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Wings Over Scotland

Outside the fence

Posted on June 03, 2024 by

We were a little perplexed by this story.

Because, for startlingly obvious reasons, even the SNP hasn’t had the brass neck to do a general fundraiser for this election, with the police’s inquiries still going on into the whereabouts of the cash from their last big appeals.

But in fact the party has managed to wring over £100,000 from the most gullible of its remaining supporters in the days since the election was announced. It’s just been a bit more subtle about it.

Because SNP candidates are left to secure their own financing for elections, and most of them have been doing it through Crowdfunder.

So let’s do some Fun Facts!

There are 10 out of 57 seats where, so far as we’ve been able to ascertain at the time of writing, the SNP candidate isn’t running a formal fundraiser (though some do solicit ad-hoc donations). If you spot one we’ve missed, let us know.

Those who appear to be funding their campaigns primarily out of their own pockets, though, are these brave souls:

Tracey Little (Dumfries & Galloway)
Naz Anis Miah (Dunfermline & Dollar)
Joanna Cherry (Edinburgh SW)
Chris Stephens (Glasgow SW)
Ronnie Cowan (Inverclyde)
Drew Hendry (Inverness, Skye & West Ross-shire)
Alan Brown (Kilmarnock & Loudon)
Patricia Gibson (North Ayrshire & Arran)
Robert Leslie (Orkney & Shetland)
Martin Docherty-Hughes (West Dunbartonshire)

For the rest, some number-crunching.

(NOTES: The most ambitious candidate is Martyn Day, the only one who set a target of infinity, so we’ll exclude him from most of these tables. Some candidates closed their fundraisers early after hitting their targets and we can’t tell what the targets were – in those cases we’ll assume £2,000 as that’s the most common figure. Some candidates – Lyn Jardine, Tommy Sheppard, Jacqueline Cameron – have for some reason done more than one fundraiser, which we’ll count together.)






1. John Nicolson (£10,000)
2. Lucy Beattie (£8,000)
3= Amy Callaghan (£5,000)
3= Richard Thomson (£5,000)
3= Pete Wishart (£5,000)

*one candidate asked for £4000, five for £3000, all others £2500 or less

MOST SUCCESSFUL (cash terms)

1. David Wilson (£5,800)
2. Tommy Sheppard (£5,561)
3. Glen Reynolds (£5,511)
4. Brendan O’Hara (£5,462)
5. Lucy Beattie (£5,050)

MOST SUCCESSFUL (percentage terms)

1. David Wilson (193%)
2. Grant Costello (189%)
3. Stuart McDonald (185%)
4. Glen Reynolds (183%)
5. Kirsten Oswald (164%)

*Wilson, McDonald and Reynolds all set targets above the £2000 average, Costello’s was below, and Oswald’s was £2000.


1. Anne McLaughlin (£180)
2= Steven Bonnar (£300)
2= Anum Qaisar (£300)
4. Marion Fellows (£457)
5. Hannah Bardell (£570)

LEAST SUCCESSFUL (percentage terms)

1. Anne McLaughlin (9%)
2= Steven Bonnar (15%)
2= Marion Fellows (15%)
2= Anum Qaisar (15%)
5. Hannah Bardell (28%)
6. John Nicolson (29%)
7. Katy Loudon (43%)
8. Amy Callaghan (44%)
9. John Beare (44%)
10. Gavin Newlands (48%)

*We’ve made this a top 10 since the top 5 was the same as in cash terms.

[EDIT 5pm: in fact Ross Clark is another who’s on his second fundraiser. We’ve adjusted the charts accordingly.]

The central party appears to be somewhere close to flat broke. As Wings told you a few days ago it isn’t running any Facebook election ads at all:

And its overall online spend has been microscopic, with Scottish Labour splashing out almost 25 times as much and even the Scottish Tories spending more than 10 times as much despite most of their voters being 85 and actively frightened of computers.

Wings would like to take a moment to salute the sheer blind doggedness of anyone still donating money to the SNP at this point, let alone with any confidence that it’s going to further the cause of independence. That the party’s managed to scrabble up a six-figure sum at short notice despite everything that’s happened is definitely testament to something.

But with the SNP’s normal spend on a Westminster election somewhere in the region of £1.5m, they’re going to have to squeeze those pips even tighter yet.

0 to “Outside the fence”

  1. Calum says:

    Sigh… Really? 100 grand out of mugs in a few days!

  2. Liz says:

    Anyone donating hard cash to this bunch of wasters, is a lost cause

  3. Confused says:

    could wings not just buy the SNP for £1 and tempt the fans back with tales of “big signings”; then you turn jacksons backdoor(?) into an airbnb and Profit! for the movement

    I saw tommy sheppards funder – worthy of a caption comp. My entry

    “a cash donation of £10 will get Micky a bed for the night”

    crowdfunding is desperate, but just wait till they start doing only fans

    2 airliners have crossed contrails right in front of me, an omen …

  4. Jeremy Wickins says:

    I put a few quid into the election campaign of an ISP candidate in Dundee today.

  5. Sven says:

    Not sure which is more astonishing; that these troughers have the nerve to start Crowdfunders, or that there are still the deluded out there willing to donate cash to them.

  6. Iain McGlade says:

    I couldn’t help reading the Kirsten Oswald one as “Only Kirsten Can Eat The Stovies In East Ren”

  7. Ian McCubbin says:

    Can’t believe so many gullible folk still believe in this shower of troughers.
    Time I gave some funds to Alba.

  8. Iain More says:

    I wouldn’t give Blackman or any of the Woke Yoon Queers in particular the steam off ma shite.

  9. Republicofscotland says:

    The thing is we’ll never know whose actually funding this lot, or where the cash is coming from.

  10. London Scot says:

    I ran a General Election campaign back in 2015. A colour leaflet to all doors cost about £3K. All Parliamentary candidates get 1 leaflet delivered free by the Royal Mail. So say a modest campaign of the freely delivered leaflet, plus a second delivered by volunteers & maybe a leaflet delivered to supporters in the last week will cost at least £8K.

    John Nicholson’s target seems realistic. Others suggest that either (i) the candidates are digging into their own pockets or (ii) local parties have savings they have been able to keep out of the clutches of the national party or (iii) they are running shoe string campaigns with only 1 leaflet & knocking up cards.

  11. David Hannah says:

    Listened to the Prism Show today. Eva Comrie, Phil Boswell and Lloyd Quinan.

    There are a number of issues I agree with – Grangemouth oil refinery has to stay open for business – to refine the billions of pounds worth of oil in Scottish waters. Otherwise it’s closure will be felt all across our country.

    And the free-ports situation which is going to divide Scotland up into corporate entities where we lose control – it’s hard to understand – I certainly don’t and the public don’t either. There’s a forth free port to be created?

    Which means that Mhairi MacCallan hasn’t a scooby-do what’s she’s on about taking Scotland back into the EU. When they have made it impossible.

    Let alone the crushing poverty we’re all experiencing – lack of housing and cuts to teachers jobs and hospital waiting lists which are out of control.

    Yet the SNP want to campaign on a message of putting Scotland First. They want to put the SNP first. That’s what they mean.

    People will still fund SNP because they don’t all read Wings Over Scotland. It’ll be the better off – middle class – nationalists – that believe in equality and diversity – that will be funding the party.

    Yet the working class – like myself see Scotland being oppressed and exploited through this anglophone ‘one nation’ approach of the union.

    Which means we continue to exist as subjects of a cultural and imperialist hegemony and not an equal nation and kingdom in joint union.

    England are here to interfere and thwart Scots of their right to self determination. Aided and abated by Sturgeon the Judas.

    Can someone link me to the article where Sturgeon says “Independence on its own is not desirable.” ?

    The SNP policy makers are divorced from reality and will never enthuse the nation on a negative – i.e. “make scotland a tory free zone.”

    As Eva Comrie says – Make Scotland a free zone in its entirety so we can be out of this union.

    Set the truth free Wings Over Scotland. And set Scotland free!

    See you at the All Under One Banner. No matter how hard they try. They will never crush our spirits.

  12. Shetto Al says:

    Would it be funny if they can’t raise £500 for their deposit in time?

  13. Robert says:

    Any candidates worth voting for in Edinburgh East? So far it’s looking like a spoilt ballot.

  14. Iain More says:

    This election could have a record number of spoiled ballots.

  15. twathater says:

    It is desperately sad that people are actually donating MONEY to a fraudulent political party who have PROVEN that RINGFENCED money £600,000 raised for a independence referendum from party members and NON party members cannot be located

    It is also desperately sad that people are actually donating MONEY to a fraudulent political party whose reason d’etra is supposed to be independence for Scotland, but over the last 10 years and numerous mandates they have done NOTHING to achieve that goal

    It is also desperately sad that most of those unashamedly openly BEGGING and pleading for money from people who may be suffering from poverty or overstretched finances are the recipient’s of exorbitant salaries and expenses with heavily subsidised restaurants commonplace in their workplace

    I find it reprehensible and despicable that a man who openly and vociferously boasts that he has spent in excess of 20years in WM and FAILED to achieve independence has the effrontery and contempt for the electorate to BEG for money to allow him to continue with his ongoing FAILURE

    I have sympathy and empathy for BIG ISSUE SELLERS, homeless people,drug addicts and alcoholics BEGGING for money due to their circumstances, but I find it utterly revolting and despicable that these individuals who continue to FAIL Scotland and Scots have the NERVE and BRAVADO to BEG for money from the very people they are BETRAYING


  16. George Ferguson says:

    I admire SNP voters who have donated to fundraising. Hiroo Onoda was cut from the same cloth. Good luck to the Wings SNP readers. At some point in a faraway future we will stand together on a Independence Campaign. (Hopefully)

  17. Derick says:

    Gratifying to see Anus Qaisar struggling to get support. If there is a thicker MP in any party in WM, I’ve not yet seen them.

  18. Anton Decadent says:

    @Confused, thanks for the laugh whilst eating my dinner.

  19. Doug says:

    Seems there are 21 misguided souls in Glasgow South giving money to devolutionist Stewart McDonald. Strange.

  20. Keefer says:

    Just saw the party political broadcast with Swinney and Forbes, must have cost ten bob at least.

  21. MrD says:

    A motor home would come in useful at this point

  22. PacMan says:

    I was watching Sky news yesterday and it had segments where both Swinney and Flynn were both questioned.

    With both of them, they had easily made sterling performances. This wasn’t due to the quality of their political acumen but down to the sheer lack of competence of the journalists interviewing them.

    The other issue is both Swinney and Flynn can easily fly through these interviews due to the interviewers lack of understanding of Scottish politics which is a bit more than what target number of legal migration is their party aiming for?

    For the ordinary punter in the street who are only interested in politics at these times and unaware of how lacking in depth and talent both are, is it hardly surprising that there are enough people gullible enough to fund their campaigns?

  23. Willie John says:

    I don’t watch TV and won’t waste money on printed comics so a little out of touch about who’s who. Out of that lot above tho’ I could recognise just 19 names/faces. And one of them only because they had the temerity to knock on my door and introduce themself as my candidate for “Independence!”.

    When I could probably recognise/name at least that many of the opposition parties tells me that they are ***********. (Insert your own descriptor.)

  24. Andrew scott says:

    Tonite’s snp PPB cringeworthy

  25. Anton Decadent says:

    There are rumours that the £660,000 was spent on a clairvoyant looking to raise the spirit of Jimmy Saville from the grave and appoint him Head Of Policy. In the interests of fairness we could apply that to pretty much any party.

  26. Sally Hughes says:

    For the MP’s on 80 plus grand a year…. surely they could have put a bit by over the years… not as if they didn’t know this day was coming.

  27. Toby says:

    Why would any sitting M.P., who has had their nose in the trough, in terms of salary and parliamentary expenses, for the past 5 years need to beg their constituents for funds.
    Surely they should have managed to salt away enough to fund their own campaigns.
    It should actually be compulsory that all sitting M.P’s should pay for their own campaign themselves and you would see who was really invested in the cause. This goes for all parties.
    I also think there should be a limit to the consecutive number of times an M.P. can be elected, after which they must stand down for at least one term of parliament.
    It is ridiculous that someone could stand in what’s considered a ‘safe seat’ where there is regularly a huge majority for one party, for their entire working life.

  28. Craig says:

    Fair play to my soon to be ex MP Chris Stephens for being decent enough not to shamelessly put out a begging bowl but funding his campaign out of his own pocket, genuinely putting money where his mouth is.

    For the other shameless beggers, hope their campaigns are a complete shitfest and will lose their seats.

    Standing up for Scotland my arse, mair like sitting doon and shutting the fuck up whilst collecting a generous pay packet.

  29. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    The Tories’ plan to redefine sex will put trans people like me in danger

    By Ellie Gomersall

    Vote winner or not

    Gomersall says ‘that “biological sex” is a nonsense’

    Am I correct in thinking if ‘For Women Scotland’ win their case whichever party is in power they will have to do the same.

    link to

    Another person unhappy with possible changes.

    Personally I’m delighted.

    Repeal of GRA 2004 would be even better.

  30. robertkknight says:

    Just amazed at how much disposable cash/braincells the Wee Ginger Fud brigade have.

    It’s no wonder so many fall victim to those pesky Indian call centre scammers as well as the SNP.

    £100 grand could buy a shed load of electric blankets, fingerless gloves and Steradent, or did that not occur to them?

    Indy for Scotland!
    SNP Out!

  31. robertkknight says:

    Sham Nationalist Party down to 17 MPs…

    link to

    That’s about 16 too many!

    Indy for Scotland!
    SNP Out!

  32. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ Toby says: 3 June, 2024 at 7:25 pm

    I also think there should be a limit to the consecutive number of times an M.P. can be elected, after which they must stand down for at least one term of parliament.
    It is ridiculous that someone could stand in what’s considered a ‘safe seat’ where there is regularly a huge majority for one party, for their entire working life

    Sure, deny the majority in a constituency their right to elect somebody they actually want.

  33. Susan Forrest says:

    Saw this on Anne McLaughlin’s Twitter this afternoon – was sure it was a parody but everyone I asked said no, it’s for real. Seriously?? The fact I’m not certain speaks volumes

    “If anyone fancies doing some deliveries to some tenements tomorrow (Monday) we’re meeting outside Bellgrove Station at 8am. I say ‘we’ – my role is to get myself in the photo and thank people who turn up? All help very much appreciated.”

  34. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Agreed Sally.

    Even I could afford 2 grand. If it meant the possibility of earning £80k I would invest.

    It seems politicians don’t want to spend a single penny of their own money not even on a toilet roll. Internet charges absolutely no way.

  35. Hatey McHateface says:

    On Rev Stu’s figures, 47 out of the 57 SNP MPs are crowd funding their campaigns.

    Looks like a new meaning to the Independents for Indy theme.

    All they have to do now is ditch the party name and colours.

    From their POV though, I think it’s a blinder of an idea.

    To your average, apathetic, apolitical Scot, it makes them look like the outsiders, David battling Goliath, the wee folks against the overwhelming odds of the big guns.

    Not what they actually are – the settled incumbents, grossly obese from far too many years doing SFA.

    Dig deep to send them back! Next time it’s for real!

  36. Shug says:

    Perhaps the candidates donated their own money using false names

  37. George Ferguson says:

    @Ruby Tuesday 7:37pm
    Well we have to give congratulations to you. The main voice of amending the equality Act 2004 to include biological sex. Your victory. You have to ask why after 14 years of Conservative Government they decided to do that now? Electoral desperation. Similarly the SNP suddenly are about to make massive U turns needed to save a few SNP MPs. Great things Elections.A correction to remind politicians they work for us.

  38. Karen says:

    Normally the branches would have capitation to spend. But HQ have “commandeered” said capitation. I might have said this before.

  39. Tommo says:

    Twathater says; ‘I find it utterly revolting and despicable that these individuals who continue to FAIL Scotland and Scots have the NERVE and BRAVADO to BEG for money from the very people they are BETRAYING

    As a Unionist-agreed; more front than Eastbourne-and about as much to do with Scottish independence

  40. Dr Slop says:

    Would it be incorrect to assume that there are some MPs whom certain powers would be keen to see reinstalled as, you know, insurance and that a payment to a crowd finder represents an efficient, untraceable way of helping to achieve that?

  41. Mac says:

    It is somewhat fucked up IMHO that this website has just abdicated the general election (because TL:DR) that has been bizarrely snap-called despite it being a classic case of a turkey voting for Christmas, instead to focus on low level SNP shite like this. No wonder the trolls are hoatching the joint.

  42. Republicofscotland says:

    Christ its tedious as f*ck watching these four lying b*stards on the “STV” leaders debate, three of the parties aren’t even Scottish and the fourth one the SNP has sold Scotland out.

    I’ve never heard so many promises that will ultimately turn out to be lies from four useless pr*cks three of whom are nothing more than branch managers of outpost of their London HQ’s, and the fourth one Swinney doesn’t give a toss about Scots its party and friends first (iPad man). Their promises (pie in the sky) are unaccountable, they can lie like f*ck and there’s no comeback for at least five years.

    I mean the GE isn’t even a a Scottish election its the elections of the the foreign country of England, Scots have absolutely no business voting in it, just as the English have no business in voting at Holyrood elections.

    There was no union.

    link to

  43. Willie J says:

    “[Tories] … most of their voters being 85 and actively frightened of computers.”
    Oy Rev! Ya cheeky wee laddie! I’m only 80 and I have 1 desktop, 2 laptops, 3 Android tablets, a Pixel 8 smartphone *and* I was a Tory voter in every election since I was 21, although not in this upcoming one.
    (Mind you, that hasnae stopped me from throwing the odd bawbee to Wings because I would hate to see the most trustworthy political site in the UK disappear.) Keep up the good work!

  44. Big Jock says:

    They should do a crowd founder for Murrell’s bail. Seems reasonable given all he has done for the party. ?

  45. George Ferguson says:

    @Mac 9:27pm
    Stu has just emphasised what everybody in Scotland is thinking. 130k membership down to circa 50k.(Although that’s a secret) Revenue streams collapsed. Look at previous revenue streams in comparison. Activists non existing on the streets. The SNP exist for their own benefit and their mates. It’s SNP trolls punting the same old. I have changed from Hiroo Onolda to Julius Margolin as an example of Stalinst opposition.

  46. Mark says:

    “Scottish Tories spending more than 10 times as much despite most of their voters being 85 and actively frightened of computers.”

    Lazy ad-hom there Rev..but other than that, another good analysis

    Conservative voter, 69, love computers

  47. Wally Jumblatt says:

    – a good thing these are the brightest and best Scotland has to offer ………………. not many seem to take a good photograh however.

  48. Dumbarton Rock says:

    Mmmmm. One candidate on your “self funding ” list is asking for donations via bank transfer.

  49. SteepBrae says:

    Susan Forrest 8.01pm
    “If anyone fancies doing some deliveries to some tenements tomorrow (Monday) we’re meeting outside Bellgrove Station at 8am. I say ‘we’ – my role is to get myself in the photo and thank people who turn up? All help very much appreciated.”

    Some of these candidates are in for a big dissie if they think the grassroots will turn out as they did for previous elections. That sort of arrogant comment (‘to get myself in the photo’) fools no-one now. Hopefully.

  50. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland says:3 June, 2024 at 9:33 pm

    Scots have absolutely no business voting in it

    Awa and shite, man.

    59 seats up for grabs. However you finesse the arithmetic, Scotland is likely to return around 30, maybe 35 MPs.

    All they have to do for Scotland over the next five years is one tiny, negligible, virtually un-noticeable thing.

    Doesn’t even matter what it is. But as part of the government of the day, it will be within their power to do something.

    And that one thing will still be more than the SNP oxygen thieves achieved over the course of this current parliamentary term.

    They did SFA.

  51. Kcor says:

    “Wings would like to take a moment to salute the sheer blind doggedness of anyone still donating money to the SNP at this point, let alone with any confidence that it’s going to further the cause of independence.”

    I don’t think those donating give a damn about independence.

    It must be the ones who have usurped the SNP for their woke agendas.

    But then maybe not. The most stupid people on earth are in Scotland.

  52. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Hatey McHateface says:3 June, 2024 at 11:02 pm

    Scotland is likely to return around 30, maybe 35 Labour MPs.

    Whoops, a wee correction was necessary there.

    Awa and shite, man

    That bit was spot on.

  53. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Donate to the SNP, laugh I nearly paid my TV licence.

    They have no self awareness real brass necks.

    However if folk want to throw money it’s their money.

    A fool is easily parted from his money.

  54. handclapping says:

    Not all of them have been running for the same length of time. You would have to do £/day and £/person to work out who was popular.

  55. Big Jock says:

    Ironically the Scottish Labour mps will be able to have more effect on Scotland than the useless 47. I am not saying for one minute that it will be a good effect. But at least they will form the party of government.

    Which brings us back to the pointlessness of nationalist MPs going to WM.They will never form part of the UK government.So the only action they can take is to abstain. But unfortunately the SNP need the short money. And its always been about money with these SNP troughers.

  56. Hatuey says:

    Good to see focus shift to the General Election.

    This is a good link and map that provides predictions for each constituency based on polling; link to

    They are currently predicting 17 seats for the SNP. I am predicting less than that on the basis that the Tory decision to weaponise gender/sex will hurt the SNP more than any other party.

    Then there’s the investigations, always there, hanging over everything like rumbling thunder clouds… when and where can we expect the lightening to strike?

    SNP: Stronger for Mugs.

    Nothing in the world is more fun than karma.

  57. Iain More says:

    It is possible that the only Indy Supporting MP re-elected might be Angus Macneil in the Western Isles. Well every other Party that will win seats will be Yoon Party’s.

  58. Young Lochinvar says:

    Well my sitting MP Marion Fellows looks like she is toast – no great surprise after the SNPs self inflicted fiasco in North Lanarkshire Council then the never ending revealing of misdeeds recently under Nic Sturgeon..

    Mind you; at time if writing she had £457 which if memory serves is almost double what Labour in Scotchland received a few years ago in public donations (£250)..

    I don’t predict a riot at the GE; more a snooze session no show by disillusioned voters.

  59. twathater says:

    @ ROS 9.33pm I inadvertently stumbled on to the HAHaHaHa STV leaders HAHAHAHA debate, JFC Swinney is still as useless as ever, even the tumshie heid Ross had him babbling incoherently, what a disgrace these clowns and morons are for Scotland

    The ONLY thing that possibly can mitigate their obvious public stupidity is that they are a mirrored reflection of what is on offer politically throughout the uk

  60. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Dumbarton Rock says:
    3 June, 2024 at 10:38 pm

    Mmmmm. One candidate on your “self funding ” list is asking for donations via bank transfer.

    Aww, come on man – coup the legumes, please. Enquiring minds want tae ken…

  61. Karen says:

    My dentist says free NHS check-ups are going from 6-monthly to 12-monthly. That’s a 50% cut on the SNP. Haven’t seen it on the news.

    On a happier note, can I recommend my new favourite t-shirt: “They say Karma’s a bitch, but I hear she’s a terf” link to

  62. Effijy says:

    We are between a rock and a hard place.

    I am sickened the most by having the English run Holyrood again.

    The cry that Independence is finished look at how the vast majority want London Labour in power.

    They are every bit more incompetent than the car crash that SNP have become.

    After 25 years of Labour running the NHS in Wales they have the worst performing health service. Sarwar and his clown have no experience in this task so you can expect them to make even more of a mess of it taking Scotland from first to last.

    Will they level Scotland up by removing free further education, prescriptions, personal care, hospital parking, travel for many.

    Labour have adopted the Tory mantra of lying through their teeth about what they will deliver. Every economist sees that we are about to become even worse off and taxes will go up for certain.

    Who will they blame SNP and the Tories it isn’t their fault.

    How did Labour do last time-
    Built 6 houses for rent in 5 years for Scotland
    Spent fortunes stopping equal pay for women in Glasgow city council,
    Took £50 Billion of private finance for new schools and hospitals that will cost £305 billion with interest, the had no complaint about the Tory Bedroom tax that further crippled the disabled.
    How did their delivery go on the £30 million construction of Holyrood that cost over £400 million and do your remember Labours Edinburgh trams fiasco that landed half the network at 4 times the cost crippling traffic there for year after year after year.

    Can I state the obvious for any SNP official in any debate covering our oil reserves.
    The English parties have such plans for it and the new drilling licenses but can’t they remember that that have been assuring us every decade since the 1970’s that our oil is about to run out and at the referendum it was about to run out and had no value left in it.

    Now they have killed off SNP it’s the future for the next 30-50 years.
    Can someone remind them about 50 years of lying to Scotland and stealing our billions.

  63. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 6:05 am

    They are every bit more incompetent than the car crash that SNP have become.

    Incompetence is a human frailty. A fool can still be a loveable fool.

    T-reach-ery and betrayal are much, much darker malignancies.

    People will forgive incompetence, but the SNP are firmly on the road to Hell.

    The victim in all this is Scotland, because this past decade, with Independence there for the taking, Scotland could afford neither incompetence nor t-reach-ery in Government, but in the SNP, we suffered industrial quantities of both.

    Enough is enough. Save our Souls SALVO. Wash away the filth.

  64. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Karen says:4 June, 2024 at 5:49 am

    “They say Karma’s a bitch, but I hear she’s a terf”


    My SNHS dentist put me on yearly check ups some time ago.

    She told me it was because Scottish dental health had improved so much under Sturgeon and the SNP, that six-monthly check ups had become a waste of everybody’s time.

    She’s quite a joker.

  65. BLAKE DAVID says:

    The other parties have bought splashy Battlebuses to campaign in.Are there any second-hand camper and going cheap the SNP could get?

  66. Dumbarton Rock says:

    The Flying Iron of Doom
    Ignored says:
    Aww, come on man – coup the legumes, please. Enquiring minds want tae ken…

    You can work it out ????

  67. Hatey McHateface says:

    @twathater says:4 June, 2024 at 3:07 am

    To be fair to Swinney, he did manage to blame Thatcher for the new policies that Labour are threatening to bring in if elected.

    That’s a dog whistle pitched to react painfully on the ears of hundreds of thousands of SNP voters throughout the land.

    SNP support will be up again this morning.

    Pressed on whether he would support the granting of new licences for oil and gas developments in the North Sea, Mr Swinney refused to give either a yes or no answer.

    Instead he said he wanted a “climate compatibility test on every single decision we take in relation to the oil and gas sector”.

    I want a climate compatibility test on the climate compatibility testers. Who do I vote for to get that?

  68. Kinell says:

    Ross Clark is bragging about how he smashed his target (whilst waiting for his balls to drop), but if you look at the list of supporters, you’ll see “Steven Clark” dropped a grand, or 50% of his funding. Daddy’s money?

  69. Willie says:

    Frankly the SNP are on a road to e extinction. The money is gone, the members are gone, the motivation is gone, and the voters are gone.

    In a FPTP election, to fight it with no money to campaign, no activists only London staffers soon to be gone, and an already hearly halved vote, they are headed for wipe out.

    A troup of irrelevant troughers folks know they need gone. And by goodness don’t these crowd funder numbers show how utterly detested some of the candidates are.

    Ah well, as an ex 37 year member I like so many others and the wider electorate want them gone. And they will be!

  70. Dan says:

    Climate Compatibility Testing?
    I hope that isn’t the same folk that think whacking taxpayer funded solar PV arrays onto north facing roofs is a good idea.
    I’m guessing the CCT team probably includes Kelly Given in consulting and advisory roles…

    link to

  71. TURABDIN says:

    Party politics is now so old hat.
    The young just aren’t interested in the stitch up called British «Parliamentary Democracy».
    Unpick the stitching….Vote SPOIL IT!.
    link to

  72. Stoker says:

    David Wilson is going to work very hard every single day to reinstate our trust in politicians apparently. He’s also “had enough of career politicians” too. Mega LOLs… Oh! And not a word about Scotland taking back our right of self-determination.

    By the way, his crowdfund currently stands at just over £6K.
    link to

  73. Republicofscotland says:

    “59 seats up for grabs.”

    Main aka Hatey.

    Actually its now 57 seats.

    On the above 57 seats in a foreign country’s parliament that Scots have no business whatsoever being in, its not as if Scots MPs could make any difference in this foreign parliament they can’t.

    Scots MPs have no right being at Westminster, there was no union so there can’t be any MPs from Scotland sitting in this foreign parliament.

    Sending Scots MPs to Westminster undermines Scotland and gives this alien parliament credibility over Scots, stop doing it and stop voting in it.

    link to

  74. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    YouGov Westminster voting intention, field work 24 May – 1 June, Scottish sample 5,541, analysis by MRP.
    Headline; SNP retains 17 seats.
    Of these 6 are “SNP likely”, 4 are “SNP lean” & 7 are “SNP toss up”.
    A poor campaign could see the SNP reduced to six seats.
    Aberdeen S – Stephen Flynn
    Aberdeen N – Kirsty Blackman
    Argyle & Bute – Brendan O’Hara
    Caithness … – Lucy Beattie (win from LibDems)
    Dundee Central – Chris Law
    Inverness – Drew Hendry

  75. Republicofscotland says:

    twathater @3.07am.

    All we’re dong is sending a bunch of troughers to an alien parliament to live the high life at our expense, Scottish MPs at Westminster only gives credibility to the lie that the union exists when it doesn’t.

    When will Scots wake the f*ck up and see that the GE is the elections of the foreign country of England.

  76. Willie says:

    I see that waste of space, serial loser, inner circle woke practioner and gay activist Toni Giuglianno has surfaced in another constituency

    After failing to take at the last Hollyrood GE (Dumbarton with slender labour 93 seat majority) after being shanniganed in by HQ, he’s appeared again this time in Falkirk.

    Ah well, it’ll be goodbye again to this serial loser.

  77. Geri says:

    I’d be suspicious of those donations, where exactly they’re coming from & whose interests they really serve cause none of those tossers represent Scotland & in ten long years have secured the sum total of fuck all so whoever is bankrolling this litany of fckwits like it that way.

    Money buys “democracy” & I can think of one crowd of *friends*

    These tossers should NOT be crowdfunding. They pick up a handsome salary + free travel & accommodation, living costs, subsidised meals & as much heat as their lard arse can tolerate. Fund yer own free meal tickets. There’s voters out there that 1. Struggle to make ends meet. 2. Would be sacked for failing to do their job in one year far less ten. 3. Could only dream of that salary+ benefits.

    They’ve a brass neck scrounging for two grand +
    That’s loose change to them.
    I wouldn’t fund this roll call of failure 10p.

    Everyone I’ve spoken to so far isn’t voting. It’s a complete waste of time. I guess we can chalk that us as something the SNP managed to achieve.

  78. 100%Yes says:

    I was one of these individuals who donated to the Referendum fund which reached £600k, if recall weren’t the SNP at the time asking for 1 million and they never reach the target. Is it just me, but doesn’t there seem to be a lot of money donated in a short amount of time by a handful of people? You have one individual who got £5,462 with only 129 people donating and then you have 3,688 with 66 supporters then £5,511 with 102 supporters all of this money available in a cost of living crisis it beggars believe, more so when you have a party who hasn’t delivered on any mandate the general public has given them since 2015 and has lost tens of thousands of membership and embezzlement charges and all this when a party who once used to fill the Hydro glasgow SEC arena and now couldn’t fill a single Decker bus.

  79. Hatuey says:

    Effigy: “They are every bit more incompetent than the car crash that SNP have become…”

    Okay, but Scottish Labour didn’t stab us in the back.

    Scottish Labour didn’t try to put Salmond in jail for the rest of his life.

    As far as I know, Scottish Labour didn’t weave our money into their accounts.

    Scottish Labour never conned us into thinking it was a pro-independence party.

    Need I go on?

    I’m not making an argument for voting Labour. It doesn’t really matter who wins and the SNP under Sturgeon done more towards proving that than anyone else.

    All that really matters — all that will matter in the future — is that Sturgeon and the SNP get taught a lesson.

    Thats the only thing this election offers us, a chance to teach those who betrayed us a lesson. And that lesson will hopefully serve as an example to others who might think of betraying us in future.

    “Fuck the SNP” is a dish best served cold.

  80. robertkknight says:

    Geri / 100% Yes…

    I suspect that if the Electoral Commission were to look there’d be a fair number from donors hailing from an address whose postcode is SW1P 1AE.

  81. Xaracen says:

    Republicofscotland said;

    “Sending Scots MPs to Westminster undermines Scotland and gives this alien parliament credibility over Scots, stop doing it and stop voting in it.”

    RoS, the alien parliament is entitled to that credibility, but the real issue is that the alien parliament pretends that this credibility also belongs to England’s MPs, but not to Scotland’s MPs.

    Parliament as a whole does have authority over Scotland, but all of that authority formally derives exclusively from Scotland’s MPs. None of it derives from England’s MPs.

    What does actually give this alien parliament’s English MPs authority over Scots and Scotland is Scots MPs accepting that England’s MP majorities are authoritative over Scotland’s MPs on any matter of Union governance.

    This is the key Great Lie of the Union. The other Great Lie is that the Union’s monarch has territorial rights over Scotland’s territory, despite those rights being based exclusively on English constitutional tradition with no applicability to Scotland at all.

    Scotland’s MPs are the only body which formally represents one of the two founding sovereign kingdoms of the Union, and as such they are not in the least obliged to submit to English authority on any grounds, legal, constitutional, or democratic. Nothing in any of those three founding documents of the Union imposes any such obligation on them, nor is there anything in them that provides England’s MPs with any authority over Scotland.

    Westminster’s internal FLAT voting system is the specific mechanism that enforces English MPs’ unwarranted authority over Scotland’s MPs, solely due to their massive numbers, and nothing to do with any formal authority. Its use was not agreed in any of the founding documents of the Union, and Scotland’s MPs should flatly refuse to accept any English majority that purports to ‘outvote’ them on any matter.

    Once we get our own MPs to properly understand this, and we pointedly remind them exactly which sovereign entity they are supposed to be representing, the Union as currently and falsely constituted is over.

    Scotland’s 57 seats are fully authoritative for Scotland, and represent an entire half of the Union, because they hold exactly 50% of the Union’s two sovereignties. This would still be true if Scotland had only one MP.

  82. dandydons1903 says:

    Stop participating in UK (which is really England in another chameleon disguise)elections. Stop playing in their little colonial games and brainwash. Voting gives them tacit approval to fuck Scotland over keep her down and steal her resources all whilst moving the Greater England project along with the help of bought and sold scotchman unionists of differing colour codes. @FakeUnion

  83. dandydons1903 says:

    Any independence minded politician should never go to their feudal anglo norman parliament and never swear an oath to the King of England, who is a foreign monarch and should have no rights whatsoever in Scotland. Until people wake up and see it for what it is the colony will continue to be exploited for all it is worth. @FakeUnion

  84. SteepBrae says:

    You can easily see names of donors to crowdfunders by clicking the ‘Supporters’ tab on each crowdfunder page. Some donors contribute to more than one crowdfunder. You can also see who/what was supported in the past.

    Amounts per donation vary from a few pounds to a few hundred. Some are anonymous of course.

    Maybe Rev Stu can say whether donations directly to a campaign bank account are also a common way for candidates to raise campaigning funds? More than one way to skin a cat?

  85. Ebok says:

    100% Yes @11.08

    No, not just you.
    Didn’t Rev Stu do an article not so long ago where he pointed out that SNP donations had dried to a trickle last year, despite pleas to the membership?

    Now, a new plea, while support continues in a downward spiral, comes up with 100K+ in less than a week?

    I smell …..

  86. Geri says:


    Whit you smoking?


    Whit you smoking?

    “Okay, but Scottish Labour didn’t stab us in the back.”

    They’ve stabbed us in the back for decades. Screwed us out of devolution & indyref.

    “Scottish Labour didn’t try to put Salmond in jail for the rest of his life.”

    How do you know? Did any of them craw what an injustice it was in Westminster? No. It took a Tory to do that.

    “As far as I know, Scottish Labour didn’t weave our money into their accounts.”

    They weaved plenty of Scots money through their London treasury & buried McCrone report. Decades of oil. A far worse crime than making off with £600k

    “Scottish Labour never conned us into thinking it was a pro-independence party.”

    No, pro devolution tho while it stitched up Holyrood in the Scotland Act & helped itself to a chunk of the North sea in return for our democratic vote. I don’t remember them telling us that bit during the campaign do you?

    Need I go on?

    No, please don’t.

    “Scottish” Labour can GTF.

    They’re no friend to Scotland & have actively worked against it all it’s political life. Every time Scotland has a vote those bastards make sure to fck it up. Do folks need reminding that even included counting the dead at one stage? Threatening organ donor transplants & even OAPs.

    Anyone voting for those barstewards is beyond help just as much as the eejits in the SNP. At least they only had ten years to stiff us.. Labour had decades.

  87. TURABDIN says:

    The future of everything.
    link to
    Where nations and accountable, représentative democracy have no future making national elections mere tokenism…..just like the corporatist capitalist Super Model, the facetiously named People’s Republic of China before which many are willing to kowtow.

  88. Geri says:

    Can say what you like about China but one thing they have right is they don’t let all the proceeds of their resources leave the country. It’s invested in their country.

    Unlike Western arses who let it flood out & into the bank accounts of shareholders never to be seen again.

  89. robertkknight says:

    Perhaps MI5 have a slush fund for Sham Nationalist Party candidates who are prepared to sell their soul as well as their country.

    David Cornwell (Le Carré) referred to his MI6 equivalent as the “Reptile Fund’.

    How appropriate!

  90. Shug says:

    My wee list just keeps growing. If i have missed any let me know.

    List of Nicola’s failures

    Removing internal party democracy.

    Failing to implement direct conference votes & just choosing to ignore them. TWICE. Even ignoring feedback from Growth Report assemblies.

    Failure to provide every household in Scotland her economic plans for Indy.

    Failure to use SIX mandates with a clear instruction to leave.

    Stop Brexit campaign.

    Case against Salmond.

    Parliamentary review of Salmond case.

    Education and Pisa figures.

    Attainment gap.

    Asking children about their sexual experience.

    Failing to role out super fast broadband as promised.

    Drug deaths.

    COVID and old folks.

    Infyref2 times 20.

    Turning a party of 120k into a party of 30k or less.

    Total lack of fundraising campaign.

    Growth commission paper.

    Use sterling not Scottish pound.

    Papers for independent scotland that could gave been written by the Broons.

    Gender recognition.

    Doesn’t know what a woman is.

    Approved person for children.


    £600k missing.

    No support for AUOB.

    Failing to call a Scottish convention.

    Jailed AUOB leader.

    Jailed Craig Murray.

    Tried to jail journalist Mark Hurst.

    Treatment of Margaret Ferrier,Joanna Cherry, and others.

    Both votes SNP.

    Hate speech to shut down those that criticised her.

    Supreme court case designed to fail.

    Failing to support king Charles’ oath to uphold the claim of right.

    Failing to push the claim of right.

    Bottle return scheme failure.

    Defacto ref where Westminster control all the strings.

    A9 dualling.

    No movement in the polls in 6 years.

    Recent polling crash.

    National energy company.

    Taking on Dept Work and Pensions payments.

    Letting London take the stone of destiny back without a word.

    Failure to disrupt westminster.

    Giving away the Berwick bank for a song.

    Supporting Freeport’s without comment about workers rights.

    National investment bank.

    National census failure.

    National care service.

    Police crime and protest act banning protests they don’t like.

    Vietnam group being exposed
    Someone going to jail.

    Extreme protected fishing areas.

    The continuity candidate.

    Humza got his family out of Gaza and I don’t blame him but now westminster can control him.

    Mackay and his Ipad. A false claim should be immeduate dismissal.

    The hate and public order scotland act – it will be used by the woke lobby to shut down pro indy voices – the snp has introduced a law that will allow unionists to silence wings and anyone else they don’t like.

    Closure of Grangemouth making scotland dependent on english imports.

    The Greens catastrophe.

    Allowing freeports to undermine safety, worker rights and rax raising.

    Another continuity candidate with same cabinet.

    Failing to unite with Alba.

    Edinburgh rape crisis centre.

    Swinney defending mackay and his ipad.

    Failing to appoint somone with professionalism and character like Crag Murray international secretaty and going with the current air miles Robertson

    Failing to take advantage of the skills of Joanna Cherry

    Mackay still not sacked.

    Failing carbon target with no real explanation.

    I suppose in determining if Nicola’s team are failures one has to consider what their objective truly was.

    Is it conceivable that they could make so many errors in judgement even if they tossed a coin in the air every time?

  91. Alf Baird says:

    Breeks @ 6:21 am

    “T-reach-ery and betrayal are much, much darker malignancies.”

    Yet such are very common, if not essential features within a colonial society, which depends on the co-option of native elites ‘to keep the racket going’. That is the reality for a society run by a colonial (i.e. ‘unionist’) hegemony and hence a colonial administration; and, with a dominant national party elite trying (but always failing) to serve twa maisters, where in fact one ends up being sacrificed (i.e. the colonized group) to the other.

    This colonial dilemma is explained by Aime Cesaire who refers to such people as:

    “…tools of capitalism…openly or secretly, supporters of plundering colonialism, all of them responsible…the obscurers, all the inventors of subterfuges, the charlatans and tricksters, the dealers in gobbledygook…and do not seek to know whether personally they are or are not colonialists…because the essential thing is that their highly problematical subjective good faith is entirely irrelevant to the objective social implications of the evil work they perform as watchdogs of colonialism.”

  92. sog says:

    The one who I would support, Joanna C, doesn’t have an appeal. I hope she is confident.

  93. James Che says:

    Scotlands MPs V Englands MP s.

    To be accurate they are both Englands MPs, as are the Civil servants,
    Due to the “Scotland act” being thought up by Westminster and under the legislation of Westminster parliament swearing allegiance to the Crown. And Westminster holding all reservations on Scottish affairs to Westminster parliament such as licences, defence etc etc,

    The MPs in Scotlands Holyrood are not their because a “Scottish parliament” passed the legislation and bill under a Scotland Act in reality.
    It was the Westminster parliament in England that faked it being a Scottish parliament,

    These Mps in Holyrood parliament work for Westminster, in their managed Colonial branch office sent to Scotland to overlay “two sets of laws over Scotland”, pretending they are Scots laws through a false parliament they invented for Scotland,

    A real parliament in Scotland could not be bypassed by another Countries foreign from England to start up free ports or fracking licences and so on,

    This is a branch of Westminster parliament down south in the Country of England. And is just another false devious hoax played on the Scots.

    There is not a hope in hell of voting for Pretend MPs in a fake Scottish parliament that are then gonna be allowed to detach them selves From their “boss parliament” down south to deliver Scottish independence.

    If it was a real Scottish parliament with real set of Scottish parliament MPs we would not be begging for a section 30 or referendums from the Westminster parliament in England.

    As far as I am concerned the fallacious Scottish parliament and its members can follow the hoax treaty of union down the same plug hole.
    We really should wake up to how we are being stage managed under many more laws than England by fake Scottish MPs sitting in a false Scottish parliament under a the legislation of a false treaty of union,
    I am no longer voting in and for the rope that hangs the Scottish people, as that may
    And if that means getting rid of supporting the overlords control and then starting a Scottish peoples parliament then so be it,
    For we will never be a Sovereign people until our actions can be seen and state we are Sovereign.
    Let the demise of the pretend Scottish MPs and parliament begin by not involving ourselves in suicide tendencies by voting any of them in,

  94. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    robertkknight @ 12:47
    Stephen “CIA” Gethins accrued £1040 from 19 donors. An extremely high average (£54.74) compared to other candidates.
    Who could possibly be contributing to his appeal?

  95. James Che says:

    I am not simply blowing hot air, I am refusing to acknowledge the fake Scottish parliament and refusing to participate in keeping up the pretense that these politicians are under Scottish legislation.
    Our own parliament came under dissolution in 1707 in England by the same group set of politicians and Monarchy as has given us a pretend Scottish parliament replacement.

    I will not support the Colonial Scottish parliament and all those fake Scottish MPs that then run down to Westminster to settle down ignoring Scotland,

    Starting immediately I refuse to vote or participate in any election that places a noose around Scots in Scotland,

    I hope the trend grows over the years in not sooner, as the demise of these cretins and the fake parliament passing pretend Scots laws an not to be sustained.

    From Hate crime bills to gender issues, from free ports to Indoctrinating our Children and Grandchildren it must cease to pass as Scots laws under a false Scottish parliament.

  96. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Dumbarton Rock says:
    4 June, 2024 at 7:38 am

    The Flying Iron of Doom says:
    Aww, come on man – coup the legumes, please. Enquiring minds want tae ken…

    You can work it out ????

    Well, I’ll hae a go…is it Martyn Day, the grasping git who is seeking to raise the modest and wholly reasonable sum of £infinity?

  97. robertkknight says:

    Vivian O’Blivion @1:31pm

    LOL… Indeed, I should’ve included the Zip Code 22101. My apologies;)

  98. Agent x says:

    Nicola Sturgeon is soliciting for donations from SNP supporters despite her husband being charged with the embezzlement of party funds.

    The former first minister, who remains under police investigation as part of the probe into SNP finances, is appearing as a guest speaker at “adoption nights” for nationalist politicians.

    The events are fundraisers for SNP general election candidates who have been “adopted” by a constituency, with supporters paying £10 each to hear Ms Sturgeon speak at local venues.

    The former first minister has already appeared as the headline attraction at a fundraiser for Gavin Newlands, the SNP’s candidate for Paisley and Renfrewshire North.”

  99. Rob says:

    Shirley the fish is political hari kari for anyone associated with her?
    From the SNP to indy supporters and beyond surely she is absolutely poisonous to have supporting you?

  100. Republicofscotland says:

    “RoS, the alien parliament is entitled to that credibility, but the real issue is that the alien parliament pretends that this credibility also belongs to England’s MPs, but not to Scotland’s MPs.”


    If there was no union to begin with, and our ain parliamentarians had no authority to give away our sovereignty to a foreign nations, then how can this alien parliament have entitlement over Scotland, and more to the point how can it be a British parliament when there was no union?


    “Parliament as a whole does have authority over Scotland, but all of that authority formally derives exclusively from Scotland’s MPs. None of it derives from England’s MPs.”

    Again how can any Scottish MP give credence to a foreign parliament via a union, when that union never existed in the first place?


    “What does actually give this alien parliament’s English MPs authority over Scots and Scotland is Scots MPs accepting that England’s MP majorities are authoritative over Scotland’s MPs on any matter of Union governance.”

    Correct, but its a lie, there is no British parliament for there was no union to begin with, our MPs have for centuries been lining their own pockets at our expense, how many of them knew about the lie is unclear, but todays crowd certainly do know about it.


    “Scotland’s MPs are the only body which formally represents one of the two founding sovereign kingdoms of the Union, and as such they are not in the least obliged to submit to English authority on any grounds, legal, constitutional, or democratic. Nothing in any of those three founding documents of the Union imposes any such obligation on them”

    None of this matters a jot, for there was no union, oor ain parliament could not giveaway what didn’t belong to them our sovereignty. No Scottish MP should ever have stepped foot in this foreign parliament to begin with, for they don’t have the power to represent Scots at Westminster, its a lie that they do.


    “Westminster’s internal FLAT voting system is the specific mechanism that enforces English MPs’ unwarranted authority over Scotland’s MPs, solely due to their massive numbers, and nothing to do with any formal authority. Its use was not agreed in any of the founding documents of the Union, and Scotland’s MPs should flatly refuse to accept any English majority that purports to ‘outvote’ them on any matter.”

    Again the above doesn’t matter nor does it matter what voting system this alien, or to give it its proper name English parliament has Scottish politicians have no business whatsoever being there for there is no British parliament, nor a British crown for that matter, only and English one and a Scottish one.

    There was no union so anyone who is Scottish and lives in Scotland and calls themselves a unionist, in reality they aren’t for our politicians and lords of the day could not giveaway what wasn’t there’s nor could any Scottish monarch.

    No monarch can rule over Scotland without first swearing to uphold the Claim of Right, which incorporates all our assets as our that belong to Scotland, that why no monarch can swear the to uphold it they be able to rob Scotland blind.

    The Scottish crown and the English crown are utterly incompatible, there couldn’t have been a union between them, the so called union is a lie which is perpetuated by House Jocks the Judiciary, the media, Scottish politicians useful idiots, , that don’t know any better, present company excluded of course.

  101. Hatuey says:

    Geri, what part of “I’m not making an argument for voting Labour. It doesn’t really matter who wins” don’t you understand?

    I actually consider it a needless laborious drag to have to spell stuff like that out, then, after I do, some deluded nutter (you in this case) comes along and accuses you of supporting Labour…

    I don’t support any political party. None. The election is about teaching the SNP a lesson. That’s it. Nothing more than that. If you think it offers anything more, enjoy your delusions.

    As for Labour stabbing us in the back for decades, stop being stupid — I’ve never expected a thing from that shower of asswipes in my life, so how could they stab me in the back?

    Pipe down.

  102. twathater says:

    Agent x @ Is sturgeon appearing in Newlands constituency to speak,don’t be surprised if she is on her own because Gavin is known hereabouts as the invisible silent man,I personally have never seen him speak in WM
    I just received a letter from Gavin in the HOC envelope explaining that as an election has been called he cannot work for me (I thought to myself WHAT IS NEW about that) I have sent Gavin numerous emails and he personally has NEVER responded to me, I have recd a COUPLE of responses from his office staff but MOST times they do NOT respond

  103. Xaracen says:

    @RoS, yes, I know that the Union has no formal legitimacy at all, and never did, for a number of different reasons as Sara has explained in detail. But that’s not the same thing as saying the Union never existed, because, unfortunately, it absolutely did, and right now, it absolutely does, and despite it not having the legitimacy and authority its parliament claims it to have, and nor does the parliament itself, and nor do England’s MPs, they are still running the Union as Greater England right now.

    So right now, it is still absolutely the case that the Scots MPs are validating the authority of England’s MPs over them and over Scotland every time they concede to English MP majorities. And that gives all of the initiative and power in the Union to England’s establishment.

    Our MPs could put a stop to that right now, well OK, when they come back after the election, by outright refusing to accept English MP majorities at all, and by bringing the entire operation of the Westminster parliament to a halt by outright refusing to accept ANY of Westminster’s rules. They need to force an existential constitutional crisis and bring the whole monstrosity down around their ears.

    But we know perfectly well that they will never do any such thing.

    So when we finally do impeach the Union Parliament, we’ll be impeaching all 650 of its MPs, and the Union’s monarch!

  104. Republicofscotland says:


    I see your points and I agree, I know the lie continues to exist, however, I’m still going to point out at every turn that it is a lie, and it has been from the beginning.

  105. Xaracen says:


    “I’m still going to point out at every turn that it is a lie, and it has been from the beginning.”

    So will I, and how the lie works.

  106. Geri says:


    “I actually consider it a needless laborious drag to have to spell stuff like that out, then, after I do, some deluded nutter (you in this case) comes along and accuses you of supporting Labour…”

    Less of the “deluded nutter” eh?

    I was correcting yer deluded ramblings that Labour has never stiffed us & get over yerself – my comments regards Labour is to a wider audience than just you.
    You seem to be peddling the Labour shite too for someone who apparently won’t be voting for them. That’s new. You were last time to give SNP a bloody nose.

    Pipe down yerself.

  107. Mary Campbell says:

    Labour can privatise the NHS in Scotland because we are given a grant. . So they only have to give Scotlanda percentage of the increase they give england. The truth is they can do what they want and that’s the truth. If they really want to they can change the devolution settlement. The facts is the SNP need to get their act together. Maybe then the indie dance movement can be taken from the politicians and return to the Scottish people.

  108. Val Wells says:

    A late entry – Alan Brown
    link to


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    • Lorn on The Gender Of Mountains: “Do Lorna Slater and Maggie Chapman have British passports? One Tranadian, one South African via Zimbabwe. Together, responsible for the…Mar 28, 16:01
    • Andy Ellis on The Long Future: “There’s actually very little evidence that I’ve seen that would suggest the Scottish people as a whole, or even the…Mar 28, 15:55
    • Shug on The Gender Of Mountains: “Just as Mr Swinney thinks things are settling down and he might have a chance of being the leading party…Mar 28, 15:51
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Xaracen – yes, see below Principle IV 28, 15:20
    • Adrian D. on The Gender Of Mountains: “Ben is definitely a boys name.Mar 28, 15:14
    • Xaracen on The Long Future: “Aidan, do you have a UN link for the ‘salt water’ requirement?Mar 28, 14:56
    • Mia on The Long Future: “@Geri Most interesting Geri, thank you. So it is imperialism at is rawest. And the trio USA-UK-I are right at…Mar 28, 14:48
    • Skip_NC on The Gender Of Mountains: “Hannah Bardell worked in the US Consulate in Edinburgh, which almost got closed some years ago. Full-time complement is, I…Mar 28, 14:48
    • Geri on The Gender Of Mountains: “These organisations need a good clear out & so does government squandering funding on this whakadoo nonsense of gibbering pish!…Mar 28, 14:30
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on The Gender Of Mountains: ““some remarkable demographic anomalies, such as 7% of respondents identifying themselves as Gaelic speakers (roughly six times the proportion in…Mar 28, 14:27
    • Karen on The Gender Of Mountains: “Anything about paths for wheelchairs? Also, with their crazy names, they are so easy to find on tinternet 28, 14:25
    • Mark Beggan on The Gender Of Mountains: “What’s next from the think tank; The Committee for Coprophagia equality in women’s toilets.Mar 28, 14:14
    • Mark Beggan on The Gender Of Mountains: “These revelations of public body Scotland expose the nation as a sexually suppressed people. People so out of touch with…Mar 28, 14:04
    • Geri on The Gender Of Mountains: “Mind lock up the dug tae! That poor wee thing will soon be acceptable for date night for one of…Mar 28, 14:01
    • Lorn on The Gender Of Mountains: ““By now, readers may be wondering how what is essentially a tourist board came to be so obsessed with people’s…Mar 28, 13:44
    • Cuphook on The Gender Of Mountains: “Digital Content Manager is a nice little earner. £39,878 – £46,167 to tweet about the Cairngorms. It must be…Mar 28, 13:42
    • diabloandco on The Gender Of Mountains: “Streuth! What a goddamned mess Scotland is in with this anti science crap. The age of ‘endarkenment’ is upon us.Mar 28, 13:39
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Mia P, Syr, and Lbnn is because they have oodles of untapped Gas in the Golan Heights & oodles of…Mar 28, 13:35
    • Stuart MacKay on The Gender Of Mountains: “It’s quite likely Nan would be appalled at being co-opted for queer ends, As for the Cairngorm National Park…Mar 28, 13:33
  • A tall tale

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