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Wings Over Scotland

The Eleventh Edition

Posted on April 07, 2024 by

Upper pic: Scottish Greens Spring Conference 2023.

Lower pic: Scottish Greens Spring Conference 2024.

Who can spot the missing word?

It’s interesting to watch the Greens finesse their messaging in an election year. It looks like they know something that still eludes poor Humza Yousaf.

(And let’s just take a moment to salute the SNP comms genius who thought a top idea for a newspaper front page would be to get Yousaf to pose in front of a CalMac ferry.)

But the bigger mystery is why when the 2023 conference attendance was this:

…the Greens thought they needed to hire a 400-seater room this year.

In that pic you can actually see a good 75% of the Dr Stephen Riady Lecture Theatre (it’s got 16 rows of seats), and we counted 59 people in it.

So just for fun, adding an extra 33% for fairness and rounding up to bring the total to 79, we thought we’d see what it would have looked like if they’d all sat at the back.

(Click pic to enlarge.)

We’re just saying, readers, that maybe we’ve let this microscopic extremist minority – who have little interest in people or the planet, but clearly none at all in independence – have a tiny bit too big an influence on the shape of Scottish politics.

0 to “The Eleventh Edition”

  1. Kate says:

    There was more than a word missing, where did all the hair go? I saw a lot of long haired MEN in the first photo, lots of women too. The hair was gone this year, as were the women.. I wonder why?

  2. Mark Beggan says:

    Question is were those bald men their before or Post GRR HATE. How many went back to Chapmans for the picture show and tell.

  3. Cath says:

    An absolutely white, middle class party that has total disdain for everyone else in Scotland.

  4. Hatuey says:

    “And let’s just take a moment to salute the SNP comms genius who thought a top idea for a newspaper front page would be to get Yousaf to pose in front of a CalMac ferry.”

    I’d guess it was the same genius that thought it was a good idea for Sturgeon to pose in front of a homeless guy. Similar, when you think about it, on many levels.

    I suppose they have to have something in the background and since the SNP has basically screwed everything up, photo op’s are always going to be tough.

    What could they possibly have in the background that wasn’t a shameful embarrassment?

    Put differently, is there one thing they they can be proud of?

  5. Dave Llewellyn says:

    You would probably get more people at an Ian Dunn ( paedophile information exchange ) award ceremony and still get Patrick Harvie .

  6. AnneDon says:

    Looks like their Woke Taliban project wasn’t the winner they thought it would be.

    I can’t imagine why anyone who cares about the planet would join the Scots Greens. For years now, young climate activists have had other outlets.

    This looks like a Green Party gathering from the 80s. And Harvie has led them back at the level of obscurity they deserve by ostracising anyone who disagrees with him.

    The real miracle is that they careerists who dominate the SNP haven’t yet realised what a liability they are.

  7. Skip_NC says:

    Is it possible you have overlooked the possibility that, with the Greens being an inclusive party, they felt it was necessary to put in place measures to ensure that ALL delegates feel safe and have agency in their discussion of momentous matters of the day. Clearly, the best way of achieving this is to ensure that non-women have their own conference. If you look hard enough, I am sure you will find the real conference, standing room only, in an adjacent closet.

  8. 100%Yes says:

    How many of these seating greens are from other parts of the UK, I think a lot.

  9. Campbell Clansman says:

    Hatuey: “is there one thing they [the SNP] can be proud of?

    The SNP can take pride in winning elections. And achieving power.

    That is priority number one (and two and three and four and five) for politicians.
    They can also take pride in getting votes from a lot of Scots who fell for the SNP’s line.
    Am not sure that past SNP voters can take pride in who they elected….

  10. 100%Yes says:

    How many of these sitting greens are from other parts of the UK, I think a lot.

  11. Sven says:

    Dave Llewellyn @ 14.36.

    Goodness, I enjoyed that one.

  12. 100%Yes says:

    I wished this grubby National newspaper would just simply fold and not be heard of again. Don’t know about anyone else but I’m sick of the SNP propaganda being posted in this Unionist rag as gospel.

  13. Robert Hughes says:

    ” It’s not easy bein’ Green

    Havin’ to spend each day dilating your frankenhole

    When it would be nicer bein’ pink , blue & white

    Or something much more insipid than that ”

    Looks like wee Kermit Harvie n Ms Jiggy Slater have succeeded in destroying the Scottish Greens just like Bonzo Sturgeon n ” Scooter ” Yousaf have destroyed the SNP .

    To save costs next year they should hold a joint conference , if they start saving now they may just be able to afford to hire a Portraloo ( unisex , natch ) for the purpose ; maybe park it somebody’s maw’s driveway to save even more money

  14. Andy says:

    The ladies were all off waving their penises at The Mound.

  15. DebatableLands says:

    All those conspiracy theorists who think evert SNP/Greens ‘bad’ story that comes out is part of an MI5 plot, should send them a note of thanks for exposing the truth.

  16. Campbell Clansman says:

    The latest Find Out Now poll shows who is REALLY opposed to the Hate Crimes Act.
    Three in four Conservative voters want to axe the HCA, compared to just under half of Labour supporters. Only 31% of SNP supporters want to repeal the HCA.
    So far, the only major Scottish Party to come out publicly in favour of repealing the HCA are the Scottish Conservatives.

  17. TURABDIN says:

    When will Scotland run out of patience with these tricksters?
    Scotland is not a third world backwater, why does it have the politics of one?

  18. James says:

    Tory Clansman;

    When did the Tories become a ‘major Scottish party’?

    Asking for a friend.

  19. twathater says:

    @ Campbell Clucker 4.40pm , ha,ha,ha, SCOTTISH Conservatives, there is no such party, the same as there is NO SCOTTISH Labour, there is however a Conservative and Unionist branch office in Scotland , and a Labour branch office in Scotland ,and a Lib Dumb branch office in Scotland, face it you are beholden to everything your masters INFLICT on you, you have NO Autonomy you are a PUPPET

    NO matter how much you want it to be, or how much SPIN you try to put on it there is no such party, there is just a greed driven shower of selfish no marks who like to mirror the scum in wm by avoiding their taxes whilst claiming every benefit known to man

  20. Johnlm says:

    ‘Out of his depth interview’, surely?

  21. Republicofscotland says:

    The SNP are paying, and will pay an even higher price at the polls for having the backing of the Greens to give them a majority in the chamber at Holyrood.

    Like the SNP the Greens are not interested in Scottish independence, they are only interested in pushing their own warped agenda, and hopefully at the polls, beginning with this GE both the Greens and the SNP will suffer heavy losses.

    Get them out of office at every turn.

  22. Hatuey says:

    There’s no way the SNP is going to repeal the Hate Crime Act. There’s more chance of a taxi driver in East Kilbride repealing a fart, and if one was here I am sure he would agree. But why would they? They’d look even more ridiculous than they look now if they did.

    Easier to let it linger and hope people are willing to ignore it. Then, out of the blue, one day you’ll wake up and hear they have used it to take down Wings… that’s what it was designed for.

    Do we all agree that it was Wings that brought down Sturgeon? That’s a given for me. For that he is a hero on all sides of all divides. And for that they decided to introduce their Hate Crime bullshit.

  23. Republicofscotland says:


    Correct, the Labour/Tory and Lib/Dem branch offices are (OIM’s) of their London HQ’s, and are in reality Fifth Column parties in our parliament, they ultimately answer to London and not the their constituents.

    (OMI’s) Optional Image Marks, that’s the description given by the Electoral Commission of the above branch offices in Holyrood.

  24. johnlm says:

    Yusless only does ‘out-of-his-depth’ interviews.

  25. sgritheall says:

    “Scotland is governed by people it did not elect.” That’s what we hear from the SNP, and of course they mean the Tories. But did Scotland vote for the Green Khmer in Government? It most certainly did not. And all the same this tiny minority is calling the shots in Holyrood.

  26. Hatey McHateface says:

    That missing word question has two answers, because “trans” is missing too, and trans is a big part of what the greens are about.

    Makes sense as the greenest act any Scot can perform is to refrain from breeding, and nobody breeds when their bits have been hacked off. Shame the greens can’t be open and honest about it though.

    The second greenest act is to top oneself. Perhaps the low attendance is explained by a rush of dedicated greens committing the ultimate green act.

    But please, don’t wish for that to be true, because that would be hateful.

  27. Ruby says:

    Three in four Conservative voters want to axe the HCA.

    Wow! What about the other 25%?

    I believe the Tories are all talk and no action.

    Listen to what Kellie Jay says about the Tories.

    The rest of the video is pretty good too.

    These Tory voters are we talking about those who vote Tory in the GE or those who vote Tory in the Holyrood election.

    How many Tory voters are there in Scotland?

  28. Dan says:

    Oddly (Not) it seems the Hate Crime Act is rather limited in reach with regard to what it tries to define a “Hate Crime” is.
    It is restricted to certain aspects of the written or spoken word being perceived by someone as hatred or inciting hatred.
    But what of actions carried out by folk that are perceived by some as hatred or inciting hatred.
    What about a “government” ignoring multiple democratically expressed mandates to proceed on a course of action.
    Implementing bad policies and laws that are not aligned with the views of the majority of our society.
    Pissing away millions of quid of taxpayers’ money on policies such as genderwoowoo, Hate Crime Act, Deposit Return Scheme, Ferry procurement.
    Behaving in ways that instigated multiple police investigations into their actions.
    All these examples could be perceived by a great many more folk across our society as hatred against them, or inciting hatred against those in power that implemented such decisions and actions.
    But there’s seemingly nae legislation to cover all that…

  29. Campbell Clansman says:

    James says:
    When did the Tories become a ‘major Scottish party’?
    Asking for a friend.

    The Conservatives have 31 MSPs, and are the 2nd largest party in Holyrood. They voted AGAINST the HCA, and have called for its repeal. Alba has what, one MSP? And she voted FOR the HCA.

    Do you consider Alba a “major” (or even minor) Party?
    Asking for a friend.

  30. Johnlm says:

    In that pic from 2023 they appear to be clapping rather than using jazz hands which is surely an aggression against some hearing people.

    In that pic from 2024 there is no ‘signer’ for the hard of hearing which is surely an aggression against some deaf people.

    Politics is a minefield.

    Btw. When we start jailing politicians for lying, should we also jail their ‘signers’?

  31. ThothScot says:

    Independence for planet?

    So their plan is to remove the Earth from the solar system?!

    They are swivel-eyed enough, I’d not actually rule that out.

  32. Dan says:

    Got to love the new Tory fluffer rocking up and getting all up in yer face about the Tories being against the HCA.
    So that’s one thing to shout about, but it’s been notable the Clansman doesn’t mention the myriad other shite policies the Tories have enacted on us. And those other policies pertain to the big powers that are reserved to London Rule.
    #HeyMrClansman wid ye tell us aw the positive benefits of the Tory management of stuff like oor energy industries, immigration, defence, international trade, etc.

  33. Ruby says:

    I’m not sure what Kellie Jay thinks is going to be coming to England.

    Is it just the bit where you can report hate crimes anonymously to a sex shop & the bit about something you said in your own home.

    Things don’t look that good in England as it stands.

    Wasn’t someone from Leeds jailed for stickers quite recently. There was the young autistic woman who got into trouble for saying a policewoman might be a lesbian ‘cos she looked like her ‘nan’ who was a lesbian.

    There’s the story about Harry Miller.

    Rape victims still have to call their rapist she.
    Mad rules in Schools & all the rest.

    It’s not just true of Scotland – Britain is no longer a free country

    link to

    I reckon the Labour in Scotland & the Lib Dems in Scotland had been told to vote for the HCA. The thinking behind it is ‘Lets see what they get away with in Scotland’ and then we can roll out the same here in England.
    Have we heard anything from Labour or the Lib-Dems re HCA.

    The Tories in Scotland have been told to do just what the Tories at Westminster are doing ie ‘just pay lipservice to the idea of repealing the HCA/opposing the SNP etc. It’ll be good for votes and after all we don’t have a lot else to offer the Scottish electorate.

    Same with the GRRB.

    I’ve said all this to Campbell Clansman already but he’ll be back tomorrow claiming the Tories are the good guys.

    The people in England don’t seem to be convinced and polling is suggesting Starmer is going to win.

    Maybe I should say Labour and not Starmer because that Kellie Jay makes a lot of sense and I believe she is standing against Starmer.

  34. PacMan says:

    From article:

    link to

    Last Monday – more than three years after MSPs voted it through – the new Hate Crime Act was implemented. Lawyers, police chiefs, opposition politicians, journalists, writers, free-speech campaigners were among those who raised concerns that the new law was open to abuse. Within hours, all had been proved correct. By Wednesday, Police had received more than 3,000 reports of hate crimes, many of them prompted by the decision of JK Rowling to challenge the legislation by identifying, online, a number of trans women as men.

    Police quickly stated that Rowling had committed no crime. Her innocence had been irrelevant to all of those who tried to weaponise the law to shut her up.

    To understand the flaws in the law, we have to consider Sturgeon’s decision back in 2021.

    One SNP parliamentarian explains that the then First Minister was under pressure from both campaign groups – largely funded by her Government – and young SNP members to show her commitment to the cause of trans rights. The refusal of many women to accept the mantra that “trans women are women” had led a number to publicly challenge the demands of campaigners.

    It was, say a number of Sturgeon’s former colleagues, this tension between trans rights activists and feminist campaigners that led Sturgeon to reject the inclusion of women in the new law.
    “She had,” says one former colleague, “to do something just for those activists. It was total self-interest because they had been super-loyal to her and she was terrified of losing their support.”

    As seen with the past couple of articles, the Greens looks ‘pale, male , middle aged and stale’ with none of their much vaunted Trans Rights Activists in site.

    The SNP has lost tens of thousands of supporters over the last couple of years. I wonder how much of these are these same Trans Rights Activists whom she had appeased by denying woman that have deserted the Greens?

  35. PacMan says:

    Campbell Clansman says:
    7 April, 2024 at 4:40 pm

    The latest Find Out Now poll shows who is REALLY opposed to the Hate Crimes Act.
    Three in four Conservative voters want to axe the HCA, compared to just under half of Labour supporters. Only 31% of SNP supporters want to repeal the HCA.
    So far, the only major Scottish Party to come out publicly in favour of repealing the HCA are the Scottish Conservatives.

    There is a whole lot of difference between the motivations of Tory Voters and Tory politicians.

    All over the spectrum of the Tory media, BTL posters moan about how the Tory Party and politicians are not Conservative and don’t represent the views of their supporters.

    Just because Tory voters are opposed to the HCB and the Scottish Branch oppose it, doesn’t mean that the Scottish branch contingent won’t fall in line with their London masters when the Scottish branch’s views embarrasses Conservative Campaign Headquarters.

    Don’t embarrass yourself and insult our intelligences by spouting such half-truths.

  36. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Hatuey

    ” Easier to let it linger and hope people are willing to ignore it. Then, out of the blue, one day you’ll wake up and hear they have used it to take down Wings… that’s what it was designed for ”

    Yr almost certainly correct in this , H . Nothing much will happen right away n the narrative will be ” see , all that hysteria re the HCB was unfounded ” ; until it does

    ” Do we all agree that it was Wings that brought down Sturgeon? That’s a given for me. ”

    Has she been ” brought down ” though , or just tactically withdrawn ?

    The blatant jiggery-pokery that placed Hapless The Why in key position seems designed to create an easily replaced stooge when – they hope – the radioactive fallout from the GRR / Men in women’s prisons n assorted fuckery has settled .

    Easy to imagine if – when – the SNP get whacked in the G.E the distress call going out n Griselda Stoogeon selflessly postponing her trip to Nirvana to heed the lamentations of her flock ; locking them securely in their pen , safe from wolves n hate monsters .

    It will all depend on what – if anything – comes out of Operation Sloth-On-Downers , but I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if she emerges unscathed and reinserts herself – is reinserted – into the soft tissue of the snP .

  37. Ruby says:

    Hatuey & Hatey

    are awfully similar user names.

    What is ‘Hateful Hilda’ thinking? Is this another one of these weird fetishes? Is he hoping both their monikers will be shortened to Hats?

    link to

  38. Hatey McHateface says:


    Well spotted!

    But you tell us. You devote more posts to weird fetishes than everybody else put together.

    I’m guessing I was right in my previous response to you though, doing your own research via Google is an ask too far of you.

    Shame. You could learn such a lot.

    I’m not going to help you. The knowledge is like Indy itself, it’s never going to just fall into your lap. You have to be prepared to put in the graft.

  39. Ruby says:

    That ‘Luke Warm Dave’ is a genius

    ‘Yer teas oot Humza time to walk into the night
    At least in all the darkness ye cannae see who’s white’

    I ‘heart’ LWD.

    His ‘photocollages’ are also amazing!

  40. Hatey McHateface says:

    Anybody know what to call the emotion felt about the perpetrator on hearing about the mum stabbed to death this afternoon while pushing her baby along the street in its pram?

    This is Scotland so obviously not hate. No, perish the thought. It must be something else.

    For anybody who was unaware this has happened, my apologies. It wasn’t in Scotland, but in Bradford. That’s a foreign country, sure, twice over in fact, but it’s less than a day’s drive away, there is no border in between, and its inhabitants have unlimited visiting and residency rights in Scotland.

    If anybody important is reading here, I’m ready to vote for anybody and anything that will do whatever it takes to stamp out this sort of thing and make sure it doesn’t happen here.

    Anybody. Anything. Whatever it takes.

  41. Campbell Clansman says:

    PacMan, Ruby, and the aptly named “Hatey” somehow claim that the Conservative Party, whose MSPs voted against the HCA, who’ve called for its repeal, and whose voters overwhelmingly want it repealed, is nonetheless secretly in favor of the HCA!

    They also say that the political parties they supported and support (SNP, Alba, Labour, Greens, LibDems) aren’t to blame for the HCA, even though they voted for it!

    In 1984 Orwell mocked the party faithful who believed Black is White, and White is Black. Orwell never met some of the commenters here.

  42. Ruby says:

    Hateful Hilda needs to read my posts more.

    I’m going with weird fetish. I was just wondering if everyone else agreed.

    You really need to know about all the fetishes if you want to understand ‘trans’

    No need for Google when I have Wings + original thoughts.

    My latest thinking is that Lorna & Heather are related. Anyone agree.

    Did try out Google the noo and asked for comedy and I got

    ‘Scottish Hate Crime Special – Andrew Doyle at Comedy Unleashed’

    That Andy Doyle will have to go on the list. He’s just full of ‘hate’ I wonder if is maw worked for Father Ted.

    Father Ted that has already gone along with Ploughman’s lunch.

    I’m a bit worried about the future of the cucumber, the banana & the sausage.

  43. Hatey McHateface says:

    Campbell Clansman

    I made no such claim. Withdraw your slur at once.

    As for Hatey being apt, that’s a hateful calumny. Withdraw that one too.

    As a Scot, living in Scotland, I am delighted to follow the enlightened and progressive guidance laid down by our esteemed and beloved First Minister. He has decreed an end to hate, and I am overjoyed to obey. For shame, sir, that you should impugn my benevolence with your false accusations.

    I respectfully suggest you take a bit more care when reading the BTL comments in future.

    Be warned, sir, I have the address of the sex shop loaded in my sat nav, and I won’t hesitate to use it if you persist.

  44. Antoine Roquentin says:

    The pic with Yousaf and the Calmac ferry raises very serious questions about the calibre and allegiances of those around him; and that’s not to mention the nous-quotient of the man himself. I can’t believe it was just a simple error of judgement, my head won’t let me harbour such an explanation. Particularly so as the snapper seemed determined to get the Calmac logo on the ship’s funnel into the frame.

  45. Bill Craig says:

    Campbell Clansman

    The Conservatives have 31 MSPs, and are the 2nd largest party in Holyrood. They voted AGAINST the HCA, and have called for its repeal. Alba has what, one MSP? And she voted FOR the HCA.

    Do you consider Alba a “major” (or even minor) Party?

    Two points:
    First, that (now) Alba MSP has said that she was misled about the HCA by the leaders of the SNP.
    Second: The Alba Party is calling for the HCA to be repealed.

  46. alf baird says:

    Campbell Clansman @ 8:43 pm

    “the party faithful who believed Black is White, and White is Black”

    Some people even believe Scotland’s a partner in a British ‘Union’, which is a political and cultural illusion. Such is the Manicheanism nature of colonialism.

  47. Anton Decadent says:

    Anyone here who browses the MSM with a critical eye will have noticed a pattern particularly at the Herald. In this piece gender critical women associated with Holocaust denial.

    link to

  48. Campbell Clansman says:

    Bill Craig:
    Do you take seriously Ash Regan’s “I was misled” excuse?
    That’s on a par with “the dog ate my homework.”
    But if you believe her “dog ate my homework” excuse, you must accept that:
    She’s stupid enough to be misled by the known dishonest Sturgeon; and
    She didn’t bother to read the bill and make up her own mind.
    She’s either lying, or admitting she’s stupid/gullible. Which is it?

  49. shug says:

    The SNP has made itself a laughing stock:

    Missing £600K
    Camper van
    Ipads and data roaming
    What is a woman??
    Hate crime just warming up

    It really does not matter what they say on the door step people are laughing at them.

    And of course the Salmond whats app messages have still be be leaked. That will be done in the run up to the election and more arrests will be made on the back of it. All great publicity.

    Humza must really not be very bright if he cant see see what is coming down the line.

  50. Hatuey says:

    Robert Hughes “Has she been ” brought down ” though , or just tactically withdrawn ?”

    She’s finished, for sure, Robert. Her record speaks for itself — absolutely dire. There isn’t one aspect of Scottish society that wasn’t made worse by Sturgeon. Then there’s the investigations…

    As for Hatey McHateface, I wouldn’t be surprised if I inspired him in some way. I’ve been trying to explain how inspirational I am to you folks for months…

  51. PacMan says:

    Campbell Clansman says:
    7 April, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    PacMan, Ruby, and the aptly named “Hatey” somehow claim that the Conservative Party, whose MSPs voted against the HCA, who’ve called for its repeal, and whose voters overwhelmingly want it repealed, is nonetheless secretly in favor of the HCA!

    They also say that the political parties they supported and support (SNP, Alba, Labour, Greens, LibDems) aren’t to blame for the HCA, even though they voted for it!

    In 1984 Orwell mocked the party faithful who believed Black is White, and White is Black. Orwell never met some of the commenters here.

    There’s a difference between being seen to oppose a bill that they can’t beat and actually defeating one.

    If they had a chance of defeating this bill, London office would come down on them like a ton of bricks as they are desperate to shed their nasty party image.

    Good luck with the gaslighting though. You may convince someone, somewhere…

  52. PacMan says:

    Anton Decadent says:

    7 April, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    Anyone here who browses the MSM with a critical eye will have noticed a pattern particularly at the Herald. In this piece gender critical women associated with Holocaust denial.

    link to

    Reading the comments on WGD trying to justify this legislation is an interesting but depressing experience. No doubt the article you linked will be used to shore up flagging support.

    It doesn’t really matter anyway as this legislation is showing how out of touch these newspapers are to what matters to the people on the street.

    The more they try to support it, the more they show contempt for ordinary people who knows exactly what is happening.

  53. BLMac says:

    Maybe the turnout of old bald men may be explained by them thinking Harvie was headlining another PIE conference… 🙂

  54. Iain More says:

    The reward for the men hating and Indy hating Woksit Quislings is collapsing Party memberships and a collpasing vote asuming no Electoral Fraud.

    The Yoon Tory Vote will hold up in Scotland due to the White Settlers swamping us. I would not be surprsied to see Tories gaining seats even as they collpase in Ingerland as thier vote fractures to that Tory weasel Starmer or to the Neo Nazi and rabidly anti Scottish Reform Party.

  55. Robert Hughes says:


    It’s yr self-effacing modesty n distinct lack of braggadocio that really inspires 🙂

    Since when did having a dire record become a handicap in Scottish Politics ? Exhibit A – the current First Administrator

    You could be right , nonetheless ; she may be damaged goods/outlived her usefulness.

    Then you read of the declarations of undying loyalty from the cult faithful and realise , whether she ever does reclaim her woodchip throne or not , there are still many who would be in raptures if she did . Incredibly

    We’ll see , but I reckon she still has a ” role ” to play

  56. James Jones says:

    BLMac at 10:52 pm
    “Maybe the turnout of old bald men may be explained by them thinking Harvie was headlining another PIE conference… ?”

    Paradoxically, they’re probably the genuine Greens while the paedos and the weirdos got what they wanted from the SNP alliance and don’t need to listen to conference speeches, for them it’s more about yelling at women in the street these days.

  57. Bill Craig says:

    Campbell Clansman
    Ignored says:
    7 April, 2024 at 10:08 pm
    Bill Craig:
    Do you take seriously Ash Regan’s “I was misled” excuse?
    That’s on a par with “the dog ate my homework.”

    It looks like you’ve not read what Ash Regan has written about that. One conclusion I therefore come to is that you’re what some folk would call “a bad actor”.

  58. GM says:

    Bill Craig
    7 April, 2024 at 11:25 pm

    ‘Campbell Clansman, bad actor.’

    Most definitely Bill.

  59. George Ferguson says:

    I think there is more chance of Alex Salmond becoming the next First Minister of Scotland than Nicola Sturgeon. It’s difficult to run a country from Cortonvale Prison even alongside Isla Bryson. Political gravity and a billion pounds worth of mistakes have caught up with the SNP. Alongside ten years of leglisation designed to take control of family and your personal life. The HCA being the latest. A telling narrative that so called big hitters like Humza and Harvie have been defending the HCA and the peacefulness of the leglisation. It’s a bourach with unintended consequences. And it will be used against them.

  60. robertkknight says:

    Can I offer a few more words missing from the Greens’ love-in…

    * Competency
    * Credibility
    * Integrity
    * Honesty
    * Legitimacy

    I could go on…

  61. Geri says:

    The Greens were never an independence party.

    They were only ever leeches that joined the winning government on a wave of success.

    Folks from 2014 may well remember the first thing they did on the wave of Salmonds success/ yes momentum – was to start immediately back peddling. Introducing ways to clip our wings. Remember the 60% bullshit? Or the 1 million signatures petition? LOLz! It was clear way back then that democracy & elections meant absolutely nothing to them. It was additional hoops to jump too.

    They’ve always been chancers. Once they were in they wanted to keep their jobs. They’ve hee-haw chance now but they’ve did the damage.

    Where was all the yoof?
    Cowering in the Ladies? Trembling with fear incase someone said Boo?

    The Greens own polling show they’re not indy. They’re not that fussed.

    All of the above is why I never, ever gave them my 2nd vote & I could never understand other Indy supporters who did. They weren’t our friends & we owed them hee haw. They nearly cost us indy in 2014 with their bullshit & even after they did everything to curb our enthusiasm.

    I hope they get tae fck & Once they get there – they keep going. Go live on an undiscovered island somewhere & gies peace.

    They’re no more environmental than next doors cat. They’re full blown LGBTQWERTYS2+++++ party & I have questions if one of those rockets ever chapped my door..

  62. Owen Mullions says:

    link to

  63. Breeks says:

    Antoine Roquentin
    Ignored says:
    7 April, 2024 at 9:12 pm

    ….I can’t believe it was just a simple error of judgement, my head won’t let me harbour such an explanation. Particularly so as the snapper seemed determined to get the Calmac logo on the ship’s funnel into the frame.

    This particular phenomenon has been evident for a long time. Remember Sturgeon’s toe-curling 1984 style promo video? Are they fkg serious? Hats off to them, “Somebody” is having an absolute ball toying with these political dunces. It is evident in everything SNP, from strategy, (don’t laugh), through execution, to presentation. It’s a study in abject incompetence so profound it simply must be steered by some undetected malignancy.

    Some of us have seen it at work since 2014, but even now, there are still an army of Wee Ginger Dim types who remain too stupid to see it, and bitter “Scottish Skier” types determined to poison every freshwater well or spring they stumble across.

    We can weep about it, but another generation rolls by while Scotland bleeds.

    I now detest the SNP. Not merely for the consummate betrayal of this Nation, but for their blithe stupidity and evergreen utility to Scotland’s enemies.

    I grew up watching the demographics. Independence was inevitable because Unionism was dying off with every generation. Scotland would soon be rescued by its youth coming of age. I believed in that youth, because they were the ones who had most to gain from Scotland’s salvation. It’s a cruel, gut wrenching twist in the plot that these young hopefuls seem deluded brats unburdened by any sense of practical reality. The stupid c*%#ts are going to blow it. Perhaps they already have.

    Anybody with a brain and a future now fks off to start their life in Australia, and their place in Scotland is filled with some grey haired retiree who is free to immigrate here unhindered by any immigration criteria whatsoever.

    And priority du jour? Mickey Mouse Hate Crime Legislation or women having a penis. I mean, fuck me.

    Is it me? Am I somehow immune to this narcotic which somehow turns my fellow Scots into visionless, gibbering and pliable imbeciles? We succumb to bullshit the way aboriginal peoples in the USA and Australia succumbed to alcohol. And of course, our enemies who want what’s ours make sure the supply is plentiful.

    Thanks to the crawling and deceitful SNP, never have I better understood the brutal sentiments behind Torquemada’s Inquisition. So great is the sin, that even the innocent are guilty.

  64. Mac says:

    Anton Decadent
    “Anyone here who browses the MSM with a critical eye will have noticed a pattern particularly at the Herald. In this piece gender critical women associated with Holocaust denial.”

    Which is a very dangerous line to take as everyone knows the so called gender critical women are simply speaking the truth…

    The Herald really is vile newspaper. They all are.

  65. Mac says:

    There is nothing that screams dangerously stupid and incompetent like Lorna Slater. She actually looks more like a spitting image puppet than a spitting image puppet. She can barely dress herself as is evident every time she appears in public.

    At heart I am a huge environmentalist but I look at the ‘Greens’ and shudder for the future of the planet. These cunts are far more poisonous than any pollution.

    Much like the rats that deserted Labour’s sinking ship post 2014 they will destroy anything they touch like they have the SNP because they are fundamentally low wisdom individuals coupled to giant dysfunctional egos, i.e. hideous people.

    I have also long predicted that when the chickens really come home to roost for the Sturgeon SNP these toxic turds will be the ones who melt away, and on to infect and destroy the next grass roots political movement, like the parasites that they are.

  66. Karen says:

    The Greens were very much an independence party. We spent months debating it then had an internal referendum on it. Disappointing but not surprising if they have dropped it, just like women and children’s rights. Glad I left years ago.

  67. Hatey McHateface says:

    Owen Mullions 4:26

    Thanks for the link. I’d never heard of that Rose guy before, but I’m liking most of his tweets (or should that be ‘X’s)?

    I’m saying I like them because I do, and not because to say otherwise might be a crime in Scotland.

  68. Owen Mullions says:

    Hatey McHateface, in fairness this guy seems to be the real editor of the clip
    link to

  69. Geri says:

    Campbell Clansman

    “PacMan, Ruby, and the aptly named “Hatey” somehow claim that the Conservative Party, whose MSPs voted against the HCA, who’ve called for its repeal, and whose voters overwhelmingly want it repealed, is nonetheless secretly in favor of the HCA!”

    They are.

    They’re the party of government next door. They’re also *supposedly* the party of law & order. They’re big mantra.

    Yet they’ve let these nyaffs run rampant in schools. In women’s safe spaces. In the streets shouting at Women. In cancel culture.

    Why is that do you think?

    Even Braverman couldn’t control her own Police. Remember lesbian nana with at least 8 police? Or the ten police present to arrest someone who shared a tweet online? Or police harassment of ppl sharing stickers? How about Posie? Dragged in repeatedly for questioning for hate speech.

    Labour introduced us to all this bullshit & the Tories stood by letting it all unfold. They’re full of shit. They could’ve nipped this in the bud but they chose not to.

    The Tories have loaded the cannons & allowed others to fire them. Now they’re playing good cop/ bad cop hoping someone will buy it. Looks like they managed one..

    The Tories have also introduced their own draconian new laws. They don’t like to mention that bit..

    As for the media. The media is dead. A standing joke. They push the narrative the government tells them to push & always have done.

    I’ve watched many interviews by Gender Critical voices & I’ve yet to hear one of them come out with that pish about the Holocaust.

    It gives us an insight into who is pushing that narrative tho. I guess they’re trying the *Corbyn treatment* that worked so well in England cause Scotland doesn’t give a flying fuck for the (fake) antisemitism pish (despite yoons desperately trying to introduce it here) so they’ll try another angle & see if that gathers pace…

    You thought we have a free media? LOLz!

  70. Ebok says:

    George Ferguson @ 11.42pm

    ‘Political gravity and a billion pounds worth of mistakes have caught up with the SNP’

    If only, George.

    A recent report claimed that Scottish Councils were more than £20 billion in debt.
    My first reaction was … naw, not possible. However, a quick check showed that UK councils were £100 billion in debt. The biggest debt belongs to Birmingham, £3billion, which works out at £2,500 per person, but much smaller Woking has debts of £1.9billion, which is £19,000 per person.

    Whether Scotlands staggering figures are caused by financial mismanagement, corruption, vanity projects, or a combination of those and other factors, who knows, but one spend, close to your heart, is a recent claim that SNP has spent £2m on NHS spin ‘doctors’!

    It’s difficult to comprehend these numbers or to put them on a scale of how bad things really are, but we will find out soon enough, that’s for sure.

  71. Ruby says:

    link to

    I’m posting this only because of what he says at the beginning about the HCB bringing the law in Scotland in line with the law in England.

    You can believe the wee Tories in Scotland oppose the hate crime bill if you like but should these wee Tories ever gain power in Holyrood they will do what they are told & bring the law in Scotland in line with the law in England.

    Equally if they are elected as MP’s they will do what they are told. There will be no mention of repealing the Hate Crime Bill either in Scotland or in England.

    As for the rest of the video I will cover that in a separate post.

    Hope that is the end of the debate and Campbell Clansman changes the subject.

  72. Republicofscotland says:

    So the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland has received multiple reports of hate crimes after yesterday’s Old Firm game. As of April 1st the Keystone Cops have received more than 8,000 reports of hate crimes of which a measly 350 have been logged as offences to be investigated under the HCPOA, 85 of those had been made anonymously.

    With the Old Firm game in mind, Police Scotland expects hate crime complaints to rise to around 10,000.

  73. Ruby says:

    link to

    This video as I said earlier was only interesting because of what was said vis a vis the law in England.

    As for the rest I can’t be bothered anymore. My views as I’ve posted many times before are as follows:

    The GRA 2004 was a huge mistake and should be repealed.
    (No sign of the Tories doing that)

    I also believe ‘Woman Face’ like ‘Black Face’ should be outlawed and made a hate crime.

    Is ‘Black Face’ a hate crime? I would think so.

    We probably won’t know if ‘Woman Face’ is until we get the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill’

    I’m not holding out any hope that the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill’ will protect women’s rights
    the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill’ will be all about the ‘trans’ remember ‘trans women are women’

    Should I define misogyny or would it be pointless being that it seems impossible for politicians and even Helena Kennedy QC to tell us what a woman is.

  74. Ruby says:

    We’ve got all these men who believe they are women or like Debbie Hayton believe they are men who just get their rocks off dressing up as women.

    It’s called

    Autogynephilia (derived from Greek for “love of oneself as a woman”) is a term coined by Blanchard for “a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female”, intending for the term to refer to “the full gamut of erotically arousing cross-gender behaviors and fantasies”.

    ‘Hateful Hilda’ was critical of me always posting about fetishes but I don’t believe you can understand trans unless you know about all their fetishes.

    Should we have a law that makes all fetishes legal.

    Would it be unkind not to.

  75. sam says:

    What’s this? It’s Hate Crime law in Engerland and Wales.

    “The law recognises five types of hate crime on the basis of:

    Sexual orientation
    Transgender identity
    Any crime can be prosecuted as a hate crime if the offender has either:

    demonstrated hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity

    been motivated by hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity
    Someone can be a victim of more than one type of hate crime.

    These crimes are covered by legislation (Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and section 66 of the Sentencing Act 2020) which allows prosecutors to apply for an uplift in sentence for those convicted of a hate crime.

    The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes:

    “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person’s disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity.”

    There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.”

  76. James Che says:

    Having learned yesterday that most modern news is a big April fools joke, especially if mainstream,
    It become essential to stick to recorded historical news that can be proven,
    I will leave the jokey news out, for those that have the ability to cut through modern day crap,
    my forte remains with historical events that are recorded in history that everybody can background check.

    As I responded yesterday to Dasbimps very selective response to my comments.
    It remains a historical recorded set of events.

    There is no Scottish parliament within the treaty of union, after ratification by both sides Queen Anne put the Scottish Parliament under Dissolution,
    Queen Anne did not put the Upper house, the “House of Lords” of Englands” parliament under Dissolution,
    Only the lower house, the ” House the House of Commons” of Englands parliament was placed under Dissolution,
    This was reinstated by Westminster Parliament of England,
    The reason I point out this historical Record is that both the House of Lords and the House of Commons as members of Westminster parliament.
    The House of Lords were never elected into the new rebranded named parliament , the parliament of Great- Britain.
    Without the Dissolved Scottish parliament,

    The Westminster parliament of GB is on record as parliament of England through its continued members and Houses.

    Once the Scottish parliament came under “dissolution” by Queen Annes Declaration in 1707 it no longer was joined or connected to the parliament of England sitting in Westminster,

    The Scottish people have had “No representation” in the Great- Britain parliament for over three Hundred years,

    I mentioned yesterday that Scotland should not politically naively believe that we are joined to England in a parliamentary union.

  77. Northcode says:

    Is there a more potent means of rousing an entire people from a beguilin glaumour, a wicked enchantment cast to hide the truth from their sight, than to set their nation ablaze in a bonfire of liberties?

    Will the flames of their burning history and culture, their customs and traditions, their language and freedoms and beliefs be enough to break the spell?

    Will that people recover at once their sense and seeing their dire plight take urgent steps to save their nation and themselves?

    Who can tell how a people debased, diminished and oppressed by deceitful centuries will act when the truth of their bondage to a lie is revealed to them?

    But delirious in enchanted dwam and bound to a bewitching glamour they have little hope of delivering themselves from an unhappy fate and as a people will perish; what little evidence left of them twisted out of shape; hemmed to the vainglorious fiction of their enchanter’s story.

    So wake up, Scotland. Wake up to the fraud perpetrat upo ye.

    Wake up to the truth and see the wizard’s weazel-blawin’ hands at work; hands that pull the levers of illusion behind a ragged faded curtain; that pit of lies; thon place o thin and mincin’ wirds called Holyrood.

    Wake up and throw your tattered enchantment atap the cold north blaw tae be cairit back doun sooth fae whaur it came.

    Rise from your dwam and think. Think liberty. Think freedom. Think soverayne.

    Think Scotland. Think Scottish. Think Scot.

  78. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Ruby says: 8 April, 2024 at 10:36 am

    I also believe ‘Woman Face’ like ‘Black Face’ should be outlawed and made a hate crime.

    Is ‘Black Face’ a hate crime? I would think so

    I don’t believe Black Face should be outlawed, made criminal, or even be afforded the ludicrous virtue-signalling brownie points, that opposition to it gets now.

    Neither should yellow face, white face or red face.

    Where would the line be drawn anyways? Should the law come for these darker people who spend so much money and effort on skin lightening creams?

    What about the Scots who return from a fortnight on the Costas a rich, dark mahogany? Detained at Customs and fined?

    Arrest that lassie officer – she’s overdone the spray on tan, but no matter, that’s hate, so it is!

    Disguising appearance in order to commit a criminal offence should be illegal. Probably already is. Blackening up, whitening up, or any other form of “guising” for fun is part of Scottish tradition and should be protected, not outlawed.

    There’s a stubborn streak of fun-hating presbyterianism still running through too many of us Scots. Could the HCA be used to silence the fun-haters?

    Now there’s a thought.

    I suggest, Ruby, that you cease trying to link the non-issue of “colour face” to the serious ramifications of men in women’s spaces, sports, etc. It’s confusing matters and doing more harm than good.

  79. Oneliner says:


    Nah, the fitba’s comin’ an’ ah’ve looked oot ma See You Jimmy hat.

  80. Northcode says:

    @The paratactic Oneliner – 🙂

  81. McDuff says:

    Rev you are a rascal but a brilliant one.

  82. Ruby says:

    Hatey McHateface

    I suggest, Ruby, that you cease trying to link the non-issue of “colour face” to the serious ramifications of men in women’s spaces, sports, etc. It’s confusing matters and doing more harm than good.

    You can suggest until the cows come home but I wont be paying you any attention.

    I suggest, ‘Horrid Hilda’, that you cease posting drivel.

    Cheers Hats!

    Happy now?

  83. PacMan says:

    From Article:

    link to

    Police Scotland is under fire over claims they did not fully investigate a hate crime complaint against an SNP minister’s father.
    On Monday, Scottish Government public finance minister Tom Arthur condemned his dad, also called Tom Arthur, for sharing the anti-Semitic image on Facebook.
    The post, which depicts a Nazi swastika within a Star of David, is captioned “Nazism = Zionism”.

    However, an ex-police officer who reported it to the force was told it would not be taken further as she was not Jewish.
    The woman told the Daily Mail that she first complained on Thursday before giving a statement on Saturday.
    However, within an hour of speaking to officers, she was told it would be logged but not investigated.
    She told the paper: “They were very much for not taking the complaint at all. One said, ‘We’re snowed under with all these complaints. How are we supposed to get through all these?’
    “I said, ‘That’s not my problem. The First Minister has said he wants people to report these things; he’s very keen for everything to be reported.”
    The woman, who was not named, said an officer called her later that afternoon and asked if she identified as being Jewish.
    When she said no, he told her that it “falls outwith the parameters” and “won’t be moving forward as a crime.”

    From another article:

    link to

    Former health secretary Jeane Freeman says SNP ministers have been “caught by surprise” by the row over Scotland’s new hate crime law.

    Ms Freeman, who was health secretary from 2018 to 2021, told BBC Scotland’s The Sunday Show her reaction to the new law was one of “frustration at the level of misinformation”.

    She said: “My impression is that the furore and genuine concerns over the last week has caught the Scottish government by surprise.”

    Ms Freeman said ministers should have planned for the law coming in “at this particular point in the electoral cycle”.

    She said “if you leave loopholes in it and don’t set out what it does and doesn’t do” it would be used by political opponents.

    There is a lot of mud thrown around that the disinformation is being spread about in order to both discredit the SNP and the bill itself.

    I look around a wide range of sources and double check facts. I am positive that the idea of a third person is able to make complaints about hate crimes has been widely reported throughout all parts of the media including the Herald yet as per first article, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

    It seems that the SNP has made an own-goal where they have implemented a bill that is so full of holes and ambiguity as well as implementing it just before an election.

    The SNP doesn’t need anybody to discredit themselves. They are doing a damn mighty fine job themselves.

  84. PacMan says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    8 April, 2024 at 10:21 am

    So the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland has received multiple reports of hate crimes after yesterday’s Old Firm game. As of April 1st the Keystone Cops have received more than 8,000 reports of hate crimes of which a measly 350 have been logged as offences to be investigated under the HCPOA, 85 of those had been made anonymously.

    With the Old Firm game in mind, Police Scotland expects hate crime complaints to rise to around 10,000.

    Supporters of the HCB says it is to modernise existing laws for the 21st century and to add new powers to stop inciting hatred.

    If there is any purpose to this law then it surely has got to be to combat yesterdays old Firm game which contains sectarianism and hatred on both sides rather than main focus by politicians, Trans who number a minuscule part of our population and most people don’t even bat an eyelid towards when encountered.

    Reports say that there has been only a small amount of complaints made yesterday and in under a week of it being implemented only a small amount of complaints is being investigated.

    I wonder if these complaints being investigated would have happened anyway under existing legislation?

    It does feel that the only purpose of this legislation is to align our laws with that of England which if correct, doesn’t look good for a political party that is supposed to making an argument that Scotland should be independent as our country is unique from the rest of the UK.

  85. Sven says:

    PacMan @ 18.18.

    I don’t believe that there’s much doubt that most alleged offences in terms of this new Act would most certainly have already been judged competent to be dealt with under the previously existing legislation, Pac.
    Indeed, I was recently listening to a Scottish KC expressing almost identical views to your those expressed in your post.
    The main thrust of the new Act would appear to specifically intended to favour the Trans community (without bothering to protect our biological women) ; although as you mention the small proportion of Trans in our communities of whom I have any knowledge have always, in the past, sought to just get on with their lives in peace and quiet. And like most folk where I live I’ve always been content to live and let live.

  86. Owen Mullions says:

    While I won’t deny the problems on both sides argument, the events at Ibrox yesterday came from only one side as no opposition fans were allowed inside the ground.

  87. Republicofscotland says:

    “If there is any purpose to this law then it surely has got to be to combat yesterdays old Firm game which contains sectarianism and hatred on both sides rather than main focus by politicians.”


    If that were really the case and it isn’t they wouldn’t have repealed the (OBFA) Offence Behaviour Football Act.


    “It does feel that the only purpose of this legislation is to align our laws with that of England which if correct, doesn’t look good for a political party that is supposed to making an argument that Scotland should be independent as our country is unique from the rest of the UK.”

    I fear you may be right here, I suspect it will also be used to shut up prominent bloggers who point out governments misgivings and our governments lack of a push for independence.

    On England yes they have laws that are similar.

    “So-called hate speech can be punished under a number of UK laws. The most prominent among these are the Public Order Act 1986, the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003. These laws essentially turn causing offence, or ‘stirring up hatred’, into a police matter. If the Tories really want to do something about the free-speech crisis in this country, then scrapping these laws would be the place to start.

    Under Part 3 of the UK-wide Public Order Act, it is a crime to ‘stir up hatred’ based on race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. This vaguely defined offence applies to any form of communication – from words expressed on the street to books or even plays. In the most serious cases, crimes relating to inciting hatred can theoretically carry up to seven years in prison – the same maximum sentence for ‘stirring up hatred’ in Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act.

    The Malicious Communications Act – which applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – criminalises the sending of communications, electronic or otherwise, with the ‘purpose of causing distress or anxiety’. This can include posting a dodgy joke on social media. Doing so could land you a prison sentence of up to 12 months.

    The Communications Act similarly makes it a crime across the entire UK to intentionally ‘cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another’ via social media. This covers both posts on public platforms and messages in private message groups. Those charged under the Communications Act can face a fine or a custodial sentence of up to six months. While such laws might sound as if they aim to tackle harassing behaviour they have routinely been used against merely offensive speech.”

    link to

  88. Ruby says:

    link to

    Government confirms misogyny will not be made a hate crime

    (That’s UK Gov)

    If you read this you can tell how the Scottish branch offices will vote on a Misogyny bill/act at Holyrood.

    Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats have previously called for misogyny to be classed as a hate crime.
    Responding to the Government update, Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for equalities, said: “This heartbreaking announcement speaks volumes about this Government’s attitude to violence and women and girls.
    “This Conservative Government is failing every woman who has to live in fear of the violence which has misogynistic hatred at its root.

    There are more recent articles

    Misogyny should be included in new hate crime law, says Anas Sarwar

    Sadiq Khan: ‘Misogyny Isn’t A Hate Crime, But It Should Be’

    Both these men are Muslims and that is all I will say

    I’ll post a link to these articles later.

    Re hate crimes at football aren’t they all tied up with domestic abuse/misogyny?

    Adam Tomkins did confirm in the interview he did on STV when he was singing the praises of the HCB that the HCB did bring Scottish laws inline with English laws (or maybe he said English/Welsh laws.)

  89. Hatuey says:

    PAC Man: “I am positive that the idea of a third person is able to make complaints about hate crimes has been widely reported throughout all parts of the media including the Herald yet as per first article, this doesn’t seem to be the case.”

    It took me about 30 seconds to find this on the Police Scotland website;

    “If you have been targeted because of your disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, we want you to report it. If you are aware of someone else being targeted, we also want you to report it.”

    The argument that Zionists are Nazis (if that was what you were referring to) wouldn’t necessarily constitute a hate crime, as I understand it. Zionism isn’t a religion and you don’t necessarily need to be part of any religion to be a Zionist.

  90. Ruby says:

    link to

    Sadiq Khan: ‘Misogyny Isn’t A Hate Crime, But It Should Be’

    The Mayor of London launches ‘Say maaate to a mate’ – a new campaign to tackle violence against women and girls

    ‘The issue of violence against women and girls isn’t going to be solved by women and girls themselves. Us men have to play our role, we’re responsible.’

    I haven’t really read this article properly. I’m not sure if I even want to.

  91. Mark Beggan says:

    The Greens are using Zero Hours contracts to deliver their leaflets. They were left in our building and the only people who do that are contract delivery kids. They are now on their way to the Recycle Nirvana.

  92. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Ruby says: 8 April, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    I suggest, Ruby, that you cease trying to link the non-issue of “colour face” to the serious ramifications of men in women’s spaces, sports, etc. It’s confusing matters and doing more harm than good.

    You can suggest until the cows come home but I wont be paying you any attention.

    I suggest, ‘Horrid Hilda’, that you cease posting drivel

    Good one, Ruby, a retort straight out of the playground.

    It’s a serious subject and you shouldn’t be messing it up, and trivialising it in the eyes of the readers. Because that’s what you are doing.

    You persist on applying an equivalence between people temporarily changing their skin tones for films, stage, or just for having Halloween fun, and people declaring themselves to be a different gender for nefarious purposes.

    They are not the same thing. They are miles apart in terms of seriousness.

    I suggest you dis-engage your ego and attempt to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves.

  93. Ruby says:

    link to

    Misogyny should be included in new hate crime law, says Anas Sarwar

    This on is dated 1st April 2024

    I haven’t read this one properly either.

    I do have a couple of question

    1. Why did he vote for a bill that didn’t include misogyny?

    2. Can he define what a woman and a girl is?

  94. Ruby says:

    Hatey McHateface

    I suggest you dis-engage your ego and attempt to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves.

    You can suggest all you like ‘Horrid Hilda’.

    ‘Horrid Hilda’ & ‘Horrid Histories” are not things I pay much attention to.

    Ooops nearly forgot about Horrid Humza!

  95. Ruby says:

    link to

    LABOUR PAINS Keir Starmer’s promise to toughen hate crime laws could lead to chaos for police — just like in Scotland

    Labour plans to treat every LGBT hate crime as an “aggravated offence”.

    It means stricter sentences for those who target someone’s transgender identity.

    But critics fear prosecutions for misgendering, with cops spending more time probing gender critical views than on solving violent crime.

    It’s all about the transgender identity for Labour.

    They did bring in the GRA 2004 so I suppose they are going to defend it no matter what.

    A Labour Government will be a nightmare but it looks as if that what our colony has in store.

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Posie Parker will defeat Starmer.

  96. Ruby says:

    Did you all notice to new Wings Banner?

    ‘Hurty Feelings? Call the Police’

  97. Hatey McHateface says:

    There really is no connection between people using cosmetics to temporarily change the colour of their face to act, or take part in some kind of fancy dress event, and people self-identifying as the opposite sex in order to gain access to women’s safe spaces, for nefarious purposes.

    No connection at all.

    That this self-evident fact should be vehemently denied on here BTL, for purely egotistical reasons, well, what can anybody say.

    I still believe the truth can set us free. That so many of the most staunchly pro-Indy posters are wedded to lies is deeply significant for the bind Indy finds itself in.

  98. PacMan says:

    Hatuey says:
    8 April, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    PAC Man: “I am positive that the idea of a third person is able to make complaints about hate crimes has been widely reported throughout all parts of the media including the Herald yet as per first article, this doesn’t seem to be the case.”

    It took me about 30 seconds to find this on the Police Scotland website;

    “If you have been targeted because of your disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, we want you to report it. If you are aware of someone else being targeted, we also want you to report it.”

    The argument that Zionists are Nazis (if that was what you were referring to) wouldn’t necessarily constitute a hate crime, as I understand it. Zionism isn’t a religion and you don’t necessarily need to be part of any religion to be a Zionist.

    The article was from the Herald Scotland site and had linked an article from the Daily Mail.

    Whether equating Zionism to Nazism is anti-Semitic or not isn’t something that I want to get involved in but according to the article the individual who had taken the call asked if the complainer was Jewish but wouldn’t continue this complaint as the complainer was not Jewish.

    It could be argued that the person who had taken phone call thought that equating Zionism to Nazism is anti-Semitic.

    Either way, according to the information given the call was not handled correctly. If equating Zionism to Nazism is not anti-Semitic then the person taking the phone call should have said that. If it is, the person taking the phone call has broken rules as you mentioned 3rd party complaints are accepted.

    Given that the article is based on an anonymous source, it is hard to know how much of the article is true but it highlights how this bill is relying on people with no legal training and even less training on the nuances of what constitutes a hate crime, it doesn’t inspire confidence.

  99. Hatuey says:

    You know, Vlad’s tactics never fail to boggle me.

    Having bombed his own multi-billion dollar gas pipelines, he then went on to bomb his own highly critical bridges, and now today I hear that he has conducted a drone strike on the Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant (which he and his army control).

    Doesn’t he understand that a meltdown at Zaporozhie could be catastrophic for his country and the whole of Europe? Estimates suggest the radioactive chaos could be ten times worse than that caused by Chernobyl’s meltdown.

    And why is he doing this now? God knows. Everybody knows that he has more or less won the war. If anybody should be throwing tantrums and bombing nuclear power plants, it’s… the… ehhhh….

    (Lightbulb moment)

  100. Ruby says:

    ‘Horrid Hilda’ claims if you can see that there is absolutely no connection between ‘black face’ and ‘woman face’ Scotland will be Independent tomorrow.

    The connection between ‘black face’ and ‘woman face’ is that both are very offensive.

    Lets see what ‘Horrid Hilda’ has to say about that.

  101. Johnlm says:

    There really is no connection between people cosmetically, temporarily, changing their nom de plume BTL, to make distance for themselves from their previously embarrassing views, and people re-inventing themselves as Indy supporters in order to gain access to WoS spaces, for nefarious purposes.

  102. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Ruby says: 8 April, 2024 at 9:26 pm

    Playground insults, followed by lies.

    Sometimes you mix it up. Lies, followed by playground insults.

    With the occasional “I’m going to ignore” you dropped in sometimes. Then that too is ignored.

    There really is no connection between people using cosmetics to temporarily change the colour of their face to act, or take part in some kind of fancy dress event, and people self-identifying as the opposite sex in order to gain access to women’s safe spaces, for nefarious purposes.

    No connection at all.

  103. Mac says:

    Having to change your name BTL is like shitting yourself while passed out in the beer garden in your local on a Sunday afternoon and having to move house to avoid the beemur.

    I think the constant Johnicide Genocide John Jibes were starting were starting to get under his skin…

    So anyway… welcome Genocidey McGenocideface!

  104. Young Lochinvar says:

    Oh dear, I’m showing my age here and lack of yoof right-on.

    What is the fixation here repeatedly using the acronym BTL?


    Yeah Bethel in Connecticut and is a nice place y’all, and bilateral tubal ligation is lady plumbing matter (real ladies that is) and being a mere man (hangs head in new age shame) I don’t really want to go there..

  105. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Hatuey says: 8 April, 2024 at 9:14 pm

    (Lightbulb moment)

    Ah, you youngsters, I pity you.

    Those of us old enough to have experienced a Scottish Education, in those years when Scotland could still dimly remember when it had the best education in the world, will be entirely familiar with the story of The Judgement Of Solomon.

    Those of us who know the story, and understand its meaning,
    will know how it can be applied to the irrelevant subject matter you have raised because you have nothing to say about Indy.

    It’s a tough one for you, so deny it, or change the subject. Name calling might get you a few supportive jeers from the pit.

    I’m going to apply the inverse L’Oréal justification to you, and stop here.

  106. Northcode says:

    I’ve been re-reading Frank Herbert’s Heretics of Dune and of the Bene Tleilaxian; a people who secretly harbour dreams of hegemony over human space – and I thought of Alf Baird.

    Not because Alf secretly harbours dreams of hegemony over human space (although for all I know he might), but because in one of his papers he references Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), an Italian philosopher who, while imprisoned by Benito Mussolini for his criticism of both Mussolini and fascism, developed his theory of cultural hegemony.

    It’s fascinating stuff and Alf’s application of Gramsci’s theory to Scotland and the Scots is a real eye-opener. It certainly helped me understand the cultural illusion underpinning the fantasy of one ‘British’ nation and the origins of the ‘Scottish Cultural Cringe’.

    I would urge anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of how Gramsci’s theory is relevant to the Scots to read Alf’s paper.

    Determinants of Independence 1. Culture

  107. President Xiden says:

    For whom the Gods wish to destroy the first make vote Green.

  108. Robert Hughes says:

    Hatuey @ 9.14

    Aye , mental int’it , I jist don’t know where * Mad * V gets the time : jumpin’ aboot aw er the shop , blowin’ up bridges , pipelines , nuclear installations , bet he was behind that Crocus atrocity tae ; whit gets me is he can do aw that as well as be * Mad * 24/7 . ‘kin amazin .

    Surely he cannae dae aw that on his oan ? n wit aboot his plan tae conquer East Kilbride ? naw , he must hiv a sqwad a guys helpn him oot . Probably piys them cash-in-hand

  109. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi PacMan.

    See the link below (with my emboldening)…

    Zionism |?z???n?z(?)m|
    noun [ mass noun ]
    1 a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

    2 (in southern Africa) a religious movement represented by a group of independent Churches which practise a form of Christianity incorporating elements of traditional African beliefs.
    • the beliefs and practices of the African Zionist movement.

    I would guess from that, that expressing an anti-Zionist viewpoint in relation to Israel, does not contravene the Hatey McHateAct, as political belief is not protected.

  110. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Sorry, no link – pasted.

  111. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Robert Hughes says: 8 April, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    Haha, another good one. This place is on fire tonight.

    Couple of questions for you.

    See when the big one goes off, do the drooling mouth breathers snuff it horribly just a little before the rest of us?

    And knuckle dragging – will that stir up an excess of radioactive dust, again leading to an accelerated ghastly death for those simian unfortunates?

    I ask because, since the 1st of April, I have been suffused by an irrational respect, admiration and, shucks, love, for mouth breathing knuckle draggers. I just can’t bear the thought of them writhing in their agonising death throes before the rest of us.

    It’s too horrible to picture.

    So I’m really hoping you can set my mind at rest.

  112. George Ferguson says:

    @Ebok 9:26am
    Thanks for your reply. I was referring to the mistakes of Central Government. But you are correct about the indebtedness of local councils. Many years of a Council Tax freeze compounded by Humzas latest freeze without reference or consultation with anybody. The Scotland Tonight panellists put me off going to Glasgow for a while for example.

  113. Ruby says:

    ‘Horrid Hilda’ is really mad now

    She’s stamping her feet & screaming in bold

    When people self-id as the opposite sex Horrid Hilda they use a fuck ton of cosmetics just as the Black and White Minstrel’s did up until 1967 when the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination presented a petition to the BBC calling for the show to be cancelled.

    David Harewood on Blackface – BBC iPlayer

    link to

    I think I have a very good idea how these black people felt I’m pretty sure it’s similar to how I feel seeing men masquerade as women.

  114. Cat-Sith says:

    Should anyone feel so inclined to test out the new side bar and it’s various links, a quick search of “Fenian” or “Taig” on x-twitter could keep you busy for days.

  115. Hatuey says:

    Hatey is right, I don’t know anything about Solomon’s Judgement. I could look it up, I suppose, but since there’s no sane argument for bombing nuclear power plants, I don’t really feel the need…

    I can’t imagine how failed and fucked up you’d need to be to want another Chernobyl-type disaster in this world. If the bible is teaching that sort of stuff, why are so many people concerned about the Quran?

    Actually, now that I think about it, maybe it was one of those bloody extremist terrorist mobs that did it. Algharb?

    What’s more important right now, talking aimlessly and pointlessly about independence or talking aimlessly and pointlessly about the consequences of bombing nuclear power plants?

    What’s more likely, independence or another Chernobyl-type disaster?

    I’m keeping it light tonight…

  116. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Young Lochinvar says:
    8 April, 2024 at 9:59 pm

    Oh dear, I’m showing my age here and lack of yoof right-on.

    What is the fixation here repeatedly using the acronym BTL?


    Add me to the list of people who don’t know what it means and can’t find any appropriate answers via perusal of indices of acronyms 🙂

  117. Sven says:

    Young Lochinvar @ 21.59
    The Flying Ironof Doom @ 02.03

    BTL = Below the Line; for comments posted below the header piece.
    (And no, this pensioner didn’t know either and had to ask a younger informant).

  118. Johnlm says:

    Acronyms can be confusing.

    I used to think that SNP stood for Scottish National Party.
    (It actually stands for Sh*tstains Needing Pensions)

    Btw, BLT = Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce.
    You’re welcome.

  119. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Ruby says: 8 April, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    She’s stamping her feet & screaming in bold

    Nice one, Ruby. Name calling and cissy calling.

    I bet you used to rule the playground. From the evidence of your posts on here, that you never saw the need to grow out of your primary school days bullying formula, I bet you still rule your stair too.

    Fore warned is fore armed. We need to make sure you never get anywhere near ruling Scotland.

    Another day, and a bloke wearing blackface for a laugh is still not the same as a bloke perving in a women’s changing rooms.

    A bloke wearing blackface for a laugh is still not the same as a bloke winning a women’s sporting competition.

    They’re not the same thing and never will be. You should accept it and move on.

  120. PacMan says:

    Sven says:
    8 April, 2024 at 6:44 pm

    PacMan @ 18.18.

    I don’t believe that there’s much doubt that most alleged offences in terms of this new Act would most certainly have already been judged competent to be dealt with under the previously existing legislation, Pac.
    Indeed, I was recently listening to a Scottish KC expressing almost identical views to your those expressed in your post.
    The main thrust of the new Act would appear to specifically intended to favour the Trans community (without bothering to protect our biological women) ; although as you mention the small proportion of Trans in our communities of whom I have any knowledge have always, in the past, sought to just get on with their lives in peace and quiet. And like most folk where I live I’ve always been content to live and let live.

    Essentially, the SNP is foisting a bad English law onto us to solve a problem that is dealt with by existing laws to further an agenda that involves a very minuscule part of the population that has been proven time and time again are not victimised or marginalised than other part of the population.

    Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

  121. PacMan says:

    Cat-Sith says:
    8 April, 2024 at 11:32 pm

    Should anyone feel so inclined to test out the new side bar and it’s various links, a quick search of “Fenian” or “Taig” on x-twitter could keep you busy for days.

    Religion is a protected characteristic under this legislation and the law is the law

  122. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ Hatuey says: 8 April, 2024 at 11:52 pm

    Hatey is right, I don’t know anything about Solomon’s Judgement. I could look it up, I suppose, but since there’s no sane argument for bombing nuclear power plants, I don’t really feel the need

    Nothing like a declaration of apathetic ignorance to convince readers that Scottish Indy supporters are a switched on crew.

    The story of the Judgement Of Solomon allows determination of the perpetrator in a case of wrong doing like the one under discussion. It’s got nothing to do with wanting another Chernobyl-type disaster in this world.

    I guess though, that if lies are the only tools you have in your personal toolbox, every truth must look like a lie too.

    BTW, have I posted today yet about how much I admire and respect liars? Can’t get enough of the little beauts. Luckily for me, I’ve struck an inexhaustible seam here BTL.

  123. PacMan says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    8 April, 2024 at 10:41 pm

    Hi PacMan.

    See the link below (with my emboldening)…

    Zionism |?z???n?z(?)m|
    noun [ mass noun ]
    1 a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

    2 (in southern Africa) a religious movement represented by a group of independent Churches which practise a form of Christianity incorporating elements of traditional African beliefs.
    • the beliefs and practices of the African Zionist movement.

    I would guess from that, that expressing an anti-Zionist viewpoint in relation to Israel, does not contravene the Hatey McHateAct, as political belief is not protected.

    The point I was making, which I had done really badly, was that the call handler didn’t understand the meaning of Zionism and assumed it was linked to Judaism. The call handler also refused to take the complaint further and the person who reported it wasn’t Jewish.

    It’s a mess of a law and putting the Police and their support services in a bad position that erodes trust and respect amongst the general public.

    As per previous comments I have made, I can’t help but feel that there would be the same amount of prosecutions under the new law as there would be under existing ones.

    The only difference is that a whole lot of people will be dragged into the criminal justice system and their lives subsequently affected by having non-hate crime incidents recorded against them for behaviour that in any civilised and sane society would never warrant it.

    I see that there are lawyers who are offering services to help clients affected by this law. In the years to come, I can see a whole lot more lawyers offering services to get compensation from the Police and the Scottish government for wrongful convictions.

    If this does happen, shouldn’t some of the compensation come from the pensions and expenses of the politicians who had voted for it?

  124. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon says: 8 April, 2024 at 10:41 pm

    That’s a fascinating post. Thanks for posting that. It’s always good to learn something new.

    Given meaning number two, it’s obvious that the “Zionist” slur just betrays the ignorance of the person using it.

    It has to be qualified to clarify which Zionism is being criticised.

    I would expect that African Zionism should be beyond all criticism in the west, because anything authentically African must be revered under the rules of woke. In Africa though, where the rules of woke don’t apply, that Christian association will be all the ammunition needed for those followers of the religion that are extirpating Christianity wherever they can get it in their sights.

    So the Middle East centred annihilators of Zionism don’t have to discriminate, whereas those of us marching in support of its annihilation in our own cities do.

    Damn it! Why does modern life have to be so complicated!?!

  125. Breeks says:

    Sick buckets at the ready…

    link to

    ” SNP an ever-growing political phenomenon – Angus Robertson.”

    A growing phenomenon – not unlike Pinocchio’s nose I suppose…

  126. Rab Clark says:

    Nicola’s a natural winner!

    link to

  127. Ruby says:


    Religion is a protected characteristic under this legislation and the law is the law

    I’m not clear what that means.

    Does it mean Salman Rushdie & ‘Charlie Hebdo’ would be charged with a hate crime if they are ever daft enough to come to Scotland?

  128. Johnlm says:

    Hatey McJohnMain playing with the meaning of words again.

    I think we know what Zionism means.

    What role did Isntreal play in Rwanda?

    link to

  129. Geri says:




  130. Ruby says:

    What about symbolism?

    The star of David could symbolise Judaism it could equally stand for Israel/Isreali.

    1. Religious hate crime
    2. Racist

    Surely the important thing is what the complainant believes it symbolises or what the artist intended it to symbolise.

  131. Mac says:

    Can’t look at Lorna anymore.

    Discussion of various topics on Judge Nap with Col (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson (former aide to Colin Powell).

    link to

    He states explicitly that the CIA was behind the terror attacks in Mosc0w and that the Ru$$ians know it… and that “we have done as much to create and nurture ISIS as anything else on the face of the earth…” “…and when I say ‘we’ I mean the CIA”.

    That is quite something. If you have never seen the graphic torture porn videos produced by ISIS (and they are very hard to watch) and the incredibly cruel ways they think up to murder people while filming it, in high definition and then making it these very highly produced videos… you should take a look. They are almost beyond belief. This is evidently what the CIA has descended into. It is really shocking (at least to me).

    I suppose I should not be shocked. The legitimization of torture, the creation of the most depraved mercenary force imaginable, killing over a hundred ru$$ian civilians deep in Ru$$ia… while in the background, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    Their pawprints are all over JFK and decades later 9/11 and so much in between… 9/11 incidentally was used to justify the legitimization of torture and the destruction of numerous middle easter countries, that all just happen(ed) to support the Palestinian resistance. It is all very circular and self justifying. A con.

    This is not going to end well folks. It really isn’t.

  132. Cat-Sith says:

    @PacMan 9th April 7:22am
    I would be inclined to put to the polis that both contain anti-Irish aspects enough to fall under the lower thresholds applied to the “Race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origins” offence.

  133. Ruby says:

    We are going to have a misogyny bill sometime soon. It’s not clear if it’s going to be a separate bill or added to the HCB.
    Not sure why it wasn’t included in the HCB now. What’s the problem?

    If we have a misogyny bill then why not a misandry bill?

    Wouldn’t it be fairer and more equal if we ditched all the various different aggravators and just had one?

    ie human being.

  134. Dan says:

    @ Ebok and George Ferguson

    Re. Council funds

    It’s nae wonder councils are short of cash. I was speaking to a council worker the other day and they had been told they could not use the stock of existing PPE work gloves from the store because they didn’t have an expiry date on them to know if they were still okay to use.
    FFS, it’s a work glove. Has it really got to the point when someone can’t tell if a general use work glove is good or not.
    The cost of replacing stocks of gloves is one thing, what’s worse is that someone is being being paid to audit and assess glove expiry dates.

    In other news, I heard the autonomous bus had an incident the other week. Only two staff onboard (which begs the question of why two are needed if it is autonomous…).
    Apparently the bus hit a pothole and the sensors thought the bus had been involved in an impact, so that triggered a hard braking emergency stop procedure which just about sent one of the staff onboard through the front windae.

  135. Mark Beggan says:

    How much food does Suzan Aitkin stuff into her fat carcass every day.

    How many homeless people could be fed on her scraps.

  136. alf baird says:

    Ruby @ 8:18 am

    “Surely the important thing is what the complainant believes it symbolises or what the artist intended it to symbolise.”

    Perhaps that might be the case in a country where rights and freedoms of the people are respected. But in a colonial police state the only important thing is what the state police and judges think.

    And in a colonial society, we are reminded that “only the values of the colonizer are sovereign” (Memmi), and this includes his many imperial symbols: e.g. imperial flag, oath of allegiance, monuments, monarchy, sovereign parliament, the BBC, poppies, English literature, Oxford and Cambridge, cricket, 1966 etc etc.

  137. Geri says:

    Ach, give up.

    Bloody moderation. No idea what word triggered the censorship police this time…Sheesh..

  138. Geri says:


    So true.

    JFK knew it was a beast & swore to dismantle it.

    They had other ideas about JFK.

    It’s frightening because, as various ex C*IA & military commentators say, they’re completely lawless & unaccountable – they answer to no one but themselves. They’re unelected & do as they please.

    The president (any president) is just a puppet front. He falls into line or he ends up pushing up daisies.

    So much mayhem throughout the world & all caused by a rogue state desperate to rule the world.

  139. Mac says:

    I think it is one of the many fundamentally flawed aspects of the Hate Bill that it simply does not apply to everyone, equally. I found it bizarre that is doesn’t and still do.

    By selecting certain groups they are effectively deselecting other groups. Why? Shouldn’t everyone be worthy of protection from hate?

    Hate is hate, no matter where it comes from, and no matter at whom it is directed. Right?

    But no, this very odd bill only applies to certain identified groups. It is bizarre and I think reveals something about the fundamental intent to apply the law very selectively.

    Can’t have men protected from hate as that would open up a massive can of worms. So just deselect them.

    It all seems to center around the SNPG’s never ending fixation on trans people. This was obviously meant as the ‘enforcer’ bill to go along with the equally bizarre and now torpedoed GRR bill.

    Everything is trans fixated… why.

  140. Ruby says:

    Juryless trials!

    That is a very good reason why we might need a ‘Misandry hate crime bill’?

    I’ve seen comments regarding ‘Juryless trials’ saying ‘vexatious’ complaints Humza you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    We need to get all genned up here BTL up these upcoming events.

    If you are struggling with acronyms or phrases don’t be afraid to ask. Someone will know the answer.

    BTW Johnlm it’s Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato not Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce.
    it’s BLT not BTL


    Just incase of any confusion re CUNT it stands for See you next Tuesday.

    I’ve just learned this morning what ‘street shitter’ actually means.
    I learned that from reading an article in The Times.

    It’s very hard to keep up with all the latest lingo.

    Although I’ve no real reason to know what it means but the polis definitely need to.

  141. Ruby says:



    Ach, give up.

    Bloody moderation. No idea what word triggered the censorship police this time…Sheesh..

    Tut Geri! How come you don’t know? Have you not been paying attention?

  142. Republicofscotland says:

    For once Yousaf the Puppet speaks the truth, the same can be said for voting for the SNP, its a wasted vote.

    “HUMZA Yousaf has said that voting for the Scottish Greens at the next General Election would be a “wasted vote”.”

    “It comes after the Scottish Greens announced that a record number of candidates will stand for the party at the next General Election.”

  143. Hatuey says:

    link to

  144. Geri says:


    No idea. I edited what I thought it could be but fuuuuuck..flew intae Stu’s in pile again.

    As for learning where phrases come from…I noticed you mentioned pot to piss in..

    Wonder if it matches the documentary I watched yrs ago – men used to wear large cloaks carrying around a pot so other men could piss in the street when the notion took them. Jeez..

    Now I’m wondering what street shitter is..

  145. Mac says:

    Aye Geri, the problem is very much the unelected, unaccountable state within the state. It is so out of control at this point it is frightening.

    The west has also been gradually Isr@elified by the relentless and grinding efforts of the Isr@el lobby. We are see the political fruits of that now for sure.

    I don’t see anyone in the West left to stop the insanity. Quite the reverse it just keeps escalating, they never learn anything, they just double down…

    At least during the Cuban Missile Crisis you had Kennedy leading the US. I don’t even know who is really running the show in the US right now. All I do know is it is not Joe Biden.

    We are in such a dangerous situation right now, it is well beyond the Cuban missile crisis. Ukr@ine and Isr@el are two very dangerous ignition points. Deploying a few poxy missiles is nothing to what is going on right now…

    Desperate people do desperate things and all the indicators suggest the ‘deep state’ are getting desperate and that it is going to get a lot worse.

    Meanwhile our official ‘leaders’ are really poor. Shockingly bad. Dangerously bad.

    It is not a good situation considering the stakes. They would rather go to war than risk losing power.

  146. Northcode says:

    This from Sara Salyers on the YoursForScotland website:

    Thus our own political establishment is an obstacle to independence not only because it will insist, is insisting, on trying to negotiate an escape from a kidnapper but because it is waiting in the wings to colonise Scotland all over again. We will have a new, English style constitution authorizing all that has gone before: Special Economic Zones, the Hate Crime Act, a Gender Recognition Act, jury-less trials, government corruption, unaccountable ministers, quangos and committees, corporate decision making, all without any mechanism by which to object, let alone mount a challenge. And we will be offered, again, the pretence that the choice of a different flavour of autocrat every five years means that the people are sovereign, at least for 24 hours.

    There it is. Even our own ‘home-grown’ politicians who genuinely support Scottish independence (not for the benefit of ordinary Scots I suspect) are in on the colonial racket – so why should we even bother voting for any politician in any of ‘Scotland’s’ political parties in any election, either local or national?

    According to Sara Salyers, and I agree with her, the day after the Scots gain their liberation from their current colonisers they would again be immediately ‘colonised’ by Westminster’s prodigy in Holyrood; its bastirt offspring; its mini-me.

    Why should we, the people, give any legitimacy at all to a rigged political system masquerading as representative democracy by voting for any of them?

    You can read Sara Salyers article here: The Road to Liberation

    Sara Salyers also writes for Salvo here: Salvo website

  147. Agent x says:

    THE First Minister’s brother-in-law has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion following the death of a man in Dundee.

  148. Willie says:

    Grim news that the First Minister’s brother in law has been charged with abduction and extortion following the death of Ryan Munro in a Dundee flat in January.

    Coming on top of heroin drug dealing charges it is a horror story for the First Minister’s wife’s family.

    No smoke without fire, or maybe its the company kept, dragged up not brought up might be the comments by many. Such comments might even be true.

    But before folks say things like this they should remember the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty.

    Let’s hope that the first Minister’s brother in law was is not a drug dealing abducting extortionist involved in murder.

  149. Hatuey says:

    The ‘entente cordiale’ rides again. They’re putting the band back together.

    I wonder what morale is like in the ranks of the British and French troops they’re going to send in…

    Never underestimate human stupidity. That’s all I’ve learned after so many years on earth.

  150. Ruby says:

    ‘pot to piss in’ and ‘piss poor’

    Urine was used in the tanning process so poor people collected their piss to sell to the tanners
    hence the phrase ‘piss poor’

    Those who were really really poor ‘didn’t have a pot to piss in’ so they couldn’t even sell their piss to the tanners hence the phrase.

    The term ‘street shitters’ is apparently racist because it refers to people from the Indian subcontinent.

    I have never been anywhere in the Indian subcontinent so I don’t know about the ‘street shitting’. I did see ‘street shitting’ in Morocco.

    Apart from the dogs I haven’t seen any ‘street shitting’ here but I’m now wondering where the homeless shit.

    Maybe they have poo bags hence no evidence of ‘street shitting’.

    Maybe Stu could tell us about the bears and whether they only shit in the woods.

    Never heard about the men with large coats carrying a can for men to piss in. Did they charge a penny. Could that be the origin of the phrase ‘spend a penny’.

    People in Edinburgh weren’t piss poor in fact they were so well off they just chucked their piss out the window shouting some French phrase.

    Not sure what they did with their shit? Maybe they used it to fertilise their gardens and that is maybe where the phrase ‘furcoat and nae knickers’ came from. 🙂

    PS If I’ve still got my list of banned words I’ll re-post it for you.

    You will know that Pu*tin is a banned word did you know every word that contains Pu*tin also triggers the mod bot.

    dispu*ting compu*ting etc etc etc

    an*us is also banned so safer to call the planet ‘Urbumhole’ than spell it correctly.

    and there are more I’ll try to find my list.

  151. Republicofscotland says:

    Our Puppet FM Yousaf, his brother-in-law will stand trial.

    “The brother-in-law of Scotland’s first minister has been charged with abduction and extortion in a case linked to a man who died falling from a window.

    Police Scotland said the 36-year-old was seriously injured in the incident at a block of flats in Morgan Street, Dundee, on 10 January and he later died in hospital.

    Ramsay El-Nakla, the brother of Humza Yousaf’s wife, Nadia El-Nakla, will be the fourth person to appear in court in connection with the case.

    The 36-year-old has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion.”

  152. Alin Scot says:

    If there is going to be a bill on misogyny it must also include misandry.

  153. Geri says:


    They did used to fertilise their gardens. That’s where the cottage garden steamed from. The flowers masked the smell of waste. Especially lilies.
    High rise just chucked it in the street. Heathens! LOL

    I think they also made hotbeds with straw for exotic fruits if they were posh & had a conservatory.

    (Charles Dowding expert LOL)

    Aye, you could be right about the penny. They charged for the service. Also heard the gentry used to urinate in the fireplace..FFS. Poor maids cleaning that oot..

  154. Red says:

    Should we allow Ramsay El-Nakla to live in Scotland?

    What’s in it for us?

  155. Ruby says:


    I can’t find my list of banned words so I’m starting a new one I’ll just post each one separately when I remember them. I’ll start with

    and ever word containing the letters an*us
    you can check that here:

    link to

    Watch out for links containing an*us
    Had I not ‘tinyied’ the above the link would have trigger moderation.
    Watch out for


    Put it on your list Geri you too Mac

    PS an*us is a banned word due to mispelling of the Labour leader in Scotland’s Christian name.

    Hang on! Is ‘Christian name’ maybe a problematic word?

  156. sarah says:

    @ Northcode at 10.17:

    You and Sara Salyers are completely right – our current political system [Westminster and Holyrood] is merely an elected dictatorship of the few over the supposedly sovereign people of Scotland.

    We need to restore the principles in the pre-1707 system in that the Common Good was the aim of government and every session of parliament was liable to have a law repealed if it affected a citizen’s rights, and the MP responsible punished. Also applied to the judiciary. The Swiss system is a good start as an example of a modern version of such direct democracy.

    But the party political system is unlikely to reform itself so it must be done by Independent candidates or those of new parties who are committed to the Sovereignty of the People over our politicians.

  157. Ruby says:

    Oh Geri we ain’t half talking pish today. 🙂

    You say
    Also heard the gentry used to urinate in the fireplace..FFS. Poor maids cleaning that oot..

    Was that to put out the fire?

    Could that be the origin of the phrase’ I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire’

    Doctors used to drink pish to test for diabetes. It’s completely sterile. If you’ve got no water you could boil it and pop in your teabag. Running out of water and having to boil my piss to make a cup of tea would actually ‘boil my piss’ 🙂

    We could be here all day talking pish. There’s all the fetishes involving pish to be covered.

    What about pisstakers? Could that have come from the man with the can who took the piss by charging for taking the piss? 🙂

  158. Northcode says:

    Many on here might already have seen this interview with Alf Baird on If you haven’t seen it I would urge you to go and watch it.

    It’s less than a year since I had my eyes opened by WoS and in particular the comments, book (Doun Hauden), and papers written by Alf detailing the true relationship between Scotland and England and the reality of Scots oppression by a foreign power.

    It’s a complicated subject and I sometimes found it difficult to process the ramifications of Alf’s assertion that postcolonial theory is manifest in contemporary Scotland, especially as an indigenous Scot having to overcome decades of brainwashing courtesy of Scotland’s oppressor.

    Coming to the realisation that you’ve been conned, and conned in the most despicable way, is not a good feeling.

    However, I have been convinced by Alf Baird’s argument. Its veracity is, ironically, succinctly expressed by one of our oppressor’s great heroes.

    “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” – Winston Churchill

    You can watch Alf’s interview here: Our Independence, Our Rules.

  159. Cat-Sith says:

    @Ruby 9th April 9:04am

    I may be in the minority here but I am against a misogyny bill or it’s addition to the Hate Crime Bill.
    Sex should be the protected characteristic, both sexes not just women.

    For obvious reasons that are entirely understandable the trans debate has centered around women and the gay community. That said Men can have valid reasons to want someone of a certain sex if possible when it comes to medical or support care, and should be entitled to single sex spaces too, similarly a straight man shouldn’t have to accept “girl dick” any more than a lesbian does.

    Perhaps the lack of much in the way of activist networks existing for Men or straight people is behind this not being mentioned much, if so that does worry me when things like non-Jury rape trials are already being discussed by the government.

  160. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Mac says: 9 April, 2024 at 10:14 am

    “We’re doomed, doomed I tell you”.

    Chin up Mac and play the man.

    It’s been over two years now and we’re still not dead.

    Weather today is shite though.

  161. Ruby says:


    link to

    I agree with what she says.

    I am very supportive of men having their own spaces & groups.

    I didn’t think men were treated very well during the MeToo stuff & maybe even before. I have some serious doubts about radical feminism.

    I was surprised that so many men used the Alex Salmond trial for political reason and not to emphasise how badly men were being treated.

    What happened to Alex Salmond could happen to any man.

    I was trying to remember Mark MacDonald’s name and came across this:

    link to

    I thought what happened to that young man was awful and it was at this point I no longer had any respect for Sturgeon or ‘radical feminism’.

    I actually thought that it could be possible that some of these men who hassle women during ‘Let Women Speak’ events could be there as a result of men being treated badly.

    Maybe there are a lot of resentful men in our country. I can understand why Mark MacDonald and Alex Salmond might be resentful.

    Men need to speak up. I would be in favour of them having ‘Let Men Speak’ events. I would be cheering them on I certainly would not be there with a loudspeaker trying to drown them out.

    I also couldn’t believe how naive people were with regards to women’s behaviour. It was as if woman could never do anything wrong and if you suggested a woman might be lying you were victim shaming.

    We hear about all these trans attacks but we never hear about the circumstances. It could be possible that it’s due to trying to trick straight men into accepting girl dick.

    The ‘non-Jury rape trials’ should be a big worry especially for men.

    It seems to me all to easy to accuse a man of rape.

    I hope that all makes sense and there aren’t too many typos.

  162. sam says:


    If memory is right the Treaty of Union says nothing about leaving the Union.

    Same caveat, but past law needs to be looked at in the context of the day. Might be argued that the corruption and bribery involved in bringing about the Union makes it void?

    Alf Baird has plainly done a lot of work on colonialism. I’m wondering if he might make a wee fillum.

    It could cover the subjects he raised on The Prism. For instance he might ask Andy Wightman to talk about who owns Scotland.

    Wightman and Dr Iain Matheson might also talk about internal colonialism and its long lasting effects.

    Sir Harry Burns, Michael Marmot, Profs Walsh McCartney and a whole range of medics could speak about the role of a furrin Gov in making Scotland unhealthy, with no means of preventing it.

    There are lawyers and others in Scotland who might speak on the effects of the Union on the handling of the pandemic and the imposition of Brexit.

    Jim Cuthbert and others might talk about the botched 2016 Smith Commission settlement and the Internal Market in the context of colonialism.

    The McCrone letter and its long disappearance should feature.

    Beveridge and Turnbull’s 1989 research on the Cultural Cringe.

    I’m sure there is much more.Bigger and better ideas than mine. Crowdfunding maybe.

  163. Cat-Sith says:

    Makes perfect sense Ruby thank you.

  164. alf baird says:

    sam @ 7:12 pm

    “If memory is right the Treaty of Union says nothing about leaving the Union.”

    This is legal advice re the ToU given to a UK Parliament Privileges Committee:

    ” 46. The United Kingdom Parliament can dissolve the Union. Article I is not entrenched. That is apparent (1) because the Articles only bind Parliament as conditions of the Union established by Article I; and (2) because it would be contrary to common sense to argue that the English and Scottish peoples could never by a lawful route democratically decide upon independence from one another.”

    The Articles of Union thus limit the power of the UK parliament as condition of the Treaty; the right to representation at Westminster from Scotland remains a fundamental condition of the Treaty; the UK parliament therefore remains subject to the superior (i.e. sovereign) power of the Treaty’s signatory parties, that is the sovereign kingdoms of Scotland and England; either of whom may permanently withdraw their representatives from the UK parliament, following which the Union Act would be repealed.

    link to

    Yes, we need more films explaining our reality and our rights, which continue to be violated, not least by oor ain elites.

  165. John McGregor says:

    Un-less the green rank n file de-select Patsy Loopey Ginger Nut n Chapman/Chapwoman ???? They will be in the jumped up Cooncil chamber way polling aboot 10,000 votes n anither 5 years God bloody help us all

  166. Northcode says:

    @Sam at 7:12pm

    I’m afraid I know nothing of the law around the Treaty of Union. For me the realisation of the nature of Scotland’s subjugation is emotional rather than technical in terms of law.

    Although I would be greatly interested in finding out more about the treaty and its meaning and application in contemporary Scotland. I’ve gained a little understanding, I think, from contributors on here like yourself, James Che, Lorna Campbell and some others.

    I like all of the ideas you express in your comment and I, too, would like to see more interviews with Alf and others whose knowledge and understanding of these matters far outstrips my own.

    As I said in one of my earlier comments I’ve only just come across Alf’s interview with barrheadboy and it helped clarify a number of areas for me.

    Alf is very good at setting down the complexities around postcolonial theory in terms laypeople like myself can understand, but I gained a little more depth in my understanding by listening to him talk on the subject.

    So, yes. It would be a great help for many people, including myself, trying to understand the unique nature of Scotland’s colonisation and it’s implications for both the Scots as a people and as individuals if Alf and some of his peers were to film their conversations. Especially when explaining some of the more complex and emotionally conflicting issues.

    I’m beginning to understand, a wee bit, the depth of the psychological damage colonialism inflicts on people. It is devastating.

  167. alf baird says:

    Northcode @ 11:22 pm

    “the psychological damage colonialism inflicts on people. It is devastating.”

    It certainly is, also in terms of understanding why some colonized people ‘crave dependence’ and oppose their own liberation:

    link to


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