If I don’t fight, I can’t go home
Posted on
September 18, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
It’s Thursday in one minute.
Here we go.
It’s Thursday in one minute.
Here we go.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Brilliant. Sums up my smokey kitchen just now.
Whatever happens tomorrow, thanks for everything.
Thanks for this Stu.
Game on everyone!
Fingers crossed then!
I’m doubtful of a win. But if we do.. it’ll be Wings wot won it.
Thanks Stu.
Wings over Scotland, I would like to thank you for all the informative truth telling article you have publishing during this referenda, you have been amazing.
Stu – THANK-YOU! You’ve had my money and you’ve deserved it. Not much more we can do now but get out there and vote. I’ll be a bit busy tomorrow, so, ‘see you on the other side’
Home to Bath?
Good morning sovereign people of Scotland.
I’m doubtful of a win. But if we do.. it’ll be Wings wot won it’
No, it will be the people of Scotland, or at least half of them.
Longshanker is that you?
Quietly confident for the whole of the week: the numbers are looking very good. Great International Yes happening organised by National Collective to celebrate the end of the legendary Yes Marchmont stall this evening.
Walk with a smile tomorrow, People. Walk confidently.
The time has come Stu… it’s been an incredible journey – thank you for all you have done, for strengthening our spirits, for shinning a light on the issues and the scares stories. It is now up to us to deliver our dreams and to make Scotland the country it deserves to be. I can’t wait to make my mark on this wonderful time in our history. Bring it on!
Out of interest, what’s the plan for this site after a yes vote?
Will it come out as pro-SNP in time for 2016?
It’s a shame because its only real solitary aim would be achieved, so most of its followers will probably gradually disappear.
No more fundraising campaigns too…..
YES, that simple. Cannot sleep
84% turnout, 58% YES.
Coz I say so, and I’ve got as much experience of predicting a referendum like this as the polsters have!!
Stuart, thanks for everything. You couldn’t have done more, and I truly think few people could. I know I don’t know half the story, and look forward to reading it one day.
Enjoy the day!
‘I’ve got as much experience of predicting a referendum like this as the polsters have!!’
Here’s a comparison with a referendum like this, Quebec 1995:
The last poll before the referendum had yes on +6, compared to -4 in Scotland.
The result? Yes lost by one percent.
Rev Stu. You are a Legend. Thank you to You and Your Team.
‘Stuart, thanks for everything. You couldn’t have done more…Enjoy the day!’
Shame he doesn’t have a vote isn’t it, he won’t quite be able to feel the thrill the rest of us do when we actually go into the polling booths and make our mark on history.
this wee song seems to be popular atm.
link to youtube.com
“The last poll before the referendum had yes on +6, compared to -4 in Scotland.
The result? Yes lost by one percent.”
In the last constitutional referendum in Scotland, the last poll underestimated the Yes vote by 16 points.
Now’s the day, and now’s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour;
See approach proud Edward’s power—
Chains and slavery!
I have goose bumps and can’t wait.
‘In the last constitutional referendum in Scotland, the last poll underestimated the Yes vote by 16 points.’
Sorry, I’m normally quite happy to discuss our referendum with outsiders and non-Scottish residents, but for this last week of the campaign I’ve made it my policy to only talk with those of us who actually have a vote and will actually be affected by the result.
Hope you understand.
I might need to buy a couple of gallons of that nasty tasting nail varnish you can get to stop you chewing your fingernails.
Stu, you have been a major player in this campaign, possibly the man of the match. This site is invariably one of the first things I look at every day. Even with victory you will still be needed as move into the undiscovered country of building our new nation and drafting a carpetbagger-proof constitution. Thanks for your hard work to date.
“This is not the end. This is not the beginning of the end; but perhaps it is the end of the beginning.”
Received letter from a French friend who was on Calton Hill with us at the gathering a year ago. He included a long poem he wrote. This is a bit of it with his translation.
I’m a stranger to prayer, but I found enormous encouragement in Pascal’s hopes for us.
Je prie pour la liberté de l’Ecosse.
Je prie pour sa souveraineté.
Je prie pour sa victoire au OUI.
Je prie pour sa fidélité à l’histoire.
Je prie pour son éternelle beauté.
Je prie pour son peuple unis.
Je prie pour son autonomie.
Je prie pour la noblesse de vos cœurs.
Je prie pour que règne la paix et ses pères fondateurs.
Je prie enfin de tout mon cœur pour tous nos amis.
Je prie pour l’Ecosse tout simplement.
I pray for the freedom of Scotland.
I pray for its sovereignty.
I pray for his victory at YES.
I pray for his fidelity to history.
I pray for her eternal beauty.
I pray for his united people.
I pray for autonomy.
I pray for the nobility of your hearts.
I pray that peace prevails and its founding fathers.
Finally, I pray with all my heart to all our friends.
I pray for Scotland simply.
Thanks for everything, buddy, from another exile fae the NE!
for all those who can vote from all of us who can’t –
Rise up and be a nation again
Leither me and you square go!
hen wlad fy nhadau.
link to youtube.com
Odd though that you appear to have added two separate questions together and their respective separate swings to make one 16% total.
But fair enough, why not end the campaign in the same manner as the rest of it.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
“Odd though that you appear to have added two separate questions together and their respective separate swings to make one 16% total.
But fair enough, why not end the campaign in the same manner as the rest of it.”
Oh, fuck off. A SWING of (eg) 7% is a 14-point movement. The average SWING on the two votes in 1997 relative to the polls was 8%, which means that on average the polls were out by 16 POINTS, which is what I said. I’ve averaged them, not added them. So fuck off, again.
Thanks for all your hard work. I hope regardless of the result you stay online as a crowd funded journalist. If this campaign has shown me anything its to ignore the MSM and the BBC and devote the money I spent on them on far more sensible areas. So I hope Bella, National Collective and Newsnet and yourself stick around and we all continue to contribute to funding.
‘Even with victory you will still be needed as move into the undiscovered country of building our new nation and drafting a carpetbagger-proof constitution’
Personally I’d rather our new nation was build by those of us who live here, not outsiders from England, regardless of which side they support.
“…with outsiders and non-Scottish residents…”
What a horrible, narrow-minded wee bigot.
Must be from the BNP.
Or the Labour Party.
Thanks for everything. No matter the result you and your colleagues at Wings have been one of the key contributers to this wonderful campaign. If we win, we roll up our sleeves and start to change this country, if it’s a no, we roll up our sleeves and start to change this country. Thanks
First post, long time lurker
Leither STFU
Stuart, thanks for all your hard work. Wingers, thanks for all the extra info, links, etc and the support, fun, and general insanity which seems to descend from time to time.
Can’t believe it’s really here at last, so exciting – feels like the night before my wedding day, and the day we were packing up our house in Reading to become part of the people of Scotland.
Here’s to all of us, today, for Scotland.
A thought from Nelson Mandela.
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears”
Vote YES.
Goodnight all and good luck.
Hi Stu, glad you managed a wee bit of R&R – you sure deserve it.
Don’t know what I’d have done without you and WOS and the wonderful WOS family.
I don’t know if you or any of us will manage to sleep tonight or tomorrow – soo excited.
‘Til tomorrow, sweet dreams all.
England dwellers are neighbours, not outsiders.
Stu – got my second gold wings today – watch for them (both lapels) tomorrow on the TV at the new ‘Declaration of Arbroath’.
Rev Stu. I am not good with words. But I think every one on Wings feels this way about You. link to youtube.com Vote Yes.
Haha Leither sounds upset.
Thanks Stu you have been incredible.
agree with you there.
“Freedom Come All Ye” should be the national anthem of a new independent Scotland.
Brilliant tune and brilliant lyrics.
Just need to get there – vote YES?
Before I go.
Thanks to all the wingers and especially you Rev.
I always fancied that Rev stood for revolutionist.
They have tried to break our spirit, our resolve with lies and deceit. Even now at this late hour they still try.
Why? because they just not understand the mentality of the Scots. We will be a nation again despite their attempts to crush us.
Leither et al Fuck Off and don’t come back.
It’s been a privilege ( which I hope will continue).
Im not singING flower of Scotland again if its NO
Mr Campbell, never posted before but followed WINGS throughout the campaign. I wish to thank you, sincerely, for everything that you have done. When I have needed answers, you have provided them. When I needed reassurance in the face of a NO onslaught, you have shed light. A reference to counter so many lies. With barely, and generally not even, disguised frustration but also mixed with humour and irony, you have given me so much more confidence that I would have had otherwise, even with an overwhelming belief in the YES cause. I know I am not alone in thinking this. You have been a champion, more so I think than any other YES base camp, and your place in the history of this country is assured and deserved. Of course, you know this already, based on your stats and the response to your crowdfunding appeal, but as you still seem like a ‘real’ person, I thought you would still appreciate me letting you know!
Outsiders? Are they better or worse than foreigners?
A small-minded and bigoted view from a small-minded bigot. I remember when we all used USENET and we could plonk perfidious little trolls like this into a killfile.
Thank you. This site has been an education. If we get a yes vote a lot of the credit will be down to wings. It’s been great handing the books out to the undecided when doorknocking with ric. What mire can I say , peeps? Sleep tight.
‘Leither’ Mmhmm
mean spirited, nairroo, carping, sniftering in your spite. The No campaign to a tee.
Go away and get better on your own
@Leither –
‘…for this last week of the campaign I’ve made it my policy to only talk with those of us who actually have a vote and will actually be affected by the result.’
And I’ll break my own policy of not engaging with trolls by kindly asking you to get yourself to fuck.
If you don’t have balls enough to use your own name in a public forum then you have no business whingeing about anything.
Do you even have a real name? Do you believe in anything? Do you stand for anything?
You belong in the ranks of the selfish fucks whose universe revolves around how their pensions or shares are going to be affected. So shuffle along there, with the Gordon Browns and Alistair Darlings – human husks, driven by shame and fear of exposure, blackmailed into betraying their own families and neighbours.
You, ‘Leither’, must have a real name, a genuine origin and background – your behaviour here shames you, your family and friends, and anyone else associated with you.
Win or lose, we are about to experience a very important moment in our nation’s history, and you – to put it mildly – are not welcome here. Please find it in yourself to acknowledge and respect that.
In any event, please just fuck off.
Forward to radical constitutional change!
Choose Free Will – Choose Hope – grousebeater.wordpress
Can’t believe it’s finally here, it always seemed like a far off event! Thanks for everything Stu, this site gave me loads of ammo to get out there with.
60/40 Yes!
I think we can actually do it..
Polls are all within margin of error, and YES is energized to get out the vote..
The political betting sites are saying it is too close to call – Several groups are under-represented in the surveys, and turnout will be huge..
Quietly confident.
After Independence the whole political/academic world will reference and study `Wings over Scotland` it has probably been the greatest change in the way future political battles will be fought.
Even the sad pathetic trolls will be studied by psychiatrists trying to work out there obvious inferiority complex to a greater figure.
Well done rev stu you made a difference
Regardless of the result Wings must continue. As the sites motto used to say “somebody has to watch the watchmen”.
Only 6 and a bit hours to go until we can start building a better future for our nation. YES!
Right, let’s bring this one home. Campaign right up till 10pm, every vote counts, let’s make it for keeps.
It’s past midnight and so today my fellow Scots you have our country’s destiny in your hands. I say ‘your’ as unfortunately because I moved to London 16 years ago I cannot vote. Irony is my London-born wife supports a Yes vote, as do I by the way.
Frustrated that I cannot vote I hope I have contributed to our victory as 2 weeks ago I came up to visit my mum (in East Kilbride) and convinced both her and my aunt to vote yes.
They were both definite Nos in no small measure due to ‘Project Fear’ and in particular worries about their state pension. Thanks to this site and others (and especially the WBB) I was fully educated to allay their fears to the extent that they are both now staunch Yes voters.
That I cannot be up there with you guys breaks my heart but I am proud that I have delivered 2 votes that were otherwise lost to the dark side.
I watched Sky tonight and Nicola Sturgeon’s speech had this big, gruff Scot in tears. Alex’s wasn’t too bad either
Proud a Scot as could be.
BUT…Please believe me if we miss this opportunity London/England /The Establishment will never let us forget we ‘bottled it’.
The press/Mps/Lords etc down here are straining at the leash to rip up all and any promises made by the 3 Stoogies. I assure you if its a No then Scotland is a sitting duck.
That I cannot be there tomorrow pains me …but I will be there in spirit, heart and soul.
I’ve got you 2 votes. Can you get us just one more?
It could be the difference between freedom and servitude.
Do It Now!
First time poster. Just wanted to say thanks, was directed to the WBB a few weeks ago and it opened my eyes. My whole family are now yes because of it.
It’s been an honour and a privilege, if Aberdeenshire is anything more than
40 % yes! we’ve won it, and I’m not being ironic!
Bedtime, here’s to new start and a better future tomorrow
Don’t concern yourselves with windups. Let the votes do the talking. Here’s to t’morrow!
1997 Devolution Referendum: YES 74.4%, NO 25.6%
2014 Independence Referendum: YES 75%, NO 25%
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
Do you remember when you were five years old?
Do you remember when December was approaching and you were counting down the days to Santa Clause? Do you remember that feeling of being unable to sleep on Christmas Eve? Eventually, you would doze off in a slumber, but an eye would spark open when there was a figure with a shadow in the light at the top of the stairs? Do you remember that feeling?
I have that same feeling just now and yet I’m (slowly) approaching fifty years of age!! It’s exciting and unnerving at the same time. But it’s slightly different from when I was five. Back then, it was all about what tangible item might appear in my stocking hanging on the end of my bed. This time it’s very different. It’s about receiving something I’ve never had in my lifetime and it’s quite intangible, yet hugely important. It means more to me than any Christmas toy ever could.
If I could trade every gift ever received from Santa Clause in every childhood year to get my metaphorical hands on this intangible item, then I would. My eyes are welling-up just typing on the keyboard here!
If you don’t already know of what I speak, my thoughts will doubtless be wasted on you here. Suffice to say, tomorrow is one of the most important days of my entire life. There is no guarantee that my dreams will be fulfilled, but I’m fairly confident all the same. I’m certainly going to have trouble sleeping, so I’d better make sure that the hall light is switched off.
Whatever your dreams are, I hope they also begin to come true tomorrow. If your hopes are just for the mundane, the same old – same old, then forgive me if I don’t offer them equal credence. If you are just scared of change, I won’t cry you down, in the way that my dreams have been decried by some. I’d be happier offering you assistance through the changes as a friend, not as an adversary.
When change comes, as I’m confident it will, we will all need to pull together as a country for the greater good. I’m totally prepared to play my positive part in this, in whatever way I can. I pray that you are too.
Anyone who was at George Square tonight knows we WILL do it. My fellow weegies will carry the day.
And they won’t take any shite from a rigged no vote.
Never been prouder of them.
Well folks we’re nearly at the end of one long journey and whatever happens on Friday we’ll be at the beginning of another one.
The scenes I have been watching across the media tonight have just been extraordinary. So proud of Scotland. I think we might just pull it off. That said, we need everyone able to help tomorrow to ensure we get every last vote for Yes out.
It’s going to be a hard day’s night. Stay calm. Stay steady. Don’t be provoked. Let’s maintain the fantastic level of respect and dignity that has been the hallmark of our movement. Whatever happens (and who knows, except perhaps the Rev
) we do have to live with our fellow Scots so please keep it all civil.
Stuart Campbell, and all the other authors that have published articles on Wings that have given us all the ammunition needed to win the arguments on the ground. You’ve all done an excellent job. I’ve been informed. I’ve laughed. I’ve been moved to tears. Wings has become platform for a movement to express itself. Thank you all.
And the Wingers. What can you say. I daren’t name names, because I’ll be bound to forget some with my failing memory, some of us go back away online to the days of BwB and it’s been a pleasure to have been able to meet up with quite a few of you over the course of the campaign. You’ve all been inspirational. Although that Paula Rose has just been a distraction I have to say
You’re all special.
And our lurkers. I know you’re out there. You’ve been as much a part of this as the rest of us. You’ve shown your generosity when Rev Stu needed more gruel or needed the wherewithal to create a gamechanging Wee Blue Book. You made a difference too.
It’s been a great movement and win or lose it’s changed Scotland forever. Depending on the outcome on Friday it may just change the world.
See you on the other side.
Hail Alba
PS, language please people, there’s ladies present!
Do not despair, if the vote is No tomorrow, things sadly are going to get a LOT worse, soon, many that will vote No will soon regret it. There WILL be another vote, those in Westminster know it, the call for another vote cannot be stopped, it will be massive. All this is just a case of the first step….
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”.
Lao Tzu
Rev and Wingers, good luck for tomorrow.
If any of manage to sleep, dream sweet dreams of an indy Scotland, and the unicorn running free at last.
Love you all and good luck for the morrow.
Let’s do this for Margo and all those other bonny fechters who never lived to see this day. We owe it them. We are going to do this. We really are.
So are there any plans tomorrow for more marches or fun?
Rev.Stu, since that day at the rally in Edinburgh when you gave us our badges I have read every post and comment and I can safely say that you and the Wingers are responsible for getting us over the finishing line as victors.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and please keep Wings going after the vote. We shall need your voice more than ever.
Let’s do this. SCOTLAND FOR EVER.
Haha, no mucking about there, Ian.
Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope you’ve got that same fire then.
It’s beyond doubt, the Rev Stu has, almost single-handed, propelled the YES vote into the lead position. Others might have got there. But Stu made siccar! A unique achievement which cries out for recognition!
Onwards says:
A week ago I’d have agreed. But their final hypocritical wheeze, of demonising Yes people as intolerant, anti-English, intimidating etc has been all too effective, and will have galvanised a lot of people who might have been wavering or not bothered to vote, to vote no. I’ve seen it.
A convincing sounding speech from Brown will have reassured them it was OK to do so, as well.
Anyway I’ll drop it, nobody knows for sure. Good luck everyone!
For a new national anthem, I’d like to see the chant our young folk recite at the start of gigs in Scotland. Stirs the blood, and it’s owned by young Scots. Internationally renowned among performers.
“Here we, here we, here we F’n go.”
@Tartan Tory
I know what you mean re Christmas feeling. Not felt like this since I was a kid waiting for 25th Dec.
Hey TT, welcome to my world! I’ve had that feeling all week! Just think, a whole country of our own on Friday morning…
Thanks to everyone – even the no’s – as they have added more to the yes side than I ever could have.
I came to this site late so I’ve missed a lot but from the statements of longer posters on here I can feel and see the gratitude owed to stu.
We are going to do it. I’ve been deep in the press over the last 2 weeks getting pumped full of negativity – I went to George square tonight with my 2 kids – it’s the vast range of people we have – young and old – rich and poor – pacifists and socialists. The nos only have one type, greedy racists.
We have humanity on our side.
Now now people, we should all be nice to Leither, lest the Daily Fail write another front page about how we’re all members of the SNP, driving poor Leither to silence with our terrible cybernat behaviour.
Or, we could just laugh, and wish him well as he drinks that pint of bitter on Friday…
I hope he understands.
Ian Brotherhood at 12.38
Brilliantly and succinctly put!
And the sooner we all start to post under our real names the better for the future of the new Scotland which is almost upon us.
Fat boab (a.k.a. Dr. Robert Henderson)
All the best everyone.
All those months and weeks have come down to this.
Let`s just make it happen.
@Dr JM Mackintosh,yes it is a beautiful song, I was very moved by it when it was sung at the Commonwealth games
Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, confirms assets of Scotland held in the bank surpass £1 trillion pounds sterling.
Hi bob or dr Robert.
We love you’s all. Everyone in scotland we love you.
Now love yourselves and vote yes
Ach, stuck in moderation…
@training day, aye no takin any shite fae a rigged vote
@training day, aye no takin any shite fae a rigged vote
Stu, thanks for your fantastic and tireless efforts. You have made a difference and it could be the vital difference.
Whatever the outcome Rev,and I pray to any powers that be it’s a YES,all your hard work has been much appreciated by thousands of us. You’ve fought the good fight all the way. We will rise now, it’s our time to stand up and be counted. Hail Alba.
Bed then vote early.
It’s not a leap of faith. It’s rising to the challenge.
Vote yes
Can’t sleep. The most important day of our lives is starting. One almighty hammer is about to strike the anvil of world history.
Whatever happens, be proud that you were a part of it.
Deep breath.
Let’s do this.
Did I just see Gordon brown do a winston Churchill style victory satuite after his shouting rambilings?
This campaign deserves to be captured in bookform. There are various perspectives to be had. One would obviously be the ‘online story’, as part of the overall grassroots campaign versus the mainstream media, and how the two compare and might shape-up in the future. But who would write such a book? Who has the appropriate insight and experience? Not that terrible Torrance bloke -too academic, too up his own arse.
There’s a name that escapes me just know. On the tip of my tongue – just there … Nope … Gone.
Ah well, nevermind.
I see this as a beginning, a new beginning, how exciting is that! If it is a YES we will all have something to celebrate big time!
If the no lot win, they will have nothing at all to celebrate but the same old
dross coming out of wasteminster, and worse to come.
A YES is so much more life affirming and is totally probable as far as I can see. A vote for the future, not the dark past of austerity and greed and selfishness. I think most people will feel that when they actually come to vote. .Night all, and all the best for the 18th, a historic day.
The anecdotal evidence on voting intentions seems constantly positive from individuals all over the country. I have believed for a long time we would win this.
Enjoy your special moment in the booth contributing your part for a better fairer society. Good luck to us all. Yes we can.
Can’t sleep. At this moment the people of Scotland have the power. What a feeling!
If WOS Twitter feed is to be believed, Andy Murray just came out for Yes.
I think we will all be flying that bit higher today because of Wings!
Thanks Stu
Reverend Stuart, heartfelt thanks for your sterling (not Stirling) efforts and providing an oasis of sanity away from the antagonism that is the current media.
My father was the chair of the Clydebank and Milgavie SNP in days gone by and has been canvassing throughout the build up to the referendum. The WBB has been invaluable in this (although they have not been giving it out from the SNP shop, only from the Yes shop – don’t want to muddy the waters between the Yes campaign and the SNP), as it has provided many of the answers that people have been seeking and led to countless vote Yes decisions being made. It’s a very emotional time, almost on a par with waiting on the birth of my children….almost past that in fact.
Hail Alba
Off to bed now to try to get some sleep, hopefully the imbibed chemicals will help. Thanks Rev, especially for the Wee Blue Book, it may have turned it for us all on its ownsome.
Also, thanks to my personal heroes;
Ian Brotherhood, always positive – I hope your prediction from all those months ago comes true and we hit 62%.
Thepnr, to whom I wanted to say time to change your name to Thetippingpoint but I couldn’t identify when it happened, (unless it was#PatronisingBTLady), whose relentless ability to tell trolls to just GTF is unrivalled.
And finally to Paula Rose, whose on-running gag has amused all of us who have had the pleasure and who in many ways sums up this campaign, born dahn sahf and as committed a campaigner as you could wish to meet and for all the right reasons.
It’s been emotional.
And if The Italian Guy will forgive me, I’d like to amend the last 2 words in Nessun Dorma (No-one sleeps) from 1st person singular to 1st person plural;
‘Vinceremo, vinceremo’- We will win.
Since you don’t have a vote Stu
I’ve an idea to ‘share’ my vote on your behalf.
You could call it a half-single transferable vote.
For what you have done,
to include you in the ballot,
albeit only in the form of an act of will,
is the least you deserve on this historic day.
Perhaps others will do the same,
and may you truly feel you are part of the ballot ,
and the collective choice for Independence.
I swear I haven’t had a drop !
Personally, I would get rid of all the trolls for one day.
Keep it positive.
The numbers are there. If we get out the vote we can do it.
A huge turnout will favour the YES side.
Look at the difference one month has made.
Getting our heads down over the finish line just needs one more YES surge !!
o/t Andy Murray comes out for Yes
link to twitter.com
I am Hoping that this will be the First time we will have had Two Good Friday’s in one Year. Vote Yes.
Malcolm watch this, we’ve got the power, Hope Over Fear. & ignore Leither (Murphy?)http://t.co/SXnaZlp1XJ
Andy Murray comes out for independence. GO ON ANDY!!
Yes, I checked the Twitter account and it really is Andy “I play tennis” Murray. Slightly veiled language, but he’s out for Yes.
linked right.
Malcolm watch this, we’ve got the power, Hope Over Fear. & ignore Leither (Murphy?) link to t.co
Yes Scotland polling day leaflet.
Today you hold Scotland’s future in your hands. If you still want it in your hands tomorrow, vote Yes.
With the picture of the baby’s hand in the adult hand.
Andy Murray says YES
link to facebook.com
Goodnight all. See you on the other side of history.
Rev Stuart Campbell
Your intellect, tenacity, hard graft, sheer dogged pursuit of the truth, and utter professionalism have totally nailed this campaign as far as most of us who come regularly to this site are concerned.
You have armed us with facts, figures,and crucially, confidence in the accuracy of your output. Your attention to detail, and your integrity, has in turn made us confident in speaking to others, armed with the information you have provided us with. Wings over Scotland has powered our own participation in this grass roots campaign. And the growing community we have become, in sharing our different areas of expertise, our cameraderie and our humour, has been a phenomenon.
The Wee Blue Book has been a stormer of a tool (hmmm, steady now, Paula Rose!) for us to use. I’ve only delivered and distributed 400 (mostly to people I knew to be undecided or soft No’s), and the feedback I have received has been fantastic. From the huge distribution efforts of Kininvie et al; the fast and furious spread of the boxes throughout the land, to people like my sister who was a late addition to the Wings family but has been out with her Yes-stickered kids putting the last of my batch of WBBs through posh letterboxes in Broughty Ferry tonight. All of us have pulled together to do this. Inspirational and essential. Bit emotional tonight so bear with me!
We have all done our bit, and some older Wingers have been working hard for this for decades. The foot-soldiers and all of us who’ve simply been talking and chatting with our friends and family – as hard and painful as that has been sometimes – have all contributed to the momentum of what is about to happen to this country, and by extension, the rest of the watching world. However long it takes for the benefits of Scottish independence to materialise, and be seen to work, it will have so been worth it.
Words can’t describe how much this site means to me. Because it has dug up the truth and proof that we were needing, to uncover and expose the darkness at the heart of the British Establishment, and its cohorts in the the supine, ignorant, and often malevolent, corporate media. As someone who works in the media, and by no means a naive or non-cynical person, I have been shocked to discover the extent of this cancer, through the revelations on Wings. This website and community has woken us up and helped us get active, get busy, and share the knowledge. I just LOVE the fact that it is so widely-read now among Wingers and lurkers, ordinary curious people looking for answers; the mainstream media (yes, we know you do!); and the Whitehall spooks (yes, we know you do!). And it will surely soon be included in the history books as having been a crucial and game-changing engine which drove the massive Yes vote that will take place tomorrow.
I wasn’t, despite my enthusiastic pledge, able to afford a bung to put into the last WBB crowdfunder. Tardy pay cheques not arriving in time before the Indie go-go thing’s timer was up. I feel bad about this, but am keeping my powder dry for the next Wings Thing, whatever that may be.
But if I can make a suggestion to fellow Wingers, because I can’t see Stuart asking for this himself: Shouldn’t we start up a wee holiday fund for Stu so that he can take a well-deserved rest?? He must be absolutely ragged after the prolific output and research he has put into this site.
We will probably end up with way more than even a Westminster expenses trougher could spend on an all-expenses paid holiday, though.
So here’s my next suggestion.
Stuart has worked away, morning, noon and night, for the minimum (or is it “living”?) wage. It was a good thing that he did that. Apart from securing his place in our hearts as a “good egg” (as would seem to be the mot du jour), it also prevented his enemies and naysayers from having any ammunition on account of him “getting rich” on the ill-gotten donations from the hapless and blind victims of his “cult”. (Ha ha. It seems ludicrous now, doesn’t it? But that’s where we were at not so long ago!!).
Anyway, I digress, as usual. My point is that from now on I think Stuart deserves a PROPER full-time journo’s wage for maintaining this site. After his well-earned rest and recuperation, we’ll need him to keep on keeping on, following the post-Yes negotiations in his own searing style.
He’s proved his worth – and then some. Now it’s time, in my view, for him to receive his just rewards.
And a decent salary, commensurate with his skill and the service he provides, would be the least that we could do.
What do other Wingers think?
Thanks Rev for all you did for all of us who came together,met and campaigned.Thanks for keeping us sane
@Brotyboy –
You, mister, are too kind. Especially to Paula Rose.
Will be thinking of you and all fellow Wingers tomorrow – more so as we get closer to the declarations.
I’m told by those who know about such things that, if South Ayrshire goes Yes? it’s all over bar the proverbials from elsewhere.
We shall see soon enough…
Andy Murray @andy_murray · 20m
Huge day for Scotland today! no campaign negativity last few days totally swayed my view on it. excited to see the outcome. lets do this!
Another convert to YES????
Rev Stu you are a legend and so are all the people on here, And as Andy Murray says “lets do this!”
Lay the proud usurpers low
Tyrants fall in every foe
Liberty’s in every blow
Let us do or die
Quinie, I always thought we should fundraise for a luxury holiday for Stu, once this is over. Except – I don’t think he has a passport. I wonder how much a fortnight at Gleneagles costs?
All that’s left for me to say, nervous and exhausted as I am, is my endearing wish – “GOOD LUCK FOR YES!!!!! GO – Scotland!!!!”
PS/ We could not have done this without you Stu! Reflect on that and be at peace! Many, many, many thanks!
Very well said!
Stu – I hope we won’t have knighthoods or any of that elitist crap after tomorrow. But hundreds of thousands of us know how important your contribution has been. Please regard our gratitude and respect – as well as the hatred of the Daily Mail – as a badge of honour for the rest of your life.
However it goes tomorrow, the work for Scotland will go on and we need your inspiration and this site to continue.
No pressure!
“Independence referendum: Andy Murray stuns fans by announcing support for Yes vote just hours ahead of ballot
THE Wimbledon hero said “negativity” from the Better Together campaign made his mind up as he took to Twitter and Facebook to reveal his support for independence.”
Daily record. Is that 15-0 or set point?
5 hours 17 minutes and I can vote.
Morag – if we are fundraising for a hol in Gleneagles – can we leave it till next month? Might be a bit pricey during the Ryder Cup.
@ Morag
Oooh, now……does the Rev play golf?? Funny, I never imagined that for a minute.
But then stranger things have happened. And they’ve happened on this very site!!
I was at the Bella concert at Oran Mor and Dick Gaughan said this was the turning point in the whole Indy campaign. He was right….
Birth of a new better nation in a better world.
I can’t sleep. I know I have to stay up all night tomorrow night, at the count. I’ll be wrecked.
I can feel it so strongly now, though. The history, the emotion, the sharp point of time. Everyone is going to be feeling it. We can’t lose.
Quinie frae Angus says:
[i]Oooh, now……does the Rev play golf?? Funny, I never imagined that for a minute.[/i]
I think he’s probably more at home playing ‘Cannon Fodder’ on a 20 year old Amiga AGA1200
I am sick of hearing how the referendum in general has awoken Scotland’s interest in politics.
The Yes campaigners unbelievable grass roots campaign has been the spark in the incredible political resurgence of the common man, the brow-beaten and the scunnered generations with little interest in the political elitism which has disenfranchised those who can make change possible, real change.
I have not been able to hit the streets due to ill health, but i have converted as many as i can, i have put the record straight for misinformed readers in online comments pages, family friends, neighbours and pretty much anyone i can get to listen, much of the truth from here on wings.
I bow in great respect to those who hit the streets the stalls the shops etc, those who have awoken a national sleeping giant, the HEART of Scotland.
For that,and i am sure i speak for countless others, I salute you all.
Bravo !!!!
Oh good – I’ve got a Saltire which Andy Murray signed more than three years ago in Australia for my son and I always wondered if I’d be able to display it!
Can’t sleep – playing solitaire with checks around the blogs every so often.
Pathetic – I’m a grown woman and I’ve got butterflies.
For the record, I have no idea whether Stu knows which end of a golf club you use to hit the ball. I only know Gleneagles is the most luxurious place in the entire bloody country, and Andrew Fairlie is a Yes, and Stu deserves the very best.
Morag – I see that a guy who owns a VERY nice hotel near Dunblane has come out for Yes.
Anyone for tennis?
Thank you Stu for a wonderful two years. All seems to have past in a blur and here we are at last at the door, now we all just need to step through.
With 97% of the population registered to vote I don’t think those new entrants to the register are coming out to vote for the status quo.
I predict a rout
I’ve got my bus pass, and I’ve got squadrons of Emperor moths doing synchronised aerobatics in my stomach.
There’s still time to make it a bigger win… Just got this on my Facebook page from someone I’ve been working on for weeks:
John – It’s taken me a while to decide because I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. However, I am now firmly in the yes camp and believe that this is our time. You did not bully me. However, I will admit that your passion and enthusiasm made me look at things in a different way
Lovin’ these messages.
(Andy Murray from Record) “His tennis star brother Jamie also backed independence last night.”
Night all! Need to be at my alloted polling station at 7 looking pretty with a YES badge.
Not allowed to offer comment but can answer unsolicited questions. WBB in back pocket.
Good luck one and all tomorrow, which could be the greatest day in all of our lives. I hope everyone is in their places to watch out for skullduggery, and that all the ballot boxes are counted out and back in again.
Rev, there’s no amount of thanks I can give you for all your fantastic work. Even just saw a pile of WBBs on a BBC News 24 report in Ullapool.
Let’s do this!
Can’t sleep either – have resorted to internet spaceships instead. Am imagining every shiny explosion is a Westminster lackey
Andy and Jamie Murray – Legends.
What this proves is that you can support independence, and be proud to be both Scottish and British.
It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Independence is for the best of both worlds.
A better Scotland, A fairer Britain.
First-time poster here but long-time lurker.
Stu, you are a legend, and I have used Wings and WBB extensively whilst campaigning. Thank you so much. You will always be a Scottish hero, regardless of the result of the referendum.
Wee Ginger Dug has closed his comments until 10 pm on the 18th due to the rules on publishing exit polls. I’m sure Stuart is well aware of this, being the world-class investigative journalist he is. But just in case anything slips through the net, here’s what WGD has to say:
“There are strict laws about publishing during the time that polling stations are open. It’s illegal to publish any exit polls or anything which might be construed as an exit poll while the ballot is going on. So because I have things to do and can’t spend all day hovering over the comments, overnight I will suspend the publication of any comments on the blog until polling stations close at 10pm on Thursday. You can still post a comment, but all comments will be held in the moderation queue and will not be published until 10pm. After 10pm commenting will return to normal and if you’ve had a previously published comment, your comments will appear instantly.”
Good night dear friends
Hope Over Fear
Are you threatened by words from an empire of money and gold?
Will you trade in your countries potential for the lies you’ve been sold?
Are you scared that the walls are too high to be breached by the bold?
Will you stand and be counted, or shut up and do what yer told?
Hope over fear – Don’t be afraid
Tell Westminster Tories that Scotland’s no longer yer slave
Carpe Diem – will you seize the day?
Rip the chains from the unicorn – Show them that Scotland is brave.
Did the TV man call you a nationalist, for rejecting the lies?
Are the words of a few worth a bob, cos they wear shirts n ties?
When they tell ye that Scotland’s not great – are ye really surprised?
Will ye stand and be counted for something that money can’t buy?
Hope over fear – Don’t be afraid
Tell Westminster Tories that Scotland’s no longer yer slave
Carpe Diem – will you seize the day?
Rip the chains from the Unicorn – Show them that Scotland is brave
Are you happy that nuclear weapons are dumped in the Clyde?
Fighting wars for the wealth of a few, how many have died?
You can bury my bones but the truth of it can’t be denied.
Will you stand and be counted cos I’ll be there stood by your side.
Hope over fear – Don’t be afraid
Tell Westminster Tories that Scotland’s no longer yer slave
Carpe Diem – will you seize the day?
Rip the chains from the Unicorn – Show them that Scotland is brave
Well the media tell you that England don’t want you to go,
And the taxpayer funded MPs tell you “just tell em No”
But in Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield they already know.
That we’re fighting for them, and it’s only the start of the show.
Hope over fear – Don’t be afraid
Tell Westminster Tories that Scotland’s no longer yer slave
Carpe Diem – will you seize the day?
Rip the chains from the Unicorn – Show them that Scotland is brave
Gerry Cinnamon – Hope Over Fear?
Tennis and golf tonight is it?
Just think rugby and football.
We need to keep our ability to sing flower of scotland – only a yes can do that.
Hopefully Andy and Jamie will make those think again who reckon elite sport will be disadvantaged by not being part of the UK.
Night night folks. Long day tomorrow!….
I can’t sleep!!
I’ve got a 6.45am appointment as a polling agent until 10pm, then up to E.K. for the South Lanarkshire count until 3am, yet I am totally wide awake!!
Anyone got any advice?
Thank you WOS for when I was down you brought me back up and put a smile back on my face, and gave me information which i could pass on to others.
I would like to thank all the posters on this site as without you all I would not have learned so much, and quite a few of you if not all of you made me laugh with the wit and humor i found here.
Some music.
link to tinyurl.com
link to tinyurl.com
At the risk of being slightly blasphemous, this is how I feel right now.
Now that the hour is come my fear is fled; and at this balance of my destiny, now close upon me, I can forward look with a serenest joy.
Heart over head.
Sleeping no, but OneRepublic – Love Runs Out might tire the legs.
Here we fuckin go indeed.
Sleeplessness it happens to the best of us. link to youtube.com Vote Yes.
Could Andy Murray help swing it ?
What a nice positive boost on polling day.
Can see #LetsDothis all over twitter !
Only 2% upswing needed according to the polls – and they aren’t accounting for the huge turnout expected !!
link to youtube.com
This is what the people of Scotland will say to westminster on friday morning!
Night night!!
Thanks for everything you’ve done for Scotland, Rev, you’re our very own Revolutionary Hero.
It’s 2.50am and Twitter is still tweeting away, National Insomnia. But it’s been another fantastic day.
We’re still out in the cowshed spraying giant yes signs, a kindly farmer is allowing us to put them up tomorrow, (another no voter who read the WBB and saw the light!)
Saw the first minister tonight in Perth, very inspirational. Nick Robinson got a well deserved boo when he entered the theatre. I managed to get a couple of the yes team to sign my “Last Voter in Scotland” playing cards. I don’t imagine I’ll ever get any of the no team to agree to sign them
And what joy to have Andy Murray on-board, what a brave lad, given the abuse the media have given him in the past.
What exciting times we live in, what a privilege to have shared this piece of history with all of you lot on here.
I’m off to watch Pumeza sing Freedom Come a Ye on youtube and have a good greet.
Was brought up in EK although I live in London now. However managed to switch my mum and aunt from no to yes so look after them please
Thanks reverand stu. This site opened my eyes to the power of social media.
I’m so tired, yet can’t sleep. Can hardly see the screen, it’s all blurry.
Another two yes voters thank you Jamie and Andy Murray.
Yesterday was a busy day – sorting out some auld yins who think their pension will stop, they won’t get medical treatment if they get sick when they’re on holiday in Spain, and so on it goes.
I can’t vote, but I’ve rounded up a fair few.
How can the No lot justify putting the frighteners on people in their 70s and 80s?
If there’s anybody out there in Dundee that remembers campaigning for the SNP in the late 60s and 70s out of the wee shop on the Hilltown, those were indeed the days.
But better days to come. Vote Yes!
Hi folks. It’s like Christmas Eve and I wish I had a cheerier subject to chip in with.
My ISP is blocking me from youtube. WTF! I had some cracking tunes lined up for OT. Btards.
Too hot to handle, eh?
Is it YESMAS yet?
WoS has been the most significant site throughout the debate. Massive thank you to Rev Stuart and all of the most wonderful people I have never met.
I feel quite torn tonight, please lets keep this site going. I will miss you all so much x
Aye, maybe I’ll skip the music like.
I read almost everything here but don’t post much.
On the last day, I just want to say Thanks Stu. We wouldn’t be here without you.
(wiz eh gruMmer arichT ?!?!?!?)
I second that Barbara. Also thanks for all the great links and chat in the comments. It’s great to have so many different but similar views.
Thanks everyone fae an auld wifie who has voted YES
Welcome onboard Andy Murray, a true Scot. Thank you all, I am so proud of my nation today.
Welcome onboard Andy Murray, a true Scot. Thank you all, I am so proud of my nation today.
I canna sleep
That’s a couple of aces from Murray & Murray. Just the boost the YES supporters need.
Been in bed since 23:00 hrs yesterday not even yawning.
Haven’t heard the tennis news reported on Radio 5 yet. Good old auntie…
She who must be obeyed has been out like a light since 10:30hrs yesterday, she’s voting YES.
I’ve been connected with SNP since 1968 when I lived in Lochgelly and seen many letterboxes in my time too. Never quite felt like this before though.
Right one more try at the sleep, best wishes to all for today!
Polls are within the margin of error. The error being most require a landline recipient. Nobody under 25 has a landline.
And I can’t sleep either.
Hello Everyone,
This is the first time I have posted although I have been reading Wings for quite a while. I think the term lurker is used for folks like me. Please excuse me if I ramble but I have known for 40 years that I wanted Scotland to be independent. Have been dreaming of the opportunity since 1974 when Douglas Crawford won the Perth and Kinross seat for the SNP. It is a bit surreal that it is now only two and a half hours to go until I can make that YES vote!!
I would like to salute all of you good folks that have been out campaigning, distributing the wee blue book and contributing to the debate. Words cannot adequately convey my gratitude to Stuart Campbell and Wings. I am sure that a film about him and all of the wingers will be made in the future to show the world the valuable part they all played in informing the people of Scotland of the truth during the referendum campaign.
Despite the No campaign focussing on money and fear, no one can put a price on self determination and I am confident that the people of Scotland wil use their power today to vote YES for an independent Scotland that is fairer for all.
I wish everyone the best of health and prosperity for the future.
My ISP is also blocking me from Reddit. I’m able to to get in everywhere else I’ve tried (lots and lots of sites actually). This is beyond a joke, or is there a rational explanation I’m just missing?
All the best for tomorrow folks. I’m going to savoir making my contribution to helping Scotland take a different path to that chosen by the City of London.
@CameronB Brodie. Thanks for all the musical memories & the brilliant posts! Still can’t get used to that wee dandelion though
Record: Well I’ll be going for the rolls soon and voting so no sleep, cant manage it.
THE veteran TV football commentator Archie Macpherson believes Scottish clubs still harbour hopes of a move south but the chance will be gone if the country becomes independent.
Silly old codger.
BUT in the comments section there is a stotter of a comment regarding the list of folk who the record have ignored in the referendum campaign. Here’s the link ‘most impressive’ as Darth would say. Kettle on and toast getting made.
link to dailyrecord.co.uk
Can’t sleep either – although in my case this is not unusual (I have a medical condition which makes 4am musings rather frequent).
I’m quite comfortable with the outcome of the vote. Partly because of the numbers – we know the polls are skewed because a) the weighting is based on party political election stats, and b) they take no account of the “missing million” voters, nearly all of whom have registered for the indyref (and they sure as hell didn’t do so to vote No!)
But beyond the numbers, I know there’s really nothing more that I myself could have done. I know Stu certainly worked his ass off – I doubt anybody has worked harder for this, or deserves more plaudits for their contribution than our very own Rev. We gave our best. And I think that’s probably true of all Wingers; we’ve given it our utmost, our best shot, our highest effort. There is nothing more we could have done. Now it is in the hands of the voters.
Personally, I think it will be in the region of 55% to 60% Yes. But we’ll find out in almost exactly 24 hours
Spare Georgia match ticket going for any proudscots out there who think they’re going to win.
Thanks for everything Stu – let’s unleash joy to the world and Scotland in particular
I’ll not get out the door to vote now.
Thank you Stu and Wings. I have been more than happy to support you as best I could. This is how I am feeling right now:
I’m up at 4:30am on this momentous say. I have waited 27,856 days to be able to vote Yes and will be at the polling station at 7:00am to put my X in the Yes box. There is an inner calmness in me today which will last until ten o’clock tonight and then Wow!!!!! Scotland will have been sovereign for 15 hours and I know we will not give up that sovereignty. May the Force be with us.
I have said publicly from January of this year that it will be a 61.8% Yes. Another of my hero’s is the 12/13th century Italian mathematician Fibonacci. His work on crowd behaviour is second to none and I am sure he would endorse the 61.8% Yes prediction – lol. After all it is the golden mean.
Once again Stu a heartfelt thanks for all you have done for Yes
BBC Radio 5 no Murray voting YES report on main news round up or in the following sports section…Good old auntie!
Oh the weather..That’s it then.
Oh …a yawn! Dam it where’s these two matchsticks
link to mobile.twitter.com
“Huge day for Scotland today! no campaign negativity last few days totally swayed my view on it. excited to see the outcome. lets do this!”
link to dropbox.com
My attempt to come up with something that might just cause pause for thought on the way to the polling station.
link to dropbox.com
It is all or nothing Highland charge!!!
I have awoken at my usual idiotic o clock I am about to have some porridge and then I shall dress in a suit and tie as befits the solemnity of the occassion, and present myself at the door of the polling station and after taking my ballot paper to the booth make a small peice of history,
After that I wil be making myself available to the local yes group for transport purposes, and then at ten oclock I shall retire to my home for quiet reflection,
At some point towards dawn we shall know what has just gone by and pray to all and any Deities that you may worship
link to youtube.com
Dont be vain dont be whiny or we’re going to get medieval on your heinie!
Now’s the day and now’s the hour. Here we feckin go, thanks Stu; brilliant and informative site an eye opener for many. A dagger to the heart of fear and a beacon of hope for a better future.
Good morning boys and girls!
Thanks Rev and fellow Wingers, we are finally here.
Let’s do this.
As the great Robert Burns wrote,
“Scots wha ha’e wi’ Wallace bled
Scots wham Bruce has often led
Welcome to your gory bed
Or to victory”
I woke up at 5am this morning with the strangest feeling.I know what it is of course, it’s the hand of history on my shoulder, and it’s urging me to go out and vote YES.
C’mon Scotland, forget the lies, the ingrained Scottish cringe, nurtured over three hundred years by the unionists.This is your chance, maybe the only one you’ll ever get.Let’s leave Westminster behind, with their wars, arrogance, and deceptions.
Today, you can be a nation again in every true sense.
Vote YES.
Good Morning all – Today we make History.
Scotland expects every Winger to do their duty.
Flask filled – check!
Sandwiches made – Check!
Biscuits in Van – Check!
Spare batteries for phone & pocket radio – Check!
Dog brushed – Check!
That’s it – now off to get parked before the polling station opens – YAWN!
Oh! Wait – Brush teeth and put false teeth in – Check! YAWN!
Come what may in the early hours of Friday morning – live it today friends, live today big time. What ever happens we are the genie and we are not going back into the bottle!
Happy YESmas everyone
Rev, bless you man , and all the gid yins who have helped, You’ve made your own piece history , Good future ….
Hi folks, just about to set out as a Wings polling agent here in “Glasvegas”
Hope I don’t let the Rev or yourselves down.
This is our time.
Richard. XXXX
Getting ready to cast my vote. Edinburgh’s incompetent council didn’t send me my polling card so I’m taking my passport and proof of address with me to Lorne Primary School. They better not pull any shit about me not being on the register. What an exciting day this is. I have butterflies in my stomach. Looking forward to polling station duty at same school tonight from 8pm to 10pm. A turnout in the high 80s across the country would be fantastic. My prediction for tomorrow: 56% Yes but I’ll happily be proven wrong by a record win for us. Enjoy the day everyone and hopefully we’ll be able to celebrate Friday breakfast time.
I’m off to put the A boards out and do the first stint of Polling Duty.
Can’t believe its really happening – at last.
Well done all the regulars on this site who have given drive and momentum to this long campaign. Led by the splendid efforts of the Rev. Stu.
Lets do this people.
andy Murray tweeted YES
because of negative campaign
John King: quiet reflection = wee dram by any chance?
I wanted to add my thanks to Stuart and everyone here on Wings, a collection of voices that gave me hope and more importantly gave me the information tools to give other people with votes that same hope.
All the independence websites should be proud of their role in the debate.
I truly believe that it will happen.
@Leither says: 18 September, 2014 at 12:16 am:
“Here’s a comparison with a referendum like this, Quebec 1995:”
Rubbish! Scotland is a nation, a country and a kingdom.
Quebec is no more than a province.
Apples are apples and oranges are Oranges but both are fruit.
A plethora of riches – Thanks to you all for keeping me sane this year. I have my Polling and Counting Agent permissions for Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. Thankyou X Sticks and Doug Daniel both tireless storm troopers for Wings. Time to put on mah tartan boxers.
They ignored us.
They ridiculed us.
They fought us.
Today we win.
Im curious,
For the last two years the press, media and uncle Tom Cobley an all have tried to get Andy Murray to fess up and tell them where he stands,
Now that he’s done just that, what do we hear from the BBC?
link to youtube.com
I wonder why?
Why did Edinburgh Council allow a NO sign on the Castle? They took the YES sign down. They are a bunch of low lives. NO wonder the trams cost so much money. Every person in Scotland pays towards the Capital not just NO voters. They should watch their biased behaviour,
I would like to thank sincerely, the Rev Stuart Campbell and all you amazing WoS ambassadors who have contributed so much to the cause. Our war was a dirty war and WoS has been on the front line, doing the dirty work from the word go. The Wee Blue Book was an absolute blinder – sheer genius.
Everyone involved in the wider YES movement can hold their heads high. Whatever the result tomorrow, we have won.
Thank you.
Now, I’m off to watch one of those referendum countdown clocks. I want to savour the end of an incredible journey, and the start of a new one. In 10 minutes time, sovereignty passes to us, for at least 15 hours, hopefully forever.
#walking out door to vote
Caroline Corfield
God bless us one and all.
Just to add a word to the others.
Can’t thank you enough, Rev Stu.
Without this site and the information on it, the cohesion you have provided and your dissection of the gutter press articles we would be in far worse place. Not that we are in a bad way, I hasten to add.
Nae big heid, noo.
I’m QC. Quietly confident. If Drumchapel is anything to go by we’re good. Either that or I’ve got a sad face and the people I’ve talked to just want to keep me happy.
Anyway, I’m away. Good luck to us, people.
Nearly time folks. Just about to go out and vote Yes. I’ve been a Yesser forever I think and now it’s finally here. We’re going to win. If the polls are on a knife edge, then we are going to win. I prefer to believe our canvass returns. 55% Yes for me.
Thanks Rev for all your work. Absolutely vital to winning this campaign. That wee blue book was fantastic! And thanks to all the wingers too, who, as well as commenting every day, I know many of you were out pounding the streets converting people to Yes. Been a pleasure to converse with you and to meet a few of you.
If you don’t have a specific job to do today, then go and stand outside your local polling place. Give confidence to those who need it as they walk in to make their historic mark on that bit of paper.
Good luck to us all. See you at the independence party!
Thanks for the inspiration, the laughs and telling it like it is. Look forward to tomorrow’s post whatever happens.
This is what our partner and neighbour are really like. A Naval Air-ship built in Scotland commanded by a Scotsman was flying from East Fortune near Edinburgh to America I think in the early 30’s and on the return journey it was realised it was quite easily going to set a record for the fastest round trip . When the big wigs in the Admiralty realised this, the Captain was informed that he had to divert from East Fortune to London, He indicated that the record flight would be more significant if it returned to its point of departure, The headline news round the world would have been Scottish Built Air-ship makes record round trip from Scottish Air Base to America . The Captain was immediately notified if he did not divert to London he would be court martialled for disobeying an order, they are a bunch of bairny bastards,lets kick there arse and vote YES YES
“They will not force us.
They will stop degrading us.
They will not control us.
We will be victorious!”
link to uk.search.yahoo.com;.tsrc=apple&pcarrier=O2+-+UK&pmcc=234&pmnc=10
On my way.
Tally Ho.
Now’s the day and now’s the hour.
Forward, tho ah canna see, ah guess and fear.
Here we go, here we go, here we go.
But, will it be: Easy, easy.
Or, will it be: Disaster for Scotland?
Are we going for forward with Scotland,
Or, are we awe doomed?
We will know, this time tomorrow, and I hope we have won, but, being Scottish, I fear enough of us will bottle it for us to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
So, all I can do now is ensure that my immediate family, self, four daughters, three grand-children and one daughter’s bidie-in all do what we have agreed to – and vote Yes.
We can do this, and, if we do succeed, then Rev Stuart and Wings Over Scotland will be on the top step of the pantheon of Scottish Independence Heroes.
Let Scotland Flourish – vote YES for FREEDOM!!!!!
A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to Wings making Wings a major counter intelligence arm for the whole YES movement.
Scotland can do this. Vision and knowledge over fear and ignorance.
Thanks for all of your hard work, Stu.
Best of luck to everyone else.
lets do this!
I just did my duty for my country and for as much as I’ve held it together until now, the moment of putting my X in the yes box, my hand shook so much I had to pause and take a breath to compose myself,
Disturbingly the two agents responsible for my ward giving me my polling card, were both English, I have never experienced that before in my life and I have voted religiously at every election by election and referendum since I was old enough to vote.
The agents have always been locals who know me by name and are able to produce my voting card before I even give my name, the man who took my details had to scan (what was quite a short list)several times before he could find my name (King) which apparently he couldn’t understand,
That’s my vote cast. Bumped into Kevin Williamson from Bella at my polling station and we got a picture taken of us together. Counted ten or twelve people arriving or leaving. Only wish I’d remembered to take a pen with me as they only had pencils available. Off to work shortly.
Here we go
The big day is here and I just have a few words to say:
Robert Peffers – you are a true gent and I hope to chat with you some day and please write a book about your life as an independenista!
Lesley-Anne – top poster! Thanks.
Andy Murray – I did doubt you but you have real guts coming out for YES – thank you
Jim Murphy – you cant make a nation without breaking eggs!
I arrived to vote at the polling station at 6:55, I was fifth in the queue. Got in, got my ballot, got in the booth and read the question about six times before putting a cross in the Yes box with a shaking hand. Read the ballot again to make sure my cross was in the right box, went over it again with a firm hand then read it again. Folded the ballot paper and put it in the box. It felt like a final exam, I was so nervous, even now I couldn’t be sure I put my cross in the right box!
Anyone else feel like this, or am I just a fud?
I would just like to say a big THANKS to all the yessers who are going to make me very happy tomorrow.
I am one of those who leither won’t talk to and am unable to make it home today but will be glued to the tv waiting for the result.
I think the pollsters have it wrong and am confident of a yes victory.
Thanks Rev. Thanks wingers, Thanks to all the sites that have kept me informed and have given me the chance to have a voice even though I don’t have a vote.
Not read every comment so don’t know if this has been pointed out, but EE have a content block on this page so I can’t read any of the article.
Just cast my vote. These butterflies won’t stop churning. The polling station is very busy.
Thank you all for giving so much of yourselves. I agree that without Wings, we wouldn’t be as well versed as we have been and still are. Rev. You’ve given us the information to go out there and change our country for the better. Failure is not an option.

time for checking WM is over, you would have got it spot on.
You have been an inspiration over the last months. I have read, shared (and lost!) my WBB: people I know have had their views changed thanks to your involvement. The writing was always effective, the argument clear, the evidence presented. One day you’d be tugging heart strings, the next viscerally attacking the lies and liars of the No campaign. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. Must go: have a cross to put in a Yes box!
@Stoops…I did the same with my postal vote.I guess when you have waited all your life todo something you want to get it right. I think also I felt privileged to vote YES when I remembered relatives who passed away before having that joyful moment.
Slightly late out to vote, meds settling, but taking three spare pens to leave in case anyone needs one.
Well done Stu. We are doing our bit, but I daresay you have had some reach – RESPECT.
I wish my mother, uncles and grandparents were alive to see today and tomorrow.
So proud of my family today.
Missus, 2 boys and three gorgeous girls (youngest 17) all voted, hoping to make Scotland a fairer and more just country.
Cannae stop greetin’.
Thanks Stu. Incredible work.
Lets do this.
Good luck everyone.
I’ve done my duty for my country – there is trouble brewing tho – I cast my vote in the union heartland here in ibrox right next to a lodge – a lot of no thanks folk intimidating voters and the police are having to talk to a few people.
I’ve done the greatest thing in my life today.
Am all emotional – if it’s a YES I think I’ll just start crying and won’t stop – this is great.
This morning, my wife and I strolled along to our local polling station in Stranraer. Apparently, there was a queue of voters before the station opened at 7am, which was unheard of before. This is only the second time since 1962 that I have voted, mainly because I have a deep distrust of politicians and their so-called promises. In my career as a research scientist and, latterly, a manager in the oil industry, truth, trust and integrity have been paramount in sensible and informed decision-making. I have, on this occasion, made an exception, since I am voting for the ordinary people of my country and not the political class, who invariably abuse their trust. Like all people on this website, I am earnestly hoping for a victory of common sense and, of course, a YES vote.
no campaigners standing right outside the polling station in Lochgelly abusing my son who tried to remind them of the rules which mean they are breaking the law and are approaching people prior to entering to cast their vote,
Some little creature said to Andy Murray that he wished he had died at the Dunblane school massacre on twitter
Please don’t go we need you even after a Yes vote! If it wasn’t for wings, people would still be watching BBC and believing it too many people still do. Don’t desert us now.
Re no’s outside polling station – Same thing in Melrose but it doesn’t really matter we’re Scots not Stupid.
This intimidation at the polling stations needs to be investigated.
At our polling station there are two massive guys wearing “vote no” rosettes. They are approaching everyone and asking if they are sure they have all the facts before they vote.
Is this allowed?
No campaigners are illegally campaigning inside polling places in many areas. They know this is against the rules, I suggest reporting them to officials in polling place and to police if it comes to it.
Thanks Stuart for everything you have done for the yes campaign. You have worked tirelessly for the campaign with no complaint, we owe you a great debt of gratitude. I believe the wee blue book book was a game changer. The end is nearly here, the waiting for result will be the most nerveracking. I pray it will be a landslide victory for YES.
Would just like to add my thanks to Rev Stu and all the wingers who have helped to keep me sane this year. I have been a Yes since 1979 when they fixed the rules. The losing and the aftermath were terrible. Swore only winning a vote for full independence in my lifetime would make up for it.
This is the day! VOTE YES
I am with…
Bookie from hell says:
18 September, 2014 at 12:36 am
Im not singING flower of Scotland again if its NO
Thank you Rev STU for everything…Hail Albs
Aberdeen is alleged to be a “swithering” city regarding the referendum, so a victory here would seem to represent independence. Been counting window stickers, posters, flags etc., the ratio is very slightly 3 to 1 in favour. AND the yes posters are bigger! Trying desperately not to get my hopes up, a let-down would be too unbearable, but…
Many thanks Stu ….. a top job well done matey.
To all my fellow wingers out there ………..
Tomorrow all of our hopes and dreams become a reality.
It has been an honour and a pleasure being on this journey shoulder to shoulder with you all ladies and gentlemen … truly a humbling experience.
@ Tartan Tory, 12.32am
Stu – got my second gold wings today – watch for them (both lapels) tomorrow on the TV at the new ‘Declaration of Arbroath’.
Are you going to blind everyone with your bling?
Hope to catch up with you and loads of other Wingers at a gathering soon.
Re polling stations and campaigning:
Not allowed within a polling station or polling place. This includes the buildings and entrances, grounds of schools.
Anyone concerned should speak to Presiding Officer or police.
@ Stoops, 8:16am
You are not alone. I checked the box several times before marking it, marked the lines of the cross again, checked it again, folded the paper, opened the paper, checked I had the correct box again, folded it and popped it in the box.
Gave me a bit of a buzz that it was the first vote cast in my polling station.
Round 2, Hope over Fear, here we go.