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Wings Over Scotland

The Dark Side

Posted on January 08, 2013 by

I’m a fairly placid chap, readers. I really am. I’ve been around a bit, seen a few things. It takes a lot to raise my blood pressure. You’ve been reading this site for over a year and you know the only thing that’s really got under my skin is Craig sodding Levein.

But tonight I’m just about boiling over with rage. When it came down to it, four Liberal Democrat MPs – including the one I’ve voted for for the last 20 years – rebelled against pretty much the most evil thing any UK government’s done for about a century. Four. They couldn’t even be bothered to try to make it look good.

I’ve already got my most upbeat Spotify playlist running just to stop myself screaming profanities into the night out of the window. I should probably delete the last hour’s tweets. (But won’t.) So post cute pictures of kittens. Tell a few jokes or heartwarming stories. Anything, anything at all that’s nice and beautiful and good and suggests maybe this entire country isn’t just a stinking, rancid sewer full of subhuman scum.

I hate these people so much – these vicious, monstrous Tories, these treacherous Lib Dems, these grubby, cynical Labour hypocrites – that I’m scaring myself a little.

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Don’t think I can help mate, I’ve just been banned from two more pro-union FB pages for trying to counter their bollocks, bringing the total to about a million. It’s infuriating seeing all the crude photo-shopped images and made-up quotes and being singled out as not being allowed to point out said bollocks. I’m raging.

When I’m in need of a lift, I listen to my 90s gangster rap Spotify playlist. Lyrics about slapping bitches might resonate with those who want to beat down on Lib Dem MPs.

John White

Rev Stu,
          Either come home or fight the bastards in England. You have made your home in England  and must have many family and friends there. I could have moved South many times, but fear and family commitments kept me in Scotland. If I were in England, my inclination would be to fight for a radical Labour party, but perhaps you have reasons for not doing that. In Scotland my inclination is to fight for independence and if that fails to follow a radical path for the whole UK. Labour is malleable , but the Liberal Democrats have revealed their true nature and should never be trusted again.
All best wishes


It’s London-centricity, London expenses ‘don’t rock the boat’ culture. The only thing the English left can hope for, or press for, is regionalisation/federalism.

Barney Thomson

Rev Stu,

May I -_-_-_

Quentin, – Spotify alert! Please mark these chappies up for re-education when we sort out the Sweaties. Especially the vicar. See you Sat for the hunt. [return]  




I’ll be checking the news tomorrow for a madman battering MPs at Westminster.
If you’re playlist isn’t working I suggest louping around the room to this. After you’ve turned up the volume, of course.


Sorry RevStu.
It`s no good is it. It was always on the cards. If it`s any consolation, I also detest Tories, Labour Tories and LibDem Tories. I don`t think we are alone. After perusing unionist propaganda nonsense, or watching BBC Reporting Scotland/Newsnight or STV news, I find a casual listen of The Stooges “TV Eye” helps tremendously; especially if you feel the need to throw something in the general direction of the TV.
I don`t know if I`m way out here –  but I`m kind of noticing a certain rise in talk of catholics, protestants, religious divides etc as regards Scottish politics. A divide and conquer tactic, especially designed for Greater Glasgow?


Try buggering the bankers!
link to


Independence gives us a get out of jail free card, but you do have to wonder what will happen to rUK if these attacks on the poor and vulnerable continue. If there is no democratic answer how long will it be until the pot boils over?

Or will it? One incompetent neoliberal government after another has lead to a rise in the fortunes of UKIP. Acacia Avenue is on the march while the deprived can’t get off of their settees.


Welcome to the ‘ideocracy’ that is now Ukania. Welcome to hell on earth! If the Scottish people vote no in 2014 this is the distopian future that awaits us all.


Aye, the whole ‘Levein’ thing…
‘If you love something, let it go…if it loves you, it’ll come back…’
Wonder what the opposite of that could be?
We’ve got to let him go…somehow… 


I sent you a link but it hasn’t appeared.


Hmm? Dunno many jokes, certainly none that can be told. 😉
A heart warming tale? … Perhaps?

This was a tale told to me by my father. He was working at a munitions factory in Fife during WW2, when the air raid siren went off one day… again! There had been quite a few and well to be frank, he was tired of it all and couldn’t be bothered to run to the shelter, so he decide to go outside for a fag instead. It was meant to be a no smoking area, but heck, if a bomb dropped on the factory it’d go up in a huge explosion. He was surrounded hundreds of tons of munitions after all.
So, anyway, he goes outside and waits for the “end to come”. The noise of engines approach in the sky, luckily for him (and me), it wasn’t a bomber that flew over the factory… it was just a German reconnaissance plane. ie unarmed.
Anyhoo, there’s my father smoking his cigarette whilst this German plane flies overhead. On an impulse he waves at the pilot in the plane, to his surprise the German pilot waved back. (It was quite low at the time) The plane continued on it’s way, my dad finished his fag,the air raid siren sounded the all clear and he went back to work.
 I always enjoyed hearing this story as a child, I liked the fact that there were these two people who are at war whose lives touched, if only briefly, but it was a moment of simple humanity. A wave to a fellow human and wave in recognition in return.
I’m not quite sure what this little tale means in the grand scheme of things, but if it gives you a little smile and a wee glow (as it does to me when I remember, but then, I’m biased), then all is good.

Keep up the good work, Rev, you’re doing grand. 




I feel for you Stu, I really do.  It must be gutting to see the party you’ve supported for so long consistently abandon all semblance of morality.  I can only sympathise, having, fortunately, never come close to such a feeling.  My Lib Dem friends are lost and it’s awful to witness.  On the positive side, these are people with a strong sense of justice and they’re starting to come round to the realisation that Westminster doesn’t, and won’t for the foreseeable future, engage in policies which satisfy those ends.  Change is happening and it’s no longer Labourites jumping ship, the Lib Dems in my friend group actively want to be persuaded yes.

 Oh,  and Stu, love the switch to the Abbey quote!


Yeah. I was trying to warn people of the dangers of Facebook tracking when you went over to the dark side and my posts disappeared.


Here’s a few photos of my pal’s kittens that I dug out of my hard drive for you Stu.
If these don’t cheer you up then there’s nothing else I can do for you.
If I told you one of my jokes, you’d hunt me down and kill me.

link to

Bill C

   “I don`t know if I`m way out here – but I`m kind of noticing a certain rise in talk of catholics, protestants, religious divides etc as regards Scottish politics. A divide and conquer tactic, especially designed for Greater Glasgow?”


Steven of Songnam

Hey Rev, I know you asked for pictures of kittens, but would a cute video about squirrels do?
Or how about J Rabbit singing about happy things? I haven’t a clue what the happy things are, but it cheers me up.
Did I mention that the Lib Dems can go climb up a wormhole and end up in another universe? Because that’s where I’d really like them to be.


A piece of string walks into a bar and asks for a pint of lager.
“Are you a piece of string?” asked the barman.
“Yes” replied the piece of string.
“I’m sorry we don’t serve pieces of string in here. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave” said the barman.
So the piece of string quietly left and went up the street to the next pub. He walked in and asked for a pint of lager.
“Are you a piece of string?” asked the barman.
“Yes” replied the piece of string.
“Well fuck off then, we don’t serve your sort in here!” said the barman.
So again, the piece of string left and walked up the street to the next pub. But before he went in, he tied a knot in his neck and ruffled up everything above the knot. He walked in and asked for a pint of lager.
“Are you a piece of string?” asked the barman.
“No, I’m a frayed knot” replied the piece of string.

I’m on the run now. You’ll never find me.

douglas clark

Yesitis & Bill C,
If you are way out there then so am I. Quite why this bullshit is being stirred up now is suspicious to say the least.

Steven of Songnam

I also have a video of my dog Rolo and my cat Indy (yep) play fighting which you can find here.

Bill C

 @douglas clark –
   “If you are way out there then so am I. Quite why this bullshit is being stirred up now is suspicious to say the least.”



Man walks in to a bar with a set of jump leads around his neck, barman says, “don’t you start anything in here.”


@Richie  YES!  Glad the jokes have started rolling in!


Her you go Rev Stu, hope these help!
link to


If cute kittens haven’t helped here’s a really good teen rebellion movie that socks it to the man. Always makes me feel good – and you get to laugh at the 70s.


Have to admit I’ve avoided the news tonight entirely, also sinking into Spotify instead. It was bad enough before. I worked at the CAB and witnessed enough truly heartbreaking shite from ATOS and the DWP to last a lifetime. I used to think things can’t possibly get any worse, there has to be a kick back from here, the pendulum has swung as far right as it can go and must now swing back. I’ve stopped thinking that now and can only see things getting worse. We live in a country which has become heartless, cold and evil, run by a rich elite for a rich elite.

Makes me sick to the stomach. If we don’t get a Yes in 2014, I just can’t imagine staying.   


What’s yellow and swings through the jungle?

What’s blue and swings through the jungle?
Tarzan wearing a boiler suit.

What were Tarzan’s last words?
Who greased this vine?.


Hang on, someone’s banging on my door… 


If its any consolation Rev the UK used to own almost 1/4 of the world and had invaded 90% of all countries in existance:

link to

Thankfully it now only owns 4% of the world and would be utterly incapable of successfully invading anyone on its own.


Enhance your calm Rev they’re not worth it.


“I don`t know if I`m way out here –  but I`m kind of noticing a certain rise in talk of catholics, protestants, religious divides etc as regards Scottish politics.”
It’s hard not to kind of notice when it’s on the front page of the Herald.  No, you’re not imagining things.
@Rev Stu:
Don’t cheer up, zone out.



The religious ‘divide and conquer’ tactic is disgraceful, but i’m not surprised by the BBC/British State. As soon as i heard it on Call UKaye, i noted it.
I see the BBC/British State is now attacking the value of Whisky to the Scottish economy. “All the profits go offshore”.


Rev. Take heart from the comments on this site.
                         You’re giving us an outlet for our frustrations and a damn good exposure of the “evil empire”! That’s got to feel good don’t ya think?
 Anyway, it’s my birthday today and I intend to go out into the www and fight the good fight!!!!

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


Divide and Rule – We KNEW it was coming…

You are very right about the Catholic / Protestant tension increases.

Although to be fair, I was listening to the radio and the Catholic priest who made the allegations of Catholics being the equivalent to blacks in 60’s America was asked:-

“Do you not think the message about marginalisation will be lost with using this inflamatory language?”

To which he replied (slightly paraphrased):

“It wouldnt make a difference because no-one listens to what Catholics say anyway…”

It was a real eye opener of someone with an obvious victim mentallity, making wild accusations and being completely unable to back them up when asked.

I’m pretty sure that a large proportion of the Catholic community are not too pleased with how this individual was portraying them.


Divide and Rule – This is a video called ‘Preserving the Union’, on the days when the press get a bit too much for me I watch this.  So far, it has predicted almost every angle that has been taken to counter Scottish Independence.

Sorry Rev, I only intended putting the link in, not the whole show!

Doug Daniel

I love the logic behind this bill. Benefits payments are rising too fast, so we need to cap benefits rises because they’re rising faster than wages. But, erm, everyone knows most benefits claimants are actually in work, so clearly the reason benefits are rising is because more working people are having to claim them (due to increasing costs of living) because their wages are too shitty.

Attacking the symptom rather than the cause. If the Tories were doctors and you went to them with a sore finger, they’d decide to cut it off rather than figure out why it was sore. Actually, they’d chop your whole arm off. And the other too, just to be sure.

How about this one for you Rev – Jarvis Cocker’s C**** Are Still Running The World – link to


Well, on a completely different subject then, I’ve spent all night with a son getting ready to change the axle on his Saxo VTR, and have thoroughly enjoyed getting about half way to dropping the thing, with rusty and inaccessible bolts, covered in grease and flakes of rust and worse stuff, having bashed the top of a finger-nail, having hopefully worked out a way to wangle the axle clear of the brake pipes without kinking or disconnecting them. Once the calipers and hubs off with hopefully no snapped bolts.

If you think about it Rev, none of those poor sods in Government are ever likely to have had the fun I’ve had and will have for a good few more hours, once I’ve got to sleep this morning, after making a couple of phone calls ordering business supplies.

Those poor poor ministers and MPs. They just don’t know what they’re missing being filthy rich and all that, like what they are.

Jim Campbell

Hey Rev !      I caught a glimpse of a new, updated LibDem Guidebook.      I didn’t see inside but the title page read;  “LibDems – our step-by-step introduction to kamakazi politics.”

We have a Monopoly on Morons up here with the Labour clods automatically getting their old union vote regardless of their lack of ability or honesty?   You seem seem surprised that they would vote along party lines rather than doing hot the people who voted for them want for their area.  Up here they kick them out of labour party if they do the right thing and go against what their bosses at Westminster want.


I can’t believe nobody posted this yet.

link to

Cauld tattie

Fed up with kittens…  How about cute babies?
(or  a goat that does impressions of a chicken?)


Lyle Hennessey

Here Rev Stu–This is a kitten watching the result of yesterday’s vote….

craig p

Rev – the most evil thing for a century? I’d have this pretty far down that list, but maybe this is the sort of thing you feel like listening to, whilst throwing darts at a photo of Nick Clegg. Motorhead’s Liar:

Morag – lolcats – that was going to be my cheering post too 🙂


It appears that not just two Tory Westminster ministers have stepped down – apparently rather cross at the Liberal affect on Tory policy – but others on the Tory ‘rightist’ back benches are becoming restless.  Boris is being guided towards the next safe seat.  The sense that there is nothing to be feared from the Labour opposition, especially the dire performances and absence of policy from Mr Miliband and Co., is perhaps encouraging some to force a right-wing coup (taking some steam out of the UKIP rise?) and unseat/unsettle Mr Cameron despite his desire to stick it out until 2020. If this gathering anti-coalition putsch continues, what reverberations are likely for us in 2014 with a potentially increased right-wing influences at Westminster. ‘Better Together’ does not appear to be a likely tag-line for the shaky coalition and makes the choice of this catch-phrase for the No contingent here even more perverse.


I used to believe that if independence were a given, I would be a Liberal voter. The thought now makes me squirm. It’ll never, ever happen, now or in the future, and I fully expect to see the Libdems wiped out in 2015/16.

I’ll tell you a kitten story highlighting that there is a strata of “subhuman scum” beneath that of the Unholy Alliance Party. Sub scum! Me!

A few years ago, our delightful wee cat produced two monsterous beasts. There’s not a tom for at least 12 miles from here. They were seeded by something feral, or probably wild. You couldn’t get near them even as kittens. They were ferocious and wiped out all the birds and red squirrels around here. They grew to be twice the size of their mother. I named them Bullet and Splat. You can guess what happened. Bullet met his end in a gamekeepers larder, and Splat shortly afterwards went under the same keeper’s Land Rover, whilst going for a dragonfly. I told my Daughters they had gone off to find a mate and start a family.

Over New Year, someone mentioned this story in front of the girls, and they rounded on me. One was in tears. They were 6 & 8 then, 14 & 16 now. As I was feebly trying to placate the situation, and mitigate my culpability, their Uncle Fester lobbed a grenade in with, “Have ye telt them how ye shot their pet crow yet!” Bastard! We had a crow that could say one word. “C’mon”. When he started attacking people and going for their eyes, he also had to go off and find a mate.

I then got a very public grilling to see if I was responsible for the demise of their pet psyco pheasant Findlay (He would chase cars, head on sometimes), or their Uncle George. Was that me too? It didn’t help when I decided to lighten the mood by solemnly summoning the dog and walking to the back door with my gun. The story grew arms and legs, and I was later asked by a friend, ” So why DID you kill the kittens?” Eh?

So I’m still regarded as a bottom feeding pond dwelling invertibrate in my house, and Uncle Fester will be going off to find a mate next time I see him. And I’m forbidden from naming pets from now on.                 



Me, Molly, Mendelssohn (my hands are up the other end of the piano). 
link to


Did anyone really expect anything else from the Lib Dems? How many times do they need to stick the knife in before people expect the worst from that shameless scum?


I notice the comments on the BBC article are weighted in favour of these heavy handed measures. Is it a result of BBC manipulation or filtering of comments or a result of the non-stop demonisation of “benefit culture” by politicians and the media?

Domhnall dods

I think there is no need for BBC manipulation. There seems a genuine resentment among some in the south that they are paying for scroungers. The lazy, the immigrants, the North of England, Scotland. Etc. I was debating the issue on a non political forum and got totally flamed for criticising the coalition on this issue. 


The upside of that it is that it only highlights and strengthens the increasing divide in culture and politics between the south and Scotland. All the more reason for independence.

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