Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
@ Betty Boop 10/8/16 2.19pm Glad you liked it Betty Here is the youngsters Singing. I think they are Brilliant. Even with the Hiccup. link to
@ Brian Doonthetoon,
I must apologise Brian for my post at 9:44am yesterday, I was
e-mailing my brother in London at the same time and he was taking pee out of me for not knowing that Mike Scott was the lead singer of the Waterboys.
I only realised what I had done when he asked me ‘what link’ so sorry about the confusion I caused to you and yesbot. I will do my utmost not to make an erse of myself in future.Peace Always.
@ yesbot,
My apologies for the confusion I caused yourself and BDTT please see my post to Brian for explanation. I hope to meet you on the 28th,please forgive my stupidity.Peace Always.
Just testing a new identity.
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Well that’s good the switch has been made. I’ve ditched Thepnr I’m just gonna be me. Tried it before but was concerned of the potential harm it may bring.
Must be more grown up now as I’m willing now to face any reaction with at least some dignity. I think Thepnr served his purpose but the truth is the persona develops a life of it’s own over time and I got fed up of being that persona.
Hope though that now I can still engage and get stuck into the debate as myself. I’ll be ok because
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Oh dear, work to do before I stop posting automatically. Feels like an arse
Alex I liked you better as the pnr, always wondered what it ment? Now you’re gone and went all holy, take that link to
Hi Andrew McLean.
I believe that now Alex has gone public with his ditching of “THEPNR”, he has passed THE Point of No Return.
Very droll Brian:-)
@Thepn, ach fuck, sorry, Alex –
It’s great we’re revealing our real names.
In the spirit of solidarity, I join you, and announce to y’all, my dear friends, that I should properly be called Dean Rubbergloves.
I’ve done it!
What a relief…
P.S. An eternal truism:
‘If it looks like an arse and feels like an arse, it’s probably (insert favoured red/blue BTUKOKer here).’
Must send this in before I forget…
Will be of interest to some – promotional film for the ‘new’ Glasgow, imagining what it might be like in 1980.
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@ Ian Brotherhood,
Thanks Ian for posting the film,brought back a lot of memories
some happy some sad.Glasgow had it all before it was cruelly
taken away. I can remember when I could look out of the window
and all I could see was a sea of greasy bunnets of the men coming out of the shipyards.Sadly no more.Peace Allways.
@Smallaxe –
Until I was five we lived in Cowcaddens, very close to the Subway, so some of my earliest memories are of the M8 being built, diggers and earthmovers everywhere.
The south-side stuff is fascinating too – Shawlands Arcade as cutting-edge/futuristic? And what of Hutchie E now?
Strange sensations overall, like looking into someone else’s history. God only knows what folk will make of all the documentary material being amassed right now, fifty, sixty years hence.
Hoots mon!
That’s was quite nostalgic for me too…watching that wee film. Recognising much of the city, same early memories of tenements being knocked down and the M8 being built especially round Cowcaddens. I can’t pass a building that is being demolished in Glasgow without ‘that’ smell igniting those memories.
Tell you what though the amount of dens that were built during that time in the backs was phenomenal…some boys had them carpeted out, wi table and chairs and all manner of remnants from the empty buildings awaiting destruction.
We played in those buildings too…can ye imagine ‘them’ letting us now?
Great resource that…dipping into other wee films noo…thanks IB.
@ Ian Brotherhood,
One thing that film never mentioned was the neighbourly communities that were broken up and scattered into housing schemes,like Easterhouse and such. I have good memories of
women with a cushion under their elbows talking to each other
and shouting down to others standing at the close entrance with weans wrapped in shawls.Happy days.Peace allways.
@ K1,
Playing in the empty tenements,how many times did you get a nail stuck in your foot?and the Dens, I got my first kiss in one,manners prevent me from saying any more about that,as kids
back then we had little idea of the poverty surrounding us but
I’m sure our parents did.Peace Always.
Alex, is that most recent avi a batch of brains simmering in a vat of chocolate?
In other news – I received a response today regarding the UK Parliament Petition to Invoke Article 50. Basically confirms what we all already know, ie: petitions are pish and rarely ever achieve anything.
Was informed, (can’t be arsed typing the full details at this time of night), that they’ll take their own sweet time on getting the right deal for all parts of the UK and there will be no invoking of Article 50 this year.
They’ll draw this out for as long as they can get away with it.
Finally, from the soundtrack to the movie Suicide Squad:
Skylar Grey – Wreak Havoc
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Goodnight, Troops!
@Dean Rubbergloves
Thanks for that wee film, really enjoyed it. Have watched a couple more since on the same site, excellent archive.
Think you might like this one from my adopted neck of the woods.
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‘mon “the anarchy of sheep”.
Ilan Eshkeri – Anarchy on the Farm
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Over on today’s Cairnstoon thread Another Union Dividend wrote:
”Citizens Advice pay offs scandal in Herald it reports that Lucy McTernan (wife of you know who) got a £50,000 (tax free) pay off after being sacked.”
Can anyone produce confirmation that she is you know who’s wife?
Been searching without success so far.
Quiet right now so here’s another excellent short 10 minute film from the National Library about Scottish industry from 1962.
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Got a message from Oneironaut earlier today. He asked that I post the following music link, and says’ ‘Hello!’ to abody, esp Crazycat –
‘Still Alive’ (Mirror’s Edge Theme’) –
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P.S. Oneironaut, if you see this, hope that’s the right version?
@Ian Brotherhood/Dean Rubbergloves
Actually it was this one:
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Sound quality and video is better I think.
How have things been here? Everyone still feeding the trolls?
@Oneironaut –
Sorry I picked the wrong one – quite a lot to choose from!
Good to see yer ‘face’ back here man…
Just dropping by to say hello, hope your keeping well. Anyway all the best.
Cheers to y’all off topic!
Ah well, one of those things you just have to do!
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Alex Clark
Ho Alex, you’re making me dizzy. Gonna choose an identity and stick with it please?
Just kidding.
Steadied myself now.
I was critical of post-colonial theory’s effectiveness as an emancipating force, suggesting this was due largely to it’s failure to include local meaning making processes (semiotics), in it’s analytical framework.
Sorry, not entirely correct as it appears post-colonial theory was a post-structuralist rejection of semiotics. Feckin’ utilitarian neo-Marxists. Hope you’ll cut me some slack as I’m drawing on very dim memories here. I’m also using a very broad brush.
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N.B. Acknowledging “race” is itself a ‘racist’ act of ‘othering’. Humanity is a differentiated whole, not a hierarchy based on skin tone. There is no supreme ethnicity IMHO. No master race.
P.S. Here’s another notable dude associated with ‘Orientalism’.
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P.P.S. Many proponents of neoconservitism were formerly Marxist Trots. Neither outlook places much value on human rights. Funny that.
We need to talk about…
The weekend of Sep 17/18th.
‘Hope Over Fear’ rally is in George Square on the Saturday.
Sunday, at Glasgow Green, this:
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Some will be able to attend both, but most cannot. If WOS is doing the usual stall, having a post-rally-swally etc and people are making travel plans, it would make sense to choose one or t’other.
What say ye’s all?
Hi Ian,
Thanks for the heads-up over these upcoming events.
I am dreading though the potential downside of staging two different rallies on two adjacent days. If it could be sustained over two days it would be stupendous, but I worry that each might go off at “half-cock” and play right into the hands of the yoon media.
(Presumably this was an accident, but can it be fixed? We surely need far better co-ordination from pro-yes grassroots groups than this. What happened to the national yes registry, for example?)
Speaking personally, “Hope over fear” is a brilliant slogan, but I regard the people behind it as something of a Sheridanite splitter group. (Though correct me if I’m wrong.)
So I would be far more inclined to turn up for the yes “umbrella” group rally on the Sunday.
PS: Proudly wearing one or more of my shiny new WoS badges, of course.
(Many thanks for that, Lindsay.)
@Robert J Sutherland –
Thanks for helping to get this particular ball rolling.
It’s a tricky one for all sorts of reasons, but the sooner we nail it the better, esp for those who have to make travel/babysitting arrangements. We need to show the naysayers and doubters that the non-party-affiliated Yes movement can ‘do’ big events and do them well.
Like you, I prefer the Sunday, not least because Glasgow Green has such resonance as a place of genuine grassroots activity. It’s also more ‘comfortable’ than the Square – nice to have greenery around, folk can bring picnics, get away from the central hub if they get weary of the speakers and/or find the volume a bit much (as many people do).
I’m intending being at Glasgow Green on the 18th. I believe Ronnie is making arrangements to ensure a Wings presence at the event. Pete the Camera may be able to make it as well. He hopes to be out of his ‘in-patient’ status at Ninewells tomorrow.
The 17th gives me a problem. I had decided to give it a miss but I just found out today that Dundee’s Graham Brown Band are booked to play on the 17th in George Square. Working on the Friday, working on the Monday. How will I manage?
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Here’s another from the Graham Brown band – “Watch Us Rise”. Incidentally, this song was put together well before “Hope Over Fear”. You can see how Gerry was influenced by a wee Dundee band…
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Did you once post vids of that band? If it’s the same one I’m thinking of, totally brilliant, and I can imagine they’d go down a storm.
Do you happen to know if they’re also appearing on the Sunday?
Hi Ian.
I think I have posted videos of the band in the past. Don’t know about the Sunday. I’ll endeavour to find out…
BTW: Graham Brown was, previously, in a band called ‘Amber Road’. There’s a cracker of a video, still on YouTube, of Amber Road doing “I Can Hear The Nation” (a Graham Brown song) live at Tiree music festival 2013. A beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, and the song, obviously, went down well. (Graham’s the guy in the shades with a geetar towards the right of the stage…)
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Yeah, good stuff.
The band I was thinking of was inside a pub, the ‘lead’ was a guy on bagpipes and the place was going mental. Sure it was a Dundee outfit.
Come to think of it, both would go down a treat at any rally.
Glasgow Green isn’t THAT far from PQ.
Just sayin’…
Hi Ian
At this late hour, when I’ve just sat down to have roast lamb, tatties, carrots, gravy and Yorkshire pud, I can’t think of the band of which you type. It’ll probably come to me eventually.
In the meantime, here’s another legendary Dundee band, with their infamous berryfield ballad.
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All under one Banner was brought to my attention 1st, they had intended (as far as im aware)to hold it in Freedom Square on the Sat 17th but had to move the rally to Glasgow Green 18th. I had contacted David & had a return confermation re Stall ( the no charge for a pitch)HOF had
PeteTC,s Badges donations monies go to Charities.
We have changed the structure on donations for the other materials ie we want to build up a fund for future council elections & Indyref2 ,leaflets ect ( with permission of the Rev or contribute to whatever he has in the planning,future booklets ect).
As BrianDTT says he would struggle to do both day’s.Paula Rose will no doupt have a say, we are dependent on other
Wingers also to man the stall Irene Betty/Jim Castlehills Dez Ian Brotherhood at front as with other Wingers engadging with people.
There is a lot of controversy at the moment with HoF/Solidarity,thats for them to sort out. But for the clash of dates we would have been at Freedom Square.
@Ronnie A –
Yeah, we’ve already discussed this, and if there can’t be genuine openness among Wingers then we’re nothing.
As an ex-SSP member I have solid reasons to feel uneasy about Friends of WOS having anything to do with ‘Hope Over Fear’, but they shouldn’t influence any objective analysis of what’s best for ‘us’.
I totally agree with you – as you know – but any other Wingers who aren’t so interested in the deeper to-ing-and-fro-ing and Left-related shenanigans shouldn’t have to take all that shite onboard.
That’s why we need more voices – right here – to state their own position, voice concerns, whatever…
What’s most important, for me, is that the Friends of WOS presence in Glasgow, on that weekend, is united.
We’re not talking about a ‘flashmob’ here. We have to be organised – much more-so than would be expected of any mainstream political party.
The simple fact that we’re not a political party is our greatest strength.
We have to get this right.
And if we do? We’ll constitute a major element of the truly ‘independent’ presence at whatever rally we choose to attend.
I prefer the sound of the Glasgow Green event though I do fancy checking out what ‘left-wing’ are saying. I doubt I’ll make both, so it’s going to be the Green for me. Hope I’ve picked things up correctly. I’ll lend a hand obvs.
Ian Brotherhood (or is it Dean Rubbergloves??)
I can do both dates but my preference would be for GG on the 18th if you need bodies. Arrival time dependent on public transport from Glenrothes (there is a good regular express service that stops beside my humble abode).
PS are you related to the Rubbergloves who stayed in Inveraldie beside the Farfar road just north of Dundee??
OK, so I might have gotten a bit muddled about the political origins of post-colonial theory. Frankly, I get a bit muddled at the divergence between structuralist and post-structuralist theory. Split-ers.
Though I knew it to be risky, I thought it was for the greater good that I pontificate on matters that I am not particularly familiar with, as a means to show how out-dated ‘class’-based conceptualisations of society are. As they say, the ends justify the means. They would say that though, wouldn’t they?
Here’s a handy slide show.
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I’m happy to do both events – usual terms and conditions apply.
Capella: in the words of the old advert, I saw this and thought of you:
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Link probs won’t work but you can find the web site no bother and look under Scottish badges.
@ Ronnie, @ Bdtt, @IanB
Re: GG 18th Sept. JimT and moi, up for stall manning, hairy string duties, dogsbodying, etc., as usual and can do the GG on Sunday, but, HOF would be a problem only in so far as we ain’t likely to be available for the Saturday.
The GG one was the first one I was aware of and quite happy to go with that anyway. HOF, well, we’ve done it before and were quite happy in our wee spot away from the stage. We did our thing and they did theirs. I’m not sure that stalls like ours or attendees get tarred because of any shenanigans that might/or might not go on between the organisers. That said, some folks might feel uncomfortable.
I think GG is a great venue and would prefer the 18th.
All the feuding around HoF is a bit off-putting for those not involved but I’ve been to previous events and enjoyed them. For Wings to cover both would take some organising. I’m doing something else on the afternoon of 17/9 and would have to leave about 2 p.m.
@Betty Boop –
I was down your neck of the woods earlier this evening (wean-related chauffeuring duties) and ended-up kicking my heels for a while, got savaged by midges. Have lost your e-mail. Any chance you could re-send?
It’s just that I might be in Troon fairly regularly over next few months and it would be nice to catch-up, even for a quick cuppa, if youse are up for it.
Hoots to you and yer man!
as a means to show how out-dated
‘class’-basedMarxist conceptualisations of society are.MINIONS – “Respect the Banana”
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@ Tinto Chiel – thanks for the link. Missed it yesterday as inundated with visitors. The Thomas Muir is a must have, he’s a hero.
Listened to Alex Salmond on “Great Lives” talking about Muir. “Why haven’t I heard of him?” asks host Matthew Parris.
Good question!
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Yes Rally GG 18th Sept – might be a wee bit of a hiccup here. found this on FB. Waiting for update from organisers.
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FFS, i’ve heard it all now, a white “Australian” politician (Malcolm Roberts) from the “anti-immigration One Nation Party.
And no, i didn’t make it up! From MSN: link to
Living up to your name I see, or not thinking before you post?
Capella: no probs and thanks for the link. Will listen to AS tonight after my tea.
The TM badge looks even better in the flesh as it were. Nice colours. I got a few John MacLean ones too as wee presents for other insurgents.
“Why haven’t I heard of him?” asks host Matthew Parris.
Sadly most Scots know nothing about him either, of course…
CameronB Brodie
Really? You obviously don’t get the irony/hypocrisy of a white Australian politician (a person whose existence in Australian society is due to immigrants in the first place) belonging to a right-wing racist anti-immigration party. I thought it amusing!
Amusing in a UKIPish or KKK sort of way.
Good programme, Capella, and Matthew Parris played along quite well. No knighthood for him after rubbishing Bojo so brutally, so he’s not all bad, eh?
I liked the reference to Burns’ thoughts in one of his letters:
“Alas! Have I often said to myself, what are all the boasted advantages which my Country reaps from a certain Union, that can counterbalance the annihilation of her Independence and even her very Name?”
@ IanB
Sent an email, so, look in your junk mail
Perhaps I’m loosing it, though it would appear not as much as another space cadet. My advice to BLiS is that they seek professional help.
B-52s – Planet Clare
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Dave McEwan Hill wrote the following on 7 August, 2016:
“I would love to see us take out some of our media enemies by a targeted campaign on individual bits of it.Derision is the best treatment for it. Once people start laughing at it it has no impact.”
And so would many more of us. If we ever do get around to organising such a worthwhile campaign and it involves any form of leafleting – i’ve come across this little very helpful legal precedent which has been set:
Freedom of expression (Article 10 of the Convention)
Steel & Morris v the UK (click on link, scroll to p21)
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IanB wrote on 15 August 2016:
“The simple fact that we’re not a political party is our greatest strength.”
AYE, and we need to start utilising that strength to the max!
I know there are more than a few that visit Off Topic enjoy a rousing Johnny Cash number. Like others that do, I knew almost all the old ones but few of the recent before he passed away.
So I was a bit surprised typing nothing but “Johnny Cash” into youtube search that the song Hurt appeared before I’d even finished typing his name. Anyway I chose to listen to hurt and with 22 million views was a Mexican post.
I looked through the listings and found this on the first page not too far down with less than 20,000 views. It gave some information about the song:
‘Hurt’ is a song written by Trent Reznor, first released on Nine Inch Nails’ 1994 album The Downward Spiral. In 2002, ‘Hurt’ was covered by Johnny Cash to critical acclaim; it was one of Cash’s final hit releases before his death. Its accompanying video, featuring images from Cash’s life and directed by Mark Romanek, was named the best video of the year by the Grammy Awards and CMA Awards, and the best video of all time by NME in July 2011.
I wonder why I can’t find 20 million views in English, nor had ever heard of the song, nor can I find the original video?
Forever will remain a puzzle, guess if you like him your just gonna have to watch the Mexican posting on youtube.
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@IanB,@ Ronnie, @ Bdtt, @Betty Boop
Betty Boop says:
16 August, 2016 at 1:33 pm
Yes Rally GG 18th Sept – might be a wee bit of a hiccup here. found this on FB. Waiting for update from organisers.
My comment might be a little belated now, but anyway:
I’m good with both days and very happy to offer help whenever is decided, please let me know if/how I could be of any significant use at all!
As BDTT pointed out there is some good stuff promised @ HoF, any details emerging of who will be participating @GG?
Thanks to IanB, RonnieA, Bddt et al for pulling this together to ensure Friends of WoS are united!
Really hope that events on this significant weekend are not dissipated by inadvertent conflict of dates, bookings etc
Look forward to seeing you all! x
Hi Yesbot et al.
Had a telephonic blether with Ronnie a wee while ago. He hadn’t picked up on the “hiccup” scenario but will look into it.
He did wonder if it could be a ‘spoiler’ put out by another YES group to get peeps to attend another rally that weekend.
Onnyhoo, he is going to investigate. No doubt he’ll keep us up to speed with events…
Just a bit of fun
The Essenpee Particle
Background to the Project.
We have received permission and funding from the joint leaders of the NEC in London to use the new Heedrum Hoedrum Collider to run up and down the Great Glen to search for the particle of common sense.
The powers down there feel that spreading the common sense particle will defeat the Essenpee particle currently sweeping through the country.
Of course being fully autonomous we can use the full capacity of the collider to also search for the elusive Essenpee particle that’s affecting nearly half the population.
Day 0
We now believe the particle of common sense is probably too wee to find and too poor a particle to bother with. Anyway we are really genetically incapable of taking any common sense on board. We were told that nearly three year ago by our great leader of the time. Which one that was escapes me. There have been so many.
Now as you you know we can always get two or three more things out of our budget if we use the Jabba abacus.
This means we can put two or three times the power into the machine at no extra cost by tapping into the local power stations because the SNPBaad Government has stopped using electricity from anywhere and has Scotland running on wind power.
I mean, how SNPBaad is that. The Greens will be chuffed and that’s SNPBaadj too.
Day 1
The Heedrum Hoedrum Collider is all fired up and we have volunteers from all our many (well more than one) branches giving their lifeblood to feed the machine.
Side Note. Did you know the Collider needed to draw the lifeblood out of our members to fuel the particle builder? I always thought the subsidy from London and the £5 subs were enough to get us through the tough times ahead.
Day 2
We had a visit from the BLiS Person in Charge. She didn’t appear to know anything about the project since the command had come directly from London. She hardly never ever listened to what London said being full autonomous. This had gone right past her while she was being spoken to in a strange but familiar language in a faraway place.
She admitted she was puzzled about the common sense particle and agreed that we were maybe doing the right thing by investigating the Essenpee thingy particle.
Day 3
The collider has hit a snag. The damn thing hiccuped and we found another bloody Boson particle and had to give it back to that guy Higgs. We could have just nipped over to Edinburgh and given it to him but Oh No. It had to go down to London to be given to the correct people to pass on after it had been checked and valued. These are the rules, no free money for Scotland as it might upset Barnett.
Day 4
Getting worried because there is no sign of the Essenpee particle but there may be good news as we found what might be a common sense particle. We will investigate further.
Day 5
Disaster. The Essenpee particle and the common sense particle are one and the same. The SNPBaad Government have found out and colluded with the EU to keep the particles safe in their hands.
Day 6
The particle has escaped the Collider and we can’t stop the spread of this common sense and Essenpee particle. It’s maybe affecting over 50 % of the population and the number keeps going up.
Day 7
It’s out of control. People are asking questions, poking their noses in where they aren’t supposed to go. That Nicola (boo, hiss) has said openly that a second referendum is possible if we don’t get answers to our questions.
London has phoned to tell us to shut up shop here in the glen and send back the money because they need it to pay the lawyers for the leadership battle. We tried cutting off the power but the wind keeps blowing and generating the damn electricity for it.
The Heedrum Hoedrum Collider won’t stop.
It’s going independent.
Even the blue Tank Commander has given up and moved Dan Sath to escape the spread of the Essenpee/common sense particle. Too many people are now coming to their senses.
It may not stop at the border. Will Hadrian’s wall be the last bastion for the defence of Engerland. Oh wait that’s well past the border. The Geordies might get infected.
@Alex –
That’s a keeper.
Cheers mister.
Hi Macbeda.
You typed,
“…because the SNPBaad Government has stopped using electricity from anywhere and has Scotland running on wind power.”
An interesting site I bookmarked the other day…
“Scotland has the largest oil reserve in the E.U. They just proved they don’t need it.”
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Hi Brian
Cheers for that.
People forget that oil isn’t just used for fuel.
I believe most of the oil can be used for other products – petrochemical industry thrives on/ oil.
What oil is that then – the cooking stuff?
Nah, Paula Rose. I would have thought you’d share a certain affinity with one of your sisterhood…
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Where’s the fooking like thingie?
From Twitter, looks like Bikers for Yes have plumped for the 18th.
@ Macbeda, nice one!
My favourite day was Day 5, with a special mention too for the “Jabba abacus”!
I’m having an identity problem in that I don’t know how best to picture myself now that I’ve ditched Thepnr.
That one was easy, a shipwright from the 19th century, someone who looked like he felt “yeah yeah heard it all before” and wasn’t taking in any of their pish.
Now that I’m me I’ve flip flopped so much I’m as dizzy as Cameron B said I made him
I started with one of me and my brother, quickly changed, too personal for me on a blog. So I tried a pot of mince and doughboys, liked that but too abstract LOL. So then I settled on the Oliver Twist one but then hated holding out the begging bowl and thought maybe taht the Artful Dodger might suit my character more.
He doesn’t, I was wrong.
I’m definitely more of an Oliver Twist, he didn’t just beg, he got off his arse asked for more when no one else was prepared to do so.
You can relax now Cameroon B, Oliver Twist it is for the foreseeable. Now gimme what we’re due.
Hi Alex.
Feel free to use a Scott Brothers steak and gravy pie as your avatar. Ronnie and Mitch have enjoyed them…
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Eh Brian yeh canne beat a Scott bros peh
Last word on Charles Dickens “Please sir can I have some more” well, for too long that is where Scottish politicians have been, fawning and forlock tugging with their superiors in Westminster in order to feather their own nests and enhance their careers.
No more begging, demand that which is already ours. No other than our country, that which we live in, the right to elect our own government and to let the decisions we make shape our own future.
We are a nation, if you continue to ignore our grievances you will pay a heavy price. We are not a NATION of beggars living on a subsidy from English taxpayers. You just want us to believe that.
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
Well, you can fuck right off hahaha. We don’t believe you.
@Alex –
Your choice, of course, but I’d find it very difficult to associate the Oliver Twist image with you in any way.
With minor tweaks, it would work i.e. if the wee lad was frowning, as if to say ‘I do believe you took my last bit of grub mister – kindly return it, right now, ya ****. Aye, and stick a wee dod extra in for good measure.’
Ian Brotherhood
Yeah I heard you. No reason for the real me to hold out a begging bowl.
OK I’ve finally got it. I am Thepnr too!
Is that better? Feels like it for me.
Actually that is better Thpnr, I don’t know about anyone else but the little icons really do become associated with the ‘person’…and you’re shipwright is definitely ‘you’. Glad you decided to stick with that in the end. (Oliver Twist jist wisnae ‘you’…)
Imagine that a man in his fifties could have an identity crisis.
I’d just find that very funny. I promise not to start jogging or going to yoga classes. Meanwhile what does “Tusk” actually mean?
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If you didn’t watch that last one to the end then you would have missed the point of the question lol.
No worries, quite pleased to have decide to change my nam but stick with the wee picture of the shipwright. Thanks Ian and K1.
Before I get the head down, here’s an old yin that I think I’m only playing for the third time. Worth hearing once at least if three times
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@ Alex Clark I have heard that Tusk is meant to be a nickname for Mick Fleetwoods Trouser Snake. There is an even Longer Explanation and I will tell you it the next time we Meet.
Early Fleetwood Mac link to
@Thepnr/Alex –
Quick game of chess with junior this evening. He objected to the music I was playing, forced me to play soundtrack of ‘Suicide Squad’ via YT.
Fair do’s.
Second or third track was this:
Sweet, ‘Ballroom Blitz’ –
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OK I found a much better copy of the Johnny Cash video “Hurt”. Talking of the video, he had this to say:
“It’s all fleeting,” Cash said. “As fame is fleeing, so are all the trappings of fame fleeting. The money, the clothes, the furniture.”
At first Rubin didn’t want to present the tune to Cash because of song’s sole cuss word, which appears in the line, “I wear my crown of sh–.” He wound up substituting the word “thorns,” instead.
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Cash was one of the good guys.
@Ian Brotherhood
That Ballroom Blitz video is guaranteed to make you smile.
Pure class!
It all flows from respect Alex.
Aretha Franklin – Respect
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Right, since I’ve got my identity back I’m right in the mood for another top 10.
Here’s my top 10 Johnny Cash, most of which have been played here.
In at number 10 is “I Walk The Line” first sung in 1958. This is not the 1958 version.
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Ok here we have at number 9 a classic and well loved song originally by Tennessee Ernie Ford.
Sixteen Tons 1987
I like my flag thing, so did someone else of face book, though I think I will go back to using Andrew, to old for nick names!
Anyhow Alex you cant beat “a ring of fire”
@Andrew McLean
I like your flag too Andrew
Patience man patience it’s coming.
Here’s the number 8, deserved to be higher. A Thing Called Love
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Some DJ I am, just noticed that I never pasted the link for Sixteen Tons, number 9. I’ve put myself On the naughty step LOL.
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My old man liked this one from 1968. I’ll just drop it in at number 7 Folsom Prison Blues.
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At number 6 a cheeky wee song A Boy named Sue
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Here you go Andrew Number 5 Ring of Fire.
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This is the first Johnny Cash song I ever heard. My Da bought the LP. It’s at number 4 San Quentin 1968.
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Now we’re into the nitty gritty time. A purely personal opinion and at number 3 I offer this. Hope your paying attention now LOL.
A totally new song for me until yesterday. Hurt 2002.
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Now this song and video is very powerful. It’s not the official video but just some guy who probably put it together in his bedroom.
The images it show will never leave your mind, ever.
Number 2 When The Man Comes Around
Number 2, done it again
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Matters not a jot to me whether anyone bothered watching the first nine of the top 10 Johnny Cash songs. Even if you didn’t I think you should watch this.
In this song he describes how I feel and I suspect a good few of you share the same values. He had it nailed, we might just have missed it back then. Number 1 is The Man in Black.
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Right I’m off. This has never been played on Off Topic before and it is about time it was. From one auld drunk to another lol.
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@ Alex Clark and his doppelganger @Thepnr
I am Betty Boop!
Too late to be otherwise just like Thepnr’s gravatar.
Just catching up, at the coo’s tail end as usual. Will get around to listening to all the Johnny Cash links. Hurt is one of my all time favourite songs.
@Betty Boop
I hope you do get around to listening. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
PS Your avatar suits you, I’m just sweet talking now
If you hate this then Andrew McLean made me do it!
Dedicated to Adam Thomkins MSP, the joy-fool clown of twitter.
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Speaking as the dug what I am, this is the “Dogs Blks”
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Yippee I’m back with a proper operating system –
EEK I’ve lost all my data.
Personally I’m reveling in the totalitarian environment created by the vile SNP and their selfish desire to emancipate a people.
Red Army Choir – O Fields, My Fields
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@Darren McGarvey
Your quest will require you to train your consciousness in ways that enable the liberation of thought from socially contrived boundaries. Your journey will be long and the pathway often obscured, so trust the “force” and do not dismiss the power of love. Just my opinion but I think the “Methodology of the Oppressed” might act as primer for your studies.
@Alex –
Cash top-ten is great, cheers aplenty.
I’ve definitely seen that ‘Man Comes Around’ vid before, so it was probably you posting it here. Powerful indeed.
Here’s hoping we never have to endure any of that shit on the way to independence – some of the yoons seem hell-bent on causing as much fear as possible. If anyone gets hurt they’ll have a lot to answer for. Sep 19th 2014 was enough.
Cheers Ian, that was very much appreciated
It was me that first played ‘Man Comes Around’ vid. Seems so long ago now.
@ Alex Clark Johnny Cash 10 in a row. Wow I prefer Him like this. link to
I’ve just noticed the soldier marching in the front row forth from left (@ 1:20 Red Guard clip) reminds me of Baron Darling of Roulanish’s dodgy egg assailant. Spooky.
How you doing Stu you twat?
Here’s one to mess with your marbles.
Evgeny Belyaev & the Red Army Choir – Annie Laurie
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I’ve featured this video in the playlists for the Wings get-togethers in Invergowrie and Helensburgh but don’t think I’ve ever linked to it in off-topic.
It was released in 1991 and I’m pretty sure I have the 12″ picture disc stashed somewhere in my hovelhold.
“Internal Exile”. “The land we stand on is never our own”…
The first link is the album/12” version with lyrics.
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This second link is the shorter 7″ “official” version, shot roonaboot Embra ‘n’ thah…
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Fundilymundily I got that one wrong. It gets hard to remember which Yoon schemer is which, they are all so disgustingly dishonest.
@CameronB Brodie
No you never got anything wrong. Just you keep on being you, your one of the good guys and we all need friends.
The cheque’s in the post Alex.
@CameronB Brodie
Perfect response, can’t wait to receive it
‘Never a frown, with Gordon Brown’.
Maricahi Mexteca, featuring Hugh Cornwell, ‘Golden Brown’ –
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‘Drive me to the best thing that has happened to me all night…’
They were just the best. Can you believe it’s over 16 years since Dury passed away?
Ian Dury & The Blockheads, ‘Dance Little Rude Boy’ –
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I won’t be out to play tonight Darlings but I must thank Thepnr or whatever he’s called now for the lovely Johnny Cash collection – just fab and Ian B Honey this is the biz…
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Betty Boop
You’re not the Betty Boop that features in this,are you?
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Just came across this on YouTube – don’t know why. You know what following links can do to your health…
Onnyhoo, it’s for those of us who have a wee liking for prog rock – “Yes – The Lost Broadcasts ? Remastered”.
It’s a compilation of clips from TV progs in ‘that Europe’, from the black and white days when WE only had TOTP and some decent music progs on GRAMPIAN TV, which seem to have been NOT archived. (I still have an audio tape of a Grampian prog from 1969, which featured The Shy Limbs and Cat’s Eyes. I bet STV don’t. Greg Lake was the vocalist with The Shy Limbs.)
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@Alex – Wonderful Johnny Cash but you missed this….
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@Ian Brotherhood
That “Gordon Brown” was the real deal LOL. Here’s Hugh Cornwall in his younger days. Once a star…
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Greetings, Wingers! I will be in Barca just before the New Year and was wondering: does anyone have any suggestions of ways of making contact with the Catalan equivalents of Yes groups, probably best those already affiliated with Scotland, for going along to some sort of social events.
I realise there will not be rallies or the like over the “Nadal” (Xmas) period… but they may be organising their own get-togethers at that time and it would be nice to go along and bring some solidarity (as well as saltires, yes badges, “I’m With Nicola” pens, whatever…).
Anyone have any contacts?
Kenny – if you are on twitter follow me @PaulaHoneyRose and DM – I have contacts.
Well there you go. How could I have missed that? Quite a smart man was Cash I think
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So sensible Alex the noo.
Feck off Paula with calling me sensible. That’ll never happen.
@Paula Rose
Just tugging yer tail. This is for you.
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@Paula Rose –
Cheers aplenty and thanks amuch
*snottery wet sniff*
That was totally soo-perb.
I think we have something special here. A community of sorts. Anyway whatever you want to call it. It is good.
Noo page *snigger* so Yestival on skye who’s for a glamp?
I’m itching to do another Top Ten but I wouldn’t do that. No never, I’ll just play this daft one from the 80’s instead.
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Your all going to have to forgive me for this.
I’m missing my brother, who was my best pal too. Hanging around on Wings though helps a tad. You are my brothers and sisters. x
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Just watch that last video. I dare you.
Obviously time for bed. I think I should know better but I don’t.
I’ve just posted this on the “more-phantom-news” page but I think it deserves to be included here.
If you want some blues to accompany your browsing, check out the album link below.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Hi Capella.
Onnyhoo, an excellent piece of blues guitar for you. It’s from the album “Cabal”, by the John Dummer Band (1969). The band members on that album were John Dummer (drums), Tony McPhee (guitar, vocals), Dave Kelly (guitar, vocals), Joanne Kelly (his sister, vocals), Thumper Thomson (bass) and John O’Leary (harmonica).
Tony McPhee went on to form The Groundhogs, Dave Kelly The Blues Band and John Dummer and Thumper Thomson Darts.
Here’s “Blue Guitar”.
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You can listen to or download the complete “Cabal” album here:-
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As it’s Sunday – here’s some great guitar solos from Gerry Garcia of The Grateful Dead, with “Sugaree”. For Born Again Flower Persons.
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@ Brian Doonthetoon,
Some great music Brian, I still have the original album of the
Groundhogs”Thank Christ for the bomb”and if I happen to mention it to anyone the usual reply is a puzzled”Who”. Glad to see someone else appreciates them.Peace,Love and Music.
Just stumbled across this…
Will bring back fond memories for some.
Theme tune from ‘Para Handy’ –
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Hi Smallaxe.
Back in the 90s, I was deejaying in the Tay Hotel in Dundee and on one evening, Tony McPhee and band were the headliners at a blues gig.
At the bar before he went onstage, I presented him with my ‘Cabal’ CD, which he signed, in silver, on the inside sleeve, and one of my Stray albums, which had him lauding the band on the back of the sleeve – he scrawled his moniker on the back of that as well.
RE: the John Dummer Band. I first came across them in 1970. I was in the habit of going to the Dundee Uni Students’ Union, with my cousin (the student) of a Saturday evening and, on this particular night, the John Dummer Band were the featured entertainment. During the evening, we got regular updates on their expected arrival time, because their van had broken down on the way from Glasgow.
The bands generally went onstage around 11pm, to allow a 1am finish. That night, the band turned up, well late, to the extent that the gig finished around 3am. It was, eventually, an inspiring gig (from my POV).
Four of us, walking home to St Marys and Downfield after the gig, got stopped by the polis at the five ways circle, because it was so unusual (in those days, when niteclubs closed at 1am) for actual humans to be walking on the streets at going on 4am. We explained; polis wiz content.
That was one of the early gigs after Nick Pickett had joined the band and Tony McPhee had left. This was their big hit in Europe, after Nick came in on fiddle.
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Remember the Bowling Alley Brian? You were playing this
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Hi Alex.
I also played this…
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@ Brian Doonthetoon,
Hi Brian,briliant link,especialy the fiddle playing on the first track,reminded me of a band and album called”It’s a beautiful day” and the pub that used to be at Charing Cross
called Crazy Daisy,the musicians in that pub were all multi
instrumentalists,I think most of them were session musicians
from the ITV. studios in those days and played a mixture of
Jazz/Blues.Im listening at the moment to Jack Bruce and Rory
Gallagher playing Politician.Peace,Love and Music.
Ian B: thanks for the puffer nostalgia. Saw one going up Loch Linnhe about six years ago, a Zulu (?) with a red sail. Couldn’t make out the name.
Reminded me of that great old film The Maggie where, unusually for Ealing Studios, they actually had some Scottish actors (even Gaelic-speaking ones). When the cabin boy says “Good luck tae ye!” to the rich American at the end, it almost sounds like a threat, in true Glesca style.
Sub-text of film: sense of community trumps empty materialism.
The whole film used to be on YouTube but this is all I could find. Always wondered what happened to Wee Tommy. Hope this plays:
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Previous seems to have disappeared into the ether.
I’m havering, it can’t have been a Zulu.
Thought Paul Douglas played along really well and his remark to the 100 year old Gael is a classic.
The Maggie, The Vital Spark (in all 3 incarnations) – absolute top class quality, genuine humour with a reflection of real life.
Maybe BBC shortbread could commission a remake with a new cast, if they could find suitable actors.
Any suggestions for a new Vital Spark cast??
Prize for the best suggestions (maybe).
@chasanderson200: that’s a tempting one. Plenty of scope for political satire too. I’m sure you’ll get a few suggestions.
Whoever the cast, it should definitely have Ian Brotherhood, Paula Rose and Ronnie Anderson in it. Mibbe the Rev too LOL.
Hi smallaxe
I still have Its a Beautiful Day on vinyl. This one:
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It’s amazing what you can get on Youtube.
@ Tinto Chiel – re “The Maggie” the BBC Alba broadcast it in June. I downloaded it but haven’t watched yet. Unfortunately they no longer let you watch it:
Capella: hope you like it after all the fuss.
In a way it got me questioning things the first time I saw it. It had great real life scenes of Glasgow and the West Coast which I recognised and then I asked myself,”Why do we not see more films of Scotland?” I also remember a film with Peter Sellers set Embra whose name escapes me which I remember simply because of a few street scenes. Why were we almost erased as a nation on film?
So in a way questions like that made me begin to question everything about my country and its history and culture.
And so I became a vile cyber sep……
Tinto Chiel – forgot to add the URL for the BBC website of The Maggie:
link to
I managed to download it through Get iPlayer so will watch it soon. I too feel angry about the cultural deprivation. The BBC should have been a vehicle for supporting the arts in Scotland, including drama. But instead there’s a stifling silence. It’s probably an offence under Human Rights legislation.
@ Capella,
Snap,I still have my original on vinyl also. I wouldn’t part with it,brings back too many good memories.Peace,Love and Wasted Union Blues.
Tinto Chiel
Vital Spark cast candidates from Scottish politics-
Para Handy – Kezia (befuddled thinker who always leaves a confused mess in her wake).
Sonny Jim – Has to be wee sqeaky Willie Rennie although he does not have the street nouse of the written character.
McPhail – Jim Murphy, a greeting faced Torag and born loser that thinks he knows it all but is treated like sh*t and deserves it (mind you there lots who fit that bill).
Dougie – Patrick Harvey – happy to back the leaders, has a bit of savvy, knows which way the winds blowing. Happy to steer from behind but does not want the responsibility of leadership.
PS,I am on my seventh copy of Para Handy tales which I now keep under lock and key with my fourth copy of Catch22 because they were being borrowed and never returned (AKA nicked!!!)
As a famous man once said “These are my recommendations but if you Dinna like them, I have others).
Thanks for that. Pure dead brilliant so it was
Loved it.
Hi chasanderson200.
Typing about books…
Back in the 70s, I came across a paperback entitled “M*A*S*H Goes To Maine”. I should point out that my experience of M*A*S*H had been the TV series with Alan Alda. I had never (and don’t possess) the original book, if there was one. (I can’t remember if there was.)
The “M*A*S*H Goes To…” series of paperbacks told the stories of what the heroes of the original M*A*S*H series/book(?) got up to when they came back from Vietnam.
I was buying them as they appeared on M*A*S*H-friendly station bookstalls. I think I got up to 12 of them.
Further onnyhoo…
They were borrowed by various peeps over the years, to the extent that I lost them all. Then I discovered that you could buy most of them for a penny, plus P&P, from the Amazon marketplace. So I slowly rebuilt my M*A*S*H collection, re-reading each one as they arrived through my letterbox. I don’t lend them out.
These books are one of the few collections that had me ‘LOL’, on my own in my hovelhold, while I was reading. They are well worth checking out.
Further further onnyhoo…
I’ve just clicked on the bookmark I have, for a web page detailing all the M*A*S*H novels. Alas, it has been deleted from the web – but the Internet Archive last grabbed it in February 2009. Turns out there was a M*A*S*H book, which I probably have stashed somewhere, coz I was working my way through the list as I was acquiring them from Amazon.
Here’s the link, if you want to check them out. The page has a short description of each book – you’ll get the idea of the humour. For example, ‘Wrong Way Napolitano’ (sp?) had a field that he used as a runway for his wee aeroplane hire business. One day, a transatlantic airliner got into bother and needed somewhere to land. It landed in his field. Thus, he felt able to rename his field “Spruce Harbour International Airport”, or similar. (It’s been a few years since I read them; must re-explore them.)
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I read all(?) the Mash books in the 70s when they were being bought individually by the guys in my class at Bell Street Tech. Much as I liked them I favoured Catch 22.
Over the last few years I have recorded every episode and the original film of Mash and regularly watch them when the telly is crap (i.e. most of the time).
Mash, the original book, made an average film which morphed into a great TV series as they could get deeper into the characters and their situations.
Catch 22, the book, tried to tell it all in one great book which morphed into a crap film that could tell only about 1% of the story.
These,and some music are a few of the things from the 70s that stood the test of time.
Hi chasanderson200.
When you mentioned ‘music’, I went a-youtubing. Here’s a couple for you.
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That’s some crew you’ve got there. I was trying to find a role for Jackie Baillie but don’t think the Vital Spark could manage her giant abacus with the bent rods.
Sonny Jim was spot-on in particular.
I can’t see thon Paula Rose on the VS, Alex C. She’s too much of a lady to be seen on such a rust bucket.
I see we have one of the trolls back tonight on the latest thread namely ‘The Untalented Mr Rippey’…. hope people let him piss in the wind ….Never engage with a Troll as you will only make their day….they only come on here to bait not debate.
Let him add 100 comments if he wants with no reply given or bait taken……best way to tell him to fuck off me thinks.
If someone does reply then expect a tennis match of slagging with thread fucked for everyone….job done then ….Troll 1 WOS peeps 0.
Sorry peeps no offence meant to anyone… I am only saying….think it’s always best to let the Rev decide if and when Troll needs a response …..and he is so so good at it is he not !
Quality, the tune still stirs me and evokes memories although I must have heard it over 5,000 times. I was going to remind you of the title but it is mentioned in the second bit of music (Painless was the dentist in the original film who wanted to commit suicide due to an embarrassing failure in a carnal adventure).
Tonto Chiel
Jabba is the ballast deep in the bowels of the VS so she was never allowed to see the light (of day that is).
Back to books:-anyone remember Tom Sharp? Another author whose books were subject to sleekit nickery of the most vile sort.
Tinto Chiel
I must sort out this autocorrect.
Tinto Tinto ……..ahh that’s Bettie.
Oh feck it.
Hi chasanderson200.
I’ve got loads of Tom Sharpes’ piled up in my bathroom/library, as I finished reading them.
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Tinto tinto tinto
Better better better
Autocorrect ditched – sorted
Brian read many Tom Sharpe too. He was funny and a good writer, won’t take that away from him ever. That would be wrong.
Anyway before I hit the sack here is something completely different. Frankie Boyles take on Independence.Must watch.
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Tom Sharpe
Riotous Assembly and Indecent Exposure are up there among my top ten satirical/tragic/comedic books I have ever read.
The English based books started very well with Porterhouse Blue and Wilt but gradually like most writers the quality inevitably dropped but was still humourous enough to justify the cost price.
I no longer have the amount of time to read that I once had and therefore do not follow any particular authors. Most of what was my reading time is now taken up by my grandsons or keeping up-to-date with Wings.
@ chasaderson200
You are doing the two best things ever,spending time with your
Grandsons and keeping up with WOS.Peace,Love and a better country for our Grandchildren.
Hear, hear.
I learned well from my long departed father.
We just need to spread the message further and wider.
Someday an anthropologist is going to come visiting around here and say Whit!
@ Alex Clark,
I hope that anthropologist disnae bring Mrs Nell Oliver with him,then again he might be washing his lovely locks.:-)
Right, I’ll bet yeah. Here’s something you can’t possibly have heard before even you BDTT.
The Berry Dreel Blues. Now get a picking.
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chasanderson200: I think I prefer Tonto actually, and you should hear what Mrs TC calls me. My autocorrect calls me Tintoretto. Might be time for a change like Thepnr.
Clapper57: yes, it doesn’t seem to matter how often Mr Rippey gets telt by the economists among the Wings regulars, he just thraws and thraws and thraws, the true sign of an under-the-bridger.
Soon it’ll be time for Sensible Dave/Aldo/Waldo/Angostura Bittaz to come out to play.
Name changing – pfft.
But Paula Rose, your name is lovely: don’t go changing.
I wouldn’t dream of it – when folk do it’s most annoying and when they change their wee pics I get blooming angry.
Oh, very well, PR.
Anything to please A Laydee.
(Twirls moustache roguishly).
@Paula Rose
Change their wee pics? Ahem.
Yes Dear I did see that you’d seen sense as far as the pic was concerned – now no sweary words if you want to keep using your new name.
“Who gets the job? Of pushing the knob.”
“Always The Sun” Hugh Gallacher 1986.
That’s what I want to know, everything else is just a distraction.
Just heard these dudes playing over the airwaves that ah huvnae heard in ages. if you were tuned in ten minutes ago, here’s another rocky one of theirs..
Just Between You and Me ~ by April Wine (from Nova Scotia)
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Cheers Alice.
Johnny Cash and Friends. link to
Here’s one for the angry Weetabix. I’m not really a fan of his but I’m told he likes the odd quote.
Roy Todd – Moved to Tears
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Listen to this reprobate, a man with no sense of worth, a cad, a bounder, a man who would debase himself on tv for some god knows reason. A scumbag, the very definition of a ("Tractor" - Ed), Margaret thatchers love child, link to
@George Galloway
You really are an ignorant wee troll.
Cameron I had seen him during the referendum and thought that George had sold his soul, but never in my wildest dreams did I think him capable of this! he started out in politics singing the praises of the IRA, now he is a self confessed ("Tractor" - Ed) to the country of his birth.
Andrew, he’s a man who does not allow his ethics to rise above his beliefs. A pathetic runt of a man, IMHO.
Reggae Rabbie….Brina
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A song I’ve played before – but with a different video…
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@ Tinto Chiel, I think the Edinburgh-set film starring Peter Sellers was “The Battle of the Sexes”, I remember seeing & enjoying it on tv ages ago. And yes, the lack of Scotland-set movies is something that needs to be corrected.
The more our culture is handed down to us through Hollywood lenses, or London lenses, the more we remain at the mercy of others’ visions. Other peoples’ visions of what Scotland is, and of what it is to be Scottish.
Yes occasionally it can be interesting/refreshing “to see ourselves as others see us”, but not all the bloody time, FFS.
4 minute clip from the film:
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hi guys. Can somebody please tell me how to add an avatar to appear beside my comments.
@Marie Clark –
Dundee Rally?
Anybody update me on whether this is going ahead this weekend or not?
David: just came on here and saw your comment.
Thanks for all your ferreting. Yes, that’s the film I remember. As I said before, films like this and The Maggie made me ask, “Why do we see hardly anything about our country on film?”
Once we all start asking these kinds of questions, and considering the answers, the game is up for UKOKia.
Is that pronounced You-coke-ee-ah?
C’mon, PR, you know the answer to that.
Coke’s black in Brechin and white in Ra Toon.
Get my drift?
No, it’s pronounced Yew-kok-yie-ar
Yew Choob got it right.
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Could be Yew-kaye-och-hee-are.
@AC: Potato/potahto.
Whatever happened to Dean Rubbergloves and his sister Marigold?
I’m confused about all these name changes.
Or even Yew-Kaye-Oh!-Kaye-eyeah
Paula R and The Artist Formerly Known As Thepnr: Yews are aw pyoor mental, by the way.
Off tae ma pit.
Cannae keep up.
Right help me oot. Getting different vibes. Alex Clark or Thepnr?
I’m easy, good reasons for both. What do you think?
Hi chasanderson200 at 10:26 pm.
You typed,
“Dundee Rally?
Anybody update me on whether this is going ahead this weekend or not?”
I dipped into Facebook a couple of days ago to see what was happening. The answer is ‘nothing’. Seems like all the typing about turning up onnyhoo was just hot air.
Typical Facebook armchair army…
Dishes out cocoa and biccies for the boys.
Just stirring ma Horlicks here, AC. Thought Thepnr had an air of mystery but AC has the ring of truth.
Whatever floats yer boat.
Considering letting it all hang out name-wise myself now I’ve retired.
Night all!
G’Night to you too Mr Chiel. I think I best stick with Mr Clark now or I’ll just get people more confused.
I’ts took me a while but if you knew the boss I’ve got and you hadn’t retired then you would understand why. I’m beyond caring now, been a long slog and likely a fair way to go yet.
Will be interesting to see how things transpire from here.
My rock’n’roll show on at 8 pm after ny “Roundabout” babbling on about things before it.
Amazed at the potential here from a wee online radio station that costs buttons to put together and can be listened to all around the world
@Paula Rose
I offer you some sweet coco in return.
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Threppie sweetie are you away for a while…
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Hi Brian 12:11
Thanks for info re Dundee rally. I may come over to Dundee anyway and check out some watering holes. See you at Glasgow Green in a few weeks. Cheers
Alex, as I said elsewhere, if work was any good, the bosses would keep it for themselves. I ended up fighting my own employers because bullying and intimidation was being ignored in the work place and it took a big toll on me, my family and my finances until we finally got justice.
The clouds lift eventually.
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Hi chasanderson200 at 7:21 am
“Hi Brian 12:11
Thanks for info re Dundee rally. I may come over to Dundee anyway and check out some watering holes. See you at Glasgow Green in a few weeks. Cheers”
Team YES bus and Taught By Muhammad are having a foodbank collection tomorrow (Saturday) outside Tesco in Murraygate, between 11am and 2pm.
Just off the phone with Ronnie Anderson. I’m meeting him there tomorrow so if any Wingers want to toddle along, you’ll be welcome.
We could always inspect the Counting House for a debrief afterwards…
See you tomorrow.
Don’t know if you & Ronnie discussed this or know anything about it, but there was a report midweek that there may be some kind of public celebration/welcome for the Scottish Olympians, and it specified Sep 17/18 as the weekend being considered. It didn’t even say if it was Glasgow/Edinburgh, but worth bearing in mind.
Heard anything?
Seeya tomorrow, Paula.
Hi Ian B.
Nope – heard nor read nuthin’…
@ Bdtt
Might catch you in Murraygate tomorrow if we can make some time before heading back west. Nae promises though, but, we’ll be at GG on 18/9
@ Thepnr have you got the big stainless steel Wings that we had at Seafest, Im putting things together for the Glesga Green event
@ Betty Boop n Jim I hope to be at the Murrygate by 10.30 looking to catch up.
@ ronnie Anderson
See what we can do tomorrow. A wee bit of business to get done here and then have to get back west with a delivery, but, if we can find an hour or so, we’ll call in at Murraygate.
Are you and Brian no at the Corbyn and Smith roadshow in Dundee tonight? LOL
Have you heard this ? Anywhere link to
@ronnie anderson
I think I gave it to Paula Rose? Can’t remember for sure, I’ll check my garage tomorrow and if I have it will get it to you. Hope to make it along for a bit tomorrow too.
@ Thepnr good I hope you track it down for me to display .
I don’t have the big one – but I will be in Dunders tomorrow, anyone got a map cos I’ll be wearing my bestest heelist.
Hi Paula.
Mind an no’ catch a heel in the tramlines – that could cause a cowp…
Hello Wingers , long time reader and now feel the urge to post on main site but came here first for some technical advice, being a 20th century boy and not great with technology! I have an android phone and when I try to write on the main site , as soon as the box above “submit comment” is full I can’t seem to get any further, I can’t get it to “scroll up” to make more space! Would be very grateful for any advice because I’d love to join in with the regulars here as there is going to be so much work to do in the next year or so.
Hi Euan Whazermy I’m sure someone will be along soon with some helpful advice.
Euan’s banner picture…
link to
reminded me of this…
link to
….which get me wondering about a lot of things. Tonight though, I’m mostly wondering why BLiS is still wedded to an Israeli state but is dead set against a Scottish state. Must be that British nationalist ideology they have immersed themselves in. Times are a changing though….
Meshugga Beach Party – Shalom Alechem
link to
Aleikhem shalom Scotland.
Just heard the news the band is getting back together.
@Gerry Hassan
Haben Sie Feuer? Haben Sie Feuer?
James Brown – The Old Landmark
link to
Wish there was an edit function. Is it obvious I don’t speak German?
Would this be closer (have you seen the light)?
Keine komplette Übereinstimmung gefunden?
Hope that wasn’t rude.
Morning CameronB
As far as seeing the light goes I prefer ELO, this one.
link to
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How does Scotland’s budget scrutiny compare to other countries?
link to
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The politics of regression
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Article from October 2015, some readers may find it interesting.
link to
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@Tinto Chiel
Links most likely stuck in wordpress [I think]. Will have to wait for Rev to approve
But while you are waiting
link to
Much as I would have liked to tickle the ivories, being a rock chick this ‘Beethoven’ is more to my liking hahaha
Nuts, I posted the wrong Blues Brothers clip. I had meant to post a German translation, complete with Jack and Elwood’s dialog. Anyhoo.
@Gerry Hassan
Have you seen the light?
Just testing my phone
Nana, you’ve been busy.
I send you this in thanks:
link to
You started it!
I think the original was on the B side of California Man, or maybe I was dreaming. Bev Bevan was some drummer.
This was just played on RS, haven’t heard it for yonks.
Get yer hankies oot…
Bain/Cunningham, ‘Kimberley’s Waltz’ –
link to
@ CameronB Brodie, 3:30am
You’ll probably never know! LOL
Please, though, keep trying unless you don’t like being up at 3.30am!!!
Julie Fowlis, ‘Biodh an Deoch’ –
link to
The Great Scottish Fuck off has only received three nominations so far – David Mundell, Murdo Fraser and Duncan Hothersall.
We need another 61 names, then there will be group stages and a final knockout round leading to a showdown on Sep 24th.
We all have someone we’d love to tell to Fuck Off, but there can be only one…
@Ian Brotherhood
Here are the Dundee nominations in no particular order:
John McTernan; Owen Smith; Wee Wullie Rennie; Jim Murphy; Ruth Davidson; Stephen Daisly; Andrew Marr; David Dimbleby; Brian Taylor; Jackie Bird; Danny Alexander; Andrew Neil; Neil Oliver; Sarah Smith; Kaye Adams; Ewan McColm; David Leask; Severin Carell; Glen Campbell; Mr Whites Mustache; Torcuil Crichton; Sir Nicholas Macpherson; Kezia Dugdale; Ian Smart; John Barrowman; Lord Foulkes.
That concludes the nominations from the Dundee panel. Goodnight.
@Alex –
Totally soo-perb,
26 names!!!!
That’s it well and truly up-and-running now.
Ye’re a star!
Hoots aplenty and thanks amuch.
UCD Choral Scholars, ‘Mo Ghille Mear’ (My Gallant Hero) –
link to
@Ian Brotherhood
I reckon those that fail to make the final 64 will be very disappointed.
Just had some late nominations in from Dundee North.
Eleanor Bradford; Anas Sarwar; Gordon Brewer; Laura Kuenssberg; Alan Cochrane; oh and Bamber Gascoigne!
I quite like old Bamber too, but there you go.
@Alex –
Duly added…
Aye – they’ll be pissed off if they’re not on the shortleet let alone in with a shout for the finals. Fucking narcissists always have to get their neb in.
TBH, I was a bit worried we wouldn’t get 64. Looks like we may have to extend the ‘shortlist’ to 128.
Up to wir oxters in BTUKOKers…blimey!
I’ve had an explanation for Bambers inclusion. He was one of the signatories of the 200 “celebrities” that signed a Please Stay petition. Who’d have thunk it?
Um for the GSFO shouldn’t it be just people in Scotland? Can you add that Begg woman and her pal the NF organiser.
Careful guys..we’re making ‘lists’, you know what ‘they’ll’ say
(fuck ’em)
Eddie Izzard, Jackie Bird, Ian Davidson…short list, but up there wi the worst o’ them.
Yes! Eddie is a contender. So too is Wheatabix face David Torrance. My own personal recommendation
Hurrah we have a list LOL.
@Paula & K1 –
Splendid suggestions. Thanks.
It’s only ‘me’ making the list, so they’ll know where to come if they’ve any beef about it all.
So far we haven’t had anyone trying to finger a neighbour or in-law.
If they’re not well-kent (by me at any rate) then they won’t be included.
Just to be clear here and to ensure there is no confusion. First and foremost this is a competition. Any of the 64 contenders can win.
Each nominee is equally in with a shout at the prize. No one yet is being told Scotland couldn’t live without their opinion describing Scotland as too wee, too poor and too stupid.
We’re only going to tell the WINNER that and it will be a democratic vote. Let the most mendacious win.
@Alex –
Aye, that’s the long and short of it.
Off to me scratcher.
God bless all Wingers.
No including Johann Lamont, Ruth Davidson or Effie Deans thogh cos they are friends of mine – we natter about baking on twitter.
Alberto Costa. He should be right near the top, a specially reserved FRO.
Fair do’s Alex… (though I want that sneaky wee git Costa tae get telt!)
Alistair Carmichael Get to Fuck
@Michael McCabe
Hey that’s cheating. We’ll have no cheating here LOL
Oi Alex where’s that wings sign?
@Paula Rose
Gone into the ether. The missus is home tomorrow and she will find it if I’ve still got it, I thought I gave it to you but obviously not. Quinnie Frae Angus maybe.
If I have given it away it was to one of the Wingers that have been to my place, small number so we should be able to find it.
Eek cos I’ve promised ronnie anderson I will deliver and I daren’t disappoint him *all tearful*
@Paula Rose
Not your problem Paula and anyway we have more to be concerned about than that. Flags, badges and other paraphernalia don’t count for much in my eyes.
What’s in the heart is what matters.
Here are the Ayrshire nominations.
Alex Gallagher. John McTernan. Brian Wilson. Brian Donohoe. Ken McQuarrie.
link to
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Public ‘trust’ in UK print media = Negative -51 points. Editors, hang your heads in shame.
link to …
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Have we missed out James “Chaos on the streets of Glasgow” Cook? Poor old Bamber. Think he’s only in because he was a quizmaster and so was used to get around the Rev’s Q-word filter by some twisted cyber seps.
Ian Brotherhood: Thanks for Mo Ghille Mear. Ashamed to say I hadn’t heard it before.
This in return.
link to
Many thanks Nana
Lots to mull over there.
@Tinto Chiel
Just saw your message, spent a good part of Saturday clearing out my inbox [articles galore] Decided just to post the most recent.
Bev Bevan – Let there be drums
link to
You are welcome Sam, hoping now that I’ve moved ‘house’ folks will still read the links.
Here’s one more for now
Scotland’s post-national nationalism
link to
Thanks all for nominations – now at 48 so it’ll definitely be a 64 pot.
Ticking along nicely…
George Galloway…yuk (put ‘im oan the list)
can I Nominate Ian clark Wood (GBE) FOR THE LIST.
Thanks for the Bev Bevan, Nana. I’d completely forgotten about that track.
That WP article by Swaim is actually pretty clear-headed and fair and could never have been written for our MSM since it’s completely devoid of the sneers, bile and venom which is usually reserved for us.
Hope to see you on 18/9 if you can make it to The Green. Will wear a homburg and carry a rolled up copy of Exchange and Mart.
@Tinto Chiel
Meant to reply yesterday, totally forgot. Was distracted by the thought that there were still copies of E&M around. How old is this copy? Have you not heard of ebay. I think there may well be a museum curator very pleased to meet you and take it off your hands.
Sadly I won’t be there but I am sending my accomplice undercover. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to locate him/her before he/she self destructs.
Clocked that one earlier and although flawed, its no too bad. The fella’s getting there as regards the YES movement.
At least Mr Swaim has put the effort in many of his peers seem reluctant to make and definitely bunnet doffed for that alone.
My nomination: Oliver,spawn of David Mundell.Nae Peace fur him! This is the Gretna nomination fur noo,mair tae come.
Ah wid like tae send sum links but ah’m oan a tablet so ah
cannie send ye’s a sausage.Peace n’ Love tae awe Wingers an
Nana’s wee fingers.:-)
Hi Euan Whazermy on Saturday @ 4:08pm
As you come near to the end of the input box, try hitting the (Return) key a couple of times to make space below.
If you then hit the (Back) key on your iphone, it may allow you to scroll the input box further down.
Keep an eye on your preview text, which is displayed below ‘Submit Comment.”
Let us know how you get on and Welcome to Wings Euan.
I couldn’t find a wormhole, so here’s one to celebrate the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route opening.
The Blues Brothers – Expressway To Your Heart
link to
If you are anywhere near Alyth (5 miles outside Blairgowrie) tomorrow evening, the Wee Ginger Dug will be at the Ogilvie Halls, 7.30-9. Looks like being a great night to meet old & new friends and listen to a great speaker.
That’ll be one of his warm-up gigs before the big one in Brechin in two weeks time.
Cheeky! I’ll be having words with you tomorrow…?
Unfortunately not unless I can get a sedan chair team.
Wanted: gallant gentlepersons to escort Paula Rose to and from Alyth tomorrow night. Sandwiches provided on arrival.
I want to add Gordon Brown to the list…the rev had a petition about it a couple of years ago…apparently he must have thought it was just a bit of banter…you know what those scotch chappies are like!
Well it wisnae! So once again…just do one!! Feel better now
Gene Wilder is no more I hear, sad. I liked him as I thought he was very funny and a decent man. My wee tribute.
link to
@Cherry –
Good shout. He doesn’t appear to have been mentioned so far.
And thanks to abody else – now 53 in the pot…soon be time to start the group draw.
Think I’ll do it this Friday eve, right here, eh?
@ Alex Clark I agree with you about Gene Wilder. He made me laugh out loud a few times. Don’t know if you have seen the Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother. it was the first script that he wrote himself and directed and Starred in. it is Available on you tube. Worth a watch. Hope you and yours are doing well. Lynn says hello to all you lovely Wingers.
@ Ian Brotherhood, for the Great Scottish Fuck Off, I’d like to nominate two of Scottish football’s shining lights: Stewart Regan and Neil ‘Cockwomble’ Doncaster. Pair of useless eejits, but still not as useless as the SFA bosses who hired them.
Also two of Labour’s ex-MPs: Willie Bain, for his anti-SNP “Bain Principle”; and Jimmy Hood, for his House of Commons declaration –
“Even if the SNP was right and there was a grand, great thing at the end of the rainbow for the SNP and its debate for independence, I would still be against it. If the Scottish people are going to be better off economically and so on, I would still be against breaking away from the Union.”
Think I’ve got some strong candidates there, fully expect to see some of them get to the quarter-final stage!
@Ian Brotherhood 11:11
The GTF list:
Any chance of showing an updated list so far of the candidates.
I have a few suggestions but the candidates are all over two threads at the moment and I can’t remember who’s on and who’s not.
Brexit threat to human rights
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Brexit exodus: Major US hedge fund bets on banking jobs going to Europe
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Who Controls the Money Controls the World
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@chasanderson200 –
I’ll submit a full list this evening, then we can take stock. Some real belters on it already, and some surprising omissions!
Hoots the noo!
Haven’t had much time to play recently so will look forward to the full list tonight Ian, although I’m sure everyone I would have suggested is already on the list.
Thon archeologist/historian guy, not Oliver, the other one who argued wi Tom Devine during the ref, smug prick…can’t recall his name? Him, put him oan.
@K1 –
Okay, will do.
I don’t know who you mean either so I’ve added him as ‘archaeologist/historian/smug prick’.
Anyone know his actual name?
@Ian & K1
Niall Fergusson? (not sure about the spelling)
@Ian Brotherhood
Can I nominate Barroso and Obama. Must be a long list to choose from.
This belter here?
Just double-checking…
link to
@Nana –
Of course, done.
Yup, that’s the one – should be on the list.
Just trying a link. Hope it works ? did-the-uk-miss-out-on-400-billion-worth-of-oil-revenue-keith-myers-and-david-manley-nrgi
Well remembered X_Sticks. Ferguson is just another cringing sell-out, hawking is shoddy academic wares to the Americans.
Behold his words and wisdom:
“When it comes to sport – and I do not count the one decent tennis player – Scotland is the Belarus of the West. In fact, when it comes to just about everything, it is the Belarus of the West.”
So, when you think about it, the Union hasn’t been terribly good for us, has it, Niall?
Cant do the link. Hopefully somebody will put it up for me. Cheers in Anticipation.
@Michael McCabe
I posted this link on Sunday morn
Article from October 2015, some readers may find it interesting.
link to
Ian Brotherhood
GTF list
Duke of Sutherland (well that f/n disgraceful statue of his).
Every statue of Wellington and his bloody horse.
Ditto queen Vic.
Hmmm……. maybe statues, memorials, carbuncles and effigies should be a separate issue for another day.
Actually I would be prepared to put up a prize for that one (a bottle of Tains finest!)
@Nana. 8:23
Can you check the link to English literacy levels above… I am getting an Error 404 message when I try it.
Oops, please.
Sometimes when there are pop ups the site won’t load. I got error message too so try this
link to
When you get round to toppling the Duke of Sutherland I will help you shove! Not far from Golspie and I’m sure there will be plenty folk wanting to help.
Link ok now….ta very much.
Now retired but used to live and work in Inverness with regular trips north. Blood used to boil every time I saw the bl%%dy thing – In fact I get angry just thinking about it and I’m a Dundonian, not a highlander.
The thing is that it insults Scotland as whole and would probably make good bottoming for a new road once dimantled and crushed (perhaps for the new works on the A9).
We could paint it in rainbow colours.
Aye you are right, good bottoming is all he is good for. A few years ago a relative was visiting and on a day out she asked who the statue represented. When I told her she could not understand how we allowed it to remain.
Until we have our own highland unionist clearance I guess he will stay standing.
DOS edifice,
Once we are shot of him there is a very long list of others!!!!
The worst thing about that statue is that it was raised by public subscription, much of it coming apparently from the “grateful tenants” or so the propaganda of the day went.
They know how to twist the knife, don’t they?
I suppose if we allowed historical nominations for TGSFO it would run to hundreds, such is our sad history of Massey Fergusons and Bambers.
Have we missed Effie Deans and the History Woman fae Embra?
Tinto chiel
Having raised the subject of duke of sutherland and several other statues, I suggested to Ian B that on reflection this could be one for another time. See my post at 4:00….. I even proposed to put up a prize of a bottle of Tains finest to whoever is first to propose the utimate winner.
Nothing to do with anything other than I keep hearing this on a crappy TV add and being something of an amateur cultural anthropologist/phonologist.
Duke Ellington – Caravan
link to
Chet Atkins & Les Paul – Caravan
link to
The Polk Brothers – Caravan Rock (my favourite)
link to
My favourite in a rock genera. The original may not go down well with the Rev. (no ear for jazz apparently) but it was ground-breaking stuff at the time and a good example of Orientalisms.
chasanderson200: yes, I saw that.
I like Glemorangie too and will humbly accept my rightful prize…
I havnae fired the starting gun yet!
Once Ian B’s one is out of the way I’ll post details.
Nana, I thought eBay was a drug rendezvous in Kelvingrove Park.
Sorry you can’t make it. Still wearing homburg but I’ll replace E&M with an MFC programme.
For your accomplice:
Watchword: They geese are flying high.
Response: And Venus guards the hornèd moon.
That ought to do it.
Ian B: History Woman was Jill Stephenson.
Am I too late?
(“Nah, climb up on the cart!”)
I’ll update and list the full list tomorrow. Too knacked, early night beckons…
Just looked through the list again. Can’t believe I’ve missed Alastair Darling or Gordie Broon! Does Jackie Baillie count as two?
Oh don’t forget ‘Rory the Tory’! Rory Stewart MP who was attempting to build a cairn that he hoped would stand 9ft tall…after his failed attempt at ‘Hands across the Border’, which would have needed approximately 100,000 people to achieve. 1 person signed up.
Here’s BBC Scotlandshire ripping the pish at the time….
link to
Oh yeah…David Hamilton, that thicko from Slab who stood up at their conference just before GE15…
Remember this?
link to
Yes X_Sticks, Ferguson…thanks…
Watch this total pish just before Indyref1 from Ferguson and a woman from some magazine…shameful partisan BBC propaganda..
link to
GTF list fae the Aiberdeen area
Hugh Pennington
Ann Begg
Barney Crockett
David Dimbleby
…and David Dimbleby makes it 64, on my list at any rate.
If we get late entrants, no matter, we can arrange a few wild cards or what-not.
Didn’t actually realise there were so many of the fuckers…
Can we ask Michelle (that aint no lady she,s a) Mone to put a couple of Cups up for the Winners.
chasandeson: Statues,
There is a statue of King Robert the Bruce at Annan town hall,
he is shown holding his sword in both hands pointing down the
road to England.
Nothing wrong with that you may think! but he is holding it by
the blade and offering the handle.Every time I see it the
SCREAMING in my head starts again.Peace,Love and Diazepam.
link to
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Angus Robertson ‘open’ to using independent Scottish pound
link to
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Some readers may find this interesting. The pink book…
link to
France rules out imminent EU-US trade deal, wants talks halted
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Insurers call on G20 to phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2020
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Smallaxe: I’ve only seen foaties of it but it does seem completely inappropriate, given what soft-hearted, lovely guys Edward I and II were and how The Bruce’s extended family suffered on his account.
Do I smell submissive Britnattery?
Or am I just a paranoid cybernat?
The Jim Cuthbert piece is interesting and of course he is right, the situation is untenable for both the SG and the Scottish electorate. The construction of the fiscal framework was and is a bear trap, deliberately so. Its simply been put into a limited stasis by the SG, who were left with little choice post Smith and Scotland Act legislation.
Basically, the longer we are attached to the union, the worse Scotland’s finances become and the more widespread the suffering. There is only one ‘out’ from this situation and hopefully the ‘off ramp’ from this madness isn’t too far away.
I read it last night and did not sleep at all well [nothing new] worry about just how much dross will be thrown at us. Starting already hauling Broon out of the crypt.
seen this…
link to
@Tinto Chiel,
You sir, like myself and many others are just Proud Scots,
and No buts! Peace.
@ chasanderson200,
My apologies, I think that is now two occasions when I have
misspelled your name.Peace.
# Autocorrong.:-)
Latest email from A. I. Proving Protest Works.Peace and Love
Activist and painter Atena Farghadani was released in May. Together we have fought the absurd charges levelled against her, and now she walks free. Thank you.
Atena released on appeal
Phyoe Phyoe Aung – freed
Thousands of you demanded the release of Burmese student union leader Phyoe Phyoe Aung, her husband and tens of other student activists. In April they were finally released. Now the Burmese government must keep its promise to release all prisoners of conscience.
Prisoner amnesty in Burma
Mahdi Abu Dheeb – freed
In April Mahdi Abu Deeb, a school teacher and leader of a teaching union in Bahrain, was finally released after five unjust years in prison. Your actions ensured his case was not forgotten. Thank you.
Mahdi finally walks free
Khadija Ismayilova – freed
After a year and a half behind bars for her investigative journalism, Khadija Ismayilova was released on bail, just in time to celebrate her 40th birthday.
Khadija is free
Thank you for helping make all this happen.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming campaigns tackling human rights at home and overseas – we will need your support more than ever.
Kate Allen signature
Kate Allen
Amnesty International UK
Supporting Amnesty with a regular gift or donation is the best way you can help us achieve our long term goals.
Your help will allow us to keep up the pressure,
demanding justice for victims of human rights abuses.
Pocket Protest – our SMS action network Facebook Twitter Google+
Everybody wants you and your links back on the main page,
including myself.Peace and Love.
As ‘off-topic’ has been getting some excellent plugs from the main threads, this will be very enlightening / entertaining for the new navigators (or short term lurkers.) Subjects such as Quantum Physics and Time Travel are explored here!
@tourists of Scotland
If you’re at a loose end, this weekend.. there’s a boat or twa sailing.
link to
Welcome to off-topic, you’re welcome.
Btw, there’s also another ‘secret page‘ nearby, where sneaky nights-out are arranged, but that’s another story.. if you ask Paula Rose very nicely, she might..?
Cookery suggestion #18:
When making a thai curry, try adding 2 to 3 rounded table-spoonfuls of Houmous / Hummus to the coconut milk sauce. It gives it a lovely thick and creamy taste.
That’s off-topic for you, hehe.
@ Smallaxe and Nana no – more folk should come here – it’s always nice and tidy and troll-free, just give them the link to the best social club in town.
Paula Rose:
As always Paula I will bow to a lady’s request,but I still think that Nana should come over here only to relax and enjoy the company,maybe even post some music links?
Peace,Love and Ladies:-)
I get your point – but this is a great place to sit down and have a cup of coffee and read Nana’s links of a morning.
Sorry, but no TGSFO list tonight…off to me scratcher again.
I agree Paula but I hope hope we won’t be thought selfish in
keeping her to ourselves.Then again… Peace,Love and links for morning tea?
We aren’t – Nana posts on here and some of us let the main thread know that the links are here – that way the main thread is not disturbed and regular readers get to enjoy the ambience of this delightful space.
Just saw the DR telly advert claiming to be
‘Scottish footballs greatest fan’.
They got it wrong again.
It should have read Scottish footballs greatest fanny.
Gods see these missed typos. You jist cannae get the editorial staff noo adays.
Can we do the footie stuff outside please.
That’s settled then Paula,links and morning tea it is.Peace.
@ Paula Rose am reading on the Main thread that Nana’s done the washing up in here, she to much of a asset for menial tasks I trust that you wont let that happen again.
Tsk – she’s helping me every day to fly.
@CameronB Brodie
8:46 – main thread
SOCRU – and did you believe the crap on the LA returns I used to send you????????!!!!!!
I came back from hols to a bulging inbox, had to decide what to post and as there was so many thought it best to put them here rather than on the main thread.
I sometimes feel I post too many o/t on the main page. There may be times in the months ahead when the msm are on full attack some overspill links may need to come over here.
Anyhoo links are on the main thread this morn.
@ Smallaxe. Hope you are recovering well xx
link to
@Paula Rose
Juke box playing ‘our song’
link to
Nana: good morning and welcome back,I’ll catch you on the other thread.Peace,Love and best wishes to you.
TGSFO, 2016!
First 20 (in order they were received) –
David Mundell
Duncan Hothersall
Murdo Fraser
John McTernan
Owen Smith
Willie Rennie
Jim Murphy
Ruth Davidson
Stephen Daisley
Andrew Marr
David Dimbleby
Brian Taylor
Jackie Bird
Danny Alexander
Andrew Neil
Neil Oliver
Sarah Smith
Kaye Adams
Euan McColm
David Leask
More later!
I played a pretty menial role so it didn’t really matter what I thought.
@ Cameron Brodie
This was the quote I received:
Kiss Cut on Sheets
100,000 – £1525.00
250,000 – £2600.00
500,000 – £4527.00
Die cut to singles*
100,000 – £1375.00
250,000 – £2472.00
500,000 – £4268.00
I should add Cameron, the circile diameter is 67mm.
Proud Cybernat
Thanks, though I’m too late to make any calls today. Btw, there’s no guarantee I’ll do better.
An opinion or two on your selection if i may Proud Cybernat?
link to
(1): My preference and the only one worth the effort. It’s short, says it all and sends a clear message to all who can read, perfect!
(2): Pravda means truth and is also a word associated with Russia and communism. This one will send mixed messages to different folk!
(3): Says too much and we shouldn’t be focused on telling them what they must do, our focus should be solely on exposing them.
(4): Featuring the words “Truth” and “BBC” together, no matter how it’s meant, also runs the risk of sending a subliminal association of the two.
(5): Just pish! Almost says Never a truer word!
(6): Another no-go as far as i’m concerned due to the fact this message will go right over the heads of a large percentage of the electorate, especially a very very important target area of our efforts – the younger generations.
That’s my tuppence worth and i’ll keep an eye on your progress before committing any further. Yours in support etc etc!
Batch 2:
Severin Carrell
Glen Campbell
Michael White
Torquil Crichton
Sir Nicholas MacPherson
Kezia Dugdale
Ian Smart
John Barrowman
George Foulkes
Eleanor Bradford
Anas Sarwar
Gordon Brewer
Laura Kuennsberg
Alan Cochrane
Bamber Gascoigne
Anne Begg
Dave MacDonald (NF Scotland)
Eddie Izzard
Ian Davidson
Alberto Costa
Some real contenders in there!
Further batches tomorrow…
Any more names, get them in before Sunday evening please. More the merrier! They canny win it if they urny in it!
Are you opening a book on the first on your list to get jailed?:)
@Ian Brotherhood
J K Rowling , Lordy George Robertson , Brian Wilson , Lordy John Reid , Muriel Gray , Frances Barber , Ian Wood , David Coburn ,Margaret Curran, Tavish Scott, Jack Straw, Tom Harris, Johanna baxter, Johann lamont and any Labour (Non Corbyn) MSP/MP ( can include Neil Findlay) and any Tory MSP/MP , Tim Farron, Alistair Carmichael .
My list could go on to infinity and beyond but I will leave some names for others as we are so spoilt for choice are we not.
Apologies if any duplicate names with other wingers on my list but guess so many want to say FO to so many.
Can I nominate Michael (Lord) Forsyth just for being himself and J. McConnell for using Scots budget money to buy himself a nice fur coat! George Robertson for looking like he wants to lick his own face and Ruth Favidson for being a tall Susan Calman!
Great British Fuck Off.
@Andrew McLean –
Splendid idea. So many to choose from…
@Clapper57 –
Soo-perb contribution, cheers aplenty.
Brian Wilson and Ian Wood have already been named, but the rest are newcomers. Again – you were the first to mention George ‘We’ve Nae Culture’ Robertson! A dark horse if ever there was one…
Now 87 names in the pot…
No one nominated Effie Deans yet??
In that case, I certainly will.
@kininvie –
Good shout!
@Lanarkist –
No-one else has mentioned Forsyth, McConnell (or Calman), so they’re all included now.
For some reason your comment appeared later than Andrew McLean’s, and he was first to mention the bold Robertson. Davidson was already well-in.
Disny matter – we’re ticking along towards 100.
It’s the All-Star BTUKOK Roadshow…running all those names right past you once again…lest ye’d forgot! An’ ahm gonny hufty get a bigger pot, eh?
Hoots all!
TGSFO? Are we allowed to nominate dead people? Dead turncoats?
@Stoker –
There’s no ‘allowed’ about it.
If the quizmaster/tractor in question is now deid then they have, clearly, fucked-off permanently, but that’s not to say they don’t still influence how many of our compatriots perceive the whole Indy debate.
I daren’t guess who you may have in mind. I can think of a few meself who haven’t been doing much lately apart from pushing up daisies, yet they still exert huge power over how some Scots view the here-and-now.
You name him/her/them, they’ll be in the hat. Nae probs.
There’s a fair few contenders among this little lot:
Map of commissioner voting on the ratification of the Treaty of Union. Voting Records for 16 January 1707 ratification of the Treaty of Union
Commissioner Constituency/Position
James Graham, 1st Duke of Montrose Lord President of the Council of Scotland/Stirlingshire
John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll
John Hay, 2nd Marquess of Tweeddale
William Kerr, 2nd Marquess of Lothian
John Erskine, 22nd Earl of Mar
John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland
John Hamilton-Leslie, 9th Earl of Rothes Squadrone Volante
James Douglas, 11th Earl of Morton
William Cunningham, 12th Earl of Glencairn
James Hamilton, 6th Earl of Abercorn
John Ker, 1st Duke of Roxburghe
Thomas Hamilton, 6th Earl of Haddington
John Maitland, 5th Earl of Lauderdale
David Wemyss, 4th Earl of Wemyss
William Ramsay, 5th Earl of Dalhousie
James Ogilvy, 4th Earl of Findlater Banffshire
David Leslie, 3rd Earl of Leven
David Carnegie, 4th Earl of Northesk
Earl of Belcarras
Archibald Douglas, 1st Earl of Forfar
William Boyd, 3rd Earl of Kilmarnock
John Keith, 1st Earl of Kintore
Patrick Hume, 1st Earl of Marchmont
George Mackenzie, 1st Earl of Cromartie
Archibald Primrose, 1st Earl of Rosebery
David Boyle, 1st Earl of Glasgow
Charles Hope, 1st Earl of Hopetoun LIKELY Linlithgowshire
Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine
Archibald Campbell, Earl of Illay
William Hay, Viscount Dupplin
William Forbes, 12th Lord Forbes
John Elphinstone, 8th Lord Elphinstone
William Ross, 12th Lord Ross
James Sandilands, 7th Lord Torphichen
Lord Fraser
George Ogilvy, 3rd Lord Banff
Alexander Murray, 4th Lord Elibank
Kenneth Sutherland, 3rd Lord Duffus
Robert Rollo, 4th Lord Rollo Stirlingshire
James Murray, Lord Philiphaugh Lord Clerk Register/Selkirkshire
Adam Cockburn, Lord Ormiston Lord Justice Clerk
Sir Robert Dickson of Inverask Edinburghshire
William Nisbet of Dirletoun Haddingtonshire
John Cockburn, younger, of Ormestoun Haddingtonshire
Sir John Swintoun of that ilk Berwickshire
Sir Alexander Campbell of Cessnock Berwickshire
Sir William Kerr of Greenhead Roxburghshire
Archibald Douglas of Cavers Roxburghshire
William Bennet of Grubbet Roxburghshire
Mr John Murray of Bowhill Selkirkshire
Mr John Pringle of Haining Selkirkshire
William Morison of Prestongrange Peeblesshire
Alexander Horseburgh of that ilk Peeblesshire
George Baylie of Jerviswood Lanarkshire
Sir John Johnstoun of Westerhall Dumfriesshire
William Dowglass of Dornock Dumfriesshire
Mr William Stewart of Castlestewart Wigtownshire
Mr John Stewart of Sorbie Wigtownshire
Mr Francis Montgomery of Giffan Ayrshire
Mr William Dalrymple of Glenmuir Ayrshire
Mr Robert Stewart of Tillicultrie Buteshire
Sir Robert Pollock of that ilk Renfrewshire
Mr John Montgomery of Wrae Linlithgowshire
John Halden of Glenagies Perthshire
Mongo Graham of Gorthie Perthshire
Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyes Kincardineshire
William Seton, younger, of Pitmedden Aberdeenshire
Alexander Grant, younger, of that ilk Inverness-shire
Sir William Mackenzie
Mr Aeneas McLeod of Cadboll Cromartyshire
Mr John Campbell of Mammore Argyllshire
Sir James Campbell of Auchinbreck Argyllshire
James Campbell, younger, of Ardkinglass Argyllshire
Sir William Anstruther of that ilk Fife
James Halyburton of Pitcurr Forfarshire
Alexander Abercrombie of Glassoch Banffshire
Mr James Dunbarr, younger, of Hemprigs Caithness
Alexander Douglas of Eagleshay Orkney and Shetland
Sir John Bruce, 2nd Baronet Kinross-shire
John Scrimsour Dundee
Lieutenant Colonel John Areskine
John Mure Likely Ayr
James Scott Montrose
Sir John Anstruther, 1st Baronet, of Anstruther
James Spittle Inverkeithing
Mr Patrick Moncrieff Kinghorn
Sir Andrew Home Kirkcudbright
Sir Peter Halket Dunfermline
Sir James Smollet Dumbarton
Mr William Carmichell Lanark
Mr William Sutherland Elgin
Captain Daniel McLeod Tain
Sir David Dalrymple, 1st Baronet
Sir Alexander Ogilvie Banff
Mr John Clerk Whithorn
John Ross
Hew Dalrymple, Lord North Berwick
Mr Patrick Ogilvie Cullen
George Allardyce Kintore
William Avis
Mr James Bethun Kilrenny
Mr Roderick McKenzie Fortrose
John Urquhart Dornoch
Daniel Campbell Inveraray
Sir Robert Forbes Inverurie
Mr Robert Dowglass Kirkwall
Mr Alexander Maitland Inverbervie
Mr George Dalrymple Stranraer
Mr Charles Campbell Campbeltown
Or you could just enter The Duke of Queensberry (1707)
LLF! Will somebody help oor Ian up aff the flare!
This has to be the wickedest site in Scotland – love you all xxx
@Stoker –
Okay, let me get this straight…
You want me to put all those names on the list for TGSFO, OR shag the Duke of Queensberry?
Fair do’s, but I’ll need some contact details for him, and I’m only available every other Tuesday.
Ian, my wee list, not sure if any of these have already been mentioned:
Tony Blair, Lewis MacDonald, Dame Anne Begg, Brian Spanner (does a twitter construct count?), Glasgow, Stirling & Aberdeen City Councils, Sir Ian Wood, Donald Trump, Mariano Rajoy, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Saxe-Coburg Gotha Windsor.
Oi you lot this is getting messy in here – be careful or I’ll be giving penalties and kicking you out (footie references – aren’t I clever).
Chris Deerin?
@ Ian Brotherhood
Sorry to disturb you whilst you are checking Stoker’s list to make sure all these folk were real, deid or itherwise.
I am a wee bit late to the party, but, if no one else has (and I haven’t seen them) listed them, can I make mention of:
Tim Stanley (Telegraph, QT and those really boring Sunday programmes);
Kelvin McKenzie (who cares where he inhabits);
and a very special mention for this particular septic tank of love for Scotland, the one and only wasp chewer –
Ms Jo Coburn !
Awe ma jaws are sare. Just put my entries as The Duke of Queensberry (1707) and the entire House of Lords (2016).
Better watch ourselves, PR’s about to slip on the steel toecaps.
Tomorrow is ours for the taking! Goodnight all!
@Stoker –
Noted, with thanks, as are all other suggestions.
Busy double-checking before the meds kick-in…but I’m sure we’re over the 100 mark now. Blimey.
(And please note, I remain available every other Tuesday…)
*checks diary for Be More Brechin event speakers – gets on phone to Ian*
I would like to nominate bill Matthews. BBC Trustee for Scotland
Ian Honey – I’ve got a floor here covered with list thingies and crossing outs, could you come and tidy up please – we might have guests.
Trying this tune posted from my moby.
Played it before and doing it again, hope it works..
Steps (along the way) by Pilot
link to
Good morning
Am trying to get my head around the various events of the 18th September… it looks like I can make it through with my wee girl to Glasgow. I am not a facebook person and I have given up following broken links to Scottish Indy Convention and the like.
what is the plan?
@ Stoker, thanks for the “Parcel o Rogues” kid. David Boyle 1st earl of Glasgow if of interest as his descendant was the top Nazi in Scotland pre-war along with “Taxi for McLetchie”s faither. We seig them here we seig them there!
My nominations are as follows-Jackson Carlaw & the plump,smug & self-serving Aberdeen Tory called Johnston.
@Fred –
Carlaw has already been fingered. Twice.
This ‘Johnston’ dude. I think I know the one you mean (farmer?) but can’t find him to check spelling…
Is he still in the SG? I’ll find him eventually…
It looks like the Benedict Anderson clip I linked to the other day, is no longer available.
link to
Imagined Communities Pt.1
link to
Imagined Communities Pt.2
link to
Benedict Anderson Imagined Communities
link to
Found it again.
The World Today: Imagined Communities – On British Nationalism
link to
Tam Jardine:
All I know Tam is,Glasgow Green,2pm-8pm.Wings will have two
marquees there.Hope to meet yourself and all other Wingers.
Peace and Love.
Evening all.
Have you ordered your new iScot magazines yet?
link to
Get in there!
Hi Fred, is this the fella you’re nominating?
Alex Johnstone MSP
link to
Thanks brother- will see you there. May bring my wee lassie who is not as yet a full Winger as she is but 6 years of age. She has pressed a fair number of yes EU badges on her child’s badge machine so she is well on the way!
Tam Jardine:
No problem Tam, I will have my wife,daughter and my granddaughter with me,sorry it took so long for you to get an
@ IanB:
I think that’s Fred’s nomination at 5:53pm (Dairy & Arable farmer).
The O’Jays – Back Stabbers
link to
Cactus and Paula Rose , thanks for your help. Have managed to learn to post on main site so hope to put my tuppence worth in from time to time. Still not great with technology but getting there. Thanks again.
Lesley Gore – You Don’t Own Me
link to
The Animals – House of the Rising Sun
link to
Well troops, i’ll love and leave you all with these messages.
Have a great weekend!
Mike & The Mechanics – The Living Years
link to
Mike & The Mechanics – Over My Shoulder
link to
Mike & The Mechanics – Beggar on a Beach of Gold
link to
Mike & The Mechanics – Word of Mouth
link to
@Stoker –
re ‘Johnstone’.
Cheers buddy, that’s the dude right enough. A face ye’d never forget, but I had ‘Alan’ in my heid…
He’s in, with bells on…
TGSFO 2016!
Batch 3:
Johann Lamont
Effie Deans
Alistair Carmichael
Alex Gallagher
Brian Wilson
Brian Donohoe
Ken McQuarrie
James Cook
George Galloway
James MacMillan
Ian Wood
Oliver Mundell
Gordon Brown
Niall Ferguson
Barack Obama
Manuel Barroso
Jill Stephenson
Alistair Darling
Jackie Baillie
Rory Stewart
Not 100% sure there is no duplication with previous batches – shouldn’t matter overall as they’ve yet to be sorted into groups.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how to group them? I was thinking alphabetically (by first name) might be about as random as any other way, but it’ll throw a few heavyweights together e.g. ‘Brians’ and ‘Ali/ast/dairs’. A ‘seeding’ process would take too long and hey, who doesn’t like to see an underdog in with a shout!?
Anyway, that’s 60 now posted, at least another full batch of 20 to go.
Still time to get them in – will close on Sunday night.
Ian Brotherhood
Batch 4
Paul Dacre
@Tam J –
Safely in there.
2pm at Glasgow Green sounds grand.
I am curious what the actual format of the convention will be… but I am sure all will be revealed in the fullness of time. I will gravitate towards the the Wings stall and take in whatever action there is. Will no doubt have to head back at a reasonable hour rather than the usual Wings shenanigans
By the way- for anyone who hasn’t watched Nicola’s speech I recommend it. I see why the yoonies have the fear. When she is in full flow there is no-one close
Tam Jardine:
Hi Tam,in your post on the main thread.Did you happen to
mention a friend of yours,and this fella,did you say he
he wasn’t very well! Maybe it’s my own mistake,but you can
let me know,a simple yes or no will suffice.
Peace and Love.
Sorry friend- my poor attempt at a joke asking Dave Mc H to hook me up… in poor taste perhaps. No offence intendended
Tam Jardine:
No offence taken at all Tam,and your taste’s fine, sure,I just
didn’t like the thought of that friend of yours suffering.He
should go and see his GP so he should.
One Love,and Peace my friend:-)
Any one familiar with UK Column News? I’ve tried a few times to listen to it but quickly given up in disgust. Their 2nd September edition seems fairly typical of the content.
I’ve got an ex colleague who posts this stuff regularly and I’d like to rebuff it but I can’t do that unless I actually suffer through it. Something of a Catch 22 situation.
TGSFO 2016:
Batch 4:
David Hamilton
Hugh Pennington
Michelle Mone
Marie Rimmer
Clare Lally
‘Brian Spanner’
Kevin Hague
Bob Geldof
Jeremy Corbyn
Alex Massie
Ex Australian PM (?)
Jackson Carlaw
Piers Morgan
Kelvin Mackenzie
Ming Campbell
Blair McDougall
Tom Gallagher
JK Rowling
George Robertson
John Reid
Muriel Gray
Frances Barber
David Coburn
Margaret Curran
Tavish Scott
Jack Straw
Tom Harris
Johanna Baxter
Tim Farron
Neil Findlay
Effie Deans
Michael Forsyth
Jack McConnell
Susan Calman
Bill Matthews
Alex Johnstone
Paul Dacre
37 in that batch, so all-in we have 97.
Whatever’s in the hat at close of play tomorrow, that’s it. If you can think of any really obvious omissions please get them in asap.
Hoots all!
@ Ian Brotherhood I have found the Winner. If you cant remember him ? just look through the Revs Back Catalogue (Quotes of the Day) His name is Jim Hood. He lost his Seat at the last Election. As he loves the Union that Much I like to think of it that he got his Marching Orders. All the best Ian to you & Yours.
Ian Dear I do hope you are going to clear up after this – I do not want to come across discarded yoons lying about the place.
@Ian –
Found the bastirt.. Tony Abbott… **phew, wipes brow***
link to
I preferred Russ Abbott
Hi IanB.
I don’t see that ‘other’ famous historian on your lists?
link to
Hi peeps.
Seeing as off-topic is quiet the noo, I thought I would take this window of opportunity to explain WHY the Dundee get-togethers ended up in the Invergowrie Inn.
The first Wings get-together in the area was in Jolly’s in Broughty Ferry in May 2014, organised, I believe, by Thepnr/Alex. During the early summer of 2014, my ex, who was working as chef at the Invergowrie Inn, hinted that their lounge could be a decent venue for a get-together, as the staff were almost 100% Yessers.
So I went down for a blether. The II is a local village pub but, because of its proximity to Dundee, the Saturday evenings are a tad strange. The go great guns on meals up to around 7pm on a Saturday, then the lounge is more or less empty for the rest of the night. The locals tend to use the bar.
So, any kind of ‘do’ that can get 20+ paying customers into the lounge on a Saturday night is welcomed. This lack of MOP’s (Members Of the Public) meant that we could offer musical/video entertainment for Wingers, rather than having to bear in mind the sensibilities of ‘others’.
So, on Saturday, 13th September, 2014, we had the first get-together in the II. I feel I have to point out that the Invergowrie Inn is a lot nearer to the city centre than Jolly’s. Some peeps seem to think that Invergowrie is miles from civilisation… (Just coz it has its own railway station, iye?)
Onnyhoo, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn of a Wings get-together at the II before the end of the year. With the usual independence-oriented videos we’ve had in the past.
Have a look at this video – it’s just a wee wander round the peeps at the get-together on 21/2/2015. You’ll recognise faces – and an MP!
link to
And this one, from 24/10/15.
link to
(Thinks… somebody from the Ullapool area can make it to Invergowrie get-togethers. Can YOU? [with a big pointy hand, for effect.])
@Croomps & BDTT –
Noted, with thanks.
We’ve got 99 now.
Come on – who can make it a round ton?
Jim Hood is the labour MP who said. even if Scotland would be better off with Independence he would still vote Against it. he also Claimed £1000 a month for his Second Home Allowance without handing in any receipts. I think he Deserves to be on the list.
Brian Doonthetoon:
If you haven’t already check out the Blindside Blues Band.
Peace Love and Music.
@Michael McC –
Nae worries – he’s on it, and will be the first name on the final batch, approx this time tomorrow.
Madly trying to catch up so have only checked your ‘batchs’
how about Ian Davidson – the prat wi’ the bayonets? Reckon he’s probably been mentioned tho’.
Batches, batchs? Typed them both a couple of times and now neither look right!
@Liz R –
Oh aye, Mr ‘Ye’ll be gettin’ a doin’?
If he’s not already there, he is now.
(So good we named him twice!)
@ Ian B –
Ta muckle! Way to bed now that Murrays’ won – whew!
Think I’ll just leave this here.
link to
Is there more to come? I haven’t seen Brenda (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth) yet. Was on my list..
In honour of James Kelly, MSP, first heard on a 45 (or was it a 78?)
link to
If this was on a 45 it should be played at 100rpm,that’s the
speed that he should be railroaded out of town!
Peace Always
Oh gosh – Beedeeteetee what happy memories of the Inverwotsit get-togethers, the second one looks as good as the first! Yes let’s have another one – I’ll email Natasha.
For folk wot don’t know the man getting on with making the badges is the adorable Pete the camera.
Michael McCabe: good shout.
Jimmy was a charming man who called a colleague of mine a “nationalist count” as passed his Better Together stall, except the o was missing.
All he cared about was his next Jag/expenses claim.
A man of no talent or integrity who personified the dismissive Establishment term “low flying Jimmy”.
We’ve got a real MP now.
TGSFO! 2016 –
Final dribblers…
Jim Hood
Tony Abbott
Dan Snow
Queen Elizabeth
And that, as they say, is that…unless we get any more before midnight.
Still have to double-check all nominations, but I reckon we’ve ended up with 100 bang-on.
Watch his space and/or Twitter for the first groups, in a few days…
Hoots all!
MAKE SURE YOU CLEAR UP BEHIND YOU – I’m sick of saying it I really am.
Ian, a late entry afore digging my pit, that speaker of the house chappy thingy, the no happy clappy chappy, am that cream crackered ah canny think straight but you’ll ken who ah mean.
Berk or Berkoff or something? Goodnight, troops!
Tried to play this last Night. Never Worked. Took my time Typing. So Hopefully Beth Hart- Caught out in the Rain link to
Just listened to The Westminster Hour on BBC Radio 4.
Presenter Mark Darsey introduced the panel of MPs for the programme (John Nicholson, SNP, Bernard Jenkins, tory and Mary Creagh Labour) Later in the programme, to bring up newspaper headlines for the panel, was journalist Anushka Akasana. Near the end the presenter asked “for a reaction from each of you” about the junior doctor strike. Only Bernard Jenkins was allowed to give an opinion. At the conclusion the presenter thanked Bernard Jenkins, Mary Craigh and Anushka Akasana, only.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but someone had to mention it!
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Thepnr for all his efforts over the years, and how much he gave in his declining years – which reminds me, many thanks to Thepnr for that fab Johnny Cash playlist much appreciated.
@Stoker –
John Bercow? Okey-dokey, he’s in.
That’s ‘101 Nominations’…who could we possibly have as Cruella…
Okay, it’s now 102.
Paula Rose: instead of badgering us about clearing up how about doing something about the stale Hobnobs?
Fed up with them, I really am.
Perhaps I was a bit harsh. How about some nostalgia as a peace offering?
link to
At least they’re on a plate – though perhaps it is time I refreshed them.
And the tonic, it’s a bit flat.
Anything else before I go to the shops?
Sorry, was doing the deer gralloching and got a bit carried away.
No, that’s about it this end, I think.
Fanx, and oblige TC.
And for all you spooks/BBC Scotland types out there, a message from Elvis:
link to
Paula, these Hobnobs are great…
And from the other end of the spectrum, for all you Laydees…..
link to
And for everybody else, ‘cos I’m getting royally pissed off with everything holding us back:
link to
Less tonic, more gin, Paula Rose. Cactus, help me out.
Ahh, that’s better.
link to
*Rushes in with gin and pile of punk discs*
Now she’s back in the howff, please try to engage PR in chit-chat or whatever – she’s been on Twitter trying to get a hold of BTP’s baws.
Back here,I hope,
The road climbs mellowy up (the diver was mellow yellow!) but
we travelled on, it was no use screaming,it would not have been heard above the purring of the car engine purring like a
a lion with its haemorrhoids in deep heat.I digress.
Houses on our right,colourful,bright for the most part but
made from I can only say is assorted bits of timber,corrogated
roofs and some with only a curtain for a door(This British Goverment had this Paradise of Poverty as a Colony For A Very
Long Time) people in the houses smiled,some waved,friendly people.Piccany’s,(young kids) some of the smaller ones naked in the sun,happpy kids,
No Dear I’ve been toying with his marbles.
Paula Rose:
Thanks, I feel better now. More Marigolds needed under the sink, btw.
Pandas are already endangered. Annoying them into the bargain is uncalled-for.
Och, I’ve gone all mellow myself.
Love this tribute to H Bogart and Casablanca. One of my faves from For Your Pleasure.
link to
I’m not annoying the panda *watches him wistfully as he staggers over the hill*
Och, no, it was from the first album.
Silly me.
Like this: link to
Far out, man. Give it a try.
@Paula Rose –
‘If you really love something, let it go…if it loves you it will come back, reeking of red wine and demanding the sofa…’
My first post got lost, the second first post is on main site.
must ski..make up a pot of coffee.
Onwards up to nine miles! as we drive into the little cluster
of houses,Bob”tomb is to our right,tall fence all round,big gates with pictures of Bob on each gate.There is a cafe just
20ft from His tomb.Rasta’s own the cafe,two behind the counter,soft drinks,coconut water,Cool.
There were only about three Bredren in the place,it could hold
about forty people.”Come in Lady” “come in Bredren”at this
time in my life I had 3ft braids in my hair,they made us both
very welcome and we spoke about Bob and his music.
At this time as we had known, the tomb area was closed as it was being renovated.After about a half hour a tall Rastaman
walked in for a cool drink,he nodded over to us with a smile
that could light up an air raid shelter and went back to his
Is anybody out there?
@ Smallaxe – Great to come back to hear about the Jamaica trip.
I’ve been watching “Dance to the Music of Time” over on the Channel 4 player (now that the BBC are charging for catch up).
It’s in 4 parts of 1 hr 45 mins. About how the English upper class got through the early 20th century, including WW2 and the aftermath of a Labour Government, when the Oiks got power. Ghastly, dear boy. Good for practising anger management.
Meanwhile – in the mountains of a former colony, totally oppressed by the British ….
Would you rather I just cut to the chase leaving out descriptions?
Nope I want all the description.
OK Paula soon com.
Peace Always
Aweright Tinto Chiel, here be an autumnal Monday night ballad:
Wise Man by Uriah Heep
link to
btw, looks like most of the people are Yes on the Isle of Cumbrae.. also, following the USA parade, there followed a procession of tractor vehicles with both of our flags flying aloft!
Gaun yersel’ Yes Millport
Independence ‘plus’
(Peace, Love, Understanding, Scotland)
The tall guy called over one of the guys we’d been talking to
and spoke to him for a few minutes,the guy came back to me and
said “Simon asks if you want to go through to Bob”s garden,I looked at him and said,”are you sure?” would it be OK,”Yah”man
he smiled Simon will reason wit you” I walked over to the bar
and introduced myself.”Come sit,Reason with me” so we went outside where he led and he stopped,made a circular motion with his hand towards the ground.
“Sit Bredren and reason with me” we both sat facing each other
and he softly asked me “who are you” “what do you think inside
yourself”I told him my beliefs what I cared for….we stood
again and he asked “Do you want to visit Bob”I said we would
be honoured,”Bring your lady, your queen Mon”/ Back soon
Peace Always
@people of Millport
I placed five print editions of the Wee Black Book in places around your bonnie Island.. I hear you have a crocodile there.. Treasure Hunt!
Cheers for yer hospitality.
@ Smallaxe
The suspense! But it’s bedtime for me. Will check back later to see what happened next. Meantime – here’s Burning Spear “No-one Remember Old Marcus Garvey”
link to
I got my lady and he took us over and he opened the gates,”Please” he said com see,we walked in to the gardens,two
small buildings were on our right one of them Bob’s last resting place.In front of the building, large white stones
spelled out the legend ..O N E LOVE. in the surrounding grass.
wipes tear,
We looked at this sadly Uplifting portrayal of Bob’s words
as they slowly engraved themselves on our entwined hearts.
A few other Rasta’s had quietly entered the gardens.Simon spoke to them and turned to us and asked”would you like to
come in and spend some time in Bob’s House” far out,would we
Like? I said we would very much like to have that honour.
Peace Always
Thanks for Burning Spear,try Garnet Silk
Peace Always
Hi Cactus,every thing cool?
Peace Always
On we go!
Gods of reggae – this one is still alive…
link to
link to
We walked up a likkle path and were shown round the outside of the building,small stained glass images on the windows,my wife
asked if she could possibly be allowed to take a photograph of
one,consent given,she took her pictures.The Lion of Judah now has pride of place in our home.Then came the moment to enter,
Shoes off, we stepped in to Bob’s House,inside was breezblock
wall to wall,in the centre Bob’s tomb.
Peaceful,powerful vibes are impossible to ignore here,we stood
quietly,absorbing.I had brought with me a framed copy of
Desiderata hoping that we could put it in the café,but I knew
where we wanted to put it now.I asked Simon if it would be
allowed and if it would be appropriate.He asked to see it and
I told him it was in the taxi(limo) Simon sent a guy back to get it.
Desiderata was brought to me and I unwrapped it and gave it to
Simon,he placed it on the floor and four Bredren studied the
words talking quietly amongst themselves,we waited,hoping they
would give permission to put it up on one of the walls.
The bredren arose smiling, they loved it,every word!OUT THERE
MAN,seriously far out,we were delighted.I asked, would it be
cool to put it on one of the walls,they had another quiet conversation amongst themselves and turned to us and said no.
“We would like to put it on the front of Bob’s tomb he asked
He Asked!we couldn’t believe what we were hearing!
It was put on the tomb.
Back outside into the bright sunlight,dazed in more ways than
one,we sat on a rock painted a long time ago in the Rasta colours,green,for the colour of their land,gold for what was
stolen from the land and finally RED,for the blood lashed out
of their ancestors by Babylon.On the rock Bob had painted the
words,Cold Hard Ground Was My Bed!
More tomorrow.1995 I go to live in the forest with the Rasta’s
and go to “Bob’s Birthday Celebration” if you want?
Peace and Love to all, who you have, and will Love
Hey Smallaxe, we good.
Lot’s happening down in Westminster yesterday.. I reckon there’ll be a special report along for us in the morning.
btw, did y’all notice how the PM when referring to us says, “people in Scotland” that’s so different to.. “the people of Scotland” like we say.
We’re objects to them.
We are Kings and Queens of A!ba!
Sovereign People
Of a Beautiful Land!
Peace,Love and sovereignty my friend
The PM can’t use “the people of Scotland” as such recognition of Scottish identity would clash with One Nation British nationalist ideology, which requires that we are British people living in Scotland. Of course, it can be argued that British nationalism is actually English nationalism. I think that makes us British English people living in north Britain.
Cappella: Burning Spear++ Smokin’
Paula Rose:Some lickin’++ Ska.
Michael McCabe:Niabinghi++Rasta”s who use Drums
Choice of Music* Skankin’
Peace,Love and Music
CameronB Brodie:
The PM can’t use the people of Scotland,
Peace Always
CameronB Brodie:
The PM can’t use the people of Scotland,
No longer shall we be Used!
Peace Always
Cactus: thanks for the UH track. Had forgotten all about that one. JL had a belter of a voice.
Would have replied earlier but got stuck in PR’s toilet. I’ve been telling her for days the lock was sticking and things have got a lot worse since Nana left. Strange pot pourri in there too.
Btw, Bute’s pretty good for insurrection/flying the beautiful Cross of Insurgency. You should take a trip.
@Tinto Chiel who says
Would have replied earlier but got stuck in PR’s toilet. I’ve been telling her for days the lock was sticking and things have got a lot worse since Nana left. Strange pot pourri in there too.
Missing me already I see. I’m pretty sure I stayed well clear of PR’s loo, far too dainty and frilly for me in there!
Smallaxe says:
6 September, 2016 at 9:07 am
Mrs Smallaxe has her Birthday today,I leave this for She:
I am but a star
In your universe
Through a Galaxy
Of wanting you
In an orbit
My need for you
For your warmth
So far away
Twinkling silently
But ever closer
I come
At the speed of love
Your perfumed atmosphere
In your heat
To your molten core
A dying star
Joyous life
Happy Birthday Sweetheart
Billy the Rhymer 1969r
Peace and Love Eternally
Smallaxe says:
6 September, 2016 at 9:16 am
Smallaxe says:
6 September, 2016 at 9:07 am
I put this on the main thread by mistake
They will fkn EAT me
Peace,Love and Panicking
Proud Cybernat
Early days but this is my best price so far. The spec. will need to be tightened up for a meaningful comparison. Then we can start the competition for the job.
Printed single colour on semi gloss paper with a peelable adhesive. Supplied on rolls. Price includes VAT and delivery to one UK address.
100,000- £975.00
250,000- £1930.00
500,000- £3350.00
You’ve no idea, Nana. There’s a knitted shepherdess toilet roll cover in there and everything.
At least she’s got new Marigolds in.
Better go, you know what she’s like.
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 6:39 pm
My wife and myself used to holiday in Jamaica,the first time
we went we were told that it would be safer to remain in the
in the hotel complex.Needless to say we ignored this advice and ventured out into town “Ocho Rios”and mixed safely and happily with the local people.To cut a long story short,we met
some Rasta’s.
These guys took us to their restaurant”The Jungle Lobster”
this was situated under a bridge over the white river,from that time on we saw them every year.I had became very friendly
with one of the Bredren his name is Culture that is his free
name as Rasta’s look upon their given as a slave name.
I went back to Jamaica,alone one year to live in the Rasta’s
place in my tent for several months in the forest,it was 1995
the 50th birthday celebration for BoB was being held up at his
Home town of Nine Miles.
In the next episode I will tell about this,if you or anyone else would be interested.
Peace,Love and RASTAFARI
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 8:50 pm
Sorry about delay!
We go back to Jamaica for September,booked in to a Hotel near the Jungle Lobster,decided to go up to Bob”s resting place at nine miles,taxi,cracked windshield,torn leather seats,it was massive,no two doors the same colour,Man…..A Jamaican limo,
A Chevy,luxery man…Anyway! The road up to nine miles is
just about wide enough to stop you freaking out,the cliffside
plunges down to what I must admit it, was a beautiful jungle
about 75 deaths below.back soon or soon com.Peace Always
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 9:38 pm
Back here,I hope,
The road climbs mellowy up (the driver was mellow yellow!) but
we travelled on, it was no use screaming,it would not have been heard above the purring of the car engine purring like a
a lion with its haemorrhoids in deep heat.I digress.
Houses on our right,colourful,bright for the most part but
made from I can only say is assorted bits of timber,corrogated
roofs and some with only a curtain for a door(This British Goverment had this Paradise of Poverty as a Colony For A Very
Long Time) people in the houses smiled,some waved,friendly people.Piccany’s,(young kids) some of the smaller ones naked in the sun,happpy kids,
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 10:15 pm
My first post got lost, the second first post is on main site.
must ski..make up a pot of coffee.
Onwards up to nine miles! as we drive into the little cluster
of houses,”Bob”tomb is to our right,tall fence all round,big gates with pic
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 10:15 pm
My first post got lost, the second first post is on main site.
must ski..make up a pot of coffee.
Onwards up to nine miles! as we drive into the little cluster
of houses ,”Bobs”tomb is to our right,tall fence all round,big gates with pictures of Bob on each gate.There is a cafe just
20ft from His tomb.Rasta’s own the cafe,two behind the counter,soft drinks,coconut water,Cool.
There were only about three Bredren in the place,it could hold
about forty people.”Come in Lady” “come in Bredren”at this
time in my life I had 3ft braids in my hair,they made us both
very welcome and we spoke about Bob and his music.
At this time as we had known, the tomb area was closed as it was being renovated.After about a half hour a tall Rastaman
walked in for a cool drink,he nodded over to us with a smile
that could light up an air raid shelter and went back to his
Peace Always
Current thread, someone put up lyrics for Dylan’s Hard Rain, reminded me of Roxy’s version, led to this:
Bryan Ferry, ‘This Is Tomorrow’ –
link to
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016
The tall guy called over one of the guys we’d been talking to
and spoke to him for a few minutes,the guy came back to me and
said “Simon asks if you want to go through to Bob”s garden,I looked at him and said,”are you sure?” would it be OK,”Yah”man
he smiled Simon will reason wit you” I walked over to the bar
and introduced myself.”Come sit,Reason with me” so we went outside where he led and he stopped,made a circular motion with his hand towards the ground.
“Sit Bredren and reason with me” we both sat facing each other
and he softly asked me “who are you” “what do you think inside
yourself”I told him my beliefs what I cared for….we stood
again and he asked “Do you want to visit Bob”I said we would
be honoured,”Bring your lady, your queen Mon”/ Back soon
Peace Always
Smallaxe says:
5 September, 2016 at 11:43 pm
I got my lady and he took us over and he opened the gates,”Please” he said com see,we walked in to the gardens,two
small buildings were on our right one of them Bob’s last resting place.In front of the building, large white stones
spelled out the legend ..O N E LOVE. in the surrounding grass.
wipes tear,
We looked at this sadly Uplifting portrayal of Bob’s words
as they slowly engraved themselves on our entwined hearts.
A few other Rasta’s had quietly entered the gardens.Simon spoke to them and turned to us and asked”would you like to
come in and spend some time in Bob’s House” far out,would we
Like? I said we would very much like to have that honour.
Peace Always
Smallaxe says:
6 September, 2016 at 1:10 am
We walked up a likkle path and were shown round the outside of the building,small stained glass images on the windows,my wife
asked if she could possibly be allowed to take a photograph of
one,consent given,she took her pictures.The Lion of Judah now has pride of place in our home.Then came the moment to enter,
Shoes off, we stepped in to Bob’s House,inside was breezblock
wall to wall,in the centre Bob’s tomb.
Peaceful,powerful vibes are impossible to ignore here,we stood
quietly,absorbing.I had brought with me a framed copy of
Desiderata hoping that we could put it in the café,but I knew
where we wanted to put it now.I asked Simon if it would be
allowed and if it would be appropriate.He asked to see it and
I told him it was in the taxi(limo) Simon sent a guy back to get it.
Desiderata was brought to me and I unwrapped it and gave it to
Simon,he placed it on the floor and four Bredren studied the
words talking quietly amongst themselves,we waited,hoping they
would give permission to put it up on one of the walls.
The bredren arose smiling, they loved it,every word!OUT THERE
MAN,seriously far out,we were delighted.I asked, would it be
cool to put it on one of the walls,they had another quiet conversation amongst themselves and turned to us and said no.
“We would like to put it on the front of Bob’s tomb he asked
He Asked!we couldn’t believe what we were hearing!
It was put on the tomb.
Back outside into the bright sunlight,dazed in more ways than
one,we sat on a rock painted a long time ago in the Rasta colours,green,for the colour of their land,gold for what was
stolen from the land and finally RED,for the blood lashed out
of their ancestors by Babylon.On the rock Bob had painted the
words,Cold Hard Ground Was My Bed!
More tomorrow.1995 I go to live in the forest with the Rasta’s
and go to “Bob’s Birthday Celebration” if you want?
Peace and Love to all, who you have, and will Love
Great story Smallaxe. Was the Desiderata the poem:
” Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.”
If so it’s no wonder they liked it.
link to
The very one Cappella, I came across it in 1972 and I have had
a copy on my wall ever since, I give copies to friends that I know will appreciate it.I can’t give you a copy over the ether
but if you go to YouTube,find it spoken well by Les Crane.
You may see copies attributed to Max Ehrmann,but when I came
across it,it said “Found in Old St Paul’s Church Baltimore
in 1692.
O/T later?
Start at 2:43pm
Next Smallaxe and the Deathly Hallows!
Peace,Love and Stealing book names.
Wonderful story Smallaxe, what a great honour to have had something you took placed in Bob Marley’s tomb. Respect.
I look forward to hearing about the Rasta forest adventure and Bob’s birthday bash.
Glad your enjoying man,just starting to write more,look in later.
Peace Always
Had a listen to the Les Crane video. Good song. I think the words are very powerful on their own too.
Another early reggae band was Toots and the Maytals. Popular in the 60s/70s.
link to
October 94:
Back home in Scotland,nothing much happening,at this time we
lived in a house in the country,nice place,small loch to fish
in,woods to wander in.I go for a walk most days with my best
friend,Kaya my German Shepard and Alec.
Alec was a large crow that I tamed but he lived wild,when he saw me and Kaya going for our walk he would fly down from the
trees and join us,usualy sitting on my shoulder or on Kaya’s
back.Many a motorist nearly ran off the road at the sight!
Especially if Mojo my white cat with two different colour eyes
came along.
Anyway I collapsed one night and was taken to DGRI with an atypical pneumonia,doctors treated and sent me home three times,my GP was going mental and sending me back to them,I was
a wreck,they finished up taking a chance and gave me a drug an
antibiotic (erythromycin) which they knew that I was allergic
GP said to me “it’s a pity your not in a warmer climate,winters coming,you’ll have to stay in bed or I don’t
give you much chance”.
Chance? he’s a very pheasant plucker is my doc.
My lady and I spent a lot of nights worrying what to do,then
out of the blue she said why don’t you go back to Jamaica.
Back to Jamaica? but my daughter was just about to start her
nurses training in Glasgow.
Lady wife and my daughter presented me with an open ticket for
London to Kingston Jamaica.She had arranged it all,my two nephews would come down from Glasgow and get me to Manchester
and fly down to Heathrow with me and get me on the plane.
NEXT: I and I go from Kingston to Ocho Rios. Peace Always
I prefer the words only,could do without the singin’TooTs! Yah
Back to writing!
Strike the hammer while the iron is hot,mellow moods have got
11 hours on the plane,slept a lot of the time,the plane does
not go direct to Jamaica,it fly’s up to Maine airport,Maine
FFS Steven King lives there it’s full of mad clowns(pennywise)
and wee lassies that set the school oan fire(Carrie)n’ ef knows wit else.
Plane lands in a snowstorm and from the air I could only see
trees,everywhere there was trees growing out of the trees.I
never saw the runway til the plane landed on it.
About an hour later we could all go back on the plane,it had
been steam cleaned to get the ice off it,go somewhere warm!
A’ wis freezen!
Back in the air. Jamaica Kingston coming up.The plane landed
and the other passengers (they were mostly Jamaicans going home for Christmas) started applauding wildly,Im thinking”wtf”
but joined in anyway,turns out,this is a regular occurrence!
They were just happy to be on the ground.
I had called a friend of mine who owns a sort of campsite for
tourists named Hummingbird Haven,the campsite,not the tourists.I had asked Audrey to ask a couple of the guys to pick me up at Kingston Airport and I would pay the transport,I
did this before I left home obviously.
Stepped out of the plane and the heat was amazing To was so pleased to feel the warm breeze smelling of of pimento wood
cooking fires that most people use there. Trenchtown…
Peace Always
Tinto Chiel ~ cheers for the reccy, I’ve no been to Bute in ages, sounds like the perfect place to visit.
Ah get a very warm and glowy feeling travelling around Scotland wherever and whenever I see our saltire.
They’ve even got a saltire flying from one of the buildings on GTAV (Grand Theft Auto Five, that is, for all you non-gamers.)
Anyone else found the flag before? Hint: It’s down by the buildings on the beachfront, near to the fairground rides!
Could you be Loved,say sumthin!
Two Rasta’s met me on the tarmac,”Indian” and “Pretty Boy”
they had a rented minibus to take us to Ocho,by this time I’m
feeling lousy,tired and just a wee bit emotional because it was cloudy IN the bus but of course I never inhaled:-) ” do you feel OK”Indian said”and we will take you through to have a
quick look at Trenchtown” sure man I said(the smokey medicine
had me feeling a large bit better.
Nightmare,Kingston has tiny little streets full of different
kinds of dwellings,some breezblock some just shacks,there was people gathered around fire’s built in the middle of the road
in some streets.
guys with dreadlocks standing in the small yard that most houses had.Not Rasta’s not real Rasta’s my guys told me “they
bombaclat thieves and rude boys.
Seen enough for the moment,I’d enjoyed as much as I could stand.Ochi let’s get there,takes ages to go most places in Jamaica there’s only really half decent roads in the tourist
area’s.Finally got to the bridge on the white river.
The Jungle Lobster is right under the bridge,my friend Culture
came up to greet me,took one look at the backpack I had with
me and said “no man,no tent””you not good man, you sick”
I finished up in a small basic but clean Rasta owned b n’b
for three nights to get my strength back.Culture sat outside
my door,he used to just turn up and sit and pray to JAH to help his friend.Then for a while he would sit singing quietly
songs I had never heard before or since.
When I left the b n’b we headed for the camp,a clearing in the
forest with about 20 to 30 small rough shacks of the usual type.the camp was only about 100 yards from a road but no one
could tell,from the road it was invisible.Peace Always
Have to chill for a while,start again tomorrow.Nine Miles
One good thing about music,when it hits you feel no pain!
Peace Always
Smallaxe, like here, you have many good friends in Jamaica.
Peace. Nine Miles is a long way to go..
This Web site is intended to complement this recent development in British historiography by providing an annotated sampler of Web sites relevant to the history of the Celtic fringe–Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Its purpose is to provide online resources for use in senior-level college courses on British history, from ancient times to the twentieth century, emphasizing the role of the Celtic fringe in the formation of the British nation, as well as courses on the history of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland for the same time period. The emphasis of the sources is political, while also providing cultural and anthropological background and pointers to sources for original research.
link to
Nine Miles is the Only Way to Go!
Did you see the poem I put here at 9:16am for my wife’s
Birthday today?
Peace and Love to you and those you will Love now and those
to come
Bugger:Ive been reading the Internet for years and I’ve just
read the last page,Bloody annoying I was enjoying it.
What will I read now?
Peace,Love and Paperbacks:-)
Smallaxe ~
Nine Miles is the Only Way to Go! Looking forward to the journey..
Yeah, checked out the poem earlier in celebration of your bonnie lasses birthday. Lovely words and best wishes to she.
I don’t normally do here, but to share.. here’s the first verse from a song I wrote many years ago about Scotland, called “Free Again.”
“If we could only
Then why don’t we
Only do what’s right
Do your duty
See the beauty
Look into the light
Cause I’m still wondering
What I’m gonna do
For I keep on falling over
In love with you, Scotland..”
Me, July 2004
Hi Smallaxe.
So, you eventually reached this page as well?
link to
PS: it’s late. Work later today. You ain’t seen me, roight?
Brian “Who”
Never heard of the man!
Peace,Love and Invisible Men
Think I might go Doonthetoon today