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Wings Over Scotland

Not quite getting it

Posted on November 19, 2014 by

Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale today marked the historic nomination of Scotland’s first female First Minister with a Daily Record column in characteristically sour style, which waited until the second paragraph before sticking in a Margaret Thatcher comparison.


It wasn’t until later that it got confusing.

(Actually, that’s not quite true – the very first paragraph opened with the line “I haven’t seen a coronation quite like it since, well, the coronation”. The Coronation happened in 1953, while Kezia Dugdale was born in 1981. But we’ll let that one slide.)

After a stream of disingenuous waffle that we won’t bother going into here, Dugdale challenged Nicola Sturgeon to act on three polices in her First Ministership:

“Take on the big six energy firms, forcing them to freeze bills and rein in eye-watering profits earned on the backs of working people.”

“Bring back the 50p tax rate for top earners, so those with the broadest shoulders carry their fair share.”

“Tax [bankers’] bonuses and use the cash to create jobs for young people.”

Alert readers will of course have noticed the small problem with all of those: NONE of them are within the current competence of the Scottish Parliament. Holyrood has no power whatsoever to force energy firms to freeze bills, tax bankers’ bonuses or change the top rate of tax. All are reserved to Westminster.

(It took Labour almost all of their 13 years in power to raise the top rate of income tax to 50p – the rate wasn’t introduced until just before the 2010 election and was in force for only a few weeks of Labour’s administration – so hectoring Sturgeon to get it done on her first day would seem a touch impatient anyway.)

Only one of the three powers even has a chance of being devolved to Holyrood in the forseeable future, so we’re a bit bemused as to what Kezia Dugdale expects Nicola Sturgeon to do about them. Indeed, she goes on to point out that:

“When Nicola Sturgeon says Labour is a barrier to progress, she’s right. Because the only progress she wants to make is towards independence.”

In other words, Dugdale is proudly trumpeting the fact that it’s Labour which prevented Nicola Sturgeon from having the power to do the very things Dugdale is now stridently demanding that she does. Which seems, y’know, odd.

Kezia Dugdale is widely (for reasons which we must confess still escape our ongoing enquiries) regarded as the brightest of Scottish Labour’s young minds. God help them.

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Jackie Baillie is widely seen as an all rounder. Bit of a tautology there.

Jackie Baillie is widely seen. There, that’s better.

Murray McCallum

Maybe its because the “leaders” of Labour in Scotland have shown no ability to lead, act or inspire on anything that their elected representatives are now travelling the TV studios to ask anyone for help?

Seasick Dave

I think she wants Independence but has missed the boat.

Seasick Dave

Is that her, “I smell shite” face?

No no no...Yes

Kezia is another clueless upstart who is more interested in promoting her own career than anything else.

Of course the readers of the Daily Broken Record will be in complete agreement with Kzzzz, as they don’t know any better. They probably don’t even know she is spouting from the book of Ed and the Labour 2015 manifesto, which is all irrelevant in the context of a new FM coming into post. But hey, don’t let any opportunity pass to make you look paraochial and self serving.

Kzzz couldn’t provide a single challenge for Nicola as Kzzz hasn’t got any ideas of her own. London rule the Labour party, no ideas allowed.


Suitably attractive pic of a toxic little harpie.

She has no idea that using these cheap attacks on another woman who is doing well just makes her look vindictive and blotchy. Even Daily Rancid readers won’t miss that.

As for throwing down the gauntlet to the new FM, on matters which are reserved, well, that’s just living down to the low bar they have set for themselves.


What a simpleton she is!!
Awesome picture BTW 🙂

Seasick Dave

And why is she wearing Gordon Brown’s suit?


What is it with these absolute loonies, surely she knows the FM has no control over those things. They just lie and try and smear with pish like this they are beyond redemption. That photo of Dugtail is slightly worse than the Daily Heil save me from the cybernats one.


Aye.. if Kezia Dugdale is the answer, the question must be incredibly stupid….

Steve Bowers

Feel cow


It’s just more of the same with Labour. Blame, blame, blame the SNP – and don’t forget to blame the SNP! All three of the candidates for leader and Ms Dugdale have serious credibility problems they need to address before the even think about being elected to any position of responsibility!


On this performance Dugdale isn’t worth Minimum Wage never mind an MSP’s salary.

If all they can do is lie then clearly they deserve both Labour and Red Tories tags.

Nana Smith

Seasick Dave says:
And why is she wearing Gordon Brown’s suit?

As the pockets are deep and large she will be hoping to fill them with taxpayers money, just like GB himself.


If it wasn’t funny i might have cried


Never mind Rev. She can always “Google it” as she was forever suggesting the electorate could do during the referendum.

Shame more didn’t as they’d have seen what a lying charlatan she is.

Jim Watson

Is Kezdug tacitly conceding that Independence is progressive?

The line about stealing labours clothes on inequality and poverty is obviously an indication that the pressure of running for branch assistant is getting to kezdug. For the avoidance of doubt, the new First Minister is against inequality and for eliminating poverty – can those in the labour party state the same because their actions point to an entirely different stance…


If she knows the Scottish Government has no power over these things then she is an idiot for saying it.
If she doesn’t know it has no power over these things then she is an idiot for not knowing.
Either way, she is an idiot.


I take it that Labour now support independence,because that is what is needed in order to wield these powers. I can see comedy gold at First Ministers Questions coming.


Maybe the SNP should bring the measures Ms Dugdale asks for, and other policies on reserved matters, to the Scottish Parliament only to have them considered invalid to prove a point about the limited powers of the Scottish Parliament . Another mechanism could be to ask for a Sewell motion in reverse, I.e., the Scottish Parliament legislating for the rest of the UK-that would certainly stir things up!

Roddy Macdonald

After Margaret Curran the other day, there appears to be a queue of intellectually challenged Labour quines lining up with their revolvers at the One Metre Pedicular Range.

[…] Not quite getting it […]


That type of writing used to be called ‘stream of consciousness’ when James Joyce did it. Not the Kezia Dugdale has joined the literary greats, it’s now known as ‘stream of incoherence’.


That type of writing used to be called ‘stream of consciousness’ when James Joyce did it. Now the Kezia Dugdale has joined the literary greats, it’s now known as ‘stream of incoherence’.


Silly Dug.


It appears Kezia Dugdale belongs more on Planet Hollywood rather than in Holyrood. I understand Babylon 7 is looking for some interesting new species of aliens.



Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, i give you…Skeletors Skivvy.

What a freekin moronic clown.

Words fail me, there’s not a lot one can add to that article.

Skeletor, Skeletors Skivvy and Slabber – ((((( BINGO )))))

Warminster here we come.

Chris Darroch

We should realise that these messages and the contradictions the encapsulate, reveal more, SLabour’s intention to bypass any logic and focus on fooling the sheeples listening and reading to the MSM propaganda.


Why spoil a good rant for the sake of accuracy.
Is it not obvious, given the own goals scored on this occasion by Dugdale, and yesterday by Curran, that The Northern Labour Branch Office are incapable of a bit of constructive and intelligent research before blowing their feet off.
What a pair of chumps.


Greannach says:
19 November, 2014 at 6:03 pm
That type of writing used to be called ‘stream of consciousness’ when James Joyce did it. Not the Kezia Dugdale has joined the literary greats, it’s now known as ‘stream of incoherence’.

More like a stream of incontinence.


Kezia Dugdale famously said she got into politics by accident and doesn’t even want to live in Scotland, her ambition is to live abroad and write a book.

She has no interest in the future of Scotland, that much is clear. But the gold plated deputy leader pension will bring the day she can move to a villa in Marbella that little bit closer.


Glad to see that Labour is upping its game, er…

Proud Cybernat

“… Dugdale is proudly trumpeting the fact that it’s Labour which prevented Nicola Sturgeon from having the power to do the very things Dugdale is now stridently demanding that she does. Which seems, y’know, odd.

It’s not odd at all. Dugdale knows exactly what she is doing. How many voters out there actually KNOW that these are reserved powers, that there is nothing Holyrood can do about them? I suspect rather a lot, especially aming Daily Wreckor readers. They’ll just take her word for it and anyone who says differently are just bad, bad SNP liars.

Job done. It’s cynical but highly effective and the best of it is the pro-union, pro-WM State Broadcaster and wider MSM will do nothing to challenge these lies from Dugdale and others like her.


Another healthy shot of debunking. Thanks for that.
Stu’, I nominate you dean of the political NHS for Scotland 🙂

Seasick Dave

Move to a villa in Marbella?

And become a furriner?

She has obviously not thought that one through.


Ms, Dugdale normally has this expression and uses so much of her brains capacity concentrating on keeping her expression within a normal range that when she has to think hard about political opinion her mask slips and she returns to her normal range of facial expressions!

When she introduces contradictory ideas and mixes these up with reserved matters and separate layers of beurocracy then…boom!

She really is good at one thing though, she can certainly channel through mime her inner spiritual turmoil!

Thanks Stu, fair cheered me up!

Matin D.

That sneer says it all.
Typical labour.


Funny how she doesn’t seem to realise when talking about Margaret Thatcher, her own party is more right wing than Thatcher’s government.
I’m not sure the penny will drop anytime soon no matter how intelligent she is deemed to be.

Jamie Arriere

Is that her “I smell shite” face?

No, it’s her “I talk shite” face – she does seem to be morphing into the Chewin the Fat cornershop wummin right enough. I hope I don’t end up in her freezer.


a classic case of..if you shut your mooth nobody will know youre daft…i should be happy that shes becoming a laughing stock with these comments but im not im angry that she thinks were so easily conned..or should i say stu isnt so easily conned


I think she is quite absurd.

Derick Tulloch

Christ – Plan 9 From Outer Space made more sense than Fifi.

What is WRONG with these people?

Grouse Beater

Less ‘thick as thieves,’ more thick as sh…
Well, readers know the rest of that gibe.

Mark Mair

Is she related to 70s comedian Max Wall by any chance? There is an uncanny resemblance

link to


Jeez! It’s a shame they don’t put pictures on the ballot paper eh?? You might want to put an “X” over it just to hide it mind!!!

Marie clark

Where on earth does slab get these people? Are they wee robots the keep in a cupboard and wheel them oot noo and again tae spout shite?

If you don’t have anything remotely sensible to say hen, keep yer mooth shut. And this is what wants to be skelator’s moothpiece at Holyrood. Nicola will eat her for breakfast.

[…] Not quite getting it […]


Move to a villa in Marbella?

And become a furriner?

Nah Seasick in the unionist mindset she would become an ex-pat but the Spanish would still be furriners 🙂


Maybe this bright mind knows something about the Smith Commison devo con, I mean plan. I just hope Scottish voters are not saying I’m voting Labour because Sturgeon won’t tax rich bankers bonuses. Referendum day BBC to had rolling ticker tape news that Banksters were leaving Scotand if…

Linda McFarlane

What on earth happens to women in SLAB?

No taste, No decorum.

Do they get a transfusion of vindictiveness blended with hate and a sprinkle jealousy ?


SLab have been confusing the powers devolved and the powers reserved to WM, since Holyrood began. Why?

The obvious explanation is the are thick and confused. I don’t buy it. Yes, they are often thick, but not on the scale we observe.

I think it’s an inevitable result of their London centric standpoint. It’s a consequence of the magic trick to make gullible Scots believe there is such a thing as Scottish Labour. Truth is London Labour controls all decisions within Labour, including the North British sub branch. During the 2011 Holyrood elections most of what they talked when interviewed or speech making about was actually reserved!

They see their role is to ensure powers devolved are never used to allow Scotland to take a path different from London. (The SNP screwed up that plan.) in their hearts and minds there is only London rule and London policy.

Tam Jardine

Kezia’s last line strikes me as odd, particularly as one imagines the first and last sentences of a newspaper article are given substantially more thought:

“Labour in Scotland stood as a blockade to breaking up Britain and two million Scots stood with us.”

Does that even work? I can’t get my head around the metaphor. One would surely form a blockade, or carry out a blockade, no? Her assertion that 2 million Scots ‘stood’, perhaps shoulder to shoulder is a flat out falsehood also. At a guess that figure is likely to be nearer 1.5 million.

Ian Kirkwood

The fact that none of the three policies Dugdale refers to are actually devolved shows how out of touch Labour are, in general, as well as in the details. Frankly, it is embarrassing and the Scottish electorate really needs to be aware of this. Luckily, it seems thata growing number already are. I truly hope that the trend continues, otherwise we are……..


She is just a standard Labour clone schooled by Labour for Labour out of her depth in a puddle.

Just checked DR poll.

Do you think the BBC’s coverage of the independence referendum was fair?

YES 8%
NO 92%


If only there way a way that we could have guaranteed ourselves the power to do those things from Holyrood!!? . . . wait, shit


To be fair she did say these were labour policies which the SNP had failed to back, although I hardly think 6 votes in WM would make much difference one way or the other! Different kettle of fish after GE I hope!

Kenny Campbell

Ahhh wee Fifi Frou Frou frae the Scotsman comments. Did it not come out that while working for the drunken lord Foulkes that she was personally responsible for 70% of FOI requests against the SG ?

Ability never got in the way of the Labour gravy train.

john king

Seasick Dave says
“And why is she wearing Gordon Brown’s suit?”

Its not Gordon browns suit,
its her daddies,
she’s also got his size 12 brogues on,
it jist a wee experiment, ken?


This was only the Retard. At least we can rest easy, knowing that,a competent BBCinterviewer would have challenged her onreserved issues????


I read these posts with a heavy heart ..why O why do we pay these supposed to be educated persons to Government posts when they really are not fit for purpose playground talk comes to my mind….wee lassies the lot of them.

Alex Clark

I’m ashamed.

Having your eyes opened to reality is one one thing but seeing the duplicity that has went on for decades is another.

I have voted in every election for these troughers, no more.

We need a new start, we need to cleanse our politics and choose who our “masters” should be. Leaders who will lead and work for us. UK politics has become a filthy corrupt business and the MSM are complicit. It is a dangerous road to travel.

I am full of hate for these bastards that pretend they are for the people. I will work hard to prevent their re-election.

Kezia, your days are numbered. We have our eye on you and your like.


Maybe she meant “I haven’t seen a coronation like this, since, well, Gordon Brown’s coronation.”


I dont think its a particularly Scottish problem It is probably something to do with having parties of professional politicians.

For instance from the USA about use of words to obscure what they are talking about
link to
Part of the problem is the fact that Republicans don’t seem know the meaning of the words they use, but the larger concern is that they just don’t seem to care.

Or from London’s paywalled FT on European politics
link to
Parties have prioritised governing over representing. Rather than channel the views of shrinking social groups, they chase the “median” vote. They are “catch-all” parties. As a consequence, there is less between the policies of the main parties. A political class has emerged.

Kzzz is just a symptom of this evolution happening in Scotland. We need to invoke our own Red Queen hypothesis to evolve politically faster to outgun this parasite on the body politic. Just pointing out that they have become bigger liars may not be enough

Ivan McKee


But has anyone else just had a petition emailed to them from 38 degrees entitled :

NHS: Anas Sarwar

Its to support a Private Members Bill to keep the NHS out of TTIP, and it contains this line :

“Votes in Westminster on the NHS aren’t usually relevant outside England. This time, it’s different. TTIP could pave the way for sweeping privatisation in our healthcare system across the UK”

Didn’t I hear the very same Anas Sarwar ridiculing such an idea not that very long ago.

Wasn’t the Gordon Brown petition also a 38 degrees production ?
Are they another Branch Office of the London Labour Party ?

Apologies if this has been raised before and I missed it.


A wee bird told me that Kezia Dugdale’s father has joined the SNP.

john king

There is absolutly no truth in the scurrilous rumour that Kezia Dugstail is the (love?) child of Jim (20 second ahem omelette) Murphy and Mags (stairheed) Curran or so a’m told by Duncan Hotdogstall!
No the real story is much juicer than that! 🙂


I think you’re giving her too much credit Stu by analyzing the assumptions underlying her wee rant.

Because that’s all it was: a reflex, negative anti-SNP wee rant, mixed in with some “Vote Labour” soundbites. As with Margaret Curran yesterday, Dugdale and company just spout off without ever facing up to the reality of their claims.

Dugdale and Marra really are two cheeks of the same bitter, twisted, hectoring arse.


scunnered says:
19 November, 2014 at 6:28 pm
“ angry that she thinks we’re so easily conned..”


You’re not a Rectum reader, are you?
But i get where you’re coming from. Just before you posted i was thinking about that very point – just how thick are Rectum readers?

They must be seriously thick, and i mean seriously, if that’s what convinces them to vote for Slabber. And i’m being serious here, i’m not just mocking Rectum readers for the sake of it.

After “the Vow” fiasco you would have thought there would have been at least a slight tightening of standards at the Rectum, but no, apparently not.

Those responsible at the Rectum obviously don’t rate their readership that much to allow people such as Dugdale to come out with what can only be described as salivating drivel from a demented clown.

It really is a disgrace and i felt myself getting angry, for the life of me i don’t know why, but then quickly snapped myself out of it – her mad salivating was not aimed at me, i don’t buy it.

There’s another point,
Is London aware that the lunatics are taking over the asylum?

Can’t be doing those plummeting membership numbers any good.


Kezia … Kezia … Kezia! Why don’t you just shut up and eat your cereal?

john king

Jamie Arierre says
“No, it’s her “I talk shite” face – she does seem to be morphing into the Chewin the Fat cornershop wummin right enough. I hope I don’t end up in her freezer.”

right next to the frozen yogurts Jamie
while she feeds her yappy wee dug Fifi bon bons! ififififfffff 🙂


Nah, they’re not blue tories, not even red tories, these Slab women, they’re green tories, green with envy of Nicola and sick with worry that their gravy train is about to run dry. They are so sick, they can think straight… wait a minute, they never have been able to!


Not sure if what she says is an example of ‘doublethink’. Maybe ‘nothink’ would be more accurate.

Paula Rose

Um – I presume these three items will be part of the SLAB manifesto come the GE?


Vultus est index animi, as the old Latin proverb puts it – The face is the index of the mind (or soul).

No one can help not having a pretty face, but these repulsive Labour females – Baillie, Lamont, Curran and this one here – have bitterness and spite writ large all over their pans. Their expressions, their thoughts and their words are corrosive, and that has twisted them beyond redemption. Their ugliness comes from within.

john king

mcsean says
” I can see comedy gold at First Ministers Questions coming.”

I imagine Nicola’s already fished out her mans bra and sussies barbecue apron already! 🙂


She obviously wrote this on a day when her wifi wasn’t working & she couldn’t check her facts on Google. #shucks


@ Ivan McKee

That petition appears to have been customized so that each recipient gets one addressed specifically to their own MP, ahead of a vote on Friday.

I un-subscribed from 38 degrees after the Brown debacle, but saw the version for my constituency on someone’s Twitter.

I assume that all their contacts will get one, not just those who have Labour MPs, but it is nevertheless also possible that your suggestion is correct and they are just a Labour front. They would deny this, of course, and the blog which someone linked to fairly recently accusing them of this is a woeful effort from a self-confessed Tory whose arguments don’t, in my view, support his contention. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s entirely wrong.

john king

Cyincalhighlander says
“Just checked DR poll.

Do you think the BBC’s coverage of the independence referendum was fair?

YES 8%
NO 92%”

Murphy says
“See, didn’t we tell you that?”

James Caithness

Mosstrooper says:
19 November, 2014 at 5:44 pm
Jackie Baillie is widely seen as an all rounder. Bit of a tautology there.

Jackie Baillie is widely seen. There, that’s better.


Mosstrooper you are correct on two counts she is WIDE and definitely an all-rounder. She could surround a house or if she fell down would be useful as a roundabout.
Dugdale is just as lacking in grace and class, and more stupid than Baillie.

Betty Boop

Right, remind me, why are we paying her?

I reckon the first thing Nicola should do is make it compulsory that any MSP who wastes time by making policy demands about matters which are reserved to WM, whether through ignorance or malice, is sacked on the spot for being unfit for the job.

That’ll clear a lot of seats to make room for some talent.


mad dogs (CUR ran & DUG dale)and englishmen go out in the midday sun


Maybe she’s seen the Smith commission recommendations and these are to be devolved to Holyrood?! Nah – she’s just a numptie displaying yet again a breathtaking level of ignorance of Scottish affairs – somewhat worrying in an elected representative!

Bob Mack

From my point of view it does not matter anymore if little venomous creatures like this told me Nicola Sturgeon shoplifted at Aldis and then produced twenty witnesses who saw it happen. I could not now or ever again believe one word which came out their mouth. My day was made today when someone knocked my door and lo and behold stood a NO campaigner with whom I had a major argument at the door primarily about oil i.e. hidden discoveries and the part Saudi Arabia was playing to lower the oil price, and Sir Ian Wood deliberately lying to the Scottish people. At the time he called me a conspiracy theorist and was lucky to escape being clocked on the doorstep. Well damn me if he did not say sorry and informed me that in future he would seriously rethink his vote. BLISS!!! Forgiven


“Alert readers will of course have noticed the small problem with all of those: NONE of them are within the current competence of the Scottish Parliament.”

Which just goes to show how completely incompetent and ignorant Dugdale is of the powers and competence of the parliament she is a member of.

Kevin Greenan

So Salmond giving way to his deputy is a coronation? Erm Gordon Brown was handed the Premiership after his only challenger failed to secure enough nominations to get on the ballot. An election with only one candidate? That’s democracy worthy of Saddam Hussein.

arthur thomson

It may be that the point of her comments on matters outside of Holyrood’s remit is deliberate. She may have been told to put forward these arguments as part of a campaign that says there is no point in voting SNP because only Labour and the Tories can influence these matters. We need to have an answer to that.


Pity the Daily Record do not have any journalists competent in politics and constitutional matters to save them the embarrassment of publishing such big mistakes. Perhaps the editor should employ,even on part time,a political journalist.Just saying!

Ivan McKee

@ crazycat

Thanks for the clarification.

john king

Is she squeezing wan aff?


A first class numpty. Role on FM questions, I will need to get in plenty of snacks, it’s going to be fun.


@ Bob Mack, nice story, and at least he had the guts to come round.


But has anyone else just had a petition emailed to them from 38 degrees entitled :

I did. Takes me back though, to a fine September evening in Aberdeen where I watched BBC in Scotland region vote NO pin up girl and all round nutcase Jacky Bird, tell evil AlicSamin with tired but patient head shaking exasperation, “ofcourse the NHS won’t be privatised you wretched little man” Good times. Thanks again proud Scots buts.


It’s obvious it hurts you quite a bit.
You’ve mentioned it a few times.

Stop beating yourself up about it.
You can’t be held responsible for the
actions of these filthy red tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

You didn’t make them what they are.
It’s their career choice.

Besides, you’re doing the right thing now, eh!


Is 82 comments enough?
O/T from Rev’s twitter feed
“Role: General Secretary – Scotland Salary: £54,016.30 + £2,249 Location: Scottish Labour Party HQ Glasgow”

As an East Coaster (hon), I see they have to pay £2000 extra to get people to live in the dear green place 😀

Willie Galbraith

Oh dear Jesus ……..this gets funnier and funnier.
The really funny thing is the ease with which NicNic will embarrass her……..
Clueless does not even come close.

arthur thomson

I don’t think that the comments attributed to this woman were her own thoughts. I reckon London Labour now has the SLABS under tight control. All comments will be vetted by London and most will have been written by their script writers. They have had time to at least start to clear up the shambles in their North British office and I don’t doubt that behind the scenes it is a much tighter ship.

Dr Jim

Being an opposition party is always easier when you are under no obligation to implement or in fact even justify the nonsense that comes out of your mouth especially when you have either the compliant print media’s support or the State Broadcaster in your pocket, let alone the detritus that are the so called journalist’s in our country. Although we should in fact all be used to the levels they sink to, somehow their abuse of the people of Scotland seems to know no bounds…I should mention STV who have at times seemed to attempt correct neutrality, but all to often have fallen short by their omissions to challenge many of the outright lies allowed to pass. In this failing it makes them complicit as much as an unhelpfull bystander at a road accident…Too much?…I think not STV…Time to grow a pair and become part of Scotland’s solution and keep the respect of your viewers…I dont often get this serious on Wings, so i’ll stop before i become boring…

Walter Burt

Looks like ‘Patronising BT woman’.


…I think she is the brightest. That is why supporters should be worried.

Moira Currie

Just let’s say I knew her when she was a wee lassie. ‘Nuff said

john king

Jimbo says
“Which just goes to show how completely incompetent and ignorant Dugdale is of the powers and competence of the parliament she is a member of.”

lets not forget who is reporting her rubbish!
can you imagine a stampede of Scottish journalists beating a path to her door to ask her to explain her idiocy?


@ Stu (7.22pm)


wingman 2020

Labour… Quite simply the party of stupid.

Dogdale – If it looks stupid, sounds stupid and acts stupid …Its probably stupid.

r baxter

labour trained demented parrot over feed liebor nuts.

iain taylor (not that one)

It’s intentional. They did it in the referendum campaign too.
Demand the ScotGov sorts out a WM mess which Holyrood doesn’t have power over (eg bedroom tax).
Then criticise ScorGov for not fixing it.
MSM plays along.
What does Joe (55%) Public think?


I thought Kezia Dugdale was going on about leaving Scotland, and how she did not want to be involved in politics in 10 years? As for her comments: standard SLAB drone talk, no ideas, on vision, no integrity, no principles whatsoever.

David Agnew

she is simply working to the prepared script. Even if you were to bring up the fact that had they been in charge, they could have done nothing about this themselves, unless they go their UK party to do it for them. She would hum and haw and waffle endlessly, much the same way Findlay did on Sunday, much the same way Lamont did.

Even as the polls increasingly show the ass kicking they will be on the receiving end of, she and her party have decided the best approach is to continue thumping the same old tubs, expecting something different to happen.

Its what lost them Holyrood in 2007 and again in 2010. Despite all they could throw at us, they could barely manage more than half during the indy ref. They didn’t settle it for a generation, they only kicked it down the road to 2016. Without real powers – there is literally nothing they can offer. Since their hatred of the SNP has led them to triangulate a party they have vilified for the past 50 years, they are just digging a deeper hole for themselves.

The Scottish branch of UK labour is increasingly irrelevant. By sending Murphy, I think Miliband realised this himself. Miliband needs Scottish resources, but he only needs England’s voters to secure it. The charade that Scotland meant more than a pocket to be dipped is beginning to slip. They needed something to keep Scotland on board, but Scottish labour ain’t up to it. The tragedy; for unionists, is that neither miliband nor any other UK party are in a position to find a remedy to it.

The next 7 years are going to be very interesting. I thought I would be pretty miserable being stuck in the union. But now I get a front seat as it destroys itself. Just hope we don’t take too many hits ourselves.

wingman 2020

“Take on the big six energy firms, forcing them to freeze bills and rein in eye-watering profits earned on the backs of working people.”

“Bring back the 50p tax rate for top earners, so those with the broadest shoulders carry their fair share.”

“Tax [bankers’] bonuses and use the cash to create jobs for young people.”

Perhaps this is to show the contrast with London Labour …. They could do it if they get in power. Is it to make a very silly point? Why vote for NS since the SNP cannot change the important things?

In other words another angle on the old Labour trope… vote for us we are the party of the poor against the rich.

Interesting thing is Milliband and Balls have threatened to Tax the Bankers bonus 13 times and spend it on thirteen different things.


@ Seasick Dave 5:49pm..

hahahahahah exactly what i was thinking.. Dead ringer for that character.

Ever time I hear anyone from the UK Branch of Labour in Scotland, they just open their mooths and let their bellies rumble.

As you always say Stu it’s all just SNP BAD..

Sounding like some monosyllabic jungle creature

wingman 2020

Dugdale applied for a job at the SNP but was rejected.

Brian Powell

Is it because she is thick, or knows she can write utter shite and it won’t be challenged by anyone in the MSM or BBC.

r baxter

where do liebor train their parrots.

David Stevenson

Dear Handclapping, can I suggest that Labour’s new Gen Sec for North Britain will need the extra because he/she will be surrounded by hostile Yes voters…..

john king

jimnarlene says
“A first class numpty. Role on FM questions, I will need to get in plenty of snacks, it’s going to be fun.”

Watch Scotland’s obesity index go through the roof! 🙂

Ian Mackay

@Chris 6.01pm

What a brilliant idea! Use the Scottish Parliament to demand the powers from Westminster to force down energy bills; tax bankers; and implement a 50p income tax rate.

Watch Kezia and the rest of Labour squirm as they are suddenly caught between their empty rhetoric and their hard Unionism… and doubtless have to vote against Kezia’s own challenges.

Surely Kezia must have known these were reserved powers? Are all No voters this confused; or is this just a ploy to keep the Daily Record readers confused?

Bob Mack

Will try again .Last post disappeared.
At deputy Labour debate each declared that they would stop focusing on attacking S.N.P. and instead further the intent of Labour policy. The rest of the show they attacked S.N.P. Jackie Bailie gave graceless and grudging “praise” to Nicola for being a woman. Dugdale lets rip at S.N.P. Anwar warns vote for S.N.P. is Tory vote.
These people do not realise that their hatred has become pathological, and as such will destroy them from within. I could not tell you what they stand for. In order to find out I suppose I would only have to look up S.N..P policy and reverse it.

Bob Mack

Will try again .Last post disappeared.
At deputy Labour debate each declared that they would stop focusing on attacking S.N.P. and instead further the intent of Labour policy. The rest of the show they attacked S.N.P. Jackie Bailie gave graceless and grudging “praise” to Nicola for being a woman. Dugdale lets rip at S.N.P. Anwar warns vote for S.N.P. is Tory vote.
These people do not realise that their hatred has become pathological, and as such will destroy them from within. I could not tell you what they stand for. In order to find out I suppose I would only have to look up S.N..P policy and reverse it.


@David Stevenson 🙂

john king

Arthur Thompson says
” I don’t doubt that behind the scenes it is a much tighter ship.”

like this you mean
link to


In yesterday’s blog, Wee Ginger Dog commented that mud slinging has been Labour’s substitute for politics. It’s amazing they have the capacity left even for that, what with shot up feet, giant chips the size of the Grand Canyon on their shoulders, noses in troughs, fingers in a multitude of dodgy pies, heeds full o’ mince and eyes on the main chance. What a picture 🙂

I truly despair. Someone on a previous thread quoted a passage from a newspaper where the contributor likened Scotland under the SNP to North Korea. I suggest SLAB and a lot of their supporters would fit in rather well there. Automatons worshipping at the feet of Jim Jong-Un, or Jim Wrong-Un, maybe.

Now's the Hour

Dugtail has the intellectual capacity of a worm’s fart. Nikki will fillet her at FMQs.

No no no...Yes

Compare and contrast Kezia with our new First Minister, who gets Scotland completely:

link to

“Nicola Sturgeon is once again showcasing Scottish design talent as she becomes First Minster today.

“The newly elected First Minister wore a dress made by independent women’s wear fashion label and boutique Totty Rocks. Based in Bruntsfield in Edinburgh, Totty Rocks is owned by Lynsey Blackburn and Holly Mitchell – both graduates of Edinburgh College of Art.

“All of the Totty Rocks products are designed and produced in Scotland and the brand offers a unique, fashion-forward range of Scottish hand-made clothing.”

Jim Mitchell

Don’t lets forget the old Labour mantra though, which is faithfully executed by their media chums, namely don#t let the truth get in the way of a good story!


A question:

Just read on one of the other Websites that Ruth Davidson had also stated her case to be First Minister.

I take it from that when a First Minister resigns or when a new Parliament sits after an election, that it may be possible to have First Minister and Deputy First Minister from the opposition?

I did not know that.

That wouild make a very intersting scenario.


After reading this my friend has pointed out that a lie repeated is a lie with legs: and this has that potential since many people may not realise that these things are not devolved

It is his suggestion that the SNP should issue a press release, couched in very strong language,pointing this out. Words like “drivel” and “ignorant” and such like.

We have no control over the media, but my friend suggests that language like that is likely to be widely reported simply because it is both true and sensationalist.

I am inclined to agree.

What do folk think? It works for this site in helping to attract an audience. Isn’t it time we stopped refraining from pointing out such nonsense for what it is, in the MSM? Is it not possible the SNP could get a platform if they were blunt at least on this occasion?


Kezia is the very definition of political lightweight.

I’m assuming the Haka face is to frighten the opposition as she realises the political philosophy will have little impact


How in the name of the wee man can we encourage women to work hard to attain higher positions like Nicola Sturgeon, when Kezia is given space to spout out such rubbish?

Promoted beyond capability…

Bob Mack

Just a point to make as I was reading through these posts. We have certainly covered the expenses and their salaries, but remember also ,and I know this is true that many of these Westminster M.P.S are paid handsome retainers as advisors to various companies AND ARE ALSO GIVEN SHARE ENTITLEMENTS .They are not all Tory M.Ps either. They all sit on committees and have great influence as lobbyists . What we have seen so far is the tip of a very large iceberg hidden from view.


link to

Can’t post this time so response is linked above


Re 38 degrees, I have just received the latest in the Nick Robinson farce. I would say that the BBC are very much squirming on this one. The knife is going in.

Have a look: –

link to

Grizzle McPuss

Replace Kissy’s face with Ed Adenoids face (yeah I know, not much of an improvement on the gormless scale) and…

TA-DA…WM Labour manifesto-speak for GE2015.

This is all we get from Ed these days, the three policies of the apocalypse…energy bills freeze, income tax top-rate increased and banker’s bonuses reined in.

Now which party could potentially deliver all three for Scotland?

Ah the games…the games


@Fiona @ 8.24, SNP seem to have a deliberate policy of being polite, and making the case without recourse to beating up on their opponents – unless in direct contact, such as a debate.

I speak as a new SNP member, sitting at a branch meeting with other newbies, feeling like we want to put the boot in to Labour whilst they are down, and listening to something much more polite from the elder SNP.

No no no...Yes

O/T but still on the Labour Party leadership contest, from The Indepenedent:

link to

“Internal polling by the Findlay camp, which his opponents have described as “respectable enough”, put him six points behind the front-runner, Mr Murphy. His campaign claim he is polling at 42 per cent, with the former Scottish Secretary on 48 per cent.

“If he wins when the result is announced on 13 December, Scotland will have the most left-wing leader of any political group in the UK; Ed Miliband will have a big problem on his hands; and, according to people close to Nicola Sturgeon, the new leader of the SNP, “Christmas will have arrived early”.

“One adviser close to Mr Miliband said: “The party in Scotland will decide who it wants. That’s what the rules say. Unofficially? Findlay represents pain and isn’t the solution.”

Wow, methinks Democracy is not the London Labour Party’s idea of fun.

Come on Neil, they are bricking it.


Just read on one of the other Websites that Ruth Davidson had also stated her case to be First Minister

I couldnae believe it either ann had to see it to believe it….

link to


Free Glasgow newspaper the GENN has the first installment of a two part investigation into Labour corruption at Glasgow City Council. On the same page the paper reveals that the celebrated Glasgow “Member” Willie Bain MP owes the paper money and is posting phantom cheques to the wrong address. Willie, no slouch on the expenses front apparently is a stranger to online banking.

Part two of the corruption article is currently with the GENN’s legal team awaiting approval for publication.

Nana Smith


SOLOMON HUGHES spotlights the Alpha Group which is making inroads into mental health services – and is failing dismally in its quality of care
A family of arms-dealers are taking over the NHS, thanks to health service privatisation.
They are being arrested over the arms deals.

Inspectors talk about bullying and maltreatment in their hospitals.
In any sane world they would be thrown out of the NHS and the system that put them there would be stopped.

But the Choudhrie family and their Alpha Group are major donors to the Lib Dems. By funding the Tories’ junior partner, they help hang on to respectability.

link to


@Bob Mack

Anwar warns vote for S.N.P. is Tory vote.

That is Anas Sarwar, and not Anwar. Aamer Anwar is a pro independence lawyer, who spoke at the Yes rallies. I know it was a mistake, but we do not want to be annoying our own side!

Gordon E

ann @ 8.23

Interesting that it appears you can have a First Minister or Deputy voted in from any party.
If this really is the case, would it not be an excellent chance to appoint Patrick Harvie?
My first choice would be John Swinney but Patrick would also be a fantastic Deputy.

Stuart Morris K

When one falls out another will fall into the stupidity,


This a vote for the SNP is a vote for the Tories is mindless pish. A vote for the SNP is a vote for the SNP plain and simple.

Voting for a minor party within a constituency can allow a larger party to take the seat but in Scotland a vote for the SNP will likely result in the SNP taking the seat. The Tories are unlikely to sneak many Scottish seats in a 5 way split for votes.

What Labour are saying is

“Ed has no chance of winning in England and we need every seat we can get to take power. If the SNP take seats we will have to be nice to the SNP….for the love of all that is holy don’t make us do that!”.

gerry parker

At least some Labour politicians have the sense to keep their mouths shut and let us think they are idiots, no such luck with the branch office staff though.

I see Tom Clarke was out last week campaigning about local road safety issues, that’s devolved to the Scottish Parliament though, perhaps the leader of Labour in Scotland should have a word with him. Must be an election coming up.

Bob Mack

@ Muttley 79,
Me begs forgiveness. You are of course right. Too much going on in my head just now. Thoughts and fury AND IDEAS intermingle too frequently


From MSN:
“England band spark FA fury by accompanying ‘No surrender’ chants during Scotland clash.”

Better Together? Really?

What was that about creating “division?”

What i want to know is what are The SFA doing about it?
Sweet FA, probably.

John D aka Nkosi

I am not usually prone to giving remarks that are not quite the done thing, but God does she not look like Miss Piggy

Paula Rose

@ Valerie – 8:36, we will not persuade labour voters to vote SNP by ‘putting the boot in’ nor by denigrating their choice to vote No – we have to keep the heir and caa canny.


@Fiona, 8:24PM

That’s a great idea about the press release but perhaps worded like this:

“The SNP welcomes Miss Dugdale’s comments and the opportunity for the opposition parties in the Scottish Parliament to work with the Scottish Government on devolving all of these powers she has mentioned.

The SNP is fully committed to removing these powers, and more, from Westminster control where they are not utilised effectively to aid the people of Scotland. Now that Miss Dugdale agrees with us, we would welcome her and other Labour MSPs signing up to a cross-party non-partisan agreement to do just that.”

Jim Thomson

@Fred 8:38pm

You have made me re-assess my evening’s rum intake. I went to the first story on the website of The GENN because I could have sworn that the title referred to milking goats [hic].

link to


Can’t wait for the Scottish GE in 2016 when I can break out the ‘Mr T’ wig and give a resounding “Fools – so long, suckers!” to Dugdale and the rest of her party’s dead-wood that’ll be clearing it’s desk at Holyrood.

Christian Schmidt

Have a conversation with Kezia, and you’ll find out she is intelligent, thoughtful and interesting. Reveal that you’re in favour of independence and she’ll start speaking to you in the same style as she writes in the Herald.


Her comments will work to an extent due to the fact that the average daily record reader is thick as mince.
Her party members have made great use of the well oiled revolving door between Westminster and the city of London. She should be persuading them about taxing bankers.

If people are really thick enough to be taken in by this pish then they deserve all they get.

Jim Thomson

@ScottieDog the problem is that we also get what THEY deserve.

Catherine McRorie

Mouthy little madam without a single original thought in her airhead.Has lots of soundbites but no substance, only difference between her & Lomond & Curran is she is young & attractive woman,otherwise a typical Labour harpie. A Busted flush another one who hopefully bites the dust with her two role models

R-type Grunt

Baillie’s babe? God forbid.

Jim Thomson

@Fred 8:38pm (part 2)

Just read that article on Willie Bain. Jings! Is the author related to our own Rev Stu? Well documented and I now look forward to the second part.

Easy link for the delectation of others:
link to


@Jim Thompson
I know , I know, and the also want a scottish labour leader who supports this…
link to

Paula Rose

Young and attractive? Excuse me!


A total lack of knowledge, if that is what it is, in any job would require the employee to be sent for retraining, because if they are allowed to carry on in the job without it they bring the whole of the company down, and er, give them a bad reputation.
Either Dugdale is incredibly ignorant of how politics works in the uk at present, or she is deliberately lying, either way, how she sleeps at night is anybodys guess.


That’s the kind of face I have when I’m sitting on the cludgie with constipation. Which is the opposite of most Labour politicians as they usually spout verbal skitter.


Tam Jardine

I must admit, I am baffled at how Kezia has gone all Young Enterprise and put together a whole website and team and had leaflets printed for what is surely a foregone conclusion? What does she need all this money she’s trying to raise for? And who has paid for her website?

Are we able to find out how much dough is getting punted her way, and what it is being spent on?

I naively expect this large campaign will not detract from her important job as newspaper columnist? It is not very fair on her readers that time is taken out of her important work being concerned in the Daily Record and the Heil. In fact the piece Stu has highlighted today seems so woefully ill-conceived, factually inaccurate and self-defeating that it is clear her job is being neglected.

If Jim Murphy leading labour’s Scottish branch will be ‘all the SNP’s Christmases at once’ then Kezia is that birthday that falls within a couple of days of Christmas. Great – but wouldn’t it be better if she had held off and taken the role of slab leader after Murphy crashes in May? Spread the happiness through 2015?

Wuffing Dug

o/t I hear that my dad and brother couldn’t get a daily record in the dumbarton area. Interesting.


Catherine McRorie

young and attractive are just two words which are far from the truth here, crikey most of us must be miss world then! 🙂


“I’ve had people say they can no longer listen to the News Quiz
on Radio 4, or this is how they get their classical music.”

Kezia Dugdale,
After becoming an MSP she launched that attack against a Scottish
Gaelic TV station, despite the radio stations mentioned continuing
to broadcast despite the Gaelic TV station.

source: WiKi-dale.


I agree with Dugface: Nicola and the Scottish Parliament should pass those laws and taunt Westminster to overturn or abolish them. SNP and Scottish Parliament should, as Robin McAlpine says, push the boundaries of devo powers. In the run up to the next general election SNP should be passing all sorts of laws for the benefit of the people of Scotland (banning fracking etc) and going beyond their ‘devolved’ powers solely in an effort to help Scots and Scotland.

Win-win as far as I can see; if the laws they pass are left to stand they make Scotland a better place; if the laws they pass are overturned or abolished by Westminster evil Unionists hate Scotland ergo vote SNP.

Nicola shouldn’t take the attitude that she can govern Scotland only in a way approved by Westminster, she should govern Scotland in the best interests of Scotland.

There might be a case for staying this side of the devo line but I would say if SNP government walks like an independent Scotland and talks like an independent Scotland …


Personally, I think you have to look at what they are not saying. SLAB clearly have no positive policies to offer particularly when WM Labour are busy trying to outdo Tories & UKIP on welfare reform & immigration.

They are also laying the foundations for devolution to Local Authorities by making the case which says -what’s the point of Holyrood? It can’t do any of the things that need to be done in Scotland.

I have to say that I was appalled at Ms Bailie today-she couldn’t even bring herself to lend some dignity to a historic day. I’m sure there was an element of envy there-you know the sort of thing-if I can’t have it then I’m going to make sure that NS remembers it.So sly was she.

Thankfully the other party leaders were better than that & brought some humanity & dignity to the occasion & to the Parliament. They didn’t come across as being bitter & twisted as JB did.

Perhaps JB thought she’d better get the digs in now because NS will tear shreds off her in FMQ’s (hopefully starting tomorrow).

Labour like the emperor has no clothes-no policies worth a light. Milliband trusted by only 2% of electorate in Scotland. They’re all just trying desperately to hang onto their seats as best they can but don’t have the tools to do it. That is the leadership’s failing. They know they can con some of the public to vote for them, that’s why they’re already out knocking on doors but they know they are going to struggle against SNP putting 80,000+ people onto the streets.

If the Labour candidates were talking about things they know can’t be done then there’s a reason for it. Nothing else to say maybe-so having no choice but to attack SNP.

Lets face it they can’t believe the astounding numbers flocking to SNP. It’s never happened before & probably never will again. The actions of a sizeable proportion of the electorate is rejecting Labour & all that it stands for and oh how that must hurt knowing that Nicola is the darling of Scotland right now but also has the ability & political nous to build on that & cement her position as leader of the 3rd biggest party in UK.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha LOL

Bob Mack

My own background is born and brought up in a tenement in the Cowcaddens Glasgow. My mother had three jobs ,my father two, in order to make ends meet. They voted Labour like everyone I knew because none of the other parties reflected their lifestyle. Labour has moved way beyond people like this, and even if coming from that type of background they have forgotten what it is like .My career in the N.H.S. was spent in the East of Glasgow and what an eye opener that was. After nearly 60 years since I was a boy nothing has changed really ,and I mean in a social sense. New house have been built or refurnished but the Social problems remain, now fuelled by drugs and related crime. I can only recommend you walk through Shettleston or Tollcross on a Saturday night to see them for yourself. Margaret Curran knows nothing of this or is not interested I suppose I find it disappointing that in spite of Labour having major control over Glasgow for most of my lifetime nothing has changed.What a record.The S.N.P. has given me real hope that change may be possible in the way my parents always hoped it would.

Ian Brotherhood

She’s doing a Willie Rennie impersonation.

Bob Mack

Forgot to mention.Daily Record circulation for month of October 2014 goes down to 196,000.First time under two hundred and thirty thousand. Happy days eh!


Sooooo basically Ms Dugdale is being completely and predictably disingenuous or the lady hasn’t a Goddam clue about the powers and competence her own parliament wields.

Both are quite scary concepts. 😮



Daze like a dug


She should know that these are reserved matters. If she is Labour’s brightest, God help us.

Ian Brotherhood

Here he is. The Original and Best. Willie Rennie doing an impersonation of Kezia Dugdale doing an impersonation of him. Imagine we got them both together and they did it at the same time? That would be funny!

link to

Mark P-I

Are this woman’s comments not like a continuation of the Better Together misinformation campaign.It is not so stupid to imply that the FM has the power to do these things,and to implant this misinformation in the minds of uninformed people so that when the FM doesn’t act on these policies the ignorant will think she is useless.
That sort of Goebbels propaganda worked well for them in the referendum, so why stop now.
(For info Goebbles said…“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”)


“I’ve had people say they can no longer listen to the News Quiz
on Radio 4, or this is how they get their classical music.”

Kezia Dugdale,
After becoming an MSP she launched that attack against a Scottish
Gaelic TV station, despite the radio stations mentioned continuing
to broadcast despite the Gaelic TV station.

source: WiKi-dale.

Whatever WiKi-dake is, it’s wrong. I’m one of those particularly pissed off by this, because the radio stations I like to listen to go dead at 4 o’clock thanks to BBC Alba. It does happen, the stations do not broadcast in the evening and it is a pain in the backside.

Unlike Kezia, I save my ire for those who think so little of BBC Alba that they couldn’t even find it a frequency of its own.


I usually watch Andrew Marr on a Sunday but I think that will be the last. It would appear we have no voice in the media who will question the liars like Findlay and Dugdale.

Sites like this are so informative and fill the needs for us who are able to access ithe web but there are many who can’t . What we desperately need in Scotland is real media that have no agenda other than making sure the public know all the story, not just the one sided version from the MSM.

I’m in Argyll and the prospective labour candidate was telling everyone before the referendum if there is a yes vote all the building societies with head offices in England will refuse mortgages to scots !! Access to the internet is not available in many parts here so these lies go unchallenged


Mark P-I

Totally agree!


Looks like womans’ in Labour.


“ view on Trident is i want a world free of nuclear weapons,
i want no country in the planet to have nuclear weapons..”

Jim Murphy on the BBC programme ‘Scotland 2014’ – (18.11.2014)

Does this look like a man of principles and worthy of your trust?
link to

Cadogan Enright


any volunteers to write to the Daily Record pointing out what this Óinseach has said and how it makes no sense?

I believe part of the purpose of WINGS should be to trigger reactions from US likely to counter the impact of this sort of nonsense on the unsuspecting and often ill-informed Scottish public and help the election campaign next May. Not just to foam at the mouth self-virtuously at each other.

I also got the following from 38 degrees today (did we agree they were now off limits given their liaison with Crash Gordon?)

“Votes in Westminster on the NHS aren’t usually relevant outside England. This time, it’s different. TTIP could pave the way for sweeping privatisation in our healthcare system across the UK. [2] The government needs to take our NHS off the negotiating table. And Friday is our chance to make sure that happens.

Can you sign a petition to your MP asking them to turn up and vote the right way on Friday? MPs aren’t used to being the target of petitions: the last thing they want is hundreds of their constituents banding together. So the bigger this petition is, the more likely your MP is to listen.”

link to

fred blogger

Bob Mack
here, here, real change is a coming.

Democracy Reborn

Memo to the editor of ‘Scotland’s Champion’:-

In the interests of ‘balance’, will you immediately publish an article setting out the demonstrable flaws in Ms Dugdale’s calls to the new FM?


It used to be “they would vote for anything if it was Labour’
Now its “Theyll listen to anything from Labour”

Well we all know how the first train of thought worked out.

David Torrance and his multi coloured Tank Top once again on telly show about Alex Salmond just now. Another one like Kezia and pals who seems to exist purely to disparage the people they truly wish they were.


Agree with Cadogan

Rather than ignoring MSM, wingers should deluge these papers and phone ins pointing out columnist errors plus challenging the unionist and red Tory letter writers


” I’m one of those particularly pissed off by this, because the radio stations I like to listen to go dead at 4 o’clock thanks to BBC Alba.”

Prove it.

I know some stations close down around 4, i’ve experienced the
frustration of it many times but i believe you’re wrong to blame
the TV station, what proof exists to support your accusation?

I’m genuinely curious because i would put the blame at the door
of the BBC and not the Gaelic TV station.


Jim Thomson, thanks for that pal, I’m a bit of a dinosaur.


Logical argument could suggest that Kezia by creating a set of objectives that can only be achieved via reserved powers ergo vote labour at GE 2015 if you want to achieve these aims. Almost as if she does not consider the powers of the Scottish Parliament sufficient or of import.

The main fallacy I see in her argument is that Labour is voted in by the Scots (see link to

But please don’t be outraged or try to change attitudes. It would be despicable of anyone to advocate that believers in independence should join the BLab (for only £5 link to for the sole purpose of taking leaflets and recycling them; shirking canvassing duties; disrupting debates; or raising dissension within the ranks.

It might even be misleading or give them false hope. That would be immoral.

Cadogan Enright

@Sinky 11:10 pm Agree with Cadogan

Thanks Stinky, if no one else will volunteer to write to the Daily Record, I will. But I am operating from County Down and wont be campaigning again in Scotland until March or April.

It would be more convincing with a Scottish home address


Prove it.

I know some stations close down around 4, i’ve experienced the
frustration of it many times but i believe you’re wrong to blame
the TV station, what proof exists to support your accusation?

I’m genuinely curious because i would put the blame at the door
of the BBC and not the Gaelic TV station.

You can prove it to yourself. Turn on your TV (on Freeview), go to Radio 3 or Radio 4 or Radio Scotland, and see what happens at 4 o’clock on a Saturday or a Sunday. (I think it’s a bit later on weekdays but they’re off by the time I get home from work so possibly 5 pm.)

What happens is that the sound cuts out and the screen displays a red-background notice saying that this station is now off the air due to BBC Alba coming on-air. It’s been doing this since about 2011. They’re perfectly up-front about it.

If you want to go on listening you have to go to an actual FM radio or internet streaming.

The blame is at the door of the BBC. BBC Alba is a BBC channel, the clue is in the name. The BBC chose this way of getting the digital bandwidth it needed to broadcast BBC Alba. And it makes bloody sure we all know about it, by putting it right up there on the screen for us to see.

OK, I just turned on my TV, which is tuned to Radio 3 on channel 703. I am copytyping this from the screen as I look at it.

BBC Radio

This BBC Radio service is currently off-air on Freeview while BBC ALBA broadcasts on channel 8.

BBC ALBA’s regular transmission hours are
Weekdays 5pm-midnight; Sat 4pm-1am; Sun 4pm-midnight with occasional extensions outside these times.

You can continue to listen to BBC Radio services on FM, digital radio, digital cable and satellite TV or via iPlayer Radio at

Well I don’t have cable or satellite, there’s no digital radio signal here, and the FM reception is terrible. My hi-fi tuner is sitting there like a useless brick. That’s why I would like the Freeview radio but I can’t have it in the evenings. (I’m not a huge fan of listening to radio on my PC, and I keep exceeding my broadband limit as it is.)

The whole thing is a BBC decision though. They don’t value BBC Alba enough to allocate it bandwidth of its own, so they rob the radio listeners. And make sure they know what to blame, every time that red screen comes on.

I’m very surprised you didn’t know this, and quite astonished by your demands that I “prove it”.


@Ivan McKee
I posted the link to 38 degrees debunked. It is a Tory site which is why the author is so incensed by the apparent links to Labour. See the article on the founder.
link to
It also has an interesting article on the dominance of the BBC in the UK media on the home page. It hasn’t been updated since 2011.
I complained to 38 degrees after they allowed Gordon Brown to hijack their petition. They did not address the issue so I had my name removed from their list. They do seem to be very naive or deceptive.


I just checked, and the radio stations showing the Alba opt-out at the moment are Radios 2, 3, World Service and Radio nan Gaidheal. Radio 4 and Radio Scotland are actually broadcasting.

I know Radios 4 and Scotland have been affected in the past so maybe they’ve shuffled things a bit. Radio Scotland on Sunday afternoons is a bust anyway because they broadcast some sports thing rather than Robbie Shepherd, on the Freeview channel.

wired of hermiston

They just don’t get it. Long may it continue.


Frank Roy – North Lanarkshire MP entered parliament in 1997, as one of Tony Blair’s New Labour followers. He follows all the rules of the party and
is of the recorded view that his position is that of a British MP. So that the interests of Labour Party supporters in London carries the same weight as those that live anywhere else in the UK.

He discharged a major coordinating role in the Project Fear campaign and although decidedly pedestrian in his appearance and delivery is an effective performer. He attended a meeting in his home town during the campaign and experienced two of the more torrid hours of his political career at Motherwell’s GLO Centre. The MP was putting forward the argument for maintaining the Union in a debate organised by the Lanarkshire Forum for Independence. During his introduction at what was a lively evening, he admitted to the 300-strong capacity audience that his wife had warned him beforehand he’d “get a doing” at the event and the warm reception this prescient prediction received from the largely pro-independence crowd proved to be as good as it got for the long-serving MP. Indeed, his misery was compounded towards the end of the evening when one of the audience – an Englishman to boot – took the mic and criticised the elected member for his, “unconvincing arguments” declaring the debate had persuaded him to change his previously unshakeable No stance to Yes.

His record is worth a lookover.

link to


Frank Roy. The guy I didn’t vote for in 1997, 2001 and 2005. Much good that did.

I had the privilege of not voting for David Mundell in 2010. Frying pans and fires spring to mind.

Les Wilson

Isn’t just awe inspiring to view the ” talent ” within labour as a whole, and Slab in particular.

Just how have they managed to gather these numb skulls in one party?. They are clueless, add in brainless, add in the anti SNP line. Then in truth you have a bunch of deadbeats, no use to Scotland, no use to anyone.

Iam Scott

None of what Dugdale or any of the other SLAB leader contestants has anything to do with reality.

This is a competition to sound as socialist as possible to convince voters that Labour has learned it’s lesson and gone back to it’s roots.

It doesn’t matter if it’s within the power of the devolved parliament.

They’ll still come up with policies that Scots believe in and say the SNP have failed to deliver them to try and con voters.

This message is not aimed at politically educated voters who can see through it in a heartbeat.

It is aimed at people the Labour party regard as thick and gullible – it’s aimed at the 55% they conned in the referendum.

We shouldn’t take from this that Dugdale etc are thick, we should take from this that they think the electorate are thick.

If they think insulting the intelligence of the Scottish electorate is a good idea, then let them make that mistake.


BBC – Alex Salmond – A Rebel’s Journey. It was on last night at 10.30ish, worth getting from iplayer. Done by Brian Taylor and very good. I didn’t realise Taylor had gone to St Andrews at the same time, explains a bit. Unlike many Indy supporters I thought he was OK, particularly later on. Probably a YES voter! David Torrance was on that’s the only thing, but there again perhaps viewers can see the bile and petulance from him because he knows he’s not fit to stand in Salmond’s shadow, let alone write a comic book.

Just about to watch the end, I had it recorded. I must be coming down with a cold as I seem to be blowing my nose a little.


Maybe La Dugdale made that stupid statement “advising” Nicola to carry out policies which are reserved to WM, in a spirit of solidarity with James Kelly MSP, so as to appear even more stupid than him. Re the photo, it reminds me of a saying of my granny’s about someone “having a face that would turn milk!”


Does anyone else find Ruth Davidsons arrogance at putting herself forward just a bit grasping. Apparantly she left the BBC in 2009 , got in 2011 and seriously thinks after 3 years she should represent Scotland?
Not sure what is worse- her ruthless ambition or the 15 ( what were they thinking) who supported her?


“The whole thing is a BBC decision though. They don’t value BBC Alba enough to allocate it bandwidth of its own, so they rob the radio listeners. And make sure they know what to blame, every time that red screen comes on.”

Yes, as i said, the blame sits at the door of the BBC and not
its Gaelic TV station. You specifically blamed the TV station.
You said you blame BBC Alba, that’s not The BBC, it’s one of
their channels. And by doing so you fell into the very trap you
mentioned your self – that they make sure the blame is deflected

“I’m very surprised you didn’t know this, and quite astonished by your demands that I “prove it”.

Oh spare me the amateur dramatics please, Morag.
Of course i knew that just as i knew you were wrong
to fall for the trap and blame the TV station rather
than those responsible for it. Attention to detail, Morag.
And there’s no need to feel “astonished” because i didn’t
“demand” anything of you, i simply asked you to “prove it.”
Which, when one believes someone is wrong, is a perfectly
reasonable request to make, is it not!
Good night Morag


The last breath from labour is on-coming.

I am told from abroad that the rejection of Scotland’s independence is being treated with un-believed wonder and some empathy, bringing at first, incredulity and then shameful disdain.

But, outsiders see what’s going on and are wondering, just what could have happened? BBC, anyone? Very circumspect.

The UK is not coming out of this with any medals.


“Kezia Dugdale is widely (for reasons which we must confess still escape our ongoing enquiries) regarded as the brightest of Scottish Labour’s young minds.”

The brightest lawyers are the ones who are best at lying.

The same applies to Scottish Labour politicians.


I don’t think that SLab’s tactic of making the SNP look less good by showing themselves as being inept is working. God help us if they manage to find somebody, in their ranks who knows what they are talking about. They will be declared a genious.

Michael McCabe

Is that Kezia’s I am in labour face. Or is she just practicing her John Prescott grin.


Snort snort where’s the trough

Free Scotland

What is it with female unionist pseudo-politicians and ill-fitting jackets? Wee Ruth probably has to use tyre levers to get her jackets on and off, while Kezia sits there wearing a jacket that makes her look as if she’s just stuck her head out of a tent door.


That picture makes me think of a Karen Dunbar sketch where she is midway through a pi$$-take of some deserving stereotype.


Free Scotland,
If I ever need a compère for a fashion show I’ll know where to come.

Tackety Beets

Individual Trifle anybody ?

Nana Smith

Please disregard my last post above, I was asked to email to a colleague. Too early in the morning for me!


Haha great photo – KDug’s constipation face – I believe Senokot helps? (Other laxatives are available).

When do we get the counter argument in the Record, I.e. she’s talking p*sh?

When the rocks melt under the sun?


What a face to tune into first thing! As Ineos get set to frack the whole of the cerntral belt of their Scotland region. Another day in teamGB but also shows why Ian Wood billionaire jumped into vote NO or else there’s no oil left action. Don’t let them get them get their hand grubby paws on our oil chaps. Thanks again proud Scot buts, hope the fracking is directly under your homes.

john king

Balaarg says
“@Fiona, 8:24PM

That’s a great idea about the press release but perhaps worded like this:”

hoist by her own petard!

John D nkosi
“I am not usually prone to giving remarks that are not quite the done thing,”

Know what you mean John but just remember how Stu was demonized when he gave Alex Johnstone back a taste of his own abuse towards the Weirs,
until we have a balanced press we’ll have those hyenas ready to pounce on ( all no matter how minor) abuse from us, hence I believe why the SNP appear so obsequious to barbed and palpably untrue attacks from the likes of Dugsdale, because every time a single person has the truth pointed out to them by the likes of us, we convert one more person (forever) to our cause!

Paula Rose says
“Young and attractive? Excuse me!”

Listen to Paula Catherine
A model of poise and deportment,
and on the right side of thirty,
Besides didn’t the mono brow go out with Tom Sellick?
link to
Remember that tenner you owed me Paula?


It looks to me like Labour has done it again. In the week that is the most momentous for Scotland and the SNP, with Nicola Sturgeon becoming FM, all the attention is once again on Labour. Can we stop obsessing about Labour? We have better things to do. Let them wither and die if they want. They don’t need us to publicise them.

Well done, Scotland, Nicola, the SNP and all Yes people.

Wee Alex

Readers of said newspaper are unlikely to even get to the end of the column. Had it been the headline, I’d be worried.

In a past life I’ve met many Red Tories, they are by and large Keiza Dugdales. There is a conveyor belt of disingenuous party workers only too keen to earn the huge salaries. They hate the SNP with a passion for taking “their” votes.

The working class can kiss my arse, is the real Labour theme tune. We know it, they know it, the sooner the public knows it, the better.


NANA SMITH, (see above) thank you so much for uncovering

link to and

link to

Most of us on WoS are only too well aware of the nature and scope of media bias in Scotland, but to have it laid out as by Colin Meek in, is beneficial in so many ways. It is so refreshing and encouraging, and rare, to read material like this.

So I just want to thank you, Nana, for you have found a real gem and I’m sure that anyone for Indy will be much the better for reading it.


@ Cadogan Enright says at 11:45 pm

As many are reluctant to put their name and address to letters, its easy to create a nom de plume via Gmail or other sites and use a tenement address (without flat number).

More Wingers should do this and use the letters columns promoting positive case for Indy / SNP / Green/ SSP as the case maybe.

Nana Smith


I think I posted the articles by Colin here on Wings when they first appeared but my memory may be playing tricks on me. Would not be the first time!


I’m sorry I missed them the first time. There will be many who were not active on Wings in February 2014 and I’m sure they, like me, will appreciate a second chance.
Thanks again.


The most frightening thing about that image, is that Fifi actually looks quite like George Foulkes in it.


Kezia break ffs !


“Prosecutors in Spain to charge Catalonia leader Artur Mas.”

link to

The Spanish Government are going to charge the leaders of the Independence movement in Catalonia for holding “an illegal referendum”.

You can just hear the Westminster Establishment saying, “You don’t think we could get away with that in Scotland do you?”

We must continue to support our friends in Catalonia.

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

When I read this and the previous news regarding Ms Curran I was initially astonished by how bad Scotland’s Labour politicians are. They do, however, have some serious rivals here in my own fair land.


Yes, as i said, the blame sits at the door of the BBC and not
its Gaelic TV station. You specifically blamed the TV station.
You said you blame BBC Alba, that’s not The BBC, it’s one of
their channels. And by doing so you fell into the very trap you
mentioned your self – that they make sure the blame is deflected

“I’m very surprised you didn’t know this, and quite astonished by your demands that I “prove it”.

Oh spare me the amateur dramatics please, Morag.
Of course i knew that just as i knew you were wrong
to fall for the trap and blame the TV station rather
than those responsible for it. Attention to detail, Morag.

And there’s no need to feel “astonished” because i didn’t
“demand” anything of you, i simply asked you to “prove it.”
Which, when one believes someone is wrong, is a perfectly
reasonable request to make, is it not!

As my mother would have said, you’d start a row in an empty house.

Mind linking to where I “blamed” the TV station? I specifically said I blamed the BBC, but since BBC Alba is a BBC channel, it’s a bit difficult to separate them. Obviously the decision to can the radio broadcasts was taken by BBC management, not by BBC Alba journalists though.

You claimed that no radio stations went off-air due to BBC ALba being broadcast. Clearly you were wrong about that, which is what I was trying to explain. I’m not quite sure where you’ve put the goal posts now. The loss of the radio signal is directly as a result of BBC Alba taking the bandwidth for its TV broadcast. This is a BBC management decision. I’m not sure why that’s so complicated.

Kezia seemed to be calling for BBC Alba to be taken off-air in order for the radio signals to be reinstated. The point I was making is that while I’m pretty pissed-off by the loss of the radio signal, I’m not calling for BBC Alba to be taken off-air, but rather for it to be given a higher priority and dedicated bandwidth found for it without affecting the radio.

Clear now?

Nana Smith

An SNP politician has offered to stand for the Berwick seat at next year’s general election in a bid to help her party earn ?a spot in the nationwide TV leaders’ debates.

Christine Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, says broadcasters have no plans to include the SNP leadership in any UK-wide debates to be screened in the run-up to May.

link to


Have you ever saw Kezia Dugdale and Ozzy Osbourne in the room at the same time?

Just sayin.

Nana Smith

Should anyone be interested in Westminster machinations…

The Prime Minister answers questions on the governance of the UK in light of the Scottish referendum on Thursday 20 November 2014.

link to


With England failing economically, a well as politically, along with Europe the US and elsewhere, the neo-Liberal age may just be about to expire as an economic model.

The rich can’t go on getting richer forever, particularly when it is at the expense of the working classes and the needy.
Sooner or later the cry of the poor will reach the ears of the economic deity and elicit a response.
But it had better arrive soon before the masses adopt their own solutions driven by their own, often desperate, needs.

This is I believe, the state of play.

The point for Scotland is that Independence may well arrive on our doorstep not just through our own indigenous energies, but via the calamities in the rest of the world.

The downside may be that as well as being able to take advantage of the woes of the world, we will simultaneously be caught up in them ourselves. But since this is not an exact science, I am confident that Scotland will emerge upright and standing on its own two feet – and well able to handle any headwinds.

As for Labour in Scotland, well, we all know what wind does to chaff.



First time since september that google wings doesn’t bring this site up first. Some band tops the list. Perhaps wingers should google the site every time rather than click the bookmark.


Nana, your middle name isn’t Holmes by any chance, is it?

David Cameron on the Vows at 10.30am – in only 50 mins!

I’d better get on with my chores. I do not want to miss the PM’s hissing.


The thing about the SNP never standing in England had something to do with PPBs. Apparently the party’s PPB allocation is based on standing in Scotland only, and it gets a good allocation of air-time in Scotland as a result. If the allocation was based on UK-wide share of votes, which it would be if candidates were standing in England, it would get far less air time.

So even if standing in Berwick worked as regards the leaders’ debates, there might be a down-side. I suppose the party would just have to weigh up the cost and the benefits.


How much stomach do the Spanish public have for an assault on democracy in Catalunya?


The rich can’t go on getting richer forever, particularly when it is at the expense of the working classes and the needy.
Sooner or later the cry of the poor will reach the ears of the economic deity and elicit a response.
But it had better arrive soon before the masses adopt their own solutions driven by their own, often desperate, needs.

Couldn’t agree more. The way this is going, we’re heading for tumbrils in the streets. The super-rich can’t go on scooping up all the wealth of the country while the minimum-wage employees they depend on to keep their businesses afloat get poorer and rely on taxpayer subsidy to stay alive.

We need a properly redistributive government and we need it now. And if a few mega-rich decide to emigrate, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. Norway does this, and doesn’t care if the super-rich go. The country seems to be the better for it.


Ian Wood in yet another outburst…this time moaning about the uncertainty of the Westminster tax regime on the oil companies…..yes you read that correctly.

He is also ‘very worried’ about the state of the north sea…..well perhaps if he hadn’t ran it down for 2 years it might be in better shape.

Scared old man.


Back bench debate in parliament today about money creation.
Big part of problem is that banks are allowed to create money from nothing when they lend and charge interest on it. 97% of our money supply is created by the private sector and is therefore debt.
Debate live on BBC parliament at 11:30

ronnie anderson

@ Morag, & if anybody needs clarification on what your saying they need to look at the news from( New York).TTIP before it leaves American shore’s,Parants camping out in 6ft snow drifts to enrol they’re child in a school,with no guarantee of being enrolled,the greed of Corperate America knows no bounderies.


@Hetty 9:45pm.

Kezia sleeps at night as she can soundly zzzzz safe in the knowledge that the Daily Record gives her a voice to print the lies she wants to propagate.

I’m generalising, but I’m guessing the majority of Record readers won’t then get on their laptops, phones, tablets etc to check what is in the paper. They will just accept the printed ramblings as the given truth.

Is it laziness or just an inability to question what people are telling you, or the information you read?

Either way a conmans dream customer.

Nana Smith


When I tell folks about this website I always tell them to check out old posts and not just the recent ones. So you are right that a lot of newbies will not have seen Colin’s articles before. Anyway it’s good to read again.

Is my middle name Holmes…No


Catalunya. My understanding was that Artur Mas intended to now call for negotiation with the threat that is this failed, he would call an election and individual Indy parties would put UDI in their manifestos. Perhaps the criminal charges are Madrid’s response. Independence via an election, perhaps?

Haggis Hunter

She will make a great deputy leader of SlabberServative North Britland


Did you see Craig Murray’s speech at the SNP conference fringe meeting on the constitution.
Well worth a listen and very encouraging. 8 min
link to

ronnie anderson

Stand by for round 2 Ineos v Scottish Public.Jim RATcliffe threatening to close Grangemouth plant again when he cant get his way over Fracking of shale gas. What happened to his deal with the American shale gas ?,or was the deal done with Westminster on fracking rights in Scotland before hand ?. Yes I am paranoid.
