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Wings Over Scotland

That happened quietly

Posted on October 21, 2015 by

The Scotland Office is unexpectedly no more.


It’s had an unannounced rebranding as “The UK Government For Scotland”.

Although you can’t say the imagery isn’t still top-class.


We’re serious. But we may have helped them out a bit with the Facebook one.

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donald anderson

Toom Tabard. It was always thus.

Secretary of State Against Scotland.

Spy Centre.

English Foot Stool.

Stool Pigeon.

Brussel Sprout. Tout

Midnight Mass. Grass.

Sandy MacNab. Scab.

Spineless e.


Colonial masters speak to natives mumbo jumbo.

donald anderson

Spineless creation


There is no UK government for Scotland.

Swami Backverandah

Did the million quid pay for naming rights.


As with the UK flag on all driving licences, the signs next to roadworks stating how much the UK is investing in Scotland, the Great British Crap Off ect. ect. ect.

This must backfire, seriously there can be few who fail to see what all this UKOKarry is about.

Propaganda of the very lowest level. I believe they have seriously underestimated the average Scot if they believe this subliminal crap is of any value.

I really hope I am right, deary me, I can’t find the words without wanting to swear!

This Scotland is how they truly see you, I’ve had enough. i just want to send them on their way. If anything I am more determined to do so.

More action needed, they need a slap. The voting in 2016 could be such a slap. Please do all you can to help deliver that to these condescending bastards.

Glad I got that off my chest.

Mae Carson

We’re still paying for it though?
Still #AbolishScotlandOffice let’s cut out the middle man, the spy and propagandist in our midst.
“Out, out damn spot”


How very BetterTogether of them to not tell any of their subjects in their Scotland region, if its real.


Ah, I get it. Where’s my cola? Fire up that De Lorean to 88 mph! It’s back to 2020 we go, after the Scotland Act 2015 mysteriously abolishes Holyrood, which is then renamed Waterloo Squares.


The Scottish Government is in Holyrood

This is the fake one



Wasteful expensive pile of crap either way


Well, I laughed. Brilliant.


Anyone know if this is being rolled out in Wales, N Ireland or England or is Scotland ‘special’ ?


Christ, the first twitter post is “Support British Athletes.”

Looks like their main function will be to brainwash Scotland with Britishness.

UK Government for Scotland: FUCK OFF.

Des B

Is that not a description of Westminister??…Therefore UK Gov Scotland needs to be made OBSOLETE (Oh for one of Putin’s Accurate Airstrikes)…And Furthermore Scottish Interests are ONLY being represented by the 56 SNP MPs in the UK Gov! How much longer do we have to put up with these dispicable, corrupt, Chinese Whispering Idiots?


This is probably the most hysterically stupid name change I’ve ever seen. Did David Mundell even ask people what they might think of the name change before nominating himself the ‘Colonial Governor of Scotland’.


The links take you to a Tory government Twitter page and a Tory government Facebook page – but they go to great lengths not to use the word ‘British’.


Democracy is supposed to be about the people electing representatives to take onboard the responsibilities of actually going away and governing.

It should therefore follow that the Scotland Office (and for that matter the Secretary of State for Scotland) should fulfil the role of representing Scotland at Westminster. Their job should be to ensure our wishes and views are channeled towards central government and actioned.

How did we ever get into the reverse situation where the Scotland Office is WM’s voice in Scotland? It’s democracy turned inside out and upside down! And that, is colonial administration.


It’s like having trolls ruling over you.

This sort of utter pish must leave all other sane people as cold as it does me, so the sewer dwellers of Westminster are just doing us a huge favour.

I will love it when we beat them.


To be honest I didn’t know Fluffy Mundell had a website. Now I do I still won’t be reading it.

CameronB Brodie

Was Scotland not extinguished in 1707? This bunch of dodgy fuckers are certainly doing there best to expunge all connections between Scotland and her governance. Take away the signposts and no one knows where the Hell they are or where they’re going.

Subtext – Scotland is unable to govern itself without the UK’s broad shoulders. Just one happy One Nation family. I’ve never felt so oppressed. 🙁

Oscar Taime

Well we all know what happened to @JimforScotland so “UKGov4S*****d” is a pretty decent step towards their wipeout


Deep fried Mars bars,Krankies and Heroine…..That’s how the UK Government see us. It’s enough to make you weep!

Bill Fraser

First it was The Scottish Office,Then The Scotland Office.Now the U.K.Government for Scotland.Maybe next it will be U.K.Government for North Britain.


The UK government for Scotland,as opposed to the UK government in Scotland or even the UK government of Scotland. Always remember the tories love rebranding stuff,but also never do it for no reason.

I’m sure Mr Fosyth or some other governor general did something similar before and changed its name from the Scotland Office to The Scotland Office or maybe it was the other way around.

CameronB Brodie

P.S. Crass assaults on Scotland’s democracy, such as this, will not sustain the Union. Keep it coming Whitehall.


Aaah, just had a look at the Facebook site… I am a dolt who has been stitched up like a kipper by the Rev. What do I do with my righteous indignation now…..Carmichael,Mundell,MSM,Lady M, Jakey R, Prof Numkin…Decisions, decisions!


The more I think about it the more I think this is grist to the mill for us and a very foolish own goal by Fluffy Mundell. He has unwittingly just driven a giant wedge between Westminster and Scotland in how we perceive the functions of Government.

The Scotland Office, by identifying itself as the UK Government for Scotland, will now be perceived as separate to the activities of the rest of the Westminster UK Government.

And once EVEL comes into force Westminster will start to be perceived as UK Government for England.

Once Scots begin to identify Westminster as England’s Government independence won’t be far off.

We should welcome this move.


How much did that cost? Right, the Scottish Health Service it is then – get the signs and symbols merchants out and let’s get on with it.


What a useless piece of UKOK twattery. It’s simply provocation, no doubt the unionists and orangutans will slobber all over it.


Apparently this numpty represented us in Italy this week according to uk in Scotland Office!
link to

He represents the Tories first and last. He does not represent the political will of the people of Scotland.


Does anyone know what they think they are playing at? Did they offer any explanation/justification? What is the point of this?

CameronB Brodie

The Axiological Nature of the Concepts Meaning and Sense
The article deals with the problem of differentiation between the basic notions of linguistic semantics, namely, meaning and sense. There are different, sometimes opposite conceptions of these terms’ connection with the spheres of semantic paradigmatics and syntagmatics. The present approach is aimed to show that the meaning belongs to the sphere of language-as-a-system and the sense to the sphere of speech realization. The methodological ground to clear out their ontological characteristic features is the assumption that any mind structure receiving a linguistic signature is a certain value. With respect to this, meanings constitute values and
senses are meanings’ realizations in the certain discourse situations. Different models of realization of meanings in the form of the speech senses are shown to prove the interconnected and at the same time relatively independent logical status of meaning and sense.

link to


Am I really the only one that thinks the Facebook site is a work of genius? Best laugh I’ve had all week.


Explain to me again what’s not to like about this, chaps….

Cadogan Enright

@ Molly 2.27

No, sorry to say Scotland is special

We still have a Northern irish Office link to

And bad cess to them too


Talking of barriers to our democracy, I dipped into “Scotland 2015” and that creepy bastard Douglas Fraser was there talking shite about something.

Boy, that creep doesn’t half turn ma stomach.


Preparation for eventually disbanding the Scottish Parliament.


Maybe this will start a trend so that all the fake ‘Scottish’ institutions will rebrand

‘Scottish Labour’ –> UK Labour and unionist party in Scotland
‘BBC Scotland’ –> ‘Better Together Corp in Scotland’ or ‘Project Fear news in Scotland’.
‘Scottish Questions’ –> UK Gov diatribe and ridicule time for ("Tractor" - Ed)ous Scots
‘Scotland Today’ –> BBC cringe fest ‘where you are’
“CBI Scotland” –> The Confederation of British, and fuck all representation of Scottish Business or Industry in Scotland


The Bullingdon Boys are in charge.Fluffy Mundell is their fag.


The numpties didn’t keep the @ScotlandOffice name on twitter.

It has been snapped up pretty smartish!

Chris Welton

That’ll be a branch of the Foreign Office then?

Is there an increase in Fluffy’s salary, now that he’s an Ambassador? Or maybe Lieutenant Governor?


Love their link to the HS2 Limited supply chain conference in Edinburgh. I’m quite good at crocheting. Maybe I could get the contract to make the antimacassars on the seats?

link to

Bob Mack

I really hope this is a joke!!!!


UK Government for Scotland
Yesterday at 11:05 ·
Starting your own business can be hard but 1000s of Scots have set up with with money and support from Start Up Loans.
Take the leap and find out more now

No Lady Mone of Mayfair though. This is what the toryboys from UK Government for England made her a Lady or Baroness for.

See what I did there, how come there is no facebook thingee for UK Government for England?

There might well be, cant be arsed wading through it. EDL types probably pile on.

Lady Mone of Mayfair. Holy fcuk the rule Britannia types are really trolling Scotland now.


What’s got all the unionist nuts so agitated tonight?

“Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 4 mins4 minutes ago
Kevin Hague Retweeted BBC South East
The glorious thing is: this is our oil too

Because we’re citizens of the UK, who pool & share”

The glorious things of teamGB, syphon off all the oil for all kinds of big stuff south of the border, monster SNP as not UK oil price drops. Tasty.


Don’t panic EEkay will be all over it tomorrow and Dr Scott will will inform us that the SNP is real Baaaad (for the labour party) who are our rightful masters.

Bob Mack

On this ridiculous site on the 18th October is this headline on slavery;

“Labour exploitation in Scotland comes in many forms”

We have been saying that for over a year now.Shows insight.

Cadogan Enright

They have replaced the fried Mars bar already

Must be up late reading this


The UK Government for Scotland.

This name change is a clue to what the Tories are thinking and discussing when they gather in private.

The mentality behind this name change is colonial. It says ‘we own you’.
Their plan is to make Independence impossible through imposed, unending poverty and a discredited, weakened SNP. This is an attempt to inaugurate the Scottish Political Clearances and to secure Scotland’s unlimited wealth for Westminster for the next century.

Westminster has decided, in a fit of piqued malevolence, to teach the Scots a lesson for showing disrespect to their Imperial Masters during the Referendum.

Do not underestimate the Tories. The Nasty Party par excellence.

We’ve got a fight on our hands.


Thanks Cadogan Enright. Do you think this new department/same personnel will leak memos like a sieve like the last department/same personnel ?

Tam Jardine

Chris Welton

The Foreign Office? I think you’ll find that is now called The UK Government for the Rest of the World.

Honestly… UKGFS? UKGTF


Ukok gov for Scotland eh. For, what exactly does that mean. Are they thinking of taking over Holyrood, as we are a one party state and we know how ukok deals with regime’s.

What next I wonder.

Hoss Mackintosh

Best thing is that these morons have given up the real @ScotlandOffice account!

…and guess what – some pro-indy guy on Twitter has acquired it. 🙂

And I thought Carmichael was useless. Mundell has just taken it to another level.

This is going to be so good…

link to


@heedtracker. IMO you make a false assumption in the eyes of the Uk Gov.

Your error is that you assumed the institution and facebook page is about Scotland – Country. It isn’t its about Scotland – the region.

You couldn’t get an equivalent for England as it is considered as a country which is split into its own regions. Those regions are then considered as units similar for comparison to Scotland/Wales etc.

Therefore the equivalent would the UK Government facebook page for Yorkshire for example 🙂


Yup it must be Halloween approaching what’s got unionists jumping about. Usual wetfartery for SNPouter Keverage, again

Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 4 hrs4 hours ago
Maybe @JoanMcAlpine makes the mistake of reading Wings’ imbecilic ramblings?

As per, Keverage monsters WoS and McAlpine for saying Scotland loses billions in whisky duty but McAlpine doesn’t say that and he even shows a wee photo of the McAlpine article where McAlpine doesn’t say anything on or about whisky duty.

Maybe even keverage is parody!


Is Mundell going to be fighting for the Barnett Consequentials for Scotland, for all these mutli-billion pound projects that are kicking off in England?

[…] That happened quietly […]


Somehow I think people will trust the Scottish Government for Scotland a little more.
You know whose side they are on.


Therefore the equivalent would the UK Government facebook page for Yorkshire for example 🙂

Awe. I love Yorkshire! They say things like Ow do for hello. In my country, Scotland, we say, fit like and foos yer doos, and you reply, aye peckin. Not sure how you reply to ow do though, fine thank you, probably.

Anyway, Yorkshire’s got a fantastic motorway and dual carriage way network far in advance of what Scotland will probably ever have. Scotland’s roads get worse and worse the further you get actually from Yorkshire but they did vote NO, oop North.

But it’s good to know glorious UK oil money was invested wisely, just not in countries like Scotlandshire. Right now Yorkshire’s gearing up for HS2, HS3 and their Trans Pennine link. All massive infrastructure investments and Scotland will be paying its fair share bettertogether too.

link to

Cadogan Enright

Well Molly, look at the bright side, and going by the public record, at least The UK Government for Scotland don’t supply arms to drug pushers or delay dozens of inquests on State murders for 40 or 50 years, suppress reports into 100’s of civilian murders by people like Lord Stevens, keep mass murderers on the government payroll even when in prison, suppress independent inquiries into the murder of lawyers like Finucane or of a journalist called Martin O’Hagan who tried to exposed the links between drug gangs and the State.

Your lot only insult your intelligence

Hoss Mackintosh


I picked up vibes from Twitter (one of Paula Rose’s links – she is always getting me into trouble) that petshopboy was going to retire – stress levels too high. Much nashing of teeth amongst the zoomer brigade.

Some day the curse of no will get him. There is no escape. 🙂


Sorry for O/T. As ever, Norway leads where Scotland should be going. And it gets fair media coverage.

link to

Still cannae get the hang of this link malarky.


@Quakeawake: It’s like having trolls ruling over you.

No, this isn’t like having trolls ruling over you, this is having trolls ruling over you.

@ephemeralDeception: Maybe this will start a trend so that all the fake ‘Scottish’ institutions will rebrand

‘Scottish Labour’ –> UK Labour and unionist party in Scotland
‘BBC Scotland’ –> ‘Better Together Corp in Scotland’ or ‘Project Fear news in Scotland’.
‘Scottish Questions’ –> UK Gov diatribe and ridicule time for (“Tractor” – Ed)ous Scots
‘Scotland Today’ –> BBC cringe fest ‘where you are’
“CBI Scotland” –> The Confederation of British, and fuck all representation of Scottish Business or Industry in Scotland

Heh, I already do that for some of those (particularly New Labour/Conservatives/Neoliberal Democrats in Scotland).

“Scottish” or even adding “Scotland” at the end implies a sense of ownership of the Scottish people or culture, a description of the thing in general. “Scottish accent,” “Scottish cuisine,” “Scottish music” = the accent/cuisine/music OF Scotland. Changing that to “in Scotland” takes that away. It takes the sense of Scottish ownership away, and places the emphasis on the subject in question rather than the Scottishness. “Accent in Scotland,” “cuisine in Scotland,” “music in Scotland” – could imply Scottish accents/cuisine/music, or non-Scottish accents/cuisine/music that happen to be in Scotland.

It emphasises place over people, and puts institution before place.

We all knew this is what they thought of us. That they now openly admit it suggests they are either very confident, or very stupid. Probably both.


@niallD, 10.39pm
“Deep fried Mars bars, Krankies and Heroine…..That’s how the UK Government see us. It’s enough to make you weep!”

My first reaction was “you cannot be serious”. My second reaction/thought was that these images are an attempt at “sustained belittling” the words the French psychiatrist Franz Fanon used to describe the process of belittling native culture by colonial overlords. “For cultural invasion to succeed, it is essential that those invaded become convinced of their intrinsic inferiority.” Paulo Freire, Brazilian educationalist. My third reaction is amusement. It’s too late, Mr Mundell. It’s coming for a’ that. To quote a Winger from another thread “That f*cking f*cker’s f*cking f*cked!”.

Chic McGregor

After watching a prog. on the refurbishment of veteran’s accommodation, a truly moving and worthwhile exercise and having heard the word ‘England’ several times, sometimes with an ‘err Britain’ added, it was interesting to hear Nick Knowles comment near the end about volunteers coming from Glasgow, Swansea etc.

Why are they like that?

Betty Boop

Drip, drip, drip… it’s becoming a deluge!

@ Thepnr

I really hope I am right, deary me, I can’t find the words without wanting to swear!

Pace yourself, there’s a load more to come yet.


Some day the curse of no will get him. There is no escape. 🙂

Its already got him. Unless its a freakin parody, like Prof Smirky here

link to

Paula Rose

The “new” Scottish Office twitter account still has all the followers from before – even more amusing.

chris kilby

Fair rolls off the tongue.

(Shouldn’t that be “UK Government for S*******”? Or maybe “UK Government AGAINST S*******…”?)


What a shock, radio 4 jokes from 20 years ago are how UK gov’s slight hold on Scotland is going to be changed to to a firm hanshake, or mebbe, just possibly another kicking, at the next exercise in denocracy.

It may even piss off unionists. Happy days.


Aye, You have a point Cadogan Enright .

Unfortunately, like many people I suppose, until the internet came along (being honest ) I knew very little about what was happening in Ireland or Wales for that matter .Hells teeth, I knew very little about what was happening in Scotland !

That’s what used to confuse me about the ‘ but what about the people of Manchester, we can’t abandon them’ arguments during the Referendum.

I can empathise with people from anywhere on a human level but have no idea really how the education system works in Wales or the health service in N Ireland or the rates in England which correct me if I’m wrong has been an intentional ploy by our UK Govts / media.

So the substance passes you by and your views are formed by the brief clips you pick up.

Given the gravity of your points but possibly based on how I used to get my info, there’s could well be someone somewhere, who thinks I set off to work in a kilt, with a melancholy piper following in the background , as the mist comes rolling in off the hills. Well that’s the usual opening sequence to any Scottish item .

Anyway, I just wondered if the words Scotland Office repeated over and over again in court when Mr Carmichael appears would have been too much bad publicity, hence the name change?

bookie from hell

UK Gov for Scotland is the opposite of Federalism

this looks like mundell took a phone call from Gord brown


How are they going to present this in things like press releases?

Where they used to say The Scotland Office they’ll now be saying things like:

“An employee of the UK Government in Scotland denied…”

“A memo by the UK Government in Scotland was leaked…”

“A report into the release of the memo by the UK Government in Scotland…”

The meaning is vague and ambiguous. People are going to get confused. They’ll be back to referring the Scotland Office in official communications in no time. Shame they’ve lost their twitter tag, lolz.


A lady told Twitter yesterday that her cat had gone missing and appealed for help. The location was given only as “the north-west of the UK”. Now leaving aside the obvious fact that this isn’t very helpful to anyone hoping to spot the cat, where do you think this actually was?


Took me over three hours to get there in August, driving due south almost all the way.

Paula Rose

@ Morag – I’m nicking that xx


Can we have a UK Government for England?

Socrates MacSporran

Never Forget

As far as our colonial masters down in that there Lunnin are concerned: Scotland is a small, far-away nation, of which they know nothing – and about which they care even less.

I remember, two or three years back, the BBC did a programme on the North/South divide. During this various people were asked: “where does the South begin”? The best answer, greeted by bemused silence from the inquisitor, came from Carol Smillie.

Her answer: “Carlisle”.


Mr Mundells greatest attribute is to be available when pigs heads are not.

ronnie anderson

Aw am suffering fae the Trauma of Pre Independence fatigue, get tae Drafting that Declaration of Independence Nicola.


Very colonial


At least the new title reflects the ridiculous reality of this set up in that Scotland is goverened by another countries governmemt we didnt vote for.

winifred mccartney

I thought the Scottish Office was to look after the needs of the Scots not Westminster. Keep up the nonsense – they are just preparing for it to become the English Embassy when independence comes

john king

Caz-m says
“Boy, that creep doesn’t half turn ma stomach.”

I dont know how Izzy Fraser can stand to be in the same room as that man
it’d be like living with the Brahan Seer
link to
Bob Mack
“I really hope this is a joke!!!!”

This aint no joke gringo.
Never mind Laura Kuenssberg
Naga Rugmuncher (link to the caption is “who drapped that wan?) on the BBC couch is a nasty wee piece o work
last week she sat with a sneer on her face when somebody was on complaining about the crowd attacks on Michelle Thompson when she hasn’t been accused of anything but today she went beyond the Pale when she described Rab C Nesbitt as a “Glaswegian alcoholic”
Rabs no an alky he jist like a wee swally,
who disnae?
kin Aa get mair special brew oan ma porridge Irene hen, hic 🙂
Hoss Mackintosh (never get tired oh that name 🙂 )
“…and guess what – some pro-indy guy on Twitter has acquired it. :-)”

I guess you could rustle up a posse there Hoss and we could ride on over there and ransack the place,
are you with us boys,
(collective roar of approval)

Betty Boop (darling betty) 🙂
“Pace yourself, there’s a load more to come yet.”

link to
poor old will gets it every time. 🙁
Socrates Macsporran
“I remember, two or three years back, the BBC did a programme on the North/South divide. During this various people were asked: “where does the South begin”? The best answer, greeted by bemused silence from the inquisitor, came from Carol Smillie.

Her answer: “Carlisle”.”

Pished masel laughin, oh!
“Mr Mundells greatest attribute is to be available when pigs heads are not.”

Ahh, that would explain the enclosed lecterns Cameron uses and the little smile playing around his lips. 🙂

john king

Winfred Mackenzie says
“I thought the Scottish Office was to look after the needs of the Scots not Westminster. Keep up the nonsense – they are just preparing for it to become the English Embassy when independence comes”

wi the amount they’ll have to say to us post independence they’ll be able to share the bedsit the Scotsman works out of at Orchard Brae, besides we can impose a bedroom tax on them for all the unused rooms in the “embassy” but that would be after they buy it from us for say 30billion pounds,
sounds fair to me! 🙂

Dorothy Devine

I am getting worn out by the shite and spite in the media , from rugby to the NHS, the Police , the witch hunting of SNP MPs and MSPs.

It would be easier to slide under and just accept that the commentators are correct and all Scots are alcoholic , deep fried mars bar , string vest wearing ,cocaine snorting thickos .

However , if Andrew Neil has an IQ in the 90’s , why should I listen to a man with a lower IQ than mine?

And why should those churnalists with an obviously low IQ – even lower that Andrew Neil , no prizes for guessing to whom I refer!- be allowed to denigrate me , my country and the aspirations of my country and then go on to bleat about cybernat abuse , having printed utter abuse in their columns?

What pride do these folk take in sneering , spinning and lying?

Where is their respect for others?
Where is their self respect?
Where is their integrity?
Just how low are they willing to stoop before their noses scrape the ground?


Let them have their fun

Reminds me of the band playing as the ship HMS Britain goes down

gerry parker

So how much did it cost then?

Be useful to know when they start complaining about our re branding of NHS Scotland.

paul gerard mccormack

If I was Andy Scott (sculptor of the Kelpies), I’d be on the phone to my lawyers to ask if this bunch of robbers have requested permission to the use of a picture of The Kelpies for what is their undoubted commercial gain.

I’ll bet they never and if not, after taking legal advice, I’d sue them.Copyright and all that.

How would you feel if you had worked for 8 years guiding and making a seriously good project only for it to be used by these charlatans as an advertising image?

It’s theft, pure and simple, and i’d be raging.

Maurice Duffy

Isn’t this what is meant by “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”?

Any figures on what this is costing the taxpayer? Every single document produced by the Scottish office will now have to be re-branded and re-issued, and every piece of stationery binned and replaced.
This is a ludicrous waste of public funds, and what will it achieve?

Slowly but surely, they are doing our job for us. Every time they pull this kind of crap, a few more people see through them – a steady trickle from NO to YES, and I have yet to hear of one person going the other way.

Bugger (the Panda)

Their plan is, I think, to goad us into a precipitous second Referendum.

Reading “Project Fear; How an Unlikely alliance Left a Kingdom United but a Country Divided” by Joe Pike right now.

It appears that BT was a rudderless Clusterfuck of Misorganisation and Incompetence, which says that the YES campaign, had it been managed properly, should have wiped the floor with them. The MSM was the BT saviour.

I suspect that they have been working away at getting their plan set mapped out for Ref 2 and it will be run from London this time. Labour cannot be trusted, maybe finished after H GE 2016, and the Libs are finished altogether. The UK Offfice in Scotland will be their campaign bridgehead.

Nicola was right to hold her fire and keep the powder dry. The next one must be an SNP run operation, although run in parallel with other like minded Parties and parties. The Euro Ref will test that one in Scotland.

I am surprised that James Kelly hasn’t spotted the Quebec precedent and the effect a second failed Referendum had on the “separatists?”

Too soon my Love, too soon,

john king

Gerry (hiya Gerry )says
“So how much did it cost then?”

foI its ass Gerry. 🙂


Thats the msm changed its attack to the Nhs today. Its constant. Its hard to keep up really.

Neil Baillie

Gloriously, the twitter link from the official Scotland Office site still points to the old account, which is now the spoof account! Enjoy it while you can … wonderful incompetence.


This is what Mundell is doing now. Divide and conquer

link to


Could we have a Scottish Government for England; pretty please?

Grouse Beater

Murdoch is about to bid (again!) to secure all of SKY. Why not the Scotland Office too? May as well own all the news and its sources – eh?

Training Day

To me, this just shows how magnanimous the UK Government is. After all, it was they who told us that Scotland was extinguished in 1707, but now they’ve decided to re-animate this poor benighted land in official form.

I say we thank Mundell appropriately.

Nana Smith

I view this change as a subtle threat. I find Mundell to be a repulsive individual, not too bright so it is rather doubtful he thought this up all by himself.

No this is the imperial masters in London tugging on the chains but those are very rusty right now.

With each new day comes yet another reason to get the hell out of this union.

Links on previous thread.


Mundell, Murray and Carmichael. Of all the Unionist MPs before the GE, how did we get left with those three?

You could look at it differently. If we had to keep three, we might as well have ones whose net contribution to the Indy cause will be positive 🙂


Maybe the bold 56 should set up a site called “Scottish Gov for Westminster/England/UK”? Sauce for the goose … 😉

Angra Mainyu

Switched the radio on for about 10 seconds. Just on long enough to hear Kaye ask some some academic specialist if there’s a “disconnect” between what the experts see and say and what ordinary people experience on the ground…

How inconvenient — the general public is happy with the NHS. There must be a “disconnect” — in short that means despite the NHS being seemingly great it’s actually shit. And, of course, it follows that the SNP are shit too. Maybe there’s a disconnect with the SNP as well…

There you go, we’re all shit. Opinions to the contrary are down to a disconnect. Thanks for clearing it up, Kaye, you self-serving, shallow, treasonous pig.


“Chris Grayling responded to the crticism that the new plans would politicise the commons speaker – who would have to decide whether legislation effects England only – saying he didn’t think such a judgement call would be “complicated at all”. Grayling said John Bercow would be given recomendations by the civil servants who had drafted the bill as to which parts of the United Kingdom they affected.”

Rancid The Graun, their typos too, as usual.

Listened to this this morning from the UKOK BBC r4 madhouse. So we have to call it the for Scotland and now their Mr Speaker’s going to decide what the sweaties can and cannot vote on in teamGB.

Then watched BBC Breakfast rerun of Rab C Nesbitt, a triumph of BBC comedy although why poverty in Scotland is funny to these twerps is my teamGB mystery of the day. Or maybe one bloke in Westminster deciding what Scottish MP’s are allowed to vote on is my teamGB mystery of the day.

And I haven’t seen neo fascist Voice of The North Press and journal yet.


What is the point of this institution anyway? And the Devolution Unit? Surely it became redundant after the Scottish Government was reconvened.

“I’m not sure whether, as Secretary of State for Scotland, you’re Scotland’s man in Westminster or you’re Westminster’s man in Scotland.” Christina McKelvie’s question to Alistair Carmichael. 5 mins into video here:
link to

Classic piece of colonial hauteur from Alistair Carmichael.


They are big on ” the army in Scotland”

Where are they investing in rail? Not Scotland. Silly me, HS2.


Rancid The Graun thunders EVEL is bad, but actually its fine, or it may be bad, or fine, or bad, as long as it dupes the sweaties

“For a few English voters, English votes for English laws is not a dry phrase.

For most Scots, not just nationalists, it certainly isn’t one. David Cameron’s promotion of Evel on the morning after Scotland’s vote to stay in the UK was an incendiary and irresponsible act.

In many Scots’ eyes, it instantly undermined the credibility of pro-UK political parties and promises – with consequences that continue to this day. Tory and press fear campaigns against the SNP in the general election added to this further.

The standing orders on which MPs will vote on Thursday are not in fact particularly objectionable in themselves. However, in the context of post-referendum distrust they can all too easily be represented, as they are being, as a destructive and hostile partisan act.”

From the non Britnat nationalist/progressive liberal rag what gave Scotland

link to

to make you feel all BetterTogether.


I have always thought Mundell was a dangerous even ruthless tory zealot & wannabee.

THis is the guy who thought it was ‘a good idea’ to open a local food bank – he was actually proud to do so. He’s not very astute or he simply does not give a damn. It’s the latter.

He’s not ‘fluffy’ at all and it is a mistake to simply laugh and ridicule Mundell. That plays into his hands very nicely.He is to ‘fluffiness’ what Da-esh is to feminism.

He is a clear & present danger to Scotland’s aspirations and interests.

Like our former red/yellow tories (Darling, Alexander), Mundell’s eyes are on the House of Lords, in time, & keeping his brown nose up his imperial masters’ bahookies.

Let’s drop the ‘fluffy’; there’s nothing fluffy about Mundell. Fluffy is a term of endearment. There is nothing endearing about this power-mad, tory-boy fanatic.


Chic McGregor 12:02 am

You wrote “After watching a prog. on the refurbishment of veteran’s accommodation, a truly moving and worthwhile exercise and having heard the word ‘England’ several times, sometimes with an ‘err Britain’ added, it was interesting to hear Nick Knowles comment near the end about volunteers coming from Glasgow, Swansea etc.

Why are they like that?”

I saw the programme too and it was, indeed, very moving. I genuinely think you are over reacting Chris. If the same project had taken place in Scotland then I have no doubt they would have kept referring to Scotland – don’t you? Do your really think they would have said Glasgow in Britain or Stirling in the UK? The idea that Nick Knowles was aiming to “dis” the Scots as part of the programme is ridiculous.

Whilst “I get” that there may be occasions when regulars here are frustrated by how some things are presented – this example is not one of them. The programme was about a street in Manchester, in England.

Chic McGregor

Colonial status acknowledged at last. Progress, of sorts.

White suit and Panama hat for Mundell.

The man from Del Boy Land says no.

Chris Baxter

This is absolutely brilliant…for independence.

By the way; in case anyone though the images of Heroin, Krankies etc were real: it’s a joke.

The rest, however, is very real.


The image I would include in the ‘UK Gov for Scotland’ website would be the image of David Mundell’s wife doing the V sign.


sensibledave says:
22 October, 2015 at 9:59 am
Chic McGregor 12:02 am

Sensible everyone knows that the UK is England and Scotland is UK, so Scotland attaining nation statehood relatively soon, means England losing out. And losing out of over a third of English territory, vast English natural resources, the English Atlantic ocean seaboard, red and blue toryboy control of socio economic policy of over a third of England, a large slice of the profound horror that is red and blue tory fiscal spends and planning, huge military assets like Faslane and so on…

So sensible, do shut up, there’s a good chap.


O/T But Dr Scot Arthur is in full attack SNP mode this morning with letters in local press regarding Policing in Edinburgh and then phoned Call Kaye about state of the NHS.

It seems some college staff have a lot of time on their hands.


Actually I think having the following all doing the V sign would make a nice photo-montage for the ‘UK Gov for Scotland’

J K Rowling
Adam Tomkins
Andrew Neil
David Cameron
All the Unionist MPs in Scotland
The Pet Shop Boy

Dr Jim

@Angra Mainyu

The fundamental problem with the NHS and the SNP is they are refusing to cure death and it’s unacceptable
Folk are getting older and nothing is being done to prevent it

…… Jeez the crap you’ve got to listen to
Nurses are stretched to breaking point , sometimes they don’t have enough time to consume their Maltezers before they have to deal with some of these pesky patients (comedy part)but true

Eleanor Bradford sounds positively reasonable this morning though, maybe her wee stint actually being inside a hospital and seeing for herself things are a Tad better than the Labour Jackie Baillie Party says they are

But keep your calls coming in,particularly if you’ve had a really unpleasant experience,
Only Text if it’s a good story though, we don’t have to read those out

We need someone to put SNP Baaad to music I’m sure it’d be a smash, we could donate the profits to something

I wonder what?


sensibledave says: If the same project had taken place in Scotland then I have no doubt they would have kept referring to Scotland – don’t you?

No. Its the BBC. In the highly unlikely event that they would spend money on a program in Scotland (2% or less of spending) they would have used the word Britain or UK for any operation that was UK wide. It would not be a surprise if they used England to refer not just to the UK but also Scotland.

That is just the BBC.. e.g. We have (Welsh athlete name) and (Scottish athlete name) so England have two chances in this event… (commonwealth games coverage)

Dr Jim

The UK Government for Scotland:

That’ll be UGFOS then


The Krankies! That reminded of John Barrowman! What has happened to him? I though he would have been given a peerage for his role in saving the Union.


Nicola keeps talking about triggers for indyref2.

Surely EVEL would be one.

Bob Mack


Everyone ,and I do mean everyone ,appreciates how and what the veterans have paid in serving their political masters.
They should not have been there in the first place to suffer the damage they did. That is the most important point.

The damage inflicted on the mind is as great as that inflicted on the body.

In reality Sensibledave, though I had a tear in my eye,I felt the servicemen were being used again as a PR exercise.
You may be mangled, but we will look after you,especially on prime time TV
I fully believe everyone who hammers in a nail, paints or plasters or refurbishes these houses is sincere, but there are other motives afoot by the broadcaster.

Ultimately, I do not care where the houses were built. I just abhor the fact they were needed for the reasons they were.


Daft name change has PANIC PANIC PANIC written all over it!

Big Jock

Evel won’t happen as there is no support for it! It’s just a bit of mischief making by hardline Tories. Would need the backing of Corbyn and his henchmen.

Anyway on the subject of the Union J on driving licences. I thought this was being challenged?


Tam Jardine 11:31 pm

The Foreign Office? I think you’ll find that is now called The UK Government for the Rest of the World.



liz says:
22 October, 2015 at 10:30 am

Nicola keeps talking about triggers for indyref2.

Surely EVEL would be one.

Ruby replies:

We already have EVEL in Scotland and have done since 1707

We have English votes for absolutely everything

English votes for UK Prime Minister
English votes for UK Parliament
English votes for Scottish Bill
English votes for EU exit
English votes for XFactor, Strictly, Bake Off, Big Brother and bloody everything.

The big worry I have with the English votes for everything in Scotland is that according to Ed Milliband the English tend to just let the government do what they want while the English just ‘lie back and think of England’ repeating the mantra ‘mustn’t grumble’

Robert Louis

Aye, rebrand as ‘UK Government for Scotland’. More like UK Government for the colonies.

What next the English colonial governor becomes ‘minister for jocklandshire’?

Tubes, the lot of them.

Les Wilson

Every move they make is designed to degrade Scotland.
It is a Tory/ Unionist war against Scottish democracy, nothing less. Aided by the corporate media.

I would also like to ask, who runs Audit Scotland, as they have thrown out another warning on our NHS, the media of course have jumped on it with “our health service is in crisis down to the SNP!” Much more absurd claims by the Corporate Media.

Not for the first time Audit Scotland made a claim which the C/Media can jump all over. They MUST know this would happen. So, again I ask who runs this entity, who is in ultimate control. Is it under UK jurisdiction or not?
Perhaps we should be looking at that….


Anagach 10:19 am

You wrote “No. Its the BBC. In the highly unlikely event that they would spend money on a program in Scotland (2% or less of spending) they would have used the word Britain or UK for any operation that was UK wide. It would not be a surprise if they used England to refer not just to the UK but also Scotland.

On the BBC web site:

The Big Build – Dumfries Series 23 Episode 4 0f 10

A rundown cottage in the beautiful Scottish countryside seemed the perfect place for Sue Roberts and her family to settle. But on Christmas Day 2003 Sue’s partner Barry died of a sudden heart attack leaving her suffering from depression, dealing with two young children and living in a house that was falling apart.

Nick Knowles and the DIY team enlist the aid of their very own tartan army to tackle this build and try to help get this family back on track. The setting is perfect, the cottage could be lovely and the family need someone to come to their aid. Nick and the team have just nine days to help them.

…. QED

Dave McEwan Hill

Getting tanked in much of the media on NHS Scotland today. I wonder what’ll come up at FMQ.

I’m afraid I don’t go with the plan to fight next year’s election on our record in Government.
It doesn’t matter what our record in government is (and whoever thought that “targets” was a good idea?)it will be painted black continually from now until next May.
There is nil chance of us getting an honest and accurate account of anything we do.

The NHS (in Scotland as well as in England) looks unsustainable in its present form. This is due to a number of factors (over-managed at the expense of clinical provision, underfunded etc)and this is one of the direct results of the perilous state of the UK’s financial condition.

From the SNP’s point of view it is useful that the NHS in England appears to be in worse straits and this dominates UK news. Many people still think the NHS is UK wide

The answer to the need to provide a sustainable NHS in Scotland is independence and the ability to re-orgainse and fund properly our service.

It is independence and what we can do with it that we should be fighting all our battles on.


UK Govt. for Scotland?

They could just say ’embassy’ and have done with it. 🙂

Chic McGregor

I admit to being sensitized to such things. But over reacting merely by posting a comment on it?

Maybe you are right Sensible Dave. Perhaps if a similar project had occurred in Angus or Fife or one of the other main recruiting areas in Scotland it would still have attracted the refurbishment crew and TV coverage, visits from the royals and frequent ‘makes you proud to be Scottish’ type comments throughout with only Nick Knowles pointing out volunteers came from England, Wales etc.

I don’t expect we shall ever find out though.


sensibledave says: QED

What is it you feel you demonstrated ? that 2% buys
some product ? no one disputes that. (but really 2012 – did you really have to go as far back as 2012 ?).

And did you watch the episode ? get a count of the number of Scotland, England, UK, Britain used ?


No prizes in guessing what will be the main topic at First Ministers Questions.
It must have taken about a week to put this attack together, and I’m sure the planning was done in London, with orders being sent to the various arms of this octopus, starting with Audit Scotland and branching out to Media in all its forms.

Big Jock

Sad to think that Greenland got independence from Denmark. Remained in the EU and left when they decided. Yet a country with Scotland’s resources chose to remain a region of England who might take us out of Europe!



I have to disagree on the ‘fluffy’ matter. It is entirely appropriate and probably a major irritant to him that he is referred to as Fluffy. It is not an affectionate term to use of a politician.

He is currently lording it in Dover House with a vast team lackeys, swanking in his chauffeur driven limo and a full member of the cabinet. He thinks he’s made it in the tory set, a very important person! (I bet Mrs. Two-fingers loves it.)

Back to Scotlnd and reality, where he is widely called Fluffy and regarded as a bit of a joke.

Of course his cabinet colleagues would all regard him (and the missus) as a vaguely useful pleb and of no importance, having risen to such dizzy heights merely by dint of being the last man standing. Do they know he’s known as Fluffy? I am sure they would use it if they did.


Les Wilson

Blair mcdougall was tweeting about it being released – he seemed very excited . I wonder though why midnight on a Wednesday night ?

Alex Beveridge

I think you will find that they, Westminster, can call their departments any name they please, and it will have no impact on the views of the real people we speak to on the doorsteps. Except possibly to get their backs up if they hear of it, but then most now know, whether they will always acknowledge that fact is a different matter, how we the Scots are treated by the ruling party, of whatever political persuasion, at Westminster.
This move is just one more nail in the coffin of the U.K. You would almost think they were doing it deliberately?


Anagach 11:00 am

Anargach, I just did a quick search on Google, and no, I havent watched the programme and counted the number of times the words Scotland, England, UK, Britain was used – Really???

I think your paranoia is running hot today.

Anyway, the next item revealed by google was:

…… The Big Build Children in Need Special – Edinburgh

Emotions run high as Nick Knowles and the team enlist local tradespeople to come to the aid of a centre in Edinburgh for children with additional needs.

The Yard is a unique indoor and outdoor centre that helps 1,500 young people and their families each week. They provide a space where families can gain much-needed respite while their children make friends, develop their confidence and learn vital life skills.

Children in Need provides support, but the Yard is housed in a building that is in desperate need of a complete overhaul. There are just ten days to complete the build and make sure these children get the future they so richly deserve.

To donate £5 to CiN, text DIYSOS to 70705. Text messages will cost five pounds plus your standard network charge, and five pounds will go to Children in Need. For full terms and conditions visit ….

… A nationwide campaign with Edinburgh being the beneficiary

Anagach, you may well have reasons to feel aggrieved elsewhere – but please, give this one up, you are starting to look silly.


liz says:

“Nicola keeps talking about triggers for indyref2.
Surely EVEL would be one.”

I have never understood how EVEL could work in practise. The underlying problem for me is that England has no budget – they just dip into the UK budget for spending.

That effects Scotland in two ways, Barnet consequencials and we are still part of the UK so I expect our elected representatives to have a say on the spending of UK money.

IMO EVEL can only apply to legislation with no government spending involved.

We all know Cameron would like to apply EVEL to English issues which are devolved to Scotland (or elsewhere). However almost all this effects us, as described above,

So, trigger. I can imagine a situation where WM business started to be tagged EVEL and the SNP objected to almost every item on the basis it did effect Scotland financially. If Cameron et al simply began to overrule these objections, in the manner they ignore almost all SNP views so far, then that situation could not continue for long.

If Nicola is looking for a trigger, that would have to be one. It couldn’t just be ignored!


@ Macart


Think I will just refer to it as the UK Embassy and Ambassador Fluffy


Dave McEwan Hill,

Audit Scotland point out that a lot of the problem is not being able to recruit new medical staff and so having to use more expensive agencies.

Increasing the awareness that the Scottish Health Service is and always has been separate from the English one is important not only here but in the rUk and further afield.

There are a lot of very pissed off young doctors down south do they know that they can get a better contract here? Do their nurses know that pay rises, albeit small, are still happening here? Knowing the differences in conditions and ethos could boost our recruitment considerably.


Re; Les Wilson@10.48am

Indeed every move they make is designed to portray Scotland in as negative a way as humanely possible.

Funnily enough, one of my no voting friends popped by last week, retired GP. A young person she knows is trained in some area of medicine in Scotland, and he is now being fully trained in another area of medicine, in Scotland. She said, “and it’s really good that it’s the NHS”. Her point, I have no idea, I presume that it is not costing him to retrain.

I pointed out that it’s the NHS in Scotland, which she did not want to know. or discuss in any way. What planet these people are on, I have no idea.

Dan Huil

In Harry Enfield’s best British establishment voice:

“Jockos! Know your place!”


Anagach, you may well have reasons to feel aggrieved elsewhere – but please, give this one up, you are starting to look silly.

BBC vote SLab Scotland top dude agrees with you sensibledave

link to

Oh look, another teamGB The Vow!

How many The Vows are UKOK unionist con artists and propagandists going to make afore they all traipse back to London toon for the last time sensible?

Geoff Huijer

Maybe British Gas will rebrand to British Gas For Scotland or
RBS could be the UK Taxpayers Bank for Scotland. STV could be UK ITV for Scotland.

Maybe Vodafone will rebrand to white on blue after their inverted rebranding from white on red to red on white to support England’s World Cup bid years ago.

Dr Jim

They have to try to keep control of Scotland


England’s soon to be a Chinese colony Hee Hee Hee Hee

Free Scotland

I see from that top image that the union jack is on a bigger flagpole than the saltire.


Re; Heedtracker@10.30am

Shhh, tmi. We don’t want them to know what we have and what they will lose. No, we really are a basket case, have nothing by way of resources and the land is useless, so is the water.

England will do really very well without us scrounging off them, they really should consider letting us go, totally, and soon, for their own sakes. :))

When my friends in NE Englandshire went on the attack recently, re Scotland, saying we are a basket case, I did try to point out that they would therefore be much better off without us.
That went down like a lead balloon, wonder why.

Jan Cowan

Proof that financially they can’t manage without us. But they’ll have to scrounge elsewhere because we’re on our way.


Dr Jim,

Perhaps it was one of Chinese conditions for buying a chunk of UK!

I reckon we’ll be seeing less items about how those dastardly Chinese are using foreign aid in third world countries to buy allegiance now that UK are getting there begging bowl filled!

Dave McEwan Hill

The flaw that nobody we seems to point out is that the SNP MPs in London are not voted into and can’t vote in the Scottish Parliament.
They are voted into a specifically United Kingdom parliament and must have exactly the same status as all other MPs in it.

The only way that complaint that Scots MPs shouldn’t vote on English affairs would be relevant or sensible would be if there was an actual English Parliament

Les Wilson

Molly says:

That just conforms my conclusions. Audit Scotland are beginning to look suspicious. Also consider, just before FMQ’s, coincidence????

Les Wilson

I cannot find FQM’s anywhere today? Anyone have a link?

Jack Murphy

The Scotland Office is no more.
Oh yes it is!!
Oor very own Governor General Mundell has forgotten to tell Google Maps of this monumental change.

The Scotland Office in Edinburgh will be needing a new brass plaque and new bonny headed notepaper at oor expense. 🙁

link to


When my friends in NE Englandshire went on the attack recently, re Scotland, saying we are a basket case, I did try to point out that they would therefore be much better off without us.
That went down like a lead balloon, wonder why

I walked past a large screen telly on our reception wall this morn with Rab C Nesbitt rerun blaring out of it via BBC news creepshow. Wonder why.

News, or same ol Britnat BBC propaganda, or reassuring BBC viewers in teamGEnglandB that everything is normal in their Scotland region?

Poverty is such a hoot, in the region of Scotland, under


Heedtracker 11:36 am

“How many The Vows are UKOK unionist con artists and propagandists going to make afore they all traipse back to London toon for the last time sensible?”

Er, nifty change of subject there Heedy!

I assume, even you, felt unable to support Anargach’s argument this time.

It is the totally one-eyed view of some here that leaves me stunned sometimes. Without getting into the discussion, many here see no irony at all in claiming how Scots get such a raw deal on representation (whilst having devolved powers that cover all sorts of Scottish only issues) – whilst bitching about any attempt to provide England to have any form of EVEL. Wales, NI and Scotland have devolved powers.

And, whilst I know you hate it being brought up again, we know now, that SNP MPs will jump at any opportunity to intervene in “English only” affairs if they think they can score a political point. So, in all fairness, something needs to be done – and, no, we don’t need another layer of elected representatives to achieve some change. We have 533 English MPs in the UK parliament that are quite capable of assessing English only matters – and we should use them for that.


Dave McEwan 11:53 am

“They are voted into a specifically United Kingdom parliament and “must” have exactly the same status as all other MPs in it.

The only way that complaint that Scots MPs shouldn’t vote on English affairs would be relevant or sensible would be if there was an actual English Parliament”

No Dave. There are other ways. EVEL is one. You may not want EVEL and you may not agree with EVEL, , you may be unable to imagine how it could possibly work – but we are a democracy Dave – and the majority of voters in England don’t agree with you, and a solution will be implemented that doesn’t require an English Parliament.

Scott Borthwick

Sadly, the @scotlandoffice Twitter account has been suspended. I can’t imagine why…

Caroline Corfield

I have two eyes. I can see that if you have four nations in one state and you want to devolve some powers to them you set up four devolved assemblies or parliaments. You do not make the state parliament also one of the devolved parliaments.

Have you got something in your eye that you can’t see how logical that is? Or do you subscribe to the view that Westminster has always been the English Parliament which they’ve been kind enough to let the other nations share?

Scott Borthwick

The UK Government For Scotland. Here, Mr Fluffy Muddle, let me fix that for you.

The UK Government Has It In For Scotland.

You’re welcome.


Caroline Corfield at 12:38 pm

You wrote “I have two eyes. I can see that if you have four nations in one state and you want to devolve some powers to them you set up four devolved assemblies or parliaments. You do not make the state parliament also one of the devolved parliaments.

Have you got something in your eye that you can’t see how logical that is? Or do you subscribe to the view that Westminster has always been the English Parliament which they’ve been kind enough to let the other nations share?”

Caroline, the difference is there in front of you two eyes – but you refuse to see it. English MPs represent about 85% of the UK population. Some Welsh, NI and Scottish only issues have been devolved and those 533 English MPs do not have a vote on those issues.

Devolving English only issues to 533 English MPs that already gather in one place, in England, in a building that exists already, is entirely logical, efficient and representative.

Again, I can quite understand why pro independence Scots may think that it is not in their political interests for some form of EVEL to be implemented – but you are surely not trying to argue that it is not in the best interests of English voters?

Nana Smith

O/T breaking news

link to


That’s a shame:

link to

gives “account suspended”.

Good while it lasted, I genuinely couldn’t tell which was the spoof site, came to the conclusion both were. Now there’s just the UKGov Scotland spoof site left :0(


Does anyone know what a fluffer is?


Boris! I just googled fluffer. Are you suggesting we re-name him Fluffer Mundell? That’s disgraceful. ( 🙂 )

link to


Fluffily Mundelly = )

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