Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Time for a bit of London culture, enjoy…
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Regarding next Saturday night, just so you know I will be taking care of transport back for anyone that is staying overnight at my place.
If your driving then you can come early and park your car here as cearc will be doing. If anybody needs details of my address then you will need to contact me directly on the mobile, I’m sure you can get the number through others you know.
There’s one addition Jock Scott is coming to sing while Cactus plays some tunes LOL.
Hi Alex.
Re: live music. You may have a problem there. Wetherspoon’s don’t allow music in their outlets. I understand it’s because they don’t want to pay for PPL and PRS licences but I may be on the wrong track there.
That’s why I avoided Wetherspoon’s in favour of the Invergowrie Inn for the get-togethers I organised – so we could have the indy/Scottish music videos.
Of course, if there’s a party at yours, then live music will no’ be a problem. As far as I know, there’s no Wetherspoon’s in Froickheim…
@Brian Doonthetoon
Yes I know what Wetherspoons think, I’m one step beyond though
I’ll bring my backing band.
Here’s a rare one for you lot to ponder upon…
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Assuming we’ll be grabbing the part of Jolly’s we grabbed before – have we got a Wings flag we can put in the window to show folk where we are?
@Paula Rose
I do but we won’t be doing that, we’re not there to stir it up but to make friends. No point attracting enemies and they do exist.
I won’t be inviting any hotheads to have a pop at us which is very possible on a Saturday night, Our strength is in our openness and level heads. Confrontation not necessary, lets be ourselves, wear our badges argue our point if we must.
For now I’m not for rubbing anyone’s nose it, met too many nutcases in my life already and don’t fancy meeting any more.
Lat’s have a good time, civil to all especially each other LOL
I only meant in the sense of making sure that our friends could find us – bit of a labyrinth.
Off the deep end…
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So tempted to stay up and grab the 30001 spot on off-topic but I can’t – away to bed, sleep well my dear friends.
A Dundee Band…
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Another Dundee Band…
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And another Dundee Band…
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And yet another Dundee Band…
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A spoons pub seems like an affy odd choice for such a cultured bunch as you lot.

Hi Paula Rose,
As a Dundee resident and long time Wings reader/ lurker I would love nothing more than to come and meet you guys this Saturday, however, as a student teacher I’ll unfortunately have no time for such frivolities. I shall be with you all in spirit however.
Have fun and until the next time.
I meant to mention also that, despite the constant negativity towards the Scottish Government’s handling of Scottish Education, most of those on my cohort as far as I can tell are in favour of Indy. Just a wee positive note to end the day.
@ Jim Bo
I know how focused the SNP are on education and narrowing the attainment gap but, surely they have not got you doing overtime on a Saturday night
Plus 30,000 comments us beautiful people!
Rock on the 40.
Go OT!
Love yer COUNTRY!
@ Cactus
It’s alive, It’s aaaaaalive.
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Am eh on your ignore list an ah?
Eh seem to be on abody elses!! 
Hint taken
Eh’ll awa an mutter tae mehsel in the coarner iy
It’s nae bather.
Boo – Hoo
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Aweright man Wallace, hows goes ye, oor leader of many and all…
“Well we ken whur wir gaun like aye..”
Ye ken me, ahm clockwise.
Spit-Spot hehe!
@ Cactus
Guid nicht oot?
Aye localish, nae heidbangin’ ra nicht.. will save that for THIS COMING SATURDAY.
Just been rearranging furniture hehe
Invasion oh meh mind!
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@ Cactus
Dundeez gift ti the ferry
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Guid stuff William Wallace, ah liked the panning on the excellent invasion
Kevin McCabe is quality.
My gift to anti-imperialist, Queer-space-Communists everywhere.
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@ Cactus
He was in Liff wi meh auld man iy.
Mental – yet lucid.
The good stuff William Wallace. The rain is fair pishin’ doon ower here in the Glasgow, how’s things ower yours onda east side?
When returning tonight, I kept finding stick rocket carcasses.
With the smell of fireworks in the air.
Learn to love the rain
@ Cactus
Set fire to the rain
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Love to all of Scotland. Shine brightly!
Re. the British Establishment’s support for the state of Israel. What about Scotland’s right to self-determination and statehood?
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Without effective voice in the British state, Scots lack political agency and are unable to express a political identity outwith boundaries defined by English votes. Having never experienced democracy that reflects our popular sovereignty, are Scots truly free?
Culture – Too Long In Slavery
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Just checking in again to see if there’s anyone that fancies sharing the bus/train journey from Glasgow up to Broughty Ferry on Saturday?
Any takers, no?
Well I’ll check in tomorrow evening – fingers crossed
Confusion in this Evening Standard item, courtesy of, regarding England and Britain – no surprise for Wales and Scotland
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Apologies for not archiving. One of many skills still to be acquired
Hi Ian Foulds.
I’ll paste this…
RE: Archiving…
I’ve posted this info at least a couple of times in the past year or so but here goes again.
The biggest problem here goes like this…
You see a page, say at, that you feel should be archived. So you go to and paste the url of the page into the box. accepts your submission and archives the page. All is well with the world.
The problem arises when,
a) the “live” page is edited an hour later and,
b) someone decides to archive the page half an hour after that. will tell you that the page was archived two hours ago and give you a choice – accept the already existing archive or create a new one. You MUST accept the existing archive because, if you elect to save a new archive, you will OVERWRITE the original, unedited version that was originally saved, thereby losing it.
2. It is more secure to use the Internet Archive, which has been on the go since at least the 1990s, to archive stuff. The benefit of the Internet Archive is that it does not overwrite pages it has previously captured. It just keeps them there to be browsed.
As an example, go to:-
and paste
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into the search box and hit return/enter.
You’ll get a page which has a calendar at the top, showing that The Herald has been archived since 2009. Hover over any of the “spikes” in that calendar and click and you will get a display showing (blue-circled) all the captures for that year.
And to make it even easier, here’s the link that takes you to all the Herald captures.
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In case anyone’s interested,
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is still simmering away; sensibledave this afternoon and my reply to him a wee whiley ago.
Brian Doonthetoon at 8.17pm.
Thanks for this.
Some homework for me.
Hi Winger’s
Really looking forward to the get the gither@Dundee, it has definitely been too long, just need suggestions as to where to stay?
Hi Yesbot.
Ask Alex about the space availabe on his carpet…
PS: Jolly’s has nothing available that Saturday night.
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Brian Doonthetoon says:
7 November, 2017 at 9:45 pm
Hi Yesbot.
Ask Alex about the space availabe on his carpet…
I’ve tried Jolly’s and B + B’s no joy. Not so familiar with Broughty/Dundee.
Dear Alex, Can you help, will travel with sleeping bag??
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Thanks to Brian Doonthetoon’s kind advice, I may have now obtained the correct link!!
Hope this makes more sense.
Brian, I shall continue to practice – it is like acquiring drum skills, a current challenge and slow as well as painful.
I wish I did but now looking overbooked and wife starting to get nervous lol. I’ve found these for you which are available:
Jolly’s still have one room available on at £59, breakfast extra.
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Stonelee Guest House, a 5 minute walk away. Rated 9.2 twin room available at £60 including breakfast.
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Best Western Woodlands Hotel, 5 minutes in a taxi, single room £54 excluding breakfast 5 minutes in a taxi.
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Good luck in the hunt
Just for info there’s a train stops at B/Ferry from Glasgow Queen St leaving at 17:04 and arriving 19:02
Could you not offer the lady a lift
I wish I did but now looking overbooked and wife starting to get nervous lol. I’ve found these for you which are available:
Jolly’s still have one room available on at £59, breakfast extra.
Thank you Alex, will try for that! See you next week.
Dear Alex
What time is your event?
It’s not my event it’s ours :), from around 19:00 on is what I’m suggesting.
I’ll be there for 19:00 with a few others, but people are welcome to turn up at any time of course, sure we’ll still be there
@Darren Loki McGarvey
How do you understand the concepts of identity, equality and liberal democracy? International law? Social psychology and sustainability? Can you justify supporting the state of Israel and not supporting Scottish self-determination and statehood?
The Twinkle Brothers – It’s Not What You Know
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Morning Ruglonian and Alex.
Aye I’d been planning on driving up from Glasgow wae Jock Scot… if yer flying solo, sure come and join us
Good news, if you get here before 5 O’Clock I’ll make your tea lol.
Let me enlighten you about identity, equality and politics.
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Excellent Alex!
Lookin forward to… I’ll tie in with ye later on e-mail.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a bit of an existentialist. He felt identity was of central importance equality.
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The Paradox. – Ring the Changes
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I’m going to mark my regard for all the good folk who perished in two World Wars by avoiding poppy fascism and by sharing two classics:
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Tinto, you want to know the truth about Brazil?
“You can’t handle the truth”…
Item One:
There are only two things that are cheap in Brazil – Human life; and granite kitchen countertops. Really. I know, because I’ve remodelled a kitchen.
Item Two:
Some Brazilians’ moral compasses are slightly askew. Example, reported in papers a couple of years ago:
A man discovered that a local religious leader was having sex with the man’s underage daughter. So the man, like any outraged father would do…
…started blackmailing the pastor for money, threatening to tell the police if he didn’t get cash.
Item Three:
If you don’t like creepy-crawlies, then stay away! With the weather, the sun, the lack of freezing temperatures, there’s hunners an thoosands of beasties, everywhere.
Wee cockroaches, medium cockroaches, big bastarding cockroaches galore. They like dark hideyholes, like down the slots in your kitchen knife block (finding them there was just – ughh).
Item Four:
It’s always sunny. Fuxake, that big yellow ball in the sky doesn’t take a break. It gets depressing waking up and KNOWING you’re going to be sweating all day, same as yesterday, and the day before.
On the other hand watching the tv news gleefully reporting on some high-altitude town getting a bit of ACTUAL FROST!?! when the temperature goes to minus-1 is always good for a laugh.
Item Five (The good news):
The soft drink Guarana Antarctica is excellent, give it a try if you see it. It has a very light flavour, fruity but a bit similar to ginger ale. There’s no Irn-Bru here but Guarana is an worthy alternative.
More later. Mibbes.
@Tom Gallagher
I get the impression you would have been a staunch opponent of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil right movement. Do you not accept that Scotland’s right of political participation within the UK, is rendered worthless as a result of the roughly 10 to 1 ratio of English to Scots MPs? Do you not accept that it is the moral responsibility of all to ensure cultural diversity? Which nation are you a patriot to, Scotland or England?
Culture – the existence of a shared way of life that is judged worth defending that distinguishes partialism on behalf of a culture from racist partialism. Anyone, regardless of race, may choose to participate in the common life of a culture. Insofar as the common life that defines a “people” is not based on race, it leaves open the possibility for all persons to choose (if they wish) to identity with the country’s predominant national culture. – Elias Baumgarten
Re. Sterile nationalism. That’s what your side does tube.
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This one’s not for Tom.
Sweet Honey In The Rock – Eye On The Prize
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Hey guys,
Glad I checked here first – I was just going to book my train ticket – I’d be delighted to join your merry band Cactus, thank you so much for the offer, and if Alex is getting the tea on, all the better
Email me later and we can arrange ourselves!
So looking forward to this weekend
@Tom Gallagher
It’s clear you’re able to make anodyne critique but are you able to think beyond your old-skool ideological presumptions?
Sister Rosetta Tharpe – That’s All
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David: you paint not a very attractive picture. I thought it was all luscious, sun-kissed lovelies on Ipanema beach rolling you a dooby on their smooth thighs. You don’t see that kinda hing in Gourock, you know.
Cockroaches I don’t like, not even whistling ones.
Come back home, all is forgiven.
Tinto, I could be telling the truth, or I could be lying in order to keep snakehipped charmers – such as yourself – away from the Brazilian burds…
Here’s a 2-min vid showing Niteroi’s Icarai beach. Nice, with topless volleyball players, and great big coconuts. Oh, and you can look across the bay to Rio de Janeiro city, just a ferry ride away:
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But that video had the wrong kind of “topless volleyball players, and great big coconuts”, David.
Had to scrape the car this morning, too.
Loved the “snakehipped charmer” comment, though. So true, so true…..
*Checks profile in big hall mirror*
I have tried three times to reply to David but have been given the BDTT treatment: dingied and then told I’ve made a duplicate comment when I haven’t, because I’ve rewritten a hilariously witty reply.
Can’t see any trigger words either.
‘Sa pure scandal, soanitis.
Will try later, David. Loved the “snakehipped charmer” bit: so true, so true.
*Checks profile in big ha’ mirror*
Aw tae the wan side like Gourock, match that!
Fred, just curious: did you ever sail on The Vital Spark?
Ah’ve only brushed up against the Gantocks the wance: never again!
@Ian Brotherhood
Nana just posted a link about 40 minutes ago on the MT with Alex Salmond being interviewed on I’m guessing BBC about becoming chairman of Johnson Press and very good it was too. He’s one smart cookie.
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Anyway that’s not what I came on to tell you about it was this that I was offered by Youtube as an “you might like” after watching Nana’s link. Ace! LOL
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If that last clip doesn’t make you smile nothing will

Tom Tom Club – Wordy Rappinghood
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#Loki #Tom Gallagher?
@Alex Clark –
Just caught up with the clips.
Morning Ruglonian ~
You have mail.
Cheers to all off-topical Wingers.
“Friends of Wings Over The Ferry Digital Countdown Clock”:
0 months, 0 weeks, an about 2½ days remaining.
See ye on the beach William.
Right, David, fourth time: I wanted “topless volleyball players, and great big coconuts” but only got, eh, topless volleyball players and great big coconuts.
Blinkin’ swiz, soanitwuz.
Ah the Gantocks Tinto, did the Waverley not brush up against them wanst? Have scraped by a puffer in the Crinan Canal on one of my yachting hols, don’t think it was the Vital Spark though. Apparently you can tell coal-fired puffers fae diesel wans by the position of the funnel in relation tae the wheelhouse?
Big fan of Para Handy, the chapters are just the right size for reading in bed! Apparently the author’s faither was the duke of Argyll?
@Darren Loki McGarvey
Re. Scotland’s lack of effective voice in Westminster. Do you imagine the English New Right will respect Scottish needs? No keen on Scots gaining access to the “Right to Development”?
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Ah Para Handy and the Vital Spark.
“see this thing that’s gon roon and roon it shood be up an doon”
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@Darren Loki McGarvey
Dude, I’ve been gentle with you up to now but it’s clear you’re way out of your depth. Do you have the faintest idea what lies under the public facade of British nationalism?
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Conservative Theory
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Talking Heads – Once In A Lifetime
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@Alex clark
Thanks for your comment on the main thread. I’m learning stuff every day from links and from other wingers.
I just need to learn to be a bit more patient for indy, lol but it’s hard this waiting and waiting and wai…………….
Your another, just like the Rev that doesn’t appreciate how much you are doing for the cause of Scottish Independence. Your links are vital in opening peoples eyes. Slowly but surely they are being opened too thanks to people like your good self.
Love you loads
OK I’m sorry for this. Really really sorry. I can’t help myself and I have to play it. Once again sorry just sorry I didn’t mean it.
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Saw that not long after you put it up, must admit I quite respect SD, I know what it’s like posting on a hostile forum, done it on the Express and DT (and Scotsman), and even UKDJ was a bit to start with. He’s forgetting the golden rule, which is NOT to get angry or feel insulted, so I finally deployed my secret weapon and I think I left him with a little egg on his face
He’s going to need a wet wipe.
Got to say, now I’ve broken the addiction of feeling that I have to post, and now just skim a lot, I’m enjoying it again
Nostalgia for the poverty of the past? Nah I don’t think so, it’s a reminder of the mistakes of the past. We can be different as an Independent country. A great future awaits us and it’s up to us.
Embrace the future, make it yours!
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Hi Alex.
I was well chuffed when I found a copy of Don Spencer’s “Fireball” at a stall in the Dens Road Market in the early 70s.
I seem to recall that the Gerry Anderson puppet shows were shown on a Sunday around teatime. The one before “Fireball XL5” was “Space Patrol”.
Onnyhoo, here’s Fireball XL5’s opening sequence.
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You can watch the opening of “Space Patrol” at this link,
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Or watch the whole episode! Before “Space Patrol”, we had “Torchy The Battery Boy” and “Four Feather Falls” and afterwards, of course, Supercar, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Terrahawks and so on.
Hi yesindyref2.
I’ll keep a watching brief and leave it to you to slug it out. If he mentions me again, I’ll probably pop in. Don’t want to leave him with the last word. It’s the pedant in me…
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Literally decades since I had a good few great nights out in Paisley including the Indian buffet of course. Last train home job, leave the car.
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Thanks for the Glesga pics Alex, wonder if Smallaxe is lookin in?
@Brian Doonthetoon
Well that was a treat, Space patrol I’d never even heard of I’ve only watched the first 5 minutes yet am engrossed.
I’ll need to go back and watch the whole video, even the kids programmes back then were more grown up than Great British Bake Off Come dancing Shite that we get now. Good tunes too!
I’m into retro that’s for sure. Long live retro
Yes a brilliant tune, I played that once that’s why it’s brilliant
Kind of retro
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Was probably a YES
No Dusty song for 1572 comments – shashays over to juke box.
I used to bump into that dude quite regularly, as he was a friend of my next-door neighbour (more than a decade ago). It’s a funny old world.
As far as “imagined communities” go, I reckon Scotland is about the optimal size for a healthy nation.
Ahh Paula feeling sorry for you so here you are, this’ll tide you over for another 1572 posts or so I hope
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@CameronB Brodie
I’ve always thought anyone into folk music would have to be a YESser, apart from one of the Humblebums! Caledonia is a great song but I always thought YES should have something mre upbeat and future. Maybe like, this:
“Now I’m a union man
Fed up with what I am
I say what I think
That the Union stinks
Yes I’m a union man.
When we meet in the Freedom Square
I’ll be tearing out my hair
With a hell of a shout
It’s out voters out
And the end of the Union’s share.
Oh, you don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
Before the day I die, before the day I die.”
Needs a bit of work, and the rest of it!
Mmm, “Fed up with THAT I am”
The original “what” works in an existentialist sort of way.
@Paula Rose
Tried to post this earlier well at least 15 minutes ago but not appeared. This is for you and she’s a no bad dancer too.
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Re. William Shatner covering Garbageman. My life is now complete.
@CameronB Brodie
Ah, is that what Colin Wilson meant by “Outsider”, he wanted to be outside the Union. We should adopt him posthumously. Anyway, encouraged, I’ll post the second lot of 3 of 3, hoping the Rev is still distracted by his impressive figures.
“As a union man I’m wise
To the lies of the union spies
And I don’t get fooled
By the media drool
‘Cause I always read between the lines.
And I always get my way
If I work for Indy Day
When I show my card
To the Scotland Yard
This what I say.
Oh, you don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
Before the day I die, before the day I die.”
I’ve now got the theme tune for ‘Torchy, Torchy, the battery boy’ bouncing around my head from the moment I read your comment.
No hammers yet, nor arabs come to that, so, last 3:
“Before the Union dropped a smear (pooh)
My life was half as clear
Now I’ve got the power
For the marching hour
And every other day of the year.
So though I’m a working man
I can ruin UK government’s plan
Though I’m not too hard
The sight of my card
Makes me some kind of superman.
Oh, you don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
You don’t fool me I’m out of the union
Before the day I die, before the day I die.”
Improvements welcomed
Don’t like “my card”, mmm, “disregard”. This is pretty good:
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Don’t sing it in Spain or you’ll get arrested for sedition. Or just bad singing.
@Tom Holland
That’s a rather confused message from you there, especially as your a historian. Your country is England and only England. Britain is not a country, it is the political union of Scotland and England. Your epistemology appears normatively biased to the extent that your objectivity has been compromised. Not a good look, frankly.
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Prejudice is solely due to ignorance. Education is necessary to defeat ignorance then forgo prejudice is eradicated.
I too often talk shite, off to bed. All the best to all the faithful.
All loving Alex xx
@ Alex,and all Wingers.
In the style that I love.
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@Darren Loki McGarvey
Scotland’s development potential is enormous but it’s achievement is constrained by UKOK neo-liberalism that preferences Tory and swing voters in England. British Labour offer little alternative, as they compete for the same swing voters.
Scotland’s needs are very different to the south east of England, but we lack the liberty to develop appropriate economic policy, immigration policy, etc.. The present arrangements prevent Scotland from developing sustainable strategies for inclusive Scottish prosperity.
Honestly dude, you’re totally clues and are simply showing yourself up as a useful idiot.
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Re. the Anlgo-American New Right, Farage (as in garage), and right-wing populism in general. Authoritarian capitalism is a crime against humanity, frankly.
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Since we’ve been on the subject of wonderfully chanky sci-fi music, I remind you of this:
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At least Paula Rose will like the album cover.
I hope all you Picts have a great time tomorrow night at your Wings Hootenanny. Maybe The Rev’ll turn up for his sixth birthday party.
@Darren Loki McGarvey
Dude, you’re being played for a fool.
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Linton Kwesi Johnson – Fite Dem Back
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You want coconuts, Tinto – here they are!

Kid Creole – Don’t take my Coconuts:
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Never understood wot this was all about but it’s a nice memory from The Olden Days:
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C ya sometime, seps.
Charming young ladies, David, and more what I had in mind originally.
Do you think they’d be interested in my trenchant apercus on Dialectic Materialism?
I could get CameronB to help me out when the going gets tough.
“talk shite”? “talk shite”?
I haven’t even got going yet!
Salmond strikes again!
His tv show is not even on the air yet, and already the unionists are in meltdown.
Pleasing. Very pleasing.
Oh those Russians (2 second soundbite from Boney M’s Rasputin):
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Mr Salmond if you’re reading this, gonnae put Boney M on your show, pleasepleaseplease.
Boney M live in Moscow, with an over the top version of Rasputin, 5mins:
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Tinto Chiel
I’m not sure. That’s thon mechanistic, materialist worldview?
Thee Headcoatees – All My Feelings Denied
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Yes indeed Tinto, the beautiful ladies, or ‘moças bonitas do Brasil’, are partial to a brief but illuminating aperçu or two. My philosophical soirées, held of an evening on the beach, are well-attended by the elite of society…
…at least until the free beer runs out.
Bad Manners – Special Brew:
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Rules for Brazilian beer commercials aren’t as strict as in Scotland/North Britain/UK, so this is the the kind of thing I’m forced, forced I tell you, to watch on TV:
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Re. sweeping majesty.
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Now I know why I’ve never liked Skol, David.
I admire your selfless research into Itaipava, though.
“I’m not sure. That’s thon mechanistic, materialist worldview.”
I’ll need to get back to you on that, Cameron. Karl and I are still communing with The Great Spirit.
@Darren Loki McGarvey
Dude, you’re not ready for this level of discourse yet. Gain some knowledge and experience first.
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That’s me back now, Cameron: total waste of time. TGS was about to explain all about dark matter and dark energy and then KM denied TGS’s existence as a materially irrational entity.
It’s nae wunner I stick to coconuts. At least you know where you stand with them.
It’s not so easy for anyone to make a monkey out of you then Tinto.
Harry Nilsson – Coconut
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Did a bit more, probably as far as I can go now
Set a trap, catch flies.
I was looking through pics that I’ve uploaded to my web space over the past year or three. Don’t know if I’ve flagged this on here before but I will now.
It shows the very rare, shy and elusive ‘Highland Kangadeer’. No need to thank me.
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This one shows a dragonfly that me and my nieces rescued from the River Ardle, to the east of Pitlochry, in Strathardle, funnily enough. After around 15 minutes drying in the sun, it took off, nae bathir.
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Check out the guy in the blue strip at the left of the next pic and how appropriate the headline is.
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I may post more later…
Hi yesindyref2.
The reason I’m scanning my uploads (see above) is to give sd something to chew over. I’ll probably get it posted in the next hour or so.
“It’s not so easy for anyone to make a monkey out of you then Tinto.”
Mrs TC manages it daily, Cameron *sighs*.
But wait until Chick McG hears I had the Mysteries of the Universe in my grasp and then Karly blew it…..
Jeezo, Chick: calm doon!
Here are another three uploaded pics.
This tank appeared in Dundee High Street, once upon a time.
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Alex Clark may find this interesting. Ony ehdeea whar it is?
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Lastly, Eh’ll hae twa bridies – a plenn ane an’ an ingin ane an’ a’.
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Another three…
I may have posted this one here before. It’s a map showing all of Dundee’s waterways/burns.
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This is from the St Andrew’s Day rally/march in Dundee in 2014. Bob Costello is on the far left, next to Chris Law.
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And the last one, for now… Tartan Tory’s Audi Quattro, pictured at the Arbroath Seafest, August 2014.
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And yesindyref2, I found three graphics for sd to chew over. I’ll get them posted, in the usual place, in the next half hour or so.
Hi yesindyref2.
Done, at:-
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It’ll be interesting to see how he reacts.
For all you Folk Meeting up Tomorrow this is for you. link to
Thing is I don’t think SD will get it!
C u all there
Do we really believe Salmond, careful planner that he is, didn’t inform Sturgeon, well in advance, of his plan for a tv show on RT?
I believe they carefully planned her response for media questions about it.
Salmond’s’s not out to pasture, he’s still working to achieve Indy.
Alex Salmond working on his tv show with Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.
Place your bets now on how soon the unionists will start implying they are having an affair.
I’m not kidding. I really think the unionists are that desperate now.
And if I’ve though of this, darn sure so has Salmond – plus worked out a scheme to turn this smear against the unionists.
If yer going for an early Jolly later today, check out their menus:
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The food menu is very impressive, check it out, it gives you dietary info and all ingredients used for dishes. Eating with surety.
Go prepared.
For anyone who doesn’t know Wetherspoons, the Lamb shank is absolutely meltingly gorgeous.
Some poster on the Herald has already implied that.
Sheena and I had planned to spend the day in Dundee, catching the latest Thor film, then after eating head on out to the Ferry to spend an hour or two with the gang.
That is all up in the air at the moment since a friend of ours took ill yesterday and was rushed to hospital. They have several dogs which need feeding, watering and walking.
Sheena went out to the dogs this morning, not back yet, so it isn’t looking good.
Hope you make it, Chick.
Heels – check
Hat – check
See you all soon.
Sheena’s back.
Like I say it was a friend who we had been out for meals and a concert with and who goes out with Sheena and others on a coffee afternoon once a week and we knew she had dogs but had never been to her place.
Turns out it was 22 dogs, two horses and two cats.
I felt guilty as hell because I stayed in the hoose, we thought it was maybe just 4 or 5 dogs.
Must be virtually a full time job for her, hope she gets out soon.
So we cannot make it tonight but I’m crap company anyway so your not missing much.
Cartoon from today’s Irish News
BritNats in big trouble over Irish Boarder – will have to sacrifice DUP for a trade deal
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Am here in bar, amybody else here yet. Sitting by Beano comic pic
At jolly’s where abouts are you all
Hope everyone is having a great evening of vile wings cybernattery over in Dundee. Enjoy.
Wur still up…
Whose on breakfasts?
To Cactus and pals:
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That was a simply vile night in the Ferry, way above and beyond the bounds of common decency.
You know what they say though, “no rest for the wicked”.
@Tom Gallagher
Re. sterile nationalism. How do you understand nationalism and the social world we share? Are you really able to distinguish between ‘good’ Muslims and ‘bad’ Muslims, simply by the way they look? Do you support the state of Israel?
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“[Osama] Saeed’s argument that the Muslim community’s moderation is a given might be confirmed by the absence (in those parts of Glasgow where most Scots Muslims reside) of the Islamic bookshops, bitter young men and fully-covered women that are characteristic of parts of London and of other English urban conurbations with large Muslim populations.” – Tom Gallagher, Scotland’s nationalist-Muslim embrace, Open Democracy, 9 August 2007
@Darren Loki McGarvey
Do you really want to associate yourself with bigots and racists?
Here’s wan aimed at supporting the growth of developmentally diverse adult learners.
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Jackie Wilson – ( your love keeps lifting me) Higher and Higher
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@Tom Gallagher
What efforts have you made to de-colonise your epistemology?
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What is epistemology? Introduction to the word and the concept
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@Tom Gallagher
What efforts have you made to mediate your “positionality” and the way in which the construction of your values and rationality is historically situated?
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oops critical realism link.
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Bhaskar’s ‘critical realism’ and multiple levels of reality
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@Tom Gallagher
Feel threatened by non-British cultures? Can you justify supporting the state of Israel while opposing Scottish self-determination? Do you consider yourself an agent for moral good?
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What is Social cognitive theory?
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Albert Bandura Social Cognitive Theory and Vicarious Learning
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Re. Occam’s razor and similar medieval bollocks.
Living In A Box – Living In A Box
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Just home from my Jolly Jaunt to the Ferry. Fantastic weekend, old and new faces alike. Big Thanks to Theepner and his missus, such friendly and hospitable…(TJenny, I miss you at these things).Cactus for getting me there) Cearc for wonderful discussions, Lolly’s mum for slagging me. Betty and Jim for just being Betty and Jim, never change, cheers for electonic lessons on how to avoid bar queues. X Sticks for just being such an outstanding individual, more power to you man. Quinne for being there as it had been a while since we had the chance to meet up. Cameron, you sir, are a gent. Lanarkinst, Jenny, my ‘da’ Ronnie,Ruglonian for taking notes..something about Glenrothes, Paula for providing THE most outrageous end to an evening. Brian and Pete thanks for the badge.Cadogan for bringing a further Celtic twist to our ensemble. and everyone else I haven’t mentioned cos at my age the memory soaked in booze takes a while longer to dry out these days. Stay wonderful Wingers and judging by last nights atmosphere, the IndyParty is gonna be mind-blowing. Cheers!
@Jock Scot –
What a generous tribute that is – makes me aw the more scunnered that I missed it…
@Tom Gallagher
You might want to share these with Gordon Brown. He appears to think a federal UK is a feasible option, though I’m not sure if he has run that past the head of state, HRH the Queen.
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Jingle Punks – Do It Right, Just Do It
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@Darren Loki McGarvey
The door’s open bud.
Jock Scot
You’re a gent yourself and an inspiration.
What Jock didn’t mention was his impromptu live acapella performance. Nicky (Nikki?) from Livingston, a Twitter pal of Paula Rose wasn’t aware of “Yew Choob” so I asked him to do “BBC Ga-Ga” for her.
He took a minute or so to collect the lyrics in his head then let rip, following it up with another two or three, Like “Donalda Whaur’s Yir Viewers” – in Wetherspoons – and we didn’t get warned or thrown out!
All in all, another successful get-together in the Dundee environs – that makes 5 up here now; 2 in the Ferry and 3 in Invergowrie. Edinburgh is lagging behind with 2 – and we’re still waiting on word of an Inverness do.
Watch out for a Glenrothes get-together around April next year. Hint: 6th April is a Friday evening so the 6th or the 7th could be a celebration of the 698th anniversary of the Declaration.
Just a wee heads-up to those Wingers who kindly provided me with ‘wurds’ for the crossword in The National when I was a bit fed-up and looking for fresh stuff…
One or two have already appeared, but the bulk should be appearing over the next fortnight or so. I didn’t keep a note of when they’re appearing so if you want to get a National XW with ‘your’ wurd in it you’ll have to buy it every day!
As ever, open to suggestions for future crosswords…minimum three letters, maximum fifteen.
You were sorely missed but we spoke about you anyway so hope the ‘burning ears’ feeling was appreciated. Your social idea from the start was to go to a pub,be Wingers and pull people in . Man, have we been polishing that idea and last night was it ‘unleashed’ to use a common, current ‘thing’, hope you appreciate the genuineness of this comment as it was a beautiful thing to be a part of.
@Cameron..back at you.
A benefit concert for Dick Gaughan at the end of January in Glasgow’s Old Fruit Market, Edinburgh ditto I think.
@Jock Scot –
It’s all too beautiful!
Cheers brother – ma lugs were roastit an pure itchy right enough and now I ken why!
Anyway, please enjoy this soo-perbness. Is there another music video where the performer uses an actual *box* of matches to light-up before he starts?
Telly Savalas, ‘If’ –
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Glenrothes gathering
BDTT 8:57
6/7 April was the weekend I had in mind and will be checking
With the owner in the next few days. Will get back to you in a day or two.
Thanks to all who made to Jollys, I fair enjoyed it. As a
result I am bloody knacked so it is time for kip.
Goodnight all.
Hi IanB.
Chasanderson200 regretted, particularly, that you weren’t in The Ferry, coz, it seems, you are emailing each other regularly.
Also, what happened to William Wallace? A search party, led by Cactus, went out to check for the beach party but he couldn’t be found.
Mind you, that swan they brought back caused havoc in Jolly’s before it flew off.
Also peeps,
This page,
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is STILL active (since 30th Oct). I replied to sensibledave tonight.
‘That was a simply vile night in the Ferry, way above and beyond the bounds of common decency’
Now look it wasn’t our fault that you ripped your shirt of in front of Paula Rose. What did you think she’d do? I reckon you got off lightly.
Was lovely to meet you all last night! Thanks again for the badges, for making a newbie feel so welcome, and for the mention Brian. Feel part of the family now! X
Brither, it’s a case of your messages bein too cryptic, elsewise ahm pished again.
Ah know, ah know which is likeliest, but ah dinna get it aw the same.
You were just an onlooker though and didn’t have to experience the reality of it.
Ellie @ 10.39
It was a reply great night wasn’t it.
Everybody was such good company and a special shout out to the two local Laddies who joined us.
I hope that they make it on to this blog,they are a credit to Scotland,and their whole attitude not only makes me more determined to get them a future away from this rancid Union!
But also gives me confidence that we have the young people to make an independent Scotland fly!!!give it Wing’s if ye like!!….. I know….. but it’s my turn to have a drink
Anyhoo thanks everyone for being such good company and I hope that the Hangovers weren’t too bad!
Sorry we didn’t make it guys, but feeding, watering and pooper scooping 22 dogs this morning in a vicious and snell northerly wind on an exposed plain West of Kirrie for our friend made me grateful I was not also hungover.
She is back home now, the medical scare thankfully being down to the medicine she received after a recent knee operation and not something more sinister.
@Ian Brotherhood
You threw me there when you played IF I expected this.
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@Alex C –
Hope you’re happy with how it at all went last night.
Sounds like it was a guid yin!
@Ian Brotherhood
I’m still at last night. Waiting to come down
I’ll bet none of you knew this Robert De Nero is a Winger check out his jacket while he gets an interview for a job as a Taxi Driver.
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@ Brian 10:17pm
The inevitable happened lol.
Went to the wedding in Newcastle as planned. Had absolutely no intention of going to the reception and definitely no intention whatsoever of having a drink at said reception. I had every intention of staying sober and sneaking off early to head up the A1. The rest as they say… is history.
Glad you all had a cracking night though. Was a pretty top night in Newcastle tae. Much needed. Will catch you all next time I suppose. Bit gutted I missed it but, also glad I stayed to catch up with old friends too.
Alex Clark
Of course, none of this vileness would be possible without a particular Campbell. That’s somehow ironic, frankly.
TheFatRat – Xenogenesis
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xenogenesis in British
(?z?n??d??n?s?s ) or xenogeny (z??n?d??n?)
1. the supposed production of offspring completely unlike either parent
2. another name for abiogenesis, alternation of generations
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Did I take that too far?
William Wallace
I was looking forward to meeting but I suppose we’ll just need to put that on hold, for the time being. You do know how to Madison?
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Did I take that too far?
@ Cam
Eh dinnae ken how to Madison but eh do ken how to dae the slosh
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Would have like to have met you tae (and the rest of you good fowk) but, eh wiz catching up wi really solid old pals. Boys eh grew up wi iy. Wanted to sneak aff but, eh wiz kinda hijacked. Eh’ll no miss the next gathering eh promise.
William Wallace
That’s the game.
Re. the Yoonstream’s response to Slainte Media.
How Free is the Russian Web?
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Bob Marley & The Wailers – Exodus (unreleased)
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To all the Jolly crew, especially those who enjoy a drag, one of their nice staff found a silver vaping thingy “One Lite” at the table where BDTT and Pete were parked.
If any of you fine peeps has been struggling to find it, let Betty or me know and we’ll send it back to the rightful puffer.
Jim Thomson
Ach, thats where eh left it. Just as well eh had a spare wi me.
200 Woodside Road,
Glenrothes, is where it bides.
Cheers buddy, much appreciated.
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Ya beauty! We have a winner/(winger).
Nae bother. I’ll ask my lovely assistant to do the honours (she’s much neater than me when it comes to packaging stuff).
Looking forward to April.
Cheers Jim.
I had turned my hotel room upside down on Saturday night looking for it.
A drink in the barrel for you in April.
Aye aye ye Wingers of the Ferry ’17. Yes, we had a jolly good time indeed. Enjoyed meeting with ye all again, with the sharing of ideas and thoughts for the future of Scotland. Hogmanay ’17 at midnight will be interesting this year, when independent European countries all around this world are merryily singing about auld acquaintances and there’s a hand my trusty fiere n gie’s a hand o’ thine. Nobody knows or does it better than us. It’s ours and can never be taken away, courtesy of international Robert Burns. ‘THAT’ year will be our ‘HOMEcoming Hogmanay’ party.
The top table sing-along and aftershow party were most excellent!
Cheers again for having us all over to yours Alex, cool times.
Off to read/catch up with the last four articles.
Posted a comment around 8:25pm tonight which WordPress has rejected.
You can read it here:-
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@WW –
Sounds like you had a rerr terr down Newcastle way!
Anyway, have been meaning to pick your brains about your own work and some comments you’ve made (nothing heavy!) but I’m wondering if you wouldn’t mind establishing contact on e-mail? I’m working on something which I think *may* be of interest to you, and even if it isn’t I’d be very grateful for your thoughts on it, no matter how brief (or brutally honest!) they may be.
Hoots brother.
‘Circumjacent’ should be in The National XW on Saturday.
@ Ian.
Nae bather bud! Will drop you an email the morrow.
@WW –
Thanks for the swiftness of response. Soo-perb!
Please feel free to attach examples of your work, if you wouldn’t mind my having a gander at them. Not sure if you do prose as well as the poetry but ahm up for a swatch at it all.
There’s nowt nefarious about my motives here – just curious about your general take on matters literary, and esp interested in the ‘schemie’ angle.
Looking forward to getting some fresh material tae ponder!
Many hoots tae ye mister!
Hey Cactus, good to see you finally back in the land of the living
Hey Ian B and all the other pals that weren’t able to make it up to BF on Saturday,
There was talk about the next do, (as BDTT has already brought up) and also the idea of another house party – I held the first on the last Saturday of January and I’m happy to do so again unless anyone else is willing to assume the mantle?
What’s folks thoughts?
It might not be sporting to wind Torrance up but he’s not much use for anything else.
Jackie Mittoo – Killer Diller (now with lovely dancers)
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Looking forward to the next get-together myself.
@Darren Loki McGarvey
Here’s a freebie. The door’s open.
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@Darren Loki McGarvey
I’m feeling generous. Why not come and join in?
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The Selecter – Walk The Walk
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Hi folks
I hope it’s not out of place in this section but not sure where else to ask. I’m looking for recommendations of books on scottish history that are relatively balanced and give an accurate portrayal of Scotland as a nation from birth to present day. As a product of the Scottish education system I am woefully uneducated on scottish history (having been taught little other than the history of world wars and oddly, Victorian England in school) and I wish to rectify this shortcoming asap.
I’ve spent a bit of time looking on Amazon for decent books but want to make sure my reading is as balanced and accurate as possible (ie not written from a London perspective)
Any wisdom or advice would be greatly appreciated
“How the Scots Invented the Modern World”.
The true story of how Western Europes poorest nation created our world and everything in it.
Arthur Herman Ph.D in history John Hopkins University. Published 2001.
ISBN. 0-609-80999-7
Brings you from circa 1500 to modern times. A “must-have” book for me.
@ Stuckinoz
A very good question and maybe a good way to kick start some literary recommendations (on this subject and others) on off-topic.
I have also been looking at ways to improve my own knowledge of our history other than what I have learned thus far but, I am wary of picking the wrong books with a skewed perspective.
In relation to the book Chas posted above, you can get it in audio book format with an Amazon Audible free trial for 30 days (non prime member) or 3 months (for prime members) and listen to it for free. Just remember to cancel so you are not charged.
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@ Ian
Most of my writing is still done in the conventional manner (pen and paper). Hardly any of it is typed up. It’s only in recent times that I have started to go digital with my musings. Much of my work (including a couple of half arsed / half finished books as well as copious amounts of shite poetry) lies tucked away in boxes in the attic.
I have tried Scanners/OCR software and other methods to take the lazy approach to having my earlier work written up automatically in digital format but, with relatively little success. My partner has offered to help type it up in exchange for my assistance as a researcher for her current PhD. I’m trying to work out which will entail the most work and act accordingly.
(I’m a lazy bar-steward) 
Going digital is something I have put off for a long time and even now I still prefer to work with pen and paper over a keyboard. It’s not that I’m a Luddite or technophobe but, just that words seem to flow better with a pen and paper and I feel more connected to my work when working in this way.
That said, it is about time I created a digital record of my earlier work and perhaps your prompting me is the necessary catalyst for such an undertaking. I can start with some of my earlier poetry and share that with you as a first step and take it from there. It’s not directly Indy related but, a lot of it details my own experiences of growing up in the schemes.
I have been writing some pro indy material in recent times and have been considering contacting certain groups to do some spoken word performances at indy gatherings and events. It’s been a long time since I took to the stage but, I feel I have not being doing anywhere near enough for the cause and perhaps it could be my way of stepping up and doing a wee bit more.
To that end I could probably do with linking up with a couple of pro indy musicians to make it more palatable to the audience. Spoken word alone can sometimes be a bit boring for those watching/listening and music helps the message penetrate (If anyone here is musically minded and fancies teaming up for such a project please do get in touch).
I need a distraction of sorts myself to break away from the amount of alcohol I have been consuming of late. I think I have been on something of a downer since the 19th of September 2014 and I really need to snap out of it. Maybe it’s time to get my arse to work instead of pissing around and playing the fool all the time.
I’ll drop you a quick email the now so you have my email address.
You might find some of these interesting for starters, stuckinoz:
Warlords and Holy Men: A Smyth
Kingship and Unity: GWS Barrow
Independence and Nationhood:: A Grant
As Antidote to the English: N MacDougall
Scotland and the Union: D Daiches
The Union of 1707: Why and How PH Scott
1707 The Union of Scotland and England PH Scott
Andrew Fletcher and The Treaty of Union: PH Scott
The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class 1774-2008: James D Young
The Very Bastards of Creation: James D Young
The Myth of the Jacobite Clans: M Pittock
Jacobitism: M Pittock
Culloden: M Pittock
Fight for a Throne: C Duffy
Handful of Rogues: H MacMillan
Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Carruthers and Martin
The Great Highland Famine: T Devine
The ironical thing about Herman’s book (or at least the edition I read) was that he seemed to oppose Scottish independence in the closing pages.
As the Yanks say, go figure…..
Or is my memory going?
AN Antidote to The English, obvs.
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Hi stuckinoz.
I did a post this morning just after 7am. After submission, when I did “back” then “reload”, Chas’s 7.09 post appeared but not mine. As it is still not appearing I can only assume it is in WordPress’s trash can.
You can read it at the link below – the entry dated 14th November.
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Re my earlier post – the book by Herman covers a sufficient
width and depth to provide an excellent framework to slot in all the other info you may already have or which you may acquire from the thousands of books which you will no doubt find out about from fellow wingers. It does not take any particularly party political standpoint.
Odd that my name appeared as Chas Anderson above????
A very good book for beginners is ‘Scotland’s Story’ by the late Tom Steel.
The reason being it was written for a Channel 4 series of the same name and the last such exercise before the great post 70’s scare induced nationalism purge really got under way in Scotland.
Future historiographical analysis of how history writing has changed over the past 40 years in Scotland will be far more interesting than any of the logical contortions they have themselves concocted for their predecessors.
While light in approach it is nevertheless full of factual information which, if you take sufficient interest in and time to verify from source, you will invariably discover is correct.
@chas Anderson
@wiiam Wallace
@tinto chiel
@brian doonthetoon
@chick McGregor
Thanks so much for the fantastic responses and suggestions – very much appreciated
I’ll start with the Tom Steel and Arthur Herman books for a bit of an overview and move onto others from Tintos list depending on where my reading takes me.
Thanks again – I’ll keep my eye on the thread to see if any other suggestions pop up as I like William Wallace suggestion of ongoing discussions around literary recommendations for Various topics
I had a problem posting last night too, Brian
Alex if you’re in, then it’s on!!
Let’s say January 27th (until someone crops up and says they can’t make it)
I actually love that song so it was a nice wee treat/message ta, but when I first saw the link I just assumed it was the two Kermys – you know what to do!
Wings get together in Glenrothes.
I have spoken to the management of the Otters Head pub in Glenrothes about the 7th of April for our next soiree and will have it confirmed in the next few days.
Watch this space in the next couple of days.
It is when we get things in OT like some of the recent posts here that I wish Wings catered more for different thread availability. One where various topics are served with their own receptical/archive.
Mark Millar’s forum is a good example. You can go into area specific sub forums or you can view all category posts if you want. New posts are easily identified, your previous posts, any replies to them.
I’ve been in it so long I can’t remember if a sign up is required but here is a url which should open in the creative section for example. If you use the small window at the top you can change to another section or click on all categories so you get all new posts.
Pretty sure there could still be an article of the day permanent top thing for main comments of the day.
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I posted a link on the MT to Alex Salmond being interviewed tonight on C4 by Jon Snow over his new show to be broadcast on RT.
artyhetty stated that it was not an interview more like an interrogation and artyhetty is right when you watch it again.
So anyway it reminded me of a story my old man told me many years ago and I was going to post on the MT but this is a more suitable place for personal anecdotes.
In the spring of 1980 my old man got a job in Baghdad, he was a welder working on the construction of a new oil refinery just outside of the city. Money and accommodation were good and he was away for 3 months and home for 1.
One day he’s working away in a pump room welding some pipes and accidentally set fire to some rags that were lying around. The fire set off alarms and the eventual outcome was that he was arrested by the Iraqi police and accused of sabotage.
Tensions were high and just a few months later in Sep 1980 a war lasting 8 years would break out between Iran and Iraq. So when it came to him being “interviewed” at the police station it was a Captain of the Iraqi army that carried out this interview.
I’ll be brief:
Iraqi Captain “You are working for the Iranians”
Old Man “Is that right”
Iraqi Captain “Your purpose here was to sabotage the refinery”
Old Man “Is that right”
Iraqi Captain “We’re going to lock you up and throw away the key”
Old Man “Is that right”
Iraqi Captain “Say that once more and you will be beaten”
Old Man “Is that right”
Haha this is a true story, he wasn’t beaten and released the next day when his company paid $500 and a bottle of whisky directly to the police chief of the station he was held in.
3 months later Iraq were at war with Iran and my old man never went back.
Glasgow callin’ ye on oor motorway number eight…
Callin’ ye east side neighbour..
What you saying?
What say U?
Talk to Glasgow.
That was fun
Still is.
@Alex Clark –
That’s a great story. I can see why you were reminded of it by that interview.
Thanks for putting up the link. What a disgraceful performance by Jon Snow – here’s hoping he feels suitably ashamed today when he sees some of the reaction.
Yes, Ian, I watched Alex’s link too.
Oooooooh, the Sainted Jon becomes Vlad The Impaler! People should remember who actually has the big stake (no pun intended) in C4.
Thought Alex swatted him pretty well.
All these attacks will simply boost interest in his programme, unless WM withdraws RT’s licence PDQ: seems the USA is heading that way.
Free speech, ya bass?
Meant to add:this may tickle your collective funny bone, or not, as the case may be.
Warning: Sir (hem,hem) Billy Connelly has a few seconds exposure.
Tribute to Jackie Bird?–U&
@David Leask
Those are dangerous waters you are treading. Are you looking to promotet discrimination or close down pluralism of debate?
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@ Alex, was your Old-Man in Bagdad when you were in Dadsbag?
Just caught up with that Jon Snow interview of Alex Salmond – wow
Did anyone else catch the “Philby” bit at the end?
I was annoyed at the ill-informed “Russians paid more” stuff, but that nasty wee quip at the end, and it’s connotations – so disappointing.
From now on the only Jon Snow I’m interested in is from Game Of Thrones
Abody deid or what?
Communicating on the Clique Channel again?
Eh’m no providing the entertainment any mair if indeed eh ever did. Meh day’s o being the class idiot are done (well sometimes)
Cameos o Scheme Life.
This time “It’s serious”
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Cultures, religions and truth are all under fire from #alt-journalist, who pose a significant threat to plural democracy and social cohesion.
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William Wallace
Perhaps if you had turned up at your own beach-party.
Sonny Cleveland – Goodness
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And now for something completely different:
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I’m away goat nadgering now.
C ya, chinas.
@ CamB
Ah see, it’s like that, it’s like that – Well I will tell you this boy…
@Jim Hagart
Re. Alex Salmond, RT and propoganda. As you are a retired lecturer, you should have the time and intelectual skill needed to keep your epistemology up-to-date. The ‘status quo’ does not deserve to be maintained and is impossible to maintain, as a result of the march of time.
Emancipate yourself.
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I made a total hash of that formatting. Anyway, a wee introduction that’s worth a read.
The Pretenders – Don’t Get Me Wrong
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@Jim Hagart
Re. your emancipation, are you so naive as to think the BBC impartial?
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@Jim Hagart
In what way does Russian media differ substantively from British media? In what way is Britain morally superior Russia?
Emancipate yourself.
#Iraq, Libya, Yemen etc.
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If only there was some way in which Scotland could utilise it’s natural wealth and resources for the benefit of Scotland.
Here’s one for fans of emancipation.
Alex Ander & Pete Simpson – “Your Freedom” (Motown Mix)–4
@Blair McDougall
Feeling the fear yet stooge? How’s your tube Dunc getting on?
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Here’s one for indigenous people and independents everywhere.
Paul Kelly – From Little Things Big Things Grow
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Hi Fella’s, well it seems like the chaps are the only ones here at the moment. Anyone know if Nana is okay as she’s been missing this week. Her daily links are gie adictive.
Quiet aboot here wi oot Smallaxe, I really miss his daft sense of fun. Peace & love to him and Mrs Smallaxe if they’re reading O/T, I know that he is unable to post anymore but I hope that he has a wee look in now and again.
Tinto, watch it wie the goat nadgering, we dinnae want ye tae get lifted fur it. Careful now.
@Marie Clark –
Good to see your happy wee coupon!
I’m sure Smallaxe and his much better-looking ither half are keeping a beady proverbial on us all, and just as well! (It’s come to a sorry pass if the vastly-respected Tinto of The Chiel has taken to nadgering goats…)
Look…tomorrow is Friday, and that means later tomorrow, i.e. after 7 or 8-ish will be Friday ‘night’, right?
So why don’t we make it a date tae have a wee WOS O/T Friday Night shindig, just like we did in the auld days?
Whether we like it or not, WOS is now so long-established that it’s quite legitimate to reminisce!
If I don’t hear from you otherwise I shall assume that the invitation is accepted and we shall see you suggesting some danceable tunes this time tomorrow!
I’m in Ian!
See you tomorrow for a night full of feminist debate and Leonard Cohen music
(just what my twitter notifications have been full of last week – actually the LC is always a welcome distraction)
A bit of a danger seeker here, can I get the ball rolling?
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Morning all, ah found a couple of photos on me phone from the top table at Jolly’s and some of others waiting on the ferry
I can e-mail a couple of the Jolly ones on to anyone who has my contact.
Have a merry Friday the 17th November 2017.
The weekend begins and continues here.
iScotland soon.
Morning folks. Ian Brotherhood @ 10.36, your on Ian. I’ll see you later this evening, I must look out something music wise.
I hope oor very ain Tinto can make it, he usually likes a wee dance. That’s if he’s finnished wae the goats. Whit a man.
See you all later. Bye.
So nice to see you on here, Marie. It’s been quiet here of late, although CameronB and I had a nice evening with those charming young ladies, The Coconuts. Cocktails and Kirkegaard can be a heady mixture.
Don’t worry about the goat-nadgering, it’s an old custom of upland Lanarkshire and is regarded as an art-form in some circles. My maternal granny did it and she smoked a pipe!
“Vastly respected”: that’s an outrageous accusation, sirrah!
I’ve got some new dancing pumps so might drop in later tonight, though I’ve never danced to Old Leonard C.
Off to look out my gold lame hot pants. They’re getting a bit tight…
Just limbering up:
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IanB put this on a few days ago. Quite amazing dancing. Mind you, it’s easy when you’re young and beautiful:
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Ou sont les neiges, d’antan, eh, chinas?
I’m back for a bit! Had some anxious days, hospital treatment and tests to get through.
Might have to take the occasional break from now on, hopefully just a day or two here and there.
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Keep taking the tablets people.
Great video, Nana. Reminded me of my old staff room, hehe.
Sorry you’ve had a rough time and hope you’re on the mend.
Aha all becomes clear. I’ve had my suspicions over the years about a couple of teachers I know…mmm
Is it goat thingy time again already? and you planning on wearing gold llama hot pants. Those goats are in for a treat [or a hell of a shock]
I can hardly wait to see your disco trot to Leonard Cohen. Just hope I can stay awake during the whole routine. Wouldn’t want to miss it!
Nana, nice to see you back. Sorry you’ve had an anxious time, see and look after yourself. Christmas is coming and it’s a busy time for we ladies as you know.
Be still my beating heart, Tinto in the gold lame hot pants. Better get the sal volatilie looked oot in case Nana and I have a fit of the vapours don’t cha know.
Things are certainly ‘hotting’ up around these here parts. I’m fair flustered at the thought of Tinto’s routine, can hardly concentrate on the ironing [any excuse not to tackle it is ok with me] Steam everywhere I tell ye!
Sal volatile may indeed be required or perhaps having a fire extinguisher to hand may not be a bad idea.
@Ruglonian –
Hoots indeed.
I had to bail out of the Twitteration last night and get some kip, awoke to 78 notifcations! Must’ve got a bit frantic in the wee sma’ hours.
Anyway, much looking forward to having a virtual party in here this evening. I’ve been working on my magnificent novel this week and for most of this afternoon I will have to be ‘in character’ as a narrator who just happens to be a properly mouth-breathing Weegie orange bigot, a Mason Boyne without the charm. Takes me a while to get into the right ‘mode’ to do such stuff, and an equal length of time to shake it off, so by that time I’ll be raring to get my white suit on and hit the floor, fortified, nae doots, by some soon-to-be-impossibly-expensive hooch.
@Nana and Marie: thanks for your well-judged remarks about my smouldering sensuality but there’s been a wee complication on the hotpants front.
Unfortunately, the rural polis don’t seem to share my socially-progressive attitudes to goat-nadgering as an art-form and I may be detained for a while yet. I’ve tried The Banksy Plea but so far to no avail.
This ain’t the first time. While a student I worked behind the bar at an East End hostelry known as the New Monaco Bar (White Tornado was the cocktail du jour there) and produced a slim but exquisite volume of poetic musings on my experiences, entitled “Tinto on Tap”.
Unfortunately, owing to a simple misunderstanding with the Glesca Vice Squad, the entire print run was unaccountably confiscated.
Truly, a prophet is without honour in his own country and where there is no vision, the people perish.
Meanwhile, girls: GET ME BELTRAMI!
Ach Tinto, I fear what you’ve been up to will be far too ‘tame’ for Beltrani to get involved with.
Let us know if you require anything while detained. Perhaps some marag dubh or semtex. Mind you some marags I’ve eaten have had the same effect as semtex.
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As for Tinto on tap, do you have any illicit copies hidden away. Might be the ideal stocking fillers for the festive season. I’m looking for gift ideas for a ‘retired gentleman’
Your kind words are all the succour, I need, Nana. I’m actually off the old marag dubh to keep the body beautiful for my spring mankini collection.
If the *hem* “retired gentleman” is who I’m a-thinking of I don’t think a man of probity and rectitude like wot he is would find the material of interest, if such stuff still existed, of course.
Harvey and are still laughing at Corporal Harrison getting the POTY award.
I could get used to this White Tornado. A bit cheeky, but there are hints of damson and truffle in the bouquet.
Ach naw Tinto, hiv ye gone and goat yersel lifted? Hells bells man. Dae we need to bake a cake wi a file in it? Beltrami, well there’s a blast from the past. It was always said, if you needed to get Joe, you were guilty onywies. Allegedly me lud, allegedly.
You in the gold lame hot pants was to be the highlight of the day. You’ve got Nana and I all hot and bothered, and now you might let us down. Whit a disappointment, aw.
“Whit a disappointment, aw!”
Words which spring to the lips of Mrs TC almost daily, Marie. Apparently she’s rattled the old gas metre so bail’s no problem.
I know Smallaxe said I still had the lallies for them but I may give the hot pants the old heave-ho. Think my new look should suggest mysterious allure at my age.
Thanks for the kind words.
*Wipes away a manly tear*
Where will this all end?
Pornland – Seduction
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Heehee, Cameron: don’t know where you find ’em.
Am I walking a bit funny after my incarceration?
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Tinto Chiel
Of course, there are many different walks of life and it’s up to our own individual conscious agency to choose which is right for ourselves. Except Scots when it comes to self-determination obvs.
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Patrick Hernandez – Born to be
alivea slavelink to
I was with you all the way, Cameron, until I got to this nugget: “While acknowledging the enormous contribution of feminist scholars working within a poststructuralist paradigm, I will argue that the epistemological and ontological assumptions at the heart of poststructuralist theory render it incapable of providing a framework for what Archer calls the enchantment of being human.”
*Strokes chin meaningfully*
Hmmmmmm. Not sure about that. That is, I’m not sure I understand it at all……
I believe tonight is the Bent Broadcasting Corporation’s Children in Need appeal. Can I just make the perhaps obvious point that, if they had given a flying Carmichael about children’s welfare, they would not have turned a blind-eye to the activities of a gross paedophile and given him programmes which ensured decades-long access to children?
I’d also like a swatch at their accounts for all the dosh they get for their appeal, where tax-dodging celebrities lap up the warm adulation of the unthinking plebs for doing it all for chariddy when all I want from them is to pay their tax like the rest of us.
Pass the boak bucket, chinas.
Tinto Chiel
Don’t blame me mate, that’s the way Gender and Education scholars talk. I was trying to point to the blend of feminist and rationalist theory as being an emancipator combination.
And don’t get me started on neo-liberal TV specials selling charity guilt in an age of neo-liberal oligarchy. ;(
The Soul Machine – Twitchie Feet
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No blame, CameronB, mon vieux, just an admission of my deficiencies.
“And don’t get me started on neo-liberal TV specials selling charity guilt in an age of neo-liberal oligarchy.”
Now, I get THAT!
Y’see, I can be taught…..
Before the jiggin’ starts, could I encourage a little introspection?
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Okay, where is abody. Very classy piece Tinto, and here’s another one. Come oan Nana, let’s go for the girls.
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EM, Hiv a goat the wrang night fur the gay and hearty. Oh weel.
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Jeezo, Marie, did you have to mention “goat”? I’m in enough trouble!
For all you lurkers and shy ‘uns:
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Get down on it.
All puffed-out, not Long in after being waylaid to do unexpected shopping trip for the old dear, getting some Christmas stuff in. Tesco is doing a very good deal, big box of Family Circle for £2.50. Canny go wrang wi that! Abody likes a jammy dodger…
I know a lot of us got hacked-off with Bowie for *that* comment pre-indyref. On the credit side, was reading somewhere that he was twice offered honours (one of which was a knighthood) and he refused them, saying he didn’t understand what they were all about and they had nothing to do with his work. Fair do’s.
Anyway, as a Bowiephile I thought I’d seen most of his outfits over the years, but I had never *ever* seen this one, oooh, half an hour ago. Check this out –
Bowie, ‘Jean Genie’ (1973) –
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Just nailed this for the first time on the guitar, so that’s my party piece over with nice and early
(Lenny will no doubt make an appearance later on)
One for Smallaxe and Mrs Smallaxe, if they happen to drop by…
…and if ye’s do see this, feel the love from Ayrshire, from Glasgow, from aw ower the fekkin place!
Skip Marley, ‘Lions’ –
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This is more suitable for a party – well depending on your style
Oh sorry Tinto, I’ll no mention that word again. Try this out, and I hope it does not get you into more soapy bubble with Mrs TC.
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@Ruglonian –
Yur links ur broke so they ur!
@TC (9.07) –
What I always loved about Kool & The Gang was that they looked as if they were enjoying themselves all the time, which simply isn’t possible given the amount of touring they did (and still do!). They always appeared to be full of the joys. I like to think that here, on OT, we fulfil a similar function in the indy movement overall – ain’t nothing ever gonna get us down or make us frown!
You feel me?
In any case, get some of this mentalness:
Daft Punk, ‘Da Funk’ –
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Vile seps.
Hope – Power Of Love
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On this musical evening, I will offer this…
The British Eurovision winner that was deleted from the record of winners. Just ‘coz he was a local guy from Whitley Bay who didn’t conform.
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Of course, leading up to that, he did his own “melody” of Eurovision winners to whet our appetites.
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When did England stop producing such talent?
Ian I’ve never been able to post links successfully.
I’ve just considered that the problem may be that I’m copying the url from the YouTube app, but I don’t really know?
If this one doesn’t work (which I took from the desktop site) then I’m giving up!
Hi Ruglonian.
Your YouTube links should look like mine above.
Hi Ruglonian.
Your YouTube links should look like mine above. Just delete the http:// before you submit. WordPress adds that bit automatically.
Hi Ruglonian.
Your YouTube links should look like mine above. Just delete the “http://” before you submit. WordPress adds that bit automatically.
See? You never know whether your submission has been binned or just delayed by WordPress. In this case, it was delay. Sorry for repitition…
@Ruglonian –
Ayw, as BDTT said…
Or, another way of putting it…
When you’ve got the thing you want to copy, just go to it in the ‘search’ box and click so’s it aw goes blue, then Control C…
Back to WOS OT, click in yer box, Control V…the whole thing will appear…
just scroll across all the http bit, right up to the first word of the link you want to appear, and delete that stuff.
That’s it!
Don’t give up G, we *need* to see your funky stuff!!
Of course, the liberal paradox is the liberalism encourages illiberal and unethical forms of governmental practice.
Selo i Lyudy – It’s my life
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@ Ruglonian I see your stuff is not getting through alright. Hope you manage it in the Future. link to
It might have something to do with you posting from a mobile device?
Here’s one for those stocking up on popcorn.
Leon Haywood – Soul cargo
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@ Ian Brotherhood this should take you back a few years. link to
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@Michael McCabe –
Always loved the Boney M.
Yon dude wis blessed, an he knew it, ye could see it in his face. He couldny dance fur toffee but he wisny givin a fuck. An who could blame him?
Right I’ve nudged him out of his seat so I can use the computer and try another link (this has been bugging me for years now).
Cheers guys for all the input, here goes;
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A wee number for Alex, last week’s gracious host x
@Ruglonian –
Aye – got it.
Is that you singing?
@Michael McCabe
It takes me back a few years to when you the Wings DJ, where you been anyway?
You’ve been missed, so this is for you from me and in colour LOL
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Ian – man I wish I could sing like her, or even hold a note
I can play it though and I thoroughly enjoy this version – it’s brilliant when someone nails a cover better than the original.
That would make for an interesting theme night actually
@Ruglonian @Ian Brotherhood
Friday night so this is for you, all Wingers and all of Scotland.
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Hi Ruglonian at 12:22 am.
You typed,
“it’s brilliant when someone nails a cover better than the original.
That would make for an interesting theme night actually”
OK, here you are. The definitive version of this Supremes song. B
ack in ’67/68/69, every local band that possessed an organ player, attempted this.
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This one’s for Billy and Sybil especially. Original version of “Valerie” from the Caribbean in 1966.
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Alex & Brian – they were both brilliant, and I hadn’t heard them before.
He’s taken back his computer (& is currently playing guitar along with a video of Mark Knofler – local hero theme) so no more links from me.
Heard about Kezia going into the jungle programme?
– she’ll surely have to resign as a MSP?
You couldn’t make it up
Another Abba cover but you can hardly tell the difference ? link to
Thinking I might have fell myself there for “fake news” with the Caribbean Valerie recording. C’mon we all make mistakes lol.
The Soulettes – a deh pon dem (I’m on to them)
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Easy to do Alex.
The Wailing Wailers – Who Feels It (Knows It)
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Here is Prince with Sting & Ronny Wood Covering Miss you by the Rolling Stones at Wembley Arena 1986 link to
This is how I feel link to
Steel Pulse – New World Order
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I wish you all a great weekend and I will leave you with Tash Sultana-Jungle link to
Hope you have a good one as well Michael.
Kutiman – Mix Tel Aviv
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Marie: you’ve got to admire Antonio’s smoulder, don’t you? And what a mover. Charming young lady too: wonder if she’d be interested in my work on Celtic place-names of Lanarkshire?
Dark secret (true, dis): I actually have a couple of GOTAN Project CDs. Believe it or not, my GP recommended tangoing for a muscle injury. I’m now immune to rose-thorns in the lips too.
Yes, K&TG really seem to enjoy themselves Ian. Mind you, it’s easy if your music is joyous. I’m also biased because after a certain cup final in 1991, they played Celebration after the live TV broadcast (sorry, Alex Clark).
Lovely morning, so off down the bird reserve with my noculars.
Black-tailed godwits, ya bass.
Well that was a jolly evening, shame about the beer on the carpet.
Just in case folk still aren’t convinced that Dave holds racist beliefs, you need to remember that all genders, sexuality and cultures have equal value. It is not possible to preference some over others without being sexist or racists.
British nationalism preferences English culture. It is the articulation of an assumed cultural supremacy over the Celtic peoples of the British isles. British nationalism is intrinsically racist against the non-English.
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Scots are a marginalised people with no prospect of achieving social justice and equal status within the international community, so long as we lack self-determination and a written constitution.
Don’t imagine for one minute that English cultural hegemony provides any guarantee that Scottish needs will be met in a future Britain much diminished by Brexit. We already lack access to inalienable human rights, as it is.
@Gerry Hassan
Do you no ken this, or do you choose to preference the Fabian Society and English Socialism over the well-being of Scottish culture?
“@Gerry Hassan
Do you no ken this, or do you choose to preference the Fabian Society and English Socialism over the well-being of Scottish culture?”
GH: Yes (though I normally prefer answering simple questions using about 200 words, many of them long).
I was listening to a BBC Shortbread sports programme last week and heard a voice enthusiastically endorsing Michael O’Neill as the next Scotland fitba’ manager. “He’s one of us, he’s a Celt, a brother, etc, etc….
Then I realised I was listening to Archie “Brillo Pad Heid” MacPherson, Arch Cringer To The Establishment and Orgasmo-Britnat.
“British nationalism preferences English culture. It is the articulation of an assumed cultural supremacy over the Celtic peoples of the British isles. British nationalism is intrinsically racist against the non-English.”
Twisted as a corkscrew, these types…
@Gerry Hassan
I wonder if this might undermine your ideological preference for the Fabian Society and English socialism, given England’s cultural domination of Scotland’s political identity and the nation’s subsequent lack of political agency.
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@Gerry Hassan
You do support the state of Israel? Why not a Scottish state? Do you have a justification for not supporting Scottish independence, that isn’t normatively biased, bigoted or racists?
@Gerry Hassan
IMHO, you are another out-of-date academic who sorely needs to update their epistemology.
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N.B. “race” equates to “people”.
@Frans Timmermans?Verified
“You cannot use democracy against the #RuleOfLaw.”
OFFS! The rule-of-law is suposed to support democracy but is often employed to entrench inequality and undermine pluralism. For example, the British ‘constitution’ ensures Scots suffer from a democratic deficit and are prevented from accessing their inaleable human “Right to Development”.
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A song for Kezia:
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The Shandells – Go Go Gorilla
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If you’ve never been to a WOS social night, they look something like this:
Dee-Lite, ‘Groove Is In The Heart’ –
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If you do ever have the chance to attend such an evening, this is the recommended warm-up routine.
Fatboy Slim, ‘Weapon Of Choice’ –
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Justin Timberlake – Can’t stop the feeling!
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@CamB –
Have never been a Timberlake fan but that’s a total cracker!
Seeing as we’re already up dancin, how ’bout dis?
Rick Astley, ‘Uptown Funk’ –
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Sorry to Jackie Baillie on your music, guys, but just had a disconcerting experience at younger daughter’s. They were watching Strictly Come Dancing, a gruesome piece of sequined flim-flam, but, hey, it keeps the proles from thinking about Brexit.
Anyhow, it was a Yoontastic experience: first Debbie McGhee (me neither) flounced about in a Butcher’s Apron dress and then some other non-entity zoomed down on a BA parachute to start his routine, screamed on by Jaikie Rowling and Muriel Gray having multiplied organisms all over the place (but not in Gaelic).
Is this what I used to pay my licence fee for?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
Thank God the BBC are patriots and not vile nationalists.
Ian Brotherhood
First time I’d heard it myself.
@TC –
That sounds truly horrendous.
God help the poor sowels who actually enjoy such tripe – they’re in a sort of hell and don’t even know it.
Anyway, that’s me in for the night now because my lad went to play snooker with his pals rather than me. Didn’t hurt my feelings. Not at all.
This isn’t meant to be sexist in any way, it’s more to do with the general tone and style, but if WOS O/T regulars ever formed a band it would probably resemble this (and bags-me the drummer spot!)
Spinal Tap, ‘Gimme Some Money’ –
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And this is…
This is…
Ach, ye’ll just have tae watch it.
It’s bizarre, but still beats ‘Strictly’ hands-down:
Buddy Greene, ‘Classical Harmonica Medley’ –
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You’re on fire tonight, Ian.
For good old Malcom Young, who died today:
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Classic driving bass, born in Glasgow.
Re. (t)Ruthless Harrison getting voted Scottish Politician Of The Year for the second year running. I suppose it depends on one’s moral outlook and weather you consider the practice of politics is for the accumulation of power for social control, or if it is for the ethical betterment of society.
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Oops, Conservatives VS. Liberals link.
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Conservatives VS. Liberals link.
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Sorry, off the meds again. I was only able to pick up a half prescription, as they were out-of-stock. OK, I take an uncommon combination but I somehow doubt Brexit will help me. I can cope
, but I’m certain other who can’t will have their lives put in jeopardy as a result of English exceptionalism.
That’s sounds like a bit more than symbolic violence to me.
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I personally hold to the theory that Scottish independence would maximise Scotland’s opportunity to follow ethical development paths. In terms of inequalities in general, and health inequalities in particular, this can only improve the current situation and help with enable the development sustainable practices.
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@(t)Ruthless Harrison
Fuck you and your brass neck!
I vill say zis only once. Puffer posted on Friday night, Chazzie
It’s coming via the slow pigeon.
Have I passed the secret agent test?
@Tinto Chiel, 8:32pm. 18/11/17
Felt your pain! That was the Sooz Calman fan clique, a’ wearin’ thon awfy passé Keep Calm t-shirts wi’ a big crown motif. They must hae been near wettin’ thirsels wi’ the excitement of a’ thon rid, white n blue.
Any explanation for the steckie, wee wummin gettin’ a shoat at bouncin’ oan the flair o’ the Tower? Mebbe somethin’ tae dae wi’ the company she’s keepin’… a generous bit o’ wizardry…
Bloody nationalists, they drive me demented so they do.
Claude Debusst – Clair De Lune
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@ CameronB
Very calming, brings down the BP…
Betty Boop
Sorry for taking up so much space, I just had to resist in some way. The BPs definitely needed bring down.
I just thought of something that’s probably a bit of recollection. Anyway, thought I’d share it before I forget.
It is unfortunate that we all share a conservative mentality, as the Conservative disposition is not predisposed to understanding, embracing or practicing empathy. Still, SNP Baaad….
Bloody nationalists
Ann-Mette Elten – O mio babbino caro
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@Betty Boop: good morning! It wasn’t just me, then, getting hyper-sensitive to Yon Fleg? Great to see you commenting.
Susan Calman and Ruthie could have been separated at birth, don’t you think? Mind you, you never see them together, do you?
Susan’s shtick is to be the wee Scotch monkey on the Radio 4’s organ-grinder’s cairt. Gets you lots of gigs and dosh, though.
If you could just give these PSBs a backbone and some self-respect, we could be independent in jig time.
Thanks for the Debussy, Cameron. I am now Zen on a lovely frosty morning…
@ CameronB
See, you’ve chilled out more than yourself; see Tinto C now in the zone
@ Tinto Chiel
I’m thinking somebody must have funded a wee Sooz call centre; who’d do that sort of thing..?
Twins, eh? Separated after manufacture???
Soozbot 1.1 and 1.2?
Brave New World.
Now got a Debussy earworm!
Bloody nationalists.
Sir Edward Elgar – Pomp and Circumstance March No.1
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LONDON nationalists?
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How terribly, terribly boring…
Just won two million dollars on a Free Lottery site but am determined it won’t change my routine in the slightest!
Well done! Now buy the Scotsman you should get change back from a fiver
Don’t know what it is about the whole memory/music combo, but this came on the radion when I was almost home t’other day, parked-up, left it playing and was in tears by the time it finished.
Something very moving about it, and seeing the video for the first time there just made it even more intense.
ABBA, ‘One Of Us’ –
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Music hits the parts other art forms fail to reach, Ian. I greet more about music than just about anything, apart from the condition of my country. I went all gooey about Sandy Denny recently and haven’t quite recovered.
Or you may just have had an Agnetha Moment, which is quite normal in gentleman d’un certain age.
I prescribe a strict regime of spring water, bending exercises and organic quinoa porridge, birch-twig thrashings optional.
Otherwise, two fingers of malt of choice.
*Extends first and fourth fingers, second and third retracted under thumb.*
And is there honey still for tea?
@TC –
Cheers brother, I note all you say.
Unfortunately, the bevvy’s all done. I’ll have to make do with a cup of tea and some toast…
Have you tried Bile Beans, Ian? It almost worked for yon cove in “A Painful Case”.
If we didn’t have the souls of poets, we would founder, old mole.
Not tonight, Agnetha, I’m an intellectual.
@ Ian
Nothing wrang wi a good greet to a beautiful tune mate. It’s cathartic.
This ane fae Abba aywiz pits me in mind o the struggle for Independence and the spirit o rebellion that lives in us ah.
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Meh Bevvy is still flowing though eh hiv been daeing well of late in terms of abstinence. Eh think eh am gonna genuinely get meh heid the gither this time and be mair productive.
Another good topic fir Aff Topic.
Music that moves you!!
Post the tunes that bring a tear ti yir eye.
@WW –
Cheers mister, thanks.
Good to sound ye’re feeling perkier there.
Still looking forward to seeing some of your stuff!
You show me yours, ah’ll show you mine!
@ Ian (it’s come doon fae the attic, thinking aboot youtube recitals instead o typing it ah ;)) Telt ya eh wiz lazy
Here’s ane that moves me (nae laughing you lot – men cry tae)
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Eva came straight fae heaven and left this earth far too early.
Music that moves you…
This is the signature tune of Dundee’s Team Yes Bus.
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@ Bri
In terms o sentiment and the Corries, eh love this ane. It’s no their tune like but, eh share the dream onywey.
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@ Alex, naebody sells the Scotsman in ma neck o the woods!
Interesting… After a weekend break, sensidave is back on this page:-
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yesindyref2 and I have responded but more cybernats would be useful. His/her preoccupation with that page seems to be keeping her/him off the newer pages.
I think seniledave might be more appropriate
His/her preoccupation with that page seems to be keeping her/him off the newer pages.
If you can keep him there is that no mission accomplished?
Brian Doonthetoon
I hope I’ve managed to respond appropriately?
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Taylor Swift – Mean
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Cactus – you have mail
Everyone else – as you were!
I’m going through a little period of disturbed sleep – not quite the insomnia that’s plagued me previously – so no worries folks
(I’m struggling to post further cos my submit button disappears)
Ruglonian @ 4.27am
Just as a wee head’s up.
If yer no sleeping very well I can be in and out of Wings at stupid o’clock…. Cause my sleep patterns are a bit all over the place too.
So give a shout out if yer up and aboot and if I am around I’ll quite happily put the world to rights with ye.X
Hey Liz, you’re on, thanks!
Music that moves you, played many times but this time a different video. Huh.
For my best pal. link to
You see were all brothers and I failed to see that.
Ruglonian @ 4.27 pm
Yer welcome, my friend…. although if we are anything like oor Smallaxe and me….we will keep missing each other by aboot half an hour ….almost evey time…I shit ye not.
But sometimes, just sometimes, the insomnia aligns!
Anyhoo …
Thank ” Lucifer ” for Cactus.. He is like a misquoted Mercury line….Our only friend thru sleepless nights….
Delightful Ladies…
Tis SO good:
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We bon.
Cactus @ 4am
We very bon
Cactus @ thru the night
Now I want to hear Dino’s (showing my age here by the way)
Little ol wine drinker me..
Can ye make that happen ?
Hey I can make many things happen Liz g ~
For your pleasure:
link to
Here’s another one for all you girls out there…
The late DC:
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Cactus @ thru the night
Hey..thank you my friend….
Daydream Believer?? Just because!!
And well its the
Back ..o 5 and now I am
in so much trouble..but hey ho….pick a song fur me. X
Daydream Believer it is:
link to
Cactus @ 6.00
Aw thank ye…
Yer a star.
Till Stupid o’clock tomorrow!!!
Take care of friend. X
Liz, and Cactus too no doubt, I’ll see you at Stupid O’Clock tomorrow (clocked in too late/early) – I’m liking your music btw
Ruglonian @ 6.36
Ah did tell ye….did ah no…we will miss each other mair often than not…..
But there’s 3 things we know fur sure
1-Sometimes insomnia will a-line
2-On Cactus we can depend
3-Scotland WILL be Independent
Till stupid o’clock tomorrow my friend..X
Watched Rory the Tory’s wee Borders history prog’ last night. Apart from Carlisle being more or less like Afghanistan the rest was fantasist shite! He should be in close confinement!
Thepnr steps out of retirement, Alex was nice but too nice
Alex was nice but too nice
That’s rather subjective, isn’t it?
Just checking if the avatar appears.
@William Wallace
What I mean Wullie is that over a number of years Thepnr got to be known for who and what he stood for with everybody that reads this site.
This did not transfer over to Alex Clark as evidenced on the MT tonight. I’m going back to being anonymous though anyone that cared already know who am I.
It was this or stop posting, seriously I couldn’t believe that I was accused of being a troll or working for MI5 tonight and wanted to say fuck it I’m off.
But why should I, I believe that I still have something of value to offer readers of Wings. For that reason I’m staying but it will be as I first came here. That is as username Thepnr.
Sorted with the gravatar?
@ Alex
I know.
I’ve been here a lot longer than I have been William Wallace
Aye mate it’s fixed.
No sure if you look like ane o the waltons or an 80’s casual lol
Bit eh both
By the way it’s a painting of an American Shipwright from the 1890’s. I served my time in the Caledon as a Shipwright.
The picture fits me like a glove.
The last o Barretts Privateers eh
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Last time eh hid dungarees on wiz 86. Thought eh wiz the trendiest c**t in the toon lol. Wiz pert casual and pert acid casualty
When I started work in the Caledon in 1975 I was the only one wearing dungarees. All the rest had boilersuits and I couldn’t get one sma enough. Too wee see.
Glad you didn’t leave Alex….and welcome back Thepnr.
You are both right …you still have a lot to offer.
And MI6…that’s wan pretty deluded poster. lol
William Wallace…… You weren’t always you?… Do tell!
@ Liz
Mon now, ehm trehin to be enigmatic here
Eh agree with you on Alex / PNR. Dinnae hae to change anything Alex. Jist be yirsel. Eh hiv aywiz valued yir contributions. Dinnae pay any heed to the halfwit contingent on MT ffs. Yir fine iz yi are.
Hey Thepnr, you’ve got plenty to offer, now get on that MT and rip it up (I’m coming over too, for the first time in ages)
Liz g I can’t post proper links from my phone, but look up the Velvet Underground’s After Hours – I’m nominating it as our theme tune
@William Wallace
This no doubt is the 80’s scene you were referring too. I loved this song hope you enjoy too
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@ Alex
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Somewhere between there and here
Then along came Acid House.
@William Wallace
Here’s a wee laugh from the “loadsamoney” era which speaks volumes for what I think is your natural Tory. Keep you eye out though for the subtitles at the very end. The punchline.
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Ruglonian @ 1.16
Seconded…. The lyrics might even be enigmatic enough fur oor William Wallace….. Or are they!!!
@ Alex
A cross between Enfield and Partridge is the Tory personified.
How the fuck they ever came to run our country defies belief.
@ Liz
My door is always open and I am always dancing
Morning, ah got two chilled 14/17 wheat beers to work in.
This could be a long morning.
Or an even better day.
So what’s folks thoughts on this TeamKez thing (aside from the general banality of these type of tv shows) – I’m talking about the ‘shes our gal ie Scotland’s’ kind of talk from some who have built their profiles on political tribalism.
Personally, I can’t stomach it. I’m coming from a non party pov, but I do have principles and I do have a memory!
Mornin’ Ruglonian ~ Aye, celebrity donkey jungle aint for me either, it’s aweright bein’ in amongst the beasties, but when ye goat tae eat the beasties AND the boaby, that’s no right.
Welcome to the Jungle:
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That’s a Tight Fit!
(603,308 current views)
Ruglonian @ 12.58
Just been having this exact conversation on Facebook.
Trying to stay polite cause he is definitely a yes voter.
(I peeked at his profile)
But he thinks this is just a bit of fun!
Kezzia needs a break????and naw before ye ask ah didny suggest whit she should break!!!!
But even more bizarre he seems to think that we will get to know the “real” Kezzia.
Well… flabber Wiz gasted!!!!
Am wi you Ruglonian….
This is beneath the dignity of our Parliament and no matter what SHE chooses to do with her wages it’s still OUR coin she is doing it on.
I don’t really care the why’s and the wherefores for the Labor party…..this woman was a candidate for the office of the First minister of Scotland.
This was the Women who got to “hold our First Minister to account”. …we’ll try to!
This was the Woman who was given air time….. again on OUR coin to tell the Scots her view’s on how our world should work!
And now she is eating disgusting things and being humiliated for money and not even having the decency to do it in private.
While absent from work….
We definitely, I think, need some form of recall for Holyrood.
But other than that I am pretty ambivalent about the whole thing
Morning Cactus.
Saw a clip and there was frogs involved – SO not on (maybe if it was just spiders I’d be less sympathetic to the beasties, but hey we’re all only human), but I digress.
If you are the preeminent Labour politician in the country and you can’t ‘engage’ you’re shite, no too ways about it!
Cactus – I said last night that I thought I may be lowering the tone – I take it back
Liz g – call me cynical but I think, amongst certain quarters there’s been a concerted attempt to diminish HR since Salmond’s minority victory – throughout IndyRef1 and at elections there’s been a slightly more professional tone, but overall there’s a tribal short-term-gain mentality that I do not understand.
Ruglonian @ 2.18
Ok cynical….
I am seeing it that way too.
We know that it was ment to have the opposite effect on the Independence movement…. I think that’s a given.
I really do think that Westminster/Whitehall or who ever are working towards neutering Holyrood…. I would if Was them.
And I know it’s a wee bit Tin Foil Hatty..but
I have never viewed the new power saying that Holyrood can only be shut down by a referendum in Scotland as a protection for the Parliament.
But rather…. as Westminster giving it’s self a leagal route to get it shut down if it can get to an actual vote on it.
Neither Domestically or Internationally could it be claimed that the Scottish people’s right to self determination hadn’t been met.
If they can scunner enough people with Holyrood to convince them that they want a referendum to shut it down.
Job done.
Remember all the comments about legislation to ensure that the SNP couldn’t threaten the Union again,I think that this law is the result of that thinking!
Ofcourse this would have been a long term aim….
But remember when they wrote this Law,they were trying to portray the vow as being delivered and they seemed pretty confident that Indy ref 2 was decades away.
Also not even in their wildest dreams did they think that the UK would vote for Brexit.
So yes I think that there’s very much a concerted effort to make Holyrood look like an Expensive White Elephant.
Just think about this for a minute……
What would you think of it if the SNP weren’t in it?
Oh an not forgetting the very quiet expansion of Fluffys office.
Liz, I will always play devils advocate, so if I were a Pro-Union person I’d definitely be trying to undermine the authority of Holyrood – regardless of whither I had a job there or not (so many are filling positions and so many are keeping cushty positions – Tompkins/Murdo) – this idea that we are just a wee bit of the UK was torn apart by Salmond’s minority Gov.
They know things will never be the same again!
Ruglonian @ 3.45
Totally agree… I always try to think what would I do in their position.
Also to compare what they say to how that would translate in to other areas.
EG…. Would there ever be a right in Law to have a referendum to abolish…
The Lord’s
The Commons.
The Monarchy.
North Lanarkshire Council?
If we think it’s not working for us!
Where’s the equivalent Law for England?….they got EVEL didn’t they,what do they get to vote to abolish?
The only thing we really got out of the 2014 referendum was the ability to let Westminster shut Holyrood down enshrined in Law.
Which as you have pointed out,they have been building up to since Alex Salmond won.
Does Wales and Northern Ireland have that law too?
Probably not so if Holyrood is the only body that can be voted out of existence!!
Then that makes me think that’s the intention.
Why create a new law that’s not intended to be used.
And for me therein lies the answer to how Westminster has kept control of Scotland.
This law is portrayed as a protection,and our legislator is placed in a position of pretty much having to wave it through.
This was probably ment to be starting point of the destruction of Holyrood…. because truth be told it’s only because the Yes movement have the ability to communicate and the Brexit vote in both countries turning out as it did.
That the undermining of Holyrood is not more advanced.
After Indy (cause we got a mandate) we will probably discover many more move’s along these lines.
Really wierd; this just popped into my head when I heard Louisa May Alcock mentioned on Pointless.
This will chime with people of my age. My Mum had a thing up on the wall of the bathroom in our St Mary’s hovelhold. It had a poem on it. It begrail,
Please remember, don’t forget.
Never leave the bathroom wet.
Nor leave the soap still in the water,
That’s a thing we never ought’er.
Nor leave the towels about the floor,
Nor keep the bath an hour or more.
When other folks are wanting one,
please don’t forget, it isn’t done.
Now, I don’t think LM Alcock wrote it but I’m stuck on the name that was under the poem on the thing on the wall. The name will just appear out of my mental archive when I’m not thinking about it – as usual with these sorts of issues.
BDTT @ 5.47
Youse must have been really posh
Ma Mither had a wee plaque wi wan verse
If you sprinkle when you tinkle
Be a sweetie and
Wipe the seatie!
No very eloquent and it never really worked anyways!
@ thepnr
See what happens when I’ve been awol for a few days, thepnr appears again.
Jings, I’ve missed that avatar. Wings world is put to rights again, welcome back thepnr.
Well since it’s officially the night shift (and the jukebox appears to be on the blink) I offer up one of my old favourites for consideration.
The style may not be to everyone’s taste (in fact I’ve heard some great acoustic covers that really do it justice) but the lyrics take me right back to when I was 16 and saw them live in Glasgow, especially that ending!
I suppose the last verse to me is like Teenage Kicks was to John Peel.
Anyway enjoy,
link to
Hi peeps.
As expected, on waking up from an elongated snooze, the name “Mabel Lucie Attwell” crawled out of my memory database, so I Googled.
Here’s what was on our bathroom wall:-
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And here’s the background info – apparently, she was quite famous.
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Hi Ruglonian.
Your video reminded me of another one. I bought this single when it came out in 1977, entitled, “And The Band Played On”, by Flash And The Pan. That name hid the identities of Howard Vanda and George Young, who produced AC/DC. I’ve always had an interest in Titanic, since I saw the Kenneth More film, “A Night To Remember” decades ago.
Here’s the music video:-
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Here’s the bio:-
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If you want to watch “A Night To Remember” (1958), you can download it here (good quality):-
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Burning the midnight oil for the Blood and Soil

I wonder what you felt inside
As they dragged you through foreign streets
The townsfolk spat venom at you
As churchmen took their seats
And did you think of your Motherland
As you stood there center stage
Or did you feel suppression, Dear Sir,
Like an animal in a cage?
I wonder what you felt inside
As they hung you by your throat
Through tear-welled eyes you looked out
As the crowd began to gloat.
And when they cut you down
So that your body slammed the ground
Did you pray to God for strength, Dear Sir,
To fight another round?
I wonder what you felt inside
When you burned with ropes pulled tight
Did you see the glee upon their faces
As they watched you lose the fight?
And when every inch of your body cried out
With the burning, searing pain,
Did it ever cross your mind, Dear Sir,
“Was it all in vain”?
I wonder what you felt inside
When you met the butcher’s blade
Did you see their blank expressions
As they watched your life-force fade?
Or did your soul break free from the pain and the hurt
To a pine covered glen
And will you ever know, Dear Sir,
What a hero you became?
Aye, will you ever know, Dear Sir,
What a hero you became?
Don’t fear their cannons or their muskets!
Charge with me!
We fight for what we love!
We fight for our country!
Charge, For Scotland!
Albannach – The Uprising – Braveheart
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Excellent William Wallace!
@WW –
Where is abody the nicht?
Anyway, here’s one I don’t think we’ve ever had on OT.
Madonna, ‘Hung Up’ –
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Hi Ian B.
Last night was rather bereft of Wingers from teatime Friday to lunchtime Saturday.
It’s kinda disheartening when you research Mabel Lucie Attwell and the Young brothers (AC/DC), and nobody responds.
Onnyhoo, I think that’s me for tonight. A home-concocted Lidl chicken kurma, with peppers and onions and extra tikka chicken beckons, with various pakoras, baghis and samosas and a couple of mini garlic and coriander nans and spam and a fried egg on top, beckons.
OK, I was telling lies about the spam and a fried egg on top…
In case the reference to ‘spam and a fried egg on top’ is too leftfield, here’s the reference.
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Assuming poetry is OK on OT
This I penned pre indyref 2014
I hear in twenty fourteen
we’ll get to have our say
An Independent Scotland
the Union’s had its day
They say we are too poor, too dim
We’ll never make it through
We’re subsidised by England
That’s their only view.
How can that be we wonder?
You’ve robbed us blind and moan
Your tried to keep it secret
those words from old McCrone
Insult us all you will, you lot
with lies and tales of woe
The debate has only started
Are you friend of foe?
The day will come quite soon I know
When we will have our say
The sound of Scotland’s mighty roar
To send you on your way
Keep your robes of splendour
I hope they served you well
Your ermin’s green and tattered
Just remember … why you fell
How treacherous you are indeed
Your homeland you denied
To Have all that was surely hers
But still you chose to lie.
In spite of all this anger
I truly wish you well
We’ll be your wealthy neighbour soon
The view from here’s… just swell!
Wisny ignoring ye brother – the Lucie Mabel thing, aye, exact same thing we hud, an it wis a bit ‘precious’, like a hand-down etc. Porcelain plate…
I remember when we were there, at PQ, George Square etc together, and that’s a few occasions now, aye?
That’s the basis of the change to come – we have made this network/family ‘real’.
@WW & @Shinty
Two great poems, mind watch the Rev doesn’t get the hammers out
Hee hee, ThePNR, nice sleuthing to find out that Rock used to be Craig. I can see him now:

“The name’s Craig, Ailsa Craig.”
What a one-track walloper Rock is. And yet people still rise to the bait and interact with him.
Ailsa Craig (Paddy’s Milestone) Drone footage August 2017:
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This one’s for all the self-righteous eejits (mostly on Twitter) who are bitching about Yes East Kilbride daring to have an-all male panel discussing Indy. Never mind that the organisers invited 17 female speakers to attend, and none were available. Never mind that the same Yes East Kilbride group organised an all-female panel last month, to which no-one complained.
Joe E Brown “Nobody’s perfect” from Some Like It Hot:
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Have to say, BDTT, the only good Attwell is Winifred Atwell.
Tiger Rag played by Winifred Atwell:
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Craig Dunain mair like! The asylum in Inverness!
Re. IndyApp. All sounds good to me. Here’s a few links to possibly spark some ideas.
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Setting the Global Agenda for Ubuntu Capitalism
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Ubuntu Philosophy
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@WW, Thepnr et al –
This is another one that gets me right in the guts. A wee snippet of it was in Creed, the most recent Stallone film (and very good it is too) –
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, ‘Wake Up Everybody’ –
link to
Here’s one for anyone getting a bit down in the mouth about it all.
We’ll get there in the end friends, and when we do, you’ll realise how important your input was.
Love and Peace, Always, All-Ways to all the regulars, and embdy who’s just dropping-by.
Motorhead, ‘Heroes’ –
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@Ian Brotherhood
Yes that was good. Don’t think we’re going away anytime soon. That’s the annoying part for the most rabid yoons.
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I love the socks so I do
It’s only likely to move in one direction Alex, given what’s coming re. the EU and the oddballs defending the ‘status quo’.
Dub FX – Love someone (another version)
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@ Fred

SD still posting at:-
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Brian Doonthetoon
I wouldn’t mind so much Brian but I reckon he’s a very calculating FUD merchant.
Eh trehd tae hide it fae the wife
this dramatic change o life
trembling hands, forgetful speech
forgetting ah the words eh used to speak
Door frames that eh cannae cross
treh ti find the right words and ehm at a loss
then efter dinner when eh eat
eh suddenly fa fast asleep
Meh dreams they seem so very real
reflective oh the things eh feel
then ehm slavering at the mooth
waking up fae dreams but no tae the truth
Fatigued, confused, as eh mutter
ah meh words come oot as stutters
meh airms are sair, body shattered
eh feel like eh hiv been bloody battered
Eh’ve treh’d tae hide it thinking that
it’ll go away and that’ll be that
but eh guess ehm hiding fae mehself
now eh’ve come tae realise ehm no sae well
Now eh’ve to go in fir some tests
fingers crossed hoping fir the best
ah eh want is a fitful rest
This life o mine o what a mess.
And yiz wonder why I am so stressed.
Eh ken it’s Parkinsons and ehm fkin depressed.
William Wallace @ 4.10
You have friends all roon ye William.
Even at stupid o’clock.
Don’t you give in tae it noo.
And let us know how you get on.
Fingers crossed for ye pal.X
@ Liz
Eh Ken and thank you.
Eh just wrote that there the now because that’s what’s keeping me awake.
What will be will be.
Got awa wi it for a while but, family and friends were noticing and ya cannae hide fae them that ken ya.
Got dragged to the doctors last week and now it’s hospitals and that. Places eh’d rather avoid. Places eh wiz trying to avoid if I am being honest.
On the bright side, research has progressed somewhat so hopefully I can live as normal a life as possible.
What I am really scared of is losing words. The rest I can deal with.
Well right now you don’t know for sure and it sounds like your family has paid enough attention to catch it early.
And I think your right treatment has been improving.
One of my mum’s friends is very heavily involved with the association.
So while it’s not something I know a great deal about myself William I did pick up that much…..and that was a year or two ago now.
Stay focused for now,till we know more and then,if your main priority it your words….tell them and you will get the correct information about how to handle that.
Sometimes we imagine things to be much worse than they are.
And one thing we do know William……you do have an imagination……..and if you are feeling low already it won’t help…..
Hangfire William and we will see where you are when ye you have seen a doctor.X
But bad mood or no…. that’s no excuse to annoy the Mrs ….
Come on here and moan to us…..or torment a troll.
@ Liz
Any particular trolls in mind?
I actually got dragged to the doctors because I was having a lot of stomach issues (or at least I thought that was why I was going to the doctors). When I got there my wife started hitting the doctor with all my other symptoms I thought I had kept well hidden.
Normally I tell the doctor the bare minimum what with being a man and that but, she insisted that she was coming this time.
I didn’t know this but, apparently Parkinsons starts in the gut. In a way I am kind of glad it is not what I had been worried it was (the big C). Lifestyle changes can go a long way toward staving off the worst of Parkinson’s apparently so I am reasonably hopeful that things will turn out alright in the short to medium term at least.
You have to hand it to the ladies though, they are insightful creatures and they rarely miss a trick
I am thankful that she dragged me along though as it was more of a worry as to what it might have been. If she had not insisted and dragged me down there I would have continued to put it off and probably worried myself sick.
We’ll see that’s kind of what I was sayin.
You worried about something that wasn’t there.
And I am now sure that you will do fine…. because your Mrs is clearly on the ball.
If you’re getting healthy lifestyle tips mind and share them here don’t be mean….
Talking of mean ….any Troll ye like my friend infact more than one……aw feck it all of them….jist rotate.
Skater-punks have changed a bit.
Dub FX – Fly WIth Me
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Jim Hagart
Looks like I owe you an apology. Sorry dude, it was nothing personal, I was simply trying to make a point.
I wonder if SD will bow out gracefully? Mind you, his preoccupation with “Madrid Rules” has kept him from fouling the newer pages.
Onnyhoo, I have “The One Show” on and the story about the music teacher doing a “School of Rock” in Yorkshire reminded me of this.
The video has now had 45,863,223 views since it was uploaded in 2009. Well worth a watch!
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Brian Doonthetoon
Either way Brian, Dave’s position becomes unattractive. But then again, he’s already a Tory.
Anyhoo, not my usual cup-of-tea but that was pretty awesome. A bit depressing, as well, when you think about it.
I saw this headline.
I can’t eat or sleep’: the woman threatened with deportation after 50 years in Britain
Maybe should not say this but Harry’s future wife will not have to worry about this and what about the Inverness couple who have spent a lot of money to build up a good business and being threatened with deportation.
BDTT @ 10.42
Naw she won’t have to worry aboot that Brian.
But the stupid woman will have to worry about getting custody of her kid’s…. If she is daft enough to give up her American citizenship…
That family have a poor record when it comes to marriage but an even worse one when it comes to raising stable kid’s.
Mibbi its just me….but I would be keeping my US citizenships just in case!
Oil price.
RT UK Business News Report:
“Crude prices could return to the levels last seen in 2014, according to a prediction by economist Jim O’Neill, former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
“While oil prices could be about $60 per barrel in November 2018, my guess is that they will have risen to about $80 per barrel in the meantime,” O’Neill wrote in Barron’s magazine…….”
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Lindsay – if you’re reading this…
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I tried to contribute £15 to get the perk. But after entering my card details, then clicking “get the perk”, it took me back to the front page.
Please, complain about them dissing PayPal…
Sorry, no contribution, at this time.
Just found these couple of tunes and thought they we’re well worth Sharing. link to
@M McC –
Just watched and enjoyed it brother – welcome respite from the political shiteness.
@Ian Brotherhood
Quiet around here these days, must be the political shiteness depressing everyone.
Let’s have a 60’s 70’s musical festival tomorrow. Only one rule, you must believe that it has never been played before on Off Topic.
Up for that anyone?
@ Thepnr 12:29am I will be joining in later on today. See you then.
@Thepnr –
Aye, that’s a good one. Will have a think about that today…
Hits of the 60’s and 70’s never before played on Wings Off Topic.
Your starter for 10
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I’ve played music from Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns once or twice before but not this one.
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Two tunes so far no lyrics? Lost for words LOL
Hi Alex.
OK, I’ll keep the theme going. I bought this as a single around 1976/7. Of course, it was never a hit in the UK.
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Here’s background for you.
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Good tune, though I would have thought it was Spanish not German!
Might have just been influenced by Spanish Flamenco as that’s what it reminded me of anyway.
Hi Alex.
From the ‘background’ link in my previous post:
“For the single, they took a wonderful Spanish tune called Romance which everybody, ever playing Spanish guitar, has had to play at sometime. They came up with a new arrangement once again with a full rich acoustic guitar backing and a few wah-wah-effects. Titled Le Reve, it became Ricky King’s second hit and it was also successfully covered by German-singers as a vocal.”
Brian I read the background link too. Obviously not closely enough but the page is a bit of a mess with stuff down the middle and the LHS at the same time.
Cheers for the clarification
First venture into the 70’s. So here goes Rubber Bullets 10cc
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I don’t think I’ve posted this link in ‘off-topic’ before. If I have, I apologise. (I’m sure I’ve seen ‘Rubber Bullets’ here in the past 8=))
When I was DJ at The Bowlin’ Alley (Dundee Institute of Technology Students’ Union, Marketgait) in the late 70s and early 80s, we ended the academic year around the first week in June. The very last night was a beach party with free admission. The only rule was that you had to have on beachwear – and rolled up jeans didn’t constitute beachwear.
Pete the Camera was our door inspector (with his goggles, crotchless earmuffs and beach shorts) and his word was final. Quite a number of people, turned away, went home and changed into beachwear. As the night went on, the price of beers and so on was reduced, as the union would be closed until September and they had to get rid of the stock.
Just think… 2 o’clock in the morning and a couple of hundred peeps in beachwear spilling out onto the streets of Dundee…
This link is the sequence I always played at the end of the last night of the year. I find it quite emotional, as some of our customers had completed their 4 year degree course and were off into the great wide world. Others would be back in September. Good times…
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As a graduate of Dundee Tech I well remember the Bowlin Alley. Wee story was splendid and the tunes nae bad either!
You might have heard Rod Stewart sing this But this is the original singer who got to number 12 in the 70s link to
Anyone remember Bill Grundy from the Today show interview with the Sex Pistols 1st Dec 1976? It shot them to stardom and ended his career.
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Well the Sex Pistols should never have been there that night they should have been playing in Dundee’s Caird Hall. Though they had played in Dundee before in their first ever Scottish gig at BDTT’s Bowling Alley.
In an interview with the New of The World John Lydon told them “I can’t remember anything about it, though I might have taunted some local hooligans”. That was on Oct 12 12th 1976 that they played the Bowling alley. On November 26th five days before appearing on the Today show with Bill Crosby they released this record and the rest is history!
This is an absolute cracker live from 1976 looking back at it all now.
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Hi Michael.
Rod Stewart covers. I was first exposed to this song while I was DJ in The Dundee Palais, 1972-74. The resident band “Wichita” did it. I always thought Rod’s cover was a tad insipid.
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And this is a cracker of a track from the same band.
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“Gavin Sutherland (born 6 October 1951, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland) – Bassist and vocalist.
Iain Sutherland (born 17 November 1948, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland) – Vocalist, guitarist and keyboards.
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@M McC –
Great track there. Any idea where it was? Unusual set-up there.
The lass at 3.13 is a total ringer for Michelle Obama, but I’m guessing she must’ve been a wee lass at the time.
Hi Alex.
RE: the Sex Pistols’ ONLY gig in Scotland. After they’d soundchecked and so on, Johnny Rotten, having discovered that Frankie Vaughan was on at The Barracuda (next door) that night, decided to pay a visit to “his pal, Frankie”.
He got to the steps at the front door of ‘the big fish’ and was summarily denied access by the doormen. (Use your imagination!)
Earth, Wind & Fire, ‘After The Love Has Gone’ (live) –
link to
@Michael McCabe
I thought Ha! Rod Stewart cover well that’s got to be “In a Broken Dream” under the pseudonym Python Lee Jackson and it’s been played before.
Wrong again, never heard that before.
The Kinks, ‘A Rock ‘N’ Roll Fantasy –
link to
Be Thankful for the 70s link to
Have a vague feeling we maybe had this on the MT one Halloween, before Rev pretty-much banned music vids, but I don’t believe it’s ever been in OT.
R. Dean Taylor, ‘There’s A Ghost In My House’ –
link to
@ BDTT I Like the Sutherland Brothers Sailing Though I did not know they we’re the Original. Cheers it made me Quiver. link to @ Ian Brotherhood I don’t know where it was Ian but they are playing in a American Football Stadium.
@Ian Brotherhood
That R. Dean Taylor song reminded me that before punk in the early 70’s Dundee was also a hotbed of northern soul music and that one was a big hit here.
There were buses going almost every weekend to Wigan for the soul nights and even now there are still reunions for those that were into their soul music.
Here’s a wee example from 2010, the golden oldies of Dundee’s soul scene get together again for ainother dance.
@BDTT you’ll like this as well, real DJ’s feature
link to
Pop Reggae Rock Punk. Some Folks Even like Middle of the Road ? link to
If you feel the need to Dance then this is for you. link to Thepnr Hope You and yours are doing well.
Hi Alex.
In the 70s, Northern Soul was the exact opposite of where I was, musically.
However, over the years, I have come to appreciate the ‘Northern Soul’ scene and appreciate its cultural value. It’s just another aspect of our diversity. Anther Brian Hyland track.
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Tantrums & Tiara’s on the main thread the night, this is a haven of sanity, fairly miss Oor Smallaxe but!
@Michael McCabe
Cheers Michael all cawing along canny. Busier the night that’s good to see, wondering where Tinto has got to, mibbe on holiday?
@Fred (11.02) –
If only you knew brother – if only ye fuckin knew!
The Bandwagon, ‘Breaking Down The Walls Of Heartache’ –
link to
My father is a doctor, he’s a familiarly man,
My mother works for charity whenever she can
Do you know the song yet from TOTP 1973?
link to
Oh shit, get that wrong wasn’t TOTP. Must’ve been another video I looked at LOL.
Fred happy to see you go on give us a tune from the 60’s or 70’s
OK anecdote time.
In 1976 I went to see this band at the Apollo, it was during the week and along with a few older apprentices we caught the train from Dundee to Glasgow.
We left at dinnertime and got to Glasgow far too early so ended up in the pub as soon as we arrived. I was the youngest, just 17 but in those days it wasn’t much problem getting served if you behaved yourself.
Anyway, 1 hour or so before the concert is due to start we’re in the pub that adjoins the Apollo, I’m let’s say knackered or the worse for wear. My head conks on the table and spills most of the pints that were there.
Barman doesn’t go mental, he brings out a mop and pail and makes me wipe up the mess. I think I slept through the whole concert LOL.
This was the band we went to see.
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If you haven’t all gone to bed yet then this will put you to sleep.
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I’ll leave you with this. Goodnight all.
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What about this?!
Wayne Gibson, ‘Under My Thumb’ –
link to
Nana if you still pop your head in here now and again. Then this is for you and your other half. link to
I will say Goodnight and leave you with this. link to
night, night all.
link to
Just a wee toe tapper. link to
Me and probably 5 other people on Lewis were into the Pistols back then. Cost me a bloody fortune to get the singles then albums sent from London – postage was way more than the cost of a single.
The same singles/albums started turning up in the two (no joke) places on the island which sold music about 18 months later
That was a good laugh last night, and some excellent sounds.
Here’s another…
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch, ‘Hold Tight’ –
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The Equals, ‘Come Back’ –
link to
The Answer is No link to
Hi IanB.
Here’s a different Equals track for you.
link to
@M McC –
Never seen that before…
I’m hesitating about posting this, but time is short:
Some of you may know that we’re opening a shop in Kilmarnock next weekend – with a bit of help from the Wee Ginger Dug. We’ve also been trying to raise funds, and not reached our target, with less than a day to go.
That’s partly because there are so many people asking for donations right now, so I do feel awkward asking, but just in case anyone has a bit of spare cash – it doesn’t matter how little – and would like to earn Yes East Ayrshire’s eternal gratitude, here’s a link:
link to
The grand opening may be a bit crowded, but anyone happening to be in Kilmarnock thereafter is most welcome to call by and see us – there will be tea/coffee and quite possibly cake.
I sent a small donation, from what I hear this is a big Brit Nat area. You have a lot of work to do.
All the best to you and your team.
I never ever thought of you as the shy type
wish you’d let us know sooner. Still even though you never made your target this time it worked out a little better and I’m sure they’ll be more in future.
On a different note. Today just has to be the day for playing this relatively new one from YEW CHOOB “Arlene”.
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The Rev recently forwarded a tweet from Raptor Persecution Scotland about Driven Grouse Shooting.
Those interested will find a further story on that blog which features the media distorting reality in an attack aimed at the SNP. In case such further examples were needed.
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@Paula Rose
That was a great tune and great lyrics. Class.
@ Shinty at 7.28
Thanks; that’s much appreciated.
@ Thepnr at 8.49
I didn’t mention it before because it’s a local thing and there are other nationwide calls on our generosity just now. Then when it stalled a bit I thought I’d be brave and lo and behold…
Thank you all very much.
(I used to be absolutely cripplingly shy – or proud and not wanting to make a fool of myself perhaps – and I still haven’t overcome it enough to enjoy public speaking, for instance. But progress has been and continues to be made.)
One fir the mighty Sma and all the true Scottish SoulJahs out there.
Rise Up.
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One fir the blood and soil
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The origin o wir language
The Tree
link to
It’s inside ye
The Gael – Albannach
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Guid nicht
William Wallace
The Gael
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@ Shinty
Dougs version is braw but, the artwork, thunder and emotion in Albannach’s version is first class.
Fir me Dougs best tune has to be the one he is best known fir.
link to
Eh fkin love meh country man. What a beautiful place it is. What a great people we are.
Goodbye Westmonster – You will rule us no more.
Trump vs Talking Heads link to
A Wee bit of Mellow Music from Norah Jones to Listen to while catching up on my reading on the main Thread. link to
William Wallace – I agree. Would love to see Albannach live.
I’m trying to learn the lyrics to ‘Scotland is her name’ – great song.
A wee puzzler fur the troops! who wrote/sang this song?
“Still Gonnae Die!
You can quit smoking but yer still gonnae die,
Cut oot Cokin & yer still gonnae die,
Eliminate everything fatty or fried & you’ll get real healthy but yer still gonnae die!
Stop drinkin booze, yer still gonnae die, stey away fae coos, yer still gonna die.
Cut oot coffee & never get high but yer still gonnae, still gonnae, still gonnae die!
More verses to this, could it be from Imlach mebbes?
Where’s Smallaxe when U need him?
Bear with me just a wee test. Avatar problems, one more post after this will give me the answer, hopefully.
The last post
@ Fred 2:28pm Hi Fred The Song Still Gonna Die was Written by a guy called Shel Silverstein. He also wrote a boy named sue and 25 minutes to go. J Cash recorded them. he also wrote a lot for Dr Hook including there whole second album. hits including Silvia’s Mother. Queen of the Silver Dollar. Judy Collins has recorded his songs. Also Loretta lynn Marianne Faithfull Belinda Carlyle & Emmylou harris. The McCalmans sing Still gonna die. link to I Miss Smallaxe too.
Here is some Music to go with the Dancing Planes. link to
Fell asleep on the settee watching Star Trek LOL. Woke up and wanted to give you a song. Freaking out–rU
Thepnr that’s what happens when you get spaced out
@ Michael, thanks for solving that wee mystery kid! Gravity gets us all in the end!
Heedtracker, was past my bedtime last night so didn’t get chance to reply re my post on saturated fats.
The low fat industry is just another con, and many bodies are now coming round to the fact that many saturated fats are indeed healthy.
Suggest reading ‘ eat fat to lose fat’ by researcher Sally Fallon.
Some facts on sat fats, African people’s such as the Masai and sumburu consume around twice the amount of sat fat in their diets through milk and meat than average western diet.
Similarly Somalians do so with diet consisting of camel milk which is high in butter fat.
Traditional Inuit diet was almost wholly sat fats.
What all these people’s have in common is almost an absence of heart disease, and much lower bad cholesterol levels.
Even in uk a study carried out in 1965 by the BMA on heart attack patients trialled 3 different diets, with one group given corn oil, 2nd group olive oil,and third group sat fats, after 2 years 52% of first group were still living, 57% of 2nd group, and 75% of third group.
Imo sugar and processed oils are bigger danger to circulate health than natural foods such as milk and butter.
There seems to be some evidence that a shortage of healthy fat in diets might be contributing to the increased incidence of MND
Meanwhile. Further on down the Road link to
The video’s dated but the music ain’t.
link to
Avert your gaze, Wingers…..