The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Cactus says:

    Aweright Rev ~


  2. Alex Clark says:


    Bed now! lol 🙂

  3. Cactus says:

    And not one swear word tonight…

    That must be a fucking record.

    For the love of Ivy.

  4. Cactus says:

    Mornin’ Alex,

    Almost there.. be still, the music is too good to go to sleep.

    Just like the groove 🙂

    Roll on soon.

  5. Cactus says:

    Cause ahm a real straight shooter if ye know what ah mean.

    Play it.

  6. yesindyref2 says:

    Anyone remember being at the disco, dancing with a girl, mouthing to the words as though you actually knew them? I loved this one.

    link to

  7. Smallaxe says:

    Marie Clark,

    I have been told by a gentleman that LA has been out and about although he never spoke to her, I will keep trying to find out more and let you all know ASAP.

  8. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: thanks for the lovelybreakfast links but take S&G’s advice at the start:

    link to

  9. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, thank you for your kind concern, my manky mate.
    link to

  10. Marie Clark says:

    Smallaxe, well that is good news that Lesley-Anne is out and about.

    At one point last year or maybe the year afore, she did take an extended break from posting, as she was being trolled big time by some clown on twitter. Hope it’s not that again.

    Anyway as long as the lass is okay an gon aboot, that’s no too bad.

    Thank you for all your endevours. Take care now.

  11. Smallaxe says:

    No problem, Marie, I know her twitter hasn’t been active for a while so maybe that’s the cause. Any other news I will let you know. Thank’s, I will take care.

  12. Tinto Chiel says:

    @BDTT: your Wuerzburg stuff was sobering. God knows why we targeted it. Shameful when we were supposed to be the Good Guys.

    Anyone fancy a little squeeze?

    link to

    I would have played this but I’m not really that kinda girl.

    link to

  13. Alex Clark says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    The Gelly burn eh! We called it the Gilly burn hence I thought the reason for the street name being Gillburn Rd. Learn something new on Wings everyday so you do.

  14. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Blessed are the cheesemakers.”

    Had to drive Mrs TC to a boring meeting today and hing aboot until it was all over.

    Repaired to adjacent Waitrose for a coffee, not a gaff I am familiar with. Passing through, I noticed a panel on the wall at the cheese counter with outlines of France, Italy, Netherlands and the UK.

    The UK panel showed there is apparently no cheese anywhere in Scotland, but four English cheeses were shown.

    Puzzled, I asked the lady at the heavily-stocked counter what Scottish cheeses she had for sale. “Just Orkney,” she said.

    One cheese, one feckin’ cheese…..

    The only uplifting experience was in the café, where some vile sep had obviously left a copy of The National among the Heils and Hootsmans.

    And mine made two.

    Every day’s an insurgent day.

    Every little helps…..

  15. Alex Clark says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    A bit cheesed off then? No surprised.

  16. Paula Rose says:

    England lost…
    link to

  17. Tinto Chiel says:

    You’ve got to be cruel to be rind, Alex.

    *Takes beamer at appalling joke*

    Have contacted Waitrose Customer Services with my complaint.

    Pointless ah ken but I need to channel my inner Vlad The Impaler.

    Dunsyre Blue, ya bass.

  18. Ian Brotherhood says:

    What a strange week it’s been. Feels like a new page in more ways than one.
    Have a braw weekend abody.

  19. Tinto Chiel says:

    And to you, Ian.

    Hope The Rev is ok too, frankly.

  20. The Proctor Lewis says:

    I would like to say thanks for all the great music links,
    I have been lurking for ages so thought it was well passed time I thanked you all.

  21. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Have a good weekend as well Ian. link to

  22. Tinto Chiel says:

    It must be about a year since The Mysterious Winger posted this on O/T:

    link to

    Own up, person of taste.

  23. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Hoots Michael, as aye, and warmest of welcomes to The Proctor Lewis.

    It’s about time we started making arrangements for the Sep 16th ‘social’, eh?

  24. Smallaxe says:

    link to

    Ward Davis: Get to Work WHISKEY
    link to

  25. Paula Rose says:

    link to

  26. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Well, I can you I’m getting pi$$ed off.

    Three times in the past 8 days, I’ve done posts in ‘off-topic’, which have never appeared. No “http” in youtube links or whatever.

    So I wish you all a pleasant evening coz, for now, eh gie up.

    If I’m in Dunfermline tomorrow, I’ll say hello…

  27. Smallaxe says:

    And we will sleep by the ocean
    Our hearts will move with the tide
    And we will wake in the morning
    To see the sun paint the sky

    link to

  28. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Och SHAZBOT! That should have read “Well, I can tell you I’m getting pi$$ed off.”

    Ken whuh eh mean, iye?

  29. Smallaxe says:

    For, Brian DTT, in particular, and all in general.

    We believe that everyone is equal. We are all human. We all deserve the world. And we can build that equality by sharing what love, knowledge, and magic we have, with others.

    All we Do
    link to

  30. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    What gets me is that if I try to resubmit, I get the
    “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!” notice.
    But the original never appears and I don’t have a clue why not.
    Rather depressing. So I’m gonna try my last attempt one more time…
    If it appears, fine. If it doesn’t…


    It didn’t. Good night.

  31. Smallaxe says:

    Goodnight Brian; 🙂

    John Lee Hooker & ZZ Top:”Boom boom boom”
    link to

  32. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT (11.48) –

    It appeared brother!


  33. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ian B – you’re fibbin’!

    All that’s appeared is me going on about what hasn’t appeared.

    So there!

  34. Big Phil says:

    After a gentle prob from my good lady, I decided that I would’t read wings tonight ,so I watched a film instead…….she’s away fer a pish so wot did I miss ?

  35. Smallaxe says:

    This song is for a sister who has suffered a great loss, she will understand. I ask for it to be used in a respectful way.

    Cherokee Memorial Song
    link to

    Nvwadohiyadv, Igido Usdi

  36. chasanderson200 says:

    Hillwalking in Dunfermline today to get to and from the rally. I had forgotten how steep and long the walk from the bus station to the bottom of Pittencreiff park was. Great day just the same – bumped into a few weel kent faces and got speaking to lots of new folk.

    BDTT – did you manage to get there?

    Roll on Glasgow next month.??

  37. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi chasanderson200.

    Pete phoned this morning to say he was feeling a tad under the weather and my sinuses were all clogged up. Plus I was arranging car insurance online and I had to go through the process twice, because the first attempt took me almost to completion – then logged me out!

    I caught a bit of the march on Livestream but the video kept freezing, then, before any speakers or entertainers appeared, the stream returned to the “waiting for the stream to commence” message.

    I’m still getting emails – the last about half an hour ago – telling me that the video of the march and rally is now live!

    Onnyhoo, will definitely be at the George Square rally, come what may…

  38. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Apologies for my gibberish last night. I was all discombobulated in meself, perhaps because of mild food poisoning, or because I was pished.

    Ach well, so it goes.

    @Big Phil –

    What film did ye watch? If you’d rather not say that’s cool, ahm just being nosey. As it happens, I watched Some Like It Hot last week. Enjoyed it enormously, but never twigged before just how nudge-nudge it is, practically Carry-On standard of wa-ha-ha-ha sauciness.

  39. Cactus says:

    Aweright bros, aye for Sept 16th.

    Thistle be the biggest one yet!

  40. Paula Rose says:

    All exhausted cos I’ve been building a pizza oven – you is all invited when it’s finished – collapses with exhaustion.

  41. Smallaxe says:

    Evan Greer:”The Good Fight”
    link to

  42. HandandShrimp says:

    Are there any plans for the 16th September regarding Wings regulars?

  43. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fancy a good greet?

    I’m at a funny age.

    link to

  44. Smallaxe says:

    I’m at a funny age as well, Tinto;

    link to

  45. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe: too close to home, old fruit.

    Fortunately, exquisite cheekbones are for ever.

    And lallies, obvs.

    What HandandShrimp said. What’s up, Doc?

  46. Smallaxe says:

    I asked, What’s up, Doc? and he told me;
    link to

  47. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hey, Smallaxe, since you’re here:

    I’m thinking of switching to crushed velvet salopettes for my autumn Dubrovnik look, and ditching the lungi look a’ the gither.

    Any thoughts?

    Thought Ghillie was a man the other night so this sprang to mind:

    link to

    Am I losing it?

    Please advise.

  48. Smallaxe says:

    I think the crushed velvet salopettes would make an excellent change from the lungi, Tinto, the lungi is so last year. We’re all losing it Tinto, we just have to;

    Look on the Brightside
    link to

  49. Tinto Chiel says:

    *Muses thereon*

    I know deep in my watter that thou speakest sooth, old pal, so thanks.

    Salopettes, ya bass!

    I’m 6’1″, btw.

  50. Smallaxe says:

    Take the high heels off, Tinto.

    link to

  51. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sage advice, as it happens.

    Pure whacked ma napper aff ma lintel.

    Think a return to the Osiris Orc boots required.

    So tough remaining a la mode.

  52. Smallaxe says:

    Something A La Mode: “Little Bit Of Feel Good”
    link to

  53. David says:

    Everyone be cool, Corbyn’s talking about the “nations, and regions of England”.
    The comma makes all the difference.

    Corbyn is listing Sco, Wal, & N Ire as nations here, to be included alongside the English regions in his pie-in-the-sky federal UK.

    Be annoyed at Corbyn for his unworkable federal plan, not for calling Scotland an English nation. He did not say that.

    link to

  54. Big Phil says:

    Ian Brotherhood,
    lol, I actually watched braveheart and fell asleep. my mrs said i only woke up at , ‘Freedom’ ,then started snoring. its in the blood. lol

  55. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tinto Chiel

    Re. “The Mysterious Winger” posting Annie Laurie songs. Guilty as charged. It can’t be that long ago? Sorry but I can’t remember where it fitted in to the story I was telling.

    This you just catching up with thing ya bass mate? 🙂

  56. Macart says:

    Hi Smallaxe

    Noticed you’ve taken over links for the past few days. Nana OK?

  57. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Macart, Nana has had treatment on her hands and her hands and arms are strapped up so she cannot type. I’m doing my best but I’ll never be as good as she is.

    I will tell Nana that you were asking for her and give her your regards. I enjoyed your posts on the Wee Ginger Dug, well done my friend.

  58. Macart says:


    Many thanks for the update and please do give Nana my best.


  59. Tinto Chiel says:

    CameronB: great to see you back. I speak for many when I say we have an inalienable right to your sage comments 😉 . I thought it was you wot posted it originally.

    All your internet probs solved? Get back on the M/T and save us from the fudricks who are clogging things up. My scroller’s red-hot zooming past the zoomers we’ve got at the mo.

    Nana: look after yourself. If you don’t get better soon I’ll write an ode to you. Mind you, your wee ‘prentice is no’ bad.

  60. Smallaxe says:


    No problem, my friend, your wurds wot you rote are pure dead brilliant. I’ve told Nana that you and others are sending her your kind thoughts and regards.

  61. Smallaxe says:

    CameronB Brodie;

    What Tinto said.

  62. Smallaxe says:

    Let’s get ourselves and the main thread calmed down a bit guys, it’s sad to see good people arguing with each other. We need to remain solid in our determination for independence and remember, every time an argument starts a unionist gets their jollies!
    link to
    Off Topic LINKS!
    Terrorists disappointed with reward of 72 virgins after discovering they are all male former terrorists;
    link to

    Brexiters furious as Bureau de Change reveals it gives worse exchange rate to people who voted Leave;
    link to

  63. Tinto Chiel says:

    Those spoofs are funny, Smallaxe.

    Now that CameronB’s back, does anyone know about Ruby of Ruby Replies fame? It occurred to me recently that she has been absent for a long time. She was on the night I randomly played The Bogus Man and Breeks thought I was calling him a troll.

    Ah, the memories…..

  64. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks guys but sorry to disappoint, as I’ll only be an occasional visitor for the time being.

    I’ve had a quick catch-up of recent events myself (this is my first WOS since my last post), so it’s ‘reassuring’ to see the Yoonstream is as toxic as ever. That Duncan H chap does stand out for special mention though, as top clown of BritNat idiocy. An idiot not because he lacks knowledge but because he appears eager to claim he has knowledge he clearly lacks. His latest venture into the realm of ethics being a fine example.

    What about the normative reflexivity of thought, belief, intention and disposition Dunc?

    Andrew Sayer, Chapter 3: ‘Bourdieu, ethics and practice’
    link to

  65. Liz g says:

    Hi Cameron
    Good tae see ye back.
    I see that your only going to pop in occasionally….but can you not leave it as long as ye did.
    I was beginning to worry about ye….and I have enough to do worrying about Scotland!!!
    Just a hi would be fine…..and then you will no get moaned at,and I am an expert at that….. year’s of practice ye see..

  66. CameronB Brodie says:

    Liz g
    I’ll do my best not to be a stranger. There’s definitely no need to worry about me though. Thanks all the same.

  67. cearc says:

    Hiya, Cameron,

    Best not to be stranger than what?

  68. Tinto Chiel says:

    Oh, Cameron, you big teaser…

    link to

    Hope to see you back soon.

  69. Michael McCabe says:

    Irma-Love You link to

  70. CameronB Brodie says:

    Than usual. 😉

  71. Smallaxe says:

    link to

  72. Marie Clark says:

    Hi Cameron, missed you. Nice to see you back, if only fleetingly.

    As for the M/T at the moment, I can’t bear it. It seems to be the man at C&A experience at the moment. I know some of us have asked folks not to engage with the trolls, but man, it’s dreadful just now.

    As most of you know I had a wee exchange ( cough) with man at C&A when he appeared on here. Dearie me, this devil woman seemed to upset him. Shame that intit. But it worked, he tends to gie us peace here now.

    Love to Nana, I hope you’re not in too much pain just now. Come back when you are ready.

  73. Marie Clark says:

    Well, well boys and girls. It would appear that The Dug has gone noo. Whitevir next.

  74. Smallaxe says:

    Marie Clark,

    Marie, LA has been back on twitter on the 12th August link to

  75. Marie Clark says:

    Smallaxe,that’s good news about LA , thanks for that.

  76. Smallaxe says:

    Your welcome, Marie, she also commented on someone’s blog about the 17th or 18th also but I can’t find it at the moment.

  77. Cactus says:

    Thought I’d post over here now, M/T is too new, save some for the others.

    The young chap in this video helped to build our new bridge:
    link to

  78. Cactus says:

    Hehe, it is now 17 days to go until we all take a stand together again.

    Glasgow calling…


    This karma stuff is excellent fun.

  79. Cactus says:

    Remember this on yer Channel 4 televisual screens…

    “Ride Free, Citizens:”
    link to

    Biker Mice Fae Mars.


  80. Fred says:

    Smallaxe, you’re doin a great job of the lynx kid! 🙂

  81. Daisy Walker says:

    Hello folks,

    Some advice needed – I took notes – seen below – of the talk Rob Shorthouse did about the Better Together Campaign, and below that – Robin MacAlpines talk about how we convert our No voters into Yes.

    I’m look for 2 things – a list of questions for telephone ‘market research’ which will ‘plant the seeds’ .

    And also, a Yes Campaign Plan + Corporate Message if you like for Yes.

    This is not my field, and I know your a talented bunch… so can you have a look at the below and give me some thoughts.

    I’m doing my Brexit research just now, the plan being to produce a short list of the European Agencies we are about to loose, then a thumb nail description of what each one does… and the jobs/business impact…. all of which is a damn sight more than the WM Govmt have done!

    Any way. Best wishes to all.

    And isn’t the Harp of the North Fantastic, absolutely stunning. YES WE CAN.


    Summary taken from Rob Shorthouse’s Talk












    Ask a theoretical question – get a theoretical answer.

    Had no clue at start.

    Spent All their Money, Time and Energy to find out the numbers and how people would vote.

    30% Solid YES

    40% Solid NO

    30% Undecided – they threw everything at this group. Entire Campaign aimed at them.

    Analysed what this 30% wanted to hear about. What should we be talking to them about. Huge research.



    People felt anxious about this big decision – DON’T WORRY HERE’S THE SOLUTION

    BEST OF BOTH WORLDS – they liked the idea of working together, solidarity, achieving, caring about Scotland and Britain

    More Powers for Scotland – Vote NO

    Use the word AND never use BUT

    You can have this AND you can have that

    Strength, security, stability AND more powers

    Core vote 40% largely ignored – they were motivated by Union Jacks and Land of Hope and Glory, British identify, etc

    Stay on Track – Retain Flexibility – able to dial up and down

    Closer to the Day of Vote – research showed

    People got Risk and Uncertainty
    People got More Powers
    Lost track of Solidarity

    Really had to work to bring that back hence TV advert for Labour party. Lots of B and W footage of workers and blitz and labour party leaders
    Minors, John Smith, Shipyards, Solidarity, Equality, Slum clearance, Minimum Wage, Shared Cost / something bigger
    Journey continues,
    Stand up for security, The pound, Progress, Proud, Unity is Strength
    Solidarity used 16 times

    Social Media Used a Lot – info graphics v important.

    Twitter used for immediate impact – to aggressively debunk everything

    Facebook – influence in a slower way, spread out over a longer period, where the conversation happened

    At start of campaign people got their info from MSM. Latter stages from Facebook

    They had twitter squads, banks of people – aggressively rebutting points

    Facebook Team – using info graphics, real stories, videos

    Peak time use between 8pm and 10 pm for Facebook

    Oliver reached 7.5 m in one evening. Population of Scotland 5 m.


    There is a very interesting interview/podcast of Robin MacAlpine on Newsnet which I’ve paraphrased.  Not everyone has internet access or the time to sit down and listen to the Podcast.

    I think it is interesting because it talks tactics.  Can this be circulated and can we have an open to all meeting to debrief about Indyref1 and the GE’s and form tactics to move ahead – both for the SNP and YES2.

    I am conscious of the ‘market research’ phone call I received from the Conservatives before the GE.  What will be needed are some very well thought out and structured questions, with a view to both prompt and info gather.

    One source of reassurance I have from the relentless Media onslaught is that Market Research continually shows that the personal recommendation from someone respected in your personal circle, particularly if they offer something a bit bespoke, out beats all other methods.  Potentially we can turn the overwhelming negativity of the media, into an opportunity for people to ‘learn the real story’ and  be and more importantly ‘feel’ more knowledgeable.

    Robin made the following points:

    Our former No Voters – hate the debate, it upsets them.

    Often they display an inconsistency of Views, for example many voted No out of fear of being out of the EU and now they say there was a Vote and we have to respect the result.

    They often have underlying values and beliefs which are very different to what they say and what they say they think.

    If the approach to them is ‘You were wrong’, and try to make them defend previous decisions – however tempting – this method never works.

    What does work is to try and understand their underlying real concerns,
    to engage in a conversation with them,
    to emphasise that the circumstances have moved on, that the decision they made then, with the information that they had was one thing, but there is new information to hand now, and times have changed
    for the purposes of a Referendum, and indeed for local elections (but with far more to choose from) provide them with motivating factors.

    Robin also explained that the Tories campaigning ‘no to IndyRef2’ packed the emotional reward/message of ‘you were right, they were wrong’ and may have a more limited impact when wheeled out again.

    We should not get embroiled in arguments with Conservatives.  Our audience is with the public in Scotland, and our attitude should be one of a 2 way conversation with them, like putting the case to a jury.

    He believes that the biggest potential for movement from No to Yes is with low to middle income OAP, but at the same time, no group is not considered.

    He made the point that – with regards SNP / Brexit – we should never wait to be saved by the failures of our enemies.

  82. Petra says:

    Daisy I just love your sense of committment and enthusiasm for our cause. Brilliant. You could think of attending the next Scottish Independence Convention (SIC). Better still becoming a key player because it’s in its ‘infancy’, as far as pulling it altogether is concerned. Even having an actual office / base.

    George Kerevan has pointed out that they would make for the ideal ‘umbrella’ YES organisation through co-ordinating social events, training activists, disseminating information across the country and so on. An organisation, beyond the SNP, that we REALLY need right now, imo.

    link to

  83. Chick McGregor says:


    The SIC is not exactly in its infancy. In fact it was formed a little before Independence First (the two organisations were close allies). Must have been around 2005.
    In those days, the SIC met in Holyrood debating chambers which were going spare. Don’t know if they still do, haven’t been to a meeting in years not since David McCann (who posts regularly on Wings) was secretary.

    Elaine C had become convener though. I remember designing a promo leaflet featuring her photie on photoshop.

  84. Chick McGregor says:

    PS I just checked my hard drive and the images from all those years ago are still there

    link to

    link to

    Of course, in these days we were being denied a referendum. Not like now, eh?

    The umbrelly on that card was my design, BTW.

  85. Smallaxe says:

    The Art of Fighting without Fighting;
    link to

  86. Alex Clark says:

    @Chick McGregor

    Good job with the card, you might like to get your thinking cap on again and come up with the successor to the wee Aye Right cards. I thought they were great.

  87. CameronB Brodie says:

    The thing about social exclusion and marginalization, is it grinds down the victim’s resilience and ultimately their power of agency. Thanks HMG, I’m really looking forward to post-Brexit Britain, with Scotland’s socio-economic reality likely to be sorely diminished as a consequence of English nationalist exceptionalism.

    Frankie Beverly & The Butlers – Love (Your Pain Goes Deep)
    link to

  88. Smallaxe says:

    Ziggy Marley: “World so Corrupt”
    link to

  89. Shinty says:

    I would turn my small coffee shop into a YES shop in a heartbeat, but there seems little point until the date is called.

    For now I just put up some posters, still have some wee black books, iScot Mag and other stuff. (Not in your face, but there for anyone to read)

    I offered the entire shop to YES Scotland in Jan. 2014 rent free for 4 or 5 months, and they couldn’t be arsed getting back to me.

    Anyhow, just to say once the date is called there is one more Yes shop right here. (rural Stirlingshire)

  90. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Shinty (10.30) –

    More power to ye.

    If you and/or anyone you know could use some of Proud Cybernat’s ‘BBC: Misreporting Scotland’ stickers please supply a postal address. Don’t have many left so I’m pernickety, but if you give me a fair estimate of how many you think would actually be used I’ll do me best!

    PS Same to abody else. Not many left, so it’s first-come…


  91. yesindyref2 says:

    Now this is what YES should do around George Square / City Square / St Andrews Square / any square – on 18th Sept

    link to

  92. yesindyref2 says:

    It was cactus in MT made me think of that, seriously that should be the theme of YES2: “Join the Dance”.

  93. Shinty says:

    Thank you Ian.

  94. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

  95. CameronB Brodie says:

    So according to tRuthless, one should submit to might. A classical fascists stance, frankly.

    Link Wray & The Wraymen – Rumble Mambo
    link to

  96. David says:

    An example showing how important Rev Stu and Wings is to the indy movement:

    I posted a drawing on my Twitter account earlier today, something relating to Ruth Davidson’s talk about men in pubs. A nice drawing, topical, and so far it has been seen by 82 people.

    I then used the same pic (cos it’s good) in a reply to one of the Rev’s tweets. He liked it and reposted it.
    So far, it has been seen by 12,000 people.

    Twelve Thousand views, compared to under a hundred.

    THAT is the difference the Rev makes.

    His social media accounts are very popular, very powerful.
    When Wings talks, people listen.
    Friends of indy, enemies of indy, neutrals, they all pay attention to what Rev Stu says, writes, tweets.

    It is no wonder he seems to be actively denied airtime on tv – he is too good at debunking the unionist smears and lies.

    FYI here is the pic, “It’s always Happy Hour at Ruth’s Gaff.” Don’t know the artist:
    link to

  97. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @David (9.04) –

    Great stuff there. Valuable testimony.

    I’m one of the people who saw it and RT’d it.

    I didn’t RT it thinking ‘I’m one of many thousands who will do this’ – I did it because I liked it, and that decision was made in ?/ths of a second.

  98. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here we are, another hour later…

  99. Fred says:

    @ David, looks a bit Howson-ish?

  100. CameronB Brodie says:

    Amnesties all ’round chaps. Got an issue, here’s a tissue.

    Better Together? You know it makes ‘sense’.

    Otis Redding – A Change Is Gonna Come
    link to

  101. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

  102. Tinto Chiel says:

    Anyone remember this oddity?

    link to

    Weird, simply weird.

  103. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    By coincidence, 3rd September 1939 was a Sunday.

    I think I offered this link at some time in the past. If you know the Dundee area and/or are interested in the early days of RADAR, it could be worth a skeck. The aerodromes at Scone and Leuchars feature, along with the coastal CH (Chain Home) radar at Douglas Wood, north of Dundee.

    Memoirs of a Boffin
    link to

    Here’s a couple of snippets from Chapter 2.

    “My first boss, Professor Oliphant, drove three of us from Felixtowe to Dundee on Saturday the 2nd of September, 1939.
    We stopped over at his home in North Berwick. It was there that we heard Neville Chamberlain announce that we were at war with Germany. It was Sunday morning, September 3rd, 1939.

    We arrived in Dundee later that fateful day. The following morning…
    We were to set up our new laboratories on one floor of the Teachers’ Training College in Dundee. The lower floor was occupied by the college. As it was peopled largely by eligible young women, it is not surprising that a number of TRE scientists married Scottish teachers. Other than that it was not very suitable accommodation for the research establishment on which the future conduct of the war would largely depend.”

    My Mum had her 13th birthday on 4th September 1939. Nice birthday present, iye?

    BTW: I spent my early years in Nethergate, and knew Mrs Myles (mentioned in Chapter 2). At around 4-8 years old, I found her a “scary wummun”. She lived in the red sandstone tenement just down from The Phoenix.

  104. Molly says:

    Hi Robert Peffers , thanks for your response but can I ask something else? Driving through Fallin there is ‘ The Gothenburg ‘. Obviously an old mining village, I ve often wondered where Gothenburg fits in?

    Why we’re places like in Kelly called Gothenburg ?

  105. Molly says:

    Hi Robert Peffers , thanks for your response but can I ask something else? Driving through Fallin there is ‘ The Gothenburg ‘. Obviously an old mining village, I ve often wondered where Gothenburg fits in?

    Why were places like in Kelly called Gothenburg ?

  106. Molly says:

    Hi Robert Peffers , thanks for your response but can I ask something else? Driving through Fallin there is ‘ The Gothenburg ‘. Obviously an old mining village, I ve often wondered where Gothenburg fits in?

    Why were places like in Kelty called Gothenburg ?

  107. Tinto Chiel says:

    Molly: I don’t think Robert comes on here very often.

    Reprising my weird theme of some time ago:

    link to

    I saw this place in May this year: not a great experience. More winos than a Ruth Davidson Responsible Councillor Non-Orange Re-education Programme.

  108. Molly says:

    Thanks Tinto Chiel just RP was talking about the Gothenburgs in Kelty. Being honest I thought maybe some ‘team’ had played Gothenburg in nineteen oatcake and this was their local tribute .

    Haven’t been in just pass through…

  109. Fred says:

    The Goths were charitable public houses run by a trust. Do any still exist?

  110. Legerwood says:

    Molly @ 11.04 pm

    Round about the time of WWI there was a great concern about the level of alcohol consumption and how it might be affecting the war effort in factories etc.

    Various measures were put in place. The duty on alcohol was being steadily increased and licensing hours decreased were some of the actions taken. The Gothenburgs were another. I think they were modelled on bars in Gothenburg which were designed to make the places as unwelcoming and basic as possible thus deterring drinkers from using them.

    There are still bars around that carry the name often shortened to the Goth but they have been spruced up a bit from their original form. There used to be, and may still be, one in Rosyth.

  111. Chick McGregor says:

    “@ David, looks a bit Howson-ish?”

    I agree, my wife used to be friends with his partner when we lived on the West coast.

    Have often thought some of his paintings caught the essence of a certain element in the population or even some political candidates:-

    link to

  112. Chick McGregor says:

    Tinto 9:39 am

    Remember it well, grooved to it.

    In similar vein (name)

    link to

  113. Molly says:

    Thanks Legerwood , just you know how you wonder why would it be called that ? I suppose you take at face value what buildings are there now, forgetting it wasn’t always like that.

  114. Chic McGregor says:


    McArthur Park was one of my favourites. Richard Harris’s version was great but I loved Andy Williams’ version as well. So with me mum and my sister, both Andy Williams’ fans, I decided to go to an Andy Williams concert in the Usher Hall.

    I was quite prepared to put up with 90 minutes of cheese, if they played that one number. I had read that this number was not always included so fingers were crossed.

    However, on the night, he did do it accompanied by a marvelous arrangement from the Michelle Jarre orchestra (father not the son).

    Seared into my memory.

  115. Tinto Chiel says:

    I’d forgotten about Jack, Chic.

    McArthur Park was unusual and original in its slightly hysterical way but once heard, never forgotten.

    Anyone know if Smallaxe is ok?

  116. Shinty says:

    Ianbrotherhood – big thank you, stickers arrived.
    Wee donation made to charity.

  117. Legerwood says:

    Molly @ 1.13am

    My son lived in Dunfermline for a time and I used to pass the Goth and wondered why it was called that. In my innocence thought it had something to do with punks and heavy metal bands!

    Then when I was reading volume 2 of TC Smouts ‘History of the Scottish People’ there was a section on alcohol and Scotland’s relationship with it and the Gothenburg pubs were mentioned. Really interesting. The trust’s that ran the system used the money raised from the Goths to help fund local amenities such as libraries etc.

  118. Marie Clark says:

    Tinto @ 9.21, aye I was just wondering the same thing about Smallaxe. He’s been so busy doing the job of Nana’s stand in, and he made a good fist of it as well. I just hope that he hasn’t been overdoing things and set himself back.

  119. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

  120. Marie Clark says:

    Hey Tinto, are ye dancin?

    link to

  121. Tinto Chiel says:

    Yes, Marie, you sure miss them, don’t you?

    Smallaxe is the only one who laughs at my jokes and Nana stops me drinking the hard stuff.

    Not even Paula Rose’s lovely ankles can compensate.

  122. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ah’m dancin’, Marie, but in my own way…..

    Liked the EK joke: was expecting “a snow plough” as the punch line.

  123. Paula Rose says:

    Tinto Honey you often cause me to chuckle.

  124. Tinto Chiel says:

    That’s enough for me, Paula…..


  125. Fred says:

    Naw it’s jist the wey ahm staunin!

    The Killers folks! link to

  126. Tinto Chiel says:

    I’ve always liked that Killers track, Fred. For some reason they play it at my diddy team’s home fixtures before kick-off, something I have never understood. Something to do with “platform of surrender”, a cynic might suggest?

    Also, what if you are human AND a dancer?

    Life’s so confusing: like an ash-tray, full of little dowts.

  127. Alex Clark says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    Couldn’t help but notice your wee disagreement with eth poster going by the name of “David”. You were quite right to pull him up in my view and his response proves it.

    Anyway it got me confused because “David” posts here too though he is as sound as a Scottish pound.

    I never knew this until tonight that two posters could have the same Username on Wings Shurely some mistake!

    The good David is “daviddynamo” who posts here on Off Topic, just hover over his icon to see. The racist and ignorant David is dekkan who doesn’t post here on Off Topic.

    A flaw in the Rev’s system allowing more than one person to post with the same username I would think.

  128. Tinto Chiel says:

    I think that was Robert J Sutherland, Alex, who quite rightly took exception to David’s comments. It’s confusing when similar names are used, I agree. For a few nights a couple of years ago I got mixed up between call me dave and dear old silly sausage Sensible Dave.

    I have a little list of the less obvious planks I’ve noticed over the last few months. I supposed you could lump them all into the term Concern Trolls. This will only get worse as Yoon hysteria mounts before Indyref2. The Rev is Target No.1. I hope he is well and planning his next moves.

    Who knows? I may go into my chrysalis like you and come out as Tonto Chief. In the past I have been called Tinto Chief and Tonto Chiel so it seems only fair.

  129. David says:

    @ Fred and Chick, yes the pic does look similar to Peter Howson’s work. Violence, drink, focus on muscles – sounds very Tory MP, basically. 🙂

    @Alex Clark, shucks ta. Just like for every other name, some Daves are good guys, and some Daves are w*nks…
    Me, I’m just misunderstood:

    Nazareth – Bad Bad Boy
    link to

  130. Shinty says:

    re Names – I originally posted on Wings as Laura, (way back before indyref) then another ‘Laura’ started posting. So I publicly said I would gladly change my name in order to avoid any confusion.

    Unfortunately, this other ‘Laura’ never posted again (that I am aware of) but I stuck with ‘Shinty’ thereafter.

  131. Marie Clark says:

    Ah Tonto Chief, me likee keemo sabae. LOL

    link to

  132. cearc says:

    … or Torta Chef?

  133. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ladies, all I can say is that I’ve defo got Jay’s sublime cheekbones and my goat and anchovy Sicilian tart is something of a sensation in these here parts.

    Sometime you just have to accept the hand destiny deals…..

  134. Paula Rose says:

    Before Indyref I sometimes commented as Better Together St Kilda but folk got confused cos the same avatar appeared so I just stuck with my real name. These days though the pretty little computer generated avis seem to have stopped.

  135. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Alex Clark @ 18:27, 05.Sep.2017,

    Aye, it wis me. I thought somebody ought to say something, since quotes like that could be deliberately planted to offer ammo to detractors.

    He was back near the start of the next thread (“What we stand to lose”) with an even worse open anti-Muslim rant buried inside some more conventional pro-indy comments. I was tempted to tackle him again over that one by asking “Do you possibly represent Racists for Indy (membership: 1)?” but I thought the better of it. Only drawing attention to him and it. I’m surprised though that Stu hasn’t removed it since, but maybe he’s still distracted elsewhere.

    I think the fellow has also posted at times as “David Caledonia”, with the same nasty streak.

    You know what? – I have long had the notion that this character is actually David Coburn. Looking for a new gig now his party is falling apart. My mrs was recently on the same plane as him from Brussels, ‘cept she was in steerage and he was in 1st with a glass of wine. All on EU expenses, no doubt, while the hypocrite complains about everything EU.

  136. Alex Clark says:

    For those that were asking, I’ve not long heard from Smallaxe, he had to return to hospital for a few days due to his anaemia but thankfully is home now a little tired but recovering and upbeat as usual.

    You could send him a tune to lift the spirits! This is my favourite, played loads of times. Starring Ian Brotherhood LOL.

    link to

    @Robert J. Sutherland

    Oops mistaken identity, well done you anyway.

  137. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thought that there Ian Brotherhood was looking pretty good in that vid., although he could perhaps adjust his gait a little.

    A song for Smallaxe: look after yourself.

    link to

  138. Alex Clark says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    Never heard it before, classy!

  139. Marie Clark says:

    Smallaxe, whit did I tell ye aboot ower dain things. Dearie me.

    All joking aside my friend, I’m sorry that you’ve been back in hospital. I hope your doing a bit better now. Please take care of yourself, we need you. Here’s a wee song for you.

    link to

  140. Tinto Chiel says:

    I’m probs one of the few on here who remembers it, Alex. It’s an age thing.

    Some of the lyrics are a bit dodgy now I see them written down!

    Glad Smallaxe is a bit better. May drone him over some of my famous boiling-beef soup this week.

  141. Alex Clark says:

    @Marie Clark

    Ah good choice Marie xx 🙂

  142. Marie Clark says:

    Alex Clark, you must be one of them young whipersnappers never having heard Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress.

    Ah yes Tinto, I remember it well, it must be an age thing right enough. Thank you for reminding me, of the age thing I mean.Sigh.

  143. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sigh thee not, Marie: we are stardust, we are golden…

    Haven’t had the heart to tell Alex that’s a picture of me before an ill-judged appearance at Blantyre Miners’ Welfare for a silly bet.

    I had the lallies for it in the late 60s.

    *sighs too*

  144. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ve seen a few posts recently knocking Critical Social Theory, calling it cultural Marxism. O.K., whatever. And I’m sure I heard that post-structuralists eat grass.

    The thing is, if you add Cultural Theory (a.k.a. ‘the cultural theory of risk’) and Critical Rationalism to your analytical framework, not forgetting Semiotic Theory (esp. the semiotic theory of space and place), you have a pretty powerful set of tools with which to interrogate society and the processes that shape it. Is that enough though, could we understand better?

    To summarise, practice theory is a body of work about the work of the body. With one or two exceptions, this loose network of approaches to social theory takes the human body to be the nexus of ‘arrays of activities’ (i.e. practices) that agents perform with greater or lesser commitment, dexterity and grace. Whilst some of these practices are widely diffused across social space and time, others are found clustered in configurations that change over time through the socially (re)productive agency of practitioners. Practice theory itself has diffused across epistemic space since its emergence in the 1970s and today we find practice theoretical approaches in subfields as diverse as strategy theory, political anthropology, material culture studies, the sociology of consumption and neuroscience.

    link to

    link to


    This book rethinks the study of media from the perspective of practice theory, a branch of social theory centred on ‘practices’ rather than structures, systems, individuals or interactions.

    link to

  145. Paula Rose says:

    For any of you that know how to access twitter go look at #MoggMentum – you may have difficulty holding your sides or ruining your keyboards or holding liquids in.

  146. CameronB Brodie says:

    OMG, Mogg! Just what the feck does that dribble of piss know about anything? Religious beliefs? Smells a bit like a Christofascist to me.

    KRS One – R E A L I T Y
    link to

  147. William Wallace says:

    deets tae

    comin ower fir a laugh 🙂 and it will be a laugh 🙂

  148. CameronB Brodie says:

    Getting back to Mogg, I always suspected him of being a social Darwinist. His latest pronouncements add further support to my suspicion. Social Darwinism is rooted in utilitarianism, which is itself rooted in Anglican theology. More importantly, perhaps, social Darwinism provided moral and ethical legitimacy for scientific racism, coloialism and eugenics. You could say the Nazis were the evolutionary pinnacle of social Darwinism.

    A Brave Old World: An Analysis of Scientific Racism and BiDil®

    ..These preconceptions were based on the idea that nature, and not social forces, created divisions in society, and consequently “the physiological, cultural, and economic woes of the poor and the nonaffluent ‘middling classes’ were scientifically ordained by Nature, and therefore neither preventable nor reversible” (3). This concept of hereditary social traits is extremely important to scientific racism as it explains social inequalities not in terms of the society failing to provide for its citizens, but rather a group’s failure to have superior breeding.

    link to

  149. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. Don’t be lulled into thinking that Eugenics was an evil that has been consigned to the past. So what about Brexit and future UK immigration policy.

    “What we are facing is a time when genomic knowledge widens and gene engineering will be possible and widespread,” said Nina Jablonski, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology. “We must constantly monitor how this information on human gene diversity is used and interpreted. Any belief system that seeks to separate people on the basis of genetic endowment or different physical or intellectual features is simply inadmissible in human society.”

    link to

  150. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

  151. David says:

    Today is September 7th, so…

    Happy Independence Day, Brazil!

    I hope Scotland’s Independence Day is not too long in coming.

    P.S. They have bagpipes in some of their military bands. Brought a wee tear to my eye seeing and hearing them.

  152. George says:

    I was given a gift card for Marks and Spencer and thought to myself “I’ll look online for a nice bottle of whisky”……as you would.

    They are showing 12 which are listed under the heading “Country”, 4 from USA, 2 from Ireland, 1 from India, 1 from England and 4 from “Great Britain”! Perhaps you can gues where the ones from GB originate.

    Make of that what you will but once this gift card is used I won’t be rushing back to M&S anytime soon!

  153. Chick McGregor says:

    I have often pointed out that modern eugenics began in the UK.

    Francis Galton, who coined the term, was a cousin of Charles Darwin and much to the latter’s dismay extended the survival of the fittest doctrine to humanity and society.

    It quickly gained popularity in the UK then America and Europe, especially Germany.

    Karl Pearson was one of Galton’s acolytes who helped spread the concept in Germany in the early 20th century, believed wars between superior and inferior races were inevitable. He changed his name spelling from Carl to Karl to make it appear more German.

    Forced sterilization, i.e. active eugenics, became quite commonplace before the rise of the Nazis, they didn’t invent it.

    It became an academic subject at many colleges and universities and Galton was knighted by the UK Government.

    Pearson, who considered himself a socialist was also offered a knighthood in 1935 but turned it down.

    Despite the awful consequences culminating WWII, it has never quite gone away.

    It is only about 10 years ago that a well known SLAB boy from the West of Scotland advocated adding contraceptive chemicals to recovering addict’s methadone, although I doubt in his case, if he could have even spelled eugenics at the time.

    Poor old Darwin understood enough of the survival of the fittest theory he undoubtedly came across on his studies in Scotland, to promote, very successfully, his ‘own’ version of it but failed to grasp certain statistically based realities pertaining to it. Even though Matthew had clearly described them in his earlier publication of the theory.

    Basically, natural selection of traits common to a species like humanity, can only be propagated throughout the species by one-on-one sexual means. That one-on-one propagation system means that any new trait, however advantageous it is to survival, depends on having a small population to do so. The number of generations taken for it to be propagated throughout a given population increases exponentially with the population size. If the population is successful and grows in size rapidly, it cannot change significantly by natural selection. Nearly all human communities are above a population size which would make such propagation feasible within a reasonable time frame and those which are small enough for propagation are more likely to propagate adverse traits and be less successful.

    Effectively, propagation of rarely occurring genetic trait, cannot become an entire species trait by natural selection.
    Commonly occurring trait generation could still propagate by multiple genesis but then every community of the species would still evolve similarly. The rarely occurring traits which define a species, cannot.

    Further physiological advancement of human evolution by natural selection has effectively ceased, and long, long ago.

    For those who feel humanity still needs to physiologically evolve further, that leaves only the option of unnatural selection, selection by humans. Breeding, selective sterilization, extermination in the past.

    All huge moral issues.

    However, humanity has evolved a hugely complex and versatile brain, which is capable of evolutionary advance.
    I don’t mean the machine capabilities of the brain are evolving.
    The human brain can and does physically rewire itself in response to nothing more than the input it receives.
    I suppose it is a bit analogous to a computer which becomes more useful over its lifetime by being programmed by better software.

    Each new generation has a computer which benefits from the latest software as saved by the previous generation.

    The extent to which the human brain can continue to do do this is still unknown.

    That evolution is accelerating because of the increased exposure to such mind altering ideas via the internet.

    Our brains have probably had more physiological re-wirings than any other generation in the history of mankind. (no comments).

    While civilization continues to advance in that way there is no logical argument for ‘improving’ the human species even if there were any kind of certainty or consensus on what that ‘improvement’ might be or who would be entitled to do the selection.

    Unfortunately, much as I would love to shelve that moral dilemma, it is arising again because of technological advances which allow the possibility of less unthinkable proactive measures rather than the unacceptable reactive ones of the past.

    Human genome mapping is uncovering more and more genetic causes of some pretty terrible diseases. The ability to identify and select on that basis already exists.
    Even where an established familial genetic defect exists the ability to correct it by genetic engineering, while leaving the rest of DNA intact grows.

    Should we do so though?

    Big moral dilemma.

    Most folk would, I suspect, be in favour of eliminating those genes responsible for horrible diseases but where does it end?

  154. stewartb says:

    George@ 5:11 pm

    Re-your M&S story, I’ve just checked it out. Just incredible how ‘Scotland’ is being airbrushed out: arguably once is trivial but there is a pattern emerging is there not?

    Anyway, just taken advantage of the M&S customer feedback e-mail form on their online shop to complain. Suggested that the Scotch Whisky Association and the flrms making the Scotch they are currently selling might be interested in learning of the M&S categorisation into ‘English’ and ‘Great British’ whisky.

    If nothing else it will be an annoying ‘pin prick’ of complaint, and made me feel a little better!

  155. George says:


    I will do the same, surely this is so obvious that there have to be ramifications.
    This is probably the tip of the iceberg but still so galling!
    Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

  156. CameronB Brodie says:

    Is the BBC still selling thon pet food salesman as a reliable adviser to the Scottish public? The man’s a very one-dimensional character and not credible ‘expert’, IMHO.

    General Philosophy : Ethics (Moral Philosophy) and Value Theory
    link to

    The new theory of economic ‘agrowth’ contributes to the viability of climate policies
    link to

    What is Inclusive Growth?
    link to

  157. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chick McGregor
    I forgot to say “nice one”. 😉

  158. cearc says:


    There is a fundamental misunderstanding of ‘survival of the fittest’ to mean the strongest, whereas it actually means that which fits best which varies enormously according to the circumstances of the moment.

    ie. Being tall is an advantage to picking out somebody in a crowd but being small is better for hiding in a crevice.

    That is why diversity is so important to the survival of a species and why any form of eugenics is so dangerous.

    Preventing genetic disease is a real minefield though!

  159. CameronB Brodie says:

    Admittedly he’s an amusing side-show.

    What is Value Theory? (Axiology and Theory of Value)
    link to

    Chapter 6: Theories of Value
    link to

    Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium
    link to

  160. Chick McGregor says:

    Brother Cearc, 🙂

    I agree entirely.

    It is even possible that some things indisputably regarded as being a disease worthy of eradication could have an as yet unforeseen survival advantage.

    The only example I can think of off the top of my head is sickle-cell anemia. From memory, and really the accuracy is less important than the story, it goes like this.

    If neither parent has the gene the offspring are, obviously, free of the disease.
    If one parent has it but the other does not the disease does not manifest itself.
    If both parents have it, the offspring unfortunately die at an early age, round about 20.

    However, the presence of the gene protects the person from malaria.

    If the gene pool of a society has enough of the sickle-cell gene present then we can have a situation where, roughly, a quarter have no particular protection against malaria, about half do and about another quarter are going to die young.

    In areas where otherwise untreatable malaria is extremely prevalent, that condition becomes advantageous, on average, to survival. And indeed, no doubt, that relationship explains the high preponderance of sickle-cell anemia in high malaria risk areas.

    No doubt, given time, with modern malaria treatments, such is the survival related nature of sickle-cell anemia, its preponderance will now diminish by natural selection, still slowly but given the nature of it very quickly for natural selection, even if no human interventionist measures are taken

    Of course, modern treatments for malaria, have de facto relegated sickle-cell anemia to a very bad thing one would wish to get rid of. No significant positive, all negative.

    But my point is this.

    Who is to know whatever genetic condition which is obviously considered defective right now, might not have an advantageous nature in the future, if some suitably horrible and prevalent disease were to occur?

    I guess, to boil down the question each one of us has to ask and answer is.

    Does nature (the Universe, God, the Planet) know best about the selection and progress of life or should we now take on that responsibility?

    To precify the two main arguments.

    Against Human intervention.
    Nature has got us to where we are. Look at the crap decisions humanity makes and how they fuck up all the time.

    For Human intervention.
    Is our ability to intervene not a product of nature also? Look at the technological achievements we have accomplished.

  161. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chick McGregor
    I have a rather simple doctrin:

    Are your decisions and actions supportive of the principle of universal human rights*?

    A. Yes – have a slice of cake.

    C. No – some reassessment of one’s values and beliefs is both desirable and advisable. No cake for you.

    ‘Unfortunately’, HMG does not appear to support the principle of universal human rights. Otherwise, indyref’14 would have been of an entirely different character, IMHO, and Scotland most probably now an independent state.

    *Absence of such is likely to severely hinder efforts towards achieving inclusive social integration, tolerance and world peace.

  162. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chick McGregor
    Duh. I forgot the bit about public policy and bioethics. Tory policy tends to lack a sense of bio-ethical morality (social deprivation has a hereditary component to it’s nature – inter-generational transmission of social disadvantage). As such, Tory policy tends to be in conflict with the principle of universal human rights. The red Tories talk a good game but that tends to be the height of their achievement.

    Politics and economics under neo-liberalism supports discrimination and social marginalisation of the vulnerable, so subsequently undermines efforts to achieve universal human rights and social justice for all, frankly.

  163. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. Social mobility is key to inclusive social integration and so ultimately bio-diversity. Britain is extremely poor at enabling social mobility, largely because of dribbles of piss like Mogg.

  164. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.P.S. N.B. Scientific racism is colourblind, it targets all who undermine profit and privilege. Scientific racism is a commonplace reality living under a state of neo-liberal political economy.

  165. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    CameronB Brodie @ 03:02,

    Hi Cameron. Good to see you in full flow again. You appear to have found your own true niche on WoS! =grin=

  166. CameronB Brodie says:

    Robert J. Sutherland
    Well I did say I can go on a bit. 🙂

  167. Tinto Chiel says:

    RJS: left a brief response to your interesting Guardian post at the end of the old thread. I hope all the blatant crap on Vichy Vision is affecting former No voters in the same way.

    Finally got the page to archive.

  168. CameronB Brodie says:

    The next time someone tells you “this is how it is, this is reality”, ask them what their frame of refference is.

    The Theory of “Theory”
    link to

  169. Liz g says:

    Great to see you back Nana,and on fine form.
    I hope you are not overdoing it, remember some day soon you will need to use those hands to put an X in the box next to YES.. LOL….
    Also if you are in touch with Smallaxe will you please tell him I am askin for him and send my best to Mrs Smallaxe!

  170. CameronB Brodie says:

    What practical use is theory in our reflexive world?

    ‘Theory of change’ is an outcomes-based approach which applies critical thinking to the design, implementation and evaluation of initiatives and programmes intended to support change in their contexts.

    link to

  171. Paula Rose says:

    One of my dearest friends…
    link to

  172. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Just heartbreaking.

    You okay?

  173. Tinto Chiel says:

    Shocking stuff about your friend.

    The Nazis didn’t start with Auschwitz, they began by picking on vulnerable individuals and groups and were amazed by what they could get away with in a divided and impoverished society. I believe these same fascist types have now been tipped the wink by an increasingly desperate Establishment.

    We know the Niemoeller quotation but it has never been more relevant than in UKOKia today.

    Next targets: Andy Wightman, The Rev, Craig Murray…

  174. Paula Rose says:

    No – but I will be seeing some of you tomorrow.

  175. Valerie says:


    The Yes group had your email notification returned not delivered, so were keen to try and let you know.

    The next meeting is Tuesday, 19th Sept at 7.30pm in Muirfield again.

    Hope to see you there.

  176. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland is ill and it needs to stop being childish, take the prescribed medicine and stop acting as if it is a colony. This is the 21st century peeps, there’s no point in moaning about how shit things are, as that won’t change anything (very firm stare at those on the left who oppose independence). This not only lets ourselves down but also the multitude around the planet who similarly lack access to inalienable human rights.

    We make the world we live in through our choices and our actions. Stand up for human dignity and demand your nation’s sovereignty back.

    Professor Benvenisti’s remarkable theory of sovereigns as trustees of humanity is part of a very old tradition going back to the sixteenth century where sovereignty was defined as an absolute power, which is unlimited by positive law, yet based on and limited by natural law. This Article tries to show that this concept of sovereignty has emerged because of the necessity to provide a final point of imputation to the hierarchy of norms, and that the limitation by natural law was part of the original definition. Sovereignty so defined can usefully justify not only the power of kings and lawmakers but also that of courts trying to control kings and lawmakers.

    link to

  177. cearc says:

    Hi folks,

    My smtp doesn’t work from here so haven’t emailed. Paula Rose will email address for meet up tomorrow about 11.00

    So glad LA will be coming.

  178. Chick McGregor says:


    I have seen some of that story unveil on facebook and it is very sad and anger-creating at the same time.

    Is there a crowd funder somewhere that can help this lassie if she pulls through?

  179. Smallaxe says:

    Paula; I can only echo what Chick asks, along with my anger and disgust for the circumstances and the cowards who drove the very talented DEFIAYE, one of our own, to this act of tragic despair.

    For Brave;
    Sia:” The Greatest”
    link to

    Brave, be well. We will catch you if you’re falling. I wish you Love and Peace of Mind always.

    Looking forward to meeting some of you tomorrow.

  180. Chick McGregor says:

    I wholeheartedly subscribe to your position re human rights.

    Indeed, I have myself been making that point for decades now.

    They should be inalienable, universal and not transmutable.

    I do think certain human rights have yet to even be globally formulated never mind accepted.

    For example (and I think I may have posted this here before) I think there should be a UN backed international covenant (treaty) along the lines of a Universal Declaration of Economic Rights.

    I won’t reiterate what those might be in entirety, but to take the most basic requirement (IMV) they should specify that every individual has the right to the economic means to acquire whatsoever training, education and sustenance they need to fulfill as much as they can or desire of their own human potential.

    An ideal, of course, but a realistically achievable one, given the right political paradigm shift, which is not something that can oft be said about ideals.

    Regarding Utilitarianism.
    While I am by no means a supporter of Utilitarianism, which may be accurately described as hedonism with accountancy, it at least embraces the principle of democracy. Greatest good for the greatest number.

    So its transitional import in the philosophical underpinning of the reintroduction of democracy should not go unacknowledged.

    Also it is a multi headed monster. There is deontological Utilitarianism, consequential Utilitarianism, libertarian Utilitarianism and Situation Ethics.

    For example, where Spencer believed that Utilitarian calculation gave birth to firm rules which should be adhered to (deontological approach) Mills’ more libertian version opposed that, and indeed they fell out over it.

    While it is reasonable to presume that some, not unreasonably, saw a relationship between ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘Greatest good for the greatest number’ it should not be forgotten that sometimes the devil is in the nuance.

    For example, Scot-American Carnegie, was happy to use SOTF/GGFTG to justify his business dealings, but also, in an act of conscience based philanthropism, gave away nearly alll of that personal wealth he had accumulated to various causes.

    It is very late so I may address your comments re technology later.

  181. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks for your comment and sorry if my broad-brush approach and ‘occasional’ lapses into sloppy reduction-ism are beginning to annoy you. 🙂

    I’m the first to admit I have a very limited appreciation of utilitarianism or the details of it’s variants. I’m trying to draw attention to it’s cultural root as being alien to Scotland, along with it’s significance and centrality of place within BritNat ideology.

    The moral philosophical debate as to it’s suitability as a philosophy of government has already been carried out. It was found to be lacking and unsuitable. Can turn a bit fascistic, frankly.

    The Right to Development takes care of your Universal Declaration of Economic Rights, is regarded as both universal and inaliable, and is already considered “soft law” within the international legal community. All we need is the opportunity to access the damn thing.

    Come on HMG, slavery has long been prohibited practice.

    link to

    P.S. What if I started using “utilitarian tradition”? Does that work?

  182. CameronB Brodie says:

    This is what I mean when I talk about utilitarianism (think Better Together, Pooling and Sharing, the BBC, etc.).

    link to

  183. CameronB Brodie says:

    The ethical content and quality of decision making can be improved through empowering empathy. This unlocks the potential for love to act as a tool for progressive social change. According to post-modern critical social theory anyway.

    All You Need is Love? Saving Ethics from Utilitarianism
    link to

  184. CameronB Brodie says:

    Deconstruction Theory, in a nutshell.

    Jacques Derrida’s linguistics theory called Deconstruction is a great lens to use when looking at text’s set of beliefs or ideological assumptions (which could also be called “warrants” in the Toulmin argument model) because it doesn’t allow arguments about ideological assumptions to fall back on some kind of Platonic Ideal with unchanging Ideals and absolute Truths. Deconstruction theory, and post-structuralism in general, critiques structuralist notions because they rely on a universal, transcendent approach to studying texts (though deconstructionists, like structuralists, think about the binaries we think with/through, but they don’t simply try to identify key binaries; they seek to uproot the oversimplification of binary-style thinking).

    link to

  185. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry, I’m not sure why that last one popped into mind. Anyway, better out than in.

    Hope you’re well Smallaxe.

    BURNING SPEAR – Identity (The World Should Know)
    link to

  186. chick mcgregor says:

    There are many kinds of Utilitarianism and some versions have been used to justify some of the worst political theories which have come to fruition.

    On the other hand, many others exist which do not.

    So what, at its base, is Utilitarianism?

    ‘The greatest good for the greatest number.’ Where ‘good’ can mean ‘pleasure’, ‘happiness’, ‘contentment’, ‘Love (agape) or even some other perceived ‘good’.

    Essentially, a person should consider the consequences of an act they are thinking of taking in terms of its effects on the aggregate ‘good’ it generates in society as a whole rather than just for themselves or a small number of people.

    It is a form of consequentialism with social responsibility.

    It is a numbers game.

    Potted history.

    Prior to Utilitarianism there was a simple philosophical theory called hedonism.
    Hedonism, is the simple theory that human individuals are governed by ‘pleasure’ or ‘pain’ and will act to maximise the former and minimise the latter. The persons ‘happiness’ or ‘contentment’ is maximised by such an act. Note this theory can be extended beyond physical pleasure or pain to include, for example, avoiding the emotional pain induced by a guilty conscience or achieving the pleasure of enhanced self-esteem or the pain and/or pleasure associated with love. So it is quite a hard theory to refute.

    However hedonism is still an egotistically based theory involving only the individual actors or perhaps a small number of those they love or care about and who therefore fall within their own sphere of selfishness.

    The difference between hedonism and utilitarianism is that in the latter the ‘good’ consequence should, by the moral actor, be maximised for the greatest number of people it can and therefore a morally good act is one which brings that about.

    There are examples of such ideas of universal consequentialism throughout recorded human history, long before Utilitarianism was articulated as a specific philosophical theory with a systematic number crunching aspect.

    As to the claim that the modern systematic articulation of the theory is English in its roots and alien to Scots, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you – perhaps.

    Yes it is normally claimed that Benthanism was the first such articulation, however, in a scenario eerily similar to ‘Darwin’s’ theory of survival of the fittest, there are Scottish articulations of it prior to Bentham.

    Francis Hutcheson (technically Irish but born to a Scottish Presbyterian, planter family in Ulster and educated at Glasgow Uni) is an example as is David Hume who even uses the phrase ‘public utility’ in his clear articulation of the theory.

    Even if we, as some do, move forward the true beginning of Utilitarianism to John Stuart Mill (because he coined the term, or thought he did, borrowing the word from a Scots novelist). It should be noted that his Scottish father, James, who moved to England shortly before his birth educated John himself at home, albeit with some assistance from Bentham and others and would not even let John out to play with the local children. So, English? yes, but?…

    John did further ‘upgrade’ the theory. He was very influenced by the Romanticism prevalent at the time, not a something itself devoid of Scottish antecedents. So he imbued Utilitarianism with some of that idealism. For him, there were different qualities of pleasure, those that were gained from pursuing ‘higher’ pleasures were superior to those obtained from ‘less worthy’ acts.

    Now all of those early Utilitarians, historiographically, were motivated simply by a desire to extend the purely individualistic behaviouralism of hedonism and imbue it with a more socially responsible vibe.

    Jeez is that the time? I’ll have to finish this tomorrow.

  187. CameronB Brodie says:

    Utilitarianism was the cult of Bertham and unusable as a phylisophy of government. JSM reformed it. British nationalism is the cult of Bentham in action.

    Why try to complicate matters?

  188. CameronB Brodie says:

    Bentham’s utilitarianism lacked a sense of ethical morality, as it considered all men obtain equal pleasure equally (all rational men have the same notion of “good”). Bentham’s utilitarianism also conflated pleasure with well-being.

    link to

  189. CameronB Brodie says:

    unusable unsuited

  190. CameronB Brodie says:

    British nationalism is the cult of Bentham in action..

    IMHO, British nationalism is itself a cult comprising the cult of Bentham, combined with the ideological assumption that Britain is ‘One Nation’. All of this has been supported by a culture industry and education system that Scotland has had very little input into or control over, until very recently.

    The One Nation ideology is built on scientific racism and bad science. Please don’t let Scottish culture become another victim of Bentham.

  191. CameronB Brodie says:

    The One Nation ideology is built on scientific racism and bad science.

    The One Nation ideology only becomes morally ethical if one accepts scientific racism that is supported by bad science.

  192. CameronB Brodie says:

    morally ethical ethically moral.

    Folk might have noticed I’m out of practice. 🙂

  193. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sometimes it’s hard to maintain, let alone re-construct, a way of thinking and identity that is different to a ‘One Nation’ conception of the world, especially given the practice of our media and broadcasters.

    Anthony Giddens: The reflexive project of the self
    link to

  194. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just a swift update re next Saturday, Glasgow ‘Hope Over Fear’ etc…
    We don’t have anywhere booked for a gathering so we will play it by ear and use modern communication devices to keep one another informed.

  195. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hey, Ian: just to let you know…..

    Denise Mina has just won The McIlvanney Prize for her novel “The Big Drop”.

    Ian? Ian? Put that axe down!

    What time does it start? Freedom Square?

    Hope to be there mob-handed/under strict supervision, depending on your viewpoint.

  196. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –



    Blimey…ye have to wonder where all this ‘Bloody Scotland’ cobblers will end. Before long it’ll be compulsory for all adult Scots to have completed a gritty crime novel before they turn 30.

    Next Saturday, Glasgow, starts at Holland St in the morning, 10 a.m. assembly, heads off at 10.30 (if memory serves) but what happens later in the day is abody’s guess.

  197. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Pink Floyd, ‘Be Careful With That Axe Huge Ian’ –

    link to

  198. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks for that, Ian.

    Will try to muster the two Chielettes for The Long March too.

    Hoping for a big turnout.

  199. Tinto Chiel says:

    Y’see, to my old ears yon PF sounds bang up to date.

    Gerontion, ya bass!

    “Ooh, where’s me washboard?”

    Horlicks beckons, chinas.

  200. CameronB Brodie says:

    Honest, I’m not trying to wind you up but I’ve spotted another error in my logic and syntax (or whatever the proper words is). 🙂

    Bentham’s utilitarianism lacked a sense of ethical morality, as it considered all men obtain equal pleasure equally (all rational men have the same notion of “good”). Bentham’s utilitarianism also conflated pleasure with well-being.

    Bentham’s utilitarianism lacked a sense of ethical morality, as it considered all rational men have the same notion of good. Bentham’s utilitarianism also considered all men to obtain pleasure equally, so could not take account of the different circumstances of our experienced lives.

    I think that’s a bit closer?

  201. CameronB Brodie says:

    Careful of the axe? Well pardon me while I have an episode (yes I’m off the meds again). Here’s a guy who plays an electrified garden rake, on the odd occasion. 🙂

    Shockabilly – Psychotic Reaction
    link to

  202. Chick McGregor says:

    Over complicated the subject? Well I hope not, I had quite the contrary fear myself that due to time and space restraints I had over simplified it.

    Furthermore, I fear further more complications are forthcoming since I was only about halfway through that potted history of the development of a subset of the main variants of Utilitarianism. So I will continue.

    Being essentially a teleological philosophy, although some deontological aspects are present in some variants (Rule Utilitarianisms) most of the ideological variations are concerned with the nature of the teleological benchmark used. The nature of that final ‘good’ which is to be achieved and the distance into the future of its final fruition.

    So with that in mind I come to the final two examples I will try to describe as briefly as I can.

    If I may begin with perhaps the most abhorrent, at least in terms of political ramifications.

    Evolutionary Ethics, aka ‘Social Darwinism’.

    First off ‘Social Darwinism’ is a bit of a misnomer because although Spencer did coin the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ in regard to Darwin’s theory, the evolutionary theory he seems to have favoured is more akin to that of Lamarck. Perhaps he realised the statistical impossibility of the differences between hypothecated ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ races was not explicable by natural selection alone. But that is a by the by.

    It is the nature of the ultimate ‘good’ which is to be aimed for in this philosophy, influenced as it is by genetic evolutionary theory, which distinguishes it ideologically from other utilitarian models. When population growth, genetic advancement and removal of State obligation to support the weak are defined as the goal the teleological judgement used to define that which is a good act is radically different.

    Social Darwinism was very influential at the turn of the century in promoting such political ideologies as Euthenasia, Nazism, Neoliberalism and Ultra Conservatism well into the 20th Century.

    Yet, with its abhorrent, human rights and dignity denying definition of ultimate ‘good’ it still remains essentially Utilitarian because it still follows the ‘Greatest ‘good’ for the greatest number’ structure.

    Next is the other extreme. Situation Ethic. aka ‘Love Ethics’
    In this, still Utilitarian structured philosophy, the ‘Greatest good’ is defined ‘love of fellow man’ or Agape.
    The acts which a utilitarian with this philosophy must perform in order to be teleologically adjudged good could not be more different than that from those of the Social Darwinist.
    But when the good is defined as love and the intent is to maximise that within society then ideologically it is virtually the opposite.

    This version of utilitarianism came about in the 60s so was still in vogue when I studied philosophy in the 70s, in fact my lecturer was a strong adherent of Fletcher’s Situation Ethics.

    IMV the eager adoption of it by Christians, while not surprising given the parallels with the New Testament message of love as embodied in the figure of Jesus, was not particularly helpful in promoting the philosophy in secular society.

    However, that aspect apart it strikes me as being ideologically very similar to the ‘All you need is Love’ link you posted above, although the irony of the misuse of utilitarianism in that article does not escape me. While it is not quite impossible to envisage a deontological philosophy designed to enforce a doctrine of love, I would imagine that it must retain a consequential, utilitarian structure if only to avoid the incongruity that invokes (Ve haff vays of making you love.).

    In all these ideologically diverse forms of utilitarianism the commonality is their structured process which is what makes them utilitarian.

    They are consequential and teleological rather than deontological with a declared aim of retroactively judging acts which add to the greatest good for the greatest number as being good.

    My original point is that it is the ‘greatest number’ part which exerted enormous intellectual pressure and aided the movement for democracy and was at least key if not instrumental in bringing it about. Difficult to argue that a universal franchise with regular votes is not a an effective way of passing judgement on what has been a good act (policy enactment) and that it has benefited the greatest number.

    I am not a supporter of any kind of Utilitarianism because for me, the ‘greatest number’ part lacks scope.

    Since we cannot have ‘The greatest good for all’ because that is patently ridiculous (however much ‘good’ we have for distribution, some can always have the potential to be taken from one part of the population and given to others, therefore creating a new ‘greatest good’ definition.) the compromise position of ‘Sufficient good for all’ is attractive to me where ‘sufficient’ is defined at a level which ensures sufficient sustenance, intellectual or nutritional, welfare and healthcare and adequate shelter is provided for everyone which enables them to fulfil their full potential, or indeed not, if they choose to.

    ‘Equal good for all’, although I believe that to be the inevitable destination for humanity, is still not currently doable because some material incentive is still required to advance humanity to that position.

    However ‘right’ a consequentialist approach to ethics feels, at best, at this moment we are reduced to only accepting it in an accomodated fashion because society still does not have the capacity for other than a deonotlogical approach to the frontline deliverence of a just society, namely the constabulary, justiciary and legister must still, for the moment, operate on a basis of law enforcement.

    My own personal philosophy,… sorry out of time again, early night tonight.

  203. Chick McGregor says:

    I guess I have time to respond to your last.

    Yes a criticism of Benthamism is just as you say, the assumption that what is good is the same for all.

    Mill’s ‘upgrade’ on that was to claim that ‘happiness’ gained from higher acts (like Art, literature, music, science), intellectual acts if you like, were superior to those like the happiness gained from things like celebrity, wealth, power or even more so than happiness gained from even ‘lower’ pursuits.

    However that does not get round the problem of who gets to decide what is higher or lower. It can lead to elitism, snobbery and a perpetuation of a class system

    Essentially a modernisation of the ancient Greek Epicurean philosophy.

  204. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chick McGregor
    Sorry. that was a poorly constructed post. It was honestly a rhetorical question and not addressed specifically at yourself.

    Sorry again but I’m afraid we appear to have different perspectives. The links I have provide give an indication to my frame of reference (i.e. the social sciences).

  205. CameronB Brodie says:

    That last post was meant for you. 😉

  206. CameronB Brodie says:

    …different perspectives, re. social Darwinism but JSM certainly upgraded utilitarianism to higher values, to the extent of reforming it’s essential nature.

  207. CameronB Brodie says:

    Why can’t I say what I mean? Sorry mate, this is deffinately my last revision.

    ‘Social Darwinism’ is a bit more than a misnomer, it’s an active frame of mind which still shapes Britain’s body politic.

  208. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. your time. Great posts but a lot of that valuable insight was covered in my links.

  209. CameronB Brodie says:

    The place of utility as a critical theory of human existence has been largely discredited and its potential undermined in the course of modern debates in ethical,political and legal theory. The central intuition that guides the argument of this book is that both the technical and reductionist methodology associated with utilitarianism do not do justice to the theory which identifies the maximisation of pleasure as the most fundamental self-interest of man….

    link to

  210. Betty Boop says:

    @ Chick @ Cameron

    Ta, just ta! Terrific discussion you two 🙂 Still trawling through it. Haven’t had so much fun since the quantum physics stuff on OT a couple of years back. 🙂

  211. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Is it just me, or, were there really no saltires to be seen during Saturday night’s live broadcst of the Last Night of the Proms.

    Always in the past, there have been one or two saltires being waved among the prommers. This year, while there was the well-publicised campaign to have the European flag flown, I did not see a single saltire.

    Conspiracy theorists might imagaine security was confiscating this offensive and subversive (to the Greater Englanders) flag.

  212. Liz Rannoch says:

    @ Daisy Walker 30 August 12.35

    I don’t visit this ‘room’ very often and a couple of days ago I came across your request for ideas. Are you still looking?

    BTs Camp Tactics are very interesting – why don’t you put that on the main thread of the day? If you have, apologies. I usually drop in daily but don’t always read everything.

  213. Tinto Chiel says:

    Socrates: I didn’t watch it but can I offer a small, sad glimpse into The Strange World of Yoonmind?

    Mrs TC and I were dining with two family members in July 2014. They took exception to my Yes badge and there was a “frank exchange of views”. They were (and probs still are, though we never see them) both far to the right of Genghis Khan, and theyaccused Yessers of being nasty nats, obsessed with flags.

    “How so?” I asked.

    The anecdote was then told of their visit to the Proms the previous year. They had had their Butcher’s Apronswith them of course and, along with thousands, were giving it orgasmo-laldy when they spotted another Scottish couple waving their wee saltires.

    This was deemed, I kid you not, to have been “aggressive and inappropriate” by these two muppets. I’ve never forgotten those words.

    After that, we seriously doubted their sanity.

    I saw a doormat in the ironmonger’s a few months ago with the legend “Friends always welcome: family by appointment.”

    I found it irresistible.

  214. Daisy Walker says:

    Hello Liz,

    In reply to your question. Yes I’m still looking for guidance re a set of survey question that will ‘prompt’/educate our voters from no to yes.

    If an important target group is our pensioners on low to medium income how best to get the correct info to them. They are unlikely to access info via the internet.

    Currently I’m writing out the phone numbers (from the old phone book) for my area. Landlines don’t change much, especially for this age group.

    Once done, I intend to phone them with a ‘market research’ questionnaire. And follow this up with a leaflet drop/poster campaign in the area. And if I can persuade a few folk, perhaps door to door, one to one.

    The plan is to educate in blocks, so that if neighbour speaks to neighbour about an issue, they’ve heard that evidence too. I live in a large village, with some small ones round and about, so this is do-able.

    I’m going to try and have the questionnaire cover SNHS funding/compared to London, Brexit as it is likely to affect local jobs, The McCrone report, and some local issues, where our newly tory/lib dem council are already looking to close schools.

    There is no shortage of information, cutting it down will be the issue, and a steep learning curve for me I might add.

    When I have a draft of questions I’ll let you know. Also I’ll put out a request for techno know how on how to make phonecalls for free over the internet. Apparently this is a thing.

    All that the Brit Nats do, they have to pay for, as they have no bodies on the ground.

    Which means that anything they can do, we can do better, if we just get sorted.

    Yes we can – now we must.

  215. Shinty says:

    Please guys a fact check needed: Does WM still hold 82.5% of powers? (I thought the figure for SG was now around 35%?)
    Could do with the info. for a wee poster I’m doing for my ‘notice board’


  216. Smallaxe says:

    We here, down in the deep-south of North Britain were privileged to have the company of some fellow Wingers at the weekend. Thank you all, Cactus, LA(Arbroath 1320)Fiona, cearc and the lovely, as ever, Paula Rose (who marked my tiles with those heels, btw).

    Thank’s to all of you, from both my wife and I for your company and taking the time and trouble to travel down here to see us, it was enjoyed and appreciated. 🙂
    Michael McCabe, I made a toast to your good self with a glass of a very fine French Cognac at 8pm tonight. Thank you, my friend.

    For the people mentioned above, I may have played this before, but who cares?

    It’s also for all those not mentioned above,:-)

    “I Feel Love”
    link to

    Please don’t take it TOO literally.

  217. Tinto Chiel says:

    Shinty: Petra @5.32 on the Not Getting Better Together thread has some figures you might be able to confirm somewhere.

  218. Liz Rannoch says:

    Hello Daisy,

    Don’t know if what I’ve got would help.

    Just after the EU ref. I started a list of what I would put into a party political broadcast. It’s from the point of view of ‘oldsters’ as our daughter calls us! The subjects are more general than local and may need updated now and probably added to.

    I had thought of altering it to make a letter to my local rag (Dunfermline Press) but as usual never got round to it.
    Unfortunately this seems to be the way I work. Loads of lists and quotes, that, by the time I get something half way together everybody else has moved on!

    If you think this might help I’ll post on here and prepare for brick bats and hee-haws lol!

  219. Cactus says:

    Same tae yerself too bro and the lovely Mrs Smallaxe, twas a pleasure to be with ye all, was an excellent weekend adventurers, soon again.

    Here’s one with some kinda Hoodoo:
    link to

    ps the band playing above are dedicated fans of Wings.

    See y’all Wingers when yer headin’ in for the city on Saturday 🙂

  220. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Cactus, you know that you have a place here to crash if your back in the area, it was cool having you all here.

    “Mountain to Move” (Wake up Now)
    link to

  221. Cactus says:

    Cool Smallaxe, aye twould be excellent to come down to see yous again.
    Good times.

    Remembering back to the border signpost we were at…
    “Scotland Welcomes You”

    Do you think the roads have realised the missing sign yet?

    It looks bonnie on my bedroom wall 😉

  222. Smallaxe says:

    I hope it’s looking as good as the sign going in the opposite direction looks at the bottom of the river Annan.

    I replaced it with this;
    link to

  223. Smallaxe says:

    Must go I’ve got someone to meet in a dream and I’ll be late if I don’t go now.

    Goodnight all.
    link to

  224. Cactus says:

    Aye, it seems the south are bound for Dover, but to nowhere next?

    Ye never know, a change could do them good:
    link to
    link to

    Available in colour or black n white.

  225. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks Betty Boop.

    To differing degrees we are all victims of our circumstances. Please try to remember that when discussing the 19%, many of whom are the victims of deep social disadvantage and increasingly evident cultural imperialism. They will need our support when they loose their identity. Many will have little else.

    Cultural Imperialism in the Late 20th Century
    link to

  226. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks as well Chick, I doubt I would have managed to focus my thinking on my own. 😉

  227. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, their identities won’t vanish overnight and they are entitled to keep it for as long as they want. I doubt a British identity will be fashionable for long in an independent Scotland.

  228. Smallaxe says:

    There was a vote last night that may put all the crops in the wrong barn!

    ‘Harvest For The World’
    link to

  229. cearc says:

    It was a fun trip to the borders indeed.

    Bit of a problem getting the bullock out of the car when I got home but the reiving sortie was a great success – full freezer!.

  230. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, cearc, just cut its horns off and wipe its backside and you’re good to go.

    It was fun having you and the others here thank you for taking the time and trouble to visit and remember you are welcome anytime.

    Next time I’ll have some venison for you. 🙂

    “The Poachers Song”
    link to

  231. cearc says:


    You could have said that before we crammed it in the car!

  232. Smallaxe says:

    Sorry about that, I’ll make sure the next buck is gralloched before transporting.

    Fear the zombie deer;
    link to

  233. Fred says:

    I hope U guys appreciate that Rock will have a bout of the skitters when he hears that “Off Topic!” has progressed to outright socialising! 🙂

  234. Smallaxe says:

    Fred, do you mean, coprolite?
    (look it up if you don’t know the meaning)

  235. Fred says:

    @ Smallaxe, it’s no only Barlanark folk that know a Coprolite when they see wan! Hope you’re good!

  236. Smallaxe says:

    Fred, I’m doing ok, thank’s, we Barlanark folk don’t need to see it, we can smell it. 🙂
    link to

  237. Alex Clark says:


    Please guys a fact check needed: Does WM still hold 82.5% of powers? (I thought the figure for SG was now around 35%?)
    Could do with the info. for a wee poster I’m doing for my ‘notice board’

    Depends what “powers” you are talking about, for example, these are the latest figures for revenue as a proportion of expenditure in Scotland taking account of the Scotland Bill 2016.

    Devolved revenue as a proportion of devolved expenditure in Scotland is 36%.

    Whereas devolved revenue as a proportion of total expenditure in
    Scotland (Scottish & UK Governments)is 23%.

    For welfare spend the total spend on devolved benefits is £2.6 billion and is under the control of the Scottish Government, however the total spent on purely reserved matters is £15 billion. So the SG controls approximately 15% of the welfare budget.

    Effectively Scotland has control over 23% of her spending and 15% of her welfare. Hope that helps.

    My source for these figures can be downloaded here:

    link to

  238. Smallaxe says:

    Gil Scott-Heron;

    A Prayer for…
    link to

  239. Fred says:

    Folks, just finished this biog, I only mention it as it’s a superb read,

    Greg King & Sue Woolmans “The Assassination of the Archduke!” Sarajevo 1914, the first deaths of the Great War.

  240. Shinty says:

    @ Tinto Chiel – thanks, I saw the figures.

    @ Alex Clark – thanks for the info & link. (It’s all a bit confusing for my wee brain, but I’ll look it over tonight.

    I need to make the info. short and snappy as people will not read loads of text.

  241. Alex Clark says:


    Good on you, get stuck right in. I admire that, every little helps.

  242. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 21:21 (10 September),

    Oh, that’s not good. Some of us (me!) have only olde-worlde means of communication. But I suppose I’m the exception so I guess you’ll just have to count me out this time. =sigh=

    (Still, the thought of people milling around George Sq. wondering where to decant to next doesn’t sound too promising to me either. I guess that just marks me out again as an outdated old fuddy-duddy! My kids would probably just gently mock if they read this! =laugh=)

  243. Chick McGregor says:

    ‘Rod Stark’ of GOT (Richard Madden) is the lead in ‘The Hood Maker’, 9pm Sunday Ch4. The first of an anthology of Phillip K. Dick stories. He gets to keep his Scottish accent in this.

    PKD’s work formed the basis for probably half the classic SF movies you’ve ever seen.

    Kudos to Brian Cranston for taking on the mammoth production work load involved in bringing 10 completely different stories, settings, design concepts, screen writers and directors to the wee screen.

  244. Cactus says:

    Hey, when did you last see this?
    link to

    Impressive stuff!


  245. William Wallace says:

    Brief summary o meh worries and concerns. 🙂

    Coming tae wings used to be for chillin oot and escaping the pro union agenda. Now it’s getting me doon wi the doom an gloom.

    Are the Tories/Establishment stealing fears/ideas from contributors on wings? (Shutting doon HR or inciting Scots to shut it doon etc)

    The need to kick start a pro indy movement for indyref 2 (The Indy Roadshow – as previously mentioned)

    With Leaflets and conventional marketing shown to be ineffective, what other ideas do people have for a wider reach and how do we implement em?

    How do we set about working with and creating cohesive links wi different scheme organisers, the student unions, activist groups and the SNP etc?

    What is the best way/platform to wake fowk up to the impending catastrophe that is brexit and the Erdogan style power grab that is going on? Ideas and suggestions anyone?

    How do we go aboot debunking the media myths pertaining to Scotland and getting the message oot there to those that might be influenced by yoon meeja?

    Last but not least. Are we daeing anythin at ah on Saturday post demo or what? There are some ideas I wouldnae mind sharing aff the web.

    And Finally Ehm utterly depressed as ehve pit a stain an a half on since gi’in up smoking. 🙂 Pegure Pegish Megan 🙂

  246. Smallaxe says:

    William (Fatty) Wallace;

    Never mind Wull, you’ll be able to afford to go to a health farm with the money that you’re saving. Here’s a wee bit of satire to cheer you up. 🙂

    link to

  247. Smallaxe says:

    TRUMP’S New BFFs, the alt-right Nazi white supremacists plan a FUN trip to NYC in order to be savagely beaten by NYC until their parents can no longer recognize them.;
    link to

    The M/T is too grumpy for me today!

    “Tighten Up” or lighten up;
    link to

  248. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. Legatum. Vulture capitalist driving us to a new age of Anglo-American, (neo)liberal barbarism?

    Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication

    13.7 Cultural Imperialism
    link to

  249. CameronB Brodie says:

    The New Imperialism, or the Economic Logic of Late Postmodernism

    Review of: David Harvey, The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.
    link to

  250. Cactus says:

    Kickin’ down over here.

  251. David says:

    Fact: Bees can count to 4.
    Another Fact: You’d need 28 bees to count the 110 EU powers that WM is keeping, instead of returning to Holyrood…

  252. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @RJS –

    I know, it’s a bummer, but so it goes. If you’re in the square at any point we may well meet at whatever spot the Wings folk congregate?

  253. Cactus says:

    Hey Smallaxe.

    Hey Mrs Smallaxe.

    Hey Paula Rose.

    Hey Lesley-Anne & lady.

    Hey Cearc.

    Hey Music.

    Hey you!

    Let’s go crazy:
    link to

    To learn.

  254. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    It’s usually at the feet of Sir Walter Scott. See you there?


    Hi David.

    I like your style!
    Did you know that an Arab can live for a year on a grain of rice? The proof is at this link, at 3.15 mins.

    link to

    Which brings me to this CLASSIC album. When I first heard this, around 1977, I peed myself. I had heard nothing like it. It’s one for listening to with a beverage of your preference. 45 minutes of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, in their alter egos.

    link to

  255. Cactus says:

    He he, love u guys, cool as fuck.

    Keep an open aye on the ‘fuck’ factor counter.

    Tick tock 🙂

  256. Cactus says:

    Aweright William Wallace, I heard ye callin’ earlier anon.

    Looking forward tae meeting ye on Saturday.


  257. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @William Wallace –

    Sharin the pain brother – five weeks ago, pure Catch-22 cause ah wis gettin right intae the joggin, feelin guid, only chucked the fags so’s ah could get intae it merr, then felt like shite and aw yon lethargic way, ootay sorts wi masel and generally grumpy, startit bevvying merr…noo ahm pittin oan the weight (maistly oan ma face) ma confidence has been shot tae fuck an ahm stayin’ in the hoose aw the time. Nae joggin, nae smokin, jist bevvyin an lossin the rag wi’ belters oan Wings an Twitter.

    It’s a serr fecht brither!


  258. Ian Brotherhood says:

    An here’s where it aw ends up…

    Joy Division, ‘Isolation’ –

    link to

  259. Smallaxe says:

    “Fattie Bum Bum” Carl Malcolm 1975
    link to

    Nothing personal guys.

  260. Cactus says:

    Good evening pop pickers.

    Guid tae see yer names Wingers.

    Yer brilliant.

    “Cause it’s never too late to work nine to five.”

    I am a Scotsman.

  261. Smallaxe says:

    Jethro Tull: “Fat Man”
    link to

    Hi, Cactus, it’s never too late!
    Argent: God Gave Rock and Roll to You
    link to

  262. Cactus says:

    Excellent cool Smallaxe ~

    Argent, the original artist too.

    Play it in ‘H’ minor.

  263. Smallaxe says:

    Cactus, I found a little rectangular bit of plastic with a spring thing in the front of my car, could it be from your phone or something?

  264. Cactus says:

    Hmm, not sure, but sounds like another new adventure to me Smallaxe 😉

    Incidentally, ah’ve misplaced ma cheap sunglasses, of recent.

    Can’t find em anywhere.

    Time I got some Z’s.

  265. Smallaxe says:

    I’ll check the car for your glasses, good night buddy.

  266. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scottish Tories have a brass-neck re. social housing. Cynical, frankly.

    @(t)Ruthless Harrison
    Do you really think Scotland should pay for England’s shortcoming and failures? Your ‘One Nation’ ideology demands that Scots go without access to their inalienable human “Right to Development”. Your outlook offers no prospect of inclusive and sustainable social integration. As far as I’m concernd, you’re a bit of a thick fascist and no patriot of Scotland.

    Ever been homeless and hungry?

    Coasters – What About Us
    link to

  267. CameronB Brodie says:

    @(t)Ruthless Harrison
    I don’t know how you can live with yourself, frankly.

    The Master’s Tools: The Wisdom of Audre Lorde
    link to

  268. cearc says:

    Wow, you’re up to partying again already, smallaxe?

    I’ve only just got over the last one! First ‘useful’ day today crawling about weeding with a mixture of thin cloud and sunshine.

  269. Smallaxe says:

    cearc, it’s just a front, luckily you can’t see this side of the screen, I’m like Quasimodo and Marty Feldman’s love child only not as good looking. 🙂

    “I’m so ugly”
    link to

  270. Tinto Chiel says:

    You’ll always be beautiful to me, Smallaxe.

    *Blubs like a girlie*

    Old Marty was an original. He co-wrote Round The Horne and sometimes had to doss in public parks. My favourite line was after one of the Charles and Fiona sub-Brief Encounter piss-takes.

    Kenneth Horne: Ah, they knew how to make great films in those days: they just didn’t bother.

  271. Smallaxe says:

    Hi, Tinto, I was, like yourself, only showing how humble I am by denying my irresistible animal magnetism and unsurpassed beauty, we icons of handsomeness don’t like to make other not so blessed people feel inadequate.

    “I won’t eat anything that has intelligent life, but I’d gladly eat a network executive or a politician.”

    Marty Feldman

  272. Smallaxe says:

    Nana, the facts can’t be denied.

    link to

  273. Tinto Chiel says:

    Nana, Carly’s just never got over me ditching her in Redondo Beach. There was aye an edge to yon lassie.

    Thinking about aubergine for my loon pants this autumn, frankly.

  274. Smallaxe says:

    I’m thinking a petrol blue Kaftan with gold goloshes for the Autumn, Tinto. I’m having trouble thinking about what to order from my milliner, any suggestions?

    Have to pop out and pick up my drugs from the local dealer, (pharmacy) see you when I get back.

    “The Drugs Don’t Work” The Verve;
    link to

  275. David says:

    Hi Brian Doonthetoon,

    “Did you know that an Arab can live for a year on a grain of rice?”

    Is that a Dundee United Arab? Cos I thought they could only live on a peh a day…

    Andd I’ll stop there cos as a West Centralian, my knowledge of the Dundonian vernacular is frightfully incomplete.

    In urra wurds ah ken hee-haw aboot it. 🙂

    Taysiders in Space (with American English Subtitles):
    link to

  276. Tinto Chiel says:

    Yes, you’d look awfie braw in yon, old fruit.

    Considering a homburg this winter masel’.

  277. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. the concept of a ‘UK single market’. This suggest it may be different in nature to a national economy, as one would describe such as a national economy. So a ‘UK single market’ might suggest an integration of different national economies. Does that mean that by accepting the notion of a ‘UK single market’, one has acknowledged the fact that Britain is not ‘One Nation’?

    Fancy checking my logic Chick? 😉

  278. William Wallace says:

    @ Sma Axe

    Ya big meanie. Eh’ve no stopped greeting fir nearly twa days. Eh thought you wir nice tae. 🙂

    @ Ian

    Eh ken mate. It’s a catch 22 richt enough. Eh cannae jist blame the stopping smoking in meh case. Eh wiz going through meh drunken twat spell afore eh stopped. To mak metters worse, eh’ve been awa for a couple o breaks in the camper tae various seaside resorts whar it’s been full breakfasts every day to get the day started and fish suppers every night on tap o that. Plus whatever else in atween.

    Went on a diet when eh got hame but eftir a week o eating quinoa and various rabbit food, eh hid shed less than a pound. So tae cheer masel up last night eh bought a large donner and scoffed the lot. 🙂

    This is the heaviest ehv ever been. 14st 10. Twa year ago the heaviest eh’d ever been wiz 12st 9.


    Eh’ll no be hard to miss the size ehm getting 🙂 Eh’ll probably bring a wings flag and wrap it roon meh fat erse for easy identification 🙂

  279. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. the ‘UK single market’.

    Socrates’ Logic of Language
    Ever and anon we are landed in particulars, but this is not what I want. Tell me then, since you call them by a common name and say that they are all [shapes] … what is that common nature which you designate as [shape]? What is the quality in which they do not differ, but are all alike …? (Meno 74d, 72c; tr. Jowett)

    link to

    Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy

    7.4 The Structure of Things Appearing

    Given Zen’s mode of seeing, which is non-dualistic in nature, occurring in zero time and zero space, one may be curious to raise a question as to how things appear to the Zen mind under these condtitions. We can interpret Zen’s nondualistic experience epistemologically as that experience which arises from a nondiscriminatory state of meditational awareness. To be more specific, the nondiscriminatory awareness means that it is the foundational background, as articulated in the foregoing, that is bottomless or is nothing, and as such it does not participate in the discriminatory activity.

    However, when a thing appears, a discrimination occurs on this foundational, though, bottomless, background. Because it occurs on this foundation, it does not distort the shape of things to appear along with its force. We designated its activity as discernment vis-à-vis nondiscrimination in the foregoing. Or, it may also be characterized as nondiscriminatory discrimination, in order to capture a sense of how things appear in meditational awareness. In this nondiscriminatory discriminatory awareness, no ego is posited either as an active or a passive agent in constituting things of experience as this awareness renders useless the active-passive scheme as an explanatory model. This awareness lets a thing announce itself as a thing.

    link to

    The Beginning of Wisdom 😉
    link to

  280. CameronB Brodie says:

    @(t)Ruthless Harrison
    Let go of the cult. We will all benefit enormously.

    Wabi-Sabi and Understanding Japan
    A philosophy and aesthetic as worldview

    “She lived in Versailles and would occasionally pretend to be a shepherd. But whereas in Western thought that’s a very artificial, false and even irresponsible thing to do, in Japanese thought it’s a very good thing to distance yourself from all the finery of the court and disappear into a self-consciously rustic space.” – Marie Antoinette

  281. CameronB Brodie says:

    link to

  282. CameronB Brodie says:

    “She lived in Versailles …..” – Prof. Timon Screech

  283. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, my milliner has suggested a twilight silver Kilmarnock Bunnet, I’m not so sure, although I do have a hand woven yak wool ultramarine scarf that would set it off nicely if it’s not too tight for me that is.
    William Wallace; I was just trying to lift your spirits, my friend. I have the opposite problem in trying to keep weight on which believe it or not is not as easy as one may think! Don’t worry we’ll still love you anyway.
    link to

  284. CameronB Brodie says:

    That was a genuine request Chick, I don’t want you to think I’m having a go. In your own time, obvs. 😉

  285. William Wallace says:

    @ sma axe. Eh ken mate. Wiz jist kiddin on. You can hae some o meh wecht if yir needin it 🙂 Plenty to go aroond 🙂

  286. Tinto Chiel says:

    No, that Kilmarnock bunnet in twilight silver is a stunning idea, Smallaxe. Ultramarine is a bit last year, frankly, but the yak’s wool gives it a more contemporary feel and lifts the whole ensemble, imo.

    Don’t suppose you’re coming up to Glasgow this Saturday?

  287. Betty Boop says:

    Re: George Sq. Saturday

    Been talking to Ronnie and he says best place to meet is the usual one behind Albert’s horse.

    For folks who haven’t a clue, that’s at the west side, to the right of the stage with your back to City Chambers.
    Do not fear, you are bound to come across Wingnuts.

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    So we’re heading for a return to the dark-ages. Good, Scots appear comfortable living in a state between freedom and slavery. 😉

    Coloni adscripti were a particular type of tenant or estate laborer that emerged in the period following the tax reforms of Diocletian and his colleagues in the Tetrarchy at the end of the third century ce While dating and exact chronology are unclear, coloni adscripti are first solidly attested in the late fourth century. A colonus (censibus) adscriptus was an individual whose name was added to the tax return (profession or iugatio) of his landlord and entered into the census rolls, as the cultivator of a particular estate or field.

    link to

  289. Smallaxe says:

    Kilmarnock Bunnet it is then Tinto and as you say, the yak wool will complement it perfectly.

    I’m sorry to say that I can’t make it on Saturday, Tinto, as much as I would like to. The mind is willing but…

    I hope you all have a great time, stay safe and enjoy yourselves.

    A Marching Tune for you all;
    link to

  290. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. Graeme Simpson MSP and ‘no-go areas’. He is using the language that was used to describe the inner-cities of the 1970s. Very negative and unhelpful towards efforts aimed at revitalising communities ravaged by neo-liberalism.

    @ Graeme Simpson MSP
    What’s your frame of reference? Not a fan of Charles Murray by any chance?

    New Era or Old Times: class, gender and education
    link to

  291. Smallaxe says:

    William Wallace, ah know that you know wit we know an’ noo a’body knows, ye know?.

    link to

  292. Smallaxe says:

    Today would have been Amy’s birthday, we lost her but she left us some great music.

    “Tears Dry On Their Own”
    link to

    Thank’s Amy x x x

  293. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fairy Nuff Smallaxe: look after yourself, mon vieux.

  294. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe/Tinto Chiel –

    You two should have a radio show –

    ‘You’re Listening to Off-Topic! The most petty and ill-informed programme on the Net! The Odd Couple of Manky CyberNatteryness!’


  295. Chick McGregor says:

    Cammy 1.46pm

    To be honest, the state of understanding in economics, internationally and domestically, is in such an almighty mess still that it is a case of choosing the least worst option which is compatible with a logical final destination for the subject.

    Economics is at about the same stage of development as science was in the Middle Ages. A situation where shysters, shamans and charlatans are still held in equal regard to those espousing beliefs based on good scientific principles.

    Before economics can be elevated to a true science status certain fundamentals need to be sorted out like

    1. What is an economy actually for? What purpose should it serve?

    To some it is to allow an elite to gain power and influence through wealth increase. Because, they will clearly be the best people to make the decisions and advance civilization.

    Critics of that may say that the characteristics of those who generally attain that status, dishonesty, ruthlessness, short termism, narcissism, lack of empathy are not the traits which are conducive to advancing civilization at all, more a blast from the past if anything.

    To some, like me, it is there to provide that which is necessary so that all members of society have at their disposal all the means they require to achieve as much of their full potential as they desire.

    2. What is the basic unit of an economy? (Hint, it is genuine wealth. What is the basic unit of genuine wealth? it is the same as the basic unit of science – energy).

    When those questions are resolved it will become a straightforward matter for true economic scientists to devise an economic system to achieve the agreed aims.

    Bye bye, shamans, charlatans and shysters.

    However, for the next few generations, the Global economy will still not be at the point where everyone can get everything they need to achieve as much as they are able or want to.

    In a national context, there will still be competition for a share of the Global production cake.

    So, for the time being, there needs to be a national economic policy.

    In regard to economic markets, I am in favour of countries sharing economic sovereignty within a genuine level-playing field single market with full freedom for people to relocate within it. With the proviso that each distinct country retains sufficient budgetary control to fund the various activities stemming from their national cultural perspective.

    I see the EU as an approximation of that and a baby-step towards a true Global market with the kind of retained national perspective enabling capability retained as above.

    While I am in favour of a genuine global market as described I was not in favour of simply letting the BRIC countries into the WTO and calling it a single Global Market.

    That is nothing like a genuine single market with all players playing by the same rules.

    Yes I would like the people of Brazil, India, China and Russia to enjoy the social advances and living standards of the West, but for me, that would have been far better served by allowing them entry but with dynamic tariffs. Tariffs, the reduction of which would be calculated on commensurate increases in the wages and government spend on welfare, health, environment, road and rail infrastructure, education for the people there as well as rights reform.
    The tariffs would be over-all adjusted so that there was a move in manufacturing and production to those countries but in a way that achieved two aims.

    1. Controlling the rate of manufacturing moving to those countries so that Western economies did not experience the shocks we have seen or those that are coming.

    2. Brings up the living standards for the people there to present Western levels and quickly.

    The way it has been done will bring down the social gains in the West to wherever the two meet and that point will be closer to the BRIC country starting points than it will to those we have enjoyed and come to expect in the West.

    Whether that formed part of the intent on our movers and shakers behalf, well that is another question.

    However, planned or not, I do not think it will come to fruition because of public revolt and possibly isolationism in America and Europe.

  296. Tinto Chiel says:

    “The Odd Couple of Manky CyberNatteryness!”

    I’m pwoud, IanB, vewy, vewy pwoud!

    Just as long as I’m no the Tam Cowan of The Movement…


    Hey, Smallaxe: does my bum look big in these aubergine jodhpurs?

  297. Tinto Chiel says:

    link to

    Bonsoir, mes braves!

  298. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m out of touch with the development of theories explaining international development, so I wouldn’t wont to engage in specifics. I think we are coming from approximately the same place in the space of understanding though. Thanks.

  299. William Wallace says:

    @ sma axe

    Eh ken that you ken that eh ken wit we ken an no abody kens ye ken? 😉

  300. William Wallace says:

    There Kim Jong playing wi his toys again.

  301. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Smallaxe & William Wallace. She Knows link to

  302. Smallaxe says:

    Michael McCabe;

    “He Knows”
    link to

  303. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Smallaxe it is all out in the open now. link to

  304. Smallaxe says:


    “I Think I’ll Call It Morning”;
    link to

  305. Smallaxe says:

    But I still think that;

    “Nobody Knows”
    link to

  306. Smallaxe says:

    Sorry I disappeared off the radar last night guys but when I heard that Tinto had managed to procure a pair off aubergine jodhpurs my heart was torn asunder with jealousy, so much was I affected that I drove across the border to a little English village and slapped a duck that was minding its own business.

    I’m ashamed of myself for this untoward and out of character act of extreme violence and I can assure you all that this despicable behavior will not be repeated.
    link to

  307. Nana says:

    For the Wings fashionistas [you know who]

    link to

  308. Tinto Chiel says:

    “This pleasure-seeking individual always looks his best”.

    Thanks, Nana. A classic!

    *looks in mirror anxiously*

    What have the gadwalls of Longtown ever done to you, Smallaxe?

    For shame!

  309. Smallaxe says:

    I don’t know what came over me Tinto, I was overcome with emulsion.
    link to


  310. David says:

    @Smallaxe, Tinto Chiel.
    The Mad Hatter has got nothing on you two.
    Like Ian B’hood, I am awed by this Odd Couple. 🙂

    Now, for some reason your conversation on chapeaux, your haggling over hats, got me thinking of Danny Kaye’s Anatole of Paris song:

    link to

  311. Smallaxe says:

    Everyone has different ways of doing it;
    link to

    I’m blaming it on the transfusion I had last week!
    link to

  312. Tinto Chiel says:

    Haven’t seen that Danny Kaye clip since I was a kid, David. What struck me was a) what a great performer he was and b) how clever the lyrics were. His wife’s, apparently.

    “I shriek with chic!”: going to steal that.

    Nervous Norvus! A blast from the past, Smallaxe and some great catch-phrases.

    Love all that crazy 50s America footage too.

  313. Tinto Chiel says:

    Where are K1 and Fred?

  314. Fred says:

    He’s here reading “Off Topic!” degenerating into the “Corn Exchange!” 🙂 U ken who will be fizzin!

    Did ye ken that the Wee Free’s take a dim view of sex standing up in case it leads to dancing!

  315. K1 says:

    And as if by magic Tinto, this is the day I decide to comment again on an MT….thanks fro asking efter me 🙂

  316. K1 says:

    Typing’s a bit shaky there wi lack o’ use, I’ll be sure tae remedy that wi perfect spelingl ‘n grandma in the futre. 😉

  317. David says:

    @Tinto Chiel, I grew up watching old films on tv, I remember* BBC2 did a ‘double bill’ on a Saturday afternoon, their alternative to sports on BBC1’s Grandstand. Great stuff – and THAT is the BBC I want back, the good auntie who wasn’t trying to talk my country down but only existed to inform & entertain.

    I want the BBC that added a comedy sound effect to Renee & Renato’s ‘Save your Love’ song on ToTPops.
    link to

    I want the BBC that made a documentary on two friends applying for the same jobs in 1980s England. Where the black guy was almost always told “sorry the vacancy’s been filled”, but his white friend – applying later – would get an interview/job offer.
    Shocking stuff, also showing the strain this differential treatment put on the 2 guys’ friendship.

    I want the BBC that had the amazing good sense to show ‘MASH’ without the normal laughter track.

    I want the BBC that showed period drama ‘Bread or Blood’ about hunger-induced riots in 19thC East Anglia. “The shepherds are losing their lands to the aristocracy, and riot: if there is no bread, they warn, then there will be blood.”

    I want the BBC that made a documentary about rugby clubs and racial division in 1980s South Africa. Initially separate clubs for whites and non-whites were coming together. Heartbreaking to see how less money had meant poorer diets for many of the black players – they were very noticeably smaller and lighter than the white players.
    But the end was more hopeful, administrators from white and black teams at a conference. Initially wary, but their shared love for sport winning out over their differences, as they got together and talked animatedly about rugby.

    Is that too much to ask…

    *Memory can be faulty and/or selective. Probably just as well.

  318. Tinto Chiel says:

    K1, Fred: good to see you two groovers back. Thought Fred had been grabbed by a selkie oot the loch behind Ben Oovi and Man at C@A/Coprolite had finally scunnered off K1.

    @David: I remember mainly the old films shown on Sunday afternoons on BBC. Still remember some crackers, mainky because my Gran came to visit on Sundays and she was a bit of an old battleaxe (think a Lanarkshire version of Bessie Braddock), so I took refuge in “The Lost Horizon” or “The Third Man” etc.

    Still loved the Saturday teleprinter and David Coleman at 4.40, though.

    I’m afraid the BBC has lost it forever. You can’t imagine them commissioning “The Monocl’d Mutineer” or “Cathy Come Home” today, can you?

    Since the Iraq War/David Kelly they’ve become the State Propagandist, dancing to the govt.’s tune.

    Ah, nostalgia: Rubovia, ya bass!

  319. Tinto Chiel says:

    Man at C&A, obvs.

    Grannie’s revenge…

  320. Alex Clark says:

    @Tinto Chiel

    Yes “The Monocl’d Mutineer” was an excellent drama so too was “Boys From the Black Stuff”. Can you imagine such as the BBC commissioning drama such as those classics nowadays? Nor me.

    Anyone else read the article today about billionaire tax dodging exiles that control our media? This is the type of hysterical claptrap they like to serve up for the viewing publics pleasure.

    “Richard Desmond, owner of The Daily Express and The Daily Star, has an estimated worth of £2.25 billion. Between 2010 and 2014, Desmond owned the little-watched Channel 5.

    Under his ownership, the channel became notorious for pumping out trash such as The Big Benefits Row Live, The Great Big Benefits Wedding Live, My Big Benefits Family, Celebs on Benefits: Fame to Claim, Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole, Benefits: The Millionaire Shoplifter, Benefits: Can’t Work, Won’t Work and The Great British Benefits Handout. Inevitably, The Big Benefits Row Live was quickly followed up with The Big British Immigration Row Live. Are you seeing the pattern yet?”

    Total poisonous mince yet so many will still swallow it whole.

    link to

  321. David says:

    Rubovia?! Don’t remember that particular puppet show, although funnily enough the wiki description of one character’s cat using its tail to pump air into the pipe-organ seems vaguely familiar. Hmm, echoes of Bagpuss maybe.
    Joe90 was the boss, puppet-wise for me.

    Now, help wanted. Does anyone in the Off-Topic Brains Trust remember an early-to-mid 70s tv documentary series, probably BBC (66.6% chance with only 3 channel then LOL), about children swapping school with foreign children. I think they went to Israel, or somewhere equally hot, and maybe also France. Not much to go on, but for some reason I still remember this show and I’d love to be able to put a name to it.

    Tinto Choel, could you ask your pal Tonto Chief for me please. Oh and Alex, please ask ThePNR. 😉

    I’d ask Rev Stu, but he’s just a mere lad of 49, so knows nowt. 🙂

  322. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Meant to say sometime if anybody has an opinion or wants something discussed on my online radio Roundabout show please let me know. (Meant to say this earlier buthad the ess aitch one tees for much of the week).
    Trying to broaden it out It’s on every Friday night on Argyll Independent Radio from 7pm till 8pm and if we get it right we will make it interactive so folk phone in. Need guests as well but I now Dunoon is a bit out of the way. Hope to have a chat with Lesley Riddoch at the end of the month.

    And another thing……. if anybody want a rock’n’roll request played on my Not Fade Away session which follows at 8 just let me know. (Rock’n’Roll mind, not rock).

    We will soon be repeating our shows during the days – mine on Tuesdays 2 till 4.

    Honestly,guys, online radio is dead easy.

    See youse at Glasgow Green tomorrow?

  323. Cactus says:

    “The sound of the community, you’re listening to Argyle Independent Radio, music for the world.”

    link to

    See ye there Dave.

  324. Cactus says:

    ffs Argyll not Argyle.

    It’s the Glasgow heat, fae the St Enoch street.

  325. Smallaxe says:

    Sorry for 3 on one post! Rock and Roll;

    Dion:”The Wanderer”
    link to

    Led Zeppelin:”Rock And Roll”
    link to

    Jack White & Conan O’Brien:”Twenty Flight Rock”
    link to

  326. Brian Doonthetoon says:


    I thought we were going to George Square?

    See Quarantine.

  327. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Looks like total confusion tomorrow.

    Where to go?

    link to

  328. David says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill, You want Rock’n’roll requests, you got it!

    I’d like to hear Bill Haley & His Comets with “Burn That Candle!”/”Rock-A-Beatin’ Boogie”

    Found this single in my grandpa’s in the 80s, must have been something my mum & my aunt were dancing away to, way back when. 🙂
    Grandpa & gran had a huge, ginormous solid wood cabinet radio, about 4 feet long, 3 feet high. 1930s state of the art. Mum and my aunt persuaded him in the 50s to upgrade it and get a turntable built into the cabinet.

    A beautiful piece of furniture, but would give you a hernia carrying it downstairs.

    Dave McE, I’m listening to your show through, and your voice is a lot quieter than the records, is that intended?

  329. Cactus says:

    Keep yer eyes up top… now less than 1,000 comments to go until we hit 700,000 comments.

    About another 3 or 4 articles should do it.

  330. Cactus says:

    Aye, come and join us for a walk through Glasgow fair city, or meet us at the Green Wingers, we could always go to Freedom Square for afters.

    MEET at Holland Street 10:00am for,
    MARCH at 10:30am Green bound.

    Dinnae forget tae bring yer perks with ye mind…

    aka yer triple B pass.

  331. Tinto Chiel says:

    Alex, we all know who the benefits cheats are, don’t we?: the royals, the tax-dodging millionaires, HoL coves, etc. I hate all the divide and rule poverty-porn shit.

    Rubovia is one of my first TV memories but it scared me a bit. I’ve asked those two TC imposters, David, but none of us can put a name to that programme, sorry.

    I really liked Belle and Sebastian, a French series about a boy and his dog in the Pyrenees. Bought the full DVD set three years ago and loved the nostalgia.

    So, just to be clear: it’s Holland Street for GG, mustering at 10.00 ramorra?

    PS: I was called Joe 90 at school. Made me the psychopath I am today!


  332. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I won’t make it to Holland St for the start, but will be there later – can’t understand why there should be confusion over where we’re going, but confusion there is…

    Where does the march from Holland St end? ‘George’ Square or Glasgow Green?

    Does anyone have an actual answer to this most basic of questions?

  333. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    David at 8.06

    Done,David. It’ll be on next Friday

    Onthe sounds it is something to do with the way the stuff is set up here. I’ll need to turn the music down a bit and the mikes up,. Several people have remarked on that.

  334. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    See my 8.04 post.

    link to

  335. David says:

    @Ian Brotherhood, there’s a Commonspace article today about events in Glasgow tomorrow.

    link to

    TWO events going on, it says:
    1- ‘Hope Over Fear’ are holding a rally in George Square on Saturday from 11 am – 5 pm. “Spirit of Scotland – indyref2 rally on the road to freedom”

    2- A march for independence will also take place through Glasgow city centre. The walk will gather at Holland Street at 10 am, before setting off at 10.30.

    The route will take it through the heart of the city, to finish on Glasgow Green.

    The march is hosted by All Under One Banner (AUOB) and Scotland Land of the Brave Hail Alba (SLBSA).
    March organisers had hoped to disperse from George Square, but claim they were refused permission by Glasgow City Council (GCC) to do this. GCC spokesperson said: “We asked the organiser to change their route, as George Square was already in use.”

  336. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Cheers Brian, ye’re a calming influence to be sure.

    I’ve long since become extremely hacked-off with this constant shite over venues, permissions, council/Police ‘opinions’ on this/that/whatever-the-fuck else.

    That last one, where the GCC was going to charge the organisers a stupid amount of dosh for stewarding…what was that all about?

    And the constant wrangling over ‘copyright’ of slogans and names, like ‘Hope Over Fear’? Why do we put up with this pish? (And you’ll have heard about the opportunistic behaviour of some associated with certain events – no names, no finger-guns etc, but you know what I’m on about, right?)

    If we cannot organise a cohesive march/demo – and this is after years of practise – we should mibbe have a serious think about whether or not we really deserve to get any broader public support.

    Honestly man, ahm gettin fair scunnered wi it all.

    Ah’ll be there tomorrow, aye, but ah’ll be there to meet some of you, *not* because the assembly itself will make the slightest bit of difference to anything.

  337. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Ah’ll be there tomorrow, aye, but ah’ll be there to meet some of you, *not* because the assembly itself will make the slightest bit of difference to anything.”

    Will be there on the same basis. I don’t do FB or twitter so only know of the march from Cactus, BDTT, etc.

    I’ll be at GG because there are people I want to see but have little conviction this march will make an impact.

    WGD reminded us on Wednesday in EK that one of the reasons Catalans muster in huge numbers is because they have five TV stations to announce their rallies.

    Communication seems our weak spot at the mo.

    Just as well I’m a thrawn bastirt…

  338. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –


    Bottom-line – I still don’t know where/I’ll be able to meet you and/or anyone else.

    Ach well, it’s all a good way of keeping the provocateurs and spooks on their toes!


  339. David says:

    @ DJ Dave of Dunoon, cheers, I’ll tune in next week!

  340. Tinto Chiel says:

    Think I’ll head for GG. I won’t make Holland Street that early so probs in The Green for about 11.30.

    I normally shake off my spook at Newton station when he buys his Cummerbund and Spanking Monthly and I change platforms surreptitiously.

    Ah blame thae private schools, masel’.

    Will be in aubergine jodhpurs to aid identification.

  341. cearc says:

    Get those flags ironed.

    Hope you all have a great time tomorrow.

  342. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, do you want to hear of another duck slapping incident!

    “Will be in aubergine jodhpurs”

    Your rubbing salt in the wound, gonnae no dae that!

    Everyone have a great day and show them how it’s done in Glasgow, wherever and whenever you all meet up, stay safe and take pictures for me as my invitation must have got lost in the post.

    Ian, see Cactus and he’ll give you an idea of what some of us have been thinking, I’ll email you after the weekend. Peace Always.

  343. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sorry, Smallaxe. Didn’t mean to tease.

    Tomorrow I will mainly be wearing an astrakhan-trimmed leather bolero jacket with fuchsia crushed-velvet loon pants.

    Women of Glesca: you Lucky Laydees.

    *twirls moustaches*

    Off to bed or I’m bulgared ramorra.

  344. Smallaxe says:

    Enjoy yourself my BFF (Big Fashionista Friend) strut your STUFF!

  345. K1 says:

    Beautiful song and vid, thank you my friend…off to sleep now 🙂 x

  346. Smallaxe says:

    Sia:”You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile”
    link to

    Get dressed!

  347. Tinto Chiel says:

    Those crazy kids fair cheered me up, Smallaxe, although at my age smiling isn’t good for my crow’s feet.

    BTW, is it just me or is Paula Rose beginning to get…you know?

    Have decided to tone down today to hodden-grey grunge, actually. Some people on the train weren’t very open to my artistic stylings last time.

  348. Smallaxe says:

    Crows feet, Tinto. Where on earth do you find shoes to fit?

    I’m still wearing my powder blue moleskin morning coat, I think that I maybe should have taken the mole out first but I’m enjoying the little tickles immensely.

    Kalai – Crows Feet:”She”
    link to

  349. CameronB Brodie says:

    Kevin McKenna
    Glad to see you’re a man who as able to shake off the odd rough challenge, or two. 😉

  350. Fred says:

    Back from The Square, not a jodpur or loon pant to be seen, fuchsia or no. No Wings stall either as Ronnie forgot to make the tablet. A good turn-oot considering there’s no campaign at present, it was big enough no tae be able tae find the folk ye’re lookin fur however & the Polis in a good mood.

  351. Tinto Chiel says:

    Just back myself, Fred. Big Ronnie said I’d missed you. Saw Paula R, crazycat, Betty Boop and Ken and a bestetsoned Cactus and Mr Top-hat Scott. Mrs TC was keeping me in order. Those reins do chafe sometimes.

    Not a bad turnout, all things considered.

    Smallaxe, do you speak badger? There’s a young one comes into my garden at night and keeps knocking over my troughs to eat the worms. I wish him to desist.

  352. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, I, of course, speak badger fluently as I have many badger friends (ducks, not so many).

    You are privileged to have such a charming visitor of an evening, why don’t you try leaving out a feeding dish for him?

    Badgers will eat almost any kind of fruit, or you could try some dry dog food but don’t give him any chocolate or salt, they go crazy for mealworms but these are expensive so only give him some on his birthday or Bar Mitzvah.

    Play this to him (it’s one of my friends) it will instruct him as to how he should behave as your guest.
    link to

  353. cearc says:

    TC, give him/her whole live chickens, then he won’t bother with the worms.

  354. Tinto Chiel says:

    It’s my own fault: I throw out some fruit if it gets rotten or bruised, like peaches. He doesn’t do any harm apart from knocking over plant plots occasionally and I would never harm one.

    A few years ago we had a mother and two cubs come around at night. We used to watch them through the patio doors. She was actually showing them off to us. Our own cubs (hem, hem) loved that. I don’t think I’m anthropomorphising (!) too much to say she was proud of them and loved us looking at them.

    I got some Vaseline for the rein abrasions. Shoulda worn a thicker shirt! Worrying development: Mrs TC bought a choke collar in Crockets today. S’pose I’d better behave now.

    Must play your tape to him. Know where I can get kosher mealworms?

    On a serious note: why are badgers hunted in England? Is it just thinly-veiled bloodlust with TB as an excuse? Why are Scottish badgers TB-free?

  355. Tinto Chiel says:

    cearc: are you troubled with them? Do they actually nick your birds?

  356. cearc says:

    Rarely a problem but I had one which confronted with locked, steel, sliding doors actually pulled the doors out of their runners and killed most of the birds inside.

    I now have concrete blocks partly sunk in the ground in front of the doors.

  357. Smallaxe says:

    “On a serious note: why are badgers hunted in England? Is it just thinly-veiled bloodlust with TB as an excuse? Why are Scottish badgers TB-free?”

    Tony didn’t come to Scotland very often, Tinto and Kezia never seemed to bother much with them, frankly.

  358. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, if you do want to discourage the badger from prowling around your estate, urinate into a spray type bottle and mark all around your boundary, this usually does the trick. Urinate into the bottle whilst you are still in the house, btw, otherwise, the next time you see a black and white adorned head it will be the polis!

    Be careful in case you attract this guy;
    link to

  359. Tinto Chiel says:

    Are you referring to Tony “I’m a regular type of guy” Blair?

    His signature tune:

    link to

    Is that guy in the vid a Tory councillor? Needs more diversity training.

    Tinto Towers is actually Badgers a Gogo. My elder daughter opened the front door one day and found a big male badger sitting on the step. He just wandered off, his big claws scraping down the path.

    Weather not great in Glesca, Smallaxe, but saw Brian Quail in Freedom Square. It’s quite despicable they’ve docked his pension during his spell inside.

  360. Smallaxe says:

    That’s Tony’s theme tune right enough, Tinto, Skin Deep. Beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone.

    Brian Quail should be getting a medal for the work that he’s done for CND and humanity, what they have done to him is an obscenity. I would be willing to chip in a few pounds if something is set up for him but getting a man like him to take it may prove difficult.

    Ian Drury;
    link to

  361. CameronB Brodie says:

    link to

  362. Tinto Chiel says:

    When I am elected Perpetual President of The Scottish Republic I will award Ian Drury The Honorary Scot Gold Thistle Medal, Smallaxe.

    Regarding Blair, although I like to think I am a rational being (“No you’re not!” says CameronB Brodie), he could easily convince me of the existence of Lizard people: truly repellent.

    I hope, if they persist with this vendetta against BQ, that he can be crowdfunded.

    Our ONLY chance of ridding Scotland of these obscene weapons is a Yes vote, yet all the trendy CND BLiS______ders voted No. I knew one who was very high up in “Scottish” CND who did that.

    *Bangs head off wall repeatedly*

  363. Chick McGregor says:

    A unused political broadcast by a certain politician who is said to resemble Meles meles.

    Unfortunately his minders informed him that ‘mushroom’ would not be interpreted as an excuse for house flipping and ‘snake’ not as the SNP and that he was in fact in need of a rest.

    link to

  364. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Adam Tomkins MSP
    What century do you live in? Sit down, shut up and stop making a dick of yourself.

  365. Smallaxe says:

    The CND has been “trendy” and “cool” for a lot of a/holes over the years Tinto, a/holes who have never been anywhere near a demonstration or a protest march or had their arses dragged across a gravel road etc. “but it’s a cool thing to belong to man”.

    The CND was the first organised protest (Grovener Square) that I ever attended as I have said before on this or the other thread, it was through that experience that I became politicised (anti-establishment) and from there I went on to work and fight for the homeless in London and eventually anywhere else that could use a gentleman of my unique talents.

    The title of my next best-selling novel will be “Climbing Drainpipes” 🙂 I will tell you more about that part of my life when we eventually meet.

    I think that I’m right in saying that Ian Brotherhood has your email address, maybe if he has the time he will tell you some of it. Feel free Ian if you see this.

    Not the first time I’ve played this and not the last;
    link to

  366. Smallaxe says:

    That should be Grosvenor Square American Embassy 1968. Sorry but I’m a bit knackered atm.

  367. CameronB Brodie says:

    @Adam Tomkins MSP and supporters.
    The Right to Development is considered both universal and inalienable.

    “The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)

    “The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)

    link to

  368. Chick McGregor says:


    The Brit Establishment has quite clearly left a revolving door in the space-time continuum and are now travelling backwards in time at an accelerated rate.

    Boris and Nigel started the ball rolling with a quick dash through the 90s, 80s 70s, Gove provided an even shorter sojourn through the 50s, May is currently conducting a guided tour through the 40s, 30s and 20s and Rees-Mogg offers us a tantalizing glimpse of the unfuture delights of the 19th C revisited which awaits us.

    One wonders where it will end.

    Will they bounce back off The Enlightenment or just keep going?

    Labour, as ever slow to respond, with Corbyn still somewhere in the 70s.

    Back to the Future Scotland, you know how.

  369. Tinto Chiel says:

    Blair was CND, wasn’t he? And The Sainted faux vegetarian Jeremy?

    I think I’m the name after yours in Cadogan’s mailing list, the one beginning in p and 691 later, if you ever want to discuss Serious Matters. Ian may still be in The Counting House with The Hard Core. Sorry we missed him today.

    You may have been down south at the time but I remember a Hands Across Scotland Anti-Trident demo in the early 80?s. Mrs TC and I ended up near Kirkintilloch holding hands with complete strangers: the first time I felt the power of group action.

    Chic: thanks! All my badgers are back!

  370. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’d suggest you stick to writing firmware as applied ethics doesn’t appear to be your area of expertise. Still, you’re financially successful so that probably means you feel you are correct about most things. I’ll bet my left nad you’re a Tory, as well.

    P.S. Do you support HMG profiting from the human catastrophe unfolding in the Yemen?


  371. Smallaxe says:

    Tinto, Ian will see this and has my permission to give you my email address, once you have that I will give you my phone number.

    Barrington Levy: “On The Telephone”
    link to

  372. Tinto Chiel says:

    Heehee! Nice clip.

    Alles klar. Rest and take care of yourself, Smallaxe, please.

  373. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t think that assessment needs much revision Chick. 😉

    “You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown — only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.” – Captain James T Kirk

  374. Smallaxe says:

    Ich werde mich um Meinen Freund kümmern.

  375. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re the inequity of living bound by the shackles of history (i.e the Acts of Union).

    The power of defining yourself | Amma Asante | TEDxBrixton
    link to

  376. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chumbawamba – Liberation
    link to

  377. Fred says:

    Was back in the Toon for a bevvy at five o clock & the square was still jumpin n the band full volume. Forgot to mention that I met Hand & Shrimp, good guy! Amazin the total strangers U meet who think certain poster is a Fanny!

    Bought a T Shirt with “Ruth Davidson Talks Shite!” thereon, tells it like it is. Once met a badger up high on a pass called the Bealach nan Scoilte, it must have been flittin west! It was quite surprised to see me up there. As for pishin in bottles? would have to use a funnel myself! 🙂

  378. Smallaxe says:

    A funnel’s nae use Fred, it his tae be in a boatle!

    link to


  379. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Amazin the total strangers U meet who think certain poster is a Fanny!”

    *Slinks off, mortified*

  380. cearc says:


    Unless you just want to keep the badgers away from your feet.


    Should have stuck with the purple.

  381. Jock Scot says:

    @Tinto Chiel
    Hope you recover soon. Very eventful and productive ‘get together’ yesterday. Too many things to report but I believe the yessing of a butcher’s apron on the cap of a tourist on their way to London was perhaps the favourite of some of us. Love Wings do socials!(might be still being affected by Blue Moon fever…I blame the slice of orange.)

  382. Tinto Chiel says:

    *rubs chin ruefully*

    Knew deep down it was a mistake, cearc. Back to the grunge next week.

    Hey, Fred, is it Bealach nan Sgoiltean, “pass of the clefts”?

    PS: badger consumed the peach and plums last night.

  383. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks, Jock. Had a good long natter with Ronnie but missed a lot of others.

    BA Yessing should become a Scottish sport.

  384. Smallaxe says:

    cearc, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell him but whatever floats his boat. That’s Fred for you, never listens to reason. 🙂

    Tinto, you! A fanny?, I take great umbrage at the very thought being thunk. You! Who has for many years now been an idol, nay, I say even godlike in your sartorial elegance which has left many a wannabe dandy drooling at the very thought of owning such a cornucopia of magnificent finary such as yourself.

    I am certain that this jibe was not aimed in your direction but my umbrage diminishes not, because once that thought is thunk it can never be unthunk but we shall carry on like multifaceted lighthouses beaming our beauty freely to enlighten other much dimmer beings.
    link to

  385. Tinto Chiel says:

    “But we shall carry on like multifaceted lighthouses beaming our beauty freely to enlighten other much dimmer beings.”

    You have the pure soul of a poet, Smallaxe and I take comfort from those kind words. In any case, it’s only what Mrs TC has been saying for years under her breath. The Laydees, eh? They’re never wrong.

    Wish I had Barrington Levy’s hats but perhaps those days are now gone forever…

    *stares wistfully at mute beauty of the autumnal larch*

  386. Cactus says:

    Afternoon Wingers, that’s me back Ronnie, ah went walkies via Wishaw hehe.

    Was another excellently fun day with you all in Glasgow.

    Same time again tomorrow!? 😉

    Here’s what’s happening in Freedom Square the now:
    link to

    New event.

  387. K1 says:

    Acht Tinto and Smallaxe…I caught some of your earlier material a while back… seriously you two are the ‘banter boys’ 🙂

    link to

  388. Smallaxe says:


    You are really beginning to worry me, are you GCHQ or one of the 77th!

    I demand to know when, where and from whom did you happen to acquire that CCTV (or a bug) footage from! Explain yourself!

    Two fine gentlemen having a perfectly harmless, and may I add private, Tete a’ tete are targeted and spied upon by some unknown voyeur, may I ask why and for what obscure reason these steps are being taken against these, I say again, two fine gentlemen in particular?

    Admit it, yer pure dead jealous int’ye.

    Ps, Ah still wa’nt wan ae thae hats wi the coloured fethers. 😎

    link to

  389. Smallaxe says:

    I have to agree with you, my dear Tinto, I do have the soul of a poet, I also have his hues (forgive the pun) but you, my esteemed and learned friend are gifted with the insight to extract the sometimes intelligently obscure meanings from my simple words, so it is none other than your good self who is, in reality, the real poet.

    “Poetry in Motion” Johnny Tillotson;
    link to

    Hi, Cactus! 🙂

  390. CameronB Brodie says:

    It appears that living in ‘the real world’ precludes one from being guided by “real world” insight and wisdom. Perhaps such a blinkered outlook is why humanity is in the mess we are?

    Utility is a poor indicator of social justice and sustainability. True story.

  391. Cactus says:

    Hey Ronnie Anderson ~

    Light-bulb moment.. see how when we carry out the initiation of new Wingers with, ‘the hairy string’ proceedings…

    With the latest advancements in human technology.. we could use a talking drone to take ‘the hairy string’ all around Scotland to perform the necessary ritual.

    Note: The drone does not go south of Gretna (a bit like them supermarket shopping trollies.)

    Somewhere in Scotland there is a hairy-string hovering over-your-head!

    Try something like that for a toon Chris Cairns. 🙂

  392. Fred says:

    Wrang Fanny Tinto, no you! 🙂

    The Bealach an Sgoltaigh I think, just east of Bernais Bothy, very unfrequented nowadays but a drove road in the dim & distant with coos heading for Muir of Ord tryst.

  393. Smallaxe says:

    “Wrang Fanny Tinto”

    Fred! Gonnie no dae that?

    Ah’ll need tae go n’ chinge ma strides noo

  394. Tinto Chiel says:

    Smallaxe, I told you my new quiff was a mistake, and now K1 has cast it to the four winds.

    “Wrang Fanny Tinto, no you!” You’ll never know what those words mean to me, Fred. *dabs at eyes*

    Hey, Cactus, sorry I didn’t get the chance to have a chinwag yesterday. Yon chapeau is a stoater. Puts my eau de Nile homburg in the shade.

    Thanks for the bealach info, Fred. We live in a beautiful country, don’t we?

  395. K1 says:

    Alas ma sources can never be revealed, ah huv integrity with the operative syllable in that word being grit. The true sealed lips of a sleeping tulip. (That was a mouthful to write never mind say).

    Anyway yes, a tad jealous maybe…not as jealous as you are of ma rainbow feathers…still we can’t have it all, can we?

    link to

  396. Smallaxe says:

    Quiff on, Tinto;
    link to

    How can people be so heartless?

  397. K1 says:

    Oh Tinto dear man quit quacking aboot yer quiff and rejoice that ye’re still equipped with quirky qualities…not the least yer quintessential beauty!

  398. CameronB Brodie says:

    Quiffs is it? Me, when I was a kid. True story, almost.

    King Cry – Baby
    link to

  399. cearc says:


    ‘ living in ‘the real world’ precludes one from being guided by “real world” insight and wisdom.’

    Not a problem on this thread!

  400. Tinto Chiel says:

    “The true sealed lips of a sleeping tulip.”

    A new recruit for our true poets’ club, Smallaxe. Emily Dickinson, ya bass.

    “Quintessential beauty”: you’re so perceptive, K1.

    “living in ‘the real world’ precludes one from being guided by “real world” insight and wisdom.’
    Not a problem on this thread!”

    cearc: spot on!

    *reflects thereon*

    Ooh, er!

  401. CameronB Brodie says:

    cearc 😉

    “Why can’t we all just get along?” – Rodney King

    Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
    Recent advances in the neurosciences have established an irrefutable fact: Human beings are emotional, not rational. Nevertheless, on the strength of Descartes’ rationalist philosophy, the Enlightenment opened the doors to modern empiricism and led humanity into the Scientific Revolution. No one doubted the power of rational thinking to solve problems and unravel the mysteries of the observable universe. From these observations came the belief that humans were distinguished from all other creatures because of their rationality. To be irrational was to be something less than human.

    This belief deeply influenced English and American law, foreign policy, and economic theory. Legal standards were set by comparison to a prototypical rational person. Foreign policy was based on the assumption that rational beings could sit together and work through international disputes and conflicts. Economists built an entire field of study on the assumption that consumers acted “rationally” in maximizing their utility. People engaged in peacemaking, from the interpersonal to the international level, assumed that despite the emotions of conflict, people fundamentally were rational.

    The truth is that we are 98 percent emotional and about two percent rational. Thus, the assumptions underlying many disciplines and practices, especially peacemaking, need significant revisions. Much remains unknown, but the implications of the research so far demonstrate that we must be far more aware of neuropsychological factors of human conflict. These factors explain much about conflict behaviors. They also provide insights about new interventions in serious and intractable conflicts.

    link to

  402. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hey, CameronB, I understood that.

    What’s happening to me?

    Smallaxe, help me out!

  403. Tinto Chiel says:

    I give you Emily D, a true original.

    link to

    I used to think of this poem when I tramped through Lanarkshire on place-name business (sexy!!!), noticing that old burial mounds had been replanted by Victorian archaeologists with beeches (well, in Lanarkshire onywise).

    “World is crazier and more of it than we think,/Incorrigibly plural.” Louis MacNeice.

    Have any of the intellectuals on here ever seen a landscape (position of trees, dry-stane dykes, burns, hills, etc) and thought there was an ancient, hidden story there?

    Probs just me. Come on, Harvey, let’s go on a carrot hunt!

  404. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tinto Chiel
    Perhaps you’re becoming enlightened or perhaps it was a fluke? 😉

  405. Tinto Chiel says:

    I’m in it for the long game, Cameron, old bean.

    I can be taught!

  406. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    CameronB Brodie says at 7:05 pm.

    You typed,
    “Tinto Chiel
    Perhaps you’re becoming enlightened or perhaps it was a fluke?”

    Not quite working out the reference to fish but I do know that, in Dundee, Nethergate used to be called Flukergait, because of the fluke fishers who lived there, when the foreshore came up that far. (Before reclamation.)

    See page 55 (pdf, 53 print) at this link:-
    link to

    “Tenements were established to the west of St Mary’s church along the Flukergait, one section between Marketgait and Tally Street sometimes taking the name ‘Our Lady Gait’ after St Mary’s Church.

    The twentieth century Flukergait or Nethergate follows approximately the line of the medieval street, although as early as 1776 Crawford’s map of the town shows alterations to the original alignment between High Street and South Lindsay Street, the most dramatic change being that to the frontage on the north side at St Mary’s church where the kirkyard was partially built over.”

    Flukes are also known by another name but I’m floundering about trying to think of what it is…

  407. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tinto Chiel
    A fluke in my selection natch. though a lot of this thinking is very new. Quantum age, post-modern, post-structuralist, egalitarian, queer thought. Thought that has been liberated from cult of Bentham and the shackles it seeks to imposes on humanity.

    Admittedly, it’s also a bit of a bugger to understand at times. 😉

  408. Smallaxe says:

    K1, this is you, this is;
    link to
    Tinto, you actually understood something that Cameron said? see your doctor first thing on the morrow. I tried to follow a conversation between him and Chick and found myself eating my socks by the second paragraph. Shocking pink mohair socks can give one a terrible thirst.
    link to
    sashame fir me soanitis!

  409. Tinto Chiel says:

    I struggle with quite a few of your authors, Cameron. My younger studied Drama and Theatre studies and I had to read quite a few literary theorists to understand her dissertation but at times I began to wonder if I understood anyfink.

    Chapeau bas to you for trying to edumacate us.

    BDTT: that’s a spooky coincidence, I was just about to come on here and say that I was sorry to have missed you yesterday. Hope your car troubles clear up.

  410. Smallaxe says:

    BDTT says:

    “Flukes are also known by another name but I’m floundering about trying to think of what it is…”

    I call them dinner, Brian.

    “It’s a Fluke”
    link to

  411. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Yet another reminder that we are surrounded by historical artifacts that provide evidence of our cultural roots. As such, I find it offensive that Scottish communities are festooned with reminders that Scotland is British and not Scottish.

    Unions Street? Fuck. That. And. The. Cultural. Imperialism. That. It. Represents.

  412. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tinto Chiel
    I’m working on the principle that it can’t hurt to try. 😉

  413. Smallaxe says:


    “Union City Blues”
    link to

    What are we gonna do?

  414. Paula Rose says:

    The hairy string was tying Bob Sinclair’s flag to the iScot gazythingy – hope someone is looking after it.

  415. Tinto Chiel says:

    Yes, Smallaxe, Cams’n’Chic are defo an upmarket, intellectual, upgrade on us two. All we have now is our faded, unnatural beauty but good luck to them, they’re the future of Scottish Thought.

    You Hamm, me Clov, mon vieux.

    At least we’ll always have Maida Vale…

  416. Smallaxe says:

    Paula Rose;

    How is “Brave”, have you heard?

    Brave- “Touch the Sky”
    link to

  417. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC –

    My better half has an unusual way with words and comes out with some belters. When she was pregnant I asked her one morning how she had slept and she cheerfully told me she had ‘gone off like a rocket’.

    Just yesterday she used the word landscape in a new way – according to her, on Thursday night I ‘landscaped’ across the bed. This means that I disturbed her during the night while attempting to get to the toilet by clambering over her rather than getting out of the bed and walking around it. I’ve no idea if the word has ever been used to express that scenario before but it’s actually quite effective, eh?

  418. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hey, Cameron, how about this for a non-British artefact?

    link to

    Still find this quite amazing.

  419. Smallaxe says:

    Ah yes, Tinto, we’ll always have Royal Blood: (Maida Vale session)

    “Figure It Out”
    link to

  420. Tinto Chiel says:

    @IanB. That’s deep, Ian, and too deep for me.

    Sorry I missed you yesterday but Mrs TC has been struggling with a stomach bug going around her work so we didn’t stay too long. Had a good chinwag with Ronnie, though.

    She’s feeling better today but she generously gave it to me, so feeling a bit rough, though this glass of Merlot seems to be helping a little.

    Ever considered a chantie? It can contribute to domestic harmony.

  421. Smallaxe says:

    Ian B/Hood,

    Ian, could you landscape my email address across to Tinto, please?

    TheFatRat: “Windfall or Windy Landscape Song”
    link to

    Ta! 🙂

  422. Smallaxe says:

    A Chantie for you;

    Chantie: “Voor altijd”
    link to

    Your welcome.

  423. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Tinto Chiel at 7:55 pm.

    You typed,
    “BDTT: that’s a spooky coincidence, I was just about to come on here and say that I was sorry to have missed you yesterday. Hope your car troubles clear up.”

    How the hell do you know about my car troubles???

    We were on the way back home – water temperature had only got up to 60° (normal around 90°) – when, climbing a hill south of Cumbernauld, it lost power, gradually slowing down. Pulled onto hard shoulder, followed within a minute, by a police car.

    He confirmed that breakdown assistance was in place, told me to stick on the hazards, then left satisfied. We took off again within a couple of minutes. There were another couple of “coughs” but after the Stirling/Dunblane area, the car ran fine all the way back to Dundee.

    Pete came down today and stuck his diagnostic computer gizmo on it but no faults presented themselves. Looks like it may have been starvation of some sort – fuel or air – so I’ve talked to my garage guy to arrange a service for this week.

    So, here’s hoping.

    Once again, how the hell did you know? I thought only me, Pete and my son were party to the scenario. Was I posting last night whilst asleep?

  424. CameronB Brodie says:

    Learning how to deal with cognitive dissonance would be a start, IMHO. I know from personal experience that it is possible to overcome fear, uncertainty and self-doubt. 😉

    Real McCoy – Run Away
    link to

  425. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    Yep, I forwarded your most recent message to TC earlier today.


  426. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tinto Chiel
    That’s news that has relevance to me, thanks.

    All people and peoples are living histories. To take a few obvious examples: communities speak languages that are inherited from the past. They live in societies with complex cultures, traditions and religions that have not been created on the spur of the moment. People use technologies that they have not themselves invented. And each individual is born with a personal variant of an inherited genetic template, known as the genome, which has evolved during the entire life-span of the human species.

    So understanding the linkages between past and present is absolutely basic for a good understanding of the condition of being human. That, in a nutshell, is why History matters. It is not just ‘useful’, it is essential.

    link to

  427. Chic McGregor says:

    Breaking news.

    Better watch oot Alex.

    link to

  428. Smallaxe says:


    “Cognitive Dissonance”
    link to

    Dealt with. Next!

  429. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hi Brian. Had a long chat with Big Ronnie yesterday and he mentioned car problems. Hope Pete is feeling better. Think Ronnie said he was a bit below par.

    Did you get down later? We left mebbe about 1.30ish ‘cos Mrs TC wasn’t too well.

    Relative calm before the (successful) storm, I hope.

    All the best.

  430. Smallaxe says:

    Thank’s Ian, I’ll be in touch soon.

  431. Tinto Chiel says:

    CameronB: will read that carefully since I was trained that way. The Glen Lyon thing is truly weird. Wonder who the local folk are who keep it going? mind you, the whole glen is filled with weird things, like the Fortingall Yew.

    Smallaxe: my unpublished three-volume novel coming to an in-box near you!

    Smallaxe? Smallaxe?

  432. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Tinto Chiel at 9:00 pm.

    You know, I can’t remember speaking to Ronnie about ‘car troubles’.

    Maybe I’m more demented than I thought…

    link to

  433. CameronB Brodie says:

    Pure genius mate.

  434. Smallaxe says:

    Frantically deleting email addresses.

    “The Letter”
    link to

    Give me a ticket for an aeroplane!

  435. Smallaxe says:


    It’s a Gift;
    link to

  436. Tinto Chiel says:

    BDTT: my last, complicated answer seems to have gone up the interwebthingy lum.

    Occam’s razor: Ronnie is omniscient.

  437. Smallaxe says:

    Chick McGregor,

    Behave yourself, man. These missiles are no joke!
    link to

  438. Fred says:

    Interesting stuff on Glen Lyon Tinto, I see some arsehole has stolen the Celtic hand-bell at Fortingall Kirk, probably been there for the best part of 1,000 years. Had an uncle born under Loch Lyon at a place called Tulloch, course there wiz nae watter in it at the time. Sorry to miss U at the square kid!

  439. Tinto Chiel says:

    Fred: yes, me too. Ronnie told me right away. We intellectuals must stick together. I always think of Smallaxe and us as The Manky Three of la rive gauche.

    Has some Carmichael nicked the bell? Seriously, I hope his male member drops off. Or bell-clapper, if you will. What an absolute shit.

    It’s a special place, Glen Lyon, like Kilmartin.

    We’re aa ae oo, after all.

  440. Smallaxe says:

    Carmichael, Tinto, did you mean “The lyin’ King”?

  441. Tinto Chiel says:

    I did indeed!

    Smallaxe: check your in-box. A mysterious stranger wants you to have new, mind-blowing experiences.

    Don’t mean Paula Rose, unfortunately.



  442. Paula Rose says:

    Brave will be with us still – I’m not letting her go.

  443. Smallaxe says:


    You’ve got mail!
    link to

  444. Smallaxe says:

    Paula Rose, my thoughts are with your own. Peace and Love Always.

    “Let’s Hang On”
    link to

  445. Betty Boop says:

    @ Paula @ Cactus

    The hairy string was tying Bob Sinclair’s flag to the iScot gazythingy – hope someone is looking after it

    The hairy string is sacrosanct and must be treated with respect. I hope somebody knows where it is now!

    Now there is a wee bit of quiet in the living room, I just wanted to say it was good to get back into the groove again yesterday. Good discussions with the crew. I know some of you will be lurking about!

    @ Tinto C. Nice to see you again in just about the same spot as last time!

    @ Cameron

    Interesting thoughts, keep them coming. People 98% emotional, 2% rational – Yep, and that is probably what we should appeal to far more when it comes to this country’s future. A fair number of folk just don’t seem to cope with the details/facts especially if it challenges their perceptions/prejudices. Rational won’t do it on its own.

  446. Alex Clark says:

    @Chic McGregor

    Hahaha very good 🙂

    The alarm was raised in Arbroath at around 5:10 pm when local man Alec Tay spotted the missile streaking across the sky while eating a mock chop supper outside Peppo’s chipper. “I near choked on a pickled egg when I saw it. They North Kirriemuireans cannae get away wi pitting the fear o’ god up folk when they’re at the chipper”.

    link to

  447. Tinto Chiel says:

    Betty Boop: I know, I don’t get out much and am a creature of habit. Nice to put a face to that stoating gravatar, though. Met crazycat too, yet another intellectual wot like I am ‘n’ that.

    Sadly, missed a lot of coves and covettes I wanted to chat to.

    But the show must go on…

  448. Alex Clark says:

    I posted a poem on Wings in 2013 and some other Winger gave me stick for posting poems. I was new then and took it quite badly.

    I posted it again, dot’t remember exactly when but I do remember getting stick again. So as some of you will remember there was a thread a month or two ago where once that already had a few poems on it.

    Embolden I once again posted the same poem only to have the Rev jump on poems and KILL ME WITH HAMMERS.

    I took the huff and talked of leaving LOL. But this time I’m posting the poem I always wanted people to read but this time you’ll have to listen instead and please do, then you’ll get it. #gettingaroundrules

    link to

  449. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    Sorry, couldn’t make it to the latest get-together in the end. However, I have to commend cactus for posting a timely announcement on WoS where you all had gathered. Feel bad that I wasn’t able to take advantage of it even then, but it will surely happen one day.

    (Didn’t even know either till the Friday that here was going to be a march, so couldn’t even pass the info on to family and friends. So, like RL, am underimpressed by the advance publicity.)

  450. Betty Boop says:

    @ Tinto C

    LOL, aye, the gravatar is somewhat different from reality!

    Sorry, didn’t get to chat longer, found some work to do around the square and got a bit caught up in that. Gave me a chance to suss out what folks from other areas were up to. Amazing number of continental Europeans there too.

    Maybe you’ll be let out for longer next time 😉

  451. Tinto Chiel says:

    Hope so: could hardly hear folk talk for the loud PA system anyhow!

  452. Betty Boop says:

    @ Alex

    Ah, a poem about the human condition. Says it all, we ain’t that important, just a wee part of the whole, can’t get out of it and just have to get on with it, imperfect though we are.

    Watch now, you’re sharing your soul! 🙂

    BTW, I haven’t had a mock chop since I was a young kid. They are very east coastish/Tayside. Used to always stop at a chippie in Perth on our way home after a day out up that way. Must have missed the missiles though 🙂

  453. Paula Rose says:

    This is multi-layered…
    link to

  454. Alex Clark says:

    @Betty Boop

    I knew my slip was showing by posting that but did it anyway, here’s another shorter version of the poem from a brilliant film by a great actor. Maybe more acceptable LOL.

    link to

  455. Paula Rose says:

    Thank you all my lovely wings friends who have helped me through a rough patch – so very appreciated xx

  456. Alex Clark says:

    @Paula Rose

    Stay strong, listen to your own advice that you would give to others. You know.

  457. CameronB Brodie says:

    James Dornan SNP
    Scotland is a country. England is another country. Britain is the political union between the two countries, Scotland and England. The UK, which incorporates Britain, is a unitary state. Keep on keeping on. 😉

    Billy Ball & The Upsetters – Tighten Up Tighter
    link to

  458. William Wallace says:

    No lang back fae a great weekend. Tried to find you lot but checked the statues and that and couldnae really pick yiz oot or see any sort o gathering there.

    Hid a wee look roond the coontin hoose fir yiz but it was fairly mobbed. Did hae a couple o bevvies wi Tony Macaroni and Gary etc and a few wings lurkers fae the highlands tae.

    Ended up in the clutha fae aboot fehve onwards and hid a rare laugh. Wiz a good night oot. Apart fae a wee bit o trouble ootside the beer gairden involving some halfwit punching lassies.

    I’ve pit a few pictures up link to

    Got loads mair and loads o video footage but it’ll need editing afore uploading.

    All in all a great day/night oot

  459. Alex Clark says:

    @William Wallace

    Shame to have missed you Wullie and Fred and Tinto Chiel and HandandShrimp.

    Think I spent too much time in the Counting House!

    Mibbee we can meet up for a swally in the Ferry these coming weeks while we can still sit outside.

  460. Cactus says:

    Here’s a random question that sprung to mind…

    Outwith peak traffic conditions, we know the maximum speed is 70 mph on our new bridge of freedom..

    But what’s the minimum speed you’re allowed to do on her?

    Thinking about timing a tune for the distance. 🙂

  461. Alex Clark says:

    This is something worth reading. The very first article on Wings from April 2010. You what? That long ago, yes true.

    link to

    6 comments if you ignore the three that came years later, you know who you are LOL.

  462. Tinto Chiel says:

    Sorry to have missed you Alex. Didn’t get as far as The Counting House. When we passed it about 2 it was loupin.

    CameronB/Betty Boop: your 98%/2% thing. I have been racking my brain (not a long process) to remember the analogy I heard recently on this idea. Something like the irrational 98 is a big, powerful elephant and the 2 is the wee guy sitting on his neck, trying to drive it.

    Humans are good at rationalising decisions which are just emotional.

  463. Betty Boop says:

    @ William Wallace

    Sorry you/we missed contact at the square. There were quite a few of us with great big Wings flags! If you find yourself “lost” again, just ask the folk on the stalls if we don’t have one out. Most of these good folk will be able to point you at us. 🙂

    @Tinto C

    98% that’s the ones to go educate in how to love their country and then vote the right way for its future 🙂 You can explain facts and figures until you are blue in the face, but, until you touch their hearts as well as some of their wallets it’s like trying to ram a barn door with a feather.

    BTW, I spent a lot of time around Tinto Hill as a kid. Shepherd there was a long time family friend. I am presuming you are named for that geographical lump and not zinc one!

  464. Chick McGregor says:

    Managed to find some of the recordings of WWI prisoners made by a German researcher.

    Here is one from a lad from Wakefield in the North of England.

    Note the number of Scottish type pronunciations that still existed there then.

    link to

  465. Alex Clark says:

    @Chick McGregor

    Your link got me to the correct page OK but I couldn’t get the audio to play. Anyone else have this problem?

  466. CameronB Brodie says:

    Some of you will probably have seen this coming a mile off. 🙂

    Of course, not all justifications are valid, ergo not all beliefs can be justified.

    The Justification Hypothesis
    The third piece of the unified theory

    The third piece of the Unified Theory is called the Justification Hypothesis. It is the ‘joint point’ between Mind and Culture on the ToK System. Whereas Behavioral Investment Theory provides a framework that allows for the understanding of how human behavior is continuous with other animals, the Justification Hypothesis provides the framework for understanding what makes people such unique animals. It is an idea that casts the relationship between language, human self-consciousness, and the evolution of Culture in a new light by interpreting both human self-consciousness and Culture as justification systems. As described in the first Theory of Knowledge post, justification systems are the interlocking networks of language-based beliefs and values that function to legitimize a particular worldview.

    link to

    Theory of justification
    link to

  467. Chick McGregor says:

    Mystery Alex

    I use Firefox, but I tried IE and that works as well.

    Did notice in the source code that IE6 is not compatible if that’s any help.

  468. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, not all justifications are valid, ergo not all beliefs can be justified.

    Of course, not all beliefs can be justified and not all justifications are valid.

  469. yesbot says:

    Recurring theme:

    Betty Boop says:
    18 September, 2017 at 10:31 am
    @ William Wallace
    Sorry you/we missed contact at the square.
    Tinto Chiel says:
    18 September, 2017 at 9:47 am
    Sorry to have missed you Alex.

    Alex Clark says:
    18 September, 2017 at 1:18 am
    @William Wallace
    Shame to have missed you Wullie and Fred and Tinto Chiel and HandandShrimp.

    Just a few samples
    Reading this thread makes me so sad.

    No cohesion missed opportunities for dialogue. Guys the revolution will not happen in secret cliques!

    Test case: Have had unsuccessful posts for weeks; does Rev not allow VPNs?

  470. CameronB Brodie says:

    PHILOSOPHY – Epistemology: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge
    link to

    Justification, evaluation and critique in the study of organization: An introduction to the volume

    This volume presents state-of-the-art research and thinking on the analysis of justification, evaluation and critique in organizations, as inspired by the foundational ideas of French Pragmatist Sociology’s economies of worth (EW) framework. In this introduction, we begin by underlining the EW framework’s importance in sociology and social theory more generally and discuss its relative neglect within organizational theory, at least until now. We then present an overview of the framework’s intellectual roots, and for those who are new to this particular theoretical domain, offer a brief introduction to the theory’s main concepts and core assumptions. This we follow with an overview of the contributions included in this volume. We conclude by highlighting the EW framework’s important yet largely untapped potential for advancing our understanding of organizations more broadly.

    Collectively, the contributions in this volume help demonstrate the potential of the EW framework to (1) advance current understanding of organizational processes by unpacking justification dynamics at the individual level of analysis, (2) refresh critical perspectives in organization theory by providing them with pragmatic foundations, (3) expand and develop the study of valuation and evaluation in organizations by reconsidering the notion of worth, and finally (4) push the boundaries of the framework itself by questioning and fine tuning some of its core assumptions. Taken as a whole, this volume not only carves a path for a deeper embedding of the EW approach into contemporary thinking about organizations, it also invites readers to refine and expand it by confronting it with a wider range of diverse empirical contexts of interest to organizational scholars.

    link to

    Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot: On Justification: Economies of Worth
    link to

  471. CameronB Brodie says:

    Cultural Theory and the New Institutionalism


    In addressing concepts like rationality, functionalism and preference formation, various branches of the new institutionalism are `united by little but a common scepticism towards atomistic accounts of social processes and a common conviction that institutional arrangements and social processes matter’. Great bulks of neoinstitutional thinking are also found within cultural theory which as yet have hardly been acknowledged by the neoinstitutionalists. Although these discrete theories to some extent use similar concepts differently, some applications of these concepts by cultural theory seem so similar to mainstream neoinstitutionalism that we may grant cultural theory the initial status of being an institutional theory. Cultural theory partly pre-empts the criticism raised by the new institutionalists by pinning down endogenous preference formation and by contextually repatriating concepts like functionalism and rationality. Moreover, cultural theory’s typological approach can be assessed as a very promising version of the new institutionalism.

    link to

    Cultural Theory: An Introduction, 2nd Edition
    link to

  472. Alex Clark says:

    @Chick McGregor

    Thanks, got it to play in IE. Doesn’t seem to work in Chrome at least for me. Very much like a Scots dialect with words like faither, tak and git.

  473. galamcennalath says:

    Testing a HTML link ….

    Click here to off topic !

  474. Alex Clark says:


    Works for me 🙂

  475. William Wallace says:

    @ Alex

    Ehm no currently in Dundee. Been doon in blighty fir the last couple o year helping oot wi family firm. Wiz a lot o travelling tae get there (took the coach instead o the camper or the car so eh could get a few bevvies wi yiz ah). Eh’ll catch you at the next gathering nae doubt or whenever ehm back up the road (usually at least once every month sometimes mair).

    @ Betty

    The thing is there were not that many wings flags in attendance and I had one myself, alongside a saltire (and a hope over fear flag I bought at the square). I asked a few people over in that corner that were collecting donations if there were any wingers aboot the area but, there were none aboot at that time.

    Before going into the counting hoose I tied the wings flag roond meh waist to aid easy identification (as mentioned beforehand on this thread). I had a good reccy aroond the countin hoose but, it was always gonna be hard to pick you ah oot in amongst the huge throng gathered there.

    I propped up the bar wi Tony, Gary and company and subsequently a few o the highlands mob that I’d had a couple o jars wi earlier in a wee boozer at the corner o the square.

    Went back oot into the square to watch a couple o acts before heading to the clutha wi a few fowk I’ve met at previous gatherings and spending the night in there. I thought some of you might have ended up doon there tae.

    I even phoned the other half to check wings off topic to see if there were any posts indicating where you all were gathered (I was struggling to get internet access on the mobile for some reason). She checked but didnae see any mention on off-topic.

    @ Yesbot

    I concur. A missed opportunity for sure. I ken I play the fool on here a lot but, I genuinely had a few ideas I was gonna bounce aff some o the wingers that I didnae want to share on the web. It would have been nice to meet some of yiz so we kent wha we wir interacting wi on a mair personal level.

    As you say

    No cohesion missed opportunities for dialogue. Guys the revolution will not happen in secret cliques!

    That’s how I see it tae. Making connections and growing the movement is what it’s ah aboot. Mair cohesion and better organisation is a must for any future gathering (unless yiz would rather just keep tae yirselves ofc and nae offence taken if that’s the case).

    Thankfully the time spent there for me wasnae wasted as I made plenty of new connections as well as catching up wi some old anes an ah. The march itself was well attended and I’m glad I took part in it. It’s good to start getting some momentum going as we are gonna have to get ourselves battle ready for the road ahead.

    I did catch a fair few wings lurkers that will probably start posting here soon (they didnae even ken off-topic existed). So all in all it was still a very positive day oot and worth the hassle o 20 odd hours o travel.

    As an aside I’m currently setting up a wee webspace wi blogs, forum and chat that I hope to have ready in the near future. This might prove to be a better format for ongoing dialogue across different topics as it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of everything on here when discussions stray from main threads, to off-topic/quarantine etc.

    Hopefully next time wingnuts 🙂 Dinnae be shy eh!! 😉

  476. Tinto Chiel says:

    “I am presuming you are named for that geographical lump and not zinc one!”

    Yes, but the way things have been recently could be after yon Tapas Bar chain, Betty Boop.

    *sits on cutty stool of repentance*

  477. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi William Wallace.

    If you were standing between the entrance stairs and the bar around 3pm, I saw you. We (Pete the Camera, my son and me) were sitting at table 19, just beside where the staff bring the meals out. We were waiting for our nosebags.

    If it was you, you had your back to us and you were actually facing in the direction of the BIG high table that other Wingers were sat at.

    We joined them after our meals. There was talk of going to The Clutha but, in the end, we all just stayed in the Counting House. We left at 8.30pm to drive back to Dundee. I believe Cactus was last to leave, around 11.15pm.

    Who was there? Ronnie Anderson, Cactus, Paula Rose, Betty Boop, Jim Thomson, Gillian “Ruglonian” (YES Rutherglen), Bob Sinclair, the other Bob, me, Pete the Camera, my son Chris, Ian Brotherhood, Alex Clark and the two ‘celebrity’ Wingers – Peter A. Bell and Craig Murray. I’m sure I’ve missed out a couple…

  478. Alex Clark says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    You missed out others who might not have been there though at the exact time you talk of. Three come to mind Jock Scot (Yew Choob) Proud Cybernat and Midgies for Independence (what a moniker) LOL.

  479. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    How could I forget Jock Scot‽‽‽

    Don’t think I got a chance to talk to Proud Cybernat or Midgies for Independence. Maybe I did without realising…

  480. Fred says:

    Tinto, very wary of Tapas bars, my local is fu o Tappers!

    Dropped by the Coontin Hoose for a Lilian Gish but didnae ken onybody. The Blaven is excellent!

  481. CameronB Brodie says:

    Getting back to Scotland being a nation and Britain being something else.

    Theory of Forms
    Forms are sometimes called “Ideas” – Plato’s words are eidos and idea, and the latter suggests the English “idea.” But this gives the wrong idea.

    link to

    Understanding Leadership
    Attempts to analyze leadership tend to fail because the would-be analyst misconceives his task. He usually does not study leadership at all. Instead he studies popularity, power, showmanship, or wisdom in long-range planning. Some leaders have these things, but they are not of the essence of leadership….

    link to

  482. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    I wanted to come but things got in the way. Next time.

  483. Tinto Chiel says:

    Is The Blaven a hostelry or a spirituous liquor, Fred?

    “tappers”=those seeking loans or subsidies?

    Why is life so complicated?

  484. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi CameronB Brodie at 3:47 pm.

    You typed,

    “I wanted to come but things got in the way”



  485. CameronB Brodie says:


    Careful now. 😉

  486. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi CameronB Brodie at 4:07 pm.

    You typed,
    “Careful now.”

    I type,
    Down with that sort of thing!


  487. William Wallace says:

    @ Brian

    By the sound o yir description o where I was standing, I think that was me. Hope over fear flag tied roond my neck and wings flag roond my waist to cover meh fat erse 😉

  488. CameronB Brodie says:

    Are you employing a critical, post-feminist consciousness? You’ll be showing off your differential oppositional consciousness next (a.k.a. the “Methodology of the Oppressed”). 🙂

    Developing critical consciousness or justifying the system? A qualitative analysis of attributions for poverty and wealth among low-income racial/ethnic minority and immigrant women
    link to

  489. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi William Wallace.

    If you’d walked forward, slightly to your right, around 12 feet, you would have come across Alex Clark and the gang.

    It was the Wings flag I noticed but, at that juncture, food was a more attractive proposition than your €r$€!


  490. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Hi CameronB Brodie.

    Nah, I’m not employing at the moment; just typing a quote from ‘Father Ted’. You started it!


  491. Cactus says:

    Afternoon all, hmm, from reading the comments, it sounds like it’s time to start organising the next Friends of Wings social…

    It’s usually good to give at least one months notice for people to plan, so here are some potential dates for consideration:

    Saturday, the 21st October
    Saturday, the 28th October
    Saturday, the 4th November
    Saturday, the 11th November

    Any later than the above dates and it’ll probably be too close to Merry December day for some.

    Venue to be confirmed.

  492. Alex Clark says:


    I also missed out the lovely crazycat, could talk with her all day. One of my bestest pals now and I hope she forgives me else I’m toast 🙂

  493. CameronB Brodie says:

    Kudos for getting the ball rolling. I think a gathering before the end of the year is a good idea.

  494. William Wallace says:

    Come now Brian you ken that’s no true 😉 You’d have got a better portion o meat aff meh erse than you would have got fae the food served in that place.

    Meh other half ate there a couple o weeks ago eftir visiting a project/care home for people with alcohol related brain injuries (Think it was run by Loretto care) and she said the food was mingin and the meat half done. Her colleagues had the vegetarian option and they said it was reasonably good.

    I saw them serving a couple o curries and something that looked like breaded chicken wings done in manky oil and decided to eat at the chippy instead. Single haggis and a single king Rib and a buttered roll. Stuck the whole lot on the roll and scoffed it to absorb the afternoons bevvy intake.

    As you can see the diet is going great. 15 stane just aroond the corner. Gonna eat healthy ah this week again though.

  495. Chick McGregor says:

    I went through it more carefully and took notes.
    Quite astonishing the number of Scots or Scots-like words and pronunciation, especially given that it is a short passage read from the bible.

    waur – were
    Mah – my
    Gie him – gei him, gave him
    yare – year
    ooer – over
    afore – before
    tak – take
    wi – with
    mony – many
    maister, mester? – master
    lest – last
    fur – for
    agin – against
    Ahm – I’m
    wirthy – worthy
    mak – make
    lang – long
    mate – meet
    laddie – boy
    oot, aoot – out
    na – noo, now
    aleeve – alive
    soond – sound
    widna – would not
    cam oot – come out
    coom in – come in
    teld me – told me
    neer gin me – never gave me

  496. yesbot says:

    William Wallace says:

    I’m currently setting up a wee webspace wi blogs, forum and chat that I hope to have ready in the near future.
    Hopefully next time wingnuts ? Dinnae be shy eh!! ?

    Look forward to it!

    Cactus says:
    18 September, 2017 at 4:59 pm
    Afternoon all, hmm, from reading the comments, it sounds like it’s time to start organising the next Friends of Wings social…
    It’s usually good to give at least one months notice for people to plan, so here are some potential dates for consideration:
    Saturday, the 21st October
    Saturday, the 28th October
    Saturday, the 4th November
    Saturday, the 11th November
    Count me in, any of the above!!

  497. Betty Boop says:

    @ CameronB 3:47pm

    I wanted to come but things got in the way.

    Was that because all your text books were blocking the door? :-))

    We missed you too…

  498. yesbot says:

    William Wallace says:

    I’m currently setting up a wee webspace wi blogs, forum and chat that I hope to have ready in the near future.
    Hopefully next time wingnuts ? Dinnae be shy eh!! ?

    Look forward to it!

    Cactus says:
    18 September, 2017 at 4:59 pm
    Afternoon all, hmm, from reading the comments, it sounds like it’s time to start organising the next Friends of Wings social…
    It’s usually good to give at least one months notice for people to plan, so here are some potential dates for consideration:
    Saturday, the 21st October
    Saturday, the 28th October
    Saturday, the 4th November
    Saturday, the 11th November
    Count me in, could do any of the above!!

  499. Betty Boop says:

    @ Chic, 11:21am

    Re WWI recordings. That was rerr! I enjoyed listening to that. If you hadn’t said the lad was from Wakefield, I would have sworn that he was Scots. It wasn’t just the words, it wasn’t the pronunciation and accents too. It also reminded me of words I’d long since forgotten.

    Thank you

  500. yesindyref2 says:

    Interesting online convo with a previous NO, one who I think moved towards a YES after the EU Ref, and now I don’t know. Seek out our commonality, there is plenty.

    Onyways I’m going to stick my neck out and go for a 50% probablility of Indy Ref 2 next March WITH a hastily enabled S30 Order. Last thing the UK needs right now is an internal constitutional crisis, it’s got a big enough external one with the EU.

    Happy days, maybe.


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