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Wings Over Scotland

The Final Betrayal

Posted on February 29, 2024 by

The Scottish Government have just launched yet another nanny-state “healthy eating” intervention, and to be honest, readers, the cheap-shot open goals just queued up.

Our first instinct was to do a simple picture gallery of some of the insatiable pie-hounds squeezing their expenses-fed backsides onto the groaning, creaking benches and chairs of the Holyrood and Westminster parliaments, such as Kirsten “Elbows” Oswald (pictured above, slumped back under the sheer weight of her neck) – so known to other MPs because you get between her and a buffet at grave peril to your ribcage.

(And no, we’re not telling you which ones told us that.)

While we were looking at comfortable upholstery it was also quite appetising to score a bargain bucket of easy laughs off the Minister For Public Health who’s bringing the legislation forward, and who could maybe do with setting the nation an example herself by shedding a few kilograms of spare lard before she starts lecturing everyone else.

We could have spent a happy morning taking juicy bites out of the endless succession of SNP troughers who could do with cutting back just a little on the subsidised foie gras that we pay them to shovel into their wobbly jowls in the Commons restaurants.

But in the end we decided to stick to the moral high ground. Because even Kirsten Oswald’s elbows aren’t as sharp as the bitter comic irony of this.

* The misspelling of “papadam” is probably now a racist hate crime, btw.

Because as if it wasn’t bad enough that in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis the SNP can’t think of anything better to do with their time than make food – and in particular almost any sort of food than’s actually nice – more expensive, and as if it wasn’t bad enough that these pathologically pious, petty Puritans are determined to eradicate even the tiniest moments of occasional treat joy still available to the beleaguered poor, a SCOTTISH Government is now coming after PORRIDGE.

As well as being the very essence of Scottishness (along with shortbread and chips, which are of course also on the Bad List), porridge is in fact one of the best breakfasts there is. According to the British Heart Foundation it’s “a healthy, nutritious way to start your day”, and they offer a whole raft of “delicious, heart-healthy porridge ideas”.

Porridge in its basic form is also dirt-cheap, is a high-fibre wholegrain that can help to lower cholesterol, and a slow-energy-release food (which makes it particularly popular with runners) that stops you getting peckish in mid-morning and reaching for snacks.

The BBC Good Food website lists some of its many positive qualities:

The Scottish Government “consultation” document – because we all know how much attention they pay to the public’s opinion – doesn’t suggest what it DOES want Scots to have for breakfast that would be better for them than porridge. Pancakes, crumpets, cornflakes, yogurt, croissants, and even fruit juice and rice cakes are also among the many many items on the restricted list.

(Although there’s nothing in there about bacon, eggs, sausage, beans, black pudding and fried bread, so snap up all the bargain offers you can find at the butcher’s counter, slap some oil in the frying pan and knock yourselves out, folks.)

Perhaps they expect everyone to go to work fuelled by pure self-righteousness.

Most of the SNP are carrying enough blubber to survive being held hostage by ISIS for a couple of years, let alone miss the odd morning meal. But normal people need food to get through their day, and if a Scottish Government is cracking down on porridge then maybe it’s time we made Soylent Green out of all the useless waddling parasites and got some good out of them for once.

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KT Lorimer

I wonder if this list has been compiled by civil servants with the express intention of embarrassing the Scottish Government.


mmmmmm Soylent Greeeeeenn..


Hilarious Stu- Cant stop chuckling. Back to my porridge!


Purritch and prunes sends the pupil happily to school.


“useless waddling parasites”

Needs repeating.


At least they don’t want expressly to ban Aberdeen butteries; there is that.


The SNP, it there’s a bigger waste of money than this lot I’d be glad to hear it, this crowd need to be voted out at the next election, it would be merciful, they don’t even care enough to be embarrassed about the nonsense they put out. Someone should put laxatives into their drinks, that way the shite would come out the correct end.


Nor have they expressly included trifle (known as Scotch Trifle when introduced to England). Nor marmalade. How odd to miss those very Scottish treats but include porridge.

Stuart MacKay

Where’s “Section 2: Foods subject to promotion”? We could all do with a good laugh.

Time for a quick jaunt down to the Holyrood canteen, oops, I mean, Executive Dining Suite, to see all that advice in action.

Incidentally. Farmers, oats is a crop that can pretty much be grown anywhere in Scotland. Shouldn’t you be demanding that your representatives be expanding the economic opportunities for farming. It’s all about food security and sustainability too. Time to load up the muck-spreaders and express your dissatisfaction at being so poorly served.


Still waiting for the trencherman on his feet in front of Oswald in the first pic to sign the Early Day Motion on the Speaker. Could it be he fears it may imperil his ‘elevation’ to the House of Peers?


I’m a dialysis patient and therefopre my bloods are monitored monthly and any departure from safe levels of anything will incur a visit from the dietician. Porrideg is about the only approved breakfast. Luckily I like it, and I’ll share my recipe (don’t knock it till you’ve tried it).
1 part porridge
2 parts water
1 part cloudy apple juice

Serve with a dessert spoonful of natural yoghurt and a drizzle of manuka honey (yes, I can’t afford it either, but….)


Am I alone in feeling the way I do? I’ve supported SNP for the best part of forty years, right up until 2016.I feel betrayed. I’m also very fuckin’ angry.


Won’t be long before we’re in the situation where it’s easier to buy class A drugs than it is to buy a bag of crisps


lovely!! so, Charlie Barley’s black pudding, some nice middle bacon, a few pork sausages, (fried of course, none of yer air fryer healthy keech…) followed by a Rowie with butter, washed down wi 2 cups of tea, coming right up…….Nothing wrong with that according to the SNP Gov. Yum yum.


nanny state.

– there goes my plan for “heroin crisps”.

heroin crisps with a logo of hitler beating up a tranny


Holyrood needs put on a strict diet of churning out garbage for the sake of giving some eejit a grossly overpaid job to do.

It’s like a remedial class is tucked off somewhere in the bowels of Holyrood right next to the remedial deviant department.


Is this legislation already in force in England/Wales? they seem to be copying the list for there. link to


You know what they want us to eat.
Insects, cockroaches, tofu whatever the fuck that is and other tasteless, vomit inducing crap.

It’s hard to believe how utterly dense, stupid, authoritarian they are.

We’d be better off with no politicians at all and all their salaries, expenses, distributed amongst the population

Derek McGaw

Why don’t we organise an all expenses paid ‘Wild Swimming’ trip to the Faroes for SNP MP’s and MSP’s?

It wouldn’t cost that much, especially after they experience the good people of the Faroe Islands traditions.

Might save some cetaceans too!


Who would have thought it, this old teetotal, non smoking pensioner has been poisoning his metabolic system for many years by indulging in his treat of porridge & goats’ milk.
Now, if I’d only known, perhaps I could have looked as slim, vital and healthy as messrs Blackford or Minto.


I think if anyone was still considering voting for Sturgeon’s useless army of grifters then this ill-considered guff would be more than enough to dissuade them.

Possibly, they are trying to distract themselves from considering what the public will do once they find out all the people involved in Sturgeon’s plots ?

Tick, tock.

Patsy Millar

You couldn’t make it up and what is it with Scottish health spokesmen (deliberate use of that word!).And yes, I’m thinking of you Jackie Baillie.


These people are absolute cretins. They don’t understand that people on low incomes have little choice in what they purchase to eat.
£3 punnet of berries or 50p pack of biscuits. It’s a no brainer. Taking away the deals isn’t going to change someone on a low income’s mind.
Why not give ‘5 a day’ vouchers? Get 5 packs of fruit and veg available to those that need it per family member per week. Or make it cheaper to buy with government subsidy.
By all means push healthy foods, but make them cheaper and more available to those on low incomes as all that will happen is that people will continue to purchase sweets and other ‘restricted’ foods (as they should be allowed to) but have less money available for healthier options.


I notice lobster isn’t on the banned list. Stephen will be pleased.


Best final paragraph ever….

Tartan Tory

Casting a weary, non-partisan eye over many Scottish news articles since I tore-up my (SNP) membership card, it has certainly struck me about just how many of the modern troughers – women in particular – would struggle to get past the application form for a Miss Mary of Sweden photoshoot!

I thought perhaps I was being unkind, misogynist etc, but concluded this was not the case because I was content to add the piggy crofter (and others) to this list.

Are we in danger of playing the person rather than the argument here? No we are not. It’s perfectly plain to see that these portly lard-arses expect us to do as they say, not as they do.


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”.

I’m going to get stickers printed…

Oink-oink! Swee! Vote SNP!

Alisdair Mclean

Anything but promote independence: the reason that people voted them in in the first place.

By the way there is a rare typo in the paragraph beginning “Because as if it wasn’t bad enough that in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis . . . ”
. . . ‘than’ should be changed to ‘that’s’


Laughter is the best medicine, so they say – in which case I’m really healthy today. Thank you, Rev, for the comic relief.

But seriously, as you say, why isn’t the Scottish Breakfast on the banned list – all that offal and processed meat [aka bacon]?

And who are the cretins who failed to research i.e. a second on google, the benefits of porridge? As Eva Comrie wrote the other day, the Scottish government and its English-owned civil servants, are “amateur, divisive and indolent”.


Just out of interest… do they say where all this extra money slapped onto these foods will be going?

To the NHS? Towards making fruit and veg cheaper??? No, these fat pigs will probably just donate it to some pro paedophile charity or something equally as mental.

Vivian O’Blivion

Remember, the Minister didn’t come up with this list all on her lonesome. This involved Civil Servants. Apparently our vast army of public apparatchiks is devoid of anyone with basic (extremely basic) knowledge of nutrition.
They all sailed through their various degrees (something with Politics in the title) without coming even tangentially into contact with science or common sense.

auld highlander

Like pigs at the trough they will be led to their slaughter.

Owen Mullions

The Slimmers Nannystate Party


Blackford alone could feed a Uruguayan rugby team for a year. You’d probably want him on your flight for that alone.

Not me though. I’d rather eat the arsehole out of a skunk than any of those pork arse bloaters.

I suspect with Blackford though as soon as you stuck a fork in him he would fly about the room like a balloon discharging, being such a bloviating fat useless trougher windbag.

I actually pity the House of Lords if this tedious wank gets what he very clearly wants bad.

David Beveridge

Well, at least if the next pandemic degenerates into a Walking Dead type holocaust, we’ll be able to outrun all these fat bstrds and find a decent hiding place in the 6 months it takes the zombies to munch their way through them.


“I wonder if this list has been compiled by civil servants with the express intention of embarrassing the Scottish Government.”

Got it in one!


Our NHS is falling apart, there’s more holes in our roads than in Swiss cheese, homelessness is an all time high in Scotland, our energy bills are sky high even though Scotland is awash with energy sources, there’s been huge cuts our Police and Fire brigade services, and this is just the tip of a very huge iceberg needing addressing in Scotland, yet theses f*kcin clowns want to restrict porridge, which has nourished Scots for generations.

These treacherous b*stards have been taking the piss for long enough, get them out of office at every turn.

President sitting bullshit

SNP strategy meeting : there’s an election this year folks so let’s come up with a radical policy to win the hearts and minds of the people.
I know let’s tell supermarkets to make the foods that they like more expensive
and to be even more radical we can specifically target porridge, how radical is that, no other party is promising to raise food prices and target Scotlands national breakfast, it might even sway a few of the legendary soft nos ??
Was the German high command talking about Scotland in particular when they said “Lions Led By Donkeys”


Oats based dishes are one of the few cheap healthy options available to the poor. Are Scotgov trying to increase the work load of the health service? Keep the drug companies in business? Lower life expectancy among the poor even more?


You may criticise but Blackford, Oswald et al are clearly winning their personal battles and are to be commended for their brave fight against adversary.

Their battles against anorexia!

Question-What is the difference between a beachball and Oswald?

Answer-One is spheroid in shape and bouncy. The other helps in frittering away some time on a beach.

Young Lochinvar

Saw this on the news last night. Total bangers charging to the electoral cliff edge.


It appears that the term “White Pudding” doesn’t just refer to that deep fried oatmeal delicacy found in Edinburgh chippies, but to a fair few occupants of the SNP benches at Westminster; the one sporting the three-piece Savile Row ensemble in particular comes to mind.


“Slap some oil in the frying pan”


Beef dripping or lard only in this house thank you.


Wow! That’s some front bench. Sturdy.


Comedy hour continues – there’s some great btl comments keeping self and other half in stitches.

John C

Remember when the SNP were discussing how to improve the economy, were discussing land reform, fighting to build new houses & generally trying to improve ordinary people’s lives? Now they’re just pious authoritarians telling people off because they feel the ordinary person needs to get punished.

But here’s the thing. Meal deals can be unhealthy. If however, you’re in a crap job, have 30 minutes for lunch & you’re working long hours and/or shifts then you’re too tired to make food yourself & a meal deal is a quick and easy way to grab some food that’ll keep you going til you manage to get home. If the SNP were serious about improving people’s health (which they aren’t, this is just signalling to their middle class base that they’re ‘doing something’) then they’d be fighting for independence so we can bring in sensible employment laws so people can work reasonable hours for a decent wage & not work like a dog to just exist.

They’re now so far removed from ordinary people’s lives & know only about their own peer circle. They have in effect become what they hated. And yes, watching morbidly obese MPs and MSPs lecture us takes the piss.


They used to describe mostly women like that “hoose ends”.


‘ Plundered and set aside, grow fat on swallowed pride’

– Paul Doran


Is it true the SNP have cancelled their Conference, asks George Foulkes on X.


Is porridge still served in Pokey?

Just asking for err….a friend …

Dorothy Devine

AH! Rowies fae Rhynie the best breakfast ever.


Porridge. They want us to think porridge is unhealthy. That’s madness. I can see the logic behind pies and pastries etc (though idealogically I oppose punitive costs on them, if not balanced by subsidy on healthy options) but porridge is a brilliant breakfast. Insoluble fibre, helps keep the appetite in check and has a positive effect on gut flora. The quick Oat pot things full of sugar, yeah… Maybe. But raw porridge oats? Daft daft daft idea.



Yes I’ve read that there is no SNP Spring Conference this year.


And despite numerous warnings snp caught out again in north lanarkshire.

No wonder half their councillors split and set up on their own.

The sheer number of total wallopers floating to the surface is truly astonishing.

Neil E

To be fair, I could bring an Elephant down from about 10 yards with the smell of ‘gas’ porridge gives me. So it’s maybe not all bad!

John Macdonald

Soylent Green?
Didn’t think you were old enough to remember that one Stuart.


Co-op ricecakes “Ingredients: Wholegrain Brown Rice” (nothing else)
(Cereal) Shredded Wheat “Ingredients: 100% Wholegrain Wheat”
Are wholegrains suddenly unhealthy?


Sugar tax – Didnae work, hit the poor uardest
Minimum Pricing – Didnae work, hit the poor hardest
Two for one Fast food deals ban – Didnae work, hit the poor hardest
Porridge ban – Willnae work, hit the poor hardest.

What planet do these people live on? Let people take individual responsibility for their own health and if you get fat, you get fat I say.


Sugar tax – Didnae work, hit the poor uardest
Minimum Pricing – Didnae work, hit the poor hardest
Two for one Fast food deals ban – Didnae work, hit the poor hardest
Porridge ban – Willnae work, will hit the poor hardest.

What planet do these people live on? Let people take individual responsibility for their own health and if you get fat, you get fat I say.


I’m glad they’re fattening themselves up.
They’re going to be a long time unemployed.

I don’t think Aldi do a seared seambream with lemon & white wine butter sauce with fresh baby potatoes, petits pois served on a bed of fresh green beans for £1.99.

Whoever brainstormed this pish should be first for the chop. Was it the Greens? Where everyone is to eat dirt & there is to be no salt with it either.


All I can say is this must keep people in a civil service job coming up with these ideas.

I don’t understand what output is

Stopping Scotch Porridge Oats adverts?


They don’t have a clue. The ‘Ready to Eat Meals’ are a godsend for so many pensioners and people on tight budgets.
I have spoken with many OAPs who shop at Farm Foods and get the ready-made-for-one meals and are still thriving in their 80’s and 90’s
SNP don’t do analysis do they? No finesse . No common sense. They’re lazy self-indulgent fools.
They’re not worth a tithe of their salary


John C…

“Remember when the SNP were discussing how to improve the economy, were discussing land reform, fighting to build new houses & generally trying to improve ordinary people’s lives?”

I remember, but everything that the poisoned dwarf and her continuity village idiot have touched in the last 9 years has turned to shit. We’d be better off if these troughing idiots sat on their hands and kept their gobs shut between now and polling day – at least they couldn’t make anything worse with their attempts to “govern”.


I am truly sorry for my above comment being posted twice (and a spelling error). My phone is garbage and this was in error but apologies for breaking commenting etiquette.


Porridge is bad fur ye.

According to people offering your weans “puberty blockers”.


Spartan 117

What a lot of utter keech from this shower of troughing lard-arses.

James Barr Gardner

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!


Of course Westminster will say they cannot do this and the public will say we don’t want this and their purse will say we can’t afford this and the SNP troughers will be put out of office and they will be able to eat all day long on their tax payer funded pensions.


I doubt as the headline of this article suggests, that this will be the SNP’s final betrayal.


As companies start to feel the pressure at Grangemouth, and the useless grifting SNP sit on their hands (they haven’t a f*ckin clue what to do), the English government have been quick to move in to court Radcliffe.

“MORE than 60 jobs are on the line at Grangemouth after a multinational corporation said it can not see a “viable long-term future for the site”.

Fujifilm said it was opening a consultation on how to move forward with operations at Fujifilm Imaging Colorants Limited, which employs 62 people at the Scottish site.

In a press release, the firm said: “If the consultation does not find a viable future for the site, this may result in the closure of the site and means that all 62 roles dependent on the site’s operation are at risk of redundancy.””


The UK government is providing a €700m (£600m) guarantee for the billionaire Jim Ratcliffe to build the biggest petrochemical plant in Europe in 30 years that will turbocharge plastic production.

“The huge petrochemical plant has been described as a “carbon bomb” by campaigners. Being constructed in the Belgian city of Antwerp by Ratcliffe’s company Ineos, it will bring plastic production to Europe on a scale not seen before, just as countries are trying to negotiate a binding global treaty to tackle the growing problem of plastic pollution.”


I had enough of this shit. Either the SNP are complete idiots who do not have a clue on anything, or they are deliberately making themselves completely unelectable to ensure Scotland loses the pro-indy majority at Westminster.

Of those two, the second option is, by far, the most convincing. Actually, to me, the only one convincing.

It is looking like the political fraud Sturgeon might have sold us in 2014 and whatever she might have negotiated in exchange, its delivery seems to hinge on her and her continuity candidate having been able to hold the yes movement on a leash while wasting its energy spinning the momentum wheels in the air, going nowhere, for long enough to ensure labour can rise to power on time to finish it off.

The ridiculously high level of incompetence, incoherence, ineptitude, ignorance, negligence, sheer stupidity and corruption accumulated within the SNP ranks cannot possibly be a random occurrence. It defies the laws of probability. This can only be and deliberate.

The entire political apparatus of the UK has been taking us for fools for the last 9 years. I for one am sick of being kept on a leash and have had enough.

There is only one solution for it: to stop playing this losers’ game. Voting SNP is voting to lose. Voting Green is voting to lose. Voting Labour is voting to lose. Voting tory is voting to lose. Voting libdems is voting to lose.

If you don’t have any real pro-independence party (Alba or ISP) to vote for in your constituency, then don’t waste your precious ballot. Use it to cast your vote for whatever it is that you want. Spoil it by writing in it exactly what you want to vote for and put an X next to it.

If they insist in denying us democracy by refusing to offer the options we really want to vote for, it is only fair we create those options ourselves.

It is time to stop playing this stupid, boring, 9 years’ long, losers game. We have been treated like losers for long enough. Time to change the rules and the board.

Anton Decadent

@Derek McGraw 1.13pm. Send Graham Campbell with them and they can start a function band called Boab Merley And The Whalers.


You may be subject to considering other people’s feelings, I have no such constraints, the snp scum INFESTING HR and WM comprise of OBESE MORONIC ARSEHOLES most of whom have NEVER done a days work in their ugly lives, and anyone who votes for these clowns deserves everything coming to them

There may have been some civil servant engagement in collating this pish but surely ANYONE with a brain (obviously not snp troughers) would tell them to FUCK OFF

Duncan Strachan

It’s obvious to me. Has been for years. These arses are all unionist interlopers from labour. They are trying to destroy snp and succeeding. Half of them will seek election in HR. When booted out of the cesspit. Many will re- join Labour and seek election again.
The ones elected to HR will do their best to destroy it and scotlands nationhood. IMHO.

Alastair R

Is Katie Hopkins a guest columnist for Wings now …

Stu – There was a time when you would take a story like as a pinch of piss because it almost certainly will be when the small print is released

As for the personal attacks on fat politicians – very poor


Republicofscotland – Aye.

Net Zero means there’s no future for Grangemouth or the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen. Net Zero means poverty.

This isnae hard to understand, yet some people refuse to understand it.

Gregory Beekman

The Proclaimers new song:

“Porridge no more…”


As a six pack sporting everyday muncher of oats for decades, I have to say those overweight authoritarian cretins are fucking mental.
It isn’t so much about the food stuffs (although all that processed and additive packed food is utter junk); The issue is the sedentary lifestyle choices that mean folk just don’t move around enough to burn off the massive amount of calories they are ingesting.

If we were more Frenchlike, we’d protest by filling that stupid wee pond in front of Holyrood with oats, wait for half an hour for the oats to absorb the water, then unleash an epic cold porridge harling of oor parliament building.

Getting in early with #OatClub before it goes underground.

The first rule of Oat Club is you do not talk about Oat Club,
The second rule of Oat Club is you DO NOT talk about Oat Club…

Off to make some homemade flapjacks with oats, butter, sugar, syrup, treacle, and spec it up more on the taste and calorie front with a bit of cocoa powder 🙂

Dave The Shave

Its bad for you if you are diabetic or insulin resistant, but for normal folk, fire away.

Antoine Bisset

Breakfast is fruit juice, porridge, served with double cream and raw cane sugar, followed by croissant and jam and freshly ground coffee. Has been for decades.
Healthy, filling and tastes wonderful.

Who are these people for whom I stopped voting for twenty years ago when it became obvious that they preferred safe salaries to secession?


“Net Zero means there’s no future for Grangemouth or the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen. Net Zero means poverty.”


Net-Zero is a fantasy, the Greens (degenerates at heart) would destroy Scotland’s economy to push for this pie-in-the-sky goal. Oil and gas will be around for a long time to come.

mr. h. lecter

Long pig for me.


What gets me is that from inception to publication, nobody picked up on the utter stupidity of this. How many people read it before it was released? Did nobody, not a single solitary soul, pipe up and say ‘Hey boss, you’re about to make a prat of yourself’. Did nobody realise porridge is just about as healthy a food as you can get? Did nobody feel bold enough to challenge the source of the document? Did anybody actually read it with their brain in gear? Did anyone even read it at all?

I honestly can’t fathom that level of stupidity.

Stuart MacKay

livonian @5:04pm

The poor must be punished for their ill-educated ways. As any Tory MP can tell you, it’s easily feed a family of four for 5p per day.

If only they called their children Constance or Nigel and sent them to private school, their station in life would have been so much improved.

How long now before Yousaf has a major speech condemning white puddings. These people think ahead. It’s not just made up on the spur of the moment.


I think, to be perfectly honest, the demonising of porridge is symbolic Scottish mockery. It’s a cultural staple, and represents Scottish health and vitality. Think even if the shot putter on the box of Scott’s porage oats. The English and yanks are laughing at us. And the SNP psychos are lapping it up. This country needs fucking shooting and putting out of its misery.


“slumped back under the sheer weight of her neck”



Thanks for this laugh, Stu, the best in ages, including the comments. Oatmeal is one of the healthiest and most versatile foods going – it actually lowers cholesterol.
As someone with hypertension, (controlled), diabetes (controlled) and other health conditions and with a family history of heart disease and stroke, I have been able to virtually normalise my blood parameters by eating healthily – a wholefood, plant-based diet which is delicious and relatively cheap. Breakfast is porridge using hamlyns oatmeal (not processed porridge oats) with flaxseed, a spot of salt (porridge isnt porridge without salt), sweetened with pure maple syrup and topped with sliced bananas. All this with either plant-based ‘cream’ or plant-based milk. I use oatmeal in lots of other meals as well, e.g. in fruit crumbles and non-meat stews.

These snp lard-arses have a damned cheek to attack the healthiest diet available like this, and their sheer hypocrisy as they wobble to their seats is utterly ludicrous! How I wish I was in an area where one or two of them came to canvass – what fun I would have!!!


Hilarious though all the comments are, folks should be aware that porridge, made with oatmeal is a very healthy option whereas porage oats, that sappy processed mess sold by cereal companies is full of the same poisonous and unhealthy additives and refined sugar as any other packet of cornflakes/rice krispsies/cherios etc and just as unhealthy. Oatmeal can be added to many dishes, whereas porage cant. It was standard practice in ‘the olden days’ when meat was perhaps a once/twice-a-week treat, to eke out mince for example, by adding oatmeal.

Robert Hughes

Christ ! Here we go again , more proscription from the YE CANNAE DAE THAT PARTY ( a subsidiary of the FOR YOUR OWN GOOD ALLIANCE )

THE WAR ON PORRIDGE ( starring Warren Oates ) .Coming to a canteen near you . Soon .

Maybe wee E.T Greer could get on his wee platform ootside Farm Foods n start haranguing the unevolved peasantry through his wee megaphone . If he’s no too busy phoning home .


Is it just possible- do you think ? – that these political ‘heavyweights’ are trying to divert attention from their laughable record ( just starting a consultation on who can be a citizen in independent Scotland- what has the SNP been doing for seven decades ?)
Someone should file an FOI demanding to know what you will be allowed to eat in ‘Indy’ Scotland


OT sort of.

The Scottish records office have finally produced the monthly mortality figures for Nov. and Dec.

Toting up the numbers for each month of 2023 give a total of 63098.
This number is comparable with the years since the scamdemic started and about a 10% increase in deaths over the pre 2020 numbers.
The population has risen by about 3% since 2014.

The records office complicated the presentation of data in Feb 2023 and are now about to complicate the modelling again to hide the increase.

Massaging the jab out of the history books.

link to


I see Ryan Dawson is becoming a regular on Judge Nap…

link to

This guy knows his shit.

Censored by google etc for ages, probably the most censored of them all.

He is a bit arrogant at times but if he says it you can rely on it being a fact. Rock solid.


I read that oats, no doubt nutritionally good, are high in pesticide. Grapes also.Buy organic.


Hmm, maybe it’s just the intense sugar and caffeine high from the flapjacks and coffee kicking in…
But just coz aw they transmutants on those big pharma hormones and with their dodgy unfeeling fake cocks and fannies cannae manage to get their oats, there’s nae need to stop everyone else enjoying the joys of oats and oat based products.

Ach, if oats are gonna be banned then that’s yet another tick on my ever-growing list of reasons to claim political oppression and apply for refugee status and asylum somewhere a bit less bonkers than Scotland.


‘“ Porridge Drawers” were common among Scottish households, where porridge would be stored throughout the day and eaten later on as a solid bar of oats’

Maybe ‘The Crofter’ and his team are as thin as whippets and are just wearing porridge drawers.

David Hannah

These people are beyond saving. I feel sorry for the nurses that will have to roll their fat diabetic arseholes about a bed in the not too distant future. They’ll need a hoist to get that FAT COW out of her chair and back to bed.

They make me sick every single one of them.

David Hannah

They should be made to pay for two rail tickets on the Avanti West coast going down.

The poor fucker sitting next to them on the train. God help them.

I suppose it’s not that they eat too much food and exercise NEVER.

They’ve got a disability… A disability. It’s not their fault they SCOFFF and Gobble tax payers money for breakfast. They’ll have to claim disability benefit.

It’s the only way for these entitled sack of FAT SHITS. Send them to FAT detention camps I say. Fat fighters. FATTY BOOM BOOM.

David Hannah

He needs a gastric sleeve. But it might be too late in life for his obesity. Hey fatty blackford, what another CREAM CAKE?

David Hannah

Last comment I’ll make. Blackford clearly hasn’t traded his new girlfriend in for a younger model has he?

He’s his ex wife in for an older model.

Blackford wants the job as speaker so can live it up large in his Westminster love nest. Fumbling about on top of the old bird.

I reckon he likes the scooshy cream around his nipples. That’s what he’s into. As he feeds her strawberries.

How dare they tell us what we can and cant eat when they are fat fucking shits themselves?

Starve them to death I say. In a fat detention camp for SNP politicans.


Just watched the news to see a hundred plus Palestinians shot by Israelis in their own land
The Israelis suggest many of the dead were killed under the wheels of the relief trucks that parked up.
Why would they race off if their load was empty?
Why would they try to stop an empty truck heading off to bring more?
Why do some of the dead have bullets in them if they were trampled?

Israel claim a bad press as the Palestinians they shot today were in another area.

Can we appoint at least some blame on Israel for millions being without shelter, water, electricity, communications and food?

The Western press instructed to say the claims are disputed by Israel so that’s alright then.

Over to Prince William in the U.K. Synagog to listen to the London Jewish community who have been enduring some name calling.

Oh dear what side to support first.


As i have mentioned before, Blackford has never had any fire in his belly only pudding.
Can this lot get any more pathetic.


It’s looking good for Galloway in Rochdale. GB News is covering it, if anyone is interested.

I can’t wait to hear his first speech in Westminster but the speaker will do everything he can to mute him.


Isn’t the restriction on “ready to eat” e.g. “instant, add hot water porridge oats rather than traditional porridge oats?

Graf Midgehunter

Beware of the SNP – Cereal killers, Blackfud, puddin on the agony to get to the House of Lard…


Galloway has apparently won by a landslide.

Did Starmer decide it would be better not to fight the seat than to fight and lose against Galloway on the issue of Gaza? Makes sense to me.

Darren Mcdonald

Thank you wings

John Main

Woohoo, a chance to make history and be the first to congratulate Mr Galloway on Wings BTL.

Not for the same reasons as the usual suspects, obvs, but because of what he is going to do to open the eyes and wake the people of UK the feck up.

The Rafah offensive pending, as Hamas continues to stall in the hope the body count will continue to ramp up, and then the month of Ramadan, with jihad callers on the streets, probably every fecking day.

The WM GE of 2024 has now been bust wide open. For the first time in quite a while, I reckon the Tories are back in with a chance.

Well done Mr Galloway, and thanks a fecking bunch.

Popcorn time – it’s gonna be innarestin.


Ach, it’s just the usual “Do as I say, not as I do” nonsense. Or “Do not imitate me, but obey my instructions” hypocrisy. Nobody expects those fools to follow their own daft ideas, rules and regulations, but woe betide anyone else who steps out of line.

Politics as practiced for the last 5000 years.


As Genocide John returns to his vomit, so the fool repeats his folly


“What would I do if my country was committing genocide?
The answer is, you’re doing it, right now.”

Aaron Bushnell’s final facebook post. It is strange but I have been thinking the exact same thing for months now.

I mentioned before that it is only really now that I have come to appreciate the phrase ‘the banality of evil’. It is so true.

Having seen a couple of clips of self immolations before it is a truly horrific way to go out.

As someone said quoting a Japanese phrase I think, ‘Aaron Bushnell had a meaningful death’. And he really has. Time will tell.

As was also pointed out, if he had not live-streamed it, most of us would have never even heard about it as the news would have ignored it.

What a courageous man.

John Main

@ Johnlmao says: 1 March, 2024 at 7:39 am

Ach, ye’re jist seek ye’re sic an idle fat erse ye didnae think o it first.

Bit dinna fash, ah’m up and aboot, working and paying taxes, sae ye can hing oot in yer fartsack all the day.

Anyhoo, first o the month, and here’s the wee affirmation o yer miserable existence ah promised ye. Ye’ve been a faithful wee dug, mair Greyfriars Boaby than Greyfriars Bobby, but fair play tae yer persistence, uninspiring though it’s been.

That’s yer lot for March though. Soz, but ye’re only getting it aince a month, unless ye’re taking yersel in hand.


Fuck me we have our own version of Al Jo(h)lson above…


“Did Starmer decide it would be better not to fight the seat than to fight and lose against Galloway on the issue of Gaza?”

Of course, an alternative explanation would be that Starmer rather see Mr Galloway win on the issue of Gaza than watching how Starmer’s own Labour candidate won on that issue and get him into trouble with the Zionists and friends of Israel funding and controlling his party.

It seems that, for labour and tories at least, this is no longer the UK, but rather Israel’s vassal state. Israel’s interests appear to take absolute priority in the eyes of Labour and Tories over those of the actual people these idiots are meant to actually represent.

I wonder how long it is going to take for Tories and Labour to determine that all people living in Israel should take part in our own elections. It cannot be that long.

I have to say, Starmer’s maneuver to discredit his party’s own candidate just weeks before the election has an intense deja-vu with the dirty maneuver the political fraud Sturgeon took against Mr Hanvey in 2019. The difference is that Mr Hanvey stood up to the political fraud, contested the seat and won.

Looking at how similar both strategies were, one wonders if in fact it might have been same master strategist dictating over both parties.

What is interesting though is that such drastic and evidently undemocratic tactic, which deliberately either disenfranchises voters or forces them to go for another candidate other than their preferred one, suggests that both, strategist and master, do no longer trust that strategical voting would suffice to obtain the result they want.

The powers that be are becoming so crass and contemptuous towards voters and democracy that they are already normalising the rigging of elections pre-vote – removing the preferred candidate just weeks before the election is, in my view, rigging the election pre-vote. I wonder how long it is going to take for those powers to normalise the rigging after votes have been cast.

The signs of authoritarism in the UK are becoming so clear and evident that they can no longer be missed or ignored.


Definitely a hasbara with Tourette’s.

150 murdered 1000 maimed in Gaza city today
link to


Ignored says:
1 March, 2024 at 7:56 am

As was also pointed out, if he had not live-streamed it, most of us would have never even heard about it as the news would have ignored it.

I’m not disagreeing with you Mac, self immolation is so very shocking, and painful, that the issue of mental health and stability rears its head. It isn’t a rational thing to do, no matter what the provocation, so I feel conflicted by it’s “effectiveness”.

My own first instinct was shock at the meagre volume of flammable liquid he chose to use. If he’d survived, and he might have, the burns would have been horrendous and debilitating. Yes, he’s calm and articulate, but it all seems so very desperate and ill prepared, right down to the dodgy lighter.

But as you say, correctly, our grotesque media needs a graphic human tragedy to grab the attention of a desensitised population. Kinda says it all about our “modern” society.

Don’t self immolate yourselves people. There are better ways of winning this.


I am really curious to see if Galloway pitches up to the HoC in that stupid f**king hat. It is like it is glued to his (obviously baldy) head. I would not be surprised if wore it in the shower, there is a mental image for you…

There is probably a rule against it (wearing stupid hats indoors) in the HoC. If so it will be the first time in many years I will have seen the top of his head. I am guessing it will be a chrome-dome, hence the pathological hat wearing.

John Main

@ Mac says: 1 March, 2024 at 7:56 am

‘Aaron Bushnell had a meaningful death’

Soz to have to break this to you, but naw.

It’s a shame nobody cared enough about him in life to buy him a dictionary. They could have kindly and gently shown him the definition of ‘genocide’.

Alternatively, he could have put his life to good use. He could have offered to exchange himself for one of the Hamas hostages, or gone to Gaza in person at the head of a “march of the concerned”, to call on Hamas to come out of their tunnels with their hands up, bringing the hostages with them.

Then all of this would be over.

I see a common outlook between yourself and Hamas. You are both implacably resolved that as you believe you have moral right on your side, no collateral damage is so high that you are prepared to compromise on your position.

And thus you eternally call for one side, Israel, to give up, so that your side can claim the victory.

Israel stated in November it would take them 6 months to fight hand-to-hand through the estimated 500 km of tunnels beneath Gaza and exterminate Hamas. So 2 months still to go.

I’d much prefer a negotiated cease fire for both sides, with a full exchange of hostages and prisoners, just as I have been stating since November, but, opinions differ.

If the end game is extermination of the Jews, the current phase must continue – I see that.

A bit more honesty from posters like yourself would help – many of us on here are grown ups, and we can look truth in the face without flinching.


Gorgeous George… Freedom for everyone, but Scotland.

Odious wee nyaff.

Alan Johnston

Both Westminster and Holyrood have failed to differentiate between plain porridge oats at about £1/kg and low sugar to the wee processed tubs high in sugar and costing an eye-watering £20+/kg. The latter should rightly be on the list, but the former should clearly be exempt.

John Main

@ Mia says: 1 March, 2024 at 8:09 am

It seems that, for labour and tories at least, this is no longer the UK, but rather Israel’s vassal state

Thanks be to [REDACTED] we have Humza Yousaf in Scotland, eh?

Finally a use for oor very ain wee pretendy FM. An incontrovertible, in-yer-fecking-face, repudiation of Mia’s ramblings.

The powers that be are becoming so crass and contemptuous towards voters and democracy that they are already normalising the rigging of elections

Naw! Say it’s not so. Like with Humza Yousaf? Is that fit ye mean?

Israel’s interests appear to take absolute priority in the eyes of Labour and Tories over those of the actual people these idiots are meant to actually represent

As the “actual people these idiots are meant to actually represent” want a genocide of the Jews, I’m kinda glad they’re not getting any representation.

That would be a real genocide BTW, following the template established on October 7th. Extermination of everybody, regardless of race, nationality or religion.

Not the kind of pretendy “genocide” that could be stopped in 24 hours by negotiation.


On a more serious note. It is crazy the daily atrocities taking place. Max Blumenthal going into it here… Using aid trucks as bait etc..

link to

I am sure many on here feel the exact same, horrified yet powerless to stop it.

Which is exactly the line of reasoning Aaron Bushnell followed… He saw a way in which he was not completely powerless, and he took it, paying the highest price for it.

Another Rachael Corrie type of a individual. These people really amaze me.


@ Alan Johnston

Aye, the list is very flawed and it’s hard to believe it was put together with anything more than folk blurting out and listing food suggestions of what they thought might be bad.
Oven chips can be down to around 5% fat whereas crisps can be up at 30%.
It also doesn’t include condiments that can be fat, sugar, and additive rich like mayonnaise that can be 75% fat and jams that are packed with sugar.
Bottom line (see what I did there…) is that folk need to better moderate what and the volume of what they eat rather than restricting access to foodstuffs.
They’ll be minimum unit pricing chocolate next… They can get in the sea with that!


Mac @ 08.28

Be interesting to see if Mr Galloway now adopts a shemagh for his Commons appearances.
I believe it was the late 1990s that the tradition of wearing a top hat (applied to males only) when raising a point of order was done away with as part of the modernisation of the HoC.
I recall Police Officers used to remove their helmets when escorting the Speaker into the House on State occasions, as it was required that males removed their headgear when entering, leaving or addressing the chamber though they could wear them whilst lounging around on the benches filling in their expenses forms.

True Scot

You’ve misunderstood. This isn’t about healthy options like Scott’s Porridge Oats. The concern is pre-cooked, sugar-laden oat products like ‘golden syrup flavour’. Whole oats are more nutritious and take longer to digest. Pre-cooking compromises these benefits.

Hurts to say this but I commend the SNP for attempting to address this, even though it’s a difficult policy area. Restricting and raising the cost of unhealthy foods is necessary, though it’s challenging for any government, especially one with declining popularity. Simply making healthy foods cheaper may not suffice; legislating healthy eating habits is impossible.

Obesity has skyrocketed since 1990, often accompanied by malnutrition. This fuels diseases like heart problems and diabetes, straining the NHS. I now view obesity less as a willpower issue and more as the result of food choices guided by cheap, industrially processed ingredients in readily available foods. These foods, even in moderate amounts, seem to contribute to weight gain and encourage over-eating.

For more, check out ‘Ultra Processed People’. It’s a real eye-opener. Looking at the front pages this morning, nice to see the Telegraph gets it’s news from Wings though.


A couple of things, Mia.

Your alternative explanation that entails Starmer getting “into trouble with the Zionists and friends of Israel funding and controlling his party” doesn’t make much sense. Gaza was bound to be an issue in that election, regardless of what Azhar Ali said about it. It’s an issue everywhere. Additionally, what he said wasn’t that controversial and I don’t see how it was antisemitic (I don’t have a view on the substance of what he said, but there is evidence that is consistent with it).

Secondly, you talk of a “drastic and evidently undemocratic tactic, which deliberately either disenfranchises voters or forces them to go for another candidate other than their preferred one” but that isn’t correct. Labour simply withdrew support for him — he didn’t need to withdraw and he didn’t withdraw (he achieved 7.7% of the vote).

They will do everything they can to trash the result. Various pundits have already described it as a sectarian victory and implied that only Muslims care about Gaza, but that isn’t true. The big question for Starmer and Labour is; will Gaza still be an issue in the forthcoming General Election? Quite a lot rests on that.


Main getting desperate now trying to disguisep his Zionist politics with accusations of a Jewish genocide.
And then reworking the word Genocide to apply only to the Jewish and not Gazans.

Always moving the goalposts.
What an absolute dick.


“Bottom line (see what I did there…) is that folk need to better moderate what and the volume of what they eat rather than restricting access to foodstuffs”

The bottom line is that for the useless Sturgeon and Yousaf’s SNP, which has been in power in Westminster for 9 years and a bit longer in Holyrood, it is much easier to pretend, by blocking foods, to be doing something to justify their oversized salaries than actually tackling the real reasons why people is having to go to those foods in the first place.

After 9 long years, they can no longer put the blame on Westminster. They have had, for all those 9 years, the power to end the union at any point. They chose not to, so the accountability for anything that is currently happening in Scotland falls right on their laps.

What they are doing is akin to adding a mere lick of paint to a structural wall with an ever-growing wide crack on it.

Meanwhile, when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you see in horror how much this useless administration and the previous one have wasted in quangos, bogus ministers, bogus spads, roaming charges, malicious prosecutions and in unnecessary legal cases, and wonder for how long you could have offered free school meals to all kids in Scotland with all that money.



I don’t think Aaron Bushnell was suffering from any mental illness. I did think initially it was a possibility for sure but in his case I don’t think so now.

I fully expect he will be smeared as such and can fully understand why many will think he must have been mentally ill to do that to himself… but it is not always the case.

The internet is full of idiots setting themselves on fire and in most cases you see the instant regret and panic but in some cases it is clearly done very consciously.

For example years ago a Tibetan monk (I think it was) did it (possibly in Tiananmen Square) as a protest sitting in the lotus position as if he was meditating.

Aaron Bushnell in full military uniform walked to the Israeli embassy in Washington DC and after he lit himself up stood shouting Free Palestine until he could no longer speak and then stood there in agony for as long as he could before collapsing.

I think this young man knew exactly what he was doing and why. His last facebook post says it all.

That is what makes this powerful. This guy knew exactly what he was doing IMHO. And did it anyway.

(Don’t self immolate folks, Aaron Bushnell was actually lucky not to have survived it.)

John Main

@ Dan says: 1 March, 2024 at 9:02 am

They’ll be minimum unit pricing chocolate next

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Scots being taxed at exorbitant, additional rates, above the rest of the UK.

Scots being forced to pay higher prices for basic foodstuffs, more than the rest of the UK.

Whisper it. Is it the ‘g’ word being enacted?

For fecks sake, if it is ‘genocide’, it’s coming out of HR, and it’s being enacted by the SNP!

But to be serious for a mo, it may well amount to ethnic cleansing, as hard-pressed Scots move south, to get lower taxes and lower prices, and maybes the chance of a half-decent job. Maybes in an industry like oil & gas, which is not being run down at an accelerated pace south of the border, by dogma-driven fantasists.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 1 March, 2024 at 9:13 am

will Gaza still be an issue in the forthcoming General Election?

I sure hope so.

I am deeply curious about what kind of country I actually live in (who isn’t?) and would like to get a clear understanding of that.

If it’s one where Arabic speakers routinely own the streets, calling for jihad and genocide, beating up passers by, and closing down businesses they disapprove of, I would really like to know that now.

No point in waiting a few more years to discover how much further advanced the Sharia Utopia has become.

Scot Finlayson

Does anyone remember porridge in a drawer,
grease proof paper linning drawer with big pot of porridge poured in,left to cool then sliced up and eaten during the week.


Genocide John is now using the g word in every post, whilst claiming that there is no such thing going on.

Strange. Smacks of shame and a guilty conscience.

John Main

@ Mac says: 1 March, 2024 at 9:22 am

The internet is full of idiots setting themselves on fire

Make sure you know where your incoming connection is, folks! If you are quick to disconnect, you can stop your modem going up in flames too.

years ago a Tibetan monk (I think it was) did it

Ah, the wilful self-ignorance of the cast-iron faithful. It’s truly a wonder to behold.

In excess of 150 Tibetans have burnt themselves to death in protest at the Covid Spreaders imperialist occupation and oppression of their country, nation and culture.

Let me guess, Tibet isn’t a fashionable cause, so as far as the usual suspects are concerned, every fecking one of them can be exterminated. You won’t hear a peep against the Covid Spreaders on here.

That is what makes this powerful. Don’t self immolate folks

Ermmm. If it’s all that powerful a statement, and such a great and admirable idea all round, why not?

Are you quite sure you’ve thought this through?


And yes it takes remarkably little of any accelerant to turn you into an instant fireball.

Idiots across the globe regularly film setting themselves alight, trying to be cool lighting spirits in shot glasses before drinking them, and then spilling it on themselves and getting into real bother, very quickly. It does not take much…

Bushnell had about a liter of petrol it looked like. That will definitely do the job (as you could see).

He knew he was about to essentially crucify himself, I cant fault him fumbling with the lighter knowing what was coming.


“ Bit dinna fash, ah’m up and aboot, working and paying taxes, sae ye can hing oot in yer fartsack all the day.”
John Main 7.49am

Does he actually ge paid to troll here each and every day?


On Galloway winning Rochdale, lets hope many more independents take seats from the genocide supporting Labour and Tory parties.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Well, looking on the bright side this puerile, pecuniarily- punitive pishy policy might function to make those few remaining SNP die-hards finally open their eyes to the fact that the SNP is now nothing more than a radioactive skip fire and a serial lolcow – so, y’know, every cloud ‘n’ all that? 🙂


Whatever he is paid it is too much. It is some of the most honking patter I have ever seen. All the Al Jolson Scottish face shit speaks volumes of the mentality behind it. Hasbara signature indeed…


I’m thinking of melding a couple of initiatives which would help out with Scotland’s demographic issues.
The #FuckForFreedom policy was launched with the hope it would motivate more Scots folks to produce bairns to help tackle the ageing population figures.
This will be combined with the #FuckYourselfThin initiative which it is hoped will motivate overweight folk to burn off the excessive fat and calories they have ingested through their gluttony.
What’s not to like about reducing moobs & bingo wings whilst increasing cardiovascular fitness, and all this with the additional pleasure of an orgasm.


“Gaza was bound to be an issue in that election, regardless of what Azhar Ali said about it”

I completely agree with you on that. Mr Ali seemed far more sympathetic to the Palestinians than the Labour stance, so if Labour really, really wanted that seat, it would have stood by that candidate to the end.

The fact that it didn’t, clearly suggests that, either Starmer did not want to win the seat, or that, for whomever/whatever is controlling the Labour party, it is far more important to retain the appearance of a blind pro-Israel stance than winning seats.

I find it fascinating that Labour stood by this candidate when he claimed something controversial as that “Israel had allowed the 7 October attacks by Hamas as a pretext to invade Gaza”, yet they removed support for him and even suspended him for something far less controversial, which was, “apparently, blaming Jewish media figures for fuelling criticism against a pro-Palestinian Labour MP”

(This info was taken from the BBC which published it on the 13 February under the article “Labour withdraws support for Rochdale candidate Azhar Ali over Israel comments” written by Becky Morton and Sam Francis)

What does that tell us? It tells us that “Jewish media figures” appear to have more control over the party than the members and candidates themselves.

“what he said wasn’t that controversial and I don’t see how it was antisemitic”

I totally agree with you. It was not that controversial and it most certainly was not antisemitic. As I said in a previous thread, Jewish people do not have the exclusivity on semitism. Attacking Palestinians as a people is as antisemitic as attacking Jewish as a people. But Mr Azhar’s comments put a huge question mark over the rules, credibility and even identity of who is really vetoing labour candidates.

It is obvious to me that Labour and Tories didn’t do a proper campaign for this seat and left it wide open for Galloway to take it without much difficulty. This can only be because they have a role for him.

“but that isn’t correct”

To a point. It is true that this person still continued contesting the seat, but his reputation had been completely trashed, had been ditched from his party and presumably all party support was taken away from him. They left him with no time to prepare a proper counter-campaign, particularly when all leaflets etc had him linked to labour. That is deliberately setting him to lose and in my view attacks the democratic process.

They did the exact same thing to Mr Hanvey, but he still won. This could have been because of Mr Hanvey’s outstanding quality as an MP, because Labour were never seen as an alternative by Mr Hanvey’s voters, or both.

Galloway was seen in this Rochdale constituency as a viable alternative to labour. Perhaps his previous labour credentials played a role on that. It could also be because constituents in Scotland are far more alert and critical than those in England, and are not sheep who follow party diktat so easily. It can also be because the pro-independence sentiment in that constituency has become far too strong to be swayed by any antisemitism claims, or simply that people up here in Scotland see right through the bogus antisemitism claims.

It is well known that the majority of the voters do not even know the name of the candidate they are voting for. They vote for the party. If the party is not fielding a candidate, they do not bother to vote. Voter turnout In Rochdale was 39.7%, compared to 60.1% in 2019 (data from ITV news “Rochdale by-election: George Galloway overturns 9,500 Labour majority to win seat”, 1 March 2024)

“They will do everything they can to trash the result”

On this I disagree. They will let it be until the next GE, which is around the corner. The establishment has given Mr Galloway a free ride for a few months, but they will ensure he is not re-elected in the upcoming GE, just as they ensured Farage did not get to Westminster.

What are the odds that the next GE will not take place until the Israel/Palestine matter is no longer a main concern?
I think very high.

I see similarities in this by-election and the way the establishment let Farage loose when he was of use to pump up support for Brexit and built up a fear of racism among the middle-class making the tory party look fair. They let him win at the EU elections to consolidate that fear, but he did not stand a chance at the GE because he would have completely outshone the Tory leader.

They will do exactly the same thing on this case. Mr Galloway is a far better and far more convincing speaker than Starmer will ever be. I am convinced the powers that be will use the months until the next GE to make Mr Galloway look like a complete extremist so they can inject a bit of life and credibility onto that establishment malfunctioning robot Starmer to make him look like a fair, “centre-ground”, prospect.

If the people of England fall for that ruse again, they will only have themselves to blame.

As I said in the past, I do no longer consider elections in the UK a fair or democratic process. The results are, in my personal view, previously agreed and arranged, so the campaigning strategy is built from the result backwards rather than the other way round. I have zero trust in the process.


Another ‘good’ example…

Jan Palach in the then Czechoslovakia.

link to

He is a national hero.

James Che

I have not had the opportunity to respond on wings to anyone for a few days with district nurses calling in by and travelling a number miles either way for hospital appointments so I apologise to everyone whom it concerned who was kind enough to respond to my comments,

I will continue to discuss the facts that Scots should wake up to the information amply supplied that Scot are not in the treaty of union in any legal sense.


I agree with you that the English people were not asked to join the union either,
But note that the parliament of England stole and claimed itself a Sovereign parliament over the people of England with the “Bill of rights”, IT does nothing for the people of England and it is up to those people to re-instate their own Sovereignty.
But other than the bill of rights being passed in England prior to 1707 the people of England have very little in the way and manner of confessions from Westminster parliament.

To the present day The “Westminster parliament” does not discussed wether or not to include the votes of the people of England due to it ( the Westminster parliament already presuming it was Sovereign over England.
It is a entirely different scenario with “Scots and Scotland as the Bill of Rights” is a Act of the parliament of England,

One has to consider the opinion and position of Scottish Sovereignty as being a separate issue in historical terms from english Sovereignty.

Even the “Westminster parliament of England” acknowledges that the Scots were not, and still are not under the Same Sovereignty as the Scottish parliament used to be when dicussing wether to give the ” Scots ” a vote to join the treaty of union after the Members of the Scottish parliament had voted.
The Westminster parliament then or now on their parliament site, see the Scots and their vote or lack of, as being individual from their old parliament,

So when the present dY Westminster parliament of England, state the “Scots” were and are Sovereign” from their old parliaments votes in writing to the world……..then Scots, should be proud to uphold that personal individual peoples Sovereignty in Scotland,
This is what the Devolved government under the SNP and Greens are trying to steal by stealth.

We must remember that due to the “Scots not voting” to be in the treaty of union and Westminster parliament of England Dissolving the Parliament of Scotland from the “treaty of union”
The very deceit of a Devolved Government sent to Scotland raises a huge legal Question.

If the Scots are not in the treaty of union and the Scottish parliament was dissolved from the treaty of union in 1707.
The only link to Scots believing they are in a treaty of union is constant propaganda aimed at the Sovereign Scots.
Scots do not need permission from the parliament of England or a “referendum” nor to wait for the illegal placed devolved government in Scotland to keep begging.

Scots are still Sovereign and the Dissolved Scottish parliament is illegal, the old parliament of Scotland is not in the treaty of union, and by default the neither is the Country


Here’s a thought for the ‘Roly Poly SNP’. People over eat and do no exercise when they are fed-up.

People in Scotland are fed-up/depressed and that is your fault.

When you are fed-up you can’t be bothered cooking.

You want to make people healthy then first you have to make them happy.


England’s number one genocide supporter is in Scotland today, he’s in Scotland to try and bolster his treacherous House Jocks, their branch office as taken a hit in the polls of late.

Scots were canny enough to run Farage out of town so why not this shit.

“RISHI Sunak is to visit Aberdeen on Friday to address the Scottish Tory conference as his party continues to slide in the polls.

The Prime Minister’s visit comes as new polling from Survation, commissioned by Quantum Communications, predicted the Tories would win just 15% of the votes in Scotland – the lowest vote share since Liz Truss was prime minister.”


Asalamu Alikum, John Main.

You say you hope Gaza is an issue in the General Election. I do too.

But you, the Labour Party, and the establishment, are in for a surprise if they think Galloway is any sort of single issue politician. He isn’t. A lot of people can expect to be educated by Galloway on issues ranging from the insane war in the east to genderwoowoo.

On the radio and TV they make out he is nuts but charming and eloquent. That’s all bullshit.

Galloway’s biggest strength is his knowledge and experience — he will shame them and make them look like the ignorant bootlicking butchers that they are — and that’s why they really hate and fear Galloway.

If Galloway supported independence, we’d probably have it by now.


Am I alone in thinking Gorgeous George winning Rochdale is a gift to the Independence movement.

All we have to do is tell the English: “Look, if you give us Independence, George will come back up here to cause bother, leaving you alone.”

Could be a game-changer.


So British Gas profits jumped tenfold in 2023, this on the back of a Motherwell and Wishaw PM saying that she has listened to countless harrowing stories from constituents battered by the cost of living crisis, huge energy bills and spiraling debts.

Congrats to Humza Yousaf on his wife being pregnant, one wonders if he will be laid low with such worries of heating and eating especially with a new born on the way.

Of course if Sturgeon hadn’t sold Scotland out, putting self, and party interests first, ahead of an entire country, we could’ve ditched this sack of shit union and had the powers to mitigate at least some of the pain and suffering that Scots have felt from huge food and energy prices.

A Survation poll predicts that the SNP will return 38 MPs at the next GE, still more than half of MPs needed to say right lets begin dissolving this union.

John Main

@Mia 10:42

I’m all for the next GE becoming all about Palestine. I would love it if a major political party was to make “Free Palestine” a central plank of their manifesto.

That’s cos I value popular democracy above everything. And I truly want to understand what it is that really matters to people.

Just one caveat. The implications of such a policy have to be made clear beforehand.

As one example, if the policy is to mean anything other than pointless virtue signalling, a credible resettlement strategy for several million Jews needs to be identified. Or, a practical means of exterminating them, as per Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Let’s not pussy-foot about – let’s call spades feckin spades.

And, of course, you’ll also need a credible policy for levering several million Jews out of the country they regard as their own, and are prepared to defend to their last breath.

You’re always pontificating on here, sharing your wisdom at great length.

Why not give us some pointers to how the “Free Palestine” policy will work?

Or is it on a par with your “Scottish Independence” policy. Wave a few banners, shout yourself hoarse, and then down the boozer to get legless?

How’s that worked out over the past decade?


Galloway is an opportunist. He cultivates constituencies. Sometimes he is successful(Palestine/Rochdale) sometimes not (British nationalism/Scotland)
He definitely believes in himself.

James Che

In 2024 the Westminster parliament of England state, on their parliament Site the Scots were not invited into the treaty of Union,

In 2024 the Westminster parliament of England state on their parliament site the Scottish parliament is no longer a political entity in a union with the parliament of Englands “Westminster parliament” since 1707. When the Scottish parliament dissolved.

It has been a long standing hoax treaty disguised by the constant propaganda machine of the parliament of Westminster in England.
Note: Not to be confused with the English people themselves.

The obvious condition that still ties a Sovereign Scotland and its people to Englands Westminster parliament is believing the age old propaganda machine.
And Westminster parliament Colonising Scotland and its nation for hundreds of years under the falsehood that the treaty of political and parliamentary union is as real as (they) say it is,

regardless of historical records and their own parliamentary boast that Scots and their old parliament are not in ( that ) treaty of union.

The Upper House, The House of Lords is the parliament of England and the parliament of Great- Britain,
But not of the Sovereign Scots or the Sovereign Country of Scotland,
The Queens Proclamation in 1707 dismissed and dissolved Scotlands parliament from participation from the Treaty of Union.
And the Scots were not asked to join.
The devolved government in Scotland is a extended (over reach) ” Act of the parliament of England” into a Sovereign Country,


Recently looked into and tried the carnivore diet and was blown away by the results. Made me question what is a healthy diet. I ate loads of fatty meat and eggs and lost loads of weight. Also stopped snoring within 3 days. Pretty surprising. I’d definitely suggest looking into ketogenic diets etc.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 1 March, 2024 at 11:02 am

Galloway’s biggest strength is his knowledge and experience …

If Galloway supported independence, we’d probably have it by now

Newsflash just in …

Hats cognitive dissonance, previously visible from Earth orbit, has expanded sufficiently to now be visible from the Moon.

I guess Galloway will want to take a few of my T-shirts off my hands – maybes we can negotiate a good rate for a bulk order:

Free Palestine – Indy Can Wait!


On the obesity epidemic that started in the 90’s. Yeah that is because in the 80’s they started giving people really bad dietary advice. (This was at the behest of Big Food and the Sugar lobby but that is another story.) Fat was demonized and sugar given a free pass.

Fast forward to today and we have an obesity epidemic and cancer everywhere in younger and younger people.

“Trick and Treat: how ‘healthy eating’ is making us ill” by Barry Groves is worth a read.

“Why we get fat and what to do about it” by Gary Taubes was also illuminating.

It is the diet. That is why is is everywhere.

People are eating unhealthy foods after being told they are healthy foods and vice versa, i.e. not eating healthy foods after being told they are unhealthy. It is a double whammy on their health.

And of course Big Pharma is then there to exploit the mess created by Big Food. How convenient.


Good to see genocide-supporting Labour getting gubbed, but most folk can see this shyster for what he is. Galloway stood in Dumfries and Galloway last time (I think) and was here telling Scots to vote Tory as it was the best way to block another independence referendum. W*nker.

He spouts freedom for all. Except Scotland, obviously.

James Che

The Scots need to grasp and let it seep into their minds what the Westminster parliament of England Site has actually boasted to the world in 2023 /2024

The Sovereign Scots not invited into a treaty of union with England.

Their Scottish parliament was dismissed and dissolved from the treaty of union by Queen Annes proclamation in 1707.

The Upper House in and of the parliament of England, the “House of Lords” is the only party in the treaty of union with Great – Britain.

The treaty of union, is not with Scotland or Scots

I have no doubt that the surreal and fake politicians pretending to be our representatives in Scotland are well aware this.
As long as we are stupid, they will treat us with the same accord.


I was watching some footage of the Tartan Army on youtube a while ago when they broke the goalposts at Wembley in 1977 and it really struck me how thin everyone looked back then…

Try it yourself and then compare to the average girth of the Tartan Army today.

So in the late 70’s the obesity epidemic was near non existent.

It is clearly a result of the bad advice they started doling out in the 80″s.

From reading a few books on this subject I have personally believed for a good while now that this is one of biggest scandals of modern times. The damage that has been to peoples health in the intervening period is off the scale.

They have even quietly admitted it was bad advice but they still keep pushing it which I find very telling.

London Scot

Hmm. Easy to get haggis & Tunnocks Tea Cakes in London (Irn Bru too but uggh). I really miss Scots pies, Lorne sausage & tattie scones which are unavailable even in posh shops like Harrods & F&M. I am about to place an on-line order with a Scottish butcher. Glad to see these delicacies are not on the naughty list!

BTW now more than ever do Scots people need loads of pop corn. Mow for some ‘unhealthy’ oat milk.


How many small business will close as a result of ‘The Roly Poly’s Healthy Eating Plan’

Chippys no more
Pizzerias no more
Ice cream shops/vans no more
Bakeries no more
India take-aways no more
Deliveroo no more
Coffee shops no more
Pubs no more
All these factories producing these ‘unhealthy’ options no more.
All the buildings housing all of the above empty.
Everyone working in the above all on the dole.

How much is the ‘The Roly Poly’s Healthy Eating Plan’ going to cost us?

What is their plan? Are they hoping to curtail the number of obesity related problems etc that the SNHS have to cope with so they can concentrate on the genderwoowoo?

‘Eat healthy for Beth’


Mornin’ James

He last stood in Scotland in the 2011 election where he took 3.3% of the vote in the Glasgow regional list.

also this

link to

He was hoping to go head to head with Alex Salmond but Glasgow rejected him.

I think he’s quite entertaining and I wouldn’t mind seeing him going head to head with Humza.

He recently did a bit of what was described as ‘race baiting’ telling Humza

“You’re not a Celt like me.”

“Well #Humza you’re not more Scottish than me. You’re not a Celt like me. You’re not working-class like me.”


There is serious science behind the causes of overweight in humans, and junk food is a symptom not a cause.
link to
link to



Try the Main Fact Free Diet
Ejaculate up to 10 times before lunch.

Can cause dishonesty, repetition and narcissism.

James Che


The obesity Question along with the Gender question, energy, poverty, drugs, housing, dictatorship of political parties in Scotland under a illegal over reach of the devolved government,, banking, immigration, and wether Scots follow England into War all assimilates under one heading.

Is Scotland or Scots.genuinely or actually in a treaty of union with the parliament of England?

The Westminster parliament of England Site in 2024 tells the World we are not.

Every treaty, just like every house build needs good foundations without cracks.
We, in Scotland should not be discussing How to Leave.

But seriously asking Are We In It,?

Being fooled by propaganda, Even if old propaganda, Is nobodies fault but our own. There is no fool like old fools.

Where do, or would we stand for financial compensation and remburshment to Scotland if Scots were never in the treaty of union,?

Where do we Stand as a nation if we discovered that the Bank of England was never the bank of Britain or the bank of Scotlands sovereign territory.?.

Where do we Stand if we come under the heading of “Colonisation” without Scots being in a treaty?

Where do Scots stand without being in a treaty with Englands parliament concerning national debt of Britain?

Where does Scotland stand for compensation if not in a treaty of union with England regarding our natural resources being syphoned off?

Where do Scots not in the treaty of union stand with the takeover of Scottish land for military bases and Scotland being used as a military dumping ground?

A picture begins to unfold that if Scots and the people in Scotland were not in the treaty of union from the beginning there would be no suchthing as a energy crises in Scotland,
There would be very little poverty and better police force
Better Sovereignty over fishing rights and farming rights.

Our poverty as a nation over industries, forestry, or even scientific and medical cures all reverts back to wether Scotland is actually grasped around the neck and in the claws of Westminsters parliament of Englands upper House of The House of Lords acting in the duel role of the parliament of Great- Britain by itself.


link to

London Scot

What kinda ‘All Day Breakfast’ do they serve in thon London?

The ‘All Day Scottish Breakfast’ isn’t on the list so you should be OK when you come for yer holidays.

They are always good value for money and they keep you going for the whole day. Tea & toast is included.

Supermarkets sell ‘Haggis, Neeps & Tatties’ ready meals also ‘Stovies’ for only £1.49p

Very handy & very health. Pierce a few holes in the cover pop them in the microwave and ‘ping ping’ they are ready in 2 minutes.

Recite ‘Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin’-race!’ to give it a minute to cool down then get stuck in.


It gets a bit boring for a bit, or you just want to disengage your own hate turbo button, then it just pulls you back in. You almost forget what lying bastards the BBC are, or how evil the west is, or how incompetent and corrupt our politicians are.

– BBC : “palestinians were killed”; a load of people were massacred trying to get food, the israelis said there was a “crush” and maybe they got run over, over 100 dead and 700 injured, there was some shooting, but I expect it was over peoples heads to calm the situation. The IDF – AMALEK! – have been doing cold blooded murder for a long time; but sometimes it goes badly for them – an IDF unit got slaughtered in an ambush, drawn in by a recording of childrens voices playing on a mobile phone. The biter bit, alright. NB, talmudically speaking, if you believe a child will grow up to harm a jew, then the moral thing to do, is kill the child.

You can see the bias easily when you swap labels around; I like to talk about a certain event as “the great polish oxygen famine” where “jews were killed” – maybe when they went for a FREE shower courtesy of their generous hosts they all got killed “in a crush” too eager to splash themselves with FREE german water; its free and that saves a shekel, eh?

The BBC making a big hoohah about some dead CIA stooge we are not sure Putin even killed (why? why kill a no-mark when you are riding high after the Carlson interview – 200M views fsake) – mysterious deaths, journos in custody? Gonzalo Lire, Julian Assange, or you want more?

epstein – the pimp for the elite, under high security, manages to hang himself
seth rich – leaked DNC emails
david kelly – refutes blair’s nonsense then kills himself with a tiny cut to the wrists
milosevic – where’s me pills?!
robin cook – ethical foreign policy
john smith – the leader who never was
princess – “my husband intends to kill me, possibly in a car accident” – diana
willie macrae – shot himself and threw the gun away
the spy in the bag – murdered, stuffed in a bag, the murderers disturbed before removal; “suicide via kinky sex game”

now add the countless people who “got sad and took a lot of pills” when they because they became a problem

the woman who accused dubya of rape

the DC madam who said she was not suicidal, who committed suicide

the statistically anomalous deaths, suicides, car crashes which occurred to the eyewitnesses in dealey plaza

“its alright when WE do it!”

– the ANGLO REALITY DISTORTION FIELD strikes again. The BBC is the confabulations of a narcissist-psychopath.

Now, Galloway winning last night! – the humour in this is seeing “toom tabard” stooge-placeman Starmer, not knowing whether to piss or shit; he has been promised PM, and has his jewish pals behind him, but then he has to win the midlands. Well – you can’t serve two masters, so make up your mind.

Galloway, in the past he has talked a good game, but I think he is at least an opportunist and may even work for the spooks – how does he make a good living in the media, that is the first thing they shut down? Galloway’s bizarre position on Scottish Indy tells me all I need – he would support a Palestinian state, which really would be too wee, too poor, but not an indy Scotland; the latter would truly damage the UK state, while the former is never going to happen while Israel has an airforce … supporting fashionable, harmless, causes, eh George?

I don’t believe in multiculturalism in general; never worked anywhere, never will (not in a democracy anyway) – and this is what you get, its not civic nationalism, it is ethno-racial bloc politics in a grim zero sum game. The jews promoted MCLM above all other lobbies, now it bites them in the arse. The UK has enough problems of its own, you don’t need to import every other conflict on earth. The trouble was, while the jews camouflage themselves hence the meme “fellow -white- people”, the other ethnics spot them clearly, and seeing how successful it is, use the same tactics; its hard to be involved in politics these days, to do anything real, over and above dodging the flak from the various accusations – antisemitism, islamophobia, transphobia.

In case anyone missed it last night, and it will not be repeated – Tice was on complaining about intimidation and dodgy practices (the man is a cunt, but he has a point) – and he mentions, right out


– he says “in 4 years its gone from 14000 to 23000 … COME ON ”

and the low rank beeb journo doesn’t know what to say (or when he has to cut the interview), so lets him rant on.

Indyref 2014 had almost 20% postal votes, the highest ever, and the 2020 US presidential election had 43% “mail in ballots”, the votes counted in centres, in democrat controlled cities.

– don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining


John Boy, just as my superior intelligence and knowledge scares you, Galloway’s abilities when it comes to the Middle East and international relations scares the establishment….

All their immoral and illegal wars depend on keeping people like you in the dark… Be glad that people like Wings, Galloway, myself, and God want to enlighten you and save you from tyranny.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free…”

Where’s the other bootlicker, Ellis, these days? I kinda miss the moral contrast he provides.

Promise you’ll never leave us, John Boy…

John Main

For those lurking adults who have advanced beyond playground name calling, there’s an innarestin article on Unherd:

link to

Trigger Warning: Contains facts, reason and logic. Not suitable reading for the usual suspects.

John Main

“Russia will be free”

According to the BBC, thousands of Russians bravely shouting that slogan today, in the faces and cameras of the state security apparatus.

As frequently proved on here, the BBC only ever reports lies.

Still, makes you think, eh?

“Russia without Pootin”

“no to war”

Other chants that are supposedly being heard, according to the lying BBC. They’ve even photoshopped a pic, supposedly of masses of mourners.

C’mon usual suspects! Help me expose and denounce this story as a running dog lackey of the Great Satan fabrication to weaken the popularity and dent the image of the mild and reasonable Pres Poot!


Desperate from Johnny ‘Cope’ justifying the collective punishment of the last 70 years.


“ As frequently proved on here, the BBC only ever reports lies.”
Goes on to report BBC.

Cognitive dissonance.

Good grief!
It’s like a James Cook broadcast.


John Boy: “Other chants that are supposedly being heard, according to the lying BBC.”

So, it isn’t a harsh repressive dictatorship, people are free to protest and criticise the Government…

Bang goes another lie.

Cameron Robson

I suffer from all the traditional Scottish afflictions under the heading ‘Metabolic Disorder.’ I regard porridge oats as important in dealing with this. What are those anti-Scottish SNP clowns playing at? Probably in the pocket of the WEF etc and it is all a run up to getting us to eat all those wormy parasite (80%) infested insects.


An amusing piece of writing, well done. Made a good point with good humour, my favourite kind of article.



Lorna Campbell

Oh dear, Rev, I have almost cracked a rib. Lucky I have so much lard around them that they are well-insulated against cracking from laughter. Not much of that around in Scotland today either. Puritans? Just doesn’t cover it. They’ll be attacking Christmas stockings next and cream-filled Easter eggs. I suppose they mean well, but it must just be a case of: do as I say, not as I do. Sorry, I’m still sniggering at the brass necks.

Lorna Campbell

That Elaine C. Smith skit. I love eating giant Mars Bars. Is it your glands or something? Naw, I’m just a fat, greedy b*****d.

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