Fox News UK
Posted on
February 18, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Another scrupulously balanced panel from the state broadcaster.
The papers-review slot is turning into quite the little regular treat.
I find myself watching it and thinking, “why am I watching this”. I knew what it was going to be like before I clicked it. Meh
This, unfortunately, is what people in England get spoon fed daily. No wonder there is a lot of cross border hatred being stirred up. State sponsored too.
Another un-elected Lord. Can’t wait to get rid of.
I for one could not stomach paying money to BBC to pump out Unionist BT propaganda, no chance, it’s time to bin the propaganda tax for good.
English people giving English views on English newspaper stories on the English BBC. Do they not realise people here have different viewpoints to theirs.
“Independence. It’s not a puppy that’s just for Christmas”
Well said that man!
It’s so frustrating that the Scottish politicians of the 1920s didn’t argue that the Acts of Union required Scotland to get its own broadcaster, completely separately from the BBC. The Acts of Union deliberately excepted all cultural policies (as they were understood in the beginning of the 18th century) from union with England, and it would have been completely logical to argue that the state broadcaster would have been included as a non-unified item in the Acts if radio and television had been invented 250 years earlier.
Couldn’t manage more than 3 minutes. Had to turn off to avoid my laptop hitting the wall at high speed.
So they “bailed out Scotland”? how generous.
It shows how far the panellists went that the BBC presenter felt obliged to defend us!
Have to admit, I stopped listening when the lassie said that Indy-Lite and Devo-Max were the same. Does she realise Devo Max isn’t on offer?
Watched it last night and sorry but Im not putting myself through it again. Theyre not even trying to disguise the bias. Between the snarling arrogance of the fat dude and the excited hand wringing of the “schoolgirl bully” sitting next to him. If I could have been ignorant to the facts, just for those few minutes, I would still be laughing at the way these three conducted themselves. And thats our “NATIONAL NEWS” . How sad is that.
Digby Jones: arsehole.
I would get angry at the nonsense he comes out with in that video, but then I remember his name is “Digby” and I laugh instead.
As for Isabel Hardman, you can’t really expect anything better from a Spectator columnist.
You feel like you’re watching people talking about a foreign country, though.
According to OSPAR:
“The persons who own an installation
or pipeline at the time of its
decommissioning will normally remain
the owners of any residues (ie any
remaining abandoned facilities, fluids or
pollutants). Any residual liability remains
the owner’s in perpetuity”
Unless a specific commercial agreement has been made to the contrary.
All licencing agreements I have seen have left liability for decommissioning with the operators/owners.
Tried to watch debate on Currency earlier. Much the same thing, it’s mental what passes for democracy.
Sorry I described this as sad….edit that to embarrassing.
How caoulod anyone in Scotland take someone so arrogant and so ignorant as Lord Jones seriously?
@Doug Daniel
Thats exactly it. They cant understand why we would wish to leave this wonderful wonderful set up. Look at this set up, its got London rolling in it and we all get on TV!
It would be like us being asked to discuss Quebec and only being able to say “Well, Canada seems quite nice”
They are not even trying to hide their bias now. I notice the good Lord mentioned that the SNP’s policy was to “break up my country.” No mention of Scotland of course. Whether on the TV stations, Westminster, or even the Guardian comment pages, we see British nationalism raging at the temerity of Salmond and the independence movement. Remember this is a nation state that denigrated Ghandi, Michael Collins, the Mau Mau in Kenya, and many, many others for challenging, and then having the backbone to support their nations’ right to self determination. This is desperate stuff from the British state, its governing media, and the people in the rest of the UK who believe this Pravade type propaganda.
how many times do we need to hear folk from outside Scotland telling us it’s for the folk of Scotland to decide while they are telling us what to do?
Devo max, independence light, Harold Wilsononian they do like their metaphors, on the BBC, even the commentator was embarrassed and tried to make a ham fist, to defend Scotland if ever so slightly. I suppose it could have been worse, they could have said Cyril Smithesque, when referring to Alex Salmond’s stately paunch.
“Except for viewers in Scotland”
Great, that’s set me off again. Another day of clacking away trying to stem the wave of stupid coming from the MSM.
You really should have some sort of sliding scale of offensiveness next to these clips so I know what I’m getting into.
The BBC? That’s so depressing.
What a load of nonsense. I AM one of the good people of Scotland and I am fed up with the long line of people talking about breaking up “their country” expecting us to think their view is balanced….just love the condescending sniggering throughout by the way. BBC – where is the balanced view? We are voting on the facts. we need to get away from the likes of these people….bailing out Scotland??…the banks are scottish in name only…talk about yes campaign being dishonest? it beggars belief.
Oh good grief!
Why do all these non-Scottish commentators continuously compare us to the likes of Greece? On a economic or quite frankly any other basis we have virtually nothing of any comparison. The closest similarity I can see is our ability to enjoy more than 250 days of sunshine each year. Why not compare us to an entity that purports a similar output per head? I’m attempting a reckless stab in the dark here, but maybe an entity like the UK.
As an American who lives in France, I watched this to gain a better understanding of the issue, which I did not do.
I thought it would only be on FauxNews in America, where you’d get three Brits debating Scottish independence.
Another display of appalling bias/propaganda by a disgrace to democracy that is the BBC or same ol same ol.
@Anne Donohoe
I was on a panel at the Dundee Uni Students Association debate last night and the labour guy said the same thing about indy being the same as devo max – I interrupted “good, vote yes” which got a laugh and a cheer from a heavily labour and undecided audience… people are not buying this “it’s not real independence” bollocks. They see more powers than we currently have and that’s good with them.
As standard, our facts and reasoning were met with rhetoric and insults the whole night. Had people coming up to me asking where they could find out more about my facts on the economy so the message is there if you can get it through. Expect dusa mock referendum to be heavily NO today unfortunately because there are so many vehemently NO people with easy friends at dundee 🙁
Opps sorry got the wrong email up there!
OT but relevant to the site. What happened to the short cuts to the top/bottom of the page on Wings?
Further to last post see:
link to
In particular, from Annex F in the above:
1. This annex sets out DECC’s policy for ensuring that the costs associated with decommissioning offshore oil and gas installations and pipelines on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are met by the companies which own them, or have
had an interest in them or in the relevant licences since the serving of the first notice for the facilities. “
Comments indicated at title of thread – but don’t appear when thread is clicked on.
Site not showing updated content – new threads etc – and my stored info in the reply form boxes is also not showing.
Just saying…
The “Wallace Pound”? How fecking patronising are these people?!
How can anyone take food their childrens mouths to pay money to these people.
“My country” – is Digby Jones Scottish?
The BBC have changed their position statement on Scottish currency – moves from “The Pibroch” to “Wallace Pound”. Is there a term for when news broadcasts start to go beyond making things up?
From start to finish a load of …
Over on the REAL FOX news (SKY), during the newspaper review, a similar thing happened, complete nobodies, who know nothing about the independence debate aside from what they may have seen in the Daily hate Mail, were allowed to rant on and on about how awful the Scots and Alex Salmond are.
Then to top it off, Eammon Holmes, made it blindingly clear how little he thinks about Scottish independence, right at the end.
And yet people in England wonder WHY we want independence. GGGrrrr!
link to
The British state and their compliant, gimp media (remember the non debate over GCHQ, are basically saying to Scotland and the people who live here that we are a possession of the said state, and nothing more.
Oh yi forker!!! Could only mange to 2.32. “Alex Slamond wants to keep the queen……. I mean how arrogant. If an English person said that they’d be accused of being arrogant but not if Alex Salmond says it”. Er you just called him arrogant you fukin sassij.
Anyone at the 2 Blairs debate at Edinburgh Uni? I only followed it via tweets from Tom Gordon, but it sounds like there was a fair under swell of disgruntlement aimed at Blair McD. and the Osballs currency diktat. No show of hands before or after debate unfortunately.
Isabel Hardman appeared if she was waiting for a rehearsed comment from Jones.
sooner we are away from these perfidious albion lunatics the better. scotland belongs to the people of scotland no-one else. some advice to mr jones and ms hardman take your colonial mindset and shove it.
Quite funny. Their body language says they are irked, possibly feeling a bit threatened by what Alex Salmond has said. I can see how easy it is to put together arguments to refute Salmond’s stated aims. But I don’t think they can say that they know what the Scots are thinking or what they can’t see. They should realise that we have been thinking a lot about this whole thing for many many years.
She asserts that Salmond is sowing doubt in the voters’ minds re Osborne possibly changing his mind on the currency union if we vote Yes. How could she know that? And what would be the point of aiming for a shared currency and kidding us all on about it?..
Interesting that ‘Lord’ Jones stated that independence with our own currency wouldn’t be a problem for business. “It would just be another country with which you trade”. Fine.
(But “Wallace Pound? FFS..)
The BBC should also remember that it is supposed to be the broadcaster for the whole UK. There should have been a pro-independence guest there alongside a pro-union one.
Appalled and disgusted. Like watching a “foreign” news station – worse really because they would not be so partisan.
Imagine any other news topic or political personality being handled in the same way? It beggers belief.
A License fee non payment is the only way – unplug the T.V. suspend the sky subscription and go to tablet or P.C. I would do this if it were part of a coherent co-ordinated effort by a large number of volunteers. Individual pin pricks mean nothing.
I wonder if Mrs Windsor is embarrassed when one of her Lords talks about the Scots’ ridiculous notion of trying to keep England’s queen?
“I was on a panel at the Dundee Uni Students Association debate last night and the labour guy said the same thing about indy being the same as devo max – I interrupted “good, vote yes” which got a laugh and a cheer from a heavily labour and undecided audience… people are not buying this “it’s not real independence” bollocks. They see more powers than we currently have and that’s good with them.”
Good for you. This argument from unionists and their MSM buddies about it not being independence are missing two hugely relevant points. Firstly, it is simply not up to them to define independence because they never campaigned for it. Secondly, they are in fact usually strongly against it. It is a nonsensical argument. It just highlights that Salmond and the Yes campaign have completely outmanoeuvred them strategically.
Dunno about you guys but i’m so sick of listening to this pish…so i wont!
Lordy jones, who wants aligned with ignorant self seeking loudmouths like him.
I wonder are all ENGLISH ignorant of the political situation in Scotland. Or are they just anti Scottish racists.
Ah good here are the comments. Well I lasted 1:37 then gave up. I think I will die 10 minutes early after that.
Do you know how much these screens cost?
oh dear lord jones seem slightly confused. i didnt realise the uk was a country? maybe im confused but im sure about one thing, hes a dead ringer for roy chubby brown:))
“is Digby Jones Scottish?”
No, he’s a space cadet from the future. Don’t believe me? Here he is trying to get out of the London bubble:
link to
Why are these people allowed to talk such rubbish without challenge? Where’s the balance and impartiality. BBC living up to the reputation its fast earning as a biased Unionist channel.
Disgraceful that I’m expected to pay my licence fee to have idiots like these on the screen.
Oh and the First Minister of Scotland is MR Salmond. He was voted in by the Scots people and has earned at least that much respect.
Independence is forever, you dont say Lordy Jones,we have a democratic vote, unlike the vote to elect people of your ilk, whitch we are denied.
Absolute drivel!
‘Scottish’ banks…again,
Not getting to use the Pound…frankly
I’m sick of this and would now happily
vote (when or if I get the chance) to ditch
Sterling and take up our own currency.
Desperately trying not to use expletives here!
Derek Bateman on his blog today, makes a very valid point in relation to the recent bullying from London. The point he makes, is simply, that if this is how Westminster behaves at the simple notion of discussing a currency union, it is blindingly clear that any promise of ‘extra powers’ after a NO vote are just hogwash.
As many have alluded to here before, it is clear that if there is a NO vote, then Scotland will be punished for having the temerity to even attempt to become independent. There will be NO more powers, indeed powers will be removed within days.
I managed to listed/watch as far as 2′ 15″ in then gave up when the wee lass started talking about “any Scots…” Clearly she hasn’t met this Scot, or any of my friends. The fat bloke needs a wake up too and as for the presenter, he’d be as well no being there at all.
Here’s the Birmingham mail’s Johnathon Walker, saying that Scotland may end up like Greece, and it would be the people of England, Wales and NI who’d be left to bailout Scotland.
Walker, adds it could be the rUK paying the price, of Scottish independence, what Walker doesn’t mention is the complete and utter mismanagement that Westminster has made of UK revenue, and the gross over borrowing of the treasury.
Contrast this with John Swinney, and his stringent fiscal management of the Scottish budget, and you get the real picture, of who’ll need to bail whom out.
link to
No respect at all! These f’king airheads still haven’t woken up to the fact that we’re serious, and still haven’t informed themselves properly about it. So just more laughing at the stupid jocks; disgraceful.
@Rev Stu
When is the fundraiser beginning? This is absolutely disgraceful stuff from the BBC.
The difference between independence, whatever international arrangements come with it, and DevoMax (DevoMask?) is that the Scottish people are sovereign.
Any future decisions, on what international arrangements they might choose to make or on whether they retain those at ‘birth’, is up to them. They can all change.
Power devolved, is power retained.
Power regained is power to evolve.
Brit-state news and sundry apparatchniks lashing out at something they know diddly squat about. Could almost be a scene from Russian state TV circa 1989.
Running scared comes to mind.
@ Rev Stu
Where have the Up/Down arrows gone, I miss them? 🙂
“Where have the Up/Down arrows gone, I miss them?”
I actually don’t have a clue.
More ill informed nonsense from English commentators/ politicians who have absolutely no knowledge of Scotland. The BBC are clearly the Pravda of the 21st Century.
“indeed powers will be removed within days.”
Important point. On a No result, they will want to implement them while anti-Scottish feeling is at its highest and pro-indy is demoralized.
If they haven’t written them already, they will certainly be ready for RDay+1.
Bwana digby massa is this how you like yo thick jock serfs massa bass.
The paper reviews on all channels are usually the bearers of bad news and hammer blows for the Scots and their government. They also seem to have the same people on a merry go round system.
We could do with a lot more of this happening over the next few months. The heavier that they layer on this London Centric view of Scots/Scotland/Indy thew better in my view.
It will give a great deal of people much to think about regards what Scotland is going to look like if enough people chose to vote no.
Its abundantly clear that ordinary people should not be consulted in democracy. Salmond is a danger to the establishment – he always has been because the establishment does not benefit anyone that stays outside of the establishment elite.
Salmond fights for Scotland and the interests of Scotland worldwide. There is much for the establishment to lose if Scots vote to run their own affairs from home rather than squandering Scots wealth by letting the establishment make a living on our TAX receipts
well that’s a new one, all the comments have disappeared and the thread is only displaying 5 comments now?
I’m afraid I couldn’t watch this all the way through, though do keep ’em coming, I’m sure that’s a few more people convinced to vote yes!
Have just been reading the excellent ‘Wee Ginger Dug’s latest
link to Mair Baxteresque Propaganda an excellent point is made that people down south are only just waking up to the fact that Scotland might actually vote yes in September.
I think people are en-masse, suffering cognitive dissonance, because they have been led to believe that such a thing would never happen. I have some sympathy for them, I really do and the BBC carries a lot of blame in the current situation, because it has shied away from covering the real issues for years. However, having said that, Sir Digby is just entitled and obnoxious it’ll be so good when we no-long have to contribute to his like any more!
If so many of these English people have such a low opinion of the Scots and Scotland, why don’t they just help us to remove ourselves from their beloved country and give them peace. They should all be on EBC encouraging us instead of trying to hold onto us. How thick can they be? Mmmm
They forget they broadcast up here. I want my share of Scotland Yard . The yes camp really don’t have to do a thing they will do it for them . i tweeted earlier that now they are getting into it a bit they are 2 years behind the curve
ctrl F5 Doug 🙂
The positive of all this patronising talk about Scottish currency is that, if Scotland does eventually opt for her own currency, we won’t need to spend on brainstorming sessions to come up with a name for it, since we’ve already been given a number of appetising options. In recent months, we’ve had:
The poond,
The baw-bee,
The groat,
Now the Wallace Pound.
Any I’ve missed?
“Where have the Up/Down arrows gone, I miss them?”
If you are using a desktop keyboard or equivalent, you can use the ‘Home’ key and the ‘End’ key to achieve the same thing.
Another kickthescotfest. I’m getting heartily sick of the crap we have to listen to. They’re all so up themselves, pure bullying going on, and trying to combat it is a waste of time now as they are revving up to fever pitch. Had a wee foray onto the scotsman site today for a nosey and it was like a stinking vipers pit. Thank goodness for Wings, a liferaft in an ocean of effluent.
Wallace Pounds? How about we call our new currency, after independence, the “FUKTHEBBC” Then as generations of Scots grow up they will be reminded of the crap we had to endure before we voted YES. I can see it now, “Dad, can I have 3 FUKTHEBBCs to buy some sweets”.
Stu, can you compare an archived copy of your site code with what’s there now?
Call me paranoid but, your site code might be getting “tweaked”.
Clearly we’re just naughty children. We’ll be getting sent to bed without supper next.
Think they own the place,they REALLY do. Shock coming their way big time come September.
“well that’s a new one, all the comments have disappeared and the thread is only displaying 5 comments now?”
Coincidence or not, I’ve not had much bother since running adwcleaner a few days ago.
From previous post:
“I know it doesn’t get everything, e.g. stubborn toolbar hijackers. So I occasionally also use the excellent free French program adwcleaner by xplode (get it direct don’t use cnet etc.). Its a bit like using draincleaner and comes with a similar hazard warning. Use after a backup, in case it takes out something it doesn’t recognise which is ligit. It does give you the option of removing from its hit list first, but… danger Will Robinson.”
I heard at the weekend that .. ready for this, Scotland gaining independence will open the floodgates for the reunification of ireland. some folk could not measure up to the IQ of mince but dangerous non the less
FM Salmond continues to guddle some particularly thick fish: A constitutional dawdle given the levels of sublime pig-ignorance voiced by the Angloista metropolitan “elites” – twa here exposed, belly up, for the tickle.
At least, the piers-noirs of BT in Scotland and these, their UK sock puppet and well patronaged, sponsors have been, as yet, unable to drag us down to the violent gutter level of their provocations.
For this achievement, in and of itself, the FM, DFM, Scottish Cabinet, Govt, Parliament, and People deserve credit off the Richter Scale.
By Christ, listening and watching this – the interviewer excepted – I thought I had Tardis-ed back to THEIR Braveheart, droit de seigneur times.
Appalling stuff, but vital to have on the public record and beyond their fiddling with it. Thank you.
I gave up on the BBC and corporate media many years ago and feel much better for it.
The basic text on this (for me) was Manufacturing Consent by Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky. There’s also a highly-watchable documentary based on this.
Some useful links:
Media Lens – holding the corporate media to account. Their fight is our fight.
White Dot – the International Campaign against Television.
Closer to home, the Glasgow Media Group have produced some excellent analyses of bias in the corporate media.
Just thought I’d pass this on.
British Medical Journal anti-independence article (behind paywall) by a Glasgow GP –
Scotland be brave: why I’m a unionist
link to
If you’re not used to the BMJ’s online format, you can read & ‘like’ online responses, without restrictions, here –
link to
Forgive the errant comma.
One borderline and two bad cases of Salmondella Poisoning in that BBC clip. Somebody call a spin doctor.
This is what Isabel Hardman thinks the referendum comes down to. (My bold)
The difference between independence-lite and devo-max is technically quite thin, but the ‘campaign rhetoric’ of the past week has shown that one carries a great deal of risk and the other doesn’t. Vote ‘Yes’ for independence-lite and leave the European Union and lose the pound. Vote ‘No’ for the devo-max promised by Westminster politicians and stick with all the things Salmond wants to assure you are safe.
link to
Completely clueless.
Digby Jones IS a complete idiot. The Queen is the continuing shared monarchy stretching back to James VI of Scotland. She is descended from James VI, despite some idiot’s thinking that she is descended from Henry VIII
I really get angry when every someone , be it an English or Scottish unionist jumped up twat throws in the ‘and you want to keep the Queen’ routine. It just shows them up to be morons, which they are
I’ve got to the stage where I don’t really care if we stay in the EU or join in a currency union with them. We haven’t been able to trust Westminster for the last 300 years. Why should we now?
No wonder some people in England have turned against us. Propaganda like this is being fed to them on a daily basis.
Isn’t it funny how when giving an example of a currency union they always pick Germany and Greece? Why not Germany and France or The Netherlands?
What a great piece, yet again from the BBC.
Why do people on Wings complain? it’s almost as if they are working for the Yes side. 😉
How many Scots do you know, that would take kindly to being insulted by a Lord called Digby?
The BBC make me so happy, I almost thought I might get a licence when I return to the UK…
But that would be going too far!
Thanks Chicmac, I might just give that a go
“Closer to home, the Glasgow Media Group have produced some excellent analyses of bias in the corporate media.”
I’m afraid the Glasgow Media Group are hamstrung by Labour Party Unionist affiliations – there is no chance of them shining a torch on the biased broadcasting of the BBC or anyone else on the subject of self-determination for Scotland.
So much for ‘academic distance’ and integrity…
Well that was fun, wasn’t it? 🙂
I think the idea that Scottish independence would lead to a united Ireland is fanciful, but what it could do is put an independent Northern Ireland on the agenda. Is it not the case that most loyalist Northern Irish feel closer to Glasgow than London (apart from geographically, I mean)?
If there’s an imbalance at present between the four nations in the UK, it seems to me that it would exacerbated in a country containing only England, Wales and Northern Ireland. As things stands, Westminster at least pays lip service to the needs of the devolved administrations. I can see that changing after Scottish independence, with Welsh and Northern Irish interest being ignored to a greater degree.
The political system in Northern Ireland is already vastly different from the other nations in the UK, and surely the only thing keeping them would be, on the one hand, patriotic allegiance to the UK, and on the other, fear of greater influence by the Republic of Ireland.
That’s my uninformed reading of the situation, anyway.
What a strange display of confused thinking from this pair and from most contributors on shows like these: they don’t want us to go, but at the same time we seem to have turned into an evil fifth column ready to stab them in the back. I’d rather be thought of in those terms than some loyal Jock who will one day turn into a proper member of the Bulldog Breed and find the views and manners of people like this normal. It’s galling to have to pay for these attacks on us, but it gives a great insight into what it must have been like to live in Soviet Eastern Europe.
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Can’t you feel the love?
link to
Seeing as the BBC are publicly funded it would be interesting to see if witholding our licence fees had any effect.
Not saying that anyone should break the law, but if some healthy civil disobedience meant that a couple of hundred thousand people paid late it would interrupt cash flow into this overtly biased organisation.
Cancel direct debits, tell em why, make em chase!
Saw this myself at the time.
Honeslty if YES lose this referendum the role of a hostile Westminster controlled BBC will have to come under international scrutiny.
Convinced more than ever that Scots must have control of the state broadcaster in future.
Hostile journalists and ‘British Labour / Glasgow Irish’ in Central belt, backing Union are the only real threat to an egalitarian free thinking Scotland based on the aspirations and freedom of the People, not the State.
i have found a video promising devo . It is based on fact
That’s a shame, as their work is very good.
I did some digging around TV licenses.
Take a look at link to if you’re serious about going legally license free (LLF).
But you can see the trouble which could arise within the central belt and west of scotland with such nonsense . there are no brain surgeons between them whether they wear a bowler hat or a green jacket . i can see WM going nuclear with nonsense like this in desperation
I can’t believe that a buffoon like Digby Jones is a Captain of UK industry. Lords trougher sure but how these guys get to the top is just amazing. It’ll be so great to see the back of this imperialist mindset once and for all.
Calm down. Wings over Scotland could be a Unionist-backed blog designed to provoke such reactions. These fearsome comments could come back to haunt us. UDI for Fife.
Tv licensing i just politely got told them to go away as i have revoked their implied right of access all i get are letters now and again which go directly into the blue wheelie bin 🙂
Why are people in this country still paying the tv propaganda tax? The BBC is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the country next door, aided by ("Tractor" - Ed)s in this country, that might sound a bit extreme but its fact/reality.
It”s time to bin the propaganda tax, open your eyes to the reality that you are paying the country next door to subvert democracy here in Scotland, again this is reality, i would be ashamed of myself if I was still paying then, are you?
Bin the propaganda tax now!!!
Go easy on me noo Rev 🙂
I tell you what, with the amount of artistic talent on our side, such as National collective, you could put together an interesting film from all the material that has been produced by the unionists, such as the clip with Digby
Digby Jones, what a bawbag he is. Breathtaking arroganc.
It quite simply is television from a foreign country to me.
No more to say.
Scotland isn’t your country , England is your country and we are not breaking up your country , we are FREEING OUR COUNTRY FORM YOUS
Lord Jones of Birmingham rants against Scottish democracy but also wants UK out of the EU,demands a referendum. One more of England’s elitist UKIP/Tory rule Britannia and completely devoid of any sense of their raging hypocrisy. link to
Wow! How much rope do these people need? This should be made mandatory daily viewing for those ‘don’t knows’.
Sickening, more words fail me. Sorry.
What fun this is. It gets it all out of your system.
After independence I will forever refer to the rUK as Poundland.
These English commentators imagine that Scots are just like themselves. Totally obsessed by interest rates and house prices. I personally dont give a damn what currency we use. I trust the current Scottish government to do what is right by the people of Scotland. I do not trust Westminster in any shape or form.
And that is why I will vote Yes and encourage others to do so.
@Scott 5.21, who said Freedom came easy, breaking the law by not paying a licence fee LMAA, Nelson Mandella spring to mind.
Dont pay the Fucking licence fee, people in England are not paying as are people in Wales / NI whats their exscuse, are they being told lies, on the Referendem / Independence.
YouTube, non payment of TV licence Fee, they cant do anything.
Same Digby Jones in the Times on why UK has to be independent country again form the EU so… “We are faced with an unelected ruling elite in Brussels that still can’t balance its books, where the culture is still one of marching valiantly towards 1970 and where criticism is condescendingly seen as heretical”
What on earth does he think the UK and the House of Lords is or the UK perpetually growing teamGB national debt black hole ? very mad chap. Maybe the BBC will ask Digby next time.
Absolutely disgusting. The BBC shows just how uninformed and biased it really is. “Wallace pound”, out of touch and out of date ideas. No balance or counter to raise the level of debate.
Why are we all being forced to pay for this garbage via the TV licence again? It certainly isn’t doing me any good.
@gerry parker Airdrie Yes have plenty newspaper,s if you need them, I,ve folded 1000, another 1000,delivered today.
Digby Jones? Pass me the sick bucket.
Geez! You go abroad for a week and come back to this. Just spent all afternoon trying to catch up and lots of links yet to open.
Blood pressure has gone up a tad. Same old stories being circulated again. Keep at it everyone. 🙂
Here’s a wee message from Gordon, (A huv nae gotta clue)Brown but, I’ll say it anyway
link to
@Chani says:
OT but relevant to the site. What happened to the short cuts to the top/bottom of the page on Wings?
They are there on XP but not on Win7.
I hope someone is keeping tally of who NOT to invite to the independence celebrations 😉
It’s not too surprising these nobs think like this about us.
It is however unforgivable of Broon, Alexander and Darling.
If they manage to get a No vote because of fear – the entire UK mediag will treat us as cowards and we will never be able to watch a BBC prog again as the Scots will be the ones getting dos’s abuse which we won’t be able to counteract.
The only plus point is that a lot of folk don’t really watch much news or read a lot of politics.
If you ever watch progs like pointless, the spoints for who is the chancellor etc are usually really low
The only way to stop this contempt is thro indy.
I too watched this at the time. They were a good double act; at times simpering, at times puffing themselves up, and neither with a clue what they were talking about. It’s a disgrace that the BBC continues to get away with such blatant bias. They’ve already trashed their reputation in Scotland, now they’re doing it internationally.
Incidentally, if you go on to the BBC News website, there’s an online form you can use to comment. I did so after the programme; no reply, needless to say. However, if anyone can be bothered it might be worth letting them know what the feeling is about the BBC’s continuing corruption of the independence debate.
Online pro Union BBC bias is interesting, like tonight they’re either playing mind games with UKOK propaganda or they think they can pull off a NO win by stealth lying as in this unnamed, non existent bettertogether spokesperson says
A spokesman for the pro-Union Better Together campaign said the poll showed devolution was “the settled will of the Scottish people”.
He added: “We can have our own Scottish Parliament and we can have the strength and security of having the pound and being part of the UK. Only the nationalists think that we have to choose between the two.
“The Scottish Parliament is guaranteed significant new powers over the next couple of years through the already agreed Scotland Act. The three main parties are also discussing what other powers can be devolved to Holyrood and voters will find out about these in advance of the referendum.”
I’d rather be poor than thirled to people like these. Fortunately, I’ll actually be better off than they are! I think the London media are going to become more and more racist in their attitude to Scotland. It’s unfortunate but one consolation is that most people living in Scotland will find it rebarbative and vote accordingly.Haven’t posted for a while so I can give you an update on my evangelical exploits. There are a surprisingly large number of Chinese people going to vote Yes folks! We shall overcome their bias. I’m convinced of it.
An arrogant Englishman complaining about Salmond being arrogant and saying you cannot have a UK asset whilst simultaneously taking on board UK liabilities.
Oh the ‘Arrogance, the Arrogance’ heaven forbid that someone sticks up for his country.
Notice that they never ever mention Northern Rock. Says it all really.
checking in
I understand that Brown was being interviewed on STV regarding his latest waffle on pensions, when asked a question regarding bullying, he apparently walk away, anyone else know about this?
It’s on STV news.
I watched this last night, I’ve said it before but I barely get upset because I’m so used to it. It’s not like it’s a surprise or shocking, it’s totally expected.
When I see its Lord Dickby and some brat from the Spectator I know the kind of verbal diarrhea that’s gonna spill from there mouths before they’ve said it.
The arrogance and ignorance in equal measure is actaully hilarious at time, they’ve become a caricature of themselves.
The Sky News paper review was the same. The Mirror’s political editor said that “once the noise of the bagpipes has died down the Scots will come to their senses”. Now there’s a guy with his finger on the pulse of Scottish politics.
Yeah, spot on. Better Together just tweeted.
58% support for a No vote in the mock independence referendum at Dundee University. I`ve no idea what the turn out was.
North Sea De-commissioning costs.
Oil companies apply for a licence to explore / develop an oil field. The undertake as part of that license a promise to return the area to an “as was” situation. The lifetime project cost includes the decommisioning cost (Well plugging and platform removal).
The oil companies must demonstrate these funds are ring fenced. e.g. You cannot sell off an asset unless you retain the decommisioning cost. We have recent cases were an asset has been sold for $1 with the duyer accepting legal transfer of millions of pounds of later cost (removal)
The decommisioning aspect has a positive impact on continued production (maximum extraction). Pushing back decommissioning effectively defers outlay.
They do get a tax offset against these costs.
However all costs are borne by the Oil Company.
Another myth created by suggesting we could not afford it – we do not pay for it.
Surely they all must know that the BBC news/magazine is broadcast in Scotland, yet they might as well be talking about a restless foreign colony.
The sneering, condescending, ignorance is hard to watch without wincing. And the young lady is positively gushing at the corroboration of her ill informed prejudices.
Meanwhile the presenter appears to think it’s all a bit of a laugh.
No matter what your political viewpoint is, any reasonable Scot must wonder how it came to this? I mean, this is the state news broadcaster talking about us. The very same broadcaster we all fund to deliver us a balanced & fair reflection of ourselves.
But it’s like looking at those funny distorted mirrors at the carnival. You know its you but somehow, it’s a surreal, alternative to reality.
FFS folks, do the right thing and vote YES so we can come up with an alternative. We deserve so much better than this farcical output.
And what were these people saying when Gordon Brown announced the end of boom and bust?
I can take a lot of No-nsense but that clip almost had me smashing my keyboard off the desk. I was swearing like a trooper throughout that pontificating loaf of shite’s BBC-sanctioned diatribe.
Off to lie down.
This isn’t how I wanted to win independence, but it’s happening and I can’t see people being converted to No by the media, quite the opposite. So keep it coming. If you polarise the debate then more people are going to turn to Yes. It’s the lack of self-awareness, knowledge and understanding of Scotland, and the colonial mindset that will do so much for the No side to lose.
cynicalHighlander – not near a tv at the moment, just wondered if there was a clip online?
This can’t be going down well with Better Together: no wonder Alistair Darling is perpetually angry.
Until recently, BT only had to worry about keeping the Scottish media ‘on-message’ and compliant; but now, as awareness of the referendum campaign grows UK-wide, commentators in the wider media world are starting to roll about like loose cannon, firing off their contemptuous opinions about the Scots in all directions and creating division in the union that’s supposed to be getting held together. BT will be unable to control this.
People like the pair in this clip truly are doing the Yes campaign’s work for it.
Here is the Gordon Brown clip from STV:
link to
Heartburn. I’ve been necking Gaviscon since viewing.
It will be interesting to see if Dr John Robertson is keeping an up to date study of the BBC bias.
Digby says a lot by using the “Puppy for Christmas” argument. This is something that a parent says to a child because they don’t think they are ready to take responsibility for their actions. Scotland is “my country” but only Scots should discuss the matter that we are currently discussing! I wonder why people think he’s arrogant…
Bugger the propaganda tax, I have NOT paid it since 1988 an proud of it, 2 households in my family pay it, 8 don’t, go to hell BBC/EBC, sorry to rant Gentlemen
Beginning to look like someone doesn’t like STV News after the Osbourne episode last week.
OT, Rev Stu, I have a pic I would like to send to you but cant see any attachment thing on the contact form on the header bar. It is regarding Darling.
Alan Mackintosh: Just send a message and I’ll give you the email address.
It all seems so perfect reasonable Digby Dahling. I can’t think why the Scotch are soo beastly breaking up one’s country and expecting to be loved not bombed and bayonetted.
Also should say that we should all remember how being Scottish was used by the msm as a stick to beat Gordon Brown with when he was Prime Minister.
As I indicated, comes with warnings, although I’ve used it about half a dozen times with no known issues. Hope it works. If it does let us know.
Just watched the clip, Brown is such an arrogant SOB
The only time this United with Labour ,or whatever they are called appears is when every 3 or 4 months Toom Tabbard Broon comes out and talks nonsense.
I see as soon as we was asked an off topic question his bottle dropped and the old Macavity kicked in as he sped off to his bunker.
@ Piemonties. “Any I’ve missed?” The deep fried Mars bar has been mentioned. Which will have more monetary value than a UK pound if Westminster carries on as it is.
I sat through the entire length of that,
I am perfectly relaxed my state is managed and I
Gordon “end of boom & bust” Brown doubled the annual budget deficit from £15 billion to almost £32 billion before handing over the spending spree baton to Alistair “Flipper” Darling who added more than £100 billion to that.
He raided pensions too to free up even more cash that ended up boosting returns to private companies engaged in PPF schemes all across the UK.
He is not qualified to advise on prudent fiscal management by any government including pensions because he inadvertently eased Britain’s entry into the worst financial recession in modern times.
“The only time this United with Labour ,or whatever they are called appears is when every 3 or 4 months Toom Tabbard Broon comes out and talks nonsense.”
Did you see the quite bizarre end to his STV interview? when the tame reporter said “some Scots might see this as bullying” and he said” I think I’ve completed this interview” and walked off, the mans no richt.
@ronnie, good on ye sir. Will b out distributing leaflets for the Coatbridge College Yes event which is on Tuesday 25th @ 7:30.
My wife recorded an STV program last night called AGENDA, it had four guests discussing current events with a presenter. The guests were Danny Alexander, Gemmie Geer ?, Clive James and a reporter from the Daily Mail no idea what her name was?
Of course the currency union and Barroso’s appearence was discussed, and “Guess What” the result of their discussion is we don’t know what we are doing about anything, and leaving the UK will be a disaster for us, we will be out of the EU, out of the pound, out of our kilts from the sounds of it.
Of course the presenter was smileing throughout and asking really pertinet questions like “is that right they would’nt be allowed to use the pound”, fuck-no’ss what his name is, I never seen him before.
But in the sense of fairness he did say they hoped to be able to ask Alex Salmond the same questions some time in the future, but they did not have him or anyone else from the YES campaign actually on the program to rebutt their comments, as I suppose that would have buggered up the program for the rest of the guests.
The sheer lack of knowledge about Scotland and the referendum including Danny Alexander’s, from that so called panel was mind blowing.
Well done the STV for showing the BBC how much you have learned from them, bias pricks.
Sorry, but I can’t watch that. Tried, but the unelected oaf made me lose my equilibrium.
The BBC is dead to me.
I just love it when the bigotry and bullshite goes so far that even the BBC presenter feels obliged to rein it in.
Alistair in the mirror, feeling bad!
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Tattie Bogle at 4.50
That suggestion will have a very interesting effect on one part of our communities’ voting intention.
Do us no harm to make sure it is widely heard.
I believe the vast majority of sensible people in Scotland (and England) would be very glad if NI just went away.
I’m sure the British Government feels the same
Spout says:
18 February, 2014 at 5:14 pm
I met Greg Philo a few times – Glasgot Media Group. Personally he’s against independence and I’ve also sent him a few interesting pieces of news manipulation which he hasn’t responded to/has ignored.
Can the MSM really keep this up for 7 months. If so then we will all be driven mad by it. Folk will probably vote Yes in the hope of never having to listen to it again.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Something is happening behind the scenes and the establishment is seriously rattled.
They are obsessed about The SNP revealing a plan B and the frantic activity of the MSM tells me that they don’t have much time otherwise they wouldn’t be so blatant about it.
My own home-baked theory is that the BOE is again coming under pressure by investors to say one way or the other if there will be a currency union.
If Westminster is forced to give a guarantee that there will be, then Cameron will be totally humiliated and Scotland will be guaranteed financial security before going to the polls.
Only 2 things are certain: The first is the MSM cannot keep this up for 7 months. And the second thing is there is nothing to save now. Britain will never be the same again for Scotland or England regardless of the outcome of the vote.
For my money Westminster has imploded and the MSM is in the process of imploding.
Interviewer was pretty good though, fed them plenty rope and you could see him near the end with that “you really are talking shit” look.
Well that’s two minutes of my life I wont get back. Nauseating. Is this stuff getting worse or am I just getting more sensitive to it?
As we get ever closer to the referendum, the true face of the British Establishment comes to the fore. And it is ugly – very, very ugly.
The British Establishment, so vaingloriously fronted by the, so-called, upper classes and their sense of entitlement and, indeed, actual entitlement received through land, wealth and titles, is facing the biggest usurping of its ‘power’ since the whole corrupt practice of gaining power-by-entitlement came into being. They are facing an end-of-rule moment – and don’t like it one little bit.
So what do they do? They lie, lie and lie some more… and threaten, and warn and snarl and bluster. The whole corrupt system of Westminster governance is being opened up for inspection by the debate on Scottish independence, never mind the almost inconceivable notion – to imperial-mindset Westminster – that Scotland might very well vote for its independence – and in only seven months time.
They have turned to their friend in times of national emergency – the BBC – to get out the message that the UK (= Britain = England) is under attack from Scottish independence and that the messenger (Alex Salmond) must be vilified and his message must be ridiculed and denigrated.
Only one problem. The internet is now available to the masses and its information cannot be controlled, though efforts are made by Secret (or not so secret) Services to do just that. In days gone by, and not so long ago, when ‘news’ and ‘information’ were obtained, and generally believed, from TV, radio and newspapers, these tactics for obtaining population compliancy, and with it state power, were the done thing and relatively successful. Now the ‘message’ cannot be controlled and the people are becoming more empowered. Lies are being exposed and the ‘real’ truth is becoming known.
History has shown that empires never end well. The British version will be no exception. Arrogance and denial will continue. How far they will go to delay the inevitable only time will tell.
I am getting sick, very sick, of this anti-Scottish racism that the BBC/ITV and the print media are promoting against us. Do they have any clue as to what they could give birth to?
I’ve been on the brink of cancelling my DD for licence fee for many weeks. Of course it would make more impact if I did so at the same time as others.
Unfortunately ‘The Agenda’ is an ITV London produced programme that STV buy for transmission in Scotland
The programme was disgraceful (I watched and commentated on it last night).
I’m actually a share holder of STV, but never bother going to the AGM’s. Might just go to the net one 🙂
just watched Jon Snow interview Flipper on C4 from yesterday, Pretty good bunch of questions with really repetitive replies, well worth a watch.
Definitely getting more balanced challenges on the tv down south than up here I think.
I watched this at the time. Nearly threw an errant transformer at the TV: luckily Megatron lives for another day.
Digby’s comments about Greece (because if there’s any country whose policies resemble Scotland’s, it’s the fascist capitalist Greek government), the decommissioning of the oil platforms (in addition to Chic’s clarification regarding the owners footing the bill, I’m sure that’s going to be a real problem in 50 years…) the queen (because of course a LORD wouldn’t know that she’s the Queen of Scots too, right, why would he know such a thing?) the infantile “independence puppy” jibe, the “high public spending” dig (a country with £1.5 trillion debt doesn’t get to lecture us) and the idiotic “the banks have Scotland in the name, therefore they’re Scottish” point (I guess that means Scotland Yard belongs to us too?) proves that he’s another classic example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
They’re REALLY crawling out of the woodwork, here: people who have zero knowledge about oil or economics proclaiming they know more about it than a man who’se spent much of his life as an economic consultant, because he says another person who has *zero* experience of economics in the field says something else. And people claim that SALMOND is the one talking mince? Seriously?
That bit where he looked down the presenter’s nose with “it’s called Greece” showed his complete lack of true knowledge, just the simplistic parroting of the party line. Just a shame nothing he could say would stand up to scrutiny: bless the presenter for trying, but he gave up at the first attempt.
But there’s one thing that really blows my mind. First, Digby says of the SNP:
“You have a political party that want to, quite openly, in a free society, campaign to break up our country.“
Then, at 3:50:
“At the end of the day, an Englishman like me shouldn’t be standing up here preaching to the Scottish people about anything, it’s for them to decide, so when Alex Salmond says to Cameron to come and debate with me – no he shouldn’t! There should be Scots people talking about their future… but it does frustrate me when you’ve got a party committed to the breakup of my country…
Can anyone please explain to me how Digby seems to simultaneously think that Scotland is a country that only Scots should decide and debate about, yet claim that the SNP are trying to break up “his country”? Which country? Can’t be England, unless he thinks an indy Scotland will result in England breaking apart: it’s pretty clear he thinks of the UK as “his country.”
If that’s the case – that you view the UK as a country – then how can you possibly defend the idea of David Cameron NOT speaking in the defense of his country? If the UK’s a country, your country, Lord Jones, then it’s David Cameron’s country too. If the SNP are trying to break up you country, then it is the Prime Minister of the UK’s duty to ensure what’s in the best interests of the country – and that MUST mean a debate with the man trying to “break it up.”
Scotland’s not a country, because independence is “breaking up” the UK. But Scotland is a country, because Alex Salmond doesn’t get to debate with the Prime Minister, ergo only Scots should decide. So which is it, Digby? If Scotland’s a country, then the SNP aren’t “breaking up” your country at all. If Scotland isn’t a country, and the UK is, then it’s the duty of the UK to defend itself against the “separatists.” Can’t have it both ways.
Scotland’s only a country when it suits them – it’s time we got a say on whether Scotland’s a country or not, once and for all.
@Bill McLean: I am getting sick, very sick, of this anti-Scottish racism that the BBC/ITV and the print media are promoting against us. Do they have any clue as to what they could give birth to?
As Madeley would say, “where did we go wrong?”
Stopped paying the TV licence 8 months ago and I hope they take me to court.
*exhales* that was every bit as painful as I thought it would be hence I put off watching til now.
@Taranaich, aye everything you said!
1:06 “keep the Queen: how arrogant is that?”
Just to let the currency stick to the wall for a moment, can I remind this tosser that Elizabeth is descended from Henry VII of England ONLY through James V, Mary and therefore James VI of Scots?
Not that I’m that fussed about whether we have them or not but, eh, their our Royals on extended loan!!!!
I continued watching that for at least 30seconds after it finished, staring at my screen. I know educated people who are voting no. You know, they know, that was all utter bullshit. I’m no longer converting maybes’. Hard ‘no’s’are now seeing sense
Watched the first few seconds then switched it off when I heard Barroso mentioned.
I’m getting really quite sick of the Barroso comment, that and the currency union for that matter. Neither of them matter at all because they are easily debunked, but the BBC keep peddling them as if they are foundation stones that can be used to build a weapon to slay the SNP(in their minds Indy=SNP=evil) with.
I broke and ended up making a blog post to debunk 3 issues. 2 regarding the currency union viability, and 1 regarding the EU. If anyone wants to take a look, just click my name for the link!
I just….really can’t stand those lies anymore. Its an absolute outrage that the BBC is allowed to peddle them like the fecking fearmonger supreme, Glenn Beck, did on Fox News.
The sooner News Corp buys them out, the better. Same ****, different boss. That’s the way I see it.
Never has so much drivel been spoken by so few.
STOP Paying the TV Tax…
link to
Craig Macfarlane says: Avaaz.
Just signed the petition. Good idea
“I met Greg Philo a few times – Glasgot Media Group. Personally he’s against independence and I’ve also sent him a few interesting pieces of news manipulation which he hasn’t responded to/has ignored.”
My experience also.
Glasgow Media Group:
News manipulation that challenges personal political beliefs – ignored.
News manipulation that shores up political beliefs (e.g. BBC on Israel) – documented & examined.
Sadly the University of Glasgow also harbours the CPPR – unbiased not Labour Party connected ‘academics’. Honest!
wow, what can you say to that drivel