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Wings Over Scotland

Grooming Class

Posted on April 24, 2024 by

Daniel Sanderson of the Telegraph has filed a series of excellent but deeply disturbing articles this month about the growing presence in Scottish primary schools of LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity which has been heavily involved in not one but two serious child abuse scandals, one of them the most horrific in Scottish history.

But LGBTYS seems to be able to do whatever it wants.

The official remit of the 85%-taxpayer-funded charity only extends to young people aged 13-25, so it has no legitimate business in primary schools at all.

Yesterday in the Scottish Parliament, the Cabinet Secretary for Education apparently denied the Telegraph’s story that LGBTYS was running youth clubs in primary schools, but confirmed the claim that schools were being allowed to transition children without their parents’ knowledge.

Jenny Gilruth’s response to Tory MSP Meghan Gallacher was sneering and evasive, cheered on by a smirking Ross Greer of the Scottish Greens behind her, but in fact the evidence that LGBTYS has been involving itself in primary schools is indisputable.

Whether it’s sending in sexually-explicit drag queens:

Or getting all the boys to wear skirts:

Or literally turning kids into flags.

Downfield Primary School in Dundee caters for around 400 children between the ages of 2 and 11. The front page of its website links to LGBT Youth Scotland.

The pic below, from the LGBTYS Facebook page, shows a roomful of unhappy-looking young children – supposedly 400 of them, which would be the whole school, and there certainly appear to be a number of under-5s from the nursery present – being made to participate in a “rainbow flag” demonstration that they can’t possibly comprehend.

Most schools, especially primary schools, have strict rules about photographs showing the faces of pupils, but LGBTYS put this one out uncensored. (Wings would ordinarily blur it, but since the expressions of the children are relevant and the image is already widely available, we’ve published it as is.)

We know it’s from Downfield because LGBTYS also posted it on YouTube.

And when we watched it, curious to know what sort of irresponsible adults would be standing around applauding such a thing, we thought we spotted a familiar face.

We were right.

Alert readers will perhaps remember former-Councillor Murray.

Gregor Fisher Murray is a notoriously virulent and abusive trans activist, who was at the heart of a pivotal court case involving tax expert and feminist Maya Forstater.

Murray, who considers himself to be “non-binary”, resigned from both the SNP and the Scouts over what he perceived to be their insufficient enthusiasm for trans ideology, having earlier been cited during the court case about Forstater losing her job with the Centre for Global Development, when she supposedly “misgendered” him.

(Help us out here, folks – how can a person be both non-binary and gay? How could someone be exclusively attracted to people who are the same sex, or even “gender”, as themselves, if they don’t HAVE a sex or gender? Are they only attracted to other non-binary people? How can they tell if someone’s non-binary? How does it work?)

Ironically, Murray claimed to be the victim of abuse.

(He’s not a fan of ours.)

And readers won’t be shocked to hear that he’s opposed to all kinds of safeguarding, including the right to trial by jury.

Or that he was outraged when Stonewall was forced to backpedal and withdraw some of its inaccurate and defamatory comments about the Cass Review. (Which had also led to Labour MP Dawn Butler having to issue an abject “correction” to the House Of Commons for repeating them.)

Murray continues to offer thoughtful and nuanced commentary on the subject.

And now hates both the SNP and Labour for not being extremist enough.

(Although he’s still much beloved of the SNP’s psychotic TRA scarecrow wing.)

(And even though the SNP and LGBTYS are still joined at the hip.)

His efforts to resolve his issues and become a more helpful member of the LGBTI community seem to be going rather poorly.

He can also be seen at Downfield in a picture posted on the LGBTYS Facebook page, leering rather creepily in from the side of a shot of some female teachers and children.

To any halfway sane person, the presence of Gregor Fisher Murray in a primary school indoctrinating very young children with the propaganda of a gender cult ought to raise a thousand red flags.

(These images from the Huffington Post piece give a good indication of just how young the children being targeted were. These are children who adults should not be talking to about sex at all, under any circumstances.)

To see Murray teaming up with a charity which already has an appalling track record of child sex abuse to do it almost defies belief. But even if LGBTYS’s judgement wasn’t so abysmally bad on its choice of collaborators, the mere fact that they’re infiltrating primary schools (and breaching the privacy and safety of their pupils) when they’re supposed to be restricted to over-13s is a scandal in its own right.

Sadly, it’s one we have absolutely no faith whatsoever in Jenny Gilruth’s willingness or ability to address. But in a better world her glib, cavalier disregard for the protection of Scotland’s kids would be a resignation matter.

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Dorothy Devine

Dear Lord , where do these folk crawl from and where are irate parents – do they not realise the danger to their kids?

As for the education authority what the hell are they playing at?

Churches? Child protection? Police? The bloody media??


Just get them all to fck out of Primary Schools!


the dark, blackly ironic humour in all of this is – if you try and get a job as a dinner lady or a lollipop-man, cleaner, anything at all – you will be subject to a severe police disclosure check, a look into Inspector Knackers Big Book of Nonces

– but if you turn up in your mad tranny outfit with a badge from Stonewall, style yourself Mr Pink Whistle and his Secret Tickle Games, who wants the children to “explore their sexuality to prevent bigotry” …

they will welcome you with open arms.


So disgusting they are targeting primary school kids. So disgusting they target any kids but primary school kids… it is obvious what they are up to these filthy dogs.

There is zero excuse for it other than indoctrination.

It is just nonces finding ways to constantly get at other peoples kids.

I would be pulling my kids out of school and do homeschooling or just leave the country. Fuck dropping them off each morning not knowing if some Scottish Nonce Party or Green peado was going to be given special access to them behind my back. Encouraging them to make irreversible life mistakes… pure evil.

If that was one of my kids in those photos I would be livid and I would be contacting lawyers.

David Hannah

This will be a good time to mention that the Men’s Shed Clubs are to stop receiving Government funding. The only club that men go to voluntarily talk about their mental health – Including I. We make things. We fix things together.

They LGBT lobby doesn’t represent gay, bisexuals or lesbians. They are an aggressive lobby in all aspects of public life – be it trade unions, NHS and school curriculum. They get all the money and they divide, and abuse.

Scotland is appalled by this. We are sick of the preferential treatment gang running the country. You’re a disgrace. No more money.

Where’s the money for the Men’s Shed clubs? Perhaps Alex Salmond can speak up for us?

Thanks again! Wings Over Scotland!


This gets a whole lot easier when you figure out that there are two genders, they’re synonymous with the two sexes, and the opposites go together.

David Beveridge

“Help us out here, folks – how can a person be both non-binary and gay? How could someone be exclusively attracted to people who are the same sex, or even “gender”, as themselves, if they don’t HAVE a sex or gender? Are they only attracted to other non-binary people? How can they tell if someone’s non-binary? How does it work?

Had a wee think and I think I’ve got it… it might be cos it’s all a total load of delusional, attention-seeking sh*te and anyone spouting it needs a good check-up from the neck up.


It just gets worse and worse
Non binary gay?
I assume he floats between gay and lesbian in his deranged mind

Ian McCubbin

As a former Guidance Principal Teacher and Learning Support PT these types of interactions in schools are appalling.
In my job we had a could of overall child protection which could encompass anything that made a child threatened or uncomfortable.
While trans and gay issues should be discussed in Social Education by trained staff, (Guidance staff) all visitors giving talks should be vetted under child protection guidelines.
It seems in the schools quoted above this has gone .
I would be very worried as a parent of children in any of these schools.
Something is very far wrong now in Scotland.

Jim Thomson

What do you think are the chances that ANY of the Downfield Primary School staff will see the above and actually give enough of a fuck to kick up an in-house fuss?

I suspect they will all be too scared about being suspended or losing their jobs rather than protecting their pupils.


Jesus Fucking wept!

What is happening in Scotland? How the actual fuck can this be a thing?

It’s like some kind of mass Demonic possession.

John C

Jenny Gilruth’s response to Tory MSP Meghan Gallacher was sneering and evasive, cheered on by a smirking Ross Greer of the Scottish Greens behind her, but in fact the evidence that LGBTYS has been involving itself in primary schools is indisputable.

This should be a resignation (not to mention possibly a police one) matter but the fact it isn’t just shows the state of not just our politics, but our media and the way Scotland’s normally incredibly vocal commentators are, on the whole, silent on this. People are either captured or too scared to say anything. There’s also a third, worse possibility in that they know this is wrong but they’d rather still pander to the Queer Theorists as it means they maintain their level of power and influence.

Most schools, especially primary schools, have strict rules about photographs showing the faces of pupils, but LGBTYS put this one out uncensored. (Wings would ordinarily blur it, but since the expressions of the children are relevant and the image is already widely available, we’ve published it as is.)

This is a massive red flag. The fact LGBTYS have put uncensored images of children on their website is a huge safeguarding failure & frankly, if I were a parent at that school I’d be wanting some answers not to mention some scalps as people need to be held accountable for this. The fact you’ve got Gregor Fisher Murray there rings serious alarms as well and I don’t need to spell out why he’s a risk.

(Help us out here, folks – how can a person be both non-binary and gay? How could someone be exclusively attracted to people who are the same sex, or even “gender”, as themselves, if they don’t HAVE a sex or gender? Are they only attracted to other non-binary people? How can they tell if someone’s non-binary? How does it work?)

It doesn’t. Even some Queer Theorists draw a line with ‘non-binary’ as they know it’s nonsense. In this case it’s a gay man who wants to feel and look special. He’s not an ordinary ‘cis’ gay, he’s NON-BINARY!

Complete rubbish.

These images from the Huffington Post piece give a good indication of just how young the children being targeted were. These are children who adults should not be talking to about sex at all, under any circumstances.

Those images Stu’s posted from the HP article are clear, and shocking examples of grooming. What groomers do is they make children ‘feel safe’ with them, not to mention that the groomer tries to make the child feel they’re safe with them. ‘I understand you. You can be who you want to be with me.’. It’s a massive, massive example of how after Savile, Glitter, the Catholic Church, etc, that people are still able to do stuff like this in open sight of everyone.

Really, this should be a trigger for the police and social services. Again, if I were a parent there I’d be wanting some serious answers.

Sadly, it’s one we have absolutely no faith whatsoever in Jenny Gilruth’s willingness or ability to address. Her glib, cavalier disregard for the protection of Scotland’s kids ought to be a resignation matter.

At the very least.

I have a dream that in the future when the world has regained some sanity & Trans/Queer ideology has been binned that there’s a public enquiry as well as an investigation like Yewtree & people end up in prison. What we’re seeing here is a failure of safeguarding and adults in open sight not just grooming children, but being covered up by elected officials who are sneering and laughing at the idea that this is wrong.


@ John C

Yep. exactly. Why are the MSM so quiet in this? BBC Cass review coverage was a disgrace.

Mind you they do have form in keeping things quiet when they need to…

John C

This will be a good time to mention that the Men’s Shed Clubs are to stop receiving Government funding.

I forgot how much funding has been cut so I checked. It’s £75k. Compared to what Trans/Queer organisations get it’s relative pennies, yet it helps a demographic often forgotten. Especially in Scotland where the culture is still ‘man up’ and men don’t talk or deal with their mental health.

They LGBT lobby doesn’t represent gay, bisexuals or lesbians. They are an aggressive lobby in all aspects of public life – be it trade unions, NHS and school curriculum. They get all the money and they divide, and abuse.

They don’t care about most LGB people. Just those who buy into their nonsense. ‘Cis’ LGB people are treated horrendously & the homophobia and biphobia on display, especially from a large section of trans identifying men, is extraordinary.

As several gay friends have said. They had a good 3 or 4 years of actual equal rights before the TRAs ruined centuries of work towards that equality in less than a decade. As soon as homosexuality is defined in law across the UK as ‘same gender’, rather than same sex, then effectively homosexuality is outlawed again. That’s one of Stonewall’s goals as well as the wider Trans/Queer movement.

Dorothy Devine

JohnC, trouble is every inquiry seems to take at least 20 years by then a whole lot of those responsible for the carnage will be happily retired with large pension with in built deniability.

Lorna Campbell

That Jenny Gilruth is something else. Denying any and all incursions by organizations that have no remit to be in primary schools at all, and should not be in secondaries either. Delusional. Utterly. Get them out now, Gilruth. While you are at it, get yourself gone as well. We have had enough of you all – SNP and Greens and all the other eejits in the other parties, too. Bring back sanity to Scotland.


Staggering that a political party with the record and the list of ‘bed-fellows’ that the SNP has, still, seemingly, attracts significant support.
The latest revelations from the Editor are little short of nausea-inducing and make one wonder whether there was perhaps a reason these people were ‘marginalised’.

Lorna Campbell

John C: ehe Men’s Sheds cost 75K and this Stonewall-affiliated group alone gets a million according to the Telegraph? It is way beyond time that we, the public, discovered what they are each getting, and all the women’s organizations that actively work against females should be examined closely, too. I think we are talking about many millions just thrown away to a social madness and Queer Theory w**kathon. How anyone with a brain could continue to support the SNP and/or the Greens is beyond human understanding. I feel a FoI coming on.

John C

While trans and gay issues should be discussed in Social Education by trained staff, (Guidance staff) all visitors giving talks should be vetted under child protection guidelines.

I’ve got teacher friends in England and they go through regular checks just to do their job. Even then certain subjects are off limits and as you say, only a small number of people can speak to kids after a series of enhanced checks.

My concern here is what safeguarding was done and if none was done at all, which considering the fact that LGBTYS has several major child abuse scandals under their belt and a police investigation underway suggests none was done. Then the presence of Gregor Fisher Murray really does rub in that unqualified people are talking about subjects they shouldn’t to very young children who haven’t even learned how to write paragraphs or do anything beyond basic maths, but they’re being taught about sexuality before they even understand what that is.

It’s there in plain sight what they’re doing & it’s amazing they’re getting away with it.

Derek McGaw

If Gilruth is visiting Schools, presumably she has to have PVG clearance?
If she is, in effect, party to covering up potential noncing, surely that must be in breach of her PVG obligations?
Anyone know the system?

John C

What do you think are the chances that ANY of the Downfield Primary School staff will see the above and actually give enough of a fuck to kick up an in-house fuss?

I suspect they will all be too scared about being suspended or losing their jobs rather than protecting their pupils.

In these situations it can be hard, especially when the government, school and police won’t support you.


Absoulutly Disgusting that the SNP have morphed into this appauling and perverted cult!

Well done wings for exposing their devious intent. The SNP under sturgeon and her cronies are dangerous to the most vulnerable!!

Ian McCubbin

Reply to Jim Thomson, the staff in Downfield don’t need to read what I wrote it is still policy in every local authority as far as I am aware .
Some heads are as barking as these trans gender encouraging individuals.
Also these individuals have to pass disclosure Scotland vetting . I guess this was omitted at Downfield.
Poor effort from Dundee City Council.

John C

every inquiry seems to take at least 20 years by then a whole lot of those responsible for the carnage will be happily retired with large pension with in built deniability.

There’s the problem.The ringleaders will either be dead or protected. Sure, some low-hanging fruit will end up in the jail, maybe even some higher level enablers but the real bad lot will sail free.

However an enquiry is good for shining light on what happened as well as giving victims a voice, which sadly, there’s going to be a lot of them. The scale of this is going to eclipse the Catholic Church.


And, with a certain elegant inevatibilty, the sole media mention of this is our own investigative journalist running WOS.
In any sane world (obviously that wouldn’t be one run by the present SNP/Green devolved administration) this type of vile, officially sanctioned perverse practise would be front and centre of every single MSM outlet. Not however in Scotland 2024.
One can only say thanks, once more, to our host.

President Xiden

What’s with this nonsense that until recently LGBT pupils were not included in school? Where they forbidden from studying English, or Maths, music, science etc? Of course not so where is this exclusion coming from?

President Xiden

Look folks, Gilruth has enough on her plate as she is about to embark on completely f***ing up our education system . It’s coming folks , get ready for it.


The National has an online story about LGBT+ Youth Scotland objecting to the restriction of prescribing of puberty blockers at the Sandyford clinic.Readers might feel like telling the National of their opinion of LGBT+ Youth Scotland.


As well as the obvious risks, you have wee kids being taken out of class and wasting time on a meaningless ‘activity’ which they can’t possibly understand. Let them get on with their school work.

Judging from the answers to ‘Why I think learning about LGBT is important’, kids are also being conditioned to associate being kind with this stuff.

Of course they need to ‘be kind’ but to everyone and not have it linked in their minds with rainbows and ‘victims’. It’s no wonder you can’t have a rational debate about these issues without being immediately categorised as hostile. Reason has fled and it’s getting worse.

This has been years in the planning; ducks have been lined up and people are in place. It’s going to take a public outcry to start correcting it. Well done, Stuart, for keeping this in the public eye.

Frank Anderson

In my local High School, my grand children tell me that the library at lunch time is closed for the ‘gay club’. They have no idea what they do. They have also had full school assembly to tell them to be ‘ kind to transgender people’. I thought the school would want them to be kind to everyone!?!?!
It is almost laughable to see and hear non medical TRA’s trying to debunk the Cass report. It is also absolutely shocking that the SG are begging Westminster to extend their legislation over the sun posters cases to Scotland ( despite at different legal system, currently) yet claim Cass only studied English NHS so might not be relevant to Scotland. Are our Scottish children different? Are they immune to puberty blockers?


TikTok, TikTok….time is evidently running out for what little survives of classic European civilization.
Who will administer the coup de grâce, Islamist or gender queer militants?
A diabolical mating of the two maybe; a chimera in a rainbow abaya.
Scan the skies!

Anton Decadent

“We will make the West so corrupt that it will stink.” That is a quote attributed to Willi Munzenberg of The Frankfurt School. His role was to go around the West buying up theatres, galleries, cinemas, and youth clubs to use as front operations. As already mentioned above, this did not come out of the blue, it has been years in the planning and this month we had a law imposed on us to protect people like the subject of this thread.

As ever, WINGS, keep up the good work.


Get these freaks away from our kids and away from all positions of responsibilty.

Jim Bo

Oh for fuck sake.

I have two daughters of primary age here in Dundee and this chills to the core.

I’ve been called a transphobe previously (even by people I considered good friends)for voicing concerns over these kinds of issues.

I despise having to broach the subject with my eldest (youngest still too young) but I do so that she can spot the warning signs early. She’s already dismayed that quite a few in her class already formed a “rainbow” club and she distances herself from them. She knows life could be made tricky for having this stance but thankfully she can see through the BS. I’m so proud of her but we’ll see what happens.


President Xiden @ 4.08pm

‘Look folks, Gilruth has enough on her plate as she is about to embark on completely f***ing up our education system’

Nope, PX. CfE did that. She’s just the next in line to put her mark on it.

Andy Anderson

I have reported them to the SSPC and the NSPCC.
Hopefully they are not infiltrated and will act. In my book a crime is being committed.


Jim Bo @ 17.43

For what it’s worth, Jim, I’m guessing mums, dads & grandparents would just call you a responsible and concerned parent.

John C

In my local High School, my grand children tell me that the library a t lunch time is closed for the ‘gay club’. They have no idea what they do. They have also had full school assembly to tell them to be ‘ kind to transgender people’. I thought the school would want them to be kind to everyone!?!?!


I’ve got friends in the US and right now they’re struggling between taking their kids out of school or moving state (they’re in California) due to the fact that one day their eldest came home and told them a story very similar to what you’ve said.

There’s a huge world of difference between teaching kids to respect everyone, and singling out one group as a special group more of respect based on nothing more than myth is risky. I’d love to know what these schools do to accommodate the disabled, or children with learning difficulties, or ones from broken homes, or any actual group of very young, vulnerable children who do need support and respect.

Mark Beggan

Scottish society has already turned against the whole gender theory. These screaming, insane, dangerous men have been supported by the government. Allowed to attack women and groom children. Someone has to go down for all of this filth. The outcome is not rainbows.


The Scotnaz have for years metaphorically fucked the schools and their pupils. Are you suggesting that they are now setting about doing it literally?

Which of us is surprised?


HOW are parents not ripping these administrators of schools a new arsehole, are Scots parents so cowed and captured by these lunatics that they are quite prepared to submit their children to this grooming
EVERY parent of those children whose face has been left recognisable should be storming down to a police station and DEMANDING that those responsible for breaching the law should be charged accordingly and the senior officials of the school who allowed the EX cooncillor who obviously has no children to be present at this event should be FORCED to resign
My wife worked as a special educational needs support assistant in the local primary school and anyone wishing access to the school had to have a verifiable reason to be admitted past the locked reception area, WHY would this VILE individual have the right to be present at this photo call,is it some form of perverted voyerism and who facilitated it

John C

I see Stu’s sent a letter to LGBTYS, though I neither expect a response or any action from Scotland’s media on this. I also find it extraordinary that the taxpayer (that’s us schmucks) pay so much to an organisation that delivers nothing of worth. It’s a scam of course, the idea clearly is to filter as much taxpayer money into useless jobs within the organisation and make up the funding gap from going to schools and I assume, getting them to pay for these events.

On a surface level it’s corrupt, even if you remove the dodgier aspects of what they’re doing.

James Che

Happily installed with backing from the devolved perverted parliament sent toScotland under uk (Scotland act)..legislation,

No child even at age thirteen should fed information to groom and brainwash them,
No teacher should allow it to happen under their Watch,
No head of the School should allow the indoctrination of grooming children,

But the perverted parliament sent to Scotland has the thumbs up from the parliament of England to go ahead,

The Sovereign peoples Scottish parliament would kick them out of Scotland so quick by their non-binary arses for “acting like pedophiles” grooming young children.
Or jail them under “Scots law” that requires full jury trials.


Another one of the million reasons why we need to get the SNP and the Greens out of office.


This is rather too close to home for me. Downfield is a feeder primary to the secondary I work in. So I will see these kids as they progress through.

Not surprised they look unhappy, modern teens roll their eyes at this trans stuff, it’s old hat to them. They have noticed it’s the kids who have no friends who say their enbies or trans. But it will no longer win them the social cache they think.

Trans is pretty much non existent at my school. There are even a few boys with long hair but still boys and girls with short hair who are still girls. So there is hope.

James Jones

James Che at 6:30 pm.
“But the perverted parliament sent to Scotland has the thumbs up from the parliament of England to go ahead,”

I say again, the devolved government is a gathering of Scottish politicians elected by Scots, and the desperation to blame England for what you’ve democratically chosen is childish. Grow up and own it. You made it, now fix it. There isn’t a band of white knights waiting in the wings to run an independent Scotland decently. Westminster will be reluctant to intervene because it would be seen as interference.

On topic, where are the parents?

Alf Baird

The ‘mystification’ policies of a compromised colonial administration whose main purpose (clearly) is holding back an entire independence movement is quite something to behold.

The saddest thing in this particularly insane saga is that most of Scotland’s institutions have likewise opted to join in the ideological mania, becoming “obscurers, inventors of subterfuges, charlatans and tricksters, dealers in gobbledygook”; and where the ‘colonial hoax’ continues to be played out via a psychodynamic process in which even “the most absurd prejudices are explained and justified; and, as if by magic, the moon is turned into green cheese” (Cesaire).


Rev Stu says…

“Sadly, it’s one we have absolutely no faith whatsoever in Jenny Gilruth’s willingness or ability to address. In a better world her glib, cavalier disregard for the protection of Scotland’s kids ought to be a resignation matter”

Not just Gilruth, but the Head Teacher at Downfield should go.


Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!


new child protection public information film just dropped, titled :


link to


from amerika

link to

(no one bothered to make the distinction between paedophile/pederast and “ordinary decent homosexual” in them days)

the one I got at primary school involved a man in a floppy hat sitting by the swings making eyebrow movements as the children played : “watch the eyebrows!” – but I couldn’t find it online, dave prowse doing the green cross code and “charlie says … “, maybe it was only on cine tape.

no one likes clowns or finds them funny, for reasons

link to

john wayne gacy, these days, would probably get federal funding.

Michael Laing

@ James Jones at 6.53pm: “I say again, the devolved government is a gathering of Scottish politicians elected by Scots…”

Scots elected supposedly independence-supporting parties because our independence is long overdue. We certainly did not vote for them in order that we would be subjected to gender ideology, socially-divisive identity politics and the banning of free speech and thought. But that is what we got. Scots cannot be blamed for the failure of our elected representatives to do what they were elected to do. Why are you so keen to make out that we are somehow to blame for policies we don’t support and didn’t vote for?

James Jones

@ Alf Baird,

The West Indians Fanon and Cesaire, and the Tunisian Jew Memmi (once imprisoned in a Nazi labour camp) whom you are so fond of quoting with respect to colonialism, would tell you to get real. You have nothing in common.

Hatey McHateface

@ James Jones says: 24 April, 2024 at 8:20 pm

Uh oh, you shouldn’t have spilled the beans on the Tunisian fellow!

There will be a few up all night tonight recanting. Taken in by a rootless cosmopolitan! The shame of it.

Not that they will ever admit it on here. Too much face to lose.

Facts, eh? Awkward chiels.

David Hannah

Gilruth was sacked as transport minister – when she was moved sideways for costing Scotrail £1 million for her conflict of interest. Changing maintenance works to suit her.

She sleeps with Kezia Dugdale each night – of the John Smith masonic lodge institute – the globalists that despise our country. The neo liberal elite that who’s religion belongs to the false green agenda, or black and brown people being given preferential treatment. The LGBT lobby are part of that.

Gilruth should be sacked on the spot. Like she was sacked as transport minister! But Humza rewards failure.


David Hannah

Cheers for the info about the Men’s shed government funding of £75k.

I love the men’s shed. There’s old ship yard workers with great banter. Oil rig workers. Engineers. Carpenters. Electricians. Retired teachers. Ship yard workers. Builders. All men! To make carpentry. Fix things. Have tea and cakes. Talk about their wives who are living dementia and so forth. It matters. It gives the auld yins past and present a new lease of life. To build bird boxes to make things. For disabled people to attend as well.

Thanks for listening. And the yet the funding is to be cut! 75K is to go. Let’s get the issue into the public limelight.

It’s because we’re the wrong type of men! Why does LGBT Scotland get over a million quid? ITS WRONG! ITS SO WRONG!

Rise up and stand up ladies and gents. Let’s fight this injustice together!

David Hannah

When I say preferential treatment. I mean that I think it’s gone to far. I think people should be given jobs based on their ability. Not based on their sexuality or their fetish to dress as a woman.

We see this with all female lists and the SNP putting forward trannies.

We see this with Joe Farrell. Chief of police. Being given the top job even though she’s never stepped foot in Scotland. Ahead of all of the hard working Scottish police officers.

Humza has made it absolutely clear he despises WHITES. And the SNP favours everyone but men. It feels that way to me. And equality and diversity has never given me a leg up! I tell you that for a fact!

David Hannah

Equality and diversity has been abused and tainted. It has not become a dirty word. In particular. The LGBT lobbies are like a gay mafia of obnoxious gay men – that think they deserve a seat at the top table. A lot of NHS and School organisations are going the way of local councils. You say all the gay men in the local councils done for bullying – Such as Jordan Liden – the SNP sex pest.

Its because it’s very hard to sack councillors. We need to take back control of our institutions.

And btw. It’s neither your creed nor nationality that counts. But the man himself. It doesn’t matter what skin colour you are. You’re welcome at the men’s shed. There’s no racism there.

With that said. The SNP are trying to divide us all into groups. They hold the natives in contempt. They give our money away to Africa. And expect us to not be upset about it. Or the cycle lanes instead of building affordable homes. These political choices an abomination and an affront to our society. We need political change and fast! It starts with Humza Yousaf. He has to go!

David Hannah

Primary schools should not have LGBT champions.

Your workplace. Does not need a paid and employed. LGBT leadership champion. Paid a higher wage than you.

Just because he likes to stick it in the back.

It doesn’t matter if you like to stick it in the front or stick it in the back.

You still can’t do the fucking job properly. You’re sacked! Why is it that Gilruth get’s fucking promotion again?! When she was sacked as transport minister.

It’s a gay mafia. An obnoxious gay mafia. And that includes lesbians like gilruth. So up their own fucking arseholes that they actually think they are virtuous. I smell shite. SHE HAS TO GO TO. Rant over!

John C

Not surprised they look unhappy, modern teens roll their eyes at this trans stuff, it’s old hat to them. They have noticed it’s the kids who have no friends who say their enbies or trans. But it will no longer win them the social cache they think.

I’ve heard from friends and their friends who do bring this subject up (many are either totally captured, or just too scared to speak out as we know what the TRAs can do) that a number of kids are fed up with it all. Especially when it comes to toilets as it’s basically giving boys an excuse to abuse girls whenever & they especially don’t seem to like how Trans or non-binary pupils are treated differently, even better than everyone else.

Then there’s cases like the one right now in the States where a trans-identifying boy gathered a ‘hit-list’ of girls to assault and the relevant authorities tried to cover it up. This isn’t the first case of girls being assaulted by boys identifying as trans.

There’s a definite case that a mix of ‘influencers’ like Andrew Tate as well as Trans influencers, not to mention an incredibly early introduction to porn has ruined some young boys before they’ve even started out. Of course the parents share a portion of blame but what’s happening online and how it’s affecting people is a societal issue we’ve barely dealt with & only now we’re getting an idea of the scale of it.

[…] Youth Scotland, which receives substantial funding from the Scottish Government and several councils to produce materials for use in schools, helped write controversial guidance […]

Bella Buchan

Scotland is broken and we have a parliament ( used to be an assembly) of jumped up councillors with hardly an ounce of common sense between them. Ever since Sturgeon was voted as FM its been downhill all the way. Smoke and mirrors distractions everyday from the real problems that people have like how to feed and house yourself.


The perverts have taken over.

Parents of all young children should be reading this article.

James Che

I personally never voted for the Devolved Parliament from Englands parliament,
I personally never voted for any of the pervert parties either.
And all in holyrood sit there under the Crown of England, surprise surprise,

James Che

Alf Baird.

Eloquently said,

Jim Thomson

@Ian McCubbin 3.42pm

Sorry Ian, I was referring to the main article and not your post. I should have made that clearer in my post.

Lesson learned 😉


Gilruth is a manhatimg homosexual devoid of common sense. The usual Holyrood lobotomy fodder. Is Ross Greer gay, anybody know?


It’s grim reading right enough. And it’s triggered in me a long forgotten memory the recounting of which might show how attitudes have changed over the last few decades.

Remember as you read my account, if you choose tae read it, of this historical event that this was the way things were back then in the place where a come fae.

An keep haud o the thocht that ma faither, and ma grandfaither tae, hid taught me how tae defend masel in the ‘jungle’ as they cawd it.

During the summer holidays, those two months of freedom, when us weans were spared the chore of having to learn stuff at school we’d be oot playin’ fae dawn tae tea-time and fae tea-time tae dusk.

When I was a boy of perhaps 9 years there was a man who, for a while, frequented our local park. Hangin’ aboot an watchin’ us weans playin’.

We all knew there was something ‘no quite right aboot him’ but paid him little heed – he did not figure in our world, adults rarely did back then – and carried on with our games, uninterested and unconcerned.

However, one time this man made the mistake of ‘exhibiting’ himself to our wee gang in the maist graphic manner, there were maybe eight or nine of us, and at that exact moment, although he didnae know it, he had created a new and exciting game for us aw tae play.

For brief seconds ma wee gang aw looked at each other in stunned amazement before oor faces, temporarily frozen in disbelief, broke intae the widest o grins. For we had all telepathically landed on the same idea for a new game

The game was called ‘let’s get the c***t’.

Oor new game involved the use of many, many stanes and probably a couple o hauf bricks, and I’m sure there wis an empty hauf bottle o whisky involved (there used tae be quite a few o them lyin’ aboot).

Straight away wee Pisher, for that wis the name gied him for reasons I won’t bore you with, caught thon man a couple o hefty stanes tae his heid an body quickly followed wi pelters o mair o the same fae the rest o us.

He ran. We chased. He yelped. We laughed.

We ran him oot the park and to our mild disappointment, fir it wis a braw game, never saw him again.

Once he wis oot the park we lost interest almost immediately and went our way doun tae the Clyde aboot a mile distant tae see if we could find any human body parts.

We’d been telt by a bigger boy that some had been found doun by the riverside and we thought it might be fun tae root aboot the oily stanes on the shore an find some o oor ain – we never did. A few deid dugs an a haunfu o mangled cats wis the best wi cuid dae – an a fair few deid birds an aw.

And eventually, as the light dimmed and the air cooled, we’d make oor separate ways hame tae sleep the sleep o angels sae that we’d be ready tae embark on whatever new adventure the next day might bring.

And not one of us hid bad dreams or gied ony thought at aw tae sum eejit man wi his dick hingin oot an blawin in the wind.

I’m thinking that maybe the parents of young children today should start teaching them how to defend themselves in the ‘jungle’.

Because in the end the only thing that matters is their safety and their sanity and aw the laws in the world protecting thaim wha wid dae weans harm don’t count for bugger aw.

Dougall the Dug

As it is happening in half the countries of the world simultaneously, via “local activists” the creepy knob head foot soldiers they recruit; this is not one party this is organised infiltration a global psych op to destroy social cohesion and fabric of society.
It is not legal or sanctioned so why can they not be treated as intruders ?
The only time small children ever show untimely interest in sexual related stuff is safeguarding issues they are usually the ones being abused in the home or by someone who has got close to them somehow… All safeguarding is gone when you have the groomers getting access to Any children I include teenagers in that too, as folk mature mentally, emotionally socially at different paces.
This guy is a deviant but who ever winds his clock is there to sabotage the party and the country. Why folk don’t realise. To think I wouldn’t pass vetting for politics cos I’ve been on the dole! And that clowncils would offer last minute work in the summer holidays for suitably qualified creative activities teachers/students/artists but not give more than a fortnight till start date to use up fivers worth of budget! (cos they value kids so much?) So as a fortnight is too short a time to apply a new CRB never mind an enhanced one (you wouldn’t apply for one unless you had a job offer as
If you weren’t working then you’dnotbeable to afford to keep shelling out for one unless there was change of an actual contract. But the council did the same summer after summer last minute temporary contract so nobody could apply that needed the work soyou would remain unemployed and the kids would be without the proper enrichment activities to build a foundation that gives them positive stuff to do in their spare time other than drugs etc when they are older.
But now they are totally unhappy forced to do suspect things with suspect people for suspect reasons. What the fuck was wrong with painting, percussion and making puppets out of Papier mache and crepe paper.
When I grow up I want to be a sweaty bearded weirdo os that’s what I learnt at nursery today – cos it’s kind ????
What’s it called this mass indoctrination? Fiddler Yoof ?

Saffron Robe

Exposing children to transgenderism is sexual abuse. Under no circumstances should children be sexualised. For the state to “transition” children without parental consent is state-sanctioned indoctrination and sexual abuse, manipulating a minority group to foster division within society.

The crux of the matter is that trans rights, or more correctly transhuman rights, infringe on women’s rights. The HCA is designed solely to put transhuman rights over and above women’s rights by silencing any critique of biological males penetrating safe spaces for women and children. However, in a healthy society, women’s rights have to take precedence over transhuman rights because it is incumbent upon us all to protect women and children from male predators in whatever guise they may take. Transhuman rights are not human rights because they are not universal rights.

Transgenderism is misogynistic because it is an iconoclastic attack on wom(b)en as the symbol of fertility and motherhood. And as should be perfectly obvious, there is no future in transgenderism!

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