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Wings Over Scotland

Outbreak 2016

Posted on June 27, 2014 by

We think this is how Ed actually sees it.

Because remember, readers, nationalism is a virus.

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Well if THAT is what he sees I don’t see what the problem is. Nothing untoward there, is there? That’s just a normal Saturday night out in Scotland, at least as how the Daily Mail sees Saturday night in Scotland! 😛


Just Ed? 😀

Makes you wonder what May and Darling see. (shudders)


Like the still at 2.01.


Aye I’d take the young Wattie frae the Exploited as oor leader.. 🙂


It’s funny because it’s true


macart763m says:

Just Ed? 😀

Makes you wonder what May and Darling see. (shudders)

Each other perhaps? 😛


George Robertson predicted this.

Only El Gordo can save the world.


Is there a Barbarian Cannibal Virus Survivors for Independence group?

Neil Mackenzie

Must be that Nationalism virus I’ve heard tell of.


Wow, Rev, when you said on Twitter you were going to nick this, I didn’t realise you’d be so quick off the mark!


I’d retitle this movie, What New labour and George W Bush did to Iraq.


If Ed’s going to put up border posts regardless we should just join Schengen.

It’ll mean less disruption when the rUK finally pulls out of the EU.

[…] « Outbreak 2016 […]


They really have developed a foreigner obsession in Westminster politics.

When did foreign become code for evil?



Aaarrgghhh! No this close to nap time. 😛


macart763m says:


Aaarrgghhh! No this close to nap time. 😛

Sorree! 😛 😛 😛


Scotland, to see oorselves ar ithers see us !

Don’t know why it came to mind. But the pub scene in Cloud Atlas …

link to

joe kane

The only known cure for the deadly Jock Virus (aka Salmondella) is the liberal deployment of British upper class twits at Edinburgh press conferences on a regular basis. OK it hasn’t worked until now but give it time.

Seriously though, even the hardline Unionist BBC Scotland can’t bring itself to publish a respectful and sober image of Miliband –
link to

Leo Foyle

Ah, great movie!

On the up side, if he sees Scotland like that, at least he sees a united Ireland (25 sec)…

Patrick Roden

Anyone up for starting a Cannibals for Independence Group?

We can say that after all the scare stories, we realise we will have to eat each other.

The group can decide what Labour politicians we will eat first…Johann? Mags Curran? Jackie Bailley? Gordon Brown?

Licking my lips at the thought of it!!!

Please note: I’m only jesting if your from the Daily Mail.

Another Union Dividend

Croompenstein says:
27 June, 2014 at 8:33 pm

Aye I’d take the young Wattie frae the Exploited as oor leader.

That takes me back used to stand near Wattie at Tynecastle many moons ago and was a really nice guy.


@AUD – I thought Wattie was a Hibee good to know he’s a Jambo. The boy in the film is a bit thinner than Wattie but one of his songs would be a good soundtrack for the film.. Dead Cities


Lovely bit of Grauniad sub-editing.

Ed Miliband to woo Scots with low pay pledge.

Those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean. He’s going to offer us low pay? It’s certainly a novel approach but may be an idea who’s time had yet to come.

Not helped by the deranged serial killer illustration.


WM “right lads cancel Hs2 we will build a wall around good old london and call it MEGA-LONDON 1”

Grouse Beater

A kickass heroine against Armageddon. Love it! I’ll buy it!

(I see my old protege, David O’Hara, man from the Gorbals, has a starring role – the mad Irishman from Braveheart.)


Patrick Rodden
Don’t know about that but maybe a valium or darkened room for yes

Democracy Reborn

So, where would we all like to be in 2020?

A. Independent ‘doomsday’ Scotland, or

B. ‘Permanent austerity’ UK : foodbanks, gross inequality, zero hours contracts, low wages, privatised NHS, further welfare cuts for the poorest, tax cuts for millionaires, pissing away oil wealth, Trident nuclear weapons, being nasty to ‘foreigners’ & immigrants, leaving the EU…

Answers on a postcard, please


Com’n, this is serious…I think!

A democratic vote could end civilisation as we know it. A world without Lords or nuclear weapons. This is the image that keeps Labour MP’s awake at night.


Tattie-bogle says:

Patrick Rodden
Don’t know about that but maybe a valium or darkened room for yes

Don’t worry about the “Darkened Room” Tb it already exists. 😉

When both Macart and I, under my Arbroath 1320 guise, were posting over on Newsnet we designed, built, stocked and enlarged the “Darkened Room” It is open 24/7 to all who follow the righteous path to independence and has the obligatory free bar! 😛


It certainly resembled a tenement street in a Scottish town or city, so must be a portend of things to come but my guess is it is much more a likelihood if it is by some dreadful chance, a no vote!

Ian Brotherhood

Just turned on RS News, and the first voice I hear is that of Nigel Farage, closely followed by total shite about Islamic terrorism spawned in Aberdeen.

That’s made my mind up – I’m going to Pacific Quay on Sunday. Futile as it may be, it’s a chance to see some of you again, and meet new folk.

The BBC is totally bang out of order, no matter which way anyone cuts or spins it.

I wrote this piece for BellaCaledonia in October, 2012 – if anything, the situation has worsened:

link to

Bugger (the Panda)



The District?

bookie from hell

David Coburn MEP @DavidCoburnUKip twitter

Best speech by far I have yet heard to preserve Union #Scotland – @georgegalloway



The extension to the free form disco area is coming along well too. 🙂


macart763m says:


The extension to the free form disco area is coming along well too. 🙂

Damn I’d forgotten about that thanks for reminding me Macart. 😉

As far as winning the referendum folks don’t worry we have it in the bag. Here’s the proof. 😛

link to

Grouse Beater

Panda: The District?

Yes, a better comparison!

chic mcgregor

comment image?m=


“A. Independent ‘doomsday’ Scotland, or

B. ‘Permanent austerity’ UK : foodbanks, gross inequality, zero hours contracts, low wages, privatised NHS, further welfare cuts for the poorest, tax cuts for millionaires, pissing away oil wealth, Trident nuclear weapons, being nasty to ‘foreigners’ & immigrants, leaving the EU…”

I think I’d do quite well personally in doomsday land, but I’d prefer option A 😉



That darkened room seems a long time ago!


Sorry I’m O/T here but just had to post this tweet over here. You really have to give it a go. 😛

Here is a wee game my daughter’s history teacher got them to play today. This will tickle all you Yessers.

link to



Well well, what do you get when you try to mix Escape from New York with 28 Days Later and some Mad Max? Total shite by the looks of it.


Clootie says:


That darkened room seems a long time ago!

It must be a good couple of years at least since Macart and I started building the infamous “Darkened Room.” Clootie 🙂


@Lesley-Anne – That is f*cking brilliant… I am loving the wee MIDI tune of Land of Hope and Glory I think they should play this version at the Proms….sooooperb 😀

Nana Smith

@Lesley Anne

Just fantastic!


Croompenstein says:

@Lesley-Anne – That is f*cking brilliant… I am loving the wee MIDI tune of Land of Hope and Glory I think they should play this version at the Proms….sooooperb 😀

Nana Smith says:

@Lesley Anne

Just fantastic!

Thanks folks I’d like to take the compliments but unfortunately I only found it on Twitter it was actually someone else who was told about it by their daughter who’s teacher had shown them it. As you all say though it is *ahem* pure dead brilliant! 😛



It is a game right? No one actually gets hurt, needs to use a food bank. The hospitals don’t actually close. It is all pretend?



I thought the funniest quote of the day came from Tory luvvin Sky presenter Adam Bolton, when after hearing of the PMs massive defeat in Europe, Bolton called Cameron,

“Davey nea Mates”

That’s funny.



Are you still coming on Sunday?



Architects and planning permission. Takes forever to get anything done. 😀

Yeah, know what you mean. Back when NNS had a sense of humour. Had some cracking laughs and arguments then on those threads.


Clootie says:


It is a game right? No one actually gets hurt, needs to use a food bank. The hospitals don’t actually close. It is all pretend?


I bloody well hope so!

I’d hate to think this was some internetty thingy way of getting others to do Cameron’s work for him while he is away getting well and truly shafted by the E.U. 😛


caz-m says:


Are you still coming on Sunday?

Hi caz.

At the moment we are still thinking about coming up but tomorrow is quite busy for us. We’re at YES South Annandale stall in Annan in the morning and helping a friend out later so it will really be down to how we both feel on the Sunday. 😛

We both want to get to the protest but as neither of us are in the best of health for various reasons we really will have to leave it till Sunday morning before making a final decision. Sorry I can’t be more optimistic than this caz.


Touche. Anything PF can do… SG to publish ‘short guide’ to indy.

link to



I hope the two of you can make it up,

I have attached a wee video that should help you oot with a bit of the Glasgow parly lingo, “Nea Bother Pal!”

link to


Nae bother pal! 😛

Thanks for that caz 😉

Tam Jardine

The Yes message going viral… is that really the message these principle sacrificers want to punt? Oh, okay – they just want to peddle the fear thing one more time. I tell you whit isnae a virus – support for either Ed Or JoLa’s leadership. Everyone seems to be immune.

If we are on the subject of post apocalyptic movies, one of my favourites is Mad Max 2- you know the one where a group of naive good looking idealists fend off the rampaging horde of crazies hell bent on stealing their precious gasoline. Sound familiar anyone?

Tam Jardine

Not sure what I’ve done there.

Just a wee reminder for anyone not already planning to attend next Friday night – Wings Edinburgh night out will kick off at 7.30 Pm Friday 4th July downstairs at the Newsroom. If we have anyone driving through from a far do make yourselves known off topic if you can offer a lift.

Should be a guid night out amongst friends in our bonnie capital. As I said in a previous post’ don’t wake up on Saturday 5th regretting no going!

Liquid Lenny

0/T Been to Bateman tonight, excellent what an asset to our cause. Asked him why his blog is sometimes difficult to access, he said it had recently been upgraded and should be ok , when I said that folks were complaining that they could not get on, he just shrugged his shoulders and said he wasn’t a computer expert.

So I guess he must be getting attacked by the same folk who target WOS. Just have to get used to it folks…


@Ian Brotherhood

Great post you made on Bella back in 2012. I’m surprised your not behind bars yet. Ah, plenty time yet 🙂


You guys are going to love this. Take a wild guess at what is specifically not mentioned in the article.

link to

Nana Smith


Could it possibly be putting up borders??


This has to be here, not on Off Topic. Posted bt ian Brotherhood. Fantastic.

link to


I love this bit.

The Labour leader claimed the Scottish National party had no real commitment to social justice,

This from the man whose party INTRODUCED the bedroom tax and invited ATOS to find the ill, sick, disabled and the dead fit for work!


@Nana and Lesley Anne

Got it in one, but the killer quote from our Ed was this:

“You don’t tackle social justice by putting up borders”



I agree Thepnr absolutely fantastic. Mind you I would say that I just love everything that involves the playing of the pipes. 😉


Here’s Jock Scot and Ninja’s latest. It’s great.

link to

Grouse Beater

Does anybody really believe Miliband, an immature nerd, a swot, is fit to lead a major political party?


Oh jeez Thepnr you should have put up a warning with that one. My sides are killing me! 😛


😀 That’s a cracker Thepnr.



Thanks buddy but don’t thank me, thank the genius that is Yew Choob 🙂


It may be their brilliance in creating them but it is your brilliance in linking to them Thepnr. 😉


Posted this in OT and worth saying twice – Jock Scot, Ninja Penguin and the man they call Ronnie Anderson – hope I’m not letting any cats out of bags here, but eat your heart out Paul Jones and Manfred Mann – superb. 🙂


And yes, I did google it for myself. 😉


Well its been a long day of laughing at Mr Ed. Time for a wee nap in the darkened room.

Nite all.

Michael McCabe

@Thepnr At the start of Amazing Grace is that a young Herman Van Rompuy Playing the Whistle ? The Pipes were Class.

Ian Brotherhood

@Yew Choob/Jock Scot/Ronnie –


Awesome, and then some.


Building borders must be the scare topic of the week, milliballs have been churning it out all week. I can’t wait until Monday and the next scare story comes out.


Good news.

18.9IndyScotRadio pro-Independence youth online radio seems to be back.


I’m only posting this because it is absolutely brilliant. Michael McCabe posted it over in Off Topic but I think it deserves a wider audience. Just my opinion 🙂

link to


O/T Jean-Claude Juncker

I do wonder if Cameron said to Juncker, we’re quite happy to support you but in return we’ll need you to say something about how awfully difficult it will be for Scotland to get into the EU.

And Juncker said “Fuck off, we’d rather have the Scots than you bunch of xenophobic bastards”

CameronB Brodie

Something’s afoot. 🙂

link to

john king

Stoops says
“Is there a Barbarian Cannibal Virus Survivors for Independence group?”

No but there’s a

Handandshrimp says
“When did foreign become code for evil?”

In that picture Joe it looks like he saying
you and who’s army Alex?

The minute it looked likely would win!

Joe Kane says
“The only known cure for the deadly Jock Virus (aka Salmondella) is the liberal deployment of British upper class twits at Edinburgh press conferences on a regular basis. OK it hasn’t worked until now but give it time.”

Like this you mean?
link to

Patrick Roden says
“Please note: I’m only jesting if your from the Daily Mail.”

Ha do you really think that’ll stop them?
they’ll have the cops digging your garden for you before tea time,

There’s always a bright side though, they might find some tatties to go with that piece of liver and that nice chianti!

Lesley-Anne says
” under my Arbroath 1320 guise, ”

Arbroath, what? splutter you?cough eh? damn porridge,

Your Arbroath?
its Arbroath guys
hey everyone Lesley-Anne is Arbroath,

I’m the only one who didn’t know that, right? 🙁

BtP@ 10.08

I have to say I preferred it when you were wearing that rather fetching bowtie I just dont think they got your best side with the latest avatar, sorry. 🙁

chic mcgregor says @ 10.27
Anti Facterial?
why am I thinking of a cork?

Gray says
“And Juncker said “Fuck off, we’d rather have the Scots than you bunch of xenophobic bastards”

then he says ,
“more tea David”?


Thepnr@ 12.00am

The best yet from Ninja Jock and RONNIE! jeezo your a star Ronnie, and that was superb,
Noo I think we should all get a wee shottie,
What about Ninja writing something the wings crew can get involved with and everyone has a line to sing, (or in my case croak) we could always do the necessary on another wings night oot, and Kevin could live stream it, now that would stop the rev from falling asleep but getting some good angles of Kevin’s fissog and the hits would go through the roof!

And last but not least
I think I owe Goldenayr an apology,
If your comment (about me) was re an unguarded comment by me Im sorry, I took Grouse Beaters comments on board and thought about some of my observations and realised that my comments could have been construed as criticisms,
which is never the case but I did offend you Goldenayr Im sorry,
but my comments are usually tongue in cheek towards wingers, I save my ire for the opposition. 🙂

john king

Right, lets fix that fluster cluck 😉

Stoops says
“Is there a Barbarian Cannibal Virus Survivors for Independence group?”

No but there’s a self help group being set up for No Campaigners suffering from shock and withdrawal symptoms
in Kelty and they’re expecting large numbers who’ll be in need of help after a yes vote , so they’ve commandeered Mrs Euphemia Macglumphers living room,
since she had the extension put on you could jist aboot haud a ceilidh in her hoose,
so am telt.

Handandshrimp says
“When did foreign become code for evil?”
The minute it looked likely YES would win!


i just watched the whole movie ,quite bizarre it must be how they see us on question time . a mad max style Glasgow and the rest of the country some Game of Thrones type thing strange thing though their was still plenty petrol to be driving about in.


Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Stirling campaign office?

link to

We’re still a wee bit short and your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site.

Helena Brown

Crikey Lesley Anne, teachers are more fun than they used to be. Loved it in fact I am going back to see if I can better my score with Boris.

Morag Graham Kerr

I kept losing my deposit on my phone last night. I wonder if I can do better on my actual computer, when it’s not two in the morning?

Morag Graham Kerr

Hah. “Backbencher”. Needs more practice.


john king says:

Lesley-Anne says
” under my Arbroath 1320 guise, ”

Arbroath, what? splutter you?cough eh? damn porridge,

Your Arbroath?
its Arbroath guys
hey everyone Lesley-Anne is Arbroath,

I’m the only one who didn’t know that, right? 🙁

I’m sorry john I thought all the regular wingers knew. You can blame Ian for that. I reverted to my real name after a discussion some time ago and Ian, for his sins 🙂 , suggested that becuase of the apparent massive influx of newbies to the site we should revert to our real names. Well I and some others did. Only one wee small insignificant itsy bitsy problem, I stuck to my real name most of the rest reverted back to their monikers. Ever get the feeling this was just a ploy to catch me out? 😉


Did I see Newcastle as part of Scotland?

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