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Wings Over Scotland

My nuclear-free zone

Posted on January 25, 2015 by

Jim Murphy had an uncomfortable few minutes on Sunday Politics this morning (though in fairness, not quite as uncomfortable as those Natalie Bennett of the Greens had just endured as Andrew Neil shone some light on some of the more out-there sections of the party’s manifesto).

Murphy did his best to waffle and stall for time as he avoided almost all of Neil’s questions. He had no opinion on whether Nicola Sturgeon should take part in election debate, no view on whether Labour would work with the SNP in the event of a hung Parliament, and refused point-blank to clarify his own position in terms of standing for his current Westminster seat this May.

(Even though the BBC had told us he’d cleared that up three days ago.)

He did make one unequivocal statement, though.

As Neil pressed a struggling Murphy to identify three “major” policy areas in which Scottish Labour differed from its UK head office*, the regional manager said – at 3m 49s in the above clip – that:

“If it was ever the case that Scottish Labour was a branch office of the UK Labour Party, that’s gone and it’s gone for good.”

But hang on. Isn’t the entire point of being a branch office that you don’t get to decide head office policy? You can’t just unilaterally declare it to be the case. I can say my house is a “nuclear-free zone” if I want, because there are no weapons of mass destruction here, but if the UK government decides it wants to stick a missile silo in my back garden there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. It’ll happen whatever I say.

We can find plenty of examples of Jim Murphy saying that he’s now the ultimate boss of Scottish Labour rather than Ed Miliband. What we can’t find is the rather more important matter of Ed Miliband saying it.

(We asked Murphy’s new press chief Blair McDougall if we might see the official statement from UK Labour devolving all Scottish policy decisions to Murphy, to which he replied “LA LA LA LA YOU LIVE IN SOMERSET LA LA LA”.)

As Murphy seeks to become First Minister next year, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for him to make clear to the people of Scotland who he answers to. So far the only evidence he’s offered is that he’s allegedly rewriting the Scottish Labour “constitution”, which nobody appears to have ever seen and which isn’t publicly available even to Scottish Labour members.

But just as Scotland can’t just declare itself independent without a vote, nor can Scottish Labour. At the end of the day, Labour in the UK only has one leader: Ed Miliband. Until we hear otherwise, Jim Murphy is campaigning on a false prospectus.


*Murphy led with the massive, never-out-of-the-papers issue of, um, puggies in betting shops, although as far as we can determine his policy is in fact identical to UK Labour’s, as is also the case with another of his examples, not-for-profit railways. It’s not currently clear whether there’s a substantive difference over the last one, fracking.

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Like his assertion that he is for nuclear disarmament – but he just voted to replace Trident. Man is an absolute liar.

Bugger (the Panda)

“At the end of the day, Labour in the UK only has one leader: Ed Miliband. Until we hear otherwise, Jim Murphy is campaigning on a false prospectus.

Jim Murphy lying, heaven forfend!

[…] Jim Murphy had an uncomfortable few minutes on Sunday Politics this morning (though in fairness, not quite as uncomfortable as those Natalie Bennett of the Greens had just endured as Andrew Neil shone some light on some of the more out-there sections of the party’s manifesto).  […]


“We don’t know what Labour stand for, but we know who they stand with.”

steven stewart

I’m a citizen of London and I’d like to know if Scottish Labour have just up sticks and left the UK party. I’m sure UK Labour members would be even more interested in that revelation.


I am really looking forward to the publication of the Labour manifesto. It is going to be fun seeing Murphy trying to spin it to Scotland specific issues. Local referenda on fracking is not a national issue. That’s for 2016 if he’s still around by then.


I don’t think Christine Graham will be too pleased with Gordon Brewer cutting her off beforeshe could correct Dugdale,just like Kirsty Wark cut off Alex Salmond.Murphy will say any thing and will keep over talking anyone trying to ask him anything.

Dr Jim

Yep, saw it
Stark contrast to the First Ministers self assured performance on Andrew Marr, She’ll have the English voting for her if they could at this rate… Cooel..


To the man in the hole holding the big shovel – just keep digging


Murphy will waffle on all the time without saying anything,did you also notice Brewer cutting C Graham off before she could correct Dugdale,she acts just like her boss Murphy over talk everybody else.

Blind Squirrel

At the start being asked what his opinion on Nicola Sturgeon debating with his leader was a lol!


What’s Jim’s position on squirrels?


” Jim Murphy is campaigning on a false prospectus.”

Yes, that does seem to be his only plan! And, there are Scots who a gullible enough not to realise this!

And also yes, I will only believe the North British Labour branch office has autonomy to decide policy different from London HQ when I hear it from Milliband!

The organ grinder always decides on the tunes, not the monkey.

Martin McDonald

Murphy seems right on the edge of losing his temper. Just need to keep ensuring he is pushed at every opportunity.

I’d like to see his Westminster expenses explored more by questioners and also his house flipping. That really got to him the only time I’ve ever seen it asked, by Glenn Campbell at a debate at Perth Concert Hall.

Chic McGregor

“To the man in the hole holding the big shovel – just keep digging”

Maybe rather than a Smurf, Murphy is actually one of the cuter products of the Scottish gaming industry – a Lemming?

Still the same (and appropriate) colour – blue.


If it walks like a duck… etc.

Mr Murphy didn’t so much spin as performed multiple pirouettes. He ducked, evaded, side stepped and limboed under. Oh, and he won’t be picking up an Oscar nomination anytime soon either. His discomfort over the simplest of questions was pretty clear from start to finish. What he clearly didn’t do was commit Labour’s north British branch to any clear water policy specific to the needs of the Scottish electorate. There’s a good reason for that…

… he’s not allowed.


Jim Murphy – “My” three examples of policy although identical to the main Labour Party policy are completly different. This is a fact because “I Jim Murphy” have said so!

…and the claim that the SNP are playing party politics over Trident to position themselves for power – Sorry Jim – It is policy because we think WMD are offensive(obscene) / they create a threat to our main population centre as regards operational accidents and primary targetting / they serve no practical purpose and they divert funds from many, many worthwhile causes. Incidently the policy has been in place for a long time and was front and centre throughout the Referendum and long before we seen a rise in membership or positive polling.

In short New Labour spin or LIES.

In Jim Murphy’s World his assertions becomes Fact and SNP long term policies becomes recent games.


So Red and Blue tory Project Fear saves their BBC union and now same crew says Murphy “inherited an unhappy party in deep decline,”a good place to stop. Eggs is clearly getting ready to leggit like Crash and The Flipper, as is Bliar MacTenbellies and good riddance to the whole rotten shebang.


The tennis was good


No thought, no vision. Puir wee Jim could be out a job. So many situations for him to think about and people are asking him about policies. Stands for MP, gets beat, not a good showing for a party leader. If he doesn’t secure a Westminster seat then odds of securing a Holyrood seat are slimmer. Gives up East Ren and focuses on Holyrood, but if he doesn’t secure that he is still homeless. Im sure there is a foodbank close by.

Dave McEwan Hill

If you haven’t seen this yet. From Kevin mcKenna


Nice one. Murphy is the weak link. It just needs someone to press the right buttons and he will explode.
He got into Westminster by default clinging to the bootstraps of Tony Blair who rewarded his loyalty be promoting him to a number of posts for which he was inadequatelty qualified.
He has never been accepted by the Westminster elite not by the majority of Labour Party heirarchy which is the reason he has been put out to pasture in Scotland.
Miliband well knows in the event Labour is returned to power in England he will be better served through the support of an SNP group of MP’s than the usual grouping of wanting Labour MP’s.

There are weaknesses in Murphy’s background, such as the as yet unproven allegations about his time in the USA under training with the CIA before taking up office with the Labour Party. But dig dig dig.


“JIM Murphy’s new spindoctor could face police questioning after discussing the content of secret postal votes in the referendum.”

link to


As Murphy comes under more and more scrutiny he and his “party” will be widely seen for the empty vessels that they are. I know several Labour stalwarts who vehemently dislike the man and are troubled over how to vote in May. Such a shame.


SLab’s performance won’t help his party’s pol ratings.

Comparing the Yougov’s data sets from UK wide polls today and the same time in 2010 gives us

2010 – Lab 36 SNP 27 Con 20 LD 15 UKIP 1

2015 – SNP 43 Lab 25 Con 14 UKIP 9 LD 7 Green 2


pol = polls – it is the cut backs. 🙂

Dr Jim

As Charlie Nicholas might say “I’m just sitting here thinking”
Has this man no friends, coz if he did they’d be advising him to cut and run right now, I mean it’s too late for Dippity but… Dim Jim and i mean this in the nicest possible way
Save yourself, before it’s too late, coz the laughter is going to be heard all the way down to London Town, Where you will not be, the Sultan of Swing


Jim Murphy.Leader of the Patriotic Front For The Subjugation of Scotland.


Interesting comparing a prevaricating sweaty faced huckster like Murphy on the way out, with Scotland’s First Minister interview. Even malicious hypocrites at the Guardian hold back a tad.

link to


Ah the sincerity of the man! almost as much as in a pund o mince !

Big Jock

Whatever he thinks he’s doing. He ain’t foolin naebody. People can see him for what his is. A charlatan,a sychphant, outright liar,opportunist,hypocrite and a con man. The bribes are coming two a week and get more and more base and ridiculous. I am the friend of old firm bigots. I will allow you to sing your sectarian ditties. It suits my agenda to keep you all divided over religion and Ireland and football. Divide and rule was the cry,friend of the common bigot. Nae tracking but we willblow the hell out of our budget for nuclear weapons on the Clyde.Let’s have more food banks says Murphy. The guys has an irony bipass.


I see that Jumbo has swallowed the manual of prevarication before going onto the Sunday Politics show


ref. Blair McDougal’s response. La, the sixth note of the scale. Could it be he was being nice and sent you a Sing-o-gram? Or was he speechless perhaps? Unlikely. At a loss for a creditable reply? Yeh.

Murphy. Tiernan and McDougal, what a pack. At least they are herded together, nice work by Ed Millband?

And deputy Dugdale, who looks likes she’s about to greet anytime at First Minister’s Question Time.Understandable, poor wee lassie.


O/T –

Worth watching ‘Deputy Dugdale’ getting caught out ‘telling porkies’ live (during Brewer section) by Christine Grahame on Scottish politics show.

Discussion re Womens prison plans / Labour messing with the figures and being prompted by BBC – all fizzled out when figures proved to be massaged and indeed wrong : Dugdale skewered by Ms Grahame.

Robert Peffers

@Fran says: 25 January, 2015 at 1:48 pm:

” … If he doesn’t secure a Westminster seat then odds of securing a Holyrood seat are slimmer … “

Not really. Like many other shadow ministers at Holyrood there is nothing to stop list MSP from becoming also shadow ministers nor indeed of being leaders of the parliamentary contingent at Holyrood. Furthermore, all that is required to be branch manager of London Labour in Scotland is London Labour’s permission. I think their rules only stipulate the Scottish branch manager needs be a party member.

Perhaps Murphy sees a chance to get both Westminster and Holyrood expenses by remaining an establishment MP and also getting selected as a list MSP at Holyrood. With Jim’s, grasp on maximising expenses he probably sees chances of flipping homes on a regular basis as a desirable goal.


does Jim even know what he is talking about really Who in the name of reality does anyone see him becoming first minister ? also Jim the Scottish Elections are in 2016 you should be canvassing for that when you are MP, it’s should General Election 2015 that should be discussed at this time, Nicola is the Head of SNP the Leader of the Party and will transcended that during the Debates, Jim is Career politician and he is hedging his bets between Westminster and Holyrood, which he hasn’t even got seat but has his eyes on first minister at the same time case it goes tits up he’s still a MP, he is playing along game lets keep it short for him 🙂


It really does beg the question, how can individuals so stupid that they boast on webcasts and live television within minutes of the polls closing of their knowledge of illegal activities be smart enough to;
a) Be on the “winning” side
b) Play a part in fraudulent activities
c) Continue to hold high profile posts?

Surely the first rule of fixing things is not to talk about fixing things at the first opportunity when the things fixed are still in process?
Unless of course by talking about fixing things and appearing so stupidly gullible, you are in fact creating an “I’m a mad dafty” alibi for yourself as you know that the matter of “alleged” fixing of things is going to be raised in future, so jumping off the cliff of your own accord lemming style might just save you. Or perhaps I’ve overthought this one and have boxed myself into a corner. It’s been a long day.

Regarding Murphy; if it spouts shite, it’s either a broken sewer or an ersehole.

Or sometimes a broken ersehole.


Slightly OT, but Independence Live is now showing a livestream of the protest against fracking, I think it’s at Falkirk. There’s a good speaker on just now.

link to

gerry parker

@ Gordoz.2:18.

Got a link?

Milady de Winter

Well I’m in Slim (on substance) Jim’s constituency and I look forward to him telling me his plans, irrespective of which I will vote SNP. Can someone tell me however how I have managed to miss this extremely hot political debate around … er…slot machines? Must have been wrapped up with the clamour, which I also missed, about giving football fans a wee drink at the football…

Christian Wright

No matter which way you cut it, when it comes to first impressions, the optics matter, especially when the FM being introduced to English viewers is a woman (as sexist as that may be).

Sturgeon looked the immaculate in that tailored blue dress, poised, without any affectation I could detect, clearly master of her brief, and most importantly, she directly answered the questions asked.

In short, a straight shooter, who in her obvious competence, presentation, and demeanor, reminded me of Birgitte Nyborg.

Just sayin’. Tak.


“If it was ever the case that Scottish Labour was a branch office of the UK Labour Party, that’s gone and it’s gone for good.”

So, Jim is declaring independence for Scottish Labour?


Why is it every time I see this *ahem* individual I want to throw up?

I can normally last around 5 seconds of this morbid man’s voice before screaming madly and running around the room like a headless chicken pulling out what hair I have left, which is not much by the way. 😉

If anyone wanted a reason to end their life then listening to this twat MUST be that reason. Big Bore personified!

I have to say though that, as Neil said, with 100 days to go till the General Election surely Murph the Smurph must know by now whether he is standing for election or not. What did we we get instead … some mumbo jumbo about telling his electorate first. He did NOT even have the guts to admit on national T.V. what his intentions were. He want’s to tell his electorate first then fine do it but surely anyone who respected their electorate would have done so BEFORE now.

East Renfrewshire constituency electorate your current *ahem* M.P. does not have the slightest respect for you. He does not have the guts to tell you 100 days out from the General Election if he will be standing for re-election or not. Can I gently, and respectfully, suggest to all East Renfrewshire voters show Murph the Smurph the same respect … do NOT vote for him … vote for the S.N.P. boot Murph the Smurph out!


Jim might be a reprehensible self centred lying individual but stupid he ain’t. Dim Jim will stand for East refrewshire in the belief he will be elected to Westminster’s fountain of gold and honours, thereby safeguarding his income. Then he will stand for Holyrood and whatever happens their Jim’s income stream is safeguarded and the NO voters of Scotland get what they deserve. Shat upon from a great height.

[…] My nuclear-free zone […]


@ gerry parker

Sunday Politics (Scottish section with Brewer) – today

Sorry its not up on I player yet – English regions yes / Scoltand NO.

Suspect Labour are on the ‘Batphone’ trying to get it edited 🙂


I’m wondering in light of Jim’s inability to answer whether he’s all of a sudden going to get an offer to go state-side from his pal David Milliband? The evasion on that answer was very odd and, whatever you think of Andrew Neil, he knows probably better than anyone else exactly what’s going on behind the scenes


Is it to late for East Renfrewshire to de-select him, as he seems to be toying with them, that would cause a right old stooshie

Christian Wright

Thought Murphy’s performance the antithesis of Sturgeon’s. Interview reminiscent of trying to catch an eel with one’s bare hands. Wonder what level of cognitive impairment is required to take this man seriously.


@gerry parker

Serious question – why are all the other UK ‘regional’ versions of Sunday politics available now and not Scotland ?

Is this vetted by others first ??


Hope that foodbank wasn’t shorthanded today with Jimbo having to do the telly and whatnot. They would no doubt miss his outstanding leadership skills. Seemingly, he did a few ‘Leadership’ modules in Year 8 of his Uni course.

?Module 4321895: Get your big napper on camera as often as possible
?Module 2413673: Always claim the ‘fleecy jaiket’
?Module 6391347: Cultivate a soft, warm, seductive voice (unless Pete Wishart’s present).


Watching Jim Murphy I felt he looks awfully familiar, and then I remembered, I watched ‘I am Legend’ last night.


Don’t feel concerned for wee Jim Murphy, he’s laughing. He could stand for Westminster, and fail to get elected. He could then stand for Hollyrood and fail, but make as a list MSP. So no 0 hours contract for him. How Westminster would love it if Slab did well and we ended up with a Listed First Minister, Democracy in action. Just a thought, Mind you it would require the Scottish electorate to loose their minds.


The difference between Murphy, and Nicola Sturgeon, is staggering. Not only in the quality of answers she provides to questions asked, but the ministerial presence she emits.
I’m looking forward to any televised contest between them leading up to the GE 2015.
He is a ragged, unimpressive, deceitful, miserable excuse for a politician of any party. Labour have only got what Labour deserves.

Chic McGregor

Love the “We’ve Nae Planet B” banner one of the Fracking protesters is holding up.

Will McEwan

Michael Foot, the last “true believer” in Labour’s front rank and a decent and clever man was destroyed by media ridicule and derision. Jim Murphy is being met with the same -despite media support- and surely hasn’t got any time left.


His last answer, I wouldn’t want to an MP and FM suggests to me that he will stand as an MP and step down if they win in 2016 and won’t if they don’t.

That is reading between the lines a tad though


When will someone ask the branch manager why he / his fellow MPs voted for Tory austerity measures that will take billions from Scottish Parliament budget but not to scrap Trident replacement which would save 8.5 billions of Scotland’s taxes to be spent on stimulating the Scottish economy?

Chic McGregor

Jordan Belfort’s (Leonardo DiCaprio) first mentor in the Wolf of Wall Street (can’t remember his name) is a dead ringer for Jim Murphy. Just picture Murphy with a mullet.

P.S. don’t check that in the presence of kids there are a lot of ‘adult’ scenes in that movie.


The Andrew Marr show is now available on the BBC I player. “Favourites” well down the list.

G H Graham

Outside of the self serving London Establishment, Jim Murphy is all but unemployable.

So he will do what is necessary to cling on to one of the few high paying jobs around that requires absolutely no qualifications, experience, merit or indeed record of past high performance, whatsoever.


Politics Scotland – today

Ms Dugdale gets caught out from 42mins in by Chrisitne Grahame – enjoy !

link to


I thought Jim looked quite ill there.

As Dr Who once said; “Don’t you think he looks tired?”

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 25 January, 2015 at 2:36 pm:

“Can I gently, and respectfully, suggest to all East Renfrewshire voters show Murph the Smurph the same respect … do NOT vote for him … vote for the S.N.P. boot Murph the Smurph out!

Here’s a thought, Lesley-Anne, Unless I miss my guess are Labour Party rules not that the London Labour headquarters have the final say on candidates? Don’t they have reserved lists to choose females in order to attempt a more even representation in government?

Not only that but, while it is customary to accept sitting members as continued candidates, have not the London Labour Party a long history of sending up their man from London to deselect the sitting members and force the London choice upon local branches?

Last local council elections there was just such a case where Labour’s man from London came to Glasgow and forced the constituency party to deselect several councillors and replaced them with London’s chosen candidates. Then we had the Falkirk case where the man from London deselected Dennis Canavan and replaced him with Eric Joyce. Dennis then stood as an independent and was elected as such.


Stuart ( Rev)

Don’t you do that again!
You’ve been in touch every day for the last 6 months,
then nothing at all yesterday?

I was worried sick about you, I even sat up until after Mid-night
hoping to hear from you.

In future, would you at least Text to let me know that you
are home safe?

Hope you had a good weekend, but remember who love you! lol

ronnie anderson

Not withstanding Murphy & other unionist politicians being held up to scrutiny & examination, so to are the Political Presentors & Media print Journalists & have been found wanting.Roll on 7th May.

dennis mclaughlin

Lesley- Anne, i’m with you on this “individual”.

the new media Murphy prescence must have been thoroughly practised down the local branch of the CO-OP Funeral Services.

Dr Ew

Still thought the interview was almost kid gloves by Andrew Neil’s usual standards.

I appreciate it was only a 9-minute slot, but he never pursued Murphy on his weakest spots – reform of a phantom constitution, Clause IV simply aping his hero Blair, prior appropriation of the “mansion tax” revenues, his expenses fiddles, 50p tax rate exclusive to Scotland and, above all, 1,000 EXTRA nurses. That latter, ludicrous pledge is exactly the kind of policy Neil would normally use to skewer and spit roast a politician.

The real test of Neil and BBC will be if he corners Miliband on Murphy’s UDI in Scotland, and expose who’s really calling the shots. I await with interest.


Given that SLab is now independent could Jim tell us who his shadow cabinet is in Westminster and confirm that Labour Whips have no authority ove SLab MP’s?

Jim Mitchell

Saint James, the patron Saint of Trident and Food banks will, I forecast, soon be filmed washing the feet of the poor, the sick and the hungry, so what if it’s been done before, not the Scottish Labour way it hasn’t!

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers 4.06. So we can expect the Man from Delmonte any time soon,apples n pears,apples n pears.Even the Man fae Delmonte’s cheating, there,s less cherries in his fruit cocktail Grrrr.


David lives in the gang-infested inner-city sprawl of Calton – the place with the lowest life expectancy in EUROPE. It is a drizzly Monday morning in Glasgow and the Triple Two Lounge in the shadow of Celtic Park is already doing a roaring trade. Out-of-work bouncer David McCabe stubs out his roll-up and takes a gutsy slurp on the first of his eight daily £2.20 pints of Fosters. Pasty-faced David’s epic, taxpayer-funded booze-ups end with an artery-clogging fry-up washed down with a four-pack of Tennent’s at his subsidised flat nearby.


link to

gerry parker

@ Gordoz.

Many thanks for that. I think Christine could have been a bit more concise with the points she was trying to make though.

Don’t think Brewer gave her a fair chance.

Why would that be?

Mark Harper

A legend in his own mind interviews Walter Mitty?


I think you hit the nail on the head there Robert. From what I can recollect that is indeed the case with respect to Labour (Scotland branch) candidates and their Westminster over lords. That said I’m a wee bit puzzled as to why Neil did not in fact put that point to Murph the Smurph. Specifically the bit about existing candidates. 😉

Robert Peffers

@Papadox says:25 January, 2015 at 2:43 pm:

“Dim Jim will stand for East refrewshire in the belief he will be elected to Westminster’s fountain of gold and honours.” … “Then he will stand for Holyrood and whatever happens their Jim’s income stream is safeguarded”.

I’m not so sure Murphy can pull it off. Here’s a thought or two for you.

According to what I hear apparently Labour insiders claim, “Scottish” Labour leader Jim Murphy is ­considering reforming his party’s selection procedures. This would effectively weed out weak MSPs and replace them with new blood. These un-named party insiders claimed Murphy might end the system that protected places for Labour List members. Note that almost 60% of the current Labour MSP group were elected in 2011 on the regional lists.

Currently the Labour re-selection procedures means candidates who pass a ballot, by local members and trade unions, sitting list MSPs are guaranteed the top places in Labour’s rankings and other party members just have to settle for lower places on the lists.

For example in Glasgow, if existing MSPs Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik and Drew Smith pass the Labour ballot then the first three places on the list are theirs. To her credit Johann Lamont did try to stop that system but was blocked by both Labour MSPs and the trade unions.

Apparently a senior party member claims that five sitting MSPs would be dumped and another nine would hae thir jaikits hingin oan a shoogle caddle if Murphy scrapped the present Labour selection system. Apparently Murphy is attempting to persuade some of his more bright MPs to stand for Holyrood. As Labour regional list selections could happen after the General Election I imagine that stopping the Labour protected places scheme could ease the path for the lugubrious Mr Murphy’s election to Holyrood. Remember that, going by Labour’s showing in opinion polls, Murphy relying upon a seat in parliament via the Westminster first past the post system is risky for him.

If as expected he were to stand in the 2016 Holyrood election in a constituency, and on a list, he would claim first place on the Labour regional lists. The idea of Murphy with a new tranche of right wing Blairite candidates will do nothing to attract back to Labour those who have now moved to support the SNP and other independence supporting parties.

Incidentally Scottish Labour’s executive committee have already agreed upon the text of a new, “Clause 4”, of the party’s constitution. This says Labour is supportive and committed to work, “for the patriotic interest”, (of the people of Scotland), and for a, “permanent and powerful Scottish Parliament”. Ye cudna mak it up, but Labour can.


@gordoz – watched that interview but had to mute Deputy Dug – she is a chancer.

It’s obvious that this women’s prison decision is being currently discussed and she is not in the discussion group.

It sounds like the decision is going to be for a smaller prison which the Dug will then take full credit for.

She was also doing that trick of attracting attention to herself by shaking her head when Christine Graham was speaking.

It’s probably deliberate by the BBC but the SNP need to get their spokes people into the studio which would make it more difficult to be talked over

ronnie anderson

Question, Murph saying he wants TV debate with NS what right has he to be included in any debates in Scotland he,s not representative of the Scottish Parliament as a MSP.

If any body should be repesenting Labour in televised debates in Scotland it should be Kezia Dugdale MSP a Elected representative.

Murphy remains a Westminster MP, will he be taking part in a National TV (uk) NO.


Smurph will press on with spending £100,000,000,000 on nuclear weapons, however he would like to negotiate with every other nation, who has nuclear weapon capability, to have them removed?

If Smurph, God help us, was ever to become Scotland’s first minister, he would have absolutely no say in any disarmament negotiations as these weapons belong to Westminster.
He seems to have forgot that “His” Scottish Party is supposed to be a different entity?

Can you see a letter from “Ed” heading out to Pakistan, China, North Korea, USA,etc advising them of Smurph’s declaration? lol

From another aspect he is happy to invest that sum of money to the detriment of all else, other than his own expenses, so that we can then Scrap it. Take the short cut Smurph, scrap it now.


As the Smurph tells us, he is the Labour Candidate for East Renfrewshire. His track record shows that he will stand for
re-election as not to do so means his beloved Expenses would stop.
It’s a done deal! The inconvenience to the ER constituents doesn’t matter a jot. He will drop their needs as soon as the MSP elections come around next year.

He could not inform Andrew Neil of his decision above, as it would be unfair not to tell his constituents first.
Does this mean that he intends writing to every address there in?
With the price of postage these days, he will need Ed to send him up some pocket money.

Robert Peffers

@Jim Mitchell says: 25 January, 2015 at 4:31 pm:

“Saint James, the patron Saint of Trident and Food banks will, I forecast, soon be filmed washing the feet of the poor, the sick and the hungry, so what if it’s been done before, not the Scottish Labour way it hasn’t!”

What I’m waiting for is St Jim’s first attempts to walk on water. However, unlike the last guy who did it, we should have Andrew Neil crucify him first so his feet leak and he sinks.


Is there any link to prove dugdale was lying because when i showed this to my workmates today they say just because a snp site says she is lying might not be true the other lady might be lying

and p.s i know its not an snp site its just how they described it


We all know Murphy can’t ACTUALLY offer Scots voters anything different from London Labour’s official line. And, we all know he will try to lie about that!

It’s backfired once. Nurses paid for by mansion tax … which in reality meant paid for by expensive property owners in the SE of England. That did not go down well in England.

Other possibilities.

Murphy promises no fracking in Scotland. That will go down well in Lancashire etc.. Why should the Scots escape when it will happen across England? … will be the cry.

In the unlikely event Murphy goes anti Trident … But if England wants it, I suppose that means he would actually be proposing moving it to Hampshire? No chance.

Any special treatment he suggests for the Scots will instantly be seen as just that.

By working so hard on the whole subsidy junkie myth, the Unionists have put Murphy in a position where he can offer us nothing! If he does actually come out with anything, then it will be shot down by English interests before we even take aim!


Re Brillo’s interview with Mr Sincerity Murphy all that needs to be said about that has already been said by Rev Stu and the commemnters above.

However, the contrast between Murphy and Nicola today is spectacular. Nicola was cool and competent, answered every question clearly and concisely without the slightest sign of woffling and never tried to talk over Marr whereas Murphy – nuff said.

I reckon somebody at the BBC will be getting their backside kicked for letting these 2 interviews to take place on the same day – the contrast was so total and Nicola’s performancew must have been a real eye-opener for English viewers who must be wishing they had her to vote for – Let’s have a candidate in Berwick for starters.

Christine Grahame really stuck it to Deputy Dug on Politics Scotland and Help Me Rhona Carmichael was woeful compared with a calm and assured John Swinney.

Today’s Scotland on Sunday is v. interesting. It would appear that McTernan & McDougall have brought in all the NB Labour Branch Staff to deluge that unionist rag with anti SNP comments which they then frantically upthumb while downthumbing anything remotely pro independence.

Grouse Beater

On television now a plodding semi-fictional dramatisation of JK Rowling’s transition from struggling single mother to mega-powerful champion of Westminster rule over little people in a backward country.

A play in which a plain actress somehow contrives to be prettier than her plain namesake, and where burps, gurgles and farts from the baby a far more interesting than anything Jim Murphy mumbles about freedom to pick his nose without reference to head office.


@Caledonia – I’ve found this,

link to

but the point being made by Christine Grahame is there is a cross-party discussion group deciding the outcome and Kez is not on the group, so she is creating mischief before a decision has been made.


@liz no mention of 100 places on that link sure you gave me the right one

Democracy Reborn

A Burns Night ditty to Sunny Jim…

“A hundreds toons there was tae see
Blair, John, the crate and me
Yon London rule was worth defending
Separatist abuse wis never ending
But triumphant we woke that September morning
Ma job wis safe, expenses keep coming
The Scotch were meant tae know their place
Safe in Mother England’s embrace
The best laid plans of mice and men
Never always work oot, ye ken?
Despite ma rantings 4 months ago
There’s something ah want youse a’ tae know
Ah’m no actually a unionist
Ah’m really – sincerely – a patriotist

fred blogger

2 places @ once diatribe from him.
we’re not lab branch office and but also we are.


Jim Hood MP said “he would vote against indepence even if it was not in the interests of the Scottish people.”

Ian Davidson MP said “after they won the referendum they would bayonet the wounded.”

Has Dim Jim spoken with these “PATRIOTS” regarding if they are members of the kiddy on Sottish Labour Party or is their true allegence still to the LONDON/ENGLISH masters of the Labour Party, as is dim Jim.

Traitors everyone, and proud of it. The scum of the corrupt political system that is WESTMINSTER!

Alan Campbell

dennis mclaughlin says:
25 January, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Lesley- Anne, i’m with you on this “individual”.

the new media Murphy prescence must have been thoroughly practised down the local branch of the CO-OP Funeral Services.

As an ex local Councillor for the SNP from 1992 to 2003 and member since 1983 and having been employed by Co_op Funerals in the time as a Councillor perhaps its time to shake off the Co-op Labour alliance at least in Scotland that is. many of my colleagues are and have recently joined the SNP. So dont be blinkered by perceived allegiences


It could be worse – we could be in a typical Middle Eastern country.

It could be better – we could be In a typical Western European country.


this has to be a classic case of “LOOK! A SQUIRREL…”

Phew, did I manage to dodge that ok Blair.. Did I, did Blair? Tell me i done good Blair?

How’d you think I done Johhny McTeeeee? Was is bull-shitty enough?

Now Jim, I don’t care what they think of you.. I want to get back out there and you own that interview, you hear..

You say what ever it takes to avoid their damn impudent questions.. How dare they..

Wait till I speak to Ken MacQuarrie the morn Jim.. I swear I’ll tear him a new one.. I telt him to go easy and make sure they repeat the SCOTTISH LABOUR IS NOT COPYING LONDON POLICY AND PASSING IT OFF AS “THEIR OWN” BUT LEADING THE WAY messgae.. ARGH…..

*i could go on, but you get the message..


@Caledonia – there are several reports on line from different sources and it appears there are different proposals including the larger facility in Inverclyde but these are all up for discussion and nothing has been decided.

Cornton Vale is not closing until 2018

link to

As I said I think the problem is Kez jumping the gum whilst decisions are being made.

You should email Christine Grahame and ask her to clarify what she said and I will try to get more information.

I’ve got a feeling the 100 places is probably because of the latest proposals going to the Justice committee group.


And how does Murphy rack up these huge expenses claims for his work down at the Westminster Parliament, he is NEVER in the bloody place. You canny get him out of the BBC Scotland studios.

Worth a wee investigation.


@Caledonia – also link to


O/T as usual..

@liveIndyScot Broadcast

Interview with Colin Fox SSP from Athens

link to

Help LiveIndy fundraiser

link to


Murphy’s policies seem a bit confusing. Regarding fracking, he is objecting to a hole getting drilled in the ground, yet he doesn’t find anything wrong with dumping a couple of hundred Nuclear Missiles on the Clyde.

Jim, can you explain to the electorate why you greatly object to one but not the other.

It’s questions like these that have to be answered, you can’t hide in Pacific Quay forever, you will need to face the public sooner or later.


This guy is renunerated handsomly for spouting verbal diarrhea, what a waste of time and money.
Disgrace really, I mean politicians are renowned for spouting crap but he takes the biscuit, shameful and embarrassing.

Robert Peffers

@Papadox says:25 January, 2015 at 6:04 pm:,

” … Has Dim Jim spoken with these “PATRIOTS” …

The thing, Papadox, is that the definitions of, Patriot & Nationalist are: –

“patriot = a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.”

and –

“Nationalist = a person who advocates political independence for a country.”

Now for the laughable bit. The same dictionary quotes synonyms for Patriot and they are : – nationalist; loyalist; chauvinist; jingoist and flag-waver.

Sonny Jim is a Unionist and the Union is a Kingdom and thus he claims to be patriotic to a Kingdom and thus the Queen of that Kingdom. However the Union is not, and never has been, a country.

r esquierdo

Murphys waste expulsion pipe is now on full power . Spewing shoit everywhere


Christine Graham did well enough today, and Murphy was made to feel a Dick over Trident etc. but our big hitters need to rip these clowns apart when given the chance, as Marr etc. still let them get their lies out to some uninformed viewers. It just shows how well the SNP are doing when all Murphy can think of as a points scorer is betting shop machines. Forget Trident, child poverty £1.5 trillion debt and illegal wars, Labour is fighting against Ladbrooks on our behalf.

Grouse Beater

By every interview Murphy comes across as a local thug not confident of his power or his territory.

Oh, and there’s the pressing problem of a humour bypass.


Looks like the Greeks have struck a blow against austerity, something us Scots failed to do.

link to

Anne Meikle

It will be interesting to compare labour in England leaflets with labour in Scotland leaflets, when they come out.

Flower of Scotland

@X Sticks

Paid Indy Live! Watched Colin Fox and what a great day for the Greeks! I wish some Scots had had more courage, when we could have made a difference!

Nana Smith


Thanks for links.

Wee donation sent. These guys are so worth supporting.

Grouse Beater

Looks like the Greeks have struck a blow against austerity

If confirmed it’s a victory for democracy, the very thing denied by the two most powerful EU countries when they challenged the need for a referendum of the people over accepting or not EU draconian loan terms. The premier, Papandreou, was forced out of office for his effrontery.


Do you think Murphy reads Wings?


Well,I’ve had my haggis and am suitably dumplified.I hope to find something vaguely cultural and Burnsian on TV tonight.I don’t want to think anymore about Murphy and his unionist pish this day.

Tony Mac

If Murphy’s nose gets any longer they’ll be calling him Pinocchio.


Aye Mealer, I would hope to see a nice wee biography docudrama thingy about about Rabbie Burns, saying as like we, not I tho, pays into the beeb and receives little back for our trouble.

Got the saltire at me window, toffy nosed neighbours hate it!


caz-m says:

Do you think Murphy reads Wings?

Not on your life does he read WoS.

He would have gained some political knowledge if he did, and he
would see what a cretin he is and head off by to Uni, before
Labour re-introduces tuition fees.

Walking On Sunshine

If Skeletor had half a brain he’d be a halfwit.



Back to the bad old days at London Labour.

“Labour party leadership: Blairite Liz Kendall emerges as fresh rival to Ed Miliband.”

link to

Wuffing Dug

Murphys’s compliant media narcissistic supply is running out. I could be wrong but I predict an implosion soon. When a sociopath / narcissist is called unequivocally on their bullshit they shut down, run or raise the stakes. None of these are an option for him. He hath opened the gates of hell and whatever comes through them will be entertainment for us. Woo-hoo think I’ll open a beer and sit back 🙂


Think the problem with Murphy is that he has had an easy ride as part of the BT group but now the Tories have dropped their ‘chums’ so he is suddenly finding himself out in the open.

He is such a narcissist that he probably believed his own publicity



She believes in the privatisation of the NHS. Another true red tory. Vote labour- privatise the NHS. A vote winning slogan for sure.

Paula Rose

@ Mealer et others – Bard related tunes appearing on off-topic.


SoS reports on latest Labour GE gimmick re Miliband wants to guarantee Scotland international football matches on BBC thus depriving SFA of millions of pounds as BBC aren’t interested in spending real money on Scottish football compared to the millions they spend on lower league English football.
As for access anyone with limited computer knowledge can find streaming sites without subscribing to Sky or paying BBC license fee.

Early Ball


That might backfire on Labour if the pittance that the BBC pay for Scottish football is made public. Then they would have some explaining to do when this sum is compared to the sums that the BBC pay south of the border.


Both ebc and sky saying Syriza FAIL to win majority by one seat although this might change later on. Jeez, a historic day for Greece and the right wing press, true to form, put a negative spin on it.


Bring back the Home Internationals.

castle hills chavie


Only 65% of the votes in Greece have been counted, so still some way to go.

It will be tight for Syriza to get a working majority, but still early.

But, your right about the right wing press though.

Jeez, indeed.



“Why is it every time I see this *ahem* individual I want to throw up?”

“Why is it every time I see the word *ahem* in your post I want to throw up?”

ronnie anderson

Pass the WOAD Mel Gibson the Patriot cometh directed by Mel Brooks,just for laughs.


It will be interesting to see what happens with Syriza. The EU is a twisty turny thing and despite all the talk of a Grexit and all the rest I thing the EU will adapt and adopt the new political reality in Greece.


Robert Peffers,

“However the Union is not, and never has been, a country.”

How can the United Kingdom be a member of the United Nations, the European Union, NATO etc. if it is not a ‘country’?

Or did Scotland and England sign the agreements separately as ‘countries’?

Do we have citizens of the United Kingdom, or of the seperate ‘countries’ of Scotland and England?

I predict that you will find these questions “stupid” and therefore refuse to answer them.

Or provide your ancient history of the union which even the SNP is not interested in let alone the vast majority of the people of North Britain as we are absolutely entitled to call our ‘country’ according to yourself and Gordon Brown.

Archie [not Erchie]

Its got to be ‘Blessed are the Greek’ and the ‘Cheesemakers’. So Smurfy big nose it looks like a stoning for you.



This is probably why Ed is not putting too much effort into campaigning for the Chilcot Report to be published. He knows that it will bury Blair’s reputation forever, and make it almost impossible for anyone tainted with the phrase “Blairite” to lead Labour ever again. Therefore, it suits him for it to appear after the next General Election, regardless of the result: it makes plotting against him if he is in power more difficult.


Dunno why the red Tories are bothered about Scotland games,they campaigned for us to be a real country.


castle hills chavie

Dont think it will be easy for Syriza, I expect all sorts of external pressure to be put upon them.

HaHa the uk is a country and we are citizens not subjects like it says on our passports. Wot a d*ck.


Ahem Rock, what about ahem Wales and NI ahem ?


Not to be!




Sad to see the continued lack of journalistic thoroughness from the BBC. They provide to no evidence to the ‘We need more snooping laws’ claim from WM, based on ‘I heard from my cousin, that he knows a guy, whose pal said he hacked the system and talked to the PM’…

Or so I heard…

fred blogger

nothing he said will close 1 foodbank!


O/T but was there a Burns night programme this year. I can’t see anything?

Dave McEwan Hill

Great Britain is a state, not a country but descriptions are not critical.
The UN Charter allows the inalienable right of self determination to any people on the terms they democratically agree to.


‘Ahem’ Rock, don’t be such a cock.

Dave McEwan Hill


Just as a matter of interest BBC Scotland over Saturday and Sunday is showing five and a half hours of English football and three quarters of an hour of Scottish football (late on Sunday night)

castle hills chavie


The missus is saying that it could be internal politics that could be the thing that can bear down, pressure wise.

Syriza are an anti establishment party, Eu wide and Greek wide and a project fear campaign was run against them.

That said, Syriza, will be the Government in Greece and still with only 75% of the vote in, they are so close to a working majority.

This is the first radical, left, wing government in Europe since………..




I am waiting for Robert to correct you.

Graham Macqueen

I truly wonder if this eejit realises the crap that comes out of his mouth. Incoherent, non-sensicle fluff! Best he sucked on a gobstopper and stop making such an arse of himself!!!!



“Ahem Rock, what about ahem Wales and NI ahem ?”

You will have to ask Robert about their status when our beloved union was created.


Dave McEwan Hill,

“but descriptions are not critical.”

They are to our Robert.


Sky are about to show English matches at 3pm on a Saturday
Really bad for the scottish game and what other country allows games from a different country to be shown during the time of their own matches


Dave McEwan Hill,

“The UN Charter allows the inalienable right of self determination to any people on the terms they democratically agree to.”

Where were the UN and their Charter when every undemocratic means possible were employed by the British state to deny us our “inalienable right of self determination”?

Where was the European Union?

Where was the Council of Europe?

Did a single ‘democratic’ country in the world support our “inalienable right of self determination”?

They are all a sham.


Slim Jim and I used to go the same gym. One day we finished our workout at about the same time. Consequently we got changed at the same time. Consequently we used the shower at the same time. I didn’t want to look. ‘You would look if it was anyone else wouldn’t you’ said a voice inside me. So, much to my shame, I looked. I really didn’t want to, but something wrong inside me made me.

And I saw a sign ‘What you expect to see’…

Dave McEwan Hill

Explosive stuff. A relative who was a high ranking police officer told me about Brittan many years ago

link to

Christian Wright

@Effijy – “I was worried sick about you, I even sat up until after Mid-night hoping to hear from you.”
That’s understandable. You’re worried Stuart might have stripped naked, tied his hands behind his back, somehow wormed his way into a saltire-emblazoned North Face bag half his size, padlock it from the outside, then maneuvered the whole thing into the bath of an MI6 safe house in Pimlico, whereupon he accidentally died. It happens.

Wouldn’t concern myself too much though, Effij. It’s odds-on the state security apparatus is “looking after him” 24/7. If anything bad were to happen to him, they’d do a “welfare check”.


…a man for all seasons, shades, colour of light…

‘I can be anything that you want me to be …’
{to the tune of ‘you could be anything that you wanted to be’}

ronnie anderson

@ Rock no need of Roberts correction ah kin dae that, there,s only wan T in britain Papa lol.

Papadox says:
25 January, 2015 at 10:40 pm




Did you enjoy the haggis, tatties and neeps the night Rock along with a wee refreshment? Or are you just stirring the porage?




Did you enjoy the haggis, tatties and neeps the night Rock along with a wee refreshment? Or are you just stirring the porage?”

Just the porridge.

framer darling

Ed Miliband actually did make the constitution of the Labour Party when he gave his “One Nation” address at the party conference. Clearly there is UK Labour and that is the end of the matter. Would be interesting to watch that speech and see Jim Murphy’s reaction.


Surely it is obvious that Westminster and their minions do not want anything in the public domain that either informs or could be a rally point for the Scot’s to gather around. Whilst delivering vague messages that when queried makes the Scot’s sound like a bunch of moaning jock’s. Perhaps it’s me but I see ‘Chaos theory’ being applied daily from Westmonster. I am a Monarchist but if to get shot of Westmonster that must change, so be it. A republic, surely, coudn’t not be part of this United Kingdom. Each time Westmonster frats about they only succeed in raising the stakes. So far I have yet to see any of them being ‘Honourable’.

ronnie anderson

Well done to Syriza I 1st mentioned the winds of change in Europe in the 1600s over 3yrs ago, (rockabye baby) hopefully this wind blows stronger & stronger.


SqueuedPerspextive, was that a reference to ‘Bugsy Malone’? Loved that film when I was young, still love it now.

Let’s hope Jim Morphy’s soon ‘Down and Out’ in Scotland.

ronnie anderson

Awe diddyums somebody phoned Diddy Dave wie a hoax phone call,ah hope they gave plenty abuse.

Naebody complained when the Pope,s phone number wiz advertized years ago Vat 69 ah wonder if its still connected.

Chic McGregor

Haggis neeps and tatties for us the nicht followed by oatcakes and Scotch chutney and a wi a wee dram or twa o Jura.

Chic McGregor


Robbie Burn’s gaes intil the lobby o the BBC it Pacific Quay.

The gadgie ahent the reception desk quoth’s “Your bard!”.

Chic McGregor

“You’re bard!” even FFS Rev bring back the edit function.


@ David 12:14am
Yes – glad you got it.

Or in the words of Slim Jim ‘Look, I am not here to say whether it was in the words of this song or that song, the people of Edinburgh East; Perthshire or Falkirk – or where ever labour is in need of a boost, by mentioning them – but the important thing is that this song is a patriotic song, that is sung in the hearts and minds of every labour voter, or potential labour voter, whether they voted yes or no in the referendum- that’s what labour stands for.’



“Just the porridge.”

I guessed as much. The question is why are you stirring it here on Wings if none other than to create divisiveness?


I wonder if Jim M had a whiff of this HoC Committee decision:

Government faces fracking setback as MPs call for total ban”

link to

Cadogan Enright

Not sure why Andrew Neil describes the difference between 52% and 23% as 20 points.


Couldn’t help but notice in Gavin Hewitt’s report from Greece on the Left’s win, that the ballot box was made from clear perspex.
What a great symbol of open and transparent democracy.

Contrast the UK where we have black metal boxes.
A symbol of Britain’s archaic, secret ballots.

Greece’s democracy looks healthy.
Britains’ looks very sick indeed.

Tackety Beets

Nice one Chic .
You’ve prompted me to spout my school boy one :

“What’s the quickest way to become a poet ? ”

Stun an front o the fire until yer Rabbie Burns !

Maer Drink !

john king

Rock says
““but descriptions are not critical.”

They are to our Robert.”

Do you know Rock your really starting to get on peoples tits,
leave Bob Peffers the hell alone,

Im not defending you Bob your big enough and ugly enough to do that yourself I think but Im getting pretty fed up with Rock banging on about your knowledge of the act of union,

Lets get something straight Rock,
its people like Bob, LPW, Taraniach, JLT (where is he?) and the likes that will (I hope and pray) be able to unravel the Gordian (broon?) knot that is the union,

If you know how it was created you know how to dismantle it,
so wind yer neck in Rock, your boring me to tears.
caz-m says
“Do you think Murphy reads Wings?”

Does a bear shit over the side? 🙂
Mealer says
“Well,I’ve had my haggis and am suitably dumplified.”

Love it, 🙂
And here’s me thinking my wife was taking my troosers in. 🙁
Rock @ 10.00pm
What the hell is wrong with you?
are you going out of your way to piss everyone off?
Cough, ahem, snort, hack, spit, TING.
SqueuedPerspextive says
“I didn’t want to look. ‘You would look if it was anyone else wouldn’t you’ said a voice inside me. So, much to my shame, I looked. I really didn’t want to, but something wrong inside me made me.

And I saw a sign ‘What you expect to see’…”

I was hoping you were going to tell us there was a wee silver screw where his belly button should have been. 🙂


That would have to be a ‘grub’ screw, wouldn’t it John?


That would have to be a ‘grub’ screw, wouldn’t it John?


Thepnr: at 1:00 am

I wonder if Jim M had a whiff of this HoC Committee decision:
“Government faces fracking setback as MPs call for total ban”
link to

Your link has missed the target, I think you meant this one.


Do the “warnings” coming from David Cameron towards Greece sound familiar.

“Greek election adds economic uncertainty across Europe, David Cameron says.”

link to

link to

john king

Boorach @6.34
Word has it if the wee silver screw is unscrewed his arse will fall off.


Do you think Murphy will be at Westminster today to take part in the Fracking debate. After all, he is a WESTMINSTER MP.

He is meant to be at Westminster every day fighting for his constituents and Scotland.

He had plenty to say about Fracking the other day, so this debate should be right up his street. C’mon Jim, the great patriot, show us what you are made of. Tell then straight that you will NOT allow Fracking in Scotland.(That was the headlines on the BBC Scotland website)

Get mad at them Jim, GRRRRRRRRRR!


Mmm, more messages from BBC Breakfast when showing the People’s History Museum. Accidentally and quite by chance, the only posters the camera showed were “Vote Labour”.

Not biased of course.


@ John King

Mornin’ John. 🙂

Catch any of Mr Murphy and Ms Dugdale’s showing yesterday?

Worth playing catch up on iplayer. They want to run oor wee corner of the world you know?

Bwahahahahahahaha. 😀


@ John King

Christian Wright has written some excellent posts on that Gordian knot too.

link to

Mad Jock’s another to look out for when it comes to near encyclopaedic knowledge.

Never waste a resource.

Bugger (the Panda)

Just been reading last nights thread above.


Do us all a favour and melt in the Sun.



I finally watched Saint Murp’s interview and I agree with another poster that Andrew Neil could and should have asked a lot harder and more direct questions.

But regardless of Neil’s slightly soft questioning, Murphy made a complete pigs ear of it. He sounded so uncomfortable and evasive answering any of the questions who would have any confidence having him in charge, I think it may be time for him to dodge a deadly EGG ASSAULT again.

How about we have a guess at what miracle saint Jim is going for next:
My guess is : everyone staying in Scotland will have Mc/Mac added to their name to show their a patriot.


I see the Prison has been scrapped.
Stand by for BBC/Labour/Dugdale love in


I see the Scottish Government has decided to implement the Angiolini report in full and not build a new facility at Invercylde. So Christine Graham was right yesterday and Kezia was jumping the gun.


Louise Whit(e) sais;

link to

Grouse Beater

If we think Scotland was treated brutally by the guardians of hyper-capitalism wait until you see how venomously they undermine the elected socialist government of Greece.

When it comes to implementing neo-con economic policies democracy is always the casualty.

Let us never forget: Banks run the world.

Grouse Beater

Murphy made a complete pigs ear of it. He sounded so uncomfortable and evasive

My good friend in Exeter thinks him ‘weird and creepy.’

No shit, Sherlock.

Patrick Roden

I find it a bit strange that Milliband would announce that Labour wants to see the BBC showing Scotland matches.

Now this would have been a perfect press release for Patriotic Jim, yet it looks like Ed has stolen his thunder with this announcement.

It would have made far more political capita,l if the ‘Murphy standing up for Scotland’ narrative was followed in this instance, so why did Ed take control of this?

We know that Ed side-lined ‘Blairite Jim’ after pressure from his own cabinet and backbenchers were complaining that both Jim and Douglas Alexander were having far to much influence over him, so as any self respecting narcissist would do, Jim will be furiously seeking to let everyone know that he is still an amazingly powerful guy, who will soon show Ed how wrong he was to mess with him.

Can it be that we do have a genuine schism at the heart of Labour, but it’s not because Jim is standing up for Scotland, but simply another in a long line of Labour internal wars, in which Scotland is simply being used as a silver bullet?

Patrick Roden

What’s going on with the casual insults to other posters, because they write ‘ahem’ ?

Maybe I’ve missed something, but it seems a strange one!


@GB, your friend in Exeter only thinks Murphy is weird & creepy because he is weird & creepy! 🙂


john king,

“Im getting pretty fed up with Rock banging on about your knowledge of the act of union”

Good to see there is at least someone appreciating Robert *ahem* banging on about his knowledge of the act of union and our inalienable right to call ourselves ‘North Britain’ and ‘British’ after independence.


Patrick Roden,

“What’s going on with the casual insults to other posters, because they write ‘ahem’?”

You misunderstood. I just wanted the ‘word’ to go viral on here because it is such an elegant, meaningful and romantic word without which a comment would lose all its meaning and look completely empty.

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    • Zimba on The Silent Revolution: “If that.Jan 24, 14:53
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Odd. Is the Tsar talking to his subject Orcs, do you think? Some of them regularly tell the world they…Jan 24, 14:50
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““a neo imperialist fantasy about “why we need to keep antartica british” and how there are vast oil reserves “10…Jan 24, 14:45
    • Captain Caveman on The Silent Revolution: “Knock yourself out mate. Probably a more constructive use of time than worrying large rodents.Jan 24, 14:42
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “On you go, the rest of us will follow.Jan 24, 14:31
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Here you go, gregor: “Globalism is civilizational suicide.” Your original post was rammed with typos. Classic evidence of a brain…Jan 24, 14:27
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Well we’re 116,334 days into the Union and I’m still waiting for a Unionist to produce ‘A Theoretical Positive Case for…Jan 24, 14:23
    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: “That’s a great link, gregor. I had absolutely no idea that me and Musk are on the same page about…Jan 24, 14:23
    • James on The Silent Revolution: “Amen to that. Let’s cancel “Trident”.Jan 24, 14:15
    • Hatey McHateface on The Great Hollowing: “Sorry, Zimba, but it’s up to each poster to clearly make his or her own point. You shouldn’t be relying…Jan 24, 14:09
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Reuters (24/01/25): K***lin says P***n is ready to talk to Trump and is waiting for word from Washington: “Trump said…Jan 24, 14:02
    • Mark Beggan on The Silent Revolution: “The Scottish Greens are being accused of being too middle class for voters This is totally untrue. The Scottish Greens…Jan 24, 13:38
    • Captain Caveman on The Silent Revolution: “Well, I clicked on the link as suggested, which promptly took me right to a publication entitled ‘The Theoretical Case…Jan 24, 13:26
    • Confused on The Silent Revolution: “Not much point in going out today, let’s read the papers. When among friends, people talk candidly, even indiscreetly. This…Jan 24, 13:07
  • A tall tale

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