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Wings Over Scotland

The defector who wasn’t

Posted on April 07, 2015 by

NOTE: This article was published earlier today on the CommonSpace website. Since that time, according to its webhosts, the site has come “under attack” and can no longer be accessed. We reproduce the article here at CommonSpace’s request.

A Yes campaigner reported as “defecting” to the Labour party by the Daily Record in a much-hyped front page splash has said he in fact remains a member of the SNP, a supporter of independence and favourable to a Labour-SNP deal at Westminster.


On Tuesday, the Daily Record ran a front-page story (click here to read) claiming that Nicola Sturgeon had suffered a “major setback” after activist Muhammad Shoaib was said to have joined the Labour party.

Hyping the story up, the tabloid title branded Shoaib an “SNP boss”, although it is unclear why. Shoaib is a former Labour councillor and organiser of Scots Asians for Independence. He joined the SNP in 2007.

However, Shoaib has told CommonSpace that while he does want to see a Labour government ahead of the Tories – he would like to see Labour and the SNP work together in a “loose” arrangement following May’s vote. “Basically, I’ve not joined Labour and I’m still officially a member of the SNP,” said Shoaib.

Shoaib claimed that he has been under significant “community pressure” and that his position has not changed from 2010 when he also said he would like to see a Labour government at Westminster.

“I’ve been under a lot of community pressure to come out and say that I support a Labour government. But in 2010 election, I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

When asked what his prefered outcome would be for the 7 May election, Shoaib said that one party would in government would create more “stability”.

However, he stated that he was favourable towards a Labour-SNP post-election pact. Shaoib said:

“Obviously it is one of my wishes that both parties should work together in some sort of loose arrangement. Both parties have made it clear they don’t want a coalition, but they can decide on vote by vote basis. They could give a more positive government to give our children a better future.”

The Daily Record claimed that Shoaib believed SNP members secretly wanted a Conservative victory in May’s election.

However, when speaking to CommonSpace, Shoaib failed to confirm this. Instead, he raised concerns that implicit SNP support for the Green party in England would help the Tories.

Shoaib, who has previously been a Labour councillor, put his name forward as an SNP candidate for Westminster earlier this year but lost out in a selection battle to Alison Thewliss.

In December 2014, Shoaib had been critical of Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy, commenting that he is a “no go area” for Muslims.

He was quoted in the Herald at the time as saying: “Jim Murphy – his past is basically supporting an illegal war in Iraq. He never came out and condemned the Gaza bombings. From a Muslim perspective, those were unforgivable.”

When CommonSpace asked Shoaib if he felt Murphy was the right man to lead Scottish Labour, he said: “I’m not a member of the Labour party so I can’t comment on that.”

Shaoib, who is an organiser of Scots Asians for Independence, insisted that he remains a committed supporter of Scottish independence.

“I still hold independence close to my heart. I will still work for Yes whenever the opportunity arises,” he told CommonSpace.

According to opinion polls, the SNP is set to significantly increase its seats at the forthcoming election and with a hung parliament likely, Labour may be relient on its support in order to form a government.

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Bugger (the Panda)

and here is the Smeargate League table results

Unionist 0 SNP 2

Carmichaeland Daily Telegraph og and

Unattributed Daily Record og and awaiting post match video evidence for proper attribution.


“The Daily Record claimed that Shoaib believed SNP members secretly wanted a Conservative victory in May’s election”.

Red Tory / Blue Tory what difference will it make.


There will be a rush in pop-corn sales for this evening debate.

BRILLIANT – well done CommonSpace.

Daily Telegraph – Daily Record – NO REAL DIFFERENCE


Good stuff, Rev!!!


Daily Record needs a good fingering from Carmichael:-)

Donald Urquhart

Hope you don’t mind me using the pages of Wings to advertise my new business..

I’m going to be running shite throwing classes. Over the course of a three week programme I will work intensively with clients in a series of practical workshops.

The course aims to teach clients how to throw excreta, without getting it all over themselves.

Already I can boast Murray Foote, Alistair Carmichael and Kezia Dugdale as clients who’ve signed up.


You want Independence? Buy grannie a tablet!

I said a tablet, not some tablet. 🙂

Harry McAye

And the nightmare goes on for Torcy and Cleggy.

Connor McEwen

Another starter for ten from the dirty tricks department


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Once again the Daily Record and Labour give the SNP a huge helping hand. Keep it up guys, you’re doing great.


He did say he was supporting Labour. Here is his facebook post this morning (publicly available):

“I have decided to support the Labour Party in Westminister election. We can only keep Tories out of the government by voting labour. I have voted and supported for independence of Scotland. Every nation has right to choose its destiny. This election is about Westminister government. I hate to see another five years of Tories austerity and cuts in public services. These 12 Billions cuts will be inflicted on poor’ unemployed and disabled persons. The Labour Party can reverse this injustice and inequalities.”

link to


And the CommonSpace website not the only thing potentially under attack in the future. Can u imagine the response if say similar was printed in The Herald from a Nationalist perspective? The interesting bit is at the end…(my bold).

From the FT Today
There will be a great temptation to respond violently to the good jock-bad jock tactics of Ms Sturgeon and Mr Salmond


Ok, so he’s not a defector:

“I’m deeply saddened. So many nats secretly back the Tories. I cannot just remain silent”

Did he say that, or didn’t he?


You could not make this up!

Seems the Record did!


I look forward to seeing the result of Mr.Shaoib’ actions that he will be taking against the DR then?

Or maybe not, eh!

The breathing apparatus shall remain under lock and key.


Reading the Common Space article Mr Soaib appears to be backing Labour in England and the SNP in Scotland and remains committed to Yes and remains an SNP member.

If that is the case I don’t have an issue with that.

I think we can achieve more with Labour as a minority government than a Tory one.


Where did the picture come from? Anyone know?

Betty Boop

My head hurts!!!


Something has happened to the Common Space site. DDOS?

This chap seems to be all over the place. But certainly not the “defector” the Record were crowing about. Another case of publishing Labour press releases (direct from J McTernan I suspect) without checking the background. Dear oh dear.


Ok, so he’s not a defector:
“I’m deeply saddened. So many nats secretly back the Tories. I cannot just remain silent”

Did he say that, or didn’t he?
No he didn’t, James Cook did, Job done!


Stoker says:

The breathing apparatus shall remain under lock and key.

and stored with a pinch of sodium chloride.


That didn’t take long.

Thanks, Commonspace.

Next lie please, Record.

Sean McNulty

These MSM attacks on the SNP are going really well, aren’t they? Is this what it’s going to like the entire campaign, with every anti-SNP scoop disproven within hours? It’s like watching water canons blowing away Telegraph and Record-waving monkeys, fun for a bit but you start to feel a little guilty.


He’s a defecator ????


Who said what and when, but it was then, but its now. Free-fall.


John McTernan is the first convict the Australians sent back.


So if I understand this correctly, Mr Shaoib remains a member of the SNP but has decided to vote labour in the forthcoming general election. Is that right?

I had understood that “prominent” members of political parties are expected to support their party in elections, and if they do not the rules normally state that they are suspended or expelled from that party – is that correct?

If it is then I fail to see how Mr Shaoib can remain a member because members are required to “endorse the aims of the Party. ”

There is no clearer aim than to win elections, and that requires members to vote for their party where that is possible

Is that too simple?


As I said before, I am convinced this whole “SNP want Tories to win” nonsense was cooked up months in advance, exactly for the expected scenario when an anti-establishment party would be a major factor in government.

Not only that, but the anti-establishment party is widely accepted, even by its enemies, to be capable of running rings around the two larger parties, particularly Ed’s Labour if they ever went into some form of coalition. So you would have an anti-establishment tail very much wagging the establishment dog.

Why I think the story was cooked up months in advance is because we have been subjected to all that “1979” guff for ages to pave the way, Jim Murphy (tellingly) has never shut up about the claims (which are so incredibly bizarre and out of touch to anything remotely linked to reality) and the whole “SNPboss” article reads like it was also written in advance (hence the use of the personal pronoun “her” when referring to a gentleman).

Whoever came up with this idea must be someone completely out of touch with reality. Murphy and some US neo-con advisers?? Has this template ever been tried before in another country (eg. to blacken an independent in America)?


Got a Story – the Daily Record want to hear from you.

link to


Jeezo! Is this bloke a defector, a doubl agent, triple agent or an absolute bullshitter…I have no idea.
What’s now clear is that the Daily Record has been exposed for all to see. Along with the Scotland office they are the enemy of the people and democracy.

Quentin Quale

I’d have expected a much higher calibre of smear after all the practice the MSM had in the run-up to the referendum.



I got a terribly rude email from Labour this morning.

link to

Tsk, tsk. They really should try to avoid sending out filth like this.

James D

It’s amazing what “revelations” are revealed when a journalist actually asks the actual person for an actual quote.


Sean McNulty says:

7 April, 2015 at 1:41 pm

These MSM attacks on the SNP are going really well, aren’t they? Is this what it’s going to like the entire campaign, with every anti-SNP scoop disproven within hours? It’s like watching water canons blowing away Telegraph and Record-waving monkeys, fun for a bit but you start to feel a little guilty.

Aye, but joking aside, we are not the intended targets. These fabricated stories are designed to confuse the low-information and elderly voters who do not use social media. The only way to neutralise them effectively is to hit the streets, chapping doors and start talking to these people.

The good news, however, is that they have (yet again) panicked, and shown their hand far too early. There is still plenty time for us to reach their targets and reassure them this is BS. As long as we start right away.


To me, The Daily Record is like a cat peeing on my daffodils.

With this exception – the cat is only doing what comes naturally.

Every day, the Daily Record chooses to pee on the Scottish people.

The Daily Record – cat’s piss.


TBH I’d read the television listings in the Daily Record with scepticism.


gillie says:

7 April, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Got a Story – the Daily Record want to hear from you.

link to

Tempting. Very tempting!


Famous15 says:

“You could not make this up!

Seems the Record did!”

You beat me to it.


Oh good grief… AGAIN!

James Forrest

Incredible. Another lie from Scotland’s most disreputable rag. Who still buys this publication? It’s like they’ve just gone wholeheartedly into the novelty toilet paper business now …

In the meantime – and this is another article which appears on the CommonSpace site (hope you guys are back up and running soon, great scoop here)- SNP activist Kimberely Cadden scotches these “SNP members secretly want the Tories” nonsense …

link to

Big Jock

I can’t believe the naivity of the Record. They know that Wings disects their so called news, on a daily basis. They are outed everyday on here, and still they continue with the inventions.

If anyone from the Record is reading this? A word of advice. Any lie you tell in your rag will be disected and disembowelled within hours. Try printing some news and you won’t have to spend so long re-editing your headlines, and blocking them.

Or better still just do what the rest of Scotland is doing and let Slabour die in peace.


Oh deary. Not looking too good. Just what can those cunning barstewards at the Record do to shift the seemingly solid polls. Nothing seems to be working. Panic stations!

Actually been invited to a dinner at the Record.
Dress code: Brown brown trousers, and some headgear that buttons up the back.


What on earth is going on regards Mr Muhammed Shaoib?

1. Daily Record claim he is an SNP Boss and he has defected and resigned from the SNP and re-joined Labour

2. Commonspace interview Mr Muhammed Shaoib and Mr Shaoib states that he has not resigned from the SNP and definately not rejoined Labour

3. We have David Clegg of the Record on Twitter claiming that he has a copy of Mr Shaoib’s resignation letter and a copy of Mr Shaoib’s Labour membership application

4. On Mr Shaoib’s Facebook page he states “I have decided to support the Labour Party in Westminister election. We can only keep Tories out of the government by voting labour. I have voted and supported for independence of Scotland. Every nation has right to choose its destiny. This election is about Westminister government. I hate to see another five years of Tories austerity and cuts in public services. These 12 Billions cuts will be inflicted on poor’ unemployed and disabled persons. The Labour Party can reverse this injustice and inequalities”

But you will note from that statement on Facebook, Mr Shaoib does not say he has resigned from the SNP, not does he state he has re-joined Labour

That appears to be the story so far….time for a popcorn refill


Richardinho says: “TBH I’d read the television listings in the Daily Record with scepticism.”

Good one.



Yup it is confusing

Above Mr Shoaib says

“I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

So are the Record mistaking support for Labour to beat the Tories in England for a defection to Labour?

I am sure more will be revealed….or not

Bob Mack

It is like shooting an arrow at an enemy,then standing in front of them to find out if your aim is true.You just end up like King Harold at Hastings.
Methinks they need a new spymaster.

Big Jock

Richardinho 1:51 – Aye you know it’s bad, when the DR Horoscope.Is the most factual news of your day, in that paper.

[…] NOTE: This article was published earlier today on the CommonSpace website. Since that time, according to its webhosts, the site has come “under attack” and can no longer be accessed. We reproduce the article here at CommonSpace’s request.  […]

Brian Powell

I asked David Clegg on twitter if he had any originals for the Vow signatures.

Nana Smith

A tangled web indeed…

link to


I’m starting to think those Parallel Universe theories by all the boffins are damned correct, and they are starting to collide..

So the Record say they have authentic copies of what ever from the guy with his signature (his own i don’t know). Did they actually witness the guy sign said documents and was there a witness signature to say they’d seen the guy sign them?

David Clegg on Twitter “I have a copy of Mr Shoaib’s resignation letter, a copy of his labour application form and a signed copy of his quotes in today’s paper.”.

Surely there must be photo’s to back up this claim. I mean to have this guy signing those documents in person or taking them in at least must be worthy of a picture. You know, like the bride and groom signing the register after saying I DO! Or did the Record just happen to find the documents in a skip/bin they were raking through?

But then this might just be the Record falling for another ‘Shite Loaded’ story and regurgitating it for the nation to laugh at, and them (oh I’d love to see Torquil’s Fuming Face at that)

I pray to ‘Who Ever’ that this is the case, and I’d gladly take a pic of my jeans and post on line after I’d pissed myself laughing in them*

(*Diluted Juice maybe used a a substitute for effect – but like any leak, it’ll be passed off a true bona fide pish!)


Both the Daily Telegraph and Daily Record should be reported to Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) for orchestrating a smear campaign against the SNP. No coincidences here.

jackie g


A little interesting snippet from the Aberdeen Press & Journal.

Lib Dems lagging behind SNP in Gordon crowdfunding stakes


think again

Wile E Coyote is disappointed with first two attempts at trapping Road Runner. Consults Acme Corporation catalogue of gizmos, gadgets and dirty tricks, still has 29 days left to pull it off.

Better watch out we don`t “come under attack” like Common Space.

Big Jock

David Clegg -How appropriate for a Record journalist -:”clegs, they can inflict a painful bite that cuts skin rather than piercing it. The bites can take a long time to heal and become infected.”


I get the feeling that caution would be advisable before anyone comments on any other MSM ‘exclusive’. Cant help feeling we could be getting set up for a fall here..

James Forrest

Nana, even if that’s true, what’s their defence?

“Oh sorry, we put a nutjob on our front page to push a political agenda, and we associated him with the Labour campaign …”

Yep. They thought this one through, didn’t they?


Maybe it’s another Blair McDougal April fool joke!

“Nasty Nats Ha Ha Ha, Fooled you again!”

Nana Smith

Oh dear

CommonSpace @TheCommonSpace
Scots Asains For Yes now distancing group RT”@SAFI4yes: To clarify that at no point in indyref campaign did we work with Muhammad Shoaib”


Scots Asians for Independence are saying Muhammad Shoaib was never part of their organisation.

How is David Clegg going to explain that?

Nana Smith

@James Forrest

I don’t believe for one moment they are truthful. After the vow who in their right mind would?

I just thought to show the tweet Edward at 2.01 was referring to.


Has he been fraped?


I’m beginning to think that the Labour PR team and all their BBC/ DR chums actually think they won the referendum. Why else would they stick to the same, tired old format? To watch support for NO drop from 70%+ down to 55% during their Better Together campaign should have rung the alarm bells.

Besides, as everyone knows – its was Cochrane that won it!


Another debate tonight so Smear HQ must be working late tonight in order to “inform” the media tomorrow.


@Donald Urquart

Ah, you have just outed yourself as one of the Chimps at Blair Drumond safari park as Chimps are the pre-eminent shit throwers of this world.

[…] The defector who wasn’t […]

Big Jock

link to

Please read no comment required!



I agree, Common Space appear to be in touch with the main players. Let’s just wait and see what transpires from this. There is no point maligning Mr Shoaib.

Maligning the Rancid is OK though because they deserve it 🙂


Political Correctness:

Scottish Labour absolutely detest, hate, more than anything, being called,


So, if you must call Scottish Labour, “RED TORIES”, then please do it in a way that doesn’t cause offence.

For instance, calling Jim Murphy a “RED TORY” just isn’t true. Jim Murphy is not a “RED TORY”,
he is just a TORY.


I notice with interest the “Anyone but the Tories (or UKIP” line in the Record. They’re quite clearly a Labour paper and will fling any kind of mud at the SNP if they think it’ll help Labour’s cause, so why not just have the balls to declare themselves as such?

Liars AND cowards.


Nana Smith 2.23
Could you please clarify what that means.

Dr Jim

Eh? Whit? Eh? Who?

He said Whit? When? How?

Jeezis Effing Mary And Joseph

Is this it then, the limits of their attempts at “CONFUSE THE ENEMY TACTICS”

Deary Me, Dear o Deary me

think again

Soda @ 2.18. I agree.

Since I don`t use Twitter of Facebook there is only here and Labourlist really that I comment on and I can`t delete those.

I have thought of apologising to Mr Shoaib for suggesting he was as changeable as Jim Murphy but unless he now claims he was photoshopped with Sarwar and Curran holding a vote Labour poster then I shall stand by my earlier comment and file it under truth is stranger than fiction.


This guy should be treated with caution.

Refuting MSM is great but instant response may not always be for the best.

chris kilby

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…

This is just embarrassing now.

Rab Dickson

Whichever party he ends up being in, I get the impression that he is something of a chancer.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Dear god this is getting painful to watch now. It’s the staggering incompetence of all concerned at the Record that takes the biscuit. They are as laughably fuckwitted as “dirty tricks” Carmichael.

Carmichael and now the Record look like a couple of chimps happily throwing their shit into a windtunnel then acting surprised when it comes back to splatter them in the face.

Do they seriously think Murphy will be able to go on any of these half-arsed smears during the debate without looking like an even bigger liar than usual??

The ultra-Blairite Murphy has even bigger problems than that with his hero Blair joining in the campaign and with the red tories still not having a sraight answer to Nicola asking why they won’t join with her and the SNP to agree to lock out the tories from Downing Street.


So he’s an “undecided” then?


So this site gets hit now and after last weekend’s unbiased and impartial Civil Service leaking memo’s that look like a pack of lies and orchestrated media SLabour attack.

What ever next from teamGB rules the waves? They can do what they like but there has to be a point where the cops get involved.

Hackers here wont leave a trace and no UK law enforcement will bother looking for them. But Scottish Office Minister Carmichael says he knows who leaked that Sturgeon conversation memo and if they are both above the law, both are still accountable for very serious Civil Service rule breaking, unless their professional rules are pants too, which ofcourse they clearly are. Because that’s how it goes in merry olde teamGB.

Kenny Campbell

Front page of Helard online now……

link to


Murphy and his gang are behind the whole thing, assisted by their media friends.

The SNP are occupying the political ground formally traditional Labour territory.

Murphy needs to promote the old “Tartan Tory” charge against the SNP effectively forcing the SNP to the right with the resultant loss of marginal seats.

The SNP will need to combat this if the number of SNP MP’s is to be increased.

Nana Smith


It’s a tweet from commonspace

Scots Asains For Yes

To clarify that at no point in indyref campaign did we work with Muhammad Shoaib”

CommonSpace @TheCommonSpace
· 40 mins 40 minutes ago
Scots Asains For Yes now distancing group RT”@SAFI4yes: To clarify that at no point in indyref campaign did we work with Muhammad Shoaib”

think again

David Clegg, should you read this.

If losing one ex Labour member to Labour is a “Major Setback” for the SNP then what in the Labour / Record list of comparatives is it that has happened to the North British Labour Accounting Branch as a result of their mass defection of supporters?


So is it a case of the MoSho no show or will Smugmurphy whip out the signed copy of MoSho’s resignation letter at tonight’s debate? He’ll need to conjure up something to avoid getting his arse kicked. You just know he’s going to say something stupid. My advice to Nicola, you must avoid bursting out in uncontrollable laughter. We will do that for you. 🙂


I would have thought that Jim would be waving a copy of the Memo at the debate tonight and attempt to talk over the top of Nicola non stop. 😉


Lots of unanswered questions here:

If he wasn’t involved in SAF, is he even a member of the SNP?

If he is, he probably won’t be now regardless of his resignation letter.


The shite situation appears to be very fluid.


It is a somewhat shambolic mess this. I can’t quite get my head around what has taken place here.

Is it a current picture or a library one? Has he had second thoughts?

R-type Grunt

If this guy actually believes that the only way to stop a Tory UK government is by voting Labour then he clearly hasn’t been paying attention. The SNP should kick him out regardless, even if only for being a clown.

And another thing. All this is happening precisely because No LOST the referendum. They can see the SNP getting ever closer to the truth and they will stop at nothing to prevent that from happening. People will be hurt & possibly killed in the name of Britannia.


Why is Patrick Harvie not representing the Scottish Greens at the leader debates? Anyone know?



because STV are a shower of dicks.


The delightful Ms Curran tweeted that Mr Shoaib was “Scots Asians for Independence leader“.

Indeed the CommonSpace article says he is an “organiser of Scots Asians for Independence“.

It’s as if there’s more than one Mr Shoaib.

Jim Thomson

O/T – a wee bit short notice but, there’s a course in Embra tomorrow night on the use of social media. Details here:

link to

No idea how well subscribed it is.


@ HandandShrimp
Oh. Thanks!

Big Jock

What are the Record going to do on May the 8th if 45 SNP mp’s are elected?

Oh hang on they will just continue blaming the hung parliament on the SNP and Scottish voters. Cameron can only stay in government one way. If Milliband point blank refuses to deal with the 45 SNP mp’s. That’s the truth. Cameron cannot run a minority government without Labour refusing to form a deal with the SNP.

The buck stops with Milliband…just don’t expect our press to point that out.


Big Jock

If the SNP take 45 seats the Daily Record will throw its dummy and its toys out of the pram.

Big Jock

I think Nicola’s opening question to Jim should be.” What university were you at Jim…and how long were you at that universtiy Jim…and what degree did you get Jim.” Oh you never graduated!

What were you doing for 9 years Jim. Seems like you wasted a decade of your youth then. Do you feel embarassed about that?


It’s seems the MSM in Scotland are practicing the ancient martial art of WHO FLUNG DUNG


Am worn oot jist readin’ the last two articles, all the comments, and Rev’s twitter…and none the wiser 🙁

Can we no jist file everythin’ the record/telegraph et al says under the #wefuckin’hatethesnp and be done wi it.

‘Cause let’s face it that’s all they’ve got left. They can’t stem the tide…It’s Too Late!


Guys, this is what it is going to be like for the next month. The state media doesn’t give a hoot about journalistic standards, ethics or morals. They are pretending to be the voice of authority, and yet, lie, deceive and corrupt not only the integrity of their own journalistic standards, but are determined to subvert democracy in the most insidious manner.

Simply put, they are going to throw the kitchen sink, the bairn in the bath and anything else that lies nearby at the SNP and the Nationalist cause. One may ask why would they write anything …absolutely anything …day after day?

Simply in the sheer hope, that one of these lies or half-truths will land a telling blow and thus damage the SNP cause. And while they await and hope for that telling blow, their ill-conceived stories that they may have perpetuated, will be taken apart by Nationalists, but in doing so, the media will shrug their shoulders when that happens and sweep the story to the bin and leave it there. There will be no investigation. No apologies. Nothing. Instead, they will continue to throw anything and everything …and pray that one will hit home.

Thanks to people like Stuart and Commonmspace, they aspend the time destroying the fabricated nonsense, and allow us to openly condemn it. But I suspect that even if everything comes to pass, and we do get a Labour-SNP coalition (or sorts), that this won’t stop. The media will do everything to perpetuate a situation that will lead to a government in crisis, and thus bring its downfall. I honestly believe that this nonsense will go on …well beyond the General Election. Simply put, this is a war of attrition.

Big Jock

Mocha – Did this not happen before somewhere getting names deliberatley mixed up. I am lost here. I think they have confused even the Slabour branch office!


If they throw enough shit at the wall, something will stick.

ronnie anderson

Red sky at night Shepherds delight. Red sky awe day & night Labours SHITE.



With that amount of crap lying around they might accidently lob Torquil at the wall.


JLT says:

Simply put, this is a war of attrition.

Nobody said it was going to be easy! After an exhausting BT campaign, they did not expect to have to restart another high risk Project Fear all over again, so soon. Yet here we are – we never went away, and we continue to grow.

Not to worry – if we keep at it, we will grind them down, eventually.


Even for the increasingly deranged standards of the MSM in the UK, this article by Chris Deerin is completely bonkers.

link to

Big Jock

JLT – They are making a movie version:” Scotland Enemy Of The 4th Estate”.



Bonkers? No, just a frustrated Tory who knows full well we are not going to listen to his free market piffle.


Waving the Daily Record in the air in one hand and waving a copy of the “memo” in the other.

You can bet that was Murphy’s plan for tonight’s debate.

Plan “A” right oot the windae!

Revert to plan “B”…

“B” for Bullshit.


Just read this.

No excuses.

link to


Meanwhile back in the real world, Eck has just stopped someone from jumping out of a window…

A tweet from Libby Brooks of the Guardian:

We are 5 minutes into the canvas and Salmond has already stopped someone jumping out a window. I am not making this up

He is a real life superhero! 😀 😀

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

With a smear this incompetent and half-arsed it’s a running certainty the dimwitted liar McTernan was involved.

Happily for him and Murphy we now have Tony Blair ALL OVER THE TV today. 😉

A helpful reminder to scottish voters just how much they should trust two of Blair’s biggest worshippers like McTernan and Murphy.

The fuckwit McTernan has made PLENTY of stupid right-wing statements to finally ask Jim Murphy about though of course it won’t be the unoinist broadcasters doing the asking.

Here’s a cracker from McTernan for Murphy to defend..

“It’s a good thing [Margaret Thatcher] did what she did” to the UK economy, and that “There’s a far wider range of assets that are currently owned by the government which I would privatise”,

link to

And of course there’s far more where that came from..

Like this EXTREMELY timely quote demanding ANOTHER war in Iraq now we have Blair on TV today telling scots how to vote..

“We have to go back to Iraq to rescue democracy. After all, as Margaret Thatcher said at the time of the Falklands, why else do we have armed forces?”

But really, take your pick as Stu rounds up some prize stuff from Murphy’s pet spindoctor.

link to

It would be a bit of a shame for Murphy to try and ignore his idiot spindoctor McTernan during the debate now that the incompetent dirty tricks and smears against Nicola are looking ever more and more feeble and incompetent. 😀

Kevin Evans

The press know exactly what there doin. As long as they get the front page out of on the shelves it gives them the impact they need. They don’t care if it’s true or not as they can use journalistic rules to wriggle out of any inaccuracies like freedom of press and stuff like that. They don’t report or print the retractions with such bravado as there headlines but like I said as far as they care. Job done. Smear out there. People are stupid. Let’s play the public like the puppets we think they are. Rule Britannia and all that jazz.

We do not live in a democracy any longer and it is our DUTIE as citizens to close down these rags and broadcasts that continue to mislead the public for there own gains.

No way would they let a company lie to sell a product in such a way.

We need to gather together and protest these abominations and block there access to there towers of lies.

think again

Big Jock @ 3.42 and Nicola`s first question being about Jim`s time at Uni.

Seeing as he is a footie fan her second question could be would he support her request to BBC to spend more than £1million per annum on Scottish football when a single presenter can earn twice that for Match of the Day?

That £1million is only 1.5% of what they shell out south of the border for football.

Pooling and sharing from our national broadcaster?

Robert Peffers

@Stephen says:7 April, 2015 at 1:31 pm:

“From the FT Today – There will be a great temptation to respond violently to the good jock-bad jock tactics of Ms Sturgeon and Mr Salmond
Respond violently?

Didn’t they try that before, Stephen?
Didn’t it end badly for them that time round?

I wonder if Wiki has anything about it?


I have to say I can no longer really tell the difference between certain unionist journalists, such as Alan Massie, Bruce Anderson, Chris Deerin, and the SNPout brigade on twitter and social media. They are giving each other a real run for their money.

Big Jock

Yep Think Again. Why was the Scot v’s Gibralter game not on BBC. Not even a highlights show and we score 6 goals!We pay the broadcaster and they don’t even bid for our national games.

If Rooney stubs his toe we get 10 minutes on Match Of The Day telling us about it!



Mr Muhammad Shoaib, yesterday was photographed with Anas Sarwar and Margaret Curran in an article in the Daily Record (06 April 2015), clearly stating him as organiser of Scots Asians for Independence. This is correct.

Taken from their website.


As if anyone is going to believe the Record has documents with signatures? What was the last one -oh the VOW & look how well that turned out for them.

Salt anyone?

I won’t believe anything till I see irrefutable proof but after this stooshie I can’t see Mr Shoaib being welcomed with open arms anywhere because no-one will trust him. That’s a shame for him but mud sticks I’m afraid and he’s been front & centre on the firing line.

Big Jock

Caz M – The faked memo? What faked memo…c’mon these things happen during an election. Civil Servants make up wee stories..what’s your problem. You take life too seriously LOL!

Robert Peffers

@Sean McNulty says: 7 April, 2015 at 1:41 pm:

“These MSM attacks on the SNP are going really well, aren’t they?

It keeps reminding me of something?

Oh! Wait! Now I’ve get it –


They pop up a mole at a random hole.
Rev Stu Whacks it down.
Up pops the mole from a different hole.
The Rev Stu Whacks it?

Ad infinite.

John Moss

Good journalism is dying thanks all those busy-bodies who are obsessed with telling the truth.

Common Space, you destroyed a really good story…I hope you can live with yourselves.



Not to worry – if we keep at it, we will grind them down, eventually.

LOL …I actually had it the other way about. That given time, they would eventually land a telling blow. I have a feeling that will come. Possibly a mistake by someone in what they say or do will give the media the ammo that they have been missing.
Seriously …it would not surprise me in the least that microphones are being left on longer than necessary when interviewing members of the SNP or their supporters. After all …look what happened to Brown and his ‘bigoted woman’ statement.

Hopefully though, Luigi, we will get through the election without a hiccup, but I can’t see us lasting forever without a mistake.


Big Jock

Mate, LOL …it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Scottish Nationalists aren’t portrayed just as the North Koreans, Iranians and half of the Middle East in future Hollywood blockbusters! Can just hear it now, ‘…those nasty natz’ LOL


This really is Glasgow village stuff. So M Shoaib may or may not have changed his views on politics.

But don’t be diverted. Our Scotland Office, allegedly representing our interests at Westminster, issued a smear against our First Minister. The response from our Secretary of State for Scotland Mr Carmichael, the person managing the Scotland Office is “these things happen in election campaigns”. Whit!

Consider the response from American citizens when their President enters a room, stand to attention, hand across the chest. I’m not proposing such behaviour here but the absolute lack of respect towards the office of First Minister, and to the person, Nicola Sturgeon, by Carmichael is disgraceful and unacceptable.

If it hadn’t been for the integrity of the French diplomatic service – they could have been very British and responded with “no comment” – Nicola Sturgeon would be fighting a very damaging smear against the full force of MSM, the BBC and the Westminster politics sewer. And remember we had a similar misquoting of an Irish Minister during the Yes campaign.

Carmichael should be outraged,embarrassed, angry, determined to find the culprit of the smear, apologising to Nicola Sturgeon.

He should resign. Nicola Sturgeon should demand that of him. He is not fit to hold the office of Secretary of State for Scotland.

But then, his Westminster bosses arguably consider him ideal.

Donald Urquhart

Hey Stu, you ranting old oddball-in-chief, you

You get a mention in this article by Chris Deerin ( link to )

“We have become a land peppered with conspiracy theorists who believe in secret oil fields and MI5 plots and rigged polls, all of which is tacitly encouraged by the Nat government. If anyone on social media – especially, God forbid, a non-Scot – dares to challenge these ludicrous myths they are descended on by the ‘cybernats’, a swarm of angry oddballs who refuse to read the ‘mainstream media’ and who take their lead from the oddball-in-chief, Stuart Campbell, a self-styled Reverend who lives in Bath and runs a ranting website called Wings Over Scotland.”


If Murphy turns up tonight expect something sensational out of him, a load of rubbish perhaps but enough to get him through the night, also expect him to talk non stop and get away with it. I watched his behaviour during the Dennis Canavan interview and expect the same here. I also expect nothing from the chairperson going on form this will be the Jim Murphy show.


@ Muttley79
That Chris Deerin article is hilarious. And Stu gets a plug as cybernat oddball-in-chief.

We have become a land peppered with conspiracy theorists who believe in secret oil fields and MI5 plots and rigged polls, all of which is tacitly encouraged by the Nat government. If anyone on social media – especially, God forbid, a non-Scot – dares to challenge these ludicrous myths they are descended on by the ‘cybernats’, a swarm of angry oddballs who refuse to read the ‘mainstream media’ and who take their lead from the oddball-in-chief, Stuart Campbell, a self-styled Reverend who lives in Bath and runs a ranting website called Wings Over Scotland.

He should write novels. Or at least cheer up.


@ Donald Urquhart Oops – snap !

Marie clark

Oh my, has Labour no enough troubles already, noo here comes Blair gettin waded in.

That’s really a’ they were needin, efter such a bad weekend’

By the way, we souls in Border TV area are getting a repeat od Midsomer Murder tonight, instead of the debate . Ain’t we lucky bunnies.
Mind you at least the Telly will be saved from a violent attack with a foot. I find the only way to watch some of these debates is with the aid of strong drink.

The ommision of Patrick Harvie is disgraceful.


So, a unionist paper builds on a unionist lie in another unionist paper by promulgating another unionist lie? None of the facts are fact, none of the opinions are real and those involved know this to be true before the type is set. In the referendum campaign they started small and worked their way up to the bigger lies. Now they’ve had practise, they’re just going straight to the bigger lies..


I’m waiting for the massive headlines to start:

Big Jock

Velo -We witnessed the lack of respect for first minister Salmond during the referendum. They don’t respect the Scottish electorate only the labour ones in Scotland.

In the English press Scotland is a rogue state, and they despise all of us who might vote SNP. In fact they despise Scotland as a nation. We are like the Irish in the early 20th century to them. Or the Northern Irish Republicans in the 70’s and 80’s. It’s really that bad!

The English press made monsters of the republican movement in Eire. This is what they do. They apologised a century later. Then they revert to type and do it all over again with Scotland. They are not sorry or remorseful for any wrongs they do.


More smoke and mirrors in an attempt to shift focus from something even more unpleasant that is bubbling away.? On the day of another televised debate? Hope if nothing else it ups the numbers of viewers. Thank goodness for that bloodhound AKA as Mr S Campbell – sniff ’em out for us!

Brian Powell

He’s going now, probably.

Pam McMahon

Thanks for your earlier vomit-inducing link to Chris Deerin (opens window and up-chucks) It’s just SLaBstonishing to me how many of these Kill-The-Nats lurkers are out there.

I hope the FM will keep the heid this evening, as she did last Thursday, and put forward calm and considered arguments, and pin all the easy targets she has lined up against her.

Easy-peasy, as the archers said at Agincourt. Which we are apparently paying to celebrate.


oddballs who refuse to read the ‘mainstream media’

Er…is that the same wings which routinely quotes the mainstream media and demonstrates the lies and bias contained therein?


The Rev also gets a mention in this article from the New Statesman today.

link to

At another event a respected journalist commented that they didn’t find the high profile pro-independence website “Wings over Scotland” problematic or, in any way as some detractors did, “sexist”.

There are now no political journalists or politicians in the UK who are not aware of Wings.

Hard to ignore the truth when it starts fighting back.

Brian Powell

So, man changes from one party to another then back, full blown news.

UK Government Minister says ‘these things happen’ when FM is said to have a statement she didn’t make, and it is confirmed by French Ambassador and Consul General that she didn’t make it. And the smear is confirmed to have come from Scottish Office.

Wel’ll see how long the ‘man goes from one party to another’ stays in the papers.

The first, ‘FM wants Tories’ failed now, ‘some SNP want Tories, secretly’, comes along.


Mr Shoaib seems to be saying everything to everybody; it’s as though he’s done a slab media course!
There’s no point expecting DR resignations, nor any backlash from IPSO; it’s just one of those things – again.
Then again, the piece has probably been read more on WOS than in paper. The only people who still read this rag already have their tiny minds made up, so no damage done.

ronnie anderson

@ Capella 4.44 Blow for Sturgeon that will be next week then,Nicola,s visiting a Glass factory Blaw hard Nicola Blaw the Vassals awa.


So lets work this out…. (1/105000)*100 = 0.00095% of the SNP membership has just quit and moved to Labour (or not as the case may be). Assuming nobody joins the SNP ever again, I make it that at 1 person moving SNP-> Labour per day it would take a mere 287.67 years to transfer the entire membership of the SNP to Labour.


Donald Urquhart says:
7 April, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Hey Stu, you ranting old oddball-in-chief, you

You get a mention in this article by Chris Deerin ( link to )

Tories are funny.

They rant about socialism, yet they want Scotland to have a begging bowl parliament, and accept second class regional status in a UK focused on London.

So much for the party of aspiration and self-reliance.

When something isn’t working, and we regularly get governments and polices we don’t vote for, then what is ‘unenlightened’ is sticking to the same path.

Kes Smith

Unbelievable after RBSgate and Frenchgate.
Has this story been verified?


Since the Leaders Debate on ITV recently,
the UK political landscape has changed dramatically.

If the Westminster Unionist Old Boys Club thought they
had a few problems north of the Border before,
they now have another – and what a problem!

Scotland now has a national Leader.

That is now a huge issue for dan sarf.

Nothing unites and galvanizes a people
like a leader who inspires trust.

Scotland now has such a leader – and furthermore,
she is now recognised as such
by many in England and beyond.

Nicola represents a whole new ball-game for Westminster.

However, she also represents, in the eyes of the Unionists,
someone whom they MUST smear.

Policy and manifesto promises have been set aside now
in this GE15 campaign – as was forecast.

Getting down and dirty, McTernan’s level,
is where we’ll be spending the next four weeks.
Get ready for a full-on media war of smear.

Vote SNP. Join SNP.

Support Nicola.


Seems he has joined now…there’s conviction of beliefs for you…link to

jock mc X

O/t Apparently hard working jim murphy was out canvassing in
Glasgow last night.
Captured on youtube.

link to


I notice that the SNP are gleefully retweeting “Tony Blair’s attack on the SNP”. It is not just a badge of honour to be “attacked” by Tony Blair, it is massive vote-booster!

Outraged that one of Scotland’s most principled and outstanding politicans and party leaders, Patrick Harvie, is excluded from tonight’s debate — while we get three limp stooges party to either Project Smear or Indyref postal-voting illegality on our screens!

I expect Nicola will have something to say about Harvie’s exclusion tonight.


“Chris Deerin”

When the MSM begins to reflect reality, we might look at it !


Nice things being said about Bomber Blair speech but I could have given it, you could have given, anyone could have given it.

Ofcourse Brexit could fcuk up businesses and so on. And they dump Trident 2.0 30 miles from Glasgow because there’s not a thing you can say sweaties, because you voted NO and teamGB is a world power, in the hands of tory boys from hell, red and blue and wee Wullie Rennie.

link to

Hows that Norwegian state oil pension fund doing Damien Carrington at rancid The Guardian

link to

Still at least red tory dudes like Bomber Blair, Gordon Brown, Flipper Darling etc are minted now. Rule Britannia.

ronnie anderson

Lockup your Wife.lockup your Daughters The Ranting roving Reverand’s getting oot the Bath, O Deering deering me.

Jim Thomson

Nice letter in the Shetland Times

link to


Jim Thomson

@Ronnie, yer coats by the door … 😉


At most this Asian chap is a member of the SNP.

Wouldn’t any same person take the word of the Party Leader,
the First Minister, her Ministers, or consider their public announcement on TV, Press and Radio about not being
willing to work with the Tory party as gospel????

There is now no need to buy a newspaper, just as the lad at the train station, trying to sell them, what he thinks.

Exactly the same principle, except that the lad wont have sold all his principles to a media magnet.

David McCann

I smell a rat.
The trouble is I’m not sure who, where, or what the rat is.

To me this smacks of a Machiavellian plot to link the denials of Nicola, which have already proven to be lies, with the ‘defection’ of Shoaib, which may well be true.

So the answer is for everyone to stay calm and not deny this particular story, until it is positively proven either way.


Appears Shoaib hs flipped again and according to Commonspace has now rejoined the North British Accounting branch. All seems rather strange and set up.

Robert Peffers

@Fiona says: 7 April, 2015 at 1:43 pm:

“So if I understand this correctly, Mr Shaoib remains a member of the SNP but has decided to vote labour in the forthcoming general election. Is that right?”

Well no, Fiona. If I read this right you are under a misapprehension. Apparently Mr Shaoib said nothing of the sort. and I quote from the article here :

“I’ve been under a lot of community pressure to come out and say that I support a Labour government. But in 2010 election, I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

As he votes in Scotland he quite correctly backs SNP policy to vote SNP in Scotland and hope the English narrowly (at most) return Labour in England but without a clear majority.

The SNP do not want either Unionist party to win in England with a clear majority or they get less power to affect the Westminster parliament.


@ Thepnr
That New Statesman article is written by Gerry Hassan who used to appear on Radio Scotland programmes during the Indyref. Seems in the same mould as David Torrance to me.

“Part of the pro-independence commentary is happy to buy into SNP rhetoric. Seldom if ever are the regressive redistributive consequences of no tuition fees, free care for the elderly and the council tax freeze investigated. Or that in 16 years of the Scottish Parliament – under Labour and the Lib Dems, then the SNP – no serious redistribution of income and wealth to those most disadvantaged has taken place. Why bother with such detail when you can embrace a comforting story about fairness and Scotland’s centre-left consensus?”

Even if we accept that free tuition, care for the elderly and a council tax freeze have regressive, redistributive consequences (which I don’t), how can Scottish Governments redistribute wealth with no control of taxation and welfare? (as well as all the other levers of the economy).

Jim Thomson

@David McCann

The whole thing is smoke and mirrors. The big bright shiny things distract from the myriad wee dull things that are working away unnoticed in the background and gumming up the machine.

And no, I can’t see them either. Too many bright shiny .. oooh, squirrels


Rennie says: Seems he has joined now… there’s conviction of beliefs for you… link to

I would not put it past SLAB to lie for as long as is necessary for Murphy to make some bizarre claim at tonight’s tv debate. There has been no independent confirmation from the gentleman himself.

Anyway, his politics seems to be like Elizabeth Taylor’s car as she drives home after a nicht oot — all over the place!


@ Kenny – not quite joined yet!

“The spokesperson said: “Mr Shoaib has resigned from the SNP and has completed his membership form to join Scottish Labour.”



Yes, I knew it was written by Gerry Hassan.

I didn’t understand a word he wrote, but I think I know in which club his hat hangs.

Robert Peffers

@Snode1965 says: 7 April, 2015 at 1:48 pm:

“Jeezo! Is this bloke a defector, a doubl agent, triple agent or an absolute bullshitter…I have no idea.
What’s now clear is that the Daily Record has been exposed for all to see. Along with the Scotland office they are the enemy of the people and democracy.

No Snode, what has been exposed is that you did not properly read what was actually printed.

Go read it again for the man is still an SNP member and has correctly followed SNP policy. He simply was NOT asked if he was going to vote for Labour he was asked a quite different question and the article reports his reply and I again quote what he said as reported : –

“I’ve been under a lot of community pressure to come out and say that I support a Labour government. But in 2010 election, I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

Got it now, Snode? He correctly said he wants the English to vote Labour in England. He does not say he is going to vote Labour in Scotland.


Ruddy hell Jock McX you could have warned us. I nearly jumped out of my skin!


Marie clark wrote:
“By the way, we souls in Border TV area are getting a repeat of Midsomer Murders tonight, instead of the debate.”

I wouldn’t be watching it anyway, for 3 very good reasons:

(A)-Dimbo is a branch manager, not a leader, the real leaders debate was last week. The only purpose behind this effort tonight is for Dimbo to get his “puss” on tv again and to make him look important. I also understand there is a follow up programme on after the “debate” to discuss matters. Translated that means there will be another programme on after the “debate” to enable certain individuals to reinforce DimboSlabbers pish.

(B)-Without Patrick Harvey it is not a proper and democratic debate and reinforces the belief that its a Tory v Nat show.

(C)-I’ll be doing something far more worthwhile, and saving my wife from buying me a new tv when i don’t take a hammer to it, by watching a few episodes of Grimm on Netflix with her.
And saving my heart and blood from a severe attack of Murphitis.

I’ll just get all the highlights (stop laughing) from WOS.


Lets get real.
One geezer in Glasgow joins Labour.
Since the pre Indy number 71,000 have joined the SNP.

Where’s the story.


FB campaign to debunk the hashtag vote SNP get Tories with a YouTube clip attached to shut Murphy up during the debate.I would post the clip here (it’s perfect and succinct)but I’m a dunce with computers it’s called “How the SNP will lock out the Tories” it’s all stu’s arguments against the pish statement in a 4 minute nutshell.

Proud Cybernat

He’s in, he’s out, he’s shaking it all about. So one (might) have left SNP today but 300 have joined. Put that in yer pipe Daily Redcoat.

CameronB Brodie


ronnie anderson

Aye Jock Mc X Chist dont dey that again dey U know the cost of they Big Boy Pampers bloody dear an me oan the pension noo.

Robert Peffers

@HandandShrimp says:7 April, 2015 at 2:05 pm:

Above Mr Shoaib says

“I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

So are the Record mistaking support for Labour to beat the Tories in England for a defection to Labour?

Whew! I was starting to think I was the only one who could comprehend what was actually written in the article.

The question now is are the Record stupid and didn’t understand or very clever and have actually fooled so many Yessers this time round?


Shoaib can say what he likes and be a member of whichever party he likes.

But if he’s not prepared to follow the rules of membership for the SNP then he should be expelled or resign if he hasn’t already. He’s not the first ex-Labour flip-flopping blowhard seeking their 5 minutes in the Daily rag who will be forgotten about come the weekend.

The SNP shouldn’t be seen to be cow-towing to an individual who deems them-self and who they are pictured with to be more important than the goals of the organisation. No player is bigger than the club.


LOL What a farce

Does anyone actually care any more? I don’t. It is a free country he can swap parties as often as he likes.

Proud Cybernat

I wonder how many other closet Labour supporters joined the SNP in the run-up to the GE in order that they can resign from the party because of [insert purile excuse here]. Cue headline: “SNP in Meltfown”. What’s the bet a few more of these Labour ‘plants’ will be resigning from the SNP in the run-up to the GE?


Another report to the Press Complaints Commission? More lies?

Rob James

Kevin Evans @ 4:10 pm.

“No way would they let a company lie to sell a product in such a way”.

You perhaps missed the Ineos presentation to the people of the central belt re their product – fracking.

There were more lies in that one presentation than Murphy’s life story, and that takes some beating. Then again, their connections to the establishment are known to all.


I think that ITV made a really good job of moderating the 7 party debate last week. Let’s see how fair and balanced STV is. They should have an easy job of only moderating 4 parties. Given Smugmurphy’s predilection for doing the shouty thing, at an ever increasing volume, I won’t hold my breath though. Even if it’s a hand picked audience, who are all wearing red NO THANKS knickers, have sweaty faces and bulging eyeballs, Nicola will kick their erses.

CameronB Brodie


@ Gerry Hassan
We all ken your Fabian leanings now, but please stop perpetuating the lie that there is a separate and independent ‘Scottish Labour’. OK, there is but only in the sense of accounting units.

Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy and British Labour leader Ed Miliband couldn’t believe their luck.

Your side has had almost a century to bring about real social change and failed miserably. Or is Britain not one of the western world’s most unequal societies, offering little or no opportunity for social mobility?

Also, do you not think it prudent to learn lessons from history? Should we all just “move on”?

Scottish politics for all the hope, energy and optimism of the indyref has for too long been shaped by mantras of Thatcher, Blair, the poll tax and Iraq. These mattered in the past but now it is more urgent than ever to throw off the shackles of what in a different context Jarvis Cocker called (talking about the continued obsession with the 1960s) “the children of the echo”. Scotland’s children of the echo have for too long told us that everything will be all right if we just don’t vote Tory and believe in our comforting myths. This is a moment to begin a more open and challenging conversation.
link to

P.S. Do you ken Will Podmore? I think you two would get on like a house on fire.


I am only confused by one thing in this story

This Mr Shoaib was a former member of the Labour party that joined the SNP and he states that he will be voting Labour in the GE

Why the hell join the SNP in the 1st place?????


@Marie clark says:
7 April, 2015 at 4:39 pm
By the way, we souls in Border TV area are getting a repeat od Midsomer Murder tonight, instead of the debate . Ain’t we lucky bunnies.
Marie, from the ITV website; Scotland Debates, which will be broadcast on ITV Border Scotland from 8pm tonight, will feature First Minister Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP; leader of the Scottish Labour Party Jim Murphy; Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson; and Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Willie Rennie.

Paula Rose

Sorry I can’t spend lots of time with all you lovely people – but someone’s got to do the door chapping rather than the keyboard hammering.


@ Robert Peffers

You may have missed this:
link to

which includes a picture of Muhammad Shoaib’s facebook page, where he declares that “I have decided to support the Labour Party in Westminster election. We can only keep Tories out of the government by voting labour (sic).”

So although the comments to which you refer do indeed apply to the 2010 election, he has said the same this time too.


So what, one person one vote, Westminster politics is based on personalties, if asked, I would class a banker higher than a politician. Would I pish on on a banker if he was on fire………….time for real change not exchange.
Move on please.


I think it is a travesty that Patrick was not offered a slot on this debate. In two minds as to whether to boycott it or not.


I wonder if he’ll join Labour For Independence?

Kevin Evans

Good on Ya Paula – respect and my gratitude.

ronnie anderson

@ Jim Thomson Thanks Jim I,ll pick it up the next time am in Troon,didna even know ah hud wan,sees this bloody memory o mine lol.

Marie clark


Thank you for the information about tonights debate. It would appear that I have been misinformed. According to my Sunday Herald TV Guide and todays National that Border TV was indeed a repeat of Midsommer Murders.

You realise of course that I will now need to partake of strong drink, it’s the only way I can stand Murphy’s creepy tones. Mind you I cannae play the Rev’s drinking game as I fear I would be rather under the weather tomorrow.


@Robert Peffers at 6.09pm
No Robert, there have been several conflicting statements from this man today. Try reading his facebook page for instance.
He states that, ” under pressure from his community” he left Labour due to Iraq and Palestine.
Perhaps he will flip again tomorrow, as Labour have just wheeled out Tony Blair who supports Milliband to the hilt…

Kenny Campbell

Few Daily Record hacks now tweeting about the author of the piece saying its a hatchet job as he never got a job there….

Robert Peffers

@R-type Grunt says: 7 April, 2015 at 3:21 pm:

“If this guy actually believes that the only way to stop a Tory UK government is by voting Labour then he clearly hasn’t been paying attention. The SNP should kick him out regardless, even if only for being a clown.”

Read the bloody words on the report, R-Type Grunt.

The guy was NOT asked if he was voting Labour. Here is the question and his explanation for you from the article : –

… in 2010 election, I went on BBC and was asked which party do you support in England and my answer was same as I gave to the Daily Record yesterday.”

He wants the English to vote Labour – he can’t as he is registered to vote in Scotland and, as a member, is likely voting SNP. He further says he wants an SNP/Labour working together and that’s SNP policy.

jock mc X


Sorry guy’s,just a wee joke,whit disnae kill ye makes ye


think Shoaib can see what’s coming for the Labour parties Scottish branch and sees the chance of advancement in their ranks following the recriminations and backstabbing which will follow a crushing defeat in the GE.
Or .. he wants his photie in the paper.

Rob James

Almannysbunnet @ 2:56 pm,

I presume you mean Muhammed Shoaib, or ‘Yo-Yo’ to his pals.

CameronB Brodie

Re. Chris Deerin. Click through on his name (on his article) and you will find he thinks it is still too early to determine whether Tony Blair was a “great priminister”. Also, you might like his “Back the Bomb” article.

link to

Colin McCartney

Shoaib was on the shortlist for my constituency – if 9 candidates can be called a shortlist !

I rated him 6th, not particularly impressive, so no great loss there. Interestingly while he stated he had been a councillor I don’t remember him stating it was a Labour councillor. Think the poor guy is a bit confused by it all and can’t keep up.


@ Robert Peffers

Re your response to R-type Grunt:

Please read the link I gave you earlier:
link to

It talks about another 5 years of the Tories, so very clearly refers to the forthcoming election, not to 2010. It also very clearly states his own voting intentions.


@ Robert Peffer

I inferred what I did because of the quote from his facebook page: not from the article. Others have also pointed that out and it does NOT say he is advocating those who live in England should vote labour

All day there have been conflicting accounts about what is and is not happening and being said. No wonder some of us are confused.

North chiel

Right on cue “Jackie accident & emergency ” Bird returns to the
“Reporting North Britain” frontline after a no doubt relaxing Easter weekend.
Unlike ‘ Nicola who has been deliberately harassed all of the weekend’ ,intitially
By the premeditated “Scotland” office “leak”, followed by “the daily record”
“Exclusive” and of course the return on cue of JB .All preplanned with an objective
Of trying to intimidate and undermine Nicola ahead of tonight’s debate .however, hopefully,
Nicola will remain “cool calm &collected “tonight and her class will show

Graham MacLure

Bit late to the debate but you know what they say about a fresh pair of eyes and to me it is obvious that Muhammed Shoaib is Ally Darling in disguise having taken up a career as a professional flipper.


Oh Dear – Murphy – Brown shoes with a dark suit – how can anybody vote for or give any credence to somebody like that.

Michael McCabe

Check this out. Very Very Good. Joemg mentioned it further up but could not link it. So here it is. link to Aye till I die.


Bet there’s a sort of exit poll for this with no reference to how the audience was selected in the first place.

bob mooney

Just watched the STV debate and not getting to detail,

Jim Murphy jeered

Queen Nicola cheered

Need I say more !

Yes, I will we are almost there our day is almost upon us and we will be victorious.

Big Jock

Most of the audience had English accents. Predictable cross section of Scotland then!


Might as well give that boy a theme tune…

link to

James Dow A voice from the diaspora

The MSM are seething over the transition of power from Alex to Nicola, for it is much more difficult from a predominately male dominated domain to malign a woman.

robert graham

sorry boys but he did -looks like he is a slippery mixed up individual have a look at today’s national no wonder this guy wasn’t selected to be a SNP candidate he has done a complete 360 since he last denounced jim murphy now he is his best pal i am glad the SNPs selection process is a little more thorough than Labours after some of their recent balls ups

bob mooney

In todays on-line Daily Record poll by Torcuil Crichton – who was the best debater last night.

Nicola 67%
Jim 22%
Ruth 10%
Willie 1%

Torcuil is coming round


Best shot of this clown – lets move on

Labour welcome slippery character home ??

[…] of Scots-Asians for Yes Muhammad Shoaib. As it turned out the meat of the Record’s story turned out to be somewhat hyped, but nevertheless, Shoaib posed for pictures with the great and the good of Scottish Labour, who […]

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