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Wings Over Scotland

The People You Most Suspected

Posted on November 12, 2024 by

We’ll give you three guesses as to the highly controversial and extravagantly taxpayer-funded organisation that has its rainbow fingerprints all over this story, readers.

But you’re going to have two to spare.

Because, y’know, duh.

Who else would it have been?

LGBT Youth Scotland is a law unto itself under the current Scottish Government. It can survive a growing history of paedophilia and child abuse scandals, completely blank any questions about its activities no matter how clearly it appears to be in breach of its legal remit, and sneeringly brush off the utterly toothless and unaccountable Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.

And it can do all that while stuffing its pockets with vast wads of your money.

Despite its extremely troubling track record, LGBTYS is bombarded with so much public money from so many sources that it must be difficult for it to keep track of where it’s all coming from, even after the likes of BBC Children In Need withdrew its funding in response to serious concerns.

But apparently none of that bothers the SNP. Indeed, the amount of taxpayer money going to the group seems to increase the more it advocates causing irreversible harm to children.

Chest binders and puberty blockers are unequivocally harmful treatments. Puberty blockers, which LGBTYS describes as “wonderful”, have effectively been banned on both sides of the border since the publication of the Cass Review, and there was never even any credible dispute that chest binders are intrinsically injurious to the health of young women and girls.

(And obviously so – plainly you shouldn’t go around trying to crush your body parts out of existence, especially when they’re still growing. It’s no more defensible than foot-binding, and would be regarded with horror and outrage in the West if it was happening in far-off and “primitive” cultures.)

So the fact that yet another idiot school in Scotland has been captured by the country’s premier grooming organisation should come as no surprise whatsoever to anyone who’s been paying the slightest attention. The only question is how much further LGBT Youth Scotland will go, and how much harm they’ll be paid to do to Scotland’s children, before someone in authority finally says “no more”.

0 to “The People You Most Suspected”

  1. Ryan McAllister says:

    This kind of bullshit is the reason that populist leaders such as Donald Trump ride on the coattails of outrage straight into power.

    • Iain C says:

      If populist means not mutilating kids then I’m all fo it.

    • John C says:

      Trump picked up loads of votes on this issue and yet, the Democrats refuse to engage with the issue which hands more ground to the hard/far right. If they’d pivoted like Labour did it might have been closet but the Democrats are riddled with TRAs.

  2. Astonished says:

    The captured nuSNP will do nothing until Sturgeon, Somerville and the rest of the cabal are gone.

    And there isn’t a single nuSNP MSP brave enough to stand up and protect the children.

    Shame on them.

    • Lorna Campbell says:

      These girls will suffer appalling skeletal damage as they approach menopause, and, probably, well before that. Was reading the other day about corsets in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Post mortem of young women who died mysteriously showed spinal damage, broken ribs and punctured lungs. Eventually, that information led to the abandonment of such restraints. This delusion is so deep-rooted that not even medical information appears to stop it, not when schools promote it.

      The hatred of the female, misogyny, is so profound that it borders on the insane, if not actually the very definition of mass insanity, just as we are witnessing in Afghanistan. The adult male paraphiliacs and fetishists have deliberately and cold-bloodedly used these young women and mutilated children as their human shield to pretend that threat are actually suffering from a form of ‘gender dysphoria’. Where sexual perversion and/or money are concerned, nothing stands in the way, not even sanity.

  3. Confused by all this says:

    All nusnp MSP’s fitted their spine and tongue binders when she/her took over and have been wearing them proudly ever since. Any dissent will only occur on loss of their gravy bus seat in 2026.

  4. Zander Tait says:

    The SNP must be destroyed.

    Completely and forever.

    • Muscleguy says:

      Only Independence an achieve that. The Scottish Nonce Party is too big a tent to survive post Independence. The only question is over how many splits will occur.

      I watched such things happen when we forced NZGov to give us refrenda on changing the voting system to PR. The former third party ceased to exist, people from both Labour & National (Tory) went off and formed an overtly Libertarian Party ACT (dryer than dry economically but Liberal on social issues).

      Another party a Populist one headed by former National Cabinet minister Winston Peters rose from nowhere to be kingmaker. A couple of Maori parties & a Green party were formed too.

      One prediction I have is John Swinney will either join Scots Tories or form a Libertarian Party.

  5. Den says:

    If I go into a shop an buy cigarettes or alcohol for anyone under 18 I’d be charged by the police yet this practice is funded by our government we reall are fucked in Scotland

  6. Geoff Anderson says:

    Labour, LibDems, Greens and the SNP all worship and support this Ideology…….with our MONEY

  7. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Outrageous behaviour by a school children safety should come first in schools.
    the problem may be that the head teachers in schools have too firm a tenure so sacking them is difficult that applies to all teachers actually.

    It is time this nonsense is stopped the people involved whether acting out their fetish or are simply mentally ill should not be allow near children and I include teachers.

    Soon the SNP will be no more which will help normality to return.

    • Robinovski says:

      Will it though? The braindead mutants in the Greens, Lib Dems and Labour are all for this insanity so even if the NuSNP are dumped, this ridiculous situation will carry on unabashed!

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      The question is JS, how long before big backer trans Atlantic funders worm their way into whoever comes next?

      People, particularly parents need to put their foot down.


  8. Shug says:

    What gets me is the unionists in the parliament are not kicking this ball straight into the face of Swinney.
    Why are they not challenging his government and indeed why are the SNP members around him not realising they are not challenging what is obviously wrong because they can see how it will land with the public.

    Swinney will be tared with promoting or protecting the wrong just as he be will be tared for redacting the truth and being involved in the cover up of perjury and conspiracy to pervert the cours of justice.

    A good chap brought down by the company he keeps and his inability to do the right thing.

    • James says:

      Because the unionist parties are all signed up to this stuff. In fact it was ‘Labour’ that started the ball rolling.

      • Ruby says:

        Totally agree James.

        We need a Trump here in Scotland.

      • Oneliner says:

        We need a Tartan Brigade to match the Green Brigade.

        In Scottish football we have teams espousing Ireland (tricolour) and England (butcher’s apron) Where can I fly my saltire?

      • Alf Baird says:

        The oppressor always seeks to sow division, which makes it easier to manipulate the people (Freire).

        Religion, language and identity are among the usual divisions in a colonial society (Fanon), also leading to a ‘cultural division of labour’ (Hechter), and a hierarchy reflecting the dominant oppressor culture (Cesaire).

      • Alan R says:

        Is that the Palestinian Tricolour?

      • Jay says:

        Ruby, as I see it, what is required is the removal (from political office of utter fools) and the recreation of a safe Constitution with assured checks on power. It is not a good scheme to concentrate so much power in the hands of one man (or Sturgeon).

      • Muscleguy says:

        We have ISP who are dead set against this assault on the rights of Women and Girls.

      • Ruby says:


        Are they proposing the repeal of the GRA 2004?

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Anyone who is not clinically insane, driven there by an addiction to p**n and autogynephilia, should be dead set against it because it benefits no one else except the sex addict/autogynephile.

    • Peter J says:

      The unionists are not challenging this because they know that it will harm the SNP and therefore the independence cause. Pity Swinney and his Ministers are not quite as bright to realise the damage they are doing or perhaps they are? Maybe the Brit
      state is crossing their palms with secret gold?

    • twathater says:

      WHIT? a good man , a fucking corrupt ,spineless, deviant and pervert supporting piece of faeces, nae wonder Scotland is in the state it’s in , there are still TOO MANY ex snp supporters and members grieving at the loss of their perty, what will it take for you people to realise that you’ve been used and abused by these scum

      FFS how much money have you given to these LIARS and TR@ ITORS who have abused YOUR trust and made OUR COUNTRY a laughing stock

      WHAT has spineless swinney ever done to make OUR lives better , even his first round of leadership had to be saved by Salmond because he was grossly incompetent , he is comparable to slippers pishfart both of them are clowns
      I support independence unreservedly BUT I DESPISE political parties and lying troughing incompetent politicians , and the snp is infested with them

    • Glenn Boyd says:

      So, Swinny is “a good chap” right? You are having an fcuking laugh! He is a little, low-life scumbag who remains the frontman for the twt who will not be named. Wake the fcuk up man!

  9. John C says:

    A friends daughter (transman even though she’s 5 foot and clearly female) used binders before she had surgery. She has chronic back pain to the extent she needs sticks to walk.

    She’s 24. Her body is wrecked, also as she’s on testosterone her system is also wrecked. I saw them both last week. He looked shattered and she’s incredibly surly so I can only imagine the hell he’s being put under.

    It was LGBT Youth Scotland who helped her on this path of increasing disability not to mention her lifespan has decreased. Nobody will be held accountable when in a sane world LGBTYS members should be facing prison for abuse. My hope is some eventually do.

    • Lorna Campbell says:

      These fakers – all of them who have enabled this bile water delusion ought to be held to account, but I wouldn’t go holding my breath. They will lore tend it has nothing to do with them.

  10. Mark Beggan says:

    Visiting some friends over the Halloween period I seen their kids dressed up to go to a party. The average age I think was about 10 to 12 year olds. The theme was Transgender. The kids rate the TRA along with ghouls goblins and ghosts.

    • James Gardner says:

      Seen one dressed as Jimmy saVILE…….WTF ?

    • Muscleguy says:

      I work in a secondary school in a poor area. Trans is non existent. There are boys with long hair and girls with short without it being an issue.

      The kids regard firstly as old hat but they have notice those who claim Trans status are attention seekers. They have sympathy for their plight but nothing else.

      Trans is on borrowed time.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Indeed, Muscleguy, the younger ones do not adhere to this rubbish, and kids in working-class areas have more to worry about than delusions when the reality for them can be so much worse. Middle-class virtue signalling and mass social contagion married to deep-rooted delusion and/or neurodiverse conditions or abuse.

  11. Liz says:

    We the public have no way to curtail the Scot gov.
    It’s our fucking money and they spend on the stupidest things.

    Sturgeon is apparently putting her name forward to stand for Holyrood in 2026.
    It’s ridiculous, she’s never there.
    If it goes ahead, she will get in on the list.

    I despair

    • twathater says:

      And that is the rub of the matter Liz ,these clowns ,and I mean ALL of them throw our money about like confetti, we SHOULD be one of the richest wee countries in the WORLD with a great social equalities structure and fair taxation, but instead our poverty statistics and drug abuse is going through the roof while these fuckwits waste millions on deviant and perverted issues

      • James Gardner says:

        1 in 4 children in poverty and 1 in 4 pensioners dying in poverty, proof positive that the politicians are only interested in their salaries and pensions !

      • Alf Baird says:

        Aye James, Scotland is made into the poorest and most impoverished country in NW Europe by the UK ‘Union’ colonial hoax. As an independent nation we would be one of the wealthiest.

        Unable to access our own resources or develop our economy means we will remain an under-developed nation, the people lacking in opportunity or access to our own resources.

        I have estimated the price of the UK Union for Scots at £150+ billion/yr, tho the ‘opportunity cost’ will be even greater; this is Scotland’s colonial legacy and a colonial balance sheet, and ‘a people’ oppressed and enslaved every day:

        link to

  12. Effijy says:

    Perhaps if the SNP leadership tried binding their heads things could get better.

  13. Ruby says:

    Why has all this gone so far? Is it because most people like Alistair Campbell didn’t think it was an issue of any importance and women weren’t worth listening to?

    link to

       Alastair Campbell is in the spotlight over women’s rights concerns and his, er, ignorance of the whole matter.

       In a recent podcast episode, Campbell spent much time opining on the trans issue – first expressing surprise at how much gender ideology concerns were cutting through with voters before confessing himself that the pod’s dynamic duo had been advised by former diplomat James Rubin: ‘You guys don’t get just how big this woke thing is.’

    JK Rowling said

       ‘All it took was some men to explain to Alastair what women have been telling him for years.’

    I noticed quite a few months ago that men BTL on Wings didn’t get it.

    Do they get it now or not yet?

    • Lorna Campbell says:

      Nailed it, Ruby. Too many men just do not get it or refuse to get it because the last thing that they want to engage with is the problems faced by women and children. It makes my blood boil because I know I would understand immediately if something similar were happening to men and boys.

      These men are just ignorant or stupid or both, but the paraphiliac/fetishist men are the real cause of all this – they and their enablers, the sexologists like Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey, and, of course, the money men behind them all.

      Many men are notorious for not listening to female voices; they switch off when we speak or write, as men Kellie Jay Keen-Minshull has had to admit. I listened to a ‘trans’ woman recently who actually said: “I suddenly became stupid and the object of male bullying overnight after my transition”. Welcome to our world, mate.

      It is probably the human race’s biggest tragedy and the one that will lead to our demise: the utter stupidity of not listening to half the human race. Not sucking up or anything, but the REV has always got it – and not just got it, but gets right to the marrow of it every time.

      • Ruby says:

        Agreed about the Rev. Was it not the case that he got a hard time from ‘readers’ when he initially posted about the transgenderism.

      • moixx says:

        “…the REV has always got it – and not just got it, but gets right to the marrow of it every time.”

        Very true. And it’s really important “to get to the marrow of it” because then the reader isn’t in any doubt what the writer is actually saying. If an article leaves you with more questions than answers, it’s maybe not doing a very good job.

        For example, in his latest article Robin McAlpine examines the issues facing ‘the left’ and how to address them:

        link to

        In it he acknowledges that:

        “Identity politics is the gift that keeps giving to the right.”

        Fair enough. But then he also says:

        “I’m not saying this means the left needs to give up on trans-friendly policy…”

        and also:

        “On the contrary, I’m saying that whatever we want to do, we only do it if our mission connects with a lot of people.

        If our mission is identity, we will keep paying the prices, because most people don’t want an identity-focussed mission, they want a life.”

        Perhaps the aim of his article is more to ‘stimulate debate’ than provide answers. But at the same time he does give his own opinions, like when he says “The ‘progressive’ era must end.”.

        What I’d really like to see from Robin McAlpine is his own ideas on what he means by “trans-friendly policy” and how he thinks it can be included without also continuing to be “the gift that keeps giving to the right”. From his article I suspect that he does ‘get it’ and has realised that it can’t be done, but maybe feels it would be too ‘authoritarian’ to say so without qualifying his position. Personally I think it needs to be said unequivocally and as often as possible and by as many people as possible.

      • Alf Baird says:

        An oppressed people first need to address their colonial reality where ideologies of left and right or anything else are merely a diversion that permits their continued manipulation, much as we see with the SNP.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Have you considered standing for office on an “end colonialism” policy platform, Alf? Obvs you could have some other policies too, but they would all have to be subservient to the big one. Eliminate left and right virtue signalling and come up with a centrist position acceptable and maybe even attractive to both tribes.

        You have something like 18 months to get it organised and ready for the HR election in 2026. Bags of time, if the recent experiences of new political parties all around the democratic world are any guide.

        Why not run your colonial reality ideas up the flagpole of Scottish public opinion, Alf, see if anyone salutes?

    • Dan says:

      “I noticed quite a few months ago that men BTL on Wings didn’t get it.
      Do they get it now or not yet?”

      Trying to rewrite history there… Name the blokes you are stating that don’t get it rather than falling into a trolling modus similar to the utterer of “the usual suspects”.
      I’d proffer that pretty much all the blokes commenting btl on Wings completely get it and have done for many years, but are damned if they do and damned if they don’t state anything.
      Because if they say nothing then the likes of you jump in stating they don’t get it and need to do more, and if they do say something then they are butting in to women’s issues with their male opinions.
      You tried to instigate division of the sexes on the subject over this matter a few months back. You spent ages searching bloke’s posts to find snippets of text you could strip of context to twist and troll folk. It was so fucking obvious to many.

      The commenters above can suck up to Rev all you like about him being on the money. But he and yourselves were nowhere to be seen in offering any support to the gender critical women that left male dominated Alba Party and actually stepped up to stand as independent candidates in the recent GE to try to begin to right the wrongs you all so regularly complain about.

      So enjoy the lack of discussion on here now, because it was inevitably going to fall off a cliff with the relentless attempts to troll and cause division rather than build consensus.
      The site also promotes the idea that “there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics” so why bother.
      Plus the recent crap site “upgrade” makes following comment trails harder, with the addition of a shitey facebook style like or dislike function that shows just how pathetically small the site’s readership or reader engagement now is.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You’re making the assumption that posters using male handles are guys, and posters using female handles are gals.

        Yet most alert readers, if they stick around on here for long enough, start to pick up on the giveaway signs that that’s not always the case.

        Then you have those “proud, Scottish patriots” who have to hide their pro-Indy support and identity behind a pseudonym, compounded by the modern Scottish fashion of self-identifying as the opposite sex, and those regulars who feel the need to post under multiple user names.

        Quite understandably, Wings BTL as it currently exists can’t be used as a forum for serious debate. Which is why the lowest common denominator calls the shots with primary school level name calling.

        It could be fixed – of course. Strict moderation, clear rules, two strikes and you’re out, a verified poster scheme like the old Twitter blue tick. But that would involve time and effort.

        Probably the end result wouldn’t justify that time and effort. What talking shop ever does?

        Any genuine, proud, Scottish patriot knows she only has to find the money for a deposit, and then she can stand for the council, for HR, or for WM. And if she proposes policies that resonate with a majority of her constituents, along with plausible plans for enacting them once in office, she’ll be a shoe in.

        It really is no more difficult and complicated than that.

      • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

        Sorry, did “Hatey McHateface” just complain about people using pseudonyms?

      • Robert Hughes says:

        L.O.L. I was going to point out the , erm ….* slight * discrepancy here , but I try not to feed such a ” bear of little brain ” ; plus he’ll probably be in a state of intense erotomania at the prospect of ” enemy ” bloodshed , now that whoever is operating Biden’s strings has decided , that they’d rather precipitate WW3 than allow their Global Hegemony to be challenged , ie via BRICS – by sanctioning the use of long-range missiles to penetrate into the heart of R .

        It’s really like all his birthdays & Xmases combined : not only will there be mass ” orc ” casualties , a thermonuclear war will mean he’ll avoid the horror of having to pay a few £ more in tax .

        Phew !

  14. Hatey McHateface says:

    before someone in authority finally says “no more”

    Hang on – it’s the ones in authority who are saying “more of this please”.

    I honestly don’t think this will change much in 2026 – WM Labour will be unpopular enough by then to ensure the SNP continue to rule the manky roost up here.

    I suppose some upstanding, decent Scots who really care about this kind of stuff more than they enjoy posting online insults could get themselves organised in the real world to stand for election in 2026.

    How about, say, Independents for Indy? A plebiscitary policy? Hello?? Anybody there???

    Haha, who says humour is deid in Scotland?

  15. Ruby says:

    This is surely just a T issue. I have never heard of a Lesbian wanting to bind her breast or a gay man wanting to tuck his penis.

    Have you?

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Yesterdays perverts are todays trendy norm..

      See the long term fashionable trend yet?

      • Ruby says:

        Well sure but what has that got to do with my comment?

        Voyeurism, indecent exposure is already a trendy norm and who knows what the + in the LGBTQ+ will include.

        link to

        TEDx speaker argues that pedophilia should be accepted as “an unchangeable sexual orientation”

  16. A2 -What's the requested format? says:

    The good news (incase anybody missed it ) is the teachers have revolted, haven’t been canceled And it’s gone into the MSM.

  17. Martin says:

    This will only continue with sturgeon controlling everything. The fact that she has submitted an application for Holyrood 2026 means gender ideology will be front and centre for another 5 year

    • Ruby says:

      Which party do you reckon will not make gender ideology an issue?

  18. Willie says:

    Forgive me but are Boaby extenders legit. Cock stretchers for those he think Boaby is a girl.

    Or what about breast implants. Silicon tits fo use the vernacular. Maybe Bobby who wants to become Bobbi ( with or without the Boaby) would approve.

    It’s a serious business this SNP government. Some may say a Lon Ball one but that would be discriminatory. Loon after all in the North East used to mean lad, whilst Ball we all know means male genitalia.

    And to think I was an SNP member, and an active one at that for 37 years to get this. It’s absolutely nuts, not of the testes type but of the monkey nuts kind.

    Time methinks that the SNP were utterly gone. Or am I, like most of the rest of the Scottish populace just out of touch with Sturgeon, Sommervile and the gang. Don’t think so.

  19. Chas says:

    Throughout history smaller disciplined groups of people all too easily defeated the disorderly masses. The elite (not necessarily politicians) knew how to work together in defence of their common interests.
    The masses were simply unable to bring about effective collaboration to further their causes. The elite focused on ensuring that the plebs (you and me) would never learn to cooperate with each other. This is as true today as it ever was. A quick look at the Independence movement in Scotland today and you find that it is fractured in so many different ways, with each faction actually appearing to hate each other and that suits the elites just fine.

    Who are the elites?

    It can vary from country to country but, in no particular order-the church, royalty, the uber rich, big business. Some politicians could come under this heading but they have to stand for election every 4/5 years, and run the risk of being voted out. No worries, there will be another batch of politicians to take their place. It does help if you are an African or Ru$$ian dictator with no need for tiresome elections. A multitude of political parties in any particular country is excellent news for the elites. They can simply sit back and watch the infighting amongst the masses. If one politician or party looks as if it could maybe rock the boat, simply organise the media to get rid or start a war. No elite will ever be picking up a rifle. This is the way of the world and has been for centuries. It will not be changing any time soon. Depressing isn’t it?

    I am no Communist or Marxist-simply a realist.

    • Alistair says:

      The privately educated covers all of the above.

      • Alf Baird says:

        In colonial societies the elite is made up of two main groups (Memmi):

        1. the colonizer/se***er, and;

        2. the more culturally/language assimilated native, tending toward the bourgeoisie and privately educated who mimic and adopt the values of the colonizer in order to maintain their privileged position.

        Hence there exists in a colony a cultural division of labour (Hechter) favouring the colonizer culture, language and values, and discriminating against the native, and his/her culture and language resulting in socio-linguistic prejudice and institutionalised racism.

        link to

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        I know that the left’s hatred of private education is de rigueur but with the way the schools are at present, are you honestly going to tell me that given the funds you would still opt to send your kid(s) to a state school? 🙄

      • Andy Anderson says:

        Really. How do you know? Many in parliament have no degrees and did not go to private schools. They got where they are by arse licking and touching the forelock. It is often ignorance that makes people believe what they do. I accept many of the so called elite are wealthy and went to private schools. How many of our Scottish politicians did?
        I grew up from poor working class parents but due to grant systems in the 1960’s got a free place at a private school. Thanks to that and getting an OU degree in the late 70’s I have done OK by hard work. I am an example that contradicts your assertion.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “simply a realist”

      Naw, a defeatist.

      Maybe people need to find out more about their parents and grandparents lives. They might learn about the post-war settlement, which started in 1945, and was brought about by the organised ordinary people of this country, working with a committed Labour party, to wrest large amounts of the country’s wealth away from the elites to distribute it to the masses.

      The Welfare State, the NHS, social housing, etc – all kick started in these years. All brought about by activism from below.

      Most UK history since has been about the elites slowly taking it back, whilst the lumpen proles pretended what their parents had fought for was now a divine right, education and work were unnecessary, and our standard of living needed no effort whatsoever to maintain.

      It’s defeatist to say that ordinary people can’t organise again, and defeatist to say we’re all in thrall to the media too.

      It’s realist to state that despite all the greetin and gurnin on here and elsewhere, and the slump in disposable incomes, we’ve still, by and large, seldom had it so good. Few of us could endure the standard of living our grandparents thought of as normal.

      And on just about every street corner in Scotland these days, you’ll see the people who have risked life and freedom on their rubber dinghies to get a piece of what we have. They’re not greetin and gurnin.

      They think they’ve died and gone to heaven.

      • Chas says:

        Where did I say that ordinary people can’t organise again and we are all in thrall to the media? Things simply had to change after the last war, but ‘freedoms’ gained and living standards raised, are gradually being eroded.
        Have a look around Scotland. Who is even attempting to galvanise the people? Our Government? The Opposition?
        I genuinely believe that some, but only some, people enter ‘politics’ to try and make a difference. It does not take them too long to realise that they are on their own and that they should instead look after themselves and those close to them. It is simply human nature.

        At least you tried. Baird simply plagiarises his heroes that nobody has heard of or is interested in. Again and again and again.

      • twathater says:

        Oh No! just when you think that Chas is joining the ranks of real indy supporters with common sense he goes and spoils it again getting hard at mentioning Professor Baird

      • Chas says:

        I really should not respond to cranks like you but I will keep it relatively short and not so sweet.
        What/who are real Indy supporters?
        Individuals like you , Baird and all the rest of the unhappy ‘Happy Clappy Club’ actually deter free thinking and sane individuals becoming involved in any Independence movement. It might be inconvenient to you but your lot achieve absolutely nothing for mainstream Scots.
        You conveniently forget that your ilk represent, let’s be generous, 2% of the Scottish electorate. The downright awful SNP, represent a damn site more, even after more of their incompetence and corruption is revealed every single day.
        To sum it up, you are an ERSE and not worth bothering about.
        By all means keep posting your mince but, don’t expect many to take you seriously. Unless of course, they are happy to be counted within the minuscule club.
        Are you Alfie Boy’s boyfriend?

      • James says:

        Away and take a flying fuck to yourself ya weapon.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        There’s you making that claim again, twathater. I’d keep it under wraps, even if it does work like a charm for you. The Viagra Boys won’t appreciate you muscling in on their lucrative turf 🙂

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Professor Plum more like.

  20. Ruairidh says:

    What are they spending all that money on?

  21. Relak Singh says:

    Thank God that LGBT stands for Liquor, Guns, Beef and Tits again in the US again.

  22. Lorna Campbell says:

    It’s the politicians’ hard drives that require to be examined, along with the heads of these idiots who fall for this utter bilge water.

    I do not believe for one nanosecond that any of them except for the terminally insane believe in this nonsense, so what are they getting out of it?

    The SNP and all the Unionist parties, the Greens, too. What are they getting out of it? Each of the parties is riddled with psychopaths and, probably, sadistic (s)peedos – oh, and drooling, idiot females who cannot think independently. Nothing else explains this stuff.

    That it is a social contagion is so obvious, it is painful, but is it not the job of politicians to break these contagions when and where they arise?

    The real problem is that Stonewall captured every public (and most private, too, now) sphere. Posts were established for those who make money out of the misery of others, and they become self-producing.

    Sadism is the overriding factor. People abound in all the ‘trans’ groups, and among the politicians, who are sadists and who gain the greatest pleasure from the physical and mental torture of others, but mainly innocent children and teens. Sexual sadism. Foot-binding was sexual, too, aa well as ‘keeping women in their place’.

    Among the parents are Munchausen’s by proxy individuals. All these mental illnesses would once have been seen for what they are, but, because they are wrapped up in ‘be kind’ and virtue-signalling self-righteousness, they pass under the radar.

    The people who promoted that in that school are sadists who get enjoyment from torturing young girls. Maybe we should be looking at the simple explanations: sadism, deep-rooted sexual deviance, greed, keeping themselves relevant, circular jobs for the boys and girls, and last, but not least, the intoxicating power that it gives them, warped and stunted as they are, over others.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Domination and hence ‘sadism’ lies at the heart of colonial oppression (Freire), for which liberation is the only remedy (Memmi).

      An oppressed people need to focus on their own national identity and culture which liberates them (Fanon), and discard gender identity or any other alien/voodoo ideology or culture which seeks to destroy them.

    • Jay says:

      ”What are they getting out of it?”

      The reasons which you set out seem eminently reasonable but someone, somewhere, pointed out that the QT (etc) policies are guaranteed, eventually, to provoke an adverse reaction and discredit the promoters including ostensible Scots Nats. That thesis also seems very plausible.

      It seems clear-enough that British Agents have a record of tolerating appalling treatment of children and it could be inferred) employing abusers. Maybe that is a template.

      Have we heard the name kincora?

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Jay, I would agree with both you and Alf, except that this kind of colonialism is male on female, in the main, the oldest colonialism on the planet, and England is just as much in thrall to this life-ending bilge water as anyone else – not quite as far down the rabbit hole as Scotland, and might make hay while the sun shines vis-a-vis Scotland, but the security services are not the root of this particular evil – and evil it is.

      • Jay says:

        Lorna, I agree with all your comments. The key concept is ‘power’, so far as I can see. The expropriating of it and its structuring and abuse create a parallel between colonialism/imperialism and patriarchal social systems.

        ‘Evil’ is not really part of my thinking but the word serves well to emphasise the appalling abuse perpetrated against immature persons.
        The motivations of the more powerful people involved is nearly incomprehensible to me.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        ‘Evil’ is the only word that sums up what is happening, in my opinion. As for the very powerful, when you have exhausted all other means of stimulation for your jaded palate, children and animals are the last citadels to fall before your sadism and madness.

        Listened to a police chap who was part of a vice operation. He stated that it was his belief that these people are addicts very much in the mould of other types of addictions, and they required ever more and ever greater stimulation to achieve the same level of satisfaction.

        He also believed that many ‘paedophiles’ are not real paedophiles, but men, usually, who required the boundaries to be pushed to the absolute limits because the internet indulges every fantasy. They lived lives, he believed, of such over-indulgence that they had lost all moral core. I think power also operates in the same way, as does wealth.

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Colin Wallace has.

      • Jay says:

        That sentence is too short. Wallace’s was too long, never should have been imposed.

  23. willie says:

    And meanwhile in the big world the ex prime minister is declaring that if president elect Trump decides to cut funding to Ukraine there will be nothing for it but British troops to go into Ukraine.

    Seems like with all Sir Keir’s tax rises, benefit cuts, and the lurking plans to reintroduce conscription for all eighteen year olds it looks like Scotland has something else to give.

    And give handsomely the Scots did in two world wars. Slaughtered in proportionally greater numbers than their English counterparts Scotland gave greatly of its sons. No different really from gas, oil, wind energy, a base for England’s nuclear submarine fleet, or the advanced reactor at Dounreay that the English government couldn’t get further from Scotland, Scotland has much to give. Just resources, to be taken and used, and we accept it.

    And meanwhile our independence party in the pretend parliament in Edinburgh wastes it’s time on trans gender woke nonsense.

    Ah how the donkeys bray the bray of the gormless. More glass beads for them.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “And meanwhile in the big world the ex prime minister is declaring that if president elect Trump decides to cut funding to Ukraine there will be nothing for it but British troops to go into Ukraine.”

      Ex-PMs have no say in anything, luckily.

    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

      From Tom Devine’s book The Scottish Nation 1700-2000:

      “Of the 157 battalions which comprised the British Expeditionary Force, 22 were Scottish regiments […] The human losses were enormous and unprecedented. Of the 557,000 Scots who enlisted in all services, 26.4 percent lost their lives. This compares with an average death rate of 11.8 percent for the rest of the British army between 1914 and 1918. Of all the combatant nations, only the Serbs and the Turks had higher per capita mortality rates, but this was primarily because of disease in the trenches rather than a direct result of losses in battle. The main reason for the higher-than-average casualties among the Scottish soldiers was that they were regarded as excellent, aggressive shock troops who could be depended upon to lead the line in the first hours of battle.” (The Scottish Nation 1700-2000, by T.M. Devine. Published by Allen Lane The Penguin Press 1999. Page 309)

      • Tinto Chiel says:

        Yes, an apposite quotation, that. Furthermore, Scotland’s War Losses by Duncan Duff (1947) gives a fuller picture of how Scottish troops were deployed and the disproportionate losses they suffered. The author was a ex-Cameronian and spent years researching the subject.

        The book is quite hard to get nowadays, although it occasionally turns up in second-hand bookshops or even on A____n. The Electric Scotland website used to publish it but I was unable to find it there recently.

        A taste of it can be had by the following quotation (page 57): “Scotland has never been regarded as an equal partner in the Union, but rather as a subject province, a reservoir of manpower which might be exploited to provide colonial pioneers and fighting men”.

    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

      “I should imagine that two or three independent highland companies might be of use; they are hardy, intrepid, accustomed to a rough country, and no great mischief if they fall” (Major-General James Wolfe, Heights of Abraham, Québec, 9 June 1751. Wolfe had been present at Culloden in 1745.)

      • Breeks says:

        I wonder how the current war in Eastern Europe compares, with regards to casualties.

        The wanton nature of the propaganda and wilful disinformation makes it incredibly difficult to calculate losses accurately, and the disparities between estimates are unhelpful to say the least.

        However, if we take an estimated size of the “U” army as around 2.2 million men, then a death rate of (say) 25% is over half a million men, and some estimates put “U” losses considerably higher.

        There are in fairness reports of comparable “R” losses, but results on the ground make this doubtful. There is a very clear victor emerging from the conflict, but even emphatic victory has a price.

        Only history will reveal the true casualties, (maybe), but the loss of so many young men looks very ominous for “U”, and I suspect losses may even exceed World War casualty rates. This war has been catastrophic for “U”, with virtually nothing to show for countless billions sent in military aid except a lost generation.

        The “R” forces have made mistakes, they have been ambushed when they were reckless or incompetent, and did at times surrender the initiative, Kursk in particular. But the same could be said for the Battle of the Bulge in 1944; all it achieved was a squandering of resources which hastened inevitable defeat.

        I don’t wish to demean the casualties in any way, but for me, one of the most grotesque and unsettling features of the war has been brazen dishonesty of the Western media reporting lie after lie, after lie. Disgusting. Get these bastards in a dock. They have blood on their hands.

      • Robert Hughes says:

        ” I don’t wish to demean the casualties in any way, but for me, one of the most grotesque and unsettling features of the war has been brazen dishonesty of the Western media reporting lie after lie, after lie. Disgusting. ” .

        I couldn’t agree more , B .

        And they’re still doing it .

        When going to some of the ( honest ) podcasts I follow , on the sidebar there are * news * items by such paragons of truthful information as ,eg The Sun ; Times ; Mail as well as obviously Kiev produced items ; needlessly to say I never watch them , or , if I’m curious to see exactly what’s being said I may watch the first few minutes . Their titles , alone , are instantly recognisable as fiction

        It truly is the most brain-crushingly crude/stupid and demonstrably lying garbage imaginable .

        According to which , U are on the verge of totally destroying R ; P***n is cowering in a bunker pleading for mercy and the R Army is crumbling like sand castles in the rain . It truly is the stuff of adolescent comic book heroes fantasy . It would be laughable if it wasn’t the case that whilst such emetic propaganda is still being spewed-out on West MSM 1000s of human beings are still dying horrific deaths – and for what ; so the human filth that instigated this carnage , and who reside nowhere near the frontlines of death can save face , claim some kind of * victory * , deny the reality of absolute , abject defeat .

        ?Their mission to collapse the P***n Gov was insane from it’s inception , a product of supreme arrogance , and now , after the hubris comes the nemesis .

        A spectacular , self-inflicted explosion of West stupidity has blown-up/away the credibility of N.A.T.O ; the equally gung-ho for slaughter E.U and every Western Gov that from day one joined the chorus of hypocritical outrage and refused , still refusing , to acknowledge that , like every other country – R has legitimate security concerns , and , rightly , it perceived , the US promoted expansion of NATO up to it’s border as a direct threat & provocation .

        U.S toy – NATO , by it’s bad faith and wilful ignorance ( of others’ concerns ) has * achieved * the exact opposite of what it intended .

        On the subject of how the entire West MSM is merely the propaganda wing of the array of despicable Govs ,focused on the really disgusting distortion of reality re the * trouble * in Amsterdam recently , Jonathan Cook , as ever , tells the truth and exposes the cowards in MSM who also know the truth but refuse to broadcast it for reasons we know all too clearly

        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Aye, Bob, not enough casualties in U, and not enough casualties in Amsterdam either. Not for you, anyway.

        And as usual, there’s something about a nation fighting to protect and preserve itself against annihilation against unequal odds that “provokes” you.

        It’s not an understandable POV for a self-identifying Indy supporter. Who ever knew that Indy contained a cadre who supported the imperialists, the colonisers, the usurpers and the occupiers? Strange times indeed.

        Dangerous for Scotland too, if your frankly bizarre ideas ever get mainstream traction. Here we are, jammed against the border of the world’s supposedly pre-eminent imperialist, coloniser, usurper and occupier – England.

        Best not provoke them, eh, Bob? Otherwise, by your warped logic, we’ll deserve to be destroyed as a nation, with any survivors dispersed across the globe.

        England has legitimate security concerns, Bob!

      • Alf Baird says:

        England has legitimate security concerns” “we’ll deserve to be destroyed as a nation”

        Scotland also has rather obvious security concerns, since being annexed for over 300 years.

        And a nation subject to colonialism is always ‘in the process of perishing’ (Fanon).

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Alf Baird (Fanny)

      • James says:

        Look in a mirror.

      • Jay says:

        Have you seen anything from RM which could possibly promote Scottish independence? Please let us know.

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Arthur Donaldson had some interesting views. So did Ian Stuart Donaldson.

      • Jay says:

        You really are an expert.

      • Michael Laing says:

        He’s doing it!

      • James says:

        Uh-oh. That war talk’s got his wee mushroom excited again.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        A talking plook! BTL channeling Family Guy yet again.

        As I recall it was Chris who was afflicted – he’s obsessed with onanism too.

      • znovak says:

        I have no doubt that in late 1930s Bob would defend legitimate interests of Germany in neighbouring countries, admire political wisdom of Neville Chamberlain and denounce that bloodthirsty imperialist warmonger, Churchill. To recommend Jonathan Cook as unbiased source of information with straight face requires … a special effort.
        I am not sure if people who downvoted your comment ever heard about irony.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You have to understand there’s a strand of opinion that believes that as long as U has sovereignty and freedom, Scotland can’t have it.

        They somehow or other believe freedom and sovereignty is a zero-sum game, or in popular parlance, a cup final. Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose.

        At least that’s the best explanation I can come up with. I can certainly find some other explanations, but they’re all so risible it makes the zero-sum game explanation seem like sage-like wisdom.

        Just as soon as U goes under, Scotland will be free! Yup, ludicrous, isn’t it.

      • znovak says:

        Yup indeed. I cannot fathom how people who ostensibly support Scottish independence can be in favour of U losing its freedom to a power that wants to reclaim what used to be a part of Soviet Union, but became an independent state (and why they bring it up repeatedly on Wings BTL). Is it cognitive dissonance when someone who protests “violent land theft in West bank” almost simultaneously approves of violent thefts of U territory by R?

      • James says:

        Well, that’s one explanation of what’s happening. Try looking somewhere different perhaps, maybe not the ‘BBC’?

      • Gordon says:

        Here’s an interesting analysis of how the war in Ukraine came about:

        link to

      • Jay says:

        From what I read, it seems that U is increasingly losing ground to its greedy and powerful imperialist neighbour. People there might think they are resisting imperialism. They seem to be desperately short of many types of arms and ammunition and suffering excessive manpower losses and substantial civilian casualties as a consequence.

        Sources in U would be helping their enemy if they provided really extensive detailed information. Despite that, I read some criticism of malpractice by the govt there.

        UK media are, usually, not worth reading. For all I know, the Mail &/or Express might still be mentioning cancer and imminent demise of pres p.

        It would be helpful if Robt Hughes, Breeks and others would give at least an outline description of the muscovite regime since the fall of Gorbachev as that might validate the implication that those neighbouring people should now accept muscovite invasion.

        When an account of the muscovite regime is given, perhaps there will be mention of 2 wars in Chechenya, the rise of ‘Oligarchs’, deaths of political opponents and journalists, but lets see what you think is relevant.

        Then it might be possible to assess the context in which some people, in land previously ruled from muscovy, took an opportunity to remove their government.

        What were/are the pro’s and con’s of the former and the current governments in ‘keev’?

      • Geri says:

        U is losing because Angelo Americans WONT stop pouring in weapons.

        P has no intention of expanding. He certainly doesn’t want or need more territory. The proof of that, besides his own press conferences & UN emergency summits, is the very fact he has given TWO offers of peace – flat out rejected by USA & England (Bono)

        The casualties are HUGE for U.

        All caused by the USA. They started this shit by the coup in 2014 & threats of nukes/NATO in a NEUTRAL independent country.

        It’s not independent any more because Z & his cabal of corruption have sold land & resources to BlackRock. A vulture capitalist organisation & they’re looking for their returns & fuck U & all who die in the process. They couldn’t care less. That’s why the CEO could proudly announce he couldn’t give a fuck who won the US elections – either one would be good for BlackRock & Wall Street so no need to panic.

        It’s colonialism but not from the one you wish to blame. U was a sovereign independent country & they threw it all away by a twat who’s sold his country from under their feet. I suspect this will have HUGE ramifications later down the line & if we ever get back to an actual organisation upholding international laws there’ll be criminal proceedings against the USA & England for the following:

        The coup was illegal. A democratic election was overthrown to jettison in a plank.
        Z won the election as a peacekeeper – not a real estate agent.
        Selling huge chunks of land to the yanks & with if $TRILLIONS worth of resources inc minerals.
        Breaking their own country’s written constitution.(No NATO/Foreign antagonists in their country)
        Breaking a recognised treaty.
        War crimes of lifting ppl off the streets to go fight.

        The Anglos & Americans will get shit for this. If not through the UN channels then definitely through the few boots they still have by the end because the yanks have fucked up their entire country based on lies they’d get into NATO, the EU & they’d have their back & now it has been a massive fuck up they’re being abandoned. Yanks running away yet again when they fuck up & destabilise another region – quelle surprise.

        As for our media. They’re a joke & they do have blood on their hands. Not for the first time either!

        P is unlikely to offer yet another deal because he said the last offer was his final one. He’s tried everything to de-esculate & the West just doubled down & to add further mocking, stole his billions of reserves.

        He’d be entitled to keep the R speaking regions, because they stiffed him before over the Minsk agreements, or to hold referendums in those regions.

        It’s tragic. It’s pure evil what they’ve done. Thousands dead & they’ve lost their country to American corporations through the usual colonial bullshit of greed. Lured by baubles of NATO & EU that was never going to happen. 29 other countries simply would have vetoed. That was a foregone conclusion because BOTH organisations would’ve had to break every rule in their book that other countries wouldn’t have put up with & that is why it was offered by the yanks in the first place knowing fine well someone would veto it. Devious bastards & so are the goons on here crawing about indy supporters celebrating another country losing its independence – fuck right off with that shit. They imperial fuckwits are the Anglos Americans thinking they could not only try break up R into tiny manageable regions but use U men to break up U at the same time. They couldn’t give a fuck about U. Just follow their congress where they celebrate it’s not Americans that’s dying. The old colonial trick of using other factions to stir up trouble on their behalf – it’s less they need to contend with when the kill each other.

        R didn’t go in hard either because as he stated in the Tucker interview – they’d come to peace at some stage & nearly did but for Bono who openly admitted this bullshit is to keep the hegemony going or they’re all fucked. When they show you who they are – believe them.

        As for conscription – aye, I can just see that happening. NOT.
        Wee yappy little England sent over to work with American made weapons that are out the Arc & don’t even work LOL!

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Geri says:

        “American made weapons that are out the Arc & don’t even work LOL”

        You tell it as it is, Geri. Have 10 upticks on me.

        Do you know what’s so great about your line above? The next time some knuckle dragger or mouth breather starts greetin and bleating about “geno-cide” (such as “Mac” further down), we can hurl your line right back in their face.

      • Jay says:

        Some but not all of this agreed. Geri.

        Do some call it ‘disaster capitalism’ where Blackrock and co. move in (similar to what Naomi Klein describes in ‘The Shock Doctrine’)?

        Talk of ’privatisation’ is usually means bad news and I would condemn pres z for it. I would thank you for sources of information on that matter in u..

        I thought that muscovy also was afflicted with privatisation (heard say of oligarchs) and that pres p is the top predator in their system. Please tell me what you know of that.

        Hopefully, the people in eastern europe’s largest country will be able to save their lives AND save (or recover) their land from both Blackrock etc and from the muscovites.

        I have heard an estimate that land and other resources recently Annexed (but disputed) in eastern europe are worth many trillion dollars, lots of coal and other mineral resources already being exploited by metropolitan muscovy and not presently available to the native people or Blackrock and co.

        As a rule-of-thumb it seems that the larger a political entity is, the more corrupt and inhuman it is likely to be and I voted accordingly in the 2016 referendum.

        The greatest challenge will be that of dismantling the chinese empire. USA could be starting to dismantle itself. I disagree with you about “breaking up R…”, it would be good to see the end of the neo-romanov empire, too.

        It should be a matter of principle but I cannot work out what yours are. Please let us know.

        What I had read in seemingly non-govt sources was that pres p has been explicit regarding his objective of ‘retrieving’ land once part of the romanov’s empire (various articles on Euromaidan Press). Please supply sources supporting your statement that “P has no intention of expanding” at start of your comment.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Seriously, Jay, I applaud the wide-eyed innocence infusing your post.

        I can only conclude you must be new here 🙂

        “Please supply sources”

        You’ll have heard of post-truth. This is a post-source forum.

        “Facts” arise from a feeling in the posters water – with a few of the regular posters suffering from long-term UTIs. At least, that’s what they tell their partners 🙂

        I hope you’ll stick around, but warning, steep learning curve ahead!

      • Zander Tait says:

        Greetings my dear Cokey McCokeHeid.

        What is it like to be despised by every other poster here?

        How much are you paid to write your puerile drivel?

        You must be well recompensed Cokey, given the industrial amounts of Charlie you snork right before you start typing shite.

        Keep it up though Cokester.

        I love counting all those red numbers which append your mince.

        You see Hokey Cokey, I don’t read your posts.

        No one does.

        We just down tick them.

        Ha ha ha ha ha.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “How much are you paid to write your puerile drivel?”

        How dare you! It’s a labour of love, Zander. OK, honest injun, it’s 13p per word + VAT, paid weekly, but I’m not sharing, find your own sponsor.

        “I don’t read your posts.No one does.”

        Talking of filthy moolah, if I had a good old USD for every post claiming mine are never read … Not your BRICS shite mind, Yankee Dollars.

        Be honest, Zander, there’s nobody can touch me for inventiveness, original humour and the raw, inborn, natural ability to spell “Scotland” right first time, every fucking time.

        Watch & learn, Zander. Oh wait, you’ll never read this so you never will. 🙂

      • Jay says:

        Let’s see whether there is a substantive response from Geri.

        best not make assumptions about my eyes.

        the question of how long I have been around is of little significance. The q of how long I will stay could be more important because… if you -all cannot recruit more support and sort out what independence really means (civil debate needed and no self-indulgent time-wasting) then it is a lost cause.

        you might not want me around if you see my other recent replies to you, though one has been removed.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “no self-indulgent time-wasting”

        Why no? Is there anything else going on?

        Inspired by Ash Regan, I’ve been calling for Plebiscitary Elections for Independence for something like 18 months now.

        Warned by the duplicity and venality of the professional politicos, I’ve been calling for ordinary decent apolitical Scots to organise and work to get themselves elected as independent populists outside of the established parties.

        Convinced by the self-righteous certainty of many of the regulars on here, I’ve been calling for them to put their money where their mouths are and stand for election. They say they have all the answers – so why wouldn’t they be shoe ins for office?


        Why we wait and wait and wait, why not indulge in some time-wasting, eh?

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        I think there’s a lot to Geris global realpolitik.
        I also think there’s something to your local in our face stated solution here..

        Let’s play nice and forget the uptick/ downtick nonsense eh?


      • znovak says:

        Yay, Geri joins the fray and she’s in great form. Be warned, this is strong stuff.
        “R didn’t go in hard either because as he stated in the Tucker interview – they’d come to peace at some stage”.
        U-nians surely did not have the slightest inkling that they were in the paws of humanists who were going soft on them. Had they known it would have comforted them big time.
        “Z won the election as a peacekeeper – not a real estate agent. Selling huge chunks of land to the yanks & with if $TRILLIONS worth of resources inc minerals.”
        Geri is right, I read there are rare earth metals and natural gas in Donbas. And U is out of luck, they will not get their $TRILLIONS from evil capitalists because Prez P stole it all – minerals and the territory.
        “It’s tragic. It’s pure evil what they’ve done. Thousands dead & they’ve lost their country to American corporations through the usual colonial bullshit of greed.”
        It’s defo tragic, evil etc. and they are losing their country – not to corporations but to R’s penchant for invading foreign countries. Make no mistake, R invaded them to SAVE them from making a huge mistake. It is all for U’s benefit and R’s love for U people. They are better dead than enjoying dirty $TRILLIONS from capitalists.
        “P has no intention of expanding. He certainly doesn’t want or need more territory.”
        See above.
        “As for conscription – aye, I can just see that happening. NOT.”
        Enter North Koreans – didn’t you say the other day that they were neither in R nor in U and it was all Z’s propaganda? I was surprised, because by now you should have known that it was foolish to take R proclamations at face value (remember those unmarked green little man in Crimea ? Definitely not R’s, or so they said ).
        “The coup was illegal.”
        Maybe (if there was a coup), but military invasion of foreign country is undoubtedly illegal. No question.
        There is more, but there is a limit how much one can tolerate in one go.

      • Jay says:

        Znovak! Nail on head or hail on ned?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Cut Geri some slack.

        She hasn’t yet claimed that it is better for citizens of U to be dead at the hands of R than to be corrupted by western decadence.

        Some posters on here have made that claim though.

        She did proclaim the F16s would never get off the ground. It could be she believes U has a special kind of lighter-than-air air. Maybe that’s what they’re fighting over!

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Why do we need the Western media to report the casualties, or anything else, when we have you?

        How can you claim the R forces ever “surrendered the initiative”? They would be simply baiting a trap, to spring it shut when it suits them.

        Didn’t your youthful worship of Stalin, and your indoctrination into the cult of the omnipotent supreme leader, teach you the penalty for defeatist speculation?

        Jeezo, Breeks, in Orcland they’re giving out 5-year terms in solitary for posts like yours right now!

        “virtually nothing to show for countless billions sent in military aid except a lost generation”

        I dunno, Breeks. There are still a few men and women around who would prefer to pick up a gun than go meekly to their mass grave. Who prefer a month’s free fighting for their country to 30 years in another country’s gulag. Whose preferred last sighting of their wife or daughter is her waving them goodbye as they head to the front, and not her screaming as she is gang-raped in her own bedroom.

        Bizarre you can’t see that, but hey, Scottish Indy attracts some odd characters.

        Wonderful characters they are too, and you enrich our social fabric. Obviously, we have to keep you well away from any positions of power or influence though.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Uh, big historical miscues by commenter Fearghas.
        Wolfe wasn’t even in Canada in 1751, let alone a major general in 1751 (he was a lt. col. at the time).
        The battle of the Plains of Abraham (not the Heights) was in Sept. 1759. He wasn’t there in June 1759 either.
        The Battle of Culloden was in 1746, not 1745. Wolfe could not have been “at Culloden in 1745.”
        So basically every asserted “fact” of the comment is laughably wrong.

      • sam says:


        “Wolfe fought at Culloden in 1746 and saw further service in Scotland and Ireland during the 1750s. His tactical theories and significant improvements to firing and bayonet techniques were an important part of his legacy and were posthumously published as ‘General Wolfe’s Instructions to Young Officers’ (1768).”

        From National Army Museum.

        The NAM also says that “Using flat-bottomed landing craft, he took his 4,500 troops up the St Lawrence River and landed them south-west of Quebec. They then scaled the Heights of Abraham to surprise the French and draw them out of the city and into battle precisely where Wolfe wanted to fight.”

        Laughably wrong

      • James says:

        Tories are usually wrong, Sam.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        In short, you confirm that Fearghas was, as I pointed out, laughably wrong.

      • Oneliner says:

        Hands up who gives a shit about the racist Wolfe

      • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

        Your pedantry is sinister (and indeed rather sickening) in its evasion of substantive issues of such consequence. The key facts of course are:

        1) James Wolfe was present at Culloden,

        2) James Wolfe was in command over Highlanders in Canada, 

        3) the earlier posted words are indeed those of James Wolfe.

        A few supportive references out of the many available (but of course you presumably know all this already):

        « On June 9, 1751 in Banff, Scotland, [James Wolfe] was replying to a letter from a distressed friend in North America. … Wolfe spoke from experience. Just five years earlier, the upcoming and well-connected major serving at Culloden had witnessed the ferocity of the last Highland charge on British soil and had been on outpost duties ever since. Wolfe was convinced that the Highlanders, with whom he now played hide and seek in the Highlands, would make excellent irregulars to combat the Indians in the wilds of New Scotland. “I should imagine that two or three independent Highland companies might be of use,” he wrote. “They are hardy, intrepid, accustomed to a rough country, and no great mischief if they fall.” [Wolfe to Rickson, June 9, 1751, Banff, quoted in Beckles Wilson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe (London: William Heineman, 1909), 139] »
        (Ian McCulloch, Canadian Forces College, 2008)
        « In 1744 he [James Wolfe] was appointed captain in the 4th Foot and in 1745 he returned to England with the army withdrawn to deal with Prince Charles Edward’s invasion. In January 1746 he was present at the Hanoverian defeat at Falkirk (which inspired Duncan Ban Macintyre to compose his famous song). He was shortly afterwards made aide-de-camp to Lieutenant-General Henry Hawley. In this capacity he took part in the battle of Culloden (16 April 1746), and may or may not have refused to obey an order from William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, to shoot a wounded Highlander. Wolfe died due to fatal wounds received at the battle of the Plains of Abraham (1759) »
        (‘General Wolfe at the Battle of Culloden 1746’, by Carmichael Watson, 2010) 
        Another relevant snippet:

        « The number of Highland Scots in the British Army in North America during the French and Indian War was significant — about a quarter of the force and a third of the officer corps. And they took a wildly disproportionate number of casualties. The Army’s casualty rate was 9 percent; the Highland Regiments 32 percent. »
        (The Shock Troops Of The Empire, Jim Cornelius, 2021)

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Fearghas, glad to see you confirm that you despise accuracy…. and facts.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

        Did I mention wrong?

        Try and keep up, adults are discussing matters of fact here..

      • twathater says:

        I wouldn’t worry Fearghas I think Crapper Campbell has amply exposed his eagerness and willingness to sacrifice his Scottishness to ensure that he can remain affixed to the engerlish ring piece, unfortunately Scotland is infested by masochists who relish the pain and misery THEIR engerlish lordships inflict on them

      • Jay says:

        Presumably, your comment is intended to discredit Fearghas Mc F. but your attempt is nugatory. Such imprecision as may have occurred is of chronology, not truly history.
        An attempt at self-aggrandisement seems likely.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Fearghas’s constant untruths discredit him.
        I just pointed out the untruths.
        And you attack the person who points out the untruths, rather than the one who wrote historical nonsense? That says a lot about your priorities.

      • Jay says:

        Which is your priority: independence or union?

      • Tinto Chiel says:

        And we shouldn’t forget the most revealing words which followed that statement, if I remember correctly: “How better can you employ a secret enemy than by making his end conducive to the common good?”

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “Scotland gave greatly of its sons”

      Indeed willie, but dinna fash, we’ve few sons to give this time around.

      Or daughters either – enough of your sexist bias. 🙂

      It’ll be the sons and daughters of the immigrants, and they’ll willingly step into the role. They will know that their survivors will now “own” this country. Which is only right. If you fight for anything, whilst others stand on the sidelines, then that thing is yours.

      And if anybody stands in your way, well, you know how to fight, and they don’t.

      This is nothing new, willie, ten thousand examples fill the history books.

      Careful what you wish for.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Wrong on this one.

        From one who has actually seen active service as has immediate relatives I reckon your “pithy” humour here falls badly short, flat and simply wrong.

  24. Lee says:

    I’m retired. An ex headteacher. How in the name of common sense (and more pertinently, safeguarding) this still open, is beyond me.

  25. BLMac says:

    It’s obvious that schools would be targeted.
    After all, who benefits from all this? Not the kids, they’re victims.

    The paedophiles are subverting education.

  26. Kevin Cargill says:

    For the umpteenth time on here and everywhere else. The unionists are not pouncing on this issue for the same reason none of the opposition parties are making much of it. Gender bollocks has traction because IMHO a huge number of trans identifying males are male prostitutes and they have many names in their little black books and images on their cctv hard drives. With insurance like that god knows how we stop the advancement of queer theory and its attendant paedophiles!

    • Dan says:

      Three letters in my name is a close to god as I get.
      We* could stop it by working to elect decent un-corruptable individuals to represent their local constituents.
      And that work is something that should have been started many years ago when it became clear to anybody that doesn’t have their head stuck up their arse that all the political Parties have been corrupted and are therefore controllable, and this allows the genderwoowoo and other flawed matters to be rolled out.

      *That “We” means a lot more folk than you and I though, but it seems most folk are quite happy to sit and highlight and whinge about all the wrongs with the current political situation without putting any effort into creating or supporting a solution to right the wrongs they so regularly complain about.

      As a very practical person that spends an awful lot of my time in amongst people whilst fixing and building all manner of things, I recognise that a huge amount of people lack the comprehension and abilities required to resolve issues.
      The ongoing contagion of folk affected by ADHDlike insta division of folk on a like / dislike click basis and the resultant loss of wider critical thinking that shitey social media sites has created has trashed ability of folk to unify and achieve a single objective.

    • Lorna Campbell says:

      There is, however, Kevin, a great deal of difference between gay cross-dressing men who cater for men, and the heterosexual variety. Their mutual contempt for women and the wearing of woman as a skin may be the same, but the former are not a direct threat to females. The heterosexual variety is far more sinister and manipulative – and dangerous for both females, children and for society, as a whole, not to mention animals. They exhibit a dangerous paraphilia/fetish which they deliberately feed as much as they can, rather like a drug addict or gambler who cannot be controlled without third party intervention.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Really Lorna?
        Once crossed.

      • Jay says:

        That is cryptic.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        They are not a physical threat and, although at least somewhat of the homosexual cross-dressers may well dislike females, they are not motivated by the masochistic humiliation that a heterosexual man evidently feels when he is aping a woman.

        These men actually get their rocks off by the feelings of humiliation and victimhood that they perceive all females experience next to men, the actual humans made in the godhead’s image of perfection.

        These men believe us to be sub human and the feelings this gives them are sexual in nature. I know, it’s a lot to get your head round, and it is gross misogyny. All misogyny, the most enduring and pervasive prejudice, rests on the perception that the female is a corrupted, unfinished male and, therefore, sub human.

        They believe that the vagina is an unfinished penis, when, in reality, in the womb, the female is the very basis of humanity and, only later, the male develops. If you think about it, ‘trans’ women are the very antithesis of this biological truth, so the movement must try to undermine biological reality. After all, how can human perfection (the male) come after the sub human (the female)? Reality has to be turned on its head.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Gross misogyny Lorna?

        Well thanks for that but for the finger pointing.

        If you settled a little and thought about what you said you would consider the likes of Barrymore, countless youth football club coaches, queer theory, church scandals and on and on.

        I’ve said this before, I generally agree with you full heartedly but deviancy needs understood for what it is, not put on a sliding scale of what is it what will be deemed socially acceptable.

        No picking and choosing.

        Just saying.

  27. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Postmodernism, as we all well know by now, typically rejects any “Big Story” (meta-narrative). In its view of reality as transient flux, relativistic post-modernism spurns time-spanning narratives such as classical Marxism or incarnational Christianity.

    With no laws (even biological) to constrain us or combine us, we are left ungrounded and unintegrated (disintegrated even).

    Since there is no objective Big Story behind existence, we subjectively present as untranslatable short stories (“without beginning, middle or end“, to borrow a phrase from Will Self about his own modernist writing).

    So free-floating absolute freedom paradoxically traps us within incommunicable personal bubbles.

    And if a government subscribes to such an outlook, ie if it recognises no law whatsoever above its own assertive subjectivity, it can descend into chaos or start to strut with the hubris of totalitarianism. (Or of course, as in the case of Sturgeon’s Scotland, exhibit both simultaneously).

    Thus Herman Dooyeweerd can ask regarding Nazism: “If everything is in historical flux and if the stability of principles is a figment of the imagination, then why prefer an ideology of human rights to the ideals of a strong race and its bond to the German soil?” (Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options)

    So we detect a strong whiff of radical postmodernist influence in the current Gender Recognition Act – the laws of biology and physicality deemed to be neither abiding nor binding (to employ our word of the day).

    • SteepBrae says:

      Which would help explain why we’ve lost so many good politicians in recent years, from all parties: they were grounded and principled so had to be replaced.

      • twathater says:

        TBQH SteepBrae I am 73 yoa and I cannot think of any GOOD politicians from any of the parties, ALL the ones that I can remember very quickly ensured that their circumstances were prioritised before and instead of the electorate

  28. Young Lochinvar says:

    I wonder what school Biology lessons are like now?
    No, strike that, I don’t..

    Anyone else watch Starmer quoting unachievable Green targets on the news and feel a sense of overwhelming Deja vu?

    You know what will be next..

    • Dan says:

      School “biology” lessons will be fucking great for the modern day “progressive” policymaker.
      There will be no more animal welfare issues with the veal trade when young male bovines are born.
      Simply ignore conventional biological reality, feed em up, and connect them up to milking machines: Though personally I’d rather not have #TransMilk on my muesli.

      NB. Only hurdle I envisage after attending the Revive event at the weekend is that the “progressives” are pushing the ideology that would mean each individual bullock would need to give consent as every animal now requires agency to self-determine their futures.

  29. Robert Hughes says:

    This , ie the subject of this WOS post , is how the Unionists will take control of Holyrood . That it is being promoted/financed by the SNPGov , without even a murmur of criticism by the rest of SNP shitebags , indicates to me that this is intentional .

    The final , definitive destruction of the former ” Party of Independence ” is almost complete .

    The fact that Labour and the other * main * Parties are just as bad is neither here nor there – the SNP are in government – have been for many years – a will carry the can for unleashing this harmful lunacy .

    And deserve everything that’s heading their way

  30. Hal Martin says:

    Imagine how different and better Scotland would be now if Sturgeon wasn’t gay. Hasn’t she, aided by her psycho sycophant pals, had enough revenge on Scotland for growing up closeted yet? For pity’s sake.

  31. Geoff Anderson says:

    We are now in Hell. The remaining SNP voters will keep supporting the TransCult SNP. The SNP will pick up list seats when they lose Constituencies. (D’Hondt system).The dregs in the SNP political class will just shuffle around seats until pension day.

    The sane will never vote SNP and will vainly search for an alternative. They will divide across the various options.

    Sturgeon has achieved her objective.

    • Sven says:

      No disagreement here with that summation, however I’d look back beyond even Ms Sturgeon to the true authors of this bourach.
      Labour’s messrs Blair and “Father of the Nation” Dewar; the architects of our present devolved administration. Who introduced the closed list variant of the D’Hondt voting system, thus ensuring control of the list MSPs who depend upon the grace and favour of the Party leaders for their positions.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Dinna forget the local government franchise an aw, perhaps ok for local government, less so for national government elections or especially constitutional referendums on self-determination of ‘a people’.

  32. TURABDIN says:


    link to

    The great thing about notions of political principle is that they may be easily sacrificed to any politico-economic expedient, Starmer, Lammy, van der Leyen etc
    Suspects, posers, politicians…

  33. Republicofscotland says:

    Utterly disgraceful – concerned parents should remove their children from this school immediately.

    Meanwhile another treacherous troughing SNP b*stard wants his snout back into the gravy trough.


    “A veteran SNP MSP who was forced to resign from the Scottish Government following an expenses scandal is hoping to stand again at the next Holyrood election.
    Michael Matheson is understood to have submitted his application to party bosses ahead of a deadline this week. A decision on whether he will be approved as a candidate will be made next year.”

  34. agent X says:

    Chest binders and puberty blockers are unequivocally harmful treatments.

    Yeah but how many Scottish soldiers died in wars?

  35. Cath says:

    It’s no more defensible than foot-binding, and would be regarded with horror and outrage in the West if it was happening in far-off and “primitive” cultures.”

    It’s exactly the same as “breast ironing”, which you’re supposed to call the police about immediately if you suspect it’s happening to a girl. Quite why it’s totally fine and to be advocated by schools when you call it “binding” instead of “ironing” or “flattening” I have no idea at all.

    link to

  36. KOF says:

    Transgenderism is Satanism.

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

    Isaiah 5:20

  37. Mark Beggan says:

    It is being said that Sturgeon is taking control again!

    Oh Goody! Wherever Chucky goes disaster is sure to follow.

    • diabloandco says:

      I haven’t forgotten that slur.

      I have become Sturgeon phobic.

    • Alf Baird says:

      The SNP elite appear totally oblivious to the fact that colonialism involves ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire), and that self-determination independence means decolonization, according to the UN.

      • Chas says:

        Have you any thoughts of your own Alfie boy? All you ever do is quote other numpties.
        At least we were spared your cute wee Scottishy words this time,
        Is it four, fower or ferr we should be using?

      • Alf Baird says:

        Yes academics often use referencing to confirm their sources. Perhaps you have never read an academic paper or studied for a degree?

        Based on my analysis of postcolonial theory and other published literature I was able to develop the only theoretical framework available on the subject of Scottish independence. You can read about the framework here, and it also includes lots of references:

        link to

      • Republicofscotland says:

        Thanks Alf for the link a very interesting read.

      • twathater says:

        PROFESSOR Alfred Baird please do not ask wee Chas to edumacate himself, he’s liable to get above himself and try to become a PROFESSOR

      • James says:

        Thanks for all your interesting, necessary and valuable contributions, Alf.

        Your posts are the main reason i access this site. Ignore the yoon drivel. Not once have i read criticism of your posts which was credible, convincing or motivated by anything other than fear and self loathing. Please keep up the good work.

      • Chas says:

        I have a degree. Once obtained, I went out in the big bad world to earn a living. During my career I worked in 4 different countries and considered myself to be quite successful. Not big headed, simply honest.

        I opened the link you provided but once I saw who the author was, I found it more attractive to repeatedly hit my head with a facing brick.

        I have come across a lot of people steeped in ‘academia’. My experience has always been that they may be ok in theory but when you ask them to actually do something it rapidly falls apart. Give me someone with practical experience every time.
        An old saying with a slightly different twist-
        Those who can do-DO. Those who can’t-TEACH. Those who can’t teach-LECTURE.

        Everything I ever see from you seems focused on showing how clever you are compared to every else. Bad news I’m afraid-You are not.
        The good news for you is the ‘Happy Clappy Club’ seem to like you. It says a lot about them.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Journalists used to do so, too, Alf. The old-fashioned, reliable kind of academics and journalists still do so.

      • James says:

        Awa and lie in yer Yoon pish. How’s that yin fur ye?

      • Robert Matthews says:

        Pipe down, Prof. Alf can stand up for himself.

  38. Chris says:

    That’s my secondary school in the paper. We never had any of that when I was there!

  39. Stevie says:

    Fking criminal : the SNP is the shte clogging the waste disposal pipes of Scottish politics.

  40. Mac says:

    Well on the basis of his intended appointments so far Trump is going to be the biggest sell-out of all time. Get ready for major war in the middle east.

    I thought I would have to wait longer to be able to call it one way or the other but no. Trump is going to go down as the biggest bullshit artist in history. Shocking choices so far…

    I honestly would not be surprised if his presidency was effectively over before it began. People could really turn on him before he even gets inaugurated. It is already happening in the alt-media. These choices are so horrific it is almost comical.

    The world has changed a lot since his first term and clearly Trump has not got a clue. I thought this would be a relative relief versus Biden but actually Trump is starting to look a lot worse.

    His two massive flaws are straight away his downfall. Insane zi0nism and consistently surrounding himself with the worst people, mostly all ne0con scumbags, time after time after time. It is not an accident, it is obviously who Trump is, no more excuses. He picks them, every, single, time.

    I would guess the soon to be accelerated gen0cide and ethnic cleansing will make him irreversibly tarnished within his first 100 days but likely before he even takes office. “Finish the job”. Yeah pretty clear what he means now.

    Fuck the guy I am so bored of the US. A never ending shit show that gets worse and worse at every turn. It won’t end until they are defeated militarily. And that is what is going to happen IMHO. We will all be lucky to survive it.

    • Ruby says:

      Fuck the guy I am so bored of the US.

      Me too anything interesting happening in Scotland?

    • Andy Anderson says:

      It is interesting to me that for decades, particularly recently that the BBC 24 Hour news talk USA all the time. Why? We are in Europe? We are an island on the European continent. Most events here are ignored.

    • Cynicus says:

      “……surrounding himself with the worst people, mostly all ne0con scumbags….”
      While I sympathise with your views, you’re totally wrong on this detail. Trump is protectionist, isolationist and non-interventionist.

      His appointees, may well be scumbags, but they’re certainly not neo-conservatives.  

      You were perhaps misled by a lazy journalism headline Huffington Post. You will find a better representation of Trump‘s views on these people here:

      Trump campaign attacks neocons in final days of race – UnHerd

      • Mac says:


        “Max Blumenthal : Trump’s Neocons”

        link to

        If you can even be honest about it what is the point.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Yes, the real fascists are the neo-imperialists, the so-called ‘democrats’ and ‘progressives’. Fascism lies at the root of colonialism (Cesaire; Memmi; Fanon; Freire; Said etc), not in nationalism seeking national liberation.

        President Trump is merely an American patriot (nationalist?) seeking to liberate his people from fascist neo-imperialism, the latter the basis of much US domestic strife and global conflict.

        The SNP on the other hand have clearly ditched nationalism for neo-imperialism.

      • Jay says:

        Alf, what about the actual democrats? Your use of inverted commas might be significant to you but you risk discrediting the very thing upon which you depend, definition is needed.

        I regard the naming of references as useful (wish I had better) but what is the underpinning and definition of your term ‘neo-imperialist’?

      • TURABDIN says:

        Trump may appear like a circus act but he knows where US strengths lie and they are not in fighting wars on other peoples territory.
        Since WW2 the US has not «won» anywhere, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya….
        Expect more soft power via the US dominated media.

      • Cynicus says:

        “Max Blumenthal : Trump’s Neocons”

        You really are a sucker for sub literate headlines by sub editors to tired .to read (in this case view) their copy.

        I bet YOU did not view anything beyond the headline that you quote above.

        There’s only one Neocon reference in the video clip. It attacks Marco Rubio for hypocrisy because he once took money from “a billionaire never-Trumper neo con.”

        You have yet to learn that traditional American conservatives as well as the Tea Party/ ALT-right lot DESPISE neoconservatives

        Well, ye ken noo.

      • Cynicus says:

        Sorry – the above reply is to Mac

      • Mac says:

        Wow if I’d known you were such a moron I would not have wasted a second of my life replying.

        So now you are sure I did not watch it, just as you were sure I’d gotten my information from a wank rag like the Huffington post, just like you said I am completely wrong about there being any neocons in trumps picks…

        There is not a thing you have said nor claimed that is not total complete condescending pish. You can’t even hit the correct reply button, twice.

      • Cynicus says:

        “…….you said I am completely wrong about there being any neocons in trumps picks”
        I said no such thing. But if there is one, then name that person.

        Maybe you should start all over and try to learn what a neocon actually is. Or, you should relay your current views to R F Kennedy to tell him he’s in bad company:

        link to

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “soon to be accelerated gen0cide and ethnic cleansing will make him irreversibly tarnished within his first 100 days but likely before he even takes office”

      Define “accelerated gen0cide” for us. Of course you can’t because your fatuous OTT hysterical misuse of “gen0cide” has left you with nowhere to go.

      “Finish the job”.

      If you mean free the hostages and put the yellow tunnel dwellers somewhere far beyond where they can any longer terrorise, exploit, and destroy their own people, then you can expect deafening cheers of approval from most on that happy day.

      Obviously we’ll spare a wee thought for the devastated anti-semites like yourself.

      Nah, just kidding, we won’t.

      • Jay says:

        Some might consider that the native people of territory formerly british mandate, and now being subjected to inhuman treatment nextdoor to Egypt, are some of the semitic people. It might depend on which racial theory is applied. The influx of people to that area from europe and north america might have had the effect of reducing possible validity of the claims by the settler state.

        Who are the anti-semites? This is a challenge for ‘Hatey’.

      • Mac says:

        We? You got a mouse in your pocket Johnicide?

      • James says:

        It’s a button mushroom.

  41. Ruby says:

    Judging from the comments on this thread one ‘interesting’ thing that is happening in Scotland is that people believe if we get rid of the SNP all will be well.

    Getting rid of the SNP will most definitely not mean an end to the all the ‘gender madness’.

    link to

    We need party who is willing to say the above.

    None of the gender madness will end as long as we have political parties who believe in ‘sex change’. In the case of the Scotland that is every single political party.

    link to

    The impact of Trump’s promises, if he sticks to them, would be far-reaching. What he’s proposing is nothing short of a demolition of the creaking edifice created by trans activists. And if it can be done in the US, where they have had much greater success in promoting laws that wreck women’s rights, why not elsewhere?

    Why not in the UK?

    If it happens in the UK it most definitely wont by done by Labour.

    • Lorna Campbell says:

      Agreed, Ruby. Repeal of the GRA 2004 is the only solution. Since this will not be done by any of them, women will rise against it all. Even sub humans can have their patience pushed too far. They think because we are physically weaker that we are weak. We are going to reclaim our skins and they are going to pay for what they have done to us. Women marched with the homosexual men. Many supported the ‘trans’ in the beginning. Many homosexual men support us, but many do not. No ‘trans’ identified men support us. Misogyny has addled the brains of men – homosexual, straight and ‘trans’ (because they are always and last, men). Our support and allegiance is always abused. Always. We are reaching the end game.

  42. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Interesting profile of KATE FORBES today in the online Irish-language news site TUAIRISC (though let it be said my own optimism is restrained) —

    « ‘Níl fiúntas i bpolasaí teanga go dtí go gcuirfear i bhfeidhm é’: Labhair LeasChéad-Aire na hAlban Kate Forbes faoin bhfís uaillmhianach atá aici don Ghàidhlig ina tír. »

    [« ‘A language policy is worthless unless implemented’: Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes on her ambitious vision for Gaelic in her country.’] »

    « Tá sé i gceist ag Forbes forbairt a dhéanamh ar an oideachas lán-Ghàidhlig. In 2021, ní raibh ach 5,066 mic léinn ag freastal ar scoileanna lán-Ghàidhlig san Albain. In Éirinn áfach, freastalaíonn os cionn 63,000 mac léinn ar scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge. »

    [« Forbes means to further develop Gaelic-medium education. In 2021, there were only 5,066 pupils attending Gaelic-medium schools, while In Ireland over 63,000 pupils attend Irish-medium schools. »]

    NOTE: If the word FOCLÓIRÍ at the top left of the screen is activated, the meaning will be generated for any word clicked on in the text.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Cabinet Secretary for Gaelic Language, Kate Forbes

      Cabinet Secretary for Scots Language, naebody.

      Divide and rule?

      • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

        Your grievance is of course entirely valid. Your oft-repeated conspiracy theory however does require the question mark you here creditably give it.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Gaelic is not a real language. The Gaels are not a real people. Their culture is a myth and their history needs to be expunged.

        Grab yourself some of Pres P’s writings, Alf, a quick global substitution of G for U, post it on here, and watch the upticks soar.

        If you forget the substitution and leave it as written by the Tsar himself, no biggie. The upticks will still soar.

      • James says:

        How’s your upticks looking? lol


      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Ha. I had you pegged as the seedy sort who likes to look up ticks.

      • Robert Matthews says:

        How’s your upskirting looking? lol


      • Michael Laing says:

        You post the biggest amount of steaming excrement on here, Fuckface, but you’re really outdoing yourself now. I hope you don’t expect anyone on here to take your unhinged gibberings seriously. Keep this up and the men in white coats will soon be on their way.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I wonder why you can’t refute my logic and disprove my facts then.

        It aught to be child’s play for you, yet all I’m reading from you here is some potty-mouthed, primary-school name calling.

        Indy and Scotland needs more than that, Michael. Take it from me, if you can’t do better, you should put the cause and Scotland first and not bother.

        I simply took the arguments and logic many of the regulars on Wings BTL apply to U, and applied them to the Gaelic regions of Scotland.

        If you don’t like how that looks, you should stir yourself to call out those posters who parrot Pres P’s poisonous propaganda, and cheer on the destruction of U’s nation, culture, language, history and people.

  43. TURABDIN says:

    For info.
    link to
    how long has the SNP been the government?

  44. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:


    • Alf Baird says:

      The end of damaging gender ideology.

      Weel duin President Trump!

      • Ruby says:

        To end damaging gender ideology here in the UK you would need to get rid of ‘The Gender Recognition Act 2004’

        Nobody is suggesting that not even Kemi Badenoch.

      • Jay says:

        It should correct systemic abuse (including surgical and pharmaceutical) of developing youngsters but the terms of the announcement fail to provide for cases of Disorder of Sexual Development which produce ‘intersex’ individuals whose anatomy makes male v’s female sex assignment impossible, especially problematic at birth when sexual characteristics are not fully developed.

    • Garavelli Princip says:

      I’m with Trump on this (never thought I would write those words). Except for one thing: The ‘gender insanity’ as with all the ‘woke’ and other identity politics bollocks is NOT “left wing”. It is the antithesis of Left Wing.

      It was a ploy dreamed up by right-wing think tanks to re-channel the righteous and justified anger of the victims of neoliberalism away from the true-source of their discontent – the mega-rich plutocracy that funds these very same think-tanks.

      It was based on the post-structuralist ‘philosophies’ of the likes of Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard and Gilles Deleuze – mainly apostate Marxists who rejected class-based analysis and invented such nonsense as “there is no objective truth” – and that “nothing is real and nothing can be verified”.

      These new-found beliefs – which were seized upon by the Plutocrat apologists did not make them poor!

      Thus, the meaning of ‘Progressive’ was re-directed away from class-based (socialist) collective action towards identity-based so-called ‘progressive’ action that drove the challenges away from the true proper target of justified anger- the plutocratic oligarchs and their bought-and-paid-for pseudo academic apologists – and instead sought to channel discontent towards introspective ‘self-realisation’.

      Hence alphabet soup, science-denial (that suits the fossil-fuel lobby) and biological absurdity, that plays into the interests of Big Pharma that is rapidly running out of lucrative drug-targets for real disease. New ‘diseases’ (such as those ‘requiring’ gender-reassignment need therefore to be invented (I write as an academic biologist).

      Trump is either being used, (or is playing a sly game). This is not a fight for the “little-man” – it is rather a proxy battle between two competing wings of the ruling class, Big Finance and Capital. On the one side Wall Street and the old Corporate monolith (who supported Harris and the Democrats who live in their non-reality based belief system – see above ) and on the other the Cryptocurrency disrupters and the tech oligarchs – who broadly support Trump. Hence Musk, Bezos et al supporting Trump.

      In the end only the ruling class wins, and ordinary people on both sides of the Atlantic remain fucked ( and possibly immolated ny thermonuclear war and/or climate disaster.

      We need somehow to get back to objective reality.

      I doubt we can!

      • Robert Hughes says:

        Excellent post , GP .

        You’ll have noticed how the ” Progressives ” are now getting EVERYTHING wrong . In the U.S & Europe the adherents of that ideology – ” Progressive Politics ” – are consistently making the wrong choices , backing the wrong causes and getting their arses kicked for their harmful uselessness .

        Check the dafties in SNP/Labour n the rest jumping on the ” Trump must be defeated ” Prog bandwagon n then having to eat crow when the horse they backed was exposed as a donkey .

        Their once silver moon is definitely waning . But what’s waxing may be a black moon of Trumpian Hyper-Capitalism : and no real interest in making the World more peaceful & healthy . Just switching their Theatre of Operations to wherever they think their main interest ( ie Capital ) lies .

        In the end only the ruling class wins, and ordinary people on both sides of the Atlantic remain fucked…”

        Absolutely .

      • Garavelli Princip says:

        Thanks RH. Correct on every point.

      • Jay says:

        Yes, GP, concurred.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “ordinary people on both sides of the Atlantic remain fucked ( and possibly immolated ny thermonuclear war and/or climate disaster.”

        I’d heard the elites were immune to climate change, but thermonuclear war too?

        My. I want myself a piece of that!

        How are they doing it? Reflective suits? Refrigerated semmits? Designer Ray Bans with solid gold polarised coatings?

        I assume the bog-standard tinfoil headgear won’t cut it when a big one goes off.

      • Garavelli Princip says:

        Indeed some of them (like you, I guess – supposing you aren’t here just to take the piss) think it’s hoax; some reckon they’ll be dead before the worst happens; some think they can survive it; others think they can brink it – and manage ecological and or military coitus interruptus just in time.

        Some (like Musk) apparently plan to go to Mars (God speed). [prospects for that madness can be studied here:
        link to

        (Even a high-school level of scientific knowledge could debunk all of the above myths).

        The problem with capitalism (Western and State) is that it is now on automatic pilot (computerised trading etc); dangerous competition for scarce resources, and the political classes entirely bought and paid for – means that it is almost impossible to stop the machine without the whole thing crashing (which paradoxically might be preferable to the alternative – for the minority who might survive).

        We are already seeing the catastrophes of climate change week by week, month by month). These will only increase and intensify – until a tipping point is reached – and catastrophic ecosystem, and climate collapse will put the lights out, and end farming. Dog will eat dog – until most of us are done for.

        Smirking buffoons – often paid agents of e.g. the hydrocarbon mafia or state security (who act on behalf of their plutocratic sponsors) – can smirk away.

        You can’t buck the laws of thermodynamics – nor the ecological systems that underpin our fragile existence.

        Gaia will not be mocked.

      • Jay says:

        Agreed, GP.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “until most of us are done for”

        So it’s not all bad news then. Gaia will have the last laugh when that happens.

        I take the long view. In ten or a hundred million years, it’ll all be the same. We’re only 65 million years from the dinosaurs, FFS!

        If we were to ever have a serious debate on here, we could start with people who write about the hydrocarbon mafia, warn about the collapse of farming, and seem to be quite unaware that our ability to feed ourselves is almost entirely dependent on hydrocarbon feedstocks which are the base inputs to make fertilizers, without which crop yields would plummet.

        So far too, the battery powered tractor, plug in combine harvester, and rechargeable ships to carry bulk products to the starving around the world, are figments of the imagination. It’s burn diesel and fuel oils, pump oil and gas for fertilizer feedstocks, or it’s hunger and starvation for most of us.

        Gaia’s going to have to wait till we sort this out – and that’s going to take some time.

      • Zander Tait says:

        Ha ha ha ha, Cokey boy.

        No one reads your drivel.

        We just down tick them.

        With joyful glee.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Wow, he’s writing haiku now!

        Only … ach, never mind. He’s making the attempt and that’s what counts 🙂

      • Garavelli Princip says:

        “..unaware that our ability to feed ourselves is almost entirely dependent on hydrocarbon feedstocks which are the base inputs to make fertilizers, without which crop yields would plummet.”

        I’m a retired professor of biochemistry. You really think I’m not aware of that?

        There was always a smart-arsed half-educated sophistry-merchant in every class.

        Our dependence on hydrocarbons for intensive farming is a major part of the PROBLEM – not in any sense the solution.

        And you are right, however, to point out timescales. These are crucial.

        Battery powered tractor, plug in combine harvester, and rechargeable ships to carry bulk products to the starving around the world, are NOT figments of the imagination. 

        But your comment falls into the Panglossian “There will always be a technical fix” category.

        But we do not yet have these things at sufficient scale, and these technologies also carry their own problems – both practical and geopolitical.

        In time they might help. But the climate crisis likely means they will eb overtaken by more imminent breakdown, drought, famine soil depletion (from overuse of artificial fertilisers) loss of biodiversity creating sterile soil, loss of water resources , war about all of the above. Followed by ever more mass migration to escape famine and war.

        And a climate tipping point on the near horizon. E.G The collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) with severe impacts on global climate patterns – to name but one.

        There is a superficial resemblance between high intelligence, and low cunning. One might frequently manage to sound smart (or smart-arse). That may signify very little.

        True understanding comes from long hard study, deep knowledge, and a willingness to listen – and learn.

        Most people on here have figured which of these attributes best describes your ‘contributions’ to ‘serious debate’ on this forum.

        Smirk on!

      • James Gardner says:

        It’s been almost 275 years since the folk on these Isles actually fed themselves without imports.

        Brexit was a piece of vandalism dreamt up to protect the so called ruling elite. A tariff war in the near future with the USA looking extremely likely, possibly one with the EU too !

        The demise of the Gulf Stream which is more than possible will place even higher demands for food imports, meantime in the UK Politicians and Governments Carry On Dithering, truly a British farce.

        For several years now there have been more rain and floods in southern European Mediterranean regions which are important food growing areas, hence another factor in rising food prices. The UK who have the highest energy costs in the Western World which makes it impossible to keep food prices down and thus food exports become too expensive.

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        “It’s been almost 275 years since the folk on these Isles actually fed themselves without imports.”

        Aye, but is it a fair criticism when the population back then was only about 1/8th of what it is now?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Breaking News!

        Retired professor of biochemistry resorts to personal slurs during Wings BTL “serious debate”.

        Early retirement, was it?

      • Garavelli Princip says:

        You appear incapable of serious debate – either in your present guise or your previous incarnation as ‘John Main’.

        You are here only to spoil and muddy the waters on behalf of your Brit-imperialist, racist, right-wing, science denying, anti-independence sponsors.

        Only the fact that our host here is a free-speech promoting liberal-minded good guy, gives you your bully-pulpit.

        You bring nothing positive to our discussions. I wish you would go away – but that seems unlikely.

        Best to ignore you.

      • Zander Tait says:

        Indeed GP.

        I now ignore his posts and scroll down to the red minus button.

        Also, it is not worth your time and bandwidth in using the reply function. So in conclusion:

        Skip the shite.
        Press the minus button.
        Deny the reply.

        Cokey McCokeHeid will be raging.

      • Garavelli Princip says:

        Good advice Zander. Which I always employed in his John Main days (without the buttons obviously). But on this occasion fell into the trap of replying to his deliberately provocative bullshit.

        He spends hours on it – which makes me assume he is being paid to sow discord on Scotland’s most important Indy site – or else to distract himself from the four bare walls of his Haringey.

        Advice noted and taken.


      • Garavelli Princip says:

        to distract himself from the four bare walls of his Haringey bedsit.

      • James says:

        I reckon the retired professor of biochemistry was only speaking the truth, old cock.
        You’re a smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant. Suck it up, buttercup.

      • James says:

        Spot-on description of the Site Prick there;

        smart-arsed half-educated sophistry-merchant”


      • TURABDIN says:

        Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard and Gilles Deleuze…..lost in translation.
        Few were read in original most in second hand commentary and exposition in anglosaxon university faculties.

      • Michael Laing says:

        “I’m with Trump on this (never thought I would write those words). Except for one thing: The ‘gender insanity’ as with all the ‘woke’ and other identity politics bollocks is NOT “left wing”. It is the antithesis of Left Wing.”

        I’m 100% with you. I’ve been saying this about identity politics and woke ideology from the start. Whether or not the intention is to create social division and divert attention from the real issues, that is the inevitable effect of creating, emphasising and promoting difference. I believe Socialism stands for unity, solidarity and equality.

        I remember thinking this about the women-only anti-nuclear protests in the 1980s. Is it only women who are going to be incinerated when global brinksmanship reaches its inevitable conclusion?

    • Ruby says:

      Noticed a comment from a Neale Hanvey. I wonder if it’s Neale Hanvey the Alba politician?
      (It’s quite an unusual name)
      link to

      He says ‘he’s right’

      Maybe we’ll hear something similar from Alba at the next election.

      Last time around Alba seemed to be of the Alistair Campbell school of thinking in that they ‘just didn’t get it’

      Maybe Trump’s speech will bring changes to Scotland.

      Fingers crossed!

    • Fearghas MacFhionnla says:

      Clarification. Paul Embery’s post is dated 8 Nov 2024. I now discover that the Trump footage is from Jan 2023. Nonetheless, the TIME article (12 Nov 2024) linked to further down this Wings thread suggests Trump’s intentions haven’t changed.

    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

      Clarification. Paul Embery’s post is dated 8 Nov 2024. The Trump footage is from Jan 2023. The TIME article (12 Nov 2024) linked to further down this Wings thread would suggest that Trump’s intentions didn’t change.

  45. gregor says:

    BBC: Yousaf accuses Musk of ‘scouring’ private messages:

    “Scotland’s former first minister, Humza Yousaf, has accused tech entrepreneur Elon Musk of accessing his private messages as part of a bid to “besmirch” his reputation.

    The ex-SNP leader claimed in a Tortoise Media podcast, external that the X owner “scours” the communications of people he views as a “threat”.

    He said he was “certain” the billionaire had access to his private communications on the platform…”:

    link to

    • DougMcGregor says:

      As if Humza wasn’t ridiculous enough.

    • diabloandco says:

      I doubt Mr Musk found that pillock fascinating enough to hack into his e-mails.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Paranoid! Who said I was paranoid?

    • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

      Besmirch his repuation? Why would Musk need to waste time doing that when Humzie did an excellent job of it all by himself?

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Maybe he just wanted a good laugh..

  46. Republicofscotland says:

    Why an independent Scotland – needs to be free to pick a choose, its own trading partners.

    What now, appeasement or disengagement? |

    • Mark Beggan says:

      He’s right about one thing the Left has done the Mea Culpa and the Right is on the rise everywhere in Western Europe.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        And who could blame the voters – the left has sold the people out in many countries – at one point BLiS could’ve stood a chimp with a red rosette on in any constituency in Glasgow – and it would’ve won hands down.

        BLiS f*cked Scots for decades – and it will f*ck it again, and again if it gets the chance – and the b*stards in the SNP will help BLiS to keep Scotland down and in its box.

        Its a dark dark time for indy – with the loss of oor chief Salmond and no party at Holyrood that supports an indy Scotland.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Its a dark dark time for indy”

        Sure, Ros, and potty-mouthed ignoramuses like you, permanently fixated on the student politics of the sixties, aren’t helping.

        Your day is over – step aside.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      Wow, my respect for Robin McAlpine just tanked. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, accepting that it’s possible to be right about many things, and still be wrong about others.

      I gave up on counting how many times he writes “right wing” and “far right” in that article. It’s clear that to him, a “far right wing” POV is simply one that 30 years ago, everybody would have taken as self-evident gospel truth.

      Poor Robin. Just another sufferer from chronic TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

      Luckily the remedy is freely available, if painful and difficult for many. You have to get out into the world, graft, pay taxes, stop puling with your hand out for freebies, and generally stand on your own two feet.

      And suddenly you’re cured.

      • Southernbystander says:

        There is something in this regarding names like ‘far right’ that are bandied about with little thought other than to denigrate. But it works both ways with talk of communism, Marxists about things that also would at one time have been pretty mainstream ordinary left-wing politics (like the idea of essential services being in public ownership and the state have an important role in funding things that are not commercially driven, like education or the prison service). The terms are simply falsely applied. In the US, the NHS is often called communist as a way to undermine any notion that publicly funded heath care is a good idea, and in fact is probably ‘evil’.

  47. Republicofscotland says:

    So Grangemouth Refinery will close on May next year – Scotland – a country rich in oil and gas and it won’t have a refinery – slowly but surely the Scottish government (SNP), are reducing Scotland to a region of the UK, our Mayor Swinney, has already accepted role his in the UK, and Westminster will be very pleased at that.

    • wull says:

      Couldn’t the Scottish Government find a way to take the refinery over? Even by a compulsory purchase order. Not to run it themselves, which would be totally beyond their highly limited capacities. Even only to keep it in good nick, for potential future use. Even if an attempt to take it over finally failed, or is bound to do so, the publicity it would generate would highlight the seriousness of the issue. That in itself would do a lot of good for the cause of independence, demonstrating why it is both necessary and pressingly urgent that we govern ourselves.

      OK – I forgot that the current Scottish Government, that is the SNP, has no interest whatsoever in gaining independence, or in highlighting any such issue. Which pro-independence party will pose the question, and take the matter up?

      Alternatively, have some pride. Forget linking independence to oil revenues, or any other particular source of wealth. Start wanting freedom for its own sake, and for our own self-respect. That might be better for everyone. It would even save England from its own folly of continuing to consider itself ‘a great nation’, of great importance on the world scene, when it is obviously neither of these. Your time is up, John Bull, bring in the rowing boat.

      • Republicofscotland says:

        The SNP don’t actually give a toss – though to fool the masses they use prepped speeches and sound bites – that come across as though they care, and the foreign media in Scotland broadcasts that right into your front room.

        All the matters to the SNP is staying in power – making a good living – and keeping the status quo in place, oh and implementing their own policies and agendas.

        The last decade has clearly shown us this.

      • Alf Baird says:

        It does what a colonial administration does, i.e. keeps the colonial racket going.

      • Jay says:

        Try using existing Legislative provisions to retain the Refinery.
        Is there a lawyer participating in WoS and who will comment on applicability of the 1997 Statute?

      • Jay says:

        What about the 1997 Planning Statute ref. Listed Buildings? Is it worth campaigning for the Listing of Grangemouth Refinery?

      • Jay says:

        Is there a reason why Grangemouth site should not be Listed by HES?

      • Graf Midgehunter says:


        “Couldn’t the Scottish Government find a way to take the refinery over?”

        Yes Wull they could. There are many ways to do that. Some easier, some more difficult.

        But, but, but the SG/SNP has no intention or interest in doing so.

        You can have the finest arguments at your disposal, but, if the government of Scotland consists of knee-crawlers to London, then anything you ask for will be strangled at the beginning.

      • Jay says:

        Make many applications to Hisroric Environment Scotland for Listed status for all buildings and the industrial complex as a whole. It is obviously of huge historic significance.

    • willie says:

      Funny old world but the British establishment is not closing down our gas and oil extraction from the North Sea. Only shutting down the processing refinery in Scotland.

      Why could that be?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        The “British establishment” is not closing down Grangemouth.

        It’s closing because of the SNP/Green government’s accelerated rush towards net zero in Scotland.

        You are getting what you voted for, willie. Take your medicine like a man.

      • James says:

        That right, aye?

      • Jay says:

        How do you know what Willie voted for?

      • Mike D says:

        The Snp/ green government wont be deciding net zero for Scotland ya prat, That decision when and if it happens, will be decided by westminster.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Scotland’s net zero emissions target date of 2045 is ahead of many other countries, including the UK whose target is to reach net zero by 2050.”

        That’s lifted directly from:

        link to

        You’re not really comfortable with Scots being responsible for what goes on in Scotland, are you Mike?

        That’s a strange worldview to find in a so-called Indy supporter mind. But defo better to find out about it before Indy, not after.

    • James Gardner says:

      I would not be surprised that there will be a Scottish Election before the Grangemouth closure !

  48. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile one of the Mayor of Scotland’s SNP sidekicks “Health Minister” Neil Gray has apologised for his jaunts in ministerial cars (paid for by the taxpayer) to footie matches – Gray even admitted taking a family member in the cars to the footie matches.

    Gray added, taking family members to the footie matches in the same car – didn’t cost any extra to the taxpayer – phew! that makes it perfectly alright then.

    Come back Michael Matheson – all is forgiven.

    Get these troughing treacherous b*stars out of office come voting time.

    Neil Gray apologises for ‘giving impression’ of acting more like a football fan than minister

  49. Republicofscotland says:

    Thank F*ck the disastrous National Care Service will fail to pass in the Holyrood chamber even the Fifth Columnist parties BLiS, Lib/Dems and the Tories didn’t like the Vichy SNP’s botched NCS plan.

    Of course post Salmond – the SNP couldn’t build a ferry let alone a National Care Service – the SNP – post the chief (Alex Salmond), are determined to run Scotland into the ground whilst living high on the hog.

    Get these b*stards out of office at every turn – along with the foreign Fifth Column parties.

    If this is the start of a National Care Service, god help us |

    Fix your care service? What a brass neck. |

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “the SNP couldn’t build a ferry”

      Maybe naw.

      I bet though, if they painted the port of registration on the stern of one, they would spell “Scotland” correctly.

      They would never give you that job, or any other.

    • Jay says:

      under a recent Post from Rev Stu, there were cimments from Aidan. There were some very impolite comments in response.

      Now might be the time when a person such as Aidan might be a source of guidance concerning the preservation of Historic infrastructure in Scotland (scotland for hatey).

      If nothing else, Aidan might suggest another source of counsel on the matter, pro bono with luck.

      Trouble is, though, after the expression of such ridiculous disrespect towards Aidan, he is unlikely to participate. Your own feet are a stupid choice of target.

      Try Listing (maybe free) until advised otherwise.

  50. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:


    (8-min article essentially pro-trans response to Trump’s victory)

    WHAT TRUMP’S WIN MEANS FOR LGBTQ+ RIGHTS« As the reality of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory begins to settle, LGBTQ+ rights groups and individuals are grappling with the realities of what that means—especially now that he has a GOP-majority Senate to back him on his policies. Throughout his campaign, Trump showcased an anti-trans rhetoric across his speeches, ads, and written platform policies. One of his advertisements stated that his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, is for “they/them—not you.” »

    « […] Biden worked during his term to expand Title IX protections to LGBTQ+ youth, reforming changes from Trump’s first term that narrowed the scope of the 1972 law but sidestepped issues regarding transgender athletes. He has said that on “day one” of his presidency he plans to reverse these Title IX protections. If Trump were to rollback Biden’s expansions which did protect transgender students, he would not need Congress to do so. »

    « […] McKay also emphasizes another aspect of health care that is already being affected by Trump’s upcoming return to power: LGBTQ+ mental health. She points to new research in her lab, showing that exposure to negative news and media coverage on LGBTQ+ people and policies increases suicidal ideation among LGBTQ+ teens and young adults. Since the election was called in the early hours of Nov. 6, the Trevor Project has also reported a 700% increase in call volume to its crisis hotline. […] »

    • Ruby says:

      Trump’s inflammatory words against LGBTQ+ Americans—most notably aimed at trans persons

      Why not just use TQ+
      None of this is about LG people.

      I’ve skipped the Bs because they are a bit of a mystery to me.

      What are they all about?

      Should we prepare ourselves for bi-sexuals demands for polygamy.
      It seems only fair.

      Any views on a woman having a wife & a husband?

      Could be the ideal solution for the ‘transgender widows’

      Your husband decides he’s a woman + lesbian then you decide you are bi-sexual and have the right to have a 2nd husband.

      Maybe 5 years ago you would have thought the above was mad but now this sounds perfectly normal n’est pas? How do you spell ‘eh no?’ Scots for n’est pas.

      I’m going to back bi-sexuals demands for polygamy.

      Bi-sexuals rights are human rights.

      Did you all immediately think of polygamy as being a man with multiple wives?!

      I would be suprised if my ‘editor’ passes the above but you never know.


    • Mark Beggan says:

      “Don’t panic Mr Mannering”

  51. sarah says:

    O/T. Several different items have shown that despite our politicians, there are some reasons not to despair about our cause.
    1. Eva Comrie wrote yesterday “There will be a Summit”. She was talking about the desire for independence, the need for it, and the uselessness of our politicians. So I take it that there is to be a meeting of the various independence campaigning organisations. It can’t happen soon enough.

    2. Liberation Scotland signatures have increased by several thousand recently.

    3.Ewen Kennedy’s article “Some Comments on the Treaty of Union” [on Barrhead Boy and others] is a clear statement of how he views the legal status of the Union. Happily he does think that a route to independence does lie through the UN via the international law on the right of self-determination. The 2014 referendum was useful in that it was yet another example of the UK recognising that Scotland has a right of self-determination.

  52. Rab Clark says:

    Interesting to compare two great speeches, from ‘before & after’ the North Sea oil bonanza.

    Does anyone know if Jimmy Reid and Alex Salmond were close?

    link to

    • Ruby says:

      Jesus Rab! What are you trying to suggest?

      • Rab Clark says:

        Steady now Ruby…steady!

        Their paths must’ve crossed but I don’t remember ever seeing them share a stage.

    • Glenn Boyd says:

      What, you mean Jimmy Reid, the scab who was employed by the sun in order to do the dirty on the Miners and their Leader, Mr Arthur Scargill. That fucking Jimmy Reid?

  53. Mac says:

    This is a bombshell discussion between Aaron Mate and Judge Nap.

    link to

    You can see on both of their faces how bad this is. Just watch it, it is absolutely devastating.

    The whole interview is interspersed with clips of Trump’s various picks… they speak for themselves. It is unreal man.

    I myself had hopes that Trump would be better but I promise you they will not survive this interview.

    This is so much worse than I thought.

    Donald Trump has pulled off a massive con here. ‘The Trump Con’. It is so true. Wow!

    This is horrifying, it really is. lol.

    We are in some deep shit now.

    • Ruby says:

      Just shows you what a very serious issue ‘gender ideology’ actually is.

      Not something as you suggested ‘unimportant in the grand scheme of things or a problem for women to sort out. ‘

      ‘Gender madness’ has lead to Trump becoming president of the US?

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        So few would listen, Ruby. Still too many don’t. They just can’t see it. They think it’s a distraction from the serious stuff that men do. It is actually fundamental to the continuation of the human race in the longer term, and will lead to totalitarianism and mass killing, as totalitarianism always does. Well, we tried.

    • Southernbystander says:

      Thanks for posting this. Very fair and convincing analysis. All I would add is why would anyone be surprised by the direction Trump appears to be taking?

    • Republicofscotland says:

      I’m just surprised that you thought Trump might actually be better than Harris – both are utter monsters.

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    Don’t expect the Mayor Scotland (Swinney) or his Vichy government or the Fifth Columnist parties at Holyrood to even mention this let alone kick up a fuss about it.

    The Yanks and Westminster can do whatever they like in Scotland with almost impunity – and Scots will take it.

    “THE US Navy is set to base spy aircraft in Scotland, triggering alarm with campaigners. 
    The move represents a first since the Cold War, with Poseidon P-8A anti-submarine aircraft soon to be based at RAF Lossiemouth in Moray.”

    US Navy to base spy aircraft in Scotland for first time since Cold War | The National

  55. Republicofscotland says:

    What a fuckin surreal world we live in when the king of England turns up to visit a food bank in England in a half – a – million pounds bulletproof Bentley – and he then proceeds to take a tour of the food bank.

    This scrounging b*stard has never know any form of hardship and he never will – to think Scots are helping to pay for his, and his parasitic family’s upkeep – whilst thousands of Scots kids go hungry – its a f*ckin disgrace.

    Dr Iain Overton (@iainoverton): “How one should arrive at any food bank.” |

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Well at least he stopped. People with Bentley’s usually just drive over them.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “thousands of Scots kids go hungry”

      Is this in “scotland” then? Here in Scotland, we’re supposedly not having any kids.

      And that means if any kids in Scotland are going hungry (which I doubt), they’re not Scottish kids at all. Maybe you want to pretend there’s no difference between Scottish kids and kids in Scotland, but I don’t.

      You choose to distinguish between Scottish voters and voters in Scotland when you want to gerrymander the franchise, Ros. Try to be consistent with your arguments.

      Otherwise, like with your congenital inability to write “Scotland” correctly, to normal Scots, you come across as a bit of a nutter.

      Oh and BTW. I appreciate you lack the mental agility to adapt and adopt new ideas. But others may be able to face up to the fact that there’s something like a million Scots who support the monarchy. For a movement that consistently can’t get above 45% support, that’s a constituency that sane, thinking Scots won’t be wanting to insult and alienate.

      For you, of course, my logic will be beyond your ken. But others might want to take heed.

      • James says:

        What’s this? Oh aye I remember, it’s a
        smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant” in full flow. Prick.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        There’s a big improvement when you plagiarise somebody elses post, James. How else could you ever deploy multi-syllable words?

        My points remain valid though.

        1) If we intend to deny people resident in Scotland the vote because they’re not “Scottish enough”, we can just as easily stop worrying about their kids.

        2) Plenty of Scots support the monarchy.

        3) Indy support has been flatlined at 45% for a decade.

        4) It’s “Scotland”, not “scotland”, and only ignoramuses, nutters and those implacably determined to dishonour Scotland could ever deny that.

  56. Shug says:

    What the f… Is Swinney on. Another grifter caught using a ministerial car to jolly around after his football club.

    Like Mathieson it is a clearly dismissal issue, and here he is wringing his hands and making excuses.

    Has he lost his pad of P45s

    These clowns are making the party unelectable.

    • twathater says:

      I think you are late to the party shug, these CLOWNS are the rear end (hopefully) of a LONG list of clowns since sturgeon the betrayer, eagerly assisted by the undertaker and head redactor who you label as a good chap, spineless swinney, to besmirch a once renowned independence party
      I was on twatter and the amount of imbeciles still eager to vote for these lying scum deviant perverts is unbelievable, if you try to point out the truth they label you as a unionist and block you whilst closing their ears and humming lalalala , even PayPal Paul is telling his clones that he is leaving twatter because he doesn’t like nasty rude people (pointing out the truth) but have no fear he will just keep on grifting
      I note our politicos are desperate to introduce LAWS to stop people from being nasty to them (in other words to stop voters from confronting them for their lies and corruption) they love to use Jo Cox as the example

      • Alf Baird says:

        On “pointing out the truth”

        Such is the psychology of colonialism (Cesaire). Where the defence mechanisms of a colonial mindset refuses to accept all the everyday mounting evidence that destroys their prevailing beliefs and myths.

        This ‘condition’ also reflects their still quite rudimentary understanding of a colonial society and how it functions.

        link to

    • Jim F. McIntosh says:

      That’s what they have been instructed to do.

    • Oneliner says:

      We are governed by fitba heids, ferry saboteurs and fifth columns

      • Alf Baird says:

        Such is life in all colonies, where the development of the native people must always be limited – deprived of opportunity, resources, history, culture and identity – and ruled over by a ‘mediocre meritocracy’.

  57. Campbell Clansman says:

    The “Alba Party” couldn’t find anyone to run in any of the four by-elections yesterday for council seats. 0%.
    I’d imagine for a “party” stuck at 1% in the polls, 0% doesn’t represent much of a drop.
    BTW Labour won three of the four, with the LibDems winning the other.

    • twathater says:

      What kind of twisted masochist takes delight in celebrating the election of a shower of fuckwits who have shown over decades that they don’t give a flying fuck about Scots or Scotland, a group of liars and thieves who BETRAY Scotland without conscience, you are one sick and obnoxious individual

      • James says:

        A smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant?

        There’s a few of them on here now.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        The “Alba Party” polled a microscopic 1.7% of the regional vote for Holyrood in 2021.
        They haven’t advanced since then, averaging only 1% in the council by-elections this last month.
        The moonhowlers claim that Alba is the only “true” Indy Party. If so, it appears that Scots don’t want to vote for a “true” Indy party.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Notice how Alba moonhowlers can’t deal with objective election returns and resort to personal insults?
        That’s what people do, who have nothing intelligent to say.

      • James says:

        Oh, the irony.

    • Zander Tait says:

      Hello CC me old fudmeister.

      At the Inverclyde by-election 8 days ago, the Alba Party got 8.72% of the vote.

      That’s 8 times more than your delusional and shite filled posts forecast for Alba.

      Oh and Alba are currently on 3% for Holyrood 2026.

      NOT 1% as you continuously claim.

      Never trust a Campbell.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        The total Alba votes in the last 8 by-elections amounts to about 1% of the vote.
        It’s called arithmetic. Moonhowlers like yourself ought to try it some time.

      • Zander Tait says:

        Try rereading my post Campbell Chicken Soup.

        Plenty of arithmetic right there, not to mention facts and the truth, Cammy boy.

        You know, Camper Hamster, 2 items of which your posts are completely devoid of. Facts and the truth.

        Readers here know, CamperVan that you are a pathological purveyor of lies.

        BTW, how are your Mental Health Issues Campy Bellend?

        Did you contact SAMH as advised?

        Good Luck, Camel TransMan.

        Come back when you’re feeling better and less camel.

      • Michael Laing says:

        Doing a big LOL!

  58. TURABDIN says:

    Scotland on the «front line»…
    link to
    in other people’s conflicts.

  59. sarah says:

    O/T No ‘toon tomorrow as Chris is away at a jazz festival. I’m hoping the Rev will find something to amuse/distract us in lieu.

    On another topic, it has been confirmed that Alex Salmond’s memorial service will be livestreamed. The service begins at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday 30th November. Apparently the family has been overwhelmed by the public expressions of support.

  60. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I’m finally coming out…


    link to

    • Confused says:




      I always thought your name was a pun, never occurred it was real

    • Tinto Chiel says:

      Very well said, Ian.

      OTS deserves a much bigger readership to reflect all the hard work you have put in to further the cause of independence.

      I am Samantha/James Loudoun if that helps 😉 .

    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

      Excellent production values with superb visuals. Highly recommended. Is math a rinn thu!

  61. Mac says:

    Another very high quality assessment from a former Trump advisor. Col Doug MacGregor.

    link to

    These Trump picks are pointing at one thing – war on Iran. That is WW3 folks.

    I watch most of MacGregors interviews and I have never seen him so flat, so despondent, when talking about these Trump defense related appointments. He is shocked IMHO..

    Watching the proposed defense guy is astonishing. I have had deeper conversations with yank soldiers in the pub.

    You can see the thinly veiled disdain from Macgregor. This is the guy Trump should have selected to run Defense. He is beyond disgusted with how poor these selections are.

    The proposed new CIA leader… wow.

    It is not that Trump is an uber zi0nist that is surprising it is the degree to which he has suddenly revealed it after winning. These selections are beyond extreme.

    As Mate pointed out the Biden regime picks used to feign condemnation over gen0cide and ethnic cleansing but Trumps picks are advocating for it explicitly.

    What stuns me though is how many post 2014 Scottish nationalists are supportive of gen0cide and ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population by a racist apartheid state… because the BBC tells them so.

    • James Gardner says:

      I hae news fer ye maist folk in Auld Scotia are watchin’ Netflix……….

    • G m says:

      Lets go wi the status quo?

      • Alf Baird says:

        “Lets go wi the status quo?”

        So long as colonialism is permitted to continue, an oppressed nation and culture are always in the process of perishing (Fanon). At the current accelerated rate of imposed colonial procedures wha kans hou lang Scotland micht endure. 2040? Hence the urgency of independence, i.e. liberation.

        A colonized people are deceived into believing they are dependent on “The “kindness of strangers, a term used to describe a country’s dependence on external investment to fund its current account deficit”. 

        Postcolonial theory regards this stranger as the ‘usurper’ (Memmi).

        link to

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      Fa’s this gen0cide and ethnic cleansing ganging aboot then?

      The only wan ah ken aboot is the wan in Eastern Europe.

      And maist posters oan here are a’ for it!

      Talkin aboot Iran, thon’s a place fa they pick daft lassies aff the street an beat them to death fer nae wearing a heid covering. If Trump decides tae flatten thon shithole an free its people fae the curse o the medievalists, maist Scots will be cheering him oan.

      Iran first, oor Scottish streets next. Go Trump!

  62. SteepBrae says:

    Does anyone know whether arrangements are underway for people to gather to pay their respects to Alex on the 30th?

    • sarah says:

      On facebook “The Crossgate Centre supports Alex Salmond”, people have said they will be going. These are individuals, not an organised group.

  63. TURABDIN says:

    As a colony, you’re anybody’s.

    link to

    link to

    Rumour has it the «Scottish Government» wasn’t consulted. 
    Lossiemouth, an extra territorial base? subject to whose law? 

    • Alf Baird says:

      As a colony, you’re anybody’s.”

      Aye, deid richt: the colonized ‘are made bystanders’ in thair ain laund; they are ‘out of the game’, and; they are ‘no longer part of history’ (Memmi).

      Decolonization and leeberation is the anely remeed!

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      There’s a nasty war on TURABDIN. Most Scots will be glad to see our defences being bolstered. If that means going over the heads of the inconsequential numpties in the wee, pretendy parliament, then so be it.

      BTW, your second link is for a story dated to 2018, so hardly too relevant today. The numbers quoted are interesting though, $79 million being spent on the Lossiemouth operation.

      Undoubtedly some of that largesse will have found its way into the tills and pockets of the locals. Explaining why every time there’s some talk of closing a Scottish military base, there are squeals of outrage from its local, Scottish neighbours.

      And from its MSP in the wee, pretendy parliament!

      • James says:


      • TURABDIN says:

        Truly there is a nasty war going on between a former soviet republic and Moscow. Nothing to do with anyone else outside the region, unless politically motivated in some way; fear of Russia is indeed an ancient phobia.
        Bases such as Lossiemouth and Kinloss give much needed support to local economies and create dependency. That is a consequence of lazy government’s lack of concern for local resources, in this case, fishing now in decline.

  64. Republicofscotland says:

    So the Mayor of Scotland (Swinney) and his Vichy government are looking for people to take redundancies at their HQ.

     “The National Executive Committee has been tasked with delivering a modern, dynamic election-winning party to win in 2026 and beyond – and today’s agreement to consult on a new structure at Headquarters makes key progress to deliver on that aim.”

    Said – SNP national secretary councillor Alex Kerr.

    One can only hope that this Vichy SNP party – sinks in a sea of debt, never to be seen again.

    • sarah says:

      What drivel, piffle, spiel by Kerr. If he can’t tell the truth i.e. that they can’t afford this number of staff so they’re cutting down, then he should just keep his mouth shut.

      “…a modern, dynamic election-winning party…”. What does that actually mean?

      Try doing what you were elected to do – get independence by working with everybody else in the movement instead of trying to crush anyone with ideas, and persecuting truth-tellers.

    • twathater says:

      What would be KARMA is for one of the disgruntled staff being made redundant to become a whistleblower to EXPOSE the CORRUPTION and LIES that has been taking place over the last 10 years of Sturgeon’s, Yuseless, and Swinneys incompetence and mismanagement , one of the first things that they could expose is WHERE is the £600,000+ money that was donated and ringfenced for a independence referendum

      Another avenue of interest is WHERE is ALL the very EXPENSIVE technical equipment and computer systems that cost a fortune, who bought them ,how were they paid for, who used them and where are they now
      I would presume that the redundant employees would only be paid the bare redundancy terms and conditions which in this day and age is meagre and insulting , I would not like to be looking for employment in the current economic climate or paying a mortgage on a newly purchased home that was bought on the basis of ongoing employment promised at interview, and having the added burden of the most expensive energy costs in Europe especially in winter in Scotland

      TBQH I would feel extremely outraged at the thought of being made redundant through no fault of my own , especially when the clowns and imbeciles that caused my misery were still being paid £70,000+ for causing the collapse of the membership and their fees which paid my salary, IF these clowns and imbeciles had done what the voters had wanted them to do INDEPENDENCE, instead of wandering aimlessly down deviant and perverted avenues ,I would still be gainfully employed and comfortable

      Instead I will be unemployed and suffering extreme hardship and probably cannot not pay my mortgage whilst the hierarchy can go out and purchase £100,000+ motorhomes , expensive high end cars ,driving lessons and a 2 car family, holiday homes abroad and additional homes in Scotland

      I would feel very aggrieved that having kept loyal and silent on the whole mismanagement of what was a very successful ,popular and rewarding political party that THEIR incompetence LIES and stupidity has led me to become unemployed,frightened of the future, and possible bankrupcy

      REVENGE is a dish best served COLD

  65. George Ferguson says:

    Speaking of chest binders and Wokeness in general. £800 million wiped off the share price of Boots for a Woke Christmas advert? I haven’t seen this advert was it that bad? Go Woke go broke comes to mind. At some point the Corporate world will realise there is no revenue in denying biology or a skewed cultural approach. I hope Boots take down this advert before the majority of the public see it.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      Just imagine how much would be wiped off the share price of any company that showed an advert true to the original, authentic, religious meaning of Christmas!

      The mind boggles.

      Yet only two generations ago in Scotland, that is what most Scots would have supported and believed in.

      And the currently fashionable consumerist parody of greed, paganism, excess and selfishness would have been unthinkable.

      • James says:

        smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Great isn’t it?

        You only have to be a half-educated smart-arse to run rings around most of Wings BTL finest!

        So any Scottish kid who pays attention up to the end of Primary School can rule here.

        As for sophistry, I’m confident you couldn’t define what it means without help.

        Stick to obsessing about male genitals, James. As Hemingway (look him up on Wiki) observed, you write best about what you know and love.

      • KOF says:

        I would say you are both right and wrong at the same time. Two generations ago Christmas was mainly a religious day, a day to remember the birth of Jesus.(However, there is nothing in the Bible about the date of birth of Jesus.)

        Christmas is merely the ancient pagan festival of Yule, but with the veneer of Christianity. Why do you think the Scots Parliament banned the celebrations of Yule (Christmas) in 1640.

        The Bible tells us what pagans do.

        2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

        3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

        4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

        5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

        Jeremiah 10

        Sounds like a “Christmas” tree to me.

        In some ways Christmas really is returning to it’s original meaning. A time of paganism and excess.

        Turn to Jesus before it’s too late. He is the way, the truth and the life.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I was unaware the old Scottish Parliament had once made aspects of the celebration of Christmas criminal acts!

        Somebody should investigate the family trees of the current incumbents in the wee pretendy parliament – find out if there’s a direct line of descent – establish if being a po-faced, curtain-twitching killjoy is ingrained in the Scottish genes.

        They’re against smoking, drinking, unproductive travel and edgy banter. They’re obsessed with people’s genitals, what they do with them, and where they put them. They want to micro-manage every detail of our lives – right down to whether we can light a fire in our homes to keep ourselves warm.

        The spirit of 1640 lives on at HR.

      • KOF says:

        The spirit of 1640 absolutely doesn’t live on at Holyrood, nor at Westminster, but the spirit of Satan certainly does.

        Don’t forget, nothing can become law without the consent of the monarch. If you wish to blame anyone, blame them. They are the ones who have allowed wickedness to flourish in this land.

  66. robertkknight says:

    Saturday, Rev!

    Where’s “Holiday Boy” ???

    • sarah says:

      Jazz festival, someone reported yesterday. He’s got no sense of responsibility, has he? 🙂

  67. Shug says:

    12 by-elections lost in short order. Yep bug car crash ahead

  68. Ruby says:

    I’m not saying this means the left needs to give up on trans-friendly policy, or the pursuit of reparations for slavery, or continue to raise questions about who gets statues made of them. I am certainly not saying that climate change or justice for Palestine are disposable issues. On the contrary, I’m saying that whatever we want to do, we only do it if our mission connects with a lot of people. Robin MacAlpine

    Robin MacAlpine another man who just doesn’t get it. 

    The ‘just don’t get it’ brigade are leaving the field open for parties (like Donald Trump) who do get it.

    Could be ‘Reform’ although they were pretty ‘wishy washy’ on the trans issue in the last election.

    The problem is ‘a lot of folk’ will be focusing on the ‘trans friendly policies’ and ignore all the other policies with the result that here in Scotland we could end up with a lot of cases of FDS even among the ‘Farage Friendly’ voters.

    ‘Trans friendly policies’ always means ‘Women/Girls unfriendly policies’.

    You either have ‘Women/Girls friendly policies’ or ‘Trans friendly policies’

    You can’t have both.

    • znovak says:

      Much to agree with
      By reductio ad absurdum, “Frotteurs’ rights are human rights” is a true statement, they are marginalized (for a reason), but it still does not give them the right to grope women on a crowded bus.
      I am not surprised that people get disgusted and vote how they do.
      I am no fan of Trump, but if he bans gender ideology in schools on his first day in office, as he promised, I will celebrate.

  69. Brian McKaig says:

    The LGB should kick the TQ+ etc into the long grass or start fresh organizations without them. LGB issues are about sexuality and sexual preference. The TQ+ relate to gender not sexuality which is quite a different topic entirely. It is also an area of great controversy, is mired in accusations of sexual offending and grooming. This doesn’t sit well with the majority of the public and we saw this reflected in the US election. LGBTY Scotland is poisonous and has no place in our schools.

  70. Gerard Henry says:

    Glasgow City Council said yeah we’re all in favour of causing irreversible damage to vulnerable, unhappy kids.


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    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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