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Wings Over Scotland

Every cloud has a silver lining

Posted on June 20, 2012 by

The current issue of Private Eye (which also features a fascinating full-page piece on Craig Whyte) relates news of another Labour dividend for the people of Glasgow – the decades-long neglect and imminent destruction of a much-loved green space. We’ve attached the story below for your convenience.

On the upside, though, we’re pretty sure we know where another large green space, which already comes with goalposts, is about to become available.

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6 to “Every cloud has a silver lining”

  1. Appleby

    What hateful (shunts – ed) the average Scottish council members and managers are. We need a good clean out from top to bottom.

  2. Appleby

    It’s not just Glasgow that has been run into the ground like this either. It makes my blood boil every time when I see them pissing all over the people they are meant to be servants to.

  3. Waqar Ali

    Ugh, it makes me sad it my home city of Glasgow is full of derelict sites like that…  and all because Labour are negligent shites. =/.

  4. Arbroath1320

    Ah yes Labour, the vote for us cause we promise you the earth but once we’re in power we’ll shaft you every which way we can! 🙁

  5. EricF

    Unless you’re the Orange Order, of course.

  6. Arbroath1320

    Who do you think the GCC use to do the shafting Eric, they don’t actually do the shafting themselves. 😀

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