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Moodievision: Flatliners

Posted on July 01, 2015 by

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71 to “Moodievision: Flatliners”

  1. Johannah Buchan

    Best one yet.

  2. alba


  3. Claire

    Best one yet. Very funny, on the mark, and at the end really quite sad.

  4. Doug Daniel

    I almost spat my soup up when Ian Murray popped up shouting “AH’VE STILL GOT A JOAB!”

  5. Hoss Mackintosh

    Greg – Devo Max brilliant!

    When will we ever see their likes again?

    Never – ha ha ha …

  6. Clare Tereasa

    Awww man! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! The tears are streaming down my face! Sitting on a bus, while laughing maniacally is not a brilliant idea! Which made me laugh even harder!

  7. pa_broon74

    Laughing at those shoulder pads before it even got going.

    Another class act.

  8. Alex Smith

    Deffo totes amazeballs….

  9. turnbulldrier

    Outstanding, Mr Moodie and co, outstanding πŸ™‚

  10. Robert Kerr

    Power Dressing in Red! What’s to like?

    Well done Greg.

    But. What’s with Kwik-Fit?

  11. Bob Mack

    Classic ,just classic.

  12. Fred

    Brilliant! anent Jackie & her massive horn, I could swear she said “General Erection”. Must run it again.

  13. Aos

    Awesome, near wet myself at Murry’s constant interjections regarding his current employment.

  14. Muscleguy

    @Robert Kerr

    Didn’t Sir Tom Farmer (founder thereof) come strongly out for No? including donating a large sum?

    Still, they replaced the valve in that tyre on my wife’s car gratis. So perhaps we should discriminate between who runs the company and the people who staff it.

  15. Macart

    Nailed it. πŸ˜€

  16. Chitterinlicht

    Very good cheered me up. Ta

    And special ta for bringing Gordon Brown back at least someone has.

  17. Les Wilson

    Really quite funny, well done.

  18. gillie

    BRILLLLLLLIANT! Had to rush to the toilet

  19. Valerie

    Excellent, far superior to the original version.

    Thanks to Greg and Co. cos there ain’t much to laugh at just now, so a welcome diversion πŸ™‚

  20. call me dave

    Yeah! That’s one of the best right enough Broonie as a stegasoraus

    Well that’s worse than a pain in the neck πŸ™‚

    Was talking to a ‘NOer’ in the cafe this morning she was waxing lyrical about the tennis. Fair excited about Murray (Andy) hoping he would win it again. I concurred, but mentioned “it was only a game after all”

    “Oh no” she said Murray is Scottish and that was important…:-(

    Funny old world init…

    The continuing saga with my partners parents ‘NO voters’ in Oban:
    Still never asked to speak to me since the election result when they phone to speak to their daughter.

    If they ever do ask I’m under orders from partner not to mention the war! πŸ™‚

    I might just suggest they watch the HoC debate but they buy the Sunday Post and have no internet and suck up the BBC as gospel.

  21. Helena Brown

    So good and so real I didn’t understand a word that wee lassies said so it must be.

  22. galamcennalath

    That was really funny. Much enjoyed.

    If only SLab would actually flatline. With Holyrood’s PR lists system, with will still around. Hopefully in small numbers, though.

    In the last TNS poll we had Labour (19%), the Conservatives (14%), Greens (10%). Wouldn’t it be apt justice if Labour moved down to 3rd or 4th!?

  23. yesitis

    The Moodie smashes it again!

    That`s going to leave a mark πŸ™‚

  24. JayR

    He shoots, he scores again! Great stuff, especially Wee Murray

  25. Clydebuilt

    great to see La Burd at last, up there with her mates.

    Great toon Greg. and strait to the reason for SLAB’s existance “Ah’ve still got ma job”……even tho it cost him a fortune

  26. Molly

    Ian Davidson -Nats messing with his instrument -eh naw

  27. Molly

    Ian Davidson – Nats messing with his instrument-eh naw

  28. Pam McMahon

    I always thought the Kwik-Fit thingy was representing the BBC building at PQ. That’s what they do for the Labour party in Scotland, isn’t it?

  29. Socrates MacSporran

    Absolutely brilliant, I laughed so loudly, and hit more than one nail on the head.

    Well done to all.

  30. mogabee

    Just take away all defibrillators from slab’s vicinity immediately.

    Don’t want them coming back yet! πŸ˜€

  31. Ian Brotherhood

    Greece in crisis, Cameron pisses on Scotland Bill…BBC Radio Scotland Drivetime leads with ‘Heathrow or Gatwick?’

    GTF. Really, just Get Yourselves To Fuck.

  32. Proud Cybernat

    Nice one Greg and team. Question though–where’s Union Jackie Bird’s ‘Financed by the UK’ sticker?

  33. Petra


    I just wanted to mention that Stewart Hosie had his say in The National on Monday with regard to FFA.

    If anyone missed it he said ”it was ridiculous to suggest Scotland was incapable of financing itself as an Independent country as Scotland already more than pays its way, with more revenue generated per head than the UK for every one of the last 34 years.” He went on ”but we need significant new powers over our economy, job creation, welfare, wages and living standards if we are to make the most of our nations potential.

    ** As for oil**, this weeks report shows that Scotland remains by some margin, the biggest oil producer in the entire European Union – no other country in such a position would have suggested that it could not finance itself.”

  34. Brian Powell

    Good that it shows J Bird constantly talking about ‘we’ when she mentions the Labour party.

  35. Al-Stuart

    Thanks for that guys.

    After watching days of the Scotland Bill limping through Toryshire and Mundell, the Unincerdible No-Man I really needed something to put a smile back on the old puss.

    These Moodievision productions should be on mainstream television. Really good.

  36. Fiona Brown

    Fantastic. Thanks and very very well done

  37. Lollysmum

    By far the best one yet Greg.

    Real laugh out loud stuff & a real antidote to the day that I’ve had compiling stats for social services contract monitoring. I switched off my pc 5 minutes ago having lost the will to live but this episode worked like magic. Happy again now & all thanks to you πŸ™‚

    I’ve still got a jobbbbbbbbbb. I reckon that saying might stick to Murray like glue if we try hard enough πŸ˜‰

  38. bjsalba

    O/T Listen to the Media Show on BBC R4. Apparently Licence Fee Payer numbers have dropped more than the BBC predicted.

    I wonder where the numbers fell most. Scotland perhaps?
    They didn’t say.

  39. ronnie anderson

    @ mogabee Defibulaters Kill as well as Revive,switch tae full Malky fur deeded lol.

  40. call me dave

    @Ian Brotherhood

    But… but… “that’s good for Scotland”! as some woman said this morning on Radio Scotland..”it will get the fresh salmon to the markets in London”. I kid you not!

    Heard it on the car radio ..partner said ” Eh…What!”

    She’ll be going round with a fiery X soon. πŸ™‚

  41. Robert Buntin

    The best yet by a mile. The ‘ Dug’ & ‘SMurray’ are priceless.

  42. heedtracker

    Best yet. Jakey Bird’s portrait painting in her attic must be fcuking terrifying. What a ghastly crew they all are.

  43. heedtracker

    Satire or reality in teamGB world

    “Iain Duncan Smith had his official credit card suspended after running up more than Β£1,000 in expenses debts, it can be revealed. The work and pensions secretary was among 19 MPs subject to action by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) after failing to show spending was valid.”

    Rancid The Graun.

  44. themadmurph

    I wonder how many will get the Dorian Gray reference!

  45. call me dave

    The youngest MP at Westminster, Mhairi Black, is to take up a place on one of the House of Commons select committees.
    The 20-year-old, who graduated with a first class honours degree in politics from Glasgow University last week, will sit on the Work and Pensions select committee

    The party has confirmed that SNP MPs will sit on 26 select committees. There will be three members on the Scottish affairs committee, which the party also chairs.

  46. heedtracker

    themadmurph says:
    1 July, 2015 at 6:11 pm
    I wonder how many will get the Dorian Gray reference!

    Jacky Bird will:D

  47. Drew Adamson

    Eeeeeeeeaaaaaaarghhhhh Gordonzilla.

  48. call me dave

    Court rejects challenge to Scottish ministers’ abuse inquiry chair

    The court of session has rejected the legal challenge by two Catholic orders over the appointment of the chair of the Government’s historic child abuse inquiry.

    The Sisters of Nazareth and the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul had claimed ministers’ appointment of Susan O’Brien QC to run the inquiry ran the risk of bias as she had previously acted for victims of alleged abuse.

    However Lord Woolman ruled that there was no breach of the inquiries act, as Ms O’Brien’s previous involvement with victims of abuse did not amount to a ‘close association’ and neither could it be regarded as affecting the impartiality of the inquiry. He said no fair minded observer could conclude there was a real possibility of bias.

  49. IvMoz

    More on Select Committees

    Administration Committee

    Β· Martyn Day MP

    Backbench Business Committee

    Β· Gavin Newlands MP

    Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee

    Β· Michelle Thomson MP

    Communities and Local Government Committee

    Β· Alison Thewliss MP

    Culture Media Sport Select Committee

    Β· John Nicolson MP

    Defence Select Committee

    Β· Douglas Chapman MP

    Education Select Committee

    Β· Marion Fellows

    Environmental Audit Select Committee

    Β· John McNally MP

    Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee

    Β· Paul Monaghan MP

    European Scrutiny Committee

    Β· Peter Grant MP

    Foreign Affairs Select Committee

    Β· Stephen Gethins MP

    Health Select Committee

    Β· Philippa Whitford MP

    High Speed Rail Select Committee

    Β· Alan Brown MP

    Home Affairs Select Committee

    Β· Stuart McDonald MP (Cumbernauld)

    International Development Select Committee.

    Β· Lisa Cameron MP

    Justice Select Committee

    Β· Richard Arkless MP

    Public Accounts Select Committee

    Β· Deidre Brock MP

    Procedures Committee

    Β· Patricia Gibson MP

    Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee

    Β· Ronnie Cowan MP

    Science and Technology Select Committee

    Β· Carol Monaghan

    Scottish Affairs Select Committee

    Β· Kirsty Blackman MP

    Β· Margaret Ferrier MP

    Β· Chris Law MP

    Standards Committee

    Β· Tommy Sheppard MP

    Transport Select Committee

    Β· Stewart McDonald MP (Glasgow South)

    Treasury Select Committee

    Β· George Kerevan MP

    Women and Equalities Select Committee

    Β· Angela Crawley MP

    Work and Pensions Select Committee

    Β· Mhairi Black MP

  50. EphemeralDeception

    A Great episode – each character and moment is so close to reality it is uncanny – if only it were not so true.

  51. Dr Jim

    Was that not a real (programme) program then

    Eh Whit?

  52. caz-m

    Great posts everybody, this site gives people like me, (who don’t have access to TV or Radio at the moment), the tools to go out and spread the word of Independence with confidence.

    Keep up the brilliant work everyone.

    Long live Wings, and all who post in her.

  53. Gary45%

    The news reader on 6 music earlier, talking about the new Heathrow runway, said it would expand “England’s” capacity.

    I take it the Scottish taxpayer will not be expected to subsidise this rather large elephant, as it will not benefit us.

    As we all know, we will be handed a bill for our percentage of the cost.

    Yet another burden on Scotland.
    We have to break free from the matrix.

  54. paul gerard mccormack

    As said above, getting so much better – best yet.
    very amusing, and in fact, nothing but THE TRUTH!

  55. mogabee

    Aye Ronnie you’re a “bright spark” right enough! πŸ˜€

  56. james

    You see it all the time on that popular online auction site, post to UK only no delivery to Scottish Highlands and Islands. Pathetic really

  57. Petra

    This is a list of Scottish National Party MPs. It includes all Members of Parliament elected to the British House of Commons representing the Scottish National Party since the party’s formation. Members of the Scottish Parliament or the European Parliament are not listed.

    List of MPs

    Name Constituency Period

    Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh Ochil and South Perthshire 2015 – present
    Richard Arkless Dumfries and Galloway 2015 – present
    Hannah Bardell Livingston 2015 – present
    Mhairi Black Paisley and Renfrewshire South 2015 – present
    Ian Blackford Ross, Skye and Lochaber 2015 – present
    Kirsty Blackman Aberdeen North 2015 – present
    Philip Boswell Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill 2015 – present
    Deidre Brock Edinburgh North and Leith 2015 – present
    Alan Brown Kilmarnock and Loudoun 2015 – present
    Lisa Cameron East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow 2015 – present
    Douglas Chapman Dunfermline and West Fife 2015 – present
    Joanna Cherry Edinburgh South West 2015 – present
    Ronnie Cowan Inverclyde 2015 – present
    Douglas Crawford Perth and East Perthshire 1974–1979
    Angela Crawley Lanark and Hamilton East 2015 – present
    Roseanna Cunningham Perth and Kinross 1995–1997
    Perth 1997–2001
    Martyn Day Linlithgow and East Falkirk 2015 – present
    Martin Docherty West Dunbartonshire 2015 – present
    Stuart Donaldson West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine 2015 – present
    Dick Douglas Dunfermline West 1990 – 1992 1
    Annabelle Ewing Perth 2001–2005
    Margaret Ewing East Dunbartonshire 1974 – 1979 (as Margaret Bain)
    Moray 1987–2001
    Winnie Ewing Hamilton 1967–1970
    Moray and Nairn 1974–1979
    Marion Fellows Motherwell and Wishaw 2015 – present
    Margaret Ferrier Rutherglen and Hamilton West 2015 – present
    Stephen Gethins North East Fife 2015 – present
    Patricia Gibson North Ayrshire and Arran 2015 – present
    Patrick Grady Glasgow North 2015 – present
    Peter Grant Glenrothes 2015 – present
    Neil Gray Airdrie and Shotts 2015 – present
    Douglas Henderson East Aberdeenshire 1974–1979
    Drew Hendry Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey 2015 – present
    Stewart Hosie Dundee East 2005 – present
    George Kerevan East Lothian 2015 – present
    Calum Kerr Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk 2015 – present
    Chris Law Dundee West 2015 – present
    Iain MacCormick Argyll 1974–1979
    Margo MacDonald Glasgow Govan 1973–1974
    Stewart McDonald Glasgow South 2015 – present
    Stuart McDonald Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East 2015 – present
    Callum McCaig Aberdeen South 2015 – present
    Natalie McGarry Glasgow East 2015 – present
    Robert McIntyre Motherwell 1945
    Anne McLaughlin Glasgow North East 2015 – present
    John McNally Falkirk 2015 – present
    Angus MacNeil Na h-Eileanan an Iar 2005 – present
    John Mason Glasgow East 2008–2010
    Carol Monaghan Glasgow North West 2015 – present
    Paul Monaghan Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross 2015 – present
    Alasdair Morgan Galloway and Upper Nithsdale 1997–2001
    Roger Mullin Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath 2015 – present
    Gavin Newlands Paisley and Renfrewshire North 2015 – present
    John Nicolson East Dunbartonshire 2015 – present
    Brendan O’Hara Argyll and Bute 2015 – present
    Kirsten Oswald East Renfrewshire 2015 – present
    Steven Paterson Stirling 2015 – present
    George Reid Clackmannan and Eastern Stirlingshire 1974–1979
    Angus Robertson Moray 2001 – present
    Alex Salmond Banff and Buchan 1987–2010
    Gordon 2015 – present
    Tommy Sheppard Edinburgh East 2015 – present
    Jim Sillars Glasgow Govan 1988–1992
    Christopher Stephens Glasgow South West 2015 – present
    Donald Stewart Western Isles 1970–1987
    John Swinney North Tayside 1997–2001
    Alison Thewliss Glasgow Central 2015 – present
    Michelle Thomson Edinburgh West 2015 – present
    Owen Thompson Midlothian 2015 – present
    George Thompson Galloway 1974–1979
    Hamish Watt Banffshire 1974–1979
    Michael Weir Angus 2001 – present
    Andrew Welsh South Angus 1974–1979
    East Angus 1987–1997
    Angus 1997–2001
    Eilidh Whiteford Banff and Buchan 2010 – present
    Philippa Whitford Central Ayrshire 2015 – present
    Corri Wilson Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock 2015 – present
    Gordon Wilson Dundee East 1974–1987
    Peter Wishart North Tayside 2001–2005
    Perth and North Perthshire 2005 – present

  58. Molly

    Yes Gary45%

    I hit the official 50 recently and was treated to a lovely holiday. It warmed my other halfs heart to hear the couple next to us had paid one eighth for near enough the same deal.

    The reason they’d got a great deal they could leave from Stansted, Luton or Heathrow.

    Which is fine if you happen to live in that part of the world but as for the rest of us, is our money made of elastic?

    It’s actually in some cases cheaper to fly to Ireland than it is to fly direct from Scotland and don’t get me started about having to go through two sets of security , if you fly from Manchester .

  59. Petra

    @ IvMoz at 6:48

    Thanks for the list IvMoz. Following on from that I’ve posted a list of all past and present SNP MPS now for anyone who is interested.

    I’ve had a look at that list IvMoz and see the Alex name is not on it. Neither is Stewart Hosies, Angus Robertsons or Joanna Cherrys. That surprises me. Does anyone have any idea why they wouldn’t be leading say the Scottish Affairs Select Committee?

    As a bye I heard Angus Robertson complain to DC today in the Commons about EVEL and pointing out that by contrast there were only three SNP MPs on the SASC …. the rest are English.

  60. Petra

    @ Molly says at 8:54 pm ”It’s actually in some cases cheaper to fly to Ireland than it is to fly direct from Scotland and don’t get me started about having to go through two sets of security, if you fly from Manchester.”

    I’ve gone through all of this too Molly (flying from Manchester / London) and it really cracks me up.

    I often travel to Madeira and it’s cheaper to get a flight from Glasgow to Bristol – Bristol to Madeira than a direct flight from Glasgow to Funchal.

    I’ve even noticed that if I’m traveling to a place that’s closer to Scotland than say London the flights are still more expensive.

    We’re being ripped off at every turn.

  61. Meindevon

    Molly…omg Manchester airport, what a nightmare. Having lots of debates and claims with Flybe re flights to Glasgow from Exeter as after ten years they are not direct anymore. So many people sick of delays and being stuck at Manchester for hours and as you mention two security gates! Try that when it’s packed and you have to get to the other end of the airport with a fifty minute layover. All because, I believe, they are trying to make Manchester more of a hub to ease the pressure on the London airports. GGRRR.

  62. IvMoz


    I would suspect it’s because they have shadow/spokesperson roles, so the select committee jobs have been doled out to backbenchers (mostly) who do not have other responsibilities.

    I think it’s good because it appears that of the 56, most of them now have various “second” jobs in WM which will build up their experience & knowledge.

  63. Fred

    Everybody got the Dorian Grey reference! πŸ™‚ Jackie Bird grimacing through the botox, even Dorian would have prob’s.

  64. Molly

    To add insult to injury cases weight wise at Edinburgh fine but over at Manchester? As you say massive queue behind us , one irate husband plus extra cost to stay in Manchester due to early flight.

    Why can’t Prestwick be a ‘ hub’

  65. Meindevon

    Molly, probably because it’s too far from the London airports. It’s ironic because they are trying to take the pressure off London but Manchester can’t cope with extra flights. The poor run ragged assisted wheelchair staff told me they couldn’t cope before never mind now.

  66. Meindevon

    Molly I should add that it almost feels like ‘they” are even trying to make travel to and from Scotland for us ex pats and pats as difficult as possible now. Maybe Its just me getting paranoid.

  67. Petra

    @ cynicalHighlander says 9:46 pm

    Thanks for the link cynicalHighlander. A reminder of the Ewing family who gave their all for Independence. Too bad that some of them, such as Margaret, didn’t live to see 56 SNP MPs march off to London.

  68. Scot in Sweden

    Gotta say this is a great summary of the state of Unionist politics in Scotland

  69. No no no...Yes

    Bit late in getting to this, but worth the wait. Superb stuff again. I did wonder why jackie was looking more grumpy than normal on Rep Scot last night. It looks like she has forgotten to take the hanger out her blouse before putting it on.

  70. Cammy

    Not for the first time, I’m confused…. why is there a fish in the bed, with the heart monitor….?
    The SNP have Salmond and Sturgeon, both sort of fish names…
    Otherwise, LMAO.

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