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Wings Over Scotland

Labour cuts restored

Posted on October 29, 2014 by

Scottish Labour now has a leadership contest, with the (relatively) left-wing MSP Neil Findlay throwing his hat into the ring with that of colleague Sarah Boyack (assuming both can secure the necessary 10 nominations from M/S/EPs).


We thought we’d help him tidy up his press statement on the matter, as he appears to have accidentally left a few words out.

We’ve added them back in in caps below:

“If elected Labour SCOTTISH BRANCH OFFICE leader I will ASK LONDON IF IT’S OKAY TO put the issue of social justice at heart of everything we do.”

There we go, now it’s honest.

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Restore Labour Cuts

The word EXPENSES is missing in his sign?


Now there will actually be a contest, and Eggs Murphy at last has his get out of jail card, I expect will soon come out of hiding and announce his decision not to run for leadership of the party in Scotlandshire.

Training Day

Yet another blawbag chuntering on about ‘social justice’ when the term has become so debased through overuse by Labour politicians that no one now knows what it actually means, if they ever did.

Meantime, Findlay’s opponent for the ‘leadership’ has disclosed that ‘we need a debate’. Johann’s legacy lives on.


He has his backers…( cant use archive at work im afraid)

link to

Gordon Hay

So that’s two list MSPs and a possible/probable Westminster MP – no-one with an actual constituency in Scotland willing to risk it, it seems.

Pam McMahon

Why would he have End Expenses on his wee sign, Desimond? Are you trying to stop Jim Murphy from applying?
This guy is just another nondescript from Labour’s wide array of useless Westminster echoes.
If Murphy does apply, you might want to ask yourselves what hideous secret his bosses hold over him, to force him to do something nobody in their right mind would want to take on. Most of his hideous secrets are public knowledge now, so it must be something really dire.


For the labour party now that Findlay is standing it will be a disaster if Murphy doesn’t.

If Murphy stands the probable winner is Boyack as she would be seen as the centre ground candidate

If Murphy doesn’t stand Findlay will win as he has the unions and the party in Scotland will pursue policies in Scotland which will be at odds with where the UK Labour party. Mix that in with Sturgeon drawing the lines on the EU referendum and Labour could be forced into a move towards at least a federal UK

thorkil cretin

Another Puppet to be controlled by London Labour.


I am reminded of headless chickens.


@Pam McMahon

I was suggesting Labour wanted the Stigma about over claiming ended not the Expenses themselves!



or a federal Labour Party.


What Boyack and Findlay are fighting for???

link to

…and found.
link to


I saw Aameer Anwar tweet Last night ‘Could Sarah Boyack and Jim Murphy split the vote? ‘He has a point as they two carried out the last Labour ( in Scotland) review?

Oh what tangled …


Today feels like the tide just turned and is now with us.


Great, another former teacher, just like Lamont and Grey. Boyack’s husband’s Head of BBC UKOK propaganda Scotland region/Current Affairs, ooh so posh, at BBC Pacific Quay. Having completely destroyed Scottish democracy last month, they’ll eat this dude alive, unless told otherwise by our friends in the south.


Does that mean that Jim Murphy is having trouble finding support for his leadership bid?



If Boyack is Murphy’s puppet then he does not need to stand.

Suzanne K

Isn’t Boyack divorced after her 2 year marriage?



Are you not thinking of Susan Deacon?

Grizzle McPuss

Two list MSP’s? Well, that’s Scottish politics I guess.


That sign he’s holding is missing the words…

“Scotland,” above ‘End stigma’…and should have “vote YES” below


An anagram for “end stigma” is “dim agents”.

It does seem appropriate.


Deacon is the BBC guy’s partner, not Boyack.

Paula Rose

I’m confused – does his Ma have influence over that dreadful programme that encourages reckless driving?


I have seen some thinking that suggests getting Boyack to stand was an attempt to squeeze Findlay’s vote and ensure Murphy gets the job.

However what if Boyack standing is actually a plan to not only stop Murphy but end his career?

Murphy can’t afford to stand and loose and he was never going to get the Union vote with Findlay standing. So is Boyack now eating into his vote?

If so are the Scottish Labour MSPs now in open warfare with the UK party?

bookie from hell

gordons puppet in Scotland

hand glove job

[…] Labour cuts restored […]

fred blogger

memo from london labour hq, to whom it may concern.
“now lets get this straight, if you are thinking about using your own initiative, you must speak to us 1st.”


Bets that Murphy and Broon both change their minds next May and decide that any port in a storm will do them.

gerry parker

@bookie from hell.

gordons puppet in Scotland

hand job

There, fixed that for you.


Roberto Esquierdo

It will not matter THEY ARE DOOMED

Tam Jardine

I wrote to Neil Findlay some time ago about my concerns on Fracking- his speedy reply gave me complete piece of mind:

“Thomas – Thanks for this – I have real concerns about this process and am keeping an eye on it.”

So Friends of the Earth can stand down. Frack off can call it a day. Neil’s on it. Breath out….aaaaand relax…

PS belter of a piece in the Herald on Ian Davidson’s insurgency against Slim and the Blairite ‘Network’. If it has not been brought to light already please archive it someone who can. Let battle commence!


Did he jump or was he pushed? 😛


So is Nicola Sturgeon the only Scottish party leader whose constituency actually voted for her?


So now we have 2 non-entities fighting for the chance to be the leader of a non- entity masquerading as a Labour Party. My excitement is becoming harder than ever to contain…



This is the same angry Neil Findlay who always reacts defensively and aggressively to any polite email or tweet I’ve ever sent him regarding his positions and public statements.

The same “left-winger” and “socialist” who publicly stated that his political mentor was Tam Dalyell…aka Sir Thomas Dalyell Loch, 11th Baronet, an Eton-educated, ex-Tory who lives in a 17th century mansion and was another Labour “left-winger”

[…] Labour cuts restored […]

jackie g

RandomSwitch says:

29 October, 2014 at 1:41 pm

What Boyack and Findlay are fighting for???

Just had a look at that Labour page.

one word comes to mind Jackanory!

whit a pile of mince, they actually believe they are getting one over on Nicola Sturgeon and the SG and that we are daft enough to vote for them.

Well some are taken in by there nonsense i am not one of them.

I have not voted labour since 2001 and have no intention of ever voting for them again and there are now a lot of folk more than ever who feel the same as me..this is going to be fun..

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Findlay is the unions “stop Murphy” candidate. So perhaps Findlay might care to address some of hundreds of Grangemouth workers who nearly all lost their jobs because of the corrupt ‘fun and games’ by the unions and Labour. No? Not much “social justice” in that stinking corrupt cesspit, was there Neil?

Since Murhpy was also involved in it and Falkirk I’m afraid it won’t just be Findlay who finally has to grasp that particular nettle. It will definitely be used by the Brownites and the Blairites as ammunition behind the scenes due to the absurd nature of SLAB’s voting system and the union block votes.


First class bit of photoshopping.

You can hardly make out the strings. 🙂

De Valera

Mr Findlay is yet another Labour MSP whose only real conviction is his visceral hatred of the SNP.


Sorry, but can we stop with some of the expenses comments?

As I told all my ex-girlfriends, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it! Simply nailing people for spending more than others does not address the real issue of ABUSE of expenses. Defining the argument correctly is what must separate indy parties from being “just as bad as the others” when we hit the doorsteps.

The indy parties should be campaigning for expense reforms such as:

* Staff and office rental (the long term expenses) should be claimed separately from BAU incidentals (including food and travel)

* Employer status for the staff should be shifted from the individual MP/party to Whitehall where they will be employed as civil servants (with a permitted partisan brief) and subject to all central government policies and employment conditions

* MP Staffing levels are subject to the same fluctuations as central government staffing levels. Controls should be put in place to not penalise the smaller WM parties (SNP, Greens, Plaid Cymru, DUP, Liberal Democrats)

* A London accommodation allowance should be added to the salary of the MP as a benefit (with appropriate adjustment to personal tax allowance). This should cover average costs of a furnished flat within reasonable commutable distance to the Houses of Parliament.

* No expenses permitted for house decorations – this is included in the allowance.

* No expenses permitted for renovations. (Remember the duck house?)

* Capital Gains tax should be amended to reduce the time allowed for ‘flipping’ to 1 year. Also, you should not be permitted to flip back to the original property unless you can prove that it was sold at market rates and was owned by someone else for 12 months.

I know some of these are not perfect but their aim is to make it as difficult as it is for the MP to deal with the tax man as it is for the rest of us.

Ideally, I would happily build them a big residential block like a student halls which is funded by the taxpayer. If the economy is doing well, then they get better facilities. If the economy is doing badly, lay off half the maintenance staff and stop the free toilet paper.


PS belter of a piece in the Herald on Ian Davidson’s insurgency against Slim and the Blairite ‘Network’. If it has not been brought to light already please archive it someone who can. Let battle commence!

Here you go TJ. 😉

It looks like wee Davie Cameron can work at the speed of light when it suits him cause he has now, apparently, rejected Nicola’s calls for all four home nations to reject membership of the E.U. for WM to pull out, if one nation votes to stay in then we stay in.

link to



I think it might help if I actually post the link … DUH!

link to

joe kane

Labour Party social justice my arse.

It was the last Labour Government that developed and designed the unethical and unscientific human rights atrocity of the DWP ESA regime, with the help from elements of the British medical profession, for the sole and specific purpose of disappearing an average of 100,000 sick and disabled people a year for 10 years from the welfare rolls.

Also in 2006 the Labour Government introduced sanctions for single parent families and disabled people for the first time.

Judging by Labour Shadow for Disabled People MP Kate Green’s response, Labour are going to continue to hire private contractors to diddle the most vulnerable group of people out of their means of survival and are going to continue unapologetically with its beloved iatrogenic ESA regime which has caused so much terror, trauma and death.

References –
Blair’s new test on benefits
24 Jan 2006
As widely predicted, the welfare proposals will aim to remove one million of the 2.7 million claimants off the benefit over a decade, with a substantial reduction in the annual £12.5bn cost of the scheme.

Labour demand big improvements to Work Capability Assessments
by Kate Green
29 Oct 2013

joe kane

Whoops. Here is that Shadow Disabled Minister MP Kate Green link again on Left Foot Forward –
Labour demand big improvements to Work Capability Assessments
by Kate Green
29 Oct 2013
link to

Robert Peffers

@laukat says: 29 October, 2014 at 1:58 pm:

“I have seen some thinking that suggests getting Boyack to stand was an attempt to squeeze Findlay’s vote and ensure Murphy gets the job.”

Boyack co-chaired the review of the Labour Party in Scotland with Jim Murphy, commissioned by Ed Miliband in May 2011, which reported in late 2011. Looks like the pair may indeed be in cahoots.

ronnie anderson

Rev, you left the list oota social kin anybody send Findlay ah Badge


Murphy was last sighted on a blasted heath communing with three crones. (One of them could be Margaret Curran, mayhap…?)

Double, double, toil and trouble…….


You missed out Rev, If London tells me I’m the new leader.

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 29 October, 2014 at 3:25 pm:

“Rev, you left the list oota social kin anybody send Findlay ah Badge.”

Ye kin send him tae Coventry mair like, Ronnie.
Is that no the richt, “Badge o Shame”?

jackie g

joe kane says:3.15

This part really got me:

Labour already having outlined a series of reforms we’d make to the Work Capability Assessment, it is unclear how the new provider will be expected to deliver improvements –or what penalties they’ll face if they don’t.

That’s why I have written to the Minister for Disabled People to ensure that any change of policy direction under a future Labour government can be accommodated within the contract, and that action can be taken swiftly to address poor performance.

Poor performance? this is people’s lives they are talking about, and they dont see the real issue do they..

ronnie anderson

Its just Puppets run out of Popcorn on the Popetts noo Mmmmm.

CameronB Brodie

Minion or stooge. Mmmm, tough choice.

Labour are a transparent con

My speech to the Fabian Society

How times changed!

When I first started coming to these conferences, the fight to rid Labour of Militant was won, and Labour was finally putting the corrosive internal party division of past decades behind us.

But even as Neil Kinnock fought valiantly for sanity, and even as the Tory government of the day cut taxes for the wealthy, while child poverty rose and long-term unemployment became entrenched…

… we had still not yet re-established ourselves as a credible voice for the hopes and aspirations of working people.

Already out of power for a decade, a return to government was still a long way off.So I am proud that today, under Ed Miliband’s leadership, this Labour generation has learned from that long and bleak period in opposition.

Just over three and a half years after a General Election defeat, this Labour movement is more united, more in touch and more determined than ever.

Yes, we once again we have a Tory government cutting taxes for the rich, while over 900,000 young people are struggling to find work and child poverty is forecast to rise…….

link to

ronnie anderson

@Balaaargh 2.56, (remember the Duck House )whits wrang wie that on the expence account ,never heard of Bombay Duck.


I don’t think Murphy will stand, he has the Labour Leadership in mind.

Also this:

‘Johnston Press is looking to cut between 35 to 45 jobs across the Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday and Edinburgh Evening News.

The company plans to merge the operations of the three papers but each title will remain.

The NUJ Scotland said consultations on the restructuring started today and they will work to minimise the impact on jobs.’

Get it right up them.



Why not just put the MPs in Council houses or a standalone travelodge style hotel. Why do they need houses and why arent any houses owned by the taxpayer?

ronnie anderson

@Desinond We can do that in a Independant Scotland Andy Kerr made a killing out of the Scottish people in selling a taxpayer funded house.

ronnie anderson

Tesco under investigation of the Serious Fraud office.

Nick Heller

There’s great new game out that Labour members might like to try;

link to

No no no...Yes

The plot thickens:

link to

Ian Davidson of all people, tut tut, what about solidarity and unity?
A faction from the right of the party, surely not, they are all rabid socialists, no?


Please be Findlay.

He is a fucking moron, with no grasp of his intellectual limitations.

He is also all-consumed with his hatred for the SNP. Which is a plus for us.


Whaurs Spud?


Has anyone from the Labour for Independence faction thought about standing? They’d be on a no-hoper ticket, obviously, but it would be interesting to see anyway. In whatever media coverage they got, they could point out that actually, a pro-indy candidate has the best chance of challenging the SNP AND they could stand on a proposal to actually separate from the UK party but share a platform in Westminster elections. It would also be a chance to insult Jim Murphy for being a lying sack of shit, which is always useful.

David Stevenson

Ronnie Anderson: Did Kerr really buy a house in Edinburgh rather than travel to East Kilbride?


I think what we are seeing here is a great absence or void if you like, of political and social ability within Labour.

These people are being encouraged by other officials to take part in a selection process. I’m far from believing that these latest candidates have volunteered or have the will to take it on.

These people WILL NOT LEAD THE LABOUR PARTY IN SCOTLAND, but will be briefed on what to say and what to do by WESTMINSTER, probably via Brown.

They have already shown collective reluctance, and this is yet another desperate situation that they are papering over. It’s utterly fake and hysterically funny as they wince and take part in AN EARLY PANTOMIME.

LABOUR actions are totally devoid of energy or creativity. As they put on their LAYERS OF FAKENESS for the cameras and REHEARSE THEIR WESTMINSTER SCRIPT, how must they feel as ordinary people, knowing that the nation of Scotland are now perfectly aware and very we’ll informed of their true motives?


bookie from hell

George Galloway earns £265,000 per year from work outside of parliament, which might explain why he’s never there

Neil’s mate

Dr Jim

Well, i hold my hands up, he’s thick but i did’nt think totally stupid to be forced into the job, Murphy it is then, i felt sure they would have sacrificed Stairhead Curran, still entertaining though, i mean i don’t think anybody in Holyrood likes him do they? I suppose he wont be there though, just text in Moribunds orders via Tony Bliar, unless one of the others wins? AYE RIGHT!!!
Watch out for tomorrows Daily Rubbish and plaudits from BBC State telly


So,if Jim Murphy wins,that means that from now until ( enter timescale guess here) there won’t be either a leader or deputy leader for Labour in the Scottish Parliament,a sure sign of the respect Labour have for the Scottish Parliament.

Any group leader won’t be able to really speak for Labour in the Parliament as they won’t be free to move away from their flowchart. There again,that has probably been true over the past years as former leader and still MSP Ms Lamont already hinted at.

Thought Findlay liked stigmatising the SNP. All bitter and twisted sound bites.

Dr Jim

Think i’ve worked out their strategy already, looks like they’ve all got together and got the buzzwords sorted, even got that twit from the Kippers in on it
Attack NC just the same as they did AS, “RIDICULOUS” “REFERENDUM RERUN” and personal appearance. Same tactics as before, belittle and diminish,
Except, this tactic will offend many more voters than it did last time round, and i’ve absolutely no doubt if The Daily Rubbish tries this, they’ll turn their own voters right off


The Government have now suggested that new claimants to ESA,(work related) benefit will now receive 50p more than JSA about £72, a saving of £28 a week. Bet your bottom dollar this will be backdated to all who have received ESA from the beginning of its existence? Another Union Benefit? No doubt all those Orange men on this benefit who carry drums and march up and down streets will be exempt from this as a thank you for stabbing their ain folk in the back, whilst the genuine cry themselves to sleep at night? Lowlife Unionist Bastards.


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