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Wings Over Scotland

The quickfire lies round

Posted on July 14, 2014 by

The tweet on the left is one of the rare appearances of Scottish Labour’s fabled “2014 Truth Team”, while over on the right is a snippet from Scottish Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale’s column in this morning’s Daily Record.


This shouldn’t take long.

The number of votes cast in the Corby mini-referendum was 576, not “thousands”.

The number of SNP MPs who voted against Labour’s price-freeze motion was zero.

Next please.


(The SNPs six MPs are Stewart Hosie, Angus MacNeil, Angus Robertson, Mike Weir, Eilidh Whiteford and Pete Wishart. Not a single one appears on the vote’s Noes list.)

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If that is the Truth Team, what does their spin doctor’s team have to say? These lies need to be exposed to the point of embarrassment for Sarwar and co.


Think in the next few weeks we will see a swarm of so many lies and misinformation, backed up by the BBC, that we are gonna find it difficult to cope!


Does anyone know what the question asked was? Do 28% of the people who voted in this want Corby out of the Union or were they asked if Scotland should be out of the Union?


Poor Kezia, it is almost as if she writes her pieces without doing anyone the courtesy of checking even the most basic of facts. I think this is known as contempt for the reader.

Seasick Dave

I wonder if Kezia can tell us why their opinion should not be ignored.


Technically speaking, 576 is 0.576 thousand.
Why dont you run a poll of the non Scots who have posted articles on here and you can claim “The should not be ignored” too as just as relevant as a bunch of folk in Corby.

Had the great displeasure of reading The Mirror today and Carole Malone(?) travelogue around Scotland piece on the referendum. Truly nauseating with the usual ‘anti-English’ and blinked ignorant YES voter portrayal with of course a dash of fear and loathing and hints at a violent outcome ( some would say shes encouraging mayhem but I couldn’t possibly comment).

It seems Labour papers are just as bad as their party.



No idea but the vote was I think orchestrated by people who are not keen on the idea and Margaret Curran attended the event to reinforce the No vote and remind that if it were to be a Yes vote they would all become evil foreigners overnight.

There is almost an air of desperation regarding how seriously Labour took this straw poll in Corby. It was never, ever going to be anything other than a No vote. If anywhere in the UK is wedded to the notion of the Union it has to be Corby. What must have surprised them is that 28% voted Yes.

Rosa Alba Macdonald

So almost 1/3 of the participants in the mock(ery) of the referendum voted – as English citizens in England – that the Union should be left?
Clarity as to whether Scotland or Corby should leave the Union would be interesting. If irrelevant

Peter Macbeastie

Y’know, if you didn’t mention these wee things like Truth Team, the vast majority of us would not even be aware of them.

This is not a criticism, it’s just a statement of fact. Truth Team (a bigger joke you could not imagine; Labour setting up a group with truth in the name…) has about the same media footprint as a village fete.

I did note Dugdale’s new role as a columnist in the Record; someone mentioned it on Facebook with the attendant phrase ‘that should create a few thousand more Yes votes.’


‘The 8000 Scots in that Northamptonshire town don’t have a vote but they do have a view. And their No verdict yesterday shouldn’t be ignored.’

Yes it should.


A lie a day will keep the Nats at bay

Oh no it won’t. Nor ten lies, nor a hundred lies. When you lie, you are a liar, and you can’t trust anything liars say.

As for Corby, I heard a councillor talking, he genuinely believed it was a bit of fun and publicity for their Games. I believe him. Of course the Unionist gutter press jump on it was something worth spinning negatively.

Surely more and more people just don’t listen to every lie and negatively spun story, they just know it’s all nonsense. The recent drop in newspaper circulation proves a lot of people have abandoned their ‘news’.

Those who haven’t woken up to the reality – we have 70days to hammer home to individuals, face to face, the deceit of No versus the opportunities of Yes.


Someone is haveing a hard time with the whole “this is a referendum about where we are governed from, NOT policy” thing.

Makes you wonder what other mistakes they’re making, but we know the career politicians are bricking it, which is a good thing for the country.


Stepping up the dirty tactics , the half truths and spin were having little or no effect .
A good piece in the Herald web site ” I was brought up in the Orange Order and Im voting Yes”


The Corby indy vote is about as relevant as a trouser press in the debate. But the good old beeb somehow thinks it’s relevant and spins it in favour of No.

Red Squirrel

The 8000 scots who don’t have a vote should be ignored because they don’t have a vote!

Why don’t we ask every person on the planet who’s believes in Nessie? Can Nessie vote too?


Labour wouldn’t know the truth even if the party was bitten Suarez like in the unmentionables.


If there are 8,000 Scots in Corby and 576 voted in this poll that is a turnout of 7.2% and if 72% voted No then only 5.2% were actively against Scottish independence.

I’m hoping we can do rather better than a 7.2% turnout…which all things considered can I think be ignored.


Perhaps they could have held the ballot not in Corby but in Doncaster.

Doncaster was handed to Scotland with the signing of the Treaty of Durham, which ended hostilities in 1136. Another treaty three years later confirmed Scottish-ownership of the Yorkshire town – but new research has found that there is no official confirmation that the former mining town was ever handed back.

It may be a tad ironic but Ed Miliband represents a Scottish constituency.

CameronB Brodie

Is British Labour’s ‘Truth Team’ the new benchmark in what is considered appropriate and acceptable political spin, i.e. blatant and easily refuted lies?

Is the Labour party deluded in their appreciation of the voting public’s ignorance regarding most things, or have they special insight into how cowed and receptive their traditional support is?

Whichever, I’d say their time is up in Scotland. as they are just so 20th century.


sorry o/t

can anyone shed any light on an ‘incident’ at the Yes shop in Dennistoun?


Labour modelled The Truth Team on Orwell’s Newspeak.

There is no intent to actually tell the truth. That is just a foolish misconception on the part of the general public.


Sometimes I get embarrassed for them

Robert Peffers

I wonder if the figures for the drop in sales of the dead tree press in Scotland can be correlated to their anti-independence stance and/or their lies coefficient?

Daily Titles

Daily Star of Scotland – 14.5%.
Daily Mirror – 13.2%.
Independent – 12.5%.
Financial Times – 10.5%.
Daily Record – 9.8%.
Scottish Daily Express – 9.7%.
The Scottish Sun – 8.6%.
Scottish Daily Mail – 8.3%.
The Guardian – 5.2%.
Daily Telegraph – 1.4%.
The Times – 0.7%.

Sunday Titles

Sunday Mirror – 22.8%.
Daily Star of Scotland – 17.1%.
The People – 14.1%.
Scottish Sunday Express – 12.9%.
The Sunday Post – 11.2%.
Sunday Mail – 10.9%.
The Scottish Sun – 10.4%.
Independent on Sunday – 5.7%.
Scottish Mail on Sunday – 5.4%.
The Observer – 4.8%.
Sunday Telegraph – 2.6%.
Sunday Times – 1.5%.


Scotland surplus in fuel and energy, exports 25% pays a higher cost in energy in the UK. It’s colder in the North, people in Scotland pay 10% more. For parity Scotland should pay 10% less the south should pay 1% more. The Energy companies wanted consumers (Scotland) nearer source to pay less, Westminster refused permission. An Independent Scotland could control and tax it’s energy resources

Westminster blocks EU renewable Grants to Scotland and encourages Chinese investment in Nuclear (more expensive) rather than Renewables.

Nana Smith

Douglas and the rest of the New labour lot don’t do ‘truth’

Lies and misinformation is the blairite legacy.


Such is the tendency to lie in the Labour ranks, I would question whether there are 8,000 people in Corby of Scottish descent, whether the people who voted in the mock referendum were of Scottish descent and why are the BBC spinning this as if it were relevant?
The organiser of the Corby games sounded very level headed about it and saw it as a bit of fun to advertise their big day. Labour and the BBC are clutching at straws.

schrodingers cat

@Robert Peffers

do these figures represent the % drop over a 12 month period?

schrodingers cat

my wos badge just arrived…..:)

schrodingers cat

going to st andrews tonight to watch the opening of Scotland Yet
this is a film that WOS contributers helped crowd fund, thanks guys, i’ll give you a heads up when I get back

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Red Squirrel says:
Why don’t we ask every person on the planet who’s believes in Nessie? Can Nessie vote too?

Nessie is a Yessie.

See also Squirrels for YES : link to

ronnie anderson

Is that Kezia’s consolation prize for loseing out on the

Bbc presenters job, a column in the Daily Record, that

woman sets her sights high,but plumets tae the gutter

Bbc/Daily Record,it wont be long till she reaches new

hights when the voters reject her as a MSP. I’ll even buy

her the the tools for her new employment. A BIG BRUSH N

SHOVEL + the BARRA tae SWEEP the GUTTERS,position filled no other applicants need apply.


I was about to write that neither of them would know the truth if it jumped up and bit them. I then decided after due consideration that sadly that statement would not be true.
They do know that what they write is not the truth & they know damned well that what they are writing a pack of lies! They just dont care. They put their own selfish petty personal self interest before truth, justice or anything else for that matter. They make me sick but rather than getting mad I will get even… another night going out and about to
talk to undecideds and tell them the truth!

donald anderson

Labour and truth is an oxymoron.


The village idiot calling other folk ‘village idiots’

The fat arses calling other folk ‘fat arses’

CameronB Brodie

donald anderson
I was going to say that, as I felt it follows the threads minimalist theme. Then I thought I’d leave that form of expressionism to a proper artist. 🙂


Met a guy last year on holiday from that very same place. He’d heard the accent very proud of his roots, very interested in the Referendum.

When he started talking about England paying for the Skye Bridge, I realised he knows as much about Scotland now as I do about Corby.

God they’re desperate!


re the Corby referendum the Corby councilor was actually quite good he made it plain to the gms that it was by no means scientific that many English people voted and that it was only a bit of fun They must be laughing their rocks off in Corby now when they see how serious the bbc is reporting it!
Spoke to an elderly chap from Berwick ( english living on this side ) on Saturday he asked how things were going and then immediatly apologised He had been winding up one of the English workers who lives in England and works in Morrisons on this side of the border He asked her if she had renewed her passport as she was soon going to need it every day! He wasn’t aware at the time but that little wise crack eventually caused the local paper to front page the story NO TRUTH THAT IMIGRATION / PASSPORT BOOTHS WERE TO BE PLACED ON THE HIGH STREET.

ronnie anderson


We,re looking for Campain Material from all the Indy

campaining Groups , for the BBC Demo on the 27th July &

for Thepnr’s Seafest Stall Arbroath 9 / 10th August,please

bring along to the BBC demo,leaflets ect Thanks.


If you can’t find a no voter, invent one or, another new low for teamGB liggers shock:D

link to

Have to say this is the worst vote naw propaganda I have ever seen from any UKOK broadsheet, in the last hour. Madeleine bunting may not even exist. Rule Britannia!


I find it interesting that Labour remains fixated on the anti-SNP rhetoric. The are so locked in to this attack that they cannot see what is happening all around them.

This is now the people’s campaign. The party politics comes much later. WE just want to win the right to create a fairer Scotland.

Labour spent so many years building an election machine that they cannot understand that those joining YES are not joining a party, they are working together for all of the people who live in Scotland.

Keshia Dugdale is like many Labour politicians blinded by hate. I prefer hope.


576 votes were cast with 162 backing Scots independence. Do we know how strict the conditions were to conduct this poll?
It could be that only 162 Scots voted in this “poll” giving a 100% voting for independence.


From the BBC New Magazine on the Scots element of Corby,

“The most striking is the Corby accent, or mixture of accents. Some sound Glaswegian. Others seem to have a slight Scottish twang. And there are those that speak with a broad Scottish accent”.

You mean the Glasgow accent isn’t “a broad Scottish accent”?

Les Wilson

Ever more attempts to confuse the unwary. Trouble for them is the more negatives they say the less people actually listen.
Scotland has learned not to trust Slab on anything, they continue to contribute to their own demise.

This also applies to BT in general, add all the Unionist parties, and the compliant media.
Scots are contrary people, the more rubbish they put out will be recognised as just that, rubbish.

Anyone heard of Lamont recently? is she still alive?


Severin Bunting of vote no Graun says

“Then there are questions about the mechanics of independence which, to his mind, no nationalist has ever satisfactorily answered. The first is around the currency. The Westminster government has consistently said no to a joint currency; the nationalists’ position seems to amount to an insistence that this was bluffing. But if they are not, what is plan B? And why have the nationalists been allowed to get away without a plan B? The second was that the negotiations will be like “disentangling spaghetti” – tortuous, difficult and could get nasty. The British government will be fighting for the best deal it could get. Finally, if an independent Scotland keeps the monarchy and the currency, what exactly does independence amount to? It is a waste of time, a distraction politics, he concluded.”

I think it’s interesting that a UKOK broadsheet is still farting out this kind of propaganda above from Severin Bunting. This is meant to be national newspaper for gawds sake, so even if Severin had just added some real world stuff like Scotland can use sterling no matter what or even that his own paper reported minister says currency union will happen after yes win, it would at least give some credence to their daily BetterTogether bullshit .


Corby electorate give overwhelming support to Scottish Independence

A poor turnout of only 7% voted in the Refamockthem yesterday. Of the 576 votes actually cast a small number were in favour of the continuance of the union.

A spokesman for the silent majority who did not participate said that they were unanimously in favour of Scottish Independence but were afraid to speak out after perceived intimidation from the Cyber Brit Insurrectionistas. I heard this from a friend of Jenny Marra so it must be true.

[…] « The quickfire lies round […]

Robert Peffers

@CameronB Brodie says: 14 July, 2014 at 10:25 am
“Is British Labour’s ‘Truth Team’ the new benchmark in what is considered appropriate and acceptable political spin, i.e. blatant and easily refuted lies?”

Not to put too fine a point upon it, London Labour in Scotland long ago gave up any pretence of converting people in Scotland, (who were not already die hard, brainwashed, Labour Party sheeple), to their lies and mantra like chants.

Thus their long term strategy is just to hold onto the sheeple who will believe anything whatsoever that they hear from London Labour in Scotland. This, of course, assumes the Sheeple do not read, listen or watch anything other than the official Labour mantras.

Now the strange thing is that there are Scots who still suck this tissue of lies up even when London Labour hecht heid ains chant different mantras than London Labour in Scotland’s hecht heid ains. It defies all logic. How can these sheeple still believe them when the same person, for example Johann Lamont makes some statements that directly contradict her own other statements?

Do they, perhaps, just pick the one that suits their present mindset?

Chic McGregor

And yet she still failed to land the BBC Scotland gig? Astonished am ur.

Rusty Shackleford

Also noticed that Corby is one of the few places in England where you’ll encounter Orange marches. Make of that what you will.


Margaret Curran (Labour Liar) visits Corby Highland Games at the weekend and has a wee rant in the local paper.

link to

I bet she didn’t visit the Corby Foodbank building, it’s shut at the weekends and bank holidays.

link to

That’s a pity, it would have made a good publicity picture of what we’ll miss when we become a prosperous Independent Nation once again.

CameronB Brodie

So if Corby is for No, I suggest we fall back on Plan B, i.e. Croydon. IMHO, that’s our most appropriate beachhead. 🙂

link to

CameronB Brodie

Also reported in the Scotsman (links to the Standard). 🙂

link to


Ronnie Anderson

I was down PQ way at the weekend Ronnie. I had to check out a couple of things.


If Better Together No Thanks were quite so confident in the level of their support might they not have held a mock ballot at another Highland games – say one in Scotland? To me this type of stunt reeks of utter desperation.


In the 2011 census only 6,393 people in Corby, not 8,000, self-identified their nationality as Scots either in whole or in part, representing 10.4% of the population.


What utter BS! In what dream world are these idiots living in?

Then again it’s kind of obvious that it was posted by someone who pays for their energy bills with tax payers money.

The fact is energy bills have been getting higher and higher year on year,but the UK government do nothing about it,then they realised this and are now seen to be doing something about it. Why? Because there is an election coming up and then there’s the referendum here in Scotland. So the better together bunch try and scare us into thinking energy bills would be higher in an independent Scotland!

And that girls and boys is what they want you to believe and to vote no.

Jamie Arriere

I was going to make a similar point to Gray – a 7% turnout ffs!! So 93% couldn’t give a shit either way, or are correctly realising that it’s none of their business and aren’t fearing the collapse of the time-space continuum.


link to check the ragged Saltire and EU flag from BetterTogetherBBC. The reality is that if this lot do win the referendum in Sept, their next target is getting Lamont’s Labour back in power in Holyrood which is pretty unique in so called democracy anywhere. They got UKIP a seat in Scotland and they keep forcing this fraud on Scotland

“Meanwhile the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats have set out individual proposals to devolve more powers to the Scottish Parliament if voters reject independence.”

Robert Peffers

@crisiscult says: 14 July, 2014 at 10:25 am

“can anyone shed any light on an ‘incident’ at the Yes shop in Dennistoun?”

Only thing I found was a reference to, “Haggsy”, in the Guardian, but could not find whatever it was. Something about a woman being surrounded was all I could make out.

James Kay

Only 12.7% of the population of Corby is Scottish born. 28% for YES sounds good.


How very Orwellian.


@Ronnie Anderson

We’re organising a wee banner for the kids, would be good to catch up with you at PQ and to do a photo, planned this time, if you’re up for it? Not courting controversy, but they (and we) wanted to make a point


It does all depend on how the Labour Party Define the word ‘Truth’

My guess, and call me a pessimist, but I’m thinking on the whole, it’s not the same definition of ‘true’ that the rest of the free thinking world use..

Truth: The quality or state of being true (OED)

Labour have just thrown caution to the wind and thought sod it, we’ll print any auld shite, the electorate are thick as pig mess anyway, they’ll buy into what ever we print/say. If it’s true in our minds then it must be. Think Labour have been guilty of this thinking for a number of years now.

God they say they believe in social justice and look how they vote in Westminster. I don’t believe a word they say – even if it is true – I’m always very wary whenever they open their traps or turn on a printer in their propaganda workshop.


Rusty Shackleford: at 11:23 am

Also noticed that Corby is one of the few places in England where you’ll encounter Orange marches. Make of that what you will.

Aye it appears the are having a few problems with them.

Row erupts over bands in parade

Robert Peffers

@crisiscult says: 14 July, 2014 at 10:25 am:
“can anyone shed any light on an ‘incident’ at the Yes shop in Dennistoun”?

That was, “Haggzy”, and it was something about a woman being surrounded by a crowd and told it was Loyalist area.

link to

Geoff Huijer

This is Corby and the ‘Little Scotland’ tag came about after so many had to move there after Ravenscraig was shut down.

One of the great benefits of the Union – taking Norman Tebbit’s ‘on yer bike’ speech to extremes methinks.


So a poll of a few hundred residents of a town in England WHO DON’T HAVE A VOTE is deemed important to the debate, but polls of thousands of Scottish schoolchildren and students WHO DO HAVE A VOTE, in 17 schools and colleges across the country is completely ignored? Hang your heads in shame “Scottish” “journalists”:

link to

donald anderson

I had a poll among masel’ and found I was 100% for a Yes vote. Well, naebiddy else is gonny ask me. I’ve neffer been polled in my life. Was it something I said?

Robert Peffers

schrodingers cat says: 14 July, 2014 at 10:34 am

”do these figures represent the % drop over a 12 month period?

The details are here : –
link to


BBC in Scotland today instructs that Yes voting has all BEEN FOUND WANTING “On the facts and the big questions the nationalists have been found wanting – on currency, the EU, jobs and pensions.”

So once they have saved this nonsense union, sent AlicSamin to the back to Strichen for good etc, we’ll all have to sit and watch this same BBC crew in pacific quay trying to save the EU union or make everyone vote Yes to leave the EU. Should at least interesting viewing watching same BBC shysters reheating Yes Scotland material or Bettertogether no thanks. Can’t see much argument from the EU either way though.

ronnie anderson

@ Indigo 11.38, gerry,jim,caz,bob,me we go with the flow

anything positive,Contrversity whits that when its at hame

wan o they loungeing areas attached tae a hoose.

Chic McGregor

One of our canvassers was threatened recently by an occupant who called him a ("Tractor" - Ed) and that all Yes voters would be lined up and shot after the referendum.

ronnie anderson

@ caz_m, its in your say nae mair its in your culpabile hands,an we,ll share the blame lol.

Nana Smith

Good grief, I didn’t think this Lamont woman could be any more lamentable but I have just seen the video on youtube.
Lesley Riddoch and Alan Massie are listening to this so called politician… she really the best labour can put forward as a leader and if so then I weep

link to

ronnie anderson

@Caz _m Re Type.

Say nae mair its in your culpabile hands,an weil share the blame lol.

Dick Gaughan

BBC News24 :

Badly out of tune of piper playing as the numptie presenter gleefully tells us that the people of Corby want to stay with the UK.

Fine. Simple solution, in the Referendum they can just vote … what? They don’t have a vote? Michty me, ye mean that wis aa jist a bit propaganda, wis it?

(I’m a bit dischuffed. For a couple of years on gigs south of the border, one of my standard lines has been “You give us back Berwick, we’ll give you back Corby.” Looks like that one’s dead, now. Thanks a bunch, Corby.)

Jim Duthie

Nana Smith

I think Lesley Riddoch and Allan Massie are listening in shock and horror at the tripe emanating from Lamont’s mouth. It is truly astonishing.

CameronB Brodie

Important questions on Scotland’s future remain unanswered ahead of the independence referendum, the Law Society of Scotland has said.

Do you think the Law Society of Scotland have just answered my question re. their position on whether Scotland exists or not?

Law Society president Alistair Morris said: “It is essential that everyone is equipped with the right information so each person can make up their mind and collectively deliver a decisive result.

“Yet despite much debate, a major White Paper, devolution commission reports, analysis papers and a draft Independence Bill, many of us believe important questions on Scotland’s future remain unanswered.

Funny that, as I was told to consult my local library when I asked the Law Society of Scotland, if they thought Scotland existed or not. I even shared their reply here. How much did Whitehall’s legal ‘opinion’ that Scotland gave up existence in 1707, cost UK tax payers?

jon esquierdo

I have repeatedly had words with yes Scotland and the SNP about why they allow themselves to be put on the ropes with lies.I can not understand why they never accuse the better together of lying and expose them for what they are. I think that they are being too nice and it may prove to be costly as a lot of hard of learning people believe everything they read



Today (Monday) Humza Yousaf MSP will be answering questions about independence from Undecided voters between 4:30 – 5:00pm.

It’s a Facebook Q&A.

link to


@ ronnie

fab, we’ll see you there then


Someone tell the Law Society their questions should be directed to Westminster.

In fact, fuck it, away to send them an email.

I’ll also ask where my fkn traineeship is.

Jim Duthie

Jon Esquierdo

Do have faith. After the debate with Darling, I think you’ll see much more aggression from Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Patrick Harvie, Tommy Sheridan and the others as Yes goes for the jugular. Then just wait and see those opinion polls – even the fixed ones so beloved of the MSM.

Robert Peffers

@Cuilean says: 14 July, 2014 at 11:01 am

Don’t go down that road, “Cuilean”, it’s a dead end. You will bog down in the different terms, accent, language and dialect. All quite different things. I can speak English, English with a Scottish accent, Lallans Scots dialect with a Scots accent and a dialect of Scottish Standard English with & without any foreign or British accent you want.

Weegie is actually a dialect of English spoken with a Scottish Accent. Lallans and Dorric are dialects of Lowland Scots with or without an accent. That doesn’t preclude the fact there are hordes of Lowland Scottish speakers in Glasgow too.

Confused? You should be.


Oh bless her, that interview was priceless, let’s hope Johann gets lots and lots of airtime over the next few months, she’s quite the asset to Yes

Nana Smith

Aye another one bites the dust…Davey will be panicking for sure

link to

bob sinclair

I’m assuming that we are going to have a banner being signed at the PQ 3 Demo. Whilst we are doing this why dont we do a poll of people attending as to whether Scotland should be an independent country. This poll would be a hell of a lot more representative of the people eligible to vote then the Corby joke poll.

CameronB Brodie

jon esquierdo
If a tree falls in the woods when you are not present, does it still make a noise?

ronnie anderson

@ CameronB Sheesh am gonna kill that treefella, am on nightshift.

ronnie anderson

@ Bob Sinclair Gerry has things in hand Bob.

Peter Macbeastie

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
14 July, 2014 at 10:11 am“Y’know, if you didn’t mention these wee things like Truth Team, the vast majority of us would not even be aware of them.”

Yes, I know. That’s why I mention them.

Hehe… I know, Stu. I just like the huge irony that they get more publicity from someone like yourself, who they doubtless hate, than from their tame MSM journos.

We who follow this site and value your input know damn well why you do this. More power to you.

I have learned more from your analysis, and the occasional articles you publish for others, than I would have learned in a hundred years of reading the ‘Scottish’ press. I now read newspaper articles with a more carefull eye and the lies, half truth and ommissions are easier and easier to see.


Last Saturday, I met a woman who was helping out at a Yes stall. she said she had been a strong No voter till very recently and most of her family vote for the Labour Party. She said she had found out that she had been lied to by the Labour Party all her life.
The good people of Corby don’t live in Scotland and have no vote up here, why would they even bother to conduct a poll down there. They must have too much time on their hands!


Andrew Neil “what was Ed Balls’s view on tax devolution”
Johan. Lamont “dunno”


@Chic McGregor

One of our canvassers was threatened recently by an occupant who called him a ("Tractor" - Ed) and that all Yes voters would be lined up and shot after the referendum.

Mark him down as an undecided…

Cair Dhomhnaill Broon

Anyone who wanted to vote was given a ballot paper. That included some Corby Scots but also any English people who wanted to voice an opinion.


@ Nana Smith
Wow – you’re on the ball as usual! Interesting development – who will they appoint next!

Robert Peffers

@Nana Smith says: 14 July, 2014 at 12:14 pm

“Good grief, I didn’t think this Lamont woman could be any more lamentable but I have just seen the video on youtube.”

Lamont, the Female version of the late Professor Stanley Unwin. Except Stanley was trying to be funny and actually often made more sense.


‘I had a poll among masel’ and found I was 100% for a Yes vote.’

I’ve just had a poll with myself and I’m 100% for a Yes vote as well.
There’s definitely a trend…

Brian McHugh

…Oh dear, just carried out the poll with myself and got 110%… I must be out of kilter with the mood of the nation.

bookie from hell

Corby —next stop Las Vegas 0.3% Scots

Curran can do karaoke at Caesars Palace as a ancore

gerry parker

@ Bob.
Got 2 more banners ordered. One for PQ, and one for Thepnr for Seafest.


They can’t seem to help themselves can they. Two fantastically obvious and easily checked lies. Do they even know the internet exists?

Do they even know the damage they are doing to their party and voters? Do they care? Its not just their own reputations they’re damaging with such bare faced lies but those of the people they still represent.

Its not just the lies though its the clearly devious and malicious intent behind the lies. I just don’t understand why Labour’s own voters aren’t jumping on this from a great height? Hopefully they will in September and show this lot the door.

big jock

Lamont is just thick don’t look for any sense in anything she does. Just a really stupid individual who has somehow managed to rise above her own abilities. Poor speaker,poor delivery,weak arguments,poor understanding of the economy. Finally so prejudiced that she doesn’t want whats best for Scotland. she wants whatever Salmond doesn’t want and whatever Milliband tells her to want. Also known as Myopia!


@Robert Peffers

Thanks. I believe it was reported in yesterday’s Sun, but I don’t buy newspapers. There are ‘loyalists’ in many parts of the west of Scotland, but to claim ownership of those areas could only be based on having marked their territory on the way home from the pub in the early hours or a Sunday morning.


After Corby, I’m dreading the result from Port Moresby.

Robert Peffers

@CameronB Brodie says: 14 July, 2014 at 12:22 pm:
“Do you think the Law Society of Scotland have just answered my question re. their position on whether Scotland exists or not?”

I have, several times, posted here the exact text of Articles I & III of the Treaty of Union. These are very, very clear abd cannot really be mis-represented. However, I have never posted the preamble to the Treaty. Here it is : –

Act of Union, 1707
January XVI, M, DCC, VII.

ACT Ratifying and Approving Treaty of the Two Kingdoms of SCOTLAND and ENGLAND.

The Estates of Parliament Considering that Articles of Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England were agreed on the twenty second of July One thousand seven hundred and six years by the Commissioners nominated on behalf of this Kingdom under Her Majesties Great Seal of Scotland bearing date the twenty seventh of February last past in pursuance of the fourth Act of the third Session of this Parliament and the Commissioners nominated on behalf of the Kingdom of England under Her Majesties Great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the tenth day of April last past in pursuance of an Act of Parliament made in England the third year of Her Majesties Reign to treat of and concerning an Union of the said Kingdoms Which Articles were in all humility presented to Her Majesty upon the twenty third of the said Month of July and were Recommended to this Parliament by Her Majesties Royal Letter of the date the thirty one day of July One thousand seven hundred and six And that the said Estates of Parliament have agreed to and approven of the saids Articles of Union with some Additions and Explanations as is contained in the Articles hereafter insert And sicklyke Her Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Resolving to Establish the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government within this Kingdom has past in this Session of Parliament an Act entituled Act for secureing of the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government which by the Tenor thereof is appointed to be insert in any Act Ratifying the Treaty and expressly declared to be a fundamentall and essentiall Condition of the said Treaty or Union in all time coming Therefore Her Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament in fortification of the Approbation of the Articles as abovementioned And for their further and better Establishment of the same upon full and mature deliberation upon the forsaids Articles of Union and Act of Parliament Doth Ratifie Approve and Confirm the same with the Additions and Explanations contained in the saids Articles in manner and under the provision aftermentioned whereof the Tenor follows.

Make of that what you will – no mention of countries, no mention of inequallity between Kingdoms either.

Dick Gaughan

Wee (rhetorical) question I don’t think I’ve seen answered.

Now, according to Joanne Lamont, Scots are not genetically programmed to make political decisions.

So why is she the leader of a party which proposes to make political decisions?

Is there something she’s forgotten to tell us?

Helena Brown

Labour Truth Team surely a typo.

Nana Smith


Interesting development – who will they appoint next!

A stooge!!
Cameron will be looking for someone who will do and say as he’s told. Labour will go along with it as they have plenty to fear.

Doubt Westminster can get away with attempting to bury this. We should all make sure they don’t. Tom Watson deserves applause for pushing for a public enquiry.


I had a wee laugh at the threat of higher energy prices then realised that it’s not a big deal in the summer.

Winter, that’s a different game. I’m in a quandry here.

I have a fitness for work test just after the ref and if i am told i am fit for work i might be one of those folk that can’t afford heating or light. Or maybe not.

I might even be chuffed to find i am cured of C.O.P.D and Athritus in spine and shoulders. . A wee problem with my heart and vascular system , Chronic Pain syndrome and a few mental health issues. Ya beauty , i still have time to make an event at the C. Games. If i win a medal i will dedicate it to the fine folk of the WINGS community.

Whats closer to the truth is the journey to and from the medical will be a tough one. I”ll get hame knackered and in pain, i will visit the Job center (with my carer) get offered a job where i can turn up when i like and if i can , thats if they don’t complain about the “guy with the wobbly legs and wheezy breathing” and get a huge wage and all pension included.

Sounds like there is a wee glimmer for folk like me after all.

Ah My doctor , who is a really nice wee soul say i should use my ailments initials for a title to keep up with all you university folk. I think thats a cracking idea.

YESGUY. Copd. R.Atr.SP/spon. C.V.D. and CPS

Impressed eh????

Grousebeater. Maybe you could help get me a hons degree in Grumpyness too . No painkillers -no sense of humor.

Sandra Wilson

And a mock referendum in Corby is relevant because? Because the medusa say it is! As for exposing labour lies and BT lies, let’s keep doing it but don’t expect them to be ashamed. They have no shame.


How to become a Slab list MSP…

You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment.

Yeugh. Lord Fou ffs.


Rev – thanks for Wings badge and Alert reader one too

KendoMacaroonBar – Many thanks for shopping token\keyrings. Theyre now sitting proudly in the glove compartment awaiting exercise on the next Asda run.

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 14 July, 2014 at 12:40 pm:

“Sheesh am gonna kill that treefella, am on nightshift”.

Local landowner put an ad in the local paper: “Tree fellers Wanted”.

Three Irish guys turned up for the job. The estate grieve asked them what experiance they had of forestry and they said none. He ask why they had applied for the job and they said, “Well there’s tree of us here, Sur”


The Truth Team that expound their version of the truth. Great!

There is a good going comments section on the Corby story in the Independent today.

The other definition of a Corby is a type of crow that is partial to picking the eyes out of the dead.

jim watson

Letting Corby have an Independence Referendum vote is about as relevant as letting the inhabitants of Kilmarnock vote for London Mayor! (Stolen from twitter – canny remember who posted it originally)


Lamont was pathetic in the Andrew Neil interview. When it got difficult for her she just wanted to forget the question. A real stateswoman???


Can you imagine if that was Salmond or Sturgeon in that youtube video – they would quite rightly be the laughing stock of any political journalist or news program across the UK – embarassingly bad interview. Funny how we’ve never seen that commented upon by the MSM. Please share with any no voting labour colleagues you might happen to know !


If you go to read Miss Dugdale’s other articles in her column, she takes scaremongering to a new level by claiming a million jobs will be lost with independence, Miss Dugdale is really just Torcuil Crichton minus the awful beard.

Meanwhile a Glasgow based Orange Order flute band which marched in Belfast at the weekend has been reported to the police for inciting racial hatred by banging out odious tunes outside a catholic church.

These Orange Order bands will descend en masse on Edinburgh on the 13th of September, to oppose independence, god help the residents of Edinburgh, when the bands, booze and buckie are in full flow.

link to

Tom Foyle

YESGUY. Please hang in there. My partner of 22 years had very similar ailments to yours until she passed away from pneumonia on the 5th may this year, after a similar financial struggle. She was finally awarded the dla she was entitled to 5 days AFTER she died. And never got to see her Beloved Scotland truly free.
Peter MacBeastie. I had a short lesson from the Rev. regarding Scottish newspapers and truth (or lack thereof) a few days ago and consequently pay VERY close attention to what’s being said! Nothing like feeling like an eejit for sharpening one’s intellect, eh?
It’s a shame there’s not enough time to start printing a new newspaper with the TRUE truth in its pages…But I have a feeling none of the BTers would believe it. After all, you can’t make up stuff like that!



No problem my friend . I’m one of the lucky ones (lucky?? doh) who has plenty life in me yet and am under a great doctor. Prevention and diet are the things to watch. I’ get DLA just now but am on some work program , although to be fair they just phone me every six months to see if there’s any change. The medical might change that. It’s a worry.

There are hundreds , maybe thousands out there going through the same. It’s a cruel country that picks on the disabled and infirm. We also let children go hungry by sanctioning their parent for any old reason.

I have lots of support. Way too much to be fair so YES i am lucky.

Watching JOLA on video really bugs me as she sees the poverty in her own area and does bugger all for the folk she is supposed to represent.

She has no where to go after a YES.

And if she’s on the Team Scotland group i will protest in parliament myself.

Her and like have kept folk poor to keep our votes. Labour are a disgrace to their own principles .

But i am absolutely sure 100% that we will win this referendum . I have met the people and they are wide awake now. The NT mob have ran out of scares and never had an idea in decades.

tick-tock JOLA



Tom Foley.

You have my deepest condolences.

Re read your comments and felt my heart break. Your wife is one of many that suffered and folk still suffer. The DWP are a disgrace. I sat in a waiting room a couple of years back and everyone i saw was ill. I sat next to a lad with Parkinsons. and the two next to him had M.S. They sent me home in a taxi and i was left till this year.

I was a soldier once. Considered myself fit and could stand on my own. Not now. I’m not as bad as most but i am scared with whats going on. I was never scared before.

The worry put on me always makes me worse so my family deal with it and i get left in piece. But they can’t do much if the rules change. It frustrates everyone .

I hope you have family too Tom. I hope they are there to help. I wish i could do more but i give you my friendship freely and remind you you are not alone. None of us are.

Hope one day to share a pint with you in a iScotland.

It’s a small comfort but it’s a start.

Auld Rock

Just had a thought Andy B. Why don’t we encourage a march by 10,000 Pipes and drums to hold a counter march in Edinburgh on the same day. That should effectively drown out their flutes, LOL.

Auld Rock

donald anderson

Ignore them and have it the week before.

Caroline Corfield

I think Joann Lamont and the Orange Order’s new cute persona on the BBC are actually parts of the BT campaign.

They are put up to make it look like there is a dearth of political talent and a divided nation. The picture that then paints, feeds the comparisons with Ukraine and South Sudan.

“Vote Yes and Labour will regain it’s votes and you’ll have Lamont in charge, all politicians are corrupt and inept. Vote Yes and we’ll have our own ‘troubles’.”

It is a divide and conquer tactic, and the best thing to do with it is point to Labour for Independence, point to the ability to actually write a constitution after Yes, one where the electorate can recall representatives at any level for example, point to the level of support that the current Scottish government enjoys amongst the electorate, point to Orangemen for Yes, point out that there is no them and us, only Scots having a mature discussion despite the BBC and MSM interference.

Help Ma Boab

As a Corby man of Scottish decent, I am for Yes! Go for it Scotland we love ya!


The bottom line is… I DON’T CARE WHAT PEOPLE WITHOUT A VOTE THINK!!! They are not living in a country where the political view of most of the people are ignored. At least not in democratic societies….Unless… nah, can’t be.


Anybody live near Inverurie ? Request on BBC Scotland politics for audience for a debate on the Wed 20th August. Hopefully some Wingers could get in the audience for some more informed questions or comments.

donald anderson

As a matter of interest, a Lowland Jacobite force defeated a Highland Hanoverian force at eh Battle of Inverurie during the Jacobite rising of 1745.


[…] column has an error in it and a few people have raised this with me on Twitter. The blog “Wings over Scotland” have also written a post about it. In fact they’ve accused me of “lying” […]


Does anyone know anyone who has been polled about referendum

donald anderson

Yes. Kermit the Frog.

[…] Short and a good laugh Wings Over Scotland _ The quickfire lies round […]

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