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Wings Over Scotland

Messenger season

Posted on March 20, 2021 by
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The Isolator

Different level this week Chris.Fantastic.


Buying a Scots Baronial castle. So that’s where the indyref money went to.

Great toon btw Chris.

Tom Kane

Who would be a message-carrier to the court of Queen Niccla and her inner circle when they are planning what to do next?

Nothing but programmed drones will do.


Chris, looks like you’ve provided a new name for Sturgeon’s SNP. The Dead Pigeon Society.

Robert Louis

Bang on the money, Chris.

The SNP hierarchy seem unable to accept reality. They have convinced themselves that nobody will care what they do, indy supporters will vote for them regardless.

It is what the British Labour Scottishy branch office foolishly used to think in Scotland. ‘They weigh the labour votes in Scotland’ was the old quip. Just like the current SNP, the British Labour party were rock-solid sure, they would win ANY election in Scotland.

The electorate has STILL not forgiven them. Labour is in third place behind the rightly hated, greedy, selfish, English Tories.

Am I the only one who thinks Nicola Sturgeon is looking very tired these days?

Frank Gillougley

Now that is an absolute ‘keeper’, Chris (btw whatever did happen to the wolf man?)


aaah, my childhood..

link to

Come to think of it, there are quite a lot of similar charaters.


Well, Peter Murrell never was a bird fancier.


Peter Murrell is a cuckoo in the nest.

Andrew Davidson

Brilliant work. 🙂


Ooft!! Do you know who the man with the rifle reminds me of?

Sharny Dubs

A cracker Chris, brightened my Weekend or not as the case may be.

Where’s you ring-fenced Indy fund? In the Murrell’s bank account of course, simples, gone to buying castles (but not in the air).

How you feeling now suckers?




Soooooperb. They are heading for a very big fall in May.


@ Robert Louis at 7:21 am

“Am I the only one who thinks Nicola Sturgeon is looking very tired these days?”
No , Dreghorn Badger looking for it’s arse back
Hell mend her.
Her, hopefully soon, demise it her own fault


The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent, the SNP leader hasn’t been listening to members, general public their NEC the police and the woman and the list goes on. But what we do know is the SNP will probably fail in MAY election because they do keep listening to a liar and that isn’t a good idea when the leader refuses to except any sort of blame or responsibility and it will resonate to the electorate.

What Sturgeon stated yesterday on channel 4 news about the Inquiry, in my opinion was ill advised but echos for years what most have been saying about this woman being a dictator. On the crisp of Scotland being a nation again its the SNP who are playing partisan politics by not getting rid of Nicola Sturgeon and god help this party if we are forced to remain part of the UK because of the SNP and their partisan politics, after all Scottish Independence is far more important than Nicola Sturgeon.


Could the tower be more Ivory-Looking?

Socrates MacSporran

What happens in May after:

Anas Sarwar deposes Sturgeon in the Glasgow Southside Constituency vote.

But, she scrapes back into Holyrood by being second on the Glasgow List.

She still refuses to resign as Leader and the SNP, as the largest party in a badly split Holyrood, proposes her for First Minister, as they try to form a minority government.

The Unionist parties combine to keep her out – but, cannot agree on a coalition government under either Sarwar or DRoss.

Might we then see Holyrood prorogued and direct rule from Westminster resumed?

In which case, Sturgeon’s legacy will be no Independence this side of 2030 – at the earliest.

Captain Yossarian

The comparisons with Trump keep on coming, don’t they. For me, Trump was voted-in, achieved quite a lot under difficult circumstance and was voted back out again. After a few weeks of arguements, he went.

What will Sturgeon do and will Scots have the gumption NOT to vote for her this time?


This guy is a breath of fresh air! And standing against Angus Robertson!
Bonny Prince Bob!

link to


So apt Chris. Look at the state of them. Thanks Nicola for nothing.

A keeper from Iain Lawson in the link below.

link to

James Barr Gardner

Faulty tower inhabited by dastards.

Bob Mack

Just in case one of them had bad news for Nicola and was starting a “coo”?

I’ll leave quietly.


Birds of a feather…conspire together

Loving your work

Socrates MacSporran


Thanks for the link, definitely a keeper. That Lawson blog should be shared widely.

It says much about the Glorious Leader that, after David Davis’s Commons speech, she chose to attack Davis, for having a go at her, but, totally ignored that part of Davis’s speech which helped the Independence cause.

Had she truly been interested in Independence, rather than styaing in-charge, she might have pointed out, as Davis did, the failings of the Scotland Act, how it hampered democracy in Scotland and how, she would, at the least, be calling for the separation of government and the legal establishment, and saying: “We need Independence so we can sort-out the failings of devolution.”

But,l no, it had to be all about Nicola and clinging onto the reins of power.

Bob Mack

Only thing missing.

Each of those pigeons should have had a letter of the alphabet on their message.

Like the women the SNP already set up. They got shot down as well.


@ Socrates MacSporran on 20 March, 2021 at 9:09 am.

My thoughts exactly, re: “Glorious Leader”, put better than i ever could.


Good one Chris , says it all.


Great toon, oh the irony.

Also a good, clever, song here on populism – aimed at Boris, but resonates with the new SNP stance for what we are expected to believe:

link to


Socrates MacSporran says:
20 March, 2021 at 8:37 am
What happens in May after:

Surely the Unionists want to keep the “star” on the field.

The leader is forever tainted and so will be the administration.
The only clear path to Independence is to clear away the current party leaders- whether that is a new movement or by the SNP members reclaiming the party.

Who is the charismatic leader that is needed now?

It is probably too late for May but IF a coalition is needed then what are the rules for a new election IF the coalition breaks down?

2nd election becomes the Plebiscite and with the criminals out of the way the dream of Independence becomes areality.


Ha,ha,ha, first class Chris


AFI Fundraiser – Following the “magical” increase of over 4000 pounds by 14 donors after the site “outage” yesterday normal reality has resumed. The fund has increased by 0.02% and one donor.

The first 2 days – 21 donors gave 750Pounds
The following afternoon- 14 donors gave 4250Pounds.
Since yesterday – 1 donor has given 10Pounds

You don’t trigger donations by such tactics as used yesterday.

32 Candidates, A dozen officials, 8 Branches and we have 35 donors and some questionable donations.

Scot Finlayson

@Captain Yossarian says:

“I look around me and see a corrupt and nasty wee country”

are you Neil Oliver or just a run of the mill Uncle Jock cringer.


No worries Socrates MacSporran.

Exactly as you say. It has to be about Nicola catapulting herself into the role of the victim. And nothing whatsover a out her disentangle the mess she has helped create of our institutions. As Iain himself said it was particularly interesting how quickly she turned on the committee after the leak. Helped us see how nasty and spiteful she is. This shitshoq is all hers. That s her legacy. Sad.


Sturgeon: “Due process must be allowed to take place and the verdict respected.”

Well, the mostly female jury returned a NOT GUILTY verdict.

Sturgeon: They’re all wrong and i’m right, he’s guilty.

Sturgeon: “The inquiry must be allowed to do its job.”

Well, it has, and the verdict is in – GUILTY as charged.

What now, Sorcerer Sturgeon? We need to wait on Hamiltons findings?



The SNP leadership won’t accept reality because people like you will still vote for them. Your lack of self awareness is tragic.

Captain Yossarian

@Scot Finlayson – I have nothing to do with Neil Oliver. If what I have said is incorrect, then by all means correct it. You sound like you want to target any critic of modern Scotland as ‘Yoon’ – just as Mike Russell/Humza Yousaf do. Am I right? There’s a lot more to it than that Sir. Have a look at the George Square soup kitchen if you want to know specifically what I am complaining about. In the meantime, Sturgeon wears £300 shoes, different ones each time you see her. Neil Oliver doesn’t do that, does he? Waken-up Scot – you’re being taken for a ride.


As a member of the Ant Hill Mob I can also see the wacky racers angle here.

Is that Nick Sturgeonly and Petely in the ramparts?


If I stayed in Edinburgh Central I’d vote for Bonnie Prince Bob, and I’m a Hearts fan.

Bonny Prince Bob!

link to

Nally Anders

Great work Chris.
Even if the messages had been delivered, they’d just immediately be burnt/binned.
Dear Leader does do not ‘listening’.
(Except for the wee fanboys and then you get your very own video message).



When I look at you I see the sort of fool that created Nicola Sturgeon and seems prepared to throw our country on the scrap heap of corruption because you can’t think for yourself or see the evidence that all but the most blinkered sturgeon cult member can see.

After yesterday’s carry on with Sturgeon going full on Trump turned up to 11 and that dirty bastardised Derek Mackay sneaking out the back door with his pockets stuffed with our money I have had enough.

Anyone who is still going to vote for Nicola Sturgeon and that corrupt dishonest shower of mindless thick bastards who grovel round her feet deserves no respect. You have no interest in Scotland’s future, you don’t care for its people, you don’t care about law or justice or what is right, you don’t even care about basic human decency, you don’t even know what “independence” or “freedom” is supposed to mean, all you care about is keeping Scotland’s neck under the knee of what has effectively become a gangster government. I’m done.


I would have to agree with Captain Yossarian that Scotland is at risk of being seen as a “corrupt and nasty wee country” by others and by those who become victims of corruption.
Like AS and Craig Murray, I don’t think that this reflects our true identity because this has been stolen from us by a certain cuckoo in the nest.
Misfeasance is now the norm. It has infected most organs of state and led to a general despair amongst those who have principles and who want Scotland to be a genuinely progressive nation.
Watch that Craig Murray video and sense the weariness and frustration of a real patriot. He is someone who knows and understands the internal workings of government so is well-placed to make the judgement that we are living in very dangerous times.
It will not be long before the ‘thought-police’ are onto this blog.
Someone has to have the courage and the gravitas to fight back or we will all be in peril.

Dr Peter ISP

The Electoral Commission should be all over that. 14 chosen carefully so that each will have donated just less than the £500 for notification. The EC looks askance at such things. You can drop them a line about it in fact.


Nice one Chris.

Even though we know Sturgeon deliberately misled parliament, and the Tories are calling on her to resign before Wednesday or they’ll call for a vote of no confidence, Alex Salmond although acquitted on his charges by a jury of his peers, is still having his name dragged through the mud.

All through this inquiry disgraceful innuendos and outright comments and articles are still being thrown around about Alex Salmond even though he’s an innocent man, its an utter disgrace. As Sturgeon begins her burning descent into ignomy she has no qualms about dragging Salmond’s name through the dirt in order to save her own lying skin.

Even the now found to be lying women complainers, have slighted Alex Salmond’s name via the RCS and in the media who are all to willing to print opinions from the women found to have been lying through their teeth in court, yet not one of them has faced any form of rebuke or punishment from the totally corrupt COPFS.

In almost every interview by Sturgeon she mocks the above which is true, that its all an Alex Salmond conspiracy, infact that’s her only defence.

The committee has found that Sturgeon did mislead parliament, hopefully that is a catalyst form James Hamilton QC to go on and show that Sturgeon did break the Ministerial Code, (which we know she did) of course Sturgeon will no doubt claim if that is the his findings, that he too is part of the Alex Salmond conspiracy cabal.

Sturgeon has brought great shame on Scotland, her credibility is in tatters, no one will ever take her seriously again, she should step down now, however I feel she’ll bring further shame on Scotland by clinging on to power until she’s dragged kicking and screaming from Holyrood.

She could’ve been a Scottish heroine and remembered in Scottish history for bringing independence to Scotland. Instead she will go down in Scottish history as a villain, a toom tabard, the woman who sold Scotland out.


@ TheSNPLeftMe on 20 March, 2021 at 9:30 am

Have AFI got a list of who is standing where candidates?


Just a pity that Bonnie Prince Bob is not in my constituency.
I’d certainly vote for him if I could.
Great personality.

Frank Gillougley

I just watched all of Craig Murray’s vlog ther (being my day off). This has to be said in simple terms – the SNP leader and her leadership team are wilfully evil and cynical beyond cynical despite all appearances to the contrary (oh the poor women).


Well said @Shocked.
And they are still at it. Hiding stuff, lies, corruption.
link to
I don’t know where the idea comes from that ‘unionists’ want to keep Sturgeon because she’s damaged, I certainly don’t and I don’t know anybody else who does either. We will fight for our idea of how Scotland should be without any ‘help’ from that corrupt, lame duck bag of pond slime thank you.
Or to put it more politely, however Scotland ends up constitutionally it needs to be led by decent, strong, honest people whatever their political persuasion.


Feliks says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:46 am
If I stayed in Edinburgh Central I’d vote for Bonnie Prince Bob, and I’m a Hearts fan.

Bonny Prince Bob!

link to

Bonnie Prince Bob is certainly streets and streets ahead of Angus Robertson.(surely an example of everything that is wrong with the SNP.)


Captain Yossarian gaslights Scotland.

Who pays you to undermine our confidence,

Yes,there are wrongs and most of us wish to right those wrongs but only the devoted UNited Loyalists wish to see an end of Scotland and its sang.



Everyone hates the corrupt little bastard except the Sturgeon cult members. They are so far gone they can’t even see that it is they who are the bad guys, not the English, not the British state, but them and them alone. Hell mend them.


Bonny Prince Bob will get less than 1% of the vote. Robertson and his entourage are more of the same.

The SNP must cleanse itself from within.



The only ones gaslighting Scotland are people like you, showing the world that the country can have the absolute piss taken out of it by a bunch of corrupt lying bastards and there you are on your knees saying “please Nicola, can we have some more?” Get some self respect.

Andy Ellis


If Bonny Prince Bob deprives Robertson of the seat it will be no more than he deserves. Ruth Davidson beat the SNP candidate by 610 votes in 2016 (which works out at 1.7% of the votes), and the Green candidate got 4,644 votes.

Robertson’s £10K Crowdfunder has stalled at £3.8K (38%) – it’s barely moved in a week. Hardly indicative of Edinburgh Central voters being too keen on another Sturgeonista stooge being parachuted in…..


Famous 15

The SNP must cleanse itself you say. How long would this take? Considering that the only SNP politicians consistently vocal against what’s been happening are the same small group of MacAskill, Cherry, MacNeil, McEleny, Neil and McAlpine, with others either openly supporting Sturgeon or else keeping very quiet.

Captain Yossarian

@Famous 15 – What makes this site so popular is that the research done by WoS makes it required reading by many on both sides of the constitutional divide. Even The Spectator reads these pages.

Whether you accept it or not, I have said a few times that I belong to neither side and I am completely non-political. If Scotland could run itself then I would be happy to be independent. It would make no difference to me and I suspect there are a good 30% of folk who think the same way as me.

So, by all means criticise me or anyone else you care to criticise, but all that I would ask is that you substantiate your criticism with some facts. Some detail. Take a leaf out of WoS’s book and you will get along with everyone much better.


Come on AFI, take the rug from under this lying impostor masquerading as pry indy FM. Strike while the iron is hot by including in your manifesto a mandate to immediately initiate negotiations for independence.

Cut the evil witch’s bluff and trash her 11 points of deception they call “manifesto” by forcing the goalposts towards independence.

The only reason this impostor’s New Labour masquerading as SNP looks moderately pro independence is because they lie constantly about it and because there are no real pro independence parties in Holyrood. Is smoke and mirrors and designed to deceive us.

Hit them where it hurts: their questionable credibility as pro indy

Let’s not give the witch the option to silence us or to stall us any longer. Let’s bypass her and he booby price. Let’s vote for independence in May.

P.S: I want a Bonnie Prince Bob for my constituency. Where can I order one?


@Stoker 10:02am

They claim 32 candidates but after that note Craig Murray was announced for Lothian.
I have seen no details of vetting, hustings or ranking. It appears that candidates merely require the nod from “someone?”.

I left the SNP because of corruption and manipulation of places, vetting and selection for Woke candidates. I am now acutely aware of “names” being appointed to leadership. I am aware of Rise and Respect entrants.

I want clear visibility from now on in elections. I want to know how the leaders came to power ( is it simply as childish as it’s Ma Ba). I want to know how candidates were selected and elected. I want to know how they will vote on key issues. I want to know their politics ( does it align with mine) ALL before voting takes place. Looking at the names I have a clear message that they do NOT want to be limited by a Party structure.

I made a mistake trusting the SNP. I won’t do it again. I want transparency and internal democracy.
I’m not seeing it from the AFI. 32 Candidates and no manifesto, no collective view on more than a dozen critical political areas.

The can come on and correct me by posting answers. They can do the same regarding the fundraiser.

Bob Costello

Is that Chris Law MP’s castle? We reaks do have a duty to keep them in the manner they have grown accustomed to


I do enjoy Bonnie Prince Bob’s videos and he would certainly be a breath of fresh air, however it is slightly disingenuous to suggest that Robertson has no connection to Edinburgh having attended Stockbridge’s premier educational establishment. Not sure how he came to be MP for Moray right enough.

Wee Willie

Is it just me or are Sturgeon and Eddie Izzard one and the same person? I’ve never seen them together. Just saying.

James Che.

What a major coup over Scotland.


To me this election is about a vote of conscience. Either a vote for acceptance of corruption, lies, cover up, concealment, or a vote for truth, accountability, honesty, integrity. It’s up to the Scottish people what’s more important to them.
This election will not be fought in the usual health, education, roads, aged care and dare I say independence but will be about freedom of speech, the end of science, erasure of women, and only an illusion of independence dangled for harvesting votes.
And with the calibre of candidates across all parties, who could blame anyone submitting a spoiled ‘none of the above’ vote which might be what best fits people’s conscience.
Interesting times indeed.

John Martini

Not even an attempt at an internal coup. The SNP are pathetic.


Dr. Peter 09:57am

I intend to. I am trying to get more details at the moment.
I am also running a spreadsheet on the trends over the next few weeks.
They will look for such evidence.

Unfortunately I was one of those taken in by the SNP Indy fundraiser. Half a million missing.
Never again will I simply trust people on delivering Independence or using Indy supporters money.

John Cleary

Exceptional claims require exceptional proof, I hear you say, and I agree.

link to


Great stuff Chris

John Martini

Steve Job’s reality distortion field was nowhere as powerful as sturgeons.


Had she truly been interested in Independence, rather than styaing in-charge, she might have pointed out, as Davis did, the failings of the Scotland Act, how it hampered democracy in Scotland and how, she would, at the least, be calling for the separation of government and the legal establishment, and saying: “We need Independence so we can sort-out the failings of devolution.”

Yes. Same with Alex’s committee appearance. He said so much about what could, and needs to, be done to strengthen the Scottish Parliament and institutions to make Scotland ready for independence. She said nothing at all other than smearing him, lying and trying to save her own neck. She couldn’t care less about Scotland, independence or the SNP.

Brian Doonthetoon

I liked the idea of alphabetty doos being picked off, one by one…

BTW: direct link to Bonnie Prince Bob’s campaign launch video:-

link to

David Caledonia

If you have a vote and don’t use it, spoil it, or do anything other than put a couple of Xs down on it, then to me you don’t deserve to have one


kapelmeister says:
20 March, 2021 at 7:33 am
Well, Peter Murrell never was a bird fancier.

Spot on. Had a good laugh at that.

John Martini

@David Caledonia.

Not worth having. Dictators like you make it not worth the bother of voting.


The lecherous and incompetent Derek MacKay resigns from the SNP. His vote isn’t needed, now the Greens are in bed with Sturgeon.

link to


That is very funny. Bravo!


I very much agree with the Captain, for too long all political factions which want Independence have hidden behind the banner and the “Wha’s like Us” mentality, culminating in the car crash that is the present administration. Self serving and corrupt they have never even contemplated what Independence means, how to achieve it, or put it into practice.
They are not real politicians in the mould of Salmond or Sillars, they have sailed for many years under a false flag and need to be removed from office before any progress can be made. No patch ups, no forgiveness, justice for those like the owner of this blog, one of the few with the foresight to realise what was being done to our country and our people. I have supported Independence for years but it is an Independence based on reality and what the grass roots of this country see as Independence. We must cut our dependence on any imagined gains which would accrue from re-joining a regime even more corrupt than the inhabitants of Holyrood, the EU, but most importantly we must explain that becoming independent will require sacrifice from all Scots. To my mind that sacrifice will be well worth the toil and tears, but we must put the past behind us and stand up for truth.


ScottieDog says:
20 March, 2021 at 8:46 am
This guy is a breath of fresh air! And standing against Angus Robertson!
Bonny Prince Bob!

link to

Get this person out there He is the person to bring the odious Robertson down. Do you want someone who is involved with the Salmond case? or a true Scotsman. Your choice.


Jeane Freeman stating that in the unlikely event that NS has to resign, John Swinney would take over as interim leader.
A man of impeccable character.

link to


All the best to Bonnie Prince Bob in his attempt to defeat the SNP’s leaderhosen in waiting.

J Park

A lot like snp mp Chris (sell out) Laws castle.
link to


The SNP (leadership not rank and file) seem to be so close to the Green Party. All effort directed against the AFI and ISP, and yet it is the Greens who are contesting a fair number of constituency seats – how does that work? Nothing said against the Greens who may be the bigger threat.

Ye know folks, I’m tempted to vote Green for constituency and ISP for the list, just to throw a spanner in the works. I know it appears counter-intuitive, but in a crazy, Machiavellian way it sort of makes sense. 🙂

Ross Kilbride

TNS2019. 9.55am

“Watch that Craig Murray video and sense the weariness and frustration of a real patriot. He is someone who knows and understands the internal workings of government so is well-placed to make the judgement that we are living in very dangerous times.”

Yes, Craig Murray really knows his stuff.

He knows it that well that he is voting for ANOTHER five years of a Sturgeon Government.

As is Tommy Sheridan and the Kestings guy.


Are we all just dreaming this Sturgeon nightmare or what?


Can anyone volunteer who the Party option is that
isn’t imbedded in Corruption?

Vote for Boris or don’t vote SNP and you give the green light
for Scotland being further abused and governed by whatever England choses.
Vote in the pathological liar and adulterer.
Vote to close parliament, break international laws, sell Brexit with a £350 million lie,
Oven ready deal, for mismanagement of Covid and billions in fraudulent PPE contracts to friends.

Vote Labour remembering how they did nothing for Scotland since the 1960’s.
Remember Thatcher saying New Labour was her finest achievement.
A photo copy Tory party in red.
Illegal Iraqi war, an empty treasury, a PPI deal that bought £50 Billion of new schools and hospitals
for £300 Billion pay back.
Labour’s disastrous and corrupt building of Holyrood and Edinburgh trans.
Their Anti-Semitism.

Libs anyone? The Party of Paedo Cyril Smith and David Steel staying tight lipped.
The parasite party willing to coalition with anyone for a day on the big gravy train.
Party of Carmichael the £1 million French Gate Liar.
The Party of Malcolm Bruce who says it’s fine for politicians like Carmichael to lie as its part of the job. The jolly hockey sticks Jo Swinson disaster.

They all ensure Westminster can trump anything we wish to do.
They can remove our sovereignty, they can steal our resources and
tell us their not ours, they can insult us daily in their parliament and
although we have no power there, even to be listened to, they are about
to reduce our number of MPs.

I’m disgusted with a great deal of what SNP has become but I will vote and it
will be for the least corrupt and it will be for keeping the ember of independence alive
in the eyes of Westminster’s media.

Another real Independence Party gets my second vote.

My choice looks like walking past a dangerous gun man with
one bullet or a machine gun post full of blood thirsty killers.

James Che.

I think a bigger worry for me, is no longer who wins control of Scotland, nor covid,
It’s the dangerous nuclear arms race that Boris Jonson has just lifted the of, (raised a 40% cap)
Who will be here to tell the tale in any part of Britain,
Not any of you commenting here for sure.
How can our uk government get us to believe in saving the planet and the effect we’re having on the planet while they consider massive explosions to blow it up and contamination spread for miles and miles.
Every country is now beginning to join in the nuclear arms race, so in future it only takes one crazy leader to obliterate Britain into oblivion,
Scavenging frenzied like over a dying carcass is the least of our worries.


The thing about the ‘AlphaBetties’ being anonymous is that you start making guesses. These guesses might be wrong might be right.

Just incase I’m voting for ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ even although I’m not that keen on the Neil Oliver hair and a name more suited to a vibrator.


David Caledonia @11.16am
Not sure if I’ve understood you post correctly but if someone chooses to spoil their vote they are still participating in an election but what they are saying is that none of the candidates represent their politics nor deserve their vote. My understanding is that spoiled votes need to be counted.
I agree not participating in an election is tantamount to rolling over and allowing a government to do its worst and by not participating those people really can’t complain.
But why mark an X if you have no confidence in anyone listed on the ballot? To me spoiling a vote can be just as powerful, better than staying at home.


Rumour has it that there is a ‘Bonnie Prince’ standing in Glasgow Southside.


Cleanse the SNP from within like my friend who is almost 90 says he has had his eyes opened. Unlike me he is staying in the SNP to cleanse the SNP of shallow careerists and “virtuous “ activists.

Scotland is more than the tiny but clever carpetbaggers who have hijacked the SNP. Yes I am sad when i hear the silence from people I know and once trusted. Their error is believing in wheeshting.

Wheeshting for indy is the moral low ground.


ScottieDog says:
20 March, 2021 at 8:46 am
This guy is a breath of fresh air! And standing against Angus Robertson!
Bonny Prince Bob!

link to

I really like him Does he have other sites we can visit & contribute to?

Ross Kilbride

Effigy. 11.47am

You stuck the boot into every political Party and then you ended with,,,

“I’m disgusted with a great deal of what SNP has become but I will vote and it
will be for the least corrupt and it will be for keeping the ember of independence alive in the eyes of Westminster’s media.”

So you are just going to turn a blind eye to what Sturgeon has done?

And worse still, you are also giving her ANOTHER five years so she can finish what she started.

And what was that bit about the SNP being “the least corrupt”???

That’s worth another,,,WTF.

Socrates MacSporran


The Murrells, the ultimate marriage of convenience. She preferes Heather to Pete and he prefers Pete to Heather.

Ross Kilbride

The alternative vote is catching on…

This “Bonny Prince Bob” seems to be a bit of a character and would get my vote if I stayed in our capital City.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ruby says at 11:50 am.

You typed,

“Just incase I’m voting for ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ even although I’m not that keen on the Neil Oliver hair and a name more suited to a vibrator.”

The Neil Oliver hair… Don’t know if you’ve seen this offering from BPB…

link to

Mark Boyle

@ScottieDog says: 20 March, 2021 at 8:46 am

“This guy is a breath of fresh air! And standing against Angus Robertson! Bonny Prince Bob!”

No … he’s not. He’s a bloody fool.

Having a Screaming Lord Sutch style moniker whilst using Open University Lecture lingo in a “Trainspotting” cast accent is political suicide in one compact lesson.

To illustrate, let me rehash the first twenty seconds of his campaign video:

“‘Un Nin’een Sevvny Three, John Paul Sattra wrote a seminal essay entiled ‘Elections: A Trap For Fools’. In it, he explained why votin’ fur bourgeois polli’ikal par’ies is a trap, becuz bourgeois polli’ikal par’ies only represent the interests o’ Private Cap’i’al”

Quite aside from John Paul Sartre’s irrelevence today – saying the name instantly triggers most people’s “pretentious” alarms – it’s nothing earth shatteringly new: A.K. Chesterton and Noam Chomsky both cynically mouthed the same “political parties, meh!” platitudes ten years earlier, as did Ken Livingstone ten years later whilst still asking people to vote for him!

I can guarantee 99% of viewers turned off after “seminal” and “bourgeois” and thought “tech college gadgie who after one term thinks he’s Citizen Smith!”

As for “Five decades later, and the fact that your teenage daughter thinks that selling explicit images of herself on OnlyFans is a legitimate career path perfectly illustrates the moral bankruptcy of neo-liberal capitalism.” – most under 30s will fall around laughing “OK, boomer!”

Nothing quite says “sad aged misogynist technophobe” than saying “scary new tech’s entrapped your precious daughter into a world of sin”.

Bonnie Prince Bob is not the messiah, he’s a very haughty bore.


Feliks says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:46 am
If I stayed in Edinburgh Central I’d vote for Bonnie Prince Bob, and I’m a Hearts fan.

Bonny Prince Bob!

Who is this person? I have to say I like how he comes across.
Can we have more links to him so we can evaluate him.
If he is genuine he should get the support needed.
If he gets rid of Angus Robertson who is instrumental on Alex Salmond’s downfall, I’m all for it


Brian Doonthetoon says:
Don’t know if you’ve seen this offering from BPB…


That’s excellent! I remember when it first came out.
‘A cry of pish rang out!”
I used to be OK with long hair until Neil Oliver.
The name Bob always makes me think of vibrators.

Is Bob his real name or is it a joke?


Scozzie 11:57
A so called spoilt vote, that is a vote not cast for any candidate, marked with a slogan etc is still a vote and must be counted and declared.
link to
It is a direct way of expressing discontent. If the number of spoilt ballot papers is significant the election is compromised.
Such « spoiling » needs to be systematic, methodical and coordinated to be effective. Numbers really matter here.
Staying at home or voting for someone you would not normally vote for is the worst form of protest as « they » may still benefit.
You have a vote exercise it positively by an act of civil disobedience in the face of political manipulation, corruption and the anti-democratic trend.
How to do it correctly. No funny faces, no marks in the boxes.
link to


Mark Boyle says:
20 March, 2021 at 12:15 pm
@ScottieDog says: 20 March, 2021 at 8:46

Bonnie Prince Bob is not the messiah, he’s a very haughty bore.

… and a cry of PISH rang out.

(I think ‘haughty bore’ describes Angus Robertson perfectly though.)

Bob W


I resemble that remark!


That is just brilliant, Chris. Laughing and crying at the same time.


The choices are as designed by Nicola to blackmail Indy supporters. An arrogant “who else are you going to vote for?”

I can’t vote Unionist. Labour, Tories, LibDems out.
I can’t vote Woke. SNP and Greens out
You have to decide on an individual or not vote.

Anyone but SNP,Green,Labour,Tory or LibDem. (In the end your choice) I make no secret of mine with the symbol to the left of my name.

I think we can all agree that for the long term we need to build a solid opposition to the SNP. The internal Party rules need to be rigid to prevent what has happened from ever happening again.
The Independence movement needs to build Parties for post Indepence not just one election.

Learn the bitter lesson of the last few years. Ask questions of ALL those looking for your vote.

Captain Yossarian

@TNS 2019 – ‘Jeane Freeman stating that in the unlikely event that NS has to resign, John Swinney would take over as interim leader. A man of impeccable character.’

Those who are supporting your campaign for Butterstone School have honesty, accountability, decency, a dedication to the public good and I salute them for their efforts.

I have dealt with John Swinney and he couldn’t lace their boots. Unfortunately, he could soon be our next FM. What a feckin disaster.

James Che.

Does anyone here know to what purpose the 400 new employees of Mr goves are going to be put to.
You know the advertisement, the ones who do not have to anything about Scotland to be employed in Scotland, which of means there not advertising jobs for Scottish people and we have more than enough civil servants for such a small country. Population similar to London, only not so concentrated.
So what positions do these 400 new employees hold Specifically?


the Castle surrounded by dead pigeons foretells of the next wave to come.

The names of the conspirators and what exactly they did is coming out. There will be no stopping it, and it will utterly destroy the little credibility the SNP has left. Like the bunker in Berlin the final push is coming.

And out of that will come a reinvigorated movement. Independence has not gone away.

Saffron Robe

Wonderful Chris, your humour really helped to brighten up my day.

The SNP are doing everything they can to prevent the pigeons coming home to roost!

Orlando Quarmby

Mark Boyle – your stultifyingly plodding attempt to bring BPB down only highlights the tongue in cheek wit with which he presented what was a hard-hitting case for voting for him. There’s probably a place for you on Team Robertson, though – you’re boring enough & have the requisite indignant anger & obvious intense dislike of anyone challenging the self- appointed political elite represented by troughers like Robertson.

Ross Kilbride


You had a link up about SNP MP being another crook,,,it seems to have disappeared. I might have scrolled by.

Or has Chris Law deleted it?

About the Dundee crook buying a huge castle, while his Constituents live in poverty.

Maybe a rich Granny left it for him.

Vote these bastards out at the next Westminster election, because we sure as fuck ain’t gonna be an independent nation by then.


Going by the activity on Twitter this morning, and Humza’s tweet, the SNP has gained thousands of new members.

Funny thing is that there is no similar activity on other social media platforms.

Nothing to see. Everything is fine. Carry on.


Look up the Peterloo Masacre.
People died fighting to give you a vote.
Suffragette died to give you a vote.

You insult these people and perhaps encourage Boris
to close parliament again as the plebs recognise the
superiority of the upper class toff and their entitlement to
the country’s wealth.

So they count the number of spoiled papers?
How many did it as a protest one specific party? Which one?
How many did it to show they didn’t like any candidate?
How many circled a name or a party and didn’t use X in the box?
How many wrote insulting words?
How many drew rude pictures?

A spoiled paper says absolutely nothing that matters.

I could take a good stab at U.K. media taking a poor turn out or
a high level of spoiled papers as a sign of Holyrood being a waste of time
so let’s close it.

Vote! You will be supporting Westminster if you don’t.

Wee Chid

I don’t know if this link has been posted already but is there a petition insisting that she does resign that I could sing please? link to

Ross Kilbride

Now that we have the alternative vote sorted for Sturgeon and Robertson, we must now turn out attention to the Heinrich Himmler of Scottish Politics, John Swinney.

Who is the most credible candidate to unseat him???

Wee Chid

Effigy says:
20 March, 2021 at 1:12 pm
It’s perfectly legitimate to spoil your ballot with “None of the above”. Below that I will be inserting Alex Salmond for First Minister and putting an x beside it.
In the constituency ballot I have been disenfranchised because whichever way I vote would be against my own interests and, I believe, the interests of my fellow Scots.

Captain Yossarian

From Stuart McMillan, Alasdair Allan and Maureen Watt: “On the question of the First Minister offering to intervene, there are two sides of the story and we have evidence from both sides, but opposition MSPs chose not to reflect that by selectively referencing only the evidence which supported their preconceived narrative.”

My understanding is that Alex Salmond’s side of the story was corroborated by two respected individuals, one of which is a QC. Nicola Sturgeon’s side of the story was just her narrative; her opinion.

It is the job of the committee to weigh one against the other and decide. They have decided to support Alex Salmond’s version and the SNP members are annoyed about that.

Bob Mack

Want a !augh. New members joining SNP.

Check out Troll zoo Twitter ‘re new member Doctor Diana Jones
Oncology Fellow Richard Verney HC Edinburgh.ha ha ha.


Felix says.
Bonnie Prince Bob is certainly streets and streets ahead of Angus Robertson.(surely an example of everything that is wrong with the SNP.)
Is there anyway to get this persons message out. I have to say I like him.
Unfortunately I’m not that good with computers, His video needs put out there as does his go fund me page. “He comes across as a true Scotsman. I really like what he has to say.

Lets keep the horrible Robertson’s out of Scottish politics. They conspired to put Alex in Jail.


@ The SNPLeftMe and Dr Peter ISP: you are targeting AFI and accusing them of various misdeeds about their fundraiser.

I have explained twice already on Wings about why the fundraiser figures changed suddenly. I know what happened because I am a donor, twice. The original donation site was replaced by the new one. Yesterday the original donations were transferred to the new site. Martin Keatings knows about that, being an official.

I hope you will now stop targetting a group of experienced and principled people who are trying to give us a bigger and better group of indy MSPs. Or perhaps you don’t trust Martin Keatings?

I too lost money in the SNP ring-fenced fund. You are not alone. It hasn’t made me lose faith in decent people who have a chance, if people stop undermining them, in getting us nearer to independence.

Mark Boyle

@Orlando Quarmby says: 20 March, 2021 at 1:04 pm

“Mark Boyle – your stultifyingly plodding attempt to bring BPB down only highlights the tongue in cheek wit with which he presented what was a hard-hitting case for voting for him. There’s probably a place for you on Team Robertson, though – you’re boring enough & have the requisite indignant anger & obvious intense dislike of anyone challenging the self- appointed political elite represented by troughers like Robertson.”

Okay, “Orlando Quarmby” (jeezus tapdancing christ, you can’t even pick an unpretentious alias!), quite aside from your lack of awareness at the irony of you resorting to a “shoot the messenger” argument in a thread about a cartoon about “shooting the messenger, here’s how the real world works.

His “hard-hitting case” didn’t crack in until a full 2 minutes 57 seconds in. Do you honestly think anyone hung on for that long? Two minutes, 57 seconds to GET TO THE POINT?

Most people will have clicked off his video within that first tortuous 30 seconds. That’s most ordinary people, outside of the Wings Over Scotland Comments Section bubble, never mind Scotland’s ever shrinking “are interested in politics first and foremost” bubble.

Those who hadn’t clicked away by then will likely have switched off shortly after the 45 second slot after his “I’m not here to talk about …” only to do just that in equally highfalutin lingo that’s a turn off to most voters.

But say some did manage to make it through to the full 1 minute 20 seconds to start talking about Edinburgh? He now starts slagging “middle class wankers” (and thinks saying the phrase “middle class wankers” over and over and over again is some pertinent point, rather than inverse snobbery), people who go or have gone to private schools, the Edinburgh Evening News, Stockbridge, Hearts FC …

… a full minute of him sourfacing and alienating anyone in those categories OR have family, friends or relations who come under those categories, who may have been willing to hear him out over Robertson. Great going, champ!

Oh, and saying “Bukkake”, “ejeaculating”, “flaccid dribble” and “hooring” – it makes you look like some pathetic career Vlogger trying to look like an edgelord – not a serious candidate.

I dare say, “Orlando Quarmby”, that the video was hilariously funny if your idea of humour is “Yer Maw!” stuff most folk grow out of by their twenties.

But to anyone pissed off with the current Scottish political zeitgeist and seeking an alternative, Bonnie Prince Bob will have pissed them off LONG before he got to his point, and even if they did listen through, they’ll have thought twice. Far too many red flags for the majority of neutrals all over the shop in that vid – never mind those he’s trying to convert from voting elsewhere – not least of all that the whole thing screams “ego trip” long before he finally gets to what he ACTUALLY stands for, a mere 3 minutes 48 seconds later.

Having an open goal and all the opposition players sent off means nothing if you are too busy meandering around the field with the ball trying to show off, so that by the time you do kick the ball at the net the ref’s blown for full time and the crowd went home bored at half time. All the “whataboutery” in the world ain’t gonna change that.


Captain Yossarian says:
20 March, 2021 at 12:49 pm
@TNS 2019 – ‘Jeane Freeman stating that in the unlikely event that NS has to resign, John Swinney would take over as interim leader. A man of impeccable character.’

Even if she does resign, I expect her to go before a court judge regarding the way she went after Alex Salmond. Heads have to roll here for the good of the country. What happened isn’t acceptable & should never be tolerated..
If it means makin an example of this government on what’s expected in Scotland, be it,
Iceland did it, I don’t see why Scotland can’t.

John Main


I very much agree with what you wrote.

If independence is valued, then it should be valued for its own sake. Vague promises of just how much better off Scots would be after independence don’t wash with somebody who has been around long enough to hear all the political promises before.

As to the much touted nirvana that is EU membership. If politicians want to campaign on a platform of breaking up the UK and joining the EU then that is fine. As a democrat, I will accept the result if a majority vote for it. Just don’t call it f*****g independence because that insults my intelligence.

I can easily see why the current bunch of talentless incompetents who get handsomely paid to go and achieve SFA in WM are keen to move on to do much the same in Brussels. Better food, higher expenses and more networking opportunities. But I can’t see why we, the people who would fund it, would think it a good idea. Small countries (Greece) don’t thrive in the EU. Badly governed countries (Italy) don’t thrive in the EU. Independently thinking countries (Hungary) don’t thrive in the EU.

To which it must be added, ordinary people waiting for their Covid vaccines don’t thrive in the EU either.

The world is quite a different place to what it was in 2014. Post-Brexit and mid-Covid, the old arguments for independence no longer resonate with undecided voters who can clearly see how poorly they mesh with reality. Time for new and improved arguments from new and improved politicians.


Absolutely fair point Sarah.

That you lost your money, like many many others did donating money to the SNP for an Indy Ref fund, is not grounds for independence supporters not to further fund independence campaigns.

Yes it must be galling to realise that your part of an over £600,000 donation was squandered on things like big salaries for people like Murrell and Ruddick, and on paying the legal fees and compensation fees for Alyn Smith’s defamation of Nigel Farage. It annoys me terribly too, but that is but a small example of the filth that inhabits a once great party.

But as you say, let us not lose faith in supporting decent folk who want to work to gaining us our independence. And in doing this, May can be our opportunity to clear out the corrupt and the troughers whoso gravely have let us down.

Let us replace old with new, and let those still left in the SNP who have decency step into the light.

Vote her out to make way for the new!


Wee Child.

And do you know who will for 5 seconds know that you wrote Alex
name on the spoiled ballot paper?
One of the staff who counts them.
It then goes into the bin and not the newspapers headlines.

It’s your to play with as much as Scotland will again be Westminster’s to play with.

Craig Murray


You are perfectly welcome to support the ISP, but why you think it helps anyone to spend so much energy being rude about the AFI, I have no idea.

Two points:

The AFI will indeed run 32 list candidates. None have been chosen yet. Members are voting now to select them.

As you have been told again and again, the AFI was running two fundraising pages. It closed one and transferred the funds to the other, which caused the jump in funds.

I wish all independence supporting candidates well. I think it would have been much better had ISP and AFI merged, but I respect ISP’s right not to do that. But these continual attacks on AFI are ridiculous.

Orlando Quarmby

Mark Boyle @1:51

– Suggest you set up your own blog page where you can post your screed of huffy bile without giving the many readers of this page an extended turd to scroll past in the comments. In short, bore off with your pish.


Well said Sarah. I have given to the AFI fundraiser too. I have also recently given to Now Scotland, ISP, Craig Murray, Peoples Action on Section 30, Stuart Campbell and Bonnie Prince Bob. Money is tight but I gave up my tv licence last year, have stopped donating to the SNP and cancelled my National subscription last week! Regaining our Independence is my ultimate wish – always has been – so any support I can manage will go to those who are on the same road. I want a Bonnie Prince Bob to challenge John Swinney. For the first time ever SNP will not get my vote and it will not be going to a BritNat party or the Greens so we need an independent candidate or its a spoiled 1st ballot.


Kiwilassie at 1:16

Replied before but it seems to have disappeared. Understand about Robertsons’ involvement and quite agree with you. If I lived in Edinburgh I would vote for BPB but I was merely pointing out it is wrong to suggest he has no connection to the city when he went to school there.


@Ross Kilbride

The main reason I was so angry this morning (and still am) is I watched Craig Murray’s vlog before bed and at the end found myself screaming “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING CRAIG!”

He knows just how corrupt these bastards are, I believe everything he says and I know there is much more he can’t say and yet it appears that he may still end up voting SNP. Even if he isn’t doing it personally, he’s attached himself to professional carpetbagger and unhinged ranter Tommy Sheridan. A man who has been telling us for years this new Independence Party was coming and here we are weeks from the election and his master strategy is to vote for the SNP and try to hang on their coat tails. Even I worked out ages ago that Sturgeon was a corrupt bastard and had to go, but no Tommy the political superhero has just buried his head in the sand and come up with nothing. It is fucking embarrassing, no wonder their fundraiser is dying on its arse. If he had the courage to take on Sturgeon himself I wouldn’t be saying this but no, Tommy the champion of the poor, isn’t going to take on Nicola Sturgeon in the utter shithouse she has made of her constituency. The campaign is made for him! The heartless bitch is right there for the taking and he ran away!

As for comments about that twisted lying arsehole Angus Robertson’s attempt to win Edinburgh central, that plonker (and that’s what he is) is going to achieve nothing, a few hundred votes and that will be it. You cannot hope to defeat a serious politician like Robertson (cos as much as we all know what he is that the way the man in the street sees him) with a heap of shit campaign like that with fuck all policies, it’s basically taking the piss. Craig Murray should have stepped up here and stood in the constituency against him, ran a serious campaign using his profile and ripped the bastard to shreds in the hustings. Again, nothing.

The AFI strategy should have been to stand a few high profile constituency seats against Sturgeon, Robertson, Yousaf, Swinney and few key others in the Sturgeon cabal and everyone else stood in the list. It isn’t that bloody hard to work out ffs. But after years of pissing about and promising the world its, “na, we’ll give corruption a pass, we’ll try to nick some list votes, at best Tom,y can be the new Patrick “mr fucking irrelevant” Harvie, it’ll be fine lads.” Tragic. What a waste of an opportunity.

Ross Kilbride

Craig Murray

Why are you voting for ANOTHER five years of SNP Tyranny???

Ross Kilbride

Craig Murray
Tommy Sheridan
Martin Kestings


WHAT,,,,, THE,,,,,,FUCK ???

Mark Boyle

@Orlando Quarmby says: 20 March, 2021 at 2:15 pm

Mark Boyle @1:51

“– Suggest you set up your own blog page where you can post your screed of huffy bile without giving the many readers of this page an extended turd to scroll past in the comments. In short, bore off with your pish.”

Aye, the usual resort by those who haven’t an answer – the “yer maw” of a five year old.

There’s nothing “huffy” about what I said, no matter how much you want it to be. Just cold hard facts. It’s a badly made, counterproductive vid that will certainly give Robertson no lost sleep – nor any of the other candidates for that matter.

Still, 6th May will prove I am right when he loses his deposit – but some only ever learn the hard way, don’t they? 🙂

Michael Laing

@ Kiwilassie at 1.36pm: To post a YouTube video in a blog, click ‘share’, then ’embed’, copy and paste the code, and the video should display, ready to be played. To post it in comments on blogs such as Wings Over Scotland, click ‘share’, then copy and paste the code that appears in the text-box below. To post it on Facebook, click ‘share’, then ‘Facebook’, copy the code and paste it into a Facebook post.

Colin Alexander

Anybody who still thinks the Holyrood election is about independence is living in a fantasy world.

Currently, that includes many independence supporters, that includes the ISP and AFI.

Michael Laing

@ Mark Boyle @ 1.51pm: What’s your agenda? Your tedious diatribe says more about you and your prejudices than it does about BonniePrinceBob or those of us who agree with the points he’s making. Even if I didn’t agree with pretty much everything he said in his video, I would still welcome the chance to vote for an independence-supporting alternative to the odious Angus Robertson, and I will certainly do so.


Have to agree with Mark Boyle on BPB.

Are we really saying that just to defeat AR, we are prepared to send a supposedly (who actually knows anything about this guy?!) left-wing political dilettante just because he knows how to make a campaign video for himself?
Does BPB have any relevant political experience?
Will BPB be of any use on any parliamentary committee?
Has BPB ever campaigned for any issue and been successful?
Does BPB have a relevant background that will be of any use in legislating on any issue whatsoever?
Are people willing to hand hundreds of thousands of pounds over a parliamentary term to a nobody just because he might stop AR?
Had it ever occurred to BPB that a seasoned politician like AR might make mincemeat out of him in any debate on any issue?
However, if people are of the opinion that we DO have a pretendy wee parliament, then by all means vote for BPB but when the inevitable man-bun makes its appearance on national TV, don’t say you weren’t warned…

Wee Chid

Effigy says:
20 March, 2021 at 2:02 pm
Wee Child.

And do you know who will for 5 seconds know that you wrote Alex
name on the spoiled ballot paper?
One of the staff who counts them.
It then goes into the bin and not the newspapers headlines.

Spoiled ballots do not go into the bin ad they will be seen by the party tellers who have to verify that a vote is spoiled. I’ve worked at several counts as will as attending as a party teller. No ballot paper ever goes in the bin. They are filed and kept for a specified period of time so that they can be retrieved and referred to by court order in the event of a dispute.
Also the returning officer has to announce the amount of spoiled ballots and there would be great interest as to why if that number is significantly higher than unusual.
Spoiling a ballot or not voting at all is preferable and more morally acceptable than using a vote to inflict a corrupt government upon people.
As George Carling used to say. “Don’t blame the people who didn’t vote – blame the people who put the idiots into power by voting”. Until there is a morally acceptable party for which to vote I will spoil my constituency ballot.


@ Michael Laing at 2.31, Kiwilassie and anyone else interested:

Please pay attention to the following in the list of comment rules here link to

7. Don’t mess up the page for everyone else.

If you post YouTube links with the http:// part at the start, they’ll embed on the page rather than being posted as links. That can lead to this sort of thing. So don’t include the http:// bit or you’ll find your video in the spam bin.


@Scot Finlayson says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:32 am
@Captain Yossarian says:
“I look around me and see a corrupt and nasty wee country”
are you Neil Oliver or just a run of the mill Uncle Jock cringer.”

You need to open your eyes when you look around Son there is much to be improved on ,plenty in the Sturgeon Camp as corrupt as Johnson’s Crew. link to & link to

Mark Boyle

@Michael Laing says: 20 March, 2021 at 2:38 pm

@ Mark Boyle @ 1.51pm: What’s your agenda? Your tedious diatribe says more about you and your prejudices than it does about BonniePrinceBob or those of us who agree with the points he’s making. Even if I didn’t agree with pretty much everything he said in his video, I would still welcome the chance to vote for an independence-supporting alternative to the odious Angus Robertson, and I will certainly do so.

Michael – grow up. People can have an opinion contrary to your own WITHOUT it being about having a “hidden agenda” or any of the rest of the tortuous tinhat nonsense from those who have watched “The Matrix” too often during lockdown.

A bad candidate running a bad campaign is still a bad candidate running a bad campaign, no matter how much you hate one other particular candidate. Quit with the “whataboutery” and start dealing with reality.


Question: Rev Stu, why are you allowing this site to be infested by obvious Unionist and ’77 Brig.trolls? Foulmouthed divide and conquer tra*tors encouraging readers on an Indy supporting site to vote for English supporting parties and to cause friction between the nascent Indy groupings and parties…is this still an Independence site or a zombified echo chamber for stinking hypocritical paid trolls?

Those of us that are left on here, who truly support Scottish Independence are facing an existential crisis: Sturgeon at the head and a corrupt and hopeless corpse formerly known as the S.N.P. We have Alec Salmond, yes wrongly stitched up .. but collaborating with the slithery Davies, the man who is embedded in the stealing of our sovereignty in one act: that of dragging us out of Europe into the impending tsunami of Brexit economic disaster.

Salmond and Sturgeon are both proven collaborators with the Brit State. The first one destroyed the basis of the direct road to Independence i.e,. of a majority of seats in Westminster. For 60 x years that was the only way that was agreed by the SNP and the English hegemony to achieve Independence. Salmond , ever the gambler, changed direction down the constitutional cul de sac of Devolved i.e subordinate status for Scotland, with the mirage of an Independence vote..which we we were never going to be allowed to win. No much wonder he resigned on the moment of truth…I wonder why?

Meanwhile, his incredible choice of the failed lawyer Sturgeon to carry on the charade of a tinpot ‘Government’ i.e. accounting unit constantly begging for half of our tax revenue back and the tacit acceptance of the Colonial handout known as GERS has come to fruition. Both failures, both compromised, both bought and sold for English gold.

When are you Rev going to give clear indications to the real Independence supporters the road map out of this wilderness of betrayal? Scotland must rise against the concerted plan which began from Salmond’s resignation to the present by the BRit deep State to utilise the battle of egos between Salmond and Sturgeon to devalue our people and country to the level of beggars left fighting like ferrets in a sack.

Scotland was born fighting. We must unite and drive out the Unionists and their fellow travellers by civil means. Let Holyrood rot on the vine. It is an insult to a Sovereign nation: subordinate and supine and staffed with troughers. We must disdain any puny attempts to ‘petition’ the ‘Supreme’ Court ( a clear breach of the Act of Union by its very existence). We must form a national Assembly of Civic Scotland and appeal directly to the UN for recognition of our plight as a colonised and oppressed state facing the imposition of further undemocratic rule by the gangster Johnson and the clear and immediate destruction of our country by the dumping of hundreds of nuclear warheads.

Captain Yossarian

Jim Sillars is nobody’s fool. What will determine the outcome of this election, and perhaps the future of the SNP, is when the conspirators’ names become public and we are very close to that now.

John Jones

Philm says
Change the BPB to SNP and you have your answer
At least someone has the guts to stand against a true carpetbagger.
What has the SNP contender done except support a corrupt shower of wankers literally,
I thought when he was in the European parliament he was OK, what a let down.
I like his policy’s he won’t be able to carry them out due to all the establishment against him, but full marks for trying.
Goan yersel Boab!



“I’m hearing that three members of the SNP’s finance committee have resigned today because Peter Murrell won’t let them see the party’s books”
link to

Colin Alexander

The SNP are the current corrupt colonial regime that won’t deliver independence.

The SNP politicians who have spoken out can be counted on one hand. None of them are MSPs. None of them will be MSP constituency candidates.

So, for the AFI or ISP or anyone else to suggest voting SNP in the constituency or List is just plain wrong, in my opinion.

Labour, Tories, LibDems etc would only be a change of colonial regime. Different parties,same sh…

One thing is certain: no matter who you vote for, or don’t vote for, it’s no going to bring independence any closer but, it may make it even further away.

John Jones

Got mixed with the wankers, should be Alyn Smith in Europe.
Same comment.

Clavie Cheil

Sylvia says:
20 March, 2021 at 3:02 pm


“I’m hearing that three members of the SNP’s finance committee have resigned today because Peter Murrell won’t let them see the party’s books”
link to


What is that old saying about follow the money. Follow the money!!!


A proud Scot.
John, Earl of Roxburghe (1680–1741) played a role in securing the Union of England and Scotland in 1707, and was rewarded by being created Duke of Roxburghe.
And no doubt given the funds to build this.
comment image
Wind forward generations and those proud Scots, whether living in chateaux or not, are still with us.

Chantons la liberté,
Défendons la cité,
Marchons, marchons, sans souverain,
Le peuple aura du pain.

Think that gets the gist of the message home.

Captain Yossarian

@Dan – I read that Sir. That’s most encouraging isn’t it. One or two of them breaking ranks. There is now so much pressure it was always going to happen.

Kieran Andrews is, by the way, a serious investigative journalist. He was recruited from The Sunday Post, believe it or not. Before that with The Courier.

Mark Boyle

@Sylvia says:
20 March, 2021 at 3:02 pm


“I’m hearing that three members of the SNP’s finance committee have resigned today because Peter Murrell won’t let them see the party’s books”
link to

Oh please … OH PLEASE! 😀 😀 😀



Ross Kilbride

Lochside 2.54pm

That was some rant.

And you stuck the boot right into that corrupt Scottish Government.

So tell me Lochside, who are you going to vote for on 6th May???


The finance committee bods better have all the data saved and get on the phone to the police so we can find out what happened to our £600k.

Could swear the other day when Sturgeon was being interviewed outside her house there was a Maserati parked in the driveway, that won’t have paid for itself.


The Pillsbury Doughboy won’t let them see the books because the pages have all got stuck together somehow.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Michael Laing at 2:31 pm.

You typed,
“@ Kiwilassie at 1.36pm: To post a YouTube video in a blog, click ‘share’, then ’embed’, copy and paste the code, and the video should display, ready to be played.”

It’s a lot simpler than that.

If you’re watching a YouTube video in your web browser, a URL (web address) will be in your browser’s address bar.

Without the dashes between the letters of “https” (to stop this comment being binned by this site), it will look something like this:


Sometimes, as above, after the end of the video ID, you will see “&” and a string of characters. They are NOT needed for the link.

On your address bar, you only have to highlight and copy

link to

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Geoff Anderson

To Craig Murray

You must see how that looked on Friday?
The Fundraiser has no access and then appears to jump. Why not a note BEFORE you transferred money instead of when challenged.
Are you in charge of both accounts? Are you the treasurer?

I think fair questions are being asked about who is in charge, accounts, candidate selection, policy manifesto and many more.

I think attacking those who raise such issues concerning. I note you did not address any of the points raised apart from the fundraiser.


@ Geoff Anderson: what is your point? I don’t see what is the need to imagine there’s an issue of some kind about a small fundraiser that within 48 hours goes from £0 to £5000.

I run a charity and wouldn’t dream of alerting everybody when we do some admin with our donation button, or whatever. Certainly wouldn’t have done so when we had only just started up and are all unpaid, over-worked volunteers.

For heaven’s sake, go and question the SNP’s finances or the Tory’s. They have far more to hide, I suggest.

Mark Boyle

@Geoff Anderson says: 20 March, 2021 at 3:52 pm.
[to Craig Murray] “I think attacking those who raise such issues concerning [sic!]. I note you did not address any of the points raised apart from the fundraiser.”

Absolutely correct.

However, it is also equally absolutely correct to note that you along with Eileen Carson, robertknight, Graeme Hampton, Kevin Cargill, TheSNPLeftMe, kapelmeister, Andy Ellis, Linda McFarlane, Muscleguy, Monica Worley, etc have been on here using every little excuse to say “Join ISP/Vote ISP 2” at every turn. It’s pretty obvious this is an organised effort by the party as a petty version of the SNP’s own “cybernats”.

That’s fine: until you start slagging off AFI, which you clearly see as your main competitor, EVERY chance you get – and I mean EVERY chance.

Much as I have voiced my suspicions about AFI, this clearly orchestrated campaign by the ISP on here – quite aside from being not in the least edifying – is not going to end well for you lot.

If you want to start getting into a mud slinging war with a group Tommy Sheridan is clearly devoting a lot of time to, in the vain hope it will get you more support before the election or even that it may forced them to drop out, a wee word of advice: you will come off worse – big time.

You don’t volunteer yourself into a “dirty tricks” battle with the hard left, and I for one do not want to see something that may lead to lurid headlines that will be an utter gift to both the SNP and Tory/Lab/BlibbleLibbels/OnceWereGreen, etc.

More damningly, Sheridan, Kerr, Murray, etc. have the ear of the press – you do not. They have plenty of connections – you do not. They have two names – perhaps – still to conjour with. You do not. There’s a good reason for this you may wish to reflect on, and try building bridges instead of burning them.

Making enemies of people ultimately on the same (ish) side as part of a petty, vindictive vendetta is counterproductive to the cause of Scottish nationalism and has no place here or anywhere else civilised.


Mia says,

“Come on AFI, take the rug from under this lying impostor masquerading as pry indy FM. Strike while the iron is hot by including in your manifesto a mandate to immediately initiate negotiations for independence.”

Apart from the diehard Sturgeonists, you are probably the only independence supporter in Scotland who will not give their list vote to the AFI because they haven’t included in their manifesto something they would be in no postion to deliver.

If everyone followed your example, the unionists would sweep the list seats.

Thankfully, the vast majority posting here don’t hold as high principles as you do.


Ruby says,

“Rumour has it that there is a ‘Bonnie Prince’ standing in Glasgow Southside.”

Do you mean the guy you called “Ananas” last night?

Ruby says,

“FAO Kcor & Ross Kilbride

I do not live in the Southside Constituency. I don’t even live in Glasgow.

Just sayin’ incase you were looking for me to vote for your boy Ananas.”

Are you afraid he will beat Sturgeon, your preferred candidate in Glasgow Southside?


Craig Murray says,

“I wish all independence supporting candidates well. I think it would have been much better had ISP and AFI merged, but I respect ISP’s right not to do that. But these continual attacks on AFI are ridiculous.”

Do you wish Sturgeon well in Glasgow Southside?

I would urge you to get back some of your credibility by stopping your SNP constituency vote nonsense.

I have never ever heard of someone advocating a vote for a corrupt lying criminal political party that tried to jail him.



Thankyou for sharing your best medicine.

A dose of Chris Cairns is a healthy tonic to these torrid times of IndyRef2 being killed off by Sturgeon and women likely to be killed off by Hopeless Humza’s weakness in the face of Wokeness.

As for true and brilliant talent…

Chris, how do you do that?

Make sad folk happy with a humorous cartoon that conveys a thousand words.

It’s been a hard day. Have worried about Craig Murray all last night after watching one of the finest, most honourable accounts from this decent man ever…

link to


We know the SNP is corrupt right now.

However we either surrender to Westminster right now, or pick the least worse option, and vote SNP.

We can register our displeasure by giving the No2 vote elsewhere.

Then we have 5 years of agitating to get the independence party we need.

Least worse option is still better than the worse option.

Sickening, isn’t it?

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