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Wings Over Scotland

Once in a blue your dreams come true

Posted on August 30, 2014 by

Last week I was working in the tattoo studio and got chatting to a client on whom my colleague was completing a large, Japanese-style sleeve on his upper arm and chest. He was sitting upright in his chair, stripped to the waist, his new ink glowing.

We got talking about the referendum. Unusually, this guy was a No voter. I say ‘unusually’ because the vast majority of our clients in the studio are vocally keen Yes types. Perhaps there’s something in the inked person’s character – a bohemian or experimental quality that naturally favours thoughts of change or progression.


This guy was a very nice, friendly, middle-aged small business owner from North Lanarkshire. As a Yes voter, I try not to get too preachy on the subject in the studio simply because it wouldn’t be professional – I wouldn’t want to get into any kind of heated debate with someone I have to tattoo for hours on end.

Still, I lightly prodded him on some of the independence issues. I was curious to hear his perspective as I rarely encounter it in someone face to face.

“Bad for business”, he mumbled in an offhand way. “I just don’t like the sound of it”

This wasn’t enough information for me. I probed a bit: “Don’t you think it would be good to actually have a democratic government of our own?”

“Yeah… I just think it’ll be bad.”

I left it at that. The guy, although perfectly pleasant, clearly didn’t want to examine any issues, or at least not with me. He had an air of stubborn refusal to even entertain the possibility of changing his mind. When his tattoo was complete, his arm was dressed and he put his shirt back on. It was a Rangers football top.

Now, obviously it would be hugely unfair to generalise about the connection between Rangers fans and unionism based on this one person, but it did set me thinking about how a sense of belonging and belief prevents us from thinking about change.

Regardless of the rational, evidence-based arguments in favour of an independent Scotland, there’s a mentality among many of our population that doesn’t heed the potential for a new economic prosperity or social justice agenda, purely because of an entrenched, unexamined set of opinions based around a sense of ‘belonging’.

Whether it be monarchist, unionist, imperialistic, racial, class-based, sectarian or some collection of all these traditional structures and their historical complexities, there are people who identify with them. They ‘belong’ and that’s that. There is no need to examine the possibility of change – because they ‘belong’, they ‘believe’ and the argument is at an end before it’s even started.


Beliefs are strange things. A belief is armoured. For whatever reason, a belief is like a locked file on a shelf. It sits in our brain waiting to be accessed at a time when the pertaining subject matter comes into conversation. When that happens, the file comes off the shelf, the dust is blown away, and a whole set of opinions can be accessed and broadcast without complication.

As such, beliefs become hard-wired and established, more tenacious than a simple idea. The stronger the belief, the bigger the file. The older the belief, the more important the file. Belief, dogma, belonging and tradition all lock arms and conspire to prevent the brain from thinking. “Things should stay just as they are because that’s what I believe – I don’t need to talk about it. I don’t want to.”

Even when the belief is detrimental to the wellbeing of the individual or group, it often persists. Immense harm can come from belief. Religious or sectarian conflicts persist because people cannot change their belief. Class privilege, racism, sexism, and more all endure because people’s beliefs resist being updated for the modern age.

Taking a bad belief apart is painful. People are reluctant to even try. We all recognise this behaviour. We even have a caricature for it – putting one’s fingers in one’s ears and shouting “la la la la”.

Rather than being united, people are isolated by their belief. It may exclude them in certain ways so that they consciously seek other individuals or groups of people who share the same copy of that belief. Before you know it, ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ are born.

The United Kingdom is propped up on belief. With the monarchy at its core, we have an enormous range of creaking structures that survive on belief despite their continuing decline, irrelevance or redundancy, sustained on pageantry, imagery, tradition and rhetoric of the kind that the UK has always tended to do rather well. We have bearskin hats, gilded carriages, cheap plastic flags, tiaras, corgis, Black Rod, commemorative tea towels, the House of Commons mace, cricket, Big Ben and Royal Ascot.


But these structures are not what they once were. The UK’s capitalistic Empire is gone, shrunk down to London’s fevered financial market, which now turns on its host and cannibalises traditional public resources like the Royal Mail and soon the NHS.

Our Westminster representatives, perhaps sensing the crumbling of UK belief, appear to be turning desperately to ever more regressive and outdated rhetoric in an attempt to resurrect the ghost of Olde Britain. Increasingly racist attitudes seep into political and media discourse, even on the “internationalist” left. An obsession with immigration and anti-European sentiment cements the Bullingdon Bulldog spirit and keeps all the boys in the front row.

But it feels like Scotland’s collective beliefs are changing. We’ve had a head start: we’ve been forced to re-examine them for some time. The economic and social devastation of the 80s forced us to accept that the social contract which once promised the North a fair share of the UK’s collective wealth had been broken. The further victimisations of the poll tax and the bedroom tax affirmed this conclusion.

Scotland now observes a rogue neighbour hell-bent on alienating European trade, squandering oil wealth for short-term gain and salivating at the prospect of selling perhaps its most loved institution and proudest achievement, national healthcare, to feed the insatiable hunger of Canary Wharf.

I’m happy to see how little the Yes campaign has attempted to rely on engendering militaristic or historic nationalism based on the Scotland of centuries ago. Rather, their message shows the future lies in social justice, technological advances, gender equality, environmentalism and fiscal stability, all of which can be enshrined in our first written constitution. Our new King-in-waiting will remain head of state apparently – I’m sure he’ll be quite happy fishing at Balmoral.

As an artist, I’m wary of belief. I have no God and I hate bagpipes. I encourage change for its own sake in my work because it demands it. However, voting for change on the 18th will not be a reckless decision for me and I can’t help but think that if the tattooed man in North Lanarkshire were to pluck up the courage to question his own beliefs for even a moment, he would do the same.

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Elaine Chapman

Brilliant article, absolutely spot on. It’s also what I find very frustrating about No voters, never any definite reasons but ‘just because’


Wow! This is an issue I think about a lot as its the core of what is holding back a majority yes vote. I also worry if people with this ‘belief system’ would ever accept an iScotland and if we could ever move forward. Great article!


This is the wisest analysis I’ve heard of the No tendency, sympathetic and at the same time crucifying. It might even be the first sensible explanation, and God knows it needs explaining.

Don’t worry about your heterodox attitude to bagpipes. I’m a piper and recall hearing them called in Gaelic the ‘Black Sticks of the Devil’. I got over it.

fred blogger

absolutely spot on! 🙂


Excellent article, and a very plausible explanation as to why there remain people who just won’t look at the facts around Independence. Fingers in ears, “la la la”. Indeed.

There is a very thin line between Faith and Delusion. So thin, I could never quite see it.


Excellent article. A true picture of the West of Scotland NO voter. I turned away from Labour in the 90s when I was told the truth of their shennanigans in the 70s over the value of the oil and have been a SNP voter ever since.


This article perfectly sums up Cognitive dissonance

Ian MacDonald

It’s no surprise the link between protestant Unionism and some NO supporters. Part of the reason the 1707 Act of Union lasted, was that it guaranteed an end to state interference in the Scottish kirk – something the 1638 Covenant had asked for. So the kirk and many Presbyterians supported the Union on religious grounds. I find these views irrelevant now myself – we all have freedom of religion anyway… but the habit has stuck. A good friend of mine, a Rangers man in his heart used to vote Tory despite being from a working class background in Glasgow – because he was a true blue and supported the Conservative AND UNIONIST Party of Scotland. There will be more than a few like this tattooed gentleman. If they are not temperamentally inclined to examine their views, I would just leave it well alone… they are probably not particularly thoughtful people; ironically despite coming from a religious tradition that promotes the idea of challenging accepted thinking and finding your own way to salvation.

fred blogger

until the great indy debate kicked off, with a real chance of change.
we had no choice but to occupy a very strange world, twixt self esteem and delusion.

wee folding bike

Try the Red Hot Chilli Pipers version of Highland Cathedral. It’s OK. Even my kids don’t shout at me for playing it.


People do cling to their beliefs but it’s not always permanent. Change can be sudden and unexpected. Thankfully, those among us who have strong beliefs that prevent them from considering Scottish independence are a minority. Everyone else is at least thinking about it.

The vast majority of people that hardly ever, or never, participate in elections believe that the democratic process is a complete waste of time (at least not for them). And yet, thousands upon thousands of them will make the effort, turn out and give democracy one more chance, on September 18th.

Ian MacDonald

And for the record, I’m from a Church of Scotland background myself, so I not trying to make a narrow sectarian point here. Just sayin’. 🙂


@fred blogger

You have a point. For many decades I have believed firmly that Scotland could and should be independent. However, until 2011 there really was no evidence that a mechanism to achieve it existed! The result announced on the 19th will settle whether it was all delusional.


This is key to why some people have an irrational hatred of Alex Salmond and/or the SNP.

Their cherished beliefs are being challenged. They have no answer so they resort to ridiculous arguments.

People can be stubborn.


Funny thing is, a yes vote could save “Rangers” from being liquidated (again?).
HMRC are going to have to take the original club to the highest court in the UK for repayment of millions of pounds in unpaid taxes to the UK.
Would an independent Scotland help save “Rangers”?
Maybe the guy in the story & others like him would benefit from thinking about this?


Very pertinent, I’m a Hearts fan, sitting in a different section of the ground today and appear to be in the middle of the BNP/ BT section and it’s not nice – should be enjoying our splendid performance and am biting my tongue so I don’t end up in he middle of a brawl – they are bragging about one of their mates who battered somebody on a Yes stall at the minute – probably bravado but can giv my seat number/ section to identify the people around m if true

fred blogger

which is the reason why people often switch quickly from no to yes.
belief systems become stuck or frozen it takes very little heat of yes (truth) passion to melt the ice.

edward robinson

Change is coming and to some extent has already arrived, only the dinosaurs are clinging to outdated beliefs. Scotland has moved on and that can only be a good thing.


A huge part of the Rangers, loyalist NO is Northern Ireland. Its Scotland’s tragedy if sectarian problems in that part of Ireland stop Scottish democracy next month but we cant escape the union or rather the problems within in this union are part of Scotland too.


Rangers founded by Argyll Gaels
The Unionist rubbish was introduced by Ulster shipyard workers
What if it had been poles
Or asians
Would they have adopted their traditions ?
That the Founders of there club lie in paupers graves
Tells you all you need to know of their respect for Scottish past
30 lost years



What a brilliant article, attitudes like your customer has is what holds us back. Not his fault, it has been years of “conditioning” that have brought this about.

A nation is awakening now though and it is not to late to get through to your customer. All he needs a Wee Blue Book.

Juan P

I had a similar experience recently.

Got chatting to a very pleasant no voter in the street last week about the referendum.

She was of the view that economically an independent Scotland couldn’t survive as we are subsidised by rUK.

I said this was incorrect to which she replied “Says who? Alex Salmond and the SNP?”

I said no and invited her to look up the recent figures from UK government sources including HMRC.

In reply she said she wouldn’t look up the figures as they can always be manipulated for political purposes.

I agreed that this was possible but suggested it would be odd if a UK Govt body was manipulating stats to help the independence cause. She agreed and said it would seem more likely that if they were going to distort the figures they would do so to favour the Better Together campaign.

I asked her again if she would look up the figures or if she wanted I could show them to her. She said no I’m not going to look at them.

A friend then asked her how she could still argue we were subsidised by the rUK without looking into the figures a little further.

She said “Because that’s what I believe”.


Marvellous dissertation from Tim Sandys on a variety of beliefs that I, myself have been forced to ditch bacause – “Events,dear boy, Events” have superceded the ancient and the useless.

Independence is ALL about tomorrow and a secure land where WE make our own lives and decisions in Scotland.

To abrogate these to a bigger population (England) and to a smaller neighbour (Ulster) is reprehensible and an act of treachery.

When Ulster controls Passport Processing and Controls Scotland`s Ancient Borders from Belfast – WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION – “YES” is the only way to stop these serial humiliations versus my nation.

What message was Krash and Darkling and Murphy sending to fellow Scots in 2007 when they shifted Passport Processing from Glasgow to BELFAST – on the 300th Anniversary of the Act of Union of 1707.?


I think this is also true of the tribal Labour vote.

They must look around and see that Lab have done zero for them but they can’t stop themselves from putting an X next to a Lab drone.

Murray McCallum

“… creaking structures that survive on belief despite their continuing decline, irrelevance or redundancy, sustained on pageantry, imagery, tradition and rhetoric of the kind that the UK has always tended to do rather well.”

Scotland’s independence can be the spark for renewal and reform. This will be won with popular support and despite the MSM.

These naysayers will be the folks that respond “It’ll never work” as a hard-coded reply. No thought, just say the response.


@ WantonWampum, the same message PM Brown sent Clydeside when he placed the £6+ billion order for two RN aircraft carriers. Stick with us, Labour will see you alright. This region of North Britain belongs to Labour.


Very good, thoughtful piece.
I’d add from what I’ve seen recently of folk converting from No to Yes is that for many it seems a huge, almost ecstatic relief, as if a weight has been lifted. For them I guess the dissonance between what their hearts and heads were telling them and the restraints of tradition, history, family and culture was hellish uncomfortable.

les Wilson

Years, centuries of people control, gives these results.
There has always been the mantra that the Union is all powerful, then it MUST know best.

This is now being shown as corrupt, these people cannot accept it, close their eyes and all will come right again.

They do not have the virus the rest of us have, but do have that strange affliction , Unionitis! fortunately no longer transferable to the thinking population.


Why did PM Brown not pump £6+billion into the Scottish road infrastructure for example, instead of two aircraft carriers?

No other country in the world has two air carriers anyway, outside of the USA, even Russia only has one, so what motivated a Labour in Scotland PM to blow so much money on a very low return multiplier? TeamGB politicking with his Scotland region and Labour”s “traditional” power base.

How’s that worked out so far and no wonder they’re going round Scotland frantically pumping UKOK project fear into every Scottish home via their chums at Pacific Quay.

panda paws

@Juan P

“A friend then asked her how she could still argue we were subsidised by the rUK without looking into the figures a little further.

She said “Because that’s what I believe”.”

She wasn’t wearing a red top and married to Paul was she?

And before anyone says anything, I’m a woman!


The A9’s a death trap from Perth to Inverness, but fcuk em, get two carries going in the central belt and where the big Labour for life seats are. Roads are devolved, we have the money, SNP takes the heat. Bish bosh vote labour for jobs.


O/T – not sure if posted already. Fairly interesting: link to


Loyal Rangers fan … still voting Yes 🙂 football team means nothing for my vote

North chiel

O/T BBC news 24 presently running with the Laura Kuensberg “propaganda”

Dr Jim

Sammin’s only in it fur eesel.(What makes you think that?)
Coz ee is, emdy kin see it.(Well it can’t be because he wants to be a lord or something can it?)( Because that’s never going to happen, or loads of money, so what do you think?)The guy’s jis sleekit intae? Ye jis canny buleive um,guy’s a liar.(Do you trust the Westminster lot?) Nuh,no way,bit it leas ye know where ye ur way them.


Every city in England’s now connect by a fast modern 6 lane motorway network. M8 Glasgow to Edinburgh’s an ancient dual carriage way that blocks complete if there’s one breakdown. A1M Newcastle to Edinburgh stops dead just north of Newcastle and it’s still a slow trunk road all the way to the Edinburgh by-pass.

But let’s build two £6+ bn air craft carriers that we don’t need and are obsolete anyway with modern missile technology, at least against any country that’s not a developing state. Ah.

Don’t we need to buy any new jets for our shiny new air craft carriers Prime Minister Brown? Loud larfs around labour cabinet table, labour Lordships all round.


Good article Tim not much to add that hasn’t been said but FFS I hate bagpipes

@heed – Don’t forget the absolute and chronic shite infrastructure between our main ferry ports in the west Stranraer and Cairnryan with the rest of the country. The A77 is a horse and cart road till you get past Ayr. F*in shocking

North chiel

According to Laura the Barnett formula is
Now apparently “A GRANT” from the “rest of
UK !!!


Galloway’s assailant has been arrested.The charge is aggravated by religious hate!

No not proddy catholic but Jewish / Islam TG!


BT pray on the ignorance that the monarchy and parliament are separate issues. The “loyalists” can still be loyal to the monarchy and believe in an IScotland.They are led to believe that they are betraying something. We are a kingdom in our own right no matter how hard Westminster try to air brush it out.Scotland is not like the rest of the commonwealth, crowned monarch of England does not mean instant crown of Scots. It is a honour to be the monarch of the oldest kingdom in the west and Elizabeth 1st of Scots, knows that.Its a shame that her politicians dont get it, that Britain could have lived up to its name and been great but for the fact that the ruling classes scrape the rest of us off their shoes and couldnt see the bigger picture because of looking down on us. Too bad, we had high hopes for this marriage but things and time move on.

[…] « Once in a blue your dreams come true […]

donald anderson

I was in Glasgow’s Argyle St Pedestrian Precinct today and spoke to three Yeas campaigners who said they had a 50= 59 response. One said he stood outside the Railway Station and was accosted by foul mouth Rangers fans, As he spoke a young make passer by volunteered that he was a Tory, before either of us could reply he hurriedly walked away.


That’s it Sir Paul McCartney has come oot against independence oh well it’s a naw frae me 🙂


@ Croompenstein, indeed or Aberdeen Oiil capital of Europe, Victorian road and railways, by-pass 30 years late, main Brig o Dee into Aberdeen from A96 to ancient ring road, built 1527! with no improvements, bet the masons during James V reign didn’t expect to see BMW’s and Audi’s jammed onto their bridge either. Try a rush hour drive commute drive to Aberdeen airport then listen to labour in Scotland councilors in Aberdeen blame SNP

But let’s have another £3bn air craft carrier, wirh not jets to fly off of the pointless hulks.

Also but not only very rich unionists in Aberdeen crowd sourced over £700k in stop Aberdeen’s by-pass legal action, which worked too for several years as they dragged another unionists mess right up to and through the High Court, thar unionists being LibDem pledge signees like tavish Scott.

Then the leader of the seven hundred grand legal protest went home to England. Huzzah


I just had a thought. If the Union was such a big deal for rUK. Why wasnt there big parties and celebrations in 2007? Its the greatest thing since( and before) sliced bread! So naturally you would want to celebrate, a bit like independence day in America. Union day, why isn’t there a Union day?


Superb post Tim.

I believe in the future and that as an independent country its full of possibilities for the Scottish electorate.

Nae limits. 🙂


link to

Like that “urge” from BBC here. What next, pleading with Scotldnd over and over, “don’t go and run your own country, be loyal to us” super rich hasbeens…

call me dave

Someone earlier asked “Who’s Paul”
Turn out it’s Sir Paul of Beatles fame. BBC Scotland page.

Looked in on Friday to check out my equipment for lecture I was giving Tuesday next week at the training company that hire me from time to time. Haven’t spoken to the folk who work there for about 3 months (I’ve been ill).

Anyhoo! The two folk present stated at different times during the afternoon that they are voting YES from previously a straight NO and a DK. During my wee discussion both were strong YES.

Reason currency and pension scare + (oddly)one didn’t like Darling.


@heed – Meanwhile in the green and pleasant land they bypass a f*in mole hill. Maybole ancient capital of Carrick has been waiting on a bypass for over 30 years. It’s on the main A77 and get’s roadblocked as the main street is the width of a f*in broom cupboard.

I remember a company from Maybole had a depot in Newbury, Newbury was a bit like Maybole with a tight main street which required a bypass guess what? Well you know the rest, Maybole plans for bypass have yet again been submitted but work still to begin..Better Together my hairy Scottish arse

Votadini Jeannie

I do believe you’ve nailed it there. I know of very few No voters, but the ones who are are the ones who refuse to look at any facts and figures, for fear that their beliefs will be shattered and they will be forced to give some credence to that nasty Salmond and his cybernat army. Much safer to just not look or listen, and all will be safe.

If there is a No vote, there is no doubt that it will be based principally on fear and willful ignorance.


“Sir Paul’s signature, alongside Sir Mick Jagger’s and those of tens of thousands of people from all over the country, shows that English, Welsh and Northern Irish people hope passionately that the Scottish vote to renew their bonds of citizenship with us.”

That’s from Dan Snow. via BetterTogetherBBC. When Dan’s father in law does finally drink himself to death, Dan will be the richest man in the UK, or rUK with a little bit of bleeding luck. Acres of Scotland owned by Dan’s inlaws? Rather a lot. Planned land ownership policy SNP Dan Snow knows all of it and in great detail.


Aw FFS Stu retweeted a tweet from Lord Naw Naw this enough to bring a tear to a glass eye

link to

“I’m happy to see how little the Yes campaign has attempted to rely on engendering militaristic or historic nationalism based on the Scotland of centuries ago.”

This is summed up by the start of the 3rd verse of your
national anthem.

Those days are passed now
And in the past they must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the nation again

Incidentally the company I work for signed a new one year contract with a Scottish company. We’ve used them for years and they are the best company available. It’s a no brainer. Anyway, good luck.


Bar the headline,an interesting piece.

link to

Bob G

Really enjoyed the article. Well written and respectful
and BANG on ………
i look at it like this
3 Unions
Union of the people
Union of the governments
Union of the politicians

were sacking the political union



@ Croompenstein, England does have an incredible road network now. It’s kind of culture hock to drive on it. It’s like by passes and dual carriage ways connecting everyone everywhere far fate than around Scotland, until you get to Newcastle.

I gave up moaning about it years ago. An Englsih inlaw, lives near a brand new fast M1 exit, bumped his house price up nicely, says it only because the Englsih economy needs a fast road infrastructure more than Scofland and more people live in England than in Scotland, so that’s why Westminster invests so much in England.

All of which is fair enough but why should Scofland pay for it, or help pay for it, go with out and lose all that investment?

Be patient, he says. You will get some one day, if you vote no.


@Welsh – I’m happy to see how little the Yes campaign has attempted to rely on engendering militaristic or historic nationalism based on the Scotland of centuries ago

It’s one of the weird things in the campaign in that the nawbags try to paint yes supporters as rabid Braveheart disciples who hanker for the Wallace and the Bruce where in reality it is they who are stuck in the 17th century with their sick sectarian cult. We look to a future where it doesn’t matter what school you attended or what team you support everyone should have the same chances


And that is the nub heedtracker, why should Scotland help pay for it, It’s time to put Scotland and our people first, now I’m not saying that our infrastructure will magically become the standard it should but when the decisions are being made in Edinburgh and not London we will be able to focus on the areas that require the investment.

I actually believe, as McCrone reported in the 70s, that we will run out of projects to throw the money at to keep our currency under control. Maybe I’ve had too much vino but I truly believe we are rich beyond our greatest expectations

Graeme Doig

Bit OT but Derek Batemans most recent article well worth a read. Dismantles wee Rory’s ideas about britishness and nationalism. Maybe not so OT.


2014 BetterTogetherBBC triumphant, 2016 First Minister Lamont takes back Labour power in Scotland, Rangers and Celtic fans battling in the streets across Scotland most Saturdays, both managers trying to batter each other live on tv aka. Mccoist and Lennon, teenages boys getting their throats cut on the king George bridge after match battles, and so on.

Or just back to usual, when Scotland was ruled by Labour in Scotland via Westminster, plus Ian Davidson MP running around bayoneting any “wounded” Yes votes and it’ll all be rule Britannia again.


Good article.

I think it is quite sad that people think that a separate political system means that we are somehow never going to talk again, do business, laugh at the same jokes, fall in love, marry or feel sad and offer support if tradegy strikes.

It is not personal it is political. Westminster is corrupt and undemocratic. That is why I am voting yes.

It must be tought for people who have generations of loyalty to the union, really tough. We should not hate them


Interesting article Tim, never thought about it from this angle.


Was at Portobello earlier at ‘yes on the beach’. A fantastic day, the prom was teeming with people and musicians. Went to the yes stall to see if i could, at last,get my hands on a wbb but no luck. Seems from speaking to the guys on the yes stall we’re all in the same boat. I said to them that i think i read of a distribution hub in Leith? Guess we just have to be patient & hope to get the books by end of next week or so. Seems we all dead keen to get them delivered to our own areas and beyond.

So many people had yes stickers,badges,wristbands,tops,balloons. Was getting nods, smiles and chats with fellow yes wearers. Could feel the love down at Porty!

There was ukokers at start of the prom far away from the crowds, half hiding with their leaflets but they never hung around long. Also was only yes signs i seen in many windows in the prom. Great stuff. Just wanted to share. Keep the faith!


@Chitt – We should not hate them

It’s not hate Chitt, I think we can all sympathise with people who are genuinely Brit or scared of change it’s more of an incredulity that anyone can vote against their country. I will be able forgive people who vote no but if the no wins and the Tories cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war then I will find it hard not to rub their noses in it and say well you voted for it!


Derek Bateman doesn’t mince his words regarding Rory the Tory.

One of his best pieces yet.

link to


McCartney is just pissed off that when you type wings in to google wings over Scotland is at the top of the list with McCartney’s Wings band coming second, it used to be the other way about until a few days ago. lol


McCartney is just pissed off that when you type wings in to google wings over Scotland is at the top of the list with McCartney’s Wings band coming second, it used to be the other way about until a few days ago. lol


@ Croompenstein, miles o/t but the reason that Westminster is now going for HS2 etc is because they have literally no new motorways and bypasses to build. The English road network is finished with only local access issues and investments. Obviously the whole Bettertogether jam tomorrow lie could be dealt with by Westminster now investing in Scottish transport but not a chance. Get high speed rail now and just for England

“Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war” is far creepier and written about 70 years AFTER Aberdeen’s Bridge of Dee was built:D

Dorothy Devine

OT Disturbing report for the leafy Westend of Glasgow of intimidation by YES campaigners apparently calling some NO voter rude names , the young man who told me about said he too had experienced YESSERS swearing at him and being aggressive .

I challenged the idea that the lovely YESSERS would swear at some poor woman on her doorstep but he was adamant.

I have to say , my thoughts were black ops to back up the maggots in the media and their headlining of Murphy Egging while ignoring death threats against Mr Salmond and trying to run cars off the road .


I am a member of the OO, a Rangers’ supporter. a Mason and an Ex-soldier and I would have no hesitation in advising like-minded souls to vote YES.

I am severely disabled but even if this were not so, I would still advise against NO because it is as plain as a pikestaff that this rapacious government like governments before it exists solely to serve their masters in the City of London, and bugger the hindmost.


Too true Dorothy, my old Dad has fallen for the Murphy story hook, line and sinker mainly due to a two page spread in the Daily Retard today. Interestingly in the retard today a small piece is in there about Lord Naw Naw’s assault oh how that would have been blown front page and centre pages if it had happened in Kirkaldy.

Great article. In terms of ‘belief’ I have created one myself, which is that a form of socialism is essential for the prospering of a society and even for human survival, longer term. I like to think this is backed up by science (won’t bore you with that right now). However, what I’ve been noticing increasingly is that one of the belief systems at the core of many no voters is that a) capitalism works, b) socialism doesn’t c) uneducated and/or poor people shouldn’t be voting d) this country would sink as an independent one because there are too many socialists and socialism doesn’t work

Not only does this stuff sound pretty offensive, but I haven’t heard these people provide any evidence or science to support their assertions. Rather, it’s just intuition and the well reported failures of states such as the Soviet Union.

This is why I’m so delighted we’re getting more and more people registered for a voice in this one chance, last chance saloon.

Bill McLean

Kenzie – well said man. I would probably disagree with most of your philosophy but I respect what you believe and admire your courage in being able to put aside much that defines the OO, Rangers, Freemasonry and the military in the overall interest of the people of OUR country. If it’s any comfort I have met others with similar attachments as you have who will be voting YES! Good luck and thanks. Bill


Is the world’s media starting to wake up?

link to


@Marcia – one of the tweets on there says This is what Salmond has brought us to

LOL this union has been ending for 307 years since it began and was forced upon the ordinary folk of Scotland by the BritScots of the day. Alex deserves an enormous debt of gratitude for getting us to this point where we can democratically right a historical wrong.

PS Where is Lesley-Anne does anyone know if she ok?

Grouse Beater

An honest, intelligent essay on voting Yes.


Marcia says:
“Is the world’s media starting to wake up?”

My friend in NZ emailed saying that he had seen a report on TV saying momentum was with Yes and a Yes win was looking a real possibility.

I trawled the NZ media for a link but couldn’t find anything. However, I believe him. The UK MSM might be as bent as a dog’s hind leg, it needed be elsewhere on the planet!

Blair paterson

I am a c.o.s. But not in the o.o. Or am I a rangers supporter or am mason ,I am first and fore most Scottish and that’s what is most important to me my Scottish sense of fair play and justice for all and of course for Scotland and to achieve that we have to vote yes

Findlay Farquaharson

I would like to get a hold of a few dozen copies of the wbb, can anyone advise me how?


Findlay and any others

It would be helpful to other readers if you could state your location so others nearby with copies could help.

Vlad (not that one}

Fine article. I just take exception to bagpipe hating. Ever heard Jimmy Rae on a good day?

Findlay Farquaharson

im in stirling, the yes stall and the yes shop had none.

Grouse Beater

The photograph of the Rangers fan with an epigram tattooed on his arm reminds me of the day I put a bet on Yes in William Hills.

I engaged the second assistant behind the glass who showed interest in my conversation with the assistant serving me.

His face filled with pride when I asked him if he intended voting for greater democracy. He got off his seat to move to my window, rolling up his shirt sleeve. He pointed to the lines of prose tattooed in olde lettering along the length of his arm, wrist to shoulder.

It was the last lines of the Declaration of Arbroath.

“Been a supporter of real democratic rule for years,” he said, buttoning his shirt and resuming his seat at his desk. I felt rather small for my dedication to the cause. His was permament!

Ian Brotherhood

@Findlay –

Fret not mister – this time next week we won’t be able to move for WBBs.



Check this out.

link to


Passing through Rosyth today and couldn’t fail to notice around 10 satire flags flying high above the allotments.

Window stickers and large signs in gardens are now a common site here in Fife.

FANTASTIC……Expression of a great hope.


life is weird. If there is a No vote, I will have to accept that the majority voted to be Northern English. As someone that has always thought of himself as a Scot, that will be painful. The ‘Proud Scots’ that voted No, and subject themselves to London rule will then be the folk in power that claim to be Scottish.
I think i’ll just drink myself to death.

Grouse Beater

On radio this afternoon, in a break on the Classic music station, the news announcer read:

“The Lbour MP, Jim Murphy, has given up his street campaign because he got “pelted with eggs and abused as a ("Quizmaster" - Ed) and ("Tractor" - Ed).”

I wonder where they got their information? – lifted out of some troll’s post I should think.


If it’s any consolation, I am a Yes voting Rangers fan and there are many more like me.

link to

Simon Chadwick

“As an artist, … and I hate bagpipes”

Try this:
link to


The article convinces me of the need for Independence and ONE Scotland.


It’s all over twitter, but:

A member of the BNP campaigning to save the Union kicked a pregnant Yes activist in the stomach today in Glasgow. Just FYI.

It will probably not make the BBC, unlike Eggman.


OK Please believe me when I say watching this link will NOT have wasted three minutes of your life. It is bagpipes but oh so different with a classic orchestra.

It is inspiring.

link to

Free at 63!

Jeez, CM

Hope she and the baby are OK.



Any news on the woman? No serious injury to herself or the child I hope?


link to

No real info, but it’s listed

Chris Baxter

Clubs aren’t supposed to allow political messages such as this. They should be charged.


I am pretty sure that is a picture of Barry Ferguson who used to play for Rangers.


Here’s a proper view:
link to


@Thepnr – you cnut there’s tears rolling doon ma cheeks! that was brilliant thepnr Tim should listen to that and I challenge him to state he doesn’t like the bagpipes

haud on the noo

Aye, its Barry .


Guys I think if you hover over the photo it tells you that it’s Barry, just before Stu shouts IF YOU.. etc


Dodgardiner re the tynecastle incident,its been reported to the police at st leonards, this is my first post on this site im a yes activist one of my colleagues witnessed it today and was working on the stall, im totally sickened at what happened, when murphy and bt kick up such a fuss over an egg I want the press to report it, it was on macleod street plenty CCTV, the abuse the guys were getting got steadily worse usual Nazi comments etc. up to kick off then random’s started grabbing the posters and literature and ripped them up and threw them at their faces then spitting at them then one man ran at the table and punched one of the yes guys in the face then kicks the table over, the guy has a cut face a bystander at the table got punched too then a kid stole his mobile phone held a yes poster up and ripped it down the middle whilst looking evily sounds horrendous I really want to get the press involved but the guys involved are too scared if they are identified as these attackers were lunatics.


OT – if you read the article about the A9 road trip in the paper version of the Guardian weekend it appears that the photos were taken in the spring, daffodils and bare leaved trees being much in evidence. Yes, it is made out to be a recent fact finding journey. Hmmmm


I didn’t know this happened in Dundee today

link to



Haha, I gret too the first time I saw it. Ian Brotherhood was the first to post that on Wings. It is brilliant 🙂


Dodgardiner, the victim would like the section number you were sitting in please.

Tackety Beets

Had a discussion with a knuckle-dragger last week in a pub after listening to him spout what can only be described as the biggest load of uninformed guff. I didn’t actually ask him but he informed myself and anyone within earshot he was voting NO because he was a Rangers supporter!

OK, so the future of our country, out future and that of our children rest upon his unquestioning loyalty to a certain football team then…? Haven’t seen that one in the Project Fear Bitter Together No Borders No Thanks armoury of arguments so far but let’s see where this one goes.

Next of his well informed points…. “It’s no f***kin right… Scottish soldiers fighting in Afghanistan cannae vote – they’re no allowed cos that Alex Sammin is scared they’ll vote no. No right tho – fightin tae protect oor country an they’re no allowed tae vote”. Explained to him the process for service personnel is the same as if it was a general election. After several exclamations from him about this being sh*te and completely wrong I remind him the Electoral Commission confirmed all personal abroad normally resident and registered to vote in Scotland could apply for a postal/proxy vote to be used in the referendum and arrangements have been made though the forces informing their personnel of this.

He grudgingly concedes and moves onto his next well informed belief: “16yr olds – how the f**k are they allowed tae vote – that’s no right – they’ll aw be votin fur that Alex Sammin”. OK, bearing in mind the amount of pickle juice this Neanderthal has in his system let’s assess how much further his ability to listen instead of talking with his fists might be… seems ok at the moment and if it turns then he’s not too far from the ground at the moment anyway 1) If they’re old enough to get married, old enough to have sex, old enough to be cadets in the services and old enough to pay tax to the country… why shouldn’t they have a say in their future too? And 2) No one at all in this referendum will be voting for ‘Alex Sammin’ as he’s not standing as a candidates as there are no candidates, just a simple YES/NO choice.

Next point: “Whit happens when the oil runs oot, how wull we survive’? We don’t even have to rely on oil and if we didn’t have it then there’s lots of other things which count towards our trade throughout the world such as whisky, hospitality and tourism sector, textiles, farming, fishing industry, financial sector, electronics, chemical and petrochemical processing industries, innovative marine biology sector, not forgetting my favourite “BRAND SCOTLAND” ….. When exactly is this oil going to run out – after the huge find at the Clare field off the west of Shetland? After the exploration and extraction off the west of the Hebrides or after the resources out from the Clyde is progressed? ( No OIL won’t effect the UK ? )

Next desperate assertion: “an whit aboot oor armed forces… who’s gonna protect their jobs an regiments”? OK, do you mean like they were protected from cuts in 1994 when the Queens Own were merged with the Gordon Highlanders, to become the 4th Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 SCOTS), or when the Royal Scots were merged with the King’s Own Scottish Borderers to form the 1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland? Or the fact that after plans approved in 2004, Scotland’s five regiments became battalions under the Royal Regiment of Scotland. Decades of tradition, many with family connections going back centuries wiped out as army cuts were made, all to save a few quid. The SNP are the only party who have committed to reinstating the regiments.

Next: “whit aboot pensions? The wummin oan the telly the other night said we’d have trouble wi oor pensions getting paid in an independent Scotland. More scaremongering. The DWP – Department of Work & Pensions have already confirmed in writing that all pensions accrued under the current system will be paid as normal through administrative channels by arrangement in Scotland. Much in the same way if you moved to Spain where ex-pat pensioner are already paid their pension without any problems.

“So whit aboot the pound an interest rates? We’ll be forced to get the Euro” No we won’t, we can’t be forced to adopt the Euro. “Well how can an independent Scotland be sure we’ll get intae Europe anyway. The ither countries will vote against us” Well, consider this… when the next Tory co-alition government with UKIP gets in, and the disaffected voters in the south and south east of England have their referendum on Europe, then Scotland will be taken out of Europe against the will of the people here anyway. That’s the real risk. Fair enough, there’s a lot of things need changing about Europe but you can’t change it from the outside.

“Layburr are the only ones that wull protect the NHS” ***CHOKES*** Labour is the party that started the privatizing in the NHS . Do you mean with people like Flipper Darling – one of only just over 200 MPs and Lords who have shares in, and already benefit from private contracts in England and Wales where the NHS is being privatised bit by bit? He trousered over £12k just for an after dinner speech at a company dinner – a company that later turned out to be benefiting from winning NHS contracts in England. Weren’t they fortunate to discover him?

ME: So, after hearing a bit more and realising pretty much all the Better Together campaign has been spreading is fear and scaremongering, do you think a YES vote where the people of Scotland has responsibility for their own future is the best option? HIM: “Ah’ll still be votin naw cos ah’m a Rangers supporter”

NB Word on the Streets o the Highlands ……. No voters are now turning to YES …..Keep up the good work folks …… I need a party !



Superb sir.

How can you no like that sound. I was in Kenya a few years back serving in a local English Regiment and the Pipers marched to a camp near us and every guy within ear shot said ” your a lucky bastard Jock, wish we had something like that”

Aye they have their brass bands but it’s no competition to the likes of ” The black Bear and Scotland the Brave ” with the massed pipes.

Great comments the night. We have a pretty diverse group here with all sorts of beliefs and traditions , but we all have one aim . We tolerate trolls, we disagree and we see things different but no matter what we a united , more than the union could ever do.

I’d like to say i am a proud Scot tonight , but i might get one in the ear so i’ll just say it’s great to be part of this team.

thank you all

Tackety Beets

Sorry that post ended up longer than I intended .



Derek’s on good form too. 🙂

link to


Unfortunately it has come to my attention that a women YES activist was assaulted in Glasgow today when was kicked in the stomach by a NO campaigner. Her crime was that she was simply handing out leaflets . Needless to say you won’t hear about this in the Telegraph, BBC or Independent. That coupled with other assaults on YES activists, death threats to both the First and Deputy Minister’s as well as a recent road rage incident by a No campaigner highlights that YES campaigners are being targeted by mindless thugs in the NO campaign.

link to

The NO activist ^^

Taken away in Police car

link to



I absolutely loved that. Dundee is YES city right enough.

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Naw, naw, naw…someone posted it here before me. That’s when I first saw it. I remember Morag and others discussing it. It was, I’m sure, a female Winger…


I must have had too much plonk Ian Brotherhood has just said Naw, naw, naw 😀


On Hearts fc supporters website I am advised that Yes campaigners based themselves at the junction between McLeod Street and Gorgie Road.
Saw one young lad go up, take a Yes poster and rip it up in front of them. My mate has just arrived and said he witnessed another guy go up and, unprovoked, smacked one of the yes campaigners in the face before telling him that voting yes was equivalent to doing a Nazi salute.

Don’t expect MSM or TV to report this insident

Elaine Chapman

Disgusting behaviour from a couple of Hearts fans there. My dad was a Tynecastle season ticket holder for years, would have loved to have had the chance to vote for independence. Where were the police? Where were the (many I hope) decent Jambos?

Castle Rock


Simply stunning.

If Scotland votes No though then it’s the bagpipes from England (Britain if we’re lucky) that will be introduced to people around the globe.

If we vote No we will be the laughing stock of Europe and the World.

The Unionists don’t give a shit about that though as long as we keep returning Labour MP after rich Labour MP after multi millionaire Labour MP to Westminster to keep us under “British” Tory rule.


@Tackety Beets

Might have been long but it was good though. Cheers.


Top drawer article. On the mark

Elizabeth Sutherland

Can we deduce from the attacks on YES activists that someone is trying to provoke unacceptable street violence. Please everyone if these attacks are seen take photos with phone and report to police. I hope that pregnant lady and her baby will be alright.

Ian Mackay

The Sunday Herald are looking to hear from anyone who received a ‘vote No’ guidance letter with their postal vote.

Black Douglas

O/T but might be of interest to a few.

No option but to vote Yes 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Del Amitri, ‘Kiss This Thing Goodbye’ –

link to


@Black Douglas – Superb, Justin is a great singer/songwriter and am so pleased to see that he has voted yes

fred blogger

“The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, responsible for welfare cuts which have taken more than £1.6bn a year out of the Scottish economy and targeted the sick and disabled, claims a No vote “would lead to a federal UK” and he bizarrely cites SNP centralisation and A9 speed cameras as reasons to oppose independence.”
link to
their barrel is scrapped clean, the no camp have nothing left to throw @ us.

les Wilson

Marcia says:

Excellent Marcia, what I see in all the street video’s and there is now plenty, is that contrary to BT lies. Women are participating big time. Power to them.


Speed cameras have saved lives on the A77(the shit part) there is no question about that and have absolutely f*ck all to do with the constitutional situation, no matter who is in govt shit drivers and eejits will still be there no matter where the govt is so Beaker can GTF


@Black Douglas & Ian Brotherhood

Cheers guys, videos were great. Can’t so why I’m so upbeat, this feeling of positivity is catching. It’s a virus! I want to spread it.

link to



Read the Bateman piece. What a brilliant response to Rory the Toley .

He’s getting better every week. Are you giving him tips??

2No voters converted after i laughed at the scare tactics and asked them , If we were independent would you vote for a union ??

They admitted to me that when i left they yapped .

And they would vote against it.

Really surprised me as it was a passing comment thrown in as i passed them.

Makes me think there are No voters out there looking for a good reason to change.

And thanks to the Winger who put it up here . I can’t remember who but it really worked on those two.

Liquid Lenny


Just met an Arranach exiled in New Zealand in the Pub, I asked if he was back for anything in particular, and he replied To vote YES in the referendum. 🙂

fred blogger
Ian Brotherhood

@Croompenstein –

‘…Beaker can GTF.’

Hear hear to that.

It’s notable that he appears to have been hooked in the past ten days or so. Every time they let him out of his box he craps all over the good carpet. He’s a living reminder of why Scots have had enough of this stinking Union.

Does anyone in their right mind believe that Danny ‘Food Bank Tsar’ Alexander is the best that this country can produce? Is there anyone in this country who doesn’t feel embarrassed for the guy every time he opens his gub?

Post-Yes, AS/SNP had better be very VERY careful about extending call-ups to Team Scotland for the likes of Alexander/Carmichael/Darling etc. Talking about it is one thing – it looks magnanimous and diplomatic.

But doing it is quite another – if any of those c-c-c-c-c-characters are given a role in public life in an independent Scotland? it’ll feel like we’ve just slithered down the biggest snake, back to Square One.

Alexander and his ilk not only have to GTF. They have to GTF for good.


Elaine,police nowhere to be seen, some G4s people were there and were asked to intervene but replied that they were directing traffic!! Barry eh?!

Elaine Chapman

Shocking! Call themselves security? I hope these people are caught, just sheer thuggery

Jim Thomson

@fred blogger 9:16pm

That’s why they’re ramping up the security levels. I can almost guarantee that there will be some incident or other that will result in a call from Cameron to “pull together as one nation and fight this blah, blah, blah …”

Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a day or so before the 18th too.

I just hope I’m very, very, wrong.


@fred blogger

This is how we fight back. No one can stand up against a hurricane and the hurricane is heading Westminsters way.


Fred Blogger 9.36pm

Fantastic , best i have seen so far and that will take some beating. Folks you gotta see this.


O/T Great speech from Jim Sillars at Steps Theatre Dundee last night

link to

Wee quote from it “We cannot save the English working class, they have to save themselves”


fred blogger

Jim Thomson
the great unknown, but what we do know is that this has all happened before and we also know why it has.
an indy scotland marches into a definite known, it is freedom.
freedom to say NO! and mean it.
never again will they be able to do as they will, without hearing the voices of the scottish people, first.

Liquid Lenny

Jim Thomson

Remember Princess Diana died (Was Murdered?) two weeks before the 1997 referendum and we had the funeral and all the pomp and Brit pish rammed down our throat 5 days before the referendum.

They have previous….


London calling!

link to



This all seems so long ago but it’s Wings own Ian Brotherhood stating his case. Brilliant watching it again.

link to

fred blogger

having blown their bio feet away, they must be shooting @ their prosthetic feet now!

Ian Brotherhood

@Fred Blogger –

Great stuff, hereby copied:

link to

Dr JM Mackintosh

Yes I thought there was something wrong with Scabster Harbour, the grass was too yellow for this time of year.

posted this…

As a regular on the A9 I read this article – I was not particularly impressed with the writing as it did not ring true to the area of my birth or to an area where I know there is a huge Yes campaign and presence.

However, something was wrong – Scrabster does not look like that in August. Why is the grass yellow?

Looked at the Golspie pictures are these daffodils. I know they are a bit later in the Highlands but August?

Then I found the other page where the photos came from – yet more daffodils and trees with no leaves at Dunrobin and Kingussie.

Has the referendum disrupted the seasons and nature itself. We have been told it would be cataclysmic but changing the seasons? Should we be afraid?

Or perhaps the article was written from the safety of London where it can be contrived to put a false spin on reality.

The Highlands is full of Yes voters come and see them for yourself!


Image from today of woman being kicked in the stomach by No Activist. Later arrested.

comment image

Black Douglas

Call me Dave is getting nervous.

link to

Vote in the online poll and make him soil his pants.


Grouse Beater

Darling the political quack is at it again –

This time he claims unnamed persons in the Scottish Government are phoning unnamed company bosses of unnamed Scottish businesses making unnamed threats they should lay low until the Referendum is over or risk losing government contracts.

Together with ‘I’m getting nervous’ Cameron he calls upon the mythological ‘silent majority’ – that coy, dumb mass of politically certain people no one can see or identify – to come to the aid of their corruption and lies.

Aye, Darling the charlatan, is resorting to innuendo and libel to win adherents to his discredited cause.

Who trusts this man now?

Dr JM Mackintosh

relates to this Guardian article…

link to

Check out the photos ” I love Scotland in the Springtime”

link to

What a load of made up bollocks.They are not even trying any more.

That will be the UK press for you – complete shite.


Most people have cameras nowadays. If you witness violence please do not respond to provocation. Photograph the perpetrators if you can. Inform the police – but keep a copy of the pictures. Post pictures on websites. Identify the clowns and remember them. Don’t be provoked.

Top right of this page is a quotation from Gandhi. Stage 4 is 19 days away.

fred blogger

Black Douglas
Scottish Independence Debate Is Making David Cameron All ‘Emotional And Nervous’
he makes me nervous!
vote yes give ’em their p45’s.

David Hind

Ian @9.37
Good call.These people are no friends of Scotland.Just troughers.

Ian Brotherhood

@Davidb –

Hear hear.



Ian would get my vote. There’s an honesty about him . good talker , clear and precise and i enjoy his comments too. How can we lose when we have so many guid folk out there.

Icy Sparks.

Disgraceful, Another face of the union. Scum indeed. hope the girl is ok. What kind of country are we becoming when a pregnant woman is assaulted in the main streets. Hope the bugger gets his in the nick.

Now will we hear about this in the bloody MSM ???

Thank God for twitter and the internet.

Ian Brotherhood


You’ve made me take a beamer, so I’m scurrying back off to O/T to crack lame jokes and post links to dodgy music.

But thanks all the same!

mr thms

Sunday Herald requesting Yes selfies for a historic front page

link to

Findlay Farquaharson

Scottish Labour. No friends of Scotland. Vote yes.


Sunday Herald front page;

link to


Apparently, David Cameron has condemned the egging of Jim Murphy.

Never mind that big jessie, Dave, only his ego was bruised. What about the pregnant woman who was kicked in the stomach?


Sunday Heral front page tomorrow. Brilliant

link to

Murray McCallum

That’s quite a line up of main stories listed on the front page of the Sunday Herald.


Sunday Herald going with YES to protect NHS, and looks like MacWhirter and Bell have great articles. Also Billy Bragg and Irvine Welsh on indy and a piece about a NO assault on woman on Saturday.

Think this edition looking very strong for YES.



Thats Marcia’s job 🙂

Roberto Esquierdo

I am also a unionist and a monarchist and a nationalist

The Rough Bounds

Not a bad article Tim…BUT…you say that you hate bagpipes. Isn’t that a bit like saying you hate pianos, or guitars, or zithers, or flutes, or accordions, or harmonicas, or any other musical instrument at all that I care to mention? Reason being that it all depends upon the artist’s skill and the type of music that is being played.

Sounds similar to the thought processes that end up declaring ‘I hate Alex Salmond’. Irrational.

Roberto Esquierdo

Union being The union of the crown


Hearts fan zone closed comments on Yes supporters being assaulted by no supporters. Unionist democracy at work.

There were UKIP guys handing out No stuff outside Ryries at Haymarket today at around 2pm. No campaign should be reminded at every opportunity of their extremist right wing supporters.

Brian Mchugh

I finally joined the Twitterati tonight… still trying to work it all out. Phone is buzzing like crazy. I think I just added everyone who had a yes. LOL

The Sunday Herald really look like they might be finally getting it right with that front page and the variety of stories. Got a copy last week (first since the outing week) and really looking forward to picking a copy of this one up tomorrow.

Jim Thomson

Mmmm… oddschecker now showing odds starting to shorten to 3/1 for quite a few bookies.

Must have been a busy Saturday at the tills 🙂


@Thepnr says:


Thats Marcia’s job 🙂

And out of the kitc….

fred blogger

martyn bennet.
link to


Oops sorry. I’m off for some cereal.


I have to retire one day…. (again). 🙂

Strange no advance poll info floating around.

Murray McCallum

Jim Thomson

I saw this Ladbrokes press release on Twitter. Apologies if you seen it all already.

Saturday 30th August 2014 11:05

Ladbrokes: Scottish punters move decisively for YES – 95% of Scottish bets for YES since second debate

Ladbrokes press release

*Scottish punters move decisively for YES*

SCOTTISH POLITICAL punters have moved decisively for a YES vote in next
month’s referendum, according to new analysis released by Ladbrokes.

The bookies found that since the second debate last Monday, over 95% of all
bets placed in Scotland have been for YES. That has seen the odds tumble
from 9/2 to 7/2 in just a few days. However, gamblers in England are less
convinced, with over 75% of the money staked south of the border going on a
NO vote.

A breakdown of the betting reveals that the larger-staking customers south
of the border are propping up the ‘no’ odds, with those on the ground in
Scotland placing smaller bets much keener to back a ‘yes’ outcome.

Alex Donohue of Ladbrokes said: “The betting has been non-stop for YES from
our Scottish customers since Alex Salmond’s victory in the second debate.
It will be a terrible result for the bookies if the local money is correct.”

Murray McCallum

Oops. The formatting gone to pot there. I will run for cover …


Excellent article Tim, the reasons you give are why those who have manned stalls and chapped on doors can spot a no voter a mile away. The face set in a scowl, the downwards look, the muttered obscenities these are all outward expressions of the tortured soul of a no voter. They know that to vote no is to say “No Scotland” and it eats at their core. They are being asked the question they never wanted to confront; Are you Scottish or British?

Robert Peffers

@Croompenstein says: 30 August, 2014 at 5:22 pm

“That’s it Sir Paul McCartney has come oot against independence.”

Heard that on the Radio early on. Friend with me said, “Did ye hear that? Whit div ye say tae that”?, (He’s a Naysayer, saft though – in the heid that is).

I replied, “Ach he kin jist beetle aff. Ah’ve nivvir liked him onywey”.


Patrician says:
“Are you Scottish or British?”

Those NO voters who say they just wish it would go away, that is the problem they have. They just don’t want to have to choose. However, that is exactly what they have to make their minds up about.


@Black Douglas at 9.07,

I’ve been wracking my brain for a way to avoid the postal votes being defrauded and you know what? I do believe you’ve just discovered the solution.


Ian Brotherhood ,

You and many many others are the reason Wings is The best inde blog EVER.

Stu gets the words on the screen and you guys get the word out to everyone else. The comments page is as important as the headlines . I think you all do a crackin job. Ian,you’ve helped me on my journey to yes along with others, so thanks for that bud.

Please keep up the great work , not long now .

David Hind

Easy to be British and vote yes.But to be Scottish and vote no takes a certain kind of person.

Ian Brotherhood

@Fred Blogger –

That Martyn Bennett link was superb. Cheers.


A certain Max Dunbar was the kicker in Glasgow earlier today. A BNP supporter questioned by a YES supporter. He then responded by kicking her.

While “Eggman” still makes news, will the above?

The media might do well to follow this up: link to


Robert Peffers@11.11 That wouldn’t be the same Paul McCartney that once sang, “Give Ireland back to the Irish?” Sounds like he should be in “Scottish” Labour, Glasgow City Council, the Board of Celtic, or all three? I’m getting sick of the lot of them. Ruddy hypocrites.




Superb . The SH is gonna start a shit storm now..

This is the game WINNER folks.

No one touches our NHS.

fred blogger

Ian Brotherhood
you’re very welcome.
yeah, he was amazing, what a talent.

related subject.
the stag, the cheviot, and the black, black oil, the toffs fear land reform.

john ferguson

I agree on everything except I love bagpipes and hate tattoos


I am rather concerned about people posting pictures of their completed postal votes.

I was shown one yesterday which not only had a cross in the Yes box, but also an essay about the voter’s reason. It is quite possible that this will invalidate his vote, since his handwriting might be considered sufficient to reveal his identity.

At the European elections it was stated that it is illegal to take photographs inside the polling booth (because someone might have been voting under duress, with the photograph required as evidence), and that anyone caught doing this would have their ballot paper confiscated and might not get an replacement.

Whether this also covers photographs of postal votes, I don’t know, but it might, so please don’t do it!


“a” replacement – and I did read the preview box – started typing “another” and changed my mind.


I have a postal vote now in the envelopes and waiting to go but I want to take it out look at it again! My precious.

Its like holding a giant chunk of Scottish history after 300 hundred years of you know what by you know who and I dont want to hand it over.

fred blogger

The woman who actually made up her mind.
link to

mary vasey

Heedtracker: Me too


Oh No

Paul Mccartney says no………………

That’s me changed my mind Wingers

It has to be No


Oh No

I’ll have to change my name??

Well that’s it then mind made up

HAS to be YES


@heed – You now have to take it and cast it into the fire of Mount Doom(postbox) and defeat the evil Lord Sauron(Westminster) Democracy is coming 😀

Robert Peffers

@Bob G says: 30 August, 2014 at 5:49 pm:

“Really enjoyed the article. Well written and respectful
and BANG on ………
i look at it like this
3 Unions.

In fact, Bob, there are only two Unions and they are created by Articles I & III of the bipartite Treaty of Union. Here they are as written : –

“Article I. That the two kingdoms of Scotland and England shall upon the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one kingdom by the name of GREAT BRITAIN; And that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united kingdom be such as Her Majesty shall appoint,, and the crosses of St Andrew and St George be conjoined, in such manner as Her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all flags, banners, standards and ensigns, both at sea and land.

You will note that all that article does is unite the two royal realms, (kingdoms), as a single realm, (kingdom).

“Article III. That the united kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain.”

You will note that this creates a totally new Parliament.It is not either the old English Kingdom’s parliament nor is it the old parliament of Scotland. Historically the English Kingdom sat and wound itself up. In Scotland, though, the parliament did not sit for the people were out for their blood and would have lynched any of the, Paircel o Rogues if they could have caught them. The parliament thus went into recess, (technically called, “Prorogued”). Then when Holyrood was opened by Winnie Ewing she declared the parliament, “Reconvened”, and, to date, that has never been challanged.

So, as Scotland is retaining the Monarchy the United Kingdom, (realm), is not being disunited as per Article I.
It is Article III that Scotland will disunite and that refers only to the Westminster Parliament of the United Kingdom.

So, as Westminster claims to also be the Parliament of England, The Parliament of the United Kingdom disunites and England, (the country of), is legally without an elected as such, parliament. There simply cannot exist an rUnited Kingdom as there are only two kingdoms that signed the Treaty of Union.


@fred blogger

What is going on! I have watched more videos tonight than I have in the last 3 months. Has the Yes campaign finally woke up? Let’s hope so.

Next week the WBB will be flooding Scotland, you will see it everywhere. It will be unavoidable, you Wingers have made that possible. Cheers.


I was in Glasgow today and witnessed some of the aftermath of the assault on the woman.

Earlier I had been on Argyle Street and saw the would be assailant standing atop some street furniture yelling into his loudhailer. He had a large union flag next to him and a blazer-wearing side kick trying to hand out leaflets (again covered in the union flag).

He was dribbling on about ship building and how we can’t compete in the world. As I passed I “informed” my wife very loudly that of course since the 1970s we have lost 40,000 shipbuilding jobs and only have about 5,000 left and I suppose we have the union to thank for that. The look of the penny dropping on one woman walking past was priceless.

Anyway, later on when we were walking past again the sidekick was nowhere to be seen and mister loudhailer was looking quite sheepish and had two community wardens all but detaining him. A large crowd of people were now milling about him (whereas before nobody was really interested in what he had to say).

I asked someone what had gone on and I was informed that a woman had remonstrated with him and from his vantage point atop the street furniture he kicked and shoved her. Apparently she fell backwards and banged her head on the ground and was out cold for quite some time.

When she came to, she apparently left the scene which is frankly appalling. I can’t believe nobody encouraged her to wait for an ambulance.

Anyway, I have no idea how accurate this account was as I never witnessed the incident. Clearly something happened though as there were about 40 or so people standing around watching proceedings and the wardens were quite clearly holding the guy until the real police arrived.

I hope the woman is ok. She could quite clearly have a serious head injury. I don’t care what she said to this man. Assaulting her cannot be justified.


btw apologies to the Dark Lord Sauron for comparing him to Westminster because Westminster and the British Establishment is among the most evil empires/regimes the world has ever known


Can I just add what a joy it was today walking through Glasgow and seeing so many yes activists everywhere.


Update on Wee Blue Book:

Our printers are wading their way through 230,000 copies. It takes time. They are doing their best.

Demand exceeds supply even so. Wings has had orders for over 230,000 copies, so only those who have already sent in specific orders via Wings are likely to have requests met….sorry, but there we go.

Glasgow and Edinburgh have had some supplies already and are seeking to fullfil orders as fast as possible – WBB will no doubt be spread around by the excellent Wings samizdat network. They MUST go to undecided voters – that’s the readership that is needed.

Aberdeen & Dundee should be supplied very soon. Next on the list (probably) are Ayrshire, Perth, Borders, Dunblane (for Stirling etc) Inverness, Fife. Outlying orders will be supplied by courier….

Bear with us – it’s a mammoth logistics exercise – the tiny Wings team are doing what they can. And it is all only possible because of people who are prepared to give up storage space and massive amounts of time to get the books to where they are needed.

If you can’t wait, organise your own printing…. even a few copies on a home printer can help convince

fred blogger

as the no camp runs out of steam, (i know i’m being generous, if they had any steam in the 1st place that is)
the best is yet to come from the yes camp.
everything falls into place @ exactly the right moment in time.


I sometimes wonder if someone could change my mind.

To me the idea of a fair union just doesn’t make sense because of the huge population difference.
It’s effectively a takeover.

But I would quite happy be in a real union of equals.
Independent countries co-operating on defense etc

It beats me why NO supporters don’t think we can get a better deal in a better Britain.


@Onwards – The big problem is that when the books are open and our eyes are opened to how much it is costing Scotland to be in this false union then it will break our hearts and effectively put an end to any political partnership, the social union will never die



Great work, give my thanks to all who are doing this.

call me dave

Another live debate.

STV has announced the line-up for a live referendum debate on Tuesday night.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Patrick Harvie MSP, co-convenor of the Scottish Greens, and actress Elaine C Smith will speak in favour of independence. Mr Alexander, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Labour’s Scottish education spokeswoman Kezia Dugdale will represent the No camp.

The two-hour broadcast will be broadcast live with a 350-strong audience at The Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh, starting at 8pm.


Herald Scotland Story.
Labour critics pin blame for No woes on Douglas Alexander
(Published on 30 August 2014
Kate Devlin)

Senior Labour sources have rounded on Douglas Alexander, blaming the Shadow Foreign Secretary for the No campaign’s recent woes – and in particular an advert designed to appeal to women which led to accusations of patronising sexism.

The rest is behind a pay wall.

Oh poor Danny….those pesky tories are so ungrateful.

Tim the artist

Hi folks,

I wrote the article – been trying to get it out there. Thanks for the support and interesting comments.

If you think you can share it somewhere useful, you’ll find the full (unedited) version here:

link to

keep up the good work 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@kininvie –

Spoke to Jim Thomson earlier – he was good enough to call me, quite late in the ‘evening’, to help clarify a query.

You cannot possibly know how much the work you are doing is appreciated – in Buchanan Street this afternoon, I could’ve asked for a fiver per copy of the WBB, and still shifted the 90-odd I had. It would’ve taken longer than the 10 minutes or so for them all to be snapped-up, and would’ve swelled the SSP coffers considerably, but everyone knows that’s not the point.

One lady (‘Evelyn’, who sometimes comments here) came to our stall, asked for a copy. We’d run out long before she arrived. She wanted it for her ‘No’ mum, who’s 82.

(Evelyn – if you see this, please e-mail me:
I’ll make sure you get one, even if I have to nick my son’s copy…he’ll give me a doing, but, hey, what the hell, I need the exercise…)

Anyway, Kininvie, you are a hero – more power to ye mister, and I look forward to seeing you again sometime post Sep 18th – wherever and whenever it may be, regardless of the result.


Someone posted on facebook that Canada upped the security threat to severe a few weeks before the Quebec referendum (didn’t say which one) I have been searching for a link to back this up but can’t find anything does anyone know if this is true as the parallels between our and Quebec’s ref are quite startling in terms of how the no camp are behaving



I don’t believe that to be true. I have read a lot about the referendum in Quebec and have never came across a reference such as you suggest. Of course I could be wrong.

Ian Brotherhood

Serious question –

How many ‘high-profile’ BTUKOKVNOBNOTHANKS defections should we expect to see in the next week?

The ship is sinking.

They have to jump.


@Ian Brotherhood

One, Henry McLeish is a secret weapon that will declare for Yes with a week to go.

Alistair Grapevine

Ian Brotherhood says
I bought some ( WBB ) on eBay. There may be some remaining there if you need some fairly quickly. I’m going to need more, as I have got all my family all yes. All campaigning hard on Facebook and at there works. Two Son in laws are Rangers daft solid YES and
One has never voted before. ( family = 5 daughters, 1son, 3 son in laws, we all were labour supporters but not now. )


Any sitting Labour MP or MSP who believes they have a safe seat in Scotland in forthcoming elections is an absolute fool.

They should jump ship NOW. Time for them is running out Tick Tock.


Pished and listening to some tunes and have decided that if Dave ‘stay with us’ Cameron or Boris ‘a pound spent in Croydon..’ Johnson can sing this and not sound like fannies I will vote naw…

There was a wee cooper wha lived in Fife,
Nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo,
And he has gotten a gentle wife,
Hey willy wallachy, how John Dougal
Alane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo


I harbour a thought that after independence,

we will discover many more secrets

about Westminster’s skulduggery toward Scotland.

Then, a decision which has been so ‘difficult’ for so many,

will appear so easy with the benefit of what is uncovered.

Needless to say those who have been paying attention and

who have done their homework,

already know enough of Westminster’s greed and corruption

to make the choice very easy indeed.

Lest anyone be in any doubt, no one can vote in the referendum for Labour or the SNP, nor for Conservative or LibDems.

That’s why it really is rather silly when people say that they don’t like so-and-so.

The vote is about Scotland as a country.

The vote is not about individuals or political parties.

And remember – to vote FOR Scotland – it’s YES.
to vote AGAINST Scotland – it’s NO.

Alistair Grapevine

Thepnr says:
31 August, 2014 at 12:52 am
Any sitting Labour MP or MSP who believes they have a safe seat in Scotland in forthcoming elections is an absolute fool.
Neil Findlay stays up the road from me. He is a list MSP. And will be on the ballot paper at the next scottish election and will be made unemployed. As he fits the last word in the sentence you used.

Alistair Grapevine

Thepnr says:
31 August, 2014 at 12:52 am
Any sitting Labour MP or MSP who believes they have a safe seat in Scotland in forthcoming elections is an absolute fool.
Neil Findlay stays up the road from me. He is a list MSP. And will be on the ballot paper at the next scottish election and will be made unemployed. As he fits the last word in the sentence you used.


@manandboy – And remember – to vote FOR Scotland – it’s YES.
to vote AGAINST Scotland – it’s NO

And that is it, that is what will face us all in that wee polling booth, nae pals egging anyone on, totally alone it will be you versus Scotland and then make your cross



I only know the words to the “other” version.



@Alistair Grapevine

Yes, and there are a great many more of them. People like me will never forgive Labour in Scotland for siding with the Tories.

They should hang their heads in shame.


@goldenayr – LoL reminds me of when an old guy my mum used to work for asked her if she could get him the words to the Ball of Kirriemuir as he really liked the tune 🙂


Labour Councillors, MSP’s and MP’s may well be reading this.
However I would expect them to dismiss any suggestion that their respective positions are not safe.

Not because your suggestion is wrong, but the fact that, in the main they are , for a better word, stupid. Ok that’s harsh. Lets say they firmly believe due to the political bubble they are in, they don’t see that they will loose. Ok there stupid!

But if they have stole themselves to actually read this, would recommend that they start checking for themselves , just how untenable their respective positions have become.

If they think jeering and heckling of Jim Murphy is isolated, think again. They cant justify controlled meetings as ‘being in the public’. When a Labour politicians is exposed to the public that are not ‘sanctioned’, they should expect to face robust distain.

If the unionists manage to pull of a No, then there will be a back lash against Labour in Scotland. The days of controlling the masses, by a compliant media are well and truly over.
If Yes, then only those that supported yes will survive, those that didn’t will either quit or will loose anyway

Alistair Grapevine

sorry the double post comes from using a phone, does that make him more the ” fool ” him. Thepnr neither will i, i used to be a member of that said party.


“YES for Scotland” says it all.

Would love to see some billboards with that on it.

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

You’ve got the T-shirt.

Some of the comments we’ve heard at street-stalls in Irvine, Saltcoats, and Ayr are just astonishing: life-long diehard Labour folk openly defying any claim on their loyalty when it comes to Scottish independence.

They’ve been down this road before, and well-recall being shafted.

It’s not going to happen again.

This time, we win.


O/T but worth a read for newcomers:

link to



Rugby clubs and Uni bars,where would our culture be without them.

Alistair Grapevine

Ian Brotherhood says:
31 August, 2014 at 1:25 am
@Thepnr –
Yes Ian i campaigned with my local MP in the 80s ”tam the west lothian question” have plenty anecdotes from that time.
B,M,C. Miners, etc.
now looking around the YESes out number the NOs, if we lose it is contrived .


Been trying to post a link to this but the sites rejecting it.

Go to youtube,type “Scottish Referendum”,filter last week,scroll down to Good Morning Britain clip by Caesar Cigar.

Is the guy at the end one these genetically inferior folk JoLa was talking about?


I worked with ex miners from Cumnock and Auchinleck in the 90’s and heard lots of stories that would make your hair curl, tapped phones during the strike and army dressed as police at Orgreave etc.

We are up against one of the most corrupt and evil systems the world has ever seen let’s stay strong and together we will win roll on the 18th


Light relief: The Woman Who Made Up Her Mind – Paul’s story:

link to

Melvin penman

The Scotsman had the story about the young woman being attacked by the better together supporter on their website,but has now removed it. This is a disgrace.

The young woman needs support to come forward. I hope the MSM give this as much coverage as they have the murtphy egg incident. With the Orangemen due out in about a week , I am sure better together will come out and condemn these idiots, before we end up someone being killed by these thugs.

I hope that Yes Scotland can make a statement asking for Scots not to take any revenge.

Joe Swan


And while they are all there this is the sort of stuff they have been getting up to.

link to

A reminder to us all what has been going on and for how long.

Alistair Grapevine

Croompenstein says:
31 August, 2014 at 1:43 am
I worked with ex miners from Cumnock and Auchinleck in the 90?s and heard lots of stories that would make your hair curl,

my Cousin was a union man at the pit in Loanhead ( midlothian can’t remember its name ).
he sold me his car ( which he went to the picket lines in. )
i was always getting stopped by the police when i was driving it ( obviously had the car plates logged ) ,


This article also shows exactly how Rangers died, they never question a man in a suit and brown brogues. That mentality runs into how they think politically too. Never question authority or the state, just shut your mouth and be grateful you live in an amazing country like Great Britain. God bless the Queen etc etc.

Their way of thinking is dying out, Scotland will be all the better for it when we vote yes next month.