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Wings Over Scotland

Mistaken identity

Posted on September 28, 2024 by

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  1. Doug

    Maircell Mairso

  2. Dorothy Devine

    I think I must have missed something.

    Doug I do like your quip!

  3. Scot Finlayson

    Scottish Police policy would be to validate his self id from tea leaf to mine artist.

  4. Anthem

    Sexual deviants/child groomers impersonating MP’s or MSP’s may have been more apt.
    Nice one Chris.

  5. Kevin Cargill

    Ah but was he presenting as or identifying as? That’s one of the main differences between good old fashioned transvestites and our new modern “Transwomen”. Transvestites simply presented as poor imitations of women but would never claim to be one or use their spaces. Transwomen, however claim they are actual women, demand access to their spaces, play their sports, use their changing rooms and if others refuse to accept that then they demand that those TErf bigots be locked up and the key thrown away!!

    Anyway, we’re not supposed to assume anything about anybody anymore. He might not be a burglar presenting as a mime artist but a mime artist presenting as a burglar.

    Ooooh!! My brain hurts.

  6. Molesworth

    Trans people can call themselves whatever they want but that does not oblige the rest of us to follow suit.

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