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Wings Over Scotland

Set your alarms

Posted on October 26, 2013 by

The data from our second Panelbase poll will be released tomorrow in six instalments, starting at 8am and then arriving at two-hourly intervals. (That’s what we’ve instructed WordPress to do anyway. We have no idea what its attitude towards Greenwich Mean Time is, so it could actually be 8am, 7am or 9am. But whichever one it turns out to be, the other ones will be two hours afterwards.)

We’re telling you this now because we’re having the DAY OFF. It’s our BIRTHDAY.

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Happy 97th, Stu. Your stamina at your age puts us all to shame.

Richard Lucas


Doug Daniel

No Stu, we’re supposed to give YOU a present on your birthday, not the other way around.

Paula Rose


Doug Daniel

Oh, and happy anniversary of your day of birth.

“In fairness, you did all pay for it.”

Good point. We’re surely the best readership in the world.

Adrian B

Have a good one Stu


…..and let him eat cake.

Bill C

Enjoy your day, you deserve it.


Happy Birthday, Stu!


You’re HOW old?
Enjoy your day, you deserve it! 🙂


Doug Daniel
You stole my twitter joke 🙁  Great minds think alike etc…


Rev Stu.
Happy Birthday!
Many thanks for all your work this past year. I wear the ‘wee shiney badge’ with pride. You are required daily reading and I am convinced that you add many converts to the cause.
Here’s a wee pressie via Paypal – worth a malt or two, perhaps?


Have a good one Rev!

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

Happy birthday Rev


Happy birthday 🙂

Elizabeth Sutherland

Happy Birthday Rev. have a great day and thanks for all the good work you have done for us, in holding our Scottish media to book.

Robin Ross

Happy Birthday, Stu. Nice to think that when you are enjoying your birthday the citizens of St Vincent and the Grenadines are celebrating their Independence Day (from GB in 1979).


Oh la la la……
Godbless the chaning of the clocks and WOS.

Caroline Corfield

Happy Birthday!


You’re HOW old?
29 with appropriate additional years of experience.


Happy birthday.

Ian Brotherhood

Many happy returns Big Stuff.
More power to ye, and many more years to use it.
Here’s Van the Man with a lullaby to send us all off for a nice kip…


Happy Birthday!

Thanks for all your hard work feeding our minds and raising our spirits every day.


Happy Birthday Rev and thanks for making Scotland almost tolerable


Happy Birthday Stu,
I’ve just faxed you a British Linen Bank tenner :=)

Dan H

Happy birthday!
So excited 🙂


Hippo Birdie two Ewe Rev! 


Posted a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you on other thread, and sent you a wee donation too. For Twixes and Maltesers, and maybe a wee dram 🙂

Archie [not Erchie]

Happy Birthday from me and thanks for a great Website.


Happy birthday, Rev. Stu!
As to setting alarm clocks… At least I here in Finland will be two hours ahead of you so I only have to get up at 10am for the first tidbits! 😀
Or maybe 9am or 11am.
I hate this clock changing malarkey and it had me totally confused when I lived in Australia and tried to figure out the time difference between Helsinki and Sydney. It’s either 7, 8 or 9 hours depending on the time of year. Daylight “saving” time kicks in and off at different dates in Europe and Australia (actually even Australian states have different dates!)
This clock business doesn’t save anybody anything! I say, ditch the whole artificial moving of clocks. I want noon to be when the Sun is at its highest. If you want to have “longer evenings”, go to work earlier! Normal office hours in Finland are 8am-4pm. Kids go to school 8pm. The mornings are dark in the winter. So what? So are the afternoons!Just live with it or move close to the equator! Or live the eternal summer by moving between northern and southern hemisphere summers and the light, long, summer evenings if they’re so damn important!
Even the UK cannot change how the Earth moves relative to the Sun (though it sometimes seems that many English MP think the universe revolves around England), nor can the UK do anything about its northern latitude location by twiddling with the clock. Moving permanently to BST and arrogantly assuming the rest of the world, or at least Europe, will move with them… Words fail me!
What about that “Great British invention” of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)? The standard by which the whole world sets their clocks, their fucking time zones? With the Sun at zenith at 12 noon. No, but moany English people want “lighter evenings” so noon should actually be at 1pm? Words fail me.
And I really, really don’t get these people who whinge that it disrupts their and their children’s sleep rhythm for weeks. That the clock is moved by ONE hour. And the same people go on foreign holidays to fucking Thailand and have no problem with the 5/6/7 hour time difference! It’s just a manufactured reason to moan for the electorate, something to take their attention off the ball, of what the government really is doing.
I guess my words didn’t actually fail me 😀 But as an amateur astronomer, I want noon and midnight to be where they belong, to have a connection in the real, natural world. I’m all for ditching “summer time” and returning to normal time all year round and maybe people getting their arses out of bed a bit earlier if they want to have “longer evenings”.

Jon D

 What has wings, a long tail, and wears a bow?
 A birthday pheasant! 
Happy Birthday , Stu.  Thanks for an inspiring sight site.


Oldnat says:

Happy 97th, Stu. Your stamina at your age puts us all to shame.
Is that in Better Together years?
Happy birthday Stu


A’ ra best, a’ ra time…!! oh…and sincere thanks for all your hard work.
I just hope you appreciate how much you’re appreciated… 😉

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Rev – Wee prezzie sent. Make sure you use it for YOU. Happy Birthday again.

Andrew Morton

Happy doodley doo!
To you!

The Flamster

Rev Stu
Happy Birthday
To You!
Enjoy your day 🙂


Happy Birthday Rev. We really do appreciate what you are doing. All the best to you, and…looking forward to the poll results.


Happy birthday,
Small present winged its way to you. To be spent strictly on single malt & nowt else…
Though to balance things, I’m sending you an invoice at my going rate of £350 per thousand words… 🙂
Kepp up the good work, where would we be without Wings?


MHR Stu. You and your WOS site are a god send. The community here at WOS are just truly fab in keeping spirits high and keeping the flame alive. I do not know how I would cope without you guys n gals – just knowing that we are all here fighting this battle against Westminster and the MSM is what keeps me going. Thank you so much Stu and thank you all too. Let us keep up the guid fight.
Have a wee day off Stu–you so deserve it.
YES Scotland


Who agree’s that in an independent Scotland today should be a national celebration


Happy Birthday Rev! Enjoy your lie-in, and an extra hour for all 🙂

Daughter of Evil Reindeer

Many thanks for a great website! Happy Birthday Rev!


Happy Birthday to you – next time you’ll be a one year old as an independent Scot, as will we all.


What to do on a day off?
You  certainly won’t be kicking back and reading the Sunday papers I hope.
What ever you do , I do hope the prior knowledge of the poll results makes for a day of quiet contentment.
Many happy returns Stu and as my daughter wrote on my card last week- Yay you’re still alive!

Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant

Many Happy Returns Stu.
Thanks to this site,I cleared the way for my GP and her practice Nurse to considering voting YES.

Doug Daniel

Doug: “Doug Daniel
You stole my twitter joke   Great minds think alike etc…”
And you stole my name! 😛

Doug Daniel

Excellent, WordPress must organise posts by timestamp rather than comment ID, because it’s just shoved that comment before Barbara’s post, which was there 20 minutes ago.
Clearly their testing team never bothered to include clock changes in any of their test scenarios…


Wings over Scotland is a blooming godsend! Ave a fab day! 


Happy birthday Stu, and well said Lumilumi. 


Jeez, what a luv in – back in the real world of political cut and thrust….
Happy birthday to you
You were born in a zoo
You look like a monkey and you smell like one too….

Jamie Arriere

I’m sure all we want for all our birthdays is a YES win in Sep 2014.

Barbara Watson

Happy Birthday and very best wishes to you.  Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into Wings. x
 I’m working tomorrow but will be popping in throughout the day for the results


Many HAppy returns, ( to bar, favourite  eating places and happy Independent Scotland).
Enjoy your Birthday.


I read somewhere on twitter that the poll showed YES on 46%.
Will be interesting if that is the case.


Spot on, all this buggering about with clocks is daft. USA, Canada, Australia, india all have multiple time-zones, not sure about China, but greater Russia with Siberia has 6 or 7 I think and their economies don’t collapse when trading across time-zones. Only difference I notice is that our cat wants fresh food earlier from tomorrow and later in Spring.

The Water Beastie

[Just China Standard Time {UTC+8} here.]  And I think they probably DO just tell people to get up earlier if they want longer evenings….. 🙂

And a Guid Birthday to you, Stu – may the year ahead bring all you wish for! 😉

Patrick Roden

Happy Birthday Stu! 🙂

Patrick Roden

Oh my Goodness!!!
The Sunday Herald is reporting some of the finding from the poll already…


The best site ever.

All the best, have a rest.

The clocks should be left to European time. Lighter at night. It’s dark in the morning, anyway.

Adrian B

The Sunday Herald is reporting some of the finding from the poll already…
link to


link to
Happy Birthday Stu.


Happy birthday! Just read the herald article and feeling so disappointed at the poll results, there just never seems to be any movement forward for YES. The referendum is beginning to scare me, the consequences of a NO vote don’t bear thinking about 🙁

Cankert Callan

O/T We’re banning petrol in cars from city centres?
link to
Has this been passed or is it just a proposal?

Peter Meikle

Happy birthday Stu.

john king

set my alarm too early
but that was to wish you a 
Dont overdo it oldtimer 


Cankert Callan…
link to

john king

Cancart Callan says
“O/T We’re banning petrol in cars from city centres?”

Stopped watching it when the graphic at the bottom said Scotland will ban ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles from its CITY from 2050 
city? if that news? channel thinks Scotland has ONE  city then they are not worth my attention + I’m grumpy cos I’ve got to go to work 
so there 🙁
save a bit cake for me,oh and some jelly,
maybe a wee bit o ice cream,
and maybe a party hat,
oh and one o those little things you blow and it makes a rude noise,
 that will be all for now.

scaredy cat.

Happy Birthday Stu. My 4 year old is my alarm clock and 8am is never in doubt.  Enjoy your day and hopefully a nice lie in. Thanks again for everything. This site keeps me sane.

Michael Hutchison

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Stu. It’s mine too.


Happy birthday mate. Have a gid yin! 🙂

GP Walrus

Happy Birthday Stu and many happy returns.


Harrumph… aa the best for… ye ken…


Happy birthday Stu.  Get the beers in, put your feet up and enjoy a hate free Glasgow Derby as Celtic play Partick Thistle, Firhill for frills.

john king

Alba4eve says @ 6.07
I saw one of those charging points at Ikea yesterday 🙂

Liz Quinn

Happy Birthday Rev and may you have many more! And thanks for the great work

gerry parker

Enjoy a good day off Stu.


Electric cars are far cheaper to run. £100 to £200 a year. Much cheaper than petrol.A total saving on the economy. Some folk hope to save some pennies and get one soon. A bargain. Save the pennies the pounds will look after themselves, as long as they go now near the UK Treasury. An unaccountable bottomless pit of corrupt,hidden finance. The truth will out.

Points at Perth. Coming soon to your area. Getting the charging times down for longer journeys is important, but most folk stop for a cup of tea and a rowie or a glass of spring water.


Happy Birthday Stuart. Have a great day!

Trunbull Drier

happy birthday Rev… Bring on the views of the people. Hope they are positive or i’m off to the pub…  🙂


The don’t knows/undecided will vote YES or not vote – they will not vote NO. It is psychologically a big ask to vote against the country people live in and want to improve.

Some retired folk and people from elsewhere are unlikely to Vote. They consider the Referendum is entirely non of their concern and will not affect them. There is no evidence of a strong,majority NO vote. Just many people quizzical., wondering how the Referendum will affect them.


Sheng ri kuai le!


Congratulations and best wishes and thanks forever.


Barbara Gribbon

Happy Birthday Stu, and thanks for all your hard work. Can’t wait to see the results!


Happy hangover. 🙂


Independence Day in St Vincent and the Grenadines

How do they manage?


cmon cmon cmon


Everybody needs a day off. Happy Birthday Guvnor


It’s 7.55 am and I’m reading pychotic unionist tweets on twitter to pass the time until 8am.  Man, some of those dudes are deluded.

Hotrod Cadets

Happy birthday Stu. Thank you for your hard work, and enjoy your day off.

Gav Bain

Happy birthday Stu.  And thank you for all the hard work on the site.
Sitting here filling in time having completely forgotten about the clocks changing.

Brian Ritchie

Happy Birthday mate! You’re doing a great job! 😀

Richard Cain

All the best people have birthdays today!
Happy birthday to you (& me) 🙂


Happy Birthday Stu!
Much kudos for a wonderful website – I think many of us might have lost our sanity if it wasn’t for Wings.
The power of the internet and the dedication of the Yes movement will win us our country back. By your next birthday I have faith that we will have an independent country and you will have been instrumental in that achievement.


Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday Stu and enjoy
your day off.


Pride’s Purge has an article about how being a blogger attracts abuse.
link to
For those who have not visited it, Pride’s Purge is a mixture of satirical and factual items about UK politics and society; although it rarely even mentions Scotland, it is worth reading as a reminder of what we need to get away from, and it does occasionally have interesting information which is not widely reported.


Happy Birthday!  I hope you have a great day, but I hope you have an even bigger celebration this time next year.

Red squirrel

Happy birthday – hope you have a good one.  Enjoy your well-deserved day off.  Sounds like there will be plenty to keep us occupied today 🙂

David Smith

Have a great day, Stu, you have more than earned it this year!
All the best.


Harpy bidet stew!
Damn this predictive text….

castle hills chavie

As above…with wings and bells on.
Kronia Polla’

Ken Johnston

Have a good one, Rev. And I really, really mean that.
What we would do without you to cluster round I know  not. Anyway, a small contribution for happy meals today will be on it’s way shortly.

The Man in the Jar

Happy birthday to Stew and Scottish Skier 😉


All the best, Stu. Keep up the good work.

Heather McLean

Happy Birthday Stu – hope youre having a fab day and a well earned rest! Thanks for everything you do to keep mme from losing my sanity! In a vast desert of lying biased uncrupulous mainstream media Wings Over scotland is an oasis of truth!

Arbroath 1320

Happy birthday Stu! :P:


Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one! 🙂


Birthday greetings
and if you’re reading this as I post it, bugger off and enjoy the day you fool. If you don’t we’ll set up teams in relays to put posts including CITE tags on your last 100 threads so there 🙂


I’m just about feeling human again.  Hope you have a nice birthday Stu.

Votadini Jeannie

Happy Birthday Stu, and lang may yer lum reek!


Hope you’re having a great birthday Stu and enjoying a well deserved day off!

Shaun Milne

Thank you Rev for all your hard work. Honestly don’t like to think where we’d all be without ya!
Happy Birthday and I hope you do nothing at all but eat and drink yourself merry. If anyone has earned it, you have!

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