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Wings Over Scotland

In Ruins

Posted on January 11, 2025 by

Don’t watch this. You’ll only waste 12 minutes of your life making yourself angry.

It’s our job to be angry for you.

Quite aside from anything else, the title is a barefaced lie. There is nothing remotely resembling a “route to independence” aired anywhere in the interview. Despite being gently pressed by former SNP adviser Geoff Aberdein, neither Swinney nor Forbes has a single word to say that amounts to any sort of strategy, let alone a credible one.

Forbes says that the SNP’s primary responsibility is to “inspire hope”. Which it isn’t, but even if it was, the party is manifestly not fit for that purpose. It has lost almost 40% of its own support in just two years, from a peak of 50% in December 2022 to an average of 33% since last year’s general election.

(And just two years before that it was as high as 56%.)

It’s lost half of its own members, from 125,000 to somewhere around 60,000. It’s lost 80% of its MPs. It’s shown itself unable to build a ferry, deliver a road, or even conduct a simple headcount or correctly identify what a woman is.

Scottish voters are so scunnered with the party that’s held the reins of power for nearly 18 years that they look set to elect a bunch of MSPs from Reform, a party that barely even exists in Scotland.

So the idea that the SNP are going to be inspiring “hope” any time soon is a crass insult to the intelligence of anyone watching. But that’s just the start of the shambles.

Forbes’ first suggestion of the party’s grand vision of the future is that an independent Scotland could “power the road to Net Zero” – a futile and stupid piece of expensive, damaging virtue signalling that voters don’t actually give a toss about (77% of Scottish voters don’t think it’s a top-three priority) and which was toxically unpopular when the Greens were driving the Scottish Government’s agenda just a matter of months ago.

Forbes elaborates that “wee plucky countries can do a great job if they believe in themselves”, (yes, she honestly did say “wee plucky countries”) and that “the route to independence is about outlining that alternative that can inspire”.

Amid a general vomiting of empty motivational-poster waffle, she opines that this feelgood drivel at demonstrable odds with the manifest reality of public opinion is “an electric solution”, which sounds about right.

(She MIGHT have meant “electoral”, but she definitely says “electric”.)

Geoff Aberdein then invites John Swinney to explain how this aimless wibble is in practice going to lead to independence and how it differs from the SNP’s previous strategy, and after some more drivel and padding Swinney finally gives the closest thing that either politician does in the whole interview to an answer:

“In a democracy, Westminster cannot stand in the way of the people of Scotland determining their own future […] that is just a logical democratic inconsistency that cannot be sustained.” 

We had to stop writing this article for a moment and go and give our punchbag a good battering at that point, because dear Jesus above.

Westminster has spent the last decade demonstrating in the most comprehensive manner that could possibly ever be imagined that it CAN stand in the way and that it CAN sustain that “democratic inconsistency”, and the Supreme Court confirmed its legal right to do so. It is a settled fact.

So it is contempt for the electorate on the most staggering, inconceivable scale for Swinney to STILL be trying to flog that dead and rotting pig in a poke to voters. Westminster told the SNP to GTF when it had 56 out of 59 MPs and 50% of the vote, and neither of those things is happening again any time in the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately Scotland’s media is almost as wretched as its politics, so the interview then allows Swinney to claim that “I’ve got a very clear sense about how we need to progress on the constitutional question” but then refuse point-blank to say what that means. (“I’m just not prepared to do that”.)

The whole thing is uncomfortably cosy and pally, with everyone chuckling fondly at his unwillingness to reveal anything about the SNP’s 2026 manifesto. Politicians of the past were not models of accountability and transparency, but Margaret Thatcher used to submit herself occasionally to proper inquisitions from the likes of Robin Day or Brian Walden, and Tony Blair had to face up to extended grillings from Jeremy Paxman now and again.

We struggle to recall Nicola Sturgeon ever doing a proper full-length interview with any sort of serious journalist in her entire time as First Minister, and with the likes of Gordon Brewer and Bernard Ponsonby now off the scene there’s barely anyone capable of doing the job even if our leaders were willing to allow it.

By modern soundbite standards 12 minutes is an eternity, but neither Forbes nor Swinney is given a single uncomfortable moment in the entire clip, and the time just dribbles out with absolutely nothing of any value emerging. The most incisive thing that happens is Aberdein’s sceptical expression after Forbes witters on about the “democratic deficit” again like an incredulous pouting child.

The final words spoken in the video are Swinney saying “nothing happens on the constitution in Scotland without the SNP doing really well”.

But if that’s true, then given that the SNP so evidently lacks the ability to regain the trust of Scottish voters (even as its main opponent implodes as spectacularly as Labour are currently doing), so evidently lacks the basic competence required for government, so evidently lacks any sort of inspirational talent that these two simpering, vacuous damp blankets are the FM and DFM, and so evidently doesn’t have the tiniest clue about a coherent strategy for independence other than whining “It’s all so unfair!” for another 10 years, it really does look like everything is screwed.

For as long as the SNP owns the indy movement, that movement has no future.

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Pointless people.

John O'Dowd

“Forbes says that the SNP’s primary responsibility is to “inspire hope”. Which it isn’t,….”

To be fair to Ms Forbes, she didn’t say to whom she was trying to inspire hope.

My guess it is in all the deadbeats they will select (or have selected) as candidates in the forthcoming election. Hope is all they have!

Some hope!


Aye, ah fear yir right.

Alex Wallace

I wasted 12mins of my time this am and agree with every word of this article, including using the punch bag in frustration. On another subject I cant believe there are Indy supporters that promote Forbes for leader.


I can’t believe that indy supporters are falling for snp version2 Alba, and Ash Regan”s faux outrage at the despicable sex crimes carried out against our children when she was a silent part of a government carrying out abuse against our children and our womenfolk

Andy Ellis

And your realistic alternative to Alba is what exactly?

I know there are plenty on here who like to disparage Alba and / or the ISP and point out their current low levels of support, but I’ve never seen anyone show us any evidence of support amongst the movement or Scottish electorate for any of the alternative routes to independence.

If we’re not going to use conventional politics, political parties, referendums or plebiscitary elections, wouldn’t the organisations pushing these alternative routes need to show us some evidence of their support such as, say…polling evidence, membership numbers and financial contributions, demonstrations in the street, support from significant political figures and from legal and constitutional experts.

All of that could happen of course, but is it likely to happen faster than conventional routes?


And your realistic alternative to Alba is what exactly?

I know there are plenty on here who like to disparage Alba and / or the ISP and point out their current low levels of support, but I’ve never seen anyone show us any evidence of support amongst the movement or Scottish electorate for any of the alternative routes to independence.”

Hand in your alert reader badge. I’ve certainly pointed out a couple of times that I 4 I candidate Eva Comrie got more votes than Alba’s Kenny McAskill at last GE.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Dan
Andy Anderson

The answer is not to use political parties at all as they are all, with the exception of the ISP wedded to the Westminster gravy train. That is why many of us support Salvo/Liberation.


Pretty much run by the British-American project these days..


Two apallingticians interviewed by three meedjits.

Ian McCubbin

Why can’t they realise emulating unionist parties is not working on majority of independistas. We see through their lies.
Keep exposing them Stu.

Vivian O’Blivion

Just spent the morning feeding wood into a brazier located next to the condensate pipe for my 12 month old, condensing boiler. This is the second time I’ve had to do this.

The boiler was a replacement for a knackered, old, standard boiler. These have been outlawed, hence the condensing boiler, the condensate line for which freezes every time we get two consecutive nights of minus temperatures in double figures. Still, save the planet for 10% more efficiently in the heat cycle.

Puts me in mind of the ban on wood burning stoves in new builds and conversions, that was in place before the Bute House agreement was thankfully consigned to the skip of history. That also started out as a “write over” from legislation in England and Wales. Patrick Harvie was insistent that it be applied to Scotland also, despite its patent unsuitability in rural areas.

Shetto Al

The SNP route to independence is like having a ballot box in one hand and the other hand in their pocket jingling their money.


Clowns,utter clowns.

Richard De St Croix

It’s like the SNP has got tired of being a political party and decided to turn itself into a *Revival!* movement for an aspiration which it, itself, has extinguished the possibility of ever achieving. Brexit was the moment: we all knew it, Sturgeon knew it and now that moment has passed. There’s more chance of achieving independence by joining the Plymouth Brethren than voting for a party that took it’s 30 pieces of silver.


Are you prepared for ‘The Great Scotland Revival’



Might have known you pathetic sniveling Scotch wretches would find such a progressive prospect (FACT) offensive:

Scotch (adjective):
“Scotch is an adjective in English, meaning “of or from Scotland”. Many Scots dislike the term Scotch and some consider it offensive.”:

link to

Well too fu**ing bad, Scotchland…




“To prevent something from being believed or being done:

Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses.”:

link to



Travis Scotch: SCOTCHWORLD: Boss:

“Rack Ross, I’m the?boss
I’m?with Travis Scotch
I?got racks, I got a lot
Yeah,?I’m the king
I got so much money
I am flexing
What are?you?doing?
Yeah,?Rack Ross
The boss?with the rack
I’m?the king
Nobody else tell none
I, I say you can’t ’cause you can’t disagree with me…

I ain’t droppin’ my album ’cause I got zero fans
And you be playing around like we at Disney Land
My album’s gonna be the greatest
And I know that you hated that I literally haven’t dropped it yet…

Ok, you know who it is now
Travis Scotch, yeah
I’m gonna show you something amazing…”:

link to

#AmazingScotlandRevival #LetsGo

Patsy Millar

Oh f***

Peter S

John Swinney is reported in the press today as “calling for NI-style trigger for an indyref”. Everyone, including John Swinney, knows perfectly well that this is just whistling in the dark to try to keep up his spirit and those of his deluded supporters. This is a reserved matter and every MP at Westminster, except the small number of SNP members, would vote against such a measure. Just more empty talk, John – we need some action instead.

Chris Downie

I read an article yesterday that they were (belatedly) floating a Northern Ireland style argument for a referendum, which immediately got me thinking; why didn’t they do this around 2021, when the same 7 year timescale had elapsed? Of course, those who are familiar with the Good Friday Agreement will also know that, along with the ability to raise the constitutional question every 7 years, another tricky stumbling block is that a referendum is in the gift of the UK Secretary. As long as Scotland leaves it in the hands of the very people we are trying to break from, it’s going nowhere.

That said, with things as they are, it’s likely a United Ireland will happen before an independent Scotland and it will be food for thought – for people on both sides – when they see the UK establishment won’t fight anywhere near as hard to keep NI as it does to hold on to Scotland.

Andy Ellis

The condition precedent for the Secretary of State to hold a border poll in NI is if it:

“..appears likely to him that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom and form part of a united Ireland.”

but it’s left (intentionally?) pretty vague how it is judged and what the process would be. The general consensus is that it would be on the back of consistent polling majorities in NI in favour of re-unification &/or a majority for parties supporting it in the NI Assembly.

There is also the role and involvement of the Irish government and people to be considered: there is no guarantee that they will show the same appetite for re-unification at the same time.The situations aren’t that analogous because Scottish independence doesn’t involve a 3rd party government like the NI case, nor does it really have the inbuilt threat of incipient violence, civil war and sectional interest groups of die-hards refusing to accept the outcome.

The Scottish pro-independence movement has a choice to make in as much as if it wants to change the current devolutionary settlement, it can do it in two ways. The simplest is of course to bypass any tinkering with devolutionary concerns by concentrating on achieving independence.

It’s the “all or nothing” approach that almost worked in 2014 (much to the shock of complacent British nationalists), but has seen us languishing for more than a decade since because there is no Plan B.

That alternative plan could either be short circuiting the devolutionary path by using plebiscitary elections (which many still seem inexplicably opposed to doing) or alternatively campaigning to revise the current devolutionary settlement such that more powers were repatriated from Westminster to Holyrood, in particular the right to hold referendums which had a popular mandate and specifically removing any unionist / Westminster veto.

Given the current British nationalist and Scottish unionist position on devolution, any additional powers seem unlikely: indeed the opposite seems more likely even if it’s in the cynical guise of more powers to local authorities to bypass Holyrood.


“In a democracy, Westminster cannot stand in the way of the people of Scotland determining their own future”.

Am I right to assume that the SNP’s meaning is that this refers only to a referendum and not to a plebiscite election? As it stands two things are clear. The SNP as they have been since 2015, and a referendum dependent on UK approval, are both complete dead ends. However if a plebiscite election would be legally accepted internationally, then that would leave only one dead end blocking the way to independence and they can be replaced.

Mark Beggan

Electric Soup was later bottled and rebranded as
‘Who you looking at.’


Being Pedantic, but electric soup was made by bubbling ‘coal gas’ through milk, not natural gas.


Grouse Beater has an interesting post about Geoff Aberdein today. It fits with my thinking at the time that GA wasn’t called as a witness at Alex Salmond’s trial, being let off by Alex because of Geoff’s new job, I seem to remember. What a coward, I thought – GA should have volunteered.

So he isn’t the man to press Swinney and Forbes on their unbelievably feeble, and indeed wicked, failure to do anything at all to rescue Scotland from the Union.

What a shower they are. What an absolute disaster for all of us who aren’t wealthy Unionists.


Thanks for the pointer sarah.
link to

Last edited 3 hours ago by aLurker
  1. Net Zero is a scientific, environmental and societal necessity. Unless you want to abandon all the homes, businesses and infrastructure less than 35m above current sea level. For eg the main rail line to Aberdeen runs just back from Broughty Ferry beach and on to Carnoustie etc.

2 Reform is clearly sucking the majority of its support from the Tories.

Andy Ellis

The polling I’ve seen does suggest Reform in Scotland is basically cannibalising the Scottish Tory vote, so more power to their elbows IMO.

Of course some of the nutter fringe in the indy movement will probably be attracted too, the brexity, anti-immigrant, nativist ones stanning for the Donald, Uncle Vlad and banging on about vaccines and global warming being a hoax. Good riddance I reckon.

With luck the rise of the Swivel Eyed Loon Party will scare more “soft unionist” voters in to the arms of the independence movement than it costs in the tankie fringe attracted to Trumpian politics.


Net-Zero was an exclusive top-down WEF/UN (NWO) Scheme.



If the human race do nothing about climate change at the very least we will have to move the line to Aberdeen so it runs up the Mearns from Perth pretty soon or it will end up like the Cornwall line which was blocked by the sea undermining the wall not that long ago.

That is how it will go, individual storms will cause damage until the extent of it becomes far too expensive to fix and the land just isn’t there any more.

Barry Buddon peninsula will simply disappear too, meaning Carnoustie gold course will largely go as will the army firing range.


Just release a few more beavers, everything will be fine… lolz
And seeing as so many humans can’t even be arsed to recycle their waste properly, jist crank up yon energy from waste plant in Dundee to eleven and use aw the ash to build a sea wall along the Tay estuary to save Errol.
Folk on the Carse of Gowrie are surely more worthy of saving than Carnoustie golf course. Natch, Chas will be peeved at this suggestion but there’s a lot of food grown on the Carse of Gowrie farmland so golf or food, yer choice.
If the train line goes so be it. Maybe the new replacement track will actually be electrified and trains north of Dunblane can actually be powered by some of the clean renewable power Scotland generates rather than the leccy going south and oor trains continuing to burn diesel.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Dan

I think there is room for doubt.

There are scientists, quite a few, who do not accept the narrative pushed by IPCC.

link to

“Four leading Italian scientists have undertaken a major review of historical climate trends and concluded that declaring a ‘climate emergency’ is not supported by the data. Reviewing data from a wide range of weather phenomena, they say a ‘climate crisis’ of the kind people are becoming alarmed about “is not evident yet”. The scientists suggest that rather than burdening our children with anxiety about climate change, we should encourage them to think about issues like energy, food and health, and the challenges in each area, with a more “objective and constructive spirit” and not waste limited resources on “costly and ineffective solutions”.”


” Of over 13,000 islands examined, approximately 12% experienced significant shifts in shoreline positions. The total shoreline length of these islands approaches 200,000 km, with 7.57% showing signs of landward erosion and 6.05% expanding seaward. Human activities, particularly reclamation and land filling, were identified as primary drivers of local shoreline transformations, while natural factors have a comparatively minor impact. Moreover, the ongoing rise in sea levels is identified as an exacerbating factor for coastal erosion rather than the primary cause. Drawing from these findings, we propose several adaptive measures for islands in response to climate change. Taken together, this research provides comprehensive data and a basis for decision-making for sustainable development of island territories”

link to

Vivian O’Blivion

You are indeed correct. It’s the Carbon monoxide in Town gas that drove the jaikies pure mad mental. ?Stuff up the cracks, turn on the gas, I’m gonna take my life?


The Jouker (2025) Andy Murray calls out Elon Musk for Twitter meddling:

“”Murray said: “The top 17 posts on my Twitter feed are from Elon Musk. #Interesting algorithm he’s created.”…

A number of people in Murray’s comments said they had made the decision to block Musk from appearing on their timeline.

“I blocked the account and – at least for now – I’m not seeing his posts,” said one user…”:

link to


Guardian: Andy Murray: not miserable, just normal:
“People say Murray’s miserable because he doesn’t smile very often. He’s not miserable. He’s normal. Have you walked down a street recently?

The people who want Murray to smile are the same ones who try to make me dance at weddings. They want the world to conspicuously enjoy itself in a manner of their choosing…

So Murray isn’t going to win the Merryville Festival of Grins any time soon. What difference does it make to you, you needy pricks?…

Perhaps part of the confusion is that despite being very much in the public eye, Murray refuses to play along with the patronising emotionalism demanded by the media…”:

link to


Young Lochinvar

I see anglofication continues apace under the SNPs watch; this time with proposals removing Burns from the “English”(sic) curriculum.

That’s another fine mess you’ve got us into Gilruth (you screaming roaster and serial cabinet post rank failure)..

Needs to take her head out of a certain persons arse and get some reality..


Forbes says that the SNP’s primary responsibility is to ‘inspire hope’ “

inspire hope means to fool voters into believing the SNP will ever do anything to progress independence. All while Ms Forbes continues to betray Scotland by handing over large chunks of Scotland’s territory to private hands in the form of freeports.

Well, my response to Ms Forbes is:
Thanks but no, thanks. You can stick your faux hope together will all the carrots the SNP has been dangling in front of our faces for the last 10 years and your beloved freeports there where the sun does not shine.

I did not vote for the SNP to have my hopes inspired. I did not vote for the SNP to waste my time and insult my intelligence with carrots dangled in front of my nose. I did not vote for the SNP to have chunks of Scotland’s territory put out of bounds from the Scots themselves because some idiot thought it was a great idea to sell Scotland off and bring the con of freeports to Scotland.

I voted for the SNP to get their effing arse in gear and DELIVER INDEPENDENCE. If you are not delivering independence, then you can just fk right off and stop wasting our time.

Stupid word salads, irrelevant waffle, faux democracy, a continuous denial of Scotland’s constitutional rights, a constant undermining of Scotland’s legitimate right to end this toxic union and more procrastination will not tempt me to vote, never mind ever again casting a vote for the betraying SNP.

Andy Anderson

Spot on Mia. My thoughts exactly.


“wee plucky countries can do a great job if they believe in themselves”

Wee plucky countries cannot do anything for as long as the corrupt individuals who claim to represent those countries, insist in refusing to represent those countries and instead bend over themselves to serve the interests of a foreign crown and foreign governments. That is what the SNP government, Scotland’s parliament and those who call themselves “Scotland’s MPs” currently appear to be doing.

Scotland will do a great job when manage to eject from our seats all these shysters and useless amoebas who have been taking us for fools for the last 10 years.

We desperately need a mechanism to eject these useless invertebrates from Holyrood. We need a mechanism to bypass the Scotland Act and all those Scotland’s MPs and MSPs who swore allegiance to a foreign crown and are assisting this crown on imposing absolute rule over Scotland.

We never gave consent for those freeports to be installed in Scotland, Ms Forbes. So, where did you get that consent from?


re. “We desperately need a mechanism”

I believe in and elect Mia (et al) to demolish these useless invertebrates –

Mia stands as a mountain protecting Scotland’s best interests (as dependable as it gets) –

If these elusive creatures faced Mia with her reality-hammer (pathetic Scotland frauds) – they wouldn’t stand a chance.


“the route to independence is about outlining that alternative that can inspire”

No, it isn’t, Ms Forbes. The route to independence is about Scotland’s MSPs and MPs finding their 10 years’ lost spine, putting it back, stopping procrastination, stopping insulting the voters’ intelligence, stopping taking yes supporters for fools, standing up for Scotland and ending the union.

We sent a majority of anti-union MPs to Westminster in 2015, 2017 and 2019. We didn’t sent those majorities to “outline inspiring alternatives” or listening to more procrastinating waffle from you or from anybody else, for that matter. We sent them TO DELIVER INDEPENDENCE.

Those majorities should have resulted and were expected to result in the end of the union. Instead we have you now trying to fabricate even more ways to continue procrastinating and preaching even more nonsense to be added to all the useless waffle we have been fed for the last 10 years and counting.

You seek to procrastinate the delivery of independence whilst you hand over Scotland’s territory to private hands in the form of freeports. Who do you think you are fooling?

Either piss or get off the pot. It is as simple as that.
Scotland’s territory is not yours to give away and our time is not yours to waste.

Young Lochinvar


Andy Anderson

The sad truth is that many SNP members still hold a strong belief that independence will happen via the SNP. I realise the membership has dropped and I understand why. Wedded to this is the fact that the majority of ‘on paper’ independence supporters do not follow politics or the Indy supporting media meaning they will probably vote SNP.
In 2026 there will still be a good number of SNP MSP’s due to the list system. I suspect however they will shout ‘both votes SNP’ and therefore win less seats.
They have no strategy for independence as you correctly highlight Stu.
If, and this will not happen, they the SNP were to remove their ignorance on Scots law, the treaty, and people sovereignty and use this then there is a modicum of hope. Had they understood this then 2015 would have created a massive constitutional crisis that would have led to our freedom. Yes they have had Westminster majorities since then but the 15 vote was the only one where over 50% of the electorate voted SNP.
They, the SNP are wedded to the English Bill of Rights laws that are illegally being forced onto us all.


Did Sturgeon not say in 2015 a vote for the SNP wasn’t a vote for independence?


That is correct. She did. And the rat did so in April 2015, that is months AFTER several polls had already been projecting the mother of all landslides for the SNP. Those landslides were projected while voters where considering that a vote for the SNP was a vote for independence, as it always had been.

Looking retrospectively, it stands to the obvious that the political fraud Sturgeon’s mission was simply to keep the yes vote on a leash and to stop it going anywhere. This is what the SNP has been doing since 14 November 2014. The video above and the nonsense spouted by Forbes and Swinney, which only serves to put off even more voters, argues that this mission remains in force today.

But, the question is, what right had that woman, on her own accord, to go against the reason d’etre of the party and the first article of the party’s constitution?

A vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence only because our useless SNP MPs and MSPs chose to sit over their hands, pocket their salaries and indulge her on that and on the destruction of the party as a vehicle for independence.

They are all as guilty of where we are at present as she was. She would not have been able to get away with all her nonsense and betrayal unless she was supported by the contingent of SNP MPs and MSPs.

How many of those showed the commitment to independence and the guts to ditch her and the useless crap she transformed the party into? They are so few that you do not need even all fingers in one hand to count them.


The sad truth is that many SNP members still hold a strong belief that independence will happen via the SNP”

That is fair enough. It is their prerogative to think what they want. But that cannot continue to be used as a block of lead around the whole yes movement and we cannot be expected to continue to give chances to a completely useless shell of a party who has betrayed every single majority and every single mandate we have been given to it for the last 10 years. Hell, they even pulverised the 600,000 we donated for a bloody referendum.

We cannot let those people who refuse to give up on the SNP drag down the rest of the yes movement. At some point you have to say enough is enough. At some point you have to cut the rope, so at least some of the movement survives.

I am fed up of waiting. I am fed up of being taken for a fool. I am fed up of faux democracy and watching Scotland being denied its right to self-determination by the very people who claim to represent us. I am fed up of procrastinations. I am fed up of excuses. I am fed up of concessions to this useless and betraying SNP. If any so called pro-independence party even as much as suggests to establish some kind of alliance loose or otherwise with the SNP, they immediately lose my attention.

My last chance to the SNP was given in 2019. That is it. No more chances. The minute I saw the political fraud Sturgeon and her acolytes giving her embarrassing capitulation speech to brexit in 2020 I new she had never been pursuing independence and would never pursue it. Her asking for SNP1 and 2 putting a massive obstacle to the pro-indy supermajority was just a corroboration of that fact. The only instance where rejecting a pro-indy supermajority in Holyrood makes any sense is when the person putting obstacles to it does not want it because they want to preserve the union.

Yousaf was still in control of both an absolute majority in Westminster and a pro-indy majority in Holyrood, yet, just like the political fraud before him, he did nothing with them. Same applies to the unelected Swinney. Swinney lost the MP majority in spectacular fashion, so why is such monumental failure as a “leader” still “leading” the SNP, never mind kept as FM? The only convincing explanation is that the SNP has no interest in any kind of anti-union majority. It is only interested in preserving the union.

Time to forget about the SNP and leave them behind. They were given more than enough chances.


Well it doesn’t sound like Swinney is planning to turn away from the car crash.
I am surprised that Forbes can’t see it but then she us solely focused in retaining her seat.
Last year I bet on the SNP falling to 20 seats.
At the moment my money is on 24 for 2026. Yes i am an optimistic.
To be this incapable of having a strategic plan can only be deliberate.
I see the unionist press is giving voice to Sturgeon. I cant believe anyone in the SNP would have time for her now but the press coverage would suggest otherwise.

The kinder the press are to her the more I am convinced she is working for the unionists.

Alf Baird

working for the unionists”

That is unfortunately what postcolonial theory tells us occurs:

That the dominant national party elite become ‘neutral on independence’; they are ‘co-opted’ by the colonial power; they ‘become part of the racket’; they ‘feather their nests’ and ‘build up their pensions’; they ‘take the movement up a blind alley’; they ‘behave like a gang’; they ‘appoint their friends to key positions’; they ‘depend on meaningless slogans’ leaving the matter of independence ‘to future events’; together with colonial forces they ‘attack the radicals in the movement’; they ‘rupture the movement’, which ‘sickens the people’; leading to creation of ‘new national parties’. Which is precisely what we see.

link to

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

I am an inveterate head-tilted title-reader of books on shelves. The first three books before we get to Burns:

L.A. MACRAE: AND NOW THE LIGHT IS EVERYWHERE: A stunning debut novel of family secrets and redemption. Where does a story end and the truth begin?

IAN RANKIN: NEW JOHN REBUS THRILLER: A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES: Family comes first even before the truth.

M.C. BEATON: DEATH OF A TRA(C)TOR: A HAMISH MACBETH MURDER MYSTERY: A missing person report is not usually something that Hamish Macbeth sees as cause for undue distress.


Scotland has a choice to make.
Get busy burning as many fossil fuels as you can to aid global warming and raise sea levels so that Westminster is flooded out, which will likely be a quicker way of ending London Rule than anything the SNP have come up with.
Or go live in caves freezing yer arses aff to save the planet and keep Scotland cold enough to stop a pending yellow and black Asian invasion…

Is it considered racist or xenophobic to have concerns about a muckle hornet from Asia?


link to

James Gardner

The phrase that comes to mind, “Fart for freedom, fart for liberty—and fart proudly”. 


SNP are in reality a Devo Party and have been for a decade. They know that Westminster will never allow another IndyRef and the post Salmond SNP leadership did and will always shy away from UDI based on a popular majority Indy vote in Westminster and Holyrood elections. The utter failure of Sturgeon, et al, to exploit the Brexit crisis to secure Indy is proof of that. So the SNP campaigning on Indy in national elections is just ONE BIG LIE. That has been the party strategy for the last 10 years. So why do a substantial number of Scots fall for it every time?


I have never seen a Scottish politician fall so far as Kate Forbes. She is now a happy establishment bunny waffling utter rubbish!


Two mannequins in a shop window


Feeding us a lie while Swinney and Forbes sell the assets to foreign business instead of saying to the UKG the Barnett formula for Scotland in the 21st century isn’t enough and we want more of the taxes we send to England. Scotland towns and Cities look like crap wholes while England on the back of our taxes build grand projects, when it going to stop! Fucking moron are us for 1 believing the lie and 2 trusting the bull that comes out of their months. Stop buy the RAG and don’t vote for the SNP Scotland only hope is a new start and that will never come from the NewSNP and Yes the SNPBAD is correct and if you want proof just take a walk down memory lane, when that 600k went missing that summed up the SNP and the leadership for me.


You can just picture it…

Swinney leaving the interview, skipping out into the street and placing the tip of his tongue on the nearest frozen lampost, much to the amusement of Forbes, who then attempts to release Swinney from his predicament by using a cigarette lighter and an aerosol can of Dove deodorant.

Those 12 minutes simply confirms that the fictional scenario above is well within the levels of idiocy these two are capable of demonstrating.

The SNP isn’t even a circus these days. It’s a side-show, with all the trimmings.

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