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Storm in a coffee cup

Posted on February 17, 2024 by
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we should have a renaming ceremony and menu options

the colonial – serving ("Tractor" - Ed)s on toast

the oppressor – lamb stew with a clearance of people.

the hypocrite – deception on a bed of lies


Just wondering if in two hundred years it would be acceptable to have a cafe in Germany called Gestapo’s?


Cafe Sturgeon
So sorry to keep you waiting sir, I Don’t recall your order, I seem to be e deleted it from my tablet.


Nice one Chris! 🙂

Frank Gillougley

I’m afraid I really find the descent of scottish politics into a reality tv show (Tractors) and the tabloid abyss meaningless and risible that only serves those in power ad nauseum.

Sorry, but following on from the previous article, as it really is where we are, I can’t remember the last time i voted without having spoiled my ballot. Omo or Daz or Daz or Omo? What to do?

Well, here’s a serious suggestion. Many of us on here have previously said it in many ways. There is a book of fiction by the elderly Portuguese author Jose Saramago called, ‘Seeing’ (2007) Vintage. Here is the description from the back of the book:

‘Despite the heavy rain, the presiding officer at Polling Station 14 finds it odd that by midday on National Election Day only a handful of voters have turned out. Puzzlement quickly escalates to shock when the final count reveals seventy per cent of the votes are blank – not spoiled, simply blank. National law decrees the election should be repeated eight days later. The result is worse, eighty-three per cent of the votes are blank. The authorities seized with panic decamp from the capital and declare a state of emergency. In his new novel, Jose Saramago has deftly created the politician’s ultimate nightmare: disillusionment that renders the entire democratic system useless. ‘Seeing’ explores how simply this could be achieved and how devastating the results might be.’

And there you have it. How to effect change.


Given they were guilty of the summary execution of men and boys, the rape of women and girls, the burning and theft of property, the wanton slaughter of livestock in rural areas, the killing of wounded opponents on the field of battle despite victory having been secured, etc. etc. and all whilst in the pay of the British Government, I recon there’s a case to me made for folk in the Highlands to demand an apology from Sunak and reparations from the British state.

The biggest joke is someone in Historic Environment Scotland, an agency of the Scottish Government and responsible to Scottish Ministers in an SNP led administration, though this would be a good idea!

Now THAT is funny.

I’m popping over to Derry to open a pub. I’m calling it “The Black and Tans”.

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turncoats on toast then !

hurumpf 🙂


Renaming….lets think, Hannover str, Princes str, George square, Union str, Fort William, Fort Augustus….
«boulevard/street/square etc of Broken Dreams».

David Hannah

Has anyone seen the Rodger Livermore emails?

Dorothy Stain of the Clown office of Clowns has broken the law and blatantly mislead and knowingly mislead parliament.

Just like crooked Sturgeon. She’s a fucking crook a fraud and criminal law breaker herself.

Resign Dorothy StAIN.

Jim Hagarr

Bloodied bayonets missing? Presumably an unintended effect due to the long term influence of historical revisionism.


Totally off Topic. (I did enjoy the cartoon Chris).

Women for Scotland have obtained leave to appeal against the previous court ruling regarding the legal definition of a woman in the case they brought against the devolved administration.
A crowdfunder is being set up to assist with the not inconsiderable costs involved, so this is an opportunity for us keyboard warriors who believe, like myself, that men wearing lippy and a wig should not be permitted to wander freely into areas reserved for women and children to support them, if we can afford a wee contribution.
Apologies to Stuart and Chris for derailing the thread so early, please delete if felt inappropriate.


ENVIRONMENT mattering more than people.
link to
REWILDING, what those «clearances» were really about?
Red Coats in North Face.
Only in Scotland.

Scot Finlayson

There is a thing called `Shockvertising`

`a type of advertising that “deliberately, rather than inadvertently, startles and offends its audience by violating norms for social values and personal ideals”.

John Lewis use it a lot.


@ Sven 09:00 am

Don’t worry about going “off topic” my friend. Stuart understands that every thread, sooner or later, is destined to go off topic. That is why he states, in his rules, that he considers it downright rude for anyone going off topic within the first half-dozen or so comments. Your comment is number 10 on this btl thread. You’re safe! LOL! 😉


Redcoats have been worn by Scottish and English regiments over the centuries.

The thing that has always puzzled me is ,,, what clown thought that dressing your front line troops in bright red uniforms was a good idea,,,considering the background was probably going to be green,,,the colour of surrounding grass and trees.

The enemy probably couldn’t believe their luck , when the enemy turned up in bright red uniforms.

It must have been like a turkey shoot for the opposing forces.

Bright red uniforms,,,not the smartest thing the leaders of the Scottish and English armies have ever done.


It’s yet another insult to Scotland from the antagonist.
At a Scottish landmark. Marking their territory like an animal. They have form. Remember the Duke of Cumberland bright idea for Culloden?

Whoever thought this was acceptable should be named, shamed & sacked immediately.

Bill Cowan

Magic Stu and Chris!

A perfect summation of a week of hard work by many of us on the #redcoatcafe bourach, and a perfect counter to the ludicrous and very false flag firebomb threat yesterday


From the kitchen of award losing cook Colin Beattie – (motto – “When life hands you lemonade, make lemons .” )

Starter – porridge a lá Ellis

Main’s – Selection of waffles

Desert – Mhairi Black’s melted Kit Kat sprinkled with powdered Kit Kat

glass of whine – Maison Chas (warning very sour)

Alf Baird

In postcolonial theory this sort of thing is referred to as ‘cultural recreation’ of the colonizer; where pretty much everything in the colony seeks to promote his greatness, reflecting his cultural domination over the subordinate native population.

The ‘Redcoat Cafe’ example merely demonstrates that the Anglo elites running Historic Environment Scotland and most of Scotland’s institutions hold to the colonizer’s values; in a colonial society it is ‘only the values of the colonizer that are sovereign’ (Memmi).

Scotland is stuffed full of monuments, street names, symbols and even town names which serve to glorify ‘the greatness’ of our oppressor. They are an everyday reminder of ‘our place’ in a colonial society.


Butcher’s sausages anyone. Not any old butcher though. Cumberland sausages.

Now by comparison I like bannocks.

Just saying like.


Harry @ 09.46.

I’ve read suggestions that red was originally adopted by the Government forces, just as the Spartans wore a scarlet chiton or himation allegedly to camouflage any bloodstains if they had been wounded; so as not to encourage the enemy forces.
The truth, I fear, is likely to be more mundane. At the time the New Model Army was being created red cloth was both plentifull and inexpensive. And so was bought in bulk.
Similarly the white uniforms of chosen regiments of Napoleon’s forces was mainly due to the successfull British naval blockade of the French empire which greatly reduced the availability of dyes for uniform clothing.


How the Fuck did they ever think any right minded Scot would be OK with the Redcoat name? Slightly OT but I see much international condemnation of Putin for jailing a political opponent who has died in Jail. Was this not exactly What Sturgeon attempted to do to Alex Salmond? Only a jury saved him from the same fate as Navalny, the very Jury,s the lord advocate is trying to abolish in these exact circumstances whilst refusing to adhere to the law on FOI. Scotlands current political class under the SNP/Greens is nothing more than a microcosm of the Russian state.

John Main

Any amount of really serious shit going down, all over the world, right now, and even some in Scotland.

The Redcoat Cafe may indeed be a wee bit of a shit name.

But it’s not serious shit, and as for really serious shit, if the Redcoat Cafe is all you have to fret about this morning, then what a lucky and fortunate cant you are.

auld highlander

Main is moaning yet again but that’s nothing new.


John Main
17 February, 2024 at 10:33 am

But it’s not serious shit, and as for really serious shit, if the Redcoat Cafe is all you have to fret about this morning, then what a lucky and fortunate cant you are.

This is a cartoon not meant to be really serious shit.


I vaguely remember this cafe building was controversial at the time it was built.

Folk didn’t think a modern building being built at the front of the castle.

Anyone remember that?


Yep! The Stalin Inn over in the Ukraine hasn’t sold a tea cake since it opened.

Some of the locals find it hard to forget he starved millions to death.

Another coat of English paint over their favourite former country.

A duffle Coat with 9 buttons but you can only facinate.


Having this cafeteria named after you is nothing to be proud of.

It’s a self service cafeteria where you queue up with your tray. Your food could be cold be the time you pay and find a table that isn’t covered in trays.

Like all tourist attractions it’s very pricey.

See Trip Advisor

link to


Lord Foulkes has formed a Red and Blue cross party group to stop
The Scottish Ministers spending money on matters reserved to Westminster.
They have been meeting foreign officials such as Turkeys President without permission.

But surly we must stop meeting the corrupt accomplices in murder the foreign nation I known as England aka Britain.

Get them to confirm they don’t consider Scotland to be sovereign or a nation and we have no powers whatsoever over English rule.

Antoine Roquentin

@Frank Gillougley

Thanks for your book recommendation, the blurb pretty much parallels what I would expect could happen in the unlikely event of a Scottish boycott of the polling booth. Unlike the Portuguese, though, we’ve yet to have our wee revolution thus are not at all practiced in the ways of popular, democratic action. Needless to add, but respectfully so: I can find no merit in anyone’s active complicity in the reproduction of a deeply wanting and patently fraudulent simulation of democratic representation.


“Lord Foulkes” (Pron. “Fooks”)… Now there’s a blast from the past! Who exhumed that old soak? The Honourable Member for the Tired and Emotional. Surprised he can get himself out of bed unaided these days let alone form any sort of “group”.


A timber thief in a cafe talking to a redcoat.

link to

Cameron Robson

Scottish soldiers of the period generally wore red tunics and grey breeches and consequently they were known as “grey breeks.” The Jacobites of the ’45 generally adopted tartan as a uniform. As Edinburgh Castle was never taken by the Jacobites, “Red Coat Cafe,” on this occasion is surely not inappropriate. (Btw Red cloth was adopted due to cheapness and not to hide bloodstains which would show up as black areas on the red uniforms anyway).

Lorna Campbell

Who owns/runs this cafe? Probably one of the “Scottish’ institutions staffed wholly with rUK people telling us our history. It ain’t going top stop, folks, until we stop it.

Jan Cowan

Brilliant as usual, Chris!


A fine cartoon can sum up, instantly, a lot of complex ideas; you have the picture, now have my “1000 words”.

One of my themes is the worthlessness of any socio-political history the english write about themselves due to their narcissism, which results in what I call – the anglo reality distortion field, which affects all anglos, poor and rich, upper and lower class, oxford don and schemie. It would take a long time to go into but the basic axioms, never stated are –

– we, the english are the good guys of history and the best of men acting for the best of reasons and never for any selfish motives

– we are the central characters of history and created the modern world

– anything which conflicts with the basic beliefs is explained by “it was the FOREIGNERS” who were to blame, or people who misunderstood our philanthropic altruism

and the minor corollary

“it’s alright when we do it”

and the practical tactic

(if it makes us look bad) “it never happened”

and this acts as a low level filter to whatever they say, think, or write. They cannot help themselves, but its all worthless. As psychopaths like to do (their national character) they like to “project” and for example, blame others falsely, for things they are guilty of. These innate beliefs are so buried it takes a lot of digging to unearth them, but evidence to the contrary is simply ignored, it becomes invisible.

I was almost going to break my rule to read a new history of empire by an oxford prof, but decided to read a review of it first : straight out


– in the bin! Saved a few quid and a few hours.

The levels of twisting an englishman will endure to deny the obvious conclusion that the anglos are the worst people on earth and the villains of history for the past 1000 years are extreme; consider the much admired Tolkien, who assembles every other mythology – celtic, nordic, teutonic – he can find, and does a copy-paste job to create his own “mythology for the anglo saxons” (in which they are the heroes), but it jars when you read it in the large; in his work it is the elves which are the really interesting people, who came first – this is his homage to the celts, and conceptually, it does not fit. He also makes “the ordinary people of england” i.e. hobbits, these lovely, funny, good natured folk nonetheless capable of great bravery. JRR also makes a mess of his treatment of the dwarves (which have to be in there, being in all the mythologies he is using), but for the truth of that you should try the ring cycle. JRR was said to dislike allegory for people were going around saying “sauron is hitler”; he used it, but be was not too obvious – the bad guys come from the east and they are evil and ugly, called “orcs”.

– the english are the orcs of history; just read the histories of any peoples who dealt with them.

And this is why “scottish history” is so lame or does not exist; an honest account from us, their nearest neighbours would be unacceptable. Most scots historians are either apologists for empire, or cringe merchants who try to say the Scots were guilty of imperialism themselves.

Scots need to stop thinking like Englishmen.


NATO uses red military symbols to indicate hostile forces. Scotland is in NATO. The REDCOAT cafe indicates a hostile English force (established during the English Civil War) at the entrance to a castle established by King Malcom 3rd of Scotland.

The Establishment is well aware of the strength of symbols , signs and names.


I imagine more of my ancestors fought in red coats than in highland skirts. That’s probably true of most people posting here. But their ignorance of history, and endless lust for a new grievance, make them ignore it. Twats!


1st Sodjer “are we the baddies , 2nd Sodjer “don’t be silly that is why they gave us a vote”

1st Sodjer “do you think they will be upset at the name” 2nd Sodjer “if they’re upset at the name they will be even more upset at the 50 troop of morris dancers taking over the esplanade”

1st Sodjer “do you think they will be upset at the name” 2nd Sodjer “don’t worry if they get upset we will just shout NATIVIST,BIGOT,MOON HOWLER,BLOOD AND SOIL NATIONALIST, that will soon shut them up, even their politicians will side with us

1st Sodjer “are we the baddies” 2nd Sodjer ” we can’t be we have 4 english bbc dragons investing”

1st Sodjer “do you think it will be successful
2nd Sodjer ” I think so they are going to make it a franchise with branches all over Scotland with different names like Longshanks ,Cromwell and Cumberland as well as Redcoats

1st Sodjer I heard Alex Salmond and Nicla Sturgeon made a speech at the opening
2nd Sodjer ” yes it was well received they thanked our NEW SCOTS for bringing in new business and revenue, and hoped we would see many more investment opportunities from our friends and neighbours such as holiday parks with good old english themes


Excellent and so nice to see someone who know’s how to use ‘s’s’ at the end of sentence’s’.

Well if you can’t beat them…

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