Sometimes dreams come true
Posted on
December 25, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
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One day is all it takes. Happy Christmas, readers.
If you’re using a device that can’t play the video, there’s an alternative link to a slightly lower-quality version here:
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and here:
and the list of official Wings-approved Christmas songs is here:
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Have a tuba-tastic time, everyone.
No sound.
Turn yer volume up!
Merry Christmas!
Rev, Merry Christmas, but you should be in bed,. Take awe few days aff, man.
yeeehaaaaa – Merry Christmas everyone in our beloved Country
Merry Christmas all!
A’ ra best, a’ ra time…here’s tae a great Christmas and even better New Year moving forward steadily to Independence!! Slainté…
Aye, merry christmas from the highlands.
Merry Christmas Rev Stu and everyone on Wings!
Stu’s a big fan. He’ll enjoy this.
A tinselled Elvis returns from the grave to join Subo in showing support for the Union.
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Thanks Stuart Campbell. Have a good one.
Merry Christmas folks from the wrong side of the border!
Nissed as a pewt!
Merry Chrimbo Stu!
…and if you want more Christmas nonsense, hae a wee swatch at my efforts!
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Shameless plug, but merry Christmas everybodypeeps!
Simply put Merry Christmas to one and all and may the Rev Stu’s pen be mightier than the sword in 2014. God bless Scotland.
Ssshhhhh there’s footsteps on the roof.
Merry Christmas Stu,
thank you for all your doing
Can’t sleep. Too excited about Santa coming with presents. Has he been yet? Hope I get an Indy!
Merry Christmas to all Yessers & Wossers from a still breezy Easter Ross
All the best folks. Have a peaceful day.
Merry Christmas Stu, Wings and everyone
Bah Humbug!
Merry Christmas from somewhere in the Gulf of Guinea.
Merry Christmas everyone and a successful new year to the yes campaign. Keep up the good work.
My that’s a radical new direction for Slade

Thanks Bill Dunblane for the link, I love the beer commercial I almost fell of my chair
Oh Santa was good to me – The joy of a grand daughter born yesterday [name later], an olive wood mortar & pestle for crushin mah nutz, and finally a PC DVD Max Payne3.
Happy Christmas Day to you all and great to share it with the Wings extended family.
Merry Xmas folks hope you all have a good one, spending today with our 12 week old grandson hope his future is in an independent Scotland.
happy christmas your arse, i pray god its our last… as a nation without a mandate for proper democracy obv
When the history of Scotland’s current struggle is recorded – and we’ve won, Rev Stu and ‘Wings’ will feature on the opening pages. The analysis and exposures presented on these pages have contributed more to reversing the torrent of lies and distortions than any other source and we are grateful. Be assured that your efforts are greatly valued by all who are committed to Scotland. Have a great Christmas and take the day off!
Luv it Stu – more power to you all at WoS.
A Very Merry Christmas !!
Was that ‘Bear MacDougall’ on the Tuba ??
Too positive a gig for the british lot surely ??
You’re credit to real scots everywhere !! Roll on Sept 2014
Snay a tuba, it’s a Suzophone!
Happy pedantic Christmas!! Y’all!!
A sousaphone IS a tuba. LOOK IT UP.
A very merry Christmas to all Wings friends and to the YES for Independence campaign from Germany.
Special thanks to the Rev. for shining a spotlight on the lies and deciet of the NO / Better Togethers / MSM and keeping up the moral and truth when No piles on the pressure.
Merry Christmas to all at Wings. Kudos, Rev, for all your efforts to date and may they continue to bear fruit up to and beyond the 18th September.
Ooooooooo Crysis 3 and a bottle of ten year old Aberlour.

I’ll resurface sometime next year.
Sousaphone, a marching tuba developed at the request of John Philip Sousa who wrote this familiar piece.
MerryMerry Christmas everyone. Rev. Chalk up another device – my new iPad mini, I got for Christmas ????
macart @5.55am
wheres the lead ya tight git
merry crimbo all at wings
and a special merry christmas to lumilumi and family
have a peaceful and joyful christmas everyone
Merry Christmas Rev – when I clicked on the link a comedy vision came to mind of –
A Carmichael, A Darling, Stairheid, Lola etc shuffling side to side as thye marched up Calton Hill to beg forgiveness on September 19th next year
haha – Happy Christmas all.
Great new spoof from Dereck Bateman.
link to
Santa will not get permission to fly into an independent Scotland as we will not be allowed to use the excising protocols which allow such flights.
Derek do not go giving them ideas, it will be on a No news release next week, and faithfully reported on the BBC by the burd. Well is it any dafter than they will have to bomb our airports?
7 sleeps till 2014 – YES! Referendum Year.
After wading through tirades of some real nasty phobic name calling, visceral anti-English hatred and vicious misogyny…
Q. When is a tuba not a tuba?

A. When it`s a sousaphone.
That`s why I love WoS
Happy Christmas Rev Stu. Happy Christmas everybody.
Here`s to a bold and positive 2014.
Ahhhhh The mighty ‘Strokes’.
Ian Brotherhood – April the 18th would be exactly 6 months before the big day.
Go for it, and as for sounds – get a wee band, and maybe even a guest speaker or comedian.
Is gonny be a blast, pal!
Happy Christmas everyone, from lovely sunny England where I am staying with friends. Friend’s husband is currently carving the capon, then we shall eat.
Happy Christmas to one and all. I don’t know where I’d be Stu without your fine work keeping me sane.
Ha ha very good Rev.
Merry Christmas to one and all.
O/T stumbled upon this recently, if you ever wondered where Westminster has dumped its radioactive materials, around the UK coast, then here’s the answer, also the file contains many other countries, sites of dumping radioactove waste.
A particularly popular dumping area is off the coast of France and Iberia, unless you’re Russian then it the Arctic thats most popular.
Link below
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What does it mean take off outer cover and film? I have tried that but nothing happens to the duck. Running out of memory on the camera.
@Bald Eagle
Jeez, pawned that after the first austerity cuts.
Merry Christmas all.
Wee traditional song:
Thanks Rev for all you’ve done over the past year or so and a happy Christmas to everyone from Adele, John & Kel in Laurnie. Here’s lookin’ forward to the next year – woohoo.
@chlocoderic –
‘April the 18th would be exactly 6 months before the big day.‘
One of us must be bladdered!
Wake me up when September comes.
@clochoderic –
It’ll be upon us before we know it.
BT face nine months of scratching about like half-starved chickens, pecking away at dust in the hope of finding something they can claim as a ‘positive case’. In the meantime, we just keep doing what we’ve been doing all along – talking truth to power, confident that we have the facts on our side.
Watch them fall like skittles come the new year – Carmichael is surely the first up for shaving, then Lamont, and Darling. McDougall? That man won’t be around for Sept 18th if he doesn’t start looking after himself a wee bit. And let’s not forget – as and when these characters get real and fling in the towel, it will become exponentially more difficult to persuade anyone with a functioning brain to replace them.
O/T, but worth a swatch –
For obvious reasons, I was made well aware of this group when I was in primary school. Thankfully, they disappeared, but tragically, were reincarnated for the Eurovision Song Contest with the hideous ‘Kisses for Me’. (I was only 13, starting secondary school – can you imagine what torments had to be endured?) But this, here, is the original Brotherhood of Man – highly inflammable Barnets, astonishing clobber, and a great wee song.
Ian – good find, we actually bought that single when i was a kid. Someone mentioned Roger Whittaker in a different forum today – another act i have not thought about in years.
Talking of oldies, feast your ears on Jeff Lynne giving the full ELO treatment to some old classics on his 2012 album Long Wave:
so, I was on my new ipad mini (which I’m a bit of a novice on) and I tried typing the URL for newsnetscotand, but typed newnetscotland! It takes you to Better Together! Sleekit bastards!
@clochoderic –
Nice one. Lynne’s got to keep busy somehow.
And here’s the inimitable Chas Aznavour –
”She’ may be the reason I’m surrounded by Woolworths Christmas trees…’
Ian – if you still have my email drop me a line – i have some info about education in Ayrshire you may find interesting.
@clochoderic –
I won’t have it. Lost all me e-mail addresses after a major Orange/EE cock-up approx a month ago – please send it here:
There’s nothing like good old tunes from the past.
And here is song that sums up how we feel today.
Called “I Can’t wait till September”
by, Peter and the Test Tube Babies.
Update from 12.12 am
it still doesn’t load on iPad and alternative link says I need F
ash Player which is not supported on my device.
Anyway it worked on MacBook but somehow I wished it hadn’t.
Can’t get the moronic thing out of head.
not enough alcohol taken yet.
Internet slow tonight, must be half of Europe is Skyping with Australia.
Merry Xmas everyone.
@caz-m –
Nice one. Never heard that before. Reminded me of this:
Good one Ian
Also like this from the Cure.
“Friday I’m in Love”.
Ooh gosh a playlist –
If that is the game then i raise you:
link to
And no, it is not the horrible Tom Jones song.
But it is a belter – check out the Loch Lomond background.
Oh willies, don’t know how to do the Rev’s preferred postie stuff, anyway – raise
can’t resist playing this
@Paula Rose –
Here’s one I’ve posted before. Never fails to bring a tear to the eye. Two magnificent monsters, both deid…RIP.
This version has dodgy video, but the sound seems okay, and it does show Brown and The Pav embracing at the end, the crowd reaction etc. (note how wary Pav seemed at the start…)
Wonderful stuff – whoever had the idea of teaming them up is a genius:
A tear for you –
many thanks Paule Rose, brought a tear tae baith ein, Sorley MacLean wan o Scotlands finest bards,
all quiet so I’ll post another bit of genius –
Oh one more indulgence! – My Baby Does
@Paula Rose –
re the MacDiarmid clip. I watched that just t’other night, and wanted to post it here, but could find no good reason. It’s magical stuff. The guy was a one-off.
Curiously, one of my tutors (at UHI) lives in Orkney, and she was telling us, just a few weeks ago, how strange it is to hear locals speaking about Mackay-Brown. It’s all stuff like ‘Aye poor Georgie, never did find a decent job, he was an awfy disappointment to his mother’ etc.
The whole idea that he’s regarded as one of Scotland’s major 20th century writers doesn’t seem to count for much in his home patch. I don’t know if that’s true – it’s just what we were told, but it does seem very odd.
Prophets in their own land –
Poor George – just this
@Paula Rose –
That’s another new one for me, but it would help explain why some don’t like to see GMB and/or his work being celebrated.
I know that outlook – it’s truly horrific, because it is real. Only a very brave man could write something like that.
Oh Ian honey – more to come,
For anyone seeking Scotland.
Merry Crimbo to all
Got Jenni Fagen’s book “The Panopticon” from Santa. Just finished reading it. it is a gem of a book and will go down in history as a Scottish classic in years to come. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Merry Christmas to all.
Meanwhile back to the grind of educating the readers of the Independent newspaper on Carwyn Jones’s article.
Especially this line: “Mr Jones has found himself pressed into service for the campaign in Scotland to reject independence – or Project Fear as it has been dubbed by nationalists”
Sorry I can’t sign in as I don’t do facebook etc.
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Merry Christmas
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Another sycophantic piece in Hootsman from failed Labour spin Doctor John McTernan who smeared all his political opponents in Australia and tried to smear SNP claiming they did a deal over Megrahi while glossing over Tony Bliar’s involvement.
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Never heard much about this Carwyn Jones until he butted into the referendum debate in November.
Westminster must love him, because his plan is, not to increase the Welsh budget, but to decrease the Scottish budget. To do away with the Barnett Formula.
This would decrease the budget to the devolved parliaments, which would give London and SE England an even larger budget to pay for more projects in the London area.
The Welsh NHS and Welsh education system are the worst in the UK, so instead of trying to better the Welsh position, he wants to drag the Scots down to their level.
Not a very positive outlook Mr Jones.
It is politicians like Mr Jones that more and more Scots see as one of the main reasons why we must get out of this rotten Union, and why the majority will vote YES.
After Independence, Scotland will become one of the most prosperous and confident countries in the world.
It should not be forgotten that when Labour were in control of the Scottish Parliament they underspent annually and sent money back to London which I suspected at the time was a ploy to undermine the Barnett Formula
They actually underspent and sent money back after the Parlamentary term in which they had promised in their manifesto that they would start and complete the high speed rail link to Glasgow Airport on which they never lifted a shovel – then had the effontery to blame the SNP for cancelling the mad scheme
I’m currently reading “The Hebridean Traveller” by Denis Rixson, and came across this (p. 69):
“The time may not be far distant, when, enervated by luxury and sunk in effeminacy, the … inhabitants of the South will yield to the hardier sons of the North, the seat of empire and the emporium of trade, for which their natural resources, their personal strength and vigour of mind, and perhaps local advantages, so much qualify them.”
[Rev Alexander Downie, minister of the parish of Lochalsh, writing in the 1790s.]
No TWTPTS there. It might have taken a wee bit longer than the Rev Downie hoped, but it’s coming!