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Wings Over Scotland

For Mike Dailly

Posted on January 09, 2014 by
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Jim Watson

Anyone else actually read Tar Macs quote in a Popeye voice – I know I did. As for Mr Dailly, the very fact we will be breaking up the political union should tell him that it takes us slightly closer to his republican ideal. For a start we can get rid of the unelected house of lords…and there will no longer be ravens in our towers. One step at a time…


Now that’s some racist ass sh1t right there! Woooooohoooooo!

Calum Craig

Are you sure it’s not from The Daily Express??


Imagine…the Queen’s not “bovvered”. lol


Is this on the flip side of the Daily Mail’s Prince George calendar?


Mason Boyne! 😀

Chic McGregor

Tar Mac looks suspiciously like Carmichael,  Let’s be a bit more serious here.

Doug Daniel

How on earth did they manage to confuse Blair McDougall with Mason Boyne…? 😛


Funny, but the monarchy is funnier.
Magnus Gardham and Jim Gallacher, on his first day on the job! Remarkable, Scotland Tonight. Some way to go on understanding balance there.


STV – FFS what was that a BT advert ?? All we needed was Lucca Brazzi playing the Sash on the Tuba to finish off the night.
Scotlands place in slavery – who knew eh ? I got taught it at school in the 70’s
Surprising that it only happened after 1707 treaty – nothing to do with Britain then ?? Just bad old Scotland.
Why is this Westminster lapdog idiot Gallagher’s assertions  some kind of news ? HE IS ESTABLISHMENT BT for Christ sake. Oh and no interuptions lovely  – tea anyone, how very British ??

Doug Daniel

In fairness to Scotland Tonight, I’ve seen them put on two folk from the Yes campaign and nobody from the No campaign.
Only on a Thursday like, because they know most people are watching the BBC’s Ask A Question About Immigration Time.


Yes, and it might help to explain that before 1707 England was hindering, if not blockading, all Scots shipping in an effort to destroy our trade. Nothing ever changes.

Chic McGregor

quoting Wiki:
“Some of the first freedom suits, court cases in the British Isles to challenge the legality of slavery, took place in Scotland from 1755 to 1778. The cases wereMontgomery v. Sheddan (1755), Spens v. Dalrymple (1769), and Knight v. Wedderburn (1778). Each of the slaves had been baptized in Scotland and challenged the legality of slavery. They set the precedent of legal procedure in British courts that would later lead to successful outcomes for the plaintiffs. In the first two cases, deaths of the plaintiff and defendant, respectively, brought an end before court decisions. The Knight case was decided in favor of the plaintiff, the former slave.[8]

Angus McLellan

“said Unionist leader Mason Boyne”?
I’ve read that name before somewhere. Show-off!

ronald alexander mcdonald

Strange things going on. According to Canadas ex-Defence Minister there are 80 different types of aliens among us who are very pissed off  at war mongering polluting earthlings. Don’t think they’d like Better Together. Maybe we should make one of them head of state after Independence.
Also there is a movement: orangemen4indy. Don’t know which one surprised me most. 


You’re right Doug, I did see that. Once.




Ah, seen the top tag. Ahem.

Chic McGregor

So I take it he is the latest White House favourite? (OK different country, everything is negotiable.)

Dave McEwan Hill

I see David Limond, the bigot who was sending threatening and sectarian emails to Angela Haggerty, who regularly contributes to NNS, has been jailed for six months

Chic McGregor

While we are in (much needed) meltdown silly mode would just like to give a personal ‘Headline of the year (so far) award’ to 
The Bonnie White Feather Club
over on Wee Ginger Dug.

Andrew Morton

Chic, completely agree with you, Kavanagh has blown Cameron out of the water yet again.

David Smith

I don’t know what Canada’s SecDef has been smoking but I’m prepared to take him at face value when I see some of the Ferengi at BT!

ronnie anderson

O/T Katie Hopkins, on bbc This week, there should be no food bank,s.

[…] For Mike Dailly […]


@ronnie anderson
And why would anyone disagree?


Also there is a movement: orangemen4indy. Don’t know which one surprised me most.
Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I know orangemen who back a yes vote. Unfortunately revealing them would mean they couldn’t walk Bailey’s Lane for the rest of their natural!
I suspect their are a good few but none have the balls to admit it to each other as they all seem to think they’re alone.
Go figure?

Dave McEwan Hill

If I could go back to that marvelous book we are able to read here, “The Claim of Scotland”. there had never been a more incisive account written of our case. It could have been wrtitten today and it should be read by every sensible Scottish person this year. Can it be put into print? How much would that cost as a paperback?. Could the Sunday Herald be persuaded to do a chapter every week? Could the chapters be brought out individually in magazine format? I don’t have a lot but I’d certainly contribute.

ronnie anderson

New paint job fur Britannia, well we canny hiv our heid of state, styin in a tenament, beside,s nae ,Poll Tax /Bedroom Tax. Aak kak kak kak.

Chic McGregor

must be getting close to place on the Rev’s top 20 list.

Chic McGregor

Agree it is incredibly erudite, articulate, prescient and well written, but <putting on Duncan Ballanwhine voice> ‘for that reason, I’m afraid the MSM are OUT’.

Chic McGregor

P.S. Sunday Herald may be an exception there,  6/10 for critical reading for me.



Mary Doll is to be Queen o’ Scotland. Fairy Mary has a magic wand. Banish the Tory/Unionists. Rab C was Robbing Hood. Robbing the rich to give to the poor.


The fate of the ‘Room tax’ inspector. Flattened by the bed.


Snap @ Ronnie

Didnae see it, Hinest.



Sailor Philip supported Independence in 1968. Mr Benn.

Jamie Arriere

Well, if Lizzie can scoff a tin of spinach, smoke a pipe and batter the shite out of Bluto (Blair McDougall) she can keep the job as far as I’m concerned.


New independence poll available to gauge public opinion in the run-up to the referendum.

link to

Adrian B

“OSLO (Reuters) – Everyone in Norway became a theoretical crown millionaire on Wednesday in a milestone for the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund that has ballooned thanks to high oil and gas prices.”–sector.html

Wee Jonny

link to
Brilliant piece. Will send it to my friend down in England who was ranting about her disgust at the lack of poppy wearers due to “Our heroes who fought and died so we could live the way we live” (her words). 


Union Roadshow is coming to Bonnie Dundee…
link to
Redress the balance!


I think today’s ‘proud’ and ‘patriotic’ Scots like Mike Dailly are much worse than the ‘parcel of rogues’ who sold Scotland.


The mention of Mason Boyne had me in stitches, I suggest those unfamiliar with the name look to youtube for some pieces from A Kick Up The 80s.

john king

Jim Watson says
“Anyone else actually read Tar Macs quote in a Popeye voice”
Now that would be childish and this is a grownup debate aak kak kak kak kak
now eats up yers spinach.

john king

Doug Daniel SAYS
“Only on a Thursday like, because they know most people are watching the BBC’s Ask A Question About Immigration Time.”
You made that up,
you did didn’t you? :0

Tony Little

OT, sorry Rev, but just read this over on NNS about the ONS producing false figures that apparently down-graded Scotland’s growth by 50% in the period 1989-2011.  Apparently this was picked up by Chris Giles at the FT and he published two articles (behind the paywall, so I haven’t read them) pointing out the error.
The issue here is that these figures would had been submitted to the EU for comparative purposes under NUTS1 and NUTS2 and would undoubtedly have been presented by the No campaign as “evidence” that the White paper was overly ambitious.  Might this had been the basis for the attack on the WP in FMQs?
Not sure if this is worth further investigation as the FT has apparently done a good job, but as these are behind the paywall, not sure how many people will have read about it.

john king

The story on NNS about Alex Rowley denying he ever said he was in favour of unfreezing council tax in spite of being filmed saying just that, lends itself to a feeling that Labour during election campaigns are deliberately throwing in provably false statements for a laugh because they see themselves as completely immune from any kind of criticism by the press, just look at the tissue of OBVIOUS lies Cara Hilton came out with in Dunfermline, happily I live in the area so I get a vote on the 23rd and trust me I will be taking great pleasure in exposing the lies they come out with,
I hope and pray the days of Labour treating  their loyal voters with such a dismissive attitude is coming to an end, the feeling I had only a year ago was that as far as the local press were concerned Labour could do no wrong and were never openly criticized (that I could see anyway) but online and in letters to the press I’m seeing a growing discontent with the local Labour party and an increase of people who openly support independence. 
We (indie supporters) would have been scoffed at and ridiculed a very short time ago, things are moving folks and if a central fifer can say that, then look forward to September with hope and anticipation.

Dorothy Devine

Thanks to wee ginger dug and wee Jonny for directing me to the piece – a must read.


The last link I posted for converted pages of The Claim of Scotland got lost.
So, for anyone who’s interested, I’ve put the first six chapters on a website.  Anyone who wants them can read/download them at
There’s nothing else on the site. It’s there to make the files available to Wings fans.  I haven’t put the mobi files up yet but expect to have those and chapter 7 of the book ready some time this evening.
I won’t be posting any more links to individual files here. I’d have to post them under every article and I’m already starting to feel like a pest.  Anyone who wants them can visit scotspot to get the rest.


Constitutional monarchy in a nation with a strong and recent history of profound constitutional revision is a very different thing to constitutional monarchy in a nation where every referendum results in keeping the status quo. If you would like to see monarchical rule end in Scotland, how is this more likely to be achieved: as a member region of the UK or as an independent state?


I sent an email to Alex Rowley yesterday calling him out as a liar regards the comments he made about the council tax and received a reply saying he is on leave in other words he has went in to hiding.

Bertie K

Poop©? Aye?
Satirical? Maybe.
Comical? Most definitely.

Bertie K

Thanks ;-D

gerry parker

Well done,looking forward to the .mobi files

john king

Anyone else see Dan Snow have a dig last night “we’re going to get a Braveheart referendum this year”
I had a pop at him on twitter about it. 

scaredy cat

Albamac. Thank you so much.

P G McLaughlin

Gratefull thanks


Mason Boyne, and his lovely daughter Orangina. Back in the days when Robbie Coltrane was comic…altogether now ..”Patisserie…at the City Bakery”


@John King

I did see that John. Dan Snow and his dad Jon are a right pair of blinkered Little Englanders.

Dan Snow is a fuckin useless wanker who got into tv through his dad.

And that interview was followed by another right wing lunatic, in the shape of Katie Hopkins.

I thought she was barred from tv, after her tirade on the Wright Stuff channel 5, regarding Scottish independence.


Ot, but gaun yirsel Morag fae Dundee on Call UKaye this morning. A fine demolition of the WW1 shenanigins.



Dan Snow’s dad is Peter Snow. And he is still a useless wanker.

gerry parker

@ Juteman. Missed it, can you give us the gist?


It will be on iPlayer Gerry.
She simply stated the obvious, that it was only going ahead because of the referendum. It was the passion in her voice that had me cheering.

Flower of Scotland

So Glasgow Council are to give all first years £10 to invest ! Why not just a saving scheme each week as we did as children . This is nonsense ! Labour councils wanting to scrap the council tax freeze and raise taxes handing out money ! What are they thinking ! Get a grip ! People are in poverty needing foodbanks . Why not help those people in Glasgow ? 


The Crown, the £ and the EU are the most popular by the majority of consensus in Scotland. They are Scotland’s ‘sovereign right’ under the 1707 Union agreement.

A successful government governs with consensus, as per a Manifesto, with all things being equal. Any deviation can be voted on subsequently.

Ian Brotherhood

@Juteman (10.15) –
Beat me to it – heard Morag from Dundee, was punching the air as she got stuck in. Magnificent.
Me no know who she be or what she does, but what a brilliant speaker.
More, Morag, please – would love to hear you get a hold of someone like Baillie, McDougall or Darling, ‘twould be like a terrier with a tired rat.

Dave McEwan Hill

I have the strongest feeling that all the unionist guff is being largely ignored by most folk who have been oversaturated to the extent that much it is now becoming meaningless.
“They would say that, wouldn’t they” is becoming a prevailing attitude, if even subconsciously in many cases. That is probably the best response to most of it. 

We have a very strong YES vote and a steady if slow movement towards it. 
O/T My wife is getting agitated by Ms Lamont’s pencilled in Startreck eyebrows.

Ian Brotherhood

PS Morag was on the CallKaye at approx 9.48.


There is only one Morag, the one on here.
: )


I’m still trying to get my head around the suggestion that iScotland will not be allowed to use the £, not only because the currency has our monarchs image all over it.
Do you think our shared monarch might have something to say, if 5 million or so of her subjects were arbitrarily disenfranchised in this manner?


Oh this is a clonker from Newsnet. 🙂
link to


ACC Labour/Unionsits are spending/wasting £103Millions + £Millions over 30 years on an (Ilegal) PPI Project. Refusing to implement a majority voted scheme to predestrianise the City Centre. The Labour/Unionists council spokesperson is complaining about historic SG underfunding (by Labour/Uunionist dominated Cosla). The spokesperson then suggests Council Tax should be increased (against taxpayers wishes) as things are tight and the Council will not be able to keep up services. Ie squander £Millions of taxpayers monies and expect more taxpayers monies to squander. ACC the ‘laughing stock of Aberdeen’.

The Scottish Gov is spending public monies on the essential AWPR, (voted against by Labour/Unionist for thirty years), helped fund the Sports Centre/Olympic pool, and are doing everything positive, in line with the majority of the electorates wishes as per a Manifesto.

Jon D

Many thanks for all your efforts re “The Claim of Scotland” PDF’s. Utterly invaluable resource and to have it all together on one site is great, especially since I missed out on obtaining a hard copy. Please keep up the good work.
link to


You can now hear Magnificent Morag frae Dundee on Morning Call from 55:59 mins:
link to 

gerry parker

Elizabeth – many thanks.


I am not and never have been from Dundee.  (Despite what Vote Scotland thought until yesterday evening when they kindly changed it for me.)  Sadly, I can take no credit for whatever awesomeness my namesake came out with.


Mmmm, now dead curious as to what phrase in my last post diverted it to the moderation queue….


Mmmm, it’s not coming up on Google.  I may have got the name slightly wrong.  It’s that monthly poll, I think by a newspaper in Dundee, that’s asking as many people as it can lay its hands on to vote every month and see how it all changes.

Could be interesting but they have about 80% Yes at the moment.

ETA: Found it, it’s actually “Scotland’s Vote”. My bad.

Big Red Machine

Tar Mac? Mmmm let me think about this. Two words which have no direct correlation to Scotland, nor do they have any relation to Popeye, or to anything of a maritime nature. But wait, the word Mac could be associated with Scotland as it’s sort of Scottish sounding….

Got it, Tar Mac the substance is synonymous with the stereotypical view of travelling people and gypsies. They lay Tar Mac as a source of income while they continue to dodge taxes and scrounge benefits, much like the Scottish populous according to the media, so it’s a direct correlation to Scots being subsidy junkies. I’ll tell you that’s some writing right there, that’s real high brow shit. No wonder he must be paid well to come up with the likes of that. Genius.

Alan Mackintosh

@ Big red. Suggest you find out why tarmac is so called. You may find it has everything to do with Scotland. Unless of course you were being ironic. Hint look up James McAdam…


Can’t get the Call Kaye site to work, just endlessly looping at the start of the clip.
Anyone else having this problem?
Dying to hear it.

Alan Mackintosh

Worked alright about an hour ago… try clicking forward to about 59 mins or so

Re above John McAdam, not James

Alan Mackintosh

And Tar is a nickname for a sailor, either merchant or royal, aka Jack Tar, so a maritime connection there too

Bertie K

Finally, managed to hear it but something funny going on wi the connection hmm- 6 reloads required. I expect it’s very busy on threr. by god the truth speaks volumes though and well worth the effort!
Get that lady into the Scottish Parliament ASAP
Morag you are magic.

call me dave

Here’s Morag and her view on the £50M being spent on the WWI celebrations.
Morning Call today.…/…56mins in.


Oh my, what is the world going to think of us if it’s preceived we are celebrating the start of WWI?
I think it would be better if this event were cancelled.

Morag is correct, it is indeed a cynical ploy…


Morag was absolutely magic !!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Speaking of Mason Boyne..Errr! here he is.
link to


I once had a discussion with a Belgian pal over Olive Oyl’s knees. I thought I had once seen her wadng through a river and she had knobbly knees. She corrected me that Olive’s legs are absolutely straight and have no knee caps!

[…] For Mike Dailly […]

Paul Kelly

It’s not a bad idea, Olive Oyl as first lady would certainly be an improvement on Camilla Parker Bowles.

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