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Wings Over Scotland

The attainment gap

Posted on June 17, 2017 by
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And they say exams are getting easier. That’s one most of the media has struggled with! Are you listening Brian Taylor?

John Moss

Looks like s ‘special’ needs class to me.

Vegan god

Very funny. Red, white and blue boils suits would be more fitting. Plus the yellow bar needs to he taller!


Nicola needs to have this example on her desk for next weeks Question time.



winifred mccartney

The media has so much to answer for – they are responsible for the worst cases of bias and misinformation ever seen. The ‘debates’ which were used for the promotion of the union, not asking about WM responsibilities but as a vehicle to criticise devolved issues. (This is what the people wanted to talk about – aye right).

Instead of informing viewers about reserved and devolved issues they were used to deliberately knock the Scottish govt and as a result RD and the tories were rarely if ever questioned about tory policies in WM. The cartoon sums up very nicely the BBC both for council and GE results more seats than before in council and largest number of seats at WM yet constantly we were told RD ‘won’ and snp were losing. I hope one day they will be held to account for their deliberate misinformation and downright lying.

They funny thing is they still wonder why viewing figures are going down and the press is dying – the sooner the better.


Good grief, recognising those 3 from the back suggests to me that I should get a hobby.
Well done Chris but I think Mr Swinney has his work cut out.


I hope that I won’t be accused of being distasteful but is it not obvious that if the tragic London Fire had occurred a week earlier the results of the GE would have been very different not just that Labour would have won or would have sufficient potential supporters to form a government but would have had a significant effect on the results for the Ruth Davidson Party in Scotland?


Well done Chris, these three are easily recognised even from behind. 🙂
This president taught them mental arithmetic.Mental being the operative word!
link to

Peace Always

Bob Mack

Teacher—right group,you are twelve sheep in a field and six of you jump over a fence. How many do we have left?

Pupils—-none sir.

Teacher— Now just like the sheep, you kids do not know your arithmatic.

Group– No sir you do not know your sheep. Where one goes we all go.

Rather apt I think.

Calum McKay

John Swinney is good, but teaching those who will not or cannot listen is a futile task.

It is a week on, Mrs May is making an arse of absolutely everything, this will rub off on the north british branch. Mrs May is utterly incapable of thinking on her feet or meeeting ordinary folk, hardly the qualities of a leader. She will be gone soon, if not for the people, for her own sanity and health.

The tories have not changed, this should be apparent to all those from labour or liberals who gave their vote to the tories Scotland.

The EU negotiations start next week, creationists and climate change deniers are pulling the strings, Scotland is not in the building let alone at the table. I do not expect these talks to go well, the EU must be rubbing its hands with glee.

We need a strategy for a snap election now!


Why teaching is such a hard job. You’re wrong Sir, BBC sez you are and you’re all the worst ever PISA teachers too.




Willie thinks the blocks are all out of proportion.

Geoff Huijer



Brilliant! Hit, nail, head.


I didn’t know Montessori blocks were back in education fashion.

[…] Source: Wings Over Scotland The attainment gap […]

Old Pete



Surely the blocks are upside down? Or are the children the wrong way up? Is Cheshire Cat Davidson grin the right way up or is she really secretly scowling?

Good cartoon.

Ps May is in real trouble after the Fire. Does RUK give money to the DUP or remedial work across the UK and NI? If the latter they prove that austerity has killed be it through loss of hope through suicide and other means such as attacks on the disabled and the poorer in society.


Great cartoon.

But I can tell what the Unionists are thinking. They see that graph as just the SNP version. They know they all have their own versions which tell different stories.

“Facts? Don’t try to deflect us with facts! We have our agenda to stick by.”

I’ve never really been keen of the whole ‘post truth’ label. However, the way the Unionist world, politicians and media, blatantly ignore reality and spin alternatives has certainly moved on from accepted truth.


BBC news

British lions tour — oops no Irish Lions anymore

England women’s rugby– champions – Fair doo’s

Nope no mention of Scotland V Australia

Ps we won.


Absolutely brilliant!


galamcennalath says:
17 June, 2017 at 9:00 am
Great cartoon.

Dumbed down culture is what I blame and dumbed down for a reason, lots of reasons. BBC r4 Today show ended this morn with ferocious toryboy Nic Robinson thing on what its like being a fresh new and exciting MP in Westminster.

Toryboy Nic introduced LibDem ingenue Christine Jardine, thrilled, little shy but very excited, Westminster so well run and welcoming, but lovely intro for such a daunting yet great privilege task for such an eager to learn LibDem shiny and new newbie, like Cristine Jardine, with so much to take in and learn. You get a laptop and a locker, all ready, Its SO exciting and fresh!

Ofcourse toryboy Nic didn’t mention that all new, exciting, shiny LiBDem MP Christine Jardine’s CV…hard core BBC Scotland ligger for decades, UK gov special Scots media adviser, running through Scots indyref 2014, ran one of the dirtiest anti Alex Salmond campaigns ever seen in British politics 2015, in Gordon, losing badly. At the very least, new and shiny Christine finally got her new and shiny UKOK reward.


Practice does indeed seem to make perfect.

Old skool, with a modern twist. Or was it easier to just do a white board C ?

How many weeks in a row now ? Must be getting near record.


One simply cant get decent service these days, says The Guardian in Glesga, Same tory media hell bent on destroying Scotland’s fledgling democracy ofcourse produces stuff like this,

link to

“This is cooking from someone who spends too much time not eating in today’s restaurants but watching today’s food TV, where presentation is given outlandish prominence, because, well, visual medium. There’s no harmony, just a parroting of modish ingredients: pork belly, flabby from its water bath, comes with a wafer of puffed crackling, an overcooked, far from luscious cheek that looks like a poo emoji and is swamped by gluey brown sauce, a muddy mound of miso carrots and a blob of spring onion puree (one pal: “I like the mushy peas”). It’s wildly oversalted, medicinal with Chinese five spice and teased into the most tortured plate arrangement since my photo byline. The sauces on that monkfish dish are two thick, brownish smears. My brother laughs: “Looks like they’ve employed Bobby Sands.”

Bilson Eleven 10 Annfield Place, Dennistoun, Glasgow Food 4/10
Value for money 4/10
Atmosphere 4/10
Marina O’Loughlin on restaurants
Food & drink Glasgow

Friday 16 June 1917 14.00 BST


😀 That’ll do nicely! Thanks, Chris! 😀


Classic, very well done.


There is no ‘special needs’ class. There is only people with additional needs who need some support. Like most people. Often extremely talented in so many ways. With special gifts nurtured with love and affection. The the majority support unequivocal. Bringing so much love. Instead of letting people struggle alone. Unionist politicians are repeatedly cutting essential services. Austerity but spending vast sums of public money on non mandated grotesque projects of no value.

Monumentally, major bad decisions. Against the majority wishes and the public interest. People will take to the streets to protest and there could be more violence. If Teresa May and the Tories do not resign. Then another GE. Ruining the economy. Perish the thought.

How much more of this can people take, especially in Scotland. Appalling mismanagement so a bunch of crooks and spivs’ can line their own pockets with public money. Embezzlement. Enough is never enough for some people.

The Unionists do not need any additional support to ruin Scotland and the UK. The Unionists cutting additional needs support is not only illegal but it is also ignorant and ill informed. The Unionists politicans lack educational direction,empathy and compassion, They are breaking the Law and killing vulnerable people. The Unionist politicans make the Law and break the Law with impunity, There is no deterrent to their criminality. They use their ‘rights’ and privileges which they demand for themselves to attack the rights of others. Truely despicable. Selfish and contemptible. Self centred, arrogant and out of touch.

Recent events are too much for many people. Just beyond belief of common decency. The culprits should be put in jail. The Unionists politicians have privileges above the Law, The Law is not enforced by Westminster Unionists. It is used to sweep the Unionist politicians crimes under the carpet. The Official Secrets Act is used to hide the criminality of the Westminster Unionists. There is no deterrent to their criminality. They commit more criminal Acts because they know they can get away with it. Illegally killing, impoverished and starving even more innocent vulnerable people.

In most other Western democracies. The criminal politicians/private public figures fraternity are held to account even more stringently. They are put in prison. This acts as a deterrent. Politicians are held even more strongly to account. For obvious reasons. They are actually investigated, cautioned, charged and punished. Not in the UK. They are given knighthoods, enobled and extra remuneration. For commiting crime and major criminal Acts. Against Scottish/UK/EU/International Law. Ruining the world economy. Making plenty of promises but never honouring them. Even now protected and guarded from the public with even more public money.

The democratic deficit in Scotland among Unionist politician is appalling. The lies they tell. They are completely uninformed and ignorant. That is why so few people join their Parties and the politics sphere is held within such contempt. Resulting in such lack of talent and diversity among Unionist politicians. A small pool which lacks talents and attributions. These political Psrties have to actually pull people off the street to stand in representation for them. A void of the necessary talent, qualification and vision,

People join Unionist Parties in their own self interest. On a self interest promotion mission, especially in Scotland. They can’t count or read a balance sheet. Or understand statistics, Never mind balance a budget. When they are found out they just lie and lie and lie. It is an unfortunate spectacle to observe. Extremely disturbing. As they surpress people’s ambition and expectation. Let the majority down as they ignore good advice and just muck up economy.

If a Unionist Party in Westminster won an election with a 100+ seat majority. It would be considered a major victory. When it happens in Scotland. it is classed by some who should know better and professionals as a major defeat. What planet are they on. Zog.

If people want a better run country, more equal, fair and prosperous and support Independence. Just vote SNP, SNP. Vote for Independence. Do anything to help that people can manage. Donate, campaign and go out and canvass. Especially go out to vote. Simple really. Well done the SNP and John Swinney. Standing up for education and the teachers who do such sterling work. There can still be many improvements. If Unionist politicans were not colossally, uneccessarily wasting public money. On extremely poor policies. Well done Nicola and the SNP standing up for Scotland. In extremely trying circumstances. Well done in the election. Thanks to everyone who went out to vote and voted SNP. It advances the journey a little easier.

Moody is very talented. Sums it up in one artistic stroke. Admirable,

Robert Kerr

Still on the subject of arithmetic.

A “Lad O Pairts” meets up with the posh couple walking on the hill and is asked if he can count. Aye he replies I kin dae that.
How many are here on the hill boy?
He replies “A hunner”.
Laughter. “How do you make that out?”
“Easy. I am One, you and your lady are the two Zeroes”


Seriously Chris … that is for me your best yet !

Cartoon yes! but graphic depiction of whats wrong with Scotland on so many levels.

– Numpty opposition politicians
– Errant media analysis
– Crazy voting strategy of Scots residents

the lot !


John Swinney accepts the challenge. Good luck with that one.

Fergus Green

For what its worth, the term ‘special needs’ started to slip out mainstream usage around 20 years ago as more and more people regarded as pejorative. ‘Additional support needs’ is more appropriate and inclusive.


The Scottish Parliament ( SP) should vote that the SP and ScotGovt has the the power to decide Scotland’s place in the Single Market ( SM).

If won:

Another ScotP vote: the ScotGovt should hold a referendum asking the people of Scotland if they want the ScotP and ScotGovt to decide Scotland’s place in the SM or WM Govt?

A referendum Q: Should Scotland’s Govt and parliament have the power to decide if Scotland should stay in the European Single Market?

aye or no?

If no, drop indyref2. Accept UKGovt is negotiating on behalf of Scotland too.

If aye, then tell UK Govt, Scotland’s people have decided to give the ScotGovt and ScotP the democratic mandate to negotiate with UKGovt and EU on Scotland’s place in SM.

If UK Govt won’t recognise that, they are betraying their pledge that they recognise the right of self-determination and democracy for Scotland.

They would have no option but to recognise it or trigger a constitutional crisis: UK Govt denies Scotland democracy.

If Scottish democracy is denied then that’s the time the ScotGovt would have no option but to offer an Indyref2 or declare UDI.

If UK Govt back down and accept that mandate, Scotland’s people have asserted they have the democratic sovereignty or ultimate authority, not WM Govt, in matters affecting Scotland – even within the Union.



Who gives a toss about rugby result ? (On the back of result 2 of them now pissing off to help out blighty! jeezus)

It doesn’t matter … current majority of Scotland voting intentions seem to be that they don’t want to be an independent country, just fillers (padding) for others. So again why the interest in playing games ??

Who gives a toss about rich kids wi’ odd shaped baws, so called Scottish rugby, fitba’ sport in general? Or are Scots just kidding really ?

Scotland what the feck are you all about?
(Embarrassment mainly)


Nice one Chris.

The only way to get through to these dunderheids would be to belt the bastards.

Bring back the belt Nicola,please.

6 of the best for each of them!

Ian McCubbin

Great cartoon those 3 need to do truth 101 as well as arithmetic.
S NP see ago be really touby on better together 2 next GE. BT2 message did work again along with BBCBias.


BTW, who’s that teaching them? Norman Tebbit?


Shortly there will be not much monkfish left. Tory liddlers meddling in the fishing industry and the conservation policies. Fishface. The shark with no teeth. Even less bite. Picking up morsels. Disgusting practices.

Many Tory/Unionist voters in Scotland will soon be wondering why they voted for these policies. Lied to again. The Unionist/green no party which is not legitimate. It is not registered but still exists. Secret societies. It is no secret they are criminals. Masonic societies. Secretly supported by the Tory Royals. They are supposed to be impartial but stick their nose into everything. Manipulated by Westminster horrors. Red/Blue/Orange and naive party absolutely no knowledge, ignorant and still nasty.

Some deluded person was once going to join the Masons but was told to keep it secret. The Lodge officials phoned up his wife to give him information and discuss his menbership, His wife who did not know was not a fan and went ballistic. He revised his judgement. He decided not to join. He didn’t join because the secret organisation couldn’t follow it’s own rule and keep a secret. Demanded loyalty of others but did not follow it’s own rules. Like a Unionist Party. Quite relevant.

It was only an half hearted attempt in join in any case because an acquaintance was a member. Curiosity, Killed the cat and many others, There possibly might be relevant dro out rate. No one knows because it is kept a secret. . The membership is in decline. Dropping like a stone. There is no place in society, politics or open government fur a secret society or association. Will recent events lead to further decline.

Robert Peffers

Yon Dominie haes a muckle teuch troke wi three dobbie fowk in his cless.

(Owersettin intil the Inglis, “That teacher has a very tough job with three dunces in his class”).

Mind you, it is a much smaller class size than the Scottish National Scottish average class size.


It’s a shame JS wasn’t wielding a great big tawse.


Gordoz says at 10.11am
“Who gives a toss about rich kids with odd shaped BA’s”

I’m sick and tired of rugby players being pigeon holed as “rich kids” who are all unionist voting selfish b******d’s.

I grew up in Edinburgh Gorgie ,not exactly the most elegant part of Edinburgh !

I attended Boroughmuir school where the policy at the time was to play either rugby or basketball ,this was in the 70’s, I played both and on leaving continued to play rugby till I was 40.

Now in my 60’s I am staunch pro Indy and SNP voter since the Thatcher years as are many of my ex rugby playing friends ,sure there are friends who are unionists but by no means a huge majority ,many are English,Irish who have settled here.

So Gordoz like the unionists you want to foster division ,well done you ,cause of course Scotland are crap at everything !

And of course well done Scotland in beating Australia in their own back yard and moving up to 4th in world rugby !


Excellent image Chris.

What more can you say, the attempt at brainwashing by UKOK state and media continues. The attack on our democracy is palpable. What’s the bet that the tories, when May said she would not hold a (snap) election, they actually meant the opposite and in fact had it all planned. Their aim being to remove the SNP MPs from WM, the only ones really holding them to account.

They must be livid that we still have 35 SNP MPs to stand up for Scotland, and indeed the rUK.

Was it West Lothian where the Labour lord provost vetoed a vote to keep 190+ class asssitants, and now they have been sacked. Riding rough shod over our public services so that people can say, ‘oh they are all the same’ and ‘but the SNP have had 10 years!’

Labour had what, 80 years? They kept Scotland poor, utter disgrace, selfish, greedy, troughing scheming so and so’s.

Would love to know what has happened in councils across Scotland since the council elections.
I think Edinburgh is still up in the air? Labour can’t bare to go into coalition with the SNP?

We need to keep tabs on them in our councils and reveal any dirty dealings and such, of the unionists at every opportunity.


Aye, and when the bell goes, next lesson for the remedial class is Scottish History.


Wow. Must read article by Scot Goes Pop on the manipulation of public opinion by poll:

And there you see pretty plainly what the function of the poll was – it’s no exaggeration to say that it formed part of a ‘soft coup’. You can’t steal people’s votes with a poll, but what you can do (especially in our present quasi-colonial set-up) is steal the meaning of their votes. You can turn black into white, and establish a narrative that people were somehow voting against the flagship policy of the winning party. So how was it done?

link to

David Caledonia

They are like the 3 stooges allways good for a laugh, but not to be taken seriously, as my father used to say to me when i was a boy, David do not insult my intelligence if i tried to fool him , these 3 insult my intelligence and they are supposed to be intelligent adults, these 3 stooges can not fool anyone, they will be moved along in time, then we will get their replacements, how about they bring back, rag, tag, and bobtail , at least those 3 could act lol

Proud Cybernat

Very succinctly summed up (no pun intended), Chris. Cracker!

BBC’s Titanic lie…

link to


After 35 years of teaching, I finally came to the conclusion that ye really cannae make a silk purse oot o’ a sow’s ear. Good luck wi’ that class John! 🙂

Dan Huil

A belter from Chris.

OT Always hoped Ireland would refuse to play for the “lions”. Scots too!


PISA was the big stick which BBC Scotland used to beat the SNP with over alleged poor education standards in Scotland.

But in 2013 the Financial Times published a damning report on PISA tables citing it as fundamentally flawed.

Funny this never came up with Sarah Smith, Jackie Bird, Glenn Campbell in all their malicious glee at running down their own country’s education (i.e. their constant ‘SNP failing’ narrative).

link to

PISA take 5000 children from each country and give them a test. On this small sample they hang all their extrapolations on which countries are doing better than others.

So who chooses the 5000 pupils to be tested?

I smell a huge rat here. The SNP need to get up to speed on this asap.



Monkfish are long lived, when not eaten. They can live up to 100years or more, we should not be catching and eating them, poor things.

Has the masonic lodge in Rose st Edinburgh closed down it seems to be a theatre now. Good.

To all here regards the cartoon today, remember these 3 stooges have the backing of their masters in London, told what to think. say and do. They do it to keep their well paid jobs, and for future promotion to whatever the UK yoon Gov deems is appropriate. Their lies and incessant shouting into the ether ‘SNP’ bad, is all performance related we can be sure.

Those requiring additional support at school, tend to be the most unassuming, least confident, and
definitely not the scheming liars that we have to put up with with these three stooges. They are no friend of Scotland, disgraceful.

The only lessons they need are in empathy, humility, and selflessness. A crash course in the history (not Wikipedia?) of their own country, Scotland might help as well.

I would make them sleep on the streets for a few nights, character building stuff. Help people who are much, much less fortunate than you, it might teach them something.


More UK lessons in tory rule, red or blue. When your whole tory ethos is making the wealthy and the rich even richer, people are going to lose their lives. If you’re an old offshore oil worker, UK sector, you know exactly how it works UKOK style. You can argue that BBC led mass media lies at us on an industrial scale and has done since the 70’s, when Murdoch took over but holy fuck, look at it.

Web rumours? UK gov’s got a D list ban on actual causality numbers reported now.

link to


The SNP escaped lightly at this GE, given the swing against them, but the majorities are relatively small in most of the seats that it currently still holds.

There is a significant risk that more focussed ant-SNP tactical voting at the next GE, with a further small swing towards the unionist parties, will relegate the SNP to be minor party status again at Westminster, as pre-2015. The risk is greater if the next GE occurs sooner than later, before the SNP has time to re-group.

Another bad GE result for the SNP and independence really will be off the agenda for a generation.

Proud Cybernat

“Another bad GE result for the SNP and independence really will be off the agenda for a generation.”

GEs are not about independence no matter how much the Yoonbats shout and scream and try to make it so. GEs will be about independence when the SNP make it so and ONLY when the SNP make it so.

Dinnae fash yersel.


Ahahaha Chris and a beautifully ‘scaled’ graph.



Cuilean @11.19 am

Re- PISA education scores, you are right to point this out. But why no public explanation/critique/debate of PISA from either the Scottish Government or professional/academic educationalists in Scotland?

I posted a similar point here on 28 March, 2017, stating:

Much criticism (of the Scottish Government) has been based on the recent score achieved by Scotland in the OECD’s PISA (Programme of International Student Assessment) rankings – one international snap-shot. But you should know that PISA rankings are not universally regarded as valid or useful indicators – see this short international academic statement at link to

Written in 2014 by a notable array of international experts (see the list at the end of the article), it states in conclusion:

“We assume that OECD’s Pisa experts are motivated by a sincere desire to improve education. But we fail to understand how your organisation has become the global arbiter of the means and ends of education around the world. OECD’s narrow focus on standardised testing risks turning learning into drudgery and killing the joy of learning. As Pisa has led many governments into an international competition for higher test scores, OECD has assumed the power to shape education policy around the world, with no debate about the necessity or limitations of OECD’s goals. We are deeply concerned that measuring a great diversity of educational traditions and cultures using a single, narrow, biased yardstick could, in the end, do irreparable harm to our schools and our students.”


Proud Cybernat says:

GEs are not about independence no matter how much the Yoonbats shout and scream and try to make it so.

Exactly, and on different levels.

Indy isn’t about party politics. People who support every party voted Yes and No, in varying proportions.

Also, a general election for many is about who is best to run the UK. It is clear for a lot of voters that is not the same as who is best to run Scotland.

Now that a simply majority of MPs is not an automatic independent trigger, it’s hard to see much connect between Indy and a GE.

Holyrood is different. Then we NEED a pro Indy majority to push through a referendum. While there is a majority, Indy is an option. While there is no majority, it’s off the table.


The Unionists, led by the Tories, are undoubtedly trying to kill off the Independence movement for good – and sooner rather than later.

It is imperative that the Scottish Government,the SNP and the grassroots Independence movement understand this, and respond accordingly.

Should they all continue with their personal holiday plans, at the same time, while thinking that September will be soon enough, then we will be terribly exposed and vulnerable to another major propaganda attack by the British government.

There is a very real danger that Independence could suffer further serious damage in the next few months. It is not in the nature of Perfidious Albion to allow us time to recover and regroup.

The ‘get Scotland’ strategy team at 10 Downing St will not be taking holidays anytime soon.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

The usual TROLLS are up early today.

You know who you are, eh Heedy and Co.

Grouse Beater

Good likeness of Swinney, Chris.

The right-wing are smart at counting money and knowing where to store it to avoid tax. And they have the money to pay the people who know how to facilitate the laundering. It’s quite a surprise they can’t count election results.

I’m on a short break but here’s

Your weekend reading:

A story foretold: link to
Wondererous Woman: link to

Tam Fae Somewhere


I see J K Rowling got an honour today.

Poor timing by the establishment. I think the emergency services in London this week were much more deserving of any honours.


I know he has his detractors but I enjoyed listening to Robin McAlpine being interview by Derek Bateman on newsnet. There was quite a lot of emphasis on pollitcal framing. I think he makes a valid point about creating a vision of an independent Scotland rather than just saying ‘we want another referendum’. That’s where the YES movement can cover alot of ground.

If we create the vision, and people are attracted by it, if the only party willing to facilitate that are the SNP, then surely it wins back the voters?


BBC Scotland Tells Lies says:
17 June, 2017 at 12:38 pm
The usual TROLLS are up early today.

You know who you are, eh Heedy and Co.

We do. Beeb gimpery take many forms but you’re a new type. So thanks for that :?J



Yku are yet another mealy mouthed, un-informed,forelock tugging, bowing and scraping sycophant.

There is ONLY one way to win or lose an indyref mandate.

A HOLYROOD election.

2012, Edinburgh Agreement was signed and a referendum delivered by the SNP when at WM we had 6 (SIX) MP’s.

Now we have 35 MP.

And those figures are BOTH Irrelevent to the indyref case.

The mandate was won in 2016, at Holyrood.

Get it ?

Robert Louis

Ruth Davidson has gone awfy quiet. Maybe she finds it hard to defend the fact she is actually IN the nasty party.


So Billy Connelly sucks up more to the BE with his wee knighthood. Jk Potter gets another gong.

Any knighthoods for mcternan and the rest of the sooner uppers.


It’s not in proportion Chris, the one with 35 should be a fiar bit higher than the one with 13 than it is in the cartoon!

In fact it should be 2.6923076 times higher than the one with 13, approximately, off the top of my calculator head.


If I were a member of Theresa May’s ‘destroy The SNP’ team, I would advise doing as much damage to the SNP /Scottish government as possible, BEFORE the EU Brexit talks began, or soon after, as the EU will favour Scotland.

We should expect more high intensity propaganda attacks from Westminster soon.


Get it ?

Its all about being non competitive in school now. Everyone’s a winner, in school today, and in this line up especially, unless its you know who.

Tory seats count triple, in the UK, so that means they all win, over the SNP. Its like this now, to keep tory self esteem up, so that there are no losers, only winners, everyone is a winner, unless you’re a Scot, SNP Scot, then you’re really are a loser.

So children, write out a 100 times…everyone wins, in Scotland, except you know who, and they’re getting expelled soon anyway, permanently, it been BBC Scotland ordained, they’re the school governors, they write the rules, they decide who wins, in their Scotland region and its certainly NOT you know who, who are getting expelled, for winning, and back chat. BBC Scotland will NOT tolerate any back chat. They did a decade ago but its been nothing but trouble, for the BBC in Scotland.

Proud Cybernat

“There is a very real danger that Independence could suffer further serious damage in the next few months.”

New poll yesterday showed that in a 2nd snap general election SNP would take 41 seats in Scotland. The BritNat Establishment simply have to crush the SNP as Brexit negotiations get underway. They need to be able to broker an EU deal with Scotland’s resources on the table – which is why, for the BritNats, IndyRef2 simply MUST be off the table FIRST. You cannot bargain with something that, at the end of the day, might not be in you gift to deliver.

The BritNat Establishment is bricking it big time. Nicola has them right where she wants them. She won’t be taking IndyRef2 anywhere until she can see the whites of their eyes.

Scot Finlayson

The real culprits that should be sent for re-education are the gimps of BBC Scotland,

Chief Gimp Donalda MacKinnon,

Glen Campbell,
Jackie Bird,
Sarah Smith,
Gordon Brewer,
Brian Taylor,
Kaye Adams,
Nick Eardley,

working with Kezia,Wullie and especial Ruth, solely to attack our quest for self-determination,

the old adage that `you can`t polish a turd` is made a lie by the deification of Ruth Davidson by the BBC.

Chick McGregor

You don’t do other than brilliant Chris do you?

Perils before Swinney, love it.

Thought balloons left to right.

“Numbers are not my thirty, err or words for that matter.”
“Where’s a buffalo when you need one?”
“I want to take a gap year.”

if the two left hand bars were swapped it might convey a clearer message.

Proud Cybernat

BREAKING: BBC Scotland is demanding that Usain Bolt hands back his 2016 Olympic 100m gold medal because his winning time wasn’t as good as his 2008 win:

2008 Olympics 100m time: 9.69 sec

2016 Olympics 100m time: 9.81 sec

Robert Louis

Proud cybernat at 238pm,

The BBC are right. Clearly Usain Bolt ‘lost‘ in 2016. 🙂


O/T Currently on holiday in the south of France. Saw a luxury campervan from Germany with a silhouette map of the countries of the EU. There was no UK on it. Does not take them long to move on. Obviously missing us already – not.

As for the spineless 3, DDR, now there’s an acronym for you, they are so afraid of maybe having to govern Scotland ( I know I know) as it will expose their inexperience, incompetence and inadequacies. They would rather allow another country to run Scotland than have the backbone to do it themselves.

How people with half a brain cell can vote for these subservient forelock tugging wasters is beyond comprehension.

Robert Louis

Hamish 100, at 115pm,

Ach, I don’t like the honours system either, but honestly, Billy is an old man, and he is very seriously ill, we should just gie him peace, to do what he wants. Who knows, he might just turn up at the palace in the buff, to have the last laugh.

Jack Murphy

Tam Fae Somewhere said at 1:00 pm:
I see J K Rowling got an honour today…….”

Rowling is now enrolled as a Member of the Companion of Honour, and entitled to use CH in her correspondence. 🙂

The Royal Collection:
link to

Meg merrilees

Robert Louis 1.14

tRuthless has gone affy quiet…

I should think there are major nervous breakdowns happening in the Tory party this weekend.

Increasing calls for T May to go.
tRuthless not ready to take up the crown as ‘great and noble, competent leader’ because she has unfinished work here.
Brexit talks start in 36 hours.

Technically, as yet, no government in the UK as the DUP/tory deal not finalised.

Queens speech looming and just what do they leave out of their manifesto and what can they hope to achieve in this Parliament?

Everything on hold because they are having to try and organise something to sort out these pesky poor people in Kensington. (Breweries and urination come to mind)
‘Why can’t they just camp out in Hyde Park just now , it is summer after all?’

Distinct lack on anything approaching leadership – maybe it’s time the military took over -at least they can organise. Send for Colonel Davidson… oh,bother, I remember, she’s not available is she…

Oh what are we going to do?

What an unbelievable mess!
I truly pray that nothing else happens in the next few weeks or the whole sheebang will collapse.


Robert Louis says:
17 June, 2017 at 2:50 pm
Hamish 100, at 115pm,

Ach, I don’t like the honours system either, but honestly, Billy is an old man, and he is very seriously ill, we should just gie him peace, to do what he wants. Who knows, he might just turn up at the palace in the buff, to have the last laugh

Perhaps. But we all know its a reward for loyalty, to the royals and their UKOK state.

We do live in a culture of narcissism, governed by narcissists. However look at Scottish teaching profession now, and more importantly its destroyed reputation.

Scottish teachers and Scottish education has now been completely destroyed by the tory BBC Scotland led media the world over. Ofcourse its a BBC led destruction of a vital profession that will be deemed worth the sacrifice, when/if they do the SNP out eventually.

But we have to ask ourselves, is even just one good teacher in Scotland more life changing and more valuable to Scotland, than watching Sir Billy clown around to amusement of English high tories, Scotch clowning too?

Unionism is ruthless and merciless, but that doesn’t mean to say we have to be even remotely happy about Sir Billy, let alone proud.

Or look at Lady JK Rowling, billionaire, destroyed Scottish independence with her million quid BetterTogether donation, t’was all for own good you see.

Get to France the lot of them.


When interviewed on BBC recently, EIS general secretary Larry Flanagan stated that the quality of education in Scotland was good. Don’t have link to piece but this needs to be quoted when yoons go on about education and SNP needs to be more robust on Pisa results and fact that worst performances plus most cuts in teacher numbers have occurred in Labour controlled councils.


Aye, thae three erses cannae cunnt.

Jist cum roon, efturr yoan albion goal, afore thurr enn. Onnae hin, happnin?

Oarnj in blue – zat richt. Thuv fucktit, thurr tum.

Soonz lik an Independence referendum, wid soartit. Gieit, ah week urr twaw. Jist Scoattlin fur noo. Thoan Europe hing, kin bae soartit efturr.

Proud Cybernat

“Get to France the lot of them.”

Isn’t ‘CH’ Switzerland?

I’ll get me coat on the way oot.


Cuilean @ 11.19am

Your link to the William Stewart article in TES (Dec 2016) about PISA scores and their flaws does not give the full article.

I have posted the link on several threads recently so here it is again

link to

One important paragraph to note in the article is the one that points out that the actual score that everyone goes on about owes more to a computer algorithm than an actual pupil taking the test with pen and paper.

There is also reference in the article to Wales making changes to its education system to prioritise improving its PISA scores which are some of the worst in the UK. It would appear that that has now been quietly dropped.

Conan the Librarian

Remember folks, only plebs get OBEs or MBEs.

The folks that matter get:

Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Knight Commander or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Dave McEwan Hill

Let me underline this. Every SNP CA in Scotland should have parliamentry candidate in place as soon as possible and the survivors we have should be in their constituencies nearly all the time.

In the interim we should be establishing the huge black money operation against honest democracy that the targetted campaign into Tory and LibDem seats at hundreds of thousands of pounds in each of them represented. People wont like to see the truth of that and to think they have been unfairly influenced.

And sturdy defiance is the only appropriate reaction at the moment and a restarted independence campaign

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Louis @ 14:42,

And don’t forget, his “BBC notional time” in 2008 was 9.00s, so it’s even worse than it first seems.

What a loser! =laugh=

Proud Cybernat

So when can we expect a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in Mayhem’s government? Come on Opposition Parties – get your act together & table a motion.

Robert J. Sutherland

Proud Cybernat @ 16:29,

Hold on, there’s still the Queen’s Speech to be got through first! And that alone seems to be taking its “strong and stable” “coalition of chaos” time to fix.

But if you think about it, that vote of confidence you mention could follow at any time of the opposition’s choosing. Including the SNP, note!

The opposition parties might well prefer to let the Tories guddle on into the Brexit mess a lot further and take the (rightful) blame.

There’s sure to be a lot of that goin’ around very soon!


Do NOT rush to conclusions. A Tory from outwith London could well stand for PM.

That nice Mr Mundell has already been annointed by Saint Ruthy, and he is a lot abler than Theresa May,just.

Robert J. Sutherland

Proud Cybernat @ 16:29,

Hold on. There’s still a Queens speech to be got through first. And that’s taking a fair old “strong and stable” “coalition of chaos” time to fix.

As for the “no confidence” motion you mention, it could be that all the opposition parties want to keep that one in readiness for a time of their own choosing. Which note: could be the SNP..

They might well prefer to hold off for a while and let the Tories get well well into the Brexit soup first. Let the blame rest where it is rightfully due.

And there sure will be a lot of that goin’ around very soon.


Legerwood says:
17 June, 2017 at 4:03 pm
Cuilean @ 11.19am

Your link to the William Stewart article in TES (Dec 2016) about PISA scores and their flaws does not give the full article.

Thing is Legerwood, we all know that Scottish education will instantly become the best in the world, the moment massed ranks of beeb gimpery do finally get the SNP out.

It will be a BBC tory gradation performance boost though, beeb gimps will explain and extol the wonders of Scottish ed and the average Scottish kid’s incredible jump in performance, no longer semi literate duhs,(me) but Tolstoy and Shakespeare quoting bibliophiles, the envy of the world… but only if they can get SLab and Kez back in. But imagine the orgasmic BBC Scotland ecstasy, if they really can get a First Minister Ruth D, a real one, not the BBC Scotland fantasy FM Ruth D currently being rammed down our throats?

Corruption doesn’t come close to the tory UKOK propaganda pouring out of Pacific Quay by the whatever it is propaganda is measured by, shit load, a shed load of toodleoo the noo Brians, an giant ejaculation of Glenns, a supernova of Jacky Bird smirks?

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 17 June, 2017 at 12:26 pm:

“The Unionists, led by the Tories, are undoubtedly trying to kill off the Independence movement for good – and sooner rather than later.
It is imperative that the Scottish Government,the SNP and the grassroots Independence movement understand this, and respond accordingly.”

Nah! manandboy, you’re off down the usual side-street as so many independence supporters always are. Where the side-street walkers get the idea that the SG, the SNP and the grassroots are the ones to blame is something the SNP, as a party won’t do anything about but to the more wise independence supporters the facts stick out like the proverbial, “sair thoum”.

If you keep up to date with events in Holyrood, The Scottish Local Councils and in particular at The Westminster de facto Parliament of the Country of England, you will soon become aware that the elected to office SNP members in those places have worked incredibly long and hard doing just what you are suggesting they should have been doing all along.

Unfortunately the Westminster controlled propaganda machinery, in all its many and much varied facets, not only suppress most of what these stalwarts have been doing for so many years, but they distort and bare-faced lie to the voters too. Not to mention the ever present, well rewarded, false news as spun by their fully declared as such, “Spin Doctors”. (and we all know who those Spin Doctors are). Yet why do actual independence and even many rank & file SNP Party members soak up the propaganda like so many thousands of little thirsty sponges?

This very cartoon, and much of the other stuff that the Rev Stu Campbell publishes on Wings, is constantly highlighting just how these lying, cheating reprobates of the media achieve the results they set out to distort. I’m also getting really sick & tired of being targeted here on Wings to the extent I am posting less frequently now. Just what is the point when most of it falls on ears that can hear but will not listen?

It is very disheartening for the elected to office members, and activists alike, to find a constant torrent of our own supporters castigating the SNP for, “Not upping their game”, instead of being aimed at castigating the perpetrators of the lies, spin and omissions.

This in particular in a comments thread that is headed by a really great Chris Cairns cartoon that is a very cutting, but accurate, example of the very thing that I’m commenting upon.

How bloody ironic is that?

I’ll put it even more bluntly for constantly harping on the truth seems to have abjectly failed. The SNP elected to office members are more than doing their fair share in Westminster, Holyrood and out Local Council Chambers. The fault that it is not being reported by the hostile media and is thus not getting through to the general voters lies very squarely upon we rank & file activists if we cannot see where the fault lied and we blame the SG & SNP.

To read the constant Drip! Drip! Drip! on Wings that, “The SNP” Needs to up it’s Game”, is a damn sight more disheartening than anything the unionist cabal can throw at the independence movement.

The cold hard truth is that it is the job of we, the rank & file independence movement, to translate the good, and constant, work of the elected to office members out to the general public.

Remember this old saying, “when you point an accusing finger at anyone, the other three fingers on that hand are pointing back at yourself and the thumb is pointed at Heaven”

Incidentally, here’s another wee factoid. How many Wingers fall into the many traps of the Westminster Propaganda machine such as using the term, “Britain”, instead of the correct term, “United Kingdom”?

How many when also meaning, “The United Kingdom”, say. “The Country”? Also consider this – how many Wingers have sat through a political meeting or a media presentation and NOT objected to a speaker misusing such incorrect terms?

You may consider these little things unimportant, and perhaps pedantic, but they are without doubt the very thin edge of the Westminster Establishment’s Propaganda War edge that has been waged upon Scots since long before there was a United Kingdom.

There you have it and I expect I’ll get the usual attackers here on Wings for my pains – it’s also another of the unionist’s tactics that have gone on since long before Robert Bruce was born.

mike d

O/t out here in sunny lloret at the moment,me and the wife.
Party of students from Stirling uni booked in . some of the lads with rangers tops. Staff asking them,you English,where you from in England,bemused lads reply,we are scoatish. (The free uni English contingent who were partof the group didn’t proclaim any nationality).couldn’t help replying as i walked past them at reception. Now you know lads “you don’t have a country. Indyref2 am i anti English for saying this?.


This, from a twitter follower of Swawkbox, really feel this is directed primarily at the people of England as some references to Academies and David Lloyd etc aren’t applicable UK wide, nontheless worth sharing to relatives in England/Wales etc. I’ve rewritten it as it’s embedded as an image on swawkbox, this way people can copy and paste into email with the link to source.

First they came for the Unions and you said: well they are ruining the country. Then they came for the gays and you said: its best kept out of the schools. Then they came for the City and you said: the Big Bang will free us to spend. Then they came or the council houses and you said: property owning democracy. Then they came for telecoms and you said: it’s good to talk. Then they came for the mutual building societies and you said: £1000 in shares for nothing, bring it on! Then they came for the safety regs and you said: too much red tape for small businesses. Then they came for the railways, shipbuilding and steel and docklands and you said: sad, tired and out of date, time for a new direction. Then they came for the council houses again and you said: my mum bought hers, loadsa money and a new porch. Then they came for benefits and you said: bloody scroungers, sitting in all day with Tricia and huge TV’s. Then they came for the immigrants and you said: about bloody time Henry says. Then they came for Sure Start and you said: our kids had it proper tough. Then they came for councils and you said: live within your means. Then they came for libraries and you said: books are so last century. Then they came for the Arts Council and you said: who watches this crap anyway, give me Andrew Lloyd Webber any day. Then they came for sports centres and swimming pools and you said: we’re fine at the David Lloyds. Then they came for students and you said: about time they paid their way. Then they came for schools and you said: well our Academy is fine actually. Then they came for Primary schools and you said: it’s the parent ps who are the problem really. Then they came for council houses again and you said: nothing wrong with gwpetting the right people in. Then they came for bedrooms and you said: why do they need so much space? Then they came for disability and you said: everyone needs to try to work. Then they came for the NHS and you said: of course it’ll be free, it just has to move with the times. Then they came for the Police and you said: scaremongering. Then they came for the fire services and you said: same. Then Grenfell tower burned and you said: oh dear god! Those poor people. How could this happen?!

link to


@ Robert Peffers 5.05pm

Just a note of appreciation.

The thoroughly researched information and the (necessary) reminders that you put up on Wings is valuable. I have learnt more of our real history and true state of sovereignty from you than from all other sources.

Thank you.

mike d

Robert peffers great post 5.o5pm. As i have a couple of celtic/Scotland tops/vests in my case when i go on holiday,like now in llorett,(i know jammy b””””d).i feel so f””””ng embarrassed to wear a Scotland one. IN fact i feel like every c**t is laughing at me,especially here in catalunya who have an indy ref in October,which they are going to win by a country mile. Good job they have no f****g proudscotbuts living out here.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

The TROLLS are out and about,

Peffers (The Bore)


SNP….time to embrace the Scots Republic?


Robert Peffers says: 17 June, 2017 at 5:05 pm

Robert, I’ve added a sentence in bold type, to a previous comment of mine (12.26pm in which you have criticised me for stuff I simply did not write) to emphasise the only point I was making, viz. the need to be alert to Westminster skulduggery over the summer.

(The edited original)’The Unionists, led by the Tories, are undoubtedly trying to kill off the Independence movement for good – and sooner rather than later.

It is imperative that the Scottish Government,the SNP and the grassroots Independence movement understand this, and respond accordingly, by being very alert over the holiday months of July, August and September.

Should they all continue with their personal holiday plans, at the same time, while thinking that September will be soon enough, then we will be terribly exposed and vulnerable to another major propaganda attack by the British government.

There is a very real danger that Independence could suffer further serious damage in the next few months. It is not in the nature of Perfidious Albion to allow us time to recover and regroup.

The ‘get Scotland’ strategy team at 10 Downing St will not be taking holidays any time soon.’


‘I’m also getting really sick & tired of being targeted here on Wings to the extent I am posting less frequently now. Just what is the point when most of it falls on ears that can hear but will not listen?’

Keep posting Robert, please. This is exactly what those attempting to shut down debate want. We badly need your input in these rapidly changing times, we can’t afford for very good commenters like yourself and YESGUY to bugger off just because of some negative input on Wings. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Wings has as we all know a quite massive readership and that’s great. And whilst yes it’s down to Rev and his helpers in terms of the article’s dismantling the very lies and proganda that you once again highlight that even Indy supporters are falling for.

A great part of the success of this site is the btl comments. Isn’t it interesting since the election last week the increased attacks on you and other regular contributors has become more obvious? More targeted, more vicious? It’s aim apart from silencing those being got at, is to decrease the readership of Wings as they get increasingly pissed off with the fighting below the line on this site.

I do believe and the Rev can correct me if I’m wrong, that he’s increased the rate of articles as a means of addressing this, a very long thread with hundreds of comments inundated with these undermining and personal attacks is difficult to stick with even for seasoned commenters, and most certainly would be offputing to any new comers to the site. Which exactly fits the M.O. of those attempting to quell debate by reducing the site to an internecine squabble between Indy supporters.

Thereby undermining Wings’s powerful voice itself. This is why ah would ask those especially who complain the most about the ‘trolling’ to step up and fight back when they see commenters being attacked for no good reason. We all know who and what I’m referring to and it seems too many won’t stand up for those who have brought so much insight and understanding to Wings over the last few years, when it comes to witnessing these same commenters being attacked over and over again by a handful of others on here who have taken it on themselves to tell us all who’s worthy and who’s not without a shred of evidence to support their claims.

The nastiness has to stop imo, its uncalled for, it’s personal and it’s deliberate. If everyone leaves, what’s left? Daily Mailesque/Scotsmanesque shitshow btl?

Bob p

K1 5.23pm. A brilliant post on the quirks of ‘human ‘nature. Basically we are all selfish b*****ds at heart unfortunately some more than others. F**k you jack and jill I’m alright. An ideology i had always attributed to tory right wing England. But sadly a disease That now seems to have crept insidiously into Scotland. (Any yoons looking in,words like insideous,ideology,attributed,will be translated down your local library. )


Very O/T but here’s what one commenter on the Spectator thinks of coverage in the media of the Grenfell tragedy.

“Yes, the residents and neighbours of Grenfell Towers are very angry with Theresa May

However, the rest of Britain, excluding hard-left Socialists, rabid Europhiles and anarchists – ARE NOT very angry with Theresa May, despite the efforts of the Satellite TV News Channels.

You see, most decent, sensitive, fair-minded people feel very sorry for the victims of Grenfell Towers. But they also understand that the tragedy wasn’t caused by or is the fault of Theresa May.

Look, May is a failed Home Secretary. She is a most useless tactician. And her judgement has been shown to be very poor. But that doesn’t mean she should be blamed for what happened at Grenfell Towers.

Left-wing satellite TV News Channels are always looking for entertainment value. They urged “young people” to register to vote – even though most young people didn’t know what they were voting for and why – PURELY to empower Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign in order to make the election contest that bit more interesting. That it helped to create the political instability we now have – and could have inflicted us with a disastrous Corbyn-led Government – is something that is of no concern to them.

So now we have the satellite TV News Channels trying to make out that the anger and protests connected to the Grenfell Towers tragedy are more widely spread across the country than it is. That is because they have chosen to try to help the political left with their campaign to force Theresa May’s resignation and destabilise her minority Government – ALL for the sake of entertainment.”

Yet they wonder why we call them zoomers. Self awareness deficit I reckon.

link to


mandandboy, can you please point us to the evidence that Indy support has been seriously damaged? By all means have an opinion but please provide evidence to support your assertions. We won the election, Brexit negotiations are apparently about to start on Monday, Nicola is stating stchum, rightly so on the back of the results for the SNP, but nowhere is there any evidence to support your claims of a diminished support in independence?

Why give a toss about what they may or may not do? Brexit will play a bigger part in their own destruction than it ever will in destroying the independence movement in Scotland. We have a mandate for Scotref manandboy, far as I’m aware that still stands.

Robert J. Sutherland

K1 @ 17:59,

I would like to second that. A big upsurge in new posters either regurgitating outmoded diversionary notions or contributing nothing except to directly attack other posters. All an obvious and cynical attempt to cause trouble and pollute the btl here.


Now we know the raison d’être for Easter 1916. Some of us ought to read more history.


Bob p, I would say more a testament to the power of right wing media in selling a lot of that narrative to a gullible and highly misinformed electorate, they have emphatically encouraged that aspect of human nature to the detriment of social cohesion. It has to correct itself and as I said in the post this is primarily directed to the people of England, and whilst I see your point regarding those of a more right wing leaning have indeed fallen for much of same in Scotland, the reality is at the core of our polity, we have chosen a different path. Testament to that we don’t vote for Tory governments in Scotland.

Also just to touch on recent aspects of the fire disaster, we have ensured our council/housing association buildings have applied the more strict criteria, with sprinklers and fire resistant cladding in place thus ensuring people can sleep safely in their homes at night. In short: we give a fuck about everyone in Scotland.

Bob p

2.43pm alba46,that’s our problem,half of ‘scots?.don’t have a f****g brain cell.the the tennents super and Westminster brainwashing has killed it

Bob p

K1 6.22. Hope so,but with more scots? Voting tory . they don’t seem to have a heart,or give a monkey’s about Scotland.


@ Robert Peffers 5.05 – please carry on posting Robert. You have a wealth of knowledge about Scotland’s history and the relevant Treaties that we would be floundering about in the dark without your input.

Ignore trolls totally. They are here to disrupt, distract and discredit. But none of us are fooled by them.

Keep calm and carry on.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Capella stickin up for Peffers.

It’s the same person talkin to himself.

Wise up Wingers


They might get the spirits of some of us down by their attacks but they’ll never break them. That’s their job though, so ignore them.

They have nothing left in the armoury except bullshit that you can spot a mile off. Ignore them, all of them that are here to wind people up. There are a few and I see them on every thread, so do you if you look.

They are a joke so we should laugh at their attempts at division.

Never be cowed just because someone gives you a hard time on Wings, do the opposite and get in there with the head down.


Chris, another GEM.
Only thing missing is the buttons up the back of their heads.

john edgar

It is time for us to keep The Heid! The Tory yoons are being dumped, yet Dabidson lives on, or tries to, in denial. Sums are not her good point.
So no move away from indy2.
Just keep the grid. Watch the yoon Tories being eviscerated.
Jn fact, it is the beginning of the end for the yoonion. Tories down, Labour sagging, even Corbyn did not gain a majority, DemLibs fading out overall.
The Brexit step, whatever, will sink the yoonery.
I don’t think May and Co will go through the process to leave. As they are doomed, they will walk out no deal better than a bad deal is still the mantra.
Corbyn is a yoon too, Westminster centrist, unreconstructed and wears faux socialist clothes. Labour socialism means Londonisation acting as nationalisation!!
Corbyn is a closet hard brexiteer!!


Thepnr says:

Left-wing satellite TV News Channels

My dish must be pointing in the wrong direction. I don’t get any of those. 🙂


For those thinking the tories will risk an election in september, i think you are wrong.

With protests against May and tories, in light of response to the grenfell fire even a change of leader will not save them.

They will not want to risk it until boundary changes kick in as labour will be 80 seats down.

A further election would be a distraction from brexit, unless the torys want an excuse to ditch it and let corbyn win and hold a further referendum on brexit to stay in the EU.


The attainment gap

In Glasgow for a wee drink with some old pals. Is that the pies I here?

Nope around a 1000 OO parading down To George Square. Big WANs wee WANs banging their drums blowing their penny whistles.mRangers to a man and women judging by the latter a tattoo’s

Keeping the north proddy.

I suspect I won’t see most of them at church tomorrow. Being a Presbyterian I find the whole thing depressing.
On the other hand the Indy walk 2 weeks earlier was jokey happy bunch and outnumber the OO 10:1. Of course their fellow yooniists at the other other end of the attainment gap would never sully themselves to go a wee walk. They prefer others to do that.


I don’t often agree with Robert Peffers. And on his latest comment that of critising the SNP’s GE performance as being disloyal and wrong, I find that I am, as usual, I am not in agreement with him.

However, I do deplore some of the trolls’s attacks on him and other regulars that have started to appear out of nowhere. Which proves the point that the Unionists are still very worried. So keep contributing Robert P. even if I strongly disagree with you…don’t let the bastards get you down.

Ian Brotherhood

@Lochside (7.55) –

Well said that Winger.


@ Undeadshaun at 7.52

They will not want to risk it until boundary changes kick in as labour will be 80 seats down.

The boundary changes – if they ever happen – may not be as much of an issue now, especially if the Commission’s recommendations are based on the latest electoral register, including all the new entries.

Here’s what Anthony Wells – who gets paid to think about these things, but may or may not be biased – had to say a couple of days ago:

…. “bias” in the electoral system is a very changeable thing. It is a combination of several factors: turnout, vote distribution, different seat sizes and the impact of third parties. The LSE article linked below is from a time when the system was skewed towards Labour, however in 2015 it moved very strongly towards the Conservatives. Turnout and seat size continued to work to Labour’s advantage, but vote distribution and the impact from third parties strongly favoured the Conservatives producing a very large Conservative advantage. Given a further significant change in the pattern of support this time round (SNP no longer taking almost all the seats in Scotland, Labour moving into a winnable position in many more seats and the collapse of UKIP) that advantage has weakened again in 2017, so the Tories now have a significantly smaller advantage.

From an initial look I don’t think the boundary review as it stands will actually change the balance between Lab and Con seats that much (Tory seats still have larger electorates, so that may be just happenstance and the way the boundary commissions happen to have drawn the seats). That may mean the Tories spend less political capital trying to push them though (the DUP don’t like the proposed boundaries, so it would be a challenge!). Alternatively if the new boundaries don’t help or hurt either side they may go back to being an uncontroversial technical change that goes through on the nod…

link to

His remarks are part of a longer discussion (available at the link I’ve given), but this covers several topics so anyone wanting to see the context would have to wade through a lot of other stuff.

David MacGille-Mhuire

BBC Scotland tells lies and smears. As does STV and the mainstream British media when not simply hyperbolic and lazily thinking within the British establishment box and peddling its narrative.

So does BBC Scotland Tells Lies with the Freudian slip of a handle.

Carry on posting Mr Peffers et al who are attacked by the aforesaid for your insights are gold dust and ought to be collected and published in their own right.

The wannabe 77th Brigade of BritNat trolls who stick their oars in the btl comments here really ought to migrate back to the rabid Hootsmon, Glesca Keelie Steamie, and Daily Zeig Heil for their self-evidently masturbatory purposes, Judas coin of the British “realm” (?), and transparent attempts at divide and rule here.

I smell the stench of Trots and faux libertarian imperialist sockpuppets at work here hand in hand with the BritNat state. Toom Tabards for whom they are servile lackeys.

By all means dispute honestly, but do not do the dirty work of the fragile, collapsing British state on this free thinking site as do ALDO and GWC 2 on James Kelly’s blog where they seek to marr it and his rigorous analysis with red herring, smearing shyte .

In short, feck off.


@Robert Peffers: “. . . to the extent I am posting less frequently now

But, but, but, who else is going to put me in my place when I step out of line?

Seriously, the increase and openness of the trolls is GOOD NEWS, they’ve shot their bolt, and thrown their medals out the pram.

They’re reapidly becoming impotent.

Oh, they already were.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Peffers you are a borin bastard of a Troll.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies


You are another Troll

Ian Brotherhood

What are the qualifications for getting onto BSTL’s ‘list’?

Robert J. Sutherland

Ian Brotherhood @ 20:34,

Appear more often, Ian! =grin=


I hear Boris is in the frame for having reduced the number of counsellors for the London Fire Brigade to 2.
Pity, I was hoping he would be next PM if TM resigns. That would finish off the Tory vote for “a generation”.


Ian Brotherhood says:
17 June, 2017 at 8:34 pm
What are the qualifications for getting onto BSTL’s ‘list’?

Say some thing like, BBC Scotland is a contemporary/modern day Politburo, just much more shameless corrupt, but at least massed ranks of beeb gimps, shills, bullshitters and con artists, are better paid, probably.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

check out the last posts:


Trolls one and all.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“check out the last posts:


Trolls one and all.”

Sigh. I thought we were clear on this, folks. I decide who’s a troll and who isn’t. Any more and people will be feeling the force of hammers.

Tam the Bam.

@Ian Brotherhood … 8-34pm

Why would you want to get onto his list.To verbally disembowel him?….yeh…you may have a point.


Ian Brotherhood

See 😀


@ Ian Brotherhood: “What are the qualifications for getting onto BSTL’s ‘list’?

Sympathy for an unemployed BBC researcher desperately trying to gather material to get back on their books on a sale or return basis.

Dave McEwan Hill

Somebody mentioned 1916. Was that when some Irish chaps with guns marched into the GPO and other sites in Dublin and then had a discussion about the price of stamp in independent Eire and whether they might have to use the Euro? And they chucked it (not).

Here’s a little ditty – probably the best rebel song – written by Dominic Behan who lived in Bothwell and worked for STV.

link to

I was talking today to an ex para officer who said if everybody in UK knew what Britain had done in Ireland we would all be in the IRA.


If it is as clear as that, why is Nicola hesitating on the independence referendum question?

Things are best seen in relative terms, not absolute terms.

The SNP has suffered a major loss in votes.

In not a single constituency did the SNP have 50% or more of the vote.

SNP support stands at 37%.

Like it or not, there has been a major setback to the independence cause.

Pompous, clueless armchair pundits got us nowhere and will lead to our downfall.

Before we can move any forward, we need to grow a spine.


“we need to grow a spine”

Grow a spine, you get an anatomical imabalance = supine.

Ian Brotherhood

@Heedtracker, RJS –


Right, okay, I think I see what’s required: I have to give the impression that I’m just another splinter of a fragmented ‘troll’ personality which shapeshifts into prominent ‘Wingers’?


So, I have to *be* the both of you, Robert Peffers, and Rock as well…


This is going to require some preparation, so I shall crack open a bottle of something special (i.e. Lanliq) and have a think about it.

Cheers chaps!

As you were…



@Ian Brotherhood, Heedtracker, Yesindyref2 and others

Rev’s “About us, Etiquette, para 2” has an email link so that we can ALL report suspected trolls to the Rev. I hope he will be swamped with such emails.

@Robert Peffers 5.05 – I always read your posts and try to learn from them. Please don’t give up. Nil illegitimi carborundum!

Richard Duncan

K1 and all other Wingers ,

Great comments as usual , shame about the troll.

K1 I am still reading Wings daily and will never give up the cause but i am so tired of these Fuds Like GWC , the radge frae Woking and now BTl a miserable shit who contributes nothing but the usual troll pap . He’s not very original and i doubt hired by anyone to troll here.

He’s a lonely spoilt little shit with nothing to say except trash to get a reaction.

We’re probably listed as his best buddies . Trust me that shit has none .

I Need a break from these fuds who have worn me out breaking up topics and am m sorry for ranting last week . I should know better

I am not going anywhere just chillin a bit . I dont feel ive stopped since 2011/12 to now so i need to back off cos it really gets me down.

Wingers you are the tonic . Even if rantin i always feel better here more than anywhere else . I know you all know what i mean .

Enjoyed this thread … and delighted to hear K1 remind us we need to back up other Wingers . We know the trolls . Nice 1 K1

Going for a shower and watch a film . Hope your all enjoying the sunshine . Its a nice wee pick me up too 🙂

Stick together Guys .. we can argue all night among ourselves but B T L and Rock etc they are a poison thats creeping into all the sites these days .

Lochside … Brilliant buddy you made me jump up and shout ” gone ya beauty ” … nearly pulled my spine out 🙂 but it was worth it . Thanks and respect to You Lochside .

Keep writing Robert . Ignore that cretin trolls

night Wingers .

Still lurking .. 😉


heedtracker @ 4.47pm

I know there is a constant drip, drip, drip about Scottish Education failing etc by columnists, btl posters on newspapers etc and they never ever produce any evidence which is why I always try to post on online newspaper sites to demonstrate that, while there may be problems in some areas ( no use pretending otherwise) it is not the apocalyptic picture promoted by those with the SNP bad agenda.

That is why I also post relevant links here so hopefully people will be better informed and not buy into the picture being painted.

Probably a bore on the subject but I did teach for a time so…

Robert Peffers

@mike d says: 17 June, 2017 at 5:33 pm:

” … IN fact i feel like every c**t is laughing at me,especially here in catalunya who have an indy ref in October,which they are going to win by a country mile. Good job they have no f****g proudscotbuts living out here.”

Don’t you believe it, Scotland has very many friends across the World. Many years ago, before the days of cheap foreign holiday packages, I had an old workmate who had been a piper in the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.

Every Fife & Glasgow Fairs Fortnight Old Jock packed his bagpipes and donned his full Regimental Highlander Uniform and had a flight booked for a different country every year.

Jock went free of charge, (except for his air fare), he got free board & lodgings wherever he went. Old Jock saw more of the World’s countries after leaving the regiment than he ever did while still a serving Gordon Highlander.

He always claimed that most countries hated, “The British”, but they loved the Scots.

I had a great collection of Holiday Postcards from all over the World from Old Jock. Unfortunately they got soaked during the Great January Gales, back in the 1960s. Our chimney stack was blown down and came down through the roof. We were the top house in a building that was two stories high but old enough to have very high ceilings. Bits of masonry from that chimney stack made it all the way down to the cellar.

We were very, very lucky not to have gone down with it. If my first wife had not had me shift all the bedroom furniture jus three days before the gales the chimney would have taken us and the bed down with it.


Hey this just in from retweet on Rev’s twitter:

‘The Daily Mail-owned Metro (UK’s most-read daily newspaper) has decided to do in the Tories. This will have a massive impact in Metroland’ :

link to

link to

Get these images spread folks.


Good on ye’s aw! Well said Lochside, YESGUY 🙂 Robert JS 🙂 and Ian, cannae wait tae see ye dain’ the splits 😉


Pompous, clueless armchair pundits got us nowhere and will lead to our downfall.

Before we can move any forward, we need to grow a spine.

and arms, legs, feet and toes, feet toes! Rock.

There was fcuk all to vote on last week or whenever Rock.

We’ve already lost our EU passports, psycho tories wanted an even bigger majority, fuck knows why, the English still decide what happens to Scots, as we all know, they are only going to get a Brexit that suits tory/UKIPer England…SO what was the actual point of schlepping down to the local polling placy in Scotland?

When the next election or referendum that Scots DO have an actual valid say in pops up, then the SNP vote will go up again, hopefully:D

Look at how hard core tory beeb Scotland lick spittle gimpery, made the SNP and Scots gov the only focus of tory English beeb led media attack propaganda, in Scotland and England, despite this Westminster only GE.

SO it worked a bit this time, all they really did was get ALL the yoon vote out in Scotland, put off everyone else, even a lot of the YES vote could see it was a waste of time.

And we can all see that the BBC tory creep show targeted Robertson and Salmond in their cross hairs, for all kinds of reasons, not just because they have a lot of tories and yoons in these constituencies.

So the tory BBC creeps are actually thinking and targeting dark money now, where do they go from this 13 tory landslide of losers?

Salmond and Robertson are no longer the face of the SNP
but that needn’t be such a bad thing. Look at how much effort BBC Scotland had to put in, to totally monster both Robertson and Salmond for us all. Who’s BBC Scotland SNP enemy no.1 now?


@ Legerwood – I like reading your comments and links on education so please do continue. We need facts and objectivity to counter the constant smearing from Labour and Tory alike.
Are there fewer teachers, college places, students from poorer backgrounds, graduates with good degrees (however that is measured)? Or is it spin and misinformation.
We need better information and data for the next election. Which might be soon.


To the rev,when we have a valuable post such as that by
Robert Peffers at 05.05 pm,can it not be used as a “sticky”
iether permanent or for a set period?,under the wee blue

To K1,you can use the free programe onenote to extract text
from an image,saves a lot of typing.

Dont attack the media…become the weeBC.
Independence wont be for just one day.

justin fn minty

Mr puffers your knowledge is far greater than mine and well worth reading
So ignore the trolls and keep posting


Hi Stu, have you been bought off by brittish intelligence.
That would fit their track record.
Obviously you not admit anything.
Life is a bastard.
We will be an independent nation.
Sorry for doubting you.

CameronB Brodie

Goblins from Mars – We Are The Goblins
link to

A bit annoying frankly. 😉


Ah quite like typin’ jockmcx, thanks for the tip though 😉

Tam the Bam.

@Robert Peffers… 9-30pm

‘The January gales….’
Would that have been the hurricane of January 1968 Robert?
I remember it well.Remember the sky was a really scary blood-red colour at the height of the storm.Looked out the window just in time to see a partially completed timber-frame bungalow ‘take of’ and smash itself to smithereens in the fields opposite.A Clyde puffer (Vital Spark class) was blown ashore.It was completely stripped of all brass fittings within 24

Ian Brotherhood

When will the independence-supporting National grow a spine and point out to its 350 buyers that the UNITED KINGDOM is a legally-binding constitutional ‘agreement’ i.e. a ‘TREATY’, and not some UKYoontastic construct wide open to BBC/Toryboy gimpery?

It’s all very-well, the usual armchair warriors banging on about BBCtastic shenanigans, but when Maybot cheerleaders get together with City-boy finger-flickers, there’s no way we can even factor in what SNP diehards were doing in 1958. Is there?

And by the way, Peffers The Bore, Heedytastic-24/7-WOS-fanatic, Rockalicious Round-The-Clock Sutherlanders, Capella and YesIndyref2 can bump their gumloids into the early hours, but they can’t detract from the verifiable, legally-recorded FACT that The Herald and The Sunday Herald are all cheeks of the same proverbial. So they are.

If Nicola would just stop flogging the same spineless horse she might find that there is an ancient tradition of sovereignty which comfortably accomodates MSM wibbly-wobblyness, and nothing Thepnr or that prick Brotherhood can say will EVER change the fundamental RIGHT of Scots to call-out BTL slappers who treat it all as some kind of ‘game.

So there, ya bastards!

Still Positive

Capella @ 9.42

There are fewer college places because the SNP shifted the focus from ‘leisure’ courses to courses where a recognised qualification would get our young people into work.

There are also fewer teachers but also fewer pupils – the pupil/teacher ratio has not changed much.

Many students from poorer backgrounds go to uni via college and that is not reflected in the stats as they are not included.

Liz g

Robert Peffers
Aw Robert,ah did say tae ye …
You would be better tae ignore the little shits.
But you always said that you felt your answers weren’t really for the Troll’s but rather for the others who might no have the information….
So I kind of left you to it…and now they have gotten you down….
But you should know as the others have said you do have support here on Wing’s ….and you can most certainly count on mine…
I think it’s just that most can’t be arsed answering the perpetually stupid,or want to be talking to someone who is being paid to talk to you,and while you have more patience with them than most, it’s a thankless task.
You have more to offer than entertainment for the Troll’s Robert and I too hope you will keep on posting.
But only if you feel up to it!
I would just ask that you think again about engagement with all the usual nutter’s and take good care of yourself.


@robert peffers.

I salute you.


@ Still Positive – interesting. I do remember when Labour moved adult leisure classes from self organising community based groups into Colleges which had been transformed into businesses dependent on bums on seats for their funding. This killed two birds – it ran down community based action and replaced it with top down provision.
I think Cathy Jamieson was the minister in charge.

So if the SNP has pruned the leisure classes out of colleges that is a good thing. But Local Authorities do not seem to have restored the community based groups.

Community action is probably not very welcome to LAs.


Still Positive @ 10.04pm

Opposition parties when talking about young people from disadvantaged backgrounds not going to Uni they always carefully and deliberately stipulate 18 year olds. They ignore those who go via the college route and then transfer in.

St Andrews is always a favourite target when talking about Unis who have low levels of 18 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds but when you widen the age parameter to include those coming via the college route then the uni has quite a large number of undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Those who compile the stats, particularly English based researchers, also ignore or are unaware of this route.


@ Ian Brotherhood – nice try!


Capella @ 9.42 pm

Thank you.

Here are some key points from a report by the Sutton Trust about Access in Scotland.

Some interesting stats.

• In 2013-14, 55% of Scots entered higher education by the age of 30, with 20.9% starting at an FE college and 34.1% going straight to university after school. In England 46.6% entered higher education, with just 6% starting at FE colleges and other non-university providers.
• The gap in university participation between young people from the most and least advantaged areas is higher in Scotland than in the other home nations, although it has closed more quickly than elsewhere. However, Scottish 18 year olds from the most advantaged areas are still more than four times more likely to go straight to university than those from the least advantaged areas. In England, those from the most advantaged areas are 2.4 times as likely to go to university as those from the least, and three times as likely in Wales and Northern Ireland.
• Despite this, there has been improved access for disadvantaged students in Scotland as well as in the rest of the UK. Detailed analysis of Scottish Funding Council (SFC) data reveals in Scotland this has been met almost entirely by the expansion of sub-degree programmes in Scottish colleges. Since 2006, 90 per cent of all the growth in entry into Scottish higher education by disadvantaged students has been through sub-degree courses in colleges. The funded places at the ancients are a notable exception, but there have been few other extra university places taken by disadvantaged students.
• Academically selective Scottish universities are at least as socially selective as similar types of institution in other parts of the UK. Students from managerial and professional backgrounds (NS-SEC 1-3) are over-represented in highly selective universities in both Scotland and England, and this gap has not narrowed between 1996 and 2014.
• Analysis using HESA benchmarks shows that there are important differences between the overall characteristics of the Scottish and English university sectors, with Scotland having a greater proportion of higher tariff, or more academically selective, institutions, whilst England has a higher proportion of lower tariff institutions. This reflects the fact that England has a relatively large number of post-92 universities, providing more places for students with lower academic qualifications.
• Interviews with Scottish policy-makers showed that there was strong support for the principles of widening access. Contextualised admissions approaches were particularly endorsed, but there was a lack of detail about their use and effectiveness. Where there is very strong competition for places, reserving a certain number for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds seems to be an effective way of increasing their representation””


@ Legerwood 10.27 – that’s exactly the kind of info we need to have readily available. During the election campaign Nick Robinson insisted Nicola stick to education, “stick to your record” (which he clearly thought was bad).
Most of us aren’t clued up enough to argue the case with unionists. But we need to set the record straight before the next election. Thx

Cadogan Enright

No, not as good as usual

Chris should have had ‘BBC’ written on the back of the kids seats

Grouse Beater

Thanks for that, Ledgerwood. I read it when it was first published, and could see it’s not in the least damning of secondary to university numbers, but instead cherry picked by opponents of a separate nation state.

The problem, or one aspect of it, has to be universities favouring foreign student intake for their fees.

Cadogan Enright

@Capella +10:39 pm @ Legerwood 10.27

– preschool education v’s 3 other UK regions as well as . . . .
– class sizes in primary school in 4 UK regions
– c;ass sizes at secondary school in 4 UK regions
– 55% to third level – 45% in England and about 50% here in NI

Beats me why SNP seem to have trouble smacking down the BBC

Ian Brotherhood

@Capella –

I’ll get meself on that list, by hook or by crook!


To Ian Brotherhood @ 10pm:
Lanliqtastic multi-personality ‘trolling’! 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@David –

Thanks amuch.

Next time, I will imbibe only ‘Eldorado’, thus creating yet another alter-ego whose voice will, hopefully, be merited as ‘listable’.

The road is long, but the first steps have been taken – we are *all* trolls, whether we realise it or not!



My Herald comment:

Scotland voted for the EU, England voted to leave. Why does Scotland have to do the same as England?

Even from the first days of the Union, the Articles of the Treaties upheld that Scotland could be different: different religion ( Church of Scotland) and different legal system ( Scots Law) are just two examples.

Several EU politicians have intimated they would be friendly towards Scotland remaining. There is a precedent for it. Denmark / Greenland.

Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but is not part of the EU, whilst Denmark is part of the EU. So, we already have an EU member where part of the member state is not part of the EU.

I’m sure we’ll get the old chestnuts: “It was a UK referendum. Scotland voted to stay part of the UK.” So what? As I pointed out, the UK could be part in / part out.

Scotland did vote to stay part of the UK in 2014. Scotland was never asked: if England votes to leave the EU must Scotland also leave not only the EU, but also the Single Market?

Scotland’s population have already voted in favour of the EU. Scotland’s parliament has already voted in favour of the Single Market. The Scottish Parliament is Scotland’s democratic voice as its members were proportionally elected to reflect all political views.

The issue is Europe, but there is also the issue of Scottish democracy being denied by WM Govt.

The UK Govt could have easily settled this by respecting Scotland’s democratic decision to Remain. It could have allowed the ScotGovt to enter talks to discuss Scotland remaining in the EU or Single Market.

There would have been no reason for another indyref if Scottish democracy, Scottish sovereignty within the Union had been respected.

If Scottish sovereignty had been respected it could have strengthened the Union, instead the: one size fits all, WM is sovereign and “Scotland should bend the knee” mentality will be the destruction of the Union.

Ironically, it is the Unionist Party that is destroying the Union.


Ian B/Hood says;


A wee song for all of us Trolls, Ian
link to
Peace Always Brother

Robert Peffers

@K1 says: 17 June, 2017 at 5:59 pm:

“‘I’m also getting really sick & tired of being targeted here on Wings to the extent I am posting less frequently now. Just what is the point when most of it falls on ears that can hear but will not listen?’”.

“Keep posting Robert, please. This is exactly what those attempting to shut down debate want. We badly need your input in these rapidly changing times,”

Oh! I’ve no intention of stopping posting, K1. It takes a bit more than the stupid, far too obvious, idiots to upset me. What is getting to me is the constant complaining by Indy supporters who have obviously been taken in by the Westminster propaganda when it is they who should be getting the truth out to the voters.

Note that many such complainers will say, “The SNP should do something about (whatever it is they perceive to be a fault of, “The SNP”. So either they are not card carrying SNP members or they have some other axe to grind.

If they are indeed members then it is long past time they woke up to the fact that THEY are the SNP. The SNP is not like other parties as the other parties are top down virtual dictatorships. The leaders of the unionists parties shout jump and the members ask, “How High”?

The leader of the SNP, and those holding office or who are elected to a parliament or council, do not dictate SNP Party policy. Policy in the SNP can only be made by the delegates, (appointed by the grass roots membership at branch level), at National Conference.

Thus if any member has a difference of opinion with and existing policy and wants to propose an amendment to existing party policy they only need to get a seconder to propose a motion at the branch. The same goes if they want to propose a new policy.

That doesn’t mean that it will be accepted to go to Annual Conference for others in the branch may oppose the motion or raise amendments and then it will be debated by the branch and voted upon.

Neither does it follow that every member must agree with everything that the party accepts as policy or with everything the party says. What it means is that we all accept the democratic will of the party and if we cannot do that then we must resign our membership.

That’s what I mean when I say I’m sick and tired of indy supporters constantly complaining that, “The SNP”, needs to do this, that or the other. If they are party members then they should take their complaints or ideas to the branch. If they are NOT members but claim to support independence then no one else but the SNP are going to win independence for them.

For example I personally know several people who want Scotland to be independent and for them independent means independent of everyone else in the Universe. That is even more stupid than Brexit – and that’s totally stupid.

Isolationism doesn’t work. It was mainly USA isolationism that brought about the First, “Great Depression”. Furthermore, look at such as North Korea and see what isolationism brings to a country. Yet there are numpties posting here on Wings who would rather vote Labour to keep the Tories out and who very well may have actually let the Tories in.

There are others here who claim that if Scotland remains in Europe then they are jumping from the frying pan into the fire. They have obviously been taken in by the Westminster propaganda.

The EU parliament bears no resemblance to the Westminster de facto parliament of England for every member state has a veto and that means consensus governance for if a single member can stop and EU action then only things with a consensus can be passed. Not only that but the EU presidency changes every six months and every member state gets its chance to appoint one of their elected members as EU President for the next six months and it is the presidency that sets the EU agenda for the next six month stint.

Same goes for those who advocate EFTA. What is to be gained by joining EFTA? You pay the same into the EU as full members state but you get no say in the running of what you pay for. Thus you are helpless to make changes if you do not like them. If you are a member of the EU and you strongly stand against any EU policy then you just veto it and it doesn’t get passed.

Independence is being free to take part or NOT take part in any particular matter but still all working together in the best interests of everyone. No country can prosper in isolation for all countries need to trade and all countries must stand together or there will be, (as now), or there will be wars.


BBC tell lies — we know that.

Do you tell the truth?

As for the trolls WOSC should at least realise that they are just Tories including Scottish Labour
Who are worried that the Indy movement is still here.

Scot Finlayson

@ BBC Scotland Tells Lies

I`m also a Troll.

Ian Brotherhood

@Smallaxe –


Cheers man – that short vid is creepy, but it will help unite us WOS Trollers.

Rock will love it!


@ BBC Scotland Tells Lies at 7:06 ….. “Capella stickin up for Peffers. The same person talkin to himself. Wise up wingers.”

I’m sticking up for Robert Peffers also. Maybe he and I are one and the same too? Robert Peffers a man with multiple personalities and pseudonyms?

You, BSTL, actually come across as Rock talking to himself.

People like you are clearly on here to disrupt this site and in the main to target individuals who are extremely influential in getting knowledge / the truth across.

Robert I’m sure the ‘attacks’ must be very wearing indeed, but don’t fall into their trap. Keep on trucking.

I’ve mentioned that SNP ‘communications’ could be improved but other than that think that they’re doing an amazing job, especially under the circumstances, such as lack of control over the economy, employment etc, but more than anything dealing with the total onslaught from the Establishment and their MSM lackeys. The “drip, drip, drip” comments on here are being used of course to undermine our cause. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that some so-called Independence supporters, charlatans, have been posting on here for a few years now. In other words people that we think we can trust. One in particular stands out for me.

And on another subject entirely it would really help if Inform Scotland would focus (billboards) on the education fiasco that has no doubt totally undermined the SNP position: Our Achilles heel. For example it’s interesting to note that research findings show that 16-19 year olds in England are the most illiterate young adults (school leavers) in the developed World and second bottom in relation to numeracy. I wonder why the MSM seem to be loathe to mention this?


Ian B/Hood;

It’s Rock and Troll music!

Peace Always Brother

Chick McGregor

its not the Trolls we have to worry about so much. its the moles.


A wee reminder of this part of the rules: “And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally. And that includes calling them “trolls” or implying they’re undercover Unionists. We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.

If you know what a “troll” is, then you’ll also know that getting you angry and talking about them, derailing the conversation off the subject, is exactly what they want.

Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives, and DEFINITELY don’t engage in on-thread discussions about whether they’re a troll or not.”

Meg merrilees

Well who saw this coming? Rock and hard place it seems.

The Sunday Times:

“T May has 10 days to save premiership”.
The prime minister has 10 days to save her premiership by showing “she is fit to lead”, the Sunday Times reports. The paper says confidence in Mrs May has been in “free fall” in Tory ranks and constituency bosses have told ministers and MPs to force her from power.

The Sunday Telegraph:
May faces threat of ‘stalking horse’ leadership challenge

The Sunday Telegraph focuses on the danger Mrs May’s leadership faces from Eurosceptic Tory MPs if she “waters down” Brexit. The paper says the MPs are prepared to mount an immediate leadership challenge if she attempts to keep Britain in the customs union and single market – measures regarded as a “softer” form of Brexit.

Ian Brotherhood

@smallaxe –

🙂 🙂 🙂

You’re proving me wrong mister – common decency is, so far, remarkable, astonishing, whatever-other-word…

Poor ‘trolls’ haven’t a fucking scooby, eh?



Just wondered if this document interests anyone:

link to

It discusses EFTA trade deals compared to the EU trade deals.


Chick McGregor;

Moles can be got rid of by calling in the Moudie Man, I’m sure Mr Peffers can enlighten us on this subject.

Peace Always

Eckle Fechan

For those about to satirise with genius, we salute you. That’s in the Top 10 Chris, surely.

Meg merrilees

Just seen the Rev’s tweet:

link to

T May is cancelling next year’s Queen’s Speech.

This means that the tories can stay in power for two years.
It also means that the tories can dodge controversial Commons votes that could topple the PM until after Brexit.

We no longer live in anything approaching a democracy!
This woman has to go.


@ Meg merrilees

She has to get that far first!

If all the predictions of an autumn election are right, including the likely outcome, she won’t be in a position to have or not have a QS.

Elsewhere, I’ve read about both a poll showing support for a “soft” Brexit (no link yet – Survation for the Mail on Sunday) and Tory MPs threatening to depose her if she back-tracks on a “hard” Brexit (link to

(And it’s nearly all her own fault – Cameron is to blame for the EU referendum, though she may have condoned it.)


Oh ah dae like ‘Rock and Troll’ class Smallaxe, pure class 😉


Looks like the three learners are day-dreaming (are always distracted).

Ah like yer vertical graffiti tag on the classroom wall cc.

Hmm, maybe they’re colour ‘number-blind’.

To learn is to live.


Live it.



The Tories know she has to go now, Grenfell has to have a big ‘head’ rolled, otherwise the unrest will become greater, they will fight it too because they know this is Corbyn’s chance, the numbers don’t stack up in terms of him forming a government though, as the Tories will vote against it (queen’s speech, budget) as a bloc with DUP and most likely Libdem support. Therefore no ‘stable’ gov can be formed. They have to have another leaders fight too, so yeah pretty much autumn. Where does this leave ‘Brexit’ though and more saliently what will EU response be if this panned out this way?


I think the Herald is trying to commit hari-kiri with this article:

link to

Never mind the rest of it which is bad enough, look at the “Ten Mormon Commandments” which is a total figment, and worse.


Mmmm, Wackamole.

link to


Mayhem’s got no chance now. She’s a clear and present danger to this level of power and wealth. There’s probably nowhere else in the world where extreme wealth like this is tolerated by the populace.

link to

The Queen spends one third of her working year at Buckingham Palace, which is effectively her administrative headquarters, even though it is her least favourite royal residence. Dating back to the 17th century, the palace has 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. First used as a palace by Queen Victoria, it has not been redecorated since 1952.

About 300 staff work in the palace and up to 125 will move into temporary accommodation in the garden during the refurbishment.”

and on it goes.


THOU SHALT NOT BE CHEEKY TO Lady JK Rowling, by order. The Guardian.

link to

Wonder why Graun left out Lady JK Rowling’s million quid BetterTogether donation in 2014? She got what she paid for, and that’s what the UK is all about really.


You know, the politics of the UK is in chaos. Full on, full tilt, train wreck mode. The UKs populations and society are fractured beyond obvious means of repair. There is very real economic misery, depression and hardship wherever you look, and this in a 21st century union awash with wealth. The priorities of the Westminster system of government have never been more transparent, or more exposed. What they themselves have done to the populations of the UK, never more apparent.

Their narrative. Their manipulations of public opinion. Their ‘big boy’s politics’. Their power struggles. Their manufactured divisions and their greed.

That there are those who support this system, its appalling and historic inequalities and the effects it has on the lives of others is beyond doubt and says a lot more about their humanity than any amount of debate or argument. It’s also between them and a mirror.

There are good people here on this site. They’re concerned, engaged, informed, intelligent, often funny and ALWAYS determined in the face of the worst. THAT tells the reader what they need to know about their humanity.

So make a choice on who you’d rather spend your time reading or talking to.

If there are those who cause you distress when reading, walk on by and look for a familiar and friendlier face. Look to where you’ll find a warm welcome, an intelligent and reasoned comment or insight. Or mibbies just a silly joke or a kind word when the world is caving in around you.

Life’s too short and we’re too damn busy trying to get through it in one piece.

To recap: Leave the policing to the author. If you don’t like the cut of a poster, then move on as soon as you see the name. A couple of comments is all it takes to size someone up in your own opinion as worth your time or not. Find friends and faces you can talk to, or take informed comment from and above all…

… ensure you enjoy the experience.

Most folk here are friends or friendly (shouty fallouts among friends aside) and the vast majority want exactly the same thing. To make where we live a better, more sustainable, peaceful, ‘strong and stable???’ (cough) place for everyone. A nation where fully empowered government puts food on the table. I reckon we’re capable of that.

Not a complicated wish list tbh, but I’m not a complicated guy and that idea suits me just peachy.

Right! Get on with your reading then. 🙂



link to

What now? Options for Brexit – And a cry for help
link to

Are the English Fit to Govern Themselves?
link to

link to


Right on time Nana.


See my post directly above.

NANA = National Treasure. 🙂


BBC have discovered our food and drink exports are up 10%. Possibly it’s safe to reveal these figures now that the election fever is over. But if you are worried that BREXIT will kybosh this success, worry no more. Gove says that UK will export to the rest of the world instead.
(Not parts where alcohol is banned obviously.)

Whisky and salmon boost food and drink exports – link to


@ Mr Peffers – 18 June, 2017 at 12.12 am

Well said. Excellent. Could not agree more. Just keep posting.rolling, rolling on. Rolling on to good governance and Independence. Your posts are amazing and so informational. Well done.

There has never been in Scotland such good governance. In spite of adversity and major problems created outwith Scotland. .

May has to go. ASAP. This rocky horror show can’t continue. There will be civil unrest in the rest of the UK. The debt will keep rising. The Tories will destroy the world economy, Corbyn/Labour policies are just as incompatible. They will likely be a disaster. The Labour/Unionist policies and Manifesto are just as incompatible. The Labour Party are split in the EU. They intend to support Brexit. McDonnell supports hard. Corbyn is indecisive. They will not balance the books or give good governance. None of them can count or read a balance sheet. They lie consistently. It will be another disaster waiting to happen, like before. The ‘winter of discontent’. Illegal wars, banking fraud, and tax evasion. Poverty, misery and death for too many people in the world, which could have been avoided.

Westminster Unionist criminals caused the worst migrant crisis in Europe since WW11. The mess they have made of the world economy is absolutely appalling. It will continue to affect adversely. Damaging the economy and the people. Unless Scotland keeps on votng SNP, SNP for good governance and votes for Independence in the EU by a majority. Or the future for Scotland and the world will be an unremittant disaster. Democracy is dead in the UK. Westminster criminals have stolen democracy and are getting away with it. They commit criminal acts that go unpunished with impunity. The break the Law and hide it under the Secrets Act.

People will be disappointed again as Corbyn/McDonnell’s policies are incompatible. The support of Brexit by the Labkur Party will be another disaster. Labour/Unionists are useless always have been and always will be. Just as bad as the Tories (worst) LibDems, Greens. All the Westminster UK Parties. Especially for Scotland. Having £20Billion a year taken from Scotland to be wasted by Westminster/Unionists on policies for which a majority in Scotland do not agree. Poor management. Labour administration will be another disaster. The Labour Manifesto is incompatible with good governance, Especially in Scotland. Another Labour Gov will be a disaster.

Corbyn/Labour opposition could have taken taken Cameron down. All this major disasterous mess could have been prevented. Labour and the rest of them are just as culpable. They backed up the Tories in everything they do. Just like the rest of them. Voted through or abstained on every aspect of austerity. Killing people etc. They vote or abstain. More illegal activities. In cohoots. Corbyn/Labour told a lot of lies. They started an internal in fight. Instead of fighting the Tories or wanting to fight the Tories. They would rather fight each other. Another disaster waiting to happen.

Could it get any worse. It certainly won’t get better, especially for Scotland. Until people keep on voting SNP, SNP for better governance and Independence by a majority. To get away from the toxic Union and the ‘psycho bastards’ Unionists who have tried to destroyed the Scottish economy since 1928 and before. Keeping their criminal behaviour secret under the Official Secrets Act. Scotland being lied to consistently and brazenly by crooks and charlatans of the Westminster Unionist administration,

Independence in the EU is the only way for Scotland to go. Totally compatible with other EU left of centre countries. England has turn to the right. The Tories are a right wing Party. Out of step with European values. The extreme right wing element (racist, facist) has taken over the Party no other options. The bridges have been burnt. Disaster after disaster.

Corbyn now believes his own publicity. A dangerous situation for democracy. The great hope will be another unmitigating disaster. He stayed in a Party as a reorresentative, whose every policies he disagreed with for over 30 years. For a comfortable and easy life. Enjoying the privileges and the luxury of dissent without any responsibility. Without any conscience. Indtead of resigning. Instead of going off and doing something useful. Another completely useless Labour Party member. He can’t count or read a balance sheet. Just like the rest of them. Lying criminals.

It is disgusting to see the rats in a sack after slating Corbyn come out of the wood work and trying to snake it. Appalling. It is interesting in Scotland to see people voting for a candidate/Party who return E-mails quickly, but are also killing people. A swiftly returned e-mail is more important to some voters than innocent people being killed and Trns of taxpayers funds being wasted. The economy a downward disaster. In decline which will affect the poorer, and most vulnerable the most. Without intervention.

The MSM still at it. Lying and manipulation, regurgitating to cause confusion. Especially in Scotland Ruinig their own industry. People getting more anxious and ill every day. Worrying and not sleeping. Increasing (mental) health problems. Scared into submission by manipulating dangerous forces. No Democracy. No free and fair Press. Democratic rules being suspended. Not in the public interest and against the majority wishes.

Just keep on voting SNP, SNP for better governance and vote for Independence. After Independence is achieved. Vote for any credible representative of choice. Change the voting system by mandate if that is what people want.

Please stop the recrimination in Scotland. (On wings) It is not healthy or helping. Everything is nit always perfect. If there are complaints take them to the right quarters. HQ or Scottish Gov website to make a complaint. Or the elected representative. Write a letter etc. The SNP is the only vehicle for success, Heads and shoulders above the rest. Stop the attacks on the best government (SNP) Scotland has ever had and could do even better.

Scotland Independent in the EU is the way to go. Democracy upheld. One person one vote. FPTP. The majority support it for good reason. Not all the other manipulated systems. Deliberately designed to confuse and get ill gotten gains. Getting rid of the third rate rejects,The liars, charlatan and crooks from the Unionist Parties.

The Union and democracy in Britain is dead.



Lol, have a few more links for perfect timing!

link to

Sun journalist ‘impersonated Grenfell Tower victim’s relative at hospital’
link to

link to

link to

Robert Peffers

@daodao says: 17 June, 2017 at 12:01 pm:

” … Another bad GE result for the SNP and independence really will be off the agenda for a generation.”


You’ll be telling us next, daodao , that Ruth Davidson won the GE with a massive, “Ruth Davidson, (Not the Tory Party)”, landslide majority and the Scottish Labour Party, (sic), came second with The Scottish Liberals a close third and the SNP floundering a very poor fourth and just ahead of UKIP.

Didn’t you see that wee graph up there /|\ in the cartoon, daodao?

It says the SNP ONLY managed to scrape up a meagre 35 seats while the RD, (Not the Tories), had a massive 13 seats and the SLAB had an excellent 7 seats with the LDs on a very creditable 4 and left the SNP trailing UKIP’s nane ava with a derisory 35 being a really, really bad performance.

Sheesh! You must think we indy voters are a right bunch of numpties if you fondly imagine that we will sop up that rectally sphinctered bovine waste matter like it was ambrosia.


Voters in Scotland can help save the world economy. Scottish invention and theory shaped the modern world. TV, wireless Communication – on to the internet. Medical discovery. Invention and discovery which changed the world, One of the first countries to have tertiary education and still committed to excellent education. Supported and respected worldwide. Amazing for such a relatively small country. Pity about the Unionists rabble.

Scotland has one of the best education/NHS in the world. There could be even more improvement without the lies and duplicitous meddling of the Unionist Parties. The wasted Scottish resources. Incompatible policies without any thought. They can’t count or read a balanced shert They are ignorant and out of touch. Without the proper knowledge. Not supporting the majority or respecting people’s wishes. They are still intent on destroying the Scottish economy. Against the majority wishes and the public interest. Trying to destroy Democracy. One person one vote etc.

The SNP has done more for Scotland in over five years than the Unionist did in over fifty years. A complete wipe out of useless Unionist rep is necessary. The problems that remain are a result of fifty years of irrelevant Labour/Unionist policies, which have and are having to be be addressed. With dire limited powers because of lying Unionists. Complete incompetents, with limited knowledge or the necessary qualification.

The illegal taking of Scottish resources. Kept hidden under the Official Secrets Act. Still going on today. Scotland exploited and the proceeds wasted, Westminster commiting even more crimes. The Unionist Parties are a complete disaster for Scotland in every way. They do not believe in Democracy, but want to preserve their rights and privileges while stamping on everyone else’s. .


Nana: Good Morning, it’s a beautiful day here. Thank You for Your Links.
Kettle’s on! Peace Always


BBC R Scotland – lengthy PPB on behalf of the Labour Party ATM in the guise of an interview with somebody born and educated in Glasgow and a Labour councillor and ex Provost. Didn’t catch the name.

Harking back to the glory days of Labour dominance. Glasgow is the powerhouse in everything. Wonderful City deal. The first city to get a city deal outside the English cities.

Discussing reorganising LAs and direct funding of LAs to bypass Scottish Government. Good idea if you don’t like the SNP.

Feeds into the usual Tory ploy of divide and rule. In the NE they tell people that the Central Belt gets all their money.


Good morning Smallaxe, lovely day here too.

Latest from the dictatorship

Brexit: 2018 Queen’s Speech cancelled by government
link to


Thanks for the links Nanna, as always. Amazing. Great effort.

Gove has a privileged, entirely free education. Imposed massive fees on others. A total incomprehensible self seeking individual who would do anything for remuneration. Enough is never enough for some conniving people. A liar who supports criminal activity who should have been brought to book,but just gets away with it. In Murdoch’s pocket. Repulsive. Responsible for maiming and deaths of vulnerable people, worldwide. The citizens they are supposed to care for and represent. Treated appallingly.


Nana; Re. Skwawkbox D notice
link to

Peace Always


When you look at what the EU is saying, it’s impatience, comments like “I can’t negotiate with myself”, and then you look at the UK with a government which cannot even successfully negotiate its inaugural Queens Speech, then you consider the small army of trade negotiators which Brexit is going to demand, (and demand right now, they’re already too late), it is very hard to see any other conclusion to this farce besides the UK crashing out of Europe with no concessions or deals whatsoever from Europe.

The day after, UK planes stop flying, and Kent becomes a massive lorry park for the armada of U.K. Lorries held up at customs waiting for clearance while their perishable cargos rot. Meanwhile our supermarket shelves run out of produce, and in a heartbeat the UK has thriving black market for essentials. People are told not to come to work today.

There isn’t any magic bullet to make it all go away. Even to retreat on Brexit and now try to remain would cost the UK billions in concessions, and it is difficult to see how any U.K. Government promoting any Remain alternative could square that stance with the right wing xenophobic Britnats being agitated by the same old bad penny Farage.

We are on board the Titanic, but instead of being entertained by the band playing on, we are being treated to slapstick comedy sketch in the bridge.

If this Tory UDP government is about to collapse, in hours, days, weeks or even months, another U.K. Election is most assuredly going to seal the deal that the UK is doomed to its worst option of the hardest possible Brexit.

I actually do not understand why Corbyn would actually want to win the Premiership in such dire circumstances. To rise from the ashes like a Phoenix requires the burning process to first be complete. It seems somewhat inappropriate even to consider having anybody else except a Tory in the driving seat while that burning stage is still in progress. They are afterall the mighty paragons of fuckwittery who have created this mess. It is right and proper that it should consume them.

When it happens, when the deck beneath our feet begins to tilt and objects begin to slide about, when the water level seems to be rising and getting angry, people scream when the lights suddenly go out because the boilers have failed, in the midst of of the ensuing panic while people begin to squabble over lifejackets and seats on a life boat, it is then that Nicola Sturgeon is going to appear on the horizon aboard Scotland’s own Carpathia, steaming at full speed to our assistance, and we will praise the lord for it.

We will wonder how she managed it then read the ship to ship signal and then cheer….A….N…T…I…C…I..PATION!!!

No appetite for a second referendum? We will grab it with both hands and weep because we cannot save more souls.


Ooft…that Finan O’Toole article in the Irish Times pulls no punches Nana, beautifully articulated, exquisitely executed denouncement of the DUP’s fantasy love in wi the Tories. More of this kind of writing in our political discourse is needed badly, pity we’re stuck wi amateur drama queen’s fur journalists in Scotland.

Dave McEwan Hill

A major objective of that unwanted General Election was to get IndyRef 2 off the table. Nice to see the confused Sunday Herald supporting them.

So very glad Tommy Shepherd is not leading our Westminster Group. He wants the SNP to have a more radical edge to combat Jeremy Corbyn. We are not in battle with Jeremy Corbyn. We sadly got sucked into the binary Labour/Tory scuffle which cost us plenty. Axctually Corbyn merely restated political opinion that used to be mainstream truths. I wonder if Tommy has considered seriously the really radical idea of seeking independence which allows you all sort of radical opportunity.



I watched it last night, a link on twitter. In any normal country this should bring down the government. But we have a media intent on shielding them and why has Corbyn not called for a vote of no confidence.

Also have you noticed how the Manchester bombing has fallen off the radar, MI5/6 involvement needed wiping away quickly.

‘Tin foil hat’…. I’m needing a suit of armour never mind a hat.

Robert Peffers

@Tam the Bam. says:17 June, 2017 at 9:54 pm:

“Would that have been the hurricane of January 1968 Robert?”

It would indeed be, “The One”, Tam, I hope never to see another one – ever. It was quite amazing that it cut a path right across Scotland with both sides of the path almost untouched.

It shows the way a nuclear incident, at the Clyde Base, would send a cloud of contamination through the Forth & Clyde valley. The Forth & Clyde valley forms a funnel for wind that really never stops blowing.

I worked for a while in Rosyth Dockyard’s Yard Services and often had to work on top of the big cranes. Even in what seemed like a very calm and still day at ground level, (in the Dockyard that’s sea level), there was a significant breeze up on those big cranes.


Breeks says:
“No appetite for a second referendum? We will grab it with both hands and weep because we cannot save more souls.”

Well put as always my Friend, we have wept long and hard in the past and I am certain that because of our true compassion for others we will have more tears to shed but in the end, we shall weep tears of joy for our free nation.

Peace Always

Brian Powell


Talking about Kevin McKenna, sorry, journalist drama queens, there is still one issue the article fails with and that is the clue in the DUPs name, Democratic Unionist Party. That Union isn’t with Scotland but with England.

There were the allegations that the British Army and the police worked with the armed groups from the Unionist parties in targeting members of Sinn Fein.

winifred McCartney

How many people lived in Grenfell tower and how many survivors are there? Why is no one asking these questions – is this the latest bbc/msm cover up or protection of the government. This information must be available and any journalist worth their salt should be able to find out.

We should all be angry, very angry.

gerry parker

Cadogan. The “kids” are Dugdale, Davidson and Rennie.


We all need suits of armour, Nana, The fire at Lakanal in Camberwell had killed six people in 2009, the Great Fire of London killed the same amount of people, even though it destroyed 70,000 houses, some people are more interested in Beyonce having twins or who wins Britain’s got Talent. Britain’s establishment has a great talent for diverting attention from its creepy and evil agenda.

Peace Always

Robert Peffers

@Liz g says: 17 June, 2017 at 10:15 pm:

” … Aw Robert,ah did say tae ye …
You would be better tae ignore the little shits.
But you always said that you felt your answers weren’t really for the Troll’s but rather for the others who might no have the information….”

Seems I may not have made myself clear, Liz g. It isn’t the Trolls that get me down for I expect them to be anti-SNP.

It is those who are actually independence supporters who are so badly affected by brain washing by the MSM, and the BBC in particular, that they are wrongly and openly hyper critical of the SNP. These people are badly misinformed, and no doubt not really aware of the corrosive effect they have on the independence movement.

They are well intentioned but sadly unaware of what they are doing to the moral of the movement. I speak, for example, of an indy supporters who cannot, or will not, differentiate between what constitutes Britain and the United Kingdom. Also Like comments made by declared SNP members that begin with remarks like, “The SNP need to … “. The point of that particular type of thing is that THEY ARE the SNP, but are acting as if the SNP were only the elected or employed officials of the party.

Instead of airing their dirty linen in an open public forum they should get themselves down to their local branches and raise their concerns there. This is the point of SNP membership – every member has the same number of votes on party policy as has Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond or indeed Ian Blackford, Joanna Cherry, Drew Hendry or Tommy Sheppard.

The SNP is a bottom up set-up – not a top down one like the other political parties. Furthermore, party officials, like Nicola’s husband and the elected to parliamentarian & councillor members, have much more on their plates than getting the real facts out to the voters for their good work in the likes of Westminster and Holyrood is deliberately under reported by the actively hostile newspaper, (sic), media and broadcasters.

Yet these SNP members still criticise the officials as if the members themselves are just the same kind of party, “sheeple”, as are all the unionist party members. The grass root members of the SNP ARE the SNP. They dictate policy to the party not the party dictating policy to the membership.

Yet I hardly ever read Wings without some winger or other deeply critical of, “The SNP”, saying, “The SNP needs to … “.

Drip! Drip! Dripping! on Wings is going to achieve nothing but getting down to the branch and actively broaching a grievance there will bring about change. If you do not believe me then consider this – Alex Salmond, (and Margo McDonald), were once thrown out of the party as being too left of centre by the then SNP hierarchy. Only for them to return and be supported by the grass roots membership to take over and move the party to where it stands now.

My point is that instead of complaining on Wings, and most of the time being wrong, these complainers should by using their energies to big up the SNP not be putting the SNP, the non-SNP indy support and Scotland in general down.

Like, for example, the Westminster propaganda that Scottish Education is a failure and using PISA figures to prove it.

When all that rubbish began I posted here on Wings that the PISA figures were unreliable and misleading. It seems I totally wasted my time and efforts. The information flew over many heads and the media fake news was absorbed by many Wingers.

I hope you now understand what I’m trying to get at, Liz g. It is that it is often futile for the party officials and the elected members of parliaments & councils to attempt to educate the voters, (and supporters), as a goodly percentage of the support will get the Unionist brainwashed version anyway.

Like, for example, the present guff that the Scottish Tories won the election in Scotland as Chris Cairns so ingeniously highlighted at the head of these comments.


Grousebeater @ 11.16 pm

I know Universities try to maximise the number of foreign students and the income from their fees is a factor but as I discovered this past week the number of international students universities attract also plays a role in their world rankings which were published last week.

UK universities as a whole seem to be slipping down the rankings and one of the, many, factors mentioned was the reduction in international students coming to UK Universities.

Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews are still in the top 100 but have all slipped down the rankings. Aberdeen is in the top 200 and has actually gone up a few places.


@Dave McEwan Hill
Narrow escape with Sheppard – I’d have voted for him if we had a vote, but not now I realise he’d have been trying to pull the SNP to the left. I thought of voting fro him in the depute because of ideas of reforming the party but, as Angus Robertson said – it’s up to the branches how they run their meetings and so on. Angus got my vote, a steady hand, and a loss at Westminster. Hopefully he’ll get an even more vital job to do!

The SNP realise that to have social / socialist policies, you ahve to have the money to pay for them. Progressive taxes for people, after all if people are earning £100,000 a year, it’s because of the society they live in they can get such a wage, so it’s right pay more pro rata to keep that society going. A society that spends money earning VAT and proiding profit for companies, which they pay via wages, but also via profit tax (corporation tax). Even with the environment they keep a sensible balance between the state earning revenue, and green stuff – e.g. APD cut.

The SNP sit where I want, I don’t agree with all their policies, though off the top of my head I can’t be bothered naming any I disagree with right now!

Ian Brotherhood

@Rev –

‘The Force Of Hammers’.

Saw them at Barrowland in 1989. Crotch-rockets and everything. Soo-perb!


Kevin McKenna opines that Glaswegians regard Billy Connolly as a “Prince!” worth noting that this rhymes with “Mince!”

Grouse Beater

Legerwood: “I know Universities try to maximise the…”

You’re more informed than I am on that score, Legerwood. Interesting information. Thank you.

Jack Murphy

The Ruth Davidson and Theresa May Comedy Act in Aberdeenshire.
29th.April this year—–and some voters fell for their “Strong and Stable”!

Ever since Theresa May and the Tories hit the fan in the last few weeks I haven’t seen Ruth Davidson MSP rushing to support her beleaguered hopeless Friend of “our precious Union”.

Plenty of kisses and smiles then……:(


YouTube in deepest Aberdeenshire:
link to

meg merrilees

Winifred Mc Cartney @ 9.50

I found a tweet about this last night.
A young woman was quite passionately speaking to camera about this very fact.
She asked why there was no list of residents? – easy to provide from records.

How many are missing?

She then mentioned that all the clothes, food etc. is being boxed up and sent to Oxfam and the Red Cross because there are NO survivors to benefit from all the donations.
She suggested it should be sold and the money used for charity .

She then got very angry and upset.

Sadly I think she may be right about the number of victims!


Suspect that the mass sackings of teaching assistants is a cynical ploy to avoid paying them during the school holidays. There will be an attempt to squeeze extra funding from Holyrood directly or by forcing Heads into allocating the discretional funds they’re about to get to replace them.

The rather insulting assumption might be that these are low skilled jobs akin to baby sitting. That last comment is probably insulting to baby sitters.

Even if the majority of those laid off do come back it’ll be in terms and conditions that mean they are effectively laid off during school holidays so a pay cut in real terms.

Because it’s mass sackings with a new contract the councils might get away with it. No doubt the unions will point the finger at the SNP rather than the councils, some of whom are Labour led.

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