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Wings Over Scotland

Humza’s Sneaky Peek

Posted on March 24, 2023 by

Wait what now?

And how would he know that, exactly?

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I hope he’s not relying on numbers given by Mr Murrell, I’ve heard he’s a bit shaky with those…


Interdict required NOW, Humza has cheated and that statement “proves” it.
Stop the election
This is evidence of malfeasance in public office


LOL. Just 3 days to go and the eejit couldn’t keep his trap shut.


I was waiting for something as daft as this. The man isn’t exactly known for his prudence. We could be here all night listing his indiscretions


For heaven’s, and Scotland’s, sake, won’t someone try to stop this outrageously corrupt “election”?

Ian Brotherhood

‘God bless us and save us and soap us and shave us!’

Big Jock

He won’t get the second votes. If he has had a sneaky look. Then he must be well under 50% given that comment.

It’s an open secret that his team have access to everything. They aren’t fooling anyone.


Secret ballot, no updates provided to any of the candidates, yet he knows he has a significant lead? This election would appear to be as genuine as a £7.00 note.

Wullie B

We all knew he did a Ruth Davidson re the votes, SMitty told us that already


Not a good strategy to drop yourself in it.
You’d think strategy and political leadership would go hand in hand too.
What a shame…


Obviously given a thumbs up from Lady London Links

Arthur Martin

So, it’s not just Ruth the mooth that samples ballot boxes.?

Ian Brotherhood

Has anyone seen Murrell yet?

Is he still in Jackson’s Entry?

Is anyone sending him food and fresh shirts?

(Asking for a concerned friend.)

President Xiden

Where is ‘Smitty’?

Arthur Martin

So, it’s not just Ruth the mooth that samples ballot boxes.?


I’m wondering if he’s possibly referring to publicly declared support? He does technically have a “significant lead” in terms of the number of MSPs etc backing him.

Tbh I always had the feeling that Humza would be ahead on first preference votes but that Kate Forbes wouldn’t be too far behind.

Then unless you’re absolutely completely mental or misclicked I doubt many people voted Ash Regan 1, Humza Yousaf 2.

Obviously most of Ash’s second preference votes will go to Kate and if the vote is fair that should comfortably win it for her.

David Hannah

It’s time for the men in the grey kilts to step in and save the party at the 11th hour.

The SNP is the biggest political vehicle to Independence. That is worth fighting for.

We can’t put a price on Independence. It’s time to bring forward the interdict. The evidence of electoral bias is in. From the lies around membership figures. The resignations. The Mi-Voice facility to add votes. GCHQ overseeing the election reportedly. Mike Russell saying members can’t change votes. The tainted with bias election process that disadvantages, new mother Forbes and Ash Regan.

Then there’s the SNP MSP for the borders having access to the email list. To send out a mass email to vote for Humza. Who’s using all of the Official Party Social media templates.

Liz Lloyd, Sturgeon’s former chief of staff telling Yousaf she’s to step down.

And now this. Yousaf, with his eyes on the voting cheating his way to Bute House.

This is corruption. Come on. We deserve better than this.

Big Jock

He really is the dimmest of dimwits. But why do the Murrells want him? Let me think. A Useful idiot.

Get someone in that is so stupid, they will never question the bodies under the bed. A nodding dog. A remote controlled FM. Except this one goes a bit wonky sometimes. Foot in mouth disease.


Ach, it’s just a turn of phrase…again.

Ian Brotherhood

Does Humza rhyme with chutzpah?


He’s been talking to the buckhaven baroness

The SNP can never turn round and criticise WM democracy after this. Actually maybe this is the tipping point for holyrood. I’m sure labour must regret ever having a Scottish Parliament everyday. They’d only did it after all to appease the EU. Maybe this is why starmer insists they’ll never go back.


Wouldn’t surprise me if the outgoing CEO, Mr Murrell, has his secondary (personal) email added to the account for access to MiVoice.


Humza is so stupid he’s definitely the Fredo Corleone of the Sturgeon cabal.


There’s your interdict case right there…


We shouldn’t be surprised by this, the fix is in, this shambles of a leadership contest is an utter farce, I wish the membership would wake the f*ck up and see what’s happening, they’re being used to make sure that either Forbes or Yousaf wins and the only candidate that can save Scotland will finish last, she’ll clear house and put Sturgeon and Murrell’s dirty little secrets out there, and she’ll push for dissolving this vile prison of a union.


There’s your interdict case right there…
Wake those judges up noooooooo!!!!!!

Ian Brotherhood

MADONNA: ‘I’ve just delivered the most toe-curling performance anyone will witness in 2023.’

SNP: ‘Gonny sumbdy haud this beer a wee minute?’


What are Yousaf’s secrets? There seem to be plenty: affairs etc.

Jim Tadgercock

Nail the bastard Rev bring them down. Happy to chip in as are most on here.


Is that enough for a legal question?

Jim Tadgercock

Mr Murray your emails are required toot sweet.


Well that boy just couldn’t hold his own pish . Clown of a man.

David Hannah

Unless this is stopped and restarted with transparency and impartial oversight.

The Independence campaign will be tainted as corrupt with a false First Minister in Bute House.

That could bring down the entire SNP Government.

No no no...YES

Link to STV video. Suggest someone capture it..
link to


I wonder why the STV news team didn’t think to question ol’ Humza about his choice of words here…commentators go on endlessly about the lack of thempower in newsrooms and here we have Humza serving them up a nice ‘n’ hot news story and it’s…nothing. Is this an example of the deskilling of journalists. Do they not know what a story looks like anymore?

Ian Brotherhood

Kate and Ash have to withdraw from this farce right now.



Perhaps he is deliberately sabotaging the vote. Why wouldn’t he if he’s going to lose?

Terry Darvel

He knows it from the polling figures. Do keep up.
Yousaf’s ordination is a foregone conclusion, but hapless Humza will be out on his ear by autumn.
It’s all smoke and minors anyway, whatever happens Yes will be the usual campus crap that keeps on wondering why the rest of Scotland won’t vote for it. They’d rather hang onto their keffiyehs and their kilts than fight for independence.


As for the malfeasance/misconduct in public office…being SNP leader isn’t a public office and this election is about who is to lead the SNP after Sturgeotti, and thon doesn’t have any direct relation to ol’ Humza’s duties as Cabinet Secretary of Health and Covid Inquiry cover-ups. In short, the public office offence argument doesn’t work.
However, if there’s any suggestion this is a rigged vote, then the Scots’ Parliament should take a view on that and act accordingly.


Sounds like Kate & Ash should announce their immediate withdrawal, due to “irregularities” and ask for a rerun.

Big Jock

He can cite opinion polls. This is a corrupt election but this is not the smoking gun. Meanwhile in France…


osakisushi says:
24 March, 2023 at 11:48 pm
Sounds like Kate & Ash should announce their immediate withdrawal, due to “irregularities” and ask for a rerun.’

Indeed. Quite extraordinary UNLESS they have been fed the same line as Hummer and they ALL think they are winning. Or- they’ve done a deal. Seems to suggest a fine disregard for procedure, natural justice and democracy by the candidates (and most members) whichever way you cut it.


I agree, Kate & Ash need to withdraw.

I’m no expert by any stretch but the public funding an interdict has Carmichael sham written all over it. An expensive waste of public money.

The candidates need to grow a set & withdraw or forever be tainted by deceit & corruption. Are they willing to turn a blind eye?

I think the SNP are doing thier best to kill the party. Maybe that’s what they want – then they can all fk off back to Labour.


They know already that humza has won. Check this from two days into the voting. Blackford is interviewed half way through this episode and refers to the next leader as “he”. Why would he do that as the existing one is “she” and 2/3 of the candidates are female? link to


If a unionist politician said the same thing on the 14th of Sept 2014 it would be the same situation.

On the exact same basis, it doesn’t mean he knew the votes.

It just means he’s a presumptious idiot.

Indy 2 now

I think there needs to be an interdict now. This vote is a sham. The public are starting to see how shifty looking this is and whoever wins will be tainted. It needs to stop and start again!


Terry says:
25 March, 2023 at 12:56 am
They know already that humza has won. Check this from two days into the voting. Blackford is interviewed half way through this episode and refers to the next leader as “he”. Why would he do that as the existing one is “she” and 2/3 of the candidates are female?

Exit the Greens on pronouns 😉 Good fuckin riddance


I knew Jason Leitch was a Baptist but unless there’s a technical/theological reason why he’s calling Kate Forbes ‘born again’ I’m not sure he’s right. AFAIK she’s always been a Christian so she’s never made the choice to be baptised or re-baptised as an adult.
Interesting fact about JL…he was appointed to the position of National Clinical Director in January 2015 and accepted a non-executive directorship at the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) in November 2016. The appointment at the time was supposed to be for three or four years but JL is still there six and a half years later.
AFAIK JL is the only member with a direct health role in the Scottish Govt who also has a position with an organisation that defends doctors in clinical negligence cases. To me that is not right.
In December 2017, in response to enquiries from the Health Committee concerning patient safety Jason Leitch stated “it would “serve no real purpose” to make the number of so-called serious adverse events public.” Reporting serious adverse events is mandatory in England…so which master is JL serving here…the Scottish Govt or doctors who fear negligence claims…or is it both?
This just exemplifies the conflicts of interest that are everywhere in NHS Scotland and because of that it will never improve unless those conflicts are rooted out.
The point of writing this is that Humza Yousaf is the perfect candidate for FM as the current Health Secretary with ongoing Covid enquiries and a failing NHS that got worse under his stewardship.
For Sturgeotti, it will be ‘job done’ if Humza takes over.


Yousless as FM will just confirm what many here already know to be true – the SNP is a lost cause.


It has taken me a long time but, finally I encapsulated what we need as FM in a single sentiment.

Someone who is Scottish first and a politician second, rather than a Politician first and Scottish second.

Neither KF or HY meet my criteria.

If this contest were rerun honestly, I think AR would runaway with the votes as she’s Scottish first. (I hope)

Rab C Nesbitt

I doubt Humza Useless has been given info about the ballots that have been sent in.

All he’s doing here is talking up his chances, like all politicians do. Does anyone remember David Steel telling the FibDems to go out and prepare for government? Or the vile Jim Murphy saying Labour would win every seat in Scotland in the election that wiped them out. Or Mrs Murrell’s claims that voting SNP would bring about a referendum and Scottish independence.


Can we all stop with the “where’s Smitty” stuff. Smitty isn’t as informed as they’d like you to think they are. Last week Smitty said that Sturgeon wouldn’t have another FMQ, then this week, whadda ya know – another Sturgeon FMQ. For all we know Smitty could be popping up here to convince everyone that Yousless is losing with the sole purpose of persuading Kate Forbes not to challenge the vote. Never trust anonymous “sources.”

That includes me too obviously 😀


How about taking bets as to long Yousaf will last as First Minster?

Robert Hughes

Been hearing the * winner * of SCOTLAND HAS FUCK ALL ( POLITICAL ) TALENT gameshow is to be announced at Murrayfield .

At first I thought ” this can’t be right ” , then I remembered we’re in Nu Scotland were – among other aberrations , the worst FM in our history is feted as a miracle worker , political genius , Mother Teresa in very expensive footwear as she slides away , unscathed ,immaculate , to be embraced into the Globalist pantheon . Ridiculousness is the New Normal .

I was sure there would be some Vatican/ new Pope kinda deal eg the ovine Nu SNP hushed faithful gathered outside Bute House waiting for Sturgeon to stick her arse out of an upstairs window n the emerging smoke announcing a * decision * has been reached ; or not .

Grey for Forbes

Black for Regan ( HA ! )

” WHITE !! ” for Yousap .

Another occasion of smoke without fire .

Name (required)

come on now, he has to be better than a man that cannot stand down from politics for EIGHT years, what sort of pish is that fi swinny?

surly just send a text with a typo

its all smoke n mirr… no wait its just smoke and a bin

its a bin fire

yay for scotland

wee chid

David Hannah says:
24 March, 2023 at 10:38 pm

“Then there’s the SNP MSP for the borders having access to the email list. To send out a mass email to vote for Humza. Who’s using all of the Official Party Social media templates.”

South Scotland – not The Borders, which is only part of the South Scotland region.


We saw this week how much support for Boris has ebbed away – only 21 MPs, just under 6% of the Tories in the Commons, backed his stance on the Windsor Agreement.

We now know, Sturgeon has been as big a disaster as Bo-Jo, and, if the Holyrood MSPs had the same gumption as the Westminster Tories, only 4 would still think her wonderful.

By the same measure, only three of the Feeble 45 down in London would still back her.

Yet, she waltzes off into the sunset to universal praise from her party.

Maybe Johann Lamont was right, and we, or certainly the SNP are too stupid to run our own affairs.


I just don’t see this ending well… At least not relatively

Sturgeon is gone, Murrell is gone, and you know that can’t be bad, but following on, whoever wins, if not Ash Regan, (actually including Ash Regan), then needs to assemble a cabinet from the scraps.

More jobs for Shirley Anne Shit-for-brains? Keith Brownnose? Karen Adam of the woke-deranged? Colin Beattie keeper of the sacred scrolls? Jenny Gilruth the intellectual? Humza the troubleshooter in chief?

As the laconic Germans said facing imminent defeat in 1945, enjoy the war because the peace will be terrible.

link to


Some of those SNP staffers will be back from their ‘holiday’ on Monday. They’ll likely be in need of a real one.

Big Jock

Pac Man. I will bet Useless is gone by September. I also don’t think he can keep a lid on the dead bodies.


If Humza does win (which let’s face it he probably will unless old Pete didn’t do enough to win it for him before he was forced to finally leave) then its time for those politicians left in the SNP that actually want independence to make a choice. Are you going to fraudulently steal a wage like the rest of the careerist carpet baggers or follow your conscience and show integrity by leaving? The SNP is dead as an independence party, has been for some time its finally time for them to accept it and either become independents in both parliament or join the likes of Alba who want independence.


If Humza Yousaf becomes FM, I will watch with interest how quickly he breaks every single promise he has made. Popcorn ready.


I’m absolutely no fan of Yuseless but that STV interview linked above, I’m not sure he said the word “I” although the subtitles did read it. Not sure on any JR Ewing type stuff going on here.

President Xiden

ClanDonald says:
25 March, 2023 at 5:57 am
Can we all stop with the “where’s Smitty” stuff. Smitty isn’t as informed as they’d like you to think they are.

Yes, that was my point. Whoooooooooooossssshhhh


Big Jock says: 25 March, 2023 at 8:05 am

Pac Man. I will bet Useless is gone by September. I also don’t think he can keep a lid on the dead bodies.

The ironic thing is that a good lot of the muppet MP’s and MSP’s who campaigned for him as a continuity candidate thinking it will allow them to keep their cushy jobs will be following him a wee bit later.

stuart mctavish

Greens’ll be wondering what worth a substantial lead when he can slip the collar so often.

Easy way to regain their trust* might be to ship 70,000 members to Murrayfield with referendum money, allocate the seats by constituency (pre painted to help shame any that fail to show up), and have everyone hold placards associated with their favourite candidate.

* Otherwise Harvie & Slater (or Ross) might feel obliged to issue an injunction of their own.


@PhilM JL had been floating around Scottish Government for years before that as Clinical Director of the Quality Unit – 2011/2012 ish. It was interesting at the time because the unit already had a (non-clinical) Director when he was appointed.

David Hannah

What about the more evidence of cheating. The 78,000 members sent to MI5 Voice.

When there’s only 72,000. More cheating.

And Mike Russell and the fake hustings full of councillors, pretending not to know wich Councillor is asking the next question?

And all of the Unionist Hacks backing Humza.

A fake First Minister on his way to Bute House. I won’t respect the result if he’s elected.

He’s seen the count. Says hell back GRR. Now he knows he’s got their vote in the bag. Then he says he won’t challenge it. He steals Ash Regan and Kate Forbes policies as he goes along with his big love heart!

What about all that!

David Hannah

I’ve seen the youtube video. He says I.

If in doubt. Cheat your way out. That is the Humza Yousaf philosophy. Failing upwards.

A Bruce

President Xiden @ 10:37

I listened to the Graeme Spence podcast a few days ago, and he and the other woman on there claimed that they had started a false rumour to see if Smitty would pick it up and seemingly the next day the story made the rounds. They seem to know who Smitty is.

Natal XY and proud

@ClanDonald ‘. Last week Smitty said that Sturgeon wouldn’t have another FMQ, then this week, whadda ya know – another Sturgeon FMQ.’

True- but since then Police Scotland have paused their enquiries until the election is over (Smitty cant have foreseen that)….. and you have to ask why the pause?


Big Jock says that Yousaf has “foot and mouth disease”, well lets all hope it spreads to his backside and I’m willing to provide that foot, although I may be too far back in the queue!


What’s the likelihood of a challenge in Holyrood?

Does anybody think maybe it’s time to give the wee diddy parly back to the unionists & let them play with the pocket money & loose change for a bit?

Besides the £600 million mitigation – what could possibly go wrong? Give the unionists what they want – rainbow Tory rule.

Does anyone know of Alba’s plans to stand in every constituency? They’d win it by a landslide. Imagine Salmond walking back into the Holyrood hotseat.. lolz

Get in!
Ya fkn dancer! Lolz

That’d soon clean the sewer..


Yusaf got to be joking ….

Chris Downie

Wait a minute, has that tweet in the first link been deleted?!

Marco McGinty

The video on Twitter has been deleted. I wonder if it was removed by force?

Joan Edington

Touch of the Baronesses 2014 moves.

David Hannah

The video has been deleted by STV.

The Scottish Government are familiar with unstatable, unlawful and tainted with bias legal cases. And use the media to cover up their corruption.

I do not trust Scotland’s instutions anymore since Sturgeon and I’m glad I spoiled my ballot at the last council elections.

The SNP are crooks. I despise them.

Lorna Campbell

As with Ruth Davidson and John McTernan, it is less that Humza might have glimpsed totals of votes than that he talked about it before the end of polling, giving the impression that he has already won and there is no point in any last-minute voters bothering to register their votes for anyone else. It should carry a mandatory short jail sentence. Parties are allowed to sample votes, but they are strictly forbidden by electoral rules to talk about them and try to influence the outcome of an election. The SNP are as bad as the Unionists at the referendum, whom they decried at the time. If Humza has won, he will last as long as the Tory leader before Sunak. Forgotten her name already.

Brian Doonthetoon

Miz Trust?


It’s interesting that this election is very much on the radar of the fascists at “patriotic alternative”. They really don’t like Yousaf (usual reasons rather than political ones) and like Forbes. No mention of Regan, however.


David Hannah says:
25 March, 2023 at 9:28 am
What about the more evidence of cheating. The 78,000 members sent to MI5 Voice.

When there’s only 72,000. More cheating.

And Mike Russell and the fake hustings full of councillors, pretending not to know wich Councillor is asking the next question?

And all of the Unionist Hacks backing Humza.

A fake First Minister on his way to Bute House. I won’t respect the result if he’s elected.

He’s seen the count. Says hell back GRR. Now he knows he’s got their vote in the bag. Then he says he won’t challenge it. He steals Ash Regan and Kate Forbes policies as he goes along with his big love heart!

Ah yes. The election is a fraud if the person I want to win doesn’t win! If they win it proves it’s above board. That’s such warped logic.

Humza has probably talked up his position because he wants to win. If he didn’t sound confident he’d get slated for it. He can’t win on this page. But he’s still an incompetent useless c*nt who will severely damage Scotland going forward with failure after failure. And more insane laws that aren’t the envy of anyone.


Saw a figure quoted yesterday; that the bookies have Humza at 1/4. Those are serious odds in his favour…
Then, I just wondered how big – or not – the market is on this bet, and how much cash you would need to spend to heavily sway that market in favour of one candidate?
Just a thought.

Alex Browne

Saw a figure quoted yesterday; that the bookies have Humza at 1/4. Those are serious odds in his favour…
Then, I just wondered how big – or not – the market is on this bet, and how much cash you would need to spend to heavily sway that market in favour of one candidate?
Just a thought.

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