Fallen far from the tree
Posted on
June 27, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
So, this afternoon’s big story is that the son of Holocaust refugees (campaigning on the same side as Holocaust deniers), is threatening to put a whole race of people in a ghetto by building a barbed-wire fence and guard posts across their only land border?
Have we got that right?
The only way Scotland will get any respect from these clowns is with a YES vote.
It must be true. It’s in the Mirror and not the Mail.
Please tell me that the link to the BBC site is not spurious?
Labor, game over.
Happy Friday, folks.
Ye couldna make it up.
Suicide squad
Firm confirmation though that the only reason we’d have border posts at the Scotland/England border is if rUk put them there.
Sadly, I didn’t actually expect they would go ahead and do it.
Checkpoint Milliband.
Better Together, Checkmate.
Newsdrive reporting that the Miliman has been ‘out meeting people’ across Scotland.
Is this true? If so, we can look forward to more memorable images of him in close quarters with ‘real’ people, frozen in stupefied horror, as if he’s just found a sarcoptic mange-mite on his scrotum.
I know, I know.
It’s as if they have no knowledge of history or themselves.
What the hell is it with these people?
They want freedom for anyone any where any time but they refuse to give US our independence. So now we have the anyone for independence party, a.k.a. the RED/YELLOW/BLUE/PURPLE Tory party, threatening us with a barbed wire and concrete barrier. I seem to remember this sort of barrier was tried once before in Europe, now if only I could remember where cause I’m certain THAT wall no longer exists. Perhaps Messers Milliband/Cameron/Clegg/Farage should go see what happened to THAT wall before threatening US ever again with a barrier at the border!
Dammit Stu, you’ve not given me enough training. I really meant the BBC. duh!
“Dammit Stu, you’ve not given me enough training. I really meant the BBC. duh!”
Anybody know whereabout in Edinburgh he made this speech? Is he actually here, in body?
That MUST mean Labour are planning to leave the EU. Why else would they need such a physical border?
BBC news says, “The Labour leader said he “would have to look at the issue of a border” if the Scottish government achieved its goal of a looser immigration policy.”
There’s been a border between Scotland and England for hundreds of years (at least 700 as of this week). More lies and mendacity I think.
This time those about to be fenced in will live the better life.
montfleury says:
Anybody know whereabout in Edinburgh he made this speech? Is he actually here, in body?
It wouldn’t be the same cafe as the one Ed Balls held his *ahem* news conference yesterday by any chance?
link to tinyurl.com
By the time they had squeezed Balls, Sarwar and the lamentabnle one in along side three Labour supporters there was no more room it was all taken up with the press.
According to the herald’s diary by Ken Smith..and to help take your mind of the referendum ..why not buy Nigel’s fun filled book called The Wit and Wisdom of Nigel Farage. “The definitive collection of witty clips…wise pronouncements and political insights…every single one of them”. You will have guessed by now that every one of the books pages is blank….Vote yes.
Ian Brotherhood says:
Newsdrive reporting that the Miliman has been ‘out meeting people’ across Scotland.
Is this true? If so, we can look forward to more memorable images of him in close quarters with ‘real’ people, frozen in stupefied horror, as if he’s just found a sarcoptic mange-mite on his scrotum
That Darling will do anything for a cabinet post.:-)
Montfleury asks: Anybody know whereabout in Edinburgh he made this speech?
By the image behind Miliband of the capital’s Castle, seen beyond floor to ceiling windows, it’s the New Club in Princess Street, the habitat of judges and lawyers, architecturally lifeless, a poor mixture of old with modern that does not work, the previous facade of high merit and fine stone statues reduced to rubble.
I think the Club still has restricted membership for women.
I do not think he meant to say that.Perhaps Johan Lamont should be asked to clarify what he really wished to say.
According to the email invite I received,the gormless one was to be in Port Glasgow with the astonished one…
The border has been there for 1200yrs,give or take a bit of movement first South then North.
Ed the Ned is just showing us how tough he is, you know, underneath that nerdy policy wonk exterior. Plays well in mythical Daily Mail Middle England this stuff – scourging the scroungers, assaulting the asylum seekers, terrorising the terrorists, scorching the Scots.
So, Labour supporters here in Scotland, tell us honestly – how does this make you feel? Optimistic? Socialist? Inclusive? Vindicated? Or None of the Above?
(campaigning on the same side as Holocaust deniers)
They can only be on the same side as long as they are uncoordinated. Though on second thoughts Better Together No Thanks are past masters at uncoordinated campaigning; Station Watch anybody?
a whole race of people in a ghetto
But the more important point is that the inmates of the ghetto were still subjects of the Doge or Reich. Scots will not be subjects of Westminster. Its what independence is all about
Grouse Beater
Is that where Gideon gave his “Sermon on the Pound”?
Which side of the fence will be the ghetto, that’s the real question?
It’s getting worse by the day. Has Severin Carrell run shrieking we’re all doomed from the vote no Guardian mad house yet?
Venal self serving scum – that’s Labour.
Was it not big news that Miliband was seen eating a bacon sandwich?
What’s a border wall and customs officers to a man who betrayed his brother?
Severin has a life sentence and is restricted to the padded cell.
Even the nutters in Blythswood Sq. think he’s mad.
This is bordering on the ridiculous. He’s got some front.
He’s lining up to make us frontier territory.
Ok, that’s enough puns.
But seriously, the funniest bit about the BBC article is the massive assumption that Milibland will be PM anytime soon.
@ goldenayr
Thanks. Happy to agree to 1,200 years. It’s just that we definitely got it in writing after Bannockburn!
@Ian Brotherhood
I heard a rumour that he was heading to a bingo hall in Livingstone this very afternoon.
I think we may have misunderstood.
The Ghetto would be South of the border
So are the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man to be fenced in also?
kendomacaroonbar says:
@Ian Brotherhood
I heard a rumour that he was heading to a bingo hall in Livingstone this very afternoon.
Obviously he was looking for a new way to raise funds for his beloved New Labour Party.
No, England isn’t a ghetto. Jeezo
Goldenayre asks: Is that where Gideon gave his “Sermon on the Pound’?
The self-same place.
I don’t know why they bother.
There’s a large billboard in Universal Studios on which is a great photograph of the Hollywood hillside on which is the iconic (and renewed) ‘HOLLYWOOD’ sign.
The real location is difficult to reach, streets below and nearby too obscured by houses to get a decent shot. Most shots of tourists under the sign are faked at Universal.
Politicians should get a large billboard of Edinburgh Castle erected in London to save them travel to Edinburgh.
If they can go to the pretence of offering more powers, they can pretend to do it in our capital city.
Marcia says:
So are the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man to be fenced in also?
Don’t forget to add Jersey and Guernsey to your list Marcia.
I wonder if anyone has worked out how much it will be to set up this border? I assume it won’t be a 1930’s barbershop pole across the road border post. Perhaps they will contract the building of it out to the Israelis or North Koreans who have a great deal of experience with this kind of thing.
Westminster reduced that tax income rate on Bingo gambling..he’s probably trying to bask in reflected glory.
So Labour, those celebrated Internationalists, want to possibly erect the only land border in Europe?
(I’m discounting Eurostar because it’s .. ah, underland sort of?)
Wait a minute. Will Ed building his border posts not be the last straw for the Vote No Borders poor little mite whose every waking concern is bound up with whether his Scotch grandmother and grandfather will be foreigners? If they wish to visit young Marmaduke Granny and Gramps are now going to have to be subjected to hours of degrading personal strip searches and vehicle inspections in case they are secreting into the English Heimat Romanians, Bulgarians and, worst of all, a surfeit of Scotch desperate to escape from Salmond’s North Korea style dictatorship?
Gosh, it’s all so confusing for a ten year old. Maybe going back to reading Harry Potter will provide a calming sense of stability for him..
Would love to drive through a checkpoint heading south (about 6 times a year). I would know then that we’d broken free from these muppets (liars and warmongers the lot of them – in my humble opinion and in a spirit of debate and intellectual argument :))
Just realised why Milliband wants to build his border wall. With all these new immigrants flooding into S.E. England he has realised that they need to do something about them. What better than put them all to work. Let’s build a wall! Once they have finished building the wall they can then start building the 10’s of 1,000’s of houses they desperately, apparently, need.
I wonder if he’s going to use lego bricks to build his wall.
At one time (2006) an ICM poll for the torygraph had the support for independence at 52%
link to ukpollingreport.co.uk
Was that when they started to suppress it? And dilute the results?
There is also the massive presumption that anybody with the privilege of living and working in Scotland would want to sneek into the rUK to live and work as an illegal immigrant.
From inside the Westminster bubble they have total refraction and cannot see that for the average Joe Britain is crap and they are the cause. To update Thatcher’s Saatchi advert long queue for foodbank and caption Westminster isn’t working.
kendomacaroonbar says:
Westminster reduced that tax income rate on Bingo gambling..he’s probably trying to bask in reflected glory.
I actually had an image of Red Ed playing Bingo trying to win the BIG prize money kendo. I reckon that’s about the only source of income to the Labour Party they have left.
Next there will be patrol boats in the English Channel trying to stop desperate people trying to escape to France and Belgium for a better life.
Oh wow, Eds lost it.
Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
macart763m says:
Oh wow, Eds lost it.
Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
Oh I dunno Macart, I think he has a way to go yet, at least on the comedy trail. Can’t we keep him, can’t we please, pretty please…I’ll even put a cherry on top if you really really want, just can we keep him!
Following the election of Juncker it’s now almost certain that UK will leave EU. Another reason to vote Yes.
I don’t think Milliband’s border posts will work anyway. All those non-EU brain surgeons, desperate for a new life as an illegal immigrant washing dishes in a London restaurant, will be smart enough to figure out a way round them.
That cafe scene with Ed Balls was described on Misreporting Scotland (6.30 yesterday, about 9 minutes in) by Brian Taylor as hi being in Leith “meeting residents”.
Dear Lord, HS2, HS3 now Hadrians Wall II, where on earth are they getting all this money from?, didn’t Labour just report a few days ago that their austerity cuts would be more savage than the Tories, yup you’ve just pulled another vote-winner out the bag there Ed, well done.
I don’t know, I can see an upside to Border Posts. Milliband will be on the other side.
Ellie says: I can see an upside to Border posts.
Does Junkers support a YES vote?
You’ve just painted the most disturbing picture in my head.
But, yeah a couple more statements like that and they might as well turn the lights out in North Britain Labour HQ. If he’d stuck to the usual script of guff blah too wee, blah too poor, blah uncertainty, he might have wandered back to London reasonably gaff free. But to threaten an iScotland with the possibility of border posts…
…from a Labour leader with his personal background is simply staggering. Simply not fit for the job Lesley. None of the current leadership are and that is the shame the Labour voter shouldn’t have to carry.
Miliband will never be Prime Minister. Never!
This moment in time is almost like a perfect storm for Westminster. A very popular First Minister in Scotland. The opposition in Scotland are awful. The PM is a Tory. Labour have become Tories. The Libs have become Tories. UKIP are Tories. England wants out of the EU. Scotland wants to remain in the EU. The Establishment have blanketed the rUK into apathy over politics. Scotland has gone politics crazy. The Debt grows. Austerity grows. The rUK have no vision of a future. Scotland has a vision of the future …you could go on.
It was mentioned not that long ago, that if the Establishment lose Scotland, then it would be the equivalent of that time in 1776 when Britain lost the 13 colonies. The reason they lost them was due to the distance and the fact that if Britain had sent the army to regain control of the colonies then they would have left Britain exposed to the possibility of invasion by the French armies.
Now, it appears to be happening again. No matter what the Establishment do, it exposes a weakness in their armoury. Give us Devo Max, the rUK goes into unbridled rage as they see us being rewarded. Give us hee haw, the Scots will walk. Tell us lies, then they lie to the whole of the UK and if found out, will be hammered by the UK electorate. Threaten us, and that only gets the Scots backs up (even some of the Unionists too don’t like seeing Scotland threatened. Threatening the Scots has never worked). Ignore us, and the Yes campaign will be given free reign. The Establishment are bricking it! They haven’t seen anything like this since the creation of Israel (when they had to hand back Palestine) or the loss of India thanks to Ghandi.
It’s priceless!
Ed may have lost it but so too has Cameron LOL.
Any sensible chap would know when to stop digging. Not so our own political party leaders.
Junker elected hahaha. Stuff your game Cameron.
Cameron humiliated as European leaders make Jean-Claude Junker president, as PM warns defeat ‘makes it harder’ for Britain to stay in EU
link to archive.today
Britain backed only by Hungary, everyone else for Junker.
What Cameron is worried about is that Junker is for expanding the EU and will welcome Scotland with open arms. Let’s hope Junker says this before 18th September.
Cameron humiliated says the BBC hahaha.
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
That Junckers looks quite old,88 I would say.
I’m a bricklayer, can I ask (ahem) Red Ed, if I can put a tender in? No sorry, scaremongering pish…again.
Oh i take it they will build a wall NOT to keep us out but to keep the rUK IN.
Good old Labour. More threats and scares.
Why would anyone trust a govt that threatens and scares the people it is supposed to represent. ??
If your a NO voter , then take a look at whats on offer from these disgraceful sh**s. You have to be out of your mind to think after a NO win you’ll be rewarded with anything but the systematic dismantling of everything that makes us Scots.
Reduced to a region.
I know what i could call you, but i think you already know.
like it goldenayr
I try so hard to not get angry at clowns like Miliband, but when he comes out with stuff as offensive and patronising as this, it is hard not to.
Seriously, though, Border posts, Mr Miliband??? That’ll teach those uppity jocks eh?
I’m sure some people in Isreal could easily supply him with plans for a big wall, if he really wants to be an idiot.
I don’t normally respond with personal insults, so I won’t in this instance either, and just state a plain fact, Ed Miliband is an unelectable upper class clown whose knowledge of Scotland could be written on the back of a postage stamp.
What an odious and reprehensible comment for him to make. If we vote YES, we get rid of ignorant idiots like him. This just makes me work even harder for a YES vote.
@ Ian Brotherhood, 5.28 noo that jist shows the differance
of the Educated ( sarcoptic mange-mite on his scrotum )as
Unedumacated person ah wud jist say he,s goat Crabs. But
I like your intepretation better Lol.
Poor Ed.
Sad little man saying a whole host of things to please others and keep his job.
“would certainly mean signing the Shengen Agreement and forcing rUK to have border posts at Gretna.”
“totalitarian SNP”
“historical pro-Nazi skeletons in their cupboard.”
Yeah, bye.
On the topic of project fear nutty britnats, where’s the space cadet that was looking for advice for his fixing his rising damp patch, earlier on WoS?
His name has probably got more to do with the dislike of him from Westminster.
I just love it when they come out with rubbish like this. It’s great amo to use on the doorstep. Everybody knows the idea of border posts is complete nonsense. Even the No voters. Magic!
Neil Craig sold him some of his grass to make a hay house.
here here.
I’ve noticed lots of new posters on Wings and I’m guessing a good many of them are Labour supporters much like myself.
So welcome to you guys/gals that want to vote Yes. This referendum is all about Scotland ruling itself and nothing to do with party politics. Especially Westminster politics.
The labour party we have now and it’s leadership is, let’s face it a absolutely shite. Milliband admires Thatcher, Rachael Reeves will be tougher on welfare.
Labour my arse, get shot of these charlatans and get back to the true values that labour once stood for. Scottish Labour is a pale blue colour, they are tory lite. No they are no different at all. The only thing red about them is their faces.
Here we go, Severin Carrell in a lovely summer frock and wig
link to theguardian.com
Severin says vote no Scotland “Meanwhile, Severin has been heroically documenting the ongoing stooshie over scheduling of the television debate between Alex Salmond and Alistair Darling” or what happened?
Bettertogether Darling’s bottle crashed.
Neil Craig.
Bullshitter . What are you doing on this site ??????
I trust SNP way before that lot down south
O/T Sorry
Unite The Union Debate In The Thistle Hotel on Sat 2nd August at 11am.
Anus Sarwar MP debates with Derek MacKay MSP (15 min presentation each then questions from the floor)
If Unite members wish to take park please e-mail Jan Duffus at jan.duffus@unitetheunion.org
The SNP are hardly in a position to complain about the Holocaust. There are enough historical pro-Nazi skeletons in their cupboard.”
Perhaps but thats better than having hysterical pro-nazis running the party. Unlike a certain anti EU party!
@ goldenayr, after independence, WoS could branch off into online DIY advice.
Whoops! Forgot to say Thistle Hotel is in Glasgow.
Aye,first lesson for unionits.
Don’t build anything on dodgy ground.
First we had John Major speaking at a lunch for journalists and now we have Miliband speaking a lunch for jouranlists.
There is no such thing as a free lunch- the invites were conditional on printing the BT propoganda withoun any challenge.I wonder if the menu was the same:
STARTER- EU Special Brussels Pate
MAIN COURSE- Pure mince, a couple of neeps and rehashed potato promise
DESSERT- Rhubarb, rhubarb and custard
Don’t waste your time with the prick that uses the nomdeplume
Neil Craig. You just encourage him to post more.
If he is totally ignored then he will fade away. I didn’t even want to post this and never will again but TOTALLY means just that.
Bye Bye Neil.
Actually heading down to Berwick tonight (step kids are english).
May just stop at the border, ask myself a few questions, check my passport, check that i know the words to GSTQ and rules to cricket ….. get back to westminster ed and take yer rhetoric and nonsense and dole it out to a nation that swallows it … oh but before you go THANKS. Talk like that is worth a few more YES votes.
@ goldenayr, “Dear WoS, OT but, having been sectioned under the BRITISH mental health act thingee when Scotland voted YES for independence on Sept 18th, I have found a damp patch spreading through the padding on the walls of my cell. My neighbour in the next cell, Gordon Brown, says he was the greatest PM this country never had and his cell is fine. Do you have any advice, yours Neil Craig.
Are you sure you have the right address Neil?
This site is not the voice of UKIP supporting,Better Together donating No voters.
@Ronnie Anderson –
I’d never heard of the blighters until MajorBloodnok mentioned them. They have disturbed me profoundly, so I had to go out and buy eight cans of Lidl cider which I shall shortly administer in a bid to find solace.
UKIP will be pleased. They’re anti-English and want immigration from south of the border (Scotland’s biggest source of immigrants) restricted.
link to edinburghnews.scotsman.com
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We dispatched all of the Gold and Silver badges last week, with a wee extra in the shape of an Alert Reader badge to thank you for your patience.
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It is sad that people like Neil Craig think the way they do. It shows a considerable lack of either intellect or imagination… or a combination of both.
I hear tell that the horses are being saddled up, and the “rievers” are ready to ride out, this time the target is clear, any Labour M.P. plus one Conservative , to be detained at the border ” at the Scottish Public Pleasure” (the Lib/Dems are are a spent force and are of little consequence, Lady Steel can deal with them! )
For me the Labour Party is as bad as the Conservatives, those you expect to be none to helpful to Scotland’s needs, but to find, as I have done over the last 50+yrs that Labour has kept Scotland subservient to Westminster needs, and that the Scottish M.P.s are quite happy to live the good life, while toeing the party line,forgetting (or should that be –ignoring !) the folk at home who need action from them to enable a better standard of life
Don’t know (would guess probably), but….
“Juncker is believed to be sympathetic to the idea of continuing Scottish membership of the EU after independence”
via Craig Murray
I’ve just had a wee thought about this concrete and barbed wire border.
On one of yesterday’s threads I had suggested during a conversation about the shortage of electricity in England after independence that I was thinking about setting up a wee independent candle stall at the border. Now that Red Ed wants to put this wall up how on earth will I be able to run my candle business now. I mean folks are not going to come North to buy their candles now are they cause they’ll need their passports for the return trip to England.
Can I take Red Ed to the court of human rights in Strasborg. Red Ed and his barbed wire wall will definitely affect my candle business which is surely against MY human rights of making loads of money out of the poor and the weak and un-electrified people living South of the border.
Listen up Scottish/English media. Here’s a quick geo-political lesson because we know you are too fucking stupid or belligerent to do the homework yourself.
1. Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are NOT in the UK. But you won’t have to present your passport to the Stasi when you visit either of them. Or indeed when you leave.
2. The Republic of Ireland is an independent sovereign nation with a land border shared with the UK. It has NO border posts and no customs checks.
3. Look around any border between any of the EU member states & you will discover that not a single border post, customs check or passport control exists on any of them in any direction. That is despite each member state having its own, unique & customised immigration policy.
And for good measure, citizens of the UK that live in Northern Ireland have the right to opt for a second passport from the Republic of Ireland. Yes, they can retain citizenship of both countries even though both are separate sovereign states.
But why stop when we are in a good mood. The Nordic Passport Union permits citizens of Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland, free travel between them WITHOUT a passport. Norway isn’t even a member of the EU but chooses to allow free passage anyway.
So, the idea that England would erect an expensive border with agents, fences, wires & search lights between Gretna Green & Berwick just to punish Scots for executing their democratic right to self determination is just plain stupid.
Then again, British newspapers treat their readers as if they are as thick as pig shit anyway.
Any questions?
What is wrong with Milliband? Does he not read Wings?
The border post thing has been crushed loads of times and one time there was an article that used lots of pictures of EU ‘borders’…
Miliband really is a complete joke of a Labour leader spouting astonishing stupidity like this. However, I for one am glad he chose to make his ridiculous statement because it will only cement how out of touch he is in the minds of the scottish public.
Miliband is so laughably out of touch it hasn’t occurred to him that scots do actually go to places like Ireland and NI regularly so will view his border fence lunacy with amused contempt.
May I transfer your attentions briefly to West of Shetland? There’s a piece of extremely encouraging oil news out (as opposed to over-optimistic speculation).
I unwittingly gave out a hot share tip a couple of days ago when I mentioned that Hurricane Energy – a shit or bust explo outfit – was pioneering the drilling of the fractured basement granite W of Shetland, using techniques which many conventional firms would likely write off as ‘nae chance mate’.
Well, they’ve shat – or rather struck oil, flowing at a rate of 9,800 barrels per day – which is pretty phenomenal.
That’s good for Hurricane – but better for Scotland, in so far as it suggests a massive increase in possible reserves W of Shetland. Hurricane reckons 207m barrels in the field it has just drilled and close to a billion in the four prospects it holds licenses for.
Of course, there are many things that can go wrong, but..
There are other similar structures basement granite structures out there, so we could be looking at a substantial addition to our oil wealth.
link to hurricaneenergy.com
What is the fascination that all these Westminster bods have about building a big wall around England? Is it to stop the South East from getting flooded again?
Looking at the BBC story on their website, it jumps out at you, that it is only on the Scottish page.
The people in the north of England would be equally interested in this story, would they not? You would think… but click on the ‘England’ link and… nothing!
The pertinent question on this story is, why did the BBC deem this story relevant to Scotland… but not to England?
…See you all on Sunday at Pacific Quay.
“Juncker is believed to be sympathetic to the idea of continuing Scottish membership of the EU after independence”
via Craig Murray
That’s is absolutely fantastic news kininvie but I think you’ve forgotten one itsy bitsy teeny weeny little point…Our oil will run out in 2017! It’s true. I have it on excellent authority, none other than Messers Darling, Alexander, Carmichael and the rest regularly tell us this will happen so it must be true!
There again maybe THEY have got their figures wrong AGAIN! I wonder how they’re feeling now knowing that someone is spreading nasty unsubstantiated rumours that Scotland’s oil will not run out in 2017! I’ll lay 10 to 1 it’s those nasty cybernats again!
Hysterical with the thrill of Gordon Brown but its funny how Guardian gave everything they had to get rid, of Gordon Brown for Clegg’s ConDem’s. TeamGB in all its please don’t leave us Scotland you stupid selfish who do you bastards think you are anyway, glory
link to theguardian.com
Gordon Brown is back, and may be the man to save the union
Slight problem Ed, according to the Federation of Master Builders, there is a massive shortage of bricks in the UK right now. That Glastonbury fence would do the trick, but only for 50 weeks of each year. A hell of a lot of rUKers could slip out in that fortnight. Maybe Rory the Tory could arrange a human chain…
@Brian Mchugh
Aye, spotted that. So t’cut a long story short I set about posting the link on CiF to inform some of our southern friends and display just how patently barking, bat shit mad the current Labour leader is.
Can’t have them lagging behind.
I think Stu should run with this one ahead of Sunday macart… My question above would be very difficult for the BBC to answer.
o/t. does anyone know roughly the distance between queen st and pacific quay and are dogs allowed on trains?
I’m not so sure about Tory Rory being much good Defo. Check out his Facebook page they only have 1302 “likes” I don’t think that will get him very far along the wall, Hardian’s or RED Ed’s.
link to tinyurl.com
Don’t forget folks if you are free on Saturday 19th July then Tory Rory Stewart will be looking for 100,000 people to hold up a lantern on the wall. It may be Hadrian’s wall but you never know you may find yourself atop RED Ed’s new anti Scots immigration wall!
Gordon Brown says Scottish independence will make us a “semi-colony” and also he is vey different from Tony Bliar because Gordon is very very poor and Tony Bliar is very very rich. Gordon’s poverty means he can save the union for teamGB and also he only has one threadbare suit with a hole in it, so vote no.
You think I’m making all that shit up don’t you?
All of the propaganda being thrown at us has two purposes. The first obviously is to misinform the majority and poison anything positive to the Yes campaign.
However this particular goal appears to be failing because most Scots are not “too stupid”. Taking the Scots as mugs is driving a great many to seek answers and they are finding them on websites such as this.
The second goal of the propaganda is to demoralise those that are already committed to a Yes vote, they want you to think it is pointles, futile, you are being destroyed.
HAHAHAHA It aint working, we are getting stronger and it is them who are demoralised. That makes me laugh.
You know why? We’ve not even started yet and when we do you will realise that people power always wins over bullshit propaganda. We’re up for the fight in the final rounds.
Didn’t account for that in your think tanks did you?
Yeah, you could see the odd bead of sweat appearing on having this fired back at them. They’ve earned it after this shocker.
100,000 Leslie-Anne ! Only 98,698 likes to go then.
I wonder if those 1302 are the total strength of Team PF, grassroots and all ?
Would you consider me cruel, if I were to want to turn up to his wee show just to laugh at his pathetic failure ?
“Checkpoint Miliband”
Love it.
Thepnr – are we still doing the spit roast of balls at the seafest?
Defo says:
100,000 Leslie-Anne ! Only 98,698 likes to go then.
I wonder if those 1302 are the total strength of Team PF, grassroots and all ?
Would you consider me cruel, if I were to want to turn up to his wee show just to laugh at his pathetic failure ?
Funnily enough I did think that might be the case, mind you in February they say on the Facebook page that Over 1000 more people signed up yesterday which is fantastic.
As far as being cruel, absolutely not! I’d say it is a god given rites of passage to everyone living in Scotland.
I can’t wait for the 19th July now. How am I going to get to sleep now wondering how our dearly beloved UKIP Channel, sorry BBC will be reporting this fantastically successful event.
Seems they’ve started work early. Was down by Carter Bar earlier and saw this:
link to media.tumblr.com
Also got this proposed plan from wikileaks:
link to 3.bp.blogspot.com
Oh dearie me. It really is NOT a good day for RED Ed today folks is it? First of all his new anti immigration plan is laughed out of Scotland and then this.
Rachel Reeves and Jon Cruddas are accused of failing to declare “sponsorship” by the IPPR in the register of MPs’ interests.
Tory MP Charlie Elphicke said Labour appeared to have “contracted out” policy development to the think tank.
link to tinyurl.com
@Paula Rose
Re Seafest Arbroath, I haven’t heard a peep since I sent the cheque and thought I’d been refused as they haven’t yet cashed it. However I reread the application and the cut off date was today!
So maybe it is still on will expect to know in a few days. If we are refused are you still up for doing it anyway without a stall?
I am, get it right up them. Gloves are off and no lying down.
The thing is, if you just stop for a minute and think what it must be like in Iraq now, what the wars have been like and then look at these creepy people desperately trying make project fear stick, it’s rather sobering and then completely terrifying.
Crash Gordon and co didn’t only bankrupt teamGB, let the ConDem’s back in for another generation, they helped create a hell on earth 4 hours flight away from TeamGB. How come none of our progressive and liberall liggers in the BBC and the shitty old Guardian never raise any of this with the likes of Crash?
Thanks Leslie-Anne, I was worried I might have developed Cybernatitis, a personality disorder brought on by over-exposure to unremitting deception & spin.
Phew, it’s only schaedenfreud.
As for the BBC coverage of Rorys dream, CGI would seem to be their answer.
@JLT- so true! And you could indeed keep adding to that list. It’s way too late for them to salvage any dignity and attempt to stop the rot by, dare I say it, telling the truth (crazy I know). Perhaps if they’d started off being honest then things might have been different for them.
They’re in a deep hole entirely of their own digging and the deeper they dig the more ridiculous they appear as per Millibland’s latest offering.
Defo says:
Thanks Leslie-Anne, I was worried I might have developed Cybernatitis, a personality disorder brought on by over-exposure to unremitting deception & spin.
Phew, it’s only schaedenfreud.
As for the BBC coverage of Rorys dream, CGI would seem to be their answer.
Always glad to help Defo.
With regards to Tory Rory I don’t really think CGI is his answer or even his best answer it is in fact his ONLY answer!
Thepnr dear, if we don’t have a ‘rest room’ I’ll have to leave the high heels at home – we can do it! Love shrimps xx
Seen the light for your venture.
link to elitedaily.com
cynicalHighlander says:
Seen the light for your venture.
link to elitedaily.com
I LOVE it CH! You even managed to get MY car in the photo as well. Well done you.
Maybe that’s the teamGB deal, Bomber Blair gets all the mullah but takes the UKOK teamGB heat. Crash and the Flipper get a free pass from all that New Labour warmongering and bish bosh, union saved, Flipper and Crash jump on the money train, leaving the UKOK region of Scotland for bright lights of London,19th Sept, but stil visiting that shabby old manse in Kirkaldy, once in a while, limo, private jet, oudious locals kept a bay….
Here in ABZ the press and journal’s been trying desperately to scare the Yes out of us all for 2 weeks now, with their BetterTogether “Islamic terroists are coming for get you Aberdeen so vote no” but don’t know if it’s working though.
That latest Gordon saves the union thing from Guardian may be ATL troll style click bait, at its worst and again. Oh well, next up Kevin Mackenna and his take on oh how bonny Scottish flowers and lassies are but does that mean we really do hate the English and the Catholics are good at singing too. Kev’s not so sure but maybe just maybe etc blah blah bleh.
The barrier will be there to keep us out. Another Hadriens wall, and its keeping them in their ghetto, we’ll be in the land of the fee waving to them with big cheesy grins inviting them over.
Like the Berlin Wall it’ll be one way traffic.
@ Stew – jobs for miners then?
About the lantern party at Hadrians wall, does Tory Rory not get it? The wall is a ways from the border, so no one will be there to wave back! or even give the v sign!
Les Wilson says:
About the lantern party at Hadrians wall, does Tory Rory not get it? The wall is a ways from the border, so no one will be there to wave back! or even give the v sign!
It isn’t that Tory Rory doesn’t get the fact that Hadrian’s wall is quite a way away from the REAL border Les. He is holding his little soiree on Hadrian’s wall because he is surrendering everything from the REAL border to Hadrian’s wall over to Scotland. So it’s a case of Welcome to Scotland Carlisle, Berwick etc.
Findlay Farquharson
Yes, dogs are allowed on trains. As to how to get to PQ from Queen Street, I’d like to know that too.
Carol Jardine says:
Findlay Farquharson
Yes, dogs are allowed on trains. As to how to get to PQ from Queen Street, I’d like to know that too.
Would this be any good to you Carol & Findlay?
link to creativeclyde.com
“Yes, dogs are allowed on trains. As to how to get to PQ from Queen Street, I’d like to know that too”
@thepnr & @Paula Missy Boop and I have the Arbroath date in the diary and still plan to be there with bags of random enthusiasm
Yesterday I got a taxi from Queen St station to the Royal Infirmary (pretty much the same distance as PQ) and it cost £3.20. Quickest way but don’t know about the way back.
Free at 63!
Thanks for that.
@Marcia says: 27 June, 2014 at 5:40 pm:
“So are the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man to be fenced in also”?
Well no, Marcia, Did you not read the news item the other day? The one where the I.O.M. had to request the Westminster Government correct a map they published of the United Kingdom that included the non-UK I.O.M?
Not to mention the PM of the UK always claims not only that it is his government, (rather than Her Majesty’s Government), but that it is his Government of Britain.
Well I think Ed has shown great maturity in putting his family history and political beliefs to one side, so that he can share common cause with people of opposing views. See how important you are Scotchland?
Dinna fach yerself, all the design and technical details have already been worked out, so a ‘separation barrier’ will take no time at all to erect.
link to america.aljazeera.com
A Wall at the border, well I suppose they have to do something with all that left over Lego.
O/T Hearing News that David Cameron had been intending making the man in his cabinet who has just been found guilty of child pornography charges, a Lord!!!
His judgement seems just a little bit off this week doesn’t it?
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the way Westminster gets a troublesome MP out of the way, but keeps them from releasing any embarrassing revelations, is to cart them off to the House of Lords?
Bunch of corrupt, thieving criminals!
@Ronnie Anderson –
What time do you expect to be at PQ on Sunday?
@G H Graham
Great posts. Totally demolish Ed’s spurious nonsense.
i hope he doesnt think we are going to pay for our side of his wall, what an imbecile its pretty hard to upstage posh boy for idiocy today but yet red Ed has managed it spectacularly lol
Stirling’s 2day BannockBurnLive this weekend is now 15,0000 attending.
To be among by so many people, will be amazing.
Venue holds 20,000, get online now and buy the remaining 5,000 tickets.
Just called TicketSoup.com and tickets can also be bought at gate, on the day.
My ticket is booked online, collecting at the venue.
BBC Scotland gave BannockBurnLive a fair reporting tonite, showing Clan Ranald’s 200 spear Schiltron re-enactment.
WINGers, YESers, Friends, Supporters, Visitors, Scots, New Scots, Scotland.
We need a full house for this iconic event.
We cant let the bastards win.
I’ve checked Stirling’s weather again.
Saturday is dry with sun. Sunday is dry and sunnier.
Both days slight breeze.
ScotRail has Club55 discount tickets for the over 55’s rail travel, no booking required just age ID.
Stirling BannockBurn shuttle bus running every 15minutes.
Whats not to like.
Its all good.
ps. YES is Scotland’s future, avoid ArmedForcesDay its the evil past.
Our own dear Shallow Hal, David Torrance, the man who thinks he’s a revered journalist, sees irony in an English-born sculptor fashioning the wonderfully powerful statue of Bruce- no, not Lee, Robert.
Does he think a nation incapable of appreciating ability in another? If that were true our national galleries would be empty of art from other countries.
In his head squats the lie Scots hate the English, rather that the reality, we detest the effluent and slop of Westminster hypocrisy and insult.
Milband accuses Cameron of bringing a criminal into number 10. He forgot about Thatcher and her welcome of Savile.
@Neil Craig : 7 June, 2014 at 6:31 pm
“would certainly mean signing the Shengen Agreement and forcing rUK to have border posts at Gretna.”
“totalitarian SNP”
“historical pro-Nazi skeletons in their cupboard.”
Yeah, bye.
Now I don’t usually feed trolls but this one is so hilariousa reply should be even more laughable.
Prince Philip has nieces and nephews, (the children of his sisters all three of whom were excluded from receiving invitations to the royal wedding in 1947, owing to the fact that their husbands were German officers, in some cases with strong Nazi connections. Philip’s youngest sister, Princess Sophie of Hanover, had married Prince Christopher of Hesse-Cassel, who was an SS Colonel attached to Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff and became head of the sinister Forschungsamt – a security service under Hermann Goering’s command that carried out surveillance on anti-Nazis.
Sophie and Christopher even named their eldest son Karl Adolf in Hitler’s honour.
Christopher’s brother, Prince Philip of Hesse-Cassel, had joined the National Socialist party in 1930, becoming the Nazi governor of Hesse in 1933, and later acted as the liaison between Hitler and Mussolini.
Prince Philip, who Anglicised his name to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, has the very German family name of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg. Although his marriage to the young Elizabeth was skilfully promoted and manipulated by Philip’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten, (and the Princess had been deeply infatuated with the tall, blond, Viking Prince for at least eight years), the match was bitterly opposed at the very highest levels.
Mainly by Philip’s future mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, afterwards the very popular Queen Mother. One of her brothers, Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, had been killed at 26 fighting at the Battle of Loos in 1915. Queen Elizabeth had a dislike of Germans, and this had increased through the scenes of destruction she had witnessed during her visits to the blitzed areas of Britain.
Now her daughter was proposing to marry, (just two years after the fall of the Third Reich), a Prince of German blood, whose four sisters had all married Germans and whose brothers-in-law had fought for Hitler. Go learn some real British/English history.
Then we had Sir Oswald Mosley and the BUF launched in October 1932. It had around 50,000 registered members at one point. The Daily Mail supported them too. They Got some success in the East End of London in March 1937 County Council elections. Bethnal Green, Shoreditch and Limehouse polling around 8,000 votes.
Then we had the Mitford family and quite a few of the other English aristocracy who openly supported the NAZIs
Now run along like a good little chap and read up on your real British/English history
Grouse Beater says:
Milband accuses Cameron of bringing a criminal into number 10. He forgot about Thatcher and her welcome of Savile.
He also forgot about the war criminal who left!
@Robert Peffers –
I expect Neil Craig will be back at you directly.
(Where’s me popcorn…)
Don’t forget your drink Ian.
@ Horseboy
Im heading to it tmrw in time for the battle reenactment at 2, by train tho as Stirling Council is expecting traffic mayhem with the Armed Forces thing, pretty sure that was there plan all along, make that the headline, and let the BBC do their dirty work, thats why Il be down at Pacific Quay on Sunday, wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Torrance is a legend.
In his own mind.
@Ian Brotherhood says:
27 June, 2014 at 10:35 pm
“Wow. I expect Neil Craig will be back at you directly”.
Nah! His kind do not have the guts to do proper research in order to counter the truth.
The point being that every word of that post is 100% truth and provable. I’ll warrant he can’t find anything to shoot the truth down. Not to mention there’s much more where it came from. Here’s a link to a Guardian article on the Mitford sisters: –
link to theguardian.com
Any bacon rolls left Ed?.
Naw sorry they’re all booked up for Ed’s “How to eat a bacon butty correctly ” class.
This is slightly embarrassing, but do you all know the meaning of the word ghetto? Milliband is being reactionary and extreme in his example, but comparing this to the extermination of the many of the Jewish people is unpleasant and wrong. Shameful.
Stirling’s BannockBurnLive should be good turnout.
Its going to be spectacular.
Can’t let the bastards win this one.
Pacific Quay demo should be great turnout.
BBC won’t report it. Shite’ing in own nest.
RT RussiaToday will be there.
STV better be there.
Glasgow newspapers better be there.
ps. 1.7million WINGers is watching, seeing who’s not playing fair.
pps. that’s 1.7million customers, who can vote with our feet.
You get people from all family backgrounds who don’t seem to grasp certain concepts after their forebears suffered an injustice. We should tread very carefully on this ground as it could end up like a blazing family row at a wedding or funeral. Ken? The less said about tribes, the better.
Black Triangle (@blacktriangle1) says:
28 June, 2014 at 1:49 am
You get people from all family backgrounds who don’t seem to grasp certain concepts after their forebears suffered an injustice. We should tread very carefully on this ground as it could end up like a blazing family row at a wedding or funeral. Ken? The less said about tribes, the better.
We are aw Jock Tamsons here, are you really suggesting? Ken? blood feuds. away tae bed spook.
I have solved Ed “Berlin Wall” Milibands borderwall problem, we will take all of ‘tory Rory’s’ 100,000 numptys up to the real border, and everytime they see anyone coming from the North they can all shout SHOO,and wave their lanterns, that should work.
And if the bad people from the North still keep coming, they can shout SHOO twice.
Labour the party that knows no shame.
@Gfaetheblock says: 28 June, 2014 at 12:27 am
“This is slightly embarrassing, but do you all know the meaning of the word ghetto? Milliband is being reactionary and extreme in his example, but comparing this to the extermination of the many of the Jewish people is unpleasant and wrong. Shameful.”
Indeed we do know the dictionary definition of the word, ‘Ghetto’.
The word is a noun and it means – a section of a city in which members of a minority group live. especially because of social, legal or economic pressure.
Now I just copied that from my English Dictionary. With the exception of the ghetto being part of a city the comparasons being made are valid. Not to mention that there is the simple fact that the UK has somehow become a strange sort of nation state goverened by and for the city of Longdon. Bear in mind too that the City of London is quite a different entity from either London Town or Greater London.
@Grouse Beater says: 27 June, 2014 at 10:24 pm
“Milband accuses Cameron of bringing a criminal into number 10. He forgot about Thatcher and her welcome of Savile.”
Oh! I can top that, Grouse Beater.
What of Broon welcoming Thatcher back into No.10?
Tony Blair at least had the ambition to model himself on a big name like Margaret Thatcher. Poor Ed Milliband’s aims are so much lower: he wants to be like Teresa May. Wow, that’s ambition. That’s New Labour. Bye bye, Keir Hardie.
So Stuart, is censorship what you are brought to?
Hi folks,
I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Stirling campaign office?
link to igg.me
We’re still a wee bit short and your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site.