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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Fred says:

    Anent low dives, was it the Oxford Tavern that had a curtain & a bucket for the ladies?

  2. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    Aye, cheers for the link to the Plant Pot song.

    Sinister stuff – I’ll have that tune in me napper for weeks.

  3. Smallaxe says:


    This wan?
    link to

    Ian B,
    Your welcome brother, you should learn the words for your party piece.

  4. Smallaxe says:


    Here are some o’ yer pals,
    “Go Lassie go” Live music in Scotia Bar, Glasgow
    link to

    Ur you ther?

  5. Tinto Chiel says:

    Good afternoon, aesthetes.

    May I, on behalf of the PR Gaff Renaissance Committee, thank all of those who contributed suggestions towards the improvements required to make this famous locale a valuable addition to our modern life-styles.

    Some observations: totally get where you’re coming from in terms of your decision re. the plant pot, Ian. I still reckon it’s marketable once sterilised in a surgical autoclave but w/o PR ony mair we’ll need a seat as you say, her lap not being available.

    Cactus: should be nae probs with plunge pool and side-sauna but there may be a H&S issue with Embra crystal whisky tumblers in the vicinity. Ditto with cearc’s feather suggestion (possible allergic reaction situation).

    Hate to be a Doleful Dan but it’s the modern litigious world wot we live in.

    Fred: any thoughts? Your feedback/opinion is valuable to us.

    Must go: Harvey wants me to go on a truffle-hunt with him doon the braes.

  6. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great link to that site of old Glasgow pubs, Smallaxe. It’s now in my faves.

    Meant to ask: should the marag dubh tapas be the Stornoway variety? I have a Dingwall butcher option up my sleeve if required.

    Meanwhile, John and I are engaged in further product research:

    link to

  7. Smallaxe says:

    Good afternoon, Tinto,

    I had missed the suggestion from Cactus regarding a plunge pool but I think that we could skirt around the H&S regulations by just filling the said pool with booze and therefore dismissing any need for the Embra crystal glasses.

    “Swimming Pools” (Drank) Kendrick Lamar
    link to
    Say hi to Harvey for me.

  8. Tinto Chiel says:

    Just saw your latest on the way oot the door, Smallaxe. Harvey’s getting a bit excited by the thought of fungi.

    That’s a cunning plan to obviate the need for glasses. We could just make Kendrick the pool attendant, and no need for chlorine as a steriliser.

    Quite brilliant, imho. Need to do something about his language, though. A bit fruity for The Laydees.

    See youse all later, post truffles.

  9. Smallaxe says:


    Don’t forget to do the,
    “Truffle Shuffle”
    link to

  10. Fred says:

    Drum-roll in the pail at the Oxford! the very wan.

    Murdo Fraser might help out with woodland fungus, a “Truffle-Hunt!” if ever ah seen wan!

  11. Tinto Chiel says:

    Wow! That’s the kinda entry-control system we could use in the new, improved gaff, Smallaxe.

    I like this sort of shuffle masel:

    link to

    It’s my age.

  12. Smallaxe says:

    Hows about,

    Van McCoy,
    link to

    I’ll be back in about half an hour.

  13. Tinto Chiel says:

    I think that’s more a bad case of buttock fyke masel, Smallaxe.

    Back soon. Nae truffles fun the day but Harvey picked a nice basket of sumfin he calls Avenging Angel.

    Laters, haters…..

  14. Ian Brotherhood says:

    What’s happened to the lava lamp?

  15. Smallaxe says:

    The lava lamp is lurking in the ladies lavvy, Ian, for some strange reason the ladies like singing to it.

    “Lava Lamp”
    link to

  16. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    I dunno if Rev applies hammers for excessive alliteration, but he may start after that.


    PS Came to me in lightning-bolt style t’other day what this ‘novel’ is about. The message is ‘Fuck The Tories’ and always has been, I just didn’t realise it. Nowt new, but it simplifies matters a lot…

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  17. Smallaxe says:

    “Fuck The Tories” seems like a very saleable title Ian, I can see that being a best seller.

    Thank Fuck for that,
    “Lightning Bolt”
    link to

  18. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great title, Ian, but, unlike Smallaxe, I foresee difficulties at the publishing stage, unless you are employing post-modernist irony.

    Me, I’ve got post-romantic angst.

    link to

    Btw, Harvey finished all them mushrooms. now the rabbit’s wabbit oot.

  19. Smallaxe says:

    That’s a funny bunny you have there, Tinto, it’s like a,

    “Public Animal” Alice Cooper;
    link to

  20. Michael McCabe says:

    Loving all the changes going on. As long as you can still get an all day full Scottish Breakfast a brandy and a good Tune? Then I guess I am here forever

  21. cearc says:

    TC, Nae problem with ‘fruity language’ it’s a mere trifle.

  22. Tinto Chiel says:

    That footage looks a bit rough, Smallaxe. That reminds me, must get my spandex jumpsuit dry-cleaned for my spring wardrobe.

    cearc says:

    “TC, Nae problem with ‘fruity language’ it’s a mere trifle.”

    I suppose such language would be just desserts, cearc. Btw, can you supply the free range eggs for the new breakfast menu? Please advise.

    Michael: nae probs. The PRGR Steering Committee are consulting on a breakfast menu shortly but there will be some hard choices to be made, imo, e.g.:

    Fried tattie scone or oven-baked tater waffle?
    Lorne sausage or beef or pork links?
    Fried mushrroms or baked beans?
    Sliced haggis/black pudding/white pudding (Stornoway or Dingwall style?)

    As for brandy: Cognac or Armagnac?

    No-one said this was going to be easy…..

  23. cearc says:

    TC, breakfast choices.
    1. Fried tattie of course (oven-baked, wtf?)
    2. Sq sausage of course.
    3. both.
    4. both
    5. Armagnac.
    I have just about enough eggs for my breakfasts at the moment.

    Ian, How’s about ‘Frack the Tories’? Might flog a few to the environmental folk.

  24. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –


  25. Tinto Chiel says:

    cearc: thank you. Your feedback is important to us in terms of improving our service going forward. The oven-baked potato waffle was the healthy option, btw.

    Will endeavour to source free-range organic eggs elsewhere but thank you for your input.

    Onwards, the Risorgimento…

  26. Fred says:

    A pair of kippers, fried soda-scone & Laphroaig for a vegetable!

  27. cearc says:

    I don’t think the guys allow vegetables in the conservatory so we’ll have to drink the Laphroaig ourselves.

    Anyhows, I thought we were going to refer to it as the orangerie given that we aren’t in the conserving (innovative jam?) of tories business.

  28. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: you’re talking my language, although can’t say I’m a huge fan of Laphroaig, but I could nobly struggle with my distaste given the importance of my five-a-day. Didn’t know whisky had been reclassified as a vegetable. New Scottish Government measure?


    Was in the fish shop today, looking at the fine display of kippers in the window. The young ‘monger, a stalwart Yesser and fine fellow, informed me the best way to cook them IHO was to jug them in boiling water in a suitable container, placing a lid of some kind over the top and taking them off the heat. Leave them for seven minutes, drain the water and then devour them, poached egg optional.

    No more kipper stink caused by grilling/frying.

    It makes you think…

  29. CameronB Brodie says:

    Though I don’t eat meat I do find fish felicitous fair for fair-minded folk. 🙂

    Reluctant Nationalist
    I’m actually trying to articulate a post-colonial perspective through post-modern critical social theory, if you want to get picky. This outlook values difference, whereas Marxists value the principle of universality. That’s why a sense of one’s cultural roots is important, as it tempers the Marxist tendency towards uniformity and cultural insensitivity. 😉

    Meat Beat Manifesto ?- Radio Babylon (Version Galore)
    link to

  30. CameronB Brodie says:

    Reluctant Nationalist
    …I’m actually trying to articulate a post-colonial perspective through post-modern critical social theory, if you want to get picky. This outlook values difference, whereas Marxists value the principle of universality. That’s why a sense of one’s cultural roots is important, as it tempers the utilitarian, Marxist tendency towards uniformity and cultural insensitivity. Tories and Marxist-Trots, two pees in a pod, both living in a world that is rooted in ideology centered around utilitarianism, without reference to lived experience in the everyday world. ?

  31. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t know why that question-mark keeps popping up.

    Reluctant Nationalist
    Would an ideologue highlight the significance of human rights and make use of critical realist philosophy and stuff? Would a Tory or Marxist oppose Brexit? Do you think I’m a nationalist zealot?

    Culture, context and society – The underexplored potential of critical realism as a philosophical framework for theory and practice


    This article explains how the meta-theoretical framework of critical realism addresses methodological issues of concern to social psychologists and social scientists. The article outlines key tenets of critical realism – its notion of the stratified nature of reality and generative mechanisms as powers in natural and social objects that cause things; its notion of knowledge of reality as stratified rather than only empirical; its acceptance of epistemological but not judgmental relativism; and its monist ontology. The article then introduces realist social theory to provide a framework for understanding the society–person connection. It explains how issues relating to culture, context, and society raised in the indigenous psychology English literature might be addressed from a critical realist perspective. Some implications arising from adopting a critical realist perspective in research practice are outlined and social psychologists and social scientists are encouraged to explore the potential of critical realism as a meta-theoretical framework and new paradigm.

    link to

    Critical realism as a philosophy and social theory in information science?

    – The philosophical position known as critical realism is briefly introduced, and some of its central features are used to connect the philosophy and the realist social theory to some current library and information science (LIS) models of information behaviour.

    Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses a literature-based analysis of the critical realism concepts of a stratified social reality, the importance of contextualisation, and the relation between structure and agency. These features are discussed in relation to various models of information-seeking behaviour, but also to the “interpretative” approach to information as meaning
    which can only be achieved through discourses in a human community.

    Findings – The critical realism perspective could lay a fruitful foundation for an interdisciplinary research field like LIS, and its user studies in particular, concerned with many levels of information creation, seeking, use and processing. It is the task of the LIS researcher to explain the mechanisms that influence the information seeking, not only on an empirical level, by observing the user and his/her discourse community, but also by revealing possible underlying causes and relations.

    Originality/value – An awareness of the fact that social and cultural structures exist independent of one’s knowledge of them has implications on how many central problems in the LIS field are regarded and studied.

    link to

    Reconstructive Social Theory: Agency, Culture, and Social Change

    Agency, Culture, and Social Change

    The determinate choices one makes in the metatheoretical domain have implications for the social theory one erects on it. It is obvious that the ontological choices we made, the normative anthropology we elected and the existential-convivialist questions we raised will affect our conception of social action, social institutions, and social transitions. Following Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knöbl (2004: 37-38), I conceive of social theory as a systematic attempt to give a coherent answer to three central questions that each social science has to ponder:

    What are the nature and types of social action?

    How is the social order possible?

    What determines social change?

    It is understood that the answers one gives to these respective questions have to be integrated into a general theory of society. That is easier said than done. The general theories of Habermas, Bourdieu, Luhmann or Latour show that it takes a lifetime to work out the “ins and outs”, so to speak, of a systematic theory. In the absence of such a unified theory, I will now sketch out some directives for a reconstructive social theory. The main directive consists in an appeal to move away from the agency-structure template. Far too much ink has been spilled on that issue (e.g. O’Donnell, 2010). To move away from the scholastic exercise, I propose three integrated displacements: from action to interaction; from structure to culture; and from order to social change….

    link to

  32. Cactus says:

    Champagne jacuzzi & steam room to add per chance…

    Costumes may be worn at all times.


    31018 🙂

  33. The Isolator says:

    Not everyone’s cup of tea but some good stuff in here.

    link to

  34. Tinto Chiel says:

    Cameron: do you think Reluctant Nationalist likes jugged kippers?

    I note Yesindyref2 pulled his chain last night and he responded somewhat coarsely, not the mark of a gentleman, scholar or acrobat.

    Cactus: I note the ambiguity of “Costumes MAY be worn at all times.”

    Care to explain yourself?

  35. Fred says:

    Another couple of weeks & the Cod-Roe will be back on the menu, sliced & fried in breadcrumbs with some Ayrshire Bacon & a glass of something sparkly! Is that yer Ayrshire Bacon or are ye just warmin yer hauns? did I hear U say.

  36. Tinto Chiel says:

    One of my Dear Old Dad’s favourite sayings, Fred . He used to tease his sister in law, who always wore a housecoat which got grubby with the smuts from the range.

    “Haw, Tina, I see you paid the coal man!” was one of his refrains.

    Things were simpler in them there days.

    Top breakfast suggestion too.

  37. Cactus says:

    Hey TC, am demonstrating that anything is poss in an iScotland.

    To always have the freedom of choice.

    Yes you may… you choose.

    Taps aff!

  38. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just realised a few days ago that ‘navvy’ is from ‘navigator’.

    Can’t believe I didn’t make the connection before now, esp given that my maternal granda was a navvy, well, a ‘pipe-layer’.

    Great images with this version…

    The Pogues, ‘Navigator’ –

    link to

  39. Tinto Chiel says:

    Cactus says, “Taps aff!”

    Currently working on the old pects to show off my new Bri-Nylon mankini collection for Palermo this May, young man.

    May take some time, tbh…

  40. Tinto Chiel says:

    My mantra while working out:

    link to

    Twerking ain’t as easy as it looks, btw.

  41. Tinto Chiel says:

    Meant to say, Ian B: you may like a new book on John Maclean by Gerry Cairns, “The Red and The Green” available from Calton Books (seems strangely unavailable on Amazon but I like to give CB the business any way).

  42. Tinto Chiel says:

    Reality bites:

    link to

    I’ve already had my mid-life crisis: wore brown Argyle socks with black patent leather shoes when I hit 50.

  43. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sublime waawaa:

    link to

  44. Cactus says:

    I now see it was a part of the seventh rock from the sun that got me.

    Cheers for ‘Mon the World Cup 2018 too.

    The planets are lining up.

  45. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –

    Cheers, I’ll add that to the list.

    Maclean is someone I know next to nothing about apart from the usual. If only we had someone like him right now. Mhairi Black’s about the closest I can think of…


  46. Tinto Chiel says:

    You only need three more to have the complete set, Ian:

    John MacLean/Maclean by John Broom
    Ditto by his daughter Nan Milton
    In The Rapids of Revolution by the man himself.

    He was a man of unbending principle and intellect who was vindictively imprisoned by a terrified establishment and hounded to the grave. Even my Tory-voting parents respected him as a man of honest conviction and bravery.

    In the past thirty years I’ve loaned out several copies of the above and never got them back 😛

    If you’re lucky you can track down fairly cheap copies on Amazon and Abebooks. Prices fluctuate wildly according to short-term availability.

  47. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –

    Cheers indeed. If I’m good I’ll maybe get one or more for my birthday.

    BTW, the easiest was to twerk is to get someone else to do it for you. But if you’re determined to master it, practise makes perfect – you’ll know you’re getting good if you can sit on the bottom step of the stairs then make your way to the top without actually moving yer legs.


  48. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks Ian: working on my gluteus maximus as we TYPE, as BDTT would say. His Titan Uranus photo reminded me of my unfortunate time in a Turkish prison: a simple misunderstanding if ever there as one.

    BTW, your advice doesn’t work for this guy:

    link to


  49. Smallaxe says:

    That’s where I’ve gone wrong! I started at the top and worked my way down, very quickly I may add.

    link to

  50. cearc says:

    ‘…you can sit on the bottom step of the stairs then make your way to the top without actually moving yer legs.’

    Aye, stair lifts are great!

  51. Smallaxe says:


    “Chairlift Bruises”
    link to

  52. Fred says:

    @ Tinto, if this Jerry Cairns is an Irish guy, I met him years ago in this bothy, I was completely knackered & starving having walked all day & passed the place bye, there were Irish guys hingin oot an upstairs windae, no other building around so I walked back & asked politely if this was the bothy. “What dye think it is the fookin Ritz!” came the reply. So thinkin this is gonnae be some night wi this lot I sat doonstairs heid in hauns! After a period of silence the call came from above “Are you gonna sit down there all night like a Trappist nun or come up here & get yer dinner!” Ice broken & a great night.

    If on the other hand it isnae him I shall still get the book! Is he signing it?

  53. Lucia Daines says:

    Anyone drop this outside…
    link to

  54. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Lucia, I never dropped it but I picked this up;
    Janis Joplin:”Ball and Chain” (at Monterey)
    link to

  55. Smallaxe says:

    Devo:”Whip it”
    link to

  56. Lucia Daines says:

    According to the advert you need a new housekeeper – the map brought me here.

  57. Smallaxe says:

    Lucia, you came to;

    “The Right Place”
    link to
    If you came in Peace.

  58. Smallaxe says:

    You are welcome here if you did,

    “I come in Peace” Joe Cocker;
    link to

  59. yesindyref2 says:

    I waited in all day for the flaming NHS to come and do my hoovering. What did they do? They sent me this flaming link.

    link to

  60. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, it’d be cool if that sort of thing went virus for those who do twotter.


  61. Smallaxe says:


    I agree with that but what they sent you was a shame.

    “It’s a Shame” The Detroit Spinners;
    link to

  62. yesindyref2 says:

    Apparently they’re going to give this to patients in A&E triage

    link to

  63. Smallaxe says:


    That’s “The Games People Play”
    link to
    Are you still there, Lucia?

  64. Thepnr says:

    Hey Smallaxe nice to see you 🙂 Got a wee tune for you, can’t believe this is almost 50 years old. Seems like yesterday.

    link to

  65. Thepnr says:

    @Smallaxe 11:34

    “Whip It” was that a cover of the original by the Flowerpot Men?

  66. Smallaxe says:

    Thepnr, Hi!

    This was 47yrs ago and feels the same way.
    link to

  67. Smallaxe says:

    These Flowerpot men?
    link to
    Don’t know!

  68. Smallaxe says:

    Or these?
    link to

  69. Thepnr says:


    That gave me the goose pimples because it was so long since I heard it and it brings memories back. The French bit made me think of this. A song my old man loved that I played once before.

    Found a live version this time which must be rare. Enjoy a classic.

    link to

  70. Thepnr says:

    Your second link was closest Bill and Ben was what “Whip It” reminded me of because of their headgear lol.

  71. Smallaxe says:


    This French song gave me more than goosebumps back then
    link to

    The memories…

  72. Smallaxe says:


    I thought you meant them. We’re all wearing tinfoil headgear now.

    link to

  73. Thepnr says:

    Everybody that posts on Off Topic is marked!

    Your either a hippie; punk; peacenik; pacifist; anarchist; atheist or communist.

    Listen to the shit that politicians speak and wonder what’s changed?

    link to

    That’s you telt!

  74. Smallaxe says:


    link to

  75. Thepnr says:


    Have you saw this one before?

    link to

  76. Smallaxe says:

    I was marked long before Off Topic!
    hippie; peacenik; pacifist; anarchist; atheist, guilty as charged several times.
    “The Story of My Life” (THEY wrote it for me)
    link to

  77. Smallaxe says:


    Never heard it played like that, it’s new to me but I’m A;
    “20th Century man”
    link to

  78. Smallaxe says:

    John Trudell and Bad Dog:”Wild Seed”
    link to
    True Story!
    Peace out People.

  79. Thepnr says:

    Christ is that the time 🙂

    Off to bed. Watch this but you need to put it on full screen to appreciate it. It’s no bad if your looking for memories.

    link to

  80. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, well …

    link to

  81. Tinto Chiel says:

    For you, Fred:

    link to

    Sorry I missed the party last night guys but Salma Hajek unexpectedly appeared at the house to help me and Harvey re-catalogue my butterfly collection. She loves a clouded yellow, so she does.

    Fred: ever slept in the bothy near Sandwood Bay?

  82. Smallaxe says:

    Good morning, Tinto,

    I’ve got,
    “Friday on my Mind”
    link to

  83. Tinto Chiel says:

    Some crowd there, Billy but I fear young Gary does not share our strange, almost unnatural beauty. Just the guy to sit beside for the team photo.

    Hear that colossal dorkspangler Farage on Pravdasound4 a couple of hours ago and this ditty came to mind:

    link to

    Anyhow, must get on. Have to cleanse the Augean stables wot are Tinto Towers afore the Home Secretary gets back from work. Ma wee feather duster’s almost wore oot.

  84. Smallaxe says:

    Tell him I said …
    link to

  85. Fred says:

    @ Tinto, thanks for that, I know the pub! never been in it though.

    Sandwood Bay would be Strathan, haunted bay? been in the other two as well & Kearvaig which is 5 star, off the Cape Wrath track. Halcyon days, where have they gone!

  86. Smallaxe says:

    Fred says:
    “@ Tinto, thanks for that, I know the pub! never been in it though.”

    That’ll be a first, Fred.

  87. Tinto Chiel says:

    Only twice, Smallaxe?

    Ou sont les neiges d’antan, Fred, eh?

    Looking for new hillwalking partners: had to ditch my last lot ‘cos they were closet Cringers and Brexiteers. Almost blood on the cairns on Ben Ledi last year.

    I feel better now……

  88. Smallaxe says:

    Yes, Tinto,
    only twice, I am sick fed up to the teeth wasting my breath on the psychopathic paedophilic lying cheating arrogant bastards that somehow think that they are in power in my country. The people are the power in any country, without the people they have no power.

    They have proved for centuries that they use any power given to them to control the masses and fill the bank accounts of the rich.
    Power is a wonderful thing and the people must take it back and use it wonderfully for the benefit of all, not the few.

  89. Smallaxe says:

    John Trudell
    link to


  90. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: amen to all that, but at times I feel it will be easier to raise the dead than get some Scots to open their eyes and see how they’re being shafted and rooked.

    No surprise John Trudell is a Native American. Funny how these “primitive cultures” understand completely how all life is interconnected and should be respected, otherwise the planet is doomed.

  91. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”

    A saying of the Cree people.

  92. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto Chiel,

    I have always considered myself as part of an ancient and primitively wise culture. “I have no degree or even an o level but I know an enemy when I see it”. Smallaxe of the Twelve Tribes.

    “They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they kept but one–They promised to take our land…and they took it”. Chief Red Cloud, Sioux.

  93. Smallaxe says:

    A Tribe Called Red: “Sisters”
    link to

    Namaste, my Sisters, you are the Mothers of all Mankind

  94. Marie Clark says:

    Hi chaps, whit in the name o’ the wee man, hiv youse lot been up tae. Rearangin the hoose, ur ye quite share that Paula Rose has indeed shot the craw? Goad help the lot o’ you if she comes back.

    Well, I seem to have lost my avatar, and canne mind how tae get it back. That would be a senior moment, sheesh. I’ve been kinda keepin an eye on the MT, but, jeez oh, this bloody nonsense is burstin my wee heid. When is independence day, is it ony time soon? I think I might jist huv tae tak a long walk aff a short pier.

    link to

    They’ll no gte me mind, I’m no gon, and onywise I’m wearing my tinfoil hat, so there.

  95. Marie Clark says:

    Oh look at that, my avatar has come back a’ by it’s wee self, Yipee.

  96. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Marie,

    Just a wee change of emphasis, nothing to worry about.

    Spirit I Am;
    link to
    Namaste, Sister.

  97. Smallaxe says:

    “Could You Be Loved”
    link to

    Don’t let them fool ya,

    Or even try to school ya! Oh, no!

    We’ve got a mind of our own,
    So go to hell if what you’re thinking is not right!
    Love would never leave us alone,
    A-yin the darkness there must come out to light.

    “The Honourable Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley OM (Order of Merit)”

    He that does truth comes into the light

  98. Smallaxe says:

    For the younger O/T’ers:

    Is this song about You!

    “This Song”
    link to

    Change it!

  99. Ian Foulds says:

    Maybe this is how we should approach Naysayers –

    Extract from Wings Twitter: quote –

    Replying to @rosscolquhoun

    He inadvertently makes the argument for a single market on these islands (sorry); independent nations trading together voluntarily, but not linked politically.linked politically. He doesn’t realise that’s what we’ve been arguing all along.’


    I repeat,

    ‘…a single market on these islands (sorry); independent nations trading together voluntarily, but not linked politically.’

  100. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great to see that clip of Napoleon again, Marie. Reminds me of myself shortly before retirement.

    Quite agree about all these unnecessary changes to Paula’s bijou maisonette: don’t know what Smallaxe is thinking of really. I’ve fought it all the way of course but, well, wotyagonnado? 😛

    “When a man moves away from Nature, his heart becomes hard.”
    (Lakota saying.)

    Ironically, when the US Govt. “resettled” the Navajo and Hopi (they of the nice silver jewellery) onto what it thought was worthless tracts of Arizona, it was unaware that it was full of oil and gas, which I believe is still unexploited and lying under the surface. Must try the planet-strippers mad.

    NMPKT California has more NA reservations than any other state and, since the growing of medicinal cannabis is now legal there, huge areas of scrubby land is now being covered in cannabis farms, and in Arizona too, I think.

    Karma karma karma.

  101. Fred says:

    Life’s too short to socialise wi Yoons Tinto, fuck them!

    Some nice pics of Kearvaig Bothy by the sea, the right-hand bit of this bothy was once the school-room & the cliffs to the west are the highest in mainland Scotland I think? Hope this works? it should be https

    link to

    Charles Trenet’s “La Mer!” would go with this Smallaxe.

  102. Smallaxe says:

    Here you are, Fred,

    Charles Trenet:”La Mer”
    link to

    Gie’s a shout if ye waant any mer.

  103. Smallaxe says:


    I notice that in your reply to Marie that you have (inadvertently I’m sure) slipped in a gigantic terminological inexactitude, I’m certain that you will strive to correct this nonsensical statement tout suite.

    “Liar, Liar, pants on fire” Chingachgook, last of the Mohicans.

    Ian Foulds, good idea Ian, thanks, nice to see you over here.

  104. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: that’s a lovely spot, a bit like Camasunary on Skye, but more remote.

    Sandwood Bay stuck in my mind because, in the early 70s I couldn’t sleep one night and put on Radio Clyde at 2 or 3 in the morning. “Night Hawk” had a feature on the haunting stories around there and after half an hour of that I lay awake until morning.

    Have never worn PJs again…..

  105. Tinto Chiel says:

    “I notice that in your reply to Marie that you have (inadvertently I’m sure) slipped in a gigantic terminological inexactitude, I’m certain that you will strive to correct this nonsensical statement tout suite.”

    *Takes massive beamer*

    I feel it, and admit it, Smallaxe mon vieux. Don’t know what came over me, tbh. Perhaps the fear of a 9″ stiletto heel up my schnozzle, but that’s no excuse. Hoping we can work through our differences to achieve a resolution in terms of amity going forward.

    At least we’ll always have Gretna……

    Btw, don’t Lucia Daines high heels remind you of Someone’s?

    Or is it just me?

  106. Tinto Chiel says:

    Since youse have pure brung up Mr Trenet’s chansons, Smallaxe, I append the following, about an artiste de pissoir who took his horse into a Med. night club or boite de nuit as we say in Cadzow. Things goes downhill from there.

    Many years later he spins his grandweans a tale of his exploits as a pirate but the horse makes a comeback.

    Chateau Lafite also plays an important role, it has to be said.

    link to

    Or you can just sample the joie de vivre.

  107. Thepnr says:


    There’s wishful thinking and there’s the reality. Some light relief 🙂

    link to

  108. Marie Clark says:

    Aye Smallaxe, I did notice Tinto’s er. wee fib. I’ve been keeping an eye on what you boys have been up to. You’ll be in deep doo doo if Paula turns up.

    link to

  109. Smallaxe says:


    If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Grab a unicorn!

    Riding the Unicorn
    link to
    It’s Magic

  110. Smallaxe says:

    Now that you mention it I thought that I caught a glimpse of a shapely well-heeled ankle disappearing into the ladies powder room last night.

    Mmmm… muses thereon.

  111. Smallaxe says:


    I’ll be okay because I’m,

    “Not Guilty” George Harrison;
    link to

  112. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: 😉

    Getting your drift.

    Could it be?

  113. Smallaxe says:


    I think that there is a good chanceibility of that! We may get another visit tonight, hopefully.

  114. Tinto Chiel says:

    The games afoot, Watson…

    Bring your army revolver.

  115. Tinto Chiel says:

    Where’s my apostrophe?

    Where’s my motivation?

  116. Smallaxe says:


    “Where’s your head at”?
    link to

  117. Thepnr says:


    Guess I was a little slow on the uptake, did a hard reboot and everything seems to be operating normally now.

    We should never have let the place get in such a mess last night anyhow.

    link to

  118. Fred says:

    C’est magnifique guys, Trenet is the jinkies! afraid my linguistic skills went nae further than wid-work!

  119. Smallaxe says:

    “If You Go Away” Dusty;
    link to

    “Come Back” The Equals;
    link to

  120. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Where’s your head at”?

    Och, Smallaxe, I just don’t know anymore…

    Thepnr: please don’t blame yourself. My Speedoes were a terrible mistake when I see yon clip.

    I think a period of self-reflection is required.

  121. Thepnr says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    LOL that guy was some dancer though 🙂

  122. Tinto Chiel says:

    *En route to cocktail cabinet*

    Dinna fash , Fred, this is all you need:

    link to

    Going to have a margarita evening and hearken unto the music of the spheres.

    C youse aa ramorra.

  123. Smallaxe says:


    I only knew French Letters.

  124. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr, you’re very kind but…

    *sinks third cocktail*

    Regarding FLs (afore I finally go): a friend of mine was restoring an old farm house near Bergerac. ‘Cos he tried to speak French and was Scottish, the locals liked him a lot and he invited them to the finished article after about 18 months. He was explaining how he had applied preservative to the lovely wooden floor when the room went all quiet. In French, “preservatif” means a condom. Preservative is “conservateur”.


    Laters, haters…

  125. Smallaxe says:

    Cleaner wanted: Apply within.

    “Welcome to the Club”
    link to

  126. Smallaxe says:

    “Saturday Saturday” Indeep Bakshi, Akriti Kakkar & Badshah;
    link to

  127. Smallaxe says:

    This Flashmob Is Dedicated To Women’s Power And Peace On Earth;
    link to

  128. Smallaxe says:

    Bob Dylan:”Tangled up in Blue”
    link to
    And Red: Not for much longer!

  129. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: bait not taken, I see.

    Last we’ll see of that party, I fear.

  130. Tinto Chiel says:

    Meant to say: your 8.48 was very subtle, Smallaxe. There may yet be hope.

    Have placed an ad in The Lady, too:

    “Housekeeper required for Highland cottage. Light duties, French lessons p.m., flexible hours, Tuesdays off.”

    Apply to B. Traven, Box 69, Helsinki.


  131. Smallaxe says:


    I’ll do what any other poacher would and change the bait. Patience is a virtue.

    Nas-Patience ft. Damian Marley;
    link to

  132. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, RE. Your ad.

    Gies a job, ah kin dae that!
    link to

  133. Tinto Chiel says:

    The only Patience I ever knew certainly had no virtue. Still got the limp.

    But hope springs, etc.

    Tonight bring your plumber’s rocket. Knock three times and ask for Sylvester.

  134. Tinto Chiel says:

    Can Harvey come along to the may AUOB, Smallaxe?

    He likes all the colourful flags and there may still be daffodils in Kelvingrove Park.

  135. Smallaxe says:

    Rocket in the pocket, Sylvester.

    “Knock Three Times” Tony Orlando and Dawn;
    link to

    Btw, you may have noticed that I’m about as subtle as a brick in the face.

  136. Tinto Chiel says:

    You’re storming the M/T today: great to see you in top form.

    Subtlety is often over-rated in this mad world.

    Btw, had a wee party of long-tailed tits in the garden yesterday: lovely wee things, like tiny helicopters.

    Time for Gaia to take charge.

  137. Smallaxe says:

    Your lucky to have long-tailed Tits in your garden, Tinto. I’ve still got that big feckin’ chicken ruling the roost in my little garden. The oven beckons!

    Gaia? Tellus about her.

  138. Smallaxe says:

    “Hasta Siempre Comandante” Jahmila;
    link to

  139. Tinto Chiel says:

    Gaia? Tellus about her.

    Smooth, Smallaxe, very smooth. Saw what you did there.

    Remember Operation Stiletto tonight.

  140. Lucia Daines says:

    All of you – outside and play, this place needs a clean and what have you done with those palms!

  141. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Lucia,

    So pleased to see you back, the jobs yours if you still want it.

    “Ain’t No Sun Since You’ve Been Gone”
    link to

  142. Lucia Daines says:

    Well someone’s got to do it Smallaxe now lift those feet while I vacuum under that chair – busy bee me.

  143. Lucia Daines says:

    Just trying out a wee test.

  144. Smallaxe says:

    Test passed with merit, Lucia, I hope you’ve made your mind up.

    “Windmills of your Mind”
    link to

  145. Smallaxe says:

    My dear Tinto, my deepest and sincere apologies old chap but I’ve just noticed that I missed a post from your good self at 10:51 am this very morning.
    I do hope that Harvey took no offence when I did not immediately reply to your missive, of course, Harvey will most certainly be more than welcome to accompany us to the AUOB rally.

    I’m acutely aware of his liking for a parade and banners and suchlike and if there does happen to be a few daffs still around then I can just imagine his excitement. Please extend my warmest regards to him. I remember the last occasion when he was slightly upset and we certainly wouldn’t want to see any repeat of that behaviour.

    Drone footage shows Harvey’s destruction;
    link to

  146. Tinto Chiel says:

    Nae probs, Smallaxe. Harvey’s playing quite happily in his ball-pit at the mo. He can get a bit tetchy if he gets over-tired, as your footage shows.

    I also note an enquiry from a Miss/Ms Lucy Daines regarding operational matters at the Paula Rose Memorial Gaff. Who is this charming young lady, Smallaxe?

    I think in future Qs on the running of this valuable cultural resource should be passed to the Steering Committee, mon vieux.

    Can’t be too careful.

    BTW, the Speedoes are history…..

  147. Lucia Daines says:

    Who left these under the sofa?

  148. Tinto Chiel says:

    Dear Miss Daines,

    Thank you for the enquiry.

    Are they animal, vegetable or mineral?

    PS: the palms are out for re-potting at the moment, although normally it is best to address Operational Matters to the Steering Committee.

    Let me assure you no final decisions have been made as to the internal configuration of the PRMG at this time.

    Thank you for your interest.

  149. Lucia Daines says:

    Tinto Chiel Take those clumpy boots off forthwith.

  150. Tinto Chiel says:

    I don’t think we’ve been introduced properly but these “clumpy boots” of which you speak are in fact the finest Persian lounging baffies.

  151. Lucia Daines says:

    You thought you had it easy with Paula pfft!

  152. Tinto Chiel says:

    Paula was not only a beauty but a cultural icon. Her gaff played host to the leading figures of 21st century Scottish Thought: Brotherhood, Smallaxe, Thepnr, BDTT und so weiter, and (soggy vollyvongs apart) her parties were legendary.

    And you are?

  153. Ian Brotherhood says:

    We’ve probably had this one before, but not this video.

    Slade, ‘Cum On Feel The Noize’ –

    link to

  154. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Shut yer eyes, this could be Big Country!

    Slade, ‘Run Runaway’ –

    link to

  155. cearc says:

    Good to see we have a new housekeeper. Stilletos on steroids no less.

    That should stop you guys leaving coffee cups full of dog-ends lying around.

    Oh, and don’t forget to plump up the cushions before you pass out.

  156. Fred says:

    Nothing is more off-putting in regard to social discourse than a too moist vol au vent!

  157. Smallaxe says:

    Cushion plumping and Persian lounging baffies! I thought that I’d woke up in a different dimension.

    Wit’s happinin’?
    link to

    A’hm feart!

  158. Smallaxe says:

    I’m just going to pretend that everything is back to normal and play some music.

    Jim Croce:”You Don’t Mess Around With Jim”
    link to

    Things already seem back to normal.

  159. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Just a word about River City. The set and the production values are terrific and I thought that Sandy Morton doing the gangster Billy Kennedy was the best villain I had ever seen on the screen till I see Alex Ferns doing Rick Harper at the moment. Absolutely superb.
    Getting addicted. Going to have to organise a visit to the set.

  160. Smallaxe says:

    Dave Mc.H.,

    Hi, Dave, I’ve never seen River City but my mother in law is addicted to it. I hope you get a chance to visit the set, let us know how you get on.

    “Rockabilly Blues”
    link to

  161. Smallaxe says:


    I hope this makes up for the soggy vol au vents.

    Nicky Tams a Bothy Ballad;
    link to

  162. Michael McCabe says:

    Taxi. And don’t spare the horses. link to

  163. Lucia Daines says:

    As if…
    link to

  164. Smallaxe says:

    Talking equine,

    Jerry Reed:”Mule Skinner Blues”
    link to

  165. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  166. Smallaxe says:

    Rules of the Dance;
    link to

  167. Smallaxe says:

    Can you hear it?
    link to

  168. Michael McCabe says:

    Morning Smallaxe. Here is one from your Modern one man band link to

  169. Michael McCabe says:

    this Song is based on a true story. link to

  170. Michael McCabe says:

    I will bid you all a great Weekend and leave you with. Your Baby ain’t sweet like Mine. link to

  171. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Michael,

    I hope everything is good and this new year continues to be so for you, my friend.

    Mark Knopfler:”Bluebird”
    link to
    Also true.

  172. Smallaxe says:

    Goodnight all, I leave you with,

    Dennis ‘Cannonball’ Caplinger:”Money” (Pink Floyd Bluegrass Cover)
    link to

  173. Lucia Daines says:

    link to

  174. Smallaxe says:

    Ronnie Davis:”You’ve Got To Come Back”
    link to

  175. Lucia Daines says:

    link to

  176. Smallaxe says:

    Cher: “Bang Bang”
    link to

  177. Ghillie says:


    Coo’s tail here =)

  178. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Ghillie,

    How’s your world? Here’s mine;
    link to

  179. Ghillie says:

    Cool =)

    Lived in Trinidad when I was a wee girl. The colours and quality of light take me back 🙂

    It was Calypso music and steel bands in those days!

    Fair warms you up on a January night!

  180. Smallaxe says:

    It’s a state of mind, Ghillie, I carry great memories of Jamaica that I draw on when required.

    Bob Marley’s Place, Nine Miles, Jamaica;
    link to


  181. Smallaxe says:


    Imagination (A Caribbean Lullaby)
    link to

  182. Smallaxe says:

    “Broken Down Angel” Nazareth;
    link to

  183. Ghillie says:

    Thank you Smallaxe =) xxx

  184. Smallaxe says:

    Your welcome, Ghillie, have a lovely peaceful Sunday.

    “Sunday Morning Love You”
    link to

  185. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Smallaxe:”The salt is on the briar rose, The fog is in the fir trees.”

    Don’t want to come over as a bit of a Grumpus but shouldn’t Miss Daines work a probationary period as “new housekeeper”? I suggest a vollyvong test, followed by a margarita tasting.

    There are clear procedure for this kind of thing, you know.

    Or has a fait never been more accompli?

  186. Tinto Chiel says:

    In other words:

    link to


  187. Fred says:

    @ Smallaxe, Nicky Tam has obviously been blindfolded through the cauf-hoose door & has had the horsemans-word whispered in his lug!

  188. Smallaxe says:


    “The road has many strange happenings but none stranger than at the X ROAD”

    Re, Ms Daines,
    Que Sera Sera;
    link to

  189. Smallaxe says:


    So Mote It Be!

    NAZARETH: ” Bad Bad Boy ”
    link to

  190. cearc says:


    Tests, probationary periods?
    You clearly have no idea how hard it is to get staff these days!

  191. Tinto Chiel says:

    cearc: quite so. Still putting up with the less than scintillating performance of Treacle, the “temping” butler at Tinto Towers, but sole applicant at the time and now unsackable.

    I asked him for a Gibson and he whipped out a guitar.

    I think Smallaxe’s Que Sera philosophy might be the sagest route through the bristling forest of staff acquisition.

    Things would have been so much simpler if Paula Rose had just come back…..

    *sighs, stares out of French windows at a bleaker world*

  192. cearc says:

    Whatismore, despite having no references, she does have her own cap and pinny.

    I, personally, am inclined to honour her with a new feather duster just for putting in an appearance.

  193. Tinto Chiel says:

    *lightbulb moment*

    But can she speak Gaelic? Sine qua non, surely?

  194. Tinto Chiel says:

    Btw, did you know there is no word for sine qua non in Gaelic?


  195. Smallaxe says:


    I can barely speak English for fecks sake, methinks your standards may be too high even for Mary Poppins. Let’s just get the show on the road and get back to being unnaturalies.

    The sea of space is my sea;
    link to

    I warned you about strange things at the X ROADS

  196. Smallaxe says:

    Gone Fishing, Laters!
    Chris Rea;
    link to

  197. Tinto Chiel says:


    Twilight zone stuff, indeed, Smallaxe.

  198. Licia Daines says:

    What’s with the plastic cups and glasses – they will have to go, standards please.

  199. Tinto Chiel says:

    If we had standards we wouldn’t be here, love.

  200. Thepnr says:

    O/T haha

    Here’s an interesting Wiki link, well I thought so anyway.

    link to

  201. Lucia Daines says:

    Everybody knows…
    link to

  202. hackalumpoff says:

    Oi you lot,
    Hands off Lucia she comes highly recommended by my cousin DJT from Tong. And she’s a Ginger like her sister Mary link to

    Lucia, for you: link to
    Sleep tight.

  203. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Being the Proud Pedant that I am, an’ thah’, is it

    Asking for a friend but also, a welcome to all the new usernames ‘off-topic’.

  204. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Last minute of this one, right here…how it will feel on indy day, when it all sinks in…

    Stone Roses. ‘I Am The Resurrection’ (Live) –

    link to

  205. Michael McCabe says:

    Prejudice. Ha ha not what you think. link to

  206. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @M McC –



  207. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hi, Thepnr.

    What gets me about yon list of endorsements for Yes in 2014 is how relatively few writers were prepared to commit themselves. I’m pretty sure Iain Banks would have been out and proud had he not died in the spring of 2013 but where are the likes of Rankin, Mina and Brookmyre?

    I attended a lecture given by the last-named last year. He talked for an hour, all very professional and with humorous antidotes no doubt, but not a mention of the principal political, cultural and economic question to face Scotland in the last 300 years. Englishman Will Self has produced more supportive and lucid thoughts on independence than any of that trio, for example (Scottish wife).

    Are such writers feart of losing sales, uninterested in the question or (heavens forfend) closet Yoonsters?

    Can anyone enlighten me?

  208. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Tinto Chiel enlighten you. Yes but only if you buy my new book. Ha ha

  209. Smallaxe says:

    I worry more about when the W/Minster Worms will start burning books!

    I prefer;
    Burning Spear:”Legal Hustlers” (There’s a lot of THEM about)
    link to

  210. Fred says:

    @ Tinto, Val McDermott has clearly supported independence, Mina has UJ drawers!

  211. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: how do you know? Have you seen them?

    Michael: have title, will order 😛 !

  212. Thepnr says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    Having nothing much better to do I decided to look at the Wiki pages of all the authors that supported Yes and No in the last referendum. Some interesting facts arise.

    There were 56 authors listed as supporting No, breakdown by country of birth:

    England 38 (68%)
    Scotland 8 (14%)
    Other 10 (18%)

    Of those 23 that supported a Yes vote the breakdown was:

    Scotland 17 (74%)
    England 4 (17%)
    Other 2 (9%)

    Of the 8 Scots authors that supported a NO vote, 2 were educated at Oxford, 2 at Cambridge, 1 in Birmingham, 2 in Glasgow and 1 in Edinburgh.

    Those educated in Scotland were Neil Oliver who needs no introduction. Someone called Brian Lang who was a former Principle of St Andrews University though not without controversy.

    “During his first year at St Andrews, Lang was accused of sexual harassment by a member of the University’s administrative staff.[11] Shortly before the start of the resulting employment tribunal, Lang made an out of court settlement with his accuser.”

    The third is TV and film director Ewan Morrison, his Wiki page has an interesting snippet.

    “He was originally a supporter of Scottish independence, however, he later publicly stated that he had changed his mind and voted for the union with the UK.”

    Wonder if Eean has changed his mind back again yet?

  213. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks for your analysis, Thepnr.

    I had great respect for George Monbiot during that campaign.

    I believe Ewan McGregor is now a Yes. James McAvoy, formerly a strongly dismissive No at one stage, seemed to be swithering last I heard.

    But who knows what goes on in the secrecy of the voting booth? I still remember Jonathan Watson’s Only an Excuse sketch on Hogmanay 2014 when he played the Yesser with all the slogans and the pumping fist going into the booth, voting No, and then walking sheepishly out.

    I know two people who admitted to doing that but then claimed they had cwied and cwied and cwied afterwards.

    End of two beautiful friendships……

    Don’t waste my time, suckas.

  214. Thepnr says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    Another way to look at the support of Scots born authors who voiced an opinion. Just over 2/3 of them supported a YES vote.

    That’s encouraging.

  215. Tinto Chiel says:

    And anurrahing about the 2014 OAE show.

    There was a sketch where the wife is gently imploring her husband (Jonathan Watson), who is sitting in front of a Christmas tree and lots of decorations, that, “It’s time to take them down now, darling.”

    He eventually reluctantly agrees. Punch line is he goes up to the window and reluctantly takes down all his yes posters.

    We laughed at Tinto Towers because we only took down our Yes posters fore and aft when we put up the Christmas decorations in the second week of December, mainly because, the day after the referendum, a dorkspangler of a neighbour asked me when I was taking them out of my windows because Scotland had voted No and I should get over it.

    It’s a funny old game, Saint…..

  216. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr: agreed, but I just naively thought more Scottish writers would have officially endorsed the Yes campaign. After all, for all they knew, this was a “once in a generation” vote.

    Lots of fence-sitters remain, it seems to me (e.g. the names I mentioned).

    I freely admit, my patience is really running out. When I see and experience the commitment and enthusiasm of many Wingers who are just ordinary folk (and many of them older folk, often not in great health) I am underwhelmed by the response of a group in society who could really persuade many switherers if they came out for Yes.

  217. Tinto Chiel says:

    FTS: RIP Cyrille Regis, a fantastic footballer and dignified fighter against the dreadful racism of Britain in the 70s.


  218. Thepnr says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    I freely admit, my patience is really running out. When I see and experience the commitment and enthusiasm of many Wingers who are just ordinary folk (and many of them older folk, often not in great health) I am underwhelmed by the response of a group in society who could really persuade many switherers if they came out for Yes.

    Very good point, it’s time for all of them to get off the fence and let’s have many more arguing for a positive future for an Independent Scotland.

  219. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr: after all, we’ll be old one day 😉 .

  220. Fred says:

    Bet ye a nicker!

  221. Smallaxe says:

    It’s worse than that!

    Steve Earle:”I’ll never get out of this world alive”;
    link to

  222. Thepnr says:

    Auld mens songs, Scottish of course 🙂

    link to

  223. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I regret that I won’t be around in 100 years, to read the histories of Scotland, from the reconvening of the parliament in 1999.

    It would be fascinating to read how Scotland changed, politically, particularly post 2007. The first indyref campaign would be interesting, looking at the arguments put forward by both sides.

    The way the YES campaign girded its loins and kept on after the 2014 NO vote, through the 2015 GE phenomenon, then the doldrums of 2016/17, leading up to indyref2 in late 2018/early 2019, when Scots finally unchained the unicorn.

    Then, as an independent sovereign nation, Scotland taking its place in the EU and the UN.

    I’d read ’em…

  224. Smallaxe says:


    I think we would all like to read that, Brian.

    Matt McGinn:”Depth Of My Ego”
    link to

  225. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr: where did you get that footage of BDTT, Smallaxe, Fred and Kelly Brook?

    Was probs at my Pilates class that night.


  226. Smallaxe says:

    Pilates class that night you say, Tinto,

    Did ye, aye?

    Nothing to do with the Tag that’s on your left leg because of your association with the East Kilbride Lampost Loiterers?

    Two Songs from our Cousins across the Water;
    Goats don’t Shave:”The Volunteer”
    link to

    Goats Don’t Shave: The Evictions
    link to

  227. cearc says:

    link to

  228. cearc says:

    link to

  229. Fred says:


  230. Smallaxe says:

    Thanks cearc,
    Tragic for her family and friends, sad for all of us who loved her voice. Irreplaceable.

    The Cranberries:”Dreams”
    link to

  231. Smallaxe says:

    A bright start to the Day

    Bob Marley – Waiting in Vain
    link to

    Scotland won’t wait in Vain!
    Hammers coming: It ran away from me, sorry Rev. Stu.

  232. Smallaxe says:

    Two Tone!

    The Selecter:”On My Radio”
    link to

    C’mon peeps, it’s nearly tomorrow. Get Up!

  233. Smallaxe says:

    All we are Saying!
    link to

    Not much to ask for, is it?

  234. Smallaxe says:

    “Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed”
    link to

    This is not a drill!

  235. Tinto Chiel says:

    Very sad news about Dolores. At least artists leave a legacy.

    Thanks for the wake-up call, Smallaxe.

    *adjusts Persian lounging baffies and exquisite crepe de Chine dressing-gown, lights Balkan Sobranie*

    Cold and snowy where I am.

    My legal representative as advised me to say that the EKLL were disbanded in 1983 and there is no record of my membership. The “tag” you refer to is in fact a Cartier ankle-bracelet given to me by a grateful French countess for services rendered in Menton in 1971.

    In some circles the EKLL were regarded as a voluntary group engaged in important social outreach work.

  236. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed” says Smallaxe.

    Btw, just to let you aesthetes know that Bargeddie in Lanarkshire means “ridge at the lazy-bed place” in the Language of Eden.

    Going out to make a snowman with Harvey now.

    Snowman 1 to Snowman 2: “Can you smell carrots?”

  237. Tinto Chiel says:

    FYI, chinas:

    link to

  238. Smallaxe says:


    Your looking magnificent this morning, just as well the world has trendsetting icons like wot we is, intit?

    John Mayer:”Your Body Is A Wonderland”
    link to
    So’s mine.

  239. Tinto Chiel says:

    Indeed, Smallaxe.

    I look on us as the Jules and Jim of the Scottish fashion arena, bringing a little beauty and colour into an otherwise drab, quotidian world.

    Harvey’s built an igloo and is frying mushrooms.

    Got to go…..

  240. Smallaxe says:

    We’re the Hans and Lotte of the haberdashery, Tinto. Tell Harvey that I think mushrooms are Magic!

    Even badgers like them;
    link to

    Maybe a bit too much!

  241. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

    C wot I mean?

  242. Smallaxe says:

    C wot I mean?
    link to

  243. Smallaxe says:

    “What in the World”
    link to

    Eye candy for the ears, do you hear what I’m saying

  244. Smallaxe says:

    Cannabis is a Gateway Drug: Proven!
    link to

    link to
    Munchies Ya Bass

  245. Marie Clark says:

    Hi fella’s, I haven’t had time to catch up with the O/T yet, it’s been one of those days.

    Smallaxe, I was having a conversation today with my oldest grandaughter ( 18 ). She was asking what was happening on the indyref front. So, I was explaining to her that we’re a’ beginning to get geared up again, and that there was a march in Dumfries on 2nd June. ” Right granny, says she, I’m going to that March with you”, and I think probably her twin sisters ( 15 ) as well. There’ll be another one or two of us an awe, so that’s good.

    I’ve been fair scunnert lately wi a’ the crap aboot the NHS Scotland, and the general bombardment of negativity, but the granweans hae fair liftit my auld spirits. Good to know that the young ones are up for the fight.

    If you’re in touch with Nana, send her my regards, and I hope that she’ll be back with us soon. I miss her you know.

    Bye bye, mibies catch up with you later.

  246. Tinto Chiel says:

    What a musician Rory was, Smallaxe. So long since he died and still very difficult to believe.

    Since this is the premier intellectual site for Scotland, I append this from La Grande Bellezza, an amazing film wot Mrs TC and I watched this afternoon in a very snowy Cadzow. Beautiful and strange, imo. Jeb Gambardella is a fascinating character and has my exquisite dress sense.

    link to

    Get yer hanky out, Marie.

  247. Smallaxe says:

    Hi Marie,

    Ronnie Cameron was saying that nothing is finalised yet regarding the AUOB marches but I will let you know as soon as I know, Marie.

    My grandkids are a real tonic for me also Marie, makes all the effort worth it to make sure that they raise their own kids in an independent Scotland.

  248. Tinto Chiel says:

    Groove, Italophiles, groove:

    link to

    It’s still snowing!

  249. Smallaxe says:

    “Tu Vuo’ Fa’ L’Americano” Hetty & the Jazzato Band

    link to

  250. Tinto Chiel says:

    Jeezo, Smallaxe, not only can you shake it but you can whack your reed forbye!


    Nice lallies, too, btw.

  251. Tinto Chiel says:

    I like mine medium rare, but more from Yon Film.

    link to

  252. Ian Foulds says:

    Homeless People in Scotland

    I noted the sterling efforts being made by well-meaning people to assist the homeless at this time.

    Do any of you in this blog know of any measures that might be taken by local authorities (especially SNP controlled councils) to commandeer the many abandoned buildings/factories etc which could be temporarily or permanently converted to refuges for our less fortunate fellow countrymen and women?

    I cannot understand that owners of such buildings are allowed to create eyesores in all our towns and cities.

  253. Smallaxe says:

    I like mine fiddled with.

    Hanine: Arabia;
    link to

  254. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: I know you’re multi-talented, but if that’s not you, well, all I can say is, “Wow!”

    12cms of snaw here already, and more to follow.


  255. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ian F.

    I was in Glasgow a lot in December and have never seen so many homeless people on the streets. I always give what I can afford, particularly to the most vulnerable-looking. The saying, “We are three pay cheques away from homelessness” should always be remembered.

    The main problem is that most councils are now Yoon coalitions against the SNP.

    They don’t give a Carmichael for the poor folk living in what is potentially the richest country in the EU.

    Yes, we are still in the EU. And 62% means we should stay there.

  256. Michael McCabe says:

    Love was my Alibi link to

  257. Michael McCabe says:

    Mandolin Orange-Strawberry Wine link to

  258. Smallaxe says:

    “Dragonborn” Tina Guo;
    link to

  259. Smallaxe says:

    Met Office;
    link to
    If it’s cold pull your vest over IT!

    The Weathermen:”Poison”
    link to

  260. Tinto Chiel says:

    Evening, sophisticates.

    When I drive up to Skye, I like to stop here to hug a tree, have a look at the loch, and admire this fine multi-lingual monument.

    link to

    Funny thing is, Harvey says he can still hear the heads speaking Gaelic.

    Silly old Harvey.

  261. Michael McCabe says:

    A Wee bit of Back Stage Music link to

  262. Smallaxe says:

    “Open Your Eyes” (Before You Die)
    link to

    Deja Vu?

  263. Smallaxe says:

    CLANNAD:”Theme from Harry’s Game”
    link to

  264. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Our idea to have a poll on the enemies of Scotland (The Parcel of Rogues) at our Burns Night on the 27th is causing a lot of interest and amusement. We have over forty potential candidates now ranging from Edward I (The Hammer of the Scots) and the Butcher Cumberland to Jackie Baillie and the Krankies with, of course, political figures and the media well represented. Anybody got any interesting possibles?
    We’ll let you all know the final count.

  265. Smallaxe says:

    David Bowie:”Thursday’s Child”
    link to

  266. Smallaxe says:

    The Seekers:”Island Of Dreams”
    link to

  267. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

    10cc were so called because that is the cubic capacity of the average male member, supposedly. They were previously known as Hotlegs, a reference to the habit of lazy, drunk football fans of urinating against a neighbouring fan on the sly.

    DMH, re your poll: looks like a whole day’s work to me…

    I see Twatman and Bobbin were out in force hier soir on the M/T.


  268. Tinto Chiel says:

    And this still says it all about the planet-destroying, sociopathic gangsters-in-suits who are responsible for so much misery in the world:

    link to

    Och, going out to hug a tree…

  269. Tinto Chiel says:

    Afore I go:

    link to

    They obvs. never flew Ryanair.

    “Elm hateth man, and waiteth” is my motto for the day. Think I’ll stick to the Scots Pine.

  270. Smallaxe says:

    “YES I Am”
    link to

    Hug a tree for me, Tinto.

  271. Fred says:

    Well Off-Topic! anybody remember the red roads of Lanarkshire? great in the headlights on a wet night, alas all black noo!

    link to

  272. Smallaxe says:


    Ye cannie be off topic on off topic,
    “Anything Goes”
    link to


  273. Fred says:

    Scarts Heid?

  274. Smallaxe says:

    Me tae!
    link to

  275. Fred says:

    Folks, link to

  276. Tinto Chiel says:

    Yes, I am too Smallaxe. Never heard that track before, or heard of that album. Was it their last one?

    Back home now. I hugged a tree for you, old pal. It turned out it was a slender birch called Doreen.

    Think Harvey’s getting jealous.

    I remember, I remember, Fred. Still a few stretches of the red stuff left, usually on what are mainly old farm roads. The main road between Leadhills and Wanlockhead had a sudden change from red to tarmacadam black as you passed into Dumfriesshire.

    By the way, anyone seen our new housekeeper? The pink champers hasn’t been frapped in the fridge and these blinis are stale.

    cearc did say you can’t get the staff these days, tbf.

  277. Fred says:

    Sir Alex Douglas Home used to say the same Tinto, couldn’t get his chanty timmed for love nor money, what! & cook has been at the sherry again.

  278. Tinto Chiel says:

    Imagine being chief chanty-timmer to His Homeness, eh, Fred? Hope he/she gets issued with thae fancy Hunter wellies.

    This is simple and basic, like my porridge:

    link to

    Don’t think this young shaver’s been in her for ages.

    Betcha he widnae tim a chanty…..

  279. Tinto Chiel says:

    Now, big licks from the master:

    link to

  280. Tinto Chiel says:

    Still spanking my plank (ooh, matron!):

    link to

    Have played it afore.

    Will play it again.

    Wotcha goin’ to do about it?

    Cue song…

  281. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Don’t think this young shaver’s been in her (sic) for ages.”

    Spot the mistake.

    *Takes mega-beamer*

  282. Smallaxe says:

    Garde a l’eau, you two Chanty wrastlers!

    There has to be a margin drawn somewhere;
    link to

    Tinto, careful with that typo. 😉

  283. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe! Thought you were out on special border patrol fornenst Gretna.

    This is simply suggestive filth:

    link to

    Btw, mon vieux, did you notice Lenny K’s extraordinary pantaloons?

    In magenta water-silk for our spring collection?

    Would value your input going forward in terms of a response.

  284. Tinto Chiel says:

    Honestly! The obscenest metaphor du monde…

    link to

    Something has to be done, surely.

  285. Smallaxe says:


    Special border patrol complete, I cannot give details on this open forum but rest assured mon brave, all is well!

    The obscenest metaphor du monde… ya Thaaink?
    link to
    link to

  286. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: yes, yes, see what you mean…….

    I always think, at moments like these, it’s best to fall back on the old standby: honi soit qui mal y pense.

    Personally, I blame Nana for not maintaining her moral monitoring of what has always been a dodgy thread and Fred for his persistnetly suggestive-digestive behaviour.

    *Attempts to change subject quickly*

    Anyway, Smallaxe, those pantaloons?

  287. Tinto Chiel says:


    Sorry, been doing too many fingering exercises for my Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No2 at the miners’ welfare.

  288. Lucia Daines says:

    Tea towel for each of you now get on with the drying up…
    link to

  289. Smallaxe says:

    Oh goody, Lucia,

    I love doing dishes;
    link to

  290. Tinto Chiel says:

    Lucia! Lovely to see you again: sonically, that was a valuable addition to our modern lifestyle.

    Could I tactfully direct your attention to the Champagne Situation and ongoing Blini Deficit?

    And oblige TC.

  291. Smallaxe says:


    link to

    I suggest a rethink.

  292. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Lucia.

    You’ve been absent for a day or three. Can I ask you to read this comment?

    link to

    I have to know how to pronounce you name as I read the comments. I would hate mispronouncing your name in my head.

  293. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Your dad is now the pantaloon.”

    That’s deep, Smallaxe, deep.

    I may have to go into the west wing of Tinto Towers and muse extensively.

    If I’m not back in two hours, call the mountain recue.

    Still no pink champagne, btw.

  294. Smallaxe says:


    link to

    I’m ashamed of myself for playing that.

  295. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: you caught me mid-winceyette pyjama and Euthymol with your latest. As my pipe-smoking (Three Nuns) granny would have said: think black, burning shame upon yourself.

    All I can say is: SCREENS, NURSE!

    Need a lie doon…..

    PS: will txt ramorra re. still and worm situation. Need to tighten supply lines 😉

  296. Lucia Daines says:

    Beedeeteetee Honey – Loo Chee Ah.

  297. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Lucia –

    I’ve no idea what sort of music you like generally, but this is for you anyway.

    Hope you are settling in and not letting those cheeky men annoy you.

    Honda Commercial, ‘Impossible Dream’ –

    link to

  298. Smallaxe says:

    Too late, Tinto,

    I’ve gone and done it again,

    Andy Fairweather Low:”Wide eyed and Legless”
    link to

  299. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Ian,

    I like this one,
    link to

  300. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –


    First time I’ve seen that. Utterly soo-perb!

    Ye have to wonder, sometimes, what the likes of Disney would make of what’s happening now. It’s truly astonishing.

  301. Fred says:

    Family History, apparently an uncle of mine only got horizontally refreshed if he agreed tae dae the dishes! True Dat!

    Smallaxe do U ever come across Rory the Tory doon there?

  302. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Bowie’s last performance of ‘Heroes’:

    link to

  303. Smallaxe says:

    Disney would have loved today’s technology, Ian, it’s a modern art form now.

    “Art for Art’s Sake” 10cc;
    link to

  304. yesindyref2 says:

    Some good clips so I’m not now but nevermind

    link to

  305. Thepnr says:

    Thinking of Bowie.

    So I’m a 19 year old at a disco in Dundee, I’ve chanced my mitt with a few girls and getting nowhere fast.

    Time is running out as it’s coming up to the slow ones and I need to be dancing with someone before then. This song started playing and I look around in a kind of desparation.

    There has to be someone to dance with me.

    Two tables back was a younger girl than me that I hadn’t noticed before as I don’t think I’d saw her on the dance floor yet. She wore a green shirt with a little ladybird badge on each collar.

    I was intrigued as to why she wasn’t dancing with her pals.

    She had been left at the table on her own, her pals had already got up to dance and she hadn’t joined them as I think she was just too shy.

    I seized the moment! My charm was too much for her without her pals to protect her and she got on the dance floor with me. Then the slow ones came on right after that song ended and we carried on dancing.

    So begun a new chapter in my life almost 40 years ago as that girl became my wife, so thank you Mr Bowie 🙂

    link to

  306. yesindyref2 says:

    Nice, damn, something in my eye.

  307. Smallaxe says:

    WAKE UP!

    FatBoy Slim Cornershop:”Brimful Of Asha”
    link to

  308. Smallaxe says:


    You picked a good one, hope to see you both again. Soon!
    link to

  309. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thank Goad there’s no-one else here, Smallaxe. A well-wisher (Q Division) has just sent surveillance footage of our new and mysterious “housekeeper”. Don’t know how to break it to you, old fruit.

    link to

    I foresee difficulties…..

  310. Smallaxe says:


    The geese are laying eggs in flight!

    “I See A Bad Moon Rising”
    link to

    If I disappear for a while don’t worry. I’m just taking the Lady who lunches to… wherever she demands! ;-(

  311. Thepnr says:

    I should have left that last tin of beer in the fridge 🙂

  312. Smallaxe says:


    link to

  313. yesindyref2 says:

    I’m impressed! Fine Scottish band, good bit of peaceful traditional folk music 🙂

    I didn’t realise they had a new album, can’t wait till Father’s Day. It was someone on the Grun in 2012 posting a link to this that got me buying their albums.

    link to

  314. Smallaxe says:


    First prize goes to you;
    link to

  315. Ian Foulds says:

    ‘England compensated Scotland for undertaking to share responsibility for England’s national debt by payment of an equivalent of £398,085 10 shillings.’

    I understand that this amount was never fully paid.

    Why do we not have grounds for default, in regard to uniting the Parliaments?

  316. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian, the terms of the Union have been broken in many ways over the years. In narrow legal terms, Scotland has had many reasons to say the terms of the Union have been infringed and it’s game over but you have to take people with you by achieving a majority in a referendum or, if it were SNP policy, a majority of Scottish seats in an election.

    And of course, for almost all the 310 years since Union, Scotland has been represented at Westminster by PSB Unionists who didn’t want to rock the boat/gravy-train.

  317. Smallaxe says:

    In tribute and to the memory of Bredren Steve “Grizzly” Nisbet
    (15 March 1948 – 18 January 2018)

    “Rally Round” Steel Pulse;
    link to
    Rest easy with Jah mi bredda, I’n’I wi miss yuh.

  318. Lucia Daines says:

    This popped into my head as I was doing some necessary house-keeping…
    link to

  319. Thepnr says:


    Check out this old gadge, you’ll like it I know 🙂

    link to

  320. Lucia Daines says:

    Omg thepnr – I was chatting with one of the team just yesterday!

  321. Thepnr says:


    Spooky eh! I guess we’re on the same wavelength 🙂

  322. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    Sorry to hear of yer man passing, and thanks for the link. I remember seeing Steel Pulse mentioned all over the place, esp in the NME back in the day, but I never got any of their stuff. Will certainly have a look now – shocking how few views that link has had.

    Hoots tae ye mister, and regards to yer better-lookin half.


  323. Smallaxe says:

    Steel Pulse originated in Handsworth, Ian. They were a great live band. The man I mentioned above (Grizzly) more or less started the band and was the drummer.

    Steel Pulse:”Handsworth Revolution” (Live 1979)
    link to

  324. Tinto Chiel says:

    Miss Daines: sorry I missed you last night. Could I bring up a small issue? There’s still Christmas-themed bog roll in the downstairs shunkie and we’re now well into the New Year.

    That said, I think I speak for many regulars when I say I find myself warming unexpectedly to your feminine mystique and allure…

  325. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

  326. Ian Foulds says:

    Thanks Tinto Chiel at 4.09pm.

  327. ronnie anderson says:

    naw ah hivnae done ah test

  328. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ronnie anderson –

    A test for what?

    Have emailed you re possible short-notice Friends of WOS social.


  329. Thepnr says:

    Last night I talked with my Glasgow cousin on Facebook as I plan to visit shortly. He has always voted SNP and voted for Independence.

    He’s a Rangers die hard but until now has believed Independence for Scotland was what was best. So I was gobsmacked when he told me he wouldn’t support Independence in a second referendum.

    So I asked why, his response had me scratching my head “Why swop Westminster for rule from Brussels?” Oh dear I wasn’t going to go there at that time of night.

    It brought it home to me though how difficult it can be to not just win new supporters of Independence but even hang on to those we already had. I’ll be having a word with him again when I’m in the right frame of mind.

    It’s ignorance that is killing us!

  330. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    RE: your cousin’s skewed thinking. Maybe you could send him these two graphics and follow with a discussion about how the political power in Scotland is now (no change) and how things can be in the future?

    link to

    link to

  331. Thepnr says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    OK sent him those links, I’m interested in hearing back from him 🙂

  332. yesindyref2 says:

    I’ve seen stuff on the EU thing “Westminster – Brussels” and never know whether the poster is genuine or not in a lot of cases. So you saying that about yor cousin is very useful, thanks, as that’s someone close to you so you know it’s not bull.

    But I’ve seen a bit of something similar on a defence forum about the EU. I think maybe what happens is that someone (A) cares about defence and has no opinion about the EU. But then someone (B) says thank God we’re leaving the EU otherwise the UK would be forced into the EU army. A trusts B so from not caring about the EU either way becomes very anti-EU because A does care about defence.

    That EU army thing is rubbish by the way but not a lot of people know anything about it, in fact the UK opted out from the beginning even before the EU Ref – and participation in PESCO is totally voluntary – and the member state keeps control of the forces promised to it anyway.

    Maybe your cousin is really strongly interested in something, just to be silly, snail racing. Someone he trusts has “found out” the EU will insist that snails wear hard hats and body armour. “But that’ll kill off the sport”. So from not really caring, he’s now totally anti-EU – from total misinformation. After all, some countries in the EU eat snails 🙂

  333. Lucia Daines says:

    Why are Scots so thick and stupid – oh hang on they think it’s a choice between Brussels and London FFS don’t allow them autonomy they just can’t do complex stuff.

  334. Smallaxe says:

    The Independence Anthem:”Scotland Forever”
    link to

  335. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr: I got exactly the same response in May when canvassing from a woman with SNP badges on her car. She said her husband was out voting SNP but she wasn’t this time because she didn’t want to be ruled by Brussels/Merkel.

    I tried all the usual arguments but you could see she was gone behind the eyes and I went on to the next house. We only scraped in with a couple of hundred votes from a previous five figure majority.

    The devil has all the best tunes but Yoons are very good at manufacturing snappy factoids which their MSM rinse and repeat relentlessly.

    You’ll hear a lot more of that particularly mendacious meme next year.

  336. hackalumpoff says:

    Hope this linky works, Jock Scot has competition.

    link to

  337. Ian Brotherhood says:

    BBC spooftastic –

    link to

  338. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s a beezer with Peter Woods four sails to the proverbial. Ignore the vid as it doesn’t match and just distracts from the magnificent slurring.

    link to

  339. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @hackalumpoff –

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Goodness gracious and michty-me, the Yoons must be spittin feathers over all this non-stop mockery. It’s as relentless as it is brilliant.

  340. Cactus says:

    Januarys going in quick… will soon be Feb:
    link to

    Smallaxe may have played this already 🙂

  341. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Cactus 2:18am it was me who played it. Anyway happy new year to you my friend.

  342. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Thepnr @ 22:53 (20.Jan),

    This shallow equivalencing between WM and “Brussels” seems to have become a major attack point by the BtitNats now. Another unfortunate legacy of the EURef. More unfortunately, it’s even being pushed in the likes of the letters columns of The National by a small number of the usual suspects. (Whether they are even indy supporters at all is open to question.)

    There still seem to be plenty of ignorant people around who just don’t realise that for us here in Scotland, the EU has been a powerful and positive counter to WM interference. Once out of the EU, we will be subject as in the past to the full icy blast of WM control. That’s what “taking back control” was all about. Everything controlled by WM, suckers.

    Trite and mendacious equivalencing is just so typical of the Leaver propaganda toolkit, though. Find a simple and superficially-appealing slogan and pump it to the max. (Never overestimate the awareness of the disengaged general public.) Countering it is complex and not nearly so easy to convince.

    One suitable short response though to folk like your cousin is to say: “as members of the EU in our own right, we can leave at any time we please. How easy is it though to leave WM’s deadly embrace?”

    There’s a very real difference being a member of a bowling club (say) and being a guest of HM in one of her slammers.

  343. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    “BtitNats”? (Freudian slip, or what…? =laugh=)

  344. Cactus says:

    Afternoon Michael, cheers for that one 2, good shout, there’s some cracking tunes on their “A’s, B’s & Rarities” album, like ‘Steps’ along the way.

    Awe ra best for 2018 tae yersel too M8.

  345. CameronB Brodie says:

    As we’ve finally gotten around to talking about women’s bits Robert, I going to risk a bit more whitemansplaining. This will turn some cold but it seems to be a thing on the Rev.’s twitter. ‘Coincidentally’, an issue that is intrinsically bound up with the issues of political agency and self-determination. 😉

    As I’ve said, I’m probably old fashioned in thinking there are two sexes (with multiple transitional variants), and many genders, which are located in the mind. After that, it all gets very post-structuralist, though I’m sorry to be vulgar and suggest self-identification should not be allowed to undermine biological women’s rights, which are also human-rights, after all. 🙂


    In this chapter we will discuss three overarching philosophies of science: positivism and post-positivism, social constructionism, and finally, critical realism. We take up the three orientations as a conceptual, terminologic, and thematic general background to the qualitative methodologies that follow. All three cut across the quantitative/qualitative dividing-line. Although the main thrust of positivism is quantitative, there have been cases of qualitative positivism, for instance in historiography. Conversely, social constructionism is mainly qualitative, but quantitative social constructionist studies do exist. Finally, critical realism bridges quantitative and qualitative studies – there is no tendency for critical realists to favour either of these types of study.

    link to

    Social consciousness and critical realism

    Take for example the idea of a social identity. A social identity seems inherently subjective. It is the bundle of ideas and frameworks through which one places himself or herself in the social world, the framework through which a person conceptualizes his/her relations with others, and an ensemble of the motivations and commitments that lead to important forms of social and political action. All of this sounds subjective in the technical sense — a part of the subjective and personal experience of a single individual. It is part of consciousness, not the material world.

    So it is reasonable to ask whether there is anything in a social identity that is available for investigation through the lens of critical realism….

    link to

    The problem of agency in feminism: a critical realist approach


    In a recent paper, members from the London Feminist Salon Collective reflected on the vexed problem of agency in poststructuralist theory and asked, ‘as feminist educational researchers, where do we go from here?’ The issue remains pressing as agency, both individual and collective, is at the heart of the feminist, and indeed, all radical political projects. The attractions of poststructuralist theorizing for many feminists has been its decisive break with logocentrism. However, from the 1980s onwards, feminists were pointing to the problems poststructuralism presented in theorizing the nature of agency. In this paper I will argue that we should adopt a different theoretical starting point.

    Drawing heavily on the work of Margaret Archer, I will argue that critical realism has much to offer theories of political action. While acknowledging the enormous contribution of feminist scholars working within a poststructuralist paradigm, I will argue that the epistemological and ontological assumptions at the heart of poststructuralist theory render it incapable of providing a framework for what Archer calls the enchantment of being human. This enchantment, and the rich resources of a conceptualization of agency based on the primacy of practice, provides a stronger basis for theorizing feminist research, practice and being.

    link to

  346. Michael McCabe says:

    @ CameronB Brodie all the best for the year ahead my Friend ?

  347. Michael McCabe says:

    That? is meant to be a ?

  348. CameronB Brodie says:

    Same to yourself Michael. 😉

  349. Michael McCabe says:

    That? is meant to be a thumbs-up 😀

  350. Thepnr says:

    Inspired by Cactus’s “sailing ships” over on the MT made me remember this, the first band I ever went to see at the Apollo.

    “Ships in The Night” Be Bop Deluxe

    link to

  351. Thepnr says:

    Their Wiki page is very interesting “I never knew that”.

    link to

  352. cearc says:

    Mornin’ Cactus (and everyone else). Happy sailing.

  353. Tinto Chiel says:

    This is night music really but so what? Nancy has the answer.

    link to

    Cactus: watch your rowlocks.

  354. Tinto Chiel says:

    I think Smallaxe is taking it easy at the moment, so hope this aids restful sleep. This remains quiet and serene amid the great currents of life (poetry):

    link to

  355. Cactus says:

    Afternoon all ~

    Did a turn last night on the stage and was thereafter presented with several glasses of whisky. Ah didnae go to the casino in the end, probably a good thing. 🙂

    Sailing ships by Whitesnake:
    link to

    The End of the UK is nigh.

  356. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Really, I’ve got to ask coz I’m perfluzzled.

    How did Ann Widdicombe manage to become a media personality? I mean, really…

  357. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

    Isn’t Miss Pierson wonderful?

    Doris Karloff? (Grues)

  358. Fred says:

    Happened to be in the capital today so nicked into Bonham’s saleroom to see the wee exhibition of the Broomhall Treasures. Mostly empire loot but Robert the Bruce’s sword was cool & a cast of his skull. The Portrait Gallery have another cast but enough culture fur wan day!

  359. Tinto Chiel says:

    See any Butcher’s Aprons in the Far East, Fred?


  360. Lucia Daines says:

    Getting all my favourite Burns’ songs stacked up on the dansette for tomorrow night.

  361. Fred says:

    Nae Butcher’s Aprons Tinto but a crackin fishmonger aboot Broughton Street who smokes his fish in-store in a big fuck-off smoker! Ah the peat-reek! Got some strange looks on the train back!

  362. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: remember to jug you kippers in boiling water for 7 mins. (off the heat). Recommended by my monger of fish.

    Your peat-reek comment reminded me of the time I opened a new bottle of Ardbeg for research purposes, and poured two figures thereof. Comment from Mrs Tinto, “Is there something burning?”

    Miss Daines: may I advise that you Sandy Shaw it around your dansette tomorrow? High heels can be dangerous in vigorous dancing.

  363. Fred says:

    Tinto, like the peaty stuff but draw the line at Ardbeg, a mortuary bucket springs to mind. Kippers OK at Ben Oovi but stinks the close oot & attracts passing cats! pissing cats even worse!

  364. Thepnr says:

    Arbroath Smokies for me. Visit Arbroath harbour and you can find a few places still smoking them the traditional way.

    You walk through a wee close and there’s a kitchen of sorts where the fish brought in that day are cleaned, heads removed etc, then a bit further back you’ll see them hanging on racks over an open smokey fire.

    Bought fresh like that, delicious.

  365. Tinto Chiel says:

    No stink with the jugging process, Fred, if you cover the jug/ receptacle during the process.

    I struggled manfully with the Ardbeg and found it not too bad after a couple of stiff ‘uns. Very popular in Germany, I’m told: they like smoky flavours in food and drink.

  366. hackalumpoff says:

    The last word on Flegs, for today?
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  367. CameronB Brodie says:

    One for Mark E Smith RIP

    The Seeds – Pushin’ Too Hard
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  368. Tinto Chiel says:

    The most beautiful word, given the Martyn Bennett treatment:

    link to

    Takes about a minute to warm up…..

    Big concert of his work on Sat @ SECC.

    @hackalumpoff: that was so funny and ridiculous at the same time. There’s a farm between Hamilton and Strathaven with a flagpole atop the old central tower of the farm-house. Its big saltire never fails to cheer me up as it lifts in the breeze.

  369. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thepnr: I was having a football awayday in Arbroath for a cup tie in the 70s and, after some light refreshment in the Tuttie’s Neuk hostelry (needs a thread all to itself), went for a stroll before the game.

    I noticed a house near Gayfield with a bell and a sign which said, “Ring for fish”. So, I rang for fish and this nice wee wummin came to the door. She had a smoke-house out the back and I managed to fulfil the smokie orders I had taken from some culinary sophisticates back in EK.

  370. Fred says:

    @ Tinto, I will certainly try the jugged kippers.
    @ hackalumpoff, a belter kid!

  371. Tinto Chiel says:

    And as you said Fred, it’s cod roe season.

    Any recipes wot u mite have to go with a lightly frapped chardonnay? he ponced.

  372. Fred says:

    @ Tinto, slice your cod-roe & dip in beaten egg, cover with breadcrumbs & fry in the oil in which you’ve previously fried the Ayrshire middle to serve with the cod-roe. Chardonnay would be the very tipple.

  373. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sounds perfect for a lazy Sunday breakfast, Fred ( Chardonnay optional).


  374. Lucia Daines says:

    The Dansette is fair filling up…
    link to

  375. cearc says:

    Great play list Ms.Daines.

  376. cearc says:

    and Tam Dean Burn singing about your shoes! (I think).

  377. William Wallace says:

    There is an ignore function now lol 🙂

    Save yourselves folks. Hit the big X next to my name and never again suffer my puerile diatribe – masquerading as a sensible contribution. 🙂

    Who is on your iggy list so far?

  378. Cactus says:

    Mornin’ William Wallace, ah’ve only got ma own name iggyed oot.

    That should be enough. How’s yours?

    New feature 🙂

  379. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: CR purchased.

    Ruskoline, fishmonger’s own breadcrmbs or panko?

    Plz advise.

  380. William Wallace says:

    Afternoon Cactus.

    No one on ignore yet but, I can think of one or two from the main topic that I would not mind skipping past. I think I will follow your lead and ignore myself 🙂 I am sick and tired of my crap. 😉

  381. Fred says:

    Tinto, Ruskoline sounds just the job. Bon appetite kid!
    Mind warm the plates!

  382. K1 says:

    Just in case folks who lurk aboot these shores huvnae seen Rev’s comments on m/t, the ignore button disnae work and we’ve tae stoap mentionin’ it noo.

    As you were 🙂

  383. Tinto Chiel says:

    Can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow now, Fred. Have a stinking cold and Mrs Tinto has just gone to get a bottle of Crabbie’s for a whisky mac. Wot is going on? Mmmmmmm…..?

    K1: I just use my scroller for TUS now, but it’s getting me down.

  384. Fred says:

    Managed to jouk it up till noo Tinto. The crisis seems to be over!

  385. Cactus says:

    Reset is good.

    Classic Wings Over Scotland.

    The Original and Best.

    Made fae Wingers.

    Full sugar.


  386. Lucia Daines says:

    link to

  387. Fred says:

    A button to dispense electric shocks would be cool! like they have for dugs!

  388. chasanderson200 says:

    Been off grid for a wee while and had new tech installed, just testing for now.

  389. Ian Brotherhood says:

    For Smallaxe.

    Missing ye brother.

    Easy Star All-Stars – Dub Side Of The Moon

    link to

  390. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Despite BBC and STV having nothing about Robert Burns on on Burns Night (which is celebrated all around the world) Holy Loch SNP had a great Burns Night at Dunoon Pipe Band Hall and thanks to the many who contributed and assisted. The poll we did on the Parcel of Rogues Enemies of Scotland was interesting and illuminating.
    Tenth place was shared by J K Rowling and Murdo Fraser
    Ninth was the Daily Record and Tony Blair
    Eighth place was shared by Jackie Bird , Brian Wilson and Edward I (Hammer of the Scots),
    Seventh was ” Lord” George Robertson
    Sixth was the Butcher Cumberland
    In fifth place were Fluffy Mundell and the Daily Mail
    Fourth – Ruth Davidson and the Orange Order
    Third went to Gordon Brown
    Second place was for Theresa May
    But the clear winner in first place by a long way was the BBC.

  391. Tinto Chiel says:

    What Ian said:

    link to

  392. CameronB Brodie says:

    It’s quite honestly chilling that you were allowed anywhere near impressionable students, given the apparent naivety of your world-view and your support for ‘British nationalism’, the contemporary form of which is an expansionist form of increasingly authoritarian, populist, English nationalism. You are aware that the majority of Scots voted to stay in the EU?

    The Psychology of Prejudice and Racism
    What can psychology tell us about prejudice and racism?

    Is in-group chauvinism natural?

    Some capacity for favoritism of one’s own group over others appears to be a natural human tendency. In many studies, people attribute more positive traits to their own group than to other groups. This has been demonstrated cross culturally. In 1976 Marilynn Brewer and Donald Campbell published a survey of 30 tribal groups in East Africa. Their subjects had been asked to rate their own and other tribes on a series of traits. Twenty-seven of the 30 groups rated their own group more positively than any other group. In-group favoritism or chauvinism can also be created in experimental research.

    In a series of classic studies published in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Muzafer and Carolyn Sherif and their colleagues recruited a group of 12 year old boys to attend a summer camp. The boys were divided into two teams which were then pitted against each other in competitive games. Following these games, the boys very clearly displayed in-group chauvinism. They consistently rated their own team’s performance as superior to the other team’s. Furthermore 90% of the boys identified their best friends from within their own group even though, prior to group assignment, many had best friends in the other group….

    link to

    Nationalism Rises: Survival, the State, and War.

    A growing number of authors have recently focused their attention over the role and political implications of nationalism in shaping the international system. Stephen Walt has warned about the perils of ignoring the “strongest force in the world” for scholars and policy-makers, while Sebastian Rosato has underlined the progressive renationalisation of the EU’s economic and foreign policy as a consequence of political fears and incompatible economic preferences on the part of its members. In addition, Christopher Hughes has discovered the resurgence of the so-called geopolitik nationalism in the Chinese political debate.

    As commendably summarized by Van Evera (1994), nationalism may be conceived of as a political movement and ideology that pushes nations, namely groups of individuals with common ethnic ties and loyalty towards their own belonging community, to desire their own independent state….

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    What is the Right to Development?

    “The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)

    Declaration on the Right to Development) “The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)

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  393. Fred says:

    Anent the capitol. Jakey Rowling now has a pub named in her honour!

  394. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Jamie Green MSP
    Do you understand what philosophy your party espouses? Do you support the principle of universal human rights? Thomas Carlyle one of your heroes?

    Carlyle and the tradition of Burke


    Like several important Romantics, Thomas Carlyle contributed to the tradition of Burkean conservatism. Although it has been generally assumed that Burke’s acceptance of laissez-faire economic policies invalidated him from exercising any significant influence on the Victorians, there are several indications of the influence which Burke had on at least one Victorian, Thomas Carlyle. A brief examination of the works of three Romantics, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Scott, indicates that Burke had considerable influence on these men. The significance of this to the study of Burke and Carlyle is that essentially Burkean ideas were carried on into another generation, providing both perpetuation and a more intense field of concentration. Since it is certain that Carlyle was acquainted with the works of these men, it is possible that the Romantics played an important role in Carlyle’s acceptance of the philosophy of Edmund Burke.

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    Introduction to the Work of Burke

    Burke thought on the contrary that men are born constrained by the traditions of their forbears; ill-considered reforms that stem from abstract theoretical designs are therefore dangerous. The proponents of a new age of “light and reason” who fomented the French Revolution are likely to harm us by tearing away “the decent drapery of life.” In doing so they deny the presumptive excellence of ruling gentlemen, the implicit contract among the present, past, and future, a proper place for the exceptional prudence of men such as Burke himself, and a decent appreciation of religion. The speculative and theoretical proponents of political revolution fail to see themselves and us as indebted to a larger tradition that includes the art, literature, ritual, and customs established over the course of millennia. Without these way stations, which are “necessary to cover the defects of our naked, shivering nature,” it is difficult to endow men with greater dignity—itself a central aim of the Enlightenment. Burke’s often highly rhetorical attacks on the French Revolution and other harmful political projects were in the service of these basic structures of excellence and stability….

    link to

    Thomas Carlyle, Fascism, and Frederick: From Victorian Prophet to Fascist Ideologue


    The Victorian Author Thomas Carlyle was in his day a meteoric voice but his popularity and reputation declined significantly due in part to his link to fascism. In the politically polarized era of the Second World War, academics and propagandists dubbed him a fascist or Nazi in both defamation and approval. Fascist scholars pressed Carlyle into service as a progenitor and prophet of their respective totalitarian regimes. Adolf Hitler, in his final days, assuaged his fears of his imminent fall with readings from Carlyle’s History of Frederick the Great. This fascist connection to the once esteemed “Sage of Chelsea” marks the apogee of his defamation. The following thesis sets Carlyle’s decline in its historical context and demonstrates the presentist view scholars persistently take as they approach their subject. It further compares and contrasts the various fascist regimes, their distinct tenets, and their variegated ideologies that become evident in their interpretation and mobilization of the deceased Victorian’s works.

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  395. Lucia Daines says:

    *skips about clearing up*
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  396. CameronB Brodie says:

    I should probably point out that “Nationalism Rises: Survival, the State, and War”, is from the neo-classical Realist perspective, which differs from Critical Realism, focusing as it does on foreign policy analysis, not ontology, causation, structure, persons, etc.

    Different philosophical perspectives view nationalism in their own particular way. Just in case anyone needed clarification.

  397. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. Transgender Equality.
    link to

    Is sex a biological construct or a social construct? How can this be expected to impact on the social empowerment and human rights of ‘women-born women’? Can you take a thing too far?

    Critical Cultural Approaches to Gender and Sex

    Studying Gender More Broadly

    …The recognition of the existence of different versions of masculinity (not unlike femininity) has derived in large part from attention to intersectionality. Feminist scholars have long argued that people often experience multiple forms of oppression simultaneously, as illustrated, for instance, by McRobbie’s analysis of the relationship between class and gender in her study of working-class girls. The term intersectionality, which has antecedents in 19th century-feminist writings, is credited to feminist sociologist Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (1989). This perspective insists that various categories of identity cannot be addressed in isolation or treated as singular but must be seen in relationship to other axes of identity. The categories of gender, race, class, and sexuality (not to mention age, ability, and nationality) often overlap with and impinge on one another. Black feminist scholarship—like that of Hazel V. Carby—has argued, for example, that the experiences of women of color cannot be equated with those of women who benefit from the privileges associated with whiteness. Sexuality also impacts these kinds of differences such that the experiences of a queer woman of color cannot be equated to those of either a queer woman who is white or a woman of color who is heterosexual.

    Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s work has articulated Gramsci’s theory of hegemony with postcolonial theories in order to consider the experiences of populations that she calls subaltern. Spivak’s work called attention to the voices and experiences of people—and women, in particular—whom the logics and practices of colonialism and the hegemony of Eurocentric culture excluded. Given the centrality of language to the formation of subjectivity, Spivak has argued for a more nuanced understanding of the experiences of people who were marginalized or oppressed by imperializing forces that often compelled them to speak not their own language but that of their colonizers. Relatedly, emphasis on transnational feminism has called for cultural critics to attend to the ways that the politics of gender are shaped by not only local processes but global ones as well.

    Some scholars have attempted to move beyond the language of intersectionality to conceive of the complicated interrelationships between various categories of identity. These categories do not merely intersect with one another; they may shape and be shaped by one another, one category helping to constitute another. For example, a number of feminist and queer scholars have argued that the hegemony of heterosexuality has impacted cultural ideas about gender and sex. The two-sex model, which assumes that there are two natural, biologically determined sexes (male or female) cannot be extricated from heteronormativity, or the presumption that heterosexuality is the norm. The naturalization of the two-sex model not only reinforces the hegemony of heterosexuality but also places those who identify or are identified as cisgender—having one’s self-identified gender correspond with one’s assigned sex—in positions of privilege over those people who identify or are identified as transgender.

    Gender normativity may also contribute to what some scholars have called homonormativity, referencing the privilege afforded to cisgender (not to mention white and middle class) gay-identifying people. Both cisnormativity and transphobia have gained increased attention in recent scholarly work, and queer scholars have attempted to disrupt the presumed continuity between sex, gender, and desire, arguing that the relationship between these nodes of identification may be arbitrary and slippery. Such scholarship has critiqued the two-sex model in favor of more fluid, unstable understandings of gender and sex and has proffered theoretical challenges to the naturalized links between maleness and masculinity, or femaleness and femininity. For example, scholars have argued for an understanding of such categories as female masculinity or male femininity, not as derivations of or deviations from normative gender and sex categories but as identifications in their own right.

    This line of scholarship has also allowed for considerations of the experiences of those who identify as trans and for developing new perspectives for thinking about subjectivity and embodiment. Emerging in a complex relationship with both feminist and queer theories—as well as critical disability studies—the field of transgender studies has aimed to destabilize the presumed linkages between biology, subjectivity, and social roles and to challenge objective epistemological paradigms by emphasizing the importance of subjective, embodied, and experiential forms of knowing.

    link to (full article)

  398. CameronB Brodie says:

    While I’m at it.

    Reconstructing Self-Determination: The Role of Critical Theory in the Positivist International Law Paradigm



    Whether discussing the movements of indigenous people, the
    neo-colonial plight of the people of South Asia, or a comparative analysis ofEastern Europeans, this panel is addressing what traditional parlancedescribes as a people’s quest for greater autonomy and for a separatestate.3 In other words, we are describing various forms of self-determination.4

    Self-determination is recognized as “the right of a people or a nation to determine freely by themselves without outside pressure to pursue their political and legal status as a separate entity.”5 The principle of self-determination is dichotomous. It is boldly radical and progressive, yet it is also deeply subversive.6 The principle as such has egalitarian underpinnings and is theoretically universal in its intended applicability and scope.7 “perhaps no contemporary norm of international law has been so vigorously promoted or widely accepted as the right of all peoples to self-determination.”8 Self determination is grounded on human rights precepts that recognize that all peoples are “equally entitled to be in control of their own destinies”. Self determination is based on principles of human freedom and equality. As such, it is at odds with colonial rule or similar forms of foreign domination.9

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  399. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fancy some shoogly sub-Hammer 60s Sci-Fi with faces you know but names you don’t?

    Then you need this:

    link to

    Fred: where is this Jaikie R pub in Embra? Dying to know so I can avoid it.

  400. Fred says:

    Tinto, it’s aboot Broughton Street, where that cool fishmonger’s is. How did the cod-roe go doon kid?

  401. Tinto Chiel says:

    I know Broughton Street well, Fred 😉

    I deny any knowledge of Danube Street, of course.

    CR given the Ruskoline treatment and it was orgasmatronic, thanks. Where has it been all my life?

    Hope the season isn’t too short. I was talking to one of our most famous and irreplaceable Wingers this morning who said a favourite breakfast was “naked” sliced CR, done in a little butter with fried potatoes.

  402. Smallaxe says:


    Forget 60s Sci-Fi, cod roe and another pub tae get yersels expelliarsed oot ae. Drone me doon some spiced Raw Beef Ham an’ naebdy’l get hurt.

    Here’s a wee pal o’ mine tae sing ye’s a song,
    link to

    Lovely n’ clean in here, intit? 😉

  403. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe! Been away on one of your missions again? Thought you’d been grabbed by The Fuzz or summink.

    Prepare for drone arrival. Leave landing light on back green. ETA 2340. Managed to secure goods from the wee dairy in Abercrombie St.

    Miss Daines will be pleased you noticed her efforts. She’s a bit enigmatic but her raffia work is magnificent. She’s done a giant Dusty Springfield beside the smoke house.

    Which is nice.

  404. Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks, hope everyone’s well – haven’t been on for ages, it’s been another busy month 🙁

    Wanted to post this for anyone that isn’t on twitter or facebook in case they miss it – I’m going, and if there’s anyone in the area that can’t make the event but fancies meeting up for a drink afterwards then give me a shout!

    (Anyone that’s on the main threads just now please feel free to mention the event, ta)

  405. Smallaxe says:


    No mission, nothing so exciting I’m afraid. My dear wife and I have been at Loggerheids for a while, it does her the world of good to clench her face now and again, who am I to argue?

    I’ve had a Pavlovian response to your news of the drone arrival, I’m totally splashing in anticipation.

    “Caught by the Fuzz”
    link to

  406. Thepnr says:


    Good to see you back again. Here’s a wee tune for you and Sybil.

    link to

  407. CameronB Brodie says:

    I thought it was strange there were no impact assesments. Still, here’s one to celebrate our full-English, post-industrial, Brexetness. God bless English cultural nationalism. 😉

    The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism
    Introduction: Concepts, Approaches, Theories

    Abstract and Keywords

    Nationalism is the most historically minded of ideologies but there is little in the way of historical studies of nationalism, except in the form of the history of ideas. The main reason for this is that nationalism is treated by professional historians as one aspect of national history rather than a subject in its own right. This means it becomes absorbed into detailed and well-researched national historiography. The challenge in this handbook is to break with that link between the history of nationalism and national history while at the same time maintaining the empirical detail and accuracy of professional historical writing. One way of doing this has been to focus on the history of nationalism as politics in particular regions, both before and after nation-state formation. This is the basis for the twenty-one chapters in Parts 3 and 4. A second set of chapters deal with the history of nationalism as ideas, sentiments, and cultural movements both before and in the modern era of nationalism. A third set considers the history of nationalism in relation to other subjects such as religion, socialism, globalization, race, international relations, and historiography.

    link to

    Ernest Gellner’s functionalist approach to nationalism: a criticism


    This study examines Ernest Gellner’s nationalism theory and the problems that arise when applying it to the socio-political contemporary reality.

    Section I examines the general aspects of Gellner’s functionalist approach to nationalism, focusing particularly on the development of the relationship between culture and power, and the resulting entropy. I examine the main features stressed by Gellner: division of labour’s role, the bureaucracy or institutionalization, education related to the State?s culture, and the settlement of the nation-state. Section II presents the most relevant elements of post-industrial society: individualization, institutionalization of individuality and the collapse of nation states. Section III points out the current issues Gellner’s approach fails to address. This paper’s aim is to identify these issues, and to answer two questions: Is Gellner?s approach able to explain current nationalist movements? Is the Industrialization-Modernism-Nationalism triangle still applicable in our times

    link to

    Identity Economics

    Ideas Have Consequences

    Economics—for better or for worse—pervades how policy makers, the public, and the press talk and think. Modern economics follows Adam Smith’s attempt in the eighteenth century to turn moral philosophy into a social science designed to create a good society. Smith enlisted all human passions and social institutions in this effort. In the nineteenth century, economists began to build mathematical models of how the economy worked, using a stick figure of a rationally optimizing human with only economic motivations. As economics evolved into the twentieth century, the models grew more sophisticated, but Homo economicus lagged behind. This began to change when Gary Becker developed ways to represent a variety of realistic tastes, such as for
    discrimination, children, and altruism.11 Fairly recently, behavioral economics has introduced cognitive bias and other psychological findings. Identity Economics, in its turn, brings in social context—with a new economic man and woman who resemble real people in real situations.12

    What does this increased humanity buy us? We get a more reliable model, which makes economics a more useful tool for improving institutions and society. This richer, socially framed conception of individual decision making should help economists working at various levels to construct sturdier accounts of the economy. Social scientists in other disciplines should find identity economics useful because it connects economic models with their own work, enabling the development of richer accounts of social processes. And policy analysts and business strategists will benefit from identity economics because it offers ways of more accurately predicting the consequences of public policies and business practices.

    “Ideas have consequences” was a theme at Milton Friedman’s ninetieth birthday celebration at the White House in 2002.13 As John Maynard Keynes wrote two generations earlier: “Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”14 Identity economics restores human passions and social institutions into economics. Whether economics includes or excludes identity, then, also has its consequences.

    Putting It All Together

    This book incorporates identity, norms, and social categories into economics. We also use the word identity as shorthand to bundle together these three terms. The term identity has been used in many different ways in academic research and in popular usage. Many economists would say it is a fuzzy concept. We give it a precise definition in the context of our analysis. People’s identity defines who they are—their social category. Their identity will influence their decisions, because different norms for behavior are associated with different social categories. Goffman’s carousel is an elementary example. First, there are social categories: the different age groups of the children. Second, there are norms for how someone in those social categories should or should not behave. Third, norms affect behavior. The thirteen year-old cannot enjoy the merry-go-round; so he makes his way off.

    Identity Economics and Supply and Demand

    Our discussion of identity and utility has ranged from merry-go-rounds to genocide. And indeed a major point of our book is that the concepts of identity and norms, and their dependence on social category, have great versatility. Identity may describe the interactions of an instant, a day, a few years, a lifetime, or generations. For example, over the course of a day, a woman may see herself as a mother at home and a professional at work. The social category then refers to how she sees herself at the time. And over a lifetime, people can dramatically change their understanding of their lives.

    link to

  408. Thepnr says:

    Meanwhile over on the MT the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

  409. CameronB Brodie says:

    Good to see you Smallaxe.

    Sugar Minott – Hard Time Pressure
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  410. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ve not had the best of days Alex, so I think that’s me for the night. Don’t be tempted now. 😉

  411. Tinto Chiel says:

    Morning, sophisticates.

    Snowing where I am, but I’m knitting mittens for my long-tailed tits, so alles in ordnung.

    This is passing strange but is one of Harvey’s favourites:

    link to

  412. Smallaxe says:

    Morning, Tinto,

    Not snowing here and I’m knitting tits for my long-tailed mittens!

    Who’s Witch?
    link to

  413. Tinto Chiel says:

    Snow’s getting thicker here Smallaxe but I have to go out for various gentleman’s requisites. Taking my snow shovel and an emergency penguin. I may be some time.

    Think I preferred your version of that one.

    Now, these girls ARE bad:

    link to

    Laters, haters (or mibbes not).

  414. Smallaxe says:


    That must be Yoon snow, it doesn’t come much thicker than that, why are you taking an emergency biscuit with you?
    Bad girls, I know what you mean, some of them look like angels but they’re;
    “The Devil in Disguise”
    link to
    Thepnr and CameronB, sorry I missed you both last night, thanks for the music, guys. 🙂

  415. Tinto Chiel says:


    Wild weather here: the snow stopped and then the big hailstones started, then they began to lie in drifts, and now the snow is back on and the sky is completely white.

    Must be my Aunty Biotics ‘cos when I was passing Iceland a pink polar bear started to wink and sing this to me:

    link to

  416. Fred says:

    Snaw no lyin in Glesga. Wid ye believe that Laphroaig which is £26 in Asda, is £37 for the same stuff in the Co-op? silly not to stock up really!
    Bare-nakit cod-roe doesn’t float ma boat I’m afraid but raw haddie-roes fried in lashings of butter, with a good squeeze of lemon & chopped parsley, go down well with a chilled Muscadet!

  417. Smallaxe says:

    YerauntiebioticsmyauntiefanniePhoneadoctorquick, pink polar bears is it? You know the drill;
    link to

  418. Smallaxe says:

    The price of food these days is getting ridiculous, Fred. £26? for
    A Bottle of Whisky;
    link to

  419. Cactus says:

    Treasure hunt…

    See if you can find a recent Wings tweet from the following words:

    1) expression.
    2) celebrate.
    3) folk songs
    4) traditions and cultures.

    Pay focus to the Rev’s header.

  420. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    As we approach my annual greet on the anniversary of the death of Buddy Holly I love this little piece which is taken from a tape in Buddy’s apartment. It is Buddy alone with his guitar working on a new song. One verse only – “Learning the Game” but it would have been massive. I wrote another couple of verse for it a few years ago and Gaberlunzie put it on one of their albums.

    link to
    It has been recorded by many artists since, even with only one verse.

  421. Cactus says:

    Wings retweet:
    link to

    Compare with:

    Mapping Scotland’s Waters:
    link to

  422. yesindyref2 says:

    Excellent article Cactus.

  423. Cactus says:

    May I be SO bold as to suggest our next & first Wings ’18 day/night out…?

    Saturday the 3rd of February 2018.
    Saturday the 10th of February 2018.
    Saturday the 17th of February 2018. 😉
    Saturday the 24th of February 2018 AD.


    ir2 🙂

  424. Cactus says:

    Or even…

    Saturday the 3rd of March ’18.
    Saturday the 10th of March ’18.
    Saturday the 17th of March ’18.
    Saturday the 24th of March ’18.
    Saturday the 31st of March ’18.

    De ja vous nos to you.

    Saturday, April 18..

    WOS Helensburgh…

    +yir2 😉

  425. Smallaxe says:

    Goats Don’t Shave:”The Glasgow Bus”
    link to

  426. Tinto Chiel says:

    Morning, aesthetes. Lovely frosty morning. Rosy-fingered dawn has pure broke over the Lanarkshire bings.

    Is that why goats have beards, ‘cos they don’t shave, Smallaxe?

    Have you seen the lava lamp? Someb’dy moved it? It used to be on the Ladies’ Powder Room, beside the Davy Lamps.

  427. Fred says:

    @ Smallaxe, anent losing the fight with the bottle, best to try for a draw!

    Beautiful morning & a cool moon last night. With all these goats it’ll be the apron’s next?

  428. Smallaxe says:


    Goats are too feart to shave (see below).
    The lava lamp was lingering in the ladies lavvy last time I looked, the ladies like to light the lava lamp. I hope some poncy punter hasn’t pilfered or purloined the pigging thing.
    Are those sensible Davy Lamps btw?
    link to
    These goats are easily nadgered, Tinto
    A draw? everybody likes a winner;
    Goats Don’t Shave: “The Little King” (Benny Lynch)
    Was that Butchers Aprons you were referring to?
    # Manky Mates

  429. Tinto Chiel says:

    Those goats are a pushover, Smallaxe. Unfortunately, it’s too early in the season for me to get my nadgering graith oot.

    My Dear Old Dad used to speak in awe of Benny Lynch who, when he was on his sad downward trajectory, would sometimes appear for a drink at The Torrance Hotel in EK, when it was still a wee village. I think everyone who knew him found him a lovable wee guy (unlees you had to fight him).

    “I have squandered my resistance
    For a pocketful of mumbles,
    Such are promises.”

    link to

  430. Smallaxe says:

    Patience, Tinto,

    The nadgering season matters not my dear chap, those goats behave like that in all seasons, use the time to stock up on Dettol and purchase a new wire brush in readiness for the coming season.

    Benny Lynch was a fine boxer but you don’t understand my frustration;
    link to

    So You Wanna Be A Boxer?
    link to

  431. cearc says:

    April 7 is Glenrothes WoS knees-up

    Could certainly do with something before then. Inverness would be nice but I have no idea where. If anyone has Tartanpigsy’s contact he would probably know. I’ll have a think.

    re. The Lava Lamp, Ms. Daines was scrounging fresh batteries the other day, so I guess she borrowed it for her naked, hilltop, full-moon dance.

  432. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sublime clips, Smallaxe, sublime.

    “I guess she borrowed it for her naked, hilltop, full-moon dance.”

    Whit? Surely not? She seemed such a nice girl, too.

    Don’t know how to break it to Ian B: it was his favourite object in the PRMG (after the plant pot).

  433. Smallaxe says:


    Thanks for reminding me and putting our minds to rest about the Lava Lamp, I’d forgotten that the festival of Imbolc has commenced. Ms.Daines will be worshipping the goddess, Brigid. Now is a time of renewal and of clearing the mind.

    Imbolc: “Ode to Brigid”
    link to

    As Above and so Below

  434. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m not fussed if I’m Scottish, English or Polynesian but I do hope to be treated ethically by the social institutions that shape my life. The British state and the BritNat identity deny Scots effective political agency, harming the Scottish economy and psyche. British nationalism places Scots in a similar position to women before emancipation and universal suffrage. British nationalism is intrinsically illiberal in nature.

    The Ex – The Art of Losing
    link to

  435. Smallaxe says:


    Let’s leave the lovely lad Ian to lament about the Lava Lamp, at least let’s leave it a little longer before letting loose with the truth, a little longer will be long enough.LoL

    He loves excessive alliteration, I’m told;
    link to

  436. Tinto Chiel says:

    All true, Smallaxe. I believe Paula Rose used to give him a real tongue-lashing.

    Do you really think she’s gone for ever, like wot the Great Library at Alexandria is?


  437. cearc says:

    Many of the books from Alexandria were taken and re-appeared in other places as new libraries.

  438. Smallaxe says:

    I hope nobody finds out about the books from the Alexandrian Library that were passed down to me through the family, how in the name of Zeus would I find the money to pay the fine?

    I don’t think she’s gone forever, she would have given us all a;
    link to

  439. Smallaxe says:

    When the knowledge and history of The Great Library of Alexandria were all but lost to us our southern neighbours very kindly re-wrote it all for us. Phew, lucky, or what!
    link to


  440. Tinto Chiel says:

    cearc says:

    “Many of the books from Alexandria were taken and re-appeared in other places as new libraries.”

    That explains my well-thumbed copy of “Lady Cynthia Sins Again”, a novel full of plangent symbolism and a limpid meditation on human longing.

    I’ve still got a copy of “Norton’s Star Atlas” from EK public library c. 1969. My dad paid for a replacement copy ‘cos his horse had just come in (obvs not Shergar).

    I tried a Voyage to Arcturus but ended up at Crindledyke.

  441. Smallaxe says:


    Any danger of you loaning me your copy of “Lady Cynthia Sins Again”? I love a good novel full of plangent symbolism and a limpid meditation on human longing.

    One little thing does intrigue me though, I must ask, if your dads’ horse had just come in, so enabling him to purchase you a replacement copy of “Norton’s Star Atlas”, where did the horse just come in from? Was it standing on street corners swinging it’s nosebag and wearing mascara? Did it have a part-time job with the ragman/coalman or was it on benefits?
    I do know it must never have let you down;
    link to

  442. Smallaxe says:


    I forgot this bit.
    “I tried a Voyage to Arcturus but ended up at Crindledyke”.
    Alpha Boo Hoo!
    link to

  443. Tinto Chiel says:

    Funny thing is, Smallaxe old fruit, my copy of “LCSA” seems to have gone missing, along with all my B. Traven novels. I’ve tried Treacle the butler’s room but zilch. It’s all a bit of a mystery, really.

    When I said his horse “just come in”, I meant in the 3.40 at Haydock. It wasn’t something you’d find down Anderston at two in the morning, y’know. My dad would never have backed that kind of horse, I assure you.

    And personally, I think some people get too sniffy about mascara. It can often bring out the brooding, azure majesty of a pair of peepers (peotry).

  444. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ah, Rosemary, “You with the stars in your eyes” Clooney.

    I once told a young lady her eyes were like deep pools of cerulean starlight amid a cloudless, crystalline sky.

    She told me to naff off, Poindexter.

    The Laydees, eh?

  445. Smallaxe says:

    Mystery solved, Tinto,

    Treacle the butler? AKA Fingers Findlay/Freddy the Fly/ The Bootleg Batman! Call a constable immediately and get the bugger arrested!

    I’m still a teeny wee bit puzzled about the horse. When you say “When I said his horse “just come in”, I meant in the 3.40 at Haydock”. Do you mean it arrived in the 3.40 bus or train?
    link to

    Agree totally re. mascara,(Peotry?)

  446. Fred says:

    I had a well-thumbed copy of “Lady Cynthia Does it for Dabbities!” once upon a time!

  447. Smallaxe says:

    The Laydees right enough, Tinto, I know exactly what that kind of rejection can do to a man, you’ve told me often enough.

    My rejections were many, I didn’t get my first kiss until 1972, it was just after I had discarded my favourite grey balaclava that my luck in the romantic rituals of reproduction seemed to take a turn for the better. I’ll never forget big Senga Breen, the tattoo she gave me on that sultry evening will remain with me forever.
    Her granddaughter is like a younger, slimmer image;
    link to

  448. Smallaxe says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  449. Tinto Chiel says:

    You telling me Treacle was bent, Smallaxe?


    That explains the eventual lack of silver coffee spoons, I suppose.

    And Fred, what are these “dabbities” of which you speak?

    Btw: is Senga Breen an anagram?

    These are deep waters, guys…..

  450. Smallaxe says:

    Senga Breen is an anagram of Green Beans, Tinto, all I have now are;
    “Green Onions”
    link to

    Tears? It must be the onions. Sob!

  451. Tinto Chiel says:

    So a girl whose name is an anagram of Green Beans gave you a tattoo “on a sultry evening”?

    Is “gave you a tattoo” a metaphor for dabbities, then? Notice Fred’s gone all quiet.

    Me noives are all shot. Life’s so confusing.

    Moff tae ma pit.

  452. Smallaxe says:

    I’ll put you out of your misery;

    Dabbity, a transfer, that is a design printed on glossy paper that when licked and applied to the back of a child’s hand will leave an image: ‘Call that a tattoo? Ah’ve seen better dabbities.

    Night Night.

  453. Thepnr says:


    This is for you. A must watch.

    link to

    And now to calm you down 🙂

    link to

  454. Smallaxe says:


    Memories…from Grosvenor Sq. to St. Thomas Hospital in one easy move. Worth every minute.
    link to

  455. Smallaxe says:

    Main Thread, it’s full of them!
    link to

    Prepare to repel boarders.

  456. Thepnr says:


    Loved it.

    Our future, Scotland’s future belongs to our youth, more than 64% of 16 to 24 year olds support a Yes vote.

    We need to motivate our youngsters to talk to their grannies and granda’s. Make the older folk realise that the direction Scotland chooses should be their grandchildren’s choice.

    I think that can win us Independence, getting the youth more involved actively, that should be our goal before IR2.

  457. Thepnr says:


    Close the door right enough, some though appear to be just to thick to see that. Halfwits.

    Does my nut in so will be spending more time here than there.

  458. yesindyref2 says:

    MT kind of reminds me of Edward Lear:

    There was an old person of Paxo
    Which complained when the fleas bit his back so,
    But they gave him a chair
    And impelled him to swear,
    Which relieved that old person of Paxo.

  459. Thepnr says:


    Yes, have tried that. Used many ways of getting rid of the trolls over the years. These two though ain’t gonig anywhere until they are TOTALLY ignored and end up talking to themselves like they were the other day.

    I can’t be arsed with this troll business anymore, Wings should be a place for at least semi sensible discussion but that proves to be impossible when they grab the thread,

    Mt Peffers and hhedy don’t help in the slightest, no one who replies to them does, they only make things worse. So fuck it I’lll not be back on the MT until they are gone or as a minimum totally ignored by everyone except new posters.

    By the way, did I mention I was pissed off at this?

  460. Smallaxe says:


    Correct, that 64% of young people would make a bigger difference if they would also take to the streets in *Peaceful* demonstration and maybe even organise a ‘Free in the Park’ gig that will attract even the No voters.

    “You’re the Voice” John Farnham;
    link to

  461. Smallaxe says:

    Music for the M/T;
    link to

  462. yesindyref2 says:

    Thinking of packing it in myself. There’s a couple or more have posted they don’t bother reading in the evening because of the trolls, which wastes the evening posts – and night ones. Night’s the time I do a bit of leisurely research, do a couple posts and I doubt if even a couple of people read them any more. Petra does a summation, and you used to get some interesting discussions in the evening.

    And there are a lot of names have disappeared, just the occasional post. Opening hours seem to be around 8 am to 5 pm on wings, after that it’s trollfest.

    The trolls are killing off btl, shame the power that be doesn’t recognise that.

  463. Cactus says:

    Mornin’ all.

    Aweright Ian Brotherhood ~

    Hoping to make it along to the protest later today.

    What time be the rendezvous at RES?

    Back in a bit.


  464. Smallaxe says:

    To those!

    And now each night, and morn ’til noon,
    Over Wings still roams the Yoon;
    And above the wail of the Chimp and Snipe
    You may hear the squeak of his plaintive pipe
    Lonely and wild, all night he goes,—
    The Yoon with a luminous Nose!

    Edward Lear & Me

  465. yesindyref2 says:

    Music’s always the answer and I’ve been trying to find a suitable one, the only thing I can think of is this one!

    link to

    or this

    link to

  466. Cactus says:


    Here and hear a question ot’ers:

    See how when the 21st century People of Scotland choose to become a normal independent country once again…

    Do you think the 20th century unionist politicians will physically weep for the loss of THEIR union, or will they react in a different way?

    Who gives a shit, we’ll be hosting the biggest ever 21st century iParty this planet has ever seen.

  467. Cactus says:

    Hey Ghillie 🙂

    How you doin’ lovely lady.


    Dynamix n that ower here.

    “He He” (said Michael Jackson)


  468. Cactus says:

    Comedy is the answer to the question and the cure.

  469. Cactus says:

    Scotland is a FUCKING excellent country.

  470. Cactus says:

    Aweright @Bullseye ~

    They WON the turquoise car.


  471. Cactus says:

    Upload and update complete.

  472. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cactus –

    Thepnr & I should be at The Social, Exchange Sq, about fiveish.

    Great if you can make it!


  473. Smallaxe says:

    I hope you have a note from a responsible person explaining your absence!

    George Jones:”It’s Finally Friday”;
    link to

  474. Tinto Chiel says:

    Morning, malcontents.

    Right, Smallaxe, so dabbities were transfers, like the ones you got with Bazooka Joe bubble gum?

    The word “Dabbity” does not seem to me to have reached the high tundra of East Kilbride, possible because Gaelic lingered there longer than the lovely lava lamp in the lissom-ladies’ loo.

  475. Smallaxe says:

    He’s got it, By Jove, he’s got it!
    link to

    Let’s leave the Lava Lamp saga lying a little longer.I don’t think Ian has noticed.

  476. Tinto Chiel says:

    Think those Bazooka Joe boys will stick around, Smallaxe?

    Right, D&P day at Tinto Towers or SWMBO will not be happy.

    It’s tough being a domestic goddess.

  477. Smallaxe says:

    Higella…The Movie;
    link to

  478. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    You’d be surprised how little I notice…but I *do* know what a dabbity is.


  479. Fred says:

    Now if the Bazooka Joe Boys could fit in Dabbity with Bee Baw Babbity that would really boost bubble-gum sales hereaboots!

    @ Tinto, you’re worse than your sister Erchie! Don’t ask. 🙂

  480. Fred says:

    Tricia Marwick posts on the scandalous treatment of the Catalan officials & says that it could never happen here! Imagine some goons locking Oor Tricia up, God help them!

  481. Lucia Daines says:

    *Puts lava lamp back in place, hopes no-one noticed its absence – what are folk talking about – leaves this*…
    link to

  482. Smallaxe says:

    Enjoy a nice night of nobbling nutters, no one knows nearly as much as me how a nice night of nobbling nutters numbs the noggin.

    Dab a dozen dabbities on as a disguise.

  483. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I will of course be playing an hour of Buddy Holly songs by many different artists on my online Not Fade Away Show on Argyll Independent Radio from 8pm tonight. Tomorrow is the 59th anniversary of me walking to Holyrood School in shock and distress.

  484. Smallaxe says:

    Bazooka Joe:”Sugar Island”
    link to

    I’m forever blowing bubbles.

  485. Smallaxe says:

    Dave McEwan Hill,
    Just to get us in the mood.

    Buddy Holly:

    “Not Fade Away”
    link to

    link to

    “Rave On”
    link to

    Buddy’s music didn’t die.

  486. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Thepnr @ 00:40,

    I very much share your concerns, but earnestly hope that you and indyref2 don’t “abandon ship”. I’m sure that I’m by no means alone in finding your contributions invariably positive and stimulating, even on the odd occasion when I don’t entirely agree.

    Getting rid of folk like you would be exactly what the rude interlopers want. We have to stick this one out.

  487. Smallaxe says:

    I left this out from my 11:30 am post yesterday.
    link to

  488. Tinto Chiel says:

    My sister Erchie’s been through a lot recently, Fred.

    This is my Auntie Bob, on the job:

    link to

    Families, eh?

  489. Fred says:

    Some good stuff Smallaxe, the sun’s shining & the daffy’s are coming up kid!

  490. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    Cheers for the Goats Don’t Shave track, great stuff, never heard that before. I’ll be whistling that for the rest of the day.

    Have the John Burrowes book about Lynch, it’s brilliant, although it’s more about social history than boxing, has some great descriptions of life in the Gorbals at start of 20th C, including the last UK outbreak of bubonic plague!

  491. Fred says:

    Ian, I think the plague came in on a ship, killed a few peeps, presumably those stricken were sent to the Belvedere Hospital or quarantined at Robroyston Hospital. All the best with tonight’s protest.

  492. Tinto Chiel says:

    Haud a dod: lovely lava lamp back!

    But where’s the Ashworth lamp?


    link to

  493. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fancy some sleaze and great slide guitar?

    link to

    Of course you do…..

  494. yesindyref2 says:

    Thanks. I’ll probably carry on (as I did today), but it is discourageing. Today has been a blessed relief so far without the witterings of coco the clown, long may that continue!

  495. Smallaxe says:

    For anyone who missed Dave McEwan Hill’s tribute to Buddy Holly on Argyll Independent Radio tonight, enjoy these last two tracks.

    Matchbox:”Love’s Made A Fool Of You;
    link to

    Tanya Tucker:”Not Fade Away”
    link to

    Thanks Dave, great programme.

  496. Fred says:

    Tinto, “Worse than yer sister Erchie!” was a fave’ of a Gourock mate. I presume she was a local worthy? “Aw tae the wan side like Gourock!”

  497. Tinto Chiel says:

    Maybe she brushed up against The Gantocks, Fred. You can never be too careful in them waters, imo…

    I’m no’ sae Garngad, thanks for asking.

    Dreich and dowie here where I am, so going to the fitba’ for some spiritual uplift.

  498. Marie Clark says:

    Morning one and all. Tinto, I hope Harvey is well this fine morning, sun is shining here, cauld mind, but the sun’s oot.

    I have to agree with Thepnr and yesindyref2 aboot what’s going on on the MT. I really wish that folk, who should know better would just ignore the Rock & Coco show. Now I see there appears to anither yin or twa crawlin oot the widwork. You cannot, debate,educate, or indeed, get any sense oot o’ these folk. That’s no whit they’re there for. All it’s doing is pissing aff the rest o’ us. I think that they hope to chase us away by boring us to death. Well I’ve got news for them, it ain’t gonna work. We’re here for the long haul.

    Thing bubbling along nicely with good old Brexit, Rees Mogg get a hard time in Bristol last night. Tories doing a great job of breaking up their ” Precious Union”. Time for this.

    link to

  499. Tinto Chiel says:

    Morning, Marie. Amen to your second paragraph. We’ve reached a new low on the M/T when the same ‘bot starts talking to himself using different names.

    Harvey’s actually in the huff ‘cos I wouldn’t take him to see the SiU gargoyles last night. He’s standing under the birch tree making faces at the redpolls.

    Meant to play this yesterday: takes me back to the days when I was young and beautiful.

    Funny, sad, wistful and banging at the same time, just like my sock drawer.

    link to

  500. Smallaxe says:

    Good afternoon, Peeps’

    Tinto being;
    “Young and Beautiful”
    link to

    link to
    “They’re moving towards you with their colours all the same
    They want to own you but they don’t know what game”

    If you Brexit you’ve Bought it! #fool in a China shop


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