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Wings Over Scotland

Surging into convalescence

Posted on September 04, 2017 by

We have a contest, ladies and gentlemen.

If only there was some way to illustrate that revitalisation, eh readers?

Job done!

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Thanks, Stu, for the title bringing to mind an HMHB song (the intention, I’m sure!).

Makes me wonder if activists on either side in this campaign should be asked whether their ‘candidate is hyperactive, or is he perhaps a twat?’


Anas = pissup/brewery come to mind…..Let the show begin…:)


Oh Christ. Anas is a dentist. Inflicting pain is a career choice, at SLab central.

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god, I hope he gets it. how long will he last, heh heh

David Smith

Kudos for quoting an HMHB song title there! ??

Perhaps ‘National Shite Day’ would be an appropriate one for the next GERS release. ?


All this sorry mess goes to prove only one thing, London Labour HQ still pulls all the strings at the Scotland region branch.

They think purging SLab of the Blairites will increase Corbyn’s support in Scotland. They will be shocked to discover that his lack of popularity up here has been everything to do with his dishonesty, lies, Brexit stance and Trident and nothing to do with Kezia’s lack of support. Yep, it’s not Kez’s fault we can see through yer shite, Jez.

Still, it keeps us entertained.


Not him and who?

SKy lying again. No mention of the SNP getting the bridge built against the opposition.

Merkin Scot

Fewer than 7,000 SNP baaads does not a revitalisation maketh.


Richard Leonard, never heard of him, wonder if he does a better curry dinner than Anas . Time will tell.

Dr Jim

Revitalised is a strong word for something that was never vital in the first place

Bravely spoken by this little party soon to be aspiring to the heady levels of the Liberal Democrats

People everywhere obviously admire their honesty and integrity teh teh


Y’know, I don’t know what’s worse: the epic scale of Labour leadership’s dishonesty and their abandonment of ethics, or their willingness to put others in harms way for their dogma/careers/agenda du jour. Wedded to their tribal hatreds and a slave to a heady mixture of terminal cringe and self entitlement, they are (and continue to be), their own worst enemy.

I never thought I’d say this, but I simply don’t care about their fate anymore. They burnt way too many bridges and brought harm to their own.

Never an apology. No show of remorse and no acceptance of responsibility. Not once, over the many decades we gave them our trust.

The population of Scotland doesn’t need them, or their practice of politics.

Peter McCulloch

Wasn’t there a call for there to be a comradely campaign between Sawar and Leonard?

Isn’t that what their supporters are doing participating in their favourite past time by stabbing each other in the back.

Besides their expected constant attacks on the Scottish Government I wonder if we’ll hear any mention in the leadership campaign about these bold and radical policies they keep claiming to have.

Joe of the Coutts

My wife hates me being so unimaginative with my adjectives – but BBC UK coverage of the QC was RUBBISH!

call me dave

Jings graphs on a Monday. What only 10,000 of an upsurge for labour.

What a choice socialists eh!

Chameleonic toady Vs a Leonard who wont change his spots and Big darn Sarf labour will fix the voting system to suit anyway but even they must be greeting in their beer.

Jean Freeman on shortbread re: The 11 devolved social benefits to Scotland did a good job a wee while ago. 🙂


700k unionists – slow witted and simply incapable of seeing that Tory rule, and London rule with Jez is killing Scotland.


Joe of the Coutts says:
4 September, 2017 at 12:06 pm
My wife hates me being so unimaginative with my adjectives – but BBC UK coverage of the QC was RUBBISH!

STV on facebook have it live. Its not great though, very amateurish camera work, like a average youtube style wedding vid.

A UKOK coincidence, I’m sure.


Just heard Anas on Radio saying he is the one to ‘Unite the party’. Is he confirming there is infighting going on in Slab? If not, please Slab, elect the one who can’t do any more than emit vacuous soundbites. The sooner that happens the sooner we can get Labour below ten per cent in the polls.


Amazing how much the media is puffing up a minor Corbyn bounce in Scotland. They are desperate to get ScotLab back in charge and politics back to the UK standard.


Sorry for being off topic so early but the deliberate lack of coverage of the opening of our ‘Independence Bridge’ (Queensferry Crossing) is nothing short of a coverup. Fifty three years ago when the old Forth Road Bridge was opened it was broadcast live across the whole of the UK with full BBC and ITV outside broadcast units. Of course at that time there was no devolution and no Scottish Government which has financed its building. At that time it was obviously a Westminster ‘We are great’ propaganda event.
Even the opening of the Tay Road Bridge in 1966 by the Queen Mother was covered live on the only two channels we had at that time!


See that Kev. Now THAT’S a graph!;D

I just see another failure to match the former failure and prior to the next failure…Boy, that’s a lot of failure.


There is also, coincidently?, lots of twitter activity asking Scots to back SLAB to get rid of the Tories.

We need you, they say.

When given evidence to the contrary from the WoS archives, they block and move on to more gullible folk.

Make no mistake there is now a concerted campaign by the UK to attract folk back.
They’ve given up on Davidson cos she is a useless arrogant self promoter


Mr Sarwar has been the recipient of two, Anglo-establishment oriented, British Muslim awards. Were there such a thing as Scottish Muslim awards would he be so lucky?


O/T Daily Express in a picture of the Queen opening Queensferry Crossing, has managed to cut Nicola Sturgeon out of the picture unlike all the other pictures taken by others from the same position.

What a sad bunch at the Express.


Anas, when one of your campaign researchers reads this I do hope they tell you that there is a lot of opinion out there that believes you are the biggest liability candidate for the post. If you want labour to go backwards keep your name in the hat. The independence movement does not need your help but will be happy to accept it. All the best.


After opening the bridge, the Queen p*ssed over the Bridge [Dundee Courier, 1966]

Robert J. Sutherland

Joe of the Coutts @ 12:06,
heedtracker @ 12:12

I suppose we should be grateful there wasn’t some “technical difficulty” that prevented coverage, as seems to happen so concidentally so often when Nicola is making a public appearance somewhere.

Nice wee graph there, Stu. It illustrates very nicely why the term “poisoned chalice” keeps popping up everywhere you look online.

I can’t for the life of me see either nonentity competing for the accursed thing ever managing to stand up for us here in Scotland while in their grand wee Union. Can you either, peeps?

John Walsh

Do you think if you started selling pet food the BBC would invite you on to explain your graphs, to then be endorsed by all MSM ( Scottish divisions only) ?

harry mcaye

TheBuchanLoony – For me, and most folk I would guess, the bridge opened last week. Quite glad it’s receiving little publicity today. And good that it pissed down!

I like the name. The Queensferry Crossing. Calling it The Independence Bridge would have been ridiculous. We are not independent yet. Let’s wait till we are before we call stuff after it.


Robert J. Sutherland says:
4 September, 2017 at 12:50 pm
Joe of the Coutts @ 12:06,
heedtracker @ 12:12

I suppose we should be grateful there wasn’t some “technical difficulty” that prevented coverage, as seems to happen so concidentally so often when Nicola is making a public appearance somewhere.

There’s a great photo on Facebook, FM Sturgeon looking on intently today at the opening and the queen, who looks very unamused indeed. Maybe trying a fart, sorry a royal fart.

Other news, GS4 security took everyone’s Saltires off them before they let them do that Freedom Bridge walk. It took an hour for the cops to talk the security crew down and allow Scots to walk across their new bridge, waving their Scotland flags.

A very UKOK in Scotland tale indeed:D


Hasn’t Anas Sarwar been leader already? Surely it’s time to let the other guy have a go for a while, until all their elected members have had a spell at the tiller.

Dr Jim

Well here we are at a bridge in Scotland being opened by the Queen…Oh wait, there’s an announcement of a Royal baby so we’ll go over to that……Coincidence?… The announcement had to be today?…. Right at this moment in time?

Definitely not planned, no way, couldn’t be could it?

Well back to that bridge, let’s ask the children what they think of the Royal baby then

Job Done!

Wake up Scotland, we’re the Shite on their shoe, let’s help them by cleaning ourselves off their Shitey shoes

Ian MacDonald

Even dead cats bounce.

Robert Peffers

We really should give the Scottish Accountancy Unit if the London English British Err! Err! United Kingdom Labour Party it’s due. They are inventive, innovative and have great vision.

Only They could invent the myth that the Scottish Education system, Scottish NHS and the Scottish Police are the worst in the Universe World when everyone knows they are at least the best in Britain The United Kingdom.

Only they could come up with the innovative idea that the laughable new tax powers the Westminster de facto parliament of England generously granted to the Scottish Parliament could be utilised to force the people of Scotland, who are suffering the very worst effects of the Westminster de facto Parliament of England’s Austerity Measures, pay extra tax to alleviate the Westminster Austerity measures, (Mind you they may have got the virus germ of that idea from the Scottish Greens).

Only the Labour cringers visionaries have the vision to see a London Labour upsurge in Scotland from a very dubious General Election that London Labour. London Tory and London LibDems all fought as if it were a Referendum on Scottish Independence.

Yes that’s the London Labour Accountancy Unit for you = inventive, innovative and with vision. Note the term, “vision”, applies to myopia, (short sightedness), as well as 20/20 normal vision.


If there ever is an FM Anas in Holyrood, a lot of Scots may also be following this toryboy,

link to

Angry pro-EU Tory MEP obtains Irish passport in Brexit protest
Charles Tannock says he is ‘ashamed to be British in many ways’ and criticises his party’s ‘arrogance, hubris, petty nationalism and triumphalism’

Oooh lucky old Ireland. Just what the Irish always wanted, some English high tory roasters.

He’ll put them straight. Its a tory thing.

Dan Huil

It was Sarwar who built the bridge! Labour and the bbc say so!

Marie Clark

I really don’t care about SLAB or who it’s “leader” is.

Sarwar is a useless, empty vessel who makes a lot of noise. and Leonard, well I have no idea who he is, but he seems to have some attachment to the GMB vote no wing of whatever. So another dud. Seemingly he’s English and is worried that we bad Scots won’t like him.

That’s not the reason we wouldn’t like him, he’s a britnat through and through by the sound of him, that’s a better reason for not liking him.

Brus MacGallah

O/T just watching lunchtime Misreporting Scotland. I’m no fan of Queenie but here’s the running order. Scottish Government killing people with sepsis, Labour rats fight in sack, and third, some bridge being opened somewhere by some auld women.


Robert Peffers

@Ian MacDonald says: 4 September, 2017 at 1:14 pm:

“Even dead cats bounce.”

Aye! Ian, Mibbie so. but they only bounce if someone, it least half alive, helps them to do so and drops the dead cat from a height. Not only that but the greater the height the bigger the bounce.


Rev, you know what Anas meant, he was clearly talking about Scottish Labour Party memebership…can you ask him to confirm the current figures please.

The thought that Anas Sarwar is viewed as the UNITY candidate simply is too much for my little brain to comprehend.

2 arch unionists going for the SL Leadership, oh well, plus ca change!


BBC Shortbread, giving Sarwar time to drone on about how SLAB are back.

Meanwhile BBC Shortbread are attacking the SNP again, this time over Sepsis.


Another HMHB vote here. D.


That’s not the reason we wouldn’t like him, he’s a britnat through and through by the sound of him, that’s a better reason for not liking him.

He’s a tory, a toryboy, from Hutchesons, home of the less and less spotted Glasgow tory.

Its easy to picture in his south side surgery, busily descaling folks gnashers day in day out and then suddenly deciding, you know what, I’m going to get into politics…but which side Anas, which side?

His old school’s quite interesting really. Very posh but right in the middle of one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow, Govan Hill.

Its an area that’s been used by SLabour in Glasgow activists, just like Anas, for ages now, as its FM Sturgeon’s patch and they want something done about the endemic poverty/smear Sturgeon, lapping up against one of Glasgow’s poshest schools front door.

Cant really complain really, great Scots like Humsa Yusaf and John Buchan also went there. You can still see Buchan’s old house, just up the road.

Willie Rutherglen

Continuing the HMHB theme…..

“Your optimism strikes me like junk mail addressed to the dead.”


This guy is a slimy little p***k. He simply oozes dishonesty. I cant see anything positive coming for Slabor if he becomes their leader.

Well, maybe he’ll pick up more votes from the ethnic minorities since that wouldnt be a racist choice for them like it would be for a white person to vote based on race, right?

Tam the Bam.


At least The Queensferry Crossing item beat The Scotland Squad story though Brus.You do realise Misreporting Scotland do this deliberately don’t you? The P.A. (Press Association..on the newsfeed on my browser couldn’t bring themselves to print went with the banner..’British Isles nation voted Worlds most beautiful.’


Harry Mcaye @ 1.03pm
You miss my point of calling it our Independence Bridge. This bridge is a shining example of what is possible with the Scottish Government being in control of some of the levers of power and using them for the benefit of the people of Scotland. It is what we can do and do again and again.
The Independence Bridge gives everyone a vision into the future.
I also think you are being a bit harsh thinking it ‘good that it pissed down’ on old Queeny. Now I’m am no fan of Queeny but I thought it was good that we made her earn her little pittance doing a bit of work for us sovereign people who employs her as she is obliged to do some things for us now and again. I’m sure she would have preferred not to have been there and some lesser lacky open the bridge. The Westminster establishment would have preferred her not to have to do it either hence the blackout in coverage down south.

colin alexander

Sorry Stu, you are taking things too literally.

When they talk of SLab being revitalised, they are really thinking Tory support revitalised in Scotland -the blue Tories did see a significant rise in votes.

Blue Tory and Red Tories like Anas Sarwar = basically the same thing wearing a different colour of rosette.

Robert J. Sutherland

David @ 14:00:

Well, maybe he’ll pick up more votes from the ethnic minorities

Well, maybe he won’t. Maybe his own community knows him better than anyone else, and isn’t particularly impressed.

So take your (all too typical) racial slant and stuff it.


BBB news where you are, in the following order.

1. Lengthy piece on the fact that sepsis kills over 40,000 people in Scotland ? every year. SNP won’t do anything about it.

2. Anas Sarwar is in the running for Labour leadership with comments from Leonard.

3. Queen opens Queensferry Bridge. A few words from Queenie and Nicola.

4. Scotland plays Malta tonight, although the BBC won’t be showing it. (Turn over to STV for the England / Slovakia game followed by World Cup qualifier highlights of England’s latest 2018 WCQ match two hours later with Hoddle, Dixon and McCoist providing analysis for an hour).

5. Weather.

On a positive note everyone, especially the schoolchildren, was waving a Saltire. Not a UJ in sight. Must have been a bit of a shock for Queenie, Philip and British Nationalists north and south of the border.


Sorry Robert J.Sutherland, i didn’t mean to offend anyone with realism 🙂


At least The Queensferry Crossing item beat The Scotland Squad story though Brus.You do realise Misreporting Scotland do this deliberately don’t you?

You’re talking about a Britnat tory culture in their Scotland, enraged at something like an amazing new bridge, an iconic one for sure but still a bridge.

This britnat red and blue tory culture, belched on us by beeb Scotland gimps in particular, is more than just delighted to have another countries WMD’s dumped in Argyll.

UK Trident nukes are dumped in Scotland because at least some of the consequences of just one Trident war head going off in the Clyde, can be seen in this International Red Cross video. Let them smear a bridge though.

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Robert Graham

O/T – And true to form ,the BBC running order will be , well it won’t be the bridge, cos that’s a bridge to far for them, a bit disappointed in the coverage especially on our super duper BBC in Scotland, My memory might be failing but I seen to remember the opening of the fourth bridge and the Clyde tunnel were on the TV when I was still at school, and we watched both, aye times have changed these things are ten a penny now . Just an everyday occurrence .

Tinto Chiel

40000 deaths in Scotland? 2459 sepsis deaths in Scotland according to figures here:

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I had the misfortune of seeing bits of the Reporting Scotland lunchtime programme in the barbers’. It really pooped all over the QC opening, didn’t it?. I also found it strange the sepsis camapaigner seemed to say at the end of the health piece “another health crisis in Scotland” or words to that effect. Sounded like Eleanor Bradford’s “we’re all doomed” stuff.

Funniest bit was coverage of the BLiS______d leadership contest, as if it were in any way relevant to Scottish politics. Sarwar actually praising Corbyn was the real parallel-universe moment.

Thank God I never see this stuff normally.

Yoon Scotland: where every day is winter, and Christmas never comes.


Take me to your British leader.

Cometh the hour cometh PM Sarwar. Come on you have to high hopes to be a SLabour leader, Holyrood’s just a shitty wee side show, to our imperial masters of SLab.

From Anas in Westminster action,Holyrood’s a dictatorship of one man. Lovely chap.

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To, Graun creeps pretending there is no such a thing as S_____d.

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I’m sure I heard BBC misreporting Scotland use the 40000 per year death toll of sepsis but used the UK death toll in order to make it sound like a much bigger problem here than it actually in fact is. They’re a sneaky bunch of creeps, it was classic BBC propaganda.
Tell the heartbreaking story of a family and use it to attack the Scottish Government. Like the Scottish government has in its power to save every life from every potential disease out there that can strike folk down very quickly as is the case with sepsis.


Bless, they do try don’t they. Making up a fantasy life for themselves, and condoning and even voting for a hell of a life for the poor, sick, disabled and vulnerable.

Labour disgust me to the very core, for their lies and deception.

Keeping the SNP out of councils in Scotland by going into coalition with the tories. Utterly stinking, rotten self serving troughers, the lot of them. Why would anyone vote for wolves in sheeps clothing. Very bad habit imo.


Macart says:
4 September, 2017 at 11:57 am
Y’know, I don’t know what’s worse: the epic scale of Labour leadership’s dishonesty and their abandonment of ethics, or their willingness to put others in harms way for their dogma/careers/agenda du jour. Wedded to their tribal hatreds and a slave to a heady mixture of terminal cringe and self entitlement, they are (and continue to be), their own worst enemy.

I follow Wings on a daily basis, being one of those who likes to see different points of view on many topics raised by Wings followers and the usually worthy flow of comments that follow.

In this respect it is difficult to single out any particular commenter’s post as I believe all points should be heard. However, on this occasion Macart neatly sums up how the “Yooniverse” is the vacant, lonely, cold and heartless place that it is and the lifeforms that are it’s inhabitants are screaming out to be heard. However, the screaming only gets fainter and fainter…!!!


So, if UK sepsis deaths are 40,000 and Scotland is 2,459 then the Scotland is doing much better than rUK.

So the headline should be ‘sepsis deaths much lower in Scotland’.

Robert J. Sutherland

David @ 14:22,

What “realism”, exactly? It was a wild supposition on your part, entirely unsupported by any actual fact.

Utterly unworthy of WoS, where fact is the gold standard.

Your little injection of unsubstantiated unpleasantness doesn’t even meet the lead standard. Take a hike.


I wonder if Mr Sarwar will be hosting any dinners like he did before getting his lofty place on the Slab List for the Scottish Parliament? If so, can I suggest a picket line of people who have to make use of food banks to feed themselves and their families.

Am I mistaken or is this Sarwar related to the former MP of that name who ditched his British citizenship (No envious comments, you at the back) to take up a post at the public trough in India or Pakistan?

Tinto Chiel

“So the headline should be ‘sepsis deaths much lower in Scotland’.”

Quite, cearc. But the RS report focused on this very sad case and spun an SG Bad story out of it.

I’m hoping BBC bias is getting so blatant that more and more Scots are switching off.

CameronB Brodie

The thing about leadership and decision making is that it helps if you appreciate where you are starting from. Realistic appraisal of such should help minimize misplaced optimism and possible disappointment. 😉

Decision making
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I’ve just checked the BBC Scotland news site but see that the programme has been CUT (massively) from what was said earlier and that they’ve added sub-titles now with one stating that ”It’s estimated that 44,000 people die of sepsis in the UK every year. It’s not known how many of these people come from Scotland.” Now on another BBC site they quote the Scottish figure as being 3,500. So they DO know.

link to

Anyway as I heard it earlier it sounded as though the figure related to Scotland or it’s said in such a way to give that impression. Meanwhile it would seem that over 40,000 people are dying in rUK every year with sepsis, but there was NO mention of that on the news today … where they are.

As for Mr Stobo, well you’ve got to feel sorry for the man but I reckon that NHS Scotland saved his life, not his wife. Nicola Sturgeon’s to blame of course. SNP Baad. First item on their news today … and EVERY day it would seem.

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I hadn’t realised Anas was currently the Scottish Labour Health spokesperson. Possibly because Labour have gone pretty silent on health.

Bodes well for his leadership, eh?



With all my love, a Truly Proud Scot 🙂 xxx

Tinto Chiel

Sorry, CameronB: for a moment I thought that was Anas Sarwar’s aspirational campaign video. He got his right and his left mixed up.


CameronB Brodie

Tinto Chiel
I thought it had a resonance. 🙂

Bob Mack

Slab electing Sarwar as leader would be akin to NASA selecting Mr Bean as a Mars mission controller. Ho Ho Can’t wait.

colin alexander

Re Sepsis

“A condition that kills more people in the UK each year than bowel, breast and prostate cancer combined”.

Read this: It could save a family member’s life, if you spot the symptoms get the paramedics as a medical emergency 999.

link to

Sepsis is a killer. See also: link to

My own dear Mother almost died of it. But it can kill younger people too.

They pumped her full of antibiotics and fluids in a drip and told us they are doing their best for her and it was a case of wait and see. They couldn’t say whether she would live or not.

Thank God she did, but others have not been so fortunate.

Seeing for myself what Sepsis can do, I believe there should be wider publicity about this illness.

She caught a hospital based infection and swelled up, was in delirium, telling the doctors I had died and spoke gibberish with delirium.

Jack Collatin

I take it that Kate and Wills will have the two child cap applied to their Universal Credit payment?

Tinto Chiel

Och, you guys, the banter! Going by the Rev’s title for this thread, I suspect it will soon be a Bath chair for Anas…

And a Bath Oliver if he’s really good.


BBC Scotland once again runs with why is SG not doing x about y, it is a nightly headline it seems. Nothing wrong with reporting a campaign, the problem is the emphasis and tone, it is always the SG is in the wrong.

They of course always fail to report these initiatives need to be financed, the cash has to come from somewhere, what do they suggest is cut? There usual fallback is to throw in some new powers comment. But detail is not in their interest when you use a large SNPbad paintbrush.

Street Andrew

A bit OT, this, maybe just OH (old hat)

I gave up reading the Grauniad years ago, but was diverted to the piece by Kevin McKenna on the bridge opening.

It’s embarrassing.

No wonder the mental health services are under strain with this sort of unanswerable pish swilling around the media. It’s insulting.


Just because a corpse is heaving with maggots doesn’t mean it’s showing vital signs of life.


It’s probably another SNP baaad story which completely fails to compare stats compared to the rest of the UK because the stats here are much better. If the UK stats were indeed better we wouldn’t hear the end of it.


@ Jack Collatin – unless she can prove it was the result of a rape.

Meg merrilees


I did hear the Colonial broadcasters say this morning that the Royal Couple were having to make the baby announcement sooner than they had intended.

Does make you wonder tho…

Ach well, good health to her and anyone else that’s pregnant just now.

Agree about Sepsis Colin – my elderly Aunt ( 90) had it and in the space of 90 minutes went from being ok – just a bit tired and chilly, to being unable to stand and shivering. We got her to hospital but it was touch and go for a few days. Seems her kidneys had packed up.
Still with us at 93 but you do worry every time she’s ill now.

The hospital was fantastic and really looked after her.


‘re Sepsis

I tracked a little bit back and found this from 2014.
link to

Proud Cybernat

With a gleam in her eye…

link to


Bonny Bridges

Well despite my doubts I must say I quite enjoyed the opening.
And not a Union flag in site. Someone had given all the kids a Saltire to wave.



How long will it be before the first complaint of indoctrination appears in the Hootsman?


And another thing. My eagle eyed wife says the Queen had an SNP symbol on her handbag!
Have a look. It’s true.

Walking On Sunshine

What is the point of Labour?

Be it UK Labour (English Labour).

Scottish Labour (Labour in Scotland. Who the hell are they?)

Never been registered as a party anywhere and should be held to account.

Or Glasgow Labour. Just getting ridiculous so it is.

Labour in all their different guises, hues and colours should go away and die in a corner.

They are anti Scotland, anti-Scottish independence, an embarrassment to Scots and a total waste of time.

The quicker this mob disappear off the political map the better. They will do themselves and everybody else a favour. What are they waiting for?

Proud Cybernat

How long will it be before the first complaint of indoctrination appears in the Hootsman?

Ah know. They’re bliddy everywhere…

link to


Walking On Sunshine says:

Labour … are anti Scotland, anti-Scottish independence, an embarrassment to Scots and a total waste of time. “

The same can be claimed for Tories. Although it has to be said that the Tories are less hypocritical about it – they are unashamedly British, or GreaterEnglandish more like. Any pretence to be Scottish has been largely dropped. Although they stick with the ‘Scottish’ in their branch name still.

Labour (North British branch) stick to a greater extent with a false Scottish/Scotland identity. There was a time when many people did feel they had a Scottish/British dual identity. Most Scots (even many naesayers) no longer see that – the two are mutually exclusive for most. Labour just hasn’t caughtened on to this reality.

They are thoroughly “anti Scotland” and wish Scotland only ill. Anyone who feels Scottish should reject them.

Robert J. Sutherland

Fireproofjim @ 17:07,

Maybe Her Maj has been thinking very carefully about the future for Scotland. =grin=

(And came to the natural conclusion where the best interests of the Royal Family in Scotland now lie. And wisely giving up on Anas, Rude Gal and Wee Willie.)

Flower of Scotland

My husband died at the age of 58 with sepsis which started with an ear infection.

The two Doctors that came out to visit him at home, said it was flu.

They later apologised for lack of care, but by the time he eventually got to hospital it was too late.

I know it is difficult to diagnose but the local practice were at fault and apologised. I let it go as nothing would bring him back.

That was fourteen years ago this Christmas. Hopefully GPs are better trained these days to pick up the symptoms.


Petra says:
4 September, 2017 at 3:30 pm
I’ve just checked the BBC Scotland news site but see that the programme has been CUT (massively) from what was said earlier and that they’ve added sub-titles now with one stating that ”It’s estimated that 44,000 people die of sepsis in the UK every year. It’s not known how many of these people come from Scotland.” Now on another BBC site they quote the Scottish figure as being 3,500. So they DO know.


Actually they do not know accurately because sepsis as cause of death is difficult to define and record accurately according to the Information Services Division. Therefore the 3,500 figure quoted is a proportion of the 44,000 deaths from sepsis for the whole UK. The 44,000 figure is itself an estimate.

When I first saw a report of this I thought the 44,000 was the Scottish figure because of the way the article was written. Did think it was high so read the article to the end and then had the full picture.

For the record there were a total of 56,728 deaths in Scotland in 2016. Cancer, heart disease, respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, dementia and Alzheimer’s accounted for 70% of all deaths. This leaves 17,207 deaths due to a range of other causes. Gut feeling, 3,500 due to sepsis is possibly a bit high.

Reluctant Nationalist

Ian MacDonald: “Even dead cats bounce.”

And dead people, too. 😉

Lenny Hartley

Re Sepsis, had it once whilst in Gartnavel, unpleasant for several hours but in that case not as severe as Man Flu. Had septicaemia after bowel got puntured , that was very dodgy, major organ failure including heart, liver and kidneys, was put into induced coma and drip fed industrial strength domestos (so said one of the Doctors when I got better) . In both cases the Scots NHS staff were incredible and I’m typing this now thanks to their skill, commitment and dedication.
One piece of advice I would pass onto anyone in a similar situation, keep fighting, when I awoke from emergency op to clean out and repair perforated bowel, I knew I was very ill and I remember saying to myself “Fight Fight Fight” even though you are in a coma you do sometimes know what’s going on and I was always “Fighting” at one point they took me out of the coma to check things out and I asked a nurse what my chances were. So I just have known I had a fight on my hands.
So like fellow Indy supporters whether it’s fighting sepsis, septicaemia or the Brit Establisment , never give up!

mike d

Well done lenny.

Dorothy Devine

Lenny , that sounds hellish . Glad to know you beat the odds.


BBC National TV News report on new bridge not a single mention of Scottish Government who paid for it or of our First Minister… not the Labour supporting Moderator.

Dr Jim

Well your Queenliness what do you think of the bridge?
Well says her Queenliness it’s pure dead brilliant and stauns right oot oan the skyline like a magic big boat and I’ve seen aw the videos aboot it an ahm dead impressed

I’m paraphrasing slightly but that’s about the height of what she had to say, and it kinda puts all the miserable Union supporters in their boxes considering they all thought they were defending their religious bigotry or their Union by attempting to downgrade the achievement by comparing it to such nonsense

How are you all enjoying your Queens message now newspapers


Well there’s a surprise (not) England game on again, then after the news at ten, it’s highlights of you guessed it, the England game.

We colonials haven’t got a look in.


Anas vs Leonard Nimoy

Will he go for the neck pinch?

Not convinced either are the right road for Labour in the current situation but can’t be unhappy it is going to be one of those two. I think we will get more laughs with Anas though.


Yeh it really is outrageous that this is allowed to happen. Nicola Sturgeon should raise this at Holyrood as no other country in the world would accept this insult to its people.Broadcasting should and must now be devolved.
I am so so sick of the way this country is treated.


On the subject of health, at what age are people in rUK, particularly England, tested for bowel cancer? It is from age 50 in Scotland, and last I heard, it is from age 60 in England. Big difference, must cost more when people are not diagnosed early on, but then that matters not a jot to Tories and red Tories, they simply do not care when there is money to be made from healthcare.

One thing I think that everyone should be taught is at least basic first aid, and symptoms of things like Sepsis and Meningitis. Classes should be free.

Jason Smoothpiece

Brit Nat Labour are on the up you know they have many more members….. and things.

A new development which worries me a little is they are putting the few politicians they have who are articulate forward for leading roles.

Don’t worry too much about this as they will soon run out of the few articulate one’s due to the high turnover of leaders.


I don’t know if it has been mentioned already but now that Wills and Kate are expecting a third bairn is the two child limit being imposed by HMG or will we taxpayers be expected to support the bairns of billionaires with more public dosh?

Anyone prepared to guess?



Sick of it very much so, we colonials cannot be allowed to watch our national football team play on terrestial tv (unless we’re playing England).

For it may cause the colonials to feel patriotic, and spread a desire for access to all things Scottish on our terrestrial channels, eventually leading to pride and independence.

Colonials must kept on the cringeworthy side of the fence. Broadcasting ergo can never be devolved.


Labour are currently irrelevant in Scotland, and for good reason – we’re wise to them. They’re a foil to the excesses of tory governments, who are surprised when they occasionally win an election, then make a complete Jeremy Hunt of it!

My father voted labour all his life, and saw failures like Kinnoch make fortunes for hee-haw. Scots can’t let phony Corbynmania take root. The fact that they’re aping SNP policies when they see that they work says much about their lack of direction.

It doesn’t matter whether Sarwar or Leonard lead the branch office; both privately educated, arrogant and aimless.

Get ready for the next reincarnation of the “change” banner!

Liz g

admrial @ 7.30
Well she she should know that if she wants her family allowance…..she needs to fill in the rape clause form


How proud I am again of Scotland’s NHS Managed by our own SNP Government, and how disgruntled I am again to be subjected by UK Media’s latest attempt to turn Britain’s most successful NHS into an SNP Bad story.

You will see below from the published figures below, from a non biased source, NHS Scotland performs around 10% better than the shambles that is NHS Tory England.

Mortality in England, according to the October 2015 report ‘Just Say Sepsis’ by NCEPOD, is 30%- so (0.3 x 123,000) = 36,900 deaths in England. In Wales, mortality according to Vaughan Gethin MP was 24% in 2015, so (0.24 x 7,192) = 1,726 deaths. In Scotland, data from the Scottish Patient Safety Programme shows mortality to be 20%, so (0.2 x 12,296) = 2,459 deaths. There are no mortality data available for NI so we assume 30%: (0.3 x 4,176) = 1,253 deaths.

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

woosie @ 19:29,

The irony of the whole thing is that it was Nicola’s personal success in England during UKGE 2015 that convinced Labourites down there that what they really needed was someone who could offer a whole lot more of the same. Thus step up JC.

For their UKGE 2017 manifesto, the Labour Messiah and his disciples simply copied wholesale the SNP programme which had in fact been implemented here already.

Then their Northern Accounting Unit has the brazen cheek to pitch in claiming everything is dreadfully wrong here and the SNP must do better.

You can sort of understand a bunch of old duds continuing to vote BLiS like they have done all their days, but it is very sad if young people without the bitter experience that some of us have of multiple BLiS failures through the years are now being set up to be fooled anew.

They are not going to get the Messiah, they are going to get Anas or whatsisname.

And especially galling when they are being sold second-hand policies that were shamelessly cribbed in the first place from the SNP.


Breaking news!

” Theresa May to make mystery ‘important intervention’ …. Guy Verhofstadt said that the next round of crunch talks with Brussels could be pushed back to the final week of September to accommodate an intervention from the Prime Minister on 21 September. “

link to (Text only)

Never a dull moment in politics in 2017!


Just been informed by Jackie bird that pressure is growing on the Scottish government over this sepsis story they’ve been pushing so hard today. I think the BBC have gone way beyond just a few porkies pies. It’s becoming quite clear they are openly bullying the Scottish government. They know they are untouchable and will get away with it. We really need to take them on. Next week during the March and rally for independence it would be good to see a lot of placs having a go at them.


@ Walking On Sunshine says at 5:08 pm ….. ” What is the point of Labour? Be it UK Labour (English Labour). Scottish Labour (Labour in Scotland. Who the hell are they?) Never been registered as a party anywhere and should be held to account. Or Glasgow Labour. Just getting ridiculous so it is. Labour in all their different guises, hues and colours should go away and die in a corner. They are anti-Scotland, anti-Scottish independence, an embarrassment to Scots and a total waste of time. The quicker this mob disappear off the political map the better. They will do themselves and everybody else a favour. What are they waiting for?”

Spot on WOS. To be honest I can’t understand why so many people in Scotland continue to be conned by them, other than via the MSM support that they get. That’s the MSM that supports Westminster, England not Holyrood, Scotland. We’re actually paying through the nose for a bunch of totally ineffective chancers.

I also wonder if anyone who’s planning to vote for the Labour Party actually have any idea of what Sarwar and Leonard stand for in relation to numerous crucial issues relating to Scotland or are they just planning to support a party whose number one policy comes under the heading of ‘SNP Baad’?

More than anything I wonder if anyone planning to vote for the Labour Party realise that the Scottish politicians (23 at Holyrood / 7 at Westminster) have little to no say on what happens here as their numerous colleagues (262) continue to support the Tories at Westminster, or just abstain, such as in relation to welfare policies, austerity cuts and Brexit. .

The best example of course is Trident. Nuclear weapons based in Scotland with the capacity to blow us all to Kingdom come under the auspices of absolute madmen such as Trump and Kim Jong-un. Democracy in Scotland boiling down to being ruled over by an English Tory party that we didn’t vote for, in conjunction with an Irish DUP party that we can’t vote for, both of whom are in league with US Trump.

And if the Labour Party actually manage to get into power at Westminster again will they consider the views of their Scottish sychophants. No’s the answer. So I ask myself, and you should do too, what ‘s the point of having the English Labour party’s (and Scottish Libdems and Tories) Accounting Unit lackeys in Scotland if they can’t do Jack sh*t about us, for one, being totally decimated.


An old article but still relevant.

link to


link to



And from Craig Murray:

”… The madness of the argument is self-evident. We are borrowing hundreds of billions we cannot afford for Trident, yet in all the reams of analysis of what to do about North Korea, Trident never gets a mention. It is a system entirely useless even in the one situation in which it was supposed to be effective….”

link to

Plus an article linked to his blog.

link to

ronnie anderson
Robert J. Sutherland

galamcennalath @ 20:05,

Hmmm. Is this possibly the announcement of another UKGE, the autumn one that Labour have apparently long been anticipating?

And which the Tories might actually contrive to lose, and thereby dump the whole Brexitmess into Corbyn’s lap….?



“This guy is a slimy little p***k. He simply oozes dishonesty.”

Perfect credentials to be Scottish Labour leader: Murphy, Dugdale, Sarwar.

Even he is probably not as dishonest as Dugdale.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Aw’ come on @Fireproofjim says at 5:07 pm you canna leave it at:

“My eagle eyed wife says the Queen had an SNP symbol on her handbag! Have a look. It’s true.”

Link to a photo please.

More Ammo to annoy BwitNats with.




Without the media, this political union would have been dust long since. It is only the media and their market saturation which allows the establishment to do what they do.

Create a new media – create a new reality. Pretty much why they’re terrified of new media, social media and citizen journalism. The interwebby provides a platform they cannot ‘YET’ control.

They don’t like that much. Not having complete control of a situation. Gives the poor dears ulcers n’ sich. 🙂

Jockanese Wind Talker

Re: BBC/MSM attacking SNHS, it is simple

They f*ckers smell blood and are pushing a “Shona Robinson losing her post in Scots Gov New Term Reshuffle due to SNHS in loadsa Crisis’s” line.

Nae doot Anas being such a Good Socialist Corbynite Shadow Health Secretary caused this “SNHS ‘u-turn’ / ‘loss of faith’ by Sturgeon” etc. etc.

So transparent is the BwritNat Pwopaganda now.

chris kilby

Is it safe…?

Don’t worry. Anas will sort Scotland out. Just like Jim did.

Albert Herring

“It’s becoming quite clear they are openly bullying the Scottish government.”

It’s worse – they are actively working to overthrow the Scottish Government.

They have had lots of practice at the old regime change malarkey.


Imagine what the Rep Scot headline would have been if the G4S story was headlined in Scotland. Suspect it would have been SG under pressure/questioned/criticised, but strangely the main BBC news hardly mentions the Tory government, merely refers to the Home office comments.

It’s a daily onslaught of drip-drip criticism that they believe is working. Not sure how this propaganda can be overcome, despite the sterling efforts of the Rev, etc, their budget is miniscule compared to the main media.


Can anyone post the fake letter that Sarwar put out claiming to be from a grateful constituent, but word for word it was an exact copy of another fake letter used by another Labour
deluded candidate in Fife.

The letters were computer generated in both instances to appear to be from different hands.

If I recall Sarwar picked the wrong district for the address claimed and out of the 28 address’ there, no one new such a pensioner to have lived there.

I smell something Sarwar. lol

Highland Wifie

Queen’s handbag is made by Launer London and its logo is very similar to SNP logo.

link to

Alan Mackintosh

Effijy, i think those letters were published here within an article by Stu. Cant remeber when though, prob March or April 15 if they were prior to the ’15 GE. Cant help you with finding the article though…


And on the subject of sepsis: Pleased to hear (and see) that you made it Lenny, as did Colin’s mother.

So VERY sorry to hear about your husband Flower of Scotland (5:53pm) X


@ Legerwood says at 5:35 pm …. ”Petra .. Actually they do not know accurately because sepsis as cause of death is difficult to define and record accurately according to the Information Services Division. Therefore the 3,500 figure quoted is a proportion of the 44,000 deaths from sepsis for the whole UK. The 44,000 figure is itself an estimate.”

The point that I was really trying to make in my posts Legerwood was that the BBC had left people like myself with the impression that 44,000 people in Scotland die of sepsis every year. Then I found out that they had edited their initial report so that I couldn’t double check, but had put up their ‘cut’ version with sub-titles outlining that the 44,000 figures relate to the UK but they have no idea of the Scottish stats. In other words if you read the subtitles anything between 0 and 43,000 could apply to the Scots. Another article showed that they did know (3,500 or approximate?), so why not mention that 3,500 figure in the full and edited versions?

There was also no issue made of this subject, sepsis, on the main news, such as Theresa May’s doing nothing for the 40,000 (approximate because we don’t know the true figure) people who die in England and Wales each year with sepsis. What’s Donalda got to say about that?

I’m well aware that sepsis figures may be difficult to establish, not playing down the numbers or the severity of the condition as we know that sepsis is a form of blood poisoning that can kill. I also support a public awareness campaign 100%, however I don’t support the BBC playing their biased wee games with us. The constant SNP Baad news! If they really cared about potential victims they would have cut their lengthy report short and flagged up a list of symptoms. Better still spend some of the money they ‘rob’ from the Scots and produce a relevant programme, but that’s clearly not the name of the game for them.

And on a personal note I nearly lost someone to sepsis a few years ago. He was 6.3 tall, in his twenties and superfit. A brilliant football player. He was kicked on the head at a football match on the Saturday (open wound), was staying in a hotel over the weekend and found by a maid, by sheer chance, totally delirious on the Tuesday morning. It was touch and go for him. He lost stones in weight and it took him years to fully recover from it. The doctors said that if he hadn’t been so fit he would never have made it. Just mentioning this to flag up going to hospital if you’re injured in what appears to be such a trivial way …. ‘have wounds or injuries as a result of an accident.’

link to


Perhaps Queenie chose her bag to recognise the occasion and share in the pride Nicola has in the bridge.


@ Effijy

Do you mean this? :

link to

Highland Wifie

I like to think so!


Robert J. Sutherland says:

Is this possibly the announcement of another UKGE, the autumn one that Labour have apparently long been anticipating?

And which the Tories might actually contrive to lose, and thereby dump the whole Brexitmess into Corbyn’s lap….?

I do wonder!

During the last GE I believed the only explanation for the Tories’ behaviour was that they were trying to throw the election! Given top Tories’ antics including May hiding and policies designed to offend their core vote, it looked like it.

If they have another GE, they will lose.

Another aspect n UK politics is, how important is the continuation of the Union and how much do they wish to thwart Scottish independence and those who support it?

Another GE would almost certainly damage the SNP further. And a soft Brexit would stop IndyRef2. It could put independence decades away. That would be a prize worth losing an election for, perhaps.



I was not disagreeing with you about the reporting of this sepsis story. As I said when I initially read the story it was all too easy to get the impression that the 44,000 referred to Scotland. Even tonight at the end of Reporting Scotland when Ms Bird was giving the headlines it was the higher figure that was mentioned and there was a nanosecond of a pause before the words ‘in the Uk were mentioned. I thought that she was going to omit that important piece of information thus leaving the impression that the figures related to Scotland.

Nor do I make light of sepsis as a serious condition since my husband has twice been at serious risk from it. Once because of an insect bite and on a second occasion because of a blockage in his intestines. In the latter case if it had burst then it would have been classed as peritonitis which, if untreated, can lead to septic shock. That is where the difficulty come when assigning cause of death and hence getting an accurate figure for septic shock.

As to an public education campaign, I have no strong opinion either way.


I’m sure back in the 1960s when Queenie opened the Forth Road Bridge it wasn’t ten minutes into the Scottish news programme after a much telegraphed non story about Sepsis. Disgraceful and disrespectful from the BBC.

Ian Brotherhood

Sarwar appears to have learned nothing in the years since NS kicked his arse all over the place in that STV debate. Nothing at all.

He’s now a fan of Corbyn?! On ye go…

He thinks IndyRef2 is ‘off the table’?! Aye okay, what-evs…

He believes he can ‘unite’ Scottish voters in a way that the SNP can’t?! Brilliant…

Nice result for Scotland there – and we won the fitba too!

🙂 🙂 😉

Jockanese Wind Talker

It is acknowledged that HM Elizabeth, Queen of Scots is a very shrewd political operator @Highland Wifie says at 9:08 pm

“Queen’s handbag is made by Launer London and its logo is very similar to SNP logo.” link to

Remember this one:

link to

Anyhoo if she’s as shrewd as they say which way do you think she’d sway if the financial security of her Clan was at stake:

Resource rich Scotland or 3rd World Eng-Wal-NornIrn?

The Proletariat South of the Border will be more than a tad arsey when they are all skint and paying through the nose to survive hand to mouth when the Establishment are getting £ Millions tax free.

IScotland may put up with Her and Hers if they pay their taxes like the rest of us good citizens, (Balmoral Estate is privately owned, not Crown Estate after all and fairly remote).

Or it could just be a shared sense of Pride in a World Class piece of Infrastructure as per @HandandShrimp says at 9:12 pm.

Tick, Tock, BwitNats.

Chris F

Just a wee observation, Heedtracker: going to a private school doesn’t automatically make a person a Tory. Children receive the schooling of their parents’ choice, not their own.

Highland Wifie

Of all the considerably talented actors to choose from to play a Glasgow florist in Diana and I on Beeb2 just now why would you choose Tamsin Greig? Playing herself would have been fine but that accent – appalling.
Just to add the final insult dear Tamsin was a signatory to that infamous letter sent to the guardian opposing Scottish independence before Indyref. Ye couldnae make it up.

Ian McCubbin

I will watch with interest as the vite plummets further with Mr Sarwar at the helm of the branch office of Labour.

Ian McCubbin

Oops should be vote plummets in previous post.


Thanks Crazycat but that isn’t the letter that I spoke of because I spoke to someone from the street name appointed to the fake Labour Letter. It was Clifford Gardens.

Looks like Labour have a full time Fake Letter writer.

Fake Labour membership, Fake Labour Letters, Fake Labour manifesto, and Labour Lord Fakes of Violent Drunks.g


When he says ‘revitalised’, he’s not actually talking about public support, he’s talking about media support.


@ Effijy

Yes, as soon as I’d posted I thought there was another one. My posts are taking a while to appear, so I half-expected someone else to have come up with the answer in the interim.


@ Effijy

Now that you’ve mentoned the street name, how about this one? :

link to


@ me

I mean mentioned, of course, not the street in Edinburgh.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Might be an early GE, @galamcennalath says and Robert J. Sutherland says:

“Is this possibly the announcement of another UKGE, the autumn one that Labour have apparently long been anticipating?”

It’s either that or an announcement from May of “Stick your negotiations up your erse” and the UK walks off the Brexit Cliff Edge.

Ladbrokes giving 7/1 on a 2017 GE the noo so probably the Cliff Edge more likely.

Robert J. Sutherland

galamcennalath @ 21:28,

I know. Despite the obvious reasons (which seem to buoy-up Labour despite the hard facts of life as Stu helpfully reminds us here), I’m not sure that another UKGE would necessarily damage the SNP further.

It would depend to a large extent on the campaign the party fought, I think. Last time was a muffed opportunity, as hindsight has so helpfully shown us – afterwards. Next time, a full-on call to back independence as the alternative to being dragged down to ruin in a dead-beat Brexitania might well regain many of those disillusioned voters who stayed at home last time.

And there’s reason to believe that in Scotland we have seen peak Tory and peak Labour. Both have clearly nothing to offer Scotland. A failure to progress would be a mortal blow to Labour in Scotland at least.

Jockanese Wind Talker


“Sky News understands the Scottish Government plans to launch a plastic bottle deposit return scheme following Sky’s Ocean Rescue campaign”

Aye Murdoch, it was all down to Sky and f*ck all to do with the Scottish Government being progressive and proactive on Environmental Legislation, ya fud.

Hee Haw about Scottish Government plans to scrap Public Sector Pay Cap (Phillip Hammond refuses to rule out Westminster might scrap it though).

Oh and Faradge (no typo) says he now thinks Junker and Barnier don’t want a deal (Cliff Edge?)

colin alexander


I had a personal letter from Shona Robison. She assures me the SNP Scottish Govt do not run the NHS, it’s the Health Board(s) that does that.

So, that the Chief Executive of a particular NHS Health Board accepting the Information Commissioner’s ruling that the NHS had breached the Data Protection Act, while at the same time continuing to tell us that the Health Board had done nothing wrong, was nothing to do with Shona Robison or the Scottish Government cos they only offer policies and ideas. They don’t run it.

colin alexander

Edit, while discussing the latest complaint of the same NHS Health Board again breaching the Data Protection Act, the ICO corrected me.

They do not issue “rulings”. The Information Commissioner gives “assessments” on whether the Data Protection Act 1998 principles have been adhered to – or not.

Robert Louis

I just have to say, I no longer have any time for the disgraceful and insulting, anti-Scottish Red Arrows. At the Commonwealth games, the insisted they could not use the colours of the Scotland flag, and only ever do red, white and blue.

They manage, however, to do other colours for other countries. For the Indian Prime Minister in London, they did the colours of his flag.

No doubt they had some other made up lame excuse for doing red, white and blue over Scotland’s new bridge today.

By behaving in this way, the Red arrows are just an insult to Scotland. The sooner they are disbanded, the better.

And let’s please stop getting them to do things up here.

Robert J. Sutherland

Jockanese Wind Talker @ 22:04,

You could be right. But whatever she unilaterally declares, actual exit still doesn’t happen until 29.March.2019 at the earliest.

Then some kind of mayhem at the ports would rapidly ensue – a real full-blooded crisis. Literal instead of metaphorical deadlock. Are the Brexiteers really that “lost in space”?

Alternatively, she could be about to declare that, under protest, she gracefully capitulates on all the EU27 demands in the current negotiations in order to move on to the desired trade talks. But that would be a real surprise.

I still think it’s an election somehow. (Another Brexit referendum sometime, even?)

Or how about indyref2? To get it out of the way, one way or the other. Maybe she is willing to risk the loss of Scotland just to get us out of her Brexit plans.

Another Union Dividend

On way back from Hampden. I wonder who at SFA had such a lack of awareness to accept an advert from Union Jack “Best of British” Radio?

Would they accept an advert from an Indy supporting online radio station?

Perhaps a crowdfunder for Wings advert at Slovakia game in October?

Calum McKay

It is the job of government to govern.

It is not the job of to drop everything they are doing this instant and divert resources and effort to placate the latest bbc story, no matter how genuine.

Otherwise we have the bbc, an organisation many Scots mistrust, running our NHS.

It is the job of government to meet with the concerned relatives to discuss their concerns, and to highlight what they are doing to combat or mitigate those concerns. The personal stories and experiences may help inform ministers and decisions makers, conversely it may not.

I am not questioning motives, but what we all find curious is why today and why in this manner? The bbc also provided changing figures through out the day, but at no stage assessed the merits and figures from relatives perspective versus the Scottish Governments view. The bbc left thae article to provide a false impression of an issue and relatives being ignored.

The bbc did a hatchet job, the objective being to replace a good news story with a bad news story.

Why the SNP are putting up with this coverage is beyond me?


Robert J. Sutherland says:
4 September, 2017 at 3:13 pm
David @ 14:22,

‘What “realism”, exactly? It was a wild supposition on your part, entirely unsupported by any actual fact.

Utterly unworthy of WoS, where fact is the gold standard.

Your little injection of unsubstantiated unpleasantness doesn’t even meet the lead standard. Take a hike.’

The thing is Bob (may I call you bob?), that its the main contributors who are largely fact based. Not the comment section, which is often the soap box of the most uneducated, clueless lefties to ever poison an independence movement 🙂

Robert J. Sutherland

David @ 23:30,

Since you ask, no, you may not call me “Bob”.

And the only poisonous contribution to the indy debate is yours. (More than once.) And it’s not a question of politics, it’s a question of ethics.

One may even suspect that the real intention is to give the opponents of indy some dirt to cast against WoS. For such was your tainted contribution.

It’s not as though Sarwar doesn’t present plenty reasons for legitimate criticism, that anyone has any need to introduce whiffy ones.

meg merrilees

Fireproof Jim re

Saltires on the Bridge.

I’ve never seen an article on the BBC website with so many Saltires visible. Must have hurt them to use those photos. Presumably the ones they didn’t use have even more Saltires in them!

Love the one of the Scots band marching across the bridge. Every one of their music holders attached to their instruments has a whacking great Saltire on the front. Beautiful.

I heard Mr. Sarwar’s election pitch earlier tonight – He reckons he’s the person to unite the party and take the fight to the SNP and Conservative party.

How about making it a priority to stand up for SCOTLAND in the next 18 months and work with the Scottish Government – or SNP whatever he wants to call it – to take the fight to the Conservative party.

Might get a few more votes that way.

T May’s mystery intervention: – offer to pay a fixed amount of money and get on with the next bit of negotiations or walk out.
Mind you it all depends on what happens in N. Korea/USA in the next two weeks and whether Labour vote down the Great Repeal Bill this coming week.
Not holding my breath on either of them.


The National has an interesting article on Sarwar and Leonard today – ‘Labour battle gets dirty as MSP’s declare.’

…’Supporters of front runners Anas Sarwar and Richard Leonard launched blistering personal attacks.’ The gist being Leonard supporters are attacking Sarwar for sending his sons to a private school. Sarwar supporters are attacking Leonard for being English saying his broad Yorkshire accent and private schooling won’t help. Labour may use the contest as a recruitment drive through offering new members a vote.

More details of Dugdale’s last days in office came to light. She “bailed out because she couldn’t be arsed anymore.” Sent a resignation WhatsApp message to most of her MSP’s half an hour before it became public knowledge. One MSP said “it was a shitty way to do it.” Alan Roden found out when he was in a casino at Las Vegas. Roden, Martin McCluskey and Gina Davidson’s employment contracts were tied to the leader. One report suggested “Dugdale will soon quit Holyrood and may even in time declare support for independence or join the SNP.”

More of course with blah blah comments from Leonard and an even longer blah blah SNP Baad tirade from Sarwar.

Another round of 23 Labour nonentities backbiting and backstabbing, destroying themselves from the inside, on the way once again folks. For once Dugdale “can’t be arsed” got it right by getting out.


@ Legerwood at 9:36pm ….. “I was not disagreeing with you ..”

No probs Legerwood. I was just trying to clarify why I had omitted to mention the fact that it’s difficult to establish exact stats, as your comments about your husband makes clear. Pleased to hear he’s another who got through it (twice). Lucky man X


@ Jockanese Wind Talker at 9:42pm …”Anyhoo if she’s (Queenie) as shrewd as they say which way do you think she’ll sway if the financial security of her Clans was at stake: Resource rich Scotland or 3rd World Eng-Wal-Nornirn?

It’s been reported already JWT that she’ll be heading for Balmoral with Philip in the near future. Settling there. Seems she knows what side her bread will be buttered on. Cameron’s seemingly looking to live permanently in Scotland too. Just waiting on a similar announcement being made about Farage and Johnston.

Flower of Scotland


I think that’s a great idea! Placards about the anti Scottish BBC in Scotland, on Sat 16th. I’m going and I’m not very artistic but I might have a go at making one.

Thanks Petra. The symptoms of sepsis are very similar to flu, but questions should be asked about recent infections.

BBC in Scotland must spend a fortune on FOIs. Nick Eardley is looking into the “young generation” at the moment, so look out for more bad news. I don’t watch or listen to BBC in Scotland anymore.
They just lie.

Chick McGregor

@Flower of Scotland

“I think that’s a great idea! Placards about the anti Scottish BBC in Scotland, on Sat 16th. I’m going and I’m not very artistic but I might have a go at making one.”

From a few years back, ridiculed then as being paranoid even by some indy supporters, but seems a bit tame, if anything, now.

comment image?dl=0


Just wondering if state tv in North Korea broadcast clips of Jackie Burd doing our “news” for the amusement of their local audience?

Robert Louis

I see The National, is saying the FM is about to unveil the most ambitious legislative plans for a decade. Good. I assume top of the list will be the referendum on independence in order to prevent Scotland being dragged out of the EU against its wishes, and an assertion of Scottish sovereignty, in order to protect Scotland, it’s economic prosperity and the people of Scotland.

That is the most urgent pressing issue of the day, isn’t it? Or are the SNP just planning to pretend the car crash of brexit isn’t really happening?


BBC Scotland is the Labour Party Press Office. Boothman’s insults to Margo’s daughter. He was sidestepped. The Labour Party is falling further. Not him and who? will finish off support in Scotland. The Tories are a disgrace ruining the world economy. Dread to think the state of Scotland without the SNP Gov. They can do the right thing because they are funded by the members who care about their communities and economy. Just keep on voting SNP/SNP. Vote for Independence. The Tories will soon be gone in Westminster. So will Labour in Scotland. The unionists copy SNP policies.

The unionist crooks at Westminster couldn’t make a bigger mess tanking the economy. Unbelievable. Farcical. Westminster crooks cost Scotland £20Billion a year. The attempts by MSM to jeopardise the Bridge coverage with anything they could was quite alarming. A dumped politican, a woman having a baby, German election, then lying health reporting. Scandalous. Costly handbags.

It is easier in Scotland. Just vote SNP/SNP. Vote for Independence. Scotland has friends in Europe.

Robert Louis

ALANM at 0712am,

Jackie Bird has EXACTLY the same role for England’s colonial rule of Scotland as that shouty lady we see on North Korea TV has for the DPRK. Jackie just doesn’t shout as much.


It is difficult, almost impossible to hold an IndyRef because of the Brexit carry on. It could affect the Scottish economy. The SNP willl support and hold another Referendum when support is right and it can be won. Westminster is at a state of collapse. When that happens the SNP will act. Declare a date. Until then the SNP Gov will continue to competently run Scotland and stand up for Scotland. Best that can happen in the circumstances. Taking back powers gradually? Until Scotland is free of Westminster chronic, chaotic interference.

North chiel

Disgraceful, that Pacific quay relegated the Royal opening of
the magnificent Queensferry Crossing after another SNP / Scot gov baad health service story ( obviously Eleanor Bradford is continuing to work on a ” consultative basis” to provide Union Jackie and cronies with the never ending ” failing health service stories” to promote the required agenda.)
The ” head” of BBC ” Scotland” should hang her head in shame that the culmination of such a historical feat of world leading civil engineering was not broadcast live to our people.Absolutely shameful!
Just another unionist branch manager who has to ” Kow tow” to BBC Westminster head office.

North chiel

Fascinating recently, to watch BBC network breakfast prog now never ending advertisement for the ” great British seaside”. This new agenda obviously dictated from Westminster Tory ” high command” indicates the end of travel to the ” Johnny Foreigner costas ” for the great British ” working classes” . Under post Brexit Tory rule only the ” upper classes” will be able to afford annual ” foreign jaunts” consequently the ” plebs” are to be encouraged to return to the ” nostalgic days” of the fifties& sixties with trips to Blackpool, Skegness the new ” norm” . The Tory property speculators have in all probability been ” buying up” cheap property in these former ” hey day” seaside resorts ready to cash in on the expected new boom ( assisted by the way by taxpayer subsidies /government grants to aid these seaside towns return to their former glory days.)
Mother Teresa doesn’t want all that ” British holiday money” going to that nasty “Club EEC Johnny foreigners” when there’s money to be made for her greedy Tories cronies here at home ? Welcome to the ” Great British post Brexit holiday Britain club”.

Dorothy Devine

At least the happy amateurs were allowed out of STV to ‘film’ the proceedings albeit with a handheld camera in the hands of a twelve year old – were all of them on work experience?

BBBC Scotland is quite despicable. That said I find it hard to believe that all employed in Pacific Quay are ardent anti SNP ites or ardent anti independence ites or just a bunch of manipulative liars – some of them must be quaking in their boots about being found out as folk who just might support independence.

BBBC just might indulge in a witch hunt and no prizes for guessing who the witch might be!

By the way , unlike the lady from North Korea , she rarely wears pink – red , yes – blue , yes -and black but never pink.

FOI requests for viewer numbers of Misreporting Scotland and Politics Scotland may well be rejected BUT it might be worth a mass requesting eh? All those letters – no e-mails.
They are after all the employees of the people, time to remind them.


North chiel says:

Pacific quay relegated the Royal opening of
the magnificent Queensferry Crossing after another SNP / Scot gov baad health service story …. Absolutely shameful!

Totally blatant bias. However it will have been noticed by a lot of people who must also see it as pathetically petty. Obvious what the BBC are trying to do, however how effective is it?

You’d have to be pretty thick not to see what they are doing and thick skinned not to take offence at it!

At a fundamental level, folks have to ask themselves – what sort of Union is this which needs to be defended in such a petty infantile manner?

winifred mccartney

GMS how is it RD can come on radio and TV and give a ‘statement’ as opposed to ‘interview’ and labour can come on and prattle and say nothing but when anyone from snp comes on the whole tone changes and becomes aggressive, they are constantly interrupted and yet they are the only ones actually answering the questions.

The new bridge was relegated to after a snp baaad story which was not even accurate – they gave figures for whole UK instead of Scotland despite the Scottish figure on another part of their website – so they did know it. Deliberate misreporting as usual.

The Scottish football match not on terrestrial TV but the English match UK wide twice in last few days I would say Scotland should be seriously sickened.

Better together – not a chance and here we have prospective leaders of the labour branch office quite happy to fall in line behind JC and his WM cronies.


Chris F says:
4 September, 2017 at 9:44 pm
Just a wee observation, Heedtracker: going to a private school doesn’t automatically make a person a Tory. Children receive the schooling of their parents’ choice, not their own.

Very true. Scottish private schools have produced some of the yew kays greatest socialists of the age.

Fettes gave the world socialist workers like Tony Blair, a very fine example of privately educated socialism.

Loretto gave the world socialist workers like Alistair Darling , a very fine example of private school socialism.

Little Alistair grew up to be a Lord too and other great socialist things.


@Robert Louis
I agree. Plastic bottle deposit schemes, glass ceilings and gender balanced train drivers isn’t going to cut it, and if that’s all we get I’m off hill-walking. Probably apply for my Irish passport.


Well that’s three hours of BBC r4 Today show headline, “SNP record in government is an embarrassment.”

Looks like we’re in the next exciting phase of planet toryboy’s get the SNP campaign, landmarked with opening of the Freedom Bridge this week.

Very creepy in the bbc to be fair, listening to neo fascist nasally honking out SNP bad over and over across the ether. Where will it all end:D

Robert Peffers

Robert Louis says: 5 September, 2017 at 7:12 am:

” … Or are the SNP just planning to pretend the car crash of brexit isn’t really happening?

first SNP BAAAAD! story of the day. Robert Louis, You even beat UKAdams into third place with that one but not quite quick enough to beat Garry Robertson to the punch.


Surely yesterday’s PQ news scheduling priority was a perfect example of their SNPbad campaign.

Putting a campaign on Sepsis, which although one has total sympathy over his family tragedy, appears to be a one man campaign as first item on the news all day when the obvious first item should have been the opening of Kevin was so blatant in its SNPbad intent.

Furthermore, in spite of it seeming to have been considered
to have been the most important Scottish news by PQ, unless I have missed it, does not seem to have aroused much interest in the rest of the media.

Given the relentless daily stream of anti SNP government items in PQ it would be interesting if somebody could dig up, if they still exist, details of the items covered in Misreporting Scotland in a typical week preceding the SNP coming to power in 2007 just to see how much of said bulletins was devoted to attacking the Labour/LibDem government then in power.


@North Chiel

Aye, noticed that too. It started quietly, and has built up, and there is more ‘buy British’, and its actual people running businesses, to give a human, feel sorry, feel to it.

You would think there was nothing going on beyond Dover these days. I tuned into Sky news briefly, and lasted 10 mins.

Lots of troll accounts on Twitter still arguing Brexit is great etc.


@ North chiel at 8:10am …… “Just another unionist branch manager who has to “Kow tow” to BBC Westminster head office.”

Spot on NC. Westminster, England’s wee Accounting Unit at Pacific Quay, Scotland, base for Donalda ‘Mi Goon Bee’ MacKinnon and Jackie ‘Ri Chun Hee’ Bird.

Big difference being as North Korea’s DPRK brag about them Scotland’s BBC never ever mention that Scotland has (England’s) nuclear weapons. So on that account, conversely, treating the Scots like mushrooms by being kept in the dark and fed bullshit just like the North Koreans.


On a serious note however don’t you think it’s ridiculous that Scotland is one of 9 countries only (as far as we know), in a World of around 194 countries, to have Nuclear weapons but there’s never a mention of them on TV, so much so that I’ve come across people who know absolutely nothing about them. No risk assessments have been carried out by Local Councils in relation to terrorist attack or accident. No information given to residents as to how to deal with a nuclear accident or full blown attack. No information given to residents about Nuclear convoys passing their front doors etc, etc. In fact you can take it as a given that millions of people outside of Scotland know more about what’s going on here than the indigenous population.


@ gus1940

I caught that item about Sepsis.

Shona Robinson explained all the actions implemented, and a 21% drop in cases since 2012. Which is surely an impressive figure, demonstrates the efficacy of those actions, and can only be positive for direction of the future.

Cut to civilian – it’s not good enough.

Of course he had nothing to add to what action should be taken.

How can this be called journalism????


Sadly, the Bridge coverage was somewhat overshadowed by the sad tale of the young unemployed couple who are expecting their third child. Obviously no child allowance will be payable for this child but Ruth Davidson says it is just a simple matter of ticking the “Rape” box in order get the cash?

Due to location there is no baby box either it would seem.


Forget about the BBC and the 1:00 / 6:00 pm news. We’ve got people on here that practically do as much damage for the Independence cause as the MSM and it’s not even 10 o’clock yet.

Robert Peffers

@Dorothy Devine says: 5 September, 2017 at 8:51 am:

” … They are after all the employees of the people, time to remind them.

Well actually, Dorothy, they are not employed by the people who pay the licence fee. This is a very common error and no doubt it is encouraged by the BBC and the de facto parliament of England at Westminster.

The truth is, as stated on the actual licence that all who pay for it get sent to them, that what you paid for is a, “Licence”, (i.e. permission), to receive live Television Broadcasts from any source, including on-line, and from any country and by any technology including phone-line, fibre and satellite.

Furthermore the BBC does not get the licence fee as it is paid to Her Majesty’s Treasury and then Westminster decides what Government grant the private corporation that is the BBC gets from the Treasury. By the way – the BBC do much more for Her Majesty’s Government than TV & Radio public service broadcaststs and on-line web pages.

These services include the Ham Radio Licences and also the licencing of such services as Police, Fire, Ambulance, Shipping, Air and the armed services radio and Radar frequencies.

he BBC and also the people who deal with interferance on the broadcast bands.

So, even although the BBC officially collect the Licence fee, (they farm that job out to a private debt collecting agency), they do not get paid by the listeners and viewers but by a Westminster Government grant.

In other words the BBC not only gets revenue from selling TV, Radio and other recorded programmes throughout the World but they are directly paid as the State Broadcasters by Westminster.

They are not directly paid for by the licence holder and thus all taxpayers, whether they buy a licence or not, help pay for the State Broadcaster, (but they don’t really want you to realise that truth).

Dorothy Devine

Thank you Mr Peffers – I hadn’t really thought that through.

Though if we all stopped paying I wonder what would happen?


So Scotland won another game…but our ‘national broadcasters’ show the ‘big team’ playing live instead. Truly as Professor Alf Baird has stated we are a colony.

Why don’t the SFA complain?….because they sold the jerseys to Sky of course. Mind you the English F.A. do the same, but allow the deal split with terrestrial channels. Who runs the SFA? English carpetbaggers and the Britnats who run our clubs. What about the ‘tartan army’??

The BBC in Scotland didn’t show any football last weekend. The Irn Bru Cup was played. This used to be a cup for the smaller leagues and teams to win. Now some genius at the SFA has invited other Celtic teams from Wales…ok…and Northern Ireland…not ok…why? because the wee Rangers team..Linfield are one of them.
So our stadiums resounded to the hymns of 300 year old hate and bedecked with butcher’s aprons and red hands galore…nice.

It also raises the spectre of previous threats from UEFA, the football world’s governing body which has suggested more than once that the ‘British teams ‘ amalgamate into one UK/N.I. team. To my mind these cross border invitations are the thin edge of the Unionist wedge.

But in a country where £100s of millions are paid to the BBC and SKY in order to fund our bullying and insulting neigbour, that of England’s vainglorious football establishment, is there any chance whatsoever of a stirring amongst the natives….What?…sorry…only nations react….colonies only cower.


The Scotland game is shown on SKy. The SFA sold the rights? Their fault?

Investigation into black money entering the English game. Unlawful competition.

Highland Wifie

@Dorothy Devine
Finally cancelled licence yesterday. It feels good. I know I can carry on listening to endless so called news on the radio but why would I? I stopped listening to Gary et al in the morning months ago and my mornings are now so much more pleasant.
The more of us that do it the bigger the message to the state broadcaster.


Though if we all stopped paying I wonder what would happen?

UK gov pay any shortfall. It also pumps several hundred million into UK press, mainly through UK gov advertising.

This UK elitist, establishment, circus, is not playing a game people. Why do you think the Murdoch corp paid almost no UK tax at all, as soon as Snatcher Thatcher got in?

Stinky old Graun in action today. That faux lefty crew declare tax free “trust” status. Try telling the average teamGB tax man youre not paying any more tax because you’re a “trust.”

Another day of Graun tory lite, farts along though.

16m ago
Tory members name Rees-Mogg as first choice for next leader in ConHome survey

In the summer Jacob Rees-Mogg brushed aside speculation about him becoming the next Conservative party leader as a product of the August “silly season”.

But now we’re into September and support of a Rees-Mogg candidature continues to grow. The ConservativeHome website carries out a regular survey of party members to see who they want as next party leader and, for the first time, Rees-Mogg has come top. He was on 23%, beating David Davis, the Brexit secretary, who was in second place on 15%.


Valerie (9:31am) yesterday’s BBC Scotlands news programme has to be one of the most blatant examples yet of the Unionist propaganda machine in action. For example the order alone … Sepsis, potential Labour leader, Queensferry Crossing, football and weather. And the length of time allocated to each item of news with ‘sepsis’ by far the lengthiest.

Sepsis mentioned in relation to Scotland’s NHS but not England’s. Figures given for the UK but not Scotland (although I’m 90% sure that the 44,000 mentioned related to Scotland only). Nicola Sturgeon castigated but not Theresa May. No mention of sepsis on BBC ‘English’ news programme. Reporting edited for online version.

And let’s face it their biased report on sepsis could have waited for another day, if it had to be shown at all. Someone at Pacific Quay gave that the green light and unless Donalda MacKinnon is ‘indisposed’ it must have been her. In fact when you think about it the BBC wouldn’t have brought in some ‘unbiased softy’ knowing that Independence could still be on the cards. Anyway I reckon we should all complain about this even although we know that we won’t get much of a response.

On a positive note however many people have been treated successfully for sepsis in Scotland, as has been reflected by comments on here already, and would be sitting at home wondering what the hell’s going on. Just as football fans must be doing and in fact the thousands that would be waiting in anticipation of watching a great piece on the Queensferry Crossing. It wasn’t to be but one thing that will come to pass for sure is that this Union’s, and that includes the BBC, days are well and truly numbered.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 5 September, 2017 at 9:41 am:

“Forget about the BBC and the 1:00 / 6:00 pm news. We’ve got people on here that practically do as much damage for the Independence cause as the MSM and it’s not even 10 o’clock yet”

Aye! And we all can see who they are. At least the direct state broadcasters, the state controlled broadcasters and the dead tree press don’t fly false colours like the anti-SNP goons on Wings.

Just who these people think will get even close to the SNP in gaining Scottish independence I fail to understand.

So who is it they think they can benefit from their, not so subtle, anti-SNP rhetoric?

Could it be the failed former Labour far left SSP?

The most honest and straightforward ex-Labour political figure that Labour threw out, Dennis Canavan, has their card properly marked.

Tinto Chiel

“It also raises the spectre of previous threats from UEFA, the football world’s governing body which has suggested more than once that the ‘British teams ‘ amalgamate into one UK/N.I. team. To my mind these cross border invitations are the thin edge of the Unionist wedge.”

I thought it was just my suspicious mind, Lochside @9.58. And of course Rangers and Celtic are desperate to abandon Scotland for the honey-pot of the English Premiership, although why the English would be daft enough to import the virus of sectarianism, I don’t know. I’m sure the people of Manchester haven’t forgotten their UEFA Cup Final experience.

The mismanagement of the Scottish game by the Britnat Blazers has been on an epic scale and it’s Messrs Doncaster and Reagan who should be cowering. Instead they have trousered rather large wads of cash for presiding over Scottish club football’s slow slide down the razor blade of mediocrity.

A cynic would say it was almost deliberate, and Capella’s got all the right quotations for it.

Robert Peffers

@Highland Wifie says: 5 September, 2017 at 10:06 am:

“The more of us that do it the bigger the message to the state broadcaster.”

I’m certain that the BBC, and the Westminster Establishment, got that message quite some years back. That is why they don’t give a damn any more as to how open and clear their propaganda is to anyone who pays the slightest attention.

It now seems they have given up all hope of brainwashing the bulk of the electorate and are instead hoping to only reinforcing the bitterness and hatred of the Britnat/Royalist/OO thugs that Colonel Blimp Davidson has recruited to the Britnat cause.


‘Put simply ,inclusive institutions give many people a say in decision making, unlike extractive ones that privilege the voice of the few and allow them to exploit and rule over others’
Kate Raworth Donought Economics p86

‘Building on previous work undertaken by the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Oxfam’s Kate Raworth, the Scottish Doughnut suggests areas of life, or domains, which might constitute a social foundation, below which no one in Scotland should fall. It also begins the process of identifying which planetary boundaries might be useful for incorporation into a national Scottish analysis’

Put simply whose politics do we trust get Scotland into the safe and just space for humanity that Raworth describes? There is much work to be done but is it more than possible if we are independent of WM influence. A Scottish government that in 10 years has tried within a very extractive political system to reverse decades of degrading policies that have minimised Scotland’s ability to flourish. The alternative is to endorse an extractive UKOK system that seems incapable of reversing its political and economic choices and is supported by compliant political actors that continue to support policies that extract and exploit for the few.


The Northern Ireland game was also live in North Britain last night, as the sky sports mix hd channel was being shown on one of the low numbers last night for free.


@Robert Louis at 7:12 am

You are precipitate. Nicola said the Referendum would be called when the full terms of the Brexit deal were known.

They are (for want of a better word) still negotiating. They haven’t got anywhere near to striking a deal.

The conditions for calling a Referendum have not yet been fulfilled.


I see that wee hypocrite fud Sarwar is now saying he wants to help Corbyn become the next PM. What a fuckin 2 -faced snake he is


“dilute their national pride”


Yes, but the problem is that Sturgeon and the SNP said that meanwhile they would be making the case for Independence, so when is that going to start?



Well not right now that is for sure.

The tabloids/BBC would leap on it (and anything else) to distract from the ongoing Brexit farce.


That would be good, rather than the usual ignoring of it by the media. For instance if a currency and central bank detailed plan was spread all over the media, what’s bad about that?

Jack Murphy

Ken500 began his post at 7:14 am today:
“BBC Scotland is the Labour Party Press Office. Boothman’s insults to Margo’s daughter. He was sidestepped………”

This link is about John Boothman former Head of News and Current Affairs—–at guess where? Yes you guessed correctly—- BBC Scotland!

The Record Archived.
“………They thought they were speaking privately but had not realised the microphones were switched on and Ms MacDonald could hear the entire discussion from the neighbouring room.

She recorded the conversation on her mobile phone and was able to submit it as evidence when she raised a complaint about Boothman’s behaviour with management.

Sources familiar with the content of the recording told the Record it contained several “deeply offensive remarks” about Zoe MacDonald and also made reference to her late mother……..”

link to

Highland Wifie

@Robert Peffers
“I’m certain that the BBC, and the Westminster Establishment, got that message quite some years back. That is why they don’t give a damn any more as to how open and clear their propaganda is to anyone who pays the slightest attention.”

But surely there are relatively fewer of the Britnats/royalist/OO thugs you speak of than there is of the gullible general public. If licence is not being paid they must assume these people are not paying attention and thus their propaganda is not bearing fruit.
Either way I do feel better that I am not paying for permission to watch all that garbage.

Robert Peffers

@Highland Wifie says: 5 September, 2017 at 3:09 pm:

” … If licence is not being paid they must assume these people are not paying attention and thus their propaganda is not bearing fruit.

Let me put it this way, Highland Wifie.

I stopped watching and paying the propaganda tax several years before my 75th birthday. I notified the BBC when I got the first letter threatening me with legal action that I no longer watched live TV on either a broadcast receiver or on the internet and their threatening letters stopped – for around a year.

Since then I get regular threats to investigate and prosecute me from the BBC’s debt collectors who use pseudo-legalise language in their attempts to give the impression they are some form of law enforcement officers.

You know the kind of thing, “Our investigative officers are beginning an official investigation of the premises that has no record of obtaining a Broadcast Receiving Licence”, sort of thing.

Thing is that I am now in my eighties and thus have been entitled to obtain a free TV Licence since I became 75 and strangely enough, in spite of having CCTV and a recording device fitted, no evidence of such investigation has yet taken place.

The truth is that under Scots law these, “Officers”, (they operate from an office but are not law enforcement officers), have no more right to enter my property than any other member of the public and if they do enter the property they will break the law if they attempt to do anything other than go directly to the main door and attempt to contact, “The Legal Occupier”.

Even that right can be prevented by simply displaying a notice to the effect that, “NO Hawkers”, are allowed or in more modern terms, “No Cold Callers”.

What is more, “The Legal Occupier”, has no legal requirement to tell the BBC anything about anything and if they, the Occupier, requests, “The Investigating Officers”, leave the premises at once and they refuse the Occupier has the right to request that Police Scotland remove them, forcible if necessary.

The Legal Occupier also has a good case for claiming the BBC’s Debt Collectors are, “Stalking”, them by their constant assumptions of the occupier being guilty of illegal activities.
They also could be breaking the Scottish Law of, “Coercion”, that specifically mentions that attempting to extort money by threats, (including threats of legal action), is a criminal offence.

There is no English style law of, “Blackmail”, under Scots law and no English style law of Trespass either, but there are Scottish laws of criminal damage to property and laws against invasion of privacy in the close vicinity of dwellings.

So there you go. These people are much more likely to be breaking the law of Scotland than is someone who genuinely does not watch live TV.

So after all those years of threats of legal action by the BBC debt collectors they have wasted a lot of licence fee payers money persecuting an innocent OAP.

Now why would I want to stop them doing that?

Andy McKay

The BBC coverage of all things Scottish is now beyond a joke and needs to be rectified and the boil lanced asap. Would it be possible for the Scottish government to de-criminalise the license fee reducing the cash the get from Scotland and allowing us the freedom to choose whether we believe in what they say.

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