The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

For Mridul And Sandy

Posted on February 12, 2025 by

This site hasn’t had much nice to say about the former CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Mridul Wadhwa, or the (incredibly) still-CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland, Sandy Brindley. But we’re going to thank them today, because it’s hard to see how anyone else could have been chiefly responsible for this.

Just four and a half years ago, every demographic group in the UK supported – either by a plurality or an outright majority – the presence of transwomen in women’s rape crisis centres. But today, eight out of 10 of those groups now oppose it, five by an absolute majority, with only 18-24-year-olds and (barely) Labour voters clinging on.

(Which is probably why ERCC has stuffed its board with children.)

Sometimes even awful people can trigger good outcomes. Cheers, sir and madam.

0 to “For Mridul And Sandy”

  1. Marie says:

    Special commendation also for the fragrant Isla Bryson and those tight pink leggings.

    • yoon scum says:

      pass the mind bleach

      I’d managed to forget about those

  2. Confused says:

    please stop this bigotry, this hatred against the innocent she-beast demographic

    • Dan says:


      • diabloandco says:

        You are insulting a very pleasant cartoon – behave yourself!

      • Dan says:

        “Pleasant” is questionable as for me it was the start of mind melting unreality that morphed into the era of teletubbies child brain drain pish.
        A pink dude knobing a black chick does not maketh yellow, green, blue, or red offspring. Any kid in primary school art lesson that’s mixed colours knows that.
        Maybe some of the multiculturism inspired bairns were adopted or mum was shagging aboot for the rainbow coloured team, I don’t know.
        2 child cap clealry wasn’t in play or they were a wealthy couple to be able to raise that many offspring.
        Tell you what wasn’t pleasant though. Hartley Hare! He was one crazy scary evil looking bastard of an animal.

    • Sven says:

      Dear Lord, now that’s an image branded onto what is left of my mind which will be challenging to erase !

    • twathater says:

      C’mon confused yir dain it again, BILE ALERT

  3. WhatRot says:

    Many thanks to Wings as well. Without you, most of us would never have come across those two bastards.

  4. panda paws says:

    “because it’s hard to see how anyone else could have been chiefly responsible for this.”

    So I don’t know, I think Isla Bryson/Adam Graham and Andrew Millar/Amy George (charged as a man) were quite responsible too.

    And when support drops even further in the future, a round of applause for Dr Beth Upton…

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      There’s no reason they’d have had an impact on how people viewed rape-crisis access. The gender/GRR issue generally, sure.

  5. duncanio says:

    Credit where it’s due.

    Nobody can say that Stuart Campbell is not magnanimous.

  6. Mark Beggan says:

    Trans comes purely from political classes and dynasties There is no ‘grassroots’ movement. It’s not part of the culture. It has been manufactured and supported by basically the State. The advocates are all from the same world. In the earlier times it was a Fad amongst the upper classes. So therefore it’s a conspiracy and the culprits must face justice.

    • 3:30 at Ayr says:

      De-trannification will proceed as relentlessly as de-nazification is about to in what was formerly known as “Ukraine”.

      And its the same unseen hands that were responsible for both aberrations.

  7. willie says:

    Times they are a changing as Mr Dylan once sang.

    Common sense returns. The hyped and hugely forced woke policies are now in reverse.

    Well played Mr Campbell in reporting this. Your comments over the years are now being reflected by the wider population who is now recognising the onslaught of harmful woke nonsense for what it is.

  8. sam says:

    Findings of fact by the Employment Tribunal hearing Ms Adams claim.

    “5. Shortly before she started working the claimant met with the respondents’ then Chief Operating Officer Maggie Chapman on 21st December 2020. She went for a walk with her. This was the first time that she heard what she described 20 in the Tribunal as the “mantra” that “trans women are women”. She felt concerned that there was no real definition or clarification associated with this statement. She felt it was odd. Once she started work she felt it became more and more apparent that there were issues regarding the way that gender issues were dealt with in the organisation. She felt there were obvious places where 25 the organisation needed to talk about it but felt that support workers were not permitted to talk about it. She described things around the issue as being “eggshelly”. 6. She became aware early on that people who wrote into the organisation 30 raising the issue were classed as bigots and that emails from them were stored in a folder called Hate emails.”

    These are approaches and attitudes central to the way the illusion is created. 

  9. sam says:

    Sandy Brindley throws Wadhwa under the bus to save her skin.

    “Putting women in the position of having to discuss whether the service they receive will be provided by someone who was born and continues to identify as female has caused damage and does not amount to the provision of protected ‘women only’ spaces. Therefore, requiring women to specify that they want a service delivered by a biological woman/female amounts to a core failure to deliver services to NSS [National Service Standards] standards under both the 2019 and 2024 versions. The reviewer asked the Trustees at a meeting on 07.08.24 whether they had been asked to approve this policy. The Trustees could not remember being asked to do so. They had checked the meeting minutes and could not find any record of such a decision. The response from the senior management team (SMT) provided above shows that they were not informed or requested to decide this very important matter. The SMT was aware that issues of sex and gender are strongly contested and that decisions made would be likely to have an impact within ERCC and externally. Therefore, a decision to accept self-ID is a matter of policy and not solely an 13 operational decision. In addition, the issues have a direct bearing on whether the NSS are being met. It should properly have been referred to the Trustee Board. Failure to refer this important issue to the Trustee Board was a serious failure of governance by senior management, responsibility for which lies with the CEO.”

    link to

  10. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Media watchdog accused of peddling pro-LGBT bias

    « The press regulator has been accused of undermining women’s safety by promoting the “core principles of trans identity ideology” across the UK news industry.

    « Conrad Roeber says that in 2019 he was contracted by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) to assess “trends in editorial standards in coverage of transgender issues”, in light of its guidance that journalists should use “the pronouns the individual uses to describe themselves”.

    « But although the management consultant found that most editors deemed it “absurd” to refer to the rapist known as Karen White as “she”, he claimed IPSO forced him to refer to White with female pronouns in his report. »


    « In an email sent to Roeber, IPSO’s former Head of Standards Charlotte Urwin reportedly boasted about “setting the world to rights” with Susie Green, who used to be the Chief Executive of pro-trans group Mermaids.

    « The consultant reported “a warm, almost cosy tone to their exchanges”, adding: “It felt less like neutral arbitration and more like an ideological alignment.”

    « Although Roeber interviewed representatives from Mermaids as part of his research, IPSO allowed them to be re-interviewed by another person after they complained he had “gender critical” views. »


    « Writing in The Spectator, Roeber warned that “calling a male ‘she’ – something actively encouraged by IPSO’s guidance” indicates acceptance of transgender ideology.

    « He emphasised: “The question of whether a man who ‘identifies as a woman’ should be treated as female involves far more than personal freedom; it affects how we understand biology, as well as the safety of women.”

    « “By the end of my time working for Ipso, it was hard to ignore the fact that it had clearly adopted the core principles of trans identity ideology. It could not claim to be a neutral arbitrator. I was surprised it took so long for that apparent bias to show up, as it seemed to in Ipso’s recent ruling against The Spectator.”

    « An IPSO spokesman stated that the “Editors’ Code does not specify appropriate or acceptable terminology in this area” and “journalists and editors should take a view of how to meet the obligations under the Editors’ Code of Practice”. »


    « In December, The Spectator defended the freedom of speech of one of its journalists, following a reprimand from IPSO.

    « In an article, Gareth Roberts used the phrase “a man who claims to be a woman” when referring to transgender author and columnist Juno Dawson, who lodged a formal complaint to the media watchdog. It ruled the phrase to be “pejorative and prejudicial”.

    « The magazine published the judgment, as required by IPSO, but criticised the decision as an attack on free speech.

    « Michael Gove, Editor of The Spectator, stated: “Dawson may have a Gender Recognition Certificate but no piece of paper, whatever it may say, can alter biological reality. Parliament may pass laws, but they cannot abolish Dawson’s Y chromosome.” »

    (From The Christian Institute website, 12 Feb 2025)

    • willie says:

      Interesting post Fearghas. Its the type of stuff that is all too under reported.

      Keep it up.

      One thing though is that I think the majority who have for so long had to suffer the biological woke nonsense are now beginning to see that the tide is turning.

      Wokeism so promoted by so many of our politicians is now in retreat and we should all remember exactly who it was that promoted this stuff.

  11. Hatey McHateface says:

    My take on this is that it has taken something like 4 years for ordinary, apolitical people to get their heads around the language.

    “Transgender woman” or “transwoman” for example, to most people on first hearing, would be assumed to be a woman. Until it’s pointed out that it’s a man, by somebody with the credibility to make the explanation stick, ordinary people would easily be tricked into supporting the unsupportable.

    Meantime, the unpalatable fact on Stu’s poll is that “the bright hopes for all our futures”, 18-24 YOs, are still refusing to wake up and smell the coffee.

    I’m not seeing how linguistic confusion can explain that one away – that age cohort knows damn well that a transwoman is a bloke. Then again, it’s possible they don’t quite know what a bloke is. Until that age group learns to interact with reality, my celebratory fizz will remain corked.

    One last thought. Will support for the trans woowoo, like support for socialism, world peace and energy penury, be something everyone believes in at age 20? Then, like all previous generations, will they grow out of it and turn small ‘c’ conservative by age 40?

    One can only hope.

    The most well-known salutary example of basic science denial achieving the cult status of state religion is the wittering of 1930’s Soviet agronomist Lysenko. He believed plants could be educated to ignore their genetic make up, and the nutjobs running the USSR at the time backed him up bigtime.

    Millions of people starved as a result.

    • Dan says:

      The The – The Beat(en) Generation

      link to

    • Geri says:

      Chucky talks to plants.

      Dry yer eyes. The britnats love a good famine. That’d have brought tears of joy. Just a few months ago Sir Kid Starver was asking to put the lights out too so ppl could starve in the dark. He’s just full of fun ideas.

      You wouldn’t look such an arse on here if yer own lot weren’t as guilty.

    • Nae Need! says:

      “Until that age group learns to interact with reality, my celebratory fizz will remain corked.”

      I know what you mean, but the problem is not that age group. They’ve been easily swayed by utter nonsense (soft minded?) once, they can therefore revert quite easily. They’re flexible, maleable even, perhaps. And that age group generally haven’t yet risen to management levels of power within orgs etc.

      It’s the TRALIBAN die hards, firmly embedded in every fkn institution/company that will be harder to root out. They won’t want to lose their salaries without a fight.

  12. sarah says:

    Rev, the link re ERCC’s board has expired.

  13. sarah says:

    O/T: #Liberation4Scotland – please share the facebook post on Dave Llewellyn’s site where he asks we share the post and use the hashtag #LiberationforScotland.

    It would help spread the word a bit further. Apparently 16,000 people have signed the Edinburgh Proclamation on’s site.

    Every Yes voter needs to know that Scotland does have rights and these rights are violated every day by the Union. So every Yes voter needs to read the Edinburgh Proclamation and sign it. It won’t kill you and it will make a difference.

    • willie says:

      Just visited the liberation Scotland site.

      After the front page of the website all the subsequent pages screen up in micro size making them totally unreadable.

      Moreover, trying to visit through a VPN proves fruitless.

      Anybody know why this is?

      • willie says:

        Of course magnifying the resolution of the pages resolves the problem, but why does the site do this. For many a visitor moving on to secondary pages could well put them off going any further.

      • sarah says:

        You’ve got a point, willie. Liberation site hasn’t got a contact page but Salvo has, at the foot of the home page – perhaps drop them a line?

  14. sarah says:

    Sorry – #Liberation4Scotland, of course, not …forScotland.

  15. yoon scum says:

    I’m vastly more accepting of trainwomen then most here

    But even I could see how it was a massively bad idea to have biological males in a rape support centre

    As to running it

    that is just 100% bonkers

    Healthcare the same

    Prisons should be on a case by case basis as I think that a 6 foot tall “women” with a beard and a massive erection stuffed down a set of pink leggings serving time for a series of rapes is a very different case to a little thai ladyboy who is in jail for some iffy accounting

    And coming back to indy

    It really has damaged the case that Scottish politicians are in touch with the people

    no……… Patrick not that kind of touching

    • gregor says:

      “100% bonkers”

      True, Yoon

      • yoon scum says:

        So you fundamentally disagree with what I’ve written?

        Iguess you do as you must disagree with us English

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        So you say you are English then?
        Just for clarity.

      • gregor says:

        I’m not a xenophobe (I love all peoples’/humanity) – I’ve got England in my DNA e.g. my dad is English.

        “100% bonkers”

        I agree with this sentiment.

        “It really has damaged the case that Scottish politicians are in touch with the people”

        And this.

  16. Keith fae Leith says:

    Things are getting strange, I’m starting to worry, this should be a case For Mridul And Sandy

  17. Heaver says:

    Apologies for going off topic : Just had a flyer delivered from my msp, Karen Adams. 1500 words, 20 pics. Not one word of the SNP, or pics of her with high heedjins.

    Shes got six kids to support. Stu, you still think she’s a TOTAL moron?

    • Kit Bee says:

      I cant answer for Stu, but for having six kids yes she is a total moron.

  18. gregor says:

    Deep-state is really stupid.

    • gregor says:

      BBC: How I exposed MI5’s lie about its violent abusive agent:

      “The officer, who worked closely with MI5 director general Sir Ken McCallum, characterised X as someone who was informing on extremists for the Security Service, not an extremist himself.

      I was troubled MI5 was seeking to protect someone I regarded as a danger to women, children and the wider public. The male concerned was and is the subject of allegations of violence and fraud involving a British female. The alleged violence extends up to attempted murder.

      “He is alleged to have engaged in domestic abuse and sexual violence, expressed paedophilic tendencies, and caused serious mental harm to people in his life.” The “attempted murder” referred to the machete…

      The MI5 officer seemed to be most fascinated by how we had worked out X’s true identity. I found this surprising, given I was talking to MI5, and explained it was basic journalism.

      During the call, he also accepted that X was not stable and had been involved in “lots of… drug gang activity” previously, “will have been involved in a bunch of things”, and came “from a very shady past“, implying he had been violent.
      Despite all this, MI5 characterised X’s relationship with Beth as “slightly problematic”, suggesting she had “mental health issues“.
      When I wrote to X, I mentioned a vile and alarming online post he had made, about severely sexually exploiting women – using language too offensive to repeat. The MI5 officer claimed that when X had posted this, he had been temporarily de-authorised – meaning he was not at that moment working for MI5…

      The officer accepted the post “strays over the line”, but seemed not to understand the obvious logic that, if it had been posted when X was briefly de-authorised, this only demonstrated X’s true nature even more. He was a genuinely dangerous misogynist…

      My impression was that this was a crude attempt to offer me something exciting – a meeting with an MI5 agent – which would make me forget my concerns. I considered it wholly inappropriate given X’s misogyny, sadism, paedophilic tendencies, violence and abuse.
      At this time, he has not explained how he came to give false evidence, despite the government saying two months ago that it was working “quickly” to provide an explanation.
      There has also been no explanation about who was responsible for authorising the disclosure of X’s status to me.

      In addition, the government’s policy relating to planned departures from NCND says agencies should inform relevant Whitehall colleagues, including the Cabinet Office, in a “timely fashion”.
      This means the Cabinet Office and Home Office – as the Whitehall department responsible for MI5 – should have known in advance about the departure from NCND for agent X.
      The Security Service is conducting an internal investigation and the government has launched an external review recommending changes to ensure courts are provided with accurate information in future…

      Beth will return to court, seeking the truth amid official secrets and lies.”:

      link to

      link to

      • gregor says:

        Sir Kenneth Douglas McCallum:

        McCallum was born in Glasgow, Scotland…

        He described his early career as follows:

        I spent my twenties mostly trying to recruit terrorists inside terrorist organisations to work as secret agents [to keep] the rest of us safe.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        BBC Sounds

        ‘It is quite strange and it’s not normal’ Listen to the latest #BBCNewscast to hear correspondent Daniel De Simone explain how he found out MI5 had lied to him about a neo-Nazi spy.”:


        link to

      • gregor says:

        Elon Musk: Pinned:

        “Reuters was paid millions of dollars by the US government for “large scale social deception”.

        That is literally what it says on the purchase order!

        They’re a total scam. Just wow.”:

        link to


      • gregor says:


        “The act of deceiving; the state of being deceived.”

        “Something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Reuters (2023): Reuters and BBC renew long-term partnership:

        We’re thrilled to renew our partnership with the BBC and deliver even more of the trusted content they need to keep their audiences informed and engaged,” said Sue Brooks, Head of Reuters News Agency. “Reuters continues to benefit from being a key redistributor of on-the-day UK news footage from the BBC, in a partnership that demonstrates how two trusted, global media providers can work together to provide access to accurate, unbiased information to the world.”:

        link to

        BBC: Trusted News Initiative: Beyond Fake News:


        “As the world faces up to the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, the need to stem the flow of misinformation has never been more critical. The Reuters Fact Check team is examining social media content closely in order to track viral claims made by users in the U.S. and now also in the U.K. By verifying or debunking these claims, we hope to play our role, aimed at the public’s interest, in reducing the rate at which inaccurate and potentially harmful posts are being shared at this time.”

        “The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan.”:

        link to

        Meet The Partners:

        #X #Q

      • gregor says:

        “Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. It uses psychological manipulation to trick
        users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Victor Bigham

        “The CBO just revealed that Congress spent $516 billion in 2024 on programs with expired authorizations, some dating back over 40 years. Despite rules against funding unauthorized programs, lawmakers ignored them—letting billions flow without updated approvals or oversight. Even worse, 251 more authorizations are set to expire this year, including $892 billion in defense spending, yet Congress keeps writing blank checks. This isn’t governance—it’s corruption.

        Congress is recklessly burning taxpayer money on programs they haven’t even bothered to approve.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Elon Musk:

        “What happened to them?”:

        Clinton/Obama’s fake pledges: Video:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        White House Archives: President Obama:

        “Instead of accepting the status quo, President Obama has worked from day one to change how business is done in Washington.
        Consolidating duplicative or overlapping programs…

        Transforming government record keeping to reduce waste… This initiative will focus on maintaining accountability.

        Cracking Down on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: The Administration has aggressively pursued waste, fraud, and abuse across government programs.
        Reducing improper payments… Each year, the Federal Government wastes billions of American taxpayers’ dollars on improper payments to individuals, organizations, and contractors. …also identify and recapture improper payments that are made. 

        Establishing a “Do Not Pay” list: …helping agencies determine whether the potential recipient of a payment is likely to be ineligible for government grants, contracts and other payments. 

        Cracking down on tax delinquent contractors:  The days of no accountability for tax delinquent contractors are over.

        Making Government More Open and Responsive …providing more information to taxpayers about how their funds are being used
        Expanding to provide more information to the public: Taxpayers can track obligations by Federal agencies and obligations made by those recipients to other entities…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Remarks by President Clinton: Announcing the Initiative to Streamline Government:

        “Our goal is to make the entire Federal Government both less expensive and more efficient, and to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment…

        no one deserves a bigger say in the services Government provides than Government’s customers, the American people. We’ll look for ways to streamline our own organizations to reduce unnecessary layers and to improve services to the better uses…

        House Task Force on Government Waste… discovered, among other things, that the Pentagon had stockpiled 1.2 million bottles of nasal spray. Even with my allergies, I only need half that many. (Laughter) As we locate such waste and wipe it out, it will be a breath of fresh air to the American taxpayers…

        I am asking for a list of very specific actions we can take now, agency by agency, program by program.

        Vice President Gore and I think a national performance review is an absolutely necessary

        Finally, let me stress that this performance review, as I said at the beginning, is not about politics…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        BBC (2010): Social engineering: Are they all at it?
        “Social engineering” has a sinister tone to it, conjuring the image of some evil despot attempting to reconstruct society around a warped personal philosophy. Examples might include Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Hitler’s Final Solution or Stalin’s Five Year Plans.
        But if social engineering is defined as efforts “to influence popular attitudes, social behaviours, and resource management on a large scale”, then that, surely, is what all political leaders, to a greater or lesser degree, attempt to achieve. Every law they pass, every adjustment to the tax and welfare systems, every information campaign, every speech is designed to change the way society behaves…”:

        link to

      • Mark Beggan says:

        This tinyurl thing. Not good.

      • Mark Beggan says:

        Good points

      • gregor says:

        I was having issues with pre-moderation and improvised.

      • Mark Beggan says:

        No shit.

      • gregor says:

        Shit is your contribution.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        All due respect mate, no problem with you, but could you dial down on the posts a bit eh?

        It’s difficult finding/ following other threads.

        Fewer posts, more impact bud.

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        Aye, we’ve tried to explain that to him but it’s useless. Fair play though for trying 🙂

      • gregor says:

        ‘The Negatron’ is on the prowl again –

        And it’s raging, lol

      • Mark Beggan says:

        Will return to court in a golden chariot pulled by unicorns.

      • gregor says:

        BBC (14/02/25): ‘Where’s my apology from MI5?’ says victim of abusive neo-Nazi agent:

        “The woman at the centre of a case in which MI5 has admitted giving false evidence to three courts says she wants the service to give her a public apology.

        MI5 has now issued an “unreserved apology” describing what happened as a “serious error” – adding it took full responsibility.

        But speaking for the first time since then, Beth – not her real name – says: “Where’s my apology?
        She believes she only matters to MI5 because she is “kicking up a fuss” by taking a legal case against the service and “throwing a spotlight on the way that they behave“.
        “But otherwise, if I were to just go quietly away, they’d never think about me again,” she told the BBC.

        Beth’s legal case claims MI5 breached her human rights by failing to protect her from agent X.
        She is pursuing a formal complaint at an independent court, called the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT). Judges ruled much of the case should be held in secret…

        Secret IPT sessions would be closed to Beth and her lawyers, and therefore prevent her from knowing what MI5 says in response to her claim.

        “It felt completely offensive to be told that my case would have to be held in private and that I wouldn’t be privy to any of the information because that’s how they operated, as if they’re allowed some special licence to completely breach my human rights.”

        The IPT was one of the three courts to which MI5 gave false evidence

        Beth says the false evidence “proves what MI5 are capable of“.
        “It feels like all my worst suspicions have been confirmed,” she adds.
        “Everything that I was told by X about them, at the time we were together, has actually been proven to be the case – that they are unscrupulous people who will stop at nothing to achieve what they want.”…”:

        link to

    • Vivian O’Blivion says:

      Former SNP MP and current, US Intelligence Asset, Stewart McDonald tweets on X that “Gabbard” (he spits the name like some kind of venom) is confirmed as Director of National Intelligence. This is according to McDonald “Thoroughly depressing”.

      McDonald attended a week long “Defeating Disinformation Workshop” in 2020 at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars.

      Tulsi Gabbard exposed the lie perpetrated by the Executive of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons that the Syrian government conducted a chemical weapons attack in Douma in 2018.

      McDonald’s definition of “disinformation” includes the truth when the truth is inconvenient. No wonder the moron was a holiday rep.

      • gregor says:

        Keep informing Scotland, Vivian (you do it so well)

        The truth is that McDonald (et al) are totally fu**ed…


      • gregor says:

        American patriot Tulsi Gabbard impresses me.

      • gregor says:

        The only thing that impresses a disapprover, is disapproval:

      • gregor says:

        Tulsi Gabbard signs ‘statement of concern’ over alleged S**ian chemical attack:

        Interview video:

        link to

        Statement of Concern: The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, S**ia:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        BBC: RFK Jr confirmed to lead US Health and Human Services:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        New York Post (12/02/25): JD Vance’s 12-year-old relative denied heart transplant because she is unvaccinated:

        “A 12-year-old Indiana girl who is related to Vice President JD Vance has been barred from a spot on a heart transplant list because she’s not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu, according to her parents.”:

        link to

        British Heart Foundation (Archived older version): How is myocarditis treated?
        “In long term cases myocarditis can affect your heart muscle and tissue, meaning you could develop heart failure. If the damage is severe you may need a heart transplant.”:

        link to

        British Heart Foundation (2025 version): Myocarditis: Treating myocarditis:
        link to


      • gregor says:

        Benny Johnson

        “BREAKING: President Trump signs Executive Order cutting ALL federal funding to schools that mandate the COVID vaccine.”:


        link to

        #CovidGeneTherapy #UltimateCrimes

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Aye, he’s a bizarre one Viv, reminds me somehow of Angus Robertson and his space invaders input in indyref.

        Maybe I am being unfair.

        However: Maybe not..

  19. Mark Beggan says:

    Has Sturgeon had her photograph taken with that bloke Upton yet.

    • Sven says:

      And, if she has, will we be able to spot the difference …

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        There has been a depressingly recognisable silence on the subject from “them”, shows who they support in full knowledge of who the electorate on the other hand support.

        Honest (sic) John can only try to keep the lid on the boiling steaming pot for so long; SHE whose name shall not be uttered has already started uncoiling her scaly self..

        Wonder if Breathy Bain has been instructed yet as to how this is to pan out..

  20. sarah says:

    Rev, is there an unworrying explanation for the gap in being able to access this site for about 12 hours today?

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      The site had every sign of having been hacked from before 7 AM this morning until recently.

      Clicking on any link popped up a download to an application that is known malware.

      All seems to be good now though.

      • Ali says:

        Same for me earlier, had worried it was just me!

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I’m thinking that anybody who clicked on that malware link (if they’re posting from a Windows PC) might be having a wee spot of bother right now.

        That’s if they’ve noticed. The malware allows remote takeover of the PC.

        Then again, perhaps up-to-date AntiVirus handles it fine.

        [Once somebody’s PC had been remotely taken over, the hacker can do all sorts of fun things, such as examine files for private data, etc.

        She can also pretend to be the PC owner and post shite on here. So don’t be too hard on any shite posts for a while. It may be the hacker just enjoying some fun 🙂 ]

      • Dan says:

        The way the issue was for me. I clicked on a hotlink to a person’s comment in the recent comments box. But rather than getting taken to the comment it immediately downloaded an exe. file to some carrickswan related info. I didn’t open the file and deleted it.
        Kind of hard to tell if I’ve been affected or what was going on as Firefox did an “update” yesterday evening that seems to have lost all my history, bookmarks, and logins so computer is shit to use with loads of glitches… Plus Windows is now doing an update so machine is further compromised and running slower than a week in the jail.
        Rounds off a great couple of days of highs and lows.
        Cut up some metal for my tractor – Yay
        Removed PPE and got metal particle embedded in my eye – Arse
        Two trips to town and opticians couldn’t remove it – Arse
        Trip to hospital and miraculously found a parking space nearby – Yay
        Eye specialist manages to dig out debris from eye using a needle – Yay
        Return to car to put ointment in eye before drive home, unlock car with keyfob then open door, only to get my hand covered in a muckle amount of seagull shit as some bastard bird had sharted all over the handle – Arse
        Thought best to drive home and give my hands a thorough wash before administering ointment.
        So hack away, I’m kind of tired and good luck to any hacker having the time and patience to get anything out of my computer.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Sounds like a real roller coaster of a day.

        I would think that if you never opened the downloaded file and just deleted it, there is a good chance your PC will be OK.That’s what I’m telling myself 🙂

        You’re bringing back fond memories of my youth. I must have had my eyeballs scraped 3 or 4 times after getting overly careless with the angle grinder. I mind the nurse used to have to fill out a questionnaire. One of the questions was “Were you using the correct PPE at the time the accident happened?”. As she said, everybody always claimed that they were, so her conclusion was that the PPE was ineffective.

        I only ever experienced “welder’s flash” once. I mind that was a different level of pain entirely.

        When I hear that some third-world welders don’t have access to eye protection of any kind, I just can’t understand how they can work.

      • gregor says:

        The attack occurred around 2 AM (while i was posting).

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Langley effed up again?

    • gregor says:


      “IMPORTANT: due to some sort of hacking, all links on Wings are currently being intercepted and point to some sort of scam site. Please don’t click any until further notice. (Links TO Wings still work normally.)”

      • Dan says:

        Thanks for that gregor. Would’ve been braw if Stu actually posted that info on this the affected site…
        Getting right into hurling after getting sent to carrickswan site from clicking hotlink to a comment in recent comments box.
        Probably Confused’s hard drive with all those dodgy pics caused the issue. lolz

      • gregor says:

        “Getting right into hurling after getting sent to carrickswan site”

        No worries Dan, lol

      • Confused says:

        that was the mild stuff too.

        hard drive has been microwaved, stihlsawed, etched with acid and stuffed in an amazon dropbox for safety

    • Mark Beggan says:

      They hacked into my bank account and deposited five pounds.

  21. Mark Beggan says:

    Esther Davidson was just

    “Following Orders”

  22. Frank Gillougley says:

    Strangely apt and prophetic words from over thirty years ago that everyone will know and which are still true to this day. Nothing changes, things only manifest themselves in different forms:

    ‘I hate being Scottish. We’re the lowest of the fucking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don’t. They’re just wankers. We,on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can’t even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It’s a shite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any fucking difference.’

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Prophetic words from a thieving junkie. Of course Scotland was shit. No fucking smack.

    • Insider says:

      “colonized” ??

      Spelt with a “z” ???
      LOL !

      Tells us everything we need to know about your agenda !

      • sarah says:

        When I was young [50+ years ago] we used “z” in words such as “recognized” which are now written with an “s”. So if Frank is in my age bracket, your assumption could well be incorrect. 🙂

      • Frank Gillougley says:

        Hi Sarah, the use of the z is from the original screenplay. I never even noticed it! I always thought this was American spelling. However, why I posted this was the succinctness of the language in relation to the whole NHS fife farrago. Oh how I wish the whole legal circus claptrap could be avoided. I am 66 and I didn’t want to change the spelling of the screenplay and insert(sics).

      • Cynicus says:

        Irvine Welsh’s original text has “colonised”.”

      • Geri says:

        It’s an easy enough mistake by spell checker if you haven’t changed the settings of a device to English UK. It’ll assume American English & won’t highlight the error.

        Hardly a gotcha. Just look how it’s triggered the yoons LOL! That’s a win.

      • sarah says:

        It is a great quote, no matter the spelling!

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “It is a great quote”

        Aye. Fa’s like us? Nane! And they’re aw shite.

        Don’t waste your time chapping the doors for Indy if that’s what you think of my country.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “still true to this day”

      Speak for your fucking self.

      You don’t speak for me.

      Decent, patriotic and proud Scots won’t see jakeys and junkies who speak of Scotland like that in their road.

      • Geri says:

        Colonisers love the drugs. It stupifies a nation from rising up against thieving bastards.

        Look at the panic the English had over the poppy trade being eradicated for good. They shat themselves.

        Then China with the 100 yrs of Humiliation. Stupified by the Anglos.

        Which border do the drugs come in & why is no one manning them? We’re a tiny fucking island & they even fail at the one border they supposedly spend OUR money to man but drugs, immigrants, ppl trafficking, illegal goods, criminals freely pass.

        A ‘patriotic’ person wouldn’t VOTE NO & hand that responsibility to a fucking neighbouring country now would they? Especially one as dumb as they’re proving to be.

        Step forward Shitface, aka, Main. The patriotic nawbags who whinges on & on about how shit Scotland is. You voted for it, sunshine. Suck it up. It’s you lot in charge.

        I love a good ending tho. The underdog starts plotting. The lame dark horse at the back with endless weights added suddenly making a break for it & it’s role reversal. Payback is a bitch & that 100 yrs of Humiliation is about to pay little old Engurland a visit as it tanks into obscurity.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        That’s two posts from you today, Geri, wanging oan aboot tanks.

        So when are you going to “rise up”? Today is actually a very good day for that sort of thing. Especially if it’s only once a year 🙂

  23. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Almost 3,500 women sent for ‘sex-swap’ mastectomies on NHS in three years

    « Thousands of gender-confused young women have been referred for mastectomies on the NHS, it has been reported.
    « According to The Daily Telegraph, Freedom of Information requests reveal that 3,490 women were approved for “masculinising chest surgery” between 2021 and 2023, with a slight rise each year. In addition, more than 780 women were referred for “masculinising genital gender reassignment surgery” over three years.

    « Approximately 80 per cent of women who use the NHS’s Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Services are between 17 and 25 years old. »


    « A spokesman from Bayswater Support Group, an organisation supporting families with gender-confused children, said: “There is a particular cruelty for parents in finding that taxpayers are funding mastectomies on thousands of women who have been misled into believing this will be the answer to their psychological distress.

    « “The devastation of seeing your daughter harmed in this way is impossible to describe.”

    « An NHS spokesman stated: “Masculinising chest surgery is only available to adult patients who have a clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a specialist NHS clinic.

    « “The NHS is undertaking a wide-ranging review of adult gender services, which will inform a revised service specification to set out how we will support patients with gender dysphoria in future.” »


    « NHS England has also agreed to review how it uses terms such as ‘sex’ and ‘gender’, after the Office for Statistics Regulation said it should provide “clearer guidance and definitions” in staff surveys.

    « In a letter seen by The Daily Telegraph, Ed Humpherson, who is Head of the regulator, warned that “a lack of clarity could result in the distinct concepts of sex and gender identity being conflated”.

    « In one survey, staff were asked if the NHS acted “fairly with regard to career progression/promotion”, regardless of ‘gender’, while another question asked about ‘sexual’ harassment.

    « Employee network SEEN in Health raised concerns that such conflation could cause confusion and fail to accurately represent the “progress made to reduce sexual harassment towards women”. »

    ‘Safety risk’

    « Last month, it was reported that the number of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria had increased fiftyfold over the ten years to 2021.

    « A study using GP records in England, published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, found that in 2011, one in 60,000 children were diagnosed with gender dysphoria, increasing to one in 1,200 by 2021.

    « Over half of the children diagnosed were also recorded as having anxiety, depression or a history of self-harm. The authors called for better mental health treatment for gender-confused young people.

    « Health Secretary Wes Streeting stressed: “Children’s healthcare must always be evidence-led. The independent expert Commission on Human Medicines found that the current prescribing and care pathway for gender dysphoria and incongruence presents an unacceptable safety risk for children and young people.” »

    (From The Christian Institute website, 13 Feb 2025)

    • sarah says:

      The people in the NHS responsible for these decisions, and the surgeons, should be punished. As should the NHS trust that denied that a man was on the women’s ward because he identified female i.e. preventing/delaying the rape investigation – the rape that the man had committed.

      • gregor says:

        NHS monster will face serve consequences and will be held criminally accountable.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I admire your confidence, gregor, however baseless it is.

        Any amount of shit is going down, everywhere you look, and nobody is being held criminally accountable.

        An awful lot is going to have to happen if the trans woowoo mutilators are to ever buck that trend.

        It’s forty to fifty years since innocent people were infected through contaminated blood by the NHS, and most of the victims are still waiting.

      • gregor says:

        Are you gonna allow them to get away with it, Hatey (et al)

        I’m not…

    • twathater says:

      Are these mutilations carried out on mentally ill people affecting the waiting lists for REAL WOMEN suffering from breast cancer , if so these NHS fuckwits should be named and shamed

  24. Mark Beggan says:

    I don’t know why Flynn’s sending the boys round. Give it another year Stevie Boy and you will be able to pick and choose seats.

  25. George Ferguson says:

    O/T That was some outburst by Humza on STV. Akin to his white white white speech. If it were down to him our National sport would be Kabbadi. Someone that doesn’t have the pulse of the Scottish people.

    • Mark Beggan says:


    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Another failed has been.
      Doesn’t make his view invalid, but who cares what he says now..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Looky look now, what have we here?

        If my eyes don’t deceive me, it’s a perfect example of the Wings BTL “..”.

        Alert readers will be excited at this sighting, and what it means.

        Haha, to really alert readers, this will be old news!

  26. gregor says:

    The Spectator (13/02/25): How long will Sturgeon cling on in Holyrood?

    “To Scotland, where Nicola Sturgeon is, er, not very busy. In fact, Mr S can reveal the SNP’s former Dear Leader has made a grand total of two spoken contributions in the Holyrood Chamber over the last 12 months. One was during a debate on U***ine while another speech reminded MSPs that more needs to be done by her own government to protect Scotland’s young people. Talk about taking a back seat, eh?

    Sturgeon first insisted it was ‘bunkum’ to say she spent too much time on gender politics as SNP leader before warning other politicians against ‘sucking up’ to Donald Trump. On her own career, the Queen of Nats reflected:

    “…it’s a hard thing to voluntarily give up. On the other hand, that’s a huge chunk of my life and maybe it’s time to give other people a chance. These are the things I’m weighing up, but I’ve not yet come to a final decision.

    Going on, the ex-FM suggested it may be possible she would stay on in the job ‘with the consent of the people‘…”:

    link to

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “with the consent of the people”

      Awww. It’s nice to be asked, and if she asks nicely …

      There’s a big, National Mammy shaped hole at the heart of Scottish politics. Marriages and relationships fail all the time, but your Mammy is for life.

      OK, I’ll stop now.

      But believe me. There are plenty of Scots who won’t see that as irony.

      • George Ferguson says:

        Holyrood for the last ten years hasn’t operated with the consent of the people. Who else in Scotland wanted GRRB? A self appointed elite that constantly ignores their paymasters and with contempt. Musk didn’t get it right when he talked about civil war but he tapped into the anger. And he didn’t understand the likely tactics going forward.

    • gregor says:

      The Herald: LETTERS: So remind me: what is the point of all these SNP MSPs?

      “…”what is the point of having all these Scottish Labour MPs?, especially after their seven months at Westminster, because I thought pretty much the same thing about their predecessors, the dozens of SNP MPs who with few notable exceptions like Joanna Cherry were not allowed to speak anything other than the party line.

      What exactly is the point of the 62 SNP MSPs, all of whom have been around for a lot longer than seven months. Where is the outrage about women’s rights? There were a few but they’ve now gone. Where are the SNP MSPs demanding a public inquiry over the ferry fiasco? Where is their outrage about the state of our NHS or education? The only remaining exception is Fergus Ewing and how they would love to be rid of him.

      The SNP now seems to have but two working MSPs, namely John Swinney who is Minister for Everything backed up by a certain Kate Forbes… The sole job of the rest of them is to clap John Swinney (and Humza Yousaf and Nicola Sturgeon before) each week

      There is a reason why we don’t have an SNP MSPs in my constituency because when we had one he did absolutely nothing for his constituents…”:

      link to

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Her disciples will be carving figurines in the dark tonight.

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Thing is with SHE whose name shall not be uttered, next year for the first time us mere voters now clearly aware of her real “focus” for the first time get to vote on her, or at least her neglected constituents.

      The problem IS DHondt; the mongrel political voting system that means the real sh1ts can’t get flushed but just keep bobbing up on the List.

      I would propose some basic changes;

      1. Stand on a constituency? Not eligible for the List.

      2. List MSPs are time barred on how many times they can sit in parliament.

      Might make a bit of a difference to all “cohorts” in HR I reckon.

      Strange how this “squabble amongst yourself” system(sic) was foisted on the Celtic fringes but dear old “mother of parliaments” avoids it like the plague..

      Wonder why..

      Oh oh! Bad me! Talking about Westminster in negative terms..

      That’s me in for it here..

      • gregor says:

        None of these filthy carpetbagging clowns will be able to stand anywhere, nor walk down the street.

        The entire rotten UK/Scot system is getting flushed (there is no escape).

        You can help write Scotland’s Constitution and stand anywhere you like…

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Aye, it’s going to take something different. We are currently in the doldrums.

      • Geri says:

        I think everyone should stand as independent. Scrap the party bullshit & have them be held individually responsible for the way they vote by their own constituency. That’d soon separate the wheat fae the chaff & the excuses they were whipped to follow orders.

        I agree on the length of time too. If you’ve been shit then you need to jog on & give someone else the seat.

        Murdo has been in Holyrood since the day it opened despite no one ever voting for him. That’s a shit state of affairs. Seven rounds of bullshit to give losers a seat. It’s a racket lol

      • Xaracen says:

        Scotland already has a constitution, and it is guaranteed its permanence within the Union under the Treaty. That guarantee was a condition of ratification of the Treaty, and both parliaments accepted that condition when they ratified the Treaty in 1707.

        Naturally, Westminster being the very epicentre of perfidious Albion, it just ignores it. Our MPs should not let them off with that.

      • gregor says:

        True Xaracen:

        “The Bill of Rights did not feature in the terms of the Treaty of Union, while the Scottish Claim of Right Act was ratified by the parliaments of both England and Scotland and its continuation in Scotland guaranteed as a condition of the Union. Given these terms of Union, not only is Scotland entitled to the continued provisions and force of the Claim of Right as was guaranteed, but the Claim of Right itself is entitled to parity of standing with the English Bill of Rights within the UK Constitution.

        The problem, of course, is how to have a single UK constitution when the core constitutional principles of the signatory nations are irreconcilable. As it was the Claim of Right which was ratified by both parliaments, however, it can be argued that if only one constitution from the two the nation signatories is to be applied in the UK, then the Claim of Right has the superior claim.

        What is certain is that the force of the English constitution in Scotland, so far as it violates the guarantees of the Treaty and the provisions of the claim of Right cannot be lawful under either international, Treaty law or domestic, constitutional law.”:

        link to

      • Aidan says:

        The claim of right is an important historical document to consider when understanding the history and context of the U.K. constitution. However, it is not drafted in terms which allow it to create actionable legal rights and obligations today, and in any case it is itself contextualised by subsequent legal developments. It can hardly be sensible to suggest that the constitutional developments achieved through democratic means in recent history have to take subservience to a 13th century document, as appears to be suggested in some quarters.

      • James says:

        Here that, everybody?

        Like clockwork, today’s shift team leader, “Aidan” says ‘NAW, ye cannae’.

        Back in your box, over there.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Back in your box”

        Not at all, James. All Aidan is saying is come up with some plausible, sensible policies, front them with some honest, dedicated, smart people, and commit to the hard work of selling the policies and the people to the voters of Scotland. Then Indy will follow, as night follows day.

        You can even help a little – dry your greetin eyes, get aff yer flabby erse, and stop believing that all you need to bring to the party is whinging negativity, because there’s a scrap of parchment somewhere with Ancient Guff on it you’ve never taken the time to read and understand.


      • Aidan says:

        Always nice hearing from you James – you have so much to contribute towards the world, you’re wasted on this site

      • Andy Ellis says:

        “…you’re wasted a waster on this site.”

        Fixed that for you! 🙂

      • twathater says:

        “It can hardly be sensible to suggest that the constitutional developments achieved through democratic means in recent history have to take subservience to a 13th century document, as appears to be suggested in some quarters”
        YOU are ripping the pish yoony ,democratic means by a shower of entitled arsewipes ,your stupidity and lack of self respect ignoring the absolute clusterfuck of the clowns you hold such admiration for ,gie yer heid a shake , you come on here attempting to show your superiority and don’t even have the sense to realise you’re in as bad a position as we are, if not worse , face facts , go and try to stir up some engerlish superiority independence where it matters

      • Aidan says:

        Oh dear, it sounds like you’ve got a lot of severe problems, I hope you manage to sort yourself out.

      • sarah says:

        Our MPs and MSPs behave as if they accept the Westminster line on everything. “Our” lot of parliamentarians don’t seem to have a morsel of gumption between them let alone bellies full of fire.

      • gregor says:

        “Our MPs and MSPs behave as if they accept the Westminster line on everything.”

        Correct Sarah.

        These subordinates willingly sit in Westmonster (with a whopping salary, plus expenses and all the perks).

      • Andy Ellis says:

        We get the representatives we deserve. If they aren’t doing what we elect them to do, then the answer is in our hands. It’s even incised on the walls of our very own parliament:

        When we had a king, and a chancellor, and parliament-men o’ our ain, we could aye peeble them wi‘ stanes when they werena gude bairns

  27. gregor says:

    The Guardian (13/02/05): Trump and Musk’s attack on USAid is causing global chaos. Millions of lives are now at risk: Devi Shridhar:

    “Amid the daily troubling news coming from the United States are the ongoing and increasingly damaging efforts by President Donald Trump, supported by secretary of state Marco Rubio and Elon Musk, to shut down the US Agency for International Development (USAid). Musk has called it a “criminal organization” and said that it was “time for it to die”. The agency website is down…

    …the lesson here is that Americans need to reject Trump’s discourse and embrace being part of a global community and engaging with the world through agencies like USAid…”:

    link to

    Devi Shridhar: New Book: How Not to Die (Too Soon)
    This title will be released on June 12, 2025:
    Pre-order Price Guarantee: £22.00

    ‘In a world rapidly taking leave of its senses, Devi Sridhar is a crucial voice of reason’ George Monbiot

    How Not To Die (Too Soon) is a fascinating, challenging and thought provoking read. It completely changes the perspective on human health and who bears responsibility for protecting it. In an age when talk of the next pandemic seems ever-present, it also couldn’t be more timely’ Nicola Sturgeon

    “…The stark reality is that we’ve been sold a monumental lie…”:

    link to


    • gregor says:

      Iain Macwhirter

      “Times columnist says “USAID spent £40,000 on gender identity seminars at the Edinburgh Book Festival”.

      Presumably to combat author starvation.”:

      link to

    • gregor says:

      Amazon Books: Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar: Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why?

      “The past few decades have seen a massive increase in the number of international organizations focusing on global health… These organizations may be national, regional, international, or even non-state organizations-like Medicins Sans Frontieres. One of the more important recent trends in global health governance, though, has been the rise of public-private partnerships (PPPs) where private non-governmental organizations, for-profit enterprises, and various other social entrepreneurs work hand-in-hand with governments

      As Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar show…”::

      link to

      • gregor says:


        “For anyone researching, their formal name is Médecins Sans Frontières USA Inc., and their EIN is 13-3433452. While they receive some contributions from federally financed NGOs, the amount is relatively small.

        I got an insider tip that a significant portion of their funding may flow through a route from U***ine to the EU before reaching them.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:


        “Wait a minute?! The guy who threw a tantrum about USAID and went after JD Vance founded a foreign NGO with the British royal family, and which he wife currently runs, and WE WERE ABOUT TO GIVE THEM A MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS?”


        “USAID: British politician complaining that his wife was supposed to get $1M in USAID grants before Trump cancelled the contract. Rory Stewart’s wife runs Turquoise Mountain Foundation, which exposes modern art to puzzled Afghan women.”

        re. Alistair Campbell interview video:

        link to

      • Geri says:

        WTAF?! LOL!!!

        ‘My country is in ruins after you barstewards invaded & then ran away..’

        ‘Shut it! Here’s some modern art fae the local nursery. Get yerself some culture. Squirty circles on canvas. By Ben, age 3 ‘

        Kerrching – That’s $1 million in my bank account, ta. Nice knowing ye…

        Jeez! They’re all corrupt as fuck! That $1 million could build a hospital or school.

      • gregor says:

        It’s arguably the greatest global corruption scandal in world history – with far more to come –

        And some people have the audacity to call it ‘SPAM/MINCE/IRRELEVANT/MOON HOWLING’ (they can suck it all up:)

        #TeamTruthChampions #Epic

      • gregor says:

        Welcome to the Golden Age, Scotland…

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Grubby isnt it?
        In their Kensington apartments leeching off the unfortunate as so called Aid..

        I was about to say that I don’t know how they can sleep at night; but maybe the only thing that wakes them up sweating in the dark watches of the night is the fear of being cut off from suckling on the teats of good ol’ Uncle Sam’s money jamboree.

        She’ll probably now have to start a film production of lesbian full on porn to pick up the scraps to pay the household staff from Creative Scotland money..

      • gregor says:

        Johnny Midnight

        “Pam Bondi should look into how Samantha Powers went from $7M dollars to $30M in (4) yrs while at USAID”:

        link to

        Devex (2018): Samantha Power: ‘There is no option B after multilateralism’:
        “Power, who is now a professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School…

        The diplomat and academic is on the selection committee for the $1 million prize, which will now be shared between three charities working on the Rohingya crisis: Médecins Sans Frontières UK; Mercy Malaysia; and the International Catholic Migration Commission.”:

        link to

        Public now (2024): Administrator Samantha Power Meets with Doctors from MSF, MedGlobal, and MAP:
        “Power emphasized USAID’s continued support… ncludes efforts to increase access to and availability…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        USAID (2024): Administrator Samantha Power Arrives in U***ine:

        “Administrator Samantha Power arrived in Kyiv today to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering commitment to U***ine and reiterate USAID’s support…

        This is Administrator Power’s third visit to U***ine since 2020…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Awake Not Woke

        “Why did Tony Blair receive over $14 million from USAID? Backpay for the Iraq war on false pretences?”:

        link to

        The Telegraph (2013): Cherie Blair‘s charity handed £405,000 by US:
        “The funding of $625,965 (£405,000) came from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), a body that was under the control of Hillary Clinton, the then Secretary of State, when the grant was made.”:

        link to

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “Millions of lives are now at risk”

      Sheesh, it’s hard to keep up.

      All these “Great Satan” claims, and now it turns out that if the fiscal taps are turned off, millions could die.

      So the “Great Satan” was paying to keep these millions alive all along? Is that it?

      • Geri says:

        Have you not worked it out yet?

        They spend millions to bomb it.
        Then millions to rebuild it.
        Then millions in bribes.
        Then millions for failed regime change.
        Then millions to block it from trading & investment.
        Then millions to bomb it again when they don’t do as they’re telt.
        Then millions on the grift amongst all their wee mates with a charity & a Human Rights gig.

        All while robbing them blind of their natural resources & the poppies. Cannie forget about the poppies. Brits love the poppy fields.

        The life of a coloniser & it’s buddies. One big grift & job creation. Jobs only for the rellies.

        I see India is dumping the $ now. Oh deary… things aren’t going well.

      • gregor says:

        Parallel Facts (14/02/25):  BREAKING: Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, & ISIS Funded by Shipments of Cash Funds, $697 Million Annually from USAID:

        “A shocking investigation by the Defense Oversight and Government Ethics (DOGE) Committee has revealed a decades-long pattern of U.S. government funds through USAID being funneled to terrorist organizations, including Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS.

        The findings, in a recent congressional hearing, Rep. Scott Perry exposed how taxpayer dollars primarily through USAID have inadvertently supported groups hostile to American interests….

        we’re funding terrorism. And it is coming through USAID…”:

        link to

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Thomas Massie

        USAID funded an organization that fabricated evidence which was used to impeach President Trump.

        The Deep State frequently funds regime change efforts abroad, but when it uses taxpayer money to undermine our own government, isn’t that treason?”:


        link to

      • gregor says:


        “(the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government:

        In 1606 Guy Fawkes was executed for treason.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Michelle #AmericaFirst

        “Look at this shit!

        Meet the new leader of S**ia made possible by USAID with our stolen tax dollars!!

        They sure do love terrorists! Unbelievable!!!”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Tony Keiser

        “Seems fishy that U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and organization they want you to believe provides humanitarian aid throughout the world, was one of the main authors of the U.S.Government’s guide to Counterinsurgency.”:

        link to

        U.S.Government’s guide to Counterinsurgency (2009):

        Irregular warfare is far more varied than conventional conflict: hence the importance
        of an intellectual framework that is coherent enough to provide guidance, and flexible
        enough to adapt to circumstances.
        Counterinsurgency places great demands on the ability of bureaucracies to work together, with allies, and increasingly, with non-governmental organizations. That it is co-signed by the leaders of the Departments
        of State and Defense and the U.S. Agency for International Development says a
        great deal about the partnership between these and other departments that has been,
        and will be, required if we are to succeed in the future. ..”:

        link to


    • gregor says:

      Prof. Devi Sridhar
      @devisridhar has blocked you: Pinned:

      Pretty special to have a global public health book read this widely in Britain from a Miami girl

      Thank you all Celebrating by heading out to Wardie Bay”:

      Buy New:

      £11.44 -43%
      RRP (Recommended Rip-off Price): £20.00

      link to

      • gregor says:

        Prof. Devi Sridhar
        @devisridhar has blocked you:

        “You might wonder why foreign aid matters for you- in a purely selfish sense. Why care about other countries or people? My column below”:

        link to

        One wonders why you ask such questions (from your pedestal), if you are not willing to permit an open/any public response –


      • gregor says:

        The Times (2024): Sturgeon told health expert not to worry about protocol:

        “In an exchange between them in June 2020, Sridhar, one of the country’s leading experts during the pandemic, said that she had prepared a note for the chief medical officer on “key steps to managing the outbreak in Scotland”. She added that she was happy to share a draft…

        Sturgeon replied: “That would be helpful. Don’t worry about protocol…”

        The first minister then gave Sridhar an SNP email address and told her to send the information to her “privately” or “officially” using her Scottish government email address. “Either way is fine by me,” …

        Sturgeon, who went on to provide a mobile number to Sridhar, continued: “Feel free to do so [send information] if you think there’s anything I’m not aware of or not adequately taking account of — or just getting wrong.

        On one occasion, the professor said that she joked with the former first minister about getting exercise and becoming her personal trainer…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Hillary Clinton

        “If you’re studying global health, or just want to feed your inner wonk, check out my wonderful daughter & @devisridhar’s new book.”:

        link to


        “How about instead of making money off books you help the people that need it directly.”:

      • gregor says:

        Wonk: Etymology:

        “American English student slang 1954; perhaps navy slang before that. “Expert” sense popularized in the Clinton administration, 1993.

        Origin uncertain, possibly from wonky (“shaky, unreliable”) or wank, wanker.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Glenn Greenwald

        “In this single passage, JD Vance makes manifest the core lie driving US/EU foreign policy for decades: we claim everything we do is for “advancing democracy” when the goal is often the exact opposite.

        Never imagined a senior US official saying this:”:


        link to

      • gregor says:

        Charlie Kirk

        “JD Vance just went straight into the beating heart of Europe and called out its leaders for abandoning the very western values they exported to the world….”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        JD Vance goes after European allies in Munich Security Conference speech (full):

        link to

      • gregor says:

        The commufascists are furious, lol:

      • gregor says:

        BBC Future (2012): Does globalization mean we will become one culture?

        “…one an ancient disposition to produce lots of different cultures, the other an ability to extend honorary relative status to others even in large groupings – play out in our modern, interconnected and globalised world? There is in principle no reason to rule out a “one world” culture, and in some respects, as Starbucks vividly illustrates

        if people begin to think they have reached what we might call ‘peak standard of living’ then they will naturally become more self-interested as the returns from cooperation begin to leak away. After all, why cooperate when there are no spoils to divide?

        Related to this, the dominant demographic trend of the next century will be the movement of people from poorer to richer regions of the world. Diverse people will be brought together who have little common cultural identity of the sort that historically has prompted our cultural nepotism, and this will happen at rates that exceed those at which they can be culturally integrated…”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        Darwin to Jesus

        “…We observe that the universe is expanding And so we can extrapolate backwards in time until we get to a point where space contracts so much it can’t contract any further

        This implies something unexplainable for materialists..

        Space and time (and thus the universe itself) had a beginning And if the universe had a beginning, that means everything came from nothing But that would violate the conservation of matter and energy…

        So it would require a miracle Creation points to a creator.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Absurd Smoque: Q: Exploring Existence Itself:

        link to

        Absurd Smoque: Q: Space and Time:

        link to

        Zero One: Zero One: The Start:

        link to

      • gregor says:


        Thank you for joining me here
        In the place to be
        You’ll understand
        That the rhythm of this night lay in our hands
        Am I running from my fears?
        Am I running for my life?
        Something’s going on right here
        I can’t keep it in disguise
        The sun ain’t shining anywhere
        When’s the future gonna call? (Call, call, call)…”:

        link to

        Zero One: Zero One: Welcome To The Future:
        link to

      • gregor says:

        ELON MARS: Zero, My Crazy:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Absurd Smoque: Q: Cassiopeia:

        link to

        ELON MARS: Cassiopeia:
        link to


  28. agent X says:

    NHS Fife told Sandie Peggie to change elsewhere if she didn’t want trans doctor in female changing room

    30 years in the job and she is told this!

    • Marie says:

      I saw on Reporting Scotland that Scotlands universities are failing to fill the required number of vacancies for student nurse and midwifery training – for the FOURTH year in a row! Fancy that!

    • gregor says:

      All because a man wasn’t/isn’t willing to accept his true male species status/NHS’s failure to confirm his true status.

      Sandie Peggie has done nothing wrong and is a national/world champion.

      NHS policy and procedures are not fit-for-purpose and are an abomination to humanity.

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Sounds like a cult-like indoctrination programme with dissenters to be cut out as “dead wood”..

      This whole thing has been a deliberate set up from the word go to make a point and get it into a situation of forcing a legal ruling the QWERTIES hope will be in their favour- or – they’ll just try elsewhere with some other sucker and their pre targetted victim.

      If the judge can’t see this then they are as bad as NHS Fife which has made a complete laughing stock of Scotland.

      Also worth noting that the majority of “its” minders going in and out of court look suspiciously like actual females..

      Kind of upsets the “men bad” narrative a tad..

    • Anthem says:

      The amount of our taxpayers money being wasted on this clown Upton is a disgrace!
      He’s a man dressed as a woman, end of!
      It’s not rocket science.
      If he can’t understand that as a doctor, then he isn’t fit to practice.
      Meanwhile, patients suffer through lack of funding. Which he is very much aware of. He should resign and hang his head in shame!

  29. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Flippin’ ek! The chickens fae 10 years of malicious, attempted social engineering are coming hame tae roost.
    Find Out Now, Westminster voting intention, field work 12 Feb, sample population 3,421. Headline: RefUK lead the pack by 6%
    Con 21%, Lab 23%, LibDem 12%, RefUK 29%

    Scottish sub-sample (160): Con 13%, Lab 12%, LibDem 12%, RefUK 25%, SNP 34%, Green 6%

    • gregor says:

      The SNP Regime is still free riding (for now:)

      “A person who obtains something without effort or cost.”

      “Worker who enjoys the benefits of union activities.”:

      link to

    • Jay says:

      Consequences of the campaign to pretend that men can become women with be experienced forever. Heard say that Trump won by 1.5% and that 2.7% of US voters were swayed by the gender issue into voting for Trump.

  30. Scot Finlayson says:

    Dentons (the law firm that came up with the blueprint for the transcult to infiltrate all aspects of society) wanted it all done on the quiet ,no front pages just piggyback other legislation or infiltrate and hire like minded until takeover,

    but the problem was the woke virtue signalers like Sturgeon,Cole Hamilton,Harvie need to show their virtue,
    they wanted TV and front page which ultimately led to sane people realising the abomination coming down the line from transcult.

    Parasites need a living host preferably one that doesn`t know they have a parasite.

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      TV advertising has a lot to answer for.

      Traditionally female focussed on shopping demographics but increasingly now adding in QWERTY themes even though they are an absolute minority.

      That’s NOT how advertising used to work.

      Perhaps the Rev could interrogate it, are monies made available to companies to promote this minority consumer ethos indoctrination beamed straight into everyone’s our living rooms?

      • Mark Beggan says:

        The basic motivation of some gay people is Attention! They seek attention. Trans are psycho attention seekers. Any problems I’ve encountered with gay men is not their sexuality, it’s the attention seeking. The media is full to the brim with attention seekers.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Don’t disagree, but, the money NEEDS followed..

      • Geri says:

        Corporations employ think tanks.

        Big pharma will be behind this. They’ve already saturated every American with drugs. Rattling around on 20 supplements, vitamins & anti depressants medication a day & that’s just the 3 yr olds lol

        They’ve sown up the plastic surgery market too. Bigger jugs was a hit…

        Where can the next grift come from? Hmmm – giving men bigger jugs too & let’s try rearranging the other bits too lmao!

    • Mark Beggan says:

      ‘parasites need a living host’ Society is now aware. Thanks to the Rev and others.

  31. gregor says:

    Snowgoose: The Making Of You: Goldenwing:

    “Feel with your soul
    Truth can be Golden
    So follow what you know…”:

    link to

    Love you Scotland…

    • gregor says:

      A cohort of evil nasty filthy bastards

      Fu**ing hate you, Scotland.

      • gregor says:

        Any incline of Scotland love and appreciation drives them into a dissolute frenzy.

        I love it…


      • gregor says:

        Oh, God! Oh, Jesus Christ! Oh, my God! Christ! No, no, dear God!!
        Negatron has called on his uglier cousin:

        !!! NEGAMEGA !!!

  32. Dan says:

    I’m not really fretting about democracy* as the process still exists, but I am fretting about the volume of humans that don’t appear to know how to use it to achieve their purported goal.
    Well maybe they actually do know how to use it very well and it’s all working out great for them and their masters by continuing to be such divisive bastards who are unwilling to unify with other similarly minded folk to work towards achieving their purported goals…

    *My main reason for being politically active was the hope that power would be decentralised with far more control being in the hands of the local folk living in their areas. This would also hopefully reduce the scale of any corruption occuring because the money involved would be smaller and in clearer view of local interested parties unlike now where the amounts are much larger and hidden within the opaqueness of the centralised system.

    link to

    • Geri says:

      He still doesn’t get it.

      Scotland doesn’t have a parliament. It’s a colonial administration doing colonial administrationy stuff.

      The golden opportunity for democracy was Brexshit – not only the undemocratic process of ignoring Scotland from her democratic vote but for the wholesale stripping of powers that went with it.

      I seem to remember Robin was very much in the wait & see camp. The it’s too early after indyref for indyref2 camp…

      Time waits for no one. Let not advantage slip. & They al let it slip & sat back on their arse. Talking – endlessly talking…

      Indy isn’t to make the colonisers house more comfy FFS! The mitigation shit is enough of a roadblock without adding regional managers too.

      Not going to happen anyway because the branch office won’t allow it & Scotlands pocket money can do without the gravy train adding an extra carriage of mediocre management.

  33. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    RefUK merging with the Tories would be akin to leaping onto a sinking ship.

    In Wales, RefUK are set to rewrite the history books. Find Out Now, Westminster voting intention, Multilevel Regression Poststratification poll, field work 22 – 29 Jan, sample population 5,743 (in my opinion an unrealistically low sample for an UK wide MRP). 
    Predicted seat distribution: RefUK 23, Labour 4, Plaid Cymru 2, Con 2

    This isn’t the “white settler” effect of retirement age “gammons” from the SE of England selling their properties and moving to Wales. The biggest looser here (by a humongous margin) is Labour. The working class autochthonous Welsh are justifiably enraged. 

    Note; this poll was conducted before Rachel from Accounts announced a raft of investments exclusively located in the South of England.                         

    On a rather satisfying note, one of the seats RefUK have the highest probability of winning is currently occupied by Stephen Kinnock. Kinnock is the epitome of the reason RefUK is flourishing. A political nepo baby, with zero real life experience, married to the former PM of Denmark (who is herself the apotheosis of the Neoliberal, globalist elite), they have a trans son / daughter / something.

  34. Confused says:

    I wish we could just drop all the tranny crap, but to the rev it seems like catnip. I don’t care about wimmins sports – it was always a joke anyway, a concession to let the girls feel good about themselves and shut them up.

    As for trannies in the loos – women should just call the cops and if you need to, make a false accusation of assault; stuff up the courts with 1000s of these cases. It’s not like wings has not thrashed over every aspect of this many times – “I refer you to my previous response” – is all you need.

    For deeper protection against the woke agenda folks should school themselves in postmodernist thought and language-abuse; once you can frame your interests in these terms, and in opposition to make yourself seem the victim, you will win. Think of it as mental judo, it can be fun. Also, sue the shit out of people using bullshit laws against them.

    Not wishing to be cruel, though, I think the trannies need a safe space where they can be validated and gain access to the medical treatments they need 

    link to

    • Confused says:

      note the last paragraph where I cunningly re-framed “lock up all the trannies in the loony bin” in easy to swallow, kindness and tolerance friendly, woke terms – they love “safe spaces”, “validation” and “medical treatments”.

  35. Confused says:

    – there are lots of more important things going on, mostly under the radar and often a bit dull.

    while this may be well-deserved and long overdue, there is no way the UK could afford anything like this 

    link to

    – the UK would immediately have to see a debt counsellor, get the caribs to take a haircut and a payment plan of say a million a year until the next ice age hits and we are all done. A true set of historical accounts for Scotland (no one is interested in) would detail an amount for reparations when our time comes.

    ukgov is shit and incompetent, but they will have another go.

    link to

    do not expect lower bills.

    this is funny – anglo tells us the uk accounts are rigged and should not be believed 

    link to

    apart from GERS, which is totally kosher; these boring money-stuff articles are worth plowing through for the hidden gems, e.g. 

    “To that should also be added the huge liabilities that are still outstanding under hundreds of PFI contracts, a trend which began under John Major’s Conservatives before accelerating sharply under Blair. PFI was used to DISINGENUOUSLY KEEP PUBLIC INVESTMENT OFF THE STATE BALANCE SHEET by relying on private capital instead, with investors GUARANTEED HUGE, TAXPAYER-BACKED RETURNS FOR YEARS TO COME.”

    – and this is why the nuke power plants are fucked up and your leccy bills will stay high.

    the writing is on the wall 

    link to

    – and can be downloaded as spreadsheet 

    our oil will soon be partially owned by a fraudster 

    link to

    anyone who thinks “the city” is anything other than a -legitimised- organised crime outfit needs to wake up. The only mistake this guy made, probably because he was an outsider, is he didn’t pay off the right people; no one goes to jail, the city boys are made men, it’s a license to steal (a banking license). The city is a pirate haven, it’s how the anglo got started, after all. And what are freeports, but lots of little pirate havens?

  36. Confused says:

    okay – so why did the last post get zapped?

    it was mostly links of a financial nature, boring money stuff.

    • Confused says:

      here is another boring real thing anyway

      link to

    • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

      Well, I was able to see it. Here’s a receipt as the hip ‘n’ happenin’ kids say these days 🙂

      • Confused says:


        it seems there are strange disappearances

      • Confused says:

        and it just happened again – no banned words, “controversial topics”, nor anything satirical/facetious/edgy which could cross the threshold of bad taste 

        I suppose the privilege of “its ma website” is you don’t owe anyone an explanation 

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        No shit, Sherlock!

        What’s next then, Confused? An earnest post about the toilet habits of bears?

      • Confused says:

        fuck off cockroach

        no one is asking you

        what are you some kind of stalker?

      • gregor says:

        Your efforts are appreciated, Confused

        The Matrix has its glitches.

        Keep persisting and you will succeed…

      • Confused says:

        something else – the new comments system, which I don’t like – in the old days you scrolled to the bottom to see the new posts and what was current, now people reply to shite from 2 days ago that no one cares about 

        also – the up/down voting – this was fun for a while, but I just don’t do it anymore. What does it mean anyway? Someone could write a good post you disagree with, or some guy you normally dislike actually posts something reasonable.

        It was a laff to see persistent fannies including those who would claim their views “represent the vast majority of indy supporters” get drowned in blizzard of red numbers. But now, the voting looks dubious. Here is the thing, if you really really cared about all of this you can get yourself a VPN, as well as multiple devices with different handles, and keep resetting the VPN to provide a new IP, and thus get to vote over and over. Also, a lot of voting seems to be “I don’t like this guy” rather than the quality of the post.

        – the prolific gregor, whose links are interesting and upbeat – gets horrendous red numbers and I think it is because he is “out spamming the spammers” and they do not like it.

        An earlier one of mine has -5 – I don’t get it; could be transactivists lurking, but the basic notion – is there anyone not bored to death of the subject, seems correct to me in general. Why is that red numbered? What is this now – Wings Over Transland?

        Also “massive infrastructure project for Scotland” (designed to get our leccy down to flatland on the cheap) also gets -4 because why? Is it a bad post? There is nothing in it. It is of relevance and interest.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Sounds like bullshit to me. The new comment system is certainly better than the old one. It’s easy to navigate, there are now many more abstracts on the top right for you to see recent posts, and there are two buttons at the top to show the most reacted comment and the hottest” thread.

        Seems like the ones butthurt about being downvoted all the time are those who are abusing Rev Stu’s hospitality by spamming threads with reams of extraneous, off-topic guff, and those with unpopular views whose only contribution is sweary replies or allegations that those they disagree with are tractors* (ed).

        If you check this thread for example, the “hottest” comment is this:

        link to

        The reason why it’s the hottest is that arch spammer gregor has posted 20 replies to his own post. So yeah, lots of people – including many I have absolutely no time for otherwise – are heartily sick of having to wade through gregor’s tsunami of bilge.

        Both the quantity and quality of BTL would doubtless improve if he and his ilk were removed or heavily moderated. It certainly worked after Cameron Brodie was canned – at least for a while.

        The conspiracy theorising about folk going out of their way to use VPN’s and multiple devices just to downvote certain individuals looks a bit, well…..desperate and overblown. Somehow I reckon if the 77th Brigade or WEF’s space lizards were really in control, I think we’d see considerably more red downvotes in evidence.

        Such faintly hysterical “the MAN is out to get us” is more to be laughed at that pitied.

      • Confused says:

        – and it appears.

        Can we do one more?

        – is it 3, like the stooges or 4 like the horsemen?

      • twathater says:

        The fanny jist disnae like anyone dissing his bestest (according tae him) pals blog and you have roused his girlfriend BASTARD TAX MOAN to rush to his defence

      • gregor says:

        Wow, ‘The Big Guns’ have arrived (with Cameron Brodie STILL stuck in his head:)


      • gregor says:

        ‘The Andy Ellis Doctrine’

        Down-votes = The Wings Truth (LOL)

      • gregor says:

        Have you plucked up the courage yet, to publicly express your love and admiration for Scotland and its people, Andy Pandy (you fu**ing pathetic pussy).



      • gregor says:

        re. “spammer gregor has posted 20 replies to his own post.”

        In future, I’ll make an extra effort to respond to your posts, Governor Ellis (promise:)

      • gregor says:

        During these unprecedented times, I’m glad that the Ellis Group is not a Team-Scotland player –

        We only accept Scotland Champions on our undisputed winning team (smiles)…

      • gregor says:

        Wow, Turbo-Scorn re. 14 seconds (hmm:)

      • G m says:

        the Ellis Group is not a Team-Scotland player –

        Well put man.

      • gregor says:

        Thanks G-man.


      • Dan says:

        Said from the very start that the new comment system is a piece of junk to navigate.
        There’s no way of knowing where on the comment flow each of the recent comments have been posted until they are clicked on a you’re taken to that particular comment stream or standalone comment.
        Could be an ideal system to give the impression of boosting site activity stats when folk have to click multiple times to try to follow and read disjointed posted content rather than a simple gentle scroll wheel roll.
        If you happen to do other life shit like have a job or go and do other stuff such as shopping or another hobby so don’t spend all your time clicking refresh page like an ADD stimulus addicted buffoon, and therfore more than 30 comments are posted then you’re fucked for picking up every comment, so worthy comments can easily get missed.
        Previously when you simply refreshed page once and scrolled your way through all the comments made since you were last on the site, be it a hour or week previously.

        Likes and dislikes are the go to tool of choice for the lazy brain dead internet dweller that lacks the gumption to use their brain and actually state anything of their own volition.
        I don’t give a fuck how many likes or dislikes some anonymous lazy git gives my or anybody else’s posts because there is no way to know why said anonymous lazy git liked or disliked the post.
        And I have never in my entire online existence used such a lazy low brow mechanism to judge the worth of anybody’s comment.

        You and your mucker Insider no doubt disliked my post the other day about using Vit C solution to cure Basal Cell Cancer.
        Aye, it’s totally normal behaviour for a well adjusted individual to dislike a post about the success of curing a particular cancer for pennies in a safe way that saves the health service serious coin and doesn’t leave a significant permanent scar.

        Maybe the quality of comments btl has diminshed because of the likes of Stu giving so little of a fuck about this site and those that comment here that he couldn’t even be arsed posting on here to let folk know what the script was with the recent hack on this the affected site, instead choosing to post info on another social media platforms that folk here may not use.
        gregor helpfully copied over the info though.

      • Insider says:

        Nah !
        Wingers down-vote you because you are just an annoying prat like “gregor” !

      • Confused says:

        well there’s 3 so it must be stooges

        who are you exactly, person whose posts are so inconsequential I can’t remember any

      • gregor says:

        Keep exercising your power over the wretches and bigots, Confused (et al) –

        While they expose all their weaknesses…

      • gregor says:

        Great, I’m delighted if my posts infuriate despicable bigots.

        You miserable wretches are gonna hate the future…


      • gregor says:

        re. “the prolific gregor”

        I’ve sacrificed my annual work holiday to help better inform Scotland (I should be in my shed making my next guitar), however, my precious Scotland and its people are my #1 priority.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Beats me, Confused.

        Surely everybody can support your shining vision for Scotland: Sovereign Neanderthal Scots, cockroaches, and wielders of 20” cut-glass encrusted dildos.

        BTW, on the latter, yer maw says it’s the best she’s had since her 6 months in La Modelo.

        Mind an gimme an uptick if my bantz is on the mend.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        At the risk of repeating myself, every day a school day on Wings BTL.

        Today’s lesson – In an Independent Scotland, as visualised by the knuckle draggers, bantz will be very much a one-way street.

        With them dishing it out, and the rest of us meekly sucking it up, or else.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Somebody got no post today 🙂

      • Confused says:

        main – let me help you with “the bantz” – you don’t post weak shit like that as it just sets you up for a crushing rebuke, e.g. 

        “Sure I got a letter … from your mother/wife/daughter … “

      • gregor says:

        re. “whatever happened to r**y?”

        she was always up for a fight, bashing people I mostly didn’t like – I liked her, she could put the boot in…”

        I miss R**y too.

        Especially her tenacity and fabulous sense of humour.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I guess naming his/her online persona after the most famous female troll in popular fiction eventually became too much of a “tell”, even on here.

        The real question for the alert readers is, what nom de plumes are rooby posting under these days?

        Haha, you’re gonna have to do the graft yourself.

  37. Ian Smith says:

    Great to hear JD Vance single out Scotland as the heart of woke darkness.

    Householders within exclusion zones warned that praying wrong thoughts within their own homes is now illegal.

    • G m says:

      We’re no though Ian. Our ‘elite’ have simply sold us out. They are just self-centred wanks, stealing their wages who find the Californian social justice and gender bollocks extremely convenient. Doing a lot of damage nonetheless.

    • gregor says:

      STV News: US Vice President JD Vance attacks Scotland’s anti-abortion buffer zones:

      He criticised Safe Access Zones in Scotland…

      “Now, I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one-off, crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person, but no”, Vance said.

      “This last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish Government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so-called Safe Access Zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law.

      “Naturally, the government urged readers to report any fellow citizens suspected guilty of thought crime. In Britain and across Europe, free speech, I fear, is in retreat.”

      In Scotland, offences covered by buffer zones apply to public spaces. However, people in private places could potentially prosecuted.

      Scottish Government guidance says that someone who does something in a private place within the boundary of a zone that can be seen or heard in public areas could be committing an offence if it is done with the intention of influencing, impeding, or harassing service users.”:

      link to

      link to

      • gregor says:

        Fake Robin McAlpine News: Bundling and the path to barbarism:

        “I am engaged in a correspondence – a reader who thinks that my core critique of ‘liberal elites’ and identity politics is correct but who can’t understand why I’m not therefore giving Trump and Musk the benefit of the doubt while they ‘sort all this out’…

        my correspondent wants ‘corruption rooted out’ and so is cheering on two of the most fundamentally corrupt people on the planet whose corruption dwarfs the small-beer corruption of the liberal elite.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:


        Donald Trump wanted to be a dictator for a day.

        Is Donald Trump morphing into something more than that – a dictator for more than a day. In other words:


        link to

      • gregor says:

        I was under the impression that Robin was an intelligent and wise person –

        A rational analyst with critical thinking skills.


      • gregor says:

        The liberal elite strongly disagree (as usual:)

      • gregor says:

        Insurrection Barbie

        “The following tactics proved to be losers for the Democratic Party in 2024:

        1. Lawfare
        2. Inflammatory rhetoric and insults
        3. Gaslighting the American people about your policies or lack there of
        4. Calling Trump a Nazi and dictator
        5. Threats of violence

        Naturally, they are running the same playbook two months after the election. Because it’s all they have. They have no policies. They have no ideas. They have no talent.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        The Fraud (15/02/25) Neil Gray has said claims made by US vice president JD Vance about Scotland’s abortion buffer zones are ‘ludicrous’:

        link to

        BBC: Gray ‘sorry’ after chauffeur trips to football:

        “The Dons fan was driven by a chauffeur to watch three games at Hampden, as well as a home match. He registered the events as official government visits…

        Gray also said he had used the chauffeur service for five Scotland games.

        The health secretary told MSPs that he had been joined by a family member or guest at six of the matches. He said that they travelled with him but at no additional cost to the taxpayer.”:

        link to

  38. Mark Beggan says:

    There’s more to + and – ticks than agree or disagree..

    Reasons for Ticking. Part One.

    I totally agree.
    I agree with everything you say.
    I never read the comment but 99 + ticks. I’m following the crowd. Don’t want to be left out.
    Don’t understand the comment but I hate those bastards anyway .
    I will agree with anyone who disagrees with you.
    I’ve been thinking that for years.
    I like to stay in the shadows.
    I have power. I control the world.
    I’m to lazy to type.

    I totally disagree.
    I disagree with anything you say.
    I will disagree with anyone who agrees with you.
    I never read the comment but 99- ticks they must have done something wrong.
    Don’t understand the comment but I hate those bastards anyway.
    I like to cause trouble whatever the cause.
    I have the power. I control the world.
    I’m a lazy couch potato.

  39. gregor says:

    How fu**ing dare you whingers lecture me (et al):

    • gregor says:

      TELL US THEN – WHAT ARE SCOTLAND VALUES (what’s the big secret:)

      Can’t ‘you lot’ stand behind your condemnation, in the public arena ???



  40. George Ferguson says:

    Friday night let’s give Stu a laugh. I was put on trans women drugs today. Finasteride eat your heart out Dr Beth Upton. Another trip to A and E on Tuesday up North this time. And the A and E Dr there didn’t miss in his report to the GP practice. I use A and E as my point of Primary Care. Finally a new Doctor at the practice gets it. And he is loved by patients because he does a totally innovative thing, he listens. So before a put on my pink panties I should explain. Finasteride is also used for super enlargement of the Prostate Gland. A debilitating illness for the last 2 years and waiting on a Green light prostatectomy. I have no doubt in my mind that I have been failed by the Scottish National Health Service. But perhaps I should wear black stockings on Valentines night ?.

    • G m says:

      Hope you get it sorted soon George.

      • George Ferguson says:

        Hopefully fingers crossed. Anyway I have been trying my wife’s black pointed stiletto shoes on. How do women manage to walk in these things? I have come up with an Engineering solution. She is slim and her centre of gravity is directly between her feet. I am top heavy across the torso. A fix, modified shoes to shift the centre of gravity. Just as well after being married for 40 years we can still joke.

      • Dan says:

        Hi George, it’s certainly taken a while for treatment to start but hopefully can now start to be managed and dealt with.
        All the best.
        I was at my pal’s machine workshop yesterday. It’s packed with lathes, milling machines and the like. I’m sure we could cobble together some kind of exo skeleton support structure mechanism to aid your movement in those new high heals.

        During a tea break it was discussed how dumb so many of those that are in power are.
        I mentioned the Molesworth’s Pocket Book of Engineering Formulae and my mate looked out this incredible book of information which requires a supplementary book just for the formulae in the main book, which as can be seen by the calipers has some serious girth!

      • gregor says:

        I love vintage machinery – engineering marvels e.g. my German Anker FZ sewing machine (not mentioning my wee hand-cranked, battered and bruised Singer, that still works like a charm).

        Today I’m starting to rebuild my Etesia lawnmower Kohler engine (because it’s crap junk and can’t handle mulching lawns).

        Anker sewing machine pic (sourced from internet):

  41. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If this period of madness is drawing to an end, can we organise a crowdfunder to get Isla Bryson’s boabby for the People’s Palace?

    It’s a powerful symbol. Something the grandweans will want explained over and over again.

    Just the boabby mind, we can chuck the rest away.


  42. Mark Beggan says:

    What do you call a NED in a suit ?

  43. Mark Beggan says:

    What do you call a NED in a limo?

  44. gregor says:

    The National (14/02/25): LGBT+ billboard campaign warns of conversion therapy ‘abuse’:

    The Equalities Network says its campaign will be shown across billboards in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.The billboards show a broken heart with an arrow through, with text reading:

    Roses are red, violets are blue.“Do what you’re told, and don’t be you.

    It adds: “LGBT+ conversion practices are abuse.”

    The charity is encouraging members of the public who see the billboard to share images of it online to spread awareness of the campaign…”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Andy Ellis told us:

      “arch spammer gregor”

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Gregor do you make some of this stuff up.

      • gregor says:

        It’s true, Mark –

        The whingers here are extremely reckless and dumb (stuck up their own bigoted a**e, 365 – 24/7), hence the ease in which it is to publicly expose them.

        Furthermore, soulless ones have no control over the reality-mirror (nor their selves:)

      • gregor says:

        Ned’s Atomic Dustbin: God Fodder: Nothing Like:

        “I don’t know what you’re thinking when you fail to see things are at an end
        You hate to see me start again
        You don’t seem nothing like- my friend
        You don’t seem nothing like- my friend

        You just watch me
        ‘Cause you cannot stop me…”:

        link to

    • Geri says:

      I hope the good people of Glasgow give that ad a makeover.

      It’s false advertising. Folks talking to their own children about growing up isn’t abuse FFS.

      But what IS abuse is fast tracking them to chemically sterilise themselves cause they’re going through a phase.

      Is that the Equalities Network that has 100 other networks & splinter groups that all do the same fecking thing & receives various government grants x 100 cause they alter a sentence or something?

      Scotland needs a desk, a saltire, some of those executive order folders & pen -stat! I’ll sign them along with 5 million other Scots … Jist say naw tae nonsense..

      • gregor says:

        re. “Folks talking to their own children about growing up isn’t abuse FFS.”

        These freaks are sick child predators and are a direct and immediate threat to our family values/nation: humanity –

        And they’ll all be held accountable…

      • gregor says:

        re. “Scotland needs a desk, a saltire, some of those executive order folders & pen -stat! I’ll sign them along with 5 million other Scots.”

        I hereby nominate Geri, along with 5 million other Scots (you’ll receive your desks and saltires, and more:)

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Jist say naw tae nonsense”

        Looks like somebody was listening. And acted 🙂

        Geri first victim tae. Awww.

    • gregor says:

      BBC (14/02/25): Transgender references removed from Stonewall monument website:

      “The Trump administration has erased references to transgender people from New York’s Stonewall National Monument website.

      On the National Park Service website, external, the acronym LGBTQ+ has been shortened to LGB, standing for lesbian, gay and bisexual…”:

      link to

      link to


      • gregor says:

        Elon Musk

        “Funding for racist baby training is canceled”:

        Christopher F. Rufo

        “The Department of Education funded this training program for teachers, which claims that babies develop racial biases as infants and begin “attributing negative traits to non-dominant (non-white) races” by age 5.

        They want you to believe that babies are racist.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Rapid Response 47

        “Presidents Obama and Biden clearly love the work @DOGE is doing”

        Elon Musk

        “Literally exactly what @DOGE is saying!”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        New York Post (14/02/25): DOGE says it recovered $1.9 billion in taxpayer funds ‘misplaced’ by Biden admin:

        “The massive trove belonged to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and was discovered a day after HUD Secretary Scott Turner launched a DOGE task force at his agency. 
        “$1.9 billion of HUD money was just recovered after being misplaced during the Biden administration due to a broken process,” DOGE…”:

        link to

  45. Mark Beggan says:

    Ok last one.
    What do you call a psychopath in skirt?

  46. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Off-topic for sure but submitted in a spirit of week-enderly bonhomie…

    There aren’t enough Milligans around these days.

    James Hogg on X: “Spike Milligan cracks up while telling a story about the first time his father caught him cracking one off. The punchline here is absolutely tremendous! link to” / X

  47. gregor says:

    The Times (14/02/25): Keir Starmer: I have sympathy for Gen Z, but they can’t just opt out:

    “First, young people are hardly alone in feeling forgotten by politics. They are not alone in noticing the state has fallen into disrepair

    Truth be told, my “boomer” generation represents something of a golden age

    You would be hard-pressed to argue Gen Z enjoy the same security in Britain today. Home ownership is a distant dream for millions. Wages have been stagnant for much of their lives. The education system can feel like a fight for scarcer opportunities. The cost of living crisis has eroded the cash in their pocket. There is less breathing space for the joy and self-discovery of youth

    Nonetheless, we should still be sympathetic to Gen Z. A social contract is by its nature something akin to a deal. And the truth is Britain has not been giving young people a fair one…

    I know this last proposal is controversial for some. But for me it follows a very simple principle. If you are old enough to take a bullet for our country, you are old enough to cast a ballot…”:

    link to

    • gregor says:

      WEF is starting The Great Reset initiative:

      “future state of global relations”
      “direction of national economies”
      “priorities of societies”
      “nature of business models”
      “management of a global commons”
      new social contract”:

      link to

      World Economic Forum: Organizations:

      UK Government:

      link to

      World Economic Forum: People:

      Keir Starmer:

      link to

      • gregor says:

        The whingers vote to keep their top-down WEF social contract designation (LOL)

        And endorse Labour’s Starmer (WTF)

        Can they get any worse (most probably:)


    • gregor says:

      BBC (15/02/25): Scientists warn there’s 1 in 50 chance of Asteroid striking Earth:

      link to

    • Marie says:

      I wouldn’t take a bullet for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a political construct run for the benefit of a small number of very wealthy people – and ONLY for them.

      • gregor says:

        The British Army isn’t capable of taking a bullet…

        BBC (15/02/25): UK army too ‘run down’ to lead U***ine peace mission:

        “Lord Dannatt told the BBC that up to 40,000 UK troops would be needed for such a mission and “we just haven’t got that number available”.

        It comes after Sir Keir Starmer said the UK would “play its part” in guaranteeing U***ine’s security after the prime minister was asked this week if he was open to sending British troops as peacekeepers.

        Our military is so run down at the present moment, numerically and as far as capability and equipment is concerned, it would potentially be quite embarrassing,” he told BBC Radio 4’s The Week in Westminster…”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        The Communist (15/02/25): ‘Army of Europe’ needed to challenge R***ia says Zelensky:

        “Zelensky said:

        “I really believe the time has come – the armed forces of Europe must be created.”…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Shadow of Ezra

        Senator Lindsey Graham declares that Zelensky is the ally he has waited for his entire life.

        He adds that no American has died defending U***ine and praises the country for using U.S. weapons tokick R***ia’s ass.

        “I’m very proud to have you as our ally.””:


        link to

        Washington Post (2023): The American military veterans who’ve fallen in U***ine:

        “As America’s most recent wars fade into history, some veterans have chosen to take up arms in U***ine and, in at least 16 instances, given their lives…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        BBC: Why has a former Tory MP decided to
        serve in U****ne’s military?

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Donald J. Trump

        “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”:

        link to

        UK Foreign Office:

        British nationals fighting in U***ine:
        “If you travel to U***ine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the war, your activities may amount to offences under UK legislation. You could be prosecuted on your return to the UK.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Babel (15/02/25): Zelensky: U***inians “absolutely do not want” elections due to threat from R***ia:

        “…ready to talk about elections, but U***inians “absolutely do not want” them

        According to the U***inian leader, the issue [regarding the country?s elections] is not about him

        “And if someone doesn?t like it, they can choose another citizenship. If they want. They have property abroad,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.”:

        link to


        link to

      • gregor says:

        USAID News (16/02/25): Did democratic opposition in R***ia die with Alexei Navalny?
        link to


      • gregor says:

        USAID News (16/02/25): Did democratic opposition in R***ia die with Alexei Navalny?
        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Absolute standout post from gregor.

        One of Scottish Indy’s self-identifying finest, questioning why anybody would ever be willing to step forwards and fight for the causes of freedom and sovereignty!!!

        It’s in gregor’s pathetic lack of guts, and Marie’s self-hating recent post preferring Islamic subjugation, that we clearly see the rot infesting this sight.

        There’s no vision, no inspiration, no promise for how things in Scotland could be better.

        Just this continual wallowing in self-pitying victimhood. Day after day – everything and everybody is all shite.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Where would you find the time, Marie?

        Aren’t you already working 17+ hours a day?

      • gregor says:

        What do you do for work, Hatey?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You mis-juggling your multiple id’s there, gregor?

        Or do you just want to be called Marie? Dinna be shy, nobody’s going to judge.

        I work for a hybrid organisation: MI5 and a half. It’s based in a disused biolab under a secret military base, the existence to which is known only to the (MIA) boy fae “scotland”.

        One of the interesting things about the “scotland” boy is his ignorance of, among other things, capitalisation. What say you to that, gregor?

      • gregor says:

        re. “What say you to that, gregor?”


  48. Dan says:

    Site hack issue again? Just auto downloaded another exe. file when clicking on a recent comment.
    It only did that once though as tried again and got the comment I wanted to view okay.
    The exe. file was called Support.Client.exe related to some weird website i’d never heard of.

  49. Dan says:

    Things going on in Scotland.

    link to

  50. Confused says:

    spoiler : the she beast from my meme collection earlier – this is john main’s mother 

    she was in the pub 

    taking lineups round the back 

    I gave her a ten to do it with an alsatian 

    – said it was a better ride than the one which conceived him 

    and was quite happy she gave him up for adoption 

    did not know who the father was you see, too many to count on her fingers

    said to me : if you see john, punch him in the face for me

    – would have gone for a scraping, but catholic morals were observed

    something which made me question my views on abortion 

  51. TURABDIN says:


    I don’t feel we need to be independent for me to feel confident in my Scottish identity. I think Scotland is pretty comfortable in its identity. We won’t need independence to preserve it… if we don’t become independent, it won’t disappear; it isn’t under existential threat. 

    I should say that being independent in the modern model means independent in a very interdependent world. An independent Scotland is not apart from the rest of the United Kingdom.

    Sad to hear that George Michael has died.He was an exceptional artist and a strong supporter of LGBT and workers’ rights.

  52. gregor says:

    The Bohemian (Pat Kane): Bosses are fated to lose their war against working from home:

    “…the commute – car, train, bus, tube, other people’s oxters (indeed, your own). Trying to forget you’ve clattered up these steps, into this building, thousands of times already. On to your floor, the too-familiar faces (friends, enemies, frenemies). Flip open the computer, focus on the task list – and that chatty colleague instantly looms into view

    Really, the bosses want you to stop working from home (WFH, as it’s abbreviated) and submit yourself to this, for five full days a week? It would seem so.

    Former head of both Marks & Spencer and Asda, Stuart Rose, railed away on Panorama a few weeks ago. His complaint was about a generation of employees “not doing proper work”, because of it

    It’s one of the few benefits of Covid

    No matter the calls to “get back in the office” – from Donald Trump and Elon Musk…”:

    link to


    “…a total conversion to cyberspace. That’s almost 30 years that I’ve actively chosen to live some of my time in a virtual world, where information is easily retrievable, where connections can be global, where knowledge intensifies and crams into your short material lifespan.

    Currently, the internet is being gamed by powerful, manipulative forces. But I won’t give up on another one of my utopias.”:

    link to

    • gregor says:

      The National

      “It’s 51 years since the McCrone Report detailed Scotland’s incredible oil wealth – yet Scotland has some of the highest energy bills in Europe

      What’s going on?”:


      “Net Zero – that’s what’s going on.”:

      link to

      World Economic Forum (2021): Agenda: Scotland just blew up its last coal-fired power plant – as the country transitions to renewable energy:
      “Scotland’s last remaining coal-fired power plant has been blown up, a visual reminder of the country’s transition away from fossil fuels to embrace net-zero emissions.

      First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pushed the button on a controlled explosion…”:

      link to


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    • Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sickMar 16, 12:41
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