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Wings Over Scotland

Getting no satisfaction

Posted on September 05, 2018 by

This year’s Scottish Household Survey is out, and the press is in an absolutely gleeful orgy of misery over it. Here’s the Times, for example:

The paper’s leading line is that “only half of those polled were happy with schools, the NHS and transport provision in their area”. So readers would naturally assume that the other half were DISsatisfied, right?

The reality is somewhat different.

Because these (from p.170 of the document) are the actual percentages of Scots who said they were either “fairly” or “very” dissatisfied with the respective services:

Health: 12%
(unchanged from 2007)

Schools: 5%
(up from 4% in 2007)

Public transport: 16%
(DOWN from 17% in 2007)

That’s…that’s not a massive amount of dissatisfaction. Not even mild dissatisfaction. Indeed, readers might feel those figures are absolutely astoundingly positive given that (a) they come after 10 years of budgets squeezed by austerity cuts from Westminster, and (b) the media has been screaming itself hoarse non-stop for that whole decade about how completely dreadful everything in Scotland is.

In order to get their negative headlines, the press has had to leap on a stat for people who are happy with everything, which has indeed dropped a little over the decade (though only from 57% to 52%, and still an absolute majority).

But almost all of that change comes from education, and it’s not even people going from satisfied to dissatisfied, but from satisfied to (effectively) Don’t Know. Over the period, satisfaction with the NHS is fractionally UP (81% to 82%), and public transport is unchanged at 69% – still four and a half times the number who are UNhappy with their trains and buses.

Out of interest, if you DO treat “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied” as Don’t Knows and exclude them from the figures, as polls normally do, you end up with figures which – in line with the unadjusted ones – show that FEWER people are unhappy with the state of education than with anything else:


Satisfied: 87%
Dissatisfied: 13%


Satisfied: 93%
Dissatisfied: 7%


Satisfied: 81%
Dissatisfied: 19%

If you then bear in mind that only around 44% of the Scottish population voted SNP at the last Holyrood election, those are phenomenal approval ratings. The arithmetic inescapably demonstrates that the large majority of Labour, Tory and Lib Dem voters are broadly happy with the state of Scottish public services under the SNP, despite their own parties and the entire media constantly telling them they’re dreadful.

But still, in the papers, all is apocalypse.

The mystery of why so many Scots – faster than anyone else in the world – are giving up on the idea of handing over money to be lied to every day just keeps on deepening.

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I can’t believe the news today
Oh, I can’t close my eyes and make it go away
How long?

Till #ScotRef or #indyref2 as you like.

The coordinated lies of the MSM are a sight to behold.

Bob Mack

What we need is a pie chart to show the smallest piece as positive. Any Unionists that can help?


Excellent dissection Rev. Glad it’s not me having to trawl through all that bilge. You’re worth every penny.

Dr Jim

I think it’s that word *Scotland* that’s at the root of the problem, they don’t like it

My second name is Scott, I’ve got nae chance, I’m doomed


I wonder what the numbers would be if we didn’t have a bias media pumping out negative propaganda constantly.

Jockanese Wind Talker

The British Nationalist Media in Scotland.

Never knowingly tell the truth. EVER.

Allowing vacuous ‘Politicians’ to avoid scrutiny.

Defending the Union at all costs.

John Lowe

How do they send the survey to. I didnae get wan. However great work as usual Rev.


And not a counter policy in sight from any of them. As usual.

In the teeth of a decade of austerity? Wondering if there isn’t one of them wouldn’t bite your arm off for the SGs record in office?


Unionist bastards in Westminster based parties and the rich establishment’s media at it again.

Lies, Distortion, and Corruption all designed to keep control of Scotland’s wealth for the Southern manipulators.


The creatures who write this keech can go and do something anatomically impossible. Although my language is generally very colourful I can find no sweary word bad enough for them.
The Rev’s forensic analysis of the keech needs spread far and wide. I facebook just about every article here and lots of Nana’s links in the hope that some uninformed Britnat person reads them and thinks again.


What can you say eh. People are not daft, in general they can see for themselves the way that the SNP government have not only been forced to cushion the blows of Tory/Labour austerity on the most vulnerable, but they have had to try to mend the horrendous damage left by Labour’s 10 year stint at Holyrood.

Labour’s PFI scheme alone must be a strain on resources that could be much better spent, absolute disgrace.

Labour did nothing to improve Scotland’s infrastructure, nor did they do anything to improve the lives of Scotland’s people. Labour did the opposite didn’t they, sending back billions of £s to their pals in London, Westminster.

After Labour’s 80 year tenure in Scotland, taking the voters for fools, they kept Scotland poor and begging by sitting in Westminster cap in hand, with their Tory pals, doing absolutely nothing for Scotland.

It’ll take a few more years and decades to fully repair the Britnat damage to Scotland, after all it’s been a 300+ year stint of taking Scotland’s land, removing SCotland’s resources and pocketing Scotland’s revenues. Nice con, but now it’s Scotland’s turn to decide what Scotland’s money is spent on.

The SNP are not perfect, but they really are the only party with Scotland’s interests at the heart of policy, and contrary to Labour and Tory and Libdem ideology, it’s how things should be you wasters!


This is why Wings is invaluable.

To see that absolute pile of steaming msm horseshit all together demonstrates just how badly the Unionists are ramping up the onslaught.

It’s a damning disgrace, really is.

Corrado Mella

“We’re aw doooomed, doooomed, ha tell ye.”

Should we just take the piss as always?

Because the attacks on the majority that wants Independence will become relentless, the delegitimisation will become ongoing and the constant poke to the demented fuckers that still linger in the dark may trigger one of them to “take the matters in their own hands”.

One Jo Cox is enough for me to call the media to task: stop this. Now. I’m fucking serious.


Labour didn’t only fail to improve the infrastructure of Scotland they sent money back to London because they couldn’t think of anything that needed done here.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Getting no satisfaction This year’s Scottish Household Survey is out, and the press is in an absolutely […]

winifred McCartney

I wish the National would pick up and use some of these articles. I hope they are in negotiation with Rev Stu. Some will say it has to be balanced but since when was the Daily Record and Daily Mail or indeed any of the msm balanced. If the National is really for indy then surely some of the downright lies and distortions in these papers should be called out even if it is just ‘it has been pointed out that’. Unfortunately many people just read headlines, but gladly there are many of us who use the evidence of our own experiences and eyes.

Any sign of that fact checking promised by snp?


Great work, Stu.

Still working on the exact site of your statue on a 10ft high black granite plinth on Prince’s Street in Edinburgh.
Hoping to get a suitable public figure for the unveiling but it’s proving rather tricky at the moment.
Might have to settle for a drawing by Chris.


The one thing that I can’t get into my head is the fact that even although newspaper sales in Scotland are plummeting and more than half of the population are happy with the current SNP government they continually try to “Shock” their readers with blatant lies which are easily disproved.

Jockanese Wind Talker

The British Nationalist Media in Scotland.

Never knowingly tell the truth. EVER.

Allowing vacuous ‘Politicians’ to avoid scrutiny.

Defending the Union at all costs.


I thought I had become inured to this drivel but find myself hopping mad again. Post independence I want to see some retribution for the lies we have had to endure from these cretins. Jail time and heavy fines where possible would be preferable but at the very least their mendacious activities must be exposed and shamed.


Welcome back to the “Blow for Sturgeon” headline. I’ve missed it. Looking forward to the Household Survey for England figures coming out for comparison.

But 93% approval for education, and 87% for NHS, that has to be celebrated. Transport too. I see that May is going to “overhaul” rail services in England because they are so unpopular. So Ruth Davidson has some brass neck criticising Nicola, but we knew that already.


We also still have more dentists who will happily admit NHS patients. My wife and I are two. Such are almost extinct in England. We also don’t have to pay for our prescriptions and we get assessed and treated by the NHS instead of some profit seeking health company headed by a billionaire milking the public purse dry and seeking ways to deny you anything but the cheapest treatments.

You have to be very ignorant of all this to find such public services in Scotland not good enough. Talk to anyone South of the Border to find what their lives are like and if they are informed how jealous they are of you.


As I’ve said before, the Press, TV, Leonard, Rennie and the Tory wan, they’re all just Propaganda Terrorists to me. Funded and orchestrated from across the border, their day job is to harm Scotland by lies and smears. Someday they will have to pay for it.


It is interesting that the stats for people who actually use the services, parents of school children seem to still be satisfied and are largely unchanged.

The only explanation for this would be that those who have no “hands on” experience of the services provided get their opinions from elsewhere…

The only possible alternative source would be Media and its incessant SNP bad, services bad Meme.

I might feel that this is unfair and manipulative of the Media and I would probably be correct.

Thing is this has been going on for so long that poeple are becoming immune to is’s effects… so i see this as a glass half full kind of scenario.

Why well firstly the effect is lessened each time they run with an SNP bad story. Secondly this seems to infuriate the Brit Media and they up the anti to “ridiculous mode” to try and achieve the same results.

Trouble with that is they become more transparently propagandists and their message gets lost in the laughter. And being Unionists they only note the lack of impact, so start reaching even deeper into the morass looking for something no matter how stupid that will… do for the NATS.

But above all this survey shows that the press can produce a 3-4 percent swing in full Apocalypse mode, and that over an extended 5 year period.

Ten years ago it would have been 10 full percentage points and it would have transferred fully into belief that the services are bad.

Simply put the Press is loosing it’s MoJo and in Scotland particularly they know they are not influencing the people as they once could. Hence their batshit craziness and the loss of metal stability of their journalists.

Doug McGregor

Please put us out of our misery ,Rev , what do we have to do to somehow stop or match with facts the blatant propaganda we are fed daily.I hope you are putting a cunning plan together.


Getting my copy of The National this a.m. I clocked two Yoon rags screaming the same “SNP Past Their Sell-By Date” headlines.

Do they just print the same BS churned out by Blue and Red Tory press offices without any thought or effort on the part of their so called Journos?

Lazy feckers

Robert Peffers

You really cannot comprehend how these people’s brains work. I’ve just finished reading a text service article about an English member of the United Kingdom Parliament, Ruth Smeeth. She is the Labour Member for Stoke-on-Trent North. The English Potteries town.

Apparently Ceramics produced abroad that are being sold as British are undercutting the industry.

Ruth Smeeth. MP. has proposed a mandatory, “Country of Origin”, stamp to protect products made in Stoke-on-Trent. She told the House of Commons the area, known as, “The Potteries”, has a reputation for ceramics which has been cultivated , “Over Centuries”.

A, “Made in England”, stamp would be a, “guarantee of craftmanship”, she said.

Anyone else see something ultra ironic in that news item?

This is the House of Commons debating labels for things Made in England while everyone with any awareness in Scotland is scunnered by Butcher’s Aprons labels on iconic products and produce that is uniquely Scottish.

Just imagine The Butchers Apron Label stuck on an Arbroath Smokie or on a poke of Jethart Snails:-

link to


“For its many thousands of members (125,000), the SNP has become, not so much a political party, more a way of life.”

Well at least Iain McWhirter got that right.

Iain is like a joiner who somehow rarely manages to hammer a nail in straight. He gets it in so far and then hits the nail off-centre, bending it and making it much more difficult to get the nail in straight.
His articles end up punctuated with bent nails.

link to

Patsy Millar

I’m also wondering about the SNP’s fact checking; I’d really like to see some sign of it as, unfortunately, many people take their news from the MSM and not from that ‘controversial’ blogger, yourself!


Apparently some primary schools are encouraging pupils to take an interest in society around them by, wait for it – reading newspapers – scary!

Pentland Firth

It seems to me that it’s the print media in Scotland that are tired and “past their sell by date”.

Any time I find myself in a shop I can’t but help notice that almost all those buying newspapers are over or very near to retirement age. I very rarely see anyone under 60 buying or reading a newspaper. Both the propaganda sheets and their readers will be dead in a relatively short period of time, and few of us will mourn their passing.


I listened and watched news items yesterday on all this negative news on Mental Health in Young people and the lack of immediate help/access available to them and this was blamed entirely on the SNP’s supposed dire record with no mention of any restrictions and circumstances as to why this is occurring.

I am someone who has suffered depression off and on for a few years , to the extent that I took early retirement at 55 years of age because I was unable to function on a day to day basis. I did not tell my employer or seek any medical help, rightly or wrongly it was my choice not to seek help but instead I chose to try and overcome it myself.

Not once did I choose self help because I thought that there would a long waiting list and that in turn must mean the Scottish government were somehow culpable and therefore why bother seeking medical help.

As I have said this was my choice and I appreciate and respect that for others that may not be an ideal option for their depression.I still suffer depression which leaves me feeling detached from others around me , crippled with self doubt and worth and lacking in any confidence to even consider applying for any new jobs, even though as a Waspi woman I must wait until I am in my sixties (66) before I receive my state pension.

I suppose the point I am trying to make is that although I suffer from depression, and like others I deal with it in the best way I can, I am angered when I see opposition parties using and abusing people like me in order to politically point score while knowing they could not improve or change a system which is shackled to WM financial restrictions and a climate which is alienating EU health staff from coming to work in this country thanks to Brexit.

On a plus side I take great pleasure from both reading WOS and having the confidence to post on this site even although I can be somewhat over indulgent in the length of my comments. It gives me a focus and an energy I would not normally have, more importantly it empowers me and reiterates my belief that I am on the right side.

Apologies to anyone who reads this personal comment on such a public forum but I am saddened that people such as I , like many others, are used as pawns in political games.


As Brexit draws ever closer, it is important to clearly understand the situation we in Scotland are in.

Theresa May: Her priority is to leave the EU while retaining Scotland as an English colony.

Nicola has a mandate for an Independence referendum. She also has a 62% vote to remain in the EU. The evidence for a disastrous Brexit is piled high and getting higher. There is NO future for Scotland as part of the Union after Brexit.
It is vital that Nicola does not hand Theresa May any opportunity to weaken Scotlands position. Westminster will remain treacherous to the bitter end.
Remember, without Scotland, England will be bankrupt – deep in debt but unable to pay. They will become more and more desperate and will resort to anything which offers the chance to avoid the ending of their lucrative power over Scotland.

Many indy voters are impatient, others frustrated, others still are agitated and unrestrained in their calls for immediate action by Nicola. Thankfully, the majority are patient and are prepared to wait until the time is right. They know that Nicola will only raise her sword high when victory for the Scottish nation is assured.
It won’t be long now, after the year turns. Until that time comes we must be calm and collected, but also alert and watchful, confident and disciplined; preserving our strength and increasing our resolve, to be ready – to reclaim our sovereign Independence.

Liz g

Iain @ 1.55
That really is scary…
We already know how history is distorted from our own experience in school’s.
Our teachers are more than capable of teaching critical thinking but our curriculum always seems to fall short..
That two people never read the same book “should be whole of the law”,LOL.. Well the basis of the guidelines at least..
EG… I never cared about the Green light on the dock in Gatsby… I wanted to know what happened to the wee dog,my teacher didn’t see it that way… But I still say I’m right!

Packhorse Pete

Why don’t we have a poll showing satisfaction levels with the press in Scotland?

Liz g

Clapper 57 @ 2.16
No apology necessary Clapper 57… In fact thank you for sharing,it’s the only way people like me have any chance of understanding.
Its not as if we could depend on the Media to give an honest account,it’s people like you on blogs like this,who actually care enough to share, that are the route to getting things right going forward…
Take care of you. X


FFS – you only need to watch the UK news to see the shambles that Westminster is making of these devolved areas in South Britain to see that Scotland is miles ahead in every respect. At what point will these lickspittles realise that their diminishing readership is down to their inability to tell the truth to the people of Scotland and that the people of Scotland can see straight through their lies.


Packhorse Pete @2.36pm

As I have said on a number of occasions the only part of Scottish life that the Westminster controlled media in Scotland never criticise is the Westminster controlled media – surprise surprise. What does this tell us ?

It tells us the the media in Scotland is not Scottish.

It tells us there is collusion among the media to print the same lies.

It tells us there is no competition between the media in Scotland or they would call out the lies and propaganda in their competition to rubbish them and attempt to increase their own sales/broadcasting viewing figures.

It tells us the media in Scotland and the Britnat political parties all collude to tell the exact same lies not now and again but all the time.

It tells us without any doubt that the media in Scotland is under the complete control of the British state and is used on a daily basis for Britnat propaganda purposes.

Nation Libre

It’s like the attacks on the Mental Health waiting times. Tories drive austerity, hammer the poorest and weakest in society, bedroom tax, sanctions etc. Stressing the shit out of people leading to more mental breakdowns and suicides. But who carries the can, SNP, as it controls the Health Service. We’ve to mitigate against Tory policies again

FFS, why isn’t this getting rammed down their throats in radio and TV interviews when they’re attacking the massive rise in suicides?


Packhorse Pete says:
5 September, 2018 at 2:36 pm
Why don’t we have a poll showing satisfaction levels with the press in Scotland?

Now THERE’S an idea. To add credibility it should be spread far and wide getting responses from as many as possible. British nationalists will say it’s wonderful but many, many others and not just yessers would express their disgust.

Just think how embarrassing a widely responded to poll would be for the poor things 🙂


Re last comment meant to add that it should be set up so that those not on Twitter or FB could vote online also.

Andy Anderson

I read this info from another website and came to the same conclusion as you Sit.
He’ll mend the lot of them


We don’t need opposition parties in Scotland when we have a rabid Brit Nat state supporting media circus unwilling to report the truth about anything remotely resembling good news in Scotland.
What is truly sickening however is how effective it is when the transparency of the wilful misinformation is all too glaring and obvious. Its as if far too many people want to believe the media even when they cant fail to miss the contradictions.
How anybody in Scotland can believe we are best served by the UK state with the absolute horrific standards of Government we’ve had to endure for the last 50 years is beyond all understanding.
And its those who have had to endure the longest who support it the most.
It is unfathomable levels of derangement and unawareness.

Robert Peffers

@Patsy Millar says: 5 September, 2018 at 1:52 pm:

” … I’m also wondering about the SNP’s fact checking; I’d really like to see some sign of it as, unfortunately, many people take their news from the MSM and not from that ‘controversial’ blogger, yourself!”

Well! Patsy, it is a bit life looking to buy a fish supper from a Greengrocer’s shop. In this case the shopper is just wasting time looking in the wrong place for they won’t get the truth of what the SNP has done, is doing or is about to do in the Daily Wrecker, Daily Fail or the Daily Depress. Nor on any of the Westminster funded or controlled Broadcast media.

However, if they tried:-

link to

link to

link to


link to

They might stand a chance of getting it right from the SNP or SG itself.

Then, of course there is:

link to

And certainly not least of all:-

link to


@Cubby &Packhorse Pete; This is unfortunately always going to be the case (even after independence) when you have a media ran and controlled by a foreign agency that actively campaigns against the national government.

We all know we would like unbiased, quality information but that simply isn’t going to happen without some way to enforce it. But suggest taxation or legislation and they’ll scream blue bloody murder and have great delight reminding us the last person to do this was Hitler. Maybe tho, he was right….

Dr Jim

Scotland has learned from newspapers

I think they call it how NOT to be a newspaper

But the newspaperers haven’t learned that, and if they don’t when they’re gone they’re gone and you know what, when they have gone they’ll have telly programs discussing and wondering why they’re gone featuring ex newspaperers with puzzled looks on their faces blaming eveybody else but themselves

Funnily enough exactly what the Labour party does now when they decide to tell old lies made into new lies then get angry with the voters when they say

Heard it, remember it the first time you lied about it so sod off not listening to it again!

When kids stick their fingers in the fire they do remember the experience and don’t repeat their stupidity, Journalists? not so much, maybe they were over protected as children that’s why they keep sucking at Englands milky parts for comfort

It’s proving to be a bitter tasting comfort, but oh how I’m comforted by their discomfort


Don’t think the SNP is past its sell by date at all but something is putrefying in the political system of the British state.
The SNP haven’t sold themselves for dark money nor are they selling the citizens of Scotland out.
Tories for YES, Labour for YES Libdems for YES- any political persuasion ( or none ) that supports Scotland’s autonomy is healthier and ensures longevity.
It is the difference between the discourse of an inclusive deliberative democracy and the hollowed out toxic rhetoric that is blasted out in Scotland’s direction on a daily basis ( but increasingly ignored)..

Marie Clark

Jeezo, they dinnae hauf gie ye the boak. On and bloody on it goes, SNP BAAAAD, blow for Sturgeon, SNP split, civil war amongst independence supporters. It could fair weary a body.

What gets right up my nose is, that the msm britnats are all quick to start shouting about things, but, and there’s aye a but, where are the policies of their own. Cmon, the Ruth Davidson party, Libdums and the Scottish branch of the Labour party. Tell us what you would do to improve a’ the things that you claim are wrong. Total silence. Nae answer tae that one. Enough already.

Slab & the Libdums had their chance and quite frankly made an erse o’ it. Could not even think of one thing to spend the money on, so they sent it back to Westminster. Sheesh.

Awa and bile yer heid the lot of you. We the public, who do actually use the services your moaning about, ken when we’re being lied to. Our services are great compared to other corners of the UK, especially Wales. Wunner whose in charge there. Oh aye, it’s Labour.

O/T anybody know what’s happened to indycar Gordon on youtube. He hasn’t had a post up for 5 days now, not like him. Have youtube given him the bums rush.

Paul Wilson

Can anyone tell me if we are in a different time Zone or universe from the Edinburgh Evening News it has it’s Rag in the shops at 06.30 When I was growing up I was told that, that was Morning!

Robert Peffers

@Packhorse Pete says: 5 September, 2018 at 2:36 pm:

” … Why don’t we have a poll showing satisfaction levels with the press in Scotland?”

Err! Excuse me Packhorse Pete, but – just who the hell would publish or broadcast the results except Wings and the wee list of linked sites on the right hand side of these comments and we all know truth anyway.

I was just having a wee chuckle to myself reading the example Rev Stu used above, “Blow to Sturgeon”.

Aiblins yon puir wee wummin haes haed mair, “Blows”, tae thole its a wunner she kin staun up tae spak in wir pairliament ava.


I am still in mourning for the death of the media in Scotland.

Thankfully, we do have alternative media which I now rely on for information, discussion of ideas and entertainment. I would love to have more Scottish storytelling and drama online but that will surely come. It’s not as if we are short of writers, poets and dramatists. Just short of a broadcasting service capable of reflecting that.

I listened wih great interest to the Barrhead Boy podcast interview of Tommy Sheridan this morning, which Nana posted. TS still has a powerful ability to speak out for independence. But his reputation has taken a battering over the past few years and I have no idea if that is fair or a “set up” to silence a highly influential individual.

Here’s the link. It is about an hour long but the time soon flies by. At the end, there is a heartbreaking story about a child “learning resilience” in dreadful but all too common circumstances. Hankies at the ready.

link to


I know that it must be somewhat time consuming for you Stew,
But your doing exactly what is required, immediately counter these suspect press reports, and do them on the internet where we can, and will pass them onto the public at large.
Would that The National do the same!!.


Roll on the day that these liars held to account for for misleading the elderly and simple minded.
Do they feel no shame?

Josef Ó Luain

@Doctor Jim

If your fifty-years-old on November 2nd and your second name is Barry, please let me know. This is a real long-shot on my part, but a genuine enquiry. Thanks.


“The mystery of why so many Scots – faster than anyone else in the world – are giving up on the idea of handing over money to be lied to every day just keeps on deepening.”

You Mister Stuart are what my Mum calls a sarky bugger.
Of course I wouldn’t have you any other way, and neither would my Mum. Keep on soaring!


Isn’t it amazing how co-ordinated these attacks are between the unionist parties and the MSM. You could almost believe they are in the same offices, in fact some of them used to be.


Paul Wilson
When I was a paperboy in this fair city in the 1950s, the Edinburgh Evening News came out at 5.30pm. Sometimes if there was a big story it would not arrive in the shop until after 6pm.
There was also the Pink News with football results at about 6pm on Saturday.
There was also the long defunct Evening Dispatch, which had a green Saturday football edition.
Nowadays it is just a less virulent add on to the Scotsman.
Since you ask, I got fourteen shillings a week for two rounds a day. Actually quite generous at the time. I wasn’t complaining.


I have spent a few hours catching up with posts written over the last few days and have seen no mention of this poll (maybe I missed it?) so I thought I’d post it…..91% for Independence – and from the P&J!
link to


@ Liz G @ 2.43pm

Thanks Liz you are a sweetie.

Thought appropriate to apologise anyway as in my post to disclose something so personal on a public forum may have caused people to be embarrassed…which I fully understand, if for some, that is the case .

Have a good evening Liz.


I’m fed up. I am fed up with Leonard, Davidson, Rennie, Rees Mogg, Johnson, Gove and Fox. I am tired of looking at the front pages of so called NEWSpapers with nothing to say about Scotland except that we are shite. I am utterly,utterly baffled as to why my fellow Scots do not have the pride in their country to want to be independent and to see this Westmonster government for what it is, A useless bunch of wasters with little to no interest in anything north of the Watford gap.

The Tree of Liberty

msdidi @ 4.48. Is that kosher?

Ian Brotherhood

@Clapper 57 (2.16) –

Well said, and I echo Liz G’s comment.

I don’t know if the depression you suffer is of clinical severity so please forgive me commenting without knowing the full picture, but the flip side of the same coin you describe is the fact that we are all force-fed this 24/7 narrative of doom, that our lifestyles, children, workplaces, public services, sports, everything, everywhere all around us is just shite all the time.

We often see the relationship between WM/London and the ‘regions’ compared to that suffered by the abused spouse (as in Jakey Rowling’s infamous claptrap) but to me a more apt analogy is the bitter, jealous parent who tells the wean that (s)he’s a loser and will never amount to anything. For some perspective – my parents’ generation were dismissed by such authority figures as ‘factory fodder’. Now, with improved conditions, a decent factory job is like gold dust, so if you can’t even get one of them what does that make you?!

It’s more insidious and damaging than physical abuse because that, at least, is identifiable. Bruises heal. Sexual abuse is horrific and disgusting but there are real offenders, people who committed crimes and are guilty and know it – they seem to be caught and convicted very rarely but at least the victims can seek help and know, in themselves, that they are not to blame. (I’m struggling to find the precisely correct language to describe this and don’t want to appear to be treating these crimes lightly – I trust the point I’m making below is clear enough.)

What we are *all* being subjected to is psychological assault, day after day, after month after year, decade, and it stretches back further than any of us can remember. The so-called ‘cringe’ is a reaction to that abuse and is so common that it’s become a kind of grim joke. 9Cameron B has, for years now, been posting peer-reviewed academic papers which few of us read, but many of them contain hard evidence to back this up.)

It’s so difficult to get people to see the importance of this when we’re *all* inside it, are inured to it, but I’m old enough to remember when rumours of sexual abuse of children were dismissed because the very idea of adults having sex with children was just ludicrous and impossible and disgusting it was literally unthinkable and couldn’t be taken seriously. Just as ‘cancer’ used to be whispered about and called ‘The Big C’, so the idea that priests and nuns could rape and torture children was not entertained, especially if you were raised in an environment where clergy were all-powerful. Exactly the same accusations of ‘conspiracist’ used to belittle anyone griping about the treatment of Scotland were once levelled at those who dared to expose sex offenders.

Clapper 57, I hope that the depression you suffer is a natural reaction to all of this. I believe that many of us feel the same and have for a long time but we just ‘get on with it’ because we’re told to, from a very early age, by all the people we respect and love the most. Those people – well-motivated or not – were wrong to merely repeat the same experiences they suffered. We don’t have to make the same mistakes and there’s no need for our own weans to have to deal with the baggage we got dumped with. (In any event, if polling figures are to be believed then they seem quite savvy enough to refuse to accept it anyway.)

I’m not going into my own experience of it all because it’s too personal and a lot of the people involved are still alive and might see this, put two and two together, and they don’t get a right of reply – I’ve shut them out of my life and don’t intend ever to see or hear from them again, but I’ve seen what happens to some who agree to accept treatment for ‘depression’ and it is fuckin horrendous.

(FWIW, the only thing I’ve found which helps is good diet and physical exercise. ‘Big Pharma’, for embarrassingly obvious reasons, wants to make us ill and keep us ill permanently.)

Good luck to you and yours. One day, I hope, we will have an opportunity to measure the psychological impact of real, full independence. It’s something that none of us have ever experienced and, hopefully, it will only happen once. It’s one experiment for which, I suspect, most of us would be more than happy to be guinea pigs! In the meantime, many of us continue to grapple with various levels of depression – best we can do is learn to manage it healthily and take time-out when it gets too much. We help each other, even if that means stepping in to provide comments and dialogue when someone else has decided to go and recharge their batteries. We can take turns feeling down about it all. But we should be positive – we have a lot of batteries!

Good luck to you. 🙂

Dave McEwan Hill

It is so obvious now that all media attacks on the SNP whether they come from Labour or the Tories are from an external source and completely coordinated.

We expect nothing different from the Tories who are merely a brainless front for the establishment.

However the correct term for the media,the Labour Party and the LibDems is “collaborators”

Jason Smoothpiece

Scotland is shite SNP bad heard it all before. Listened to BBC Scotland just after 6am this morning unbelievable SNP badness.

Anyway how are things doing in England and Wales?


Im scratching my head at how the Scotman managed to create such a negative looking graph from such small variations in figures?


@ Dave McEwen Hill. Maybe that’s what the Dark Money is for?

Bob Mack

Why do people still support the Union?

The answer is 300 years of being told we matter. 300 years of self interested nobles and career politicians telling us we mattered. 300 years of devotion to Royalty,who graced our presence during holidays and coronations.
300 years of promoting the idea that protestant religion and Royalty were somehow intertwined and served each other.

300 years of military service devoted to Royalty in Queens and Kings regiments.

We have been brainwashed for centuries to serve and obey, to have respect and loyalty. Many Irish have been brainwashed and excluded from public life and office to reinforce servitude to the greater UK citizen.

Sectarianism, used as a political device nowadays to appeal to this historic bias. UK is a ruthless master.

We are fortunate.We have drawn the veil from our eyes, but others are not so lucky. Many do not wish to do it at all.

Unionists have been used for centuries to subjugate the Scottish people. Many bear Coats of arms of this nation.

It is tradition we must overcome. Hatred and resentment,built up over centuries. We must hold out our hand to others who have not yet learned.

I suppose it is a bit like telling someone who has worshipped God their whole life that they have followed a false Deity. Not much would convince them that the suffering they endured was not God’s plan for them, unless you could prove it. Even then you would have those who refused to believe the evidence.

Such is our struggle,but we are winning.


jfngw says:

Isn’t it amazing how co-ordinated these attacks are between the unionist parties and the MSM.

Dave McEwan Hill says:

It is so obvious now that all media attacks on the SNP whether they come from Labour or the Tories are from an external source and completely coordinated.

Indeed! What is interesting is that it has all become more and more frantic. Any subtlety or caution has been cast aside. There is no attempt to hide what must rightly be termed conspiracy.

This is no ‘theory’, this is an open, obvious, and coordinated project to undermine democracy in Scotland. However, clever propaganda, it is not! The very panic-stricken nature of it all wreaks of desperation rather than sophistication.

The tipping point where it becomes counter productive for their own UKOK cause, has passed IMO.


We know the truth.

And the truth will set us free =)


Ghillie @ 5:52pm.
So we do, but it’s those outside who don’t look at, or unaware of “Wings” who need to be told the truth.


Bob Mack says:

Why do people still support the Union?

I agree with what you say about the brain washed cult followers. I wouldn’t completely give up on converting them, but they are going to be hard nuts to crack (pun intended).

However, what percentage of 2014NOs and BritNat party voters does that group actually represent?

I think it’s around half.

They other half are motivated by a mix of fear and self interest. Fear that they would lose what they had become accustomed to and reasoned assessment that the UK offered best protection for their status and wealth (however modest).

I genuinely believe, given where the UK has shifted to, for IndyRef2 this entire group is up for grabs.

Take one group. EU citizens who tended to vote NO in 2014. If they still have the franchise, and can be persuaded to vote, then that’s a healthy swing to be had.

Past NOs need to be shown that they UK they opted for as a ‘safe haven’ has changed in ways they couldn’t have predicted, and Indy is now a better bet for most of them.

Pensions. Commit to EU average levels of state pension in iScotland, and we can make in-road with pensioners.

Dr Jim


That’s not me I’m afraid I wish I was as young as that


Im scratching my head at how the Scotman managed to create such a negative looking graph from such small variations in figures?

Years of practice

Dan Huil

Unlikely, I know, even for the lying britnat media, but they’ll be telling us next there’s civil war within the SNP. Oh, wait…


England looks at Scotland the way a shark looks at a shoal of herring.

Scotland’s wellbeing doesn’t fit into Westminster’s plans.


I have a few preferences for a Scottish government: independent*
2. Control and utilise your own currency effectively
3. Manage and nurture the bounty nature has given us
4. Have a voluntary Job guarantee

*2-4 rely on 1


Albaman @ 6.00 pm

‘… but it is those outside who don’t look at, or unaware of ”Wings” who need to be told the truth.’

Absolutely spot on!

And that’s where we all come in.

Each with our own talents, each in our own way, taking this incredibly well laid out information Rev Stu passes on every day and us passing it on again in whatever we can 🙂


The Tree of Liberty says:
5 September, 2018 at 5:00 pm
msdidi @ 4.48. Is that kosher?

No it’s not. It’s the same poll that’s been out recently with a 52% for yes.

Please don’t click on msdidi’s link. It’s not archived and will fund the colonialist enabling propaganda outlet the P&J.


Clapper57 @ 2.16 pm

Apology not required at all.

Thank you Clapper, that was a very useful and astute contribution.

I for one understand what you are saying and many many people who have known depression will have had a similar experience. That’s the nature of the beast! It can be very difficult to seek, feel you deserve or even believe in help.

And that will effect the figures.

But the fact that my chosen elected Scottish Government actually WANT to and ARE finding ways to improve services in mental health is a boost for me and everyone’s sense of self worth. No matter who tries to spoil that message.

Sending you a wee hug =)

Liz g

Dr Jim @ 6.09 & Josef
Dis that mean there’s 2 o’ the buggers…
The Union has nae chance…


Ann says:
5 September, 2018 at 5:18 pm
Im scratching my head at how the Scotman managed to create such a negative looking graph from such small variations in figures?””

Careful choice of the scale on the x and y axis can exaggerate small changes and the overall slope of the graph making thing a look worse than they are.


They are only dissatisfied with the Press. Reporting that rubbish.

Why unionists keep on attacking Education/SNHS and public services is a mystery. Everyone supports these services. They know how good they are because they use them every day. .

The could be even better if Westminster was not wasting and mismanaging Scottish money and resources.

Sometime you would think they had never been in a school, hospital or using transport.

The Alex Salmond nonsense was a disgrace.


A wee while ago the resigned retired professor of media politics, John Robertson, wrote, ‘In some ways, there’s a kind of zombie-like predictability in the behaviour of the Unionist media and their political buddies, but as in all zombie drama, despite their scary raving and slavering, they eventually lose.’ The ravings do seem to have intensified recently and the circulation figure suggest the average, not hooked on WoS, reader is being turned off.

Extrapolating the Herald’s circulation figures beyond 2017, it is possible to predict its demise by 2022.
link to


The lying goes on in all quarters of the corrupt UK administration. Spotted this on Craig Murrays blog:

link to

The article is entitled “The impossible photo”. Appears to be an own goal by the union on their lies over the Skripal affair and yet another reason why you cannot trust one word of what is broadcast or printed (with minor exceptions) in this disgusting so called democracy. The only safe way to proceed is to start with the premise that everything you hear or see is a lie and work back from there. I might just exclude anything David Attenborough has to say about the lifecycle of hedgehogs. Even that could be a propaganda tool these days!


Capella says:
5 September, 2018 at 3:51 pm

Enjoyed the broadcast with Tommy Sheridan (has to be said I only became a fan of his since 2013)

Missed the wee lassie until you posted it here. Absolutely heart breaking that this is happening in 21st Century Scotland.
I don’t have kids, but no child in Scotland should be going to bed hungry & cold.
Makes me realise what a thoroughly spoiled brat I was growing up and all the privileges I took for granted.

Winifred Mccartney

Depression is a very difficult thing to talk about and for people around the sufferer to help. In some ways it is a silent lonely illness – much easier to have sympathy for someone with a plaster on a limb. I wonder though if many actions of this Tory govt is causing many of the stresses and worries that give rise to mental Ill-health. Parents suffering working poverty, zero hours contracts etc. I know UK has lowest pensions in Europe and read today that. Russia has a lower pension age than UK. The constant MSM distortions of what is happening in Scotland does not help and only adds to anxiety levels. The MSM has a lot to answer for.I really hope those suffering on this way get the support and help they need.

Chris Kilby

Wish I got as many blows as Nicola Sturgeon.

Chris Kilby

Glad the Rev reads aw this pish so we don’t have to.


Some good news coming from Angela Merkel.

“Angela Merkel admits collapse of Brexit talks cannot be ruled out”

Angela Merkel has warned her country’s business leaders that the Brexit negotiations are in danger of collapse.

With talks in Brussels at an impasse with just months to go before a deal needs to be agreed, the German chancellor made a rare intervention at a conference in Frankfurt.

She told major players in the world of German finance on Tuesday: “We don’t want the discussions to break down. We will use all our force and creativity to make sure a deal happens. We don’t want these negotiations to collapse. But we also can’t fully rule that out because we still have no result.”

The EU says it needs a deal to be struck on the withdrawal agreement covering citizens’ rights, the £39bn divorce bill and the Irish border, along with the political declaration on the future deal, by November at the latest.

link to

Andrew Scott

Notice the final chart from the papers begins the y-axis at 40% to basically amplify any change.


@ Ghillie @ 6.55pm

Thank you.

Yes Ghillie, it does help greatly to have faith in your government, in fact the political alternatives, would, I think , exacerbate matters given their individual respective manifestos are dictated to be in line with their WM HQ’s manifestos, WM HQ’s who are more preoccupied and concerned with the more dominant country’s NHS within UKOK.

Have a good evening


@ Winifred Mccartney @ 7.30pm

Yes Winifred it is difficult to talk about depression, more so, with the people you are close to but tis easier to be more open somewhere such as this forum where you know you will not be judged and where you are relatively anonymous.

Your observation on possible despair and depression being compounded by actions and policies implemented by the Tory party is indeed insightful. This combined with feeling overwhelmed by the events of Brexit , Trump, a ruthless and biased media etc does result in feeling a sense of hopelessness for the future.

However as an Indy supporter I , personally , have hope and a degree of optimism in that there is both a movement of people and a political party that seeks a more fairer and just society.It is not a cure for depression but it is certainly a move in the right direction to address some of the madness and selfishness we are currently enduring in UKOK and the world.

Have a good evening

Andy smith

Manandboy @1pm,
There’s already a spot on princes st for rev’s statue, at the East end.
Just pu that big eejit aff his horse .


Saw the pic of Jackson carlaw in the bbc studio. Thought he was in for desert island dicks.


Satisfaction ‘plummets’ by ONE PER CENT, a figure so low that statisticians consider it ‘not statistically significant’

And the ‘no one else to blame’ trop is becoming tired. Labour Councils are quick to blame the Scottish Government over funding, and were quick to blame Westminster when in office in the, then, Scottish Executive.

The same holds true today, lower funding from Westminster means a smaller pot. Managing to keep satisfaction this HIGH is an amazing feat.

However, SLAB wants to entirely contradict the alleged reason we have our present voting system in Scotland. The lack of FPTP was to ensure that we had a more ‘consensus based’ government. Although, as we all know it was designed to keep SNP out of power – that didn’t work well, did it?

When funds are cut, it’s the Scottish Government they blame, despite them having little to know control over funding, just how the increasingly smaller pot is spent. When SNP does something they HAVE been in favour of, and they can’t get away with criticising it, they say ‘It doesn’t go far enough’ despite them having had years to do the exact same thing and failing to even attempt it.

Labour’s politicking is harmful to our country and is the main reason many, myself included, went over to SNP in the first place…


@ shinty – yes I found that wee lassie’s story so very sad. It deserves wider circulation but I couldn’t see any info on who wrote it. Indicates how important teachers are in helping deprived children. The food is important but so is the emotional support.

I remember from reading Alice Miller’s work how important it was that at least one person listens and affirms.

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 5 September, 2018 at 3:51 pm:

” … I would love to have more Scottish storytelling and drama online but that will surely come. It’s not as if we are short of writers, poets and dramatists. Just short of a broadcasting service capable of reflecting that.”

Ah! It is, and has been for some time, already on-line.

Just go to YouTube and enter in the search box, “Scottish Drama”.

You will get plenty results.

I just did the search and this is the first one from the list – I haven’t watched it so have no idea if it is good bad or indifferent.

While not perhaps indifferent it is, at least in.

link to

I expect, being YouTube, there will be great variety in quality but with use you will find people with dedicated channels that you can subscribe to. Also try searches for, ” Scottish Stories”, Scots raconteur, Scots anecdotist, Scottish teller of tales, Scottish spinner of yarns and so on.

There is lots of talent out there – mind you there is also some right old claptrap.

Not to mention that there are several other video apps like Dailymotion that you can access on-line and even on Smart TVs.

I’m not short of entertainment, Capella and I haven’t watched on-air broadcast tv for well over a decade. In fact I used to feature lots of my own stuff on my own YouTube Channel.

Here’s a search on YouTube that will provide lots of interest just search for, “Lochore Meadows”. You may even get some of my old stuff from before I had my old channel that I’ve missed taking down.


@ Robert Peffers – thx – will check those links out. I used to like listening to a play on the radio but I’ve got tired of listening to the sort of stuff they broadcast now.

Having said that, I am listening to Radio Scotland as we speak, Travelling Folk. It’s good!


We are effectively an occupied country.


The Tories continue in their quest to find a metaphorical herd of wild unicorns.

With their red lines they have two options … cliff jump or Canada-style.

Canada needs NI to stay in the single market and that implies customs between NI and Britain. Fair enough. The Tories won’t face up to reality. Unicorns do not exist!

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Clapper 57 (2.16) –

Well said, and I echo Liz G’s comment.

(I posted this approx 5 this afternoon but just realised it contained a ‘banned’ word and that’s why it didn’t appear earlier – luckily, scrolling back a page, it was still there so I’ve been able to amend it slightly.)

I don’t know if the depression you suffer is of clinical severity so please forgive me commenting without knowing the full picture, but the flip side of the same coin you describe is the fact that we are all force-fed this 24/7 narrative of doom, that our lifestyles, children, workplaces, public services, sports, everything, everywhere all around us is just shite all the time.

We often see the relationship between WM/London and the ‘regions’ compared to that suffered by the abused spouse (as in Jakey Rowling’s infamous claptrap) but to me a more apt analogy is the bitter, jealous parent who tells the wean that (s)he’s a loser and will never amount to anything. For some perspective – my parents’ generation were dismissed by such authority figures as ‘factory fodder’. Now, with improved conditions, a decent factory job is like gold dust, so if you can’t even get one of them what does that make you?!

It’s more insidious and damaging than physical abuse because that, at least, is identifiable. Bruises heal. Sexual abuse is horrific and disgusting but there are real offenders, people who committed crimes and are guilty and know it – they seem to be caught and convicted very rarely but at least the victims can seek help and know, in themselves, that they are not to blame. (I’m struggling to find the precisely correct language to describe this and don’t want to appear to be treating these crimes lightly.)

What we are *all* being subjected to is psychological assault, day after day, after month after year, decade, and it stretches back further than any of us can remember. The so-called ‘cringe’ is a reaction to that abuse and is so common that it’s become a kind of grim joke. (Cameron B has, for years now, been posting peer-reviewed academic papers which few of us read, but many of them contain hard evidence to back this up, especially when tied into issues relating to identity and/or post-colonialism.)

It’s so difficult to get people to see the importance of this when we’re *all* inside it, are inured to it, but I’m old enough to remember when rumours of the sexual abuse of children were dismissed because the very idea of adults having sex with children was just ludicrous and impossible and disgusting – it was literally unthinkable and couldn’t be taken seriously. Just as ‘cancer’ used to be whispered about and called ‘The Big C’, so the idea that priests and nuns could brutalise children was not entertained, especially if you were raised in an environment where clergy were all-powerful. Exactly the same accusations of ‘conspiracist’ which are often used to belittle anyone griping about the treatment of Scotland (esp vis-a-vis oil and other natural resources) were once levelled at those who dared to expose sex offenders.

Clapper 57, I hope that the depression you suffer is a natural reaction to all of this. I believe that many of us feel the same (to a greater or lesser degree) and have for a long time but we just ‘get on with it’ because we’re told to, from a very early age, by all the people we respect and love the most. Those people – well-motivated or not – were wrong to merely repeat the same poor advice they were given. We don’t have to make the same mistakes and there’s no need for our own weans to have to deal with the baggage we got dumped with. (In any event, if polling figures are to be believed then they seem quite savvy enough to refuse to accept it anyway.)

I’m not going into my own experience of it all because it’s too personal and a lot of the people involved are still alive and might see this, put two and two together, and they don’t get a right of reply – I’ve shut them out of my life and don’t intend ever to see or hear from them again, but I’ve seen what happens to some who agree to accept treatment for ‘depression’ and it is fuckin horrendous. It’s why I have never done it and never ever will. ‘Talking’ therapy is one thing but the chemical route is another altogether.

One day, I hope, we will have an opportunity to measure the psychological impact of real, full independence. It’s something that none of us have ever experienced and, hopefully, it will only happen once. It’s an experimental scenario for which, I suspect, most of us would be more than happy to be guinea pigs! In the meantime, many of us continue to grapple with various levels of depression – best we can do is learn to manage it healthily and take time-out when the political side of things gets too much. We help each other, even if that means stepping in to provide comments and dialogue when someone else has decided to go and recharge their batteries. We counter the liars and the naysayers who grasp every opportunity to make us feel bad about ourselves and our communities. The reason they do it is because it worked in the past. Well, it’s not working any longer, and they know it as well as us – the weaker the effectiveness of the assault the more strident, nasty and threatening they become.

It does become extremely wearing but we can take turns feeling down about it all. And we should be positive – we have a lot of batteries!

Good luck to you. 🙂

Scot Finlayson

As Mark Twain once nearly said,

“There are three kinds of lies,

lies,damned lies and Scottish journalism.”

Big Phil

@Iain @ 1.55 and Oor Liz g @ 2.35,
My wee lassie said her teacher told her never to trust newspapers as they make up half the stuff to make it more interesting, She Knew that, cos I tell her all the time as well.
Hi Liz always here my wee pal,read up everyday,doin my bit like you all.
Its all getting exciting summit big must be about tae blow IMHO.

By the way whoever asked Dr Jim the question above, Im 50 and 2nd November is ma bufty… wit did a win??? 😉


@Ian Brotherhood

That was a great post, the fact is anyone at all can suffer from depression and there are many well known examples who have chosen to make it public.

It’s something that should be talked about because as you said so many would never admit it to others or seek help as it still carries with it a stigma borne through ignorance.

Like any illness we in Scotland need the best treatments and I’m pleased that the Scottish government are acknowledging this and are willing to spend money on at least providing young people with someone to go to when they need support.

It’s a good initiative and should be welcomed by all.


Located the story “Resilience”. It’s by Neil Scott. 8.5 mins. Should be broadcast everywhere:

link to


@ In Brotherhood @ Clapper57 – well said. Great comments on our collective situation.

“We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.” (Oscar Wilde)

Graf Midgehunter

Big Phil asked:

“By the way whoever asked Dr Jim the question above, Im 50 and 2nd November is ma bufty… wit did a win???”
A reminder from Josef asking for the 50 quid back that he lent you a while ago… 😉



Satisfied: 87%
Dissatisfied: 13%


Satisfied: 93%
Dissatisfied: 7%


Satisfied: 81%
Dissatisfied: 19%

These should have been the front page top headlines in the “independence supporting” The National, younger sister of The Herald.

If it wasn’t, why not?


Been scratching my head for a while, trying to find the word to describe the antics of the red and blue Tories in their attempts to ruin Alex’s name and create division in the SNP.
It fits particularly well on the head of Richard Leonard and Ruth Davidson.
The word is odious. It is an intensely serious word and is rarely used for good reason. In the above examples however I am content that it is appropriate.

Big Phil

@Graf Midgehunter,
Lol yes Graf thats just ma


Quite simply, buying any of those bog rolls makes you either (a) thick or (b) really rather silly.


manandboy says:

The word is odious

Yup, good word.

synonyms: revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, offensive, objectionable, vile, foul, abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, sickening, hateful, detestable, execrable, abominable, monstrous, appalling, reprehensible, deplorable, insufferable, intolerable, unacceptable, despicable, contemptible, beyond the pale, unspeakable, poisonous, noxious, obscene, base, hideous, grisly, gruesome, horrendous, heinous, atrocious, awful, terrible, dreadful, frightful, obnoxious, unsavoury, unpalatable, unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, distasteful, dislikeable, off-putting, displeasing

…. the author of this list must have had BritNattery and their behaviour in mind 🙂

Big Phil

Bawbag is missing.


Well done to Chick McGregor one of our own! 🙂

This Saturday, ahead of the launch of our brand new Sunday edition, more than 50 Yes Groups up and down the country will be taking to the streets with 17,000 free copies of Saturday’s paper to distribute into the hands of potential new readers.

We’ve always known we have the best readers in the world – from making sure The National has a prominent position in your local shop, to buying extra copies and leaving them on buses and trains so they’re read by more people, we know how much you already do for us. But we didn’t expect our latest plan to gather so much support!

We were spurred into action by loyal reader Chic McGregor, who for the past 20 days had been buying extra copies and delivering them into the letter boxes of his neighbours.

We took his email, and checked out the postcodes in our distribution system.

It turns out Chic’s efforts were responsible for an increase of around 10 sales (over and above the extra ones he was buying).

We thought: there’s something in this. What if we could replicate this in towns all across Scotland?

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Well Rock (I don’t know why I bother) you eejit because these headlines only came out today so the National would have to have been magically prescient to know what the media was going to say before they actually said it.
The Scottish Household Survey is indeed a very dull document more or less saying everything is staying more or less the same and it takes a special kind of demented determination to invent the fake bad news the papers just printed. None of it is worth responding to (a lesson the SNP government has learned. Responding to silly shite gives it oxygen and we don’t control the media.)

The National of course ran properly with the rather more important “ambitious new plans” for the government of Scotland as announced by the First Minister (plus a lovely front page photo of the our footballing girls).


That just shows what can be done by just one person acting on an idea of their own and getting the walking boots on and actually making an effort.

Because of Chic’s efforts 17,000 lucky people in Scotland should be getting a free first ever copy of the Sunday National through their door. This must cost the National in excess of £25,000 but hopefully it will prove worth it and take the paper to a wider audience and they might just buy more. Who knows some of them might even move from No to Yes!

A hat tip to you Chic for all your hard work paying off 🙂


Saturday’s paper arrghhh, I read the whole article and by the end I’d convinced myself it was Sunday’s paper. It’s late LOL.


So a big day for Scottish politics in Edinburgh and WM and the only political program we have in Scotland at night all we get is a snooker player and Russian spy scandal. Grrrr

Bob Mack

May be good news,or not.

I have visited a number of sites and find that their “clickbait” stories in daily publications like the Daily Record etc have been blocked due to EU copyright regulations.

This actually may help us by reducing their outlets,or may hinder through being unable to debunk directly from the article. Funny why it’s happening now.


@ Ian Brotherhood @ 9.42pm

Hi Ian , you highlight many of the issues we have all faced as Indy supporters , which can have a detrimental effect on both our morale and general outlook on life within the confines of this so called Union, and this is further exploited by the constant diminishing of and trivialising of something that we all believe in so passionately, courtesy of those who are less than sympathetic, shall we say, to the idea of independence.

It is intentional that certain factions are intent on wearing down the ‘opposition’ in the constitutional debate with no care for the consequences or feelings of those they belittle …the ‘opposition’ being the Indy supporter. Tis easy to forget that it is other human beings we are communicating with and whether we are on opposing sides with different opinions we should not resort to somehow ridiculing those opposing views as if they hold no significance.Having said that when one is attacked , as WE all are from many sides, instinctively one fights back, especially when you know that what you believe in is not something that should be ridiculed and demeaned.More importantly those who chastise you know too that they are justifying the unjustifiable and defending the indefensible in their support of a dysfunctional union of non equals very much thanks to the dominant part of the (non) union.

You articulate well your point in respect to the analogy you use to communicate how those against our cause in the WM bubble are comparable to those parents who had no faith in their children and actively sought to impede their potential to succeed in life.

Psychological abuse is extremely harming and for some victims it is very very difficult to articulate to others what is being done to them as it may seem trivial and in some cases the victim themselves are seen as somehow too sensitive or over reacting to what others perceive as banter. In respect to sexual abuse of children many years ago children did not have the protection there is now. Figures of authority were believed and children were too intimidated to pursue those who abused them….more so since those figures of authority held positions of power and were seen as more credible, via their position, and thus never challenged.

I agree that we can relate in a more respectful manner and communicate a more positive message to our own children and not have them restricted by the confines of a sense of inferiority. Much is said about nationalism in respect to independence supporters as though it is somehow counter productive and negative to aspire to want to live in a better country and ultimately one that will benefit one’s children. It is not that we are delusional as many accuse us of being it is more that we are energised by the exciting prospect of living a new life in a new independent country where we make our own choices and not be dragged into situations by those we neither voted for or believe in.

In respect to medicinal ‘treatment’ for depression this was one main reason I did not choose to seek help because I wanted to see if I could via meditation and other therapeutic methods conquer my demon. I have no name for my depression clinical or otherwise , it exists but will not hopefully overwhelm me as I am fortunate to have a good husband and fine son. Like you I will not give any details on what instigated my depression other than say it did stem from my childhood.

Yes the ‘others’ whether political , media or usual Twitter suspects are relentless in their verbal assault, but I like you , know that if our cause was meritless , then human nature being what it is , we would be disregarded as many disregard those who have no possibility of achieving what they desire. It is because they know we can win Independence that they are pursuing us with such incessant persistence and desperately trying to grind some of us down with false information and diminish any expectation we have of succeeding.

Apologies if I have not addressed or mentioned all of your points which you have taken the time and care to write about but I am sure many other people on here will agree and applaud the integrity and sincerity of your post.

Thank you for taking the time to respond in such a sensitive and coherent manner. I wish you luck too. Have a good evening even though it drawing to a close .


Capella says:
5 September, 2018 at 9:15 pm
I remember from reading Alice Miller’s work how important it was that at least one person listens and affirms.

There is a great TedX on YT with Harry Burns, re Wellness
link to

Well worth a few minutes of our time.


rock – you detest The National. We get it.

If you don’t support the National you therefore support unionist papers. Just admit it.


Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Just to add, something that is often overlooked is the effect of debt on people’s mental health and well-being.
The Record levels of personal (or private) debt tends to get the reaction that it’s our fault due to our indulgence, however that view demonstrates a huge misunderstanding of why there is so much personal debt and how money comes into circulation. The system is, and has been since the late 70s, set up against us.

Thatcher adopted the idea of ‘sound finance’, where the govt would minimise it’s level of deficits. This policy put the burden of economic growth firmly on the private sector (basically us).

As much as possible, new money would enter the economy by individuals borrowing it into existence. (Important to note that many mainstream economists DO NOT understand how money is created). Banks do not need deposits to lend. The act of borrowing creates the deposits. Conversely the act of repayment removes deposits.

To achieve the required levels of growth in this fashion required the deregulation of the banking system and the fuse was lit on the global financial crisis. Labour and brown of course kicked the can down the road with their capitulation to the city of London and adoption of ‘light touch’ regulation.

Most of the newly bank-created money was pumped into the mortgage and asset markets – thereby creating inflation and the huge cost of buying a house today.

Just think about which region of the U.K. would benefit the most from this policy!..
Yes London and the South East – the region associated with finance. The system was set up for the financial establishment to literally create money and sell it to us. Easy way to make a buck eh!

The end result was a financial crisis that ruined many many lives but not those in the city. They were remunerated by the government. They continue their reckless behavour to our detriment, encouraged by their mates in Westminster.

The cost of having a roof over our heads has never been higher. Those lucky enough to own properties before the banks inflated the market basically live (by doing nothing productive) off the majority – especially our kids who have to take on 30 year mortgages, or take on expensive rents.

Household debt stands at £1.6 trillion. People wonder why there is little economic growth. Well it’s obvious why. Much of folks earnings is taken up keeping a roof over their heads, much less buying expensive goods. More families require two working parents to make things work. I hear all too often about the logistical gymnastics from folk at work trying to organise childcare.

It’s easy to see where the stress comes from and the toll it takes on people’s health.

Robert Peffers

@Iain says: 5 September, 2018 at 4:18 pm:

” … Roll on the day that these liars held to account for misleading the elderly and simple minded.
Do they feel no shame?

Of course they do not feel shame, they are proud to serve their Queen and country. Thing is they believe their queen is the Queen of England and their country they believe to be the United Kingdom which is a united kingdom and not a country.

So these people feel proud to serve their Queen & Country but here’s the thing. We do not need to do anything to hurt them for their false beliefs will do the job for us.

When Scots take back our independence, note it is OUR independence not Scotland’s independence, for we Scots are sovereign and thus we own Scotland.

So when these people realise their intransigence was the prime factor that drove Scots out of their precious union and they are going down in history as the ones who lost the union it will be punishment enough for such proud unionists.


Sins of the unionist party offspring.

link to

Liz g

Big Phil @ 10.04
Hi big Phil… I’d not been catching yer posts fur a while and wondered if ye were ok… Great tae see ye back!
Yer wee lassie sounds a wee smartie… just the kind of kid who will be taking over the running of an independent Scotland…keep on keeping on my friend and we’ll have that country fur her,, and right soon..
Ian Brotherhood @ 9.42
Great post sir..
And anyone else who is reading..Cameron B Brodie dose post really good stuff about the latest thinking on the human condition,it can be heavy reading,and I don’t always understand all of it, but it certainly makes ye see things more clearly sometimes!


@ Ian Brotherhood

Hi Ian I did respond to your post earlier but it is taking a wee while to come through, but hopefully it will eventually.Patience is a virtue.



@ScottieDog @ 11.28pm

Thank you.

Yes Scottie D, debt IS also a factor in depression and those who find themselves in debt are victimised and deemed to be somehow inadequate and inferior thus they are meant to feel guilty and be seen as being irresponsible and selfish..for what…..wanting a life ! It is also worth noting that any of us could find ourselves in debt when circumstances can change in our life that dramatically impact our finances and our ability to continue to sustain our current lifestyles .

We live in a world of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ and it is usually those who ‘have’ that are quick to judge the actions of those who ‘have not’ and who dare to want to have the very things that those who ‘have’ take for granted.

It is sad that so many should be deprived of not only the basic necessities in life but also the extra pleasures we should all be able to enjoy to have a full and happy life, indeed is life not for living as opposed to just existing .

We live in a materialistic world where many judge others for what they possess as opposed to who they are , they say money does not bring happiness , who can say that is the case for all , but I do believe having no money brings misery , as with poverty comes a lack of choice and one is deprived of some of the small pleasures that can make our lives more fulfilled.

One hopes that in an independent Scotland there will be more opportunity to invest in and help those who are currently being left behind and ignored very much thanks to a geographically distant , insufferable , callous and draconian WM government.

Dr Jim

I think Josef thought I was the Cillit Bang man, I’m more Aldi man, when I’m gone I’m gone then I’m at one with the prices

Dr Jim

First Ministers questions coming up folks where we’ll be told from all sides of the opposition that our democratically elected and most popular government ever the SNP are either timid or tired or past their sell by date or anything else the opposition can think up

But what the opposition can’t seem to think up are any actual policies of their own except for *we hate you go away* and I’m afraid that all sounds a bit timid and tired from the opposition after 11 years of saying it on a weekly (weakly) basis

This coming parliamentary session will see all the usual cringing misery from Labour and the same nasty nonsense from the Tories with the silly bitchy entertainment from the Willie Rennie quartet, but the biggset noises will be coming from Patrick (I’m a Green honest) Harvie who knows full well Independence is coming so will attempt to flex his muscles all over the place threatening to kibosh the budget hinting at not voting with the SNP for a referendum and voting against everything the SNP do unless he gets a lollypop from Derek McKay and he’ll use the phrase *not bold enough* and *existing powers* a lot

This year is Patricks chance to show off and he’ll do it with his little green chest puffed out because Patrick knows the British parties are done for and he’s in with a shout of being important, and Patrick likes that

Let’s see just how far he gets with it, because the FM’s been gentle with him so far, I don’t expect that to happen this year, this year I expect the FM to shake off the consensus politics and go full velocirapter on all of their Arses, and just one mention of Alex Salmond could leave them with big welts on their coupons

It’s time

Robert J. Sutherland

Scot Finlayson @ 22:02,

Nifty one. A good laugh there to end ma day! =grin=


There’s a poll over on press and journal re indy , which is sitting at 91% for, get tore in .

Sorry can’t do archive
link to


It was Westminster Toriescwho cut the funding for NHS/Education and welfare spending.

The ConDems cut NHS funding £4Billion a year from 2015 to 2020. £20Billion. They have had to put in £2Billion because of the state of A&E services. They cut Education £6Billion and put up student fees to £9Billion in England. They cut welfare spending £3Billion a year for sux years. £18Billion, They are sanctioning and starving people, the most vulnerable. It is just despicable. The Tories have cut taxes for the wealthiest.

The Scottish Gov have had to mitigate these cuts. Put more into the SNHS. Increase the budget. MUP will cut costs. It took five years to introduce because of Westminster intransigence. The SNP Gov have had to mitigate bedroom tax and welfare cuts. £600,000 a year. Westminster has refused to hand over welfare powers as promised. The Scottish Gov have kept University fees down and increased loans (to all) and grants to students.

Westminster has cut the Scottish Gov funding 10% a year. Now £3Billion less with no justification. Westminster borrows and spends more in the rest of the UK. Scotland has to make loan repayments on money not borrowed or spent in Scotland. The Scottish Gov can borrow very little,

Brexit will damage the economy. It is just a waste of time and money. A disgrace. Westminster is a shambles. Thank goodness for the SNP Scottish Gov standing up for Scotland. Independence coming soon.

The way Alex Salmond has been treated is appalling. He should be given an apology. Can’t wait for the Lawsuits. The stinking rotting Press tanking. Most of them should get diversity training, apologise and get the sack. Their behaviour is illegal.

Another vulnerable person has committed suicide because of illegal benefit cuts, £20 a week. It just makes people weep. It is so disgusting.


The Alex Salmond Show on RT at 7:30am, 6:30pm and 11:30pm.


Thanks for the link twathater (2:41am).

Poll: Support for Independence, in or out of the EU, standing at 92%.


The Westminster Gov has increased depression. Cold, hungry starving people who worry can’t sleep and get sick. Mental health issues have increased along with the use of anti depressants. The Scottish Gov is having to migrate and alleviate these problems. People are so unhappy because of the policies of the Westminster Gov and their cronies.

Scotland has never been better run. It could be even better without the gross interference of the Westminster policies for which people in Scotland did not vote. Brexit and any reduction in powers will ruin the Scottish economy. Westminster mismanagement has already damaged major industries in Scotland. Illegally and secretly taken Scottish resources,


For those who prefer, the short piece ‘Resilience’ can be read here :

link to

TBH it’s a wee shocker. One to make you count your blessings, as they say.



link to

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IanBlackfordMP: “Prime Minister, your Chequers plan is as dead as a dodo.
link to


Best stick with Scottish brand
link to

EveryScot should watch these SAC meets ups. Starring the feeble Tories..Gaffney and co.
link to

link to

5th column hypocrisy
link to


link to

Donate if you can
link to

Slab trying to scupper services
link to

Will not archive. Warning, written by Tompkins who is a bitter unionist
link to


link to

Private Finance Initiative: A fraud on the people?
link to

link to

Brexit: controlling the debate
link to


Further universal credits introduction will cut funds to 1.8million working families. Causing further hardship. Adding another 3 weeks wait to the 35 day wait, The Tory Poll tax. System in danger if collapse. Brexit is another Tory Poll tax according to a Tory.

Kirsteen Haire trying to persuade a Tory minster to change a policy the Tories brought in three years ago damaging the farming industry. Limiting seasonal migrant workers. Trying to get cheap publicity. The Tories took the extra EU CAP payments intended for Scottish farmers and gave it to wealthier farmers in the south. Scotland as part of the UK receives the lowest CAP payments in the EU,

The EU costs Scotland nothing and brings benefits. The nearest, biggest markets. CAP payments EU grants and investment. Shared Defence agreements keeping costs down. Support for self determination. Self governance etc. ECHR.

Westminster is a shambles, The LibDem enablers. Tories are dangerous. Labiur are useless. Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion have cost Scotland dear.


link to

“I am officially begging you please help me!” Post-it notes reveal anguish of 49-year-old gardener and disabled man Mark Barber, who killed himself after learning his disability benefit would be cut by £20 a week
link to

link to

I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
link to


BBC Scotland: “Scotland’s productivity levels are stagnating and lagging behind (all?) other EU countries”, as per the David Hume Institute.

And IF the DHI is correct, they forgot to mention, along with the BBC, that Scotland is NOT an Independent country. YET.

Then on came some expert (didn’t get her name) to say that it’s not all bad news. Scotland has a high level of highly educated / skilled workers, it’s management that’s the problem. “Management” the new name for the SNP.

Tinto Chiel

@Clapper57 and Ian Brotherhood: thanks for your frank and perceptive comments.

There’s no doubt in my mind that most of the mental health problems, alcohol and drug-abuse encountered in Scotland is due to the Union Dividend: unemployment and its sense of hopelessness, poverty, the loss of family and friends by emigration, the constant denigration of our culture and languages and perhaps something deeper, a barely perceived or sub-conscious sense of shame at what has happened to our country and which, until recently, has gone largely unchallenged.

The good news is that I know, one day soon, I’ll be standing with many people on here in a city square somewhere celebrating our freedom, and our children’s freedom, for ever.

Not long now.


Didn’t think I could loathe slab any more than I already then along comes Rhoda Grant

video here
link to


Great discussion about HS2 on RT, which should be in the BBC.


EU citizen voting rights. In the EU countries – EU citizens are only allowed to vote in local, regional and EU elections. Anyone can take citizenship. If EU citizens had not voted in IndyRef.(200,000). Yes could have won. Many voted No in order to stay in the EU. A lie. They should have been allowed to vote in the EURef vote because they are allowed to vote in EU elections.


Why doesn’t the British law declare the Scottish secession illegal that it causes the Scottish independence referendum to fail?

Peter Bell answer here

link to


@Ian B 9.42

Well said fella.

@Clapper 57

A brave post and appreciated.


Cheers Nana and yes. Quite a rogues gallery this morning. Mr Tomkins pish and that’s what it is hypocritical pish, does take a fair amount of brasso. I recall that Cameron literally had every overseas favour called in to prevent independence from happening back in 2014. Up to and including begging for aid from Mr Putin and Mr Obama.

The entire focus of their EU strategy back then was to terrify resident EU nationals and pro European Scots into voting ‘the right way’. Today? His party of government are directly responsible for placing these folks citizenship, lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. Today they’re sooper suspicious furriners and shouldn’t be allowed near our sacred democracy or institutions. Uh Huh!

He’s a hypocrite and dishonest as the day is long.

These folk are a mix of new Scots and long term resident guests in our country. Frankly I’d rather have folk who wish to contribute to our lives, communities and culture than any intolerant and untrustworthy Tory such as Mr Tomkins. That’d be any day of the week and twice on a Sunday by the by.


@ Shinty – thx for the link to the Harry Burns TED talk. It included references to Jimmy Reid’s inaugural address which the NYTimes printed in full. Those diehard Labourites ignore the fact that JR joined the SNP having given up on Westminster.

He also mentions their early years collaborative which the Permanant Secretary to the Scottish Government and Ministers attend (in 2014).
A good 16 minutes.



See what you mean about Ms Grant. That was an appalling statement to make. 😮

My God Labour! What have you become?


The British state is morphing into the old Soviet Union. The first, biggest, best and at the centre of everything including mendacity. The neurotic delusions of England’s glory continue apace as the good ship Anglexit sinks into the setting sun. Are those Scots waving or drowning?


I used to see headlines like this in the past and think, ‘Oh no that’s not good’, now given the number of times the Rev debunks these stories, when I see headlines like this I just think, ‘Well that will be just a lot of bollocks like normal then’.

The UK BritNat media is a busted flush. They have been proven to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for the British State, lying and manipulating facts in their pathetic attempts to make the SNP looks bad purely to save their corrupt and damaging union.

#ScotRef cannot come soon enough.


Good morning Macart

Alisdair Allans face says it all really. I can’t help wondering how Slab select their candidates as some of them have that rare quality of shoving their feet right in their mouths.
Yet someone in the labour hierarchy thought they were just fine.

Hypocritical, lying & very bitter unionist politicians. It’s bad enough reading what they have to say but I find it particularly hard to actually watch them in action. Disgusting people with no morals.

Surely there must be one person in the media feeling they have had enough. For goodness sake if you are reading this, grow a spine and call these liars out.
You will sleep better for it.


Thanks for the links Nana.

I see that Adam Tomkin’s is REALLY pushing his luck now with his, “We’ve already seen the Yes Campaign enlist the help of Russia and Iran in its drive to break up Britain. Now it seems that Nicola Sturgeon wants to make it an open global invitation.”

Talk about making your blood boil. Mr Tomkin’s of the Tory Party involved with Cambridge Analytica and god knows who and where, on the Globe, in deriving their bl**dy dirty money and more so technological and psychological support for their political “manipulations”. Dirty money, in part, laundered by the DUP NIreland. Party of the Orange Order. Money linked to Saudi. Then there’s the US and Israel etc, etc.


And now we’ve got Dimbleby’s QT programme being broadcast from Holyrood next month with Ken MacIntosh, member of Scotland in Union, saying it’s a great idea (or words to that effect). Who’s behind that – NOT – great idea?


The “expert” I mentioned earlier in relation to the David Hume Institute is in fact Jane Frances Kelly new Director of the DHI, as of last year. Another “newbie” in town, as of last year?! JFK former advisor to Tony Blair. JFK comparing Scotland with “many European countries.” The “many European countries” being independent of course. So much for her expertise.

The findings of their report will be used at FMQs today, no doubt, in particular by Dirty Money Davidson who gave a speech to them in January 2018. Handy start to the new session, eh? 365 days in the year and they select today, of all days. Well co-ordinated, imo.

link to

Robert Peffers

@CmonIndy says: 5 September, 2018 at 10:46 pm:

” … Quite simply, buying any of those bog rolls makes you either (a) thick or (b) really rather silly.”

Now I won’t say there are not people out there who are either thick or silly but I know there are people out there who act as if they are but who are neither thick nor are they silly. What they are is ignorant.

Now for some strange reason there is a general perception among the population that both silly and thick equate to ignorance and that may not be the case in many instances.

Ignorance is the state of simply not knowing the truth so there are still people out there who simply do not know the truth and that is where we who read Wings and support the YES Movement cone in.

We are the people whose job it is to inform those ignorant people who still read, watch and listen to the lies, omissions and distortions of the Westminster propaganda machine.

The point I’m making is that there are still ignorant people out there who neither silly or thick and who are not going to find out the truth from the deliberate propaganda of the state controlled mainstream media and Westminster funded broadcasters.

The point I’m making is that these ignorant people still exist and the proof of that pudding is that the support for Scottish independence continues to grow. This can only indicate there are still ignorant people out there and if they really are too silly or too thick they are going to remain so and they are the British/English nationalists.

Evidently these British/English nationalists fall into two distinct groups. The manipulators, who tend to be wealthy, and often non-doms, and the manipulated, “Sheeple”, who they play upon for their own selfish gains.

It is the grass-roots of the Indy movement that are the front-line. Simply put the SNP/SG do not have access to the, Westminster bought and paid for MSM & Broadcasters unless on the MSM and Westminster’s terms and even grass-roots people do not read the Holyrood Parliament web sites nor the SNP’s own websites where the truth can be found.


Nana says

link to

This is the sort of article the MSM should running with, but don’t.

Not so long ago, the difference between a hard and soft Brexit was defined as being in/out of the single market. Canada versus Norway.

Recently, the über right has shifted the entire spectrum to the hard end! We now find discussion branding No Deal as hard, and May’s deceased ideas as soft. And anything within the single market seems totally outside the actual definition of Brexit.

This new position taken by the English powers-that-be is important for Scotland.

It means we now know that they plan a hard to very hard Brexit, which is all outside the realms of acceptability.

Nicola/SG/SNP should now be openly opposing all of this madness.

And Spouse

My twitter account told me today that Ruthie had retweeted a message from @GarethSurgey. I’m wondering is this the closest she’s ever come to surgery?


There are now two classes of MP in the HOL

link to

Hopefully we will soon be leaving that dishonourable house


IMO The BritNats will fight tooth and nail to prevent resident, tax-paying EU nationals voting in IndyRef 2.

For obvious reasons. 🙂

Bob Mack

@Ian brotherhood @Clapper,

Thank you for your wonderful posts last night with which I am just catching up. Got me thinking.

Our strength on Wings is indeed our sense of Community. Though I have never met many of the contributors,I feel part of their lives resides within me on a daily basis. Their triumphs like Chic and his initiative with the National and their resolute determination to be wrong or angry all the time, like Rock.

We have a common bond that gives us strength and a sense of purpose to see this journey through till it’s end, however long that takes.

You are never alone on Wings. You have brothers ,sisters,comrades in arms, all focused on a common end, and that is in turn creating a sense of belonging.

We are lucky to have found such an outlet for our frustrations,which in turn solidifies our sense of purpose.

Life will never be seamless for anybody,but friends ,colleagues,whatever you want to call the Wings contributors,help to shift the burden we carry on this road we travel.

Thank you both.


@ Capella – @ Tinto Chiel – @ Macart

Thank you.

Have a good day .


Luigi says:

IMO The BritNats will fight tooth and nail to prevent resident, tax-paying EU nationals voting in IndyRef 2.

There are about quarter of a million, say approx 4% of voters.

As I understand it, those who voted in 2014 were ~ 3:1 for NO because they believed that was the way to keep Scotland in the EU.

For IndyRef2, if EU citizens can be persuaded to turn out and vote YES, then their votes are significant.

They live here, they pay taxes, they contribute to society, they MUST be allowed to vote.

The franchise MUST be the same as 2014, that’s the established precedent.

But yes, I have no doubt the BritNats will try to stop it, especially after Brexit.


Poor Rhoda Grant, demonstrating once again that if Labour were in power they would only be able to address one issue at a time. At least you know the Tories would be able to do three things, slash public spending, cut taxes for the rich and try and kill as many poor people as possible. Of course people like Grant will still cheer if a Tory takes an SNP seat which shows how much they really care about anything other than hating the SNP.

Thank goodness we have a Government that cares and that can multi-task 🙂


Mmmm. I see the poop is about to hit the wossiname over Mr Barnier’s ‘dead in the water statement’. Apparently Mr Raab is to toddle off to the EU for some emergency talks. Huhn!

What’s to talk about? The Chequers deal was dead before it left Chequers. It never could coincide with the EU’s core principles. Indeed it threatened them.

I know it’s a bit repetitive but… The UK is leaving the EU. The EU owes the UK precisely the square root of hee haw. The UK decided it didn’t like the club rules. Fair enough. The campaign (whether Brexiteers like it or not) made it quite clear that immigration and indeed race were cornerstone issues. That it has quite demonstrably led to an alarming rise in racially motivated hate crime over the past two years is not coincidental. Not quite the message of diplomacy and close, close, super personal, special (deeply special) relations with near neighbours being set there.

Well? Fine! You don’t like the rules and you don’t like the company. Leave by all means, but you don’t get to decide how the club gets run from then on. You don’t get to retain the advantages of membership from the outside. You also really do have to accept that it was your decision.

This IS embarrassing for the UK on the world stage. It IS going to end in appalling hardship for the populations of these islands. This hardship WILL last decades and the stigma of how the decision was reached probably even longer.

No reasonable human being likes to be rejected. No reasonable human being likes to be told they are lesser because… reasons.

Just a thought.

Dorothy Devine

the conversation about depression and mental health had me thinking about the headlines and attacks on the SNP ,Alex Salmond and Nicola sturgeon,

It must take some strength and support to withstand the vileness of the obnoxious Scottish media and their English counterparts.


@ Bob Mack

Thank you. What a wonderfully thoughtful and inspiring post you have posted. Very much true that this a community where we can share much including the burden of those who oppress and deride us.


@ ScottiDog

Hi Scottie D

Just realised my response to you last night omitted to mention what a great post you posted with astute and relevant points to the discussion on the many aspects affecting those who find themselves in debt….Thatcher instigated the notion that in order to prosper one has to adopt a selfish attitude thus a dog eat dog society ensues.

Have a good day both of you.

Dorothy Devine

I visited the Horrible Herald this morning – maybe I shouldn’t call it that Horrible History deals in accuracy not myth – I implore everyone to resist responding to the drivel it writes and leave comment to the poison pens.

When they are left to agree with each other and have no comments to attack maybe the herald will die a natural ( unnatural and nasty preferably) death



David Mundell giving a clear signal that frameworks drawn up by London will be *imposed* on Scotland if necessary. Equal partner or colonialism?

link to

That’s all for today folks

Dr Jim

Vladimir Putin must employ the most incompetent assassins on the planet or the UK Guv and the Media are telling giant porkies again

Which do we think is more likely


@ Nana – another fine crop of links today. Can I just draw attention to the RT discussion on PFI which is a must listen IMO. Not something you would ever hear on BBC and quite a few Scottish voices.

Private Finance Initiative: A fraud on the people?
link to

Dr Jim

Theresa May threatens Russia with a cyber war
I don’t think Mrs May realises the ramifications of what that actually means, cyber attacks can be performed by any country large or indeed small and can bring a country to it’s knees, at this moment in time Mrs May can’t afford to be threatening anybody

Dave McEwan Hill

Petra at 9.33

I never tire of reminding people that not so long ago Tompkins was standing on Calton Hill with Tommy Sheridan and Rosie Kane promoting an independent Scottish republic. (The Declaration Of Calton Hill 2005)



Wow – only 21 Raxanne Pallett stories in today’s Daily Gerrard.


Dr Jim
Our leader at Westminster has come out strongly against Russia.
We just look like ‘nutters’ if we start all the conspiracy theories.
Get over it!
It’s true.

mike cassidy


Thanks for the ‘death of the gods’ link.

link to

As this site shows on a regular basis,

the ‘gods’ don’t like it up them!


A wee note about Chic McGregor and his one person campaign to get more Nationals read. Well done to Chic. For those that don’t already know, Chic set out to deliver 10 Nationals a day for 20 days around his patch of Kirriemuir. There was an article about it in the National a week past Saturday.

In yesterday’s National there was a follow up (on page 22) with The National promising 17,000 free copies to Yes groups.

If you are a member of a Yes group involved in distributing it around the doors, can I make a recommendation? I did the distribution for Chic on a few of days when he was away on holiday. My other half printed the following message

Complimentary copy of the National

An Alternative view and
positive news other papers fail to report

Available from your local news agent or by e-subscription

We printed this out on A4 paper in portrait mode with 5 copies to the page and cut them up into approximately 2 inch wide strips which were long enough to wrap around a folded paper, and tape with a bit of sellotape, before posting through the letter boxes.

I think that someone had bothered to do this meant that the recipients had to break a sort of seal to get into the paper, unlike free papers which they may have received before and therefore feel more that they have “bought in” to the paper.

I did wonder about wrapping them up with a bit of tartan ribbon or including contact details for a local Yes group but I wasn’t sure if this may put people off. Judge for yourselves in your area.

Good luck and get delivering!


Macart says:
6 September, 2018 at 10:06 am
Mmmm. I see the poop is about to hit the wossiname over Mr Barnier’s ‘dead in the water statement’. Apparently Mr Raab is to toddle off to the EU for some emergency talks. Huhn!

I think it is credible to suppose the EU might have an emergency deal on standby, because it may be in their interests and the correct thing to do on moral grounds, but even on a good day, such a last minute deal will only be viable once the UK Government is fully acquiescent and compliant with the EU’s stated objectives. The merest hint that the UK intends to diverge away from EU standards or principles, and a lifeline deal for the UK will be dead in the water.

David Davis was on TV yesterday I think, essentially saying the EU was engaged with a bit of brinkmanship, and a last minute deal would be negotiated, while another Tory commentator suggested a Canada+++ Free Trade Deal, but the reason I find that so hard to accept is the presumption that the deal will suddenly arrive in a puff of smoke with trumpets blaring “Tadaaa!” That isn’t going to happen.

Europe holds ALL the cards here, and until the UK finds enough humility to respect such circumstances and the “benign” dominance of Europe, then they are on a hiding to nothing. They have NO leverage over Europe other than that which Europe affords them.

I increasingly hope too that the UN adopts a similar “caution” to UK demands over the latest threats to launch a cyber attack against Russia. If the Novichock story was a plot in a TV series you’d be switching over to something more credible and engaging. Did I say “IF”???

It isn’t a Trade Deal that Westminster needs, it’s a period of time in quarantine while it extracts it’s head from its own arse.


Dorothy Devine @ 10:27 am, was this your link Dorothy?

link to

winifred mccartney

Rhoda Grant – is it her turn to take the flak for labour – no one else left, but just the same ilk, suffering from foot in mouth and lying.

The only thing that’s lying in the gutter is labours reputation – it was alright when no one asked any questions and did as they were told but because labour are incapable of rational thought they think everyone else is the same.

They have only one concern and that is the labour party – the do not and never have had any real concern for the Scottish people the evidence is in their history (McCrone, PFI, Banking crisis, Alistair flipping Darling, Murphy, Rowley, Monica Lennon JackieB and her wonky abacus etc saying one thing to Parl and another to a public meeting, lying is what they are good at) – we are just to be used as a means to an end for Jeremy – no chance.


O/T For those who may have missed it.

Hope Over Fear Rally, Freedom Square, Saturday 15th Sept.
17 bands – including the Graham Brown Band!
sorry can’t remember all the speakers
To tempt you early birds – big screen showing of Braveheart at 10am (that’ll upset the Britnats. lol)
There is also a short march into the square for those who want to take part.



Deals…. As if there’s any deal out there that will avert the obvious consequences.


O/T (except it is SNPBaaadery)

Today’s Herald where Scotland is said to have stagnated for 15 years.

Looked up the authors of the report:
The David Hume Institute is an independent, non-partisan, evidence-based policy institute that has been operating at the heart of Scottish policy debate for over 30 years.

Then I scrolled down

– and found their Corporate members included KPMG.

Yes I see the Scottish Government is also a member, but – to my mind – the taint from one of the big four accountants cannot be overcome

It got no better when I looked at those assisted in compiling the report. Have a look for yourselves.

As far as I am concerned this kills stone dead their claim that they are “ Committed to impartiality and to assessing the evidence. “
Moreover thee report has a disclaimer in it that says essentially “Nothing to do with us.”, so why is it being issued under their name?

Dan Huil

It’s the influence of our Welsh Sion:

link to

Dr Jim


When there’s actual proof I’ll humbly accept it until then people who describe other people as nutters for having theories are people who would swallow any story from anybody on anything unquestioning of its origin

The big bang was once a theory and yet here we are

Just because a politician says something doesn’t make it so, that’s the nature of politics


So there’s this young Northern Irish girl who in 1965 was accepted to study Physics at Glasgow University. After graduating she went on to do a Phd at Cambridge and two years into her research she discovered the first radio pulsars and was the first to observe and precisely analyse them.

A paper announcing the discovery was published which had 5 authors listed, her thesis supervisor was the first named author and she herself second.

In 1974 her discovery was awarded the Nobel prize for Physics, the recipients of the award did not include her not even as a co-recipient, instead it went to her supervisor and an astronomer another co-author.

Her work had not been recognised until now that is and she has won the “Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics” which came with £2.3 million in prize money.

I think that’s great because she deserves it, even more remarkable though is that she has given it all away to help others.

The sum will go to fund women, under-represented ethnic minority and refugee students to become physics researchers.”

“I don’t want or need the money myself and it seemed to me that this was perhaps the best use I could put to it,”

“I found pulsars because I was a minority person and feeling a bit overawed at Cambridge. I was both female but also from the north-west of the country and I think everybody else around me was southern English,”

What a gal! 🙂

link to
link to

Josef Ó Luain

@Dr Jim

Thanks for taking the trouble to reply – much appreciated.

Jack Murphy


‘Broadcasting Scotland’ is streaming this, and probably archiving later:
link to



Great selection of links this morning once again. I didn’t watch the PFI link on RT but after Capella highlighted it later I got around to it.

What an amazing story of corruption and the fleecing of the public that is, I do wonder why the likes of this are only shown on RT and not say Panorama.

I’m beginning to despise the politicians and media that run the UK.

link to

You might think you know it all when the truth is you know next to nothing of what is the reality of what is going on right under your nose. I’m embarrassed by the level of my ignorance from barely 5 years ago and to think there is still that level of ignorance depresses me.

Wings shines a light on the truth, slowly but surely then.

Dorothy Devine

Afternoon Smallaxe , I hope you are in good fettle.

You are absolutely spot on – it is a truly brilliant trail and sums up my feelings about the media – thank you , I usually make a cod of these things!


@ Capella says at 10:40 am …. ”Can I just draw attention to the RT discussion on PFI which is a must listen IMO. Not something you would ever hear on BBC and quite a few Scottish voices.

Private Finance Initiative: A fraud on the people?
link to

Yes, well worth watching Capella / Nana. The Tories and Labour won’t be happy until this country is totally destroyed. I couldn’t believe that Amey were cutting down 17,500 trees in the Sheffield area alone to save some bucks: protect their profit. No thought given to the impact on people’s health and well-being. No thought given to the people at all. If we don’t get out of this bl**dy Union our country will be decimated too between one thing and another, fracking, lousy contaminated foodstuffs, vultures waiting to buy up our farmlands and so on. Nicola FGS get us out of this, ASAP.

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