It’s that time of year again
Posted on
February 27, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Please give as generously as you can, readers. It’ll really upset the Daily Record.
Please give as generously as you can, readers. It’ll really upset the Daily Record.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
A tenner to start me off Stew, more to come, your site is too valuable to loose.
Whits the target Rev?
Donated what I can and I know it will be put to good use. Keep at them Stuart & team. Worth every penny!
I’ll throw a few quid in later on. In the meantime, that’s a damn weaselly article from the Record. I expect none of it is strictly defamatory, but it sails pretty close to the wind.
How to turn £250,000 into £10,000? Publish false and defamatory articles designed to demean and silence courageous investigative journalist – Je suis Stuart Campbell.
The Record and Murray Foote may be making a sizable involuntary contribution to the Wings fundraiser, bless their mendacious little hearts.
I’d gladly contribute but I’m skint atm I’m afraid. Fear not though, I hear Duncan Hothershall is planning on chucking a few quid your way. He’s a huge fan.
Sweepstake on what time the target is smashed? I reckon 12.30pm
Donation sent Stuart. Keep up the fantastic work that you do and give them hell.
Donation made. Your work is extremely important Rev. as the last few days alone have proved.
Due to The Hoth,i have doubled my donation.
Thanks for all the brilliant work you are doing.
Small donation made. Thanks Rev.
Donation gratefully made. Your work is greatly appreciated.
Done. Keep calling them out Stu. In the ‘fog’ of the information battle this site has proved invaluable to opening the eyes of the electorate.
Chucked in a quid as a token gesture. (Best I could do). Just to show appreciation for what you do. Keep keeping the bastards in check.
Thrown some money into your virtual begging bowl, just to annoy the Daily Record of course.
Done and done.
Well, there is an additional 630 NOK (£50) sailing over from Norway
Keep up the great work
I reckon it will be smashed by 12.18pm.
Can’t get “PayPal” to work, ah well, by the time I will, I’ll give me time to increase the donation.
Done. (Hi Daily Record ????)
Donations flooding total was about £5.5k when I started mine and was over £8k by the time I had finished….
In for a tenner Stu – your work is invaluable.
Astonishing – more than £9000 raised in 25 minutes.
sent donation last Monday will send more when I get my pension
Rev – contributed gladly and with gratitude!
Best £20 I’ve spent for a while! And thanks for exposing the gutter, sorry sewage, press so effectively.
going well I see, have a few quid from me
Done and well worth the money. I haven’t bought/read a book in bloody ages
A little disappointed in FM but I suppose she has to say all the right things. Bring on the 7th May.
Hey! That was a stroke of good luck Stu!!
The day you launch the fundraiser, is the last Friday / working day / 27th / 28th / 29th of the month & most people have just been paid! – What a coincidence – LOL
(Rolls eyes)
Donation paid. Sook anither ane Record!
Money well spent – still the number one site for Scottish politics.
I will weight tonight at the coo’s tail as usual.
Done! Small price to pay for keeping the best of the fifth estate going. The fourth estate let us down a long time ago and is in terminal decline.
Will donate when able, great work.
GMS now discussing BBC License fee, is it worth it.
Gary Campbell now valiantly trying to hold the line.
A fifty-hour week (at the least) on the Living Wage. What a contrast with those who regard their pay as an MP as mere loose change, to be augmented by everything that they can grab out of the “expenses” and “consultancy” trough. Donated. Your work is beyond price. Thank you.
A wee contribution from me to continue the fight
All the best
Oh my, just looked at the fund raiser. I gave my last wee blue book away the day before the vote. I’m so tempted by the souvenir edition
I’ve contributed what I can Stu. They don’t like it up ’em!
O/T Gary Robertson on Radio Scotland right now asking people to phone in with their views on the BBC License tax. Both my phone numbers are blocked. Good luck.
Just going into a meeting but you will have it this afternoon – I fancy a couple of wee blue books
Lol, if you refresh after you’ve made your donation you can see the total visibly increasing – and by large amounts.
£13,748 when I came here to comment. Went back and refreshed: £13,952.
(Went back £14,237)
If only there was video of all the unionists coughing and spluttering as this campaign runs.
Stu, I’ll be astonished at a level Lamont could only dream of, if you don’t make target by lunchtime.
Done. You’ll be there by 11am.
And many thanks for what you do.
I’m gonna have one of those days hitting F5 and watching the number get bigger while sniggering at the thought of all Labour types grinding their teeth.
Waiting for paypal, then the cash is all yours Rev…
For as long as the MSM continue to lie and manipulate the News on an industrial scale then I’m happy to donate for the lies they propagate to be ripped apart by fact based analysis.
Thanks is good, but Thanks with a wee bung is better..
Dear Stu, Whoooosh!
Done. (And I need every penny myself. Sigh.)
Done. More later after next payday. Well worth the money (and then some)to counterbalance the facile corruption of what once was professional journalism in the Scottish media.
Done & dusted
£15,000 in less than an hour. Amazing! Ever get the idea that people appreciate this site?
Well done Stu & keep, keeping on exposing the lies of Lib/Lab/Con Tories, BBC & MSM. More power to your elbow and keyboard.
slàinte mhath
Looking forward to my copy of the Special Wee Blue Book still relevant today. Keep on going Rev lets make a real difference this May. Come on People give all you can this Site is worth it’s weight in Gold!
Done. Hey DR do you hear the people sing?
How much is a Daily Record subscription? Just so I know how much to give?
First tenner donated…will try for more later. was at +£17k by the time I was processed.
Are the bank a/c details stll the same? Can’t access funder details.
The irony – we have to pay BBC so they can lie to us, then Pay WoS to expose their lies!
Glad to be able to help, already at 39%,wow.
Keep up the great work.
whoosh—-payment away.
Labour’s Duncan’s reaction to the every increasing total;
link to
Nice to see this up! Will be making a donation this evening!
Did we ever find out how Labour got on with their fundraiser for the 10 campaign assistant jobs? I only ever saw the ad on here & twitter for 1 day & nothing since.
Just curious you know
I hope you’ll be buying Jean a wee gold Wings badge too! You know you want to…
It’s a bargain at any price! I say smashed at 12pm!
my contribution sent!.
still waiting for this “top secret wonder weapon”!.
What a week for WOS!,mair power to your elbow Stu.
Hope you absolutely smash the target. Fingers crossed all that additional exposure you got the last couple of days will help too.
Anyone who pisses off the Daily Retard is worth a tenner in my book. Don’t go blowing it all on champagne, eh?
I have a feeling this is going to be a Refresh (F5) Friday!!
Can you give our mutual friend your email so they can pass on to me please.
Done and dusted. Keep at it Rev.
I have loads of work to get through today, but I can’t keep away from that page refresh… wow!
Perfect timing! Just when the electricity company promised me a refund. What do you mean, it wasn’t specially timed just to suit me?
I hardly ever comment here, but please know that you’re doing a terrific job and your hard work is much appreciated.
Delighted to be able to contribute. Money well spent. Looking forward to my copy of WBB
Made my donation and in the minute or so it took to process the total had leapt about another grand, not all from me- my contribution was modest.
Incidentally if you if you look at the referrals tab in your indiegogo account you can see how much people who click on any of your links have shared.
Despite only having a small number of followers on social media I’m pleased to note my links have brought in £100 between various campaigns, so it really is worth sharing the fundraiser links.
How could I possibly refuse such a kind invitation to cause annoyance to the Daily Record?
Now, please excuse me while I locate my credit card…
Wow! “Ranting cybernats!” then surprise surprise the arsewipe paper goes on to twist the story. Of course no mention how the unionist puppet is allowed to lie to the electorate on a political pamphlet wearing an NHS uniform. Feel let down by Sturgeon.
just a wee thought – where’s Kendomacaroonbar??.
also can’t get paypal to work right now. I’ll try when I’m home in the evening. I’ve also, as with others, been inspired to donate a little extra due to the monstering we rabid nationalists are getting. And the Daily Record is hilarious btw.
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X_Sticks says:
27 February, 2015 at 10:21 am
Jean will do her own thing (as you well know)
I’m in a meeting but can’t help checking total!
I’m proud of you all – whatever you can afford…and we appreciate that some of you cannot afford anything.
£20,000 (44%) passed by 10.32am …… no bad
Sorry, completely off topic here but i`ve just read an article on Newsnet about the latest incident of the laughingly called BBC Trust excusing the BBC of any wrong doing over its coverage of a number of issues regarding Scotland, it`s referendum, oil claims etc.
I really think we have no option but to start a campaign (would it even be legal?) of non payment in Scotland. They are secretive and anti democratic especially where Scotland is concerned and have left us no option I feel to take them head on and expose them in a way that they can`t just fob us off in the usual manner. Join us at the demo this month, Sunday the 15th @ Pacific Quay. Lets make it one they can`t ignore!
The campaign has hit 45%
Thought that was worth a mention.
Shut up and take my money!
Just wanted to say that the “story” and the cartoon of course, on Indiegogo is great. It wasn’t showing when I went on to donate (2,000 when I arrived and 12,000 by the time my payment got through).
You more than justify your use of the donations, and I am happy to do my bit, I am a bit addicted to this site.
Well that’s Stu’s salary paid already!
A thought. All of us ‘refreshers’ are probably holding up the folk trying to pay. Maybe one person can do the refreshing and announce the total here periodically. Volunteer?
Stu, just made a donation on behalf of my wife and myself. Please continue to really, really upset the Daily Record and all their fellow travellers. Appreciate the good work. Keep it up.
Jeez…The total is spinning faster than the Red Tories lie-o-meter!
@ dawn in nl
That was some gift, £10,000?
Keep up the good work
About time too, Stu!!
£50 smackeroonies sent from me. Will try and give more later.
Keep at it. They really, really, really don’t like it up ’em.
Well, I’m really disappointed in you all.
The fundraiser’s been up for nearly two hours and it’s only raised 53% of the total.
At this rate it’ll be lunchtime before we reach the total
Wings Now Trending #7 Worldwide in ALL Categories
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A modicum donated. Thanks Stu.
East Lothian Courier
Robert McNeill, 55, from Tranent, posted the colour-coded graphic, which called for tactical voting in 16 Scottish constituencies – but not East Lothian – on social media on Monday.
The former Tranent councillor – whose supporters say later suffered a torrent of online abuse – had apparently meant to only highlight the content of the graphic and in no way had intended to endorse its content.
A source close to Mr McNeill told the Courier: “He regrets what he did: he was not endorsing the content of the tweet but was instead aiming to highlight it
bfh–what a load of shate,up their with daily record correction
I’m in the process of earning my “Wings” (my silver wings) and i want one of those wee hardback souvenirs.
I don’t like the idea of wasting money on polls, however, i’m chuffed to bits with everything else this site does, and i especially like your new ideas on:
(1)-Introducing the App for phones & tablets.
(2)-Commissioning proper investigations.
And i can’t wait for the unveiling of Project Red.
Words can’t express what you and WOS mean to all of us.
When you consider what you have to pay for the absolute shite the Daily Rectum and BBC churn out 24/7, WOS is worth every single penny.
And if i was a wealthy man there would be no need for donations.
Keep up the excellent work.

Well, that’s the 55% obliterated now. Onwards to 45, and beyond Stu.
That was a narrow squeak!
It took 1/2 hour pounding away at the Indigo walls before they finally crumbled and accepted my contribution…
I’ll bet that the eyes of Labour, (Tories and Lib Dems as well) are firmly riveted on Wings today, mad with hate and foaming with jealousy. You mugs have got Murphy.
Oh how good it feels..
Lets see, where’s todays things to do list. Oh, there it is,
1) Buy Daily Record – nope.
2) Give money to Dunky Bawbag – eh, nope.
3) Annoy Daily Record and Dunky Bawbag by giving money to a professional journalist – check.
I like the polls because a) it really upsets the opposition
and b)Stu asks the questions that matter to people not just the ones that matter to parties. Very enlightening
Done. Keep up the good work.
Things are a bit slow this year, only 57% of the target after three hours
Keep up the good work, we need you and others like you, until Scotland is independant once again.
Donated what I can – will do more later
Bugger (the Panda) says:10.53
I wish
just very slow indiegogo and paypal (and a fast growing total of course).
Just donated £52 to earn the special edition Wee Blue Book.
I even persuaded my parsimonious, canny, wee maw (who, when she last made a charitable donation, it was to ‘The Titanic’ Survivors’ Appeal’) to cough up twenty smackeroonies for the cause.
To my fellow, awesome Wingers: Fly, my pretties! Fly! Fly!
Hope yer nerves aren’t fraying Stu…delivery due within the hour methinks…it’s going to be a smashing fund
One to WGD this mornin’ and one here.
Anyone got taxi fair hame?
This will NOT be mentioned on any MSM .
maybe give the National a wee letter when the total is smashed with 30 days still to go (fingers crossed)
Happy dayz are here again
Donation made. And a wee something sent to the Wee Dug as well.
Good luck.
Perhaps you should also set up a gocardless monthly direct debit thing? People would find £5 a month easier to manage than a lump sum, which, when you need to buy 2 new tyres and car tax in the same week, can sting a bit.
The way it’s going, the target will be long surpassed days before I’ll be able to make my modest donation sometime next week.
It’s now at £28,363 (63%)
I only work 20 hours a week so struggle a bit. Believe me would love to donate the £1k for the wings works.
Well Stu, you work hard to do your bit, time for us to do ours. So mine going on now!
Gladly chipped in.
If the Daily Record sales keep dropping, they will need to do one of these fundraisers every month, just to pay for their puppet reporters.
Are you watching how it’s done Mr David Clegg. If I was head of Trinity Mirror PLC, I would sack David Clegg on the grounds of gross incompetence and catastrophic drop in their readership.
You could always get a job at BBC Scotland. They are always on the lookout for extremely bitter, biased, rabid wee unionists.
The Daily Record has backed the wrong horse.
Ah wings over Scotland is calling to me
It’s Rev Stu’s fundraiser, a braw day to see
Dig deep in your pockets and send him some cash
Worth every penny to kick slabour’s arse
Sure they are gurning & greeting this morn
As the total is climbing knowing they’ll soon be gone
Botherall and murphy with their heid’s in their hands
looks like hiring McTernan was a really bad plan
Wee cailleach will be donating this evening Stu.
I’ve not given an awful lot but it looks like you may hit the target before today’s out – just under 30k and it’s not even midday!
It’s worth every penny. This site is the jewel in the crown of Scotland’s (and Somerset’s) alternative media.
Two thirds of the way there 30k raised. Only 15k to go.
Get your cards out people.
Oh enjoying the view Daily Redcoat?
This seems to be a frightfully easy way to get some cash – any tips old boy?
Just punted a modest amount, the pension doesn’t stetch as far as I would like and there are other fundraisers on the horizon to get rid of the useless Ms McKechan (I’ve always got to resist the temptation to put a double ‘e’ in her name).
Donated some of the money that was freed up from the BBC License Fee (i.e. British State Propaganda Tax) which remains cancelled since 2013.
And to the Editor of the Daily Record, I am looking forward to the day when your newspaper can only be read as a reference copy of fiction from a filing cabinet at the Mitchell Library.
Wings Over Scotland well worth it’s weight in gold, my first and last port of call for exposing the unionist media and unionist parties constant daily lies. Glad to have contributed in some small measure, keep up the good work Rev Stu the good fight still goes on.
Good luck with this go-around. Not that you need it, but good luck all the same.
@Indigo 9.22am
I think there is a limitation on the site how quickly things are processed – my current estimate is that the target will be met at dentist time – 2.30pm
Small donation made and will buy some car stickers to promote site when finished work tonight.
Many thanks again Stuart
Have donated 100 pounds which probably works out at about 1p a visit to this site over the last year.
Done, and also sent some gravy bones to the wee ginger dug.
Just donated don’t comment much but love this site and all the great work Stu and his colleagues do.
There’s already a monthly donate function set up, which is great for anyone who finds that a more manageable way to donate.
link to
It is excellent to see the fund increasing so fast, more scratching heads in the Slab/ BT operation room.
I had this vision of someone shouting where is McTernan? Oh, he is off to the pub to get pissed was a subdued reply.
Also reminds me of the “Hitler’s Bunker” clip, to a “T” to be honest.
You seem to think a year of your time is worth as much as four days of Rifkinds!
I’ll be delighted to make a contribution and will use this as a reminder to bung a bit to some of the others who do so much for our country’s future.
Many thanks.
Predictions aren’t my strong suit…nonetheless…it will be smashed within the hour, just not the hour that I predicted before
Few more quid your way Stu, well deserved, while it’s not the only donation I feel good about making, it’s certainly the one I get most excited about- Project Red, tell us more, will ya, c’mon???
Fund at 76% now, I think it will be busted in a few hours.
However 700 subscribers,which leaves a whole lot of room to well exceed expectations, ie those working come home.
Doing great Rev, hope it goes much higher.
An aside, I was going to contribute £10, however when noticing that some said they were not in the position to contribute. So I contributed another £40 to mine to cover a £10 for four of you guys. So that is your contribution, keep your heads high.
Thanks for all your work Reverend and WoS! Wish it was much more. Its brave and clever people like you writing and debating that run rings round our loonytunes UKOK establishment and their ridiculous hired goons.
The National really needs to make you an offer you cant refuse:D
i’m crying now.
moved by the amazing vocal generosity, selfless commitment to just cause and freedom.
it’s heartwarming.
we shall overcome.
And just to think you almost packed it in!! Ho,Ho,Ho. And another donation made.
I’ve been reading this site (almost) every day for nearly 2 years now. Haven’t posted before and may not post much in the future. Keep up the good work and make use of the spare cash I’m able to donate just now. Cheers.
O/T, but important, The vice chair of UKIP just announced on the Daily politics (at around 1220), when being interviewed by Andrew Neil, that they would cut the funding to Scotland by between 3 to 8 billion per year, by abolishing the Barnett formula.
Considering the Scottish tax receipts more than fund the current Barnett amount, this would mean Scots paying taxes for absolutely nothing.
To add even more hilarity for Scots, she then said the amount would depend upon negotiations!!! i.e. you can lose 3 billion or lose 8 billion, which would you prefer, Scotland.
Anybody voting UKIP in Scotland is akin to a turkey voting for christmas.
I still think Stuart should pay himself a bit more.
Hideously financially stretched here, but Wings and the Dug are worth their weight in gold.
Looks like its going well
Chucked in a wee bit to help along.
thanks wings
you’ve given me many a shuddering shadengasm over the months.
BBC licence cancelled – half to you, half to common weal
(actually, I kept 50p back and bought myself a double decker too)
At this rate it’ll take until 2pm to get the full amount. You lot are getting sluggish.
Thanks for that info Betsy. I’ll set that up for future donations.
The single £10.00 note that Rev Stu washes through the indiegogo fundraiser site must have disitingrated by now!
How does he do it?
10 squid sent. Don’t know what that is in EUR.
Just as well it is pay day.
It’s heartwarming to see the range of donations & comments on the Wings crowdfunder pages.From the smallest to the largest donation, it’s a clear indication of what this site means to so very many people.
831 donors so far totalling £36,661 is amazing when you think that it’s all coming from the grassroots, particularly at a time when we are also trying to support election campaigns, campaign hubs & shops, other sites etc. Stuart you should be so proud of the monster you have created. Clearly many people are proud of what it does. Good man
There must be more who can’t afford to donate but to them I would say don’t worry about it-you need that money more than Wings does but you can do your bit by spreading the word about Wings or even posting a comment occasionally.
Rev, I worship daily at this altar of truth. So more than happy to add something to the collection plate.
52.00 donated, and some idiot (me) pressed the anon button before I put my little bit in.
Robert Louis says:
“The vice chair of UKIP just announced …. they would cut the funding to Scotland by between 3 to 8 billion per year, by abolishing the Barnett formula.”
I suspect there are a lot more in WM who would like to do the same! By pushing the ‘subsidy junkie’ myth, the MSM in England has encouraged a lot of the English population to think along the same lines.
UKIP will get nowhere in the GE, however Con/Lab continue to be as big a threat to Scotland. To counter this, we NEED to send a bus load of SNP MPs.
… AND, by crowd funding WoS
“SALARY: As with last year, I want to pay myself as editor for a 50-hour week at the Living Wage. This year that comes to £20,410. (It’s not a fortune but I have an inexpensive lifestyle and people bung me the odd fiver over the course of the year too, so I get by fine.) Overtime is free.”
Inexpensive lifestyle or not Stuart, I (and I’m sure everyone else will back me up here) think you are selling yourself short.
Please, please take a sensible salary. The UK average salary is £26k. To my mind your efforts are worth much more than that.
You should at least match the UK average, and I’d have no problem with even a bit more so you can take a decent break (or two) from the fray. We don’t want you burnt out before we reach the finish line.

Husband contributed a wee while ago from both of us. Not too far to go now, I reckon I go with the 2.30pm proposed for the target to be reached.
Just donated a few quid. The total has already reached over £38,000 out of the £45,000 target! Keep this up Rev and you could reach £500,000!
i contributed this morning when it was at £10k now at £38k
X_Sticks is right Rev. Pay yourself a decent salary. I’m sure that nobody will grudge you it.
Having been branded a “ranting cybernat” by the Daily Record I thought it appropriate to double my contribution to Wings this year. Something is clearly working!
Thanks for all your hard work Stu.
So, Labour want to reduce tuition fees in Engerland by 3k per year. Is that it? not abolishing because they are manifestly unfair and bad for any economy?
You know when I look at the likes of Jim Murphy, who, to use Billy Bragg’s terminology from many years ago, literally w**ed his way through his degree (and didn’t get it), without paying a penny in tuition fees, who now supports annual fees of 6k, I just cannot stomach the hypocrisy.
All those Westminster graduates, especially Labour MP’s who did their degree with a student grant AND NO tuition fees, think it is quite alright to charge 6K per year.
Many people, especially Labour just have not grasped how much finances have changed for students. Much of the accomodation and residence blocks are privately run now, and are frankly extortionate, the Universities themselves are charging more for other things like replacement student cards, graduation, registration and so on, many of the heavily subsidised canteens which the likes of Jim Murphy will have enjoyed during his fee free nine year stint in University are now much more expensive in real terms, with many privately run.
Seriously, my message to Labour MP’s is simply this, if you think 6K a year is quite OK, then how about you dig into YOUR pocket, and pay back the equivalent FEES for YOUR degree, which YOU obtained free of charge. Hypocrites the lot of them. To add to the misery, it is clear that if Labour were elected in Scotland, they would re-introduce tuition fees here (it was of course LABOUR who first introduced tuition fees for students in the UK, and NOT the Tories, as many people erroneously believe).
Nice to see the wings funding total climb, at 86% of target already.
The more we raise, the more we can see lying toerags in the foreign owned ‘scottishy’ media, the propagandist BBC and the lying duplicitious Labour party exposed. 
A wull bit ah cannae. Ah don’t dae credit-cairds, cheques etc.
Twintae in ah broon poke. Bit whaur?
84% already
wow…….just wow
and they thought it was all over
Judging by the pace of donations, 45k target will be reached around quarter past 2. Awesome!
Tried four times to donate but the ‘Halifax secure check’ keep timing out after I press the button.
I will persevere because the hard back edition is a nice thing to own.
Target will be exceeded in a wee while I am sure. Also agree that the average wage of £26k is good value for us readers for the good work you are doing.
I’ll chip in something too.
Regarding your call for writers, I have posted a number of humorous articles on various sites (including this one) over the years, had some stuff published in magazines and wrote a prize winning article some years back which led to a Radio Scotland interview.
I would be happy to write some satirical stuff for Wings as my contribution to the cause. You have my email if you want to contact me.
One of several contributions I will make.Thanks Rev
Donation made. Many thanks again Stu for all your work and inspiration. For me this site is the hub of the new Scottish Enlightenment.
Les Wilson
What an excellent idea. I’ve just copied you & chucked in an extra £50 on top of my original donation so that’s a few more covered who may be struggling to donate.
Every little helps only this time it’s definitely not TESCO
Done £52.00, its worth every penny. A pound a week. Come on guys this is the best site for education and keeping Scotland safe from the lies of MSM. Stu your worth every penny. Lets bring Scotland home in May 2015.
Robert Louis says:
27 February, 2015 at 12:36 pm
You summed it up accurately. Scotland will be a key target of any pressure they can apply at Westminster.
Only an idiot would vote for them (I suppose that covers most UKIP voters anyway)
Pleased to have donated a pensioner’s bawbee, Stu. Keep up the good work. I hope that one day we can get the country we deserve, with truly ‘grown up’ politics from people who HONESTLY care for their country, its people and its future, and a media which is fair, decent and honest.
For the moment, all I can say is, there is nothing ‘grown up’ about the way SLAB is behaving and the MSM is beneath contempt. Even our local rag is full of anti Scottish Government rants these days usually to do with wind turbines but anything else they can dig up and moan about whereas in the past they concentrated entirely on local issues from a local perspective. I may be wrong, but this whole SLAB/MSM thing smacks to me of British Establishment shenanigans with SLAB willingly firing the broadsides on its behalf, their reward being, destroy the credibility of the SNP and get your fiefdom back. Shame on them.
The total is up to an amazing 37,000, every little helps. Its great to see everyone pulling together and giving what they can. That’s what team playing is supposed to be, who can afford to give a little more do and who can’t give what they can and anyone who can’t, use their time to share the word. That’s team work, everyone has a part to play. Big thank you to Stu for political education and for open up our eyes to the lies of MSM. Keep up the good work.
“Robert Louis says:
27 February, 2015 at 12:36 pm
O/T, but important, The vice chair of UKIP just announced on the Daily politics (at around 1220), when being interviewed by Andrew Neil, that they would cut the funding to Scotland by between 3 to 8 billion per year, by abolishing the Barnett formula.”
Actually, abolishing Barnett is a good idea. We should be campaigning for the replacement of Barnett with the previous method, Goschen.
There is an interesting document from 2009 from the Welsh Assembly which provides enlightening information on it, (link below) number 3, History of the Barnett formula.
The Goschen formula is the one that resulted in the clear and precise figures being issued which showed Scotland getting less back than it put in and public release was discontinued around 1922. There was a post here on Wings and accompanying spreadsheet during the referendum campaign.
I’d like to see the face of the vice chair of UKIP when they see clear money in/money out rather than percentage of identifiable spending in relation to Scotland’s finances.
link to
Donated with pleasure & many thanks for all WoS is doing to open the eyes of the public.
When I first started looking at Wings it was as a bystander, one of the silent indy supporters, but not motivated really to get out & about. Here I am just over a year later up to my neck in it & loving every minute. It’s been (with one notable exception) a fantastic year, I’ve made many new friends at a stage in my life where that can be difficult & I am much more confident. It’s all thanks to WoS.
Seriously. Do you have a PO BOX number?
£ 20.410.£ 20.410 for a Editors salery,+ overtime, that Rev knows how tae get WOS intae trouble, weil be reported tae Low Pay Commission weil be the laughin stock of the Media ,ah kin see the Daily Retard heidlings the noo Man In the Bath Chained tae His Laptop by they Nasty Cybernats OH the Shame weil no live this doon.
Please give generously, REV furgout tae add the Anti Wrinkle Cream fur when WE let him oot.
Twenty two minutes past one in the afternoon and £40k reached (£40,037). Oh, to be McTernan’s swear jar …
Ah furgoat in ma last post.
Ah Wrinkly WRANKLY Rev,s no tae be triffled wie ( Daily Retarded ).
88% of target achieved. Well done Wingers, and thank you very much for all your hard work.
Excited to hear about Project Red!
@ Robert Louis
The vice chair of UKIP said that did they?
Better Together coming to a cinema near you any day now folks. Can’t you just feel the lurve?
People voted for this?
Boom! 40K!!
what time did this post go up?
Donated and glad to do so!
Done my wee bitty, please keep up the good work Rev Stu.
Stuart,you’re worth at least as much as Rifkind and Slack Jaw Straw,so I recommend you take the lot and put it into a nice HSBC account (Zurich branch).
It’s only avoidance not evasion so what’s sauce for the goose.
Credit to you Stu, people desperate to contribute. Brilliant. Another fantastic response. Well done everyone. I’m so proud to be on the side of the good guys
Hi Stu
when I get home tonight I will sent up a standing order for £5.00 per month in the wings account not a lot but something.
Made my biggest donation ever to anything! That’s a big GIRFUY to McTernan, Smurph, Ian Bigot Smart and above all the Daily Record. This site is SCOTLAND’S CHAMPION!!!
Just donated, keep up the good* work Stuart.
(*great, actually)
Well done Stu – thats my few quid bunged into the war chest.
Glad to get in before the target is breached (only just it seems)
Ye god’s man, here I am 4 hours into the fund raiser and you are ALREADY at £41,064!
What is it and Wings fund raisers. No matter what the total they seem to not just take off but go supersonic as soon as they do! Last year’s wee tin rattler raised an absolutely amazing amount in a fantastic short period of time. I’m not even going to start trying to guess where this one will end up. There is one for sure though … I think you can safely say you have secured another year’s work Stu. Well done what an AWESOME site this is and an AMAZING job you do to keeping it running.
I’m now off to rumage down the back of the sofa and you are more than welcome to all the “shrapnel” that I find. there. Of course I won’t send the “shrapnel” I’ll add it all up and send you the total amount, just in case you thought you might be receiving a “package” in the next few days.
A tenner now and more when I get paid, with pleasure Rev
.42pm: Over 1,000 funders, over £41,500 raised! And 30 more days to go…
Well done Wingers! Nearly over the threshhold–let’s keep pushing Wingers and show the Daily Redcoat and SLABBC just what they’re up against–intelligent people who can spot a Daily Redcoat/SLABBC lie a light year away.
O/T – Stu, why not show the Redcoat/SLABBC just who these “vile cyberbnats” are that hang around here on Wings by posting a number of Winger profiles? I, for one, am not some shady, spotty-faced teenage, lurking at a keyboard in the wee small hours of the morning, pouring out bile to poor Scottish NHS nurses and nor do I do of anyone here on Wings that fits such a profile.
But that is the image the Daily Redcoat/SLABBC are inent on portraying Wings as. So–let’s shoot them down with some of our own member profiles posted up on Wings. I’d be happy to post my profile. Just a thought.
1.42pm: Over 1,000 funders, over £41,500 raised! And 30 more days to go…
Stephen Ramsay has posted a good idea in your crowdfunder comments page-take a look & see what you think
link to
Stuart, I am honoured to be able to donate. Anytime Chief.
Stuart, PLEASE can you consider launching a paper format NEWSPAPER as your next project?
I know we have The National, and The Sunday Herald, But if I understand the birth of WoS it was the unfairness of 37 newspaper FOR the Union and just the ONE Sunday paper FOR Independence that moved you to create Wings Over Scotland online.
Surely there is room for another new Scottish Daily Newspaper with a pro Independence editorial?
I already buy the National and The Sunday Herald, and would buy a new WoS SCOTTISH DAILY NEWS. If you were to make a mega CROWDFUND to establish a second National Daily in Scotland I am SURE there would be a huge lump donated TO START THE NEWSPAPER. Plus it would give an elegant reply to the Daily Record’s dreadful conduct of late.
Best regards, Calum.
@ Lollysmum.
I’m repeating this part of your previous post because i couldn’t agree more, especially the part about spreading the word.
“There must be more who can’t afford to donate but to them I would say don’t worry about it, you need that money more than Wings does but you can do your bit by spreading the word about Wings or even posting a comment occasionally.”
@ Rev.
I would also like to reiterate some of the previous comments urging you to give yourself a wee pay-rise and take that much needed break.
FFS, there are turds in the Unionist media earning over double that amount for spewing utter excrement so what price truth?
I don’t think anyone would grumble if you gave yourself a wee modest pay-rise to £30K, and if the fundraiser far exceeds all expectations i would go as far as to suggest £35K.
Also, Sally McMoist masqueraded as a football manager and took a salary of millions under false pretences. Get real, Rev.
Project Red – Can not wait for this to surface.
However, one thing bugged me last year. I was late to the WoS party, but always got the feeling that not enough WBB’s were printed last year. By the time I saw the fundraiser for it it had already been maxed out and closed – a doubling (or more) of the print run could easily have been achieved.
Anyway, contribution sent
Well done all, nearly at target already only slightly over 3k to go amazing.
Has Hotdog-stall came away with “fake fundraiser” comments yet ?
New website to bookmark
link to
94% reached; only a couple of thousand to go. Astounding, well done everyone. Wee Duncy been quiet this morning?
Wings Now Trending #3 Worldwide
link to
It’s a nice feeling, being part of something.
Calum McLean says:
27 February, 2015 at 1:44 pm
Dead Tree News is too slow for the type of format Wimgers look for in my opinion.
just a fiver from me, but keep on diging the dirt on the union, cheers!
Well the wife and I have been slowly putting aside nearly £3k so as we could stop work at the end of March and go full time on the election.
You were just about to get £569 of it when the wife (Brenda) lodged an objection pointing out there would be only one badge and she would be getting it.
So, you will be getting £250 now and £250 after we get paid, and I will get marital bliss and a badge too. Seems to me you need to think about the ‘price points’ the next time.
When I opened the donations page, they were at £40,047. and when I hit the magic button, it was £41,141.00. Incredible! But believable! Because folks here ‘believe’ in Scotland!
I feel incredibly lucky to have found this site where people feel as I do. Thank you all for the amazing information, the insightful wisdom that you all have and the way you humorously make my day, no matter how awful the present government is trying to make it.
I had no trouble deciding to add my wee contribution to the pot – £10 for me and £10 each on behalf of 4 other WoS characters whose money doesn’t stretch far enough to feel they can contribute. Now you have – you just didn’t know you had. (I did put in an extra £2.00 to bring the contribution up to £52. so that I could claim a WBB though! A coveted Christmas pressie for someone who loves reading the articles here as much as I do!). Goooooo, the Rev Stuart!! You’re almost there!!
You’re a bargain, Rev, delighted to contribute.
96% reached by 13:54, way to go everybody! Having spent the last 4 weeks as one of the “great unwashed” I’m not in a position to donate this time. Start a new job on Monday, so, if the fundraiser runs for it’s allotted time, I might still manage something from my first pay
Keep giving them the fear Stu, we’re all with you!
Dear Wingers, For the past year I’ve been glued here, not contributing but learning. Sometimes the descriptions of folk in the public eye have been so funny, I was prompted to make pictures of them for my own amusement. They might amuse you too! Here’s my contribution
link to
£189 short of the total (at the time of posting)
Anyone got access to The Times site?
There is an editorial today about how the SNP MUST be stopped.
I just have a morbid interest in exactly how they suggest this can be done.
Good God. I’m shocked to find that you have almost reached your target in just one day. I’d have thought it would only have taken a few hours. It would only have taken a minute if I’d won something worthwhile from Lotto. Shame I can only manage £20 at the moment but boy, will this fundraiser make the MSM jealous. Keep sticking it to them, Stu. It’s time someone taught them what real journalists do when they have the interests of the public at heart.
Well, I’m still keeping up my £2 per month subscription. Cheers for a good read.
Reckon I qualify as a Wings Supporter by now?
Done. The best £50 that I’ve ever spent. Hope you double your target!
@ Bob Sinclair, in the dim & distant past when you arrived at WOS ,you hud anither name, noo whit wiz it again LoL.
Am unemployed at the moment, but I have given a fiver to this site. Wish I could contribute more.
Thank you Rev. for all your work. Keep it up, we are behind you.
It is just after 2.00pm and 99% of the £45,000 has been raised. Not bad for half a days effort.
Rev Stuart, I’ve run two plcs, several limited companies and established two registered charities. ALL required funding – so have seen a few of these efforts. But I have NEVER seen such a fund raising endeavour as the Wings Over Scotland fundraising event today!
Apart from becoming a new and very regular WoS reader due to your decent, objective, near forensic journalism, I am awed at the figures – readers, pageviews and £££s contributed.
The Referendum was something very special that changed Scotland forever. But there is something else going on at Wings Over Scotland. Those who should know better are denigrating the website, and FAIL to understand it. Utterly.
Polls are one thing, but your fundraiser this morning says much more. That a seismic shift in mood amongst electors is going on.
I am an ordinary voter that just wants good governance and fair government. Also a professional media with true objectivity wouldn’t go amiss.
My point? This mornings £45,000 fundraiser by Wings Over Scotland is much more than raising money for WoS. For sure it SHOULD be reported in the MSM. But am not holding my breath. Though maybe The National might care to remark upon the phenomena that people care about government and politics to the extent that proper websites on this matter such as Wings Over Scotland can raise significant amounts within just a few hours.
How many of the old tired Westminster parties could manage a similar amazing feat?
Best wishes.
Just had a thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if the likes of Malcolm Rifkind had to request donations to fund their salary? We would soon see which of our MPs were deemed ‘value for money’.
Done – REV Please keep appeal going for whole 30 days – if you have a massive subscription and can’t think of what to spend it on then give it to SNP in Glasgow East or any of the other YES alliance appeals that are open at the moment.
looks like the all to small amount you were looking for is there – PLEASE PUSH THE BOAT OUT
Bittie Glakit,
Good work! I’d like to commission a piece,if you have the time and inclination.I’m thinking along the lines of Jim Murphy dressed as a Redcoat bayoneting the wounded cos Davidsons to lazy to do it himself.Post it on here and I’ll make a further donation to Wings.
Bittie Glakit, may I just say you should have shared these with us much sooner, I am sure we would have all enjoyed them as you added to them. Nice to meet you and your pictures and another face to add to the army. Did you get your joining up papers, naw, we neither.
Under 100 quid to go!
Well, that’s it then, £45,000 – game over. How long did that take? Scary.
Well done everyone..
*party popper pops*
Stu, crack open the “interestingly flavored” Cider…
Oh, stv are on the case…
link to
And – he’s done it!
14.13….., well done
Done!! Yay!!
Yahoo its 14.14
and thats the total raised
OTT 14.13
£45,000 goal reached only 5 hours after the appeal went live!
We did it, 2.15pm
STOP THE CLOCK! Wings target met in 5 hours 13 minutes – a new record!
Rev Stu is the Sir Chris Hoy of crowdfunding – he just keeps going faster and faster
What an amazing bunch Wingers are. Absolutely fantastic effort.
Let’s keep going though folks, lots of great project ideas in the works that could use funding.
Wooo! Target met.
Target reached at 2:13pm. Well done all.
Lets stretch those aims
@ X Sticks how did you,s transfer your Perks for me to get the Gold Wings on the last fundraiser. I,ve already contributed but no perk,I will contribute again & if you dont mind nominate Paula Rose for the Gold Badge as You did for me,could you co-ordinate that.
Well done Stu, quarter past two and you have already done it, looking forward to project red is there a timescale?
£45,000 @ 14.14 Good Lord !
Well done, whoever said 2.15! And well done Stu and Winger!
Well there you have it folks.
FIVE hours after starting, well actually FOUR hours 59 minutes after starting the fund raising total has been <SMASHED … as of 14:14 hrs this afternoon the total stands at … drum roll please! … £45,176.
Now over 100%. Brilliant.
Target reached at 15:14 Norwegian time; 6 hours after it started. Brilliant stuff. Hoe Stu gives himself a pay rise
No three bad at all.
Target reached at 15:14 Norwegian time; 6 hours after it started. Brilliant stuff. Hope Stu gives himself a pay rise
Well that was a bit sluggish.
We failed to halve last year’s ‘time to reach target(9hrs.)!
Well done all.
Donation made.
Keep up the good work.
Don’t let all the gloom merchants win.
Remember the GE is only the next step towards our final goal.
Stu says
“But all of that presumes that you still want Wings Over Scotland to continue enough to fund it for another year.”
Does Ursus arctos defecate in the forest?
14:14 and 100%.
A good mornings work. I bet Rifkind and Straw will be green wi envy
Target reached in just over 4 hours. Now let’s smash it.
link to
Bloody hell – there by 14:00. Well done everyone!
So, if the fundraiser continues until 31 March, and if contribution continue at the same rate then total amount raised would be ~ £6,912,000 just short of seven million pounds.
Now fanciful as that may seem, were it done, the investigative journalist so recently defamed, could buy the Daily Record and become its publisher.
Why set our sights so low – how much is STV worth?
Just got back in from leafletting at 2.20pm. £45,836. Well done everybody.
Look on and weep Daily Record.
oooh my donation took it to £44,980!! So close!! Would have been cool to have taken it over the target.
I think it will probably reach £100,000 this time.
Well for a man naebody likes yer daein fine Stuart. The workers have still to come home as well.
That’s it! Job done. Now, gerintaethem!
You do a great job, Stu! I’m a student so can’t afford much but have donated what I can. Please don’t stop any time soon!
Fantastic response as always.
I am sure given the Daily Records fixation with this website, they will want to be one of the first to congratulate the Rev and all his supporters.
The DR trolls will surely be typing up a celebratory article as we speak.
Target reached, now at 102%, £45,951
All together now …
Are you watching?
Are you watching?
Are you watching Hothersall?
Are you watching? Hothersall?
Living of England, I have never actually seen or held a wee blue book in my hand. Now I will. A special one too. I can’t wait for it’s delivery.
Thank you Rev for allowing me to read headlines and articles and see what they really say. And listen to news reports and really hear what they are saying.
Somehow you need to get into every living room in Scotland and help open their eyes.
You were so close last year, next time it’ll be the right outcome for Scotland. I just know it.
Everyone who wanted to donate to your badge (we only went for silver at the beginning but were oversubscribed
) just added in another £10 or £20 and posted their contribution on the thread.
I kept track of the contributions (which was an effin nightmare btw so not volunteering again!) and when we reached the target I advised Stu what we had done.
I should point out that when we reached the target for the silver badge it was Morag (K) that told us not to stop but go for the gold. We did.
Congratulations to Rev Stu and all the generous, kind hearted Wings readers and commenters.
Well done!
I sat down to a late breakfast just after nine, and opened Wings on my phone. The fundraiser was showing only £2,000 and my first thought was, damn is that all? My second thought was, it looks as if it’s only been up for 2 minutes….
Last time, £53,000 was raised by about 20 past five. I wonder if that will be beaten this time?
I too agree with X Sticks. £26,000 is the least you should pay yourself.
Woo Hoo is at 102% now. Take note Daily Record how much we think of the Rev and Wings!
@ Clootie (1.54pm).
Totally agree, DTP far too slow.
Plus, the print media has had its day.
It’s all about electronics and the internet now.
A proper radio station broadcasting the length and breadth of Scotland, catering for all tastes, would be far more effectual and successful than any form of paper outlet.
Newspapers belong to yesterday, today belongs to us!

Ronnie, basically what happened last time is that X_Sticks got a dozen or so people to contribute £25 or something like that each to get to the target for the Gold Badge.
When we contributed we said that it was to go to your gold badge.
Im sure a similar effort can be done for Paula.
Considering how many others use the information available here this is spreading democracy on the cheap.
Compare that with the Times new tack that democracy should be stifled, demolished, in its ‘everybody get together and stamp out the SNP’ campaign.
Modest contribution duly made. Worth every penny to see the R****d et al squirm. They don’t like it up them.
Flower of Scotland wrote: “I too agree with X Sticks. £26,000 is the least you should pay yourself.”
Don’t know that that would do. He should contact Malcolm Rifkind and solicit advice from THE recognised expert in the field.
Looks like a£1,000 over target by two thirty pm. Ya beauty!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following. Murray Foote, Blair Macdougall, John McTiernan, Duncan Hothersall, Eleanor Bradford, David Cameron, Jim Murphy, Kezia Dugdale, Jackie Baillie, Jackie bird and many, many more unionists everywhere too numerous to mention. Without these arseholes none of this would have been possible.
Well done everyone.
@ Bittie Glakit,
Like your work.Very creative.You should post more.
To be fair cearc, last year we all rushed to the cause to make sure it could be done. No one wanted it to fail. This year we are all more relaxed and laid back. I know I am, I’m writing this laid out on my back staring at the ceiling to see if I can get a different outlook on things.
When folks are chilled out, as we all are then we do take our time to do things don’t we. Let’s face it though there was NEVER any doubt in MY solitary brain cell that we would meet the target or that we’d do it within the 31 days. The only question I had, and still do, is what will the FINAL total be?
So many hate-filled paranoids out there who just don’t match up to the Daily Record’s exacting standards of probity..
Ah well..
forty four and a half thousand now… Magic!
will keep donating every week till the last day.
Vote SNP.
I’ll pledge the first £50 towards a gold badge for Paula Rose with pleasure. (or should that be for pleasure?)
Who’s going to keep track?
The political trolls who laughingly call themselves ‘journalists’ at the Daily Record, will be weeping, as they watch the total rise.
Read it and weep Daily Record, read it and weep.
Astonishing response.
I went and read Labour Hame. It convinced me that I needed to donate here.
I personally hope,now the target has been smashed,that subscribers might split their donations between this site and some of the other great pro indy efforts.
The Daily Redcoat can GET STUFFED!
Well fuck me with a fucking great big fuck off stick!!
£47K and the greyhound hasn’t even got it’s arse out the trap yet!!
Sweep on the final tally anyone? I say £100K. Any advance on that?
I think we should all send Stu our signatures so he can add them to a nice wee THANK YOU card before sending it up to the Daily Record.
Without such awesome and thought provoking newspapers like the Daily Record I’m certain we would never have reached this total in the time we did!
Correction. Make that £48K now!
Robert: it normally tails off sharpish after the total is hit. But there will be lot of people who haven’t seen it yet and want to chip in somthing. I reckon low 60s final total.
As of 3pm £48,000.
is that a record?
Christian Wright says:
Why set our sights so low – how much is STV worth?
30?, 40? 60? ……….a pound?

Does that mean WoS has enough money to hire Suzanne Duncan for the campaign videos and leaflets?
Just when you thought is was safe to go back into NHS wards – Carry On Nurse II
After the referendum (Alan Cochrane)
“By any standards, it was a pretty conclusive result.”
The Times 27/02/2015
“Though Scotland voted to remain part of the union,the margin of victory for the No campaign was comfortable rather than crushing”
Donated today and see you’ve passed the target already – please think about some broadsheet expenditure to get to the non-internet members of the population.
You can donate by direct bank transfer, see link to for details. I do not use indiegogo but do it this way through online banking but you can go into your bank with the details and do it that way.
I would estimate that it would take Labour in Scotland about 7 years to raise the same amount of money.
May I add my thanks to y’all. Mrs Cairnstoon and the wee Cairnstoons will throw another splinter on the fire tonight to celebrate. Maybe even have that Pot Noodle we’ve been saving up.
Only joking. Cheers
Donation sent, came to the site rather late but its money well spent.
Have donated,Stu. Thanks for you dedication.
Hit 45 and still rising.
Kinda like the independence movement.
What a way to end a brilliant week Wingers. Congrats Stu-without you this would not have been possible.
Before I forget, I also think you should pay yourself a better salary. Do it man & don’t argue!
The haters must be watching this with bile dribbling out of their ears – will be interesting to see if even one of them has the good grace to acknowledge how impressive this is.
The people who read the nonsense that the Daily Record prints about this site must think I’ll go have a look and see what all the fuss is about, have a read and then think, wait a minute, what medication is the DR taking, and then probably end up donating to the fundraiser.
Jeez! I take the dog out for a walk around 1.30 when the total was £38,000 ish. Got back 45 minutes later and the total was smashed and still climbing! Fantastic
Well done Wingers – isn’t our Rev and this site fantastic value for money? Keep the dosh coming!
Sorry for going O/T folks but NewsShaft is now out.
link to
And…. that’s 50 grand in the rear-view mirror.
Rev – stop being modest(a dick) and take a decent wage!
We donated to keep the site going and that is “you”
We are past the fund request by enough to cover it!
people should not concern themselves with falling sales in msm. profit is not important. the propaganda value to our ruling elite is far more valuable than any profit. the msm will always be around, whether in profit or paid for by our rulers. viva wings
@ X Sticks thanks Colin
I,ll pledge £50 for Paula Rose,s Gold Badge
An whatever You and Paula Rose get up to after the next Wings Nite oot 1st May Glesga I dont want to know an nae posting up on site,we dont want to frighten the childer lol.
call me dave says
“Tried four times to donate but the ‘Halifax secure check’ keep timing out after I press the button.”
It did it to me as well and after ten attempts and the wife used the same card to donate a pound to see if it was ok (it worked) she called the bank to be told it had been blocked due to an error by the user but at the same time said they had a lot of calls today for the same reason, so its an issue with the Halifax
Another milestone smashed!!
Are you watching this, Daily Redcoat? This is our response to the daily lies your rag churns out.
link to
Ahead of the game, rattled the can last week.
Lol, clicked through to the previous fund raisers. The very first one, pound for wings land, has a tweet from Jan 2013 part of the way down.
It’s worth going and having a look even now, even only for this little gem:
Aye, The National will never survive.
Over £50,000 donated now – should hopefully reach £100,000+ by 29th March.
@Lesley-Anne 2:58pm
“I think we should all send Stu our signatures so he can add them to a nice wee THANK YOU card before sending it up to the Daily Record.”
The Record would only scan in our signatures and sign us up for all sorts online, from Payday Loans to “Special Interest Sites” etc.. You’d start getting random Viagra deliveries and plain packages with an Amsterdam post mark through the door by a chuckling postie – and with out a returns (you could always take up sculpture.)
Mind you, we could always use these to go round a shaft Torquil
Can’t believe how much has been raised so far. I get excited just raising a couple of hundred pounds in the raffle.
Didn’t we beat the time? The first comment here is at 9:14am so I guess the fundraiser started around 9am? If that’s the case, the target was hit in like 6 hours?
Do we need any more reasons to leave the Onion.
link to
Agree with some other posters regarding Stu’s salary.
Since £20,410 represents approx. 45% of £45k, why don’t we agree that salary should be 45% of the eventual total.
Put a ceiling on it if you don’t want to go into higher tax brackets, or alternatively get some avoidance advice from Danny & Gideon.
Late visitor today and delighted to see the total had been broken by the time I got there to chip in – about half an hour ago. That helped boost the figure a wee bit more. Many contributors, like me, seem to be living abroad. Here, we’re the ‘Dubai Says Aye’ group and Wings is essential reading to stay abreast of what’s really going on in Scottish (and Unionist) politics.
@John King (3.37pm):
“john king says:
27 February, 2015 at 3:37 pm
call me dave says
“Tried four times to donate but the ‘Halifax secure check’ keep timing out after I press the button.”
It did it to me as well and after ten attempts and the wife used the same card to donate a pound to see if it was ok (it worked) she called the bank to be told it had been blocked due to an error by the user but at the same time said they had a lot of calls today for the same reason, so its an issue with the Halifax”
If a direct card payment on the indigogo site doesn’t work, use the PayPal button.
You don’t have to have a PayPal account to donate using PayPal.
Once you get to the PayPal site, you can enter your name, address and card details as normal and the payment will go to Wings.
It`s been a good day
Will donate a ton on monday coming..with thanks.
But another ton if we can do something like a weekly sum-up
video for youtube..maybe a la stephen paton or sumfink like
dat….just thinking!
Given that the Halifax has been making it as hard as possible (coincidence?) for me and call me dave to make donations, there may be many more donations waiting in the ahem wings.
Heart warming. Over fifty thousand. At the going rate we should reach 53,000 (last years total) in less than the nine hours taken then.
Utterly brilliant. Stu you are an inspiration!
Ah, such fond memories of the first fundraiser creeping up slowly, and all the talk about whether Stu should shove in the off-site donations to make the target (he did, a couple of hours from the end), and the sneering from Hothersall and McColm that he was just recycling the same £50 again and again because nobody would give him money, obviously.
Hothersall must be having conniptions about now. I’d quite like to be a fly on the wall.
My pleasure to donate to both your good self and East Glasgow SNP.
Now. When do I get my Knighthood?
Couldn’t resist the souvenir wee blue book and very pleased to hear there will be something like it happening for the general election.
Loving that the target has been exceeded already!
Sorry for going O/T … AGAIN but here’s a wee opinion poll that folks might enjoy.
link to
Hi Stuart,
Wee donation submitted to the cause. I think there will be several people at SLAB and a few of the media outlets will not only be groaning …but quaking too as they watch the contributions continue to skyrocket!
Anyway …have a beer tonight and celebrate knowing that by mid-afternoon on day 1 …your target was achieved. God knows where it will finish come deadline day LOL
Cheers again, Rev!
O/T – apologies.
TNS poll out today.
SNP 46% (+5%)
LAB 30% (-1%)
Read it and weep, Daily Redcoat.
But no slacking folks–lots of hard graft still to be done. This is just a poll afterall.
@bittie glaikit, love your images, some very comical.
Also, folks should pop over to Bella to see Greg Moodies vid, so strange seeing the guy behind the cartoon strip talking about his work.
Pleased to add a bit to the fund. Brilliant expose’s of the utter hypocrisy of the Labour Party, Daily Record and those that lie to the electorate so they might be able to persuade anyone that votes with their eyes on the past to hide under their skirts, blind to the truth.
I prefer to vote with my eyes firmly focused on the future and it doesn’t include the Labour Party who, witnessed by their performance in the campaign to date, have learned nothing from the many polls indicating the Scottish public have tumbled them at long last.
jock mc, that’s not a bad idea. Charlie Brooker style would be my preference, short, snappy and sarcastic.
O/T item in The National today that Outlander will be available on Amazon Prime from March 26th. Just in time for the election!
Just donated – now £57,000 and counting. I don’t post much but visit the site every day. I could not live with myself if I did not contribute.
I await Euan McColm’s response. Perhaps he’ll claim Stu has created 1000s of pseudo users – hence the comments – and is simply regurgitating a tenner 5000 times.
I said we failed to HALVE last year’s time-to-target!
@ John King take 30min of line an make Irene,s tea there,s a good chap lol.
Talk about GOOD Friday’s.
I’ve spent all my time on here and Twitter and have done nothing with my wee pressie from the National Recods of Scotland yet.
I’m a closet tinkerer round the edge sort of person with geneo … gene … genieol … ach sod it family history! 
Think the time has come to do some genewhatsitsname type thingy.
Aw hey haw whits wrang wi the posts Rev takin a day aff or sumthin?
Only kiddin, got out have a beer kick back
we’ll take care o the place,
ye ken when yev made it when even my wife has been following the fundraiser all day as well.
Ronnie, X_sticks,
I’ll keep count if you like.
PROVIDING, everyone who contributes posts the details on off-topic. (I’m not trawling through this lot looking for posts).
” John King take 30min of line an make Irene,s tea there,s a good chap lol.”
Hus sumbudy been talkin?
Hi Clootie,
I am thinking we REALLY NEED to look at SECURING SNP GE2015 VOTERS who don’t have access or at least regular views of the internet. Hence my suggestion that Stuart and WoS look at a SECOND National Daily Pro-Indy paper format newspaper for Scotland.
MANY over-65-year-olds still look to the dead tree media. We have to gently bring them onside. If it takes a few dead twigs to do so, then game on.
I have a good friend in the over 65 demographic who recently stopped buying the Daily Record and now buys The National when she can get out. By gentle persuasion. One by one we really SHOULD be debating and persuading with reasoned argument the NO Indyref voters to go for YES GE2015 and elect many SNP MPs.
It is PRECISELY the Non-Wingers we should be looking at persuading to switch from New Labour to SNP.
I would be interested on Stuart’s view about a new WoS Scottish National Paper. Especially given the stellar fundraiser today in less than 6 hours.
In Reply To Calum McLean at 1.44 Clootie says:
Dead Tree News is too slow for the type of format Wimgers look for in my opinion.
Astounding.Just about to smash the 53,000barrier.Truly magnificent ,and a month to go
Happy to contribute Stu. The work you and everyone associated with Wings do can only be described as awesome.
I apologise that I had to go for a Perk. I just have to have a Wee Blue Book to give to my grandson. It is a classic must have.
@ Rev are trying to make Fridays good news day the Onionist politicians wont like that not one bitty GRU,EM.
Congrats everyone!
Surprised nobody’s replied to those wanting to donate by cheque.
WOS’s postal address is on the back of the Wee Blue Book.
[But is no longer active. If you want to send a cheque, drop us a line via the Wings contact form for the right address. – RevStu]
That’s the donation in then. Many thanks to the Daily Record for encouraging me to double it.
Well done wingers.
As for the record GIRFUY
Donated with pleasure! Having a WBB all of my own to treasure and I put in an extra 20 for those that canny,wish it could’ve been more.
You are worth it and more Stu. More power to your elbow. Who said politics is boring! I have my head buried in my phone or tablet 24/7, Wings is my guilty pleasure and I have learned soon much. So a huge thank you from me.????
Capella says: “O/T item in The National today that Outlander will be available on Amazon Prime from March 26th. Just in time for the election!
For those who haven’t seen them, the first few episode could be quite . . . polarising.
Last year’s target of £53,000 has fallen – an hour faster than it did last year.
Stephen Daisley has given us a good plug on STV site.
link to
Erm Jim Arnott
Do you need to claim your perk before you donate? :s
At the end, if finances allow, we should have a sheet made up with all the biggest lies of Slab and put it through every home in Scotland.
@ John King naw but ah heard ah tummy rumble on ma Fbook chat lol
A wee bit more now in the pot.
@ cearc. good on you ma wee chookyhen O/T it is xxx.
done, money well spent !! …. I need my daily fix of “Wings”, I’m an internet-cybernat-junkie with with Independence tendencies ….. your the only cure !!!!
“Feel let down by Sturgeon”
@Gods Country
“A little disappointed in FM but I suppose she has to say all the right things.”
That, I think, has always been our dilemma.
I joined the SNP in support of our common cause. Wings has, I think, done more to advance that cause than any other individual or organisation while the SNP and the official Yes campaign pandered to our opponents by saying, rather than doing, the ‘right things’.
It’s the difference between the salon and the saloon, the street and the studio.
cearc says
“Stephen Daisley has given us a good plug on STV site.”
Did you spot that was a live link to the fundraising website on the STV site?
You’ve got a friend Stu.
Hope you’re keeping up with this, Daily Redcoat? Another milestone reached. Read it and weep:
link to
Was on nightshift last night and wake up to find you’ve busted the target without me, thanks Rev for all the hard work. Wonder if McColm still thinks you put the same £10 in over and over again.
Just so you know, I donated 50% more than I had planned to, because of that Daily Redcoat attack piece the other day.
Once again MASSIVE respect and thanks are obviously due to all the kind and generous Wings readers who are keeping the site alive.
There’s no way the Labour trolls and unionist lickspittles will divide and conquer the Yes campaign and the SNP when we are all so alert to their pathetic smearing methods and have sites like Wings to “keep the Record straight”, as it were.
LOL Labourites on Twitter are raging hahaha
Donated to the cause this morning. I couldn’t make the comment section work though, so I’ll say it here:
I truly, truly appreciate your voice in the Alba-phobic wilderness of the mainstream media. Knowing that someone is noticing and methodically picking apart the continuous verbal abuse directed towards our country is heartening, and strengthens me immeasurably.
Keep doing what you do, sir, and let the haters pass you by!
All those hurting a bit,remember the SNP is only the political spearhead of a much bigger social and cultural movement for independence.We reach places and do things politicians can’t.
The people have spoken: Go get ’em Stu!
Bittie Glaikit
Lovely images/artwork.My favourite was Osborne with the Scots child and the key.Poignant indeed.
Christian Wright says
“For those who haven’t seen them, the first few episode could be quite . . . polarising.”
am I dead inside?
I just cant see the “polarising” effect of Outlander (seen all episodes) I just see an entertaining story with a bit of rough and tumble,
it didn’t make me any more (or less) pro independence than before, I didn’t see what the furore about Braveheart was either they’re just stories
@ ronald alexander mcdonald says:
27 February, 2015 at 3:06 pm
“I would estimate that it would take Labour in Scotland about 7 years to raise the same amount of money.”
From their real members or from their Blue Tory Bankster Backers?
Albamac-yep, totally agree. BTW one of those unionist monkeys on the Scotsman is threatening the Rev. by dobbing him in to the taxman. Rattled much?!
Mealer @ 5.14
Good point well made.
Now £55,891 another £11,169 and you’ll be earning the same as Malky Rifkind.
Don’t speak to any Chinese people
Any body fae Scottish Gov looking in , gie Anglian Water ah contract BBC, STV, Daily Rectum, huv collective diarrhea today,& for many day,s to come.
link to If you can, watch Wednesdays show. A really funny progressive liberal reply/response to America’s equivalent of the BBC, Daily Record, SLAB, Statesman, Daily Heil, Hothersozzle, Morphy etc and their more and more hysterical reactionary monstering of anyone daring to disagree with or even more outrageous, question their right to reign over you, happy and glorious..
Establishment teamGB BBC and co are way too much like far right USA and Wings over Scotland probably isn’t the equivalent of the Daily show, yet!
In all the permutations and computations wouldn’t it just one big IED if the Tories with UKIP for the next UK Gov with no seats in Scotland?
Time to “hit the streets,” as the French say and do.
There’s something about donating to the cause of Independence for Scotland.
It’s as if it brings Indy a little closer.
It’s a good feeling.
And before anyone has a go,
I know William Wallace was not a character in a movie,
but we can revere our history when we get a country to be proud of again and in my view not before!
While we choose subjugation we have NOTHING to be proud of and certainly no reason to be angry about injustices that took place several centuries ago.
I’m pretty sure Wallace would not be proud of us!
Richard Lucas at 2.55pm
You made the right choice, well done
Bittie Glakit
Good images especially page 2. You should post here.
I have always said it is essential to create a WEE SILVER BOOK for the over-65s. Or, even more focused, a WEE PENSIONS BOOK. Showing how Broon stole our pensions, comparing the state pension of the UKOK to the likes of Norway (country most similar to Scotland in terms of natural resources, size, economy), longevity, quality of life…
The way I see it is this. The most tight-fisted people vote against independence. So speak their language, the language of money, the only language they understand.
Everyone is saying: Stu, well done. It is true… and in a way it is not! Stu’s job is, in a way, rather easy! Because it is a foregone conclusion that anything SLAB will bring out, whether it is policy or a “news” story, will be lies, falsehood, manipulated, spin… so you just have to start from that premise and then really just decide where the lies are, what the real truth is, etc.
Anyway, I reckon we can raise another 50 grand in a single day for a WEE SILVER BOOK. All you have to do is write the truth, facts… If we can just swing the elderly vote, we have independence. And what price independence, eh, fellow donators?!?
Apologies for O/T here but just seen Washington Post tweet that Leonard Nimoy. Spock from the original Star Trek series ( for those who didn’t already know
) has died aged 83.
Live long and Prosper in the universe of immortality Spock!
Well done young man.
If anyone can help any of the SNP candidates fundraising with a few pounds, visit twitter and use the #votesnp hash tag to see the current live ones. Some are doing very well some look becalmed.
BtP says
“Time to “hit the streets,” as the French say and do
Ha ha. Another one threatening to tell the tax man on Wings. Hothersall went on and on about that last year. Stu had already mentioned on Twitter some weeks before that, that he was taking half a day off to do his tax returns! I asked him if the fundraising money, being gifts, was taxable, and got a whole spiel about the difference between solicited and unsolicited gifts, and “Best just declare everything to be on the safe side”.
All that seemed to go right past oor Duncy, and he went on and on and on about it. It was pretty funny. Also about the £10,000 donation which was on terms that meant it didn’t have to be declared to the electoral commission, but I think Duncan actually reported him for it!
I’m in for £50.
Worth every penny.
O/T: Gutter journalism. The Daily Record has form. It is an affront that they attacked the Rev.
link to
Donated, atb Wings and crew!
GIRUY DR/Rainbow Tories!
Well,it looks to me as if we have all voted you Rev Stuart Campbell an increase in your stipend.
I use the word stipend as I cannot imagine the value that could be placed on your work over the last year.
Duine uasal.
@Bittie Glakit
I agree with Lollysmum, you should post your stuff here. it’s really good.
john king says:
I know William Wallace was not a character in a movie,
but we can revere our history when we get a country to be proud of again and in my view not before!
It’s one of these days today:-
link to
@ Lesley-Anne
Leonard Nimoy
Sad to hear.
Glued to the screen as a kid waiting on Star Trek of an evening. It started a lifelong love of Sci Fi for me.
Condolences to the family.
The fight against unionist lies and fear-mongering continues.
If unionists working for the Daily Record and BBC Scotland hate it we must be doing the right thing.
With the target reached, if anyone is still feeling generous this local SNP fundraiser could use some help. It only has a few days to go and is still way off target
link to
“Winging” its way from darkest Wiltshire, 20 smackeroonies from me. I do so love this site, and all the contributions and comments.
In tribute to Leonard Nimoy – live long and prosper.
Any body fae Scottish Gov looking in , gie Anglian Water ah contract BBC, STV, Daily Rectum & assorted media, will huv collective diarrhea today,& for many day,s to come.
Ho yo the shit doth flow,
who,s gonna empty the chanty po.
ah could make that ah wee sea
Whoops. This gal needs more coffee it seems <3
Sorry honey!
@schrodingers cat
I have become entranced/spooked by your avatar. I know about Schrödinger’s cat from the thought experiment but where on earth does that photo/cat come from? It has been driving me bonkers for weeks!
That really is gutter journalism. “Oh no pictures of someone having a good time”
Guess no one at the Record ever has fun. Ever. Just Labour press releases all the time.
Leonard Nimoy
Beam me up Scottie
Milliband’s latest
link to
I’ve managed a fiver for the vile hate blog. Keep it coming! Thanks.
Jim & Ed are duly impressed by today’s fundraising effort:
link to
Great Idea, cmon Rev, take 45% of the total as a Salary.
A good appeal needs a few pence;
link to
Torcuil Crichton ?@Torcuil · 32m32 minutes ago
@jimmurphymp confirms he is standing again for Westminster in East Renfrewshire . So, looks like no by-election route to Holyrood
Been out all day and just in and contribution made, in the immortal words of JoLa I am astonished, well done Stu you are truly Scotland’s Champion..Live Long And Prosper..
Just clicked on and the the total is already at 128%…!
It’ll be Monday, now, before getting something sent from this part of East Asia, but on its way it will be.
Great work with the site, Stu. It’ll be terrific if you can get an app up and working, especially for ones like us who are accessing the web on tablets and phones.
And keep kicking at the pricks, Stu, they really, really, *really*, don’t like that!
Oh, and Hi! Daily Record. Still losing readers in droves and money getting tighter and tighter? Shame that, eh?…. Ha! Aye, so it is! Get it right fucking up yez! The day you close your doors for good will be a day of celebration in Scotland. Don’t keep us waiting too long.
I have always said it is essential to create a WEE SILVER BOOK for the over-65s. Or, even more focused, a WEE PENSIONS BOOK.
I have to admit …that is not the worst idea in the world. I do like it!
The only problem is (if going by example of my own father), is that he perceives himself as British as well as Scottish. For nigh on 70 odd years, the State has convinced my Father that Britain is the greatest country in the world. That’s a hard thing to get out of his head. The British version of ‘Pravda’ (probably the BBC) has indoctrinated him into believing this notion.
However …still not a bad idea with a ‘Silver Book’. If the ‘Wee Blue Book’ ever became the ‘Wee Blue Book ver. 2.0’ then it might be worth creating a chapter just for the Pensioners. A Chapter that covers their main concerns.
Donation made and paid with appreciation of all your effort Stu. Well worth my money.
Richard Lucas (@RichardLucas3) says:
27 February, 2015 at 6:23 pm
I’ve managed a fiver for the vile hate blog. Keep it coming! Thanks.
Mind share it & get more people tae hate this vile blog Richard lol.
Seems Jim Murphy has seen the Fund Raising and has just decided to say ‘Ah Jeez!!! The SNP have a huge lead in the polls, and now the Wings Fundraiser is breaking records. F*** it! I’m just going to stay down the road at Westminster after all. The games becoming a bogey in Scotland…’
link to
Herald tonight.
Murphy stays to fight his seat.
Mr Murphy said: “As I have said many times before, I am the Labour candidate for East Renfrewshire against the Tories in May and Labour’s candidate for First Minister in 2016. We have had a really good response on the doorsteps in recent weeks.
“We need to do everything we can to stop the Tories being the largest party. I want to contribute to making sure the Tories are kept out of East Renfrewshire and Downing Street.
Footie links I posted last night in Off-Topic are the same tonight. Falkirk playing some Glasgow team.
a wee shout out for another worthy indy cause, target only £500.
link to
Likewise just in and contributed…but as I suspected I am well late to this party
Donated just to “upset the Daily Record” and I vist the site daily.
Leonard Nimoy
Sad to hear.
Glued to the screen as a kid waiting on Star Trek of an evening. It started a lifelong love of Sci Fi for me.
Condolences to the family.
It will take light years to reach Vulcan.
@ Dal Riata an ah though our Hinternet wiz slow weil send Brian Souter er tae collect your contrabution lol so far but not forgotten Thanks Dal.
I’ve been looking forward to saying this all day…
“Rev Stu gives (is gonna give) me Wiiiings”
Total raised to £59, 196
A pleasure to contribute on behalf of me and my family.
Big thanks to Stu, My eyes get wider everyday and my ears hear much………..much more than ever thanks to WOS!
Donation made, that’s thanks to the MSM (& Labour) who are doing a tremendous job of digging ones own grave…. chortle chortle!!!
Just donated. Looking forward to a hard wee blue thing popping through my letterbox.
@ Cuddis
The bunnycat has been freaking Ciffers out for the past three years.
Up to £59,703 readers. Ticking over nicely :-)& annoying DR, Bothersall & co at the same time. What’s not to like?
You assume of course that I haven’t access to subspace comms.
Ninja Penguin says
“Looking forward to a hard wee blue thing popping through my letterbox.”
what did you do to annoy The Smurphs?
Just about to break through the £60,000.
@ john king, if Outlander is “just a story” how come the UK is the only region in the known universe to not broadcast it? Here we have a hugely popular money spinning blockbuster which evryone else has happily snapped up, set in Scotland at a very pivotal time in our history, filmed in Scotland with Scottish actors. Our broadcasters in unison say “Naw thanks. Don’t need the cash.”
Just wondering.
Sent a wee donation, I cannae wait tae get my haunds on the special edition of the wee blue book
I am stunned at the total raised so far, well done everyone of you Wingers, I think Rev will be in a state of shock to see that it has just passed £60,000 and there is still a whole month left to go
You deserve every penny Rev for all the hard work that you do, if it wasn’t for this site, I wouldn’t have realised how much we have been lied to by the MSM.
Macart says:
27 February, 2015 at 7:03 pm
@ Cuddis
The bunnycat has been freaking Ciffers out for the past three years.

Broadsword to Dannyboy, Broadsword to Dannyboy.
Donation done and done.
Thanks for all the hard work Stu,
Keep on at the Record- they don’t like it up ’em!
Ninja Penguin says:
27 February, 2015 at 7:01 pm
“:Just donated. Looking forward to a hard wee blue thing popping through my letterbox.”
Is it cold in Scotland tonight and do you have a flasher in the village?
@Ninja Penguin
“Looking forward to a hard wee blue thing popping through my letterbox.”
So Jock’s coming round tonight then?
@ McCart
and I can make wine out of water.
Broadsword to Dannyboy, Broadsword to Dannyboy.
The snowdrops are early this spring.
@ call me dave says:
Partick Thistle?
I see a number of Unionist Types once again criticising the movie Braveheart again, this usually comes down to when they have no counter argument for anything so they ridicule the film
Thing is, what they don’t get is not whether the timeline is correct, not whether anything as seen is factual, but what is the importance of the sentiment and intention to convey the sense of a reality
Do the Unionists seriously argue that for example all British made movies of wars in which the UK craftily outsmarted and outfaught the evil enemies of the the armies of Britain are true
Do they seriously believe John Wayne won WW2 and the Americans are the Greatest
The Unionists should take a good look at real history and see what kind of heroes the Brits and their heroes the Americans actually were
I don’t think i need to go into a history lesson here, would take too long anyway, but just to say that Braveheart is as good a movie as any and better than most, to describe the sense of injustice felt in our country by most at the time and very many now and to belittle it is typical Unionist propaganda nonsense driven by the fear of an ever growing reality that Scotland at last is close to having
Xsticks says
“So Jock’s coming round tonight then?”
Dinnae be daft hows he gonnie get that top hat through the letter box?
Bugger (the Panda).
O/T but a couple for you…
link to
link to
Capella says
” if Outlander is “just a story” how come the UK is the only region in the known universe to not broadcast it?”
Because the establishment think that Scots are so gullible as to be swayed by a story where the good looking young highlander is flayed to within an inch of his life by the sneering English lieutenant, and of course we’re so thick we’ll launch ourselves en masse on English settlers to level the score,
I’m sure you don’t think like that Capella,
we’re all a lot smarter than THEY give us credit for
aren’t we?
Gave what I could.
Best of luck with the site.
Keep up the good work.
john king says:
27 February, 2015 at 7:36 pm
Broadsword to Dannyboy, Broadsword to Dannyboy.
The snowdrops are early this spring.
The long sobs of the violins of Autumn,
Pierce my heart with a monotonous langour…
Liberation is within our grasp.
Glad to see the money flowing in. Apparently, the Scottish people still crave freedom.
I said this after the first fundraiser, and the last one and I will repeat it for this one. Add anything over the total to your wage. I wouldn’t get out of bed for 20k, never mind put in the hours you do.
@Captain Caveman, good to see you are still alive.
@chris cairns, where is that book of toons? If you got it published, then you wouldn’t be dependent on the scraps from someone else’s table
Brian Doonthetoon says:
27 February, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Thanks Brian
My daughters have a very close bond to Dundee.
No 1 was at the High and No 2 at Dundee Uni.
I am fair pleased that Dundee has trailblazed the push fpr independence that my native City is following.
These two cities could tip the balance and without them it will be very difficult.
Cumon Dr Jim
Your smarter than that,
a films just a film
It shouldn’t MUSTN’T influence our reasoning as to why we need our independence from the UK,
it has absolutely nothing to do with Bravebloodyheart
yes its a good film so is Mrs Doubtfire but it doesn’t inspire me to dress up as a woman,
(well not all the time)
This is MUCH bigger than people allowing themselves to be accused of being “Braveheart seperatists”
Dont give them ammunition by crying FREEDOM,
we’re past that crap ,we’re bigger than the stupid Hollywood labels they try to hang on us,
dont give them the excuse to accuse us of being 90 minute patriots!
Patrician says
“Captain Caveman, good to see you are still alive.”
Im glad he’s still alive as well Patrician but I wish he’d learn if we had independence he probably wouldn’t have to live in a cave!
no offence captain.
@ john king
The National on Thursday carried the story that one of our unsung heroes, Thomas Muir of Huntershill, whose 250th anniversary is coming up, had a home in East Dunbartonshire – “Huntershill”, which they plan to sell at a knock down price to a developer who wants to turn it into a care home.
link to
It’s the cultural hegemony I don’t like!
Bill hume
Les saglots longs
Des violons
De l’automne
Blessent mon coeur
D’une langueur
Tout suffocant
Et blême, quand
Sonne l’heure,
Je me souviens
Des jours anciens
Et je pleure;
Et je m’en vais
Au vent mauvais
Qui m’emporte
Deçà, delà,
Pareil à la
Feuille morte.
vive la resistance
Friday night, couple drams down, slippers on and fair enjoying the banter on here tonight. Real party atmo in the air.
@ J K
I am surprised that the Germans and the Vichy French never got the message, before D day.
41% beyond target.
So far.
Capella says
“The National on Thursday carried the story that one of our unsung heroes, Thomas Muir of Huntershill”
Every generation has its heroes,
we must revere the heroes of the past and Muir is one such hero
but we must be mindful that we live in the here and the now and we have such heroes in our midst right here right now!
They walk amongst us!
Outlander is now available by one legal means in UK – on Amazon Prime
link to
@john king
Where did you get that i wanted freedom because of a film?
I enjoy a good film that in no way suggests i would base my life decisions on it
My suggestion is that Unionists fear it or possibly those with the Scottish cringe factor
As to influencing anyones reasoning,i wouldn’t have the temerity to even try
As far as what any Unionists think, i would find it hard to contain my total indifference, as to my commentary it expresses an opinion as to the thinking of others, not whether i care or not
BtP says
“I am surprised that the Germans and the Vichy French never got the message, before D day.”
Some people NEVER get the message.
£65K and rising faster than a spring tide.

thats £65000 passed
@ John King
“Some people NEVER get the message.”
I hear that fella.
Eh? What message?
I also watched the 8 or nine episodes of Outlander and i agree with John King, it’s much ado about nothing.
If anyone wants to spend their money on it then fine but i did not find it in any way anti Scottish per se, it’s only a story.
If you want to watch a more of a real story then watch this.
link to
It was produced by BBC Alba and it’s a bit old and grainy, but stick with it and i think it will make more of an impression on you than Outlander will.
Like i say it takes a bit of getting into,pour a dram and stick with it.
Hi Bugger (the Panda).
O/T again. Did you catch to Ashcroft poll result for Dundee West?
“I found the SNP ahead in fifteen of these sixteen seats. In the Labour-held constituencies the overall swing to the SNP was 25.4%. This ranged from 21% in Airdrie & Shotts to 27% in Dundee West and Motherwell & Wishaw.”
“the single most popular general election outcome in these seats was a coalition involving Labour and the SNP – a result favoured by 39% of voters overall, including 62% of SNP supporters and 79% of Labour-SNP switchers.”
You can peruse the full results here:-
link to
Sorry if I heaved all of my angst regarding the facile assumption that all independence supporters are seen by the “establishment” as “braveheart separatists” on you , It is a special bugbear of mine,
I watched a video of people supporting the yes campaign prior to the referendum and one young lady (about 20) said she was voting yes because she had recently watched Braveheart, I thought, “you have no idea how much damage you are doing to our cause”, now I seem to see “braveheart separatists around every corner.
Sincere apology Dr Jim
Ach John, dinna fash yirel’!
Hi Smithie.
Have you watched this?
link to
yirel’! = yirsel’!
Only just now come in and discovered the fundraiser. Brilliant work Wingers!
Have duly donated and the total was at £65,994. Amazing!
Keep up the good work Rev – really appreciate all you do
@ Handclapping
You didn’t get the message?
Great googly moogly, who’s in charge of memos around here?
Deja vu.
Went to work one morning; came back to a totally different milieu.
The Daily Record really needs a good right up em.
I’m sure Stu will have a good libel lawyer ready.
I don’t need to remind you who is boss around here
From now I should be at least cc’d in every email at work
What was the message?
@ Smithie
The point I’m trying to make, and clearly failing, is not that the film is good, bad or indifferent. What I dislike is some cultural commissar in London deciding what we can and can’t watch.
Good link BTW. I saw “The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black Black Oil” when it was first produced in Edinburgh (Traverse I think). Message still loud and clear. But you’ll probably wait a long time before that is broadcast to the masses!
Since we’re discussing period films, here’s Peter Watkins’ 1964 film “Culloden”. Pour another dram!
link to
It is, of course, just a story.
@john king
Accepted and no worries John, we all do it from time to time
Humans EH? Wha’s like us
Missed out last year cos I was skint. This year…not so bad so I chucked in some this morning. More next week.
I remember waking up on Black Friday devastated. Talk with my son got chin up and by the time Stu said Wings would go on, despair had turned to determination.
We can do this.
Cuddis says:
@schrodingers cat
I have become entranced/spooked by your avatar. I know about Schrödinger’s cat from the thought experiment but where on earth does that photo/cat come from? It has been driving me bonkers for weeks!
eh? its a selfie
got a warm feeling tonight, we really are still here. enjoy this evening mes amis
£68,004 folks, this is phenomenal for just one day.
SLAB, BBC & MSM you may try to ignore it but we won’t. Eat your heart out, read it & weep
I’m loving every minute of this.
to all the lurkers
can you imagine were we would be this fine evening, without wings?
please donate
Capella @ 9.59
no i agree with you, the reason i posted was because i had heard about Outlander many months ago and was curious.
But having watched it now i don’t want anyone to waste money on buying it out of curiosity.
It’s a nice enough series but not worth paying for.
Just broken £69,000 barrier
Nearly 70k. Can we get there before midnight? Magnificent effort nevertheless.
Thanks Stu and everyone else on WoS for making this such a fantastic site.
What fantastic support within the ” Wings Family”
This has been a week where maybe the Rev played a blinder , with the D R .
Me finks perhalps the Rev had the Sonia Scott info from the beginning and played the DR with the first post showing the 2 photaes . The DR walked right in without bothering to do due diligence . Next morning Rev post the Sonia Scott article …. Voila ….. Game over for the DR and we are all in stitches laughing at the incompetence of the DR .
We complete one our most entertaining weeks with a huge show of appreciation towards the Rev and his jolly assistants.
Rev, whether the above theory has any resemblance to reality I care not , you are worth every penny we can scrape together x 10 .
Thank you very much .
Early Ball says:
Nearly 70k. Can we get there before midnight? Magnificent effort nevertheless.
70K just been broken EB.
£70,000 barrier broken @11.41pm
Cheers to Rev. Stuart and the Wings community
Some of youse may remember that last year lots of nice people made extra donations that were clubbed together to buy a gold badge for Ronnie Anderson.
Well, this year we are doing it for the famous, glamorous, unparalleled Paula Rose.
If you want to contribute this amazingly deserving cause. Just make another wee (or not so wee) donation and put a post on the off-topic thread saying how much you sent. (£129 so far).
Well done wings ,over £70,000
Rev. Stuart I am appalled at the treatment of yourself by the Daily Record who cast doubt, (without opportunity to respond in their rag) as to your motives in regard to the Nurse – actress – model – Suzanne.
I have been digging around a bit and compiled a report which I would like to post on my blog.
Since the bulk of the content is centered on posts by yourself I am needed to ask if you are happy for me to proceed.
If required I would be happy to let you have sight of the report before publication
Fundraiser is rolling again. Just gone up to £71,332
Yep.Its all needed.
I see Wings as a core element of the huge cultural and political change that has continued to sweep Scotland. The referendum did not go our way but the legacy was to open Scotlands eyes to the reality of who the political establishment serve. Wings is the most successful site due to the quality of depth and analysis done by Stu and the other contributors. Opinions are backed up with links to facts and articles referenced. That is followed up with insightful and humerous comments. Despite the bad press it is a pretty jovial, positive place and reflects the reality of the Yes movement rather than the pantomime version played out in the MSM.
I would like to reiterate what others have said regarding the salary taken. It needs to reflect the level of effort and professionalism invested. The output has a profound effect on Scotland and you need to ensure you are fairly compensated. I don’t think the living wage is a fair reflection.
In regards to the Blue Book, Silver Book etc. All great ideas however i’m wondering if it’s worth having a weekly printable version of the top articles. The idea being anyone can print at home and distribute at will. May help to
I also liked the idea of a short, snappy, sarcastic weekly roundup on youtube. There must be someone on here with the ability to deliver this professionally – Stu himself even.
Can I remind everyone you can sign up to monthly contributions using the donate link. The benefit of this is you soon don’t notice these contributions so have no problem again giving during the fundraisers.
Bittie Glakit- you need to set up a Facebook site and take suggestions for pics. Check out Jim’ll paint it for an example;
link to
Thank you so much for such high quality work. Tenacious, analytic, investigative, witty and funny too! I could only afford £10 but it is £10 well spent. Lang mae yer lumb reek
Some cut and paste issues above. The weekly print out I had said may help to reach older folks and those not able to use the internet. The precise people we need to win over.
We’re making history, fellow-wingers. In years to come, in Scots history classes, our children’s children will read of these ‘interesting times’, and the role played by sites like Wings in the pre-independence struggle against corrupt unionist parties and their MSM allies. Who knows, Stu, one day there may even be stamps and statues in honour of Wings’s singular stance, against over-whelming UK Establishment odds, commemorating how you fought (with your keyboard) and never gave up; never quit, in getting the truth out there. There may even be, in that future I envisage, a wee historical blue plaque on your hoose in Bath, too, to mark the site of one of Scotland’s greatest battle and her indomitable online warrior.
Hope your fundraising goes well. You’re the antidote to the poor excuse we have for ‘journalism’ in Scotland.
Cuilean says:
28 February, 2015 at 12:02 pm…
“one day there may even be stamps and statues in honour of Wings’s singular stance, against over-whelming UK Establishment odds…”
In a country that has silly statues of queen Victoria and that type, but none to John McLean or Mary Barbour, I can only applaud your optimism.
There you go Stu, a wee bit to push it over into the £76,000 slot. Onwards and upwards.
Worth every penny!
Re the fundraiser contributions, I have to say I admire the wag yesterday who made a contribution in the name of John McTernan’s Conscience. I didn’t know he had one but hey ho every little helps
boris says:
“O/T: Gutter journalism. The Daily Record has form. It is an affront that they attacked the Rev.”
Yet, you include a direct link (which i have removed from the quote) straight to that scummy Unionist rags web site, on arguably the busiest and most commented on topic so far this year on WOS.
Therefore, aiding and abetting them and their site by sending thousands of hits and customers in their direction.
Tut tut, Boris, its no like ye!
Demonise and boycott The Rectum at every opportunity.
link to
Wings Over Scotland is amazing. Great place to get factual information. Thanks for all your hard work. I have made a donation.
Well and truly over the 82K hurdle and still running.
Spread the word far and wide.
The BBC Labour Rectum Party must be spitting acid.