indeed, a UkIP/Tory opposition coul get a bill through the HOC for an EU ref is the SNP chose to sit on their hands. What ever happens, there are a great deal of risks for the SNP going forward, I remember what happened in 79. Even the unionist opposition parties in Holyrood in 2007, didnt want to risk being blamed for bringing down the SNP minority government for the same reasons

Schrodingers cat

sorry for the double post
short circuit between the ears


@Christian Wright
Sorry mate.Took it wrong way.Will try better.


@wingman 2020

Should Murphy even be on that list? After all it is supposed to be “Leaders” and Ed Miliband is the Labour leader.

ronnie anderson

@ Christian Wright
Christian Wright says:
28 December, 2014 at 10:06 pm

@ClanDonald I found it difficult to accept Anderson’s bigoted, racist, and 19th Century colonialist, polemic could possibly be other than satire .

Chris could you be a bit more spacific as to whitch Anderson your refering to,look at the confusion with your credentials on here. I dont want people thinking the person your refering to is Me.christian names please LoL.

wingman 2020


Fair point.

Either way… the poll stinks or the propaganda effects of the BBC are worse than I imagined. Do people really just scan headlines and capitulate? (Yes the establishment is correct as always)

Now is the time for free thinking people to challenge everything they see or hear in the media.


Incase you don’t know we did a live stream with Craig Murray regarding his selection as candidate. You should give it a listen…

link to

wingman 2020


“Considering he has had wall to wall media backing for weeks it is not that great. The Westminster leader ratings are dire.

Serving to highlight the critical importance of ensuring that Labour are prevented from the conjuring trick of conflating Murphy with a new autonomous Scottish Labour party.

As they practice this illusion to fool the electorate, we need to blow away the smoke and smash the mirrors.


Schrodinger, regarding SNP not voting on English matters, it seems this may in fact change, how do you think this would affect things?

link to

Bill McLean

Lollysmum – enjoyed your post but intrigued as to why an Englishwoman living in England would join the SNP – you are of course as “welcome as the flowers in May” (an old Donegal song I remember my mother singing!) My English wife is a member but we live in The Kingdom Of Fife – lucky us! Noticing a lot of argument on here recently. We need to remember we have one great, just and dignified aim.
Those who like to insult and name-call (you know who you are) should rethink their approach.

Naina Tal

Caz_m Take a wee look on YouTube ayemusic from Scotland. September 19th. A wee song by C.Douglas Durness and video clips. Might brighten your day on the North Sea.Sorry can’t post links.The messages just disappear.

ronnie anderson

@ Marcia 10.56.
Jim Murphy should have been put under a sub heading ie branch manager.


Ronnie Anderson

You could have a caption contest with part of your post,

JM should have been put under…..

Bob Mack

I think what is happening when someone posts a comment that could be seen as offensive, but is in fact satirical is that we have become so wound up by the constant attacks on our movement that we become somewhat intolerant and defensive almost without thinking.Reminds me of how we reacted to the article in the National bt Sandy Wilkie.I suppose we are just tired of hearing the same things again and again.The fact that people accepted what Christian wrote at face value,tells you that this sort of scribbling and thought process was not unexpected.It is actually what I have been reading on numerous sites and is sadly akin to the truth as seen by many south of the border.It will help me to push even harder for our goal.


Perhaps I should change my avatar?

Dorothy, you have to give me some fun; I’ve given up the Scotsman and the Herald. I actually know Alan (we meet on the Royal Mile occasionally, like two suspicious dogs, stiff legged and bristling…)


@ Bill McLean
I lived in Scotland during the 70’s then marriage & family got in the way so I didn’t get back there again.Now I work in London but am 2 years off retirement so my plan is to come back then.I still miss the hillwalking after all these years.

I found Wings sometime before the referendum & lurked to learn more about it because indyref wasn’t being mentioned in the English press at all. I found that both strange & fishy so wanted to know why news of it was being kept from the people. I’ve always been a believer in independence-not just for Scotland but for any country/electorate being held against its wishes by a govt that still sees itself as Imperialist & that they have the right to dominion over others.

I joined SNP because I can’t do anything else to help yet but at least my subs are used in the best cause possible.

So that’s how I got here-being nosey & trying to find out what was going on 🙂 So glad I did!


Next time the Queen of ‘England’ is wittering on about healing divisions in Scotland she should have a wee read of the telegraph, maybe she’ll realise that the real divisions out there are the ones that the right wing press are trying to manufacture.

This anti-Scotland bile is nothing to do with persuading Scots to support the union and everything to do with turning the ‘English’ against us, in order to gain their support for the harsh punishments that are about to befall us.

Just like they turned the population against the ‘benefit scroungers’ before hammering them with cuts. Prepare to be universally despised by the entire rUK, Scotland, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

ronnie anderson

@ caz m link to

Hope this doesent make you seasick


ronnie anderson

@ Conan_the_Librarian and the next time you meet Cochers with your stiff leg bristling , piss on him from a great hieght.


There’s an Anderson lives on top of a hill in G12 and keeps a flag flying. I’ve always thought I should buy this guy a hauf.
Stampede of Anderson’s. 🙂


Like Lollysmum I am exiled to the south of England through family ties, though I am a Scot too old to return home. Never dreamed that Independence would ever be a possibility but joined the SNP and made various donations to WoS and other publications hoping that every little bit helps and pray I will see it in my lifetime

ronnie anderson

@ fred theres a Anderson at the bottom of a hill wie a Saltire baith sides ( see avitar ) mines ah JURA wie ah spash o spring watter lol.

Derick fae Yell

Cochrane once queue jumped my better half at a petrol station. Conan would never do that. Thus you may tell them apart.

But are they ever seen in the same place at the same time.

I demand an investigation!


@ronnie, I shall bear this in mind pal. Very good book about the Islay Malts, “Peat Smoke & Spirit”, incl my fav’ Lagavullin.

CameronB Brodie

Naina Tal
You need to remove the http:// from the link you’re trying to post, otherwise t’internet elves get cross and your post ends up in the bin.

Gloves off, this time you get the audio folks. 🙂

Black Flag – Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie

CameronB Brodie
No no no...Yes

Aspen 2:05pm

“…I am exiled…”.

Great post, I really like the imagery and sentiment. Dreams can come true but the dreamer has to take some responsibility and do what they can to make it happen. You are taking positive action and I hope your prayers are answered in your lifetime.
Happy New Year.

Bill McLean

Lollysmum – thanks for reply. There are some really interesting people on here with really interesting stories. I returned to Scotland after 40 years away and quickly realized that we have been/are being shafted by Westminster. My Brummie wife, from being staunch Labour, as I was, is now a convinced nationalist and a member of the SNP.
Thanks again



According to the ONS (Office for National Statistics), the most popular boys name in England and Wales in 2013 was Oliver.

However, according to the Daily “Heil” (Hurrah for the Blackshirts), Mail, a year later it was Mohammed.

I know what organisation I would prefer to believe.

Along with the Record, the Mail should be cosigned to the dustbin of History.


Cadogan Enright

@Bill McLean. why not? I’m Irish and the wifes US and we have been campaigning like mad, fundraising etc even though we are in Ireland.

And we will be back on the ground full time before April

An independent Scotland thriving on Scandinavian economics based on the common Weald happily ensconced Europe would be a game-changer in both Europe and wider afield, not just in Britain and Ireland

The biggest winners would be the English working class, who would see that it was not necessary to have 3 Tory parties, and that real choice is possible.

This would hole Anglo-American so-called liberal economics below the waterline

Bill McLean

Cadogan – I hope you have not misunderstood my post(S). I’m delighted for whoever, from wherever supports our struggle!


Naina Tal and Ronnie 12.51pm

Cheers for that.


Wonder if they’d ever put up a similar question about Gibraltar or Falklands?

Ian Brotherhood

Re-posting this link in the hope that someone, somewhere, will be able to help answer the fundamental questions it raises:

1. Was Jim Murphy at university for nine years, or not?

2. Did he, during that time, earn a degree. If so, what was it for, and in what year did he graduate?

3. Did he, as stated on Wikipedia, ‘drop-out’?

4. Does he have any academic qualifications at all?

Surely, surely, surely, and in the name of the wee man – with the reach of WOS, and the fact that many professional journalists/researchers visit this place, we must be able to have a decent bash at nailing some facts?

link to

ben madigan

@ Dr Jim
i promised you a reply to all your queries about NI so I have listed them here and tried to answer as best i can. if I’ve forgotten anything, please remind me!!

Before we start, I have to ask you to remember the good friday/belfast Agreement and subsequent agreements. They were backed up by the republic of ireland and the USA and are registered as international treaties. NI is not on the same footing as Scotland and Wales – it has one foot in the Uk and the other out the door

off we go –
1)“Northern Ireland get what they want coz they threaten the UK”.

Please remember the DUP/SF power-sharing agreement in Stormont, the NI Assembly has been at stalemate for several years,but the UK govt needs it to work. It does not want to go back to Direct Rule and it does not want to openly concede Joint Sovreignty with the republic of ireland,
But it can’t wash its hands of the issue because, like the Republic of Ireland, it is a guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement/Belfast Agreement which ended the violent strife and set up the Stormont Assembly . So de facto if not de jure, NI has a form of joint sovreignty. Infact a minister of the republic of ireland and a Special Envoy from the US were involved with the UK secretary of state in the talks

2) when did Northern Ireland become a nation, i always thought it was a breakaway part of it’s original Nation and then became a Colonial Satellite of the UK coz nobody knew what else to do with them,

Quite right – but Westminster loves the narrative of family of nations etc – even though we know it’s just another story

3) Unification, if the South would have them would be better for all
A lot of people would agree with you. The Unionists and Loyalists (orange order) don’t

4) I think that’s why NI was against Scottish Independence
The Unionists/Loyalists were certainly against Scottish Independence – see their support for the Orange Order march in Edinburgh before the referendum.

Irish Nationalists/Republicans weren’t but didn’t say anything because the govt of the Republic of ireland had asked for silence on the issue

5) coz without us and the obvious subsidy they would look like the economic basket case they are
Agree Ni is a failed statelet – socially, politically and economically. Few people except Unionists/Loyalists/orange order would disagree. They like it because it consolidates their power which is probably on the downswing as the latest census showed they are no longer a majority, particularly in belfast, their capital city!!

I have not included all the various links as i don’t know if they would go through


Jim Murphy and the labour party are not the biggest threat,the BBC and daily record are

Cadogan Enright

@ben madigan and @ Dr Jim 9:45 pm

I’d say Ben Madigan got that mostly right. I knew a few NI Unionists who were oddly for Scottish Independence. Almost all nationalists or republicans said nothing as they knew how Fleet Street would run it if they did.

Areas with majority Unionism in NI are now confined to a heavily populated orange ‘donut’ around belfast surrounded by a sea of green with a republican/nationalist majority in belfast in the middle.

Its very traumatic for them, as it is obvious that Martin McGuinness or his successor may well emerge as first minister before long, and previous plans to re-draw the boarder are no longer possible. The obvious thing for Unionists to do is to fulfil the peace agreement and make an agreement with SF while they still have a narrow majority. But the Tories have encouraged them to be obdurate and it is clear that Cameron and his lack-lustre secretary of State have been dangling coalition with the DUP in the event of a hung parliament.

For NI Unionist parties, Scottish Independence would be a catastrophe – England could not afford NI without a Scottish subsidy. An the ‘story’ behind NI being in the UK would be fatally undermined.


Anent, Nornirn, these Unionists are the very people who bang on about their Scottish heritage. The YES campaign had more support from folk in the North of England than that lot.
Bad cess tae them, 🙂

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    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “True.Jan 13, 20:23
    • Cuphook on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Jay Gatsby said, “What was the use of doing great things if I could have a better time telling Daisy…Jan 13, 20:09
    • PacMan on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Remember the quote from the old TV prison comedy Porridge about Christopher Biggins character where those inside are worried about…Jan 13, 20:06
    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Criminal: “Relating to crime: Criminal activity. A criminal act/offence. Criminal behaviour. A criminal investigation.” “Very bad or morally wrong: It’s…Jan 13, 20:03
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    • Chas on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “I always thought Sturgeon’s nickname at University was very appropriate. Seaweed-Even the tide widnae take her oot.Jan 13, 19:50
    • DavidT on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “The thing is, the SNP were getting elected on the back of many of these pledges.Jan 13, 19:48
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    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Love it, Dan… #WiseDanJan 13, 19:09
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    • Blackhack on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “So, When’s she coming out then ??Jan 13, 18:45
    • Andy Anderson on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “DoneJan 13, 18:39
    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “We’ll unlock access and will do a far better job (while we flush the arsewipes away:) – You’ll enjoy it……Jan 13, 18:32
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    • Graham Hobson on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “But did she? Her track record with truth leaves so much to be desiredJan 13, 18:17
    • Nemisis Benn on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Are you expecting “her” to follow through and actually get a divorce?Jan 13, 18:15
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    • Muscleguy on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “She quite famously had a stillbirth. So be difficult to argue for that.Jan 13, 18:08
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