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Wings Over Scotland

Fix up, look sharp

Posted on June 26, 2021 by

Holiday Boy is still “resting”, so here’s a laugh from nearly six years ago.

Hear the bang? See the spark? No, us either.

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“The fib is this size”

Andrew F

“When we say ‘ring-fenced’ we mean we spent it”.

“But we have kept scrupulously meticulous records of the exact amounts we spent and what we were explicitly given that money for, so that when the time is right we can get those exact amounts again from somewhere else (or maybe the same people can go ‘double or nothing’) and match them up to those expressed intentions.”

“I am not a crook”.

Patsy Millar

That’s a really creepy photo.


You know when doing that ‘K**** H****’ thing meant we didn’t have to read the arsehole’s name? Any chance we could have a similar device that means we don’t have to look at that smug f*cker’s face every time her name’s lifted? Her lying, bastard dish: the pox personified.

Good morning, everyone.


Oh cool.

I was wondering what image to use for today’s 2 minute hate. Problem sorted.


Just another wee con merchant drumming up business


What Kenny says above!!

Dorothy Devine

Lolysmum , do you mean the Good morning everyone or the other bit??

Stu , delighted to find you in my mail , hope you are well and enjoying your nature rambles.


She’s saying “Look! There’s nothing up my sleeve.”

No. Really. There’s nothing up my sleeve.

Sharny Dubs

What a creep.

Someone on utube referred to her as vinegar tits, normally I would be upset at the slight against our first minister and the Scottish nation that the position represents, but you know what? I couldn’t give a shit.
That is how much that woman has devalued the position and the whole Holyrood shebang for me.

May she rot.

Hope your finding some peace and a new direction Stu. Cheers.


HI, Breeks

Etsy sell Voodoo dolls 🙂


“No. No. We are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream”.

Dr Martin Luther King


Have to say she / her / Sister Lee Love makes a lacklustre attempt of the original parody act.


link to

Robert Hughes

And lo on the 8th day God created Nicola …..

Satisfied with his handiwork he gazed upon his creation contentedly, a smile and soft laughter eased his way to eternal sleep as he thought

” That’ll teach the fuckers “

Scot Finlayson

£600,000 is stolen every 18 minutes from Scotland through the theft of out oil.


What is the combined total of the salaries of Murrell and Ruddick since 2017? Who knows? Chapman certainly never found out. It can’t be much short of a million pounds though.

Jason Smoothpiece

Dirty tricks campaign, utterly baseless.

No I actually think that asking where the cash went is reasonable.

The money is gone they will never get a penny from me again


Stronger For Scotland?

Wonga From Scotland…..more like.


Santa has a red suit and a beard and enjoys giving.

Sturgeon has a red suit and a beard and enjoys taking.


When Sturgeon says she’s sorting it on the indyfront, she really means she’s sorting it for her and her party to do nothing on the indyfront, but appear to be doing something to keep the masses placated, and that’s been going on since she took over the reins at the SNP/Scottish government, and it won’t change under her tenure.


Its interesting to note that Sturgeon can challenge or attempt to overstep in devolved areas when it suits her cause.

Such as Holyrood wants to incorporate the (UNCRC) the United Nations convention on the rights of the Child, and the European Charter of Local Self Government into law, which has been challenged by Westminster as outside Holyrood’s remit.

Sturgeon called the Westminster challenge against it as “Morally repugnant.”

Now consider that just in one year alone 2019, 1264 people died from drugs abuse, and that’s just one year under Sturgeon’s tenure, god only knows how many have died since she became FM.

Did Sturgeon take action outside Holyrood’s remit to save the thousands of Scots addicted and dying from drugs abuse at any time in her tenures, oh she might have spoken out about it, but did she act against Westminster’s control over drug laws to save those thousands of Scottish lives, as she’s now doing with the (UNCRC), the answer is no, she didn’t, she just sat on her hands and allowed those addicted to drugs Scots die.

It took a private citizen with a drug addiction consumption van to do something about it, and he was cautioned by Police Scotland for trying to save the lives of Scots, whilst Sturgeon parroted out that the area wasn’t a devolved matter, this is how much Sturgeon cares for Scots, she’d rather let them die than bend or break a Westminster rule.

Knowing this, Scottish independence will never come under Sturgeon the Betrayers tenure, for Westminster rules will need to be broke en masse if we’re to ditch this shitty union.


We gave the SNP real money and then they consider it to be monopoly money to do as they see fit.

How many years will it take before the general public except that the UK has left the EU and its just the norm I bet the UK reckons its 2024.

I can’t see what Progress for Scotland the SNP has done since Mrs Murrell took office.

At leased we know why we haven’t had a referendum because there is no funds to fund it.

The SNP are now saying that it’ll start up a new fundraising campaign next year, if and when they get up and running the bottle scheme I’ll donate three bottles of Irn-Bru and a bottle of toilet loo as well, as for given the SNP real money again one bitten twice shy not a third time.


What a typical Tory bastard Webber is-
Subsidise his theatres and cripple the disabled.

link to

Josef Ó Luain

Hello, Stu!


Big Sister is Watching You.

Robert Graham

This Liar has done a better job of stopping Indy in its tracks than even her boss Bawjaws could ever have hoped for she’s fooled everyone ,

All the desperate supporters of the SNP have been taken for mugs and sold the biggest load of shit imaginable this beats the sale of London Bridge to some gullible yank .


So Brexit has cost UK scientist a whopping £1.5 billion quid in grants from the EU Horizon 2020 programme, not only that but UK scientist are finding it difficult to access EU scientific data, the EU’s horizon 2020 programme is now finished distributing its massive £73 billon pounds worth of grants.

Maybe Johnson will replace the grants, says I with tongue pressed firmly into my cheek.

Meanwhile Mike Russell, spews out the same old we’re moving towards Scottish independence rhetoric in the National for the umpteenth time, give a rest Mike you were rumbled ages ago.

Meg merrilees

Your articles are in a class of their own Stuart. Hope you are manage to have a bit of a relaxing time.

This is an astonishing read from the very first words of the headline and I really find it gobsmackingly sad that the Scottish press have not taken up this lead from the Times.

Two sections are absolutely incredible:

In a statement released on the party’s website yesterday, Beattie said that “amounts equivalent to the sums raised will be spent for the intended purpose” of a referendum campaign. So far only £51,760 has been spent directly on campaigning for another vote.
He added: “Of course, the SNP is the party of independence and, as such, every penny we spend — directly or indirectly — is in support of winning independence.

Only £51,760 has been spent on Indy preparations – Boris and Michael Gove must be laughing their socks off.

And: –

Under Electoral Commission rules, as party leader Nicola Sturgeon had been acting treasurer after Chapman’s departure, meaning that she and her husband Peter Murrell, chief executive of the SNP, were occupying all of the senior positions in the organisation.

Surely that is not allowed under Electoral Commission rules?

Will the Scottish Police ever come to a decision about how little integrity they think is acceptable and how low the bar is in matters of truth, honesty and trust?


Scot Finlayson says:
26 June, 2021 at 10:12 am
£600,000 is stolen every 18 minutes from Scotland through the theft of out oil.

Wow. Scot, have you reported this to the police?

Saffron Robe

There is something very sinister and disturbing in that photo. The personification of evil and betrayal. The Antichrist walks among us.


Ah I get it now…
This is one of those altered pictures where the strings attached to the puppet arms have been cleverly edited out.
I wonder who the puppet master is up above in the gantry?


Hideous photograph. Disturbing expression. I feel really creeped out by it.


@Joybell at 10:01 am

“Etsy sell Voodoo dolls”
She looks more like the New York Dolls

Can I say that . Too late

Dave Beveridge

Looks every inch the cult leader addressing her adoring flock. Scary.


Effigy says on 26 June, 2021 at 11:33 am

“What a typical Tory bastard…”

Yes, we know you are, that’s why you keep promoting BritNat propaganda platforms via direct links.

Kenny says on 26 June, 2021 at 9:38 am:

“You know when doing that ‘K**** H****’ thing meant we didn’t have to read the arsehole’s name? Any chance we could have a similar device that means we don’t have to look at that smug f*cker’s face every time her name’s lifted? Her lying, bastard dish: the pox personified.”

Couldn’t agree more! Either totally blacked out or replaced with a Baboon’s arse.


Must be something about to break: too many squirrels and weeks-old stories posing as new news on MSM.

Robert Hughes

Caught the Notional front page in passing earlier .

So reassuring to know the NSNP Independence Government OF Waiting ( they should all get jobs in restaurants ) are , get this , ” building the case for Independence ” ! What are they building it from , Lego ?

The case for Independence was built decades ago : what’s urgently required is * someone * to take the fckn case and hurl it through the windows of Number 10 Downing St , and let the occupants deal with the broken glass

By the time Sturgeon has wrung every last fearmongered drop of public concern/paranoia from Covid and the financial impact of it her cowardly reluctance to -ever- act independently from WM exacerbated the juggernaut of * One Britain * triumphalism may well have flattened any chance of achieving our goal

Wendy Wood

Hi Stu, we’re all missing your articles, but hope you’re having a good time laughing at the joke party the SNP have become, (Stonewall’s lackey). I’m done with it all now, just cackling from the cheap seats.


Thank you, Rev, again for all you have done to bring the truth to light. At least a lot more people now realise that nothing of value is going to be done by the SNP with its current personnel running it.

However, like you, I am no longer optimistic that anything decisive to restore independence will happen soon. I was the sole activist in my tiny neck of the woods arguing for Alba list vote and was criticised by several people for being prepared to speak up for a party associated with “that Alex Salmond”. I pointed out that the jury heard the evidence, some of which was that the incidents never happened at all, and found him not guilty. Apparently that didn’t mean that he didn’t behave badly. “So many people wouldn’t make it up”. I despair.

The National must know the truth – why do they continue to print the garbage they do? If they stood up and called out the party “errors” it would at least be honest even if it didn’t cause the internal revolution that is required. Mind you, I have noticed some more critical letters lately, amongst the usual brain-dead call to “wait ’til after the pandemic to hold another referendum” as if they have never heard the truth that a referendum is not necessary and is the worst option anyway.

Anyway, Rev, enjoy your freedom from the independence issue and get out in the sunshine. As shall I to plant peas and beans and lay gorse round them to stop the mice.


Yeah calm the fuck down plebs, when I said the money was ring fenced I just forgot to mention it was fenced in creepy wee pat’s ring!.


Glad to see you back Stu!

James Che.

As a political tool covid is proving to be extremely useful to change society, in relation to destroying a country so the new ideology of build back better can become reality for them, I noticed a secondary tool of climate change is being used to speed up society change,
Now you may think this has nothing to do with us,
But it has every thing to do with us here in Scotland
The restrictions on freedom of movement in your own country stops all protests and marches in Scotland, no more connected gatherings of Scotland’s independence movement, no inspiration, no motivation to be shared, no nation able to gather together to display their voice in unison, as each one feels they are on their own in the dark.
NS is Using covid to protect herself and cliche from the people of Scotland. She often locks down areas politically rather than for the purpose of saving lives, as more heart attacks, more strokes, more drug related deaths and more cancer patients outnumber deaths of covid here in Scotland, she has chosen a smaller minority to protect rather than a majority of the population.[ a lot like gender issues ] Every nhs service has been cancelled for other death threatened patients, to chose who dies and what of method is not scientific, it is non logical and bias.
Meanwhile non of the ministers, royalty, or world leaders are following the rules and laws of covid they police, and set out for us, they obviously do not consider the virus to be that life threatening, or they also would be living in the manifested fear they built up for us.
Now we are aware some have died of covid and that is not denied here, as we are aware many people have died of other illnesses mentioned above. How fast acting The governments have been in eliminating one of the largest killers of humans,… cancer,
One suspects there has been a lot of hype from them and the media for the purpose of mass control of the populations through Covid laws and rules.
Covid is about governments taken control of policeing without consent. Lawful intrusion into private life, stopping protesters against governments policies, restrictions of people’s movements and a loss of freedom in speech. Migration into the country continues, while we are not allowed to even go out the country without a covid vaccine passport, but there are exemptions for football and world leaders and Royals.
This effects Scotland’s economy, its health services, its education, its council infrastructures, its independent laws are being merged with that of England’s through Covid.

Now Climate change laws are about to do something very similar, the reduced loss of travel, the restructuring of our Scottish economy, our councils, roads, cars, heating our homes, education in schools, our health services, etc will all be affected,
However we will find that our parliamentary leaders, our Royals, our MPs continue to ignore the rules they impose on us as being inclusive to themselves and they will continue their holidays abroad, going to world summits and meetings in big jets, cars, and expensive boats, continue making and creating climate dangerous wars with other countries. And secretly dumping nuclear waste.
Again under the Climate change laws we will see Scotland’s laws merging in unison with the rest of Britain.
In Scotland we have a law set in the treaty of the union for private rights to be protected, which includes family rights, this is null an void under new covid rules. We also have the freedom to roam, again being subtly subdued under covid rules,
We used to have freedom of speech, but the hate crime bill denies us this, thus imposing on our private and family rights that are in the treaty of the union.
It does not bode well for the people of Scotland to continue the treaty of the union without becoming subsumed by a new totalitarian British government,
And of course under covid rules we can not visually protest with regards to Scotland’s FM and her lack of direction for a independent Scotland.
The walls are being reinforced by England’s and Scotland’s governments against the inhabitants of Scotland ever seeing freedom of their country,
The great reset to destroy Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales not as a union, but as individual countries is happening, and build Britain back better for a chosen few at the top will be a nightmare for a long time to come for all of us.
It does not matter the price of our oil is good, if we are not allowed to use it, it does not matter if our roads are in an appalling state of repair if our car and travel ability is reduced, it does not matter even if you do get an hospital appointment if travelling to access this hospital is denied you, it does not matter that your child has not learned their ABC as long as they learn gender issues, climate change issues, and covid masks and the space required between them and their friends.
It does not matter that the bank is calling your mortgage in, because you are not allowed to go to work.
It does not matter that you no longer have a wage, as the governments will keep us all on a low wage equally, and control the amount you get on their decision of wether you fit the criteria for that week. The option to work overtime for that holiday abroad, or Christmas and birthday treats, or a new car of your choice will be gone.
Your life will be controlled in a China like policy where the British government decide what you need, how your finances are, how much food is on you’re table, and how you might be under curfew for freedom of movement even to visit you’re own families.
No A’s No B’s .
Covid, Climate Change, Control.

Robert Graham

I wonder how this imposter Sturgeon is going to keep a grip on this restrictions shit ,I really can’t believe people are putting up with this rubbish and a weekly changing story what’s next to prolong this nightmare ,the only thing that’s protecting her and her inner circle are these restrictions.

What happens when the story starts to fall apart ? What happens when the majority of people are jabbed with this chemical and it’s having no effect on transmission and the story of unseen side effects starts to be reported because this can’t be hidden for ever the truth will surface eventually

Governments and big pharma have control and will keep total control of all the information people are consuming we have been bombarded with a kind of phycological torture for the best part of a year and a half you see it in people’s faces they are shit scared of their own bloody shadows wearing masks and avoiding coming close to other people even outside a lot of people are totally brainwashed and any slight relaxation of restrictions is seen as a fkn gift by a benevolent jailer

Waken up this whole suppression of people’s rights in order to protect them from Well who the fk knows what it is because as far as I know it this plague hasn’t been seen ,smelt ,isolated so it can be studied it can’t be identified on surfaces so why do people believe we have protection from a invisible flu like SARS virus we haven’t been able to cure the common cold and definitely not the seasonal flu , the whole approach is suspect and isn’t bloody working .

Kevin Cargill

Hi Stu. Good to see you haven’t disappeared completely! My wife and I are in Wells on holiday and will be taking a day trip into Bath in the next few days so if you get that funny feeling you’re being stalked, you probably are! Any advice on what to do and what to avoid?


@James he

Good post. The term you are looking for is international communism. Its almost entirely the same outcome as neoliberalism in that all rights to property, all autonomy and all tradition are to be destroyed with a very small el-ite group at the top who have full control of everything.

You say Scotland is being brought under British law? That is true but in fact we are being brought under the heel of the initial growth of a world government. A totalitarian world government made possible by manufactured crises and fraudulent, ever encroaching solutions.

You mentioned 4 C’s. The one that I find interesting is the 3 masonic steps of build back better.

bbb – if you want to be short about it.

Tinto Chiel

@James Che and Robert Graham: as Macart often used to say on these pages, pretty much.

This government is using the emergency powers given it by the Coronavirus Act to remove many of our personal freedoms and many fearful citizens seem to be accepting it uncritically. Soon its Online Harms legislation will be enacted to police the internet and remove any sites questioning its narrative on human rights, lockdowns, Covid vaccination and a host of other important issues.

Unfortunately, both here in Scotland and in the UK we have two corrupt, immoral, incompetent and authoritarian governments which have nevertheless been returned to power and the prospect of another four or five years being “ruled” by them is truly disturbing.

They will not relinquish any of their new powers easily because they have them where they want us: largely fearful, submissive and confused, already being softened up for another winter of restrictions as we see in Boris’s warning of a very rough winter ahead, despite the UK being the most vaccinated country in Europe.

Giving them the Keys to Gilead was not a great idea.

Ian Brotherhood

Link for GB Resistance livestream at London protest.

This is the third time I’ve tried sending ‘live’ links today. (This time have stripped off the http at the start…)

link to


I see the SNP have been bitten by their pets – the Greens are accusing them of transphobia, despite them turning the party into a weimar berlin drag bar.

Woke-ism is a ratchet; whatever you give them, they will want more, and if you refuse at some point, they will unleash hell on you.

So give them nothing, and if they claim offence – double the insult.

Tom Kane

A first-time try out of the hip new catch phrase for the Party…
“How very dare you.”

Alec Lomax

Confused – well chosen pseudonym.

Stuart MacKay


I’ve posted this before, “How knitters got knotted in a purity spiral” link to

The important part is the “purity spiral” not the knitting – who’d have guessed. It shows that the SNP will never be able to genuflect to a level that will satisfy the Greens. The interesting part is whether there are elements in the SNP that will really, really really, try very, very hard to do so.

If that happens and I hope it won’t, the NHS Pride Badge Stasi will look like amateurs compared to the bloodletting that will be unleashed as the likes of Blackman sacrifice everybody and everything in their path in the quest to demonstrate their adherence to the cause.


Good post about the knitters, I had read it before (maybe from you).

Given how all-in the SNP already is – what more could the Greens possibly want? The Greens are pushing at an open door.

The original story was in the Daily Record – I won’t post a link – but they seem to want no-defence witch-hunts for anyone even slightly-less-zealous than they.

The media gave the Greens an easy ride in the last election; in old days they would have been trashed as “enviro nutters” trying to wreck the economy and send us all back to peasantry; makes me suspicious.

from the SNP party conference this year
link to


link to

‘SNP MP Carol Monaghan was moved to safe house after death threat’

When reading the above I wondered what had provoked Jonathan Bell to attack Carol Monaghan.

The article makes some vague reference to Brexit & Jo Cox hinting the attack was because of Brexit which I didn’t find very convincing.

I did find this article and thought this could be a reason for the attack.

link to

The letter comes a week after it emerged three female SNP MSPs had accused First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of being “out of step” with her colleagues over transgender rights in a private online conversation that was subsequently leaked.

‘It has been signed by government ministers Kate Forbes, Ash Denham and Ivan McKee, as well as SNP MSPs Joan McAlpine, Ruth Maguire, Christine Grahame and Kenneth Gibson, and MPs Carol Monaghan, Angus Macneil, Patricia Gibson and Joanna Cherry.’

In the event of Carol being taken to a woman’s refuge & Jonathan Bell deciding she was now Joanna Bell Carol wouldn’t have been very safe.

Does anyone know anything about Jonathan Bell?


link to

What a wanker.

James Che.

Our problem is not that we don’t talk about these topics, or that some are still blind to the direction and interference into our personal life’s by stealth.
There are enough people even here in Scotland alone that are struggling on how to convert these serious topics into action to save not just the possibility of an independent country, but to literally save our families from a very bleak future.
If we are to be chained to our front doors handles, if we are not allowed in the streets, parks, or beaches in our own country, nor to visit family, friends, not allowed to go to work,
We are metaphorically being gagged by our governments behind masks as a symbolic gesture,
We are in prisoners without bars,
One of the few avenues left available for people to protest a Dictatorship is to withhold feeding these very rich leaches that are draining away our human rights of existence into oblivion.
We either refuse on masse to vote them in, or we do what others have begun with the bbc, do not give in and pay,
A financial protest,
That can be achieved from everyone’s home.
These are last resort ideas, especially as you will not have control over who takes you’re money from you’re bank in a year or two at the most.

John H

Facts on Horizon 2020 funding

Leading nations
The United Kingdom received 12.1% (more than €7 billion) of the Horizon 2020 funding; by comparison, the country’s average contribution to the overall EU budget is around 11.4% of the total.

Germany took home the biggest percentage of Horizon 2020 funding (14.9%), but it contributes a higher percentage to the overall EU budget (20.9%). Likewise, France’s funding share (11.1%) was lower than its average contribution percentage to the EU budget (17%; see ‘Gains and losses’).


link to

Edinburgh City Council is planning on undertaking carriageway improvements and traffic signal upgrades on the junction of High Street, Canongate, Jeffrey Street and St Mary’s Street – with work expected to take up to 35 weeks.

“In a letter to residents, Craig Wilson, the council’s senior project manager, writes: “To assist residents of the area who may not be able to use the diverted service, we have set up a ‘dial-a-taxi’ service.

“This service is provided free of charge, although booking in advance is required.”

This work started at the beginning of May.

Seven months with no buses for people in the area.

It seems residents have not received letters about the taxi service & trying to get info about it is very difficult.

Angus Robertson the MSP for Edinburgh Central is of no help because he hasn’t managed to get his act together.

link to

“We are currently in the process of providing a constituency office for Angus Robertson MSP therefore full time services are not available as of yet.”

You can however sign up for Angus Robertsons newsletter which no doubt will be full of photos of his new baby & his trip to the newly opened ‘King James Centre’ or whatever it’s called now.


Breeks @5.22pm.

Wishart sums up exactly what the SNP under Sturgeon thinks of fellow indy parties, that actually want Scottish independence. For Wishart to poke fun at the Alba party and ISP, is nothing short of disgraceful, but of course the SNP is no longer the party of Scottish independence, and some of us (more will see the light over the next few years I hope) all ready know that.

As for Wishart, whose now embedded in Westminster, that he wants to be the Speaker of the House, he’s a lost cause.

I gave my last vote the SNP in any form in May because Alex Salmond asked me to, come the council election the Alba party will get my vote and every vote after that.


RoS 12.08

You wrote “ So Brexit has cost UK scientist a whopping £1.5 billion quid in grants from the EU Horizon 2020 programme, not only that but UK scientist are finding it difficult to access EU scientific data, the EU’s horizon 2020 programme is now finished distributing its massive £73 billon pounds worth of grants.”

I was going to respond to your grievance based remainder stuff … then I saw John H put you straight at 5.39.

You moan about lying deceitful uninformed politicians and then…..


FAO James Che

Hi James! How are you?

Have you made any progress with your bike built for 2 & a dog?

The problem with boycotting the TV licence & the MSM is that the Gov will just take your money via taxes & give it to the BBC & MSM.

Voting doesn’t really work because there is so little choice & on top of that when they are voted in they don’t keep their promises and just do what they like.

We might need to be very courageous and be willing to risk a jail sentence either that or be highly inventive re any protests we make.

Do you think it’s time for us to get an offshore bank account either that or put all our dosh under the mattress?

I don’t have a problem with savings ‘cos I ‘ring-fence’ all my money I ring-fenced quite a bit today in John Lewis. When I was out ring-fencing my money I discover by accident that the King James Centre now known as the “St James Quarter” had re-opened. It’s jam packed with shops where you can ‘ring-fence’ lots of your money.

There’s also an hotel in the middle of it which has been nick-named the ‘dog-poo hotel’ due to it’s shape.

No doubt the SNP MSP for Edinburgh Central was at the event having snaps taken for his newsletter & picking up some freebies.


FAO Sensibledave

You didn’t get back to me with promised answer to the following two questions:

1. When you use the term English as in anti-English what do you mean?

2. What are you trying to achieve by posting on Wings?

Saffron Robe

Robert Graham at 2:21 pm:

Very good comment Robert, just about sums it up. Lockdown is a mass psychological control technique which will cause long-lasting, possibly permanent, psychological damage.

The following may be of interest. It concerns Dr Francis Christian who has been suspended for voicing safety concerns about the Covid vaccination of children:

link to

And the following is also worth a watch:

link to


Dave @6.01pm.

Ah Dave good to see you’ve shut up about Scottish independence, after wiping the floor with your farcical comments last night.

Anyway assuming John.H’s figures are correct, how does that in any way negate my comment that UK scientists have lost the grants.


Breeks says:
26 June, 2021 at 5:22 pm
link to

What a wanker.

Agree but I think Stu might approve of using more inventive swear words to describe

‘Pisswizard MacClownstick”

Here’s a list of new swear words:
Douchnozzle, shitgibbon, cockwaffle douchecanoe twatwaffle, fucktrumpet, pisswizard Fuckface Clownstick fucktangular
shithead, shitbag, shitstain, shithole,shitgibbon, Fuckcycle, Wankhammer
Douchenozzle, Arsebasket
(I learned a lot of these from Stu)

Who can think of the best & most imaginative name for ‘ShitSlipper MacCosywank’ or invent a new swear word?


On this thread the SNP big up Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford’s FMQ’s questions on misused funds by the Tory government, when the ringfenced indyfunds have vanished, the taxpayer paid out over half a million quid to Alex Salmond, for a tainted and bias procedure, and around £10 million quid of taxpayers cash has been spent over four years by the Scottish government via the COPFS looking and not finding dirt on Alex Salmond, which took up the time of twenty-two Police Scotland officers as well.

No one was sacked or even reprimanded infact one woeful Civil Servant even had her contract extended.

link to


FAO Saffron Robe

Can I ask you why you call yourself Saffron Robe?

James Che.

Are you not already in prison since 2020?
You do not get out early for good behaviour. Those that took their vaccines are not favoured long term, any more than those that did not, the masks still have to be worn, you still have to social distance, and wash your hands, if they tell you, you have to stop seeing family and friends, you obey, and you have no more access to the NHS than others, you like others will be tracked through vaccines passports, and your data will be passed on between other governmental instruments,Not only that you’re family are in prison too.
Only the bars are invisible.


Wee Sisturs got ye coverered.


Wednesday Adams.


GAVI. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations. = A cartel of pharmaceutical companies screwing the tax paying public in a loveless kind of way. Devil Srihdar worked for GAVI and probably still represents their interests.

Stuart MacKay


Yes, the Greens are pushing at an open door and if they were even halfway smart they’d be organising a coup within the SNP to push their agenda – there’s no shortage of Labour refugees who are squishy on independence. A few whispers here and there to secure the progressive agenda and suddenly Nicola might be standing there, reins in hand but the party horse has bolted and is swiftly heading out of sight.

Slightly fanciful, perhaps, but a few speeches here and there about common cause and real opportunity to secure a fairer Scotland for “all” and maybe just maybe there’d be a change at the top once Nicola realised her mistake and tried to dig her heels in to avoid losing control.


Matt Hancock has resigned, John Bercow has joined the Labour party and Scotland gallantly drew with England at the Euros.
as the Union crumbles.
Now is most certainly the time to unleash the activists and get printing the pamphlet’s.
Scotland s stars are aligned propitiously.
What’s to stop us?


Papko says:
26 June, 2021 at 7:40 pm
Matt Hancock has resigned, John Bercow has joined the Labour party and Scotland gallantly drew with England at the Euros.
as the Union crumbles.
Now is most certainly the time to unleash the activists and get printing the pamphlet’s.
Scotland s stars are aligned propitiously.
What’s to stop us?


We need a leader!


James Che. says:
26 June, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Are you not already in prison since 2020?


OMG James are you having a bad day?


I wonder if there’s footage of Matt Hancock having more than snog and a bit of bum squeeze in the office?

A knee-trembler against a filing cabinet perhaps?

The person who leaked the stills might flog the racey stuff to Pornhub. They could make a series…

“Hancock’s Half Hour”

Oh no, wait…


Papko – sturgeon and her acolytes obviously.

Stuart MacKay


I heard it was to be titled “Hancock’s Half Minute”


Has Sensible Dave scarpered?

It’s an easy enough question Dave?

What do you mean by English when you use the term anti-English?

I recently read a book that contained Amish characters and they used the term ‘English’ which I gathered meant anyone non-Amish.

I’m wondering from the little knowledge I gleened about the Amish from reading that novel if it’s possible that the anti-vaxxer posting on here are Amish.

I was presuming that ‘Safron Robe’ gave him/herself that name because he/she is Buddist but I could be very wrong and he/she may in fact be Amish.


Stuart MacKay

It was going to be, but resorted back to the half hour to allow time to put on the mountains of covid PPE that needs to be worn before you can go within 2m of someone.


Stuart MacKay says:
26 June, 2021 at 7:53 pm

I heard it was to be titled “Hancock’s Half Minute”


This will inspire a new version of ‘wham bam thank you mam’

“Hand Cock & Off!’


‘I’m wondering from the little knowledge I gleened about the Amish from reading that novel if it’s possible that the anti-vaxxer posting on here are Amish.’

Little knowledge and gleening are on full display when you throw around such bullshit.

Why don’t you gleen a little more knowledge and put the reach and scope of your internet connection to use and fill your head with more than scattered shite from random novels and government sanitized corporate friendly television you fucking twat.


Handcockers go blind!

This is my contribution to the new swear list.


J.o.e says:
26 June, 2021 at 8:07 pm
‘I’m wondering from the little knowledge I gleened about the Amish from reading that novel if it’s possible that the anti-vaxxer posting on here are Amish.’

Little knowledge and gleening are on full display when you throw around such bullshit.

Why don’t you gleen a little more knowledge and put the reach and scope of your internet connection to use and fill your head with more than scattered shite from random novels and government sanitized corporate friendly television you fucking twat.

Why so angry?

Can’t you do better than ‘fucking twat’?

Are you Amish?


So Sajid Javid will replace the useless Matt Hancock as Health secretary, Javid has the unwanted claim to fame of being the only Chancellor who was fired before he delivered a budget.

Javid’s nickname was Chino — “Chancellor In Name Only” and Dominic Cummings wanted him gone.


“IAN Blackford has renewed calls for Scottish independence after Matt Hancock resigned as Health Secretary.”

“The SNP’s Westminster leader said Scotland should “say goodbye to the chaos and failure of UK leadership”.

“He tweeted: “Massive failure of leadership by @BorisJohnson Hancock should have been sacked. A fish rots from its head. So does this UK Government.”

“In Scotland of course we will face a choice on our future. We can say goodbye to the chaos and failure of UK leadership and take a step forward.””

Christ, Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it ) Blackford, never misses a chance to cement his and his party’s enthrallment of the Scottish masses to their cause, which certainly isn’t Scottish independence.

We’ve been listening to his rhetoric on Scottish independence for years now, and we’re not one step closer to exiting this putrid union.

Tinto Chiel

James Che. 7.00: “Your data will be passed on between other governmental instruments….”

Hey, “Brotherhood” (TM Hatuey), if you’re out there: why don’t we set up PCR test centres for asymptomatic (ie healthy) Covid proles, collect their DNA data and then make oodles of cash selling it to genome companies?

Bit of a goer?

What d’ya think?

Ring three times and ask for Samantha……


Ruby says:
26 June, 2021 at 6:33 pm
Breeks says:
26 June, 2021 at 5:22 pm
link to

What a wanker.

Agree but I think Stu might approve of using more inventive swear words to describe

‘Pisswizard MacClownstick”…

It’ll maybe give you a giggle to Google the Shakespeare Insult Kit. 😉

I should have called Wishart a beslubbering, sheep-biting, canker-blossom, but I think “wanker” just hit the sweet spot.


“A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder.”

It could be a significant step in freeing Assange, and for journalists around the globe.

link to


Breeks says:
It’ll maybe give you a giggle to Google the Shakespeare Insult Kit. 😉

I should have called Wishart a beslubbering, sheep-biting, canker-blossom, but I think “wanker” just hit the sweet spot.


I like these Shakespearean insults! 🙂

Looking forward to an occasion when I can use the following:

“Would thou wouldst burst!”

“You have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm, and cloudiness.”

I’ll maybe combine them with some of the new swear words.

Carol Neill

I’ve skipped a bit , ok a huge bit
But does anyone else rethink the handcock thing is very handy ,a good day to hide bad news etc etc


Some insight into modern Germany. Should be interesting for people who aren’t totally blind in Scotland

The day Germans revolted against communism:

link to

Esprit de Corps and Masculinity are Verboten in the Colorful Republic of Germoney:

link to


Ruby says:
26 June, 2021 at 8:16 pm
J.o.e says:
26 June, 2021 at 8:07 pm

Why don’t you gleen a little more knowledge and put the reach and scope of your internet connection to use and fill your head with more than scattered shite from random novels and government sanitized corporate friendly television you fucking twat.


FYI you can gleen a fair bit of knowledge from random novels.

There is absolutely no comparison between ‘government sanitised corporate friendly television’ and any novel I’ve read.

I’m guessing you don’t read novels!

“Reading fiction is important. It is a vital means of imagining a life other than our own, which in turn makes us more empathetic beings. Following complex story lines stretches our brains beyond the 140 characters of sound-bite thinking, and staying within the world of a novel gives us the ability to be quiet and alone, two skills that are disappearing faster than the polar icecaps.” – Ann Patchett

Ian Brotherhood

@Tinto Chiel (8.36) –

‘Hey, “Brotherhood” (TM Hatuey), if you’re out there: why don’t we set up PCR test centres for asymptomatic (ie healthy) Covid proles, collect their DNA data and then make oodles of cash selling it to genome companies?’

Remember that Supertramp song, ‘Give A Little Bit’?

That’s what they’re asking us to do, literally.

But how long will it be voluntary?

‘Civic duty’ is the line they’re pushing. For now. Sturgeon, Leitch et al have deployed it ever-more frequently in recent weeks.

How long until it’s compulsory? If they can’t force us to take the jag, the very least they’ll demand is a DNA sample from each and every one of us.

And how much is that data worth?

If we don’t raise these questions then no-one else is going to do it for us. And we know we can’t trust characters like Hatuey, who claim to be ‘on our side’ – they’ll gladly become enforcers, and would probably do it for nothing. Again – ‘civic duty’.


‘Watch carefully boys and girls. Drum roll please. £600,000 – now you see it – poof – now you don’t!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ruby says at 9:39 pm.

You typed,
“FYI you can gleen a fair bit of knowledge from random novels.”

I read a novel by Craig Robertson called “Snapshot”. In it, a forgotten part of Glasgow – Grahamston – was mentioned, which set me a-Googling.

It existed! It was buried under the extension northwards of Central Station in the late 19th century.

From the following link…

“The lost village
One of Glasgow’s most popular urbexing locations now comes as an official tourist tour. The city’s Central Station allows visitors a behind-the-scenes look, taking in everything from the huge glass roof to the warren of underground tunnels. As you get deeper below ground you come to the remains of a village called Grahamston, which was levelled to make way for the station in the 1870s. I featured this underground lair in my book Snapshot and now readers can make their way down there legitimately.”

link to

See also,

link to

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

‘Why so angry?’

You have no idea

‘Can’t you do better than ‘fucking twat’?’

Only if you can do better than anti-vaxxer for anyone who expresses concerns about the current batch of covid jabs

‘Are you Amish?’


Also its ‘glean’ you thick fucking twat.


Sometimes it’s possible to use basic arithmetic to win even political debates.

So, let’s start with a simple calculation….

95% of 66.65 million = ?

Let’s round it down and say the answer is 63.3 million.

That’s the number of people in the UK a who are in line to be vaccinated. Could we say it’s also the number of people who think the anti-vaxxers are a bunch of crackpots? Maybe.

Looking at those numbers, If I was an anti-vaxxer, I think I’d have the brains to shut up. You can’t even safely assume the 5% that won’t be vaccinated are anti-vaxxers… there could be other reasons involved.

I skipped through the YouTube video of the anti-vaxxer demo in London today. I’ll concede the turnout was impressive. But I didn’t see one person expressing anything about the vaccine… and I was disappointed about that as I find them highly entertaining.

Anyway, that’s the message here; 95% of the population think I’m right and those who are against the vaccine are wrong (and probably nuts).

Brian Doonthetoon

I have detected, over recent months, while Rev Stu is looking for bears in Bath, an increase in personal insults directed at other commenters, eg,

“you thick fucking twat”

What does this add to the literal discourse taking place?

I quote from:

link to

“2. Play the ball, not the man (or woman).

And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally.”

Rev’s rules. Abide by them.


Well said, Brian. There’s a lot of anger and aggression around these days, I think. I suspect people are stressed about lockdown and all that.

President Xiden

SAGE prediction of tonight’s result : Italy 50 000 000 Austria 35 000 000.

President Xiden

Hatuey says:
26 June, 2021 at 10:30 pm
Sometimes it’s possible to use basic arithmetic to win even political debates.

Number of people who believed the Sun revolved around the Earth in 1400 , 100%.

Robert graham

Anyone having trouble with links displayed on this site using Ipad IOS 14.6 the latest version every link is inactive

Ian Brotherhood

It seems that Hatuey doesn’t get his daily bonus unless he can show that he had ‘the last word’ on here in any ‘bug’-related discussion.

He doesn’t have to engage with anyone, address points raised, keep abreast of developments in the real world, or even attempt to be convincing.

All he has to do is show his boss the time-stamp at the end of his comment on any given day.

Then he gets a chit to exchange for his £20 M&S voucher.

Nice work if you can get it!


Robert graham

For the resident nutter

Its not a vaccine yah tube

This Chemical does not follow the accepted definition of a vaccine its a chemical that supposedly alters the immune response in the people it is administered to also it is still in the trial period that won’t end until next year



Then he can ban me.

Im not interested in being nice to thick fucking twats who want to disparage people for very real legitimate concerns. Concerns for our families and for the future.

Here’s the thing – these people constantly play the man. Its ‘flat earthers’ or ‘ikeans’ or something equally moronic.

I ALMOST ALWAYS argue the point but if im going to play the man, like the people I am talking about who do it on a daily basis, then I will at least use honest language.

Try to be consistent at least. If not then you should probably stick to checking my apostrophes.


“Its not a vaccine yah tube…This Chemical does not follow the accepted definition of a vaccine its a chemical that supposedly alters the immune response in the people it is administered to…”

Interesting that all the experts are anti-vaxxers.

But wait;

“ Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
link to

So, even if the vaccine only included chemicals, it would still be a vaccine. Hmmmm.

Of course, the virus itself could be defined as a collection of chemicals, acids, proteins, etc., that depend on and are only activated when they are “hosted”, and the general consensus is that viruses fall short of meeting the definition of “living things”.

Have you thought this through, Robert?

Ian Brotherhood


Hatuey misses his June 26th £20 bonus by just 13 minutes!

Major bummer!


Hatuey is entirely correct.
What’s wrong with something being a collection of chemicals, acids, (which, incidentally are also chemicals), proteins, etc. So is almost everything including humans.
The ignorance and lack of common sense in the anti-vacc fraternity is really staggering.


The ‘anti-vaxxers’ are very angry.

James Che.

Those who stop and mull things over before spouting anti Vaxxers and leap into cancel culture ideology should stop and consider others,
I cannot take a vaccine due to liver and pancreas damage as I had no access to the NHS during covid lockdown.
Otherwise my health would have been seen to a year earlier,
Not all people are as one sided or narrow thinking as yourself ruby, some of us out here are genuinely ill and have had to research the issue of what further damage may be done to our health if our organs cannot cope with these chemicals.
Kindness and consideration without judgemental tripe makes the world a nicer place to live,
Those who cannot take the vaccine are still in lockdown with the people who have had the vaccine,
We wear the face masks the same as you, we follow the rules issued by the likes of Matt Hancock, Dominic Cummings, Prince Charles, Neil Ferguson, Boris Johnson, Prince William and Kate,
No actually that’s not true, we get arrested or fined for not following the rules.
They don’t.

Say no to corruption

Sturgeon looks like a very comfy dictator in the creepy picture


Great comment Kenny @ 9.38am fully agree , and Stoker @ 12.54pm WTF are you seeing ,I AM seeing an ugly Baboon’s arse when I look at that picture

Captain Yossarian

@Tannadice Boy – I’ll know more on 5th July and I’ll let you, George and Stu know then but something caught my attention a couple of days ago and I thought I would run it past you:

No-one knows yet what caused the tragic building collapse in Miami but already they are looking at the same range of possible causes that I have been worried about and it’s the same range of experts that are advising them, as advised me in 2017.

One thing caught my eye: They measured the rate of settlement of the ground surrounding the building as being 2mm per year in the 1990’s and they reckoned that was significant. What if I told you that the rate of settlement of the ground surrounding this school was up to 200mm per year in 2015? What if I told you that is recorded in the minutes of two Scottish Government meetings and no-one at Holyrood thinks that is significant? Would you be shocked?…you’d be shocked, wouldn’t you?

One useful rule of thumb for any teachers or parents who are thinking about this – it takes a few wheel-barrows of gravel to fill a pot-hole. If it takes more than that, then it’s probably not a pot-hole and if water is lying in puddles around the school building and is refusing to drain away, that might well be serious too.


‘What’s wrong with something being a collection of chemicals, acids, (which, incidentally are also chemicals), proteins, etc. So is almost everything including humans.’

This is basically correct. But in general we tend to categorize things in finer detail than this in order to differentiate haulage equipment from tropical fish etc.

Its sometimes useful to see things in greater resolution that 4 bit and have a greater understanding of nuance than a damaged infant.

That way you might also see that being anti-vaccine and being concerned about this batch of medical technologies aren’t the same things.

Jeanette McCrimmon

After two years, the MSM have finally caught up with you #StonewallOut

In the words of Peter Beckett ‘Baby come back’

Robert Hughes

” Its sometimes useful to see things in greater resolution that 4 bit and have a greater understanding of nuance than a damaged infant.”

Yes , if you put any -supposed – piece of solid matter ( a virus for example ) under a microscope and progressively increase the resolution it’s seen that it’s solidity is something of an illusion .

At the atomic level it’s mostly empty space surrounding a nucleus : at the sub-atomic level it’s merely probabilities , which only coalesce into a * thing * upon observation

Now , what about the IDEA of a virus ( or anything else ) , what is that made of ?

The Materialist understanding is that it’s the product of ( quantum ) chemical reactions in our brain : so far , so * obvious *

Yet even the most hardened of Physicalists ( whose assumption is Mind is an epiphenomenon of matter ie the brain ) have been unable to solve the so-called ” Hard problem of consciousness ” ie how can a wet , lump of matter and electrically charged particles produce awareness , thoughts, dreams , feelings etc ?

Many Scientists and Philosophers of Mind are coming to the perception that it may be more accurate to state that Mind produces Matter , or , at least that Mind precedes Matter .

If this is indeed the case then it would be accurate to say that a virus ( again , like anyTHING else ) is in essence of the same nature as the IDEA of a virus .

Note , this does make them * unreal * , whatever exists is as * real * as anything else , but it does suggest their existence is a part of an undivided totality .

Point being ….maybe we should be very careful about forming conclusions , imposing laws and penalties on what are in essence abstractions , assumptions , speculations , the stuff of Mind .

I await the * obvious * objections based on fatality rates etc , but another thing Scientists are questioning is the idea of Causality , can it be truly demonstrated that one thing * causes * another thing to happen , or are all things happening simultaneously ?


Can an MP ask Bojo if Hancock has resigned for being an
adulterer and is the PM still in touch with American Jennifer Accura?

If Hancock is resigning for breaking the lockdown rules, why did he escape sanctions when he
Entered a Covid ward and shook hands with those infected, their Doctors and nurses.

Why did he back Cummings when he broke the lockdown rules and read out a
fairytale excuse with less likelihood than a Sleeping Beauty?

Why was his Father let off with travelling to Greece during lockdown?

Why was Gove with his son in Porto to watch Chelsea during all this?

God help us but if serial adultery, lying and backing up fellow Tories who break lockdown rules
was a reason to go then Boris’s is the race leader by a country toff’s mile.

David Caledonia

Scotland History Tours…………….. youtube

David Caledonia

Why are some of you people still waffling on with your long fecking diatribes, get a fecking life for fecks sake


Ruby 6.15

Ruby, I’m still about. But Saturday nights are for croquet and champagne aren’t they?

I need to be at a laptop (rather than on my phone) to do multiple cut and pastes. But I promise I will get back to you on that one when I have the time.

With respect to your question regarding my presence here, …. I consider it my altruistic mission to help educate and inform those that might benefit from my intelligence, wit and insight. It’s heavy burden to bear but you don’t get to chose your talents.


Open question…

You know a while back the UN wrote a scathing report on the way the UK treated it’s disabled people? My question is, how do you get the UN engaged with a particular subject of concern? How do you get them involved?

Couldn’t Scotland somehow protest about the plundering of our oil, an action which by literal definition, is an explicitly colonial exploitation ?

Couldn’t Scotland seek a UN audit of the biased monopoly which exists in Scotland’s lamentable Broadcasting network’s? How can democracy be considered fair against a background of such indoctrination?

Couldn’t Scotland seek to Lance the boil of immigration, as in the degree of settlement from England which too, is another tell and yardstick for colonial subjugation. I say lance the boil, while it is just a boil, and before it festers into septicaemia.

All of these should be seen as individual bricks in the wall, and a patient, endless war of attrition which the UK Government can never win.

To answer my own question, I fear Scotland’s access to UN support will be blocked for as long as the Scottish “Government” continues to ignore Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution, and revels in Scotland’s subservience to Westminster. Scotland NEEDS to assert it’s status as a Nation, if only to access support.

I come back to the same conclusion again and again. If Scotland’s “Government” abdicates Scotland’s Constitutional defences and rights, then that Scottish Government needs impeached. We can invoke the Claim of Right to depose a “leadership” which renders Scotland vulnerable to English rule. That right is there, in black and white.

Scotland should be starting these overtures to the UN, lighting the fires, if only for no better reason than kicking up almighty fk when the tendrils of UK Colonialism and cowardly Scottish subservience interfere to obstruct us.

I think we might surprise ourselves, and discover just how much of Scotland’s ancient Nation status is still intact. It may be dormant, but it is not defunct.

David Caledonia

I gave up on trying to inform all those anti/vaccine people when it was stated by one of them that the vaccine makes women infertile, three words describes him

A fecking nipple ( bit of a tit )

Robert Hughes

David Caledonia says:
27 June, 2021 at 9:40 am
” Why are some of you people still waffling on with your long fecking diatribes, get a fecking life for fecks sake ”

Diatribe ie ” 1 : a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing. 2 : ironic or satirical criticism. 3 archaic : a prolonged discourse.”

Not to be confused with the – ideally , educational/creative exploration of ideas

There’s only so many ways to vary the * Sturgeon is a …..* theme

David Caledonia

You know we are informed by the news, we have read and heard all the stuff you tell us here, if I want to read it all again here I would be as bored as you are boring


James Che. says:
27 June, 2021 at 1:22 am
Those who stop and mull things over before spouting anti Vaxxers


What’s wrong with using the term anti Vaxxers?

David Caledonia

I have been mentored over the years by a lot of very well educated men, I certainly do not need a grammar lesson or any other lessons on this site



Do you know how ignorant and conspiracist you sound to those of us Biologists who understand how RNA/DNA vaccines work?

Everything is a ‘chemical’ so your attempted dismissal fails for being nonspecific.

For the record RNA/DNA vaccines use the mechanisms cells do to alert the immune system to the presence of viruses inside them. It does not put a virus inside your cells, just gets the cell to make some viral proteins (your ‘proper vaccine’) to display on their surfaces with some immune proteins.

If we had gone down the ‘proper vaccine’ route we would still be waiting. Protein vaccines take lonnger to produce and the testing process is much more arduous and the potential side effects much larger.

I’m afraid all you are doing is displaying your ignorance. Pull yer heid in & wheesht.

Stuart MacKay

To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the question. Well actually it’s not. The real question is “Do you trust big Pharma?”

So far Joe is winning hands down as the rest of y’all are only repeating what you hear. At least Joe has substance behind his position.

I got vaxxed as soon as it was available. I was given the single shot Johnson & Johnson and had zero side-effects. Not even a sore arm. Now I am being told that I might need to take the two doses of Pfizer or Moderna, because. Well, maybe not.

For me, the more disturbing part is that we don’t have institutions that can deliver information in anything other than soundbites. That loud mouths, attention seekers and charlatans on both sides command the information flow. The media in all it’s forms are simply not up to the task of giving people the information necessary to make a sensible decision.

What’s even more damning is that we can’t design a system that can account for people who can’t or won’t get vaccinated. It’s supposed to be the 21st century not the middle ages, but sometimes I wonder.

Why on earth do we let a failed solicitor dispense critical medical advice?


Sensibledave says:
27 June, 2021 at 9:44 am
Ruby 6.15

Ruby, I’m still about. But Saturday nights are for croquet and champagne aren’t they?

I need to be at a laptop (rather than on my phone) to do multiple cut and pastes. But I promise I will get back to you on that one when I have the time.

With respect to your question regarding my presence here, …. I consider it my altruistic mission to help educate and inform those that might benefit from my intelligence, wit and insight. It’s heavy burden to bear but you don’t get to chose your talents.


What a load of waffle.

Come on Dave it’s an easy question.

What is your definition of English in the term anti-English?

Why would you need to do multiple cut and pastes to answer that very simple question.

David Caledonia

The covid vaccine and every other type of vaccine explained in a few short words

A vaccine gets injected into your arm, it then gets into your cells and protects those cells from being invaded by a virus, then the virus dies because it cannot invade the host

So simple even I can understand it !

Stuart MacKay

Muscleguy – good to have you back.

Do you know how they make the mDNA vaccines persist in the body long enough to actually generate the effect. Surely the mDNA would need to be present in the cells for a “long” period of time so the DNA would churn out enough of the proteins needed to prime the immune system?


Stuart MacKay says:
27 June, 2021 at 9:56 am
To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the question. Well actually it’s not. The real question is “Do you trust big Pharma?”

So far Joe is winning hands down as the rest of y’all are only repeating what you hear. At least Joe has substance behind his position.


What is the difference between what you claim we hear & keep repeating and what Joe keeps repeating?

The substance behind Joe’s position could be a load of bunkum.


@David Caledonia

Why don’t you inform me why its alright that PCR has been misused by our government compared with WHO and Public Health England advice?

That’s the root of my concern. The vaccine is secondary for me because without the stats generated by the misuse of PCR there would be no vaccine rollout based temporary (emergency) authorisation.

Is it possible that the people who used PPE contracts to enrich themselves and their friends are not entirely trustworthy (misuse of PCR) when it comes to the requirement of public money being spent on medical technologies for which the manufacturers have been given full immunity from damages?


David Caledonia


Why waste your time trying to explain to individuals, its like a blunt pencil

Pointless !

Robert Hughes

Ach well . Time for my ( necessary ) break from all Social n MS Media .

Enjoy the rest of the summer y’all

Stuart MacKay


Absolutely. The likelihood is that the “truth” is somewhere in the middle. My vote goes to Joe because he can elaborate on his position and lay out his case. It might be wrong, and probably he’d be the first to admit that, but at least there is depth and consistency to what he is saying.


Stuart MacKay says:
27 June, 2021 at 9:56 am
To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the question. Well actually it’s not. The real question is “Do you trust big Pharma?”


Your question would need to be ‘To take life-saving drugs or not to take life-saving drugs?’

David Caledonia


I don’t understand, what do I need to explain, its all out there for anyone to see
Anyone who does not know about all the corruption that’s going on is simply not bothered to find out

All the best

David Caledonia

As i have explained before, big pharma spends billions every year on research, there is one in america that spends between 50 billion and 100 billion dollars a year on research, and that is the third largest pharm company in the USA

What are the other two spending on research every year !

mike cassidy

Feck me

First look for ages

And the vaccine wars are still going on

Eric Clapton got his double dose

And he says it affected his guitar playing ability

I got my double dose

And it hasn’t affected my guitar playing ability

I’m still crap!


‘I don’t understand, what do I need to explain, its all out there for anyone to see’

Yes it is. The WHO and Public Health England suggest that PCR is used as an aid to diagnosis.

Our governments are treating it as a test in and of itself – including for people with no symptoms which is absolutely against the advice of both of those public health bodies.

The question is – how much has this misuse of PCR affected statistics? Enough to justify the temporary (emergency) use authorisation?

Once, Bayer took HIV tainted product from the shelves in the US and dumped them on the shelves of Europe and India.

Just over 10 years ago the swine flu vaccine was pulled because of the damage it was causing, including to thousands of children, based on the fear propaganda of swine flu.

The list of damages caused by big pharma is long and many of them were caused by willful neglect and desire for profits while governments and the legal world were encouraged to go lightly on them.

In the face of this history only an absolute fucking fool or a shill would attempt to call concerns over what is happening now ‘anti-vax’.

David Caledonia

The big pharma companies do a magnificent job, if certain individuals take advantage, then that is down to the governments that allow it

As the arabs said years ago about the price we pay for our oil, look at your own government we only get 50 cents a barrel
Interesting that all the arab oil producers have low petrol costs in their countries, Scotland has lots of oil and lots of foodbanks

I have never came across any food banks in Bahrain or any
other arab country, I bought 400 fags for forty quid at
Bahrain airport last december, cost here, about 10 quid for
twenty, UK… Most taxed country in the world

David Caledonia

Joe joe joe

Big pharma is not the problem, there is nothing being tested on us, every thing is well researched before it is even put on the table, years and years of research are put into viruses, there is nothing new in this world

They are not sitting twiddling their thumbs and scratching their
arses waiting for a virus to come along, they know all about
viruses, they put enough money and research into them, that is
why we as a country have to pay the bill, they protect us, and
I am very happy to help pay that bill, or I should say I was
before I retired about 30 years ago

Grouse Beater

From Professor Alfred Baird, your essential weekend reading:

‘Scotland in the 21st Century’: link to


My problem with the ‘anti-vaxxers’ & the ‘sinking school guys’ is it’s the same thing over and over and over and over and over again day after day after day.

It’s very boring

Not the way to go to keep Wings alive.

Probably not a good idea either to call fellow readers especially women ‘a thick fucking twat’

The question is do you or don’t you want to keep Wings alive?


@David Caledonia

‘Joe joe joe

Big pharma is not the problem, there is nothing being tested on us, every thing is well researched before it is even put on the table, years and years of research are put into viruses, there is nothing new in this world’

Your attempt at patronising me shames you even further and even more highlights your utter (willfull?) ignorance.

This wasn’t the case with the recent swine flu vaccine and the clinical trials for these vaccines are still ongoing

A situation which is deemed justifiable possibly due to the misuse of PCR – by the people who used PPE contracts to enrich themselves and their pals.

Sorry David but it is quite obvious you are either a dishonest player or an unimaginably naive fool.

David Caledonia

Take the fecking vaccine or don’t. me I take every one I can take to keep me healthy yes even the flu vaccine
Anyone that does not want to take a vaccine then that is there perogative to do so
As a diabetic, if I get the flu it could kill me, so I will not take that chance, not had the flu for at least 10 years btw, not even a sniffle while all around me are walking about spreading the flu to all and sundry, blame who you like, I have had shares in the big pharma companies, yes I made a few bob from them, but the companies I bought shares in where well run companies, not crooks or money before everything else type of businesses

Blame the bad, but when you do, make sure to name the good


We very much do need to lance the boil of English emigration into Scotland.

Of the people not born in Scotland who voted in the referendum, academic research has revealed that 72.2% of them voted no.

This is an astounding statistic and very much reflects the the colonisation of another country through the plantation of people with different politics and thinking. And all part of the bigger picture of destroying a country and it’s culture.

That is what was done in Ireland in the 1600’s with the ethnic engineering if the Plantation of Ulster. And a rip roaring success it was too.Destroyed the language, subjugated the indigenous gaels, inserted a ruling class, creating a cold place for the native people.

Scotland is going through a very similar situation and if history tells us anything, we at some future time will be going down the road of Northern Ireland. In fact with the deep state – military – security services already active in Scotland, as they were in Ireland, one suspects that future will not be a terribly happy one.

Colonisation rarely, if ever, lasts. It always unravels and usually with much bitterness. ‘‘Tis the British way”

David Caledonia

You crossed the line there Joe, saying I could be a fool, I assure you I have never been anybodys fool

Goodbye Joe, we will not be conversing again

But all the best to you, keep healthy

David Caledonia

It always happens you start to converse with individuals and they start the abuse, never again


‘Take the fecking vaccine or don’t. me I take every one I can take to keep me healthy yes even the flu vaccine
Anyone that does not want to take a vaccine then that is there perogative to do so
As a diabetic, if I get the flu it could kill me, so I will not take that chance, not had the flu for at least 10 years btw, not even a sniffle while all around me are walking about spreading the flu to all and sundry, blame who you like, I have had shares in the big pharma companies, yes I made a few bob from them, but the companies I bought shares in where well run companies, not crooks or money before everything else type of businesses

Blame the bad, but when you do, make sure to name the good’


This is just a long winded conflation of anyone with concern about the covid jabs as a general anti-vaxxer.

It’s fucking pathetic.

David Caledonia

To call anyone dishonest or naive without actually knowing anything about them shows the character of that person to be flawed

As for me, I trust people’s honest opinions unless i happen to find out they are not what they seem, but I only deal in facts as I see them

To insult my intelligence will never be allowed by me on any level


Grouse Beater says:
27 June, 2021 at 10:43 am
From Professor Alfred Baird, your essential weekend reading:

‘Scotland in the 21st Century’: link to


Thank you for that Grouse Beater. Very interesting.

This is the sort of thing I like to see on Wings.

ie Links to interesting articles & debate about current events not the same stuff over and over and over again.

If you have a particular topic ie sinking schools or covid vaccine that you want to discuss over and over and over again on a daily basis the solution would be to open your own blog and do as Grouser Beater has done and post a link on Wings to your blog then those who are interested in the ‘sinking school’ and the pros a cons of the Covid vaccine can go to your blog and then everyone will be happy.

I believe it’s easy enough to open a Word Press blog. I will do some research.

Stuart MacKay

Alf Baird (if you’re around)

For the 10-part series showing up on Grouse Beater and Yours for Scotland, did you approach The National to see if they were interested? If you did, could you share their reaction, if possible?


A previous conservative Home Secretary only some years ago declared that she wanted to make the UK a cold place for immigrants – and the UK has certainly done that. In fact I’d go as far to say that the Conservative Government and its jingoistic followers have a hatred against foreigners, and not just those with colour and religion, but also the French, the Germans and other such mainland Europe countries.

That this belligerent hateful Britannic thinking is being exported into Scotland is it not time that we made Scotland a cold place for this ugly colonial mindset.

Over on Yours for Scotland, Professor Alf Baird has today commenced a series of ten papers considering the determinants of independence and how colonisers set out to colonise. But colonisation is not just physical but mental to. Too poor, to wee, too inferior being a particular example.

I suspect Prof Baird’s series of papers will be a most enlightening read. Well worth checking out.

David Caledonia

I can appreciate concerns about anything, I have concerns about lots of things, I do what’s right for me and my family and friends as I see it, that is all anyone can do

I may be a lot of things, but being a dishonest naive without
intelligence………….. you have to laugh at some people


Jeanette McCrimmon says:
27 June, 2021 at 9:24 am
After two years, the MSM have finally caught up with you #StonewallOut

In the words of Peter Beckett ‘Baby come back’


Interesting comment. Shame if almost got lost in the midst of all the ‘anti-vax’ & ‘sinking school’ comments.

Do you have a link Jeanette?

Tannadice Boy

@Captain Yossarian 7:41am
The Miami incident is a timely reminder if we ever needed one. I read some of the technical detail or at least the MSM reporting of the 2018 report on the Miami building. The warnings were there by the Consulting Engineer. Urgent waterproofing to prevent further deterioration of the concrete etc. He recommended corrective action/repairs needed to be done timeously. Fast forward 3 years, a tragedy. If I were located in a building that had a settlement rate of 200mm a year, I would hit the fire alarm for immediate evacuation. We have a Governing Party that puts all their resource into managing bad news rather than doing the right thing. As an engineer you never comprise on safety. Looking forward to reading the July 5th outcome.

David Caledonia

I do my own reading and research into lots of things, yes even stuff that I am not really interested in, you never know, even uninteresting things can come in handy some day
I am just a voracious reader, I can’t help it, its ingrained in me since I started school at 5 years old
Never read much fiction, read to educate was mainly what I have done

But for anybody that wants a good read, Sven Hassel, work fiction based on fact about a german unit in the second world war

Absolutely brilliant characters

Porto, tiny, barcelona etc etc etc
Porto especially, he could be in a battle, everything you could see destroyed, he would go scavaging and come back with 6 fish suppers, and 10 bottles of vintage wine lol

David Caledonia

That should read war fiction not word fiction, need new glasses, still waiting for them 2 weeks..

sorry lol


@David Caledonia

‘Why are some of you people still waffling on with your long fecking diatribes, get a fecking life for fecks sake’

Spare me from your hurt dignity you dishonest slimy fucking clown.

David Caledonia

Giving this site a break, seems its turning into your a twat I’m right kind of place, civil wars never helped anyone


David Caledonia says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:29 am
Giving this site a break, seems its turning into your a twat I’m right kind of place, civil wars never helped anyone


That is a shame but understandable!


Ive got things to do but:

Anyone who has been bored enough to read the comments about the vaccines can clearly see 1 thing:

The people who want to constantly conflate concern about the covid jabs with being an anti-vaxxer in general are simply unwilling to admit to the fact that there is room for nuance.

Further they will never get drawn into topics such as how certain public health bodies have stated that PCR should be used as an aid to diagnosis and not as an all out test in and of itself – which is exactly how our governments have and continue to treat it, thus building up a potentially false picture of the scale of the ‘pandemic’ which was downgraded summer last year.

The attempts to conflate legitimate concerns with what are considered fringe theories while they patronise, insult, belittle and berate are classic tactics used by PR people and government shills.

The long history of pharmaceutical industry putting profit before health is easily available for anyone who doesn’t consider reading a novel as proof of great intelligence.

In the context of public health bodies advice on testing and stats, the PPE scandals, the long track record of avoidable harm caused by profit seeking industries and their pals in government and legal positions i am absolutely comfortable to say that anyone who continues with the behavior I see here is either suffering from mental impairment or is one of the large number of people employed as PR to counter concerns raised online.

It was only last spring/summer that the British army publicly announced their intention to do so. You are seeing it here.

Captain Yossarian

@Tannadice Boy – From 17th August 2016:

“14) A XXXXXXX drawing was examined showing a 60mm drop in level between the low point of the kerb and the south corner. The photograph from March 2016 was examined and XX stated that the drop in level now looked to be in excess of 300mm. XX stated that approximately 25m3 of soil had been lost due to either soil collapse or scour last winter.”

I’ll let you know the outcome. WoS has been a fabulous experience I must say. I hope that something like this never happens again but I’ll keep in touch.


FAO Captain Captain Yossarian &

link to

How to start a Word Press blog.

Looks interesting!

Ian Brotherhood

Ach well, some people will get fed up with others commenting on stuff that bores them, but at least we now know where to get cheap fags.



@ Breeks at 9.46: I think the gist of what you are saying is that more constructive action to regain independence, on a wide front, by Scot gov is needed.

They have no intention of, or personal ability for, doing anything. It is really going to need mass and continuous protest – at the moment Now Scotland is trying to get the Yes movement organised but it seems to have a fairly small number of supporters so far.

AUOB will be monitored very closely by Scot gov and its local authority arms, and police, so it will be difficult for them to get 100,000 on the streets any time soon. And Covid, you know.

Desperate times, I’m afraid. On the bright side [!], the gender issue is being resisted and reported a bit. This might help tarnish the public opinion about how wonderful the Scot gov leadership is.


If you had your own blog you would be free to call posters ‘slimy fucking clowns’ or ‘thick fuckin’ twats’ if you wanted.

The problem with doing it on someone else’s blog is you risk chasing off visitors.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:42 am

You can relax, Ruby. I’m retired now. I hasn’t been that tiresome though, has it?

I’ll continue to call-in from time to time.


Ian Brotherhood says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:46 am
Ach well, some people will get fed up with others commenting on stuff that bores them


The question is do you or don’t you want to keep Wings alive?

I think my idea of people who want to post over and over and over again on a daily basis about the same topic. ie the pros & cons of the ‘Covid vaccine’ & ‘the sinking school’ setting up their own blog is a good idea don’t you?


Captain Yossarian says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:51 am
Ruby says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:42 am

You can relax, Ruby. I’m retired now. I hasn’t been that tiresome though, has it?

I’ll continue to call-in from time to time.


Are you asking me or telling me?

I’m suggesting that you hijacking this site for your own purposes has very possibly chased people away from Wings because for the most part people find your posts boring in the extreme.

Please consider setting up your own blog. Links to your blog can be posted on Wings and those interesting in the topic can visit your blog.


Captain Yossarian says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:51 am
Ruby says:
27 June, 2021 at 11:42 am

You can relax, Ruby


Not only a bore but a patronising bore!


I read the comments here on a fairly regular basis.
It seems to me that there are a good number of educated Scots who can think for themselves and are genuinely worried about where we are and are going as a nation. There are also a few whose sole claim to fame, in their eyes, is that they are right and anyone who disagrees with them is therefore wrong.
Why do the latter gravitate into politics?



The mDNA doesn’t have to persist for long in cells just like the mRNA doesn’t. Just long enough to put some viral proteins on the cell surface. mRNA gets regularly broken during translation into protein in the ribosomes.

DNA strands in the cytoplasm also do not persist long term. I have personally put DNA constructs into tissue culture cell lines and they last a couple of days. Making stably transfected cells lines is hard.

Making transgenic mice by injecting linear DNA constructs into the pronuclei of newly fertilised mouse eggs is low success. You inject 300 or so eggs to get maybe 6 transgenic mice not all of which will express the transgene.

Egg pronuclei and very early embryonic stem cells are particularly permissive environments for transfecting DNA. Older embryos and adult cells become progressively harder and harder.

Cells treat DNA in the cytoplasm as viral since there are also DNA viruses. So there are cellular immune processes, DNAases to chew them up for eg. Or they are just regarded as rubbish and hustled into lysosomes, cellular recycling stations.

Captain Yossarian

@Ruby – All at Holyrood have been looking at this for the past 6-7 years and it is now at an end. It took 10 weeks on WoS and so this site continues to work as it’s supposed to.

I’ll let you know the outcome on 5th July. I’ll just make one final point: the outcome we are talking about concerns the safety of 450No school kids. Yes or no?….they’re safe or they’re not safe?

In the context of all of the other stuff under discussion at the moment, that’s not minor or personal to me or you, is it?


Re. The school discussion being castigated as boring. Well, like any other topic it offers a seed to grow the discussion into something greater if folk engage and bother to add their input.

Aside from the technical, safety, and bureaucratic discussion aspects, what I also found interesting and thought provoking, was that from looking at the design of the schools in question with google earth, I could see it was overly elaborate and complex which would mean design, build, and ongoing maintenance costs will be higher than a more simple design.
Plus any future retrofit / upgrading of the building would also be made more difficult due to the constraints of the whacky layout.

These school buildings are being built with taxpayers’ money during austere times, so money is tight, and that’s compounded further by the economic hits of both leaving the EU and now Covid.
Surely it would be wiser to use the limited available public funds to build more straightforward utilitarian designs.

Most supermarkets, big chain, and smaller franchise shops are usually very similar in their respective designs because the layouts have been finessed over the years to be efficient for the purposes they are built for.


Wouldn’t it be so much better if ‘Muscleguy’s’ post was on a separate blog.

ie J.O.E’s blog on the pros & cons of the Covid vaccine?

Most readers coming on to this site & reading ‘Muscleguy’s’ post will probably run away pdq!

Maybe I should set up a WordPress blog entitled ‘Keep Wings Alive & Other Topics’ and then anyone who is interested could visit my blog.

Are you interested in keeping Wings alive?

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby –

I very much doubt that the general welfare of this site is of any concern to you.

You’re a smug wind-up merchant with an agenda and I have no interest in what you have to say about anything.

Please don’t address any further comments to me, but if you do, don’t expect any response.


Captain Yossarian says:
27 June, 2021 at 12:18 pm
@Ruby – All at Holyrood have been looking at this for the past 6-7 years and it is now at an end. It took 10 weeks on WoS and so this site continues to work as it’s supposed to.

I’ll let you know the outcome on 5th July. I’ll just make one final point: the outcome we are talking about concerns the safety of 450No school kids. Yes or no?….they’re safe or they’re not safe?

In the context of all of the other stuff under discussion at the moment, that’s not minor or personal to me or you, is it?


You’ve posted the above already numerous times.

Alf Baird

Stuart MacKay @ 11:10 am

“For the 10-part series showing up on Grouse Beater and Yours for Scotland, did you approach The National to see if they were interested?”

I admire your sense of humour, Stuart! Seriously, the only place for the 10-part series is a forum that is serious about independence. The National did not even cross my mind.


Ian Brotherhood says:
27 June, 2021 at 12:24 pm
@Ruby –

I very much doubt that the general welfare of this site is of any concern to you.

You’re a smug wind-up merchant with an agenda and I have no interest in what you have to say about anything.


More abuse & no counter argument.


Dan says:
27 June, 2021 at 12:21 pm
Re. The school discussion being castigated as boring. Well, like any other topic it offers a seed to grow the discussion into something greater if folk engage and bother to add their input.


Sure but at the same time it risks chasing people away.


Ruby says: at 12:33 pm

Sure but at the same time it risks chasing people away.

I would have thought stimulating diverse discussions with articulate input from an array of folk would have less chance of chasing folk away than your continual low level bickering and nitpicking of what folk posts btl…


For the record, PCR testing was invented decades ago and has been uncontroversially relied upon to detect all sorts of infectious diseases, from STDs to HIV, ever since.

It’s so important and intrinsic to everyday health care provision around the world that it’s basically impossible to imagine how health services would operate without it.

Indeed, it’s importance and groundbreaking effectiveness was such that the guy who invented it was awarded a Nobel prize.

We should be asking these anti-vaxxer experts why, at this most critical juncture in human history, they decided to take issue with a system that has been uncontroversially depended upon for decades… why?

Conspiracy theorists can’t handle the idea that they’re just ordinary people so they invent these narratives that put them at the heart of everything. In their minds they’re like Indiana Jones or something trying to solve the davinci code. That’s the real health story at the heart of all this.


Dan says:
27 June, 2021 at 12:40 pm
Ruby says: at 12:33 pm

“Sure but at the same time it risks chasing people away.”

I would have thought stimulating diverse discussions with articulate input from an array of folk would have less chance of chasing folk away than your continual low level bickering and nitpicking of what folk posts btl…


I agree with that! However having a couple of people posting the same thing over and over and over again on a daily basis is a different matter.


Rugby Union:

Some of you may have noticed that the British & Irish Lions played at Murrayfield yesterday. The British & Irish Lions never play ‘Home’ games, they are essentially a touring side.

Another instance of the increasing Britcreep phenomenon.


In the past Alf Baird has mentioned Cockenzie as having potential to be developed into a port. I was chatting about this the other day and that led to mention of the ongoing activity in the sea around Torness which may be to do with this work.

link to

Plus there’s this offshore windfarm development project.

link to


The following are just some of the topics being discussed on The Herald but not here. I’m wondering why.

Aussie trade deal

Poll: Indy at lowest level

Welsh nationalism on the rise reasons very similar to Scotland

Production of Scot’s biscuits transferred to England.

MoD’s Beaufort’s Dyke leaving toxic cargo on Scotland’s shores

Hancock affair: Focus turns to CCTV leak amid calls for MI5 to investigate

Motherwell chief calls for action to protect Scottish players being poached by English clubs


What absolute crap @scott Finlayson.

And the real laugh is that the average person who whinges about the oil wealth being “stolen” hasn’t worked a day in their life. You don’t have a clue about commercial reality, that oil costs money to extract and that companies need to make a profit to exist. It’s called the real world, something that you don’t inhabit.

If you want to make your life better get off your lazy backside, educate yourself, get a job and drag yourself up by your bootstraps and stop blaming other people. Other people don’t owe you a god dammed thing.

So quit the diversions and concentrate on dealing with the real criminals like sturgeon and her new SNP cabal. The biggest bunch of crooks, shysters and con artists in the history of Scotland. Until Scotland gets its shit together and puts those corrupt lying bastards in jail and stops electing semi literate imbeciles like Humza Yousaf we do not deserve to be independent.

The fact that so many regulars on here seem to have moved on from what’s happened and reverted to type of pointing the finger at the English says it all and demonstrates exactly why Sturgeon Murrell and the rest have managed to pull off this con trick. They don’t respect you and treat you like idiots because you lack the wherewithal to respect yourselves. How you think you can found an independent country while letting Sturgeon and Murrell absolutely trash the legal and justice systems in this country with impunity is beyond tragic. No wonder Rev Stu is sick of this shit.

Stuart MacKay

Alf Baird

> The National did not even cross my mind.

That’s a pity but then again why would it.

It would have been a great opportunity for them as it would have been a big step up from publishing reader’s or blowhard’s comments as news. It might have even cemented their position and encouraged a few more punters to stump up for a subscription. Who knows, maybe Mike Russell would have read it and invited you to join the team.



PCR = research tool. Not a stand alone diagnostic or test. The nobel prize winning inventor, Kary Mullis is on video stating that PCR can be misinterpreted, even deliberately misinterpreted.

This concurs with WHO and PHE.

Our governments are very possibly misusing PCR by using it as a standalone test on asymptomatic people.

That’s the actual concern. Of course, you actually know that.

Stuart MacKay


Ian Brotherhood’s got it right. You’re not contributing much other than jumping on one side of the fence, throwing stones, jumping to the other, throwing more stones then hopping onto the middle and seeing what your efforts produce.

Ian Brotherhood

Hatuey issues dictats about the efficacy of this that or t’other, with no supporting data. Ever.

Here’s the inventor of the PCR test, explaining it in his own words…

(It took me approx 50 seconds to locate this clip. Why can’t Hatuey do likewise? What is Mullis saying that Hatuey doesn’t want us to hear?)

link to

James Che.

You are basking in the aurora of Don slightly, whereby you are picking out individuals to have a go at on a few different subjects over the last few months, are you actually here to keep wings and the independence movement going, or one of those that try dismantle it from the inside.
When it comes to independence of people or a country that must include sovereignty,
Having the ability to choose not only for your country but for the sovereignty of yourself as a individual is the seed to independence, when the first is recognised, the second sovereignty has a firmer foundation.
By Bullying and being derogatory to those who can’t take the vaccine for health reasons, to those who do not want the vaccine, or those that fear the vaccine, to those that seem to have researched the vaccine far better than yourself and back it up by providing links, places you’re self in a poor light.
When you no longer have sovereignty of yourself to choose what goes into your body and governments decide that holding you down or try psychology blackmailing through your employment, and travel etc will become the way to handle this refusal then you do not live in a democratic country, but a totalitarian dictatorship.
At what point do you give up your individual sovereignty?
At what point will that decision begin to take effect on/in all other decisions of the individual whereby the government decide what to do with you’re freedom to think for yourself or you’re freedom of speech,
In conclusion here in Scotland at least we should be more aware than ever before that the Scots are sovereign, and retaining that sovereignty of choice is the foundation starts with the individual that progresses to overall thoughts of sovereignty of ones country, the two are inescapable linked.
It is a intellectually must to question wether we are being fed propaganda or truths as here in Scotland we have become aware of big politics used to deceive and promised lies from those who rule the country we live in,
To trust blindly is ignorance, To believe blindly is stupidity. And To try force others to follow you blindly while they have doubts will remind many here of the UK governments and Scotland’s devolved governments attitude towards the people in Scotland and the dispersal of human rights attached to sovereignty


“ Fact check: Inventor of method used to test for COVID-19 didn’t say it can’t be used in virus detection”
link to

Glad we cleared that up.


Stuart MacKay says:
27 June, 2021 at 1:21 pm

Ian Brotherhood’s got it right. You’re not contributing much other than jumping on one side of the fence, throwing stones, jumping to the other, throwing more stones then hopping onto the middle and seeing what your efforts produce.


More abuse!


James Che. says:
27 June, 2021 at 1:37 pm
You are basking in the aurora of Don slightly, whereby you are picking out individuals to have a go at on a few different subjects over the last few months, are you actually here to keep wings and the independence movement going, or one of those that try dismantle it from the inside.


More abuse! This time a load of made up nonsense!

Any views on any of the following:

Aussie trade deal

Poll: Indy at lowest level

Welsh nationalism on the rise reasons very similar to Scotland

Production of Scot’s biscuits transferred to England.

MoD’s Beaufort’s Dyke leaving toxic cargo on Scotland’s shores

Hancock affair: Focus turns to CCTV leak amid calls for MI5 to investigate

Motherwell chief calls for action to protect Scottish players being poached by English clubs


How do I feel about the following…

Aussie trade deal = Shite, it makes up a small percentage of what we had with the EU. plus in environmental and efficiency terms it’s bonkers to transport goods from just about as far away as you can get on the planet when they could be sourced more locally and be of a higher standard.
Plus all this has been done to death already over the 5 years since the EU Leave vote. It’s just lucky as fuck Scotland doesn’t have to deal with all this as we won’t be pulled out the EU against our will… oh!

Poll: Indy at lowest level = Shite, but what do you expect when the Scottish Administrators of Devolved Powers seem more focused on niche issues, pro nouns, and grievencing like amphetamined up grievence addicts about what Westminster gets up to, rather than actually getting their shit together to progress things we could actually do to help Scotland become stronger and putting Scotland’s future in the hands of Scots.

Welsh nationalism on the rise reasons very similar to Scotland = Meh, good luck to them whatever they choose, but that should be for the Welsh to decide.
For the craic, ask Sensible Dave if he also posts on Welsh Pro-Indy sites telling them they are too shit to be Independent.

Production of Scot’s biscuits transferred to England. = Shite state of affairs as do like a biccy every now and then. The Manager’s Special last week at local shop was pack of Penguins for a quid, this week it’s Fox’s Rockys but I digress … Anyway, they can take oor biscuits but they’ll never take oor freedom when we have the SNP so robustly defending our sovereignty. (but hey, at least the English can no longer snaffle the 600k ring fenced Indy Fund so that’s a mild positive for the SNP right there)

MoD’s Beaufort’s Dyke leaving toxic cargo on Scotland’s shores = Shite state of affairs, and expect SEPA to go in hard on this to protect the Scottish environment… They are big on protection don’t you know, we just need to wait for them to recover their IT systems from being hacked and losing data, which is admittedly a blow for their ability to protect stuff…

Hancock affair: Focus turns to CCTV leak amid calls for MI5 to investigate = Why just Hancock? They could produce a fuckin’ box set of sex films to sell to aid our economic recovery what with the behaviour of so many of our amazingly moral and trustworthy politicians.

Motherwell chief calls for action to protect Scottish players being poached by English clubs = Meh, as Kickball related, but still an absolute outrage and it’s beyond me that the English clubs can get away with boiling Scottish players in this day and age.


Hancok leaves politics to spend more time with his -mistress-

– at least that is original. Good luck to him; looking forward to the footage of him taking her from behind over the photocopier while it prints snapshots of their ecstasy.

whenever a tory gets caught in a sex scandal, and it is NOT about diddling little kids – I think of it as sort-of a “win”; ordinary-decent-philandering with adult-human-females-without-penises. It’s like living in the 1970s. Cosy, comfy like Rainbow and Benny Hill and Trumpton.

Funny how no one cares how actually shit he was at his job. On the negative side, he could always be replaced by someone worse, likely a pal of Boris from his roistering days – no better qualification for running the health service than how well you can smash up a curry house after a bolly binge.



The Hancock video leak is to be investigated.

Does the FM agree that this is the right course of action? And if so, why wasn’t the Salmond accusations leak to the Record investigated?

James Che.

Cheers dan and thanks,
Ruby your response to myself says an awful lot more about you than you realise,
Diverting and deflecting the topic is old age and well known,
What about the right to hold sole sovereignty of you’re body, and human rights ?
What about it being the very seed to recognise yourself as an individual human ?
And what about how the perception of ones sovereignty has an extended effect on the right of sovereignty to self determination and the country we live in if we wish to thrive as humans?


Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR:

link to

‘I don’t think you can misuse PCR. It’s the interpretation of it. With PCR if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there are very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. So that could be one misuse of it, to claim that its meaningful’

‘It tells you something about nature and what’s there. It allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and then make it measurable in order to talk about it at meetings.’

‘It’s a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something’

‘It doesn’t tell you if you are sick or if the thing you ended up with was going to hurt you’


Sorry, Ian Brotherhood already posted that but at least you have the important bits cut out for you in case its not clear enough

Ian Brotherhood

@J.o.e. (3.45) –

It’s good to see the words right there in black and white.

That won’t stop Hatuey coming back to tell us what the man really meant, and what he didn’t not say etc…

James Che.

And it doesn’t tell you if you will die of starvation at food banks while carrying covid, or if you will possible die of incompatibility of government and the individual human rights. lol 🙂


@ Ruby at 5:07 pm

‘It has been signed by government ministers Kate Forbes, Ash Denham and Ivan McKee, as well as SNP MSPs Joan McAlpine, Ruth Maguire, Christine Grahame and Kenneth Gibson, and MPs Carol Monaghan, Angus Macneil, Patricia Gibson and Joanna Cherry.’

I note Joan MacAlpine now gone, and Maguire who was at the back of the SNP losing it’s majority in the council (re Robin Sturgeon) and has no doubt lost N.Sturgeon’s patronage, plus the Gibbons, both are in bother till Sturgeon sees them alright, I would suggest it’s only a matter of time till fan and shit hug each other, and the other one there is a Mahari Black Interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy where she alode to behavior and she is not talking about Tories

Monaghan ? Given the state of the SNP I tend to think it’s publicity motivated more than anything
I know that’ll not go down well


Is there any actual prior assessment of a person’s health and suitability for them receiving the covid jags?
If not, then is this lack of objective scrutiny of each individual a factor in why some folk react badly to the jag?

James Che mentions the jags not being suitable for them due to having identified underlying health issues, but if folk don’t know they have an underlying health issue then how can they consider any potential risks and make an informed consent.

A pal mentioned his mate (who is in generally decent health bar being a bit overweight) got their second jag and felt rough, and within a couple of days had a stroke and heart attack, which they are now recovering from.

James Che.

That is a very sound thinking, as in many other areas in medicine risk assessments are done,
For instance if someone is on warfarin, they have to be careful of what future medicines that may be dangerous to take.
As with many whose chemotherapy was stopped during covid, and what medicines not to give those patients that may cause further and faster deterioration.
As for patients that have not yet been diagnosed with a serious stroke, heart problems or aneurism what assessment has been done to ward of any unknown future contradictory side affects.
We do not vaccinate everyone en masse against malaria if they do not travel abroad, or give everyone a heart stint because everyone may be prone to a weaker heart later on, we do not vaccinate everyone for the flu, even although the numbers are high for those that die of it every winter, there are no lockdowns for these flu victims either,
Should we stop people living in high rise buildings such as Grrenfell or the twin towers or the buildings in Florida because of the pronounced risk of more people dying in one go than say a someone living in a semi detached house.
Perhaps we should lockdown the other higher risk groups that endanger other people’s lives as well as their own,
people whom drive cars fast , or mountain climbers , bus and train drivers, perhaps we should vaccinate all our politicians for killing more people through wars than any other disease, lock them up in lockdown.
That last particular disease is a danger to all humans and has gone from century to century passing down through generations of politicians as a disease that is progressive.



Willie @ 10.54 wrote “ We very much do need to lance the boil of English emigration into Scotland.”

Now Ruby, that comment was just below yours, where you ask about anti-English evidence. If you were to replace the word “English” with say, Pakistani, how does it read to you then?

You are so used to reading that stuff, you don’t even read it for what it is.


James Che. says:
27 June, 2021 at 3:18 pm
Cheers dan and thanks,
Ruby your response to myself says an awful lot more about you than you realise,
Diverting and deflecting the topic is old age and well known,
What about the right to hold sole sovereignty of you’re body, and human rights ?
What about it being the very seed to recognise yourself as an individual human ?
And what about how the perception of ones sovereignty has an extended effect on the right of sovereignty to self determination and the country we live in if we wish to thrive as humans?


Right back at you James!

What is the topic that you claim I am trying to divert?

James Che.

Mr sunak spending people’s pensions as if they were his own, protecting our pensions as promised during 2014 Scotland referendum.

James Che.

More deflection.
You took up the issues of my comment on what you suggested were anti vaxxers, deal with it,


Sensibledave says:
27 June, 2021 at 5:37 pm

Willie @ 10.54 wrote “ We very much do need to lance the boil of English emigration into Scotland.”

Now Ruby, that comment was just below yours, where you ask about anti-English evidence. If you were to replace the word “English” with say, Pakistani, how does it read to you then?

You are so used to reading that stuff, you don’t even read it for what it is.


More waffle!

I did not ask you for anti-English evidence.

I asked you define what you meant by English.

Are Pakistanis included in the term English for example.

Perhaps you should ask Willie what he means by ‘English emigration’ & why he thinks it should be curtailed.

Is what he said any worse than the UK wanting control of their borders & insisting immigrants speak English & learn British culture?


James Che. says:
27 June, 2021 at 5:56 pm
More deflection.
You took up the issues of my comment on what you suggested were anti vaxxers, deal with it,


I have no idea what you are talking about!


stonefree says:

Monaghan ? Given the state of the SNP I tend to think it’s publicity motivated more than anything
I know that’ll not go down well


I was initially suspicious but after doing a bit of research changed my mind about Monaghan.


Cenchos says:
27 June, 2021 at 3:06 pm
The Hancock video leak is to be investigated.

Does the FM agree that this is the right course of action? And if so, why wasn’t the Salmond accusations leak to the Record investigated?


Interesting question!

What is the current state of play regarding ‘leak to the Record’. Are the police investigating?

Any link between the police investigation and Liz Lloyd have an ‘extended break’


Just to show what some European human beings can achieve when they’re not scheming, self serving, science denying, carrot dangling twats.
Here’s a 6 min boring engineering vid 😉

link to


Dan says:
27 June, 2021 at 4:14 pm
Is there any actual prior assessment of a person’s health and suitability for them receiving the covid jags?
If not, then is this lack of objective scrutiny of each individual a factor in why some folk react badly to the jag?

James Che mentions the jags not being suitable for them due to having identified underlying health issues, but if folk don’t know they have an underlying health issue then how can they consider any potential risks and make an informed consent.

A pal mentioned his mate (who is in generally decent health bar being a bit overweight) got their second jag and felt rough, and within a couple of days had a stroke and heart attack, which they are now recovering from.


Does your doctor not make an assessment of your suitability before sending you an appointment? Is that not how James Che found out?

Of course if you don’t go to the doctor (or have your eyes tested) he/she wont know that you have hyper-tension for example. With hypertension you risk having a stroke/heart attack without the Covid vaccine especially as in the case of your mate’s pal you are overweight.

I presume the Swedish football player who had a cardiac arrest during a high profile football match had all the tests and was passed as 100% fit.


Screw you Dan – you and your kind do not deserve nice things; check out these photos of the London skyline.
link to
– you will take your single track road and the cancelled ferry and be grateful for it.

Just think the opportunity the Norwegians missed by being independent – by pooling and sharing better together with the UK, the London skycrapers could have been twice as high!

Silly, reindeer people.

Saffron Robe

Robert Hughes says:

“Many scientists and philosophers of the mind are coming to the perception that it may be more accurate to state that mind produces matter or, at least, that mind precedes matter.”

Excellent comment Robert. Mind does indeed precede matter and the universe is an emanation of the totality of each individual Self – the undivided totality which you refer to.

I hope you don’t take too long a sabbatical – I will miss reading your comments.

Dave Somerville

I have totally given up on us becoming an independent nation any time soon.

I have given up on politics within the UK and especially in Scotland. Just lost interest.

Can’t remember the last News bulletin I watched, probably since the re election of our corrupt Perverted Lezzy Leader.

I just fuckin detest the bastard.

Away and take a good fuck to yerself ya weirdo bastard, coz you’ll wait an awful long time on yer man doing it.


Dan says:
Welsh nationalism on the rise reasons very similar to Scotland = Meh, good luck to them whatever they choose, but that should be for the Welsh to decide.
For the craic, ask Sensible Dave if he also posts on Welsh Pro-Indy sites telling them they are too shit to be Independent.


Asking ‘Sensible Dave’ anything is a complete waste of time.

I’ve been waiting three weeks for an answer to a very simple question and all I get in return is waffle.

Dave Somerville

And WTF is it with the ITV football coverage?

Just tuned into watch the Netherlands game, and ITV have a massive backdrop of the English capital showing in their studio.

What has a massive picture of the stinkn over populated shit hole they call London have to do with a game of football?


People who criticise PCR testing simply don’t understand what it is. Basically, if you do enough thermal cycles then you can pretty much find anything.

Similarly, take a handful of dirt from any random field anywhere in the world, analyse it deeply and thoroughly enough and you will find some gold. You might not find it with a pan or a sluice, but under a microscope you will find it, if you devote enough time.

That’s all Mullis was saying. His emphasis on interpretation is really about the need to have thresholds, which we do. I don’t know what the maximum threshold is for for sars-cov-2 testing but they’re usually set at around 30 to 45.

This is junior lab assistant stuff, btw, and even at that level operators would understand the mechanics of the process and potential for either missing or over-exaggerating the presence of viral genetic material.

Conspiracy theorists take one little misunderstood facet of information and inflate it out of all proportion which in a sense is exactly what they’re saying PCR tests do.

Testing for his sort of stuff is always going to be flawed. You could catch the disease 5 minutes before the test and it wouldn’t show up. In some people who have had it for days it doesn’t show in mucus. We can go on and on with examples that will point to the potential for false positives or false negatives, and they’d all be valid.

But in the vast majority of cases, the levels of certainty PCR achieves is enough and it’s useful. These systems are managed by people that are smart, they understand all this and more, and the idea that they could be involved in some scam or conspiracy to sell face masks or whatever is simply beyond ridiculous.

No Indiana Jones required, no temple of doom, no davinci code to crack, just a highly infectious disease that’s killed millions of people and a bunch of brainy guys trying to work out the best way to deal with it and stop it killing more…

Welcome to the world.


Saffron, I too enjoyed reading the comments of Robert Hughes. Very thought provoking.


And so the lying cheating thieving bastard Hanjob resigns from office.

No bad thing one might say. But another of the same thieving cheating ilk will soon be in place. They’re all the same at that level in the Tory Party.

But hey ho, now there are squeals and a no doubt security service investigation into how the press got the pictures of Hanjob snogging and groping his Floosie. And therein raises an interesting question. Was he exposed by political opponents or was he exposed by the security services working on behalf of political opponents.

The U.K. state is absolutely corrupt. Kompromat, blackmail, bribery are at the heart of how this state works. Indeed rumour has it that Thatcher kept her cabinet in line due to the security services having stuff on many of the members – some of whom were suspected or should I say known to be participants in a paedophile ring.

And if we think the UK deep state restricts this to Westminster then folks need to wake up because there are without doubt SNP politicians being kept in line through kompromat.


@ Confused

“Nice” in relation to “things” is on a spectrum, and having had an inkling shit would play out this way I presciently recalibrated my positivity vibe to kick in at a much lower threshold.
I’m in a much better place now after making this adjustment.
A glass just a quarter full is great!

I can also find great satisfaction and contentment seeing the pavements to allow pedestrians safe passage along busy roads that we had to work so hard to get put in place just a few years back, being taken back by mother nature as the leaves, soil, weeds, and litter build up due to lack of maintenance. This amazing natural phenomena now offers folk the excitement and exhilaration of beginner level mountaineering as they try to make their way between villages. With the additional bonus adrenaline rush of avoiding getting wiped out by passing vehicles.

My broken fishing reel was just the impetus I needed to take up Tenkara (basically fishing using a stick with no reel).

The lockdown isolation has meant that instead of trying to manically swat that bloody fly that buzzed constantly around my living room using an old tennis racket (that old Slazenger woody with leather grip being another positive for hording I might add 😉 ) I came to accept the winged critter as a pet, and it’s now so at ease in my company that it settles on the top left of my monitor, where I occasionally move the cursor under it and play a game of chasey with it. It’s a most welcome and cherishable moment of inter-species social interaction seeing as I have barely seen my family in a couple of years…



Understanding cycle threshold (Ct) in SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR (you will have to get this up on a search engine yourself)

From the document:

‘Cycle threshold (Ct) is a semi-quantitative value that can broadly categorise the concentration of viral genetic material in a patient sample following testing by RT PCR as low, medium or high – that is, it tells us approximately how much viral genetic material is in the sample.

A low Ct indicates a high concentration of viral genetic material, which is typically associated with high risk of infectivity.

A high Ct indicates a low concentration of viral genetic material which is typically associated with a lower risk of infectivity. In the context of an upper respiratory tract sample a high Ct may also represent scenarios where a higher risk of infection remains – for example, early infection, inadequately collected or degraded sample.

A single Ct value in the absence of clinical context cannot be relied upon for decision making about a person’s infectivity.’



link to

‘WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.

Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information’.


Couple this with the mass testing of people with no symptoms and taken with what Kary Mullis says on the video it can be seen that something is not right.

People who pretend that there is not a looming potential problem are coincidence theorists


– (chuckle) – that’s very “zen” Dan, maybe you should change your handle (tho “Saffron Robe” might have cornered the buddhism angle)

it is too easy, I suppose, to just overdose on the angry pills given what has happened in the past few years

this is why I miss the Rev – he could be angry for all of us, without being exhausted by it



So my Biological expertise is too much for you? I can see that you do not want to know anything more than you think. A closed mind betrays a closed mind.

I’m 55 and a lifelong student of pretty much anything. Life isn’t long enough to learn all there is to know. Also I was asked to put my last one on and it was not addressed to you. So stop trying to be a self appointed editor. I suspect the Rev Stu might have things to say about that.


J.o.e, I don’t know what you’re complaining about. The advice of the WHO, if it tells you anything, tells you that they’re very much aware of the potential for error. And it’s not like anyone needed the WHO to spell out the importance of thresholds, since they’ve been in place for decades.

Also, there’s as much room for the thresholds to lead to false negatives, if set too low, but you don’t want to talk about that. It’s all well understood though. From the perspective of public health professionals, false negatives are actually a bigger concern for obvious reasons.

Lost in all this is the onus on people like you to suggest a better system for mass testing. There isn’t a better system.

Ian Brotherhood

As predicted, Hatuey returns to chide us lesser mortals.

Discussion here, of bug-related stuff, is a microcosm of the global debate. Hatuey will always get the last word because he has the establishment narrative to back him up, whether the specific topic be PCR testing, ‘vaccine’ ingredients, Big-Pharma behaviour, the fantastical meanderings of Jason Leitch, recorded fatalities, or anything else of concern.

His message is ‘nothing to see here’. But what gives him away is the lack of urgency, passion. His words are always hollow, cynical point-scoring exercises.

And that’s all he has. And he only has to keep doing it until each and every one of us has been ‘vaccinated’, willingly or not. He’s made it plain that we deserve to lose our freedom to work, travel, and socialise, and that he’d gladly assist in our persecution.

Don’t listen to Hatuey. Don’t listen to me, Joe, Cirsium, Tinto Chiel, Pixywine, Saffron Robe, or anyone else here who’s been trying, since the Spring of last year, to show that there are credible alternative narratives, strategies and treatments.

We don’t have to believe the msm narrative, and we certainly don’t have to listen to someone who’s clearly been tasked with monitoring and suppressing discussion on a toty offshoot of the main debate.

Remember all the shite we were fed by Nicola Sturgeon and the Alphabetties, Wolffe, Dorian, and their pals in the Scottish media. And look at the fresh revelations about the Stonewall ‘points’ system. Even a year ago, when this ‘pandemic’ was well under way, most of us would’ve dismissed it all as tinfoil-hat nutjob rambling.

None of us have perfect knowledge of what’s happening. All we can do is try to read as much as we can, and make up our own minds.



‘Lost in all this is the onus on people like you to suggest a better system for mass testing’

Yes – you use PCR as per the guidance of the public health bodies mentioned.


‘His message is ‘nothing to see here’. But what gives him away is the lack of urgency, passion. His words are always hollow, cynical point-scoring exercises.’

Very well put. These characters seem to never have any doubts, at all, about the credibility of the official narrative that involves censorship, faith in an industry with a dark track record, belief in the word of a group of politicians the likes of which we have never seen before for sheer bare faced dishonesty, public relations campaigns, immunity for manufacturers of vaccines and all the while at odds with what industry insiders, many doctors and now even major public health bodies are saying.

It simply is not creditable that these people are coming from an honest position.


I’m going to assume that most people reading this are smart enough to understand that the position of conspiracy theorists on the pandemic is actually much closer to the establishment’s position than they would like to admit.

Like Boris and the covid hawks, the conspiracy theorists wanted to keep the beaches open.

Like Boris and the covid hawks, they wanted to end lockdown and open up as soon as possible (too soon, as it turned out last summer) — recent events suggest they’ve learned nothing.

Like Boris and the covid hawks, they trivialise the disease and want us to believe it’s like the flu.

Like Boris and the covid hawks, their concern is for the economy, not people.

Like Boris and the covid hawks, they frame experts in public health, virologists, and science as inconvenient obstacles in the way of their grim agenda.

Every step of the way they’ve been wrong.

The silent majority aren’t so daft though. They’ve seen the impact of the virus up close and they know the truth — it’s not a little flu, it’s deadly — and that’s why 95% of them are going to get vaccinated.

Nobody is buying your trinkets.


Muscleguy says:
27 June, 2021 at 8:48 pm

So my Biological expertise is too much for you?


Yes & I expect it is for most people.

The Rev is not going to be saying much about anything because incase you didn’t notice the Rev has given up on Wings.


Dan says:

I came to accept the winged critter as a pet, and it’s now so at ease in my company that it settles on the top left of my monitor, where I occasionally move the cursor under it and play a game of chasey with it. It’s a most welcome and cherishable moment of inter-species social interaction seeing as I have barely seen my family in a couple of years…


That fly that you are playing chasey with may have been your mother in a former life. Might be the reason she is so at ease in your company.

Robert graham

The majority of the public are smart oh fk if only eh .Nope numb nuts the majority follow the herd and the loudest noise even if it doesn’t make sense .

The other clown that makes up your Tag Team says he’s made a few bob investing in big pharma stock and they are trusted and well run organisations

Well the 3 biggest ones have paid $ 11.5 dollars in fines over the past few years does that prove well run trustworthy companies or does it raise concerns about what they do

All information is freely available from United States court records coupled with the habit of all governments decieving the electorate in every western country yet you and your Tag partner keep spinning this shite we should believe . Fk me some people deserve all that’s coming to them

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey says: “Like Boris and the covid hawks, their concern is for the economy, not people.”

The economy IS people you idiot.
Can we come round your gaff when we lose our jobs and get kicked out of our homes?

Will you patch us up from your first aid kit when we’ve no health service, due to lack of tax receipts?

Oh, and people are literally starving to death right now in the third world as a result of Covid damage to the economy.

But hey you’re alright sitting on your ass on furlough making jam and painting the view out your back window, so who gives a fuck, right?

Sensible Dave

Ruby 6.52

Morning Rubes

“I’ve been waiting three weeks for an answer to a very simple question and all I get in return is waffle.”

English = People registered to vote in England.

Now I know many on here think only “Scots” that can trace their lineage back to William Wallace or something, but England is a very cosmopolitan society with a much larger percentage of folk from abroad live her than Scotland.

The trouble is Ruby, many Yessers have an anti-english streak in them that, if they use the same words to describe a different country/folk they would be put down by the decent folk.

At 65.56, Mr Somervile wrote “….picture of the stinkn over populated shit hole they call London”. Again Ruby, replace the Word “London” with say “Calcutta” – How’s that read?

But keep going, the tactic is obviously working …. No wait!

Stuart MacKay

Canada to Make Online Hate Speech a Crime Punishable by $16,000 Fine. link to

What’s good enough for Canada is good enough for Scotland. Time to start saving those pennies.

Jeanette McCrimmon

After all the abuse he threw at you Stu, slow thinker James Kelly says

“I’m finally compelled to admit it: the SNP leadership have become the biggest obstacle to independence”

link to


Sensible Dave says:
28 June, 2021 at 7:30 am
Ruby 6.52

Morning Rubes

“I’ve been waiting three weeks for an answer to a very simple question and all I get in return is waffle.”

English = People registered to vote in England.

Now I know many on here think only “Scots” that can trace their lineage back to William Wallace or something, but England is a very cosmopolitan society with a much larger percentage of folk from abroad live her than Scotland.

The trouble is Ruby, many Yessers have an anti-english streak in them that, if they use the same words to describe a different country/folk they would be put down by the decent folk.

At 65.56, Mr Somervile wrote “….picture of the stinkn over populated shit hole they call London”. Again Ruby, replace the Word “London” with say “Calcutta” – How’s that read?

But keep going, the tactic is obviously working …. No wait!


Got you. When you say anti-English you mean anti-English voters.

Might it be more accurate to say many Yessers are anti-Tory?
Do you have a problem with that?

Is there some new law that forbids people to describe a city as they see it be it Calcutta or London?


FAO of Saffron Robe

Are you an ordained Buddist monk?


@ sensible dave

Davie , can you tell me whats sensible about you? Im fecked if i know from reading posts of yours on this blog.

This anti english thing you keep dribbling on about davie tell me , the labour party and other unionists have been screaming anti english at anything that so much as waves a saltire all my life , never mind dares to support scot indy.

Hows that tactic been going sensible?

Similarly , the westminster party , and their acolytes have been screaming racist at anything in englandshire that waves a st georges cross all my life. Hows that going ?

The fact is sensible no one gives a feck.

The english are big boys and girls davie , with a thick skin . They dont need a concern troll like you to hold their hand.


@ charles hodgson.

Come oan charlie go easy on hatuey. Hatuey has spent the last year and a hawf cowering in the bogs terrified of catching a terminal case of hypochondria.

A well hung highland beef steak raised on free range asbestos would do him the world of good.


Oh, just for a moment I thought they were relaunching the Splicer sweetie from the 80s…

link to


I see the dribbling idiot Humza Yousaf is preparing the ground for him assuming power from Sturgeon when she decides Scotland doesn’t deserve her anymore. It shows how far we have fallen when someone as serially incompetent, downright ignorant and lacking in intelligence as the imbecile Yousaf even thinks he has a chance as First Minister.

Well done SNP1 and 2 crowd, I hope you are proud of yourselves. You bring nothing but shame on our once proud nation.

Sensible Dave


You wrote “Got you. When you say anti-English you mean anti-English voters.”

I’m struggling Ruby. In what way have you “got me”?

In most civilised countries, it would be fair and reasonable to call folk that are registered to vote in that country as folk that are of that country.

Maybe its different in Scotland. Maybe you do have to trace your lineage back to Wallace or you can’t be a Rangers fan and be Scottish?

Anyway, I’ll keep copying and pasting some the anti-English stuff on here for you.

Sensible Dave

Thomas 8.14

You wrote: “The english are big boys and girls davie , with a thick skin . They dont need a concern troll like you to hold their hand.”

Indeed Thomas, the English will be fine regardless of what a few nasty nut jobs in Scotland may say/think.

Nevertheless, in my altruistic mission to educate, inform and share my insight, wisdom and wit, I think I should take the trouble to at least show some, the error of their ways.


No idea if this is true or not but social media is poison. The whole debate on vaccines is pointless and will rumble on for years.

If you take the vaccine, fine, if you don’t take it -don’t . Personally I’m fed up listing to the pro’s and con’s . You’re all big boys and girls now. Make your own mind up.—brent-h-gridirondawg/97012517/


Jeanette McCrimmon says:
28 June, 2021 at 8:06 am
After all the abuse he threw at you Stu, slow thinker James Kelly says

“I’m finally compelled to admit it: the SNP leadership have become the biggest obstacle to independence”…

It’s increasing different to visualise a different outcome from the ALBA Party eventually doing to the SNP, what the SNP once did to Labour… and pretty much for all the same reasons.

The misplaced acrimony, the insufferable hubris, the rampant incompetence and absolute poverty of talent… and of course, the tired and dysfunctional “leadership”. It’s all uncannily similar.

We know how this ends. I just wish we could short circuit the process, miss out the nasty bit, and jump to the end where it’s ALBA winning the landslide victory on a mandate to save Scotland from the decadent corruption of “British” system government.

Alex Salmond took three years from his election to delivering a Referendum. That looks all the more impressive beside the lamentable record of you know who, but something tells me , if Alex Salmond did get elected again, or, more constructively perhaps steered a Constitutional initiative in the direction of the UN, I reckon he’d smash that three year record and suffer no distraction before finally delivering Scottish Independence.

They used to say you could put a red rosette on a monkey and it would get elected in Scotland, such was the complacency amongst Labour. Just look at the dross filling the ranks of the SNP; charlatans and carpetbaggers hiding behind a yellow rosette, who have even less integrity than that unfortunate monkey who had a career in politics, but the SNP is basking in the same arrogant complacency and indolence.


Increasing different??

Sure I typed increasingly difficult… sigh.

Scot Finlayson

@Sensible Dave,

This from the founder of SNP nearly 100 years ago,

“The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls.

Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

Cunninghame Graham.

Scottish patriots used to see the English as the boogie man but now realise it is in fact our ain folk that are holding. us back.


`Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for six days.
Eventually, Gabriel the archangel found him, resting on the seventh day.

He inquired of God, “Where have you been?”
God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed
downwards through the clouds,
“Look Gabriel, look what I’ve made.”

Archangel Gabriel looked puzzled and said,
“What is it?”

“It’s a planet”, replied God, “and I’ve put LIFE on it. I’m going to call it Earth and it’s going to be a great place of balance”.

“Balance?” inquired Gabriel,confused.

the Archangel, impressed by Gods work, then pointed to a small country in Northern Europe,
“What’s that one?”

“Ah” said God. “That’s Scotland, the most glorious place on Earth. There are beautiful snow capped mountains, untouched rivers, streams and lochs of exquisite, timeless beauty.
The people make a drink called Uisge Beatha or Whisky which means “The Water of Life”.

The people are good looking, intelligent and humorous and they’re going to be found travelling the world.

They’ll be extremely sociable, hard-working and high-achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as warriors, engineers, inventors and pioneers.

Gabriel gasped in wonder and admiration but then said
“You said there will be BALANCE!”

God replied wisely.

“Wait until you see the neighbours I’m putting next to them!”.


Let’s not use the term anti vaxxer, I prefer using pro disease.


“The economy IS people you idiot.”

So, letting millions of people die is good for the people?

Last year when this all started we found out that one guy at a conference in Edinburgh gave the disease to 30 people. The brain-boxes at SAGE worked out that up to 3 quarters of a million would die without lockdown.

That was before it mutated and become 100% more infectious.

Can you even imagine the UK death toll if we hadn’t locked down? It would be in the millions. Several countries tried to ignore it, let the “little flu” flow through the population — every single one of them buckled and went into lockdown under the weight of dead bodies… Britain is one of them.

The countries that locked down, locked the virus out, and put proper track and trace systems in place are the ones with the low death tolls. And, if you don’t find the term and distinction too offensive, their the ones whose economies were least badly impacted.

Your big problem is that you think this is a game and ignoring the virus is an option.

The only thing standing between us and total carnage now is that vaccine that the people-loving crackpots on here are doing their best to trash. Natural herd immunity without a vaccine isn’t possible; we learned that in Manaus.


lol rogueslr

I like that.


Sensible Dave says:
28 June, 2021 at 8:45 am

You wrote “Got you. When you say anti-English you mean anti-English voters.”

I’m struggling Ruby. In what way have you “got me”?

In most civilised countries, it would be fair and reasonable to call folk that are registered to vote in that country as folk that are of that country.


Well sure but people registered to vote ie voters are only a percentage of the ‘folk of that country’ and on top of that many of these English voters may not consider themselves English in any other sense.

When I said I got you I meant I understood who you were referring to when you made claims of anti-Englishness you were claiming that some yes voters dislike some english voters.

You would probably be taken more seriously if you claimed that many in the Yes movement are anti-Tory.


Sensible Dave says:

Anyway, I’ll keep copying and pasting some the anti-English stuff on here for you.


You are going to have to be more precise about what you mean by English.

‘Anti-English voters’ is the term you should use being that is what you mean by ‘anti-English’

Some might think you are referring to the language, mustard or a football team.

I will 100% agree that there are people in Scotland who are anti-the English vote.

Brexit & the Tories being in power are two examples of that.


Breeks says:
We know how this ends. I just wish we could short circuit the process, miss out the nasty bit, and jump to the end where it’s ALBA winning the landslide victory on a mandate to save Scotland from the decadent corruption of “British” system government.


Surely something has got to give pretty soon!


Scot Finlayson says:
28 June, 2021 at 9:09 am

Scottish patriots used to see the English as the boogie man but now realise it is in fact our ain folk that are holding. us back…

I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I think for a long time, deliberately misrepresenting Scottish patriotism as being anti-English was quite deliberate indoctrination. It’s aim was diffuse Scotland’s desire to be in charge of his own destiny, by dressing it up as bass hostility towards England which most people felt uncomfortable with.

England / UK has NEVER understood the essentially “civic” nature of Scottish Independence. Rather than be “fuelled” by a hatred of England, truth be known, most Scottish Independentists would merrily write the history of Scotland with England’s roll reduced to a peripheral appendix that wasn’t even part of Scotland’s story. (We might like to, but obviously we can’t).

But for the English to insist we Scots are obsessed with a hatred of England feels like a bit-player trying to beef up their own importance to the plot. We don’t hate you. You’re tiresome and we want you to fk off a safe distance; learn a bit about personal space and stop being such a dick. Is it too much to ask? Just grow up ffs. You’ll be the one who actually benefits.

A similar plank of Unionist manipulation was the Orange Order, and the whole nauseating Rangers / Celtic / sectarianism saga suffered upon the rest of the country for decades without mercy, (*football klaxon), as a tacit warning that an Independent Scotland would be mired for decades in the same hateful Ulsterisation and sectarian bigotry as, well, … Ulster. The message was, Scottish Independence meant civil war. You’ve been warned.

I think Scottish Independence has always been much more sophisticated than it was ever given credit for, but as is the “BritNat” way, it was lampooned, derided, and skewed by our masters at the BBC and wider media. The SNP types had to be deranged, hate-fuelled nutters, so “normal” Scottish society would ostracise the “troublemakers” and remain docile while it’s teeth were extracted.

If you don’t think that’s true, think back, and cite what examples you can think off illustrating Scotland’s alleged hatred of England versus the actual carnage of England’s Tory Thatcherism and the rampant deconstruction of Scotland’s Industrial base, the plundering of Scotland’s resources.

All things considered, from Edward 1st’s Colonialism, through 700 years of malice, avarice, and subversion, Scotland hasn’t far to look to find all the justification it needs for hating the English, but a distinct lack of that “hatred” becoming manifest. Even following the shameful and despicable events following Culloden, the rage and hatred was not of Scotland’s making, and where, since 1746 has that hatred actually become manifest? You are to be pitied rather than hated. The one exception I can think of is the desecration of Wembley, (*football klaxon). That hatred, if it actually is hatred rather than retribution, would dissipate and evaporate, if only Scotland was left to it’s own devices.

Stop the fking plunder, stop undermining our prosperity, show Scotland and it’s people some actual respect, and be content that Scotland has as much of a rightful place in this world England, and there would not be any “hatred” towards the English. “IF” hatred is there, it’s only there because you put it there.

But while this malice and encroaching anglicisation persists, what is Scotland meant to do? Embrace you as a brother? Hell no. You’d have your greedy hand on our wallet during the clinch.


Confused says:
27 June, 2021 at 7:59 pm
– (chuckle) – that’s very “zen” Dan, maybe you should change your handle (tho “Saffron Robe” might have cornered the buddhism angle)

it is too easy, I suppose, to just overdose on the angry pills given what has happened in the past few years


Anger is a very destructive emotion. There is a lot of it about at the moment.

Perhaps “Saffron Robe” could help us out with that one.

I’m presuming “Saffron Robe” is an ordained Buddhist monk.
Sorry if I’ve got that wrong.



If that was all then I wouldn’t care. People are free to inject themselves with anti-freeze for all I care.

The problem is that your vaccinated status for covid will be used to decide what parts of civilisation you have access to or not. That’s an outstandingly important issue – especially in light of misuse of PCR.


Can you show me a comment here where anyone states that they are against any and all vaccines? In fact can any of you that are throwing around the term ‘anti-vaxxer’? The issue is with one batch of vaccines. The dishonesty involved in constantly and deliberately conflating hesitation with covid vaccines and being an all out anti-vaxxer (pro disease if you prefer) is staggering.

But then when every single part of the argument goes against you what have you got left except to be flat out dishonest about your opponents position? Right?

The attempts made to mislead, berate and bully people into giving up their critical thinking is one of the sickest things ive ever seen in any kind of debate and it can only be carried out by the hopelessly brainwashed or the utterly immoral.

Sensible Dave

Scot Finlayson

You wrote ““The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls.

Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

Its nice to see that quote pop up every now and again Scot. Its a reminder that Wings attracts the nut jobs with under developed brains that haven’t quite worked all that out yet.

With respect to jokes, I love the one that goes: Nobody thought Mel Gibson could play a Scot but look at him now! An alcoholic and a r****t!

Sensible Dave

No Ruby …. I think you are the only person here that doesn’t have a general understanding of what “English” means.

If you can’t understand a relatively simple concept like that then, understandably, you are going to struggle with the more complicated stuff.

Dorothy Devine

Wings certainly seems to attract strange commentators intent on drivelling on long after any worthwhile sense has been exhausted.

Charles Hodgson

The graphs show the infection rate was falling before each increase in lockdown measures, barring the first. The efficacy of locking us down since Nov 2020 has been virtually nil, but the effects on the economy, mental health, the ignoring of other health conditions has been incalculable.

The lack of a holistic approach taking account of the whole range of factors bearing down on the country, has been a disaster, but no-one is reporting on that. Only one issue matters.

Your approach is lunacy, and will leave us a desert. Keep taking the Kool Aid.

Charles Hodgson

Covid is seasonal. If this is allowed to drag on till September / October we will ne in the same position this time next year that we are now. Those in power are already dropping hints to that effect.

Off course, the population could wake up, and stage a response that would make the Poll Tax and Iraq protests look like the Trumpton Riots.

David Allan

doing my weekly Blog Read using wings index as my gateway and wow Stu it was delightful to see you’d penned a fresh article. Great to see just great.


Sensible Dave says:
28 June, 2021 at 11:10 am
No Ruby …. I think you are the only person here that doesn’t have a general understanding of what “English” means.

If you can’t understand a relatively simple concept like that then, understandably, you are going to struggle with the more complicated stuff.


I do understand what you mean by ‘English’ Dave because you already told me.

You are referring to the’English’ electorate

You said

English = People registered to vote in England.

You also said

‘In most civilised countries, it would be fair and reasonable to call folk that are registered to vote in that country as folk that are of that country.’

Well yes but is it fair to call everyone registered to vote in England as English?

I’ve noted that you have resorted to abuse? Happens often when posters don’t have a convincing answer.

Is everyone in Scotland who is registered to vote Scottish?
Sure they are part of the Scottish electorate but is it fair to call them ‘Scottish’ in any other sense?

Sensible Dave

Ruby 1.27

Ah, I see we have a divergence of views.

In answer to your question, if someone is registered to vote in England then they are, for the purposes of this conversation, ENglish. They may define themselves differently though.

With resect to my “tone”, you seem to have picked a fight based upon an absolute definition of the word “English” – but I don’t know why.

I am therefore fearful that you are going to start telling me my mate Raj isn’t English because his parents were born in India. Both he and I would have a problem with that. In all the things that matter he sees himself as English – not least tomorrow night. BTW. he enjoyed the failure of the Scottish team as much as I did. Also BTW, don’t read too much into that Ruby, its just a football thing that you may not understand.

Anyway, I hope you are straight now and have worked out what “English” means.


I believe that Nicola Sturgeon believes in independence, but no idea how to actually achieve it and too busy enjoying power for its own sake – no evidence that SNP has done anything positive for Scotland since 2007, unless you regard holding and decisively losing an independence referendum a positive achievement. Education has continued its remorseless decline, tell me about drugs deaths, using the legal system to persecute a former leader without – it appears any consequences – squandered public money (useless ferries, compensation to liquidators), poorer growth than in the rest of the UK. You’ll see SNP try to look keen on another vote when they run out of money and need more fund raising from suckers/keen nationalists to allegedly fight another referendum.


Oi, Sensible, if we truly are better together then get off t’internet and do your good neighbourly duty by getting your arse and bionic knees up tae Scotland and give me hand slating this bloody roof.
I reckon just one shift of dealing with minuscule Scottish slates on the ridge of my roof and you’d disappear back down south in a flash to become a hardcore advocate and campaigner for English Independence, in an attempt to distance yourself and fellow countryfolk as far as possible from the insanity of our traditional Scottish building methods.

I’m defo struggling with keeping positive vibes at the moment when I reckon I’ve seen bigger stamps on an envelope than some of the slates I am having to replace. 🙁
Some well paid twats in suits slapped conservation and listed building status on the property so have to replace like for like.

Sigh, cuppa tea finished now so back for another shift…


A brilliant and straight to the point article by Iain Lawson.

link to

Saffron Robe

Businessman and former Brexit Party MEP Benyamin Habib has launched a legal challenge against the Northern Ireland Protocol. He said the following:

“These are British citizens. The only difference between them and us in GB is that they live in Northern Ireland.

“And with this differentiation the new arrangement also broke the union of the United Kingdom.

“The Northern Ireland Protocol flies in the face of human rights, the foundations of the United Kingdom, and the Belfast Agreement which brought peace to the island of Ireland.”

Which is what we have been saying all along – that Brexit breaks the Treaty of Union and dismantles the foundations of the United Kingdom. It is ironic that it is Northern Irish Unionists who are highlighting this and initiating legal action whilst our supposedly independence-supporting government sit on their hands and remain silent. Where is the constitutional challenge under Scots Law to free us from this accursed union and declare the Treaty of Union null and void?


Sensible Dave says:
28 June, 2021 at 2:16 pm
Ruby 1.27

In answer to your question, if someone is registered to vote in England then they are, for the purposes of this conversation, ENglish. They may define themselves differently though.


You keep repeating the same thing.

Your definition of being English is simply being on the electoral roll in England.

Do you see English & British as being interchangeable? Could that be the reason you are unable to come up with a decent definition of English?

If an ‘English’ person moves from England and goes to live in Wales where he will be registered to vote in Wales does that person then become Welsh? How would you define that person for the purpose of this conversation?

Saffron Robe

On a slightly different note, has anyone else noticed the number of brand new Land Rovers that have been appearing on the roads? They seem to be multiplying daily. I thought there was a climate crisis and the use of such huge vehicles was to be discouraged? And where do people get the money to afford them? They must be out of reach for most ordinary Glaswegians. Is there an offer on down south – relocate to Scotland and get a Land Rover for free?


Sensible Dave says:

I am therefore fearful that you are going to start telling me my mate Raj isn’t English because his parents were born in India. Both he and I would have a problem with that. In all the things that matter he sees himself as English –


You are the one denying Raj the right to be ‘English’ in the event of him leaving England.

If Raj doesn’t isn’t registered to vote in England what claim does he have to being ‘English’?

You seem obsessed with India why is that?


Saffron Robe says:
28 June, 2021 at 5:08 pm
On a slightly different note, has anyone else noticed the number of brand new Land Rovers that have been appearing on the roads? They seem to be multiplying daily. I thought there was a climate crisis and the use of such huge vehicles was to be discouraged? And where do people get the money to afford them? They must be out of reach for most ordinary Glaswegians. Is there an offer on down south – relocate to Scotland and get a Land Rover for free?


Perhaps it’s all down to them having a lot of good karma.

Why do you call yourself ‘Saffron Robe’?

Sensible Dave

Ruby 5.04

As I alluded to in my previous response Ruby, I think you may different views to me on such matters.

So let me be clear, if someone from India or France moves to England, becomes a citizen and becomes a registered voter then, for pretty much all purposes going forward, they are English.

Do I need to be any clearer?

I rather suspect that is somewhat different to your personal definition of what you need to be/have done – to be Scottish.

So best leave it there I think.


Sensible Dave says:
28 June, 2021 at 5:21 pm
Ruby 5.04

As I alluded to in my previous response Ruby, I think you may different views to me on such matters.

So let me be clear, if someone from India or France moves to England, becomes a citizen and becomes a registered voter then, for pretty much all purposes going forward, they are English.

Do I need to be any clearer?

I rather suspect that is somewhat different to your personal definition of what you need to be/have done – to be Scottish.

So best leave it there I think.


It would have been clearer if you had used the term British and not English.

You rather suspect a lot of things Dave! Maybe worth remembering the following:

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”

I can understand why you want to leave there because with each post you look more and more foolish.

Robert Graham

I seem to remember just after the 2014 Vote the same bickering started because everyone was at a loose end and pretty crabby and looking for a fight anything would do ,

Well it’s started again indeyref2 is farther away than ever Sturgeon would need her fingernails pulled and her teeth pulled before she would go for a second vote ,

By the looks of it its a pretty hopeless situation with Alex trying his best to convince people who are just fed up and not listening anymore ,

Sturgeon has holed Independence below the waterline and it’s sinking fast I don’t think anyone saw her abject betrayal coming she fooled a whole lot of people and is praying this plague continues so she can do what’s she’s best at and that’s Fuck All .

Aye the futures bright eh .


@ Jeanette MacCrimmon 8.42am thanks for that link to Scot goes pop ,as you said James has slightly moved from his denial stage after all the rancour at Stu but not totally , and judging from some of the responses to his tweet indy is well and truly donald ducked , the amount of sturgeon apologists and sycophants is unbelievable , these people must believe in Santa and the tooth fairy

@ Breeks, as usual a total destruction of the ever recycled mantra of Scots hating the English TBQH most people I know don’t even give it a thought


Sturgeon does not believe in independence and is doing everything possible to prevent it. She knows she is not bright enough to negotiate the logistics of seperation from the UK.
Her plan is to make as much money as possible then resign. She is rotten to the core and is indifferent to her betrayal of the asperations of the people who put their trust in her, a people she clearly disposes.

Saffron Robe

I meant Range Rovers, along with Land Rovers, and all sorts of other huge SUVs. Where are they all coming from?


Charles Hodgson says:
28 June, 2021 at 12:06 pm
“Covid is seasonal. If this is allowed to drag on till September / October we will ne in the same position this time next year that we are now. Those in power are already dropping hints to that effect.

Off course, the population could wake up, and stage a response that would make the Poll Tax and Iraq protests look like the Trumpton Riots.”


Maybe you could lead the revolt, Charles?

I’m just imagining the chants…

“What do we want?”


“When do we want it?”


Alf Baird

Sensible Dave @ 2:16 pm

“Anyway, I hope you are straight now and have worked out what “English” means.”

By the same logic, is an Englishman living in India therefore an Indian?

Saffron Robe

I agree with others above. Nicola Sturgeon does not have the mental capacity to deliver independence and so does nothing.


Today’s Covid figures for Scotland in particular are a disaster.

The 3rd wave is growing dramatically and you can forget this July’s false promises too.


Still trying to work out the picture. Is it from the trailer for Psycho II?

Starring Norma Bates?

Norma being Norman’s mother, I suppose.

Is this one in the picture the New Norma(l)?

The New Norma(l) that’s to be imposed on all of us?

Hovering above us, as vultures do!

Bat(s) over Scotland?

Or is it just that she’s been wiping down the shower with that blood-soaked dressing-gown of hers, that she’s wearing?

Are we supposed to imagine what’s lying at her feet?

And if so, is it the corpse of Indyref2?

Cannae wait tae see the Filum…

Or is the caption just that old one everybody knows already?

Something like, ‘Is this a dagger that I see before my eyes?’

Or is it a Victory Salute?

‘Too strong for Scotland’, as the slogan on the rostrum almost says.

Too strong indeed.

After Scotland has been wrestled to the floor, and forced to submit…

By fair means or foul…

Or is it: ‘I have you all immobilised, in my lock! So just rap the floor, and give up! Submit!’

Where is the George Kidd who is going to get us out of this one?

This two-handed lock of hers, descending from on high…

Should I say ‘lock-up’?… Or is it lock-down?… Or just ‘locked away’?

George Kidd was always fair.

Too good to foul – he didn’t have to.

And he was trained (for a while at least) by a Morrell.

NOT – NOT IN ANY WAY – by a Murrell.

They wouldn’t stand a chance against him.

Who’s goin’ tae be the new Houdini of the Ring, tae get Scotland oot o’ this?

And fast. Very fast!

link to



If the “person” living in India, is an Indian citizen, and is registered to vote in India … then yes, they are Indian.

I don’t understand your problem with this … unless, as your comment suggests, you believe
a person can only be of the country they were born?

… proper blood and soil stuff Alf.

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey as per grotesquely overstates the danger of Covid. He also clearly couldn’t give a fuck for anyone else but himself.

The longer arseholes like him stay locked up the better for the rest of us. He is terrified of life, and presumably always waits for the green man before crossing the road on his way to get his “essential” sanitary towels.

Charles Hodgson

…in his pink Hazmat suit.

Charles Hodgson

For Hazmat Hatuey.
The following is from the Conspiracy Theorists at the United Nations, you selfish cunt:

“COVID-related hunger could kill more people than the virus

COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands over the past few months. But as the health crisis becomes an economic one, funding shortfalls and supply chain issues could see millions more die of hunger.

After months of lockdown, countries around the world are starting to reopen. And yet still, the death toll from COVID-19 keeps rising. By the end of June, a little over 500,000 people had succumbed to the disease.

But that could be a drop in the ocean compared to the humanitarian fallout. “We’ve seen 400,000 die from COVID-19,” David Beasley, the Executive Director of the World Food Programme, warned in June. “We could see 300,000 die a day, for several months, if we don’t handle this right.”

Beasley, who was speaking on a panel with other United Nations leaders at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, explained that things were already bad before the pandemic. “Before COVID hit the scene, I had already been saying that 2020 was going to be the worst humanitarian crisis year since World War II.” It’s estimated that 9 million people die of hunger each year, more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

But the pandemic could make the situation even worse, as the breakdown of supply chains has left the World Food Programme and other United Nations agencies struggling. “The commercial airline industry has all but shut down,” Beasley said, making it hard to get the supplies and experts out to where they are needed.

And as the health crisis becomes an economic one, Beasley worries that funding might dry up, causing starvation on an enormous scale. “This hunger pandemic will rip through the hearts of many nations of the world.”

If this disaster is to be averted, it will take a cross-sector collaboration from Government, business and civil society leaders, Beasley said. “It’s all hands on deck from everybody.”

The private sector has already been stepping up, Elisabeth Cousens, President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation, noted in the session. “Since the start of COVID-19, we have seen exceptional leadership from the business community.” For example, early on in the crisis, the UN Foundation set up the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. “Over 140 companies globally have already given to the fund, along with 400,000 individuals. That makes them collectively the second-largest donor to the World Health Organization’s immediate efforts,” Cousens pointed out.

Without that ongoing support, the consequences could be catastrophic, Beasley predicted. “You’re going to have destabilization, you’re going to have mass migration, you’re going to have war on top of war, conflict on top of conflict. I can tell you, that’s going to cost a thousand times more. By doing it on the front end, this will be a lot cheaper.”

link to

John Main

Hatuey 27 June, 2021 at 11:38 pm

“it’s not a little flu, it’s deadly”.

Nah, it’s not. The Case Fatality Rate worldwide is under 3%. If only heart disease was as friendly as Covid. Its CFR looks to be north of 10%.

The majority of people who catch Covid hardly know they have it. That’s why they continue to go out and about, socialising and working, and infecting others.

The issue was always about the total numbers of Covid sufferers simultaneously overwhelming services, specifically in this country, the NHS.

Those sufferers would be the elderly and younger people who have other health problems. Until the time that this was clearly understood, lockdowns were justifiable. We have long since passed that stage.

These simple facts are clearly understood by most people, which is why so many people are out and about, travelling here, there and everywhere, ignoring social distancing, and doing little more than pay lip service to the masking fad. BTW, as all of the health professionals publicised just a couple of weeks ago, their high spec, professionally fitted, surgical quality masks don’t protect them. So why would anybody believe that our cheap, poorly fitted, and badly mishandled, soggy rags protect ourselves or anybody else?

And while I am writing, you can’t catch Covid from shaking hands either.

Still, this BTL section has never been too comfortable with facts. Continue to believe your myths if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.

Charles Hodgson

Published in 2020. Bet they’re amazed at the stupidity of world leaders that this pish is STILL going on.


I’m unsure if I’ve caught sunstroke on the roof this afternoon and am actually hallucinating.

To boldly go where no man has gone before… TransKorean! (though didn’t stipulate if North or South)

link to

Who’s going to be first to get their nose removed and replace it with a lug. Making the journey to The Final Front Ear…

So we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic with restrictions in place limiting health and dental treatments so we don’t overload those services or risk spreading da covids, but it’s ok to get cosmetic surgery?


Under the weight of these arguments I’m now suffering from corona dysphoria. Maybe I should self-declare as a covid crackpot.

Everything was so simple and binary before… healthy and living good, diseased and dead bad. Now I’m not so certain.

Just because I valued my life at birth doesn’t mean I need to keep valuing it.

It’s all about me.

Brian Doonthetoon

Over the years, I have met Polish Scots, Italian Scots, Indian Scots, English Scots and so on.

There is nationality by ethnicity and nationality by bureaucracy, ie passports, voters’ rolls and so on.

No doubt there have been Indian Scots and Indian Angles.

The link below possibly goes some way to address the Anglo-Indian, or rather the Indian Angles cultural dichotomy. It’s not the original – rather the live version. (The original was removed from YouTube).

link to


When you use up all your Pride celebrating your gender expression, and don’t leave enough to take any Pride in the land you exist on… 🙁

link to

Waiting on the environmentally minded Scottish Greens condemning the making of such a mess in 3… 2… ah fuck it, there will be some lame ass excuse that the litter was left due to the oppression the group have to endure and those plastic bottles are actually TransLeaves so will break down naturally into compost to feed the worms.

Tannadice Boy

@Brian Doonthetoon 9:31pm
I was born in Fintry Dundee I guy across the street was called Marzi an ex Polish RAF pilot. Total respect from the community.


Alf Baird says:
28 June, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Sensible Dave @ 2:16 pm

“Anyway, I hope you are straight now and have worked out what “English” means.”

By the same logic, is an Englishman living in India therefore an Indian?


If you are following Sensible Dave’s definition of what makes someone English then you would know you can’t be an Englishman living in India the only thing that makes someone English (according to Dave) is if you are registered to vote in England.

Which means there are no English people living in any other part of the UK other than in England. 🙂

If you live in the UK you gotta be in England to be English!!!

If you are in England & registered to vote then you can forget claiming you are Scottish, Welsh or Irish because you are English according to Sinister Dave.

Sinister Dave is a hoot but at the same time a pretty nasty piece of work.

Things are going to be changing for the British immigrants living in Spain.

They are going to be allowed to be English again.

link to

Evidence would suggest for the most part they have never stopped being English and even after 15 years of living in Spain they speak only English and are proud to be English even if Sinister Dave says they are not.

Meg merrilees

Andy Murray just won his match at Wimbledon – through to the second round. 4 hour match.


Dan says:
28 June, 2021 at 9:47 pm
When you use up all your Pride celebrating your gender expression, and don’t leave enough to take any Pride in the land you exist on…


The Royal Mile Edinburgh was a mess after the last Pride march not as bad as Manhattan but pretty bad.



… I made the mistake of thinking you could read.

Clearly you can’t, or your comprehension is what is at fault.

Your are just making stuff up.

Brian Doonthetown, tried to give you a steer … but you have rejected that and disappeared off in to some imaginary world. I’ll leave it with you.

Tannadice Boy

@Brian Doonthetoon 9:31pm
I forgot to mention Poppy drunk in his 80s helped to get home most days by my dad who was invariably late for work. Poppy served in the Zulu wars. I won’t give this up for Nicola Sturgeon irrespective of politics.
I can’t tell you how much my dad lost in late payment and us. We were never racist. We don’t need Niclas Woke politics

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sensibledave at 10:07 pm.

You typed,
“Brian Doonthetown, tried to give you a steer … but you have rejected that and disappeared off in to some imaginary world. I’ll leave it with you.”


Hugh Jarse

Hatuey drifted into WoS after many years spent shilling for the Man over at Craig Murray’s blog.
See it for what it is, and save your efforts. There’s no ‘win’ with the likes of that.


Sensibledave says:
28 June, 2021 at 10:07 pm

… I made the mistake of thinking you could read.

Clearly you can’t, or your comprehension is what is at fault.

Your are just making stuff up.

Brian Doonthetown, tried to give you a steer … but you have rejected that and disappeared off in to some imaginary world. I’ll leave it with you.


Oh dear Sinister Dave has resorted to abuse again!

I am not interested in Polish Scots, Italian Scots, Indian Scots, English Scots

All I wanted was your definition of ‘English’ as in your claims of anti-Englishness

I had no problem reading what you said.

You said

English = People registered to vote in England.

It’s a pretty pathetic definition of what it means to be English could even be described as being anti-English.

I pretty sure “Harry Shindler a 99-year-old WWII veteran who settled in Italy around 40 years ago.” would be highly offended.

He fought to defend your right to vote in WW2 and you want to deny him the right to claim to be English just because he has chosen to live in Italy.

You should be ashamed of yourself Sinister Dave.

John Main

I’m just imagining the chants…

“What do we want?”


“When do we want it?”


Wow that’s scary, but haud on.

Wave a BLM placard, or wear a Gers scarf, and Covid will leave you be.

See, we already know how to keep safe when socialising in public with countless strangers, so move along folks, nothing to worry about here.

Oh, and for the more refined readers, just tell Covid you are attending a world economic forum. It’s a well known fact that Covid also gives these kind of gatherings the body swerve.


I find it very funny.

The situation of the trans crowd foaming at the mouth trying to pretend that there is no such thing as gender and that sexual differences are not biological and are in fact social seems to be accepted as ridiculous with the WOS crowd.

However many seem to fall into the very same madness when it comes to ethnicity. Ethnicity is real and is biologically based and is a factor in the outcome of populations, civilisations and culture.

Africans dominate the 100 metres, boxing and other sports. This is because of racial differences. Those differences extend into the intellectual and psychological also. The same for every race and ethnicity.

We are Scots. We have an ethnic heritage that nobody else has. It doesnt make us special but it is a fact and this ethnicity gives us the characteristics that make up our culture and characteristics.

It is only the liberal left of the western world who are so much in denial of this reality it is actually a joke in China and they have a special word for white people who want to deny their heritage.

Without some blood and soil, nationalism is just a piece of paper and therefore utterly worthless with no grounding in heritage, history and the right to continue as something to be preserved.

You can call any people who have shared characteristics a ‘community’ now in Scotland whether it is preference in genitals, to religion, to colour or outside nationality and everyone will agree that these things need to be preserved and protected.

However if you ask the same for the Scots (the people, not the paper) and ask for their group characteristics to be protected going forward and space kept for their people to continue onward you will be met by the sound of crickets at best and foaming mouthed accusations of being a Nazi at worst.

Something is deeply, deeply wrong and the hardcore civnats on the left and right are enablers of it. A look at our Scottish cities right now should really be a wake up call.

We are having our only home in the world slowly pulled out from under our feet as the el-ites use demographic change to make a democratic route to national sovereignty increasingly difficult.

And many so called ‘Scottish Nationalists’ are at the forefront of making it happen

President Xiden

So, the cat is finally out the bag with that extremely sinister Net Zero Scotland propaganda advert which directly links the ‘pandemic’ with the lunacy of net zero carbon emissions. This was the plan all along. We are being played. Big time.

Scot Finlayson

The name England comes from the German Angle tribe,

the name Angle is from the Latin for crooked or twisted or something that deviates from the straight and narrow,

`ankle` has a similar source,

in Latin this makes the name `England` the land of the crooked or twisted.


Additionally I would like to say that this hardcore civnat (read ‘globalist’) nationalism has not the spine, the will or the grounding in reality needed to actually get what they claim.

The Scottish Independence movement has failed and will continue to fail because it is weak and frankly for dreamers that make a constant appeal to politics only.

What is needed is a real Scottish Nationalist movement that unappologetically puts our people, the Scots, 1st and works to strengthen them and protect them in every sphere of life.

Our children will not thank us for our high and mighty rejection of the need for our people, the Scots, to have their own homeland where we as a people set the agenda for our own benefit and instead adhere to this head-in-clowds fantasy of multiculturalism where paper is as important as biology except if you are non-white – because then your ethnic heritage means something and should never be denied.

A lot of waking up is in order and some growing up also.

Ian Brotherhood

Just dropped in after all that baw fitba.

I’m 58 yrs old and have weans aged 21 and 19.

Those of you of a similar age and/or with weans will appreciate that getting the chance to see two of the greatest football matches of all time, uninterrupted, from start to finish, while having a few wee whiskies, was an unexpected delight. Switzerland’s performance should teach us all a thing or two.

Anyway, it’s nice to see Hatuey increasing his fan base.

(P.S. Does anyone know if ‘Ruby’ is just a big, unremarkable lump of untreated corundum? Just wondering, not meaning to be rude an aw that…)

Tannadice Boy

@J.o.e 11 25pm
What can I say?. I would agree the Scottish Independence movement has failed because they put their trust in someone that can’t or won’t deliver Independence. Jobs for the girls is more important. A failed strategy. Half of the population is male.

Ian Brotherhood

@J.o.e. (11.16) –

You touch on important points. Difficult stuff.

It helps explain why so many people found Pat Kane’s comments re ‘us’ supporting England so offensive.

Not ‘offensive’ in a PC way. Much more visceral. How fuckin *dare* he say that anyone else ‘should’ support someone else’s team. but to say that we ‘should’ support England?

“Oh my good god, he’s taken that too far!”

If you’re an ‘ordinary’ Scot then you instinctively recoil from such wankery. How many people (even non-Scots) would back Kane’s suggestion? Seriously?

That’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it could be evidence of what you’re referring to.

For me, anyone with that ‘instinctual’ reaction is a real ‘Scot’.

Does that make any sense?


@Tannadice boy

The failure lies in working only within the limits of politics as if nationalism and the future of Scots is merely a political issue, a civic issue. Nicola Sturgeon is just 1 consequence of this failure.


@Ian Brotherhood


1 thing that strengthens my point is the undeniable egalitarianism Scots shown have compared with many other peoples for many centuries. We want to welcome the outsider as one of our own especially if they are perceived as an underdog. This egalitarianism is being used in its totality against us.


*have shown.



J.o.e says:
28 June, 2021 at 11:16 pm.

…Africans dominate the 100 metres, boxing and other sports. This is because of racial differences. Those differences extend into the intellectual and psychological also. The same for every race and ethnicity…

It would be easy to hit you with a cheap shot about the Nazis and their twisted ideas on eugenics and “master race”, but I’ll resist the temptation, because I don’t think that’s remotely what you’re implying.

Maybe there are ethnic or racial traits which do tend to advantage or disadvantage certain groups of people, but the fact is, in the great Venn diagram of all humanity, those race or ethnic distinctions between peoples represents a tiny, tiny portion of the of the diagram which otherwise draws a pretty much definitive perception of a human being with 99.9% consistency.

If the aliens invaded Earth proper War of the Worlds style, and started harvesting humans the way humans harvest fish in trawler nets, we’d all of us, black, white, Asian, whatever, end up in the same cooking pot with all ethnic distinction lost on the aliens harvesting their “catch”. They wouldn’t differentiate about the pigmentation of our skin.

Even the tiny curve of the 0.1% inconsistency in that Venn diagram of humanity doesn’t make one race or ethnicity either more or less human. In point of fact, the “being human” criterion is always a perfect circle which covers 100% of the people 100% of the time. Even supposing you’re born without arms or legs, you’re still in the humanity circle. Being human is a pretty easy club to get into provided you are actually human.

If you look at a herd of cows or goats in a field, you don’t see any racism or victimisation of the brown cows by the white cows, or vice versa. Even when you see one black sheep in a field of 100 white sheep, there’s no exclusion, minority discrimination or ostracism amongst the flock. There’s no pecking order or segregation at the water trough.

Even albino animals, which reflect a genetic mutation in an animal rather than any ethnic distinction aren’t discriminated against, neither by the herd nor indeed its predators. Yes, it is disadvantaged in a very real sense, because it is denied the camouflage of its species evolution and life will be harder, but it isn’t rejected for it’s “misfortune” of circumstance.

So why is racism, ethnic prejudice, and the associated hostility so uniquely prevalent and apparently endemic amongst humans? It seems a somewhat dubious and counterintuitive “prize” of alleged intelligence.

Isn’t our prejudice and preoccupation with race, colour, whatever, thus an artificial abomination unique to humanity throughout the animal kingdom? It isn’t even objectively rational or logical, and surely, we’d all be less hateful, warmongering idiots if we could just get along with each other in spite of our token differences.

If those aliens attempting to harvest humanity were really here trying to exterminate us, nobody in the “Resistance” would be giving a shit about each other’s skin colour. It’s the fuckers with the tentacles we’d all be having issues with.

Sensible Dave

Ruby 10.39

As I said Ruby, you need to learn to read…..

At 2.16 I wrote “In answer to your question, if someone is registered to vote in England then they are, for the purposes of this conversation, English. They may define themselves differently though.”

John Main


You continue to write much sense.

I think it was P. D. James who wrote that our enemies have taken our great strengths (fairness, reasonableness, sympathy), weaponised them, and turned them against us with the expectation we will eventually destroy ourselves.

So far, the plan is working well.



I will attempt to address the bulk of your comment some time later. It is a subject that requires a considered approach and my quickfire way of doing things does it no justice.

But here is the root of the problem today:

The problem comes from deliberate artificial influx of different peoples and different cultures, forced into close proximity with each other and laws written to silence critics.

A deliberate attempt, similar to that of the trans cult, to utterly deny ethnic differences and the idea that someone might actually prefer and be more comfortable to be with their own is in full effect now.

If nationality is reduced to something written on a piece of paper it is much more easy to then deny the rights of the people based on their nationality.

Nationalism to some degree IS blood and soil. We would never deny that a particular people in the middle east or in Africa have no deeper connection with their homeland and their own people than they do with others. We would recognise that attempts to undermine that link they have with their home and their people could be a precursor to something, possibly nefarious?

I hold that nations and their countries are the only legal structures between humanity and corporate totalitarian control. That’s why everything about nationalism is being undermined throughout the Western world – because if they can subdue the nations of the people in the Western the world and get them to renounce their rights as actual recognisable and distinct peoples then the world is pretty much theirs in the fullness of time.

Alf Baird

Sensible Dave @ 7:00 am

“if someone is registered to vote in England then they are, for the purposes of this conversation, English. They may define themselves differently though.”

What you appear to be talking about is ‘citizenship’ rather than ‘ethnicity’, which are two different things.

The ethnicity question in the 2011 Census in Scotland asked people to choose from the following 19 ethnic groups:

White Scottish
Other White British
White Irish
Gypsy or Traveller
White Polish

Mixed or multiple ethnic group
Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups
Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British

African, African Scottish or African British

Caribbean or Black
Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British
Black, Black Scottish or Black British

Other ethnic group
Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British


@ sensible dave.

Us scottish are all out of guilt davie.

Ruby came oan here to discuss scottish politics and you waffle on about anti engerlish racism.

One need not agree with you davie but its nice to see a professional at work.

Stuart MacKay

A timely article from The Economist, Why the African genome project is so useful, link to

Race is a political construct designed to emphasise differences where there are none. It belongs in the rubbish bin of history along with it’s brother, eugenics.

Race is for rascists.


Sex is for sexists


Ian Brotherhood says:
28 June, 2021 at 11:41 pm

(P.S. Does anyone know if ‘Ruby’ is just a big, unremarkable lump of untreated corundum? Just wondering, not meaning to be rude an aw that…)


Why the interest in me? I thought you were going to ignore me after I hurt your feelings?


J.o.e says:
29 June, 2021 at 8:44 am
Sex is for sexists


Any chance you could explain to us ‘fuckin thick twats’ what you mean by that comment?

Were you just trying to be a smart arse?

Stuart MacKay


Sex has a biological and scientific basis. Race has as much scientific basis as phrenology.

Now if you want to talk about differences in culture and xenophobia then I’m all ears.


I am a member of ALBA, but this maiden Holyrood speech by Russell Findlay MSP (Conservative) impressed me:

“George Beattie is innocent. In 1973, the year in which I was born, George Beattie was convicted of murdering Margaret McLaughlin in Carluke. The BBC’s “Rough Justice” programme later exposed serious concerns about his conviction. Last year, a new book identified a more likely suspect. That prompted Bob Alexander, Margaret’s former fiancé, to break his 47-year silence and state that George Beattie is innocent. He thought that this miscarriage of justice would finally be put right. Nothing happened.

We do not have time to rehearse all the evidence here today, but I say with confidence that George Beattie is innocent. I am not the first politician to stand in a Parliament and say so. The late Labour MP Jimmy Hood did just that in the House of Commons 28 years ago.

Despite all that, George Beattie told me that he expects to go to his grave as a wrongly convicted murderer. That case shames Scotland. Yet, after I have spent decades working as a journalist trying to shine a light on injustice, it does not surprise me.

Willie Beck devoted his life to fighting to overturn his 1981 conviction for armed robbery. Credible and independent people are certain of his innocence. Willie died suddenly last year, but his family vows to keep up the fight.

Some might say that that is history and that society has changed. I would say, “Open your eyes.” Injustice is rife in modern Scotland, and it has a corrosive impact. Its effects are profound, often consuming lives or cutting them short.

Injustice does not just mean wrongful convictions. Let us take the family of Kevin Mcleod, who was found dead in Wick harbour in 1997. For two decades the authorities dismissed that young man’s death as not suspicious, then admitted that it should have been treated as murder.

Let us take Emma Caldwell, who was murdered in 2005, as we have already heard so powerfully from Pauline McNeill. Detectives blindly pursued the wrong suspects when a much more likely perpetrator was right in front of them.

Let us take Sheku Bayoh, who died in police custody on a Fife street six years ago but whose loved ones still do not know what happened. Let us take the countless families who have suffered medical negligence that has sometimes resulted in the loss of a loved one. While stricken with grief, they have had to contend with a confusing and intimidating legal process.

Then there are the former Rangers administrators—innocent men who were maliciously prosecuted by the Crown Office. That left taxpayers with a bill for unknown millions, but the former Lord Advocate, who was responsible, today sits on the High Court bench, dispensing justice.

I have been inspired by the resilience, determination and dignity of many ordinary people who were plunged into the abyss of injustice. Among those were the so-called four bampots of Milton, in Glasgow. Those four brave local fathers objected when Labour politicians and the police handed control of their community centre to a drugs gang. They defiantly embraced the term “bampots”, which the council had used to smear them. Labour defended the indefensible for years, and the gang was evicted only when people started getting shot dead on Glasgow’s streets. No one in authority was ever held to account for that perversion or for many other scandals, and that is a common theme. Although injustices will always occur, they are compounded when there is no redress and no accountability.

Too often, public bodies use unlimited funds to crush legitimate complaints, wage war on whistleblowers and use non-disclosure agreements to hide the ugly truth from the paying public. Bad faith, back covering and secrecy contaminate too many of our institutions. In Scotland, legal regulation is not fit for purpose. Our police complaints system betrays the public and the honest officer; our prosecution service is capable of malice and routinely betrays victims; and our courts are secretive, self-serving and chronically inefficient. Our parole system treats victims as a nuisance, and our judicial complaints system is a toothless charade.

In Scotland, sudden deaths are not automatically subject to public scrutiny, which often leaves grieving families with no answers. That was powerfully described by Liam McArthur. When rigged systems close the door on victims and close ranks to protect wrongdoers, what hope is there for ordinary people?

Elsewhere in the UK, many of those serious problems have been identified and the system has been reformed to the benefit of the public. One of the most nauseating aspects of nationalism is the myth of self-righteous superiority and exceptionalism. The injustices that I am talking about arose entirely in Scotland and this Parliament has the power to fix them, but the SNP prefers to dupe our citizens with a relentless diet of manufactured grievance, dishonestly blaming all our ills on Westminster. [Interruption.] I have a note here that says that that point would trigger Mr Dornan. Thank you.

Scotland deserves so much better. Rampant injustice and the dangers of Scottish nationalism are two of the reasons why I decided to seek election. [Interruption.] I believe that it is the convention not to take interventions during a maiden speech.”

Socrates MacSporran

Just an observation re this ethnicicity rammie on here.

Has anyone else noticed, in those NHS Scotland adverts about getting vaccinated, currently running on STV – in their efforts to show what a diverse nation Scotland is, there are no skinny, peely-wally gingers featured.

Surely, this is reverse racism.

John Cleary

The bigger picture:

“The documents adopted at the Cornwall and Brussels summits cemented the rules-based world order concept as a counterweight to the universal principles of international law with the UN Charter as its primary source.”

Mr Lavrov 28.6.21

The “rules-based world order” in operation. Heh heh heh.

The Queen successfully lobbied the government to change a draft law in order to conceal her “embarrassing” private wealth from the public, according to documents discovered by the Guardian.

Following the Queen’s intervention, the government inserted a clause into the law granting itself the power to exempt companies used by “heads of state” from new transparency measures.
(lots more)

link to

Here is Hansard:

The Secretary of State has granted one exemption under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 in favour of Bank of England Nominees Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of England. Bank of England Nominees Ltd. have given a number of undertakings about the use to be made of the exemption. They will hold securities as nominee only on behalf of Heads of State and their immediate family, Governments, official bodies controlled or closely related to Governments, and international organisations formed by Governments or official bodies.

link to (Shortened)

A true honeypot. Exemption from the rules.

Quite useful for money laundering and other crimes.

Because she could. In 1977.

Writing for myself now, I “used to” work for Anglia Television. I put the quotes because, speaking legally, I am still contracted.

Anglia was the parent of Survival, the natural history pioneer.

The driving force behind Survival was Aubrey Buxton
link to

A story related to me was that every year Buxton, the Duke of Edinburgh and others would carve through the North Norfolk nature reserve waters blasting everything in sight.

Because they could.
And only they.

There is nobody to control these people, and they can’t help themselves.

The Bank of England got its exemption in 1977.
The Bank was released from public control in 1997
In between was BCCI, which I’ll write about tomorrow.

Here’s someone else trying to sell the “rules-based world order” to civic Scotland.

link to

(It’s worth having a look just for the dreadful publicity photo. Talk about a rushed last-minute job!)

The Queen’s official visit is set to last four days, during which she is expected to perform in-person engagements to promote the monarchy’s position in Scotland.

The Duke of Cambridge will be equally busy as he plans to visit a BAE Systems shipyard to view the Royal Navy’s HMS Glasgow in construction, in addition to taking part in a steel-cutting ceremony for HMS Belfast.

Four whole days! Holy smoking gun Batman!

“It’s routine. It’s routine.
Nothing to see here”

OK you dumb Scots. Here’s the deal.

I’m sovereign.
I write the laws.
I’m exempted from the laws.

Got that?


@Stuart Mackay

Sorry, but no. I understand this is an emotional issue for many but the truth is right in front of us.

The differences in race are based on evolution in different environments and can be seen in the real world. Sport being the most obvious but the differences continue into psychology and intellect.

Feel free to think of me as an evil xenophobe for making this obvious observation. However im not suggesting these differences need to make us treat each other worse or better.

Another reality that you might want to take note of – everyone else coming to Scotland is encouraged to think of themselves as different and special. But not the Scots.

The real racism is coming from the people who are giving us the trans agenda, while they scream about white supremacy, and its being done for the same purpose.


Thomas says:
29 June, 2021 at 8:06 am

Ruby came oan here to discuss scottish politics and you waffle on about anti engerlish racism.


Missing punctuation or not?

Are you saying

Ruby came oan here to discuss scottish politics and you “Sinister Dave” waffle on about anti engerlish racism.

or is it

Ruby: I came oan here to discuss scottish politics and you Ruby waffle on about anti engerlish racism.

Sensible Dave


You wrote “What you appear to be talking about is ‘citizenship’ rather than ‘ethnicity’, which are two different things.”

… indeed.

Exactly as I commented when I wrote ““In answer to your question, if someone is registered to vote in England then they are, for the purposes of this conversation, English. They may define themselves differently though.”

Its about context, but Ruby is of the view that there is an absolute definition of the word “English” – and there isn’t.

Daisy Walker

With regards the voting franchise on who gets to vote for Scottish Indy – cause that is so imminent, ha.

I think we need to flip the question, so that we are not on the back foot all the time on this.

English Nationalist use the term British to hide their nationalism. It is a brilliant construct.

So the question should be, how racist is it to go an live an another country, and expect to keep your previous country’s government ruling over the country you have moved to (against the wishes of the locals), to have all that countries assest stripped and shipped out to your old country.

The Poles, the French, German, Indian, Pakistani residents who have made Scotland their home – they don’t do that. Only the citizens from one country in the world do that.

Good news, is, if you tell them to stop, they grudgingly get on with it. Like what Ireland did.

We were too nice with the franchise last time out. Sadly I don’t see a round two coming up.

Other news… WGD. Oh dear, I just read PayPauls latest begging letter. (First time reading him for ages). It really does sound frazzled. Me thinks the numbers are falling.

I’m wondering though, how does a guy, who has worked so hard, reach his age, been widowed from a guy who retired on a Police Pension, bought one flat in Scotland, then another (I know cause I contributed), has a job with the National, and a new husband with a career…. why is he constantly skint?

I contributed to his last houseraising due to his stroke and as a thank you for all his previous hard work, but I don’t like being called transphobic, and I don’t like being taken for a mug.

Me thinks chickens are coming home to roost. Hopefully they will come home to the Murrells soon.

And see when the grifters, the frauds and the raging personality disorders are exposed… I’m going to look around and see a wealth of ordinary Scottish people who want Indy for their country, and wont trust anyone but themselves to deliver it.


Humans may in biological terms be extremely similar. But as members of the human race we do still have unique traits and characteristics.
Some of these differences are genetic based on family lineage, but importantly in the context of a specific group of peoples trying to exercise their rights to self-determination, other factors come into play.

The location, land type, and the seasons all contribute to a specific way of life and making folk what they are.
Existing in territory considered marginal for sustaining life generally means the tenacious and psychologically strong persons prevail, and those will be characteristics embedded in the folk that influence who they are and how they live.
If you’re focused and busy ensuring a successful harvest and keeping a flock of animals alive to sustain your family and community’s survival, then matters such as the pro noun emergency and whether that avocado is fair trade and carbon neutral probably pale into insignificance…
The artificial construct of borders created regions and countries allowing the segregation of folk which empowered them in having more control and autonomy to forge their own path.
The modern global world with the movement of people and goods has undoubtedly blurred and diluted those “local” cultures and heritage that were developed and practiced by folk in those specific areas as a means to survive.


Maiden Holyrood Speech by Russell Findlay MSP (Conservative).

Sorry, but my earlier (9.05am) piece omitted the final part of Findlay’s maiden speech. Here’s his conclusion:

“The catalyst for my standing here today came on the morning of 23 December 2015. I answered my front door to a man who was dressed as a postman. He was, in fact, a hitman. He threw sulphuric acid in my face and tried to stab me. My young daughter witnessed that horror—she could have witnessed my murder. My subsequent personal experience of the criminal justice system confirmed everything that I had seen as a journalist. It made me angry and made me realise that nothing will change unless people stand up to be counted.
Being thrust into the public eye has been daunting. I spent almost 30 years hidden from view because of the real threat from organised crime. Those gangs have become obscenely wealthy and immensely powerful, and their drugs kill record numbers of our people. There is much more to say about that, and I will be saying it. It surprises me that not one word has been said about organised crime in this justice debate.
I am grateful to all those who have supported me and to the voters of West Scotland who put me here. I pledge to work hard for my constituents.
I will conclude by returning to the matter in hand. We have heard important contributions from members of all parties—not least from Katy Clark and Foysol Choudhury, who have made their first speeches, too. It is heartening to hear so much consensus among the parties. The Scottish Conservative amendment offers significant practical measures to begin the process of creating a fairer Scotland.”


Sensible Dave says:
29 June, 2021 at 9:15 am

Its about context, but Ruby is of the view that there is an absolute definition of the word “English” – and there isn’t.


FFS ‘Sinister Dave’ all I asked for was your definition of the word ‘English’ as you were the one using that word.

If you accuse someone of being anti-English then surely it’s up to you to define what you mean by English.

Are you now saying the word ‘English’ cannot be defined and your accusations of anti-Englishness is meaningless?

Can I now ask you again what you are trying to achieve by posting on Wings?

Stuart MacKay


Another reality that you might want to take note of – everyone else coming to Scotland is encouraged to think of themselves as different and special. But not the Scots.

The real racism is coming from the people who are giving us the trans agenda, while they scream about white supremacy, and its being done for the same purpose.

You’ll get no disagreement from me on either of these. I would say that these illustrate my point that “race” is political and has no physical basis. The trans agenda takes it one step further and makes skin colour a theological issue by creating the idea that people with pale skin are guilty of original sin.

All are eager to judge people based on the colour of their skin. Despicable.


Breeks, there is a pecking order at the water trough, or at least at the feeding trough.

Ever watched food guarding by birds, dogs and etc. Yes animals can, like humans share, or alternatively the opposite. The biggest, toughest or most alpha take most, share least.

And when you try to take the bowl of dog food away from some dogs they react. As Gordon Gekko said in the film Wall Street, greed is good, and that I am afraid is exactly where we are. And the sheeple, do they care. For the most part no. Unthinking they suffer.

As an example, both votes SNP…….what was that all about?

President Xiden

Dear Nicola, we are not in a climate emergency. Just saying something doesn’t make it so.

Graf Midgehunter

Sensible Dave says: at 9:15 am

“Its about context, but Ruby is of the view that there is an absolute definition of the word “English” – and there isn’t.”

Collins seems to think their is.

English means belonging or relating to England, or to its people, language, or culture. It is also often used to mean belonging or relating to Great Britain, although many people object to this.

Merriam-Webster as well.

Definition of English

: of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the English people, or the English language

Ian Brotherhood

Just back from Saltcoats. Driving down the high road into Stevenston, there’s the cyclist crawling up the long incline. Must’ve been at least my age (58), possibly older, had all the good gear on, and a smart-looking bike too, but not one of those electric ones. And you could tell he was struggling.

And he was wearing a fucking mask.

It’s already 17 degrees out there. He’s not just depriving himself of air, which is kind of basic when you’re exercising – he’s a danger to abody else on the road. He could easily pass out and end up under a bus.

It’s no wonder the original #covidiots hashtag is now being applied to such pitiful characters, as well as those who go mental trying to buy bog rolls whenever they hear the word ‘lockdown’.

Graf Midgehunter

There, not their as the grammar freak would shout.. 🙂

Graf Midgehunter

Ian Brotherhood says: at 10:34 am

“It’s already 17 degrees out there.”
It’s 23 degrees here and it’s fkn freezing…. 😉

President Xiden

On the other hand declaring something an ‘emergency’ give politicians the green light to do stuff they normally wouldn’t be allowed to. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures sort of thing. Build back better as they say.

Stuart MacKay

Daisy Walker

I think Wee Ginger Dug is slowly dying and this is probably the last roll of the dice. If you look at the comments in recent weeks the numbers are reasonable but generally just four people contribute a quarter to half of them. Not unlike here (and guilty as charged) but then Wings does not claim to be anything than on life-support.

It’s a bit of a pity as the blog fills an important niche. Alas, there’s only so much “Tories baaad, baaad” one can listen to without asking the question “if things are bad then why is nobody north of the border doing anything?” So in a way the blog is hastening it’s own demise.


Tom at 9.05….If you are a member of Alba, you’re in the wrong party. The maiden speech by the tory is typical of the sort of emotional reasoning that appeals to reactionary idiots that believe it. His speech is falsely beguiling. No-one likes injustice. But towards the end of the first segment he illogically starts blaming Scottish Nationalism for all the mainly historical miscarriages of justice! Also, his defence of the Rangers Directors is a big clue to what he really represents in the joke ‘parliament.

Yes, there are miscarriages of justice. But they didn’t start in 2007 when the SNP got control. It’s been going on forever and it has got worse since Sturgeon captured the Judiciary and Police to persecute political enemies who are real Nationalists.

If you don’t understand what tories are, then you need to go back to school. They represent the trojan horse of English rule and domination in Scotland. They destroyed our Sovereignty; our industry; devastated our communities; they have created the structural poverty and hopelessness that has nurtured the social blights of addiction and crime; our young and talented have fled. They are attempting to increase these pressures on Scotland by encouraging a ‘Plantation’ of RUK white flighters to further increase the subjugation of native Scots identifiers and speakers and to eventually outvotes, with the support of orange ragged arse tories such as you.

The 1820 Rising created the slogan ‘Scotland Free or a Desert’. The tories have striven to ensure that occurs and that we become a retirement home for their bloated, racist population in the south. ‘Liebestraum’ for the anglo-saxon.
Supporting and promoting tory liars on here is equivalent to the irrational promotion of self id and anti vaxing all rolled into one.

Yes pal, you are yet another troll sent on here to bring what was a wonderful informative nationalist site down to the level of a joke.

BTW best wishes to Daisy Walker, Stuart Mackay and Breeks for holding up and contributing some rational , insightful thoughts to counter the deliberate trolling babble the site has degenerated into.
Good Luck!

James Che.

Well thought out and just about covers the reality of where we are,
A lot of what’s commented on here is deliberately led askew.
We end up talking about issues of no immediate importance.
I gave up with the other day when ruby decided to speak about my doctor and myself to Dan( no offence Dan.) and I never responded as I thought I had been talking about sovereignty and it got side lined to my doctor by ruby, WTF.
Trolls are here, but luckily I do not live in this blog and had plenty to do,
But yes we are aware of how many pretendies there are on this site.

Dave Somerville

Our Perverted Lezzy Leader will hitch her non-Indy wagon up to anything other than the Scottish Independence wagon.

First of all she wanted the polls hitting over 60%.

Then she became the saviour of women from all over the world when she stood up against the mass rapist Alex Salmond.

She then gave her full backing towards increasing the rights of the Trans community, aided and abetted by the equally perverted wee Pat Harvie.

Then she couldn’t believe her luck, Covid landed on the door step of Bute House.

And by another twist of fate, the Climate Change Conference was awarded to Glasgow.

So watch out for a full on change of identity from her being the Covid Queen to being the Climate Queen.

All talk will now turn from being about lockdowns, to saving the planet from carbon particles.

All the time avoiding the crucial question we all want answered,


James Che.

Dave Somerville.
I think it is time we by passed a referendum as a route altogether, along with the snp,
If it’s not working why persist?

Sensible Dave

Graf Midgehunter 10:32 am
Sensible Dave says: at 9:15 am

I wrote “Its about context, but Ruby is of the view that there is an absolute definition of the word “English” – and there isn’t.”

You wrote “Collins seems to think their is.

English means belonging or relating to England, or to its people, language, or culture. It is also often used to mean belonging or relating to Great Britain, although many people object to this.”

… as you can see the, “definition” is wooly and broad. It might mean belonging to England or it might mean relating to England.

It may also mean belonging or relating to its people, or maybe its language, or maybe its culture.

So, in summary, and as I have indicated, the “definition” encompasses at least five different possibilities – dependent upon the context.

Try to keep up.

John Main

@Stuart MacKay 29 June, 2021 at 8:15 am

“Race is a political construct designed to emphasise differences where there are none. It belongs in the rubbish bin of history along with it’s brother, eugenics.

Race is for rascists.”

Simple question, allowing a simple binary yes/no answer.

Do diseases exist which have a greater or lesser effect on individuals, depending on the politically constructed racial categorisation of these individuals by (presumably) medically qualified racists, or even by the proud claims of the individuals themselves when they tick the boxes on the survey in the doctor’s waiting room?

Covid being one such disease, but there are tales of others.

It’s just that I can’t see myself how a virus or bacteria can harbour political constructs.

James Che.

It cross my mind that while you were trying to do justice for others, and help families find the truth,
Did you ever consider the one where the gentleman in question managed to shot himself in the back of his head while driving and then throw his gun out of the car before it crashed, I am sure his family would like some answers for peace of mind, like you he seemed to be a victim, his name was Willie macrae.

Robert Graham

Aye the begging bowl is out for the conman who benefits from the La La site now the mugs who contributed to his wee cottage are being conned into picking up the maintenance tab as well

Listen up mugs you are so far away from a Indy vote with this SNP Liar that all of you will be dead and buried before she and the rest of her circle of Liars even attempt a second vote you have been taken for idiots and are being milked by the con artist who runs La La Land


Ian Brotherhood says:
29 June, 2021 at 10:34 am
Just back from Saltcoats. Driving down the high road into Stevenston, there’s the cyclist crawling up the long incline. Must’ve been at least my age (58), possibly older, had all the good gear on, and a smart-looking bike too, but not one of those electric ones. And you could tell he was struggling.

And he was wearing a fucking mask.

It’s already 17 degrees out there. He’s not just depriving himself of air, which is kind of basic when you’re exercising – he’s a danger to abody else on the road. He could easily pass out and end up under a bus.

REPLY. He could be trying not to inhale all those particulates, brake dust and general crap from all those busses and cars? It’s amazing the number of doctors, nurses and paint sprayers collapsing daily from mask wearing.


I live in France but I’m German today.

Dorothy Devine

I don’t suppose the big climate thingy could be cancelled were covid to again rear it’s ugly head?

Ian B, you just have to look at the Tour de France to realise that cyclists are a breed apart – or daft, deadly and dangerous!

Stuart MacKay

John Main

Oh dear, where to begin. Are there diseases that have a genetic basis – Yes. Are there diseases which people with certain genes are more susceptible to – Yes. Has this anything to do with “race” – No.

By your logic, women must be a separate race. Left-handed people too. Tall people often have circulation problems in later life. Do they change race as they get older.

James Che.

Apologies meant to say just like the acid throwing incident, the magic gun manoeuvre seemed political motivated as no one usually drives and try’s to commit suicide by gun at the same time.


The old cynic in me thinks the Chris Witty video was a staged event, put in place for a number of reasons, such as head turning from the machinations of this Tory government Hancock Affair, Johnson dumping his wife to move his lover into Number 10, and of course to adhere citizens to feel sympathy for Witty and ergo continue to try and follow the Covid rules.

Of course the Met police were close by when the so called ruffing up of Witty took place, to make sure that no real ruffians came along and assaulted Witty.


link to

Step down eh? Fat pension intact? Golden handshake?

She should have been sacked in disgrace, and by now find herself rotting away doing time in Cornton Vale, with the other crook, Sturgeon, locked up beside her.

Alf Baird

Stuart MacKay

In my research on the subject I found that the two main racism issues specifically impacting the Scottish people within the UK ‘union’ are:

– Colonialism, which is itself racism and prejudice, and;

– Internalized Racism, which is a well-established outcome for an oppressed people.

Stuart MacKay

link to

One of the shortest blog posts I’ve seen recently but certainly one of the best. That flag is awesome.


Well for the twelfth year in a row Scotland’s population fell, our colonial masters are doing a great job of keeping their Scottish colony small and manageable by in using the Home office to say who can and who cannot live in Scotland from abroad.

Who do I blame for our slow lingering demise, not the Home office, not Johnson, I blame Sturgeon the Betrayer, she could’ve held an indyref after Brexit and we’d be free of this noxious union by now, but instead she decided to try and save England from itself.

Scotland’s current FM is a treacherous charlatan.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi John Main at 12:56 pm.

You typed,
“It’s just that I can’t see myself how a virus or bacteria can harbour political constructs.”

This may support your point:-
Sickle cell disease is particularly common in people with an African or Caribbean family background.

That’s from,
link to


So Sturgeon the betrayer met recently with the UK’s longest and greatest recipient of state benefits Queen Lizzie, at the official residence in Scotland, of our colonial masters head of state.

Oh to be a fly on the wall to listen to the groveling and curtseying of Sturgeon the Betrayer towards Queen Lizzie, and to reassure her that she needn’t worry about her Scottish colony leaving the union under her watch. I’m sure Queen Lizzie must’ve been purring uncontrollably after the Betrayers visit.

Meanwhile I think Angus B. MacNeil had his request for an S30 knocked back by this heinous Tory government.

One wonders if Sturgeon will set the new Lord Advocate onto MacNeil as she did with Mr Keating’s for actually trying to do something positive on the indyfront other than just mouth words on independence prior to an election.

Stuart MacKay

Alf Baird

I don’t dispute prejudice based on peoples appearance or where they come from is alive, kicking and thriving. Indeed, coming from a small town in the north I’ve felt the sting of prejudice on a number of occasions from people north of the border who should know better.

Racism is a handy label but it’s based on ignorant generalisations that are crudely applied. For the most part it seems designed to perpetuate differences regardless of which side of the fence people sit.

Stuart MacKay

Brian Doonthetoon

Sickle-cell disease is also common in India and Nepal and areas of Turkey and Arabia. It’s thought it might be an adaptation against malaria. If you look at maps of the distribution of malaria and occurrence of sickle-cell disease they correspond very closely, link to

The disease is caused by a single gene, HBB. I doubt even the most feverish white supremacist would conflate people living in mountainous Nepal with those from the coastal marshes of Gabon as belonging to the same “race”.

James Che.

Covid in its self perhaps could have caused a population explosion that would have been beneficial to Scotland,
Being of the generation before all I have noticed is that our sons, daughters, and grandchildren have realised that the whole of Britain, (never mind just Scotland )holds no promise of a bright future for them,
The third generation are born in other countries and seldom come back to the birthplace of their ancestors,
This is the changing world of whole Britain today.
Those that used to live and thrive here are gone, and those whom came from abroad are now called British.
The population demographics is a political driven ideological when the governments make it hard for their indigenous citizens to fail, and support cheaper imported labour that is little more than old fashioned slavery.
The comments in the threads above about the word English and who it may apply to, are as useless as the word Scots and whom that may apply to.
English people will become known as Scots. And Scots will become Australian, Canadian Or Americans,
The countries and their original people’s are being separated by government policies.


The once party for Scottish independence the SNP are to recruit a complaints officers, in the wake of a series of scandals that have rocked the now personality led cult.

Just like with the SNP’s National Treasurer, who is the epitomy of a Sturgeon brown nose, this new post will ultimately be filled with a Sturgeon loving arse licker, who’ll make no decisions whatsoever on anything without first consulting the Betrayer, or her husband first.


@Tom, 9.26

Thanks for posting Russell Findlay’s speech. He did good work as a journalist investigating organised crime. What he said seemed to me to be a good description of what life is like in a colony. He is absolutely right that Scotland deserves better than this. My conclusion would have been that Scotland needs to get away from Westminster asap. Independence is the solution to the problems of rampant injustice and corruption, among others. The problem with the SNP is not nationalism, it is corruption.

Graf Midgehunter

Sensible Dave says: at 12:48 pm

“… as you can see the, “definition” is wooly and broad. It might mean belonging to England or it might mean relating to England.

It may also mean belonging or relating to its people, or maybe its language, or maybe its culture.

So, in summary, and as I have indicated, the “definition” encompasses at least five different possibilities – dependent upon the context.”

Ach sweetie pie.

Instead of five different words for the use of in the “five different possibilities”, they are all encompassed in one single definition. ENGLISH.

Everyone understands it straight away without mentally needing to go through all the different facettes.

As it seems to be “wooly” for you, have you tried practising it in front of a mirror, half an’ hour a day should help.

Sensible Dave

Graf 2.47

Err, I think you are picking on the wrong guy.

Its Ruby that is requiring a definition of what I meant when referring to “anti-English” comments.

I agree, everyone except Ruby, knows what is meant by the term anti-English.

You can lead a horse to water and all that …

You need to take it up with her.


Odious, vile, disgusting, just a few words to describe this Tory government, however even the rancid Tories knew when it was time to remove Hancock over his disgraceful behaviour.

Yet not one single person from the Scottish government involved in the outrageous scandal that surrounds Alex Salmond, and the wasting of millions of Scottish taxpayers money, not to mention the four years of Scotland being denied twenty-two police officers policing, in which they combed the earth looking for dirt on Mr Salmond, has been sacked or reprimanded, infact one Civil servant at the centre of this whole shambolic affair, even got her contracted extended by the Scottish government.

The Tories are indeed a vile, disgusting, odious lot, but what does it say about the Scottish government under Sturgeon the Betrayers tenure that no one involved in the scandal was even reprimanded let alone sacked.

A complete denial and lack of accountability is what it says to me, or in layman’s terms a big f*ck you from the Betrayer.

Graf Midgehunter

Mist001 says: at 1:26 pm

“I live in France but I’m German today.”
And gone tomorrow?

James Che.

I think if Scotland gained its independence as a country it would be inundated with Scots coming back home, I also think we would have a difficult time dealing with so many people from other countries that have voiced their opinion that they too would want to live in Scotland when it becomes independent,
And I have no doubt that Westminster is aware of that point, as is the snp,
The country would strengthen under a higher population in economics and industry without imported slave labour,
The people in Scotland would be proud of their country and be industrious for the love of belonging once again to a nation of entrepreneurs, scientists, traders, shop owners and manufacturers in a more worldly way than the previous Industrial Age of polluters,
To feel that sense of belonging and working together to rebuild what was taken from us.
We actually could “Build back Better” than any of those mantra being spouting the mantra, and they fear it, so no referendum is allowed.


Our colonial police force the Keystone cops, aka Police Scotland, secretly wanted the unions jack booted foot soldiers to flood Glasgow after they won the league. So much for police impartiality and Covid rules from our colonial cops.

“Police privately planned to allow jubilant Rangers fans to march into Glasgow city centre despite publicly insisting they would not, according to a Freedom of Information response.”

link to


Scotland’s vulnerable are starving and without hope, as the Sun’s merciless rays beat down on them, many have taken to sitting in their front garden languorously waiting for their next meal and mystified by a consumer world they cannot be part of.

We need Independence urgently so these people can be saved and justice done.
How many are to die as a result of Tory cuts?

C’mon Scotland.


Sensible Dave says:
29 June, 2021 at 2:53 pm
Graf 2.47

Err, I think you are picking on the wrong guy.

Its Ruby that is requiring a definition of what I meant when referring to “anti-English” comments.

I agree, everyone except Ruby, knows what is meant by the term anti-English.

You can lead a horse to water and all that …

You need to take it up with her.


Its Ruby that is requiring a definition of what I meant when referring to “anti-English” comments.

Well dah! That is what I’ve been telling you for the last three weeks.

Perhaps you & Graf could get together & post a definition of what is meant by anti-English for those who do not know what it means.


Saying ‘English’ means ‘English’ & everyone knows that doesn’t cut it.

Get a wiggle on ‘Sinister Dave’ & this conversation can come to an end.

PS. I think Graf may well have been pulling your leg!

Robert Graham

Ok who spotted the greatest English victory First today ? Looks like all ( well all the channels we are allowed ) to see have travelled back to 1966

I bet they don’t venture back to 1967 when Ramsey’s duds got stuffed by a great Scotland team better catch it soon because the English are erasing our history bit by bit soon we won’t know who we are we will be assimilated into the greater England ,

I know people who went to school in the 50s know almost fk all about their country ,that wasn’t by accident and it’s still going on , go out and see how long it takes you to hear a English accent I bet it won’t take long .

Nothing against that country or the people to the south of us but by their very nature they don’t fit in they want take over what’s the saying better to have a Englishman as your enemy because if he’s your friend he will try to steal from you he will try to sell you in other words he’s not to be trusted ,

Now if he’s your enemy he will try to bribe you and offer all sorts of trinkets to win you over but again not to be trusted how many times do we need to be shafted before we Scots waken up .

Lastly I hope the Germans score a winner in the last second of extra time and being a neutral I hope our friends in the south get fkd

Captain Yossarian

@Dan – link to

Have a look at this Dan. Your a great man for your engineering videos and this is one of my favorites.


Republicofscotland.. The good news is that Evans has been sacked. Sturgeons cabal is falling.

Sensible Dave

Robert Graham

(Also Ruby!)

You wrote “Nothing against that country or the people to the south of us”

then you wrote “but by their very nature they don’t fit in they want take over what’s the saying better to have a Englishman as your enemy because if he’s your friend he will try to steal from you he will try to sell you in other words he’s not to be trusted ,”

Haha! Heaven forbid that folk would indulge in negative stereotyping as a “dog whistle” for the nut jobs eh!

I thought I might have a go, seeing as it appears to be “OK” …

Did you hear the joke about how many cliched stereotypes you can fit into one sentence?

…. There was this extremely mean, tight, red haired, kilted, bag-pipe playing Jock that lived in a castle (or stone cottage) that lived close to the rest of his clan in the Arctic climate of Scotland. Like all other Scots, if he wasn’t shouting “och aye the noo” and fighting about which version of the bible was right, whilst wearing a jimmy wig, he was drunkenly rambling in some impenetrable version of Gaelic (or maybe its Glaswegian, hard to tell) about the health benefits of haggis with a side order of deep-fried Mars Bars ….

…. did I manage to shoehorn enough cliches into my introduction?


link to

I wonder when we are going to hear about legal action being taken by Alex Salmond & about the police investigation into the leak to the D. Record?


The British government has a secretive body called the Gulf Advisory Group, that keeps no minutes of meetings, it also meets with directors of arms companies and MI6, a former MI6 controller for the Middle East, is a key adviser to the repressive King Hamad of Bahrain, who has rounded up opposition activists and sent forces to fight alongside Saudi troops in Yemen.

A MI6 operative was awarded a knighthood in 2018 by the Queen, for developing good relations between the oppressive despot led regime and the UK.

Amnesty International recognises, as does the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy, that repressive regime holds many political prisoners. the Bahrain royal family has a long history of being advised by MI6.

Along with aiding the murderous regime of Bahrain, the repressive Sultan Qaboos of Oman had a secret Privy Council whose membership was drawn almost exclusively from the top of the British establishment.

These included serving heads of MI6 and the UK military, a former governor of the Bank of England and a senior aide to the Queen, who would advise Qaboos on economic and security policy without his subjects’ knowledge.

Why would any country want to be in a union that actively supports repressive regimes.



Could you provide a link to that, I haven’t read anything that says she has.


Sensible Dave says:
29 June, 2021 at 4:26 pm
Robert Graham

(Also Ruby!)

You wrote “Nothing against that country or the people to the south of us”

then you wrote “but by their very nature they don’t fit in they want take over what’s the saying better to have a Englishman as your enemy because if he’s your friend he will try to steal from you he will try to sell you in other words he’s not to be trusted ,”


Sinister Dave:

I can’t comment as I don’t know what is meant by ‘Englishman’ and you have failed to tell me.

Robert seems to be differentiating between the people & the country to the south of us and an ‘Englishman’


Republicofscotland says:
29 June, 2021 at 4:38 pm

Could you provide a link to that, I haven’t read anything that says she has.


I should have added the following to earlier link

link to

‘Recruitment starts to replace Scotland’s most senior civil servant Leslie Evans in wake of Alex Salmond inquiry’


David Caledonia. What intelligence? I find the louder the braggart the greater the fool.



Thanks for the link, no mention of sacking though just replacing as her extra year is now up, one wonders though if she’ll still remain on the scene in another roll, I for one certainly hope not.

I say good riddance to her, and hope that Sturgeon will soon have to follow her out the door, preferably into a prison cell.


And another link to Evans sacking.

link to


Ruby. Why do you use Government tabloid newspeak such as “anti-vaxxer”? Do you mind awfully if I just sit things out and see what effect this Winters flu season has on the vaccinated.? Why do you think the Government keeps moving the goalposts on the public.? “Three weeks to flatten the curve one vaccination then a booster next a super duper booster then an internal passport” etc…


Thanks Jimmuckmac.

I think though the link is firewalled, it doesn’t matter though I read Ruby’s link.


Wow, I am so glad to see this website still open albeit Rev has retired, I know he said he would leave it open but to see so many still being active in debate is great to see.

I have to say, since Rev announced that he was no longer going to produce articles as he would be repeating himself, I have got this sense of acceptance that Independence is dead for at least 20 years and I won’t be around to see it, I found myself enjoying the things and chat with people without the need to debate the pro’s of Independence.


Pixywine says:
29 June, 2021 at 4:53 pm
Ruby. Why do you use Government tabloid newspeak such as “anti-vaxxer”?


Why are you asking me questions? Do you not pay attention to what your mate J.O.E says about me.

Please feel free to do whatever you like vis a vis the vaccine. No need to ask my permission.

I don’t expect I will be making any comment about the the vaccine anti or pro but just incase I do I would be happy to use any term you suggest for people like yourself.

Have a nice day!

John Main

@Stuart MacKay – 29 June, 2021 at 1:31 pm

“John Main

Oh dear, where to begin. By your logic, women must be a separate race.“

Not at all Stuart, maybes a different species though.

But to be serious for a mo. I respect your wilful blindness to the existence of the reality of race, I really do. It must be so hard for you to go about your day-to-day life while constantly encountering people who are applying delusional policies in pursuit of imaginary and thus immeasurable outcomes.

I wonder if you realise that by denying the reality of race as a tangible category in your quest to end racism, you will also end any methodology by which you can either fight racism or determine if racism has been eradicated.

But the original subject has been lost. You say there is no genetic coding for race. You are of course correct if most children inherit no characteristics from their parents. I have to say that my first-hand experience, coupled with anecdotal evidence from colleagues, friends, the media, biology and history is that children do in fact inherit characteristics from their parents.

I’m going to leave it there, because if you manage to convince me that the similarities between myself, my father, my mother, my brother, my sisters and my sons are all just wild coincidences, you will permanently damage my fondness for my family photo album.


Republicofscotland says:
29 June, 2021 at 4:50 pm

Thanks for the link, no mention of sacking though just replacing as her extra year is now up, one wonders though if she’ll still remain on the scene in another roll, I for one certainly hope not.

I say good riddance to her, and hope that Sturgeon will soon have to follow her out the door, preferably into a prison cell.


Not having your contract renewed is as close to sacking as the Murrel’s dare.

Am I correct in thinking that Alex Salmond is intending taking legal action against Leslie Evans?

Liz Lloyd having an extended break might suggest things are hotting up vis a vis the D. Record leak.


Republicofscotland says:
29 June, 2021 at 4:56 pm
Thanks Jimmuckmac.

I think though the link is firewalled, it doesn’t matter though I read Ruby’s link.

Here’s an archived link to the Times Article.
link to

I have read it yet just scanned through it. Might be better than the Scotsman’s article.

Always worth running a paywalled article through ‘archive’ to see if someone has already archived it.
Which is what happened in this case.

Might work if it wasn’t already been archived but I don’t think so. I think all you’ll get is the ‘behind the paywall preview.’

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi JimuckMac at 4:18 pm.

You typed,
“The good news is that Evans has been sacked. Sturgeons cabal is falling.”

This quote from the link below it:

“Her contract was extended during the period between the judicial review and Mr Salmond’s criminal trial, where he was cleared of 13 allegations of sexual assault, but is due to expire in March.”
link to (Scotsman).

This quote from the link below it:

” On Tuesday, The Times newspaper reported that the new permanent secretary was expected to be in place before the end of the year to allow for a handover period.
Nicola Sturgeon will make the final decision on who gets the job, after consultation with the UK’s highest ranking civil servant, Simon Case.
The post will be advertised internally and externally and recruitment will be regulated by the Civil Service Commission.
A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The permanent secretary’s planned departure is already in the public domain.
“As previously confirmed, Leslie Evans’ tenure concludes in March 2022 and she will leave the civil service at that point.”

link to (The National).

To summarise…
Sturgeon extended her contract and she will retire in March 2022. Her replacement will be in place by December, to allow for a handover period. She has not been sacked.

Brian Doonthetoon


The Times’ story is here:-

link to


@ Breeks your archived link to the daily retard mentions that Salmond had indicated court action in Feb against Evans but there has been nothing forthcoming , if I remember correctly mention was also made about legal action against Lloyd at the time but also nothing , nada, there is also the supposed police investigation of the leak to the retard’s scribbler also nothing , nada being heard

At the time there were loud pronouncements and appeals for Alex to crowd fund any legal moves against Evans and Co but again nothing
I personally think Evans and Lloyd are jumping ship in the hope that it will all be forgotten about but it is imperative that Alex exposes the corruption and lies of the whole cabal if independence is to mean something . ALL these scumbags NEED to be exposed and held to account for all their misdeeds not awarded with gold plated pensions and WM honours


Brian, the way public service works in today’s world means getting pushed out the door is a public service sacking.


I exposed the Chief Executive of Highland Council for taking bribes, did the Council refer this crime to the police? did they sack him? No they didn’t, they pushed him out the door with his pension.



For further definition of “English” …. England 2 – Germany 0.


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi JimuckMac.

Remember that A. Salmond still has his court case against Evans to raise its head over the parapets.



I’m not going to defend the many known historical inaccuracies in Braveheart, but one that niggles is the scorn and derision that kilts “weren’t even invented back in the 13th Century”.

I happened across this…

link to

I’m not posting this as definitive proof otherwise, but merely to recommend keeping an open mind.

The picture shows a woman’s clothing from Denmark, over 1000 years earlier than 13th Century Scotland. Now convince me that isn’t a kilt, or at least a forerunner of a kilt.

Conjecture? I think kilts have certainly been in existence a lot longer than the 16th Century, just maybe not called kilts. As for Braveheart, who’s to say? Plaid, or checked woollen fabric worn as a kilt-like “wrap” could easily have been contemporary right through the dark / Middle Ages, and actually so normal and commonplace the wearing of it just didn’t warrant specific observation.

Kinda interesting no?


Maybe plaid tartan wasn’t “invented” in the 16th Century, but by the 16th Century, perhaps the wearing of such “ancient” garb was rare and uncommon enough, and sufficiently parochial to be identified as a cultural phenomenon in the Scottish Highlands.

Maybe the kilt wasn’t invented in the 16th Century, but was instead, an ancient commonplace method of dress was still surviving, perhaps uniquely, in the 16th Century Scotland long after it had been discontinued or abandoned by other peoples.

Doesn’t that seem a more rational possibility than warlike Highland Clansmen being “fashion victims” won over by tartan kitsch and clothes designers in the 16th Century?


Sensibledave says:
29 June, 2021 at 7:31 pm

For further definition of “English” …. England 2 – Germany 0.



WTF is this nutter going on about now?

Has the above got something to do with the war?


Soo… is anybody here going to apply for Leslie Evans old job?



Nah…can’t keep a straight face when lying through my teeth.

Dorothy Devine

Robert Knight , neither could she. She couldn’t even recite ‘I promise to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ something everyone and their auntie has seen and heard a million times in films and TV.


Leslie Evans job will go to a transwoman.

How is Dan getting on with his transing?

It’s really good money. He could employ a slater to sort his roof & get the tax payer to pay the bill.


Breeks says:
29 June, 2021 at 8:26 pm

Kinda interesting no?


Very interesting!

Now you’ve got me researching the history of weaving.

link to



The picture shows a woman’s clothing from Denmark, over 1000 years earlier than 13th Century Scotland. Now convince me that isn’t a kilt, or at least a forerunner of a kilt.

It’s a kjalta!

The etymology of the word ‘kilt’ dates back to the Scots word ‘kilt’, which means to tuck clothes around the body. However, the Encyclopædia Britannica says the Scots word is Scandinavian in origin, deriving from the Ancient Norse, ‘kjalta’, meaning pleated.


John Main: “I wonder if you realise that by denying the reality of race as a tangible category…”

Jesus. Science is up against a billion idiots these days.

What happened?

David Caledonia

another nipple on the pixy wine

David Caledonia

The braggard has just had a hefty return England 2 Ukraine 0
That’s what’s called using your intelligence without the need of any pixy wine lol

David Caledonia

The other clown ( me )
I once new a guy called Robert Graham, what a gentleman that guy was, he used to go around telling his fabulous stories to different communities in my area
Abuse is the last resort of the self opinionated who can not have anyone say or have an opinion different from them.
They may at times come across as having something about them, but personally I have found such people to be a major disappointment as caring and respectful people

The Robert Graham I new, along with his two brothers willie and archie where three wonderful respectful men, as I read some of the abuse, I now realise we will never see their like again


Ruby says:
29 June, 2021 at 10:37 pm

The etymology of the word ‘kilt’ dates back to the Scots word ‘kilt’, which means to tuck clothes around the body…

Maybe so, but the Gael’s didn’t call it a kilt, but a fèilleadh.

I’m probably skating on thin ice, because I’m not familiar with the history of clothing, but there is something hollow about declaring the kilt “invented” in 16th Century, when North European / Scandinavian people had been dressing themselves in checked woollen material wrapped around them, and kept in place with belts and pins,….for over a millennium.

With specific reference to the Braveheart movie, and criticism of the kilt, maybe the ancestor of the kilt was quite prevalent after all.

It’s plausible that “kilts” were recognised as a Scottish Highlands way of dress in the 1500’s, but what does “recognised” mean, and recognised by whom? It seems illogical the kilts were suddenly invented, and more likely that an ancient method of clothing had hung on and survived in Scotland where other cultures had adopted more complex clothing.

Maybe it’s less the case that Scotland started wearing kilts, and more the case that everybody else throughout Northern Europe / Scandinavia stopped wearing them, until the plaid wraparound was perceived as a “uniquely” Gaelic / Scottish / Irish phenomenon.


On the subject of kilts being Scandinavian in origin, don’t forget that the Hebrides, both inner and outer, (including Arran), the Northern Isles, and the counties of Caithness and Sutherland were all at one time part of the Kingdom of Norway before being absorbed into the Kingdom of Scotland. (The Picts being present before the Norse as their barrows, brochs and standing stones testify).

Therefore the Scandinavian link to the kilt would seem to me to be both entirely plausible and uncontroversial.


@ robert knight

Im no sure the kilt is scandinavian in origin.Although archaeologists have found a “wrap around skirt” of a fabric similar to tartan preserved in a bog in huldenrose in denmark from 500 bc , we have records of kilts/tartans being mentioned from ireland in the west to turkey in the east.

If i remember aright , the austrians claim the oldest tartan in the world.

The kilt and tartan seem to be part of the old culture that spread out from central europe many thousands of years ago , possibly during the “hallstat ” period , and scotland seems to be where its use lasted longest hence why we are synonymous with tartans and kilts.

Funnily enough , if i remember aright as well , falkirk in scotlands so called “lowlands” is where archaeologists have found the oldest remaining fragment of tartan/kilt , despite the fact we are told lowland scotland was never celtic or gaidhlig and the old two nation myth of highland and lowland.

The scandinavians in scotland and ireland seem to have been gaelicised rather than the other way around , so its possible use of the kilt among scandinavians was borrowed from the lands they settled rather than brought with them.


The author and celtic historian peter beresford ellis also speculated that the “kilt” and the word “celt” both came fro m the same celtic language root word originally meaning “hidden”.

The kilt hiding the private parts and the celts being the hidden people in reference to the pre christian cultural peculiarity of not writing things down , their priest class transmitting history and laws etc orally.

David Caledonia

Over the years the big drug companies have researched and developed so many life saving drugs that we have all benefitted from, for me the biggest was Losec, which came from america and cured my ulcer problem within a couple of days, the cause of my ulcers was a bug called H.Pylori which basically lives in the gut and feeds off the food we eat.
To put every big drug company in the same category as the bad one’s who are, and where just in it to make a fast buck is showing an ignorance that I personally find insulting to a body of men and women who do a very worthwhile job for humanity

David Caledonia

All sorts going on and we have people talking about kilts, says it all really about what this site has become, a piffling yappers paradise of a site

Fishy Wullie

Hi guys
I’m currently working on a video and I remember seeing ariel footage of ALBA spelt out on a beach somewhere it was obviously taken with a drone during the last election, I would like to use a few seconds of it but I can’t find it anywhere.

Does anybody remember that and if possible have a link to it


Are there any TV mechanics here on wings?

I have this problem no matter what channel or time of
day this guy called Kane scores a goal?

His head must be red raw, just like mine.

On a serious note though, anyone else noticed the joy
on the faces of Portuguese, French or Belgian fans when they get
a goal but the English fans look like they want to fight someone?

It seems to enforce their belief of being a superior nation ready to take anything they want.

Stuart MacKay

David Caledonia

Big Pharma does not really do much in the way of research any longer. They leave that to the research labs and innovative startups. Instead they bring to the table marketing and large-scale production expertise. In a way the industry has become more like Holywood – distributors for what the studios produce.

The criticism of this business model is that what’s good for Big Pharma is not necessarily good for the rest of us. They tend to be interested in long term management of a condition rather than a cure as there is more money to be made. In the USA at least they are compelled to make the most money for shareholders and any decision which does not take this path leaves the company and it’s officers open to lawsuits.

So the incentives are misaligned and that leads to mistrust. Probably the best solution would be to leave research and cures to state funded operations and leave the lifestyle drugs (medical and recreational) to the commercial companies.


As the treacherous b*stard Sturgeon grovels to the queen, and the keys to Stirling castle are handed over to her, why not, Sturgeons given her everything else Scots own, Kenny MacAskill is calling for an emergency Yes Summit to keep independence in the spotlight and to push on with achieving it.

MacAskill points out Gove, using taxpayers cash for secretive unionist polls, Johnson hoping to put umpteen caveats into an indyref to swing it for the union, and what is Sturgeon the Betrayer doing on the indyfront, zero, nil, nada.


It shows us just how desperate Johnson is to save this rancid bucket of sewage aka the union, when Queen Lizzie and her grandson Prince Willie are prepared to visit the Irn bru factory in Cumbernauld.

It must have been some sight seeing auld Lizzie and bauld Willie, inspecting the Irn Bru workers as though they were at Trooping the Colour. Of course the royals are 100% behind the new Better Together campaign to keep Scotland and Scots chained to this onesided union where Scotland is treated as a colony, to be used as seen fit, to drain its assets, to store nukes and radioactive waste in, and in the process our culture and history has been suppressed and replaced by Englands.

What is Sturgeon the Betrayer doing to counter this and free us from this noxious union, absolutely nothing, it suit her to a tee.


David Caledonia says:
30 June, 2021 at 8:47 am
All sorts going on and we have people talking about kilts, says it all really about what this site has become, a piffling yappers paradise of a site


How about you post some links to the all sorts that are going or are you just a ‘piffling yapper’?

If you read the thread you will find that people are talking about a whole variety of things especially Breeks.

I could understand your objection about kilts if it had been going on for weeks and a few people were posting screeds of posts all day everyday.

There are only 4-5 posts about kilts out of over 400 posts.

Stuart MacKay

Here’s an interesting post from Edward Snowden, yes that Edward Snowden, on conspiracies, link to

It’s a bit dry but quite interesting. If you don’t fancy reading it the single most important sentence is:

In sum, conspiracy theories do not inculcate powerlessness, so much as they are the signs and symptoms of powerlessness itself.

The other point is that a lot of conspiracies are out in the open, for all to see, like the takeover of the SNP by the Labour Party as a way of re-establishing their hegemony in Scotland. 😉

Dorothy Devine

Stuart, I’m not even sure it’s the labour party but someone sure has done a bit of body snatching.


Read it and weep, we’re watching our indy lead slip away and Sturgeon is doing f*ck all about it.

“While the pro-Union forces plot and scheme and the UK Government is in full battle-readiness, redeploying civil servants to swanky new offices and using the Union Jack to brand taxpayer investment in Scotland, the SNP remain asleep at the wheel.”

link to


Republicofscotland says:
30 June, 2021 at 10:17 am
It shows us just how desperate Johnson is to save this rancid bucket of sewage aka the union, when Queen Lizzie and her grandson Prince Willie are prepared to visit the Irn bru factory in Cumbernauld.


LOL Best laugh I’ve had in ages.

Next Tunnocks Teacakes.

Queens new hat design inspired by the shape of the Tunnock Teacake.

Wills & Kate pop into
Benny’s on The Royal Mile (his favourite chip shop) to order deep fried Mars bars.



You ain’t seen nothing yet

link to

“The star of the show will be a giant puppet dragon the size of a double-decker bus, with a wingspan the width of The Mall.”

A Welsh dragon?

What about Nessie?

I just archived the above to check out archiving a link that hadn’t already been archived but this one had been. Confused?

I guess more people are interested in ‘Queen’s jubilee carnival will be a reopening ceremony for the UK’ than I thought.

‘The pageant, which has a budget of £10-£15 million, will bring central London to life with colour, street theatre and dance’

Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.

Sensible Dave


You wrote “Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.”

indeed I do … the saying ends “.. Londoners send £3 to Scotland to pay for their “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc.



link to

This one was also pretty popular. I might have to get up earlier to find a link that hasn’t been archived.

It turns out the camera that filmed Hancock was pointing in the wrong direction.

“It would take about ten minutes to work out who it was . . . it should be the easiest leak inquiry in history.”

Maybe they could help out the SG to find who leaked to the Daily Record.


Sensible Dave says:
30 June, 2021 at 11:09 am

You wrote “Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.”

indeed I do … the saying ends “.. Londoners send £3 to Scotland to pay for their “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc.



FFS Here’s this nutter stalking me aqain.
He still hasn’t defined what he means by anti-English.

If it is true that the English taxpayer is forking out their hard earned cash to pay for Scotland “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc. while they have to pay for all these things themselves the questions are

1. Why? What are the financial benefits for England having Scotland in the Union?

2. Are they nuts?

PS Could you get a wiggle on and answer these questions. I can’t wait months for an answer.

Made any progress on your definition of anti-English?


Ruby @10.36am.

Yeah Ruby these royal parasites are swarming all over Scotland infesting it, they’re akin to the midges, only the the midges have more charm, and they actually provide food for larger predators.


Sensible Dave says:
30 June, 2021 at 11:09 am

You wrote “Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.”

indeed I do … the saying ends “.. Londoners send £3 to Scotland to pay for their “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc.



Well why don’t we keep all the taxes we raise here in Scotland and we can spend it on what we fucking like?
Seems like a plan to me.
You send us feck all ya clown, Westmonster just charge us for shit we don’t need or want. We’ll do our own Trade deals, defend our own country and have international relations with every country in the world if we want.

England is just a burden to us.


robbo @11.43am.

An explanation as to where Scotland’s wealth has been going and will continue to go until we rid ourselves of this putrid union once and for all.

link to

link to

Why do you think Johnson and indeed the entire Westminster political spectrum along with the parasitic royals want to keep Scotland chained to this horrendous union, if Scotland were such a poor basket case, (and David Cameron, Alistair Darling and Ruth Davidson have all said that Scotland would be a successful independent country) why not let it go.

Any way this nonsense has been busted I don’t know how many times over the years. Its not Johnson or even Westminster stopping Scotland from leaving this vile union its Sturgeon the Betrayer who sold us out for her and her party’s benefit.


“robbo says:
30 June, 2021 at 11:43 am
Sensible Dave says:
30 June, 2021 at 11:09 am

You wrote “Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.”

indeed I do … the saying ends “.. Londoners send £3 to Scotland to pay for their “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc.



Well why don’t we keep all the taxes we raise here in Scotland and we can spend it on what we fucking like?
Seems like a plan to me.
You send us feck all ya clown, Westmonster just charge us for shit we don’t need or want. We’ll do our own Trade deals, defend our own country and have international relations with every country in the world if we want.

England is just a burden to us.”

Well said, sir! “Sensible Dave” – what an utter wanker.


So it turns out the English warship that sailed too close to Russian occupied territory, had a Dutch warship with it the Evertsen, now the Dutch Foreign minister is to complain that Russian jets performed mock attacks on it.

Of course the Dutch are not as innocent as one might think, their Flight MH17 finding scarcely prove anything, although they are proficient in selling attack dog to the Israelis that are trained to menace Palestinian children.

Under International Maritime Laws (The UK and the Netherlands see Russia as an occupying force in the Crimea) occupying forces have a right to protect, and patrol coastal waters as Russia has done.

A prime example of this is US forces occupying Iraq, put up a twelve-mile no go zone around Iraq’s oil wells, after they illegally invaded the country, and murdered thousands of folk.

James Che.

The topic of kilts is interesting not from a fashion point of view but tracing further back to the word Scots itself,
The word kilt is hidden in history but is not necessarily belonging to Scotland as someone mentioned above and could have been bought in by settlers from elsewhere,
By the same method of deduction the word Scots or Scotland has the same origins, more often than not these are words thought up by people from outside of this country often by invaders.
There seems to be very little history of the people here, except by outside influences and supposition of invaders,
And yet we know that Picts and Pictish stones were in existence before the word Scots or Scotland ever applied here, and it it interesting to note the dress sense of the Pictish men displayed on the Rhynie man standing stone, and the Golspie man standing stone , they capture history and fashion in early Scotland better than any archaeologists or historian can,
Bede writes that the Picts were originally from Scythia, yet once again this is an opinion from outwith the country by an Irish saint in the century around the 900s ,
It may be the closet origin of Scots history,
From the older history of language of place names we can glean a very different world of many people’s living side by side from various parts of the country and globe in Scotland often peaceable. It would seem Scotland’s original residents were from an early age more multi cultural with acceptance of others than say England was in Scottish pre- written history,
It was not until much later history with the development of clans and the need to obtain land did warring factions break out.
It can be seen that these inhabitants of Scotland even joined up together during invasions from across the borders such as the roman one, (where the Romans state that we ran about naked except for being painted or tattooed blue, but the Pictish stone carvings are in opposition to this statement) and such predicated how the future mindset of Scottish people would develope towards their enemies,
Historically here in Scotland we are often told our own history by others living outside Scotland with a twist in the story,
When we see the landscape which is with littered with cairns, barrows, old names for forts or tracks, beaker burials, cranogs and standing stones we know that only later recorded history and archaeology is surmising how and who lived here, or what we wore,
We do know one thing, even without knowing the full history of the people of Scotland, it is felt in in a sense of belonging to the land and very real demographic country with its people that has survived other opinions from outwith.


“The Chairmen of our largest companies have spoken out in favour of keeping the Union and staying in the EU.” (from 2014IndyRef)

Ooops! What EU?

link to

Clavie Cheil

When can we ditch the English/British Parasites?

Jockanese Wind Talker

Precedent set re Act of Union 1800 with this decision in respect of Parliamentary Sovereignty.

link to

“Mr Justice Colton refused a judicial review, pointing out that “much constitutional water has passed under the bridge” since the year 1800.”

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie at 8:48 am.

You typed,
“I’m currently working on a video and I remember seeing ariel footage of ALBA spelt out on a beach somewhere it was obviously taken with a drone during the last election, I would like to use a few seconds of it but I can’t find it anywhere.

Does anybody remember that and if possible have a link to it”

It was on Aberdeen beach, 27th April.

link to


More royal visits to Scotland screams out me that more and royalist “outposts” in Scotland are feeling cut off and in desperate need of a boost to their morale.

All those robes and baubles bestowed on the likes of Lady Ma’am Davidson and Alistair Darling aren’t having the desired effect any more, and they’re doing as much to save the purring Queenie’s Union as an upwind fart in a gale.

If the purrin’ Queenie Bess wants a thumbs up from me, she should offer Sturgeon an insultingly cheap and low ranking OBE for her services to the Union, just for the laugh and boost the morale it would give all the long suffering Independentists whom Sturgeon has sold down the river.


Jockanese Wind Talker says:
30 June, 2021 at 2:02 pm
Precedent set re Act of Union 1800 with this decision in respect of Parliamentary Sovereignty.

link to

“Mr Justice Colton refused a judicial review, pointing out that “much constitutional water has passed under the bridge” since the year 1800.”

Cannot alter the terms of the Union Treaty without the consent of both signatories.


… But where is Scotland’s Constitutional challenge?

Fkg nowhere, because we have yet to impeach Sturgeon.

Sensible Dave

robbo 11:43 am

So, what happened was, there were some people in Scotland that thought the majority of folk in Scotland, wanted Scotland to be an Independent country.

Upon hearing this, all the MPs in Westminster voted (democratically) and decided to hold a referendum on the subject in Scotland.

It turned out the majority of folk in Scotland didn’t want Scotland to be an independent country and preferred Londoners to keep sending them money to pay for stuff. Heaven knows why!

Graf Midgehunter

Sensible Dave says: at 11:09 am


“You wrote “Ah yeah you know what they say about a £ spent in London.”

“indeed I do … the saying ends “.. Londoners send £3 to Scotland to pay for their “free prescriptions”, “free University education” .. etc.”

Well, well, well sweetie pie.

So all those “English” suckers who live in the South-East and London are really willing to send loads an’ loads of money up to Scotland every year out of the goodness of their hearts.

Or is it just a “saying”

Boris and Rishi would gladly sell off another couple of grannies to help subsidise the Scots..?? Huh..!

We’ll send it, you spend it. It’s all free, money for nothing.

Fairy tales an’ Tinkerbells if you believe that hogwash from WM.

Sensible Dave


“So all those “English” suckers who live in the South-East and London are really willing to send loads an’ loads of money up to Scotland every year out of the goodness of their hearts.”

… that’s about the size of it.

I thinks its all to do with something called the Barnett Formula where people in London and the South East of the UK, that do well financially, send money to those areas of the UK that don’t do so well. I think the Barnett Formula takes into account stuff like giving folk in poor parts of the country money so that they can buy drink and fried chicken and not have to pay for prescriptions and mobility scooters. I think that’s right.

Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

Thank you Brian, I knew it existed I just couldn’t find it anywhere, don’t know how you did it but I’m so glad you did it’s exactly what I want

Thank you

Brian Doonthetoon

I Fishy Wullie.

I knew it was Aberdeen so I typed

Aberdeen beach Alba

into YouTube’s search box and, “vwallah” as they say…


Sinister Dave avoiding my questions yet again.

Let me repeating my questions:

1. What is your definition of anti-English.

2. Are people in England nuts to want to pay for Scotland to have free university education, prescriptions etc while the suckers in England have to pay for all these things?

3. What are the financial benefits for England of having Scotland in the Union.

C’mon Sinister Dave no more slacking.

Ooops yes I forgot my updated question

What are you trying to achieve by posting on Wings?

Are you just a lonely ‘Davey No Mates’ desperate for some attention or are you desperately trying to save the Union?


Brian Doonthetoon says:

into YouTube’s search box and, “vwallah” as they say…


I’m impressed that you speak arabic!

Oh ‘jings crivens help ma boab’ is Arabic written with a capital?

Inch Allah!
I learned that from a French pop song sung by Adamo.

I don’t know what it means but I quite like the song?

Can you help?



Missed the link to Adamo singing Inch Allah

link to


I found the translate to Adamo’s Inch Allah.

I saw the east in its case
J’ai vu l’orient dans son écrin

With the moon for banner
Avec la lune pour bannière

And I was counting in a quatrain
Et je comptais en un quatrain

Sing to the world its light
Chanter au monde sa lumière
But when I saw Jerusalem
Mais quand j’ai vu Jérusalem

Poppy on a rock
Coquelicot sur un rocher

I heard a requiem
J’ai entendu un requiem

When I leaned over him
Quand sur lui je me suis penché
Don’t you see humble chapel
Ne vois-tu pas humble chapelle

You who whisper peace on earth
Toi qui murmures paix sur la terre

That the birds hide with their wings
Que les oiseaux cachent de leurs ailes

These letters of fire danger, border
Ces lettres de feu danger, frontière
The path leads to the fountain
Le chemin mène à la fontaine

You would like to fill your bucket
Tu voudrais bien remplir ton seau

Stop Marie-Madeleine
Arrête-toi Marie-Madeleine

For them your body is not worth the water
Pour eux ton corps ne vaut pas l’eau



And the olive tree weeps its shadow
Et l’olivier pleure son ombre

His loving wife, his friend
Sa tendre épouse, son amie

That lies under the rubble
Qui repose sous les décombres

Prisoners in enemy land
Prisonnières en terre ennemie
On a thorn of barbed wire
Sur une épine de barbelés

The butterfly watches for the rose
Le papillon guette la rose

People are so mad
Les gens sont si écervelés

That they will repudiate me if I dare
Qu’ils me répudieront si j’ose
God of hell or god of heaven
Dieu de l’enfer ou Dieu du ciel

You who find yourself wherever you want
Toi qui te trouves où bon te semble

In Palestine, in Israel
En Palestine, en Israël

There are children who tremble
Il y a des enfants qui tremblent



And time goes by and nothing changes
Et le temps passe et rien ne change

Always death, always horror
Toujours la mort, toujours l’horreur

Always those who are disturbed by peace
Toujours ceux que la paix dérangent

Who make sure the world is afraid
Qui veillent à ce que le monde est peur
But yes I saw Jerusalem
Mais oui j’ai vu Jérusalem

Poppy on a rock
Coquelicot sur un rocher

I still hear this requiem
J’entends toujours ce requiem

When I’m leaning over him
Lorsque sur lui je suis penché
Requiem for all souls
Requiem pour toutes les âmes

Of these children, these women, these men
De ces enfants, ces femmes, ces hommes

Fallen on both sides of the drama
Tombés des deux cotés du drame

Enough blood, Salam, Shalom
Assez de sang, Salam, Shalom




Now I have to look up the word ‘quatrain’

It’s never ending this learning stuff.

James Che.

Has anyone else here viewed “Scotland History Tours” on YouTube ? he does an interesting slant on correcting some of the misnomers on Scottish history.


James Che. says:
30 June, 2021 at 3:40 pm
Has anyone else here viewed “Scotland History Tours” on YouTube ? he does an interesting slant on correcting some of the misnomers on Scottish history.

That’s Bruce Fummey. Some of his stuff is thoroughly excellent and highly watchable.

Certainly knocks old what’s his hair Oliver for six as a narrator when it comes to Scotland. There’s no comparison really.

Tinto Chiel

@Breeks, James Che. and other interested parties:

Ok, this was originally in The Scotsman but I saw a TV programme on this topic a while ago and it seemed kosher:
link to

Yes, so much of our history has had to be reconstructed from external sources, mainly because so many of our own records (governmental, ecclesiastical, burgh and private) were cheerfully destroyed during various English invasions, starting with Edward I’s orgy of violence against us. He seems to have truly wished to erase our very existence from the annals of history and was not a very nice man. It really should have been Pox rather than Pax (oh, the irony!) on his tomb…..

Much of what was left from these depredations was lost when 85 out of a total of 105 hogsheads of our written records being finally returned in 1660 were lost aboard the “Elizabeth” when it sank in a storm between Yarmouth and Leith: this was truly a huge blow for future Scottish historical research and is another of the reasons for the patchiness of our documentary record.

I think Scott Finlayson of these pages once posted a link to the Scottish Parliament inquiry into this most unfortunate and obscure sinking. As I recall it was a rather confusing account. I no longer have the link to it but Scott may.

Finally, just to add to the boiling pot of tartan speculation, the current hypothesis which states Gaelic appeared in Scotland from Ireland may not be as sound as some claim:

link to

Admittedly this is written mainly from an archaeological viewpoint but it is interesting nonetheless.

Jockanese Wind Talker

I agree with you @Breeks says at 2:15 pm

My concern is that any weak legal challenge from Scotland would be equally fobbed off.

IMHO The Vienna Convention, Article 60 is the only way to go.

It states that a “material breach of a bilateral treaty entitles the other party to invoke that breach as a ground for terminating or suspending the operation of the treaty ‘in whole or in part’”.

Should be Scottish Government policy and ratified by return of majority of pro Independence MPs at next Westminster GE.

Graf Midgehunter

Sensible Dave says: at 2:39 pm


“So all those “English” suckers who live in the South-East and London are really willing to send loads an’ loads of money up to Scotland every year out of the goodness of their hearts.”

… that’s about the size of it.”

“I thinks its all to do with something called the Barnett Formula where people in London and the South East of the UK, that do well financially, send money to those areas of the UK that don’t do so well. I think the Barnett Formula takes into account stuff like giving folk in poor parts of the country money so that they can buy drink and fried chicken and not have to pay for prescriptions and mobility scooters. I think that’s right.”

So now it’s official, “Sensible” Dave believes in fairies. 🙂

Jockanese Wind Talker

I agree with you @Breeks says at 2:15 pm

My concern is that any weak legal challenge from Scotland would be equally fobbed off.

IMHO The Vienna Convention, Article 60 is the way to go.

It states that a “material breach of a bilateral treaty entitles the other party to invoke that breach as a ground for terminating or suspending the operation of the treaty ‘in whole or in part’”.

Should be Scottish Government policy now subject to ratification by return of a majority of pro Independence MPs at next Westminster GE.

Sensible Dave


GDP per capita, London = £56.2k (2019)
GDP per capita, Scotland = £30.1k (2019)

Public Spending per capita England = £8,616 (2019)
Public Spending per capita Scotland = £10,158 (2019)

Spin it however you like sunshine … the reality is the London and the South East pays far more than its fair share of all the bills for the UK.

But we don’t mind. We are nice. Its not all about money is it. Its also about us all getting along and sharing the (south’s) money.


Jockanese Wind Talker says:
30 June, 2021 at 5:00 pm
I agree with you @Breeks says at 2:15 pm

My concern is that any weak legal challenge from Scotland would be equally fobbed off.

The difference I see, is that Scotland appealing to a UK Court is a matter of domestic UK Law with Westminster sitting as Overlord and usurper of Sovereignty, and corroborated with a timid Scottish “Government” in cowardly acquiescence to Scotland’s subjugation. I don’t see UK domestic law delivering any other conclusion except confirmation of Scottish subjugation.

Scotland has to make a stand as a Nation, outside UK law, with a National and Sovereign Constitution already in existence, and resolve the prevailing Constitutional dispute under International Law, which, in my opinion, could not endorse Scotland’s colonial subjugation by Brexit, contrary to the emphatic democratic will of the sovereign people.

That Sturgeon has gotten away with this risible dereliction of responsibility is utterly contemptible, and demands she is impeached and removed from a position of leadership, even if that means Scotland invoking the Declaration of Arbroath and the Claim of Right to depose a ruler of Scotland who capitulates to English rule.

I do not see Scotland surviving any other course of action.

Sturgeon is a feckless, useless hindrance to the defence of Scotland’s interests, and total liability, not only to Scottish Independence but even simply holding steady with Scotland’s existing station. She is a graceless, vindictive charlatan, placing Scotland in tremendous needless jeopardy, but without the wits to know she’s even doing it.


The royal parasites are really keeping up their end of the Better Together bargain, talked out in secret by the auld Judas Gordon Brown.

Today Queen Lizzie and her daughter Princess Anne visited a community project in Glasgow’s West End.

The life long royal spongers will stoop to any lengths to persuade Scots that we should remain in this repugnant union, nothing is too low for them.



“but without the wits to know she’s even doing it.”

Oh, I recon she knows exactly what she’s doing.

She was the grenade from which the Brits pulled the pin, rolled into the room and then quietly closed the door.

All they needed to do was to sit and wait as tick followed tock, followed tick, followed tock… also known as the ‘Long Game’.

Imagine where Yes/Indy would be if a certain jury had gone a different way – or if there’d been no jury at all?

Give them time, we’ll have no-jury trials for alleged sexual assaults and lo and behold, someone from way-back when will suddenly decide to make a complaint, and behind closed doors our compromised judiciary will be free to do as they and their masters see fit – and there’ll be f*** all to be done about it.

We’re a Banana Republic, without the sun tans.


One wonders why the Queen would want to speak with Holyrood’s Presiding Officer Green MSP Alison Johnstone, did the Queen hint to Johnstone to do her job properly and not to allow anything outside Holyrood’s remit to take place.

In her day Queen Lizzie has met with captains of industry who headed up blue chip companies, whose to say a little bit of insider info wasn’t divulged here and there.

She also created a body in the 1970’s to hide her immense wealth from public scrutiny, of part of that immense wealth came via the Queens buccaneers such as Tiny Roland.

The Land Registry publishes information about commercial owners of property, which includes information on land owned by the Crown Estate and the Duchy of Lancaster.

According to the Land Registry, these organisations own land in 217 out of 348 districts in England and Wales – a total of 7,936 plots.

The Crown Estate owns around half of the UK’s foreshore (the bit of land exposed between high tide and low tide), some substantial areas of coastline and virtually all the UK’s seabed from average low tide to the 12 nautical mile limit.

It also owns mineral rights across around 115,000 hectares where it does not own the surface land. Naturally occurring gold and silver in the UK, collectively known as “Mines Royal”, are managed by the Crown Estate.


Sensible Dave says:
30 June, 2021 at 5:24 pm

GDP per capita, London = £56.2k (2019)
GDP per capita, Scotland = £30.1k (2019)


Excellent example of how bad the Union has been for Scotland.

James Che.

Tinto chiel.
Thanks for info, always appreciated. I Tend to agree about the difference in narrators.
And such a pleasure to watch as Bruce Fummey talks to you in a casual manner rather than at you,
Mr what’s is name speaks from his crown, and not his heart.


C’mon Sinister Dave stop posting guff and answer my questions!

Do you need me to repeat them.

Your “reputation” here on Wings is at stake so I would suggest you get them answered PDQ.


Scotland History Tours
on YouTube fantastic, covers many subjects, very very informative.. Get over there and subscribe.


Hey Rubes …. You are coming across as being a bit needy, demanding and attention seeking.

Bunny boilers are not my “thing”

I’ll pass ta.


“Understandably, his central theme was parliament is the supreme body in the United Kingdom. It was on that basis that virtually all aspects of the judicial review case were dismissed.”

“To justify the legality of the Protocol, Mr Justice Colton was forced to accept that a fundamental aspect of the Act of Union 1800 had been repealed, as the NIP works in direct opposition to the tenets of the Act of Union.”

“That is that all parts of the United Kingdom should be equally accessible to all other parts and that the peoples of the UK are all equal, and that no Government may sign a treaty which differentiates between parts of the UK.”

link to

Clavie Cheil

Sensible Dave says:
30 June, 2021 at 5:24 pm


GDP per capita, London = £56.2k (2019)
GDP per capita, Scotland = £30.1k (2019)

Public Spending per capita England = £8,616 (2019)
Public Spending per capita Scotland = £10,158 (2019)

Spin it however you like sunshine … the reality is the London and the South East pays far more than its fair share of all the bills for the UK.

But we don’t mind. We are nice. Its not all about money is it. Its also about us all getting along and sharing the (south’s) money.

That is a right successful Union there Tory Cucky boy. Going by your Tory Cucky boy Stats.

Brian Doonthetoon

Totally O/T, because Gogglebox has just started on E4.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the Goggleboxers were tasked to watch Gogglebox of an evening? Type about an incestuous circle…

Saffron Robe

Nicola Sturgeon is serving as England’s handmaiden for the constitutional subjugation of Scotland. The deal she has signed with her paymasters is not to give up her soul, for she has no soul, but to hand over Scotland’s sovereignty to the English Crown.

Dave Somerville

I notice that the Anti+Salmond, Pro-Sturgeon mob are dominating the posts.

You lot were nowhere to be seen when we were fighting to save Salmond’s skin.

And when we were trying to de-throne the perverted Lezzy Bastard, we never heard a peep from you lot.

All you SNP 1 and 2 aresholes. (Or even SNP 1 Brigade).

It’s because of aresholes like you that the case for Independence has been knocked back a decade.

And it’s back to script with attacking the single Yoon who comes on here and runs rings round every single one of you.

You lot just didn’t get it, Westminster wasn’t the problem, it was the wee Lezzy pervert bastard who was the problem all along.


if London/South East is propping us all up, including Wales and the North, why is there no pressure to secede, become a super rich, super successful city state? I mean pressure from people who know how the operation runs, not some deano who lives his life on credit.

– the skimming operation doesn’t work if there is fuck all to skim and trickle down only works when there is something to trickle. No wealth is generated in London, it is only extracted.

Singapore/Macau/Hong Kong on the channel? Or competing for all the world’s laundry and tax avoidance, it’s a crowded market. Some rightwingers salivate at the thought of a libertarian (pirate) state, I doubt it would last long.

sensible dave – I have heard if you sniff your own farts for too long, you start to really like the taste. You are clearly enamoured of your own ordure.

– as for accountancy figures, every businessman knows the “books are cooked” to some degree (- one prime target of industrial espionage is the “real book”, which always exists somewhere – even thieves have to keep themselves straight).

A proper accounting of Scotland’s pillage, plus a realistic economic analysis of how Scotland would run if it was indepedent is another of “those things” the SNP were meant to do, but never did.

Graf Midgehunter

The thing is Sad Dave of the South-East bubble actually believes the Brit Nat pish that he posts. He doesn’t realise that after so many years, folk are just shaking their heads and pissing themselves with laughter at his ignorance of the reality in Scotland.

His siamese brother, Don, was another who tried it with swamping the comments btl with Telegraph/WM bu*l***it.


Let’s look at GDP per capita anyway, if you like numbers
link to
– there’s a ton of tax havens and oddities up top; like Macao, which is one big casino.

when we look at real countries notably at the top are


UK is well down the list, behind Canada, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Germany, Australia, Sweden – it does not look too good, and that is with Scotland included in it.

Now imagine Scotland goes indy – where would it likely be – probably in the first group of countries which surround it and share its characteristics – notably we have all the the industries which make these countries wealthy – oil/gas, whisky/golf/tourism, banking, high quality food exports, windpower, fishing. And where would FUKEW end up (Former United Kingdom now England and Wales = FUKEW) – probably somewhere with Sierra Leone.

Tinto Chiel

Och, Graf (aka #Foghorn Boy), you’re such a spoilsport where Dim’n’Don are concerned 😉 .

Serious question for you, though. We used to hear accusations of “Blood & Soil nationalism” whenever folk like Alf Baird suggested restricting a future referendum franchise to native Scots. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Germany restrict any voting beyond council/local authority and EU elections to German nationals?

I’ve had a quick look at a number of EU states’ regulations and there seems to be just such a pattern but perhaps I’m wrong.

Not that I agree with Alf on everything: he seems to under-rate or be unaware of the extent of Gaelic influence on Scottish culture.

Also and ironically, in my experience, some of the purest and most unaffected/natural speakers of Scots reside in the farming community, which is hardly regarded as being progressive towards/ supportive of independence.

Be that as it may, I’d be interested in your viewpoint/general experience on the subject.



If you have some alternative gdp/capita and public spending/capita figures you would like to share … feel fre.

Anyway, I’ve had a fun day dishing it out rather than been shot at for a change. Remember, I have no preference either way on the issue of Independence in Scotland. England will be fine whatever happens.

More importantly, we have now left the EU, we are going to try to win Euro 20!

Oh the irony! I know our band of brothers can rely on your support.

Tinto Chiel

@Insensatedave 10.24: “Remember, I have no preference either way on the issue of Independence in Scotland.”

As no end of commentators here have said to you over the years whenever you spout this line, then why the Gove do you spend so much time expatiating here?

Having said all that, at least you have some gall and a sense of humour, which can be mildly entertaining on Monday evenings in January….



… btw, we’ve done the whole U.K. name thing. Other than to a few folk that witter on about pieces of paper from 300 years ago, the United Kingdom is a place … not a “thing”.

So if Scotland does become independent then the U.K. will be called the same thing in the same place, though there may be a border to stop the cold affecting the south. The U.K. ‘s average temperatures will go up too.

Tinto Chiel

@ Insensate: “So if Scotland does become independent then the U.K. will be called” ENGLAND.

Happy to help, me old haricot 😉 .


Breeks says:
30 June, 2021 at 2:15 pm
Jockanese Wind Talker says:
30 June, 2021 at 2:02 pm
Precedent set re Act of Union 1800 with this decision in respect of Parliamentary Sovereignty.

link to

“Mr Justice Colton refused a judicial review, pointing out that “much constitutional water has passed under the bridge” since the year 1800.”

Cannot alter the terms of the Union Treaty without the consent of both signatories.

Although if in this particular case, concerning Ireland, Westminster and Stormont both approve the protocol, then essentially that would be the consent of both signatories, wouldn’t it? Northern Ireland being the only part of Ireland to still currently be in the UK. Although the Irish government also favours it anyway.

Saffron Robe

There are very few countries like Scotland and that is what they are trying to destroy – our uniqueness.


Tinto Cheil

How are you me ol mucker? There are very few of us left from the old guard.

Stars like Heedy, Peffers, indyref2, cybernat, … all gone off to pastures new. I miss ‘em.

Anyway, don’t tell the others, but sometimes, I feel that my efforts to educate and inform are not always appreciated or welcomed. It can be disheartening, but if I ever do have moments where I feel like giving up … I remember that’s it not about what I want or need, it’s about helping people that are less fortunate.

Tinto Chiel

@Insensatedave: you have always represented some of the prime grit in the beautiful Wings oyster, so please rave on in your inimitable fashion. At least your (largely) tongue-in-cheek and provocative havers/clishmaclavers is witty and inventive, unlike some of the toxic trolls on here.

Lang may yer lum, etc 😉 .

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