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Wings Over Scotland

The gift-horse dentist

Posted on February 07, 2014 by

We don’t entirely understand why the Times has this story as front page news, because it was covered in some detail in the Sunday Post a fortnight ago:


But we couldn’t help thinking of the last time anyone tried something similar.

The implosion of the No campaign over the last couple of weeks has been so spectacular we’re starting to suspect a giant set-up. If a poll comes out in the next few days showing the No lead back up, demoralising everyone just when they’d allowed themselves to get their hopes up, it’ll be hard to shake the suspicion it was all a scam.

When the Financial Times is publishing a whole series of pro-independence articles, when Newsnight is having experts on attacking “Better Together”, when the Spectator is sticking the boot in too, and when the No campaign itself is pulling off jaw-dropping shotgun blasts to the shoes like John Barrowman’s Incredible Scoddish Burns Neet Hootenanny and Labour MSPs writing articles for the Daily Mail, there’s definitely SOMETHING afoot. But what?

Based on what we’ve seen in the last two years, we’re very far from sure the Unionists have the wit to pull off such a co-ordinated tactical masterstroke, and it seems too early anyway – seven months is still plenty of time to recover from any setbacks. But can they really be THIS incompetent either? We’re living in interesting times, readers.

209 to “The gift-horse dentist”

  1. Schiehallion! Schiehallion! says:

    I imagine your readership figures will greatly increase, as those on the receiving end of this phone-a-friend idea refer their callers to your site, for the reasons they’re unable to agree with their point of view.

  2. Derek says:

    Did you catch Today (Radio 4) at around 7.30, incidentally?

  3. Stephen Brown says:

    I smell something fishy, and I’m not talking about the contents of baldrick’s apple crumble!

  4. JimW says:

    They just don’t get it, do they? There is a sizeable number of Scots with no affection for Britain and the more that we are told that we should be proud to be British, particularly by a privileged man who epitomises everything we are against, the more incensed we become. It is much too late to think that we can be won over by Westminster or anyone else being nice to us.

  5. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Hug a Sweaty Sock!

  6. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Would be funny if Team GB’s only medals came from the Curlers 🙂

  7. yerkitbreeks says:

    Aye, Tessa Jowell just on GMS saying how much she’s on side and her education in Scotland. Hope her knowlege of this country is a bit better than my ex-pat niece who also went to the closeted private St Margaret’s school.

  8. heedtracker says:

    Its half arsed defence of their own dead and gone reputation. British journalists and the BBC have turned themselves into a giant vote no attack propaganda machine to shutdown Scottish democracy but in doing so, they’ve become a world wide laughing stock. So if you were BBC board of whatever they call themselves, what would you do? Progressive USA has Murdoch’s Fox news for comedy, we have the farce that is the BBC in Scotland and the likes of Sir Gordon Brewer.

  9. Michael says:

    No is fast coming to represent the uncoolest brand in the political marketplace. But surely it’s Blair MacDougall and Rob Shorthouse who should be taking the rap for their problems. They’re the guys who have sat on their arses for the last year imagining that the success of a campaign can be judged by the number of positive stories your side gets in an already friendly press. They have no grass roots campaign and consequently nothing to fall back on when the things don’t go exactly their way. They seem to have no strategy to attract SNP voters in contrast to the Yes side which is focused on bringing together a coalition of Lab and SNP supporters. They bark out messages about British patriotism but can’t see that the appeal is limited to barely a third of the Scottish electorate. They massively over-estimate their own talents and refuse to learn from past failures. The difficulty for No is that they have nowhere to go at this late stage in the game. They’re saddled with a pair of deadweights at No HQ and represented to the public by a stammering and increasingly rattled Darling.

  10. Clootie says:

    I think you give them too much credit as regards a cunning plan. They “assumed” incorrectly that fear would hold the NO vote stable long enough for a result.

    Headless chickens now.

    It would all be over but for the MSM shoring up the union with a constant stream of propaganda.

    The issue of independence will never go away now and they know it. It will be a constant running issue even if it is a NO vote in 2014. Their only hope is to win the 2014 campaign and make it even harder to get a referendum again. This enables them to bleed the economy of Scotland for a few more years.

  11. caz-m says:

    And those manning the “Lovebomb” phones include one Kelvin MacKenzie who would just die if we Scots went our own way.

    link to

    Then there is that loveable rogue Simon Heffer.

    link to

  12. scottish_skier says:

    Joint Scottish-UK government statement must be really, really soon now.

    What with the debt clarification, Mark coming to visit, dual nationality possible, the EU about to clarify its position according to the Herald… Certainly, the only way the latter can be happening is if the EU has been asked…

  13. Richard says:


    I don’t have the links but you can add Michael White in the. Grauniad and the classic Skintland piece from the Economist

  14. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Great stuff here:

    link to

  15. Famous15 says:

    Naughty Naughtie spanked on GMS. Nicola you will get a reputation !

  16. Training Day says:

    Replace the word ‘Scotland’ in Jowell’s whingeing interview on GMS this morning with the word ‘India’ and you get a good idea of where the Britnats now stand..

    ‘Bwaha..I have very strong bonds with India..I was educated in India..I really think we’ll be diminished if India leaves us..’

    It’s the endgame. Incidentally, Jowell was the first Britnat that I know of to state that the No campaign is ‘led by David Cameron’..before quickly adding ‘with Alastair Darling’. But thanks for the confirmation, yer Dameship!

  17. alexicon says:


    Try using to provide links.
    It saves giving these rags the pleasure of having an online hit. 🙂

  18. caz-m says:

    I also remember way back at the start of the referendum campaign, BBC Scotland and STV saying that the NO campaign were so far ahead in the polls that they didn’t really need to say anything and that it was up to the YES campaign to force the issue.

    That is exactly what they have done. They have said nothing, no positive input and it is coming back to bite them on the arse.

  19. Alba4Eva says:

    Yup Michael, YES is COOL

    NO… is just establishment and the elite.

    VOTE COOL. 😉

  20. bunter says:

    Och they cant be that desperate yet as they haven’t even offered full fiscal independence if we vote NO.

  21. bunter says:

    Will those who are voting NO because of the herd mentality now see that YES is becoming more popular, and jump ship?

  22. Mad Jock McMad says:

    Last night’s Newsnight report must have come as a bit of a shock to the sweaty jock’s will bottle it camp.

    It was interesting that the BBC still had to refer to the Yes campaign as ‘nationalists’ while it tried not to make Cameron’s speech today sound like squeaky bum time.

    Cameron speaking to Scots from the wasteland that is the Olympic Park in London about ‘patriotism’ …. seems they are still not listening to what the majority of Scots are saying – MORE AUTONOMY / Less Westminster.

  23. alexicon says:


    I’m sure that will be offered at the very last minute and then withdrawn 1 minute after the vote if Scots fall for it and vote no.

    This is the ‘we love you phase’ What will come next?

    Sentiment and tradition? The Royal family with a personal plea from her majesty? Or outright threats?

  24. Greannach says:

    I wonder who they’ll recruit to get on the phone lines. I’m hoping for a call from the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Hazel Blears or Jim ‘Nick-nick’ Davidson.

    As the letters page of the Sunday Post might say, “Beat that!”.

  25. bunter says:

    @ SS

    Is it the EU commission giving their view, or is it some Unionist MEP getting their own specially selected ”opinion”?

  26. Luigi says:

    Looking forward to David Cameron’s speech at the Olympic Park today.

    David Cameron (2006): “Hug a Hoodie”

    David Cameron (2014): “Hug a Jock”

  27. bunter says:

    If the Scots smell fear from the Unionists, then games a bogey!

  28. chalks says:

    Darling can’t have much time left as they the leader of this beleaguered outfit.

    Another wee swing to Yes though after Cameron’s speech.

  29. Luigi says:

    The naughty man, that BBC heavyweight they recently sent North to put us in our place, with his snide comments and unwelcome opinions, was certainly put in his place by Nicola Sturgeon on GMS this morning. Well done lass!

  30. Ken500 says:

    The Gift Horse Cameron

    Even more Yes votes.

    Nikki’s retort. Brilliant.

  31. Sneddon says:

    Caller ID switched on, cup of tea ready and just to let you know my unionist buddies I don’t allow reverse charge calls , call me now, go on, BRING IT ON. Mind you my friends and relations in England are more likely to call and say “get the hell out while you can, there’s no saving us, by the way whats the houses like up there”
    Good to see Nicola kicking Radio 4’s arse this morning. I really hate the way they interrupt even before the original question is answered.

  32. Brian Powell says:

    David Cameron saying Scotland need to be love bombed while one of ‘our’ own politicians had said Scottish airports would be real bombed; the Times for months pouring scorn on everything Scottish (and Catalan incidentally) now saying phone a friend, to tell them what I wonder?

    Six out of ten of the most deprived areas in the country in Glasgow and Jim Hood, Lab MP for Lanark and Hamilton East saying in Parliament, “If the Scottish people are going to be better off economically and so on, I would still be against breaking away from the Union.“

    Ian Davidson planning to “bayonet the wounded”, streams of Westminster Ministers, Labour Shadow Ministers, Northern Ireland and Welsh Ministers, heaping threats on threats.

    Perhaps we are witnessing the Olympics for the stupidest, most politically ignorant and offensive people in the world, better known as the British Establishment.

  33. Craig Evans says:

    Listening to Call Kaye: She sounds a bit rattled!!

  34. bunter says:

    Missed a couple of stonking radio interviews with Sturgeon this morning on R4 and GMS. Whats the best way to get hold of them, or mibbe the Rev will link them here later hint hint!

  35. George Minty says:

    Jackson Carlaw is on Call Kaye’s slot on BBC’s Morning call trying to push argument that Dave is an ordinary Joe with no vote in the referendum and therefore free to express an opinion without the inconvenience of defending it on an open forum

  36. Edward says:

    Morning Call with Kaye Adams talking about Cameron and getting a drubbing. Jackson Carlaw making inane comment about someone who was pro independence as ‘keeping to the script’ Clearly he thinks everyone that is for independence is a SNP plant
    BBC online with article open to comment link to

  37. Edward says:

    Craig Evans
    Kaye Adams was rattled as she thought she had 2 opposing views that turned out to be both pro independence. She ended up turning to Jackson Carlaw for help (who accused one of sticking to some kind of script

  38. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    The Clark County Guardian Lurve Bomb of letters was a spectacular OG by the Guardian. As I remember their website was lurvebombed by the combined forces of the John Birch Society, the T Party, the NRA, the Daughters of Independence, the Klu Klux Klan and numerous otherwise normal Americans who just wanted the Limeys to keep the fuck out of something in which they had no vote.

    In Quebec the love bombing happened towards the end of their Referendum campaign, in fact as I remember it was several weeks.

    So either Naw has rejigged the Quebec template or they have moved the love phase forward.

    Problem is, when that bombs, as it will, what have they got left.

    Quiet negotiations and equally quiet behind the scenes pillaging, as in Hong Kong.

  39. Taranaich says:

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    The only thing that’s changed regarding No is the frequency of their blunders: that’s to be expected as the Yes campaign starts to get in gear.

    EVEN IF we assume that they have something planned, what’s it likely to be? It’ll probably fall flat on its face like all of its other grand schemes. That’s the level of rank incompetence we’re dealing with.

  40. frankieboy says:

    You ain’t seen nothing yet. The might of the BBC leading a concerted attack is coming.

  41. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Sorry this made me laugh…

    link to

    They want your name, e mail address and to know ‘Are You Human’?

    As far as I’m aware this is actually linked to the think thon Tory suggested yesterday

  42. CameronB says:

    Fraser Nelson, Fraser Nelson, Fraser Nelson!

  43. Lanarkist says:

    First they patronise you, then they plead with you, then they panic, then we win!

    GMS this morning in melt down scrabbling for Unionist support. Most callers supportive of Indi and well informed of the details, lots of readers on here?

    Filtering now through texts and e-mails for supportive messages.

    Second paddle now ejected into shit creek!

  44. Macandroid says:

    Cameron says: “There are 63 million of us who could wake up on September 19th in a different country…”

    Where are we all going and how will they move us all overnight?


  45. Supporters of genuine democracy for Scotland should tune into Itish Radio now and then; it offers a comprehensive dimension to the black propaganda eminating from London. The Irish have seen and heard it all before, and take a scathing, jaundiced view to the hypocrisy spouted in the name of freedom to rob and to annex land.

  46. PRJ says:

    Phone a friend and save the rUK economy.
    Phone a friend and save the Lords.
    Phone a friend and save London’s wealth.
    Phone a friend and save Britain’s unequal society.

  47. Marcia says:


    Here is one of them

    link to

  48. Chic McGregor says:

    Hapless Fraser Nelson citing that Scots cheered on Farrah and Ennis at the Olympics, seemingly oblivious to the fact that neither will be present at Glasgows games.

    Hope someone points out that Alistair Darling has no authority to answer the key questions.
    If yes
    EU membership
    Sterling zone
    If no
    Will there be electoral reform?
    Will powers be removed from SP?

    Darling does not attend cabinet meetings and cannot be privy to the UK government position

  49. Craig Evans says:

    Amazing: On Call Kaye -Jacksom Carlaw just denied knowing about the McRone report!!

    Yee Canna Mak it UP!!

  50. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Jackson Carlaw was ‘a schoolboy’ in the 70s and knows nothing about the McCrone report…(9.55 on Call Kaye after caller ‘Walter’ raised the subject and Kaye batted it off to Jackson)


  51. Ian Brotherhood says:

    PS Jackson Carlaw was born in 1959.

  52. Linda's Back says:

    OMG Just heard Jackson Carlaw and Kaye Adams say they didn’t know about the McCrone secret report.

    How can folk rely on the BBC or Better Together spokespersons to tell the truth when they are so ignorant about one the salient issues “in terms of the debate”.

  53. X_Sticks says:

    @ Edward
    Kaye Adams sounds in an extreme panic.

    Re: the comments on BBC – is it just me or are there a lot of anti-independence comments. Looks like the unionists have opened their call centre!

  54. Peter Preedy says:

    Are we being scared to death, or loved to death? Either way it’s pretty nauseating.

  55. Boorach says:

    @ TheGreatBaldo

    Thanks for that link. I note that our local ginger rodent tory councillor has signed up for the event. He may not be aware of it yet but I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic when he finds out! 🙂

  56. Greannach says:

    link to

    I wonder who the crackpots are who are signing up. I’d love to the a list of their supporters. I wonder if they have Yanukovich of Ukraine signed up yet.

  57. gerry parker says:

    Any link for the Naughtie and Nicola exchange of words?

  58. Lanarkist says:

    Jackson Carlaw and Kaye claim no knowledge of McCrone Report. Jackson stating he was only a schoolboy in the 70’s and couldn’t know about it.

    The caller asked how Labour and the Conservatives could claim we were better together when they had colluded to bury the report. Total body swerve tactic employed. Tyres squealing, gears grinding, simply exquisite.

    Excellent car crash radio this morning for BBC Scotland.

    Kaye sounded deliriously thankful for the end of the programme.

    Have we reached tipping point?

    Hopefully this programme will be recorded and spread far and wide.

  59. Papadocx says:

    Jackson Carlaw

    Knows nothing about the mcCrone report on Scotland’s oil in the 1970s neither did Kay according to Kay.

    That’s probably why the BBC is so poor at talking and analysing the referendum and the Tories know nothing about Scotland. THEY ARE IGNORANT OF THE FACTS AND HAPPY TO BE SO.

  60. Weedeochandorris says:

    I don’t know I just feel something is going on though. I think they’ve swung the ‘fear’ pendulum as far as possible one way and now they’re going to swing the ‘lovebomb’ pendulum to the max the other way. I suspect they’re trying to get everyone punch drunk then they will hope to hit hard with the knockout blow when we’re still meant to be staggering around the place? Just wondering.

    O/T Another piece in The Spectator link to
    And an excellent post from a Russian reader telling it how it is. “The only question that the referendum seems to already have answered is, can there be a fair and honest democratic vote? That answer is clearly NO. I have not since my childhood and adolescent years growing up in the USSR seen such vicious ethnically bias media as I have seen in the last year or so in the UK………”

  61. Chickenhawk 2 says:

    Jackson Carlaw just now on Call Kaye in reply to a 70 odd yesser who mentioned the McCrone report.

    ‘I was just a wee boy then, never heard of it’

    I heard about 5 callers. ALL Yes. Out papering, bumped into a couple of people, both Yes.

  62. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    The McCrone report was hidden in the 70’s but revealed under FOI about 25 years later.

    What age was Jackson Carlaw then.

    I make is he would have in his 40’s

    from Wiki

    He worked for 25 years as a car salesman. He was joint head of FirstFord car dealership in the west of Scotland until it was placed into receivership in November 2002.[1] He was also a director of Wylies (Automotive Services) until it went into administration in February 2003.[2]”

    A used car saleman!

  63. HandandShrimp says:

    I am not a gung ho type by nature and like Stu I am little perplexed that the wheels have come off the BT Camapign quite so dramatically in such a short space of time.

    Half a dozen polls over a few weeks can’t be the whole story. FFS! we are still behind it is just that the polls show we are making progress and that if we keep on this track we could win this. We have taken negative polls on the chin and simply rolled our sleeves up and tried harder. We will do so again if need be.

    Even No 5 Blytheswood looked strangely quiet (door shut, no lights) the last couple of days. Clearly they are up to something but what is anyone’s guess. If they are rattled then I seriously doubt they will fall apart. It is what emerges that will interesting. A more positive campaign? A more vicious campaign with dirty tricks? We shall see.

    As to Mr so called Dave and his strange bouncing about Togetherness, I call his love bomb a silly thing. His Union is a hamster and it smells of elderberry wine. 🙂

  64. Chic McGregor says:

    Curranballs 🙂

  65. clochoderic says:


    On BBC2 tonight at 9Pm – Royal Cousins at War.

    The BBC’s own description of it is as follows…

    ” The roles played by cousins Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and King George V of England in the desperate, frantic summer of 1914.”

    Better together, eh?

  66. Brotyboy says:

    Carlaw of the garage chain family, notorious for their move into Dundee by buying Lamb’s Garage and ruining it, aided and abetted by Thatcher’s ruinous interest rate policy. Should have stayed in Trades Lane, boys. Liked the colour of the towels in the Boardroom; why? because they were blue. Says it all.

  67. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Will you be farting in his general shrimp?

    Blair McDougall is clearly the Black Knight…’Our lead has shrunk by 10 points in a month….pah tis only a flesh wound’ 🙂

  68. faolie says:

    Again, Massie in the Spectator, saying that the No campaign, having frittered away a formidable lead, has little left in the way of argument to persuade people to vote No. Decent article and rather sums up the fear that’s gripping the establishment as they realise it’s now too late…

    Alex Salmond is within striking distance of victory. Why hasn’t England noticed?

  69. The Man in the Jar says:

    I fart in his general direction and wave my private parts at his aunties!

    I think Cameron delivering his speech from the Olympic stadium just adds insult to injury. After all how much did the Olympics cost and how much was spent in Scotland.

  70. Kendomacaroonbar says:


    Posted this late last night, hoping I may be lucky with an answer here.

    The 5% swing to YES from September extrapolates out to how many people exactly ?

  71. chalks says:

    They aren’t up to anything, take it from me, they are fk’d.

    The only hope they are now clinging to is the various proposals for more devo.

    Cameron coming out is an appeal to the Scottish and British types in the census.

    They hope to swing these guys back with the promise of more powers.

    It’s just the same as before, it’s nothing new and earth shattering.

    All we are seeing is as the polls close, suddenly they are open to things they weren’t open to before. If we suddenly have a majority, I’d imagine they will offer us something to stay.

    That will be their positive case for the union, we get everything we want (allegedly) and still remain in the Union.

    The problem they have is now the snowball down the hill has started and people are becoming comfortable with having their own country, it might not have any effect.

  72. gerry parker says:

    Aye, it was a good program very informative.

    I got the link to Nicola and Naughtie she tore him to shreds.

  73. mato21 says:

    Of the callers this morning on call Kaye 12 were for yes 2 for no (1 who will not have a vote) and 1 that I was unsure what his vote would be. The e-mails were 6 for yes and 3 for no

    Both Jackson and Kaye denied knowing about the McCrone report Believe that if you like

  74. Flower of Scotland says:

    Tessa Jowell says that Darling is leading the BT with true passion ! Aye right !
    On you go Nicola ! I think she is one of the best Politicions in the UK . She takes no CRAP !

  75. Barontorc says:

    Thanks Ian Brotherhood for the link to Pete Wishart’s Commons travails – it’s a belter of a performance. Call me Kay(e)’s also getting a bleaching – so shaping up to be a good weekend.

    link to

  76. chalks says:

    Kendomacaroonbar –

    If you take a poll of 100 people

    44 are No

    37 are Yes

    19 are undecided

    5% Swing is basically 5 out of 100 people.

    This came from undecideds and No voters.

    Can’t remember what the figures were before, I wouldn’t get too hung up on poll’s though.

    The important information is in the data tables, rather than the actual question result

  77. CameronB says:

    HandandShrimp said at 10:10am;

    His Union is a hamster and it smells of elderberry wine. 🙂

    I was trying to work that sketch in a couple of days back, but just couldn’t get it. Nice one HS. 🙂

  78. cearc says:


    Not just a used car salesman but a twice failed used car salesman and it looks like his current business (rUK) is going the same way.

    Just the sort of business experience that westminster will be needing when we go.

  79. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Apologies due to Jackson Carlaw. Here he is right enough, circa ’75, when McCrone was published:

    link to

  80. Ananurhing says:

    Nikki’s playing a stormer on every front this morning. Quite magnificent. Go get ’em girl!

  81. Big Jock says:

    You will never get people like me within 100ft of a Union Jack. My ancestors probably died under that flag either fighting against it in Ireland or fighting for it in the first world war. That’s the bit Cameron will never understand. The Union flag has always been a symbol of oppression other than some fake London’s swinging Iconic symbol in the 60’s. Every other free country pulled down that flag years ago. If the English want to hear someone with some brains then look no further than their own Billy Bragg who hates Britishness and he’s English.

  82. Flower of Scotland says:

    Yeah , read Pete Wisharts speech yesterday ! It made me very emotional . It was wonderful ! You couldn’t listen to that and vote no !

  83. fergie35 says:

    Its becoming obvious to the ‘normal’ Scot that the media in Scotland is lieing and manipulating us, we need to work harder on the social media and word of mouth, despite attempts by the UK press to bully cybernats into fear of being ridiculed.

  84. CameronB says: “Fraser Nelson, Fraser Nelson, Fraser Nelson!”

    I want to cultivate an accent like Fraser’s just to weird-out my dog.

    The Prime Minister is not a stupid man, and while bright men do do stupid things, they do not do them with the unerring consistency of hs administration. I find it hard to shake the feeling we’re all being punked.

  85. Hwanofbute says:

    Yes, it’s all going rather well. Inevitably we wonder what the catch might be.
    Is this it? Are we about to be stitched up again?
    link to

  86. Ananurhing says:

    Interesting balance of payment figures for December this morning. Defecit down to £1bn, led by oil. You can smell the fear and panic setting in.

  87. Papadocx says:

    Tessa Jowell mp EBC NEWS 24 (PROPAGANDA UNIT anti Scottish)

    Used to think she was one of the better ones, however cringe, grovel PATHETIC.



  88. caz-m says:

    Please please Dave, I do hope you a standing in between your two neatly pleated Union Jacks when you speak from on high today. We are not worthy Dave, we are not worthy.

    What have we done to command 30 minutes of your precious time.

    Oh mighty Dave, we will forever be in your debt.

    Your wish is my command.

    Kaye Adams mentioned some pish about David Cameron’s favourite song when he met his wife, I’m sure he said it was this classic from Kenny Rogers, “Coward of the County”.

    link to

  89. David Agnew says:

    Nice sentiment – but they have done such a hatchet job on Scotland’s reputation with the rest of the UK, it seems unlikely they will be able to muster much support.

    Too little too late and drowned out by the daily put downs

  90. Jimsie says:

    Evan Davis tried to browbeat Nicola on the Today programme but Nicola gave as good as she got. Disappointed in this Davis guy as I thought being Welsh he would be at least leaning toward neutral. Of course he can”t be neutral, he works for the British State Propaganda Broadcasting Corporation.

  91. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Seeing as we’re on a ‘Holy Grail’ trip.

    Surely Cameron must ‘Brave Sir Robin’…

    link to

    “Brave Sir Robin ran away.
    Bravely ran away, away.
    When danger rears it’s ugly head
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Yes Brave Sir Robin turned about
    He gallantly chickened out.

    Bravely taking to his feet
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Robin.”

  92. tartanfever says:

    Kendo says:

    ‘Posted this late last night, hoping I may be lucky with an answer here.

    The 5% swing to YES from September extrapolates out to how many people exactly ?’

    Rough calculation is 4m voters in the referendum, if the swing is 5% that equates to around 200,000 people.

  93. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    Stu,you live in Bath. Why don’t you ask Davie boy to set you up with a phone line, and pay for your time, to phone thousands of scots to discuss Independence.

  94. CLIFF MCCABE says:

    if anybody wants to see the “lovebombing” have a look on the BBC comments board for this story, here’s two examples;

    Go for it Scotland don’t worry about the nukes we will let em off as we leave.

    Why is it only the scots can vote ?
    They must now realise that the rest of the UK want them gone and without the Pound, NHS or any aid.
    Its time to rid the rest of the UK of these parasites.

    An analysis of that message board might make a quite revealing article Rev Campbell if anyone has the time

  95. Macart says:



    I think a real howler is about to appear, hence the mass hysteria tactics. There’s either a beaut in the joint statement or the EU have made a ruling on request. Possibly both? It would make sense considering Margallo’s statement in the past week.

    Eitherr way I sense a real shit storm forming for the NO team. I mean a lurve speech forced out of Cameron seven months out? The other shoe is about to drop.

  96. CameronB says:

    You might be interested in this documentary, as it covers the same subject in some detail. I imagine it offers a different interpretation to what I would expect tonight’s broadcast will. Not only because it is a LaRouche PAC video.

    You have been warned. 😉

    1932: A True History of the United States
    link to

  97. Chic McGregor says:

    If the headline writers, as it seems, are tipping a hat to the ending this week of the popular “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.?” I wonder if they took into account that last week Norway ‘s oil fund made them all kroner millionaires.

  98. Horacesaysyes says:

    They simply don’t get it, do they?

    Everyone I’ve spoken to about this this morning, even those who are ‘No’ voters, have said that this will go down like a lead balloon.

  99. Les Wilson says:

    I do not know why on earth the Yes side, including her recent interview with Mcnaughty, allow them away with inferring Alex Salmond as head of the Yes campaign, he is not.
    Question should be why will Darling not debate with Kanavan who IS.

    They all do this including Cameron in parliament. Alex Salmond does NOT run the YES campaign. However, he has signed the Edinburgh agreement as the UK Prime Minister, as did Alex Salmond as Scotland’s First Minister. It is clear and obvious that if Cameron has the strength of his convictions he MUST have a debate with Alex Salmond.

    Yet he cowers away in the safety of Westminster and passes the buck. He is also responsible for all the underhand campaign against democracy in Scotland, which is shameful.
    He needs to get on a tv debate with Salmond and take his medicine. However, he is just too scared he will be made a full of.

  100. Kendomacaroonbar says:

    @ Chalks and Tartan Fever

    Cheers for that, so ‘theoretically’ 200,000 citizens since September have moved to a YES vote… absolutely awesome trend.

    Assuming WoS has over 100,000 pro indy readers then asking Wingslanders to phone a friend and TRY to make a CONVERSION would be a very interesting exercise indeed. Don’t do it during the Rugby though 🙂

  101. Les Wilson says:

    Sorry for a few typo’s in that post, editing a problem.

  102. faolie says:

    I hear this word ‘diminish’ a lot when people are asked the effect on the rUK if we vote Yes. Tessa Jowell used it this morning when she gave not-very-convincing reasons to Naughtie for why we should we vote no. But one was that the Union will be diminished.

    It seems to me that this is a reaction to the realisation that the Union will very much be ‘diminished’, at least in the eyes of the rest of the world. Wasn’t so long ago that the Russians said the UK as-is was inconsequential. Wonder what they’ll think of an rUK? Which brings us to the real potential loss for rUK: their cherished permanent seat on the UN security council.

    Their reasons therefore for trying to persuade us to vote No are purely selfish. If we leave, it’ll be the end of the UK’s clout in the world that began it’s decline at the end of the empire. That’s why they want us to stay together.

  103. Ananurhing says:

    Interesting that the Norwegian Oil Fund now generates more revenue than Oil for the country.

    Norway. Different class of Weegie.

  104. Jane Fairnie says:

    They’re putting up no kind of fight, they have no definable strategy, they have the worst campaign I’ve ever seen, they make gaffe after gaffe and it really does seem that they’re just not trying – ergo they want us out!

  105. Ananurhing says:

    Cameron’s speech. I can sense a “Wewease Woger” moment coming.

  106. chalks says:

    Aye Kendo, I only thought after I had posted, that what you were looking for was the real numbers when judged against population!


    If Ivan McKee is going about on here or maybe someone else can answer this, but is there any evidence of the claim that some of our figures are not included in the GERS?

    For instance, I’ve heard people say that the supermarket figures for operating in Scotland are included as London’s as they are HQ’d there?

    To be honest, I don’t think this is true, as there are numerous companies like this…..but if there is evidence then obviously, it’s another massive stick to beat them with?

    Anyone point me in the right direction?

  107. ronnie anderson says:

    So big Davy,s giving a speach in a big sporting venue,

    he,s no the 1st great leader to do that,& more carasmatic

    that big Davy,one that got the attention of the whole

    world,noo ah hiv a memory failure as to who that was,

    keep sport out of the political arena,how many time have

    heard that line,from politician,s to,where is the

    finnishing line on Hipocrecy. The finnishing line of

    coarse is made from elastic band,s,an they basterd,s

    will strech it to the limit,where,s Jack Mc Connell

    when he,s needed.

  108. Robert Louis says:

    The reason the better together campaign is in so much trouble, and why YES will win, is simple, there really, really is no convincing positive argument for the union.

  109. Ukp42 says:

    The big lecture in 10 mins

    link to

  110. Peter Macbeastie says:

    Ah, the sight of your enemy in disarray.

    Wonderful, isn’t it? They’re imploding. I would have loved just to have been in the same room for five minutes while the realisation dawned on David Cameron that the fear campaign wasn’t working and he had absolutely no idea what would. This ‘interesting’ plea to England, Wales and Northern Ireland to appeal to their Scottish relatives unionist leanings smacks of pure, undiluted, desperation. Even the normally friendly polls show a rise in support for Yes almost across the board; the company the SNP use shows we are closing on the finish line. Better Together, a misnomer if ever there was one, are out of ideas.

    They are losing, and while they are never going to admit they are losing, their actions scream that they are.

    I too do not understand why SNP politicians and figures within Yes Scotland do not correct reporters on who is leading the Yes campaign; it is a prevalent feature in news reports, papers, everywhere you can read and watch. The One Show said Salmond headed Yes Scotland and the spontaneous complaints emanating from Scotland saw them correcting it by the end of the same show, complete with apology. So if we can do it, wouldn’t it be nice if the leadership did it?

    I do get the impression that Blair Jenkins does his best work slightly behind the scenes, but really, he can’t buy public identity at the moment anyway.

  111. Jimsie says:

    @ronnieanderson. Every now and again you come out with a wee gem Ronnie. I liked this one “the finishing line is made of elastic bands”.

  112. Robert Louis says:

    Judging by the tone of comments in today’s English newspapers, this idea of David Cameron’s for People in England to speak up against independence, will fall on deaf ears, even in England. Most see it as not really their business.

  113. CameronB says:

    ronnie anderson
    You are the Messiah! Give us a sign. Give us a sign.

  114. Papadocx says:

    @ Robert Louis

    Spot on Robert and the lies and spin and arrogance carried by EBC just makes it more insulting.

  115. Robert Louis says:

    Sitting comfortably, waiting for Mr. Cameron to put us all in our place. All because deep down, he really, really loves us. Sob!

  116. Chic McGregor says:

    Thought for a second Bella was going to be featured but its a Freda Kahlo self portrait isn’ it.?

  117. ronnie anderson says:

    A quik shot of the stage where big Davy,s speaking, ah see

    ther,s conveniently parked bike,s handy. lol

  118. Edward says:

    I would love to be a fly on the wall when Cameron was told the good news that the balance of UK trade has improved with exports up. Then to be told that it was led by Oil sales as well as whisky. Then asking what would the figures be like without Scottish oil and whisky. Then face pales and reaches for the valium, muttering shit shit

  119. Edward says:

    I would love to be a fly on the wall when Cameron was told the good news that the balance of UK trade has improved with exports up. Then to be told that it was led by Oil sales as well as whisky. Then asking what would the figures be like without Scottish oil and whisky. Then face pales and reaches for the valium, muttering shit shit

  120. Edward says:

    I would love to be a fly on the wall when Cameron was told the good news that the balance of UK trade has improved with exports up. Then to be told that it was led by Oil sales as well as whisky. Then asking what would the figures be like without Scottish oil and whisky. Then face pales and reaches for the valium, muttering shit shit

  121. Findlay Farquaharson says:

    mr cameron may well love the scots, i expect he doesnt tho, but, scots dont love him. surely he realises this.

  122. Jeannie says:

    Like some of the other posters, I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Jackson Carlaw giving the “Margaret Curran Defence” this morning when a caller mentioned the McCrone Report – i.e. “I was too young to remember”. Was he too young to remember last year when there was all that publicity around Dennis Healey talking about it in an interview with Mandy Rhodes and more or less confirming they did deliberately underplay the value of North Sea Oil? Does he seriously expect me to believe that a Tory MSP and former chairman of the Tory Party in Scotland has no inkling into the value of North Sea Oil? Maybe he could ask Annabel Goldie about it – I’m sure she’s old enough to remember.

    As to Kaye herself, I find it very hard to believe that in all the other Call Kaye programmes where the subject of the call-in was something to do with independence, that not one single caller has ever mentioned the McCrone Report. My memory isn’t what it used to be, but I’m sure in the recesses of my mind, I can remember it being mentioned. She did manage to get the word “separation” in a couple of times, though, curiously enough.

    Rev, a wee reminder for new readers of the contents of the McCrone Report might be very timely at this point, so that when readers hear David Cameron telling them how much he loves them, they know exactly why he loves them. He doesn’t want to marry us for love – it’s our oil that he’s after.

    And one last point – when you look at your elderly parents and grandparents and their state of health, just take a moment to contemplate how different their lives might have been if Labour and Tory politicians hadn’t suppressed this information.

  123. Chic McGregor says:

    “Sitting comfortably, waiting for Mr. Cameron to put us all in our place. All because deep down, he really, really loves us. Sob!”

    Union Jackanory.

    Are you sitting gullably?

  124. Edward says:

    Sorry rev for double posting, but everything froze, then WOS went down (503 error code) can you delete one of them

  125. Edward says:

    I must have missed the explanation as to why ‘Glasgow Caledonian University’ is on the lectern that Cameron is spouting his guff from
    Any ideas

  126. Seasick Dave says:

    I got to the bit where he said that Cameron meant ‘crooked nose’ and then I thought that I would go and do something useful.

  127. Flower of Scotland says:

    Listening to the POSH BLOKE ! Can’t help fearmongering ! Even started off with talk about passports at the border ! Plumbs in the mouth and BORING !!

  128. bjsalba says:

    I thought they were getting volunteers to phone from London, and bringing them up to a Glasgow Centre too.

    What happened? Couldn’t they raise the volunteers? Did Scottish voters tell them where to go? Or did the reception the idea got in the on-line world make them realize the phone campaign plan was a non-starter?

  129. caz-m says:

    Listening to Dave’s speech, all I can hear in the background is “Land of Hope and Glory”.

  130. ronnie anderson says:

    Are the Student,s of Glasgow Caledonian University, voting

    no to pay University fee,s.

  131. Ananurhing says:

    Well that was vacuous.

  132. Edward says:

    First question to Cameron from Sky News – What’s happening in Morland (floods)

  133. call me dave says:

    I think he’s making a case for YES.

    The other thing is he’s using all his material pre Salmond debate. He needs to change it.

    Every example he uses is one that can be turned into a YES campaign slogan. Oh it’s personal now…I though he was going to call out the First Minister for a minute.

    OH it’s the Quebec finesse but poorly played by Cameron.

    Something has happened in the last two days, don’t know quite what, but moves are afoot!

  134. Jamie Arriere says:


    First question about the floods in Somerset! The press are lapping this up, Mr Cameron.

  135. desimond says:

    Jackson and Margaret sitting up a tree
    spelling D-E-N-I-A-L We!
    Denying about McCrone, Ignorantly
    Jackson and Margaret, Tweedle Dum and Dee

  136. Edward says:

    Second question was from a Tory supporter

  137. X_Sticks says:

    Cameron’s panic is palpable! We’re winning folks and still eight months to go – BIG, BIG smiley thing!

  138. heraldnomore says:

    Keep going Dave. I hear the swingometer shifting with every breath you take. Glad you’re on the case, with every fibre of your being. Now what about the Wee Things?

  139. ronnie anderson says:

    Say,s it all realy, Cameron speakes about Scottish Referendem, 1st question afterward,Somerset Level,s.

  140. Cindie aka CR says:

    Oh my goodness, you could not make it up. David Cameron pleads with rUK to help him keep the UK together, it’s important…we’re better together…etc, etc. First question from the audience: ‘But what about the floods in Somerset.’

  141. Edward says:

    Cameron admitted that Scottish Whisky contributes £ 135 per second to UK balance of trade

  142. Papadocx says:

    Well that was riveting Dave! What can I say!

    What’s next?

    Just waiting for the phone to ring.

  143. Flower of Scotland says:

    First I laughed when Cameron started the speech , then it just gave me the DRY BOAK !!
    Only manufactured questions !
    More YES votes pour in !

  144. Cindie aka CR says:

    @ Ronnie Anderson 11:28 snap! Meanwhile, there was another very good article in the FT yesterday, don’t know if anyone’s shared it yet? link to

  145. call me dave says:

    Funny moment on Macauley and co where you text in using five words about what you are doing today or recommend doing today.

    Some joker texted

    ‘Everyone read the McCrone Report’!

    It was read out but no one seemed ‘in the studio’ to realise what it meant.


    Cameron is using the Quebec finesse but it wont work. I noted the planted question from the Scottish clothes designer.

    Lead balloon from a tory balloon.

  146. chalks says:

    Folks, can someone have a look at this and get back to me?

    link to

    My take on it, is that it only tells us what we made, from 1980 onwards but doesn’t tell us what we got back?

  147. Flower of Scotland says:

    By the way , just posted a wee copy of the McCrone report , on my facebook page for a little light reading for my friends ,

  148. Kendomacaroonbar says:


    The ‘diminish’ word comes directly from the unionists ‘Leadership’ argument. Remember, Britain ‘rules’ the waves, and has a seat at the ‘top’ table, has influence, prestige and an inflated opinion of its own self worth as being unique, better or superior to other countries. I am guessing that this is a by product of the elitism and class system proudly lauded in the mother of all parliaments.

    You may notice that Westminster/UK enjoys political unions when they are leading them, as in the UK and to a certain extent the CommonWealth, but when they are a truly ‘equal’ member of a club such as the EU, they have no clout, no overdominating influence and consequently they rail against the EU as is currently the case.

  149. Clootie says:

    Does the revenue generated in Scotland by the Crown Estate show up in GERS or is it a direct Westminster revenue and how much is it ~ £30m / £100m …?

  150. mogabee says:

    I agree with scottish skier. Something is about to happen and in fact Alex. Salmond may have advertised the event!

    Did AS not say that the two cabinets will be in the same area on 23/24th Feb.? Is that when the big announcement re EU and currency happens?

    Who controls the media? Nothing is beyond Whitehall in giving out the occasional comment piece for Indy. Slowly the news is becoming better informed and less strident.

    Of course, I could be totally off base!

  151. Mary Bruce says:

    @Chalks – Regarding Scottish revenue not being included in the GERS figures, here’s a link to a couple of articles from the Weegiewarbler, one is hidden wealth and the other is about Harris Tweed exports.

    link to

    link to

  152. heraldnomore says:

    Dave just called. Said he’s sorry but he really really tried. He did you know. Just checking his diary for his day out next month. Bugger, flight to catch, love to be there but…

  153. heedtracker says:

    What a blessed relief it’ll be to see the back of Cameron and co, for ever!

  154. gerry parker says:

    @x sticks,
    And now the challenge is to keep the Yes case to the front till September, then get them all into the polling booth.

  155. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Things are going very well but it is not time to get carried away just yet. I want to see a 60% plus YES vote (not least because I’m now taking the 7/1 Ladbrokes are still offering for a 55% plus result)but we have pockets of serious resistance still to deal with.

    The fact that serious political journalists down south have wakened up is a mixed blessing.

    The British state under attack is completley unscrupulous.

    Intervention from Northern Ireland this week is worrying – though it probably has opposite effects on two different groups of entrenched zealots in our communities.

    We need a higher profile from Wealthy Nation and Business for Scotland as our weakest areas are in a nervous middle class section which cannot readily see past what it has got a the moment.

  156. call me dave says:

    Salmond replies on radio 5 live.


  157. Patrick Roden says:

    Why don’t people from the SNP/Yes campaign point out that Alex Salmond isn’t the leader of the Yes campaign?

    Because he is by far the most trusted politician out of all those involved in the referendum campaign, so if they want to fight the Yes campaign on that ground leave them too it.

    Alistair darling calling AS a liar?

    Johann Lamont calling him a liar?

    Why not just shoot both yer feet to smithereens BT and get Jackie Bailley to call the first minister a liar?

  158. Embradon says:

    Team GB are playing in the World cup in Brazil this summer aren’t they? That will be a good opportunity for some togetherness under the Union Jack. 😉

  159. Ken500 says:

    No mention of the £1.2Trn debt and the £10Billion+ Scotland loses to the UK Treasury, a year. £7Billion + £1.5Billion Trident and £1.5Billion (saving on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol).

    Desperation. Fell at the first hurdle, didn’t last the pace.

  160. call me dave says:

    Cameron a fearty and should be in Devon with his wellies on because he’s letting England down, neglecting his duties.

    Salmond has taken off one glove!

  161. hud oan the noo says:

    Embradon…..eemmmm naw

  162. Macart says:

    Did I just hear Cameron say he’d be making several trips to Scotland this year to plead the case for the UK? Oh and that he’d be bringing the cabinet with him?

    Begs a question about his approach to the whole ‘private debate for Scots alone’ excuse wouldn’t you say? I mean he’s been using that defence for the past year to avoid debating with the FM. We’re well aware they’ve stuck their oar in from the get go but the man’s left himself with nowhere to go now surely?

  163. call me dave says:

    Salmond tells BBC England how it is and names D.Canavagn is the man Darling should be talking to.

    Brilliant few minutes there! 🙂

  164. gerry parker says:

    Aye Dave, we need to keep reminding people how unscrupulous they are. Mc Crone, Alex Douglas home, the 40% rule.
    The show ain’t over yet.

  165. Robyn - Quine fae Torry says:

    I think the press member who asked regarding the Somerset floods deserves a medal. That is actually a peach of a question as Cameron is being exposed as a coward not only for speaking to us from afar on how great the union is, but also the fact that he has, so far, been otherwise engaged whilst Somerset has been flooded for the best part of a month.

    Out of touch not only from a Scottish perspective but also seemingly from the perspective of those whose vote his party normally courts. Keep it coming, BT!

  166. Les Wilson says:

    Just watched Alex Salmond in an interview on BBC NEWS responding to Cameron’s speech. He was in top form and slated Cameron. The spoke well and did not give the interviewer a chance.
    I am glad he is on our side. Well done Alex.

  167. Robert Louis says:

    Alex Salmond just given around five minutes to argue his case on the BBC, following a full half hour devoted to Cameron’s anti independence rant. Is that how the blatantly biased and propagandist BBC define ‘balance’?? Five minutes versus a half hour??

  168. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Call me Dave – I did tune in to R5L but missed AS. However I had to laugh at the last caller from Leeds who really hopes that Independence for Scotland is successful as Yorkshire want the same from London.

  169. Findlay Farquaharson says:

    im more impressed with mr salmond everytime i see or hear him. what a wonderful 5 mins on bbc.

  170. chalks says:


    Thanks Mary, I recall reading that before, but was hoping for a statement etc from someone identifiable rather than a blogger? I’m not doubting it, but it’s a massive point and I’d like to be able to go in strong.

  171. Grant_M says:

    Supposedly, David Cameron’s speech was directed at people in the rest of the UK – a line also repeatedly echoed by the BBC. Rightly then, Alex Salmond in an interview on the BBC News channel explicitly mentions the “Cameron tells Scotland” headline on their website…

    link to

    The outcome? The BBC act very quickly to remove it…

    link to

  172. CameronB says:

    The ‘diminished’ word was used by Portillo, Abbott or Andrew Niel, during last week’s one-sided indy-ref discussion on “This Week”.

  173. Robert Louis says:

    Haha some ‘winning’ arguments from the comments on the BBC article . Can you feel the ‘love’ yet?

    “The Scottish economy wouldn’t survive on its own. All that north sea oil isn’t theirs, it’s the Queen of England’s. And it’s a good job that one of her relatives is fighting her corner on this.

    In God, the Queen and David we trust. Independence indeed, those north of the border need bringing down a peg or two…..”

    “Scots, please vote for independence. We don’t want you to carry on leeching on us. Thanks.”

    “So farewell then all you Bravehearts!! And don’t forget to take your own currency, civil service, health service and education system with you. Oh yes, and don’t forget to pay for it yourselves. Quite frankly it will be fun to see all those Scots down here become immediate foreigners. Such fun.”

    “Aww screw it… lets just let them leave then wipe them off the face of the planet with OUR Trident nukes :)”

    “All the vitriol pouring from drunken, mars bar frying men in skirts again.
    Cameron does not speak for the majority of English people regarding scotland. Let them go, who cares. We’ve carried them for 300 years now let them pay their own way. First sentence in the Act of Dis-union should be
    NO WAY BACK…………………. EVER”

  174. creigs1707repeal says:

    Let me tell you this, Mr Cameron–if you want to tell me anything, then come up here to Scotland and tell it to my face. What are you so afraid of?

  175. Robert Louis says:


    Yes, i noticed that. The BBC interviewer was skewered by the fact that the First Minister was just using the headline from the BBC news website. Now the headline has been removed by the BBC.

    Good old propagandist BBC.

  176. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Labour rep (Somebody Beamish?) currently being laughed at by Brian Taylor’s Roadshow audience in Peebles.

  177. Jeannie says:

    So they’re saying the UK will be diminished if Scotland leaves. The truth is that it is Scotland that is diminished if we stay. You only have to look around you to know this.

  178. Robert Louis says:

    Just to be clear, David Cameron explicitly remarked that ‘we should do whatever it takes‘ to keep the union together.

    Does that include the use of planted documents, planted news stories and innuendo, courtesy of MI5 and MI6?? Many of us DO remember Wullie McRae.

  179. X_Sticks says:

    gerry parker says:

    “And now the challenge is to keep the Yes case to the front”

    Yup, Gerry, and to that end I will be out delivering leaflets and papers and canvassing between now and September, and I’d urge everyone else who can to do so too.

  180. ronnie anderson says:

    Rev, watching HOl debate just now deep sea mining,debate & licencing,Polymetalic nodules, Cobalt, ect ect,+ Oil/ Gas.

  181. X_Sticks says:

    Grant_M says:

    “The BBC act very quickly to remove it…”

    Amazing how quick then can be……

  182. X_Sticks says:

    Oops *they

  183. Robert Louis says:


    Exactly, now we have the momentum, it is time for a big push of the case for independence.

    link to

  184. Tony Little says:

    OT Brian’s big hooley seems to be filled with YES voters. BBC correcting their bias?

  185. msean says:

    Saw the First Ministers’ interview on the BBC news channel,thought he was very good. The presenter seemed a bit stressed at the end,having not landed a blow.

  186. Caroline Corfield says:

    Funny that if Cameron is addressing the rest of the UK how the story doesn’t appear on the BBC news website’s pages for England but does appear on the Scottish pages.

  187. Jamie Arriere says:

    OT another Tory slip-up

    link to

  188. Papadocx says:


    Presenter as per usual in EBC London don’t know their subject. They believe the propaganda they shove out daily in sound bites. When they are exposed to the facts and truth they are shocked. Have seen this many times, the last one was Ivan McKee the other night with Clive ? Who was pretty much speechless when Ivan finished. They are believing their own lies.

  189. Annibale says:

    Have just received this text from my sister in Lancashire:

    “In accordance with David Cameron’s instructions, on behalf of my English family, I would like to ask you to re..reconsider voting can’t do it..fuck ’em vote YES!”

    You can’t pick your family, but sometimes you know you got the right ones!

  190. chalks says:

    Guys, can someone please have a look at this?

    link to

    Some Britnat chocolate is working his way to suggesting he haven’t paid our own up until the last 5 years…

  191. HandandShrimp says:

    I see the highest rated post on the Beeb is the North of England wanting to come with us 🙂

  192. creigs1707repeal says:

    Funny wee post over on NNS.

    When Scotland goes indy the UK will, logically, become the Former UK (FUK).

    The NO campaign will be out leafleting again “Vote NO for FUK’s sake.”


  193. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    “The best was not the winning but the Red, White and Blue”

    I actually shouted Fuck Off at the radio.

  194. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Does that mean the citizens will be Fukers?

  195. gerry parker says:

    @Bugger – what, just like their politicians?

  196. Morag says:

    Sounds like Peebles went OK then? I wasn’t there but some friends of mine had tickets. No doubt I’ll be hearing all about it.

    Claudia Beamish? They’re scraping the barrel a bit there.

    I spent last night with a copy of the unredacted electoral roll, Google Maps and the Ordnance Survey web site. I’ve made logical lists of every dwelling outside the village boundaries in a three mile radius that even might harbour one or more people with a vote.

    I’m not promising to get the the end of every single farm track (there’s one called “Stonypath” that nearly took the undercarriage off my car in April 2011) but I am promising to try. The depressing part is that for all the effort involved it’s only about 150 letter-boxes. But people living out in the sticks have a right to hear the Yes case too.

    I know it’s relatively easy to run along a row of terrace houses, or up and down the stairs of a tenement, but hey. Folks with cars, living in the country, why don’t you do the same as me? Liaise with your local Yes group, stake out a manageable piece of territory, and undertake to get these newspapers and so on out there.

    It’s going to be a great summer.

  197. X_Sticks says:

    Bugger (the Panda) says:

    “I actually shouted Fuck Off at the radio.”

    Lol BtP I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. I should give up watching the BBC, but I can’t!

  198. call me dave says:

    Robert Louis

    Here’s a wee book just out, which I am reading. Won’t spoil the story but it is all about what you have mentioned when YES take the lead in the polls.

    Young man from Dundee, just published, very topical
    ‘the dark arts at work’ 🙂

    link to

  199. The Water Beastie says:

    Good on ya, Morag – and its hard to believe that the prowess of the mythically powerful Better Together GrassRoots campaign will follow so thoroughly where you have trod (or driven)… 😉

  200. Ericmac says:

    Cameron is a naive politician. He is green. He is neither statesman or leader. He ended up as PM due to a series of circumstances, including Labour incompetence.

    His speeches are not convincing or credible. This is not an honest man. This is a ham actor pretending to be honest and sincere. It’s marginally worse than Tony Blair.

    Leaving the YES NO debate aside for a second, what Cameron and Westminster are doing with regards the whole debate is hugely damaging to the whole of the UK.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I am very angry with the propaganda (smear, fear, steer) This will never end now until Scotland is independent.

  201. boglestone says:

    This is the worst lot of Tories we’ve ever had. They can’t even do EVIL properly. They really are so incompetent and out of touch that they think this would work.

  202. ronnie anderson says:

    @Bugger the (panda)1.32, I did post up yesterday,about Cybernut ( an Im the only one) but by the 18th of Sept
    going on your performance (shouting at radio)there,s hope fur us all.

  203. gerry parker says:

    My sympathy, I’m in the Iron Burgh. Lots of terraced streets in schemes, a few “closes” Some high flats, a fair share of “controlled entry” flats though. It’s fair goin well for my exercise regime. I recall the rural deliveries when I was a postman back in the 70’s. The rural deliveries were great – but hard work.

  204. call me dave says:

    Brian’s big debate from Pebbles. Encouraging stuff and a savvy audience. 6 minutes in for start.

    link to

  205. Peter Mechan says:

    “polls suggest scots will reject independence by a wide margin…” – really? Bit behind the curve there but that’s fine – complacency in the NO camp suits me just fine!

  206. Greannach says: is begging for people to sign up. Now there’s invitation begging to be accepted.

  207. TootsCapoot says:


    “His Union is a hamster and it smells of elderberry wine.”

    Yes, a bit foostie and wallowing.

    While Indy Scotland is more of a pussycat waiting to pounce, sipping pina coladas and tail swishing to a little bossanova. Too groovy to lose.

  208. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Hmm, yeah, like it.

    ‘Too groovy to lose.’

    It’s poetry!

  209. Morag says:

    I still want to know if these maroons really think Hadrian’s Wall is the actual border. I didn’t think anyone capable of using a computer could be that ignorant, or at least stay that ignorant for more than an hour after dreaming up the idea, but their web site rather hints that this may indeed be the case.


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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
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    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
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