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Wings Over Scotland

Quoted for wait what now?

Posted on May 02, 2014 by

David Cameron, Prime Minister’s Questions, 30 April 2014:

“I think that what Alex Salmond said [about Vladimir Putin] was a major error of judgment and that all of us in this House should be supporting the Ukrainian desire to be a sovereign, independent country and to have the respect of the international community and party leaders for that ambition.”

(Our emphasis.) It’s not only us finding that just the tiniest bit hypocritical, is it?

“A Foreign Office department ostensibly set up to promote the Scottish Government’s interests is being used against it in the independence referendum, diplomatic cables have revealed.

The Devolution Unit, created by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 2012 to deliver abroad the ‘utmost co-operation’, now appears to be at the heart of Westminster’s anti-independence drive, amassing hostile reactions from overseas.

100 to “Quoted for wait what now?”

  1. heedtracker says:

    Also the chaps/chapesses at the Foreign Office may well be telling US, New Zealand, Australian and Canadian Scots to vote No in Sept. There’s certainly keen interest in the homeland in Canada, its just never reported anywhere in Scotlandshire. Funny that.

  2. magnus barelegs says:

    perfidious albions double speak.

  3. Robert Louis says:

    To be clear, London/Westminster has absolutely bugger all respect for Scotland or Scottish independence.

    As for David Cameron’s comments-clearly talk is cheap.

  4. Richard Taylor says:

    Simple. Cameron doesn’t think of Scotland as a country – therefore there is no non-sequitur in his mind.

  5. starlaw says:

    Britain launched into WW1, so that Small Nations Might Be Free, but totally ignored Ireland, so nothing new here.

  6. bunter says:

    You know, if The Sunday Herald has not been got at, there is huge potential for stories about these hypocritical lying two faced barstewards this weekend. Just saying, if your listening Mr Bell & Mr MacWhirter.

    Anyway I hope I’ve not pissed off my facebook friends today as I think I’ve shared dozens of links from here, Bateman, Craig Murray etc. Doh!

  7. Schiehallion! Schiehallion! says:

    The silence of the “Scottish” press on all of this is – or ought to be – shocking.

  8. a2 says:

    One has to assume that at least one of those countries has someone in “government and local contacts” prepaired to forward said breifing.

  9. These actions by Westminster are entirely predictable. The full weight of the Establishment has been, and will continue to be, brought against the independence campaign. It’s only their arrogance, they believed they were going to win easily, that has delayed their projects, but from now until September we are going to be hit with one scare story after another. Hopefully, these lies will have the opposite effect than what they intend, and that websites such as this one will quickly point out the facts, rather than the spin put on them by their friends in the M.S.M, led of course by the B.B.C.

  10. Giving Goose says:

    Can we ask difficult questions of the Scottish Press following a Yes vote? Can we put them on the spot and ask them to justify their shocking bias against Scotland? Of course we can and we should.

  11. heedtracker says:

    One recent cable showed UK embassies being ordered to forward a Westminster paper critical of independence “to their host governments and other local contacts” and then feed their comments back to the Devolution Unit “ASAP”.

    It would be great to see what their vote No johnny foreigner cables say though, ” Dear foreign types, we’re currently trying to stop Scotland from running Scotland from Sept and we need all the help we can get. We only have the whole UKOK media industry and the BBC desperately trying to frighten/pressure them into agreeing to let us run them but its probably not going to be enough. Any help would be greatly appreciated by me, Alistair Darling, the Queen, England, Gavin Estler, Donald Trump etc but if you have nothing nice to say about teamGB, stay the fcuk out of it or we’ll nuke you.

    Yours honestly, David Cameron, Rule Britannia.”

  12. Greannach says:

    It hasn’t even started yet. This is the empire warming. Just wait till the summer then we’ll see what they’re fully capable of, if we didn’t know already. I’m still waiting for false flag violence and hoping it doesn’t happen.

  13. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Can I report the BBC to my local Trading Standards Office for ‘unfair trading’?

  14. Pilar says:

    Once again, I would like to let you all know about “Solidarity with Scotland International Campaign”.
    Please have a look and spread the word especially to your relatives and friends living abroad.

    We want to respond to the UK Government iniciative and fill the Devolution Unit of the British Embassies around the world with letters with positive messages of support for Scottish Independence.

    Join us in facebook and twitter (@ScotlandAbroad)
    link to

    We’ll have our website working very soon:

    Thanks to all those who have already joined us!

  15. Pilar says:

    Sorry, I meant

  16. heedtracker says:

    Calgacus MacAndrews, the BBC is misselling and unfairly trading, wiki says
    “Misselling is the deliberate, reckless, or negligent sale of products or services in circumstances where the contract is either misrepresented, or the product or service is unsuitable for the customer’s needs. For example, selling life insurance to someone who has no dependents is regarded as misselling”
    BBC charter sez 1.3.2

    BBC Charter specifies that we should do all we can “to ensure that controversial subjects are treated with due accuracy and impartiality” in our news and other output dealing with matters of public policy or political or industrial controversy.

    That “due” is probably how bloated BBC in Scotland liggers like Brian taylor get out of actually doing the vote NO miselling with accuracy and impartiality.

  17. Jamie Arriere says:

    Nothing Alex Salmond said was an error of judgement, but agreeing to give an interview to Alastair Campbell might have been.

    Has that article even been published yet?

  18. frankieboy says:

    Alex Salmond is not of ‘this house’ even if what he said was what they have twisted it to mean.

  19. Arbroath 1320 says:

    “I think that what Alex Salmond said [about Vladimir Putin] was a major error of judgment and that all of us in this House should be supporting the Ukrainian desire to be a sovereign, independent country and to have the respect of the international community and party leaders for that ambition.”

    Isn’t that nice. That very nice and compassionate chap Mr Cameron calling for support across the whole of the House of Commons to help support Ukraine be a sovereign independent country. Not only that but they should also get respect from party leaders and the wider international community for trying to do so.

    I think this is an admirable quest, I really do. Mr. Cameron standing up there at PMQ’s asking for support to be given to countries wanting to be independent and sovereign in their own right. Now obviously Ukraine is a major issue at the moment and has Mr Cameron’s full attention, however, I am certain that once Mr Cameron has fulfilled this ambitious project he will have time on his hands to move on to the next country wishing to become an independent and sovereign country. 🙂

    Now if only we could find such a country just now, so that we can give Mr Cameron a heads up you understand. I have to admit that at this moment in time I’m kind of stumped about which country in the world would possibly be looking to emulate Ukraine and become an independent and sovereign country. I’ve been sitting here for ages trying to rack my solitary brain cell but I’m afraid I’m coming up empty on this one. I did think of these countries though but I then remembered something, here’s some of those countries I’ve already thought about. 😛

    USA…already independent
    India…already independent
    Pakistan…already independent
    Australia… already independent
    New Zealand… already independent
    Kenya…already independent
    South Africa… already independent
    Eire… already independent

    Surely there is at least ONE country out there that wants to be independent and sovereign, I mean it must have something going for it if Mr Cameron is pushing for Ukraine to become independent and sovereign, mustn’t it? 😉

  20. Peter Macbeastie says:

    Jamie Arriere; apparently the article they’re all wittering on about was published in GQ about four months ago. For ‘some’ reason it was deemed a good time to break that wee out of context pile of shite on a day where Eck was giving a major speech in Bruges.

    Now the attacks have shifted onto another quote from the same article in which, according to the front page of the Metro, Eck brands Scotland a nation of drunks. That one is a classic example of what gets highlighted here all the time; what is said in the body of the article isn’t really the same as what the headline screams.

    It is, in one way, completely gratifying to see them attacking Eck. It effectively confirms what we all know; they are attacking him because they do not dare admit that they can’t attack the policies without looking like they’re indulging in their usual crass negativity. The latest BT poster campaign says it all. So negative it should be in black and white.

    And of course, another gratifying point is that they’re attacking him on pathetic lines like these. Because without doubt his enemies have been digging through everything trying to find something serious to slap him with. They haven’t found anything, because they would be using it by now if they had.

  21. heedtracker says:

    link to
    The Empire says yes to Ukraine independence and no to Scottish independence and their Lords say stuff like this that Pacific Quay no like.

  22. Giving Goose says:

    If I were the First Minister, I would be extremely guarded to whom I give interviews to and what I say. Any small chance that something said could be turned against Scotland will be taken by the MSM, they care nothing about balance or truth. Alex Salmond requires to be just that little bit more clever than those who would conspire against Scotland.

    When he is considering an interview he just needs to think several steps ahead. It’s a game of chess.

    Any interviewer who has either worked for the BBC, has connections to the Labour/Lib Dem/Tory party, or is deemed ambitious needs be treated with the utmost caution.

    Just ask a question of them; would they accept praise or plaudits from the British Establishment? If the answer is Yes, then avoid like the plague.

  23. Red Squirrel says:

    Given we haven’t exactly heard a resounding ‘don’t go’ from these independent countries, could it just be that the empire has less friends than it thought? Every time I see BT, for some reason I hear the Darth Vader theme tune in my head…

    Saw my very first UKOK car sticker this morning – laughed so much at the appropriateness of it 🙂

  24. bookie from hell says:

    If your British you fight for the freedom of other nations,but hit a blind spot if its a neighbour

  25. Greannach says:

    OT but here’s the reply I got from the Electoral Commission about the CBI’s carry-on.

    Dear Mr xxxxxxxx

    Thank you for your email dated 01 May 2014.

    As you may be aware, the Commission yesterday removed the CBI from our register because the CBI did not ensure that the person who signed their application was authorised to do so. You can read our full statement explaining the reasons for our decision at:

    link to

    While we may have removed the CBI from the register, the rules on campaigning at the referendum have not changed.

    We will be meeting with the CBI shortly to make sure they understand the campaigning rules at this referendum. We will monitor their activities during the referendum period as part of the monitoring work that we always do ahead of any election or referendum.

    Yours sincerely

    Lindsey Hamilton
    Business Support Officer
    The Electoral Commission
    Lothian Chambers
    59-63 George IV Bridge
    Edinburgh EH1 1RN
    Tel: 0131 225 0200
    Fax: 0131 225 0205

  26. Red Squirrel says:

    Sorry OT but this is a disgrace
    Under-fives death rate ‘high in UK’, major study shows link to

    Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health quoted “Britain is one of the most unequal societies in Western Europe – and it’s no coincidence that our child mortality rate is also the worst.”

    SOOO Better Together

  27. Capella says:

    David Cameron says, “…this House should be supporting the … desire to be a sovereign, independent country and to have the respect of the international community and party leaders for that ambition.”
    make a good poster?

  28. liz says:

    @Red Squirrel – yes I know I posted that on the previous thread – we are heading back to Dickensian times.

  29. Alfresco Dent says:

    Sorry to go o/t so early. I thought I’d met a fellow Winger today (Wings sticker in car). Turned out I met a Winger’s husband. My “cybernazi” introduction seemed to alarm him somewhat. To the wife, I can only apologise.

  30. HandandShrimp says:

    Scotland – the only country that should never be independent because the entire universe would unravel should such a thing be allowed.

  31. heedtracker says:

    “We will be meeting with the CBI shortly to make sure they understand the campaigning rules at this referendum.” So this tory party clusterfuck has been attacking Scottish democracy on vote NO BBC tv and radio for years now but they still need teamGB electoral campaign rules explained to them? TGIFriday

  32. CameronB says:

    If you like this…

    link to

    you might like this…

    link to

  33. morgan mc says:

    Salmond merely echoed what Farage said about Putin. Clegg decided to use the same tactic on Farage and he failed spectacularly. Putin has outwitted the EU in its own expansionist empire building. The EU the US and Nato made a promise to Russia not to expand eastward. They are breaking that promise.

    The MSM and establishment are quick to misquote and to draw conclusions from what was not remotely inferred.

    However, I find it odd that Putin becomes the despot. Cleggers and Cameron quite happy to share platforms at the G8 with the man.Much in the same way the EU was quite happy to do business with Ukraine’s ousted president until he said “No” to them.

  34. Illy says:

    “The Empire says yes to Ukraine independence and no to Scottish independence and their Lords say stuff like this that Pacific Quay no like.”

    Well of course they do, Ukraine isn’t in their empire, is it?

  35. Jamie Arriere says:


    I was under the impression that it was conducted while the Paralympics were on (mid-March) but that it didn’t appear in the magazine until the May issue.

    But you’re right to say it was an absolute stitch-up, and I’ve yet to see the entire article with his comments in context, so we can judge the tone of the interview, most of which I understand isn’t deadly serious.

    I expect there’ll be unionist utterances in the coming weeks which will dwarf this for controversy and stupidity.

  36. Inbhir Anainn says:

    Isn’t Scotland and Russia linked via Patron Saint?

  37. bunter says:

    Just had a Patrick Harvie and Ja Baillie photo on my time line launching the whisky for the referendum, one bottle had YES and one NO.

    Couldn’t help but comment to Patrick that by the time the photo reaches the newspapers, he will be holding the NO bottle! LOL

  38. Murray McCallum says:

    This whole Salmond – Putin stuff is mind numbingly stupid.

    Anyone falling for this sh1te had no intention of ever voting Yes to Scotland running its own affairs.

  39. ronnie anderson says:

    @CameronB 3.24. Me no likie, huv you gave up playing good


  40. Jamie Arriere says:

    OT – Breaking news. Holyrood to be offered the power to set its own cap on the Bedroom Tax Discretionary Housing Payments, just like that.

    We can all surmise how long this would have taken if there wasn’t a Referendum coming up. Decades, if ever.

    link to

  41. Murray McCallum says:

    If Putin and Russia are such pariah’s why does BP own 19.75 of Rosneft’s registered share capital? The Russian government holds a “golden share” in Rosneft.

    BP’s financial success is increasingly linked to Russia.

    The talk of sanctions by Billy Fizz and the UK government are a bit of a joke. They seem to target a few individuals but not enough to cause a flight of Russian property investment out of London, thereby damaging the property price increases that underpin the UK’s current recovery.

    Like much of UK foreign policy it’s all talk and no substance.

  42. Democracy Reborn says:

    @ Capella:-

    You’re bang on!
    Great idea for a poster/billboard.

    The Cameron Principle: Ukrainian independence – good, Scottish independence?….Errr, naw

  43. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Thanks for the link Jamie.

    Mr Mundell said: “I have completed a programme of visits to all Scottish local authorities and believe that transferring this power to the Scottish government is the correct thing to do.

    I have three questions for Mundell the Blundell. WHY?

    1) Why did you have to visit all of the Scottish local authorities BEFORE deciding that lifting the cap was the right thing to you absolute dunce?

    2) When will the cap actually be lifted?

    3) What will it cost the Scottish Government? In other words what powers are you taking BACK to Westminster in return for us having the power to totally mitigate your gawd awful bedroom tax?

  44. cankertcallan says:

    What is everyone getting so bothered about? All these groups and celebrities not to mention politicians.

    We are just having a poll in September, it seems.

  45. Dorothy Devine says:

    I’m with you Ronnie – Cameron B has nae taste in music!

  46. call me dave says:

    @Arbroath 1320

    All good questions for a disgraceful coalition government. Pity the Labour lot are limbering up in the wings hoping that it’s their turn next to run the UK.

    What a cheek Mr Mundell you put thousands of Scots into poverty and expect the, good samaritan SG, to pick up the tag. Now you plan to cut our pocket money (Barnett) by £4b into the bargain. That’s what you call the real deal.

    We must vote YES.

  47. BigRik says:

    I have just been on the bbc scotland news site, under, from other local news sites there is a ;story; about independence… turn out to be a letter, un-named…When did letters to a small local paper become mainstream news??? No prizes for guessing which side it is on.

  48. Andy-B says:

    Typical of Westminster to say one thing, and do another, by trying to curry favour around the world, to thwart independence.

    Jack Straw has stuck his head out above the parapet, and denounced Alex Salmond and independence, the story is in the paper version of the ultra unionist and London owned Daily Record, no link I’m afraid.

  49. ronnie anderson says:

    Lifting the Cap at SG exspense,less money to Fund other

    things. No increase in the Block Grant, its our money.

    Wiz Mundell in a Blacked out Hackney cab, ah demand a e

    explaination from Bbc,why was this councils visiting by

    Mundell not reported.

  50. Marcia says:

    CameronB – I have the two videos playing at the same time. Nice remix it was.

    Derek Bateman sticking it into the BBC again.

    link to

  51. Marcia says:

    have = had

  52. haud on the noo says:


    all comments removed now.

  53. Jimsie says:

    Ronnie Anderson & Dorothy Devine

    You are right Camerons tunes are awful. Here”s an antidote that will cheer you up.

    link to

  54. goldenayr says:

    Just had a look at the VNB volunteer page.

    I would like to provide blog posts or other content

    I will reach out to my network

    I can provide overnight accommodation

    I will host an event

    I will be a fundraiser

    Does No3 strike anyone else as odd?Why do they need overnight accommodation?
    Could it be for the same reason as my last encounter with a BT campaign?
    One activist who lives 20 miles away and the other 2 from somewhere in England.
    And what a miserable bunch they were.The scowls we got directed at our packed YES stall was hilarious.

  55. Thepnr says:


    Me too, was reading all the comments then tried to go forward a page and for me at least they have disappeared. Can you and others confirm?

  56. Arbroath 1320 says:

    haud on the noo says:


    all comments removed now.


    It surely wasn’t anything we could have done that has caused them to remove all those very informative questions and comments is it? 😛

    What are we to do now?

    Where are we now expected to send all our very important questions?

    I mean we all have questions and we need answers, we want answers where can we go?

    How long before this becomes the number one headline on BBC. “New No Borders campaign website hijacked by people asking too many questions.” 🙂

  57. cearc says:

    haud on the noo

    You beat me to it.

    Well obviously they have decided that astro turf doesn’t need roots.

    Actually, I am amazed that such a well funded and ‘professional’ website took so long to notice. Still it was fun while it lasted.

  58. Thepnr says:

    link to

  59. Thepnr says:

    As Citizen Smith would say “Power to the PEEOOPLEEE”

  60. Macandroid says:

    @ capella

    I tweeted this:

    David Cameron says “…this House should be supporting the … desire to be a sovereign, independent country…” not about Scotland though!

  61. Papadox says:


    Appears wee wumin in George sq. ( I’m Glaswegian, Scottish British & very proud lying tolly) has been edited out of Gavin esslers revealing report of no borders grass roots stitch up by EBC special black ops unit. Supported by HMG secret intelligence services.

  62. haud on the noo says:

    The question is now that they’ve been rumbled (didn’t take long did it ?) Are they going to re-instate minus the hypernats comments or just die off ? 150,000 surely pays for a mod to “clean” posts. Are they that stupid ? (answers on a postcard to UKIP, Freepost…planet Zog)

    (OT Derek Bateman is being far to kind to the BBC on his latest blog))

  63. Thepnr says:

    It’s all they Nasty Cybernats fault. The Betertogether Broadcasting Corporation is next.

    link to

  64. goldenayr says:


    Just came back from trying to find the comments,all gone.

    They had changed the heading of the amount of comments to “reactions”?

    All I did was challenge Malcolm to come on and justify his position,honest..:-]

  65. cearc says:

    haud on the noo,

    I think that’s what they have just done!

    Didn’t leave much did it?

  66. Arbroath 1320 says:

    VNB was set by *ahem* professionals, apparently. So surely they knew that with a topic such as Scottish independence and the *ahem* high profile launch it received thanks to the BBC there were bound to be a few YES supporters who had some *ahem* interesting questions and comments to make about staying in this broken union.

    Where are we to go now?

    Let’s face it no one with a question about staying in the broken union will get very far with Better Together so this was the obvious site for questions to be asked, important questions like what type of grass were they using for their grass roots campaign, should the borders be removed to a galaxy far far away or just off the coast of the Isle of Man or even further afield. I mean these are extremely important questions and we wanted answers. 😛

  67. Jimsie says:

    Marcia 4.36

    I linked to the Bateman excellent piece. The BBC no longer try to be subtle with the BT propaganda and the demonising of Alex Salmond. It has become so blatant now.

    Something needs to be done about them soon, A protest demo or such like.

  68. Andy-B says:

    O/T Rev, I do apologise.

    Alex Salmond and the GQ interview, Alex said, We need to tackle the drinking culture in Scotland.

    The Independent headline: Alex Salmond: Scotland is a nation of drunks.

    link to

  69. call me dave says:


    I said yesterday 2nd post in that it would be deleting and moderating comments by Monday. I was wrong it only took two days. 🙁



    latest NHS Scotland continuing care is a real story big news. I don’t like the look of the recommendations either, we shall see.

  70. msean says:

    Easy choice , mitigate bedroom tax-vote no,get rid of bedroom tax-vote yes.

    It’s a stupid tax anyway,whoever thought this one up in its original form opened the door for its expansion by the torydems. Idiots.

    Vote yes

  71. goldenayr says:

    It’s a pity really.I never got the chance to explain my moniker “Interior Decorator”.
    I was hoping one of them would ask me why I chose it[long shot].I could then have gone on to explain that as far as I’m concerned,the redistribution of powers the unionist parties are advocating,are akin to papering over cracked walls and rearranging the shabby furniture in a house that’s built over a sinkhole with no roof to protect you from the elements.

  72. Marcia says:

    Peter Curran has uploaded to Youtube, a video of the Glasgow debate held last night in front of a packed audience.

    link to

  73. Papadox says:

    @papadox 4:56

    Apologies, The word intelligence in intelligence services was an error on my part. Hangs head in shame. I will try harder.

  74. Thepnr says:

    Remember next Friday 9th May “Merry in the Ferry” Get yourself along early if you can I’ll be there from around 18:30.

    Direct train from Glasgow leaving at 17:11 arriving 19:00
    Next direct one is leaving at 18:41 arriving 20:12.

    Those on the Edinburgh route will have to change at Dundee, no longer than a 10min wait though.

    The pub Jollys is a two minute walk from the station, anyone wishing to stay overnight should book through Laterooms, currently advertised as £55 for a double and £47 for a single.

    It will be online by Independence Live just as the Glasgow event was, it’s discreet though and nobody will be forced in front of the camera. Check the Glasgow event at:

    link to

  75. ronnie anderson says:

    @Jimsie 4.46 Aye rite Jimsie,an both members of

    Byrd epeciation club.

  76. Thepnr says:


    Interior decorator eh! I read some of your posts and it’s all your fault lol.

  77. goldenayr says:


    Sorree! 😀

  78. call me dave says:

    Lamont will be spoilt for choice at FMQ next week.
    This is my pick.

    link to

    Alex Neil has a job on here.

    Our pocket money from Westminster is not enough we need all the controls over our own tax and spend. Vote YES.

  79. Balaaargh says:

    “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

    Margaret Thatcher, 1986.

    Perhaps Big Eck could ask Ruthie to remind her boss about that one at the next FMQ..

  80. ronnie anderson says:

    @Thepnr noo if we turned right oot the train station
    an walked doon the street, we wuld be at the watter.

    Is the Lifeboat station operational, we need tae know these

    things,its the Wings safety manual ye see,we hiv to be

    aware of all hazards,dey they watter doon the Irn Bru,

    Cmon we need mair check oot the tempreture

    of the Guiness, IanB only drinks quality.

  81. rab_the_doubter says:

    Re the NHS longterm end of life care issue, this needs to be handled with care at the next FMQ, but my feeling is that outwith Scotland the funding is in effect lining the pockets of Private Nursing Home companies, and given what’s been revealed about their standards of care recently, maybe it’s not a bad thing that they won’t be allowed to do this in Scotland.

  82. Andy-B says:

    This looks like a good book on Scottish independence, it also include 40 good reasons to vote YES.

    link to

  83. HandandShrimp says:

    Vote No Borders

    The only grass roots campaign with built in nematodes.


  84. rab_the_doubter says:

    The Now Show, wee bit of Alex Bashing going on. No surprise considering Marcus Brigstocke is one of the guests.

  85. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ rab_the_doubter – One of the players in the private ‘end of life care’ domain is 4 Seasons Nursing Homes with their website at

    link to

    There is a lot to look through and there are lots of links to funders and takeovers. Who is who is slightly misty but I do suspect it will not be happy news for an Independent minded Scotland.

    I shall delve more into their financial machinations but on the surface it’s domination is South of Carlisle.

    The FM would do well tread carefully as the MSM would have a field day.

  86. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ rab_the_doubter – One of the players in the private ‘end of life care’ domain is 4 Seasons Nursing Homes with their website at

    link to

    There is a lot to look through and there are lots of links to funders and takeovers. Who is who is slightly misty but I do suspect it will not be happy news for an Independent minded Scotland.

    I shall delve more into their financial machinations but on the surface it’s domination is South of Carlisle.

    The FM would do well tread carefully as the MSM would have a field day.

  87. orri says:

    Reading the article it seems, as usual, Labour are incapable of a level of basic comprehension. At no point does Alex Neil say people will not be give care in their own homes. What he does say is that the NHS will not fund care home placings for people who are there due to medical need. Given the limitations of the NHS budget and my own experience of the private home my father in law was placed in that move is easily justified on both cost and level of care grounds. For the self same reason it’s actually cheaper to care for someone in their own home than in an institution.
    Pouring money down a drain, or into private pockets, for a poorer level of care makes absolutely no sense.

  88. jon esquierdo says:

    Westminster is full of clowns with pockets bigger than Coco. I normally use the word fuckwits but I am being more refined now.

  89. North Chiel says:

    Surprise surprise Eleanor Bradford with another
    anti Nhs Scotland story compared( as usual ) with the
    “wonderful” Nhs in England This incessant
    BBC Scotland ” health service propaganda ,actually makes
    Me “ill”, however Eleanor assuredly, I won’t be relocating down south to take advantage any time soon.

  90. North Chiel says:

    Ps Bbc news 24 running with “no borders”
    Story AGAIN at 2125 hours

  91. Craig says:

    “Any interviewer who has either worked for the BBC, has connections to the Labour/Lib Dem/Tory party, or is deemed ambitious needs be treated with the utmost caution.”

    Well that covers the entire UK / Scottish mainstream media then.

    Imagine the storm if Alex Salmond refused to give an interview.

    The fight against the British Establishment will not be easy.

    Every single country that became independent from the British Empire knows that.

    The worst is yet to come.

  92. Ken500 says:

    Cameron should practise what he preaches.

    ‘No borders’? – UKIP are obsessed with borders.

  93. Lesley-Anne McLelland says:

    Ken500 says:

    Cameron should practise what he preaches.

    ‘No borders’? – UKIP are obsessed with borders.

    Well to be honest Ken someone has to be obsessed. Let’s face it WE don’t care for them so WE won’t be looking after them, maintaining them etc so we need someone to look after and maintain them. More power to their elbow I say, and boy will they need it that is one hell of a border that Hadrian’s wall. 😛

  94. rab_the_doubter says:

    Can I claim a Scottish Record, blocked from VNB Facebook page within 2 minutes of my first post. That must make me some kind of ultra cybernat or something. ?

  95. Lesley-Anne McLelland says:

    rab_the_doubter says:

    Can I claim a Scottish Record, blocked from VNB Facebook page within 2 minutes of my first post. That must make me some kind of ultra cybernat or something. ?

    Slow coach! 😛

  96. rab_the_doubter says:

    If that site proves to be funded by the Government then they have breached my civil liberties. David Cameron, I’ll see you in court.

  97. Colin Kirk says:

    For hypocrisy just google “Cameron and Putin” to view the comments DC made knowing Putin was going to be a player in G8 G20 etc. The subsequent comments on Salmond1 misquotes seem “ill-judged”. Is the live speech in these more telling than the perceived intonation of the BTG snipers on the GQ article?… Quick they are being blocked and deleted as we watch!

  98. CameronB says:

    Dorothy Devine
    Blows raspberry. 😉

    That’s creative. 🙂 I’m not sure I’ll try for myself though. Got to manage the bandwidth. 😉

    Jimsie, you’d probably safe. Not as if I was feeding you high sugar candies. 😉

    “Interior Decorator”. I thought you meant a painter, as in whitewash. Chumnbawamba do a song about that. Did we just break something? 🙂

    rab_the_doubter, so you broke it? ;(

  99. CameronB says:

    Lesley-Anne McLelland, sorry, I should have refreshed before posting. 🙂

  100. bunter says:

    State broadcaster says UKIP now the 4th party of British politics.

    SNP has 6 MP’s.
    UKIP no MP’s

    How does that work?

    Oh British=English.


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    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can all see…Mar 14, 08:05
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