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Wings Over Scotland

The Loser

Posted on November 23, 2017 by

We wouldn’t say that the Scottish Daily Mail was obsessed or anything, but this is just today’s hysterical coverage of possible changes to taxation in Scotland which haven’t even been PROPOSED yet, let alone actually passed into law.

A couple of bits caught our eye in particular.

This table, for example, is mostly redundant.

Every line below the £60,000 figure serves no purpose – for everyone earning £60,000 or above, the difference between taxpayers in Scotland and those in the rUK is £670.

For perspective, that means that the people in the bottom line – those on £100,000 plus – are making £8,333 a month, but paying £56 more tax on it in Scotland, leaving them with just £8,277 a month to somehow scrape by on.

Don’t worry, we’ll have details of our charity fundraiser for these poor souls soon. But more interesting was the case of the woman the Mail rather cruelly dubbed “LOSER”.

The paper wailed that the young woman, who’d moved back to Scotland from London, was being “penalised” by having to pay Stamp Duty on a home she hasn’t actually bought, which she supposedly wouldn’t have had to pay in London under the Budget changes announced by the Chancellor yesterday. The Mail explained:

“The graduate has only recently relocated to Scotland from London. Had she stayed where she was, her first home may have been more expensive but at least it would be tax-free.”

That’s quite a weird way to look at things in the first place – “Hey, you’ve had to fork out an extra third of a million pounds or so for your home, but you saved a grand in tax!” – but it falls apart the minute you examine it anyway.

Because the stamp duty exemption only extends to the first £300,000 of a house price, and in London that doesn’t buy you very much – the average house there is now an eye-watering £481,556. (And everyone seems to agree that the stamp duty changes will hike that up still further, wiping out any saving.)

So to avoid stamp duty, Ms Canning would have had to buy a house costing around 62% of the average price. And in Scotland, 62% of the average price – according to the same UK government statistics – is very considerably less money than that.

62% of the average Scottish house price is just £90,143. And any house sold at that price in Scotland (or up to £145K) is zero-rated by the Scottish version of stamp duty, the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT).

So if she’d bought equivalent homes in London and Scotland, Ms Canning would have paid no stamp duty or LBTT on either one. She’s lost absolutely nothing.

Indeed, she probably couldn’t have afforded the London house at all – London prices being close to three-and-a-half times that of Scotland – so by coming home she’s able to get on the property ladder when she wouldn’t have done in London, where she’d have had to pay crippling rents (current average around £1600 a month) for her whole life and have nothing to show for it.

Or put another way, in Scotland she could buy a home for £145,000 which would be a considerably better house than the £300K London one, still be paying no transaction duty, and have £155,000 spare in her pocket for nice curtains and thousands of scatter cushions and stuff.

(And in Scotland, of course, she’ll also pay hundreds of pounds less Council Tax in her house, and get free prescriptions, and all the other advantages enjoyed by Scots.)

If that’s being a “loser”, we suspect a lot of people will want to sign up for defeat.

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Bob Mack

Ah diddums. Crowdfunder anyone ?

There are lies and damned lies. Which one is this I wonder?


All those columns could have been reduced to

Oh the Humanity! Will no one think of the selfish Tory bastards?

On one hand the Tories complain that things like free tuition benefit the well off and the next minute they squeal like stuck pigs if the well off pay a little more tax.

They are incoherent mainly because all they really want is low taxes for the well off and devil take the hindmost for everyone else.

Norrie Stewart

Would be very kind of somebody who knew her to point her in the direction of this wings article. It would probably put her mind at ease.Or she could get off her arse and do some research.


Heh, The Mail. Never knowingly and probably not ever, accurate, honest, measured, calm, objective or even remotely sane.

Their screeching at this point can only be heard by certain types of bat in the Amazon basin.


Excellent article, Stu. Calling out their nonsense.

HandandShrimp says:

low taxes for the well off and devil take the hindmost for everyone else

…. and that is the perfect definition of what Tories stand for.

Pentland Firth

If you get your political analysis from the Daily Mail you are certainly a “loser”.

mike cassidy

Hate to go OT this early –

but am I a bit behind just learning that the BBC broadcast Corbyn’s reply to yesterday’s budget –

by broadcasting his reply to the spring budget!

They’re starting to take the piss now, aren’t they?

link to


Daily Mail aims …

they shoot …

they have to go to hospital for medical attention to a gun shot wound in the foot! 😀


What a load of drivel they write.

This woman admits to having already bid on a house but didn’t get it due to our unfair offers over system being allowed!

Then she ties that to the savings available in other parts of the UK (which have just been discredited here) – two completely separate subjects.

Next she says she has moved in with her parents to try and scrape together enough for a deposit on a one or two bed flat. I’m confused; did she not have a deposit when she bid on the first house? What did she bid on, given that she is saving to get a one or two bed flat, was it a bedsit perhaps?

If that is all that was within her reach on her salary then she wouldn’t have even got near the proverbial broom cupboard in London!

As I said what a load of b*****k’s. Or did I say that?!

Andy Anderson

Excellent Stu. Keep sticking it into them.

Alison Lindsay

A welcome tax hike, Scottish Gov. is cutting our ability to buy scatter cushions. I support canny-sense.

narrow shoulders

Thanks but is there any chance of making the pictures bigger so the text can be read?

Dr Jim

Perhaps if this lady has a good think about it, if she can’t afford a house in London maybe they don’t want her SORT living there and that’s why house prices are so high in order to attract the right SORT of folk, y’know millionaires and the like, unless she had aspirations to be the right SORT but can’t manage it so Scotland will have to do because it’s cheaper

To cut it shorter, she cannae afford to live in London and comes to Scotland to complain about it not being free like prescriptions and the like

Sick of folk running away from England because it’s too expensive or they don’t like foreigners then coming to Scotland trying to impose on us the same conditions they ran away from

In other words Unionist wasters who read the Daily Mail


[…] Wings Over Scotland The Loser We wouldn’t say that the Scottish Daily Mail was obsessed or anything, but this is […]

jason arneil

“those on £100,000 plus – are making £8,333 a month, but paying £56 more tax on it in Scotland, leaving them with just £8,277 a month to somehow scrape by on.”

Err, no, that would mean they were only paying £56 a month in tax in total. That is not quite correct, they will have considerably less than that to “scrape by on”.

Dr Jim

I’m really angry about these folk and I bet when Scotland becomes Independent they don’t go running back to their forgotten land of milk and honey

If you don’t like it in Scotland you know what to do because the SNP will be in Government in Holyrood for the next as long as they want to and there’s sod all you can do about it, because as long as Scotland isn’t free that’s who we’ll be voting for

So get used to it British Nationalists


Meanwhile, I see a certain defamation action begins; jungle drums will be beating.

mike cassidy

She seems such an interesting woman, too.

I wonder how she got involved with the SDM.

link to

Doug Bryce

Here is how devolution works…

1) The tories increase the upper band for income tax.
This benefits the better off in England who pay 40% tax.

2) Ruth Davidson complains that Scotland is highest taxed part of UK. When in reality the truth is that Scotland simply choose not to copy her own parties tax cut for the rich.

3) Scotland gets less money from the Barnett formula as result of austerity cuts in England.

4) The expectation is that Scotland increases income tax just to maintain existing levels of spending.

Make no mistake – Scotlands limited taxing raising powers are a deliberate trap. Income tax which is visible and unpopular. VAT / corporation tax / fuel duty on the other hand could have been devolved but were not….

Proud Cybernat

Yup! Come to Scotland from any other part of the UK and the Scottish government will tax you to death. It really will ’cause it’s in the Daily Mail.

PLEASE rabid Yoony press – SCREAM that message from the fecking rooftops will ya!!

Might just make some Unionist voting types in rUK who are thinking of relocating to Scotland think twice about it. You’ll get fecking taxed to death, so you will. Oh – and we mean it! Gawn yersel DM.

G H Graham

A 20% deposit requirement in London will mean having to have over £96,200 in cash just to get into an average house.

Assuming Ms. Canning earns the average London wage, she’ll pocket before tax just £35,190.

If Ms. Canning sets aside a generous 20% of her net income she can move into her average house in London in just under two decades.

It’s odd that The Scottish Daily Mail didn’t make any mention of this in their article.

Cliff Uney

This is the Mail. She probably doesn’t exist apart from a stock photo.

Helena Brown

Better mention that the lassie is actually Scots, returning from the big toon. Do not know what she does for a living but seems to be easy manipulated, she needs to have a discussion with parents before opening her mouth. Sounds a wee bit Dugdalish.


Even more ridiculous is the end of her moan about Fixed Price vs Offers Over. It’s now the place of the SNP/Holyrood to intervene in private sales between individuals?

mike cassidy

I don’t think a woman from Giffnock educated to PHD level in Scotland could be classed as a Unionist incomer.

Indeed she strikes me as someone we would want to come back and involve herself in the Renewables industry – and encourage other women to become involved in science education generally.

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Not entirely sure whether she is from Scotland or the Mail haven’t given where she’s not living as being where she’s from in order to create the impression that she is. Not that it actually matters except that the moan about house sales might be a “we do better” arrogance rather than a “they do better” cringe.

Tam the Bam.



Not entirely sure whether she is from Scotland or the Mail have given where she’s not living as being where she’s from in order to create the impression that she is. Not that it actually matters except that the moan about house sales might be a “we do better” arrogance rather than a “they do better” cringe.


Ms Canning is utterly clueless.

Nobody with even the tiniest hint of sanity would prefer the property system in E&W as its insanity on wheels. I speak as one who’s had to go through the nightmare several times.

Then again she’s from Giffnock so pretty much guaranteed to be a true blue tory shouting SNP Bad – ie mindless pap.


Oh she’s real alright.

Agree with Mike Cassidy, why would someone so obviously intelligent and successful be anywhere near the Daily Fail?

Doesn’t seem to fit their usual readership demographic at all, frankly bizarre.

must be a good reason though?


And what’s with the idea that those who place unsuccessful bids in the “offers over” system don’t know what the property went for?

Frankly bollocks. We were heavily outbid on several properties and always knew what the sucker winner paid.

Don’t know what it was like for you guys but that was always my experience…


@Mike Cassidy

There something rotten in the state of…sorry…there’s something really not quite right about the University of
St. Andrews.

Reluctant Nationalist

£480,000 on average for a house in The Great Wen. Jesus.


This has the fingerprints of SiU all over it.
Happy British Scotch holding hands….


Best wishes to her on her career. Possibly as she is clearly a clever person, she will in future steer well clear of the print media. “But that’s not all that I said”. How often have we heard that complaint?


The lassie has been duped into giving the Daily Disgrace a soundbite. I’ll save my ire for the chairman and majority shareholder Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere.

A tax dodging billionaire who won’t stay in the UK for any more than 90 days/year in case he has to pay any tax. No wonder the Daily Rag goes on about tax so much.

He employs Paul Dacre as editor, this is the hypocrite that writes headlines in the Daily Fail opposing renewable energy projects yet stands to make over £15m in subsidies from his own scheme on his 17,000 acre estate in the Highlands. Not in the least surprised then that he would oppose Independence.

Let’s point the finger at those bastards and leave the gullible alone as they know no better other than what the very same disgraceful media have spoonfed them since birth.

Check these two out and make your own minds up.

How Paul Dacre will benefit from energy levy his paper has opposed

link to

Viscount Rothermere: a media baron who keeps his distance

link to


Average house price over £485,000 watch them flood across the border to Scotland.


I see self appointed Tory Spokesperson, Kuenssberg is pushing the party line that Scotland is receiving more money by the removal of VAT to emergency services. She really needs to realise that Scotland is being given nothing more, just not having the money reclaimed by the government as per the rest of the UK.

Her argument is that they wanted to keep Scottish Tories onboard, LOL, as if there was any threat they would vote against their own party. If these Tories wanted to protect Scotland, and what it voted for, they would be opposing Brexit.


Stu, just superb .
One of your finest & funniest in a long while. To be honest though , Clare does look like a total loser. Perhaps she should pack her valice and tawdle back down south to all that spare money she will save in tax.
God luve em.


Basically the female came back to Scotland and bought a house she could not have afforded to do in England. Another non story – nonsense. Why do they keep in printing this garbage. Or people buy it. Airheads. No wonder the readership is plummeting.

Does Rothermere not get to stay in the UK longer? Something about an inherited non Dom status.

Liar Ashcroft? who was supposed to give up the non Dom status and pay UK tax but lied about. Took up a seat in the Lords under the criminal pretence. He just kept on tax evading like the rest. One of the biggest Tory donators of tax evaded money. Cheats and liars.


Oh , shes Scottish , apologies I never seen that. Well the dizzy girl would be better commuting then and buying a weekday cardboard box in the Metropolis. What a dimwit.


London house prices are higher but so are wages. Head Offce etc. Massive civil service budget. Scotland has to pay for with no benefits. The Mall.

Scottish revenues being misused and misappropriated supporting London S/E.Scottish taxpayers paying over the odds for it. Paying the same price for goods and services of UK companies but the higher HQ salaries paid in London. No return for Scotland. The major tax evaders are based in London S/E. Including bankers and foreigners etc.

Illegal wars, tax evasion and financial fraud is costing Scotland £Billions. £20Billion a year. HMRC not fit for purposes. Higher taxes in Scotland because of Westminster mismanagement and misappropriation.

Vote No you get nothing but higher taxes and lower wages. Suckered.


The Mail are just a bunch of liars. Ever word in the headline is a lie.

£2Billion? – £1.1Billion that has to be paid back. Over 4 years. £1/2Billion a year. Can only be spent on capital projects not essential services. With inflation a decrease. £250Million less plus the rest. £Billions.

Oil & Gas sector ruined by Westminster Tories illegal high taxes. Since 2010. When the price had fallen 75%. It was being taxed at 62%. 40% since Jan 2016. Losing Scotland £Billions and 120,000 jobs.

Scottish budget has be cut by 10% a year since 2010. Now £3Billion less, Despite Scottish tax revenues increasing. From £50Billion to £54Billion a year.

In the rest of the UK taxes raised pro rata £44Billion. Then £10Billion borrowed pro rata. Scotland has to pay on average £4Billion on the debt. Not borrowed or spent in Scotland.

Brian McGowan

brilliant dissection.

Stuart McPhee

I am sure Ms Canning is competent professional in her chosen field!

However she did not think this one through.

My advice to her would be to sit down with a blank piece of paper. Title the paper “Contrasting buying a house in London and Scotland”, draw a line down the middle, name the left hand colum “Pros” and the right “Cons”.

I am sure she gets the idea, and the laughter of her colleagues will die down eventually!


The way to close the growing tax gap.



As some say on here, maybe the thought of being taxed to begorrah will slow down the southern daily mail reader influx. Though somehow i doubt it.

Tam the Bam.


Just in case any Wingers are planning on viewing Kez’s opening night performance….just caught a ‘snap preview’ on STV NEWS of her floundering inside a glass container labelled SICKOLA STURGEON…..(I kid you not).

Morva Wortley

If I am reading this correctly this woman feels the Scottish upset price offers over system is much poorer than the English free for all that takes place in the housing market here. The number of people over the years, and I include myself in this, who have believed they have sold their property only to find somebody has dropped out of the “chain” causing the entire thing to collapse.

Typically the article doesn’t supply this minor detail from the bizarre system that exiists here in England which causes real hardship to buyers and sellers alike.

The noting of a potential purchaser interest via their solicitor and an orderly sealed bid and closing date is so much of an improvement it would almost make buyers here want to move to Scotland to experience it as opposed to what currently passes as a housing market free for all.


link to

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seems kosher other than the 4 years research in Edinburgh.

Wonder if Brexit made leaving EDF easier or compulsory?


Can I join the ‘loser’ club please. In a world where rich is the new poor, to be pitied for having to pay tax on stuff, their version of ‘Loser’ looks like something to aspire to!

Lot’s young folk making the journey north I’ve noticed.
They better bloody well vote for independence as they are going to be benefitting from having a socially democratic government in place at Holyrood, ie the SNP, and therefore, a much more modern, forward looking, life affirming country than the one they left behind.

It’s gonna be a struggle to keep it that way, but we all know that a unionist party in power at Holyrood would copycat London Westminster Britnat policies because that’s who they work for, in all senses of the word, they work for the Britnat establishment!

Robert Peffers

@Cliff Uney says: 23 November, 2017 at 4:21 pm:

“This is the Mail. She probably doesn’t exist apart from a stock photo.”

If you follow through the mail article that Stock Photo shows up an interview with the lady who was educated at St Andrews University and works for EDF.


Dugdale is an affront to Scotland. Will do anything for money.

Must need the money for legal costs and damages.

Go to the Independence cause.


Calling all true Brits! Scotland’s really cheap. Sell up, buy a house up there, register your vote and stop those evil Scot Nats destroying our country.
Scotland is Ours stickers free with your patriotic Daily Mail.

Robert Peffers

@PJM says: 23 November, 2017 at 4:48 pm:

“There something rotten in the state of…sorry…there’s something really not quite right about the University of
St. Andrews.”

Ah! There’s what I was waiting to sink in – She was educated at St Andrews – and there is the salient clue as to, “why”.


It looks as though she was educated at St Andrews. How much did that cost her? If she’d been educated in England she’d be struggling to buy a property not only due to the cost but through starting out with thousands of pounds of student debt hanging around her neck.

Seems she’s been duped by someone. The Scottish Daily Mail?


‘SICKOLA STURGEON’. The Yoons will be even more sick of Nicola when she calls #ScotRef. Lol.


Cheers Stu, Once again.
Heard a wee bit of GM Shortbread whilst having my porridge this morning, a total Tory plamph trying to give credit to the Tories about the budget/Barnett, fair play to GMS finest!?! G Rubberheid on the questioning.
Lets face it the English don’t care about stamp duty, they make that much from their over-inflated sheds, they will keep coming up in their droves. FREE PRESCRIPTIONS, FREE BUS PASSES, (FREE NHS, that isn’t being privatised in Scotland.etc )

Robert Peffers

@Tam the Bam. says: 23 November, 2017 at 6:04 pm:

“Just in case any Wingers are planning on viewing Kez’s opening night performance….just caught a ‘snap preview’ on STV NEWS of her floundering inside a glass container labelled SICKOLA STURGEON…..(I kid you not).”

But Tam! But! But! But!

Where’s your famous Scottish sense of humour?

Don’t you know the stock Englander answer to that?

I’ll quote it for you :-

“It’s just harmless Englander banter.”



@ Morva at 6:08pm …… “Property Chain.”

Thanks for taking the time to post on here Morva reminding us all of the ‘imperfect’ system in England. Unionist supporting newspapers, which constitute 99% overall in Scotland, trying to brainwash people by using propaganda strategies of omission and cherrypicking, Once AGAIN.


How much is her student loan, How much would it have been in England?

Next Tory candidate? On the gravy train.


Victoria Derbyshire spent a great deal of time covering the Kezia Dugdale / Get me out of here story this morning. She showed footage of Kezia saying that she been asked a year ago (many months ago?) to take part in the show for a 3 month period. She knocked that back but they approached her again and she agreed to the 3 week stint. She also said that this is a great opportunity to reach millions of young people, get the Labour message across and that Corbyn will be delighted with her performance. It’ll be interesting to see if the producers of the show are going to use it to undermine Nicola Sturgeon / the independence movement. If so I hope that it backfires on her and her party loses support. I don’t watch the programme therefore don’t know much about it. I’m sure however that the public can phone in to vote people out. So ….. ?


Just watched Alex’s show. That was very good. Really good chat with Jackie Stewart who is a real champion for dyslexia and Alistair Campbell didn’t pull any punches on Brexit.

Be interested to see who the Brexiteer stating their case will be.

Dan Huil

The Mail’s Zinoviev Letter no. 34,876.


Dan Guillermo, I make it 99,999.

Hamish Budge

BBC Radio 4 today described the Daily Mail as “one if the government’s greatest critics”! Not that our state broadcaster is trying to control the narrative or anything.

CameronB Brodie

That didn’t take long. Yoons just want to yoon. 🙂

Re. Thatcher’s “supply-side revolution” and it’s devastating impact on the UK’s already stagnating public housing sector. This and the over-heating of the south-east’s economy, has resulted in an unsustainable housing shortage and made owner-occupation an unattainable dream for many. Anyway, is home-ownership that best way forward? Is it perhaps a form of neo-feudalism, binding individuals to the land and limiting their political aspirations?

Housing policy: an introduction
link to


HandandShrimp says:

Be interested to see who the Brexiteer stating their case will be.

…. certainly will be, and also to hear a positive case for Brexit, we haven’t had many of those recently.

Will they repeat all the now discredited Vote Leave guff from last year? Or, will they actually be honest and say it’s all about shifting the UK to the right and creating a low tax, small government, reduced welfare state society. Then Devil take the hindmost!

Daisy Walker

I hear there is to be a trial starting soon with a QC Duncan Hamilton defending bush tucker Kaz.

Would this be him below? Worth watching for the soor look on Kennedy’s face if nothing else.

If it is, he was SPAD for AS during IR1.

For your info..

link to


If,maybe,in theory, I heard it from someone’s granny etc etc …such high quality journalism.

Why not write SNPbad in bold several hundred times and save time.


Deary me. Just how f*****g stupid are these people?

Scot Finlayson

St Andrews University has two teachers that are on the board of far right brutish nationalist blog `thems islands`.

meg merrilees

Daisy Walker

See the Rev’s twitter feed above – it turns out Kez’s QC used to be an SNP politician around 1999.



Yep I thought much the same. How many times will Ms Dugdale get in no surrender, no to a second Indy and Scotland more than ever needs to be Better Together. And of course who in the Celebrity camp knows enough about Scottish devolution to query any of it. She has a great audience to play to. No one with enough knowledge to challenge her. Her playmates in the jungle have probably only read the DM or Telegraph. They will already be anti SNP. Can see her having lots of cosy wee chats with Boris’s Dad.

Anyway down here our local paper headlines with ‘Ambulance Service in Chaos’ and there’s also an interesting couple of paragraphs about a Tory Teignbridge councillor who has been suspended form the Conservative Party because of an attempted murder charge. Of his wife, believe it or not. Dearie me!

Auld Rock

Shite does not come close. This gives ‘FAKE NEWS’ a bad name.

Highland Wifie

Bang on the money Rev. £1600 pm is what my son and girlfriend pay for their 1 bedroom flat (with balcony!) in London, money that goes straight to the landlord and makes it very difficult to save for a house. Not that they can afford a house at those prices so they’re locked in to a never ending cycle of daylight robbery.
If only they had the luxury of being able to come back to Scotland like this young woman, who appears to be the same age. Sadly son works in an industry that could flourish in an independent Scotland but where for now the only opportunities are in London or abroad.

There are so many young people from our small highland town living in London that they could fling a party all by themselves. They don’t all want to be there. Hostages living as refugees.
They’re probably enough to make up the 6% ffs.

Not Convinced

… and of course is the tax policy that the Daily Mail’s delusions have come up doesn’t come to pass, then doubtless their headline will become “SNP u-turn on tax policy”? With the first paragraph beginning something like “After protests from hard working families, the SNP have u-turned on their tax policy”?

stu mac

@Dr Jim says:
23 November, 2017 at 3:56 pm

It works like this. Editor gives “journalist” story he wants to push. “Journalist” uses contacts to find young person trying to buy house. He/she then interviews young person asking various questions about costs and problems of buying house. Young person replies. “Journalist” then carefully selects part of what young person has said and arranges these selections to present the story he/she was ordered to manufacture.

Then some reader accuses young person of being a whiney reprobate despite fact he ought to be aware this is the way these “journalists” always operate.

Les Wilson

Does anyone here use ” Firefox”, I thought I would try it and downloaded it. However when using it to access wings, just above the search bar when you put wings in the search bar an additional
piece of writing comes up which says
” WingsoverScotland- Stooges for the kremlin”

My internet connection has been bad all day, so while I can copy the page when saving it will not download the copy.I do not know if that is a result of poor bandwidth or not.
But that definitely comes up just above and to the left of the search bar.

Anyone else like to check it out?

meg merrilees

Just listened to FMQ’s today – as ever Nicola on superb form… especially her reply to Murdo Fraser. She is one class act. What with her and now Alex’s show, we really have two brilliant minds putting their shoulders to the wheel of support ing Scotland.

link to

stu mac

@Thepnr says:
23 November, 2017 at 5:09 pm
The lassie has been duped into giving the Daily Disgrace a soundbite. I’ll save my ire for the chairman and majority shareholder Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere.

Exactly, Thepnr.

meg merrilees

Les Wilson

This point was raised recently – I think it’s a direct quote from the Rev’s own literature. I’m sure someone else will come in and explain further but it’s ‘tongue very firmly in cheek.’


So…dugdale in the jungle 5 mins and already ruined the lives of 5 folk…oh dear…!!

Les Wilson

Just to add to my above post, note Firefox says it is none compromised. Ha Ha Ha, will delete but thought everyone should know, especially the Rev.

Les Wilson

meg merrilees says:

Thanks for that meg, but maybe it is what you say but it should not come up. I have not seen another site where anything like that happens.

schrodingers cat

beginning to think that kez coming out for indy is a bit fanciful now, still, the idea of her debasing herself in the jungle and disrupting slab to earn enough to pay stu’s court case is of some comfort to me


Les Wilson says:
23 November, 2017 at 9:28 pm

I had a look and youre right. That looks quite weird since the only place Ive seen the Rev write that is in his wee Twitter bio where its says ‘Kremlin stooge’, not the wording in the Firefox search.

If it makes you feel better, google Scotland in Union, the fifth search result is the Wings article ‘Meet the ultra-yoons – hard-core nutter collective’


Sadly any proper analysis is beyond a mail reader


@Les Wilson

As meg says this has been brought up before. Check the twitter page of the Rev where in his description of himself underneath the big Wings badge his first two words describing himself are “Kremlin Stooge”.

I’m guessing then that he himself has done the same for links to Wings, this all started after the Alex Salmond show on RT business made the news. Just the Rev having a bit of a wind up is my view.

Brian McHugh

When is the print media just going to die. We have moved on.


“and have £155,000 spare in her pocket for nice curtains and thousands of scatter cushions and stuff.”

And to take out a lifetime subscription for The Scottish Daily Mail.

I can predict that there will be many more people like her moving from England to Scotland.

It goes without saying that such people would vote No if ever there was another referendum on independence.

If only Nicola had struck while the iron was hot and not spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen, Scotland would have been on the verge of independence now.


Re:meindevon and Petra@8.53

The people also watching I presume some aussies among the audience have no clue and even less of an interest in Scotland and Scottish independence. I have first hand experience, family think we are just what, crazy or daft or
Scottish to manage without the UKOK that they were only too quick to ditch some years ago!

If you are down on your luck in Aussieland it’s also your own damn fault, same in NZ. It’s that colonial mindset, folks who did really well moving to Oz in the 70’s or 80s, and they have thrived. If you have not thrived, tough!!

If you mention Scotland in relation to UKOK politics, silence. Lovely eh.


Another BBC TV Question Time without a representative from the third largest party at Westminster.

And some folk think the BBC is not London orientated.

No chance to counter Tory anti Scottish government propaganda on national TV.



“The lassie has been duped into giving the Daily Disgrace a soundbite.”

You are very kind to give the likes of her the benefit of doubt.

Brian Allan

Les Wilson says:
23 November, 2017 at 9:22 pm

Does anyone here use ” Firefox

Hi Les, the Firefox browser is likely showing you the last article that was highlighted. I tried it a few times and I think its just keeping track foe use of the back button. I gather that once you come out of the site it won’t remember when you return. That’s if you have set your privacy settings accordingly


meg merrilees,

“See the Rev’s twitter feed above – it turns out Kez’s QC used to be an SNP politician around 1999.”

The SNP MSP who is in bed with Dugdale is a disgrace to the SNP, in my humble opinion.

If she had any principles, she would have resigned from the SNP.

But then anyone with any principles in the SNP would not have gone into bed with the enemy.


The Trump Russia investigation is beginning to zero in on the weakest links. The UK bubble will burst soon

link to


At oor William Wallace ~

Le Jeudi soir…

Je suis.




Neat explanation of tory propaganda in action.

Beeb r4 news gimps were reporting tonight on a fall in English apprenticeship numbers. Usual slimy beeb r4 gimpery failed to say by how much, its 59%. All of it due to just another god awful tory policy disaster, taxing corps for taking on apprentices.

Then same gimps had on toryboy’s toryboy David Willets, to debate why tory austerity works, but no one mentioned his catastrophic student loan disaster though.

Just another day at the BBC vote tory propaganda gimp network coalface.


But then anyone with any principles in the SNP would not have gone into bed with the enemy.

So do you only shag other yoon trolls Rock?

Is it like an online thing, troll

Love to see your date a troll profile Rock, miserable wet fart, spends free time trying to start fights with vile seps on WoS btl.

Smoking a problem.

Must hate dogs.

Will travel to meet.

Meg merrilees

Rock@ 10.57
What are you withering on about???

I made absolutely no reference to Kezia Dugdale’s private life.

Why do you never read postings correctly?

I was replying to Daisy Walker @8.01pm who commented re a court trial, commencing about now between Kezia and A.N Other. She was querying whether the Queens Counsel acting for Kezia used to be an SNP politician.
Here is the link.

link to You’ll find the confirmation on the Rev’s twitter feed and near the bottom of this article. Happy reading!

Oh, and just one other thing –
‘ in my humble opinion’

Aye, right!

Scot Finlayson

Still tickets available to see Alex Salmond being interviewed by Prof Tom Devine,Sat 25th Nov

think it covers his nearly half century in UK/Scottish politics,

link to


@ Meindevon at 8:53pm …….. “Kezia has a great audience to play to.”

Spot on Meindevon. The unenlightened masses. On the otherhand she may just scunner some half-decent sitting on the fence type Labour supporters. Dugdale, loose cannon, should also watch her step. Be careful that she doesn’t speak “out of turn” in front of millions of people. If so who knows who she could annoy. What it could lead to.

Meg merrilees

I’ve got it, heedtracker!

Rock gets sad and lonely about this time of night , so he comes onto our friendly website looking for people to interact with him.

I would happily, but it’s just so tedious.


Given BBC Question Time’s promotion of UKIP and failing to give SNP equivalent appearances compared to when Lib Dems were third party at Westminster this appointment doesn’t inspire confidence.

But then who is going to watch a news channel on obscure channel at 9 pm peak viewing time for major channels.

Journalist Hayley Valentine has been appointed editor of BBC Scotland’s proposed new hour-long news programme. The integrated news hour is being planned as part of the new BBC Scotland channel, which is due to launch next year. Ms Valentine has a depth of experience in news and current affairs journalism inside and outside the BBC. She has been the frontwoman for BBC’s Question Time. She has also led a variety of special debate and interview programmes that BBC Scotland and BBC News have commissioned around elections and referendums, including the award-winning Hydro debate during the Scottish Referendum campaign. Ms Valentine has been the BBC’s Executive Editor of Question Time and more recently, the Director of Current Affairs at Mentorn Scotland, who make the programme for the BBC.



“So do you only shag other yoon trolls Rock?”

Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, if reading the lying, warmongering British Nationalist The Guardian helps you keep sane, then I have no problem with it.

But I fear it is making you insane.


Scotland is on the verge of Independence now.

Everything is being put in place. A mandate.

A central bank, currency, discussions with EU officials etc.


Meg merrilees,

“I made absolutely no reference to Kezia Dugdale’s private life.”

You mentioned the an SNP politician QC defending Dugdale.

I mentioned the SNP MSP without principles in bed with Dugdale the enemy.

See the connection?

By the way, do you still believe the Tory bastard Ken Clarke “speaks honestly” and deserves more applauses?


Mentorn Media – Fulham London. More money going out of Scotland.


But I fear it is making you insane.

Indeed Rock but at least I am not sliming over a couple of, well complete strangers really, who do ofcourse have very different political views but somehow, love trumps hate Rock.

Keep digging Rock, yoon trolls are probably the creepiest characters online today, outside all teamGB newsrooms that is.



“Scotland is on the verge of Independence now.

Everything is being put in place. A mandate.

A central bank, currency, discussions with EU officials etc.”

Do you mean in your dreams?

Do you believe Nicola will defy Saint Theresa and hold a referendum without a Section 30 order from Westminster?

I believe there is a 1% chance of it happening, but I will be happy to be proved wrong.

Please keep your foul language in store until then.

Cadogan Enright

SNP win most first preference votes in Perth Council by election but Tory elected after Labour give second preferences to Tory candidate.

Seriously, its time Council by election voting system was changed to first past the post.

There have been several instances where this has distorted the fair ward balance that the STV system was meant to create.

The SNP should be putting this to the electoral commission.

How about a resolution for next conference?


Please be nice to him because he is a farting short of a shilling.

That is in English money. Nudge,nudge.


It’s not even midnight…!

Meg merrilees

This is a brilliant short film from Phantom explaining the Tory swindle over the Police Vat con. Up to usual Phantom standards. Sorry I can’t provide a specific link but this one should work.

link to


As Rock tries to start a fight, what was Crash Gordo’s greatest legacy, endless war in the middle east, endless war on terror, or

link to

Painting sums it all up too.


Living after midnight…

link to


Ken Clarke testimony Cameron had some agreement with Murdoch.2010 election. Brooks stated she and Cameron were running the country. Wanted more prison ships. More people put in prison for some campaign she was running. Not content to kill and maim millions in illegal wars. Murdoch had Blair in his pocket. Support for the Iraqi war. The corrupt reptile.

Coulson was part of the deal. Cameron’s press office. Some of the rats in a sack have started spilling the beans. How long will May last? Every unionist politicians who have opposed Independence have been gone within two years. Cameron, Brooks, Coulson all gone.


“I don’t watch the programme therefore don’t know much about it. I’m sure however that the public can phone in to vote people out. So ….. ?”
You’re not suggesting a proxy war Petra ? V naughty.
Does anyone have the Weirs number ?

Daily Heil headline…
‘Nats dig deep to oust friendless Dug’




“Indeed Rock but at least I am not sliming over a couple of, well complete strangers really, who do ofcourse have very different political views but somehow, love trumps hate Rock.”

Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, I have no problem with ordinary people having cross-party relationships.

But we are talking about the shameless lying hypocrite Scottish Labour (ex)Branch Manger Dugdale who relentlessly attacks the SNP during the day and is in bed with an SNP MSP at night.

In my humble opinion, the SNP MSP concerned is even more disgraceful than Dugdale.

She should have resigned from the SNP before getting into bed with Dugdale.


Got round to it eventually and just finished watching the Alex Salmond show, Thanks to those that provided the link.

Really enjoyed it and can see this show getting better and better.

link to


She should have resigned from the SNP before getting into bed with Dugdale.

Why are unionists like you Rock so obsessed with other people’s sex lives? Its a very odd thing Rock, that youre all totally into what other people get up to in the bedroom. Worst is ofcourse world class pervs of the Heil and the Sun.

But whatever lights your candle Rock. Maybe you should think about getting a girl/boyfriend too.

For you Rock, stay on the scene, like a troll sex machine…
link to


Nicola will not have to defy anyone, There is a mandate in place. It is just the timing. Nicola and the mandate will be in place long after May has gone. May does not have time on her side. The rats in the sack are already started spilling the beans. it will become an encore as the economy tanks and they start worrying about losing their seats. Just a matter of time. The Tory bastards and the airhead abstainers. Who wants the poison chalice? Brexit and Scottish Independence.

The imposed electoral system is a disgrace. Many of the electorate do not even understand how it works. Ignorant. The reason it was imposed without any consent,



“As Rock tries to start a fight”

Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, it seems your comment at 11:24 pm has left your memory in less than an hour.

I fear being addicted to the lying, warmongering British Nationalist The Guardian is making you insane.



“The imposed electoral system is a disgrace. Many of the electorate do not even understand how it works. Ignorant. The reason it was imposed without any consent”

Do you think it was a bad idea to give the “sovereign” “plebs” the right to vote?



Why do you even bother posting on Wings? What’s in it for you?

You really are a fanny, keep up the good work in making an arse of yourself so we can all have a laugh before we go to bed.


Just so the unionist policy wonks who read this site know?

THIS: link to

is pretty much why my vote for the SNP won’t be changing anytime soon. It’s also kinda what makes you unfit for office of any kind. After the way Conservatives have behaved toward the Scottish electorate. After the way they’ve treated the people of the UK. We STILL today see Labour in Scotland only too happy to deal with those who put their own in harms way for the sake of childish, playground tribalism.

For the many? Rings pretty hollow about now. Me masel’ and I sounds more appropriate.

mike cassidy

Forget all this serious stuff.

This late, feel free to think trivial!

link to


Might have been a good idea to give one vote not six votes. To be sure of getting a unionist in. On a system many of the electorate do not understand, No wonder. Some end up voting against their own choice, It makes sure of a unionist getting in. Not democratic or supported by the electorate.

Ms Canning must have been down in London for a short time. In February she had six months to go on a PhD course at Edinburgh University. Someone is telling fibs. Get a deposit on a flat.

How does a marine biologist become an engineer in a year? It takes 5 years to become a qualified engineer. After working at a Glasgow call centre for two years. Been everywhere. Been everywhere except to London to reside? Get a deposit on a flat.


Oh god, another yoon nutcase for Lab, or WLab? what is it with the nutters that think they have a god given right to reign etc etc. Will we ever shake these strange characters off once and for all.

link to

mr thms

I came across an interesting article just now on the BBC’s website.

If you scroll down to the picture with the headline..

link to

“A British fabric that charmed the world”

you can enjoy it too.

Liz g

Mr thms @ 2.00 am
Ah ye got me I was thinking Paisley Pattern!


Good gap.

Aye, so we saw it on the news and aye believe oui saw it on the rev’s twitter feed previously too, that article about the Whole Foods store in Glasgow Giffnock 46 under threat of closure.

Ah was in there last night buying times two 14X17 wheat beers and some other schizz (nb they play the best tunes for their background music for a superstore) was looking around and sensed something imminent, spoke with the checkout dude…

Whole Foods (Giffnock) closes this Tuesday 28th November 2017.

Sign of the times, reel em in, thank you for your custom.

This really is companies taking stock! Hello Amazon? Hello M&S?

Who is “The Loser” now..?

And where are YOU now Paul Masterton, politician… the OUTRAGE!

I didnae see Ms Canning on ma travels.

Keep us Whole!

Dr Jim

I despise Kezia’s professional life but who she chooses to love in her private life is her and her partners own business, not mine or anybody elses

That said Kez entered the jungle to a wee fanfare and the other competetors even jumped to her side immediately showing that Kezia can indeed win over support to herself, then as per usual for Kezia the job proved too much for her at the first hurdle and she failed ….Again

Proving…(insert failure rating here) Perhaps public life is not for Kezia as we all know, and Nursery nursing would be the perfect fit for this overgrown kid who just won’t grow up and accept she’s never going to be the Princess in the nice shoes with the big office and all the power over all the land

Like good queen Nicola


To be, or not to be..?

That is ‘a’ question.


Apparently, Boris’s dad didn’t know who Dugdale even was…oh deary

Liz g

Cactus @ 3.17
Where as
Should Scotland Be A Independent Country?
THAT is THEE question.


So..Theresa off to pitch a €40bn ‘divorce bill’ offer to EU later.

Interesting bit in article about Spain attempting to force a ‘Hard Brexit’ on GIBRALTAR…

Is that the same Spain the UK gov fawned over recently ..hah !


Oops..forgot link..

link to


Do people actually understand who May is in bed with through her relationship with the DUP? Or are the UDA the ‘aceptable’ face of drug-dealing?

“This continues despite it being proved the UDA is involved in drug dealing, extortion, money-lending and violent assaults like that on the Wilsons last weekend.

Sources in the terror gang claim its east Belfast boss ‘Millions’ Birch wants to maintain his working relationship with the DUP “at all costs”.”

link to



Likey Liz g 🙂

On the mas of X.

Here comes Scotland..



SO it’s so called Black Friday today, again…

Have fun shoppers and mas of X works parties.

Lookin’ forward to hearing Radio Five Live hand back over to Radio Shortbread at 6am in this morning, if yesterdays entertainment is anything to go by.

The weather is dark.


The Implications of Brexit for Human Rights in the UK
Download audio available here
link to

link to

link to

link to


Never trust this idiot
link to

link to

Ken Clarke Says David Cameron Did “Some Sort Of Deal” To Win Rupert Murdoch’s Support
link to

Slavery Ensnares Thousands in U.K. Here’s One Teenage Girl’s Story.
link to


‘Tartan tax’ that phrase just jars with me. I know we don’t have a Scottish media, but, it let’s everyone know their attitude towards us.An English media outlet spouting propaganda from our southern cousins. Why in the fkuck does anyone read this shite?

Chick McGregor

We’re run by Silly Berties, Get Us Out Of Here.


Rev, can I please make a constructive comment to say don’t fall into the trap of overegging something that is not quite right.

The comment for perspective that £56 per month off £8,333 leaves them £8,277 to get on with is misleading. The £8,277 will be subject to a substantial deduct for tax and national insurance with a recipient of such a salary maybe taking home circa £5,000.

You Sir are an assiduous presenter of facts which sets the record straight against the outrageously biased MSM – and your point iin this case is otherwise actually clear.

Another £56 a month on top of maybe something like £3,200 existing tax a month is neither here nor there.

The question however as to what the £3,200 goes on ( Trident, Aircraft Carriers, Tax Cuts for the really rich, keeping her Majesty and the Royal hangers on et al ) is the bigger question. But your readers know that.

Keep up the good work Rev. Much appreciated. It’s not difficult to understand why the establishment hate you.


Good morning Nana.

Thanks for the links. As usual some belters in there.

The one on organised cyber attack against Scottish Independence is quite an eye opener. As is all the car crash articles on Brexit.

PS Does anyone know whats happened to Smallaxe?


Thank you for amazing links Nana!

Today Severin Carrell the Graun Scotland editor has picked

How to make the perfect cock-a-leekie soup
St Andrew’s Day is approaching and this traditional Scottish soup is an ideal celebratory dish. But would you add sausage? Or prunes?”

as Friday news for his Scotland region.

Toryboy hacks huh:D


GMS on now discussing rip off parcel delivery,a subject raised by Richard Lochhead SNP MSP for Moray.

But “John from Aberdeen” says he is just complaining too much and we should suck it up.

Does anyone know the caller. Have heard him before and always anti Scottish.If he is a Tory councillor as I suspect his interest should be declared!

Peter McCulloch

Whenever did the British nationalists let facts or the truth get in the way of a good story to attack the SNP Scottish Government with.

What can be said about Ruth Davidson which hasn’t already been said.

However its a pity when that numpty Labour MSP James Kelly stood up at FMQs and demanded Nicola Sturgeon use the powers she has to stop the cuts to public services.

He didn’t also explain to those watching on TV, that his party’s plans are to increase the basic rate of income tax which would hit the low paid and those under paid firemen and nurses he professes to be so concerned about.

Especially when the IFS think tank has warned after Hammond’s budget the UK faces 20 years of zero wage growth.


Beeb gimp word choice very odd, “bombshells and torpedoes!”

link to

Brexit ‘bombshell’ for UK’s European Capital of Culture 2023 plans
23 November 2017
From the section Entertainment & Arts

Maybe if likes of beeb gimp network had actually informed its kingdom what the EU actually is, to even a small degree, over the last 3 decades, or maybe if same beeb gimps had not made Nigel Farage, BJ, Gove, very famous household names, to be respected and listened too, instead of tarred and feathered…

Another awful example of reign by tory beeb gimp network media.

Les Wilson

I wish Rock would just F… off.
We do not need an crass idiot like him onsite, a Unionist clown at best. Rev help!


Famous 15

Is John from Aberdeen still on ? Used to be a regular on Call Kaye along with Brian from Kincardine.

I haven’t listened to Call Kaye for years but remember talking to someone who worked many years ago for Radio Scotland and when they were struggling for callers they had a back up list- maybe that’s why John is on so often?


@Les Wilson at 10.07am

Read this link from Nana ref interference on the Internet by the U.K. government on Scottish Independence.

link to



Good posts and links as usual.

I particularly like your unique way of writing and expressing yourself.

Keep it going.



Did something untoward occur during the recording of last night’s BBC QT meaning that when it was broadcast it fell far short of the usual 1 hour duration.

As I usually do I set my box to record both QT and Brillo’s Vanity Show.I watched QT for a while and was disgusted that on the day after the Budget there was nobody on the panel from the 3rd largest WM party.

Not being impressed with the program I deleted the QT recording and called up the Brillo prog to find that on playback start his show was well under way.

I recovered the QT recording and fast forwarded to the start of Brillo and it would appear that QT only lasted a max of about 40 minutes.

Is anybody aware of the reason for the truncation of the broadcast of QT?



The personal allowance of 11,500 would render earnings below that level tax free. Even NI doesn’t kick in until you start earning over 8,000.


On the BBC website just now.

“Michael Gove has hit out at the way social media “corrupts and distorts” political reporting and decision making following a row about animal welfare.”

Rich coming form Gove who of whom it can be said “corrupts and distorts” political news and reporting.

Dr Jim

Just listening to Peter Lilley on SKY news and I think Iv’e got this Brexit thing figured out
According to Mr Lilley the nasty furriners are taking the Article 50 seriously and using the actual words contained therein and repeating them as facts
Whereas the English government is attempting to make these thick furriners understand that the English language is subject to reinterpretation to mean whatever they say it means

Foreigners eh, Thuh! They just refuse to learn inglish!

winifred mccartney

According to QT presenter someone in audience had taken ill and could not be removed while audience in situ therefore had to close early. Again like you annoyed no one from snp on panel even though QT apparently comes out of BBC Scotland budget. The have to pretend they are giving something to Scotland.


FM Sturgeon’s for it tonight, sorry Sickola Sturgeon, should be. Beeb gimps had her as a gorilla for BBC Breakfast news so its not that original.

link to


Give was happy enough to use social media to corrupt and distort during the EU referendum. Who needs experts 🙂

Dr Jim

Damn those SNP if it wisnae for them the English would be nicer and fairer to us and not punish us

For God sake let’s not make them angry and jist dae as we’re telt

Vote for the Unionist party, any one will do they’re all the same party anyway as long as it’s no that SNP

It’s thame Mammy it’s thame



Apologies Willie, was reading a thing about the proposed £8,500 for students and somehow confused your post with that article. No idea what the hell happened there.

Bob Mack

As long as we toe the line with regard to knowing our place in the scheme of things, then they (Westminster) will treat us fairly well, if not lavishly.

However, if we misbehave then we can expect deprivation, ridicule, sarcasm, and even abuse. Would anyone stay in such a relationship?


While I wouldn’t expect our wonderful media to ignore the demise of the despicable Mugabe I am surprised at the wall to wall coverage this has been given over the last couple of weeks – the worst offender being The BBC but with the rest of the broadcast and print media not far behind.

Is there some hidden agenda or is it being used to distract us from the daily disasters perpetrated by our colonial masters at WM?

It’s not as if there is any shortage of African leaders coming and going on a weekly basis.

Keith fae leith

Would Zimbabwe be daft enough to be the only former colony to request being back under UK rule? I can’t see it myself, but popped into my head as a possibility given the joyous BBC coverage.


Is there some hidden agenda or is it being used to distract us from the daily disasters perpetrated by our colonial masters at WM?

Mugabe was a Thatcher friend, a lot like Pinochet but when Mugabe kicked out the white land owners, that really pissed off our imperial masters big style. They’ve never forgiven or forgotten. You see, you can torture and murder thousands and thousands of your own people, if you’re a dictator, that doesn’t trouble our imperial masters much at all but woe betide, if do something like,

link to


The Tories unionist unfair taxes on Scotland. 40% on Oil & Gas sector since Jan 2016. Cutting exploration and production since 2010. Losing £Billions and 120,000 jobs. Scotland could have had full employment. £1Billion Trident. (£3.5Billion on the military mainly not based in Scotland – no patrol boats to patrol the shores) £1Billion+ a year no ‘minimum’ pricing. On average £4Billion in repayment on loans not borrowed or spent in Scotland.

Scottish money keeping up Westminster, civil service the Mall etc. Over inflated Westminster costs. Foreign Office extravagance etc. No benefit to Scotland. Benefits London S/E. Commercial HQ’s banking etc. Subsidised transport. Major cost of congestion. Extra CAP payments taken from Scotland. Scotland not allowed to borrow 10%? to grow the economy, Tax evasion £3Billion? HMRC not fit for purpose.

Total over £20Billion a year.

Scotland raises £54Billion. The UK raises £533Billion Rest of the UK raises £479Billion. 11/12 pop average £46Billion. Borrows and spend £100Billion more. Debt repayment £49Billion. The rest of the UK doesn’t raise enough revenues for essential services and spending. Increasing the debt.

Scotland’s budget has been cut 10% a year since 2010 now £3Billion. With no reason. Increased tax revenues a year. Increased from £50Billion to £54Billion. Even without the extra revenues which would have come in. Oil & Gas revenues. Minimum pricing and tax evasion etc. Lost £Billions,

Westminster mismanagement and misappropriation of Scottish revenues costs Scotland. £Billions.

How much has the illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion cost. £Billions

.£Billions of Oil revenues gone. awasted. Hidden under the Official Secrets Act. The McCrone Report, Dunblane, Child abuse, Thatcher papers. Iraqi War (100 yeara). Brexit reports being kept secret.

Tory Unionist unequal and unfair taxes. Have made Scotland worse off. Depopulated Scotland. Only changed with a Devolution. The Tories are now illegally chucking investors out. Changing the rules, Labour are abstaining. They could have brought the Tories down. Do not want the poisoned chalice.

Brexit will hit Scotland the most. Scotland did not vote for it.

To cut taxes in Scotland. Vote SNP SNP Vote for Independence

The SNP will raise more revenues with wiser and better investment to offset Tory unfair, failed austerity and taxes. Until the next Indy Ref which must be won for a better more equal, prosperous society.

To add insult to misery the unionists illegally changed the electoral system in Scotland without consent to give them unfair advantage. 6 to 1. So the 3rd unionist rejects get in. They can’t be gotten rid. Just like Westminster 10 to 1. Unfair, unequal and not Democratic.

Without Independence there is no equal Democracy in Scotland. The Tory – unionists are bastards. The Airhead abstainers. What a crew. Screwing the UK economy for years to line their and their associates pockets. The only reason they are in politics. No wonder people do not join Unionist parties, especially in Scotland. The British – Chinese consortium. The Tory slush fund. Just like the Oil revenues. Secret and illegal. Off the books. Cameron and Carrington etc making £Million out of it. Cost £Billions more.

Non mandated grotesque projects of no value.with cheaper more feasible alternatives. Hinkley Point, HS2, Trident and Heathrow. All a total waste of money. Renewable alternatives.cost £Billions less. To cut journey times it needs investment in the north of England and Scotland where journeys take twice as long because of lack of investment. To rival air flights. Less need for Heathrow flights, Less congestion. Trident will be gone on Brexit.

Total cost £30Billion a year. Borrowed? with pay back interest even more.

Cuts to essential services £13Billion a year. Since 2010. Education cut £6Billion a year, NHS cut £4Billion a year from 2015 to 2020. Welfare cuts £3Billion a year. Sanctioning and starving vulnerable people. Killing off elderly. Including Tory voters. 120,000 extra deaths. Austerity.

Instead of the non mandated groteque projects. Introduce the more feasible alternatives, improvements £15Billion. No need for the essential services cuts. Less debt. Less repayments, More growth and production. Caring for people. Stop Arns sales and illegal wars. Build more productive alternatives. Like renewables.

The SNP Giv is doing a great job for Scotland. Scotland has never had such good governance. Going in the right direction, Independence in the EU. Everything is being put in place. A central bank, currency, talks and cooperation with EU officials. Another IndyRef coming soon. For a better more equal, prosperous Scotland. The SNP Gov standing up for Scotland. A bright future. Just go out and vote for it.

Without the imposed corrupted electoral system changes. Scotland would have FFA and could have been Independent in the EU by now. Just will take a little longer. People in Scotland have waited nearly 100 years. Another couple of years. Scotland has come far and changed since Devolution 2000. Slightly more Democratic. The final push to come, Be ready and be prepared, it might happen sooner than folk think. Things are moving so fast.

Richard MacKinnon

They say the funniest people are those that dont try to be funny. And the funniest people of them all are the serious indigant ones. Step forward The Reverend Stu Campbell;
“We wouldn’t say that the Scottish Daily Mail was obsessed or anything……..”, Brilliant.

Dan Huil

Aye aye, is britnat Wetminster about to betray their britnat DUP friends? A step towards are-united Ireland?

“Northern Ireland could stay in the customs union after Brexit, Downing Street revealed today as they said such a move was up for negotiation.

In a briefing with journalists this morning, a Downing Street spokesman was asked to respond to comments from DUP leader Arlene Foster about the region’s future trading relationship with Ireland after Brexit.

The Government has always insisted the UK – including Northern Ireland – will leave the customs union after Brexit, but there will be no hard border with Ireland.

However, Downing Street had signalled a huge u-turn, with a spokesman saying: “I think that’s a matter for negotiation. Our position on Northern Ireland has been set out in the papers and we need to continue to negotiate to find an innovative way forward.

When asked if it was possible Northern Ireland could stay in the customs union, the spokesman said: “That would be a matter for negotiation.” 24/11/2017 11:45 GMT Huffpost


Ruth Davidson at FMQT, dearyfuckinme! speaks with all the financial authority of somebody who has never even ran a wulk-stall!


More affront to Scotland. Dugdale is a bastard. Needs extra revenues? More revenues indirectly for the Independence cause. Instead of just apologising.

Many people could not have cared a thing about her. They did not even know who she was, Different now. No accounting for taste. Galloway always remembered for the embarrassing apearance. A total hypocrite. Wants self governance for everywhere else but Scotland. Tommy got some kudos. Needed the money to fight the Murdoch reptile. Won in the end. Two 1st class degrees. Great orator. Asset to Scotland and the Independence cause. Did more for the working class than anyone. Stopped warrant sales and Poll tax. Went to prison for taking Labour Unionist votes from them. Frightened the establishment. Blair/Murdoch. Iraqi war.

Tommy should be admonished and given compensation. If there was any justice. A false trial. Coulson perjury, The non Dom tax evading reptile Murdoch was illegally hacking and bribing public officials, He should have been charged and put in prison, it is illegal under US (resudent) business Law to bribe public officials anywhere in the world. Now Fox/Murdoch trying to take over SKy. More corruption. No free and balanced Press UK Gov is supposed to ensure. Gove in Murdoch pocket, just like the rest of them. Clarke and others spilling the beans. Others will join in as the economy tanks. Scared of losing their seats.

May’s days are numbered. A farce. Another tax evader benefit. £2Million in public perks. Husband hedge fund benefits. Capital Group advising how to tax evade, Panama papers.

The Tories will negotiate more for less, as the economy tanks. Impossible. Gone before long?


Glancing at Stu’s Twitter I see Daisley has fallen in love with Leonard’s dulcet Yorkshire tones (or something like that). The short piece made me smile. The only thing I could discern from the article was that Mr Daisley really, really hates the SNP 🙂

No change there then. A vendetta that will run for many a year I suspect.

Jockanese Wind Talker

It has previously been posted that BBC Shortbreids “John from Aberdeen” is this dude @Famous15 says at 9:25 am and @Molly says at 10:34 am.

link to

He fits the Loon BritNat Yoon Profile.


DUP are just a bunch of crooks. Bigots, racists misogynists and liars. Breaking UK Law with impunity. For votes atvWestminster. Exclusive secret societies, Masonics. Racial religious prejudice. Not free, fair or equal. Took all the public houses and public jobs in Ulster. 90%. Illegally banned people from voting rights right up until the 1960’s. Totally subsided with tax payers money. Ruined their own economy, £42Billion for 2million pop? Highly Subsidised,

Ireland could vote to reunite. The democratic changes. The majority in Ireland wanted Home Rule/Independence 19C because of Westminster total corrupt mismanagement. The Land League. Mass Independence movement. Charles Stuart Parnell. A Protestant landowner. The Irish were discriminated against by Westminster. Starved and killed. They got illegal imposed Partition 1923. Universal Suffrage 1928.

Foster is a crook. Selfish and greedy. Brainwashed since the day they were born, in prejudice. Wasted £Billion of public money not raised in NI. Brexit could hit Ireland hard. Or lead to unification in the EU. Best solution?

John H.

I think that the British government and chums, now that Mugabe is gone, is looking to move in and do business big time in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources, ripe for plunder…oops, I mean development.

Brian Powell

So Leonard addresses the firefighters union saying the Scottish Government must lift public sector pay, when the Scottish Government is raising public sector pay. ‘They must use the powers they have to do its, he yelps through a megaphone.

Meanwhile the UK burns under the Tories with Labour supporting them all the way.

120,000 deaths from Tory austerity cuts: anyone who votes Tory or supports Tory through giving them preference votes at elections is entirely responsible, just as Tories in Holyrood are fully responsible for what the UK Tories do.

Leonard is a small fish in the puddle that is Labour, but he and Labour politicians give support to the Tories, they are responsible for Brexit,austerity, benefits suicides and starving families.


gus1940 says:
24 November, 2017 at 11:45 am

…..Is there some hidden agenda or is it being used to distract us from the daily disasters perpetrated by our colonial masters at WM?

Sssshhh Gus. You might blow the chances of Boris Johnson’s UK/ Zimbabwe “Empire 2” Trade Deal after Brexit.


Leonard is a small fish in the puddle that is Labour, but he and Labour politicians give support to the Tories, they are responsible for Brexit,austerity, benefits suicides and starving families

He’ll be a god among mortals, Scottish mortals soon enough, once the Pacific Quay liggers have finished with him, as the Heil today shows.


Buchan any relationship to Buchan’s £16Millions of assets. Pleading poverty. Threw dead fish back for years. Instead of using bigger nets. Like Norway. Result needed conservation. Charged with fraud for over quotas and landing black fish. Under UK Law. Paid £Millions in fines. Millionaires. Brainwashed.

Have a grudge again the SNP Scottish Gov for Tory 40 year fishing policies Not support by the SNP. You couldn’t make it up. SNP Gov investments £Billion in the NE. After the Oil downturn caused by Tory high illegal taxes. Preventing more hardship. The AWPR, extension to the Airport, Golf Developments, renewable projects achieved by Alex Salmond, The man to go to to get things done. The best representative the NE ever had. Missed. Now involved in other important Projects. Putting Scotland on the Map.

Chapman Tory farmer landowner, worth £2Million, income £1/2Million a year. Plus average £100,00 CAP subsudies. Westminster salary + expenses. Supports illegal cuts to education. Calls prescription rights for sick people. A subsidy benefit. Then opens a clinic facilities claiming credit.

The other non entity Tory Clark has asked one question in Westminster. Another £millionaire farmer landowner getting vast subsidies. The fiefdom once again. Blocking all economic development for 40 years of useless incompetents. Hopefully not for long. The Oil revenues all went south. To fund London S/E.

What a bunch.


At least 115 people shot and blown up at an Egyptian Mosque, about an hour ago, and Sky News still fully obsessed with Zimbabwe…

Only just giving it 20 seconds now.

Imagine if that was a church under attack….!

Oh aye, ISIS claiming responsibility…thats a story in itself, since the west think ISIS are Islamists..!

Uk media are pathetic.

Robert Peffers

@TheItalianJob says: 24 November, 2017 at 10:53 am:

“On the BBC website just now.
“Michael Gove has hit out at the way social media “corrupts and distorts” political reporting and decision making following a row about animal welfare.”
Rich coming form Gove who of whom it can be said “corrupts and distorts” political news and reporting.”

Very true, TheItalianJob.

I went looking for a video I did some time ago that took clips from several Gove speeches and stitched them together. These where bits when he used the typical Britnat misinformation terms wrongly. I couldn’t find the video.

The misuse of the Term Britain when he meant United Kingdom were prominent but there were also many misuses of the term, “country”, when he meant The United Kingdom which, be definition is a kingdom and actually contains four distinct countries but only one such United Kingdom country is also a kingdom. Can you figure out which one? Here’s a clue Gove was born in it.

Yet Gove has the temerity to claim Social Media spouts false news. He is a hypocrite of the first order.

Liz g

Gus 1940 @ 10.43
RE Question Time someone in the studio was taken I’ll so they had to finish early apparently!
As for all the attention on Mugabe…. Probably trying for that elusive first post Brexit trade deal.
TheItalianJob @ 9.14
Smallaxe is very ill at the moment and so isn’t fit to contribute….. but hopefully he is still reading
Hi Smallaxe!!!


Mosque attack death total up to 184 confirmed now.

Still not able to topple Zimbabwe as a top breaking news story…..!

Guess mass murder of muslims does not fit the narrative, especially when those responsible are ISIS…you know, the ‘muslim enemy’ of the west..

Utterly disgraceful.


Online Graun front page, all about SLabour and Dugdale and the latest SLabour super star/nobody.

link to

I read that google only shows stuff what it thinks you want to and should see but I wish that was true. This Graun endless pissing all over its Scotland region, is not a good thing, but we are all Brits still, so what can you do.


Another Scottish haha tory crackpot in action. You can’t invent more bizarre politicos, outside the beeb gimp network bubble, orange hitler maybe.

link to

Dr Jim

Post Brexit disasters in Scotland will now officially be all the fault of the SNP
The SNP fought against it, Scotland voted against it in huge numbers, the SNP offered to co-operate with the English government but the English Government told the SNP to shut up
then when it all got too rocky the English government said we’ll talk to you now the SNP said OK then the English government said shut up all over again

Now it’s the SNPs fault because they just damn well exist and the English government says to Scotland if you don’t vote for the SNP we might not punish you…so much..mibbees, we’ll see, but what we will do is put it in all our newspapers and our telly, that we control, telling anybody thick enough to fall for it that it’s all the fault of the SNP



“As The National celebrates its third birthday, Editor Callum Baird answers some of your questions about Scotland’s first pro-independence daily newspaper.”

See: link to


Happy Birthday to the National, three years old today. The only whisky to support independence is apparently Springbank Single Malt which also makes the smoky Longrow & triple-distilled Hazelburn plus Kilkerran 12 Year Old. Some gaps in my education need fixing. Slainte’

“Freedom & Whisky Gang Thegether!”

Ian Brotherhood

I wonder if Robert Peffers or any other Wingers might want to cast an eye over this and share any thoughts, perhaps on O/T.

Reason I post it is because we’ve discussed The Remembrancer on here before, and that role threw up some interesting constitutional questions such as ‘who the fuck is that?’.

Is it accurate to say that ‘The City of London’ is, in fact, a state/’country’ with similar status to The Vatican?

link to

Blair Paterson

I was sorry to hear A.S., had A. Campbell on his R.T. Show I mean the man is an unelectic proven liar the media keep bringing on these liars Blair Brown Rifkin Straw Clegg they never ask an ordinary working man for his opinion just the same old loveis question time is the same the same people all the time never a working man or woman .,after all the working clas are the majority in the world but are given the least say and they still have the cheek to use terms like the free world it’s all part of the illusion they call democracy the powers that be are just another form of mafia or maybe I am insulting the mafia sorry,,


@Ian Brotherhood yes it does have the same status. It also has a separate police force. There is a third area enjoying this separate status in the USA and I think it’s an area in Washington dc but can’t remember exactly where. It’s all to do with money and power…there’s a surprise! The whole system stinks I looked into it a couple of years ago there’s loads of info about on the net. But there’s also a lot of fake stuff so you have to wade thru a lot of crap…but it’s all there hidden in clear site just Google straw man and have fun ?

Meg merrilees


Thankyou as ever for all the informative links you post.

link to

This one really resonates because I have noticed the exact same thing in my family.

My sister and her husband read the DM.

In 2014 they voted YES; they were staunch SNP and fiercely pro-Indy.

In the recent Council Elections they didn’t vote because, ‘what’s the point, they’re all as corrupt as each other and they don’t get anything done anyway.’ They now have a Tory council and my sister may be about to lose her job.

In the EU ref they voted Leave … because of all the immigrants. FFS they live in Carnoustie! Not many immigrants there. I lived in London for 37 years – plenty of immigrants there – I was one!!! Their daughter’s partner is ‘second generation Asian’ Scot and they openly denigrate immigrants in front of the two of them. They now sound like Scottish versions of Alf Garnett. ( I realise that there are seasonal agricultural workers, berry pickers etc. in Angus but they are often Catholic and that has increased the attendance at their local Church. )

In the GE they didn’t vote.
They now have Kirsten Hair as their MP… the one who couldn’t decide how to vote in the EU ref.
Anytime I visit them we have very little we can talk about because they are just spouting DM bile all the time. It’s not good.
How many others are being so poisoned by this relentless negative gunge all the time?

One good point thought, I have managed to get them both looking out for the Saltire on their food shop and they were shocked to see how many UJ’s there were on everything.

There’s still hope!


I wonder why every time I search for Wings …… ‘WingsoverScotland Stooges of the Kremlin’ appears?


There was a great article in the National last week on the subject of Zimbabwe.

A Dr Hazel Cameron of St Andrews University has just published a landmark study of the Gukurahundi massacres which were carried out on the Ndebele people by Mugabe’s army (trained by the Brits) in the 1980’s. Emmerson Mnangagwa, new President, was the architect behind the atrocities which included ….. torture, burning people alive, mass rape and starvation leading to between 10,000 to 20,000 deaths. The army had been told to kill everything that was ‘human.’

Dr Cameron acquired a great deal of information through Freedom of Information requests and found out that the Thatcherite Government (and some in the Media) was well aware of what was going on but were involved in a ‘conspiracy of silence’; were wilfully blind to the atrocities and stood back as thousands were killed. Wilfully blind because they wanted to protect their significant economic strategies and interests in the country.

She also points out that Mnangagwa has been involved in not only the Gukurahundi atrocities (and others) but corruption in general, vote rigging and ‘theft’ of diamonds from the Congo. Some say he’s even more brutal than Mugabe. Mnangagwa has also been involved with the Westminster Government since they re-instated their interest in Zimbabwe, more openly, in the last three years.

Lots online re. Dr Cameron’s studies if anyone is interested.


I wonder why every time I search for Wings …… ‘WingsoverScotland Stooges of the Kremlin’ appears?


There was a great article in the National last week on the subject of Zimbabwe.

A Dr Hazel Cameron of St Andrews University has just published a landmark study of the Gukurahundi massacres which were carried out on the Ndebele people by Mugabe’s army (trained by the Brits) in the 1980’s. Emmerson Mnangagwa, new President, was the architect behind the atrocities which included ….. torture, burning people alive, mass r*pe and starvation leading to between 10,000 to 20,000 deaths. The army had been told to kill everything that was ‘human.’

Dr Cameron acquired a great deal of information through Freedom of Information requests and found out that the Thatcherite Government (and some in the Media) was well aware of what was going on but were involved in a ‘conspiracy of silence’; were wilfully blind to the atrocities and stood back as thousands were killed. Wilfully blind because they wanted to protect their significant economic strategies and interests in the country.

She also points out that Mnangagwa has been involved in not only the Gukurahundi atrocities (and others) but corruption in general, vote rigging and ‘theft’ of diamonds from the Congo. Some say he’s even more brutal than Mugabe. Mnangagwa has also been involved with the Westminster Government since they re-instated their interest in Zimbabwe, more openly, in the last three years.

Lots online re. Dr Cameron’s studies if anyone is interested.

Ian Brotherhood

@Cherry –

Cheers for that response.

I think I may have seen some of the material you’re referring to, and that’s why I didn’t refer to it directly.



Petra says:
24 November, 2017 at 3:38 pm
I wonder why every time I search for Wings …… ‘WingsoverScotland Stooges of the Kremlin’ appears?

Hi Petra I think it’s how the Rev describes himself on his Twitter account and it’s attached to his wings logo. Nothing sinister I have it too.


Re:Meg Merrilesss@3.32

It is sadly not that uncommon. The right wing rags do a grand job in Scotland, and those reading their bile actually are led to believe that anything happening in England is mirrored in Scotland. Ie, there is absolutely no distinction. For instance, the ‘NHS’ is the UKNHS. The English education system is the UK education system, etc, etc.

They read about cuts, libraries being closed down, in England, and it’s happening in Scotland according to them. The majorly important poetry collection, in the library in Morpeth is gone, which was part of the general library, which is now run by volunteers. Tory council. I think we know for sure where that collection will end up, London.

Look up most museums in England, and you have to pay an entry fee. Not so in Scotland. But, the gullible, or rather blinkered, just refuse to acknowledge that Scotland is doing things differently with the SNP at the helm, albeit against huge odds under the UK regime.

Is it that some just cannot accept devolution, or the SNP, even when in front of their noses things are actually rather better than in England, ie they have a bus pass from aged 60, they receive damn good SNHS treatment, their kids/grandkids do not end up with £50+k of debt when they leave uni etc.


Got to love the uk media…hardly anything on mass murder in Egypt, yet blanket coverage of ‘maybe’ a gun going off in london, no casualties nor gunman found nor even confirmed as existing.

But hey…Egypt death toll reaches 235.

What is the actual news story today ?


The Daily Hail confirm on a day by day basis that they have no intension of presenting the full picture on any story that can distort the real successes of the SNP Government.

Fascist hold no truck with the truth.

Heart broken to hear the result of the council election in my Rutherglen Ward.

Only a 25% turn out and Labour won by roughly 350 votes.
Labour has consistently done nothing for the residents here and have a 50 year track record of misery.
The Mail propaganda obviously works for the hard of learning.


@ Cherry at 3:51pm …… “Stooges of the Kremlin.”

Thanks for responding Cherry. I’d only noticed this recently and wondered what was going on. Stoo’s idea of a joke, lol?


Company statement update (if yer interested):

Whole Foods Market.

We would like to sincerely thank our customers, charity partners, local suppliers and our Team Members.

Whole Foods Market recently entered into a consultation process with Team Members to assess the business situation at our Giffnock Store. After careful evaluation and discussions with Team Members, we have made the difficult decision to close the location as of 28 November, 2017.

We are working closely with all impacted Team Members to explore alternative employment opportunities. We will be honouring our Christmas donation promises to our Local Charity Partner, Glasgow City Mission, and will be donating surplus food.

We remain committed to the UK and will continue to look for ways to offer high-quality natural and organic products to our customers.

Adjusted opening hours are as follows:

Friday 24th 8am-7pm

Saturday 25th 8am-6pm

Sunday 26th 9am-6pm

Monday 27th TBD

Tuesday 28th TBD

Starting Saturday 25th at 8am – up to 50% OFF all marked prices and 20% off all beer, wines and spirits – while stocks last – all sales are final this does not affect your statutory rights.

Should you need anything after this store closure, please contact link to

SO there we have it, it’s another case of use it or lose it. Come on down and get yourself a bargain tomorrow, closing down sale!

You could be the next loser for the chop… Waitrose, Byres Road.

It’s truly shocking, where will the poor battered voters of Giffnock now go to buy their vegan toasted flakes or their organic Coco Pops for breakfast?

Ms Canning must be livid.

ps A timely Seasons Greetings to all staff from the management, not.


When one lists the council tax, one shouldn’t forget the rather eye-watering cost for fresh water and sewage in England, either. Just another one for the list…


Perhaps Whole Foods will become some new ‘affordable’ flats? Will that make Ms Canning any less disappointed? Probably not. Lassie needs to get a grip on reality.

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