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Wings Over Scotland

The proud and patriotic Scot

Posted on November 10, 2014 by

The Independent, 10 November 2014:

“Ed Miliband tried to persuade Gordon Brown to stand for the leadership of Scottish Labour, according to a senior party source.

ED MILIBAND: Gordon, you just made yourself the face of some pretty extravagant-sounding promises to the Jocks. You said you personally guaranteed them fantastic new powers and would do everything you could to make them happen. We’re going to get slaughtered if it doesn’t happen now. Can you go and take over up there so you can actually have some hope of making a difference?

GORDON BROWN: You must be joking, pal. You and I both know ‘The Vow’ was a total con, and I don’t want to be the chump left holding the baby when it fills its nappy with Smith Commission output.

EM: But Gordon, you’re the only one of us they still trust even a bit!

GB: Tough luck. I’m an ex-politician. Have you seen the size of the cheques I’m trousering for jetting around the globe telling people who don’t know any better that I saved the world? You want me to give that up to go and sit in some diddy Parliament where I might not even be the big cheese? You know I bottle it when it comes to elections I might lose.

EM: So I have to try to save Scotland with the Whispering Tory? Knackers.

GB: [Muttley snigger]


Don’t feel bad, Ed. 55% of Scots fell for it too.

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Doug Daniel

I still can’t believe anyone seriously thought Gordon Brown would “lower” himself to being the opposition leader in a parliament that is considered second-rate in the Labour party – even Richard Baker is wanting out of it apparently!

G H Graham

Scotland and especially Fife where some beaches are off limits due to leaking radioactive waste, left there by the British, really are Gordon “End of boom & bust” Brown’s top priority.

After Labour, Westminster & himself of course.


I still find it hard to accept that we lost the vote on the utterings of self centered people like Brown 🙁

Bugger (the Panda)


So do I but don’t say it out loud as you never know.


Hit and run ,he’s not even been seen here for weeks, so can only assume Ed had to make a trans-Atlantic call

[…] The proud and patriotic Scot […]

Swami Backverandah

Labour Party (incl northern branch Office) has internet domain name change.



Why on earth do the inhabitants of the Lang Toon still vote for this guy? Are they completely blind to his pathetic lack of a moral compass?

R-type Grunt

Lying, ("Tractor" - Ed)ous bastard!


We need an MP tracking system so we know where these careerists are spending their time.

Most professionals have to account for their time, why not MPs?


The fact that Gordzilla was even considered by BBC Labour, shows just how desperate/out of touch the feckers are. I get the impression that the SLABs ain’t letting on to their English colleagues just how desperate things are for the Red Tories north of the border. No wonder our imperial masters were shocked when they took the train to Glasgow.

Don’t worry, borthers and sisters of the Red Tory part. Things ain’t as bad as you think, in Scotland. They are far worse.

Alt Clut

Drove through part of Murphy’s constituency on Saturday. In just a few minutes passed three YES saltire flags , in separate locations, and a big, home made, placard reading “LABOUR SELL OUTS” in a fourth. Felt a deep chuckle inside that lasted for several miles.

Well done those people. Forward Together !

Bugger (the Panda)

@ farrochie

Could we not just frack the unionist MPs and SMPs.

They are all greasy barstewards and would surely yield up some 5 or 6 litres of burnable stuff, each?


Nah, that article from the independent is a load of rubbish as it also states “Mr Murphy’s popularity, which soared during the Scottish referendum campaign.”

Soared where? Up into the atmosphere and off out into the cold, dark emptiness of outer space, perhaps.

Bugger (the Panda)


I think you are right about the misinformation being passed up the monkey tree by the local franchised mobsters in Scotland.

I heard a discussion last night, on R 4 as I was just nodding off, when the discussion was on Miliband being surrounded by people who only tell him what they think he wants to know.

Someone, a BBC commentator or imported journalist expert on thing Scottish from afar, actually said that Labour could lose up to a dozen seats in Scotland.


I fell asleep knowing that our plan was working, as much today as it was before.

They just don’t have a ferkin clue.


@Swami Backverandah:


Using the French meaning?

Requiem pour un con : link to

[…] The Independent, 10 November 2014: "Ed Miliband tried to persuade Gordon Brown to stand for the leadership of Scottish Labour, according to a senior party source. Mr Miliband sent a member of the S…  […]


But how do we get him out of Kirkcaldy?
All suggestions welcome. 🙂

think again

Thanks for this post, certainly lifts the mood after the last one, but then I did have a bit of a hangover. Every time I see a politician with a crowd of No placards behind them I read it as No we don’t want you.

The opinion polls seem to agree with me on that.

The Blind Squirrel

Just a thought but if Labour MPs do lose a heap of their seats in Scotland at the GE 2015 will those ex MPs be looking for place on the labour list to become MEPs in 2016? This could include some “big hitters” but this would surely lead to further divisions and squabbling amongst careerist looking to pick up a pay cheque.


ED: Go play with the jocks Gordon.

BROON: Naw, ah’d rather start a rumour that you have no backing in the Labour party and you must go.

David Wotherspoon

Ah but Gordon is a man of his word. About fifteen years ago he vowed to end boom and bust and true to his word he did. He set up the FSA which in turn created the biggest ever boom which was followed by the biggest ever bust.
We are all still paying the price for his reckless incompetence.


Just In Another leak from CGHQ

EM Hello Gordon its Ed.
GB Hi Ed how is the wee pixie doing
EM No Gordon its not Ed Balls
GB Well FFS who is this?
EM It is Ed Miliband Gordon
GB OH No are you looking for another Cunning Stunt?
EM Yes Gordon how did you guess?
GB Not too difficult you always were a stunning cunt Ed.
EM Coming from you Gordon that is real praise indeed
GB Well you were a complete cunt you and the other Ed when you were telling me to sell gold, tax the pensions and let the banks run riot and like the real cunt I am I took your advice. So what is it now?
EM I want you to become the leader of the Scottish Labour party.
GB Are you mad, when you were my tea boy things were pretty bad, what makes you think I would want to be your branch manager of the wee pretendy Scottish parliament?
EM Well Gordon you are the big beast up there.
GB Look Ed, Tony fucked the Labour party and the country. I completed the job screwing up the worlds financial systems. As an advisor you were hopeless and now after some true Labour backstabbing you have found your rightful place in life, leading a disintegrating unelectable Labour party.
GOODBYE………..strange noise is heard followed by a bang as the line went dead (now reliably identified as a phone flying though the air and exploding against a wall)

Sean McNulty

Could anybody who hasn’t already done so please Like Kyle’s spoof Facebook page? He’s a ready featured in the major papers for overtaking Jim Murphy in Likes, and the next target is to overtake “Scottish” “Labour” as a to

Bugger (the Panda)

@ handclapping

Tarred and feathered?


F**k im, He helped cheat Scotland out of its rightful destiny, and don’t forget CHEATED! was what happened in our bid to be a sovereign country. The no’s who cast their votes even with non-greed intentions over the “im alright Jack brigade” have no idea what they have done to the prospects of their kids and their future generations.WILL they make up for it at the general election?????


I heard he said this …

Gordon Brown – “I hate being Scottish. We’re the lowest of the fucking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don’t. They’re just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can’t even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It’s a shite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any fucking difference.”


Well done to Mad Jock for his excellent comment in The Independent article.

It is amazing (or maybe not) how much ill-informed, unresearched opinion is published as journalism by MSM.


Is ‘the Vow’ standing in Fife? Do we know?

Dave McEwan Hill

All quiet on the Murphy front in most of the press. I think he’s being stuffed. Big coverage now for Findlay who is several steps below the top deck in political terms.
I had somebody who knows a thing or to tell me the paid-up political membership of the Labour Party in Scotland is actually below 4,000 and they are in distress. As I remember only around 8,000 actually voted in Lamont’s elevation (and the majority of them voted for Ken MacIntosh).



Blunderbusses? 😛



Rolled up in a carpet in the middle of the night?..or

Tell him you have a great speaking job for him in N. Korea!


@Bugger (the Panda)
As long as no chickens are hurt in the process 😉


They are so in need of being kicked in tae touch in May. Show the whole lot of them the door.



Nuke the bastard out.

ronnie anderson

@handclapping KICKcaldy name change works wonders,sorted.


Thats another wee job for you,Stu.Tell us what Gordon Brit Brown has been doing instead of representing his constituents.


Steady on, old chap. I live here too.

However a nice touch would be to dismantle his house in N Queensferry and rebuild it on Dalgety Bay’s radio-active point


Nah, Gordo was brought up on ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’

No no no...Yes

The Blue Tories must feel really joyous at the state of the Labour Party.
The Tories conned Scottish Labour into taking the lead in the Better Together campaign and they took only because of their hatred of the SNP.
It has backfired beyond belief:
Darling- saw the writing on the wall and is stepping down
Brown- Now sponsored by Teflon. Made a fool of himself in the commons debates, has no respect for anyone other than himself.
Lamont- cut their throat and the party is bleeding to death.
Sarwar- bye bye
GE2015-Labour less than 10 seats, Tories romp to victory, job done

ronnie anderson

@Handclapping Ah but kin oor Gordo play a good game of,paper stone scissors, cheating bass.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ handclapping

Coming home to roost.


In a hung parliament every vote counts. Will Gordo even bother to attend?



Sorry, maybe a tad severe right enough. Mustn’t overdo it. ‘SIGH’.

Democracy Reborn

But remember folks, as far back as the late 90s, both Blair & Alistair Campbell referred to Gordie as “psychologically flawed”….


“Sorry Ed, I’m too busy – working on my latest book”:

The Rise and Fall of the Labour Party (and the part I played in it’s destruction).

Christian Schmidt

I really think you must stop making allegations that 55% ‘fell for it’ or similar.

I think it is pretty clear that many no-inclined voters did not consider the deatils of the vow, but saw a chance that Britain could perhaps be better together. They had a hope, and while it is gets clearer by the day that this their’s was a false hope, I do not think abuse is the right reaction. And in particular not from us yes-supporters, since we are also retailing in hope. It may be much more realistic hope, but it is the same argument that we can do better than this and we have the right path to get there.

Or on a more tactical level, you may have a second referendum to fight sooner than expected, and abusing the other side won’t help convincing them.


O/T. Scottish Labour membership at 13,500?
Bullsh*t. That’s another con.
Want to bet they won’t release official figures?
We’ll see the truth at the next election.

Helena Brown

Clootie and BtP, not only will I say it out loud I would be delighted to shout it into his shell like ear.
How about burying him up to his neck in sand in Dalgety Bay so we can throw missiles at him.

Helena Brown

@Tombee, stil people who live here in Fife and detest that man more than anything. I am only over the hill in Dunfermline and I actually like living here, enough uranium lying around here and I doubt you would be aiming in the right place anyway, he is probably abroad.


Never, ever underestimate the real power, which in this blasted UK is held not by Westminster, but by the Establishment. Westminster and the ‘elected government’ is merely the message boy in the arrangement.

Where did UKIP come from?

Who decided to re-structure the political set-up in the UK/England?

Who has the media and the BBC and all of UK TV at it’s beck and call?

If anybody on here thinks that matters will spiral out of ‘control’ they’d better think back to the referendum poll that showed a whisper of a chance of independence and the circus that then ensued.

The only chance for democracy to work is for the ‘Establishment’ to either allow it to, or get the ‘Establishment’ forced to implode by the bigger EU power-base with the impending financial catastrophe that is ever-pending. Cameron’s posturing over the latest EU ‘bill’ and refusal to pay it (as it is), is just an exploring toe in the water to see what the EU will do in reaction so the ‘Establishment’ can then align its guns appropriately.

The ‘Establishment’ isn’t, only in the UK – it runs the UK and virtually all other countries too.

Bugger (the Panda)

OK, but let us start with beach at Dalgety bay, him buried up to hi neck, a pot of molasses and a colony of ants?

Them the coup de grâce.


Am i the only person who believes theres no way Gordon Brown would demeen himself to take a phone call from Ed Miliband

Mrs Brown : Hello?, oh, okay, 2 seconds, Gordon…Gordy Pops!!
Gordo : Yes Love?
Mrs brown : The phone, for you?
Gordo: Who is it?
Mrs Brown : Ed Miliband?
Gordo: Who is it? ( faces splits in 2 as he tries to smile)
Mrs Brown: Oh Gordy, what you like. Sorry Ed, hes unavailable, bye.

Helena Brown

Christian Schmidt says: I am at a loss as to whom we are supposed to be abusing, The only people I see are politicians. If they have no sense of the ridiculous then I am sorry for them, because apart from being overly grandiose and thinking that we should be bowing and scraping at our representatives feet they are mostly ridiculous.


Has Brown ever set foot in The Holyrood Parliament Building?

In all the reporting of the Smith Commission The BBC and the rest of the Unionist media seem to be forgetting that whatever rubbish proposals for further devo they manage to fudge up they will firstly have to get the approval of whoever is in government at WM (remember what happened to the opriginal Calman Proposals) and then would have to face the insurmountable obstacle of gaining support from a majority of WM MPs.

I am intrigued by what is happening in the media coverage of the SL Ledership Campaign. After days of wall to wall adulatory Murphy worship primarily by The BBC but also by The MSM last week they suddenly started to frantically backpedal and it would now appear that they are building up Findlay’s chances.

Is it all some sort of Cunning Plan or is it just that they eventually relised that perhaps The Scottish Electorate are not in love with Murphy?

[…] The proud and patriotic Scot […]


Mr Brown is my MP( never voted for him). For some reason the good people of Kirkcaldy still like him even some YES voters!

Hopefully he will stand down before next GE , he might as well as never votes.

If not I wonder if wee Eck fancies a shot at him?


Just think,as an ex PM,if you had supported Independence,you could have been heading back to the top table as PM of Scotland with cash and clout,using your experience to negotiate a better deal for Scotland. Instead,well…

jackie g

Barontorc says:@ 12.26

Absolutely agree with this,

Roy jenkins once said.

Never ever underestimate what the British establishment will do to hold onto power.

Auld Rock

Handclapping. Ever thought about a small plug of lead inserted behind the ear. Easiest way to achieve this is with a ‘Colt 45’, LOL.

Auld Rock


Rumours abound that Labour are going to outsource leadership of their whole setup and Virgin is the front runner.

Tackety beets

Aye , an Muttley 79 will snigger off his chair .

Marie clark

@ Gus1940, funny you should say that about Murphy. I was just saying the self same thing to my other half yesterday. After wall to wall coverage, as only liebour Pacific Quay can do, it’s gone awfi’ quiet.

Maybe they do realize that the have backed the wrong cuddy. I mean according to them he was a shoo in, and he was talking as if he was already in the job.

I’ll have a good laugh, along with many others, if he doesn’t get the poisoned chalice. Whit will he do then? Lead the charge to stab millepede in the back and hope he can get that job. Mind you when you look at them in westmonster as well, there would not appear to be any candidate suitable for the job.

Big sumphy Broon is a busted flush, as well as a pain in the nether regions.


Not surprised that Brown was not interested. I am surprised that Ed tried to head Murphy off at the pass.

These are strange days in Labour and I think it is hard to call where all this internal politicking is going to end up.


Be patient.
Gordon will be the next Middle East envoy.

When Tony resigned as PM, they had dinner at The Ivy.
He vowed to Gordon that he would only be the envoy for 10 years and then he would pass the sinecure over to him.

And Tony is man of his word ……… just like Gordon.

No no no...Yes

This is what a real proud and patriotic Scot does for his country:

link to

I think Alex Salmond is going to be even more formidable in the coming weeks and months!


Just before the ref, Rory the phoney Bremner was on Andrew Neil politics show with Mike Portillo and he said Crash should stand/take over Scotland as FM which made both host’s breath intake sharply. Bremner should stand, Christ knows he hates Scottish democraxy, Scotland running Scotland etc


I’m getting worried now that Murphy might not win!


“the whispering Tory”, lol

I see Murphy is now promising better hospital food. On the back of his pledge to allow sectarian abuse at the football.

Never mind more powers to grow the economy.
His manifesto will soon be offering bus rides to the beach, and free Scottie dogs for old folks.


If Brown is a self proclaimed ex-politian, who has taken his WM pay check for not attending, then surely even he won’t have the gall to stand again next May…

ronnie anderson

@ Helena Brown, he is probably abroad.Naw Helena am sure ah seen a vidio of a Ducker & DIVER getting suited up tae clean up Dalgety Bay,am sure it wiz Gordo,nip doon there & stop the compressor.

ronnie anderson

@ Onwards any good Chef can whip up a feast from very little ingredents. Murph must be auditioning for Masterchef.

Jim McIntosh

I wonder why that was leaked, it’s not doing Egg Man’s chances any favours everyone knowing that he was at best second choice of the proper Labour party.

It’s as if the high heid yins want him to fail :).

Dr JM Mackintosh

I do not think Gordon Brown has ever set foot in the Scottish Parliament as he never acknowledged that the SNP were in power when he was PM and he has never visited since – as far as I know.

He has been there as I found a photo off him standing at the front near one of the seats but it looked to be from a while ago – perhaps when it was still the “Scottish Executive”.

I spent some time trying to find out and there are no reports in the papers or on the web in recent times. I may be wrong? If someone else has any info then please correct me.

I was looking for this info around the time of the Vow as I thought it was a bit strange for Gordon to be professing his love of the Scottish Parliament and its need for extra powers and yet he could not bring himself to actually visit it in over seven years.

So it is quite hilarious for Ed Milliband to think that Gordon Brown would demean himself and stand for the Scottish Parliament.
Shows just how out of touch with reality the man is. However – desperate times need desperate measures.

Virgin Labour – I like it – they even have the same colours so makes for an easy rebranding job. Not sure Richard Branson would take them on though – might severely damage the rest of his businesses.


Agree with Jim McIntosh, the blinkers have slipped, and they are getting the whispers that Egg boy stinks.

I see his own union GMB, has come out for Findlay, so that’s a kick in the nuts?

ronnie anderson

@ Bugger the Panda,( Then the coup de grâce). We want the place cleaned up of radioactive material & then you start poluting it with lead,jist let the tide do the work but save the Ants.

ronnie anderson

Whit bbc scot no a mention of Labour or Murph, dey ye think he,s fun the keys of Jolo’s bunker an they canna reach him.


If Jim Murphy was set up by BBC Labour as the heir apparent, and then doesn’t get the top job in Scotland, then he has been stitched up pretty well completely IMO. Where can he possibly go from here if he doesn’t get elected?

Bugger (the Panda)

@ ronnie anderson

whoever said a bullet?

Steel tapped bits or a half brick or a kiss from Stair Heid Maggs?

The tortures are endless.

Bill Halliday

Aye Barontorc, what you call the “Establishment” is what Ferdinand Mount, who was the head of Thatcher’s Policy Unit at No.10, calls “The New Few”. A Network of Oligarchies covering Business, Industry, Westminster, Media, Civil Service, Quangos, Academics, NHS. If it has any power or influence the “Few” control it. They fund the main political parties too.
There’s a good ‘precis’/review.
Click here to go to The Guardian review of Mount’s Book.


handclapping at 11.23

Well we could try a fistful of dollars plus a phoney baloney job (and associated title) in a far off entity (say the UN) after all the man saved the world.

How about Lord Brown of Dalgety, president of the UN garden huts and lean-to’s (appropriate use) council.

I’m sure oor Ronnie would welcome Broon and a UN backed inspection of his hut – whether Broon would get back out again, I wouldn’t like to guess.

David Stevenson

A measure of the evaporation of Labour’s activist base (such as it is anyway): on Labour campaigning (on energy price freeze) on Rutherglen Main St last Saturday. The campaigners were: an MP, an MSP, three councillors and a lone “civilian”. Unless they had all gone home when I passed (they were wrapping up), there was virtually no-one who wasn’t “payroll Labour”. There is a photo of some the assembled masses on James Kelly’s twitter account. You could view it as the ultimate in leading from the front, but the truth is that there are neither conscripts nor volunteers following the Labour Party officer class.

Lord McAvoy nowhere to be seen: probably annoyed about the threat to his £300 a day at the House of Lords if Milliband actually had the capacity and will to follow through on it’s abolition…..

Robert Peffers

@handclapping says: 10 November, 2014 at 11:23 am:

But how do we get him out of Kirkcaldy?
All suggestions welcome.”

Well, Handclapping, the first thing you will have to do to get Brown out of Kirkcaldy is to get him back to into Kirkcaldy in order to remove him from Kirkcaldy. He is probably even less seen in Kirkcaldy than he is in Westminster these days.

In fact a new member of that species of ex-politician – “The Lesser Spotted Liar Bird”.


@Ronnie, @BtP:

For you to sing next time you encounter Gordon Brown:

link to

With a wee bit of English accent:

link to

Chic McGregor

“How about Lord Brown of Dalgety, president of the UN garden huts and lean-to’s (appropriate use) council.”

Lord Vowdemort: Descendant of a founder of the famous ‘Hoodwinks School’ for wazards. His main wish – to be rid of mugless electorates.


Chic: I give way to your suggestion.


To all of those thinking the sun is maybe setting on Skeletors recent attempts at brainwashing and dividing the masses in Scotland – think again, don’t be fooled.

It’s all part of their greater plan.
It’s a fake lull in hostilities.

The BBC is being inundated with various complaints of bias etc.
They are being exposed for giving undue coverage to a minority branch office in utter chaos whilst largely ignoring the Scottish Government and THE largest political organisation in Scotland, The SNP.

For the Unionist deception to work they also have to show, or at least deceive people into believing, that there are 3 candidates in the running for the position of Slabber Branch Manager.

In their haste to pump Skeletor down our throats they failed to consider that point and now must try to be seen as “balanced.”

No, the warmongering divisive Skeletor has not gone away, the severe stench of smouldering excrement still hanging in the darkness alerts us to this fact.

They are all red tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s and must be wiped out.

CameronB Brodie

Re. the Establishment. No prizes for guessing why the Tories would align themselves with the Establishment, but why would Labour? I would suggest Milner’s Kindergarten and the Fabian Society are the key. Through the efforts of these organisations, we now have, for example, the global Round Table movement, Chatham House (formerly the Royal Institute of International Affairs), The Council on Foreign Affairs (USA’ sister to Chatham House), the Commonwealth, the post-war settlement (the barest minimum needed to keep the Commonwealth united) and Israel.

P.S. Ed Miliband and Jim Murphy are racists.


Chic McGregor says:
10 November, 2014 at 2:37 pm

“How about Lord Brown of Dalgety, president of the UN garden huts and lean-to’s (appropriate use) council.”

Wouldn’t Lord Raith be appropriate as a nod to the British Broadcasting Corporation?

James Caithness
think again

“The BBC is being inundated with various complaints of bias etc”.

Stoker at 2.51pm

Thanks, that prompted me to go online and have a gentle and polite rant at BBC (Scotland) – allegedly.

As for being quiet, remember the old film cliché, It`s quiet out there, too quiet; whoosh of arrow as it thuds into minor character.

CameronB Brodie

Correction: The Council on Foreign Relations.


Speaking to 2 staunch Lab supporters at weekend, both voted Yes at the last minute, never read any of the info I sent them including WBB.

Both said wanted Lab to win in 2016 with G.Broon as FM.
Never, never underestimate the loyalty which Lab supporters have for the Broon.

Robert Peffers

The Blind Squirrel says: 10 November, 2014 at 11:27 am:

“This could include some “big hitters”.

Nah! Those big hitters will have reached their ultimate goal – a skunk tipped robe, a seat on red leather, a golden handshake and 300 quip per day attendance money, subsidised grub and subsidised booze. Did you imagine they were in politics for the good of YOUR health & wellbeing?

Robert Peffers

Just read a news item that 12 stretches of pylons and overhead cables in 8 areas of countryside of the the most beautiful areas, “in the land”, are to have existing electricity pylons and overhead cables disappear by having them buried underground. It is part of the National Grid’s move to reduce the impact of energy transmission on the landscape. They are all in England & Wales.


Robert Peffers

@Mealer says: 10 November, 2014 at 11:56 am:

“Thats another wee job for you,Stu.Tell us what Gordon Brit Brown has been doing instead of representing his constituents.”

I’ll save Stu the bother, Mealer. Broon has been doing what he has done. … Looking after Broon’s best interests.



“Has Brown ever set foot in The Holyrood Parliament Building?”

link to

I remember catching this on the box. Extremely long-winded and I fell asleep after about ten minutes.

Also a wee clip can be found here, 1.15 in.

link to

Robert Peffers

Democracy Reborn says:10 November, 2014 at 12:16 pm:

“But remember folks, as far back as the late 90s, both Blair & Alistair Campbell referred to Gordie as “psychologically flawed”….”

Jist ae mair case o the pat ca’in the snippy bleck earse.

Robert Peffers

@Christian Schmidt says:10 November, 2014 at 12:21 pm:

“I really think you must stop making allegations that 55% ‘fell for it’ or similar.”

Indeed, Christian, but the stone cold fact is that most of that 55% were committed Brit Nats. Such as Labour die-hards, Tory die-hards, members of the Loyal Orange Order and immigrant die-hard Englanders. In the latter case, of course, many English immigrants who came to Scotland to better the dire life they had in England, have voted SNP for years.

The truth is it was a small, just over 5%, minority of confused, frightened or ignorantvoters who didn’t know any better. It is foolish to imagine there would ever be such a large percentage as 55% all committed No voters. Bear in mind that it doesn’t need a 5% gain. If there is a swing of 2.6% it means you take the 2.6% from 55% but also add 2.6% to the 45%. Of course it isn’t so simple as there could be some who go from NO to not vote.

Robert Peffers

@Auld Rock says: 10 November, 2014 at 12:51pm.:

“Ever thought about a small plug of lead inserted behind the ear. Easiest way to achieve this is with a ‘Colt 45?, LOL.”

Or even two small plugs of lead – like Willie McRae.


Milliband sent a member? o’ the Shadow Cabinet? Why did he no ask him, himself. Did they not discuss the ‘VOW’. Out of touch with themselves.

For pity’s ask vote these chancers out. They have been working against Scotland’s interest for years. Burying the McCrone Report. Having Thatcher to tea. Targeting the most vulnerable, as bad as the Tories. The illegal wars. The Banking fraud. Supporting Trident, 30miles from Glasgow, The poverty in Glasgow. Secrecy and lies.

Nobby Power

I live near the posh bit of Gordo’s fiefdom, and I’ve seen at first hand how frightening and uncanny the local party faithful’s slavish applause is.

That he’s represented nobody and nothing here in years, and set the cause of getting that damn beach sorted out, is completely lost on them. Don’t even start me on the Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy old Labour traditionalists, who still think Keir Hardie’s ghost will ride to the rescue.

But…there is hope. Most of the rest of us want him out. Make no mistake, it won’t be easy, but it is possible.


@Helena Brown,

Sorry Helena, wouldn’t wish any harm on you and yours, I got a bit carried away. And you are right he’ll be off living off somebody somewhere, the despicable bastard that he is.

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    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “STV News (06/02/25): ‘You will have to wait’: Sturgeon won’t rule out return to Holyrood: “Nicola Sturgeon has said Scots…Feb 6, 18:56
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “Well done you. Several hundred words of mince and you never mentioned “Rootless Cosmopolitans” once. “r4ped with sand, … with…Feb 6, 18:53
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: ““I fluff for no one” Oh yes you do. “Sovereign Scots. Find out what it means.” It means that my…Feb 6, 18:46
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: ““responsible for countless billions of deaths” One can only hope that gregor will be along in a minute to provide…Feb 6, 18:39
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: ““With Musk’s daily outrages, his butchery of respectful public discourse and his association with the fascist right, I could drive…Feb 6, 18:31
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “Plenty in the SNHS is shite, twathater. We’re just about at peak tax, and some economists are predicting that Rachel…Feb 6, 18:26
    • Geri on Seeding the briar patch: “I fluff for no one. The population votes for a leader. That population should have the control to remove it,…Feb 6, 18:26
    • twathater on Seeding the briar patch: “BRAVO that deserves a post all to itself on ALL Scottish blogsFeb 6, 18:25
    • Confused on Seeding the briar patch: “mcternan is a well known fool, but sometimes he blurts out “truths that must not be said”Feb 6, 18:22
    • Captain Caveman on Seeding the briar patch: “What? You’re using “filter busting” (bastardised/hyphenated) words to deliberately circumvent word filters, and you’re discussing subjects that the host has…Feb 6, 18:17
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: ““could find Scotland on a map” Just imagine how they would fare trying to find “scotland” 🙂Feb 6, 18:16
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “Sorry, not my Lego McHatey. Speak to: #LEGOBTScotGovFeb 6, 18:14
    • Geri on Seeding the briar patch: “Ah, The Anglo Empire! Directly responsible for countless billions of deaths worldwide. It’s no contest is it? The West can…Feb 6, 18:13
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “Sorry, Mark, but the relevance of your reply eludes me. Talking of animals though, here’s something I discovered just recently:…Feb 6, 18:12
    • twathater on Seeding the briar patch: “You have just given BASTARD TAX moan an aneurysm talking about all this FREE stuff Geri , can you not…Feb 6, 18:11
    • Geri on Seeding the briar patch: “I never said I was off. The site owner has, as far as I’m aware, forbidden the topic of what’s…Feb 6, 18:09
    • Confused on Seeding the briar patch: “Farage is like some snot that sticks to your finger that you can’t get rid of no matter how often…Feb 6, 18:08
    • twathater on Seeding the briar patch: “Bastard tax moan loves to run to his wee fannys rescue whenever the fanny is disrespected or even disagreed with…Feb 6, 18:05
    • Young Lochinvar on Seeding the briar patch: “Ignored as spamFeb 6, 17:50
    • twathater on Seeding the briar patch: “Your minus votes shows there are those who just want the other greedy bastard party to emulate the other greedy…Feb 6, 17:33
    • Stuart MacKay on Seeding the briar patch: “Geri, he’s alive and kicking – well posting – on at least one other site I visit.Feb 6, 17:33
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “No joke. Science Museum’s public guide claims heteronormative Lego is discriminatory against LGBT people/community – It’s concerned because normative Lego…Feb 6, 17:24
    • twathater on Seeding the briar patch: “That is worth an uptick Gregor , the franchise fanny doesn’t like anyone contradicting him or disagreeing with his excretionsFeb 6, 17:18
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “That’s a disgusting and inappropriate pic, gregor. Everybody can clearly see those Lego blocks’ naughty bits. How many times, gregor!…Feb 6, 17:16
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “I read a semi-technical review of the DeepSeek application. The reviewer reckoned it was about 20% less accurate than current…Feb 6, 17:12
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “Beats me how the west can do all this with weapons that don’t even work. Not to mention aircraft that…Feb 6, 17:01
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: ““continually harassed simply over his choice of ID” It’s verra important to spell Scotland as “Scotland”. “scotland” winna dae. It’s…Feb 6, 16:53
    • Hatey McHateface on Seeding the briar patch: “When you write that it is the “only reason” it remains, nevertheless, a big, fat, Greek wedding of a reason.…Feb 6, 16:38
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: “Gender ideology has undermined freedom of speech, scientific truth, gay rights, and women’s and girls’ safety, privacy…Feb 6, 16:32
    • diabloandco on Seeding the briar patch: “A Science Museum coming out with drivel or are they having a wee joke??Feb 6, 16:28
  • A tall tale

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