The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Eight hours, 24 minutes

Posted on February 26, 2014 by


We’ll have some comment on that for you when we’ve prised our jaw off the floor.

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Hazel Lewry

Congratulations! Well deserved … now, kick some unionist bottom!

Big Al (aka tartanthing)

The kind of result Better Together could only dream about!


I’m guessing you’re well aware of how much regard your readers have for you by now. 🙂


Sadly the kind of result most of the ‘YES’ camp can only dream of?
Stu you need to drag some of the others into your camp?


Put this on a feckin Billboard – toast at 9pm

Alex Grant

Sadly the kind of result most of the ‘YES’ camp can only dream of?
Stu you need to drag some of the others into your camp?


Just sat watching the lappy.. hitting F5 every 30 seconds or so and laughed/cheered/shed a tear as the total went winging (pun intended) past the target. I’m gobsmacked/encouraged at how fast the total came and went. Seems we Scots are overcoming our lack of genetic programming with the communal decision to donate £54K in the course of one working day.


Absolutely brilliant, well done rev, and all of us.

Drew McMorrin

Does that include Paypal?


Damn it, EVERY SINGLE TIME you do one of these things I end up late to the party!


And while you are on the Superman bit, you could offer to shift 500,000 leaflets at train stations on a Friday.

Just to shew that anything is possible, like.


Party starts at 9pm Taranaich.

Grab a glass and have a toast to wings good fortune. 😉

Paul Kelly

That should buy some real fancy security software!

Patrick Roden

Well done Rev and well done my fellow ‘Wingers’

BTW Duncan, he wipped me up, into saying that, cos ehm jist a Scoatish simpleton ken.


Sadly the kind of result most of the ‘YES’ camp can only dream of?
Stu you need to drag some of the others into your camp?

Agreed: if we can get this much money for Wings, then I surely hope we can get something for these guys:

link to

link to

link to

G H Graham

Easy to suggest now, but 100K is entirely possible.


Well done Rev 🙂



I think Rev Stu should get at least another tenner for all his hard work.

That and a night off to celebrate.

Then he should get back to fukn work! We’re hard taskmasters and there’s a lot to do 😉

(posted on last thread too, but I don’t care!)


Labour for Indy also deserve some support: link to

See brilliant videos from their event in Glasgow:
link to


Now to mobilise, whilst the iron is hot

link to

Alistair Wilson

Maybe we should rename this video ‘Reverend Stuart Campbell – Before he was famous’.
link to


Over £55000 on the site, not counting the generous one off £10 000 donation sent via other means, and still going like a euphoric express train.

john king

Im blub, effing sob, so fu**ing happy. :`)

Lets nail those SOB’s


Nicely done – and well deserved.

Well done to everyone who has contributed so far, however ever much you could spare.

So, what are we doing tomorrow? 🙂

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


Keep donating. Any money over the target goes to LIVE events


What do we want?
A pay rise for Stuart!

When do we want it?
Starting tomorrow looks good… 🙂


Superb, well done Rev,

I got in from work just in time to tip us over the target, but some other bugger beat me to it.


We should really start putting our heads together for ideas for stretch goals. Maybe apportion some out to other worthy causes? Sponsored meetings for undecideds. Etc


Somebody put some toons on for 9pm – we’re having a party

Bruce Wallace

Powerful, Brilliant, Astonishing and Overwhelmingly a superb show from the members, From the Big Hitter’s to the lurckers give yourselves an almighty pat on the back.

I haven’t donated yet but shall do.

Roll on 9pm and let’s all have a collective Drink and Toast the tired and cranky ‘at time’s’ Rev.


Donation done, more will follow. Take the weekend off Stuart and have a well deserved break but we need you more than ever in the next seven months, let’s go get em..


I didn’t contribute the first time around, glad to help out this time. Keep up the good work 😉


Talking of having a party, over to Sam Cooke

Bugger (the Panda)

reload page


I agree the pay rise for our Revere(n)d Leader. £7.65 ph may be considered a living wage, but Bath is an expensive place to live, I was at uni there too many years ago. And you have the rats to provide for too, Stuart 🙂

Will be adding a TV licence worth to the steadily increasing total and raising a glass at 9.00 pm.

Congratulations Stuart and all Wingers, am proud to be part of this.


Congratulations Rev, and it’s not over yet. The people of wings and Scotland have spoken! Kudos.


The EBC will be headhunting you for Children in Need. That Terry Wobegonne needs serious competition. Well done absolutely fab. The Daily(Hate)Mail been in touch yet?


The good Reverend has come to the rescue of other fundraisers in the past, and I trust his judgement on if, when? and who?

However, I think I posted here last week that one on going fundraiser which I think represents a good potential impact for the money is Labour For Independence.

Their goal is to get their message to every Labour supporter in Scotland, which I consider would be a very good thing.

I am not a Labour supporter in any way shape or form, now, or anytime this side of indy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the potential value of LFI for the Yes campaign.

So I donated a small amount last week and put the fundraising link on Wings comments and elsewhere.

Anyway, since others have already made suggestions, I will put the link here again for consideration by those who have already donated to Wings.

link to

Murray McCallum

Just goes to show that where there is a collective desire to change something, resources go to those places that people believe make a difference.

Dr Who?

I am…..astonished 😉

wingman 2020

Well done to all.

Rev, expect a call from YES Scotland asking how to do it and offering you a job.

Heather McLean

p@ge refresh

Findlay Farquaharson

@ heather. i think it is page refresh.


Need to put this in front of any and all press / media outlets. They can’t keep ignoring us ordinary folk.



Waiting patiently for the BBC to do a quick article on it…


Great tweet there from oor Jojo, “Johann Lament MSP ?@wee_things 24m Just hearing that @WingsScotland has been given money by lots of North Britain’s benefit claimants. Disgraceful use of UK welfare payments” Great stuff. This is all kind of moving though. I thought £6k first day would be a great result.


Just given LFI a wee bung too, a very good cause.


This is just mental, congrats Rev.

Bruce Wallace

Now there’s an idea, Cancel your TV license and send your money to Wing’s, now that would really hit a hell of a message home to the BBC and rest of the Rat Pack media.


Very good (I’m just in from work).

Speaking of BT, there was one of their newspapers through the door today.


Chicmac – good point re Labourforindy. Help them to convince enough Labour voters and Yes will win.

Stuart Black

Superb, Rev. I hope you are as proud of yourself as we are all proud of you.

I said about 18 months ago that Wings was the most important Indy site on the Net; this at a time when some other sites such as Newsnet were somewhat stand-offish. Today’s phenomenon has absolutely underlined that importance. Incredible, really incredible.

Thankfully, your worth is now widely recognised and everyone is pulling together, thank you so much for what has already been an immense contribution to this campaign, and let’s all look forward to even greater gains in the run up to the vote.


Stu as said in an earlier post today you are a well liked laddie. Well done. Lets get on and win this wonderful opportunity to change all our futures, young and old.

Jamie Arriere

Congratulations sir, your contract has been renewed. A good day’s work indeed!

Ian Lowe

Happy to play a part, go get em. We can do this.

Wullie B

as we used to say at the fishing Stu “haud er gan”


Happy to help, even if it was just a piddling amount. Now let’s go win this sodding thing.


Wow! I’ve not been on Wings all day (unusually for me), and when I finally get the chance to log in, not only have you launched your fundraiser, you’ve met the target!!! What a day for me to miss! Have put my few coins in the bucket – will we have reached £100k by tomorrow do you think? 🙂


I have e-mailed Radical Independence campaign about contributing to their fundraising and never got a reply. Look like WoS it is for giving contributions.


People say this and that about Wings and the Rev, but (and not that I know him personally) I think he`s lovely and a real trooper.

Congratulations on raising the amount needed. It`s well deserved. Here`s to the next six and bit months, and let`s bring back our old friend Scotland.

Linda's Back


Distinguished Journalist Kenneth Roy’s article on BBC bias is well worth a read.

link to


Magnificent effort.

Doug Daniel

Bloody hell, it’s almost £58,000 now. You’re going to have to think up more stuff to do at this rate!

Dick Gaughan

I’ve seen a lot of things in my life but none to match this and I’m delighted to be a wee part of it.

Keep fighting the good fight, we’re stronger than we knew.


Well done, do carry on.

In other news, it now seems that:

No currency union

= no central bank

= no lender of last resort

= no major bank HQs

= fecked fund management, accountancy, insurance, corporate law

= no EU membership – member states need central banks by treaty, see?

It’s like watching one of those sequences where the clown’s costume falls apart.

“Whirr!” goes the motorised bow-tie of currency union.

“Kapoink!” go the overstressed shirt-buttons of having a viable finance industry.

“Guderr!” go the fatally strained trouser-braces of “automatic” EU membership.

Salmond is left standing there with his tackle out in the wind and his knees knocking. Why didn’t the self-styled “Great Energy Economist” think all this through? Answer: he never does. He always wings it.

I also see the Daily Heil has dynamited the career and reputation of his flame-haired “parliamentary aide”. Quelle heureuse. Robertson next, I expect.

Arbroath 1320

If you ever wondered how well the readers of this site think of you Stu I think you have just had your answer! 😉

For anyone to be able to raise over £50,000 in less than 9 hours via a crowd funded website is utterly astounding. I know we all thought your first foray into crowd funding last year was about as good as it could get. Well I for one whole heartedly apologise for even thinking that the support you receive from everyone on this site could possibly fail to achieve your desired target this year in anything less than the desired 34 days far less 24 hours! 🙂

More power to your pen nib, figuratively speaking. 😉


Just done my bit and seriously too late to reflect in any of the glory.

Amazing, £57,481 plus the £10,000 direct donation is one hefty bit of crowd sourcing in only a few hours.

That is a fair few polls and blue books. 🙂


Well done folks fantastic, will have a wee drink at 9 to you all keep it going. YES SCOTLAND


Need to give that wee wings badge a rub for luck tonight


With all that cash coming in surely your going to need the ‘broad shoulders of the UK’ and the UK treasury to manage it?

It is just not in our DNA to handle this kind of thing.

How much is 53,080 GBP in bawbees anyway?

turnbull drier

fantastic everyone.. £57806 and climbing..

wow, simply wow.

Rev’s gonna need a bigger wallet 🙂


Here’s the press release that went out at about 6.45. Drafted by self & albaha & totally trashed & re-written by Stu (well, what did we expect?). Gone to UK press agencies in the first instance:

Now working on something for the wider world:

Thanks to all who sent quotes



Scottish political website Wings Over Scotland today raised more than £60,000 in a little over eight hours to continue its commentary and analysis for another year – a figure 50% higher than Scottish Labour secured from fundraising activities in its entire last accounting year.

The second of its annual “crowdfunding” appeals was launched at 10am on Wednesday (February 26) with 35 days to reach its goal of £53,000, but in fact hit the target that evening – in addition to a direct donation of £10,000 made by one reader who didn’t use the official appeal website.

With 34 days still left to run on the appeal, the site – which had already commissioned two Panelbase opinion polls in 2013 – now seems likely to be able to afford an extensive series of projects proposed by its editor, Rev. Stuart Campbell. This includes the publication of a pocket fact book about Scottish independence, commissioning of opinion polls, and a series of live events to promote the virtues of an independent Scotland.

Despite some controversy, including being threatened with legal action by “Better Together” donor Ian Taylor, the site has been characterised as “irreverent, brave, challenging, intelligent and often carrying brilliant analysis and debunking of the media’s campaign against the Yes movement” by media analyst and trainer Colin Meek, and was visited by just under one million readers in the last 12 months – almost a quarter of the Scottish electorate.

A recent poll conducted by Scotpulse found that Wings Over Scotland was relied on for key facts about the independence debate more than any Scottish or UK newspaper.

Some users of the site who donated to the appeal commented:

“I’ve donated to Wings over Scotland because they do what the mainstream media doesn’t. Wings analyses and deconstructs the Westminster propaganda and provides a more balanced view. My donation cost me nothing – I saved it from my daily newspapers. “
Eric McLean

“I want to be able to look in the eyes of my children, grand children and great grandchildren and say I have done my bit for my country’s future freedom , to enable you (my children) to have the opportunity to have a better more equal, prosperous and rich life than I had. “
Stuart John Muir

Wings Over Scotland is located at
Its editor Rev. Stuart Campbell can be contacted at



Are you Scottish? If you are, then you have a gigantic cringe about Scotland, and its ability to run its own affairs.

Arabs for Independence

Marvellous. Watched the amount rise throughout my journey to Norway. Dram at 9 pm


@Lindsay – away and pump yersel


Good lord almighty, looks like the world and his wife have sent in their donations…including Carwyn Jones!

Well done man, unbelievable effort to get to this stage. Now is the time to push on with directing as many people as possible to this site, plus National Collective, Bella, Newsnet etc. I’ll be hopefully be getting some of those ‘Aye Right’ leaflets and leaving them in strategic places. For the site to even get close to this sort of milestone is a clear sign that people are fed up of being told by the media that they have to accept Westminster rule until the end of time.

So aye, bevvy at 9, eh?


Totally amazing, didn’t get a chance during the day, and it’s well over target when I added my donation.

Well done to us! Eat your heart out Better Together…you can only wish.



Lovely wee Bitter Traitor post there

You sound desperate.


OMG just got in and checked total.

Eight and a half hours. Absolutely astonished.


You could also do no wrong in supporting this : link to it’s a stupendous idea (even if I do say so myself)


Congratulations on reaching your target and so quickly.
And…the good news just keeps coming
link to


Alistair Wilson – thanks for the video. I can now see why equal billing was given by the BBC to about 4 BT activists stage managing some leafleting somewhere.

Great news about surpassing the target for funding. I think Wings, independent of the yes campaign, can be a bit more bullish in its approach – gloves off: Yes campaign don’t want to alienate the MSM (well, make them even more biased I guess). Time to start telling people they’re being lied to on a daily basis; time to give people the real scare stories – that a no vote will mean the end of the few positives we have under devolution. Fair enough, Yes want to conduct a positive campaign but the message isn’t getting through to some – those who think there are risks only with voting yes.


Just been checking the Talisker ready for 9pm; I was scared it might have lost its taste after having stood there for two weeks and not been touched.

Maybe I should be 100% sure…


Lindsay dont know what your position is re Indy but you certainly come over as a ‘bitter the gither wumman.

A tad annoyed are we?


This is a fantastic result and I felt so fed up after watching the so-called debate on STV last night – Wings Over Scotland has been an antidote to project fear.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Lindsay says:
Well done, do carry on.

For all the thousands of new visitors and posters on Wings today, I’ll just take a minute to explain the function Lindsay serves.

Lindsay comes on from time to time and trots out the Better Together list of points that their little group of paid trolls have been told to posting round the world of Cyberspace today.

So it lets us have a laugh, and saves us the bother of looking around the newspaper websites to see if they are still alive, and what is the latest counterproductive drivel they have been told to circulate, as per some kind of Baldrick-level cunning plan.

This give us more time to spend on our own quality Cybernattin’.


Victor Hugo wrote,

On résiste à l’invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées

Folk like us are the irresistible ‘invasion of ideas’ in contemporary Scotland.

We’re winning…


I think the one thing I’ve enjoyed the most while watching twitter today was the flood of tweets about this fundraiser, and also the reactions of Wee Duncan H of labourhame fame


Cheered me up no end 😀

Dan Huil

Great work, Rev. Likewise all wingers. I’m both elated and a wee bit worried. If they’re not already, the British nationalist establishment will be really out to get you now.
It might seem slightly illogical but I think you should put yourself even more in the limelight. Publicity could protect you more than relative anonymity. Get yourself interviewed by a major Scottish newspaper. The Sunday Herald?


@ Lindsay – you’ll go down as the biggest gatecrasher in Scottish history – away join yer pals in yer phonebooth for yer ain “big ” party


Great new server, normal refreshing works!


Well done everyone! Just donated even though we’ve smashed the set amount. I’ll get a Hero wings badge to go with my t-shirt from last year. Alas, a gold one was out of reach.
Maybe next year.


Hang on…does the indiegogo tally not even count the 10k donation? So in reality it’s nearly 70k raised within hours???

Well done everybody! And especially well done to stu for providing us with a site more than worthy of the funds raised.


Birthday and Christmas arrived in one day
Looks like you’ll need to make more plans and think of grander schemes
Well done to everyone who helped make a wee bit of history today on Wings


Great effort from all contributing. I have just Paypaled a tenner. Great things will doubtless flow from this fantastic dedication. Project hear. The information now going out from this site is inspiring. No wonder the unionists are rattled. They are on the back foot lets knock them out.

Re. BBC. Just binned my umpteenth letter from the licence people, have not paid now for two years. I urge everyone who reads this site to do likewise. Why pay for their insulting propaganda. The last time one of these cretins appeared at my door, he asked for me by name. I said, “whose asking” to which the arrogant shit replied, “me.” I then told him to take himself tae fcuk, and shut the door. He tried posting a notice through the door, as I held the letter box flap shut. He then resorted to shouting he would be back. End of. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE NOW.

Why not hold a rally, culminating at BBC Pacific Quay. A boat in the river with some really loud PA and banners. If Rainbow Warrior can chase the Japanese whaling fleet home, surely we can fund a boat on the Clyde to harrass the BBC? We need something big and spectacular. I once suggested a blimp, we could fly one of a boat in the river.


I see that the number of donors has now reached 1,000.

A video of the pro-independence businessmen/woman giving evidence to Holyrood today;

link to


As part of knowing your market, here is a personal reflection on your successful fund raiser.

Because I am a firm ‘Yesser’I am predisposed to help out with your fund raising, but I have to say I would have been less inclined to put my hand in my pocket for Newsnet or Bella, reason being that they are not so immediate and not so user friendly. The crunch though is that you offer a unique perspective which is not matched by anyone else and you do it up-front and with honesty. You guarantee value for money and you offer us ‘Wingers’ an inclusive approach. Your prospectus for the next 7 months and beyond is exciting and not to be missed.

Who wouldn’t help out with such a rewarding site?

Dal Riata


So you didn’t use my “GIRFUYz” contribution after all… Damn! 🙂

Excellent press release, by the way. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, runs with it.

call me dave

Congratulations to everyone. That’s a very powerful confirmation of support for the job being done by WoS on our behalf and for independence.

Astounding to see such a large total target demolished within a few hours.


I have a wee bottle of Cretan moonshine ready to go at 9pm GMT. Congratulations from Athens. Every single Greek I’ve spoken to here is rooting for Scotland to take it’s independence.

I’m astonished. Astonished. Astonished I am.

I suspect that if Stu and this site wasn’t on the radar of the ‘instruments of state’, then they certainly will be after this.

What a day it’s been. Wings coming of age, the Labour Party shitting on Scotland with an EU referendum (leaving Jo La look even more isolated after last night’s crap about EU uncertainty) and oor Jim Murphy having a minor breakdown in the commons and getting all sweary with Pete Wishart. It swells the heart.

Time for that moonshine.


Well done everyone. All our donations, big and wee, can help make a difference. I can imagine how many times them at BT said FFS as they watched the sum spiral hour on hour.

As I commented over on Indigogo, it shows just how much WOS [Stuart] is appreciated.

Dal Riata

Lindsay is an anagram of ‘in sadly’. It is very, very appropriate.


The unionists are in full denial mode on the Telegraph.

Bless. 🙂

Note to Ian Brotherhood: Could Stu get dragged up here for the Mcginn do?

He can afford it now…

ronald alexander mcdonaldr

You can now buy The Scotsman and have £53k change!


That is it passed £60,000 now, £70,000 it you count the other donation. Not bad for the first day of the appeal. 😀

creag an tuirc

Last years had 1017 funders for the full run.
Today’s funders total now surpasses this 🙂


£71.258 – what an achievement! Well done Rev, and everyone who contributed. Are we all GM now?


LOL’d at the total now. It’s still going up at a decent rate. I’ll be donating again too later.

Loving seeing how this is really sticking in the craws of the haters. It’s rubbed them up all wrong. You can see them alternatively seethe, rage and call us all “idiots” or worse online and then frantically post about how all is well and they’re so totally not worried at all in a sweaty faux nonchalance. Superb!


Holy Shit!

Graham Scott

I know some of you will be worried that independence might screw up accountancy (seriously, how could you not be worried?!).

Thankfully it won’t. Phew!

link to


‘Our end of the bargain’ isn’t loading for me.

DDOS or lots and lots of wingers?


Oh well another wee song to capture the mood and hey I’m from Dundee but it does seem appropriate. Has to be the ‘Strictly Ballroom’ version.


While I’m in such a good mood after a braw day I’d like to try one last good deed for the day before I drink that toast.

I’m looking for 12.5 volunteers.

I’d like to donate another £20 to Wings and if I can get another 12.5 people to do the same I’d like that total of £270 to buy a Heroes Wings badge for oor Ronnie.

Rev would have to help co-ordinate as we’d just have to put it through the Donate button. Or not?

Any takers?

Calgacus MacAndrews

Cybernat refresh …. Slainte everyone


@X_Sticks – count me in for £20 for Ronnie – braw notion!

jingly jangly

Slainte Fellow Wingers, over 61k on Indiegogo, have a good nights sleep, tomorrow inspired by your commitment we will work as never before!!!

john king

I hold you in high regard and drink a respectful toast to you Rev Stu Campbell, slangevar.


Cheers everyone – we did it.


here’s to an Independent Scotland


here’s lookin’ at you Rev, and us!



Re the committee Gordon McIntyre Kemp on Newsnight Scotland tonight.

Glasses charged? Slainte!


Slange Var


I have just raised a glass to the Rev Stu and all at W.O.S


The Health Secretary being told the most filthiest of jokes

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

@X_Sticks – count me in for £20 for Ronnie too.


Best excuse I’ve ever had for a dram mid week.
Best excuse I’ve ever had for a dram, now I think about it.


Slanj all

oh wait, that’s where my Aye 2014 t-shirt came from

still, ’tis the night of goodwill to all


Well done Wingers, it has been a good day.


As suggested a toast at 9. Mine’s a Singleton. Cheers everyone.


Cheers a’body. Party time.

jingly jangly


With all the goodwill shown to this site, surely we should be looking at hiring the Waverley for a couple of hours, it can hold about 1700 people , so that would make a noise even the BBC could not ignore!!!


Slàinte. Well done everyone on what has been a truely epic day. Special toast to Stu.

Lee Rogers

Cheers all 🙂 🙂 🙂

Barbara Watson

What a day! I got myself a wee bottle of Amaretto to celebrate x



YAWN :-0


a cheeky wee Jura here, with cauld Scottish water straight out the tap.
Slainte mhor!


Interestingly, (or maybe not,) The same number of donors as last year produced double the money this time.

So you can take it that we were well pleased with the investment, Stu.


Cheers all /-raises glass-/!


Rev Stu, you’re a phenomenon!

Here’s to you, to Wings supporters and to Independence.

(Wee dram of The Glenrothes – Select Reserve).

Keeping the rest for 19th September…maybe.



A big Slainte from me to you all including all the lurkers – come on in, honest it doesn’t hurt, come on, join the party. You know you want to. Just type a wee hello and click that Submit button…go on…go on…

Bill McLean

It is a pleasure to donate to the honest, intelligent and principled work of the Rev in helping us gain our rightful Independence. I have a much more sinister reason for wanting Independence-I want that shower of Judases who call themselves Scottish Labour out of business fast so we can reform a real Labour party who care about people in Scotland. Their foul corruption and dishonesty will probably be the subject of an exam question in years to come. How any decent thinking person can vote for them is a mystery. SAOR ALBA! Vote YES!


@Chicmac – ah hear ye Chicmac 🙂

call me dave

X- Sticks

Count me in for Ron’s wings.


Its been a braw day.

call me dave

X- Sticks

Count me in for Ron’s wings.



Great idea for Ronnie.

I can’t do another 20 but will volunteer to be the 0.5.


Wonder if we’ve just created the biggest toast on the internet 🙂

call me dave

Oh! Sorry double post. Just the one £20 though.

call me dave

Oh! Sorry double post. Just the one £20 though.

call me dave

What’s happening?



I like your thinking!

There is a massive blank white panel of wall on the Pacific Quay building facing the Clyde just crying out to be used as a massive projector screen. Know what I’m saying?


45 minutes or so to go for 12 hours since the launch, where will it be? Nearly £62000 on the site.

Stuart Black

Though I started a wee bit previously ( 😉 ) it’s now after 9 pm, so I’d like to raise a glass to all the good folks on here, and especially Rev Stu but, while we’re doing that, let’s spare a thought for poor wee cringing Lindsay, och fuck it, let’s not bother, Slainte! 😀

Well done Rev.


This is absolutely amazing.
Posted earlier for the first time. I guess things are pretty busy. I wonder why?
Donation on its way tomorrow. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Aw, missed it.

I’ve got a couple of bottles of Marston’s ‘Old Empire’,

Here’s to the New Republic.


Raising a glass to Rev Stu and all the Wingers here in my small independent country! 😀

What an incredible fundraising day! Went to donate about 20 min ago and did a double take when I saw the total back then (£60.000+) 😀

As I’m not resident in Scotland I don’t feel right donating to political campaigns in Scotland but donating to WoS is like subscribing to a newspaper – only better.

Thank you, Stu, for all your hard work and congratulations on what you’ve achieved in the past 12 months!

Thank you also to all other WoS contributors and everybody BTL! WoS is my no. 1 go-to website.


And me for Ronnie’s wings.

Linda's Back

Astonishing that Wings can raise as much money from ordinary punters in a few hours than the £73,257 the North British branch of the Labour Party did in three months to December 2013 .

Calgacus MacAndrews

I think the DDossers have been toasting …

Steven Strickland

Wow Wow Wow that’s over £63000. Happy to contribute to all you are doing, now lets win this in September

Lynn MacRae

Just added in a few quid. Total just shy of £62k. Absolutely outstanding effort from everyone here.

Thanks Rev for all the effort you put in. Think reaching your total so quickly proves how much you are thought of. Bet it puts the wind right up the Naw brigade though 🙂

Slainje everyone.


I enjoyed that compatriots. The Rev deserves all the adulation he gets and more. Without him I don’t think there would have been an alternative centre of focus of the same calibre and tenacity.

slainthe mhath gu ahuile daone air Wings.


Raised a glass at 9pm on the dot.

Cheers abody. 🙂


Aye. Whoever is doing the DDOS is clearly reading the site.


Mines a MacAllans, smooth as silk.

Cheers to you Rev and all at Wings.

Chicmac, cheers for the heads up with the software, didnae work on the android but excellent on the Lapper U R a star.

Now, doon tha hatch.

ronnie anderson

@ X Sticks, 8.47, Is that me you,s ur talkin about.

jingly jangly

X_Sticks Add me in £20 for Ronnies wings

Better Together St Kilda

Glasses raised all over the island – we’re on St Kilda Mean Time.


Fandabbeydozie Stu – I think you’ve got our attention!

Lang may yer lum reek.

BTW – sent my new £4 monthly donation through paypal S/O so there’s another £48 to add in.

You’re worth every penny and more. Grand laddie!


Cheers SquareHaggis

Nae bother. Jist dinna blame me if it gings tits up. 🙂


Put yourself in the spotlight Stu, the public will protect you & the spooks wont get to you. hope to see you on Newsnight. if the BBC dare.


I’m in for Ronnie but you’ll have to wait till Friday I’m afraid… it’s been a seriously expensive winter. 🙂


@ Lindsay
He he, the total just jumped £75 in the time it took to make a cup of coffee, and there is still another month left.

I’m wondering why you are here right now. What’s the deal? Are you on the payroll or are you simply anti-democratic, anti-Scots, or both? Surely you don’t believe that Westminster and the MSM are providing balanced information?




Well done fellow Wingers and congratulations to Stu for a gobsmacking impressive fund raiser
Did my bit earlier this afternoon and now enjoying a wee Talisker -Slainte


ronnie anderson says:

“@ X Sticks, 8.47, Is that me you,s ur talkin about.”

Aye, you ronnie.

I’m looking for 12.5 volunteers.

I’d like to donate another £20 to Wings and if I can get another 12.5 people to do the same I’d like that total of £270 to buy a Heroes Wings badge for oor Ronnie.

Got 7 takers so far (including me)

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly

Nearly there..
Any more?


Da worry Chicmac, I read yer disclaimer 🙂

The androids on it’s way oot any road, biut like maself if I keep at this bottle… Bit hell, it’s like Xmas!

Wee donation on it’s way to LFI.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Over on the Guardian they are having a poll to choose a new rUK flag.

link to

From the comments, it’s as if they are beginning to realise that a new flag is indeed going to be a requirement after September.


No hurry Boorach – I’m sure the Rev will keep a badge back


Gosh, I feel a bit like the Rev! 🙂



Put me doon for a score, just let me know how and when.


link to

‘Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off’, Jim Murphy to Pete Wishart


No camp melting down as we post.Great effort from all contributing. I have just Paypaled a tenner. Great things will doubtless flow from this fantastic dedication. Project hear. The information now going out from this site is inspiring. No wonder the unionists are rattled. They are on the back foot lets knock them out.

Re. BBC. Just binned my umpteenth letter from the licence people, have not paid now for two years. I urge everyone who reads this site to do likewise. Why pay for their insulting propaganda. The last time one of these cretins appeared at my door, he asked for me by name. I said, “whose asking” to which the arrogant shit replied, “me.” I then told him to take himself tae fcuk, and shut the door. He tried posting a notice through the door, as I held the letter box flap shut. He then resorted to shouting he would be back. End of. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE NOW.

Why not hold a rally, culminating at BBC Pacific Quay. A boat in the river with some really loud PA and banners. If Rainbow Warrior can chase the Japanese whaling fleet home, surely we can fund a boat on the Clyde to harrass the BBC? We need something big and spectacular. I once suggested a blimp, we could fly one of a boat in the river.


Fantastic progress. I join the party but I’m not drinking coz I am the designated driver 🙂 I wonder of all the unionist trolls out there which one’s turn was it to be @lindsay tonight.
Proud to be called a ‘simpleton’ by the likes of ‘hotdo’g hothershall


Apologies for reposting the gremlins did not let me see the first one


x sticks,

re Ronnie. I offered to be the half @9.13

Calum Craig

Whoever dropped the 10k, I would just like to say on behalf of everyone one here “THANK YOU!”.

As I said earlier, I’m waiting til payday on Friday then I shall gladly dip my hand in my pocket. There are many more like me so I think we will see a spike the day after tomorrow.

Folks, we are on the right side of history, we’re gonna do this thing!


Missed the drinkies at 2100 hrs as was out at a YES meeting for the Renfrewshire villages. Great turnout and good speeches. Loud round of applause at end. So, now to that celebratory hauf.

Andrew Parrott

Most of a year’s BBC licence fee on the way to Wings now. A much better investment methinks. Onwards and upwards!


Don’t you just feel part of something that it greater than the sum of its parts.


With less than 10 minutes to go until we hit the 12 hour milestone, the total is now over £20,000 above the target (including the 10K).

Quite something in only one half rotation of our wee planet!

Calgacus MacAndrews

@gillie says:

link to

‘Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off’, Jim Murphy to Pete Wishart

There is a nice line in Cybernat banter at the bottom of the Jim Murphy piece in @gillie’s Spectator link above.


cearc says:

“I offered to be the half @9.13”

Thanks cearc.

The Rough Bounds

Amazing! I sense that something really big has started here today. If I may speak metaphorically, it’s as if the heather has been set on fire and the fiery cross has been raised at the same time.

Thank God.


Rev just tweeted:

Wings Over Scotland ?@WingsScotland · 11m
Just finished working through email backlog. Further “off-plan” direct donations add another £4,024.50. Grand total so far: £76,998.50


link to

Jim ‘fuck off, fuck off, fuck off’ Murphy goes berserk in the Commons. He must have heard of WoS success in raising a whole heap of money.


I would back up the posts suggesting a few donations to the Labour for Indy appeal.

Derek Bateman’s blog had a post regarding them knocking doors in Easterhouse and other estates trying to register voters.

When you think about the huge number of people who never vote.. the apathetic and disenfranchised.. it could make all the difference in a close result.

When you look at the inequality here compared to the small independent Scandinavian nations, it surely must encourage some to give it a go.

Rick Guthrie

Well done everybody . Brilliant

Stuart Black

Oh yes, and lest we forget, kudos to Chris Cairns for the cartoon of Hamish out-Kitchenering Kitchener, who could refuse that steely gaze? 😉

Well done Chris, and thanks for the pleasure that your Hamish cartoons have given us, I just love the first one in the hot air balloon, with Hamish scissoring away the ‘Too Wee’, ‘Too Poor’, and ‘Too Stupid’ weights, allowing the balloon to soar alongside Wings, I’d buy that poster.

Thanks so much Chris, you’re an absolute star.

Votadini Jeannie

What an exciting day this has been! I’m glad to have been able to contribute as I couldn’t afford to last time round.

Stu, we drink to your health and continued good work – you make such a difference and should take seriously the suggestions of buying or starting a Scottish nnewspaper. You wouldn’t be short of assistance in getting it off the ground!



Do you hear us Gardham and mccolm?


re ronnie’s wings

Got 8.5 out of 12.5 takers so far (including me)

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly
cearc for the half

Have I missed anyone – I think the servers been a bit dodgy


Donated, hopefully my small donation will help with your fund.

The thought of wings not being here anymore is a very sobering thought indeed.

If my football coupon comes in at the weekend you may get a wee bit more!!!!

Keep up the good work


‘Happiness sets us free’, indeed.


DONE! Better late than never 😉 I’m enjoying watching it rise and rise…


Bank of Wings to be iScotland’s lender of last resort.


To prevent confusion and for the avoidance of doubt, the poster ‘ronnie anderson’ is not me. I got my ‘shiney wings’ from Rev Stu at the Albanach. Worn daily with pride.

James Westland

That Jim Murphy outburst was something else. And him supposed to be a good Catholic as well. Sounds like he’s been listening to that old punk song by Wayne County and the Electric Chairs….

In all its blues-tinged glory:


r@fresh page


£77k in a day (so far) is fantastic.

My vote would be for any extra cash to go towards funding a free newspaper, published once a week at first.

Maybe in collaboration with other pro-Scottish blogs and websites.

Still plenty of people who aren’t online.

Preferably with a similar sense of humour and off-topic news and sports articles.
– some casual reading on a train sort of thing.

A lot of people are put off by being seen to read a purely party political leaflet.

Stuart Black

@Albalha: You’ve probably seen this posted before, but if not, enjoy!

I have sworn to watch this at least once every day until the referendum, and I have kept this up so far, very uplifting!


Just made my wee contribution, total was at £63,974, +£10k means it’s nearly at £75,000, let’s get to that before midnight!


Strange behaviour by Mr Murphy. Perhaps he watched Johann Lamont last night and realised that as a Scot he was genetically indisposed to making political decisions and therefore his entire career is a lie.

Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant

Perfect day. I hope to write a Wings Over Scotland speech in a play I’m workin oan. I certainly have the inspiration now. Thanks everyone on here, and of course the media in Scotland, our Rev Stu. Thanks again Stu.

I know we are Cybernats , and it is a natty name, but check these magicians
link to


O/T Just did a Yougov poll covering the economy,police ,NHS,schools ,immigrationetc.which party do you vote for and who will you vote for in EU election, Yea or no in the Referendum,the General election 2015.What do you expect if YES .What currency do you expect,will things be better or worse.ditto for a NO vote and will devolution powers increase,reduce or remain same?


So, I hadn’t heard of Duncan Hothersall (well, maybe I’d heard him mentioned on this site before) so I had a look at his twitter. He seems to really not like the Rev. But anyway, in his anger at this site and crowd funding, he stated this:

I’ve never been paid for working for something I believe in. I’ve always done it for free.

What does Mr Hothersall do for a living, and why does he not believe in it? Maybe I’m just lucky but I work in a job I believe in and love. Doing it for free, though, isn’t a luxury I have. I do do a bit of Citizens’ Advice in my free time, but not very much these days. So, I guess I’m trying to understand if people like this DH gentleman feel that no one should earn a living from doing things they believe in.


Ronnie says:

“To prevent confusion and for the avoidance of doubt, the poster ‘ronnie anderson’ is not me.”

Ha ha Yes, Ronnie, I assumed (perhaps wrongly) everyone would know which Ronnie I was talking about.

@Ronnie Anderson – I hope you don’t mind my wee extra fundraiser – I just felt you deserved a Wings Heroes badge, and I know you’ve got the new grand-wain and all 😉


The times they are are changing and your contribution is up there with the best of them. Thanks Stu.

Robert Kerr


I’m good for 20 for Ronnie’s wings too.

John H.

£64,000 + £10,000. Looks like we’ll hit the £100,000 mark tomorrow morning.


As sent to our overseas cousins:




Controversial Scottish pro-independence website, Wings Over Scotland today raised more than £70,000 ($US 116,000) in a little over eight hours to continue its commentary and analysis for another year.

In what is likely a crowd-funding record for a British political website, Wings hit its £53,000 ($US88,000) target a mere eight and a half hours after its appeal was launched at 10am on Wednesday (February 26)

With a September referendum on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country, the success of the crowd-funded site will worry those seeking to hold the UK together. Even more concerning may be the opinion of contributors that they were being ill-served by conventional media, including the BBC. Many see the renowned broadcaster as failing to present a balanced view.

Increasingly, Scots are turning to online sources to help them make up their minds about how to vote. The success of the Wings appeal shows they are prepared to back their favorite site with hard cash.

Some users of the site who donated to the appeal commented:

“I’ve donated to Wings over Scotland because they do what the mainstream media doesn’t. Wings analyses and deconstructs the Westminster propaganda and provides a more balanced view. My donation cost me nothing – I saved it from my daily newspapers. “

Eric McLean

“Not a single identifiable lie. There’s not a single newspaper in this country that could aspire to that standard. And that is shameful in a modern democracy, but it also explains why Wings attracts such a stunning response to a crowd fund appeal.”

Stuart Black

“I want to be able to look in the eyes of my children, grand children and great grandchildren and say I have done my bit for my country’s future freedom , to enable you (my children) to have the opportunity to have a better more equal, prosperous and rich life than I had. “

Stuart John Muir

Arbroath 1320

While everyone is in a good mood, I found this over on Twitter might be worth a wee keek at. 😉

link to


A bit late to the party after being out at the RIC mass canvas, but just poured a wee Jura to toast you with. Could easily hit £100K by the end of the fundraiser.

I was planning to chuck a bit in on pay day but might stick it into Labour for Indy instead. Speaking to people in the East End it’s very clear just how vital they are – so many people want to know where Labour stand, where Tommy Sheridan stands etc. Think the Wings fundraiser will still be running by next payday as well though 🙂


Agree re Chris.

He has created a really iconic mascot for Wings. That Fundraiser could easily be turned into a WOS add or a WOS poster to promote a YES vote, I think.

What an asset he is.


re ronnie’s wings

Got 9.5 takers out of 12.5 so far (including me)

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly
Robert Kerr
cearc for the half

I’ll take £10 pledges 😀


Oh no, we’ve been swindled! Apparently we’re voting to be an independent county, not country! Doh! You got us good. Don’t we feel foolish.

link to

Findlay Farquaharson

lots of publicity this fundraiser should attract.


Well that’s it at over £65k now and as far as I can see the only mention of this remarkable achievement is on Newsnet, is anyone aware of any reporting of this in the media at all?

I mean surely its got to be a record for crowdfunding, perhaps the good folks at Indiegogo can enlighten us?


“’ve never been paid for working for something I believe in. I’ve always done it for free.”

I do loads of stuff for free, either because I enjoy it, or it’s something I believe in – usually those two things go together. But I don’t have the luxury to do those things full time because I also need to live, pay the mortgage etc and there is no way I’d ever make enough to live on from only doing the things I enjoy.

At this moment in time, I really want someone to be able to work full time doing the kind of excellent work Stu does, and clearly many other people feel the same way. It’s a very happy place when loads of people want something and someone is there willing and able to offer it. It’s basically capitalism at its best and it’s refreshing to see that. I feel similarly about BrewDog and a lot of other small local breweries – I’m happy to pay for those products because I really want them to be there.

jingly jangly

Gardham on Scotland Tonight, basically defending Lamontable, saying that gaffs can be magnified etc.

They did show the now infamous “We are not genetically programed” quote. How come nobody’s highlighting the debater of the years astonishing statement that ” What I say it that Trident should be negotiated away, it should not be used as a bargaining chip for your argument for separation.


squarego- I’m not surprised the Electoral Commission got it wrong I worked with their web people a few years ago as a contractor and I found them to be complete and utter air heads to be honest.



Now that we’ve got that sorted, here’s another 20 pledge.


page refresh
page refresh



Lack of self analysis and self criticism by Scotland Tonight on last night’s debacle. Rona Dougall simply is out her depth.

Stuart Black

@kininvie, thank you for doing this (the press release) and my thanks would not be diluted in the slightest if you had left my own quote out, there are far more eloquent posters than me posting daily on this most splendid of sites. But, I am so incredibly proud that you included a part of it and (quoted below), I stand by every word.

“Not a single identifiable lie. There’s not a single newspaper in this country that could aspire to that standard. And that is shameful in a modern democracy, but it also explains why Wings attracts such a stunning response to a crowd fund appeal.”

We’re the berries, so we ur! 🙂


Thanks ‘other’ Ronnie 😉

William Duguid

Officially impressive. No point in saying anything more because, with the DDoS delay, any comment will be superseded by better ones.

The No campaign can’t match this. Nobody can. We’re the guys in the cockpit of history. Let’s get our talents organised and do this!!


Here’s an idea for the extra cash (once the rev gets a pay rise). How about a number of WTF debates, like greens vs ukip, LFI vs the red tory party, etc.

Bruce Wallace

A friend of mine noticed my Wings car window sticker and said “Why have you got that big statue that’s doon in Newcastle, beside the motorway on your window”
I did laugh, though I wasn’t sure whether I was laughing at him or the thought I had in my head of painting it blue with WingsOverScotland painted across it 😉



Hadn’t seen Happy Glasgow, not quite my thing, tad too many kilts and rather wooden dancing, though do get the point, now this is more up my Kool street, musical taste funny old business


At this rate we’ll be able to tell Dave to shove the rigs up his hoop and live off the Rev fund!


Only need two more £20 or 4 more £10 pledges to get Mr Ronnie Anderson a heroes Wings badge.


I have given small amounts to some of the others and I do realise they are important but I have chosen to save up for this one because it suits my thoughts.

No harm to the rest and I know they are all important in their own way.

I am happy to mention the other pro indy sites to as many folk as possible.

Bruce Wallace

@kendomacaroonbar, I Like it.

Any body do 1 of they Hitler video thingys of todays crowd funder an post it, the last 1 was very good

Quinie frae Angus

X Sticks

Count me in for a £20 for Ronnie Anderson’s badge fund….


Thanks Quinie.

One more? Just one?

call me dave


Thanks for posting your link. Enjoyed all the content real good work.



Pardon my ignorance, but what is this Ronnie’s Wings thing?



Ace stuff.

Alistair Warwick

Congratulations. Great effort!
I’ll send some money tomorrow. Meanwhile I had a belated Ladaig to toast us all.

Linda's back

BBC again on Newsnight didn’t allow the guy from Business for Scotland to respond to Labour MP Ian Murray’s falsehoods.

Andrew Parrott

Where’s the total now?

Mary Bruce

Aye, go on then. Put me down for £20


Thanks (presumably) to fellow WOSers for pushing the LFI appeal up by several hundred pounds and through the 2/3 mark towards their target.

J. R. Tomlin

Pffft. You’re way behind, Stu. It is now £65,862.

And don’t worry about the bile and jealousy on Twitter. All people have to do is read your blog to know the truth.


@Andrew Parrot

Nearly £67000 on the fundraising site excluding the other monies donated via other means.



Shit, how did I miss that? Blame the DDOSers.
Anyway, count me in.


Just watching the Jon Stewart Daily Show from NY up here in ABZ and Monday night’s show they have a great report from Russia with politics there. Everyone in opposition over there from Pussy Riot to other people I cant pronounce are all bugged by the state, tiny cameras you name it. DDoS attacks are probably just the half of it or probably not at WoS.

call me dave

Looks like Ron’s wings are ready for a test flight.
How is the money to be organised?

Still the contributions are stacking up… fantastic.

Got my 3rd YES newspaper today in Glenrothes. Two older folk delivering, man & woman, had a chat for a minute as they walked along the street. Three YES badges between us.


Thanks Mary.

We’re there 🙂

@Rev Stu

I have pledges of £20 (and a £10) from:

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly
Robert Kerr
Quinie frae Angus
Mary Bruce
cearc for the half

To get a Wings heroes badge for Ronnie Anderson

Would you prefer us to add these pledges to the indiegogo appeal or through the donate button?

and Ronnie – can you send the Rev your postal address to send the badge to. I guess Stu will tell you the best way to contact him.

Thanks to you all – another £270 in the pot!

Whit a braw finish tae a fantastic day 🙂



Interesting that on twitter there are cries of ‘what about us, why should Wings get all the lolly’ BUT many a fundraiser has been highlighted here, Bella’s, Jack Foster’s, LFI (which I donated to t’other day), and the rest.

Some folks need to get their own acts together frankly before indulging in poor me syndrome.

For the love of goodness I can only hope this country grows up otherwise I do despair.


BTW the rev is getting some flak on his twitter from folk demanding he apologises for this and that.

Some people will be insulted in an empty room.

Adam Davidson

I go off site for 12 hours and when I return the Rev has not only launched a fundraiser but you lot have nailed it faster than Lamont can put her foot in it. That has made my day. It sent shivers down my spine.

I am sorry but also kind of glad to have missed the build up though as I would have been refreshing every 5 mins all day and got nothing done.

I want my Wings badge and I want it NOW. So badgeworthy donation made. We can do the £100k by the weekend easily. Keep going people.

And as for the Rev’s payment, he deserves much more but he is right to keep it lean or it would be used against him. Maybe we can chip in to cover the cost of a decent weekend away. A long weekend in Perth in March would be a relaxing break…


Update on Mcginn’s Ian?

I have two lurkers who want to come along.


@ X_Sticks

10 quid for Ronnie, count me in.

How and where from me in Frankfurt 😉

jingly jangly

x-sticks great just let us know how we pay for the Ronnie badge, and next time u see Rab C tell the auld bastard to donate some of his wedge to WOS.

ronnie anderson

@X Sticks an awe the rest of you,s, I thank you very much,

but Im nothing special, a common 5/8,I would be just as

Proud Winger wie a tin badge,donate any spare money to the

Rev, Im more than happy to be welcomed by all you

CyberWingers. Thank You,s one All for the thoughts.


corned beef

Chris Cairns

And I wassh trying to drink … not to – not to trink schroo the week … bashards …

Stuart Black

@albalha: <i"musical taste funny old business"

indeed, too many white shoes for me ;), though I like the song very much. But hey, vive la difference, I found the enthusiasm of the kids inspirational, maybe it’s just an age thing, lost youth or whatever.

I do think we can both agree, music aside, this has been a special day, and I for one am on cloud nine, we will win this thing because Better Together have nothing, absolutely nothing, to compare with this.

Best wishes, Stuart


Haven’t got anything to add really but just wanted to be part of the celebration!


@chicmac & Midgehunter – thanks guys, but got there already 🙂

@jingly jangly – lol – await payment instructions from Stu (see post above). Hoping to get out delivering some more papers this weekend so will see Rab then – will pass on the message;)



Agree. This is a once only thing. We don’t have time to ‘spread the lurve’ and ‘see what grows’. It’s our money and we will put it where we think it will make the most difference. Based on past performance and/or logical expectation. End of.

Cold maybe, unfair perhaps, but circumstances dictate.


@ronnie Anderson

I recon you deserve a Heroes badge Ronnie for all the paper folding, shed painting and all the magic humour you put into Wings. Way to go Mr.

You’ll need to give the Rev your address to send it to 😉



I’m sure we agree on more than today has indeed been bloody good. Never have lost my just say what you think much like a chippy teenager, so it goes.



Ach well, my bad. To keep my conscience clear I’ll bung another 20 Wings way.

Tîm Criced i Gymru

Just put in a little something towards the fight. What an incredible response! The steadfastness of your stand and the belief in your cause up there in ALBA is a credit to you all and a massive uplift to your Celtic cousins here in CYMRU (Wales). Sorry that we’re appearing so lame, lurching so far behind you. This campaign should certainly give us all down here a lift of spirits! You/we JUST HAVE TO WIN NOW – alternative is too dire and depressing to contemplate and will set us all back decades. Work on wooing the naive, the timid and the worriers, rather than the die-hard, ever-fading Imperialists – Imperialism has long had its day, thank goodness for that. Just beware that you respond with clear heads, self-composure and self-respect to all the disgraceful flak that’s been targeted your way – the bombardment has only just begun. I know you don’t mention ‘Braveh—t’, but it really spoke volumes to me. Here’s one ‘Wallace moment’ to keep in mind always (well until 19/9!!): … to the massed ranks facing the fearful sight of the enemy’s advancing horse at Stirling, what did he call out? “HOLD!…HOLD!…HOLD!…’



And to reciprocate I’ll bung a 20 to LfI


I must be a bit slow (probably due to my genetics) but something I’ve noticed on my travels through t’interweb thingy is the lack of good grammar and attention to detail by a lot of the NOs when commenting on FB and other sites. I’ve taken the view that if they cannot be bothered constructing a sentence correctly then chances are that they’ve given even less attention to their arguments. On here, other than Ronnie’s odd use of commas 🙂 its a different world.


fifty quid to take it to 66,666

would make a good screen grab 🙂


Hi folks – just sent my donation from Calgary, Canada. Fantastic response. Anyway, OT but can anyone help me? I am determined to come back for the vote but need to know some hard facts. When is the last date I can register to vote, and I presume I have to be living in Scotland at the time – at my dear old Dad’s address of course. And once I register do I have to stay right through or could I go back to Canada and then fly back again in time. If it’s at all possible I want to do this – it might cost a few grand, counting loss of earnings as well, but this is a once in 300 years opportunity. If the vote is yes (and I’m thinking 64%) I will eventually come home, permanently, even though I’ve been in Canada 7 years now and have dual citizenship, if the vote is no – god help Scotland – I’ll probably stay over here, at least the politicians aren’t quite as in thrall (even the ruling tories) to the bankers, the Yanks, etc, and even though some of them are pretty low (Senators expense scandals anyone) we don’t have anything quite as appalling as what SLAB has become



No currency union

Surely you mean no official currency union?

= no central bank

Not a big deal

= no lender of last resort

Oh please. This isn’t the 20th century. If your banks and businesses deeply involved in the economy of another state, that state functions as the defacto lender of last resort. Its called Globalization. Of course, this point of yours is the bog standard one trotted out by Better Together, and it usually is followed by the claim that RBS is 12 times the size of the Scottish Economy. (Off on a tangent, bu interesting thing to note here. If RBS is 12 times the size of the Scottish Economy, and the UK economy is also 12 times the size of the Scottish Economy, it means that RBS is as large as the UK economy. Something does not add up there, Or Vince Cable is just really really bad at mathematics.)

= no major bank HQs

So what is it? Is RBS English or Scottish? Make up your mind already. You can’t claim that the UK is needed because RBS would kill the Scottish Economy if it failed, and then trot out the line that Scotland would have no big banks anyway. DOES NOT COMPUTE. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

= fecked fund management, accountancy, insurance, corporate law

Citation needed.

= no EU membership – member states need central banks by treaty, see?

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty prevents territories from leaving without a negotiated withdrawal,or failing that, a 2 year decoupling process. The gap between the referendum and independence would be less than 2 years, so that argument doesn’t fly.

It’s like watching one of those sequences where the clown’s costume falls apart.

Surely you mean your argument, correct? 😉


I’m sorry I missed the piss-up at nine. I was in the school hall of Edinburgh Academy, believe it or not, at choir practice, and surreptitiously following Wings on my phone. I just managed to sneak off the pledge for Ronnie while Sir was rehearsing the basses.

The piece we were singing is a new one for me. It’s called “These things shall be”, which I thought was rather prophetic. It starts, “What will the future bring?”

Someone let me know where to send the £20 for Ronnie. Is it possible enough people might pledge to get him a Saviour badge? That would be good!

Mary Bruce


I donated through the campaign, it should appear as “For ronnie”

Delighted to contribute, Ronnie x


Eh it’s the 2nd.

link to



Waiting for Stu to tell us how he’d prefer us to pay – no hurry.

A savour badge – I didn’t want to set my sights too high, and thought a Heroes badge would be appropriate. That said chicmac and Midgehunter were also going to contribute, so maybe…

Anyone else like to contribute to go for a Saviour badge? If chicmac and Midghunter are still up for it then we’d need another 11.5 x £20.


There was a press article the other day about vigilance against people bending the rules to get on the register, so great care is required. A short sojourn that just happens to cover September may be challenged.

ronnie anderson

@ X Sticks an awe the rest of You,s Wingers, its a bliddy new lap top I,ll need tae buy,the tear,s ur blinin me, you,s know how tae make a grown man greet.


@ chicmac

20 to LfI done 🙂

Today has cost me a bloody fortune! Ach, its only money 😀


X_Sticks, let it run for a day or two. You know you’ve got him a Hero badge anyway, so anything else is a bonus.

That was a lovely thought, thank you for having it.


Mary Bruce says:

“I donated through the campaign, it should appear as “For ronnie”

Good call Mary – using your initative! I like that.

Guess we can all just follow Mary’s lead and bung your pledge to the indiegogo appeal marked “for Ronnie” – I’ll go do mine now.



Thumbs up. Although I re-iterate I am not a LFI supporter per se, but at this stage it is, quite simply, Yes versus No, Independence versus Dependence.

ronnie anderson

@MOrag 12.10, A Saviour badge Morag,I,ll gie you a few names

of people that would supply the nails n hammer & pin me up

on the back of ma shed. lol



Agree, I have a lot of respect for Allan Grogan and what he is trying to do. Supporting LfI can only undermine that despicable bunch that have taken over the ‘Scottish’ Labour party. They are an embarrassment to their country.



“let it run for a day or two”

Aye, why not – a Saviour badge – the ultimate!

C’mon folks – anyone else want to get ronnie a Saviour badge? It a good cause the dosh is going to 😉

Dr JM Mackintosh

well done – the support you are getting is amazing and well deserved.

We are going to get our independent country.

K Mackay

What a day folks! Yes is starting to feel like a tidal wave, if I was a unionist I’d be really nervous right now, they can only dream of enthusiasm like this.

I’ve handed out 20-30 Yes badges to folk in the last week, just chatting to folk in shops, pub, street (it’s a good way to start conversations about indy too, just offer a badge). Started chatting to a guy this evening up near the top of Arthur’s seat (in the dark and the wind and rain), gave him a Yes badge and told him about Wings, he said he’d look it up and share on facebook. We’re everywhere! I’m finding it harder and harder to find unionists to argue with in everyday life.

I’d love to see some of the mountains of money pouring in go to old fashioned advertising like bus stops, billboards etc for Wings. Oh and stickers with the WIngs web address and a hamish cartoon, o please give me stickers, I really love stickers! 🙂

Grahame, thankyou for the link to funding for the Yes trailer for Edinburgh, I didn’t know about that and it’s exactly the kind of thing I’d like to see more of, cheers man.


Suppose its too late for me to say “Rev, that last 20 quid was for Ronnie”. 🙄


X Sticks – put me down for a score for the Ronnie Anderson wings. I canny do Paypal so easy way for me to contribute. My email address is already in Quarantine re. funds transfer etc.

ronnie anderson

@AWE C Mon You,s lot,I,ll be de highdrated if you,s keep this up.

ronnie anderson

see its effectin maspellin noo,de hydrated that should read.


re:ronnie’s SAVIOUR wings badge.

Got 15.5 takers so far (including me)

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly
Robert Kerr
Quinie frae Angus
Mary Bruce
Midgehunter (you still in?)
cearc for the half

Any more?

I’m calling it a night at that. c uz 2moro

£67,090 is the indiegogo total as I leave – fucking amazing!

K Mackay

Ah, Stu, you’re there. Congratulations man! I bet even you didn’t expect it to go that fast.

Just shows what an appetite there is for independence and proper journalism to help get us there.

Just had a thought, does anyone fancy winding up the Daily Mail by crowdfunding a crown for Stu? Don’t know what a crown costs these days but I doubt it would take long to raise the funds. I mean can you imagine how upset the DM and all the other BritTrolls would be?


lol night ronnie 😉

bookie from hell

Our virtual thankyou to BT team,for record donations today


link to


I put another £20 in but my comment saying it was for Ronnie wasn’t accepted. Well it was and I imagine Stu can figure it out.

Dick Gaughan

X_Sticks says:
Anyone else like to contribute to go for a Saviour badge? If chicmac and Midghunter are still up for it then we’d need another 11.5 x £20.

Missed the earlier calls for Ronnie’s badge but if you’re going for the Saviour now, count me in for a score.



To vote, you need to personally register. Forms are available online – Here’s the Ayrshire one.

link to

Obviously, you have to declare your permanent address in Scotland, although if you then need to move away again, on a temporary or permanent basis, that wouldn’t invalidate your vote.

Moving back to your Dad’s house would be best done sooner than later.Registrations after June may not be processed in time for September.

Les Wilson

A good paragraph courtesy of the WEE GINGER DUG.

” The dug is going on a rural holiday, and is going to stay with some friends who live outside the city where he can spend a few days running in mud, barking at foxes and squirrels, and persuading the local dugs of the advantages of a yes vote by leaving messages in the form of pee on lampposts. Pissing all over Scottish streets doesn’t work so well at persuading humans, that’s the big mistake being made by the no campaign.”

Dave McEwan Hill

A Junior Wings is probably a good idea (called something more hip of course)

ronnie anderson

X Sticks, Good nite to you , and good nite to ALL.

catch you,s again tommorow, God Bless.

Flower of Scotland

Got back late but that’s my donation in now !
Well done Stu ! You must be pleased !


Pleased? I think he’s poleaxed!

Seasick Dave

I see that the Gravatars are active again when you hover over them.

Calum Craig

Calum Craig

And for the Glaswegians:

Calum Craig

And, to sign off for the night, this is good too:


If this isn’t a suitable occasion for leaving my first Wings comment then I don’t know what would be. What an amazing achievement. I did wonder why so many No people had been bumping their gums about you today, feathers well and truly ruffled yet again. Thanks for being so devoted to the Wings cause, as more and more people are beginning to smell the stink in the mainstream media it seems they’re also looking for an alternative. You’re providing a damn good one. So good, in fact, that people are willing to pay for it. I hope you’re enjoying a drink or ten, you deserve it. Cheers.



Was thinking about Ronnie earlier today while at work. Saviour badge is a great idea: put me down for £20.


This call for Ronnie, the response, just about sums up all that is great about Scots folk, it also sums up the attitude that wants this country to be an independent country – it’s coming!

Seasick Dave

Completely OT but…

link to

That’s right, £330 million to be spent upgrading junctions in London; that’s £9 million per junction.

They’re getting their money’s worth out of us before we go.



I think he’s FURIOUS! All this time he set this funding up in order to get an excuse to walk away from all this and shut the site down. That’s why he set the funding goal so much higher and the uses so much more ambitious. But then you crafty CYBERNATS and ONLINE BULLIES forced him to keep going by spoiling his plan and giving him all that money!

ronnie anderson

The REV he,s in his coontin hoose sortin oot the money

awe his gains equals a lotta pain,s

and us lot provide the funny,s

there,s no a week withoot a peak

bit Wingers jist climb er it

We,ve conquered Munro,s

weil convince don’t knows

and thegither weil win this


turnbull drier

I go to bed and then wake up to 68 Grand.. wow!


Wooo. Missed a lot of yesterday except to see the target get whacked. What a buzz being part of this!!

And the Wee Blue Book. I cannae wait for the Wee Blue Book.

Calgacus MacAndrews


The Calgacus MacAndrews £20 payment of a moment ago is for Ronnie’s badge.


I’ve never commented on here before, but am so impressed with the job you’re doing that I’ve just donated the equivalent of my BBC license fee. Keep it up, there’s something stirring out there!


God almighty!!!!!!

You go out for the evening, come home, sleep, wake up, sit down, have breakfast, go to Wings …and the fundraising is complete!!!!! … 8 hours!!!!!!

Well, apart from choking on my combined Alpen and Frosties, I am glad to say that I have added my own contribution to the total. Over £60,000 now!

Enjoy the day, Rev …you deserve it!


I make the running total about £82,500 now… still well within the first 24 hours 🙂


I’ll tell you one thing though…

Any Unionists, including our so-called unbiased media, will be reeling when they read this post.

Aye …read it and weep …for we’re deadly f****** serious about getting our country out of the hands of liars, deceivers, and charlatans who parade themselves as the voice of fairness and democracy. The game is up. The party is over.

Welcome to the real voice of democracy in Scotland…

Steven Duncan

@x_sticks – made contribution yesterday. Will send another £20 can be added to the Ronnie Badge collection.

I would just liked to add my thanks, especially to the Rev for making this place an essential daily visit and for the regular contributors – who complete the package.

ronnie anderson

@Calgacus Mac Andrews, C mon guys you,s need tae stop this,an

naebody special.


OT EBC Disreporting Scotland wheeling out Standard Life will up sticks if Scotland exercises her democratic right and votes for independence. Read my lips..Fuck Right Off..


Just received an email from yes in the glen link to

Their crowd funder is in dire straits

At present we have raised just over £1000, our target to make the day suceed is £15000.

At the start of the month we started an indiegogo fundraiser to begin raising funds for the event. As of this morning the fundraiser on indiegogo (phase 1) has reached no where near its target with only 4 days to go.

link to


I am going oot the door an angry man at this bullying of the Scots by another pal of Torywasteminster, they just don’t get us do they? we answer shit like Standard Life by saying “oh aye, jog on ya bass” @Grahame – already donated..

Another Union Dividend

Project Fear handbook for Dummies

Stage One Osborne creates uncertainty by saying UK won’t allow Scotland to use the pound despite this being the worst financial scenario for Bankrupt Britain. Added bonus by politicising the UK Civil Service and then rope in Labour’s little helpers.

Stage Two Phone round Tory business people to get them to complain about “uncertainty”. Find one which has the added bonus of a compliant Lord George Robertson on the Board (Ignore fact that Standard Life has a large presence in Ireland and operates in Austria, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, China and India) and is prepared to blackmail its staff and customers on a political issue.

Stage Three Leak reports to UK right wing press and tip off the BBC and get Labour little helper Ian Murray on air where he tells ties on air by misquoting, RBS who are neutral, the Governor of the Bank of England and Alex Salmond over the currency issue.

Stage Four JOB DONE as BBC headline this but never mention the businesses who support independence. Ignore facts that Scotland is in a financially better place than Bankrupt UK and that numerous businesses and governments will set up offices in Edinburgh after independence thus creating thousands of new jobs.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Ronnie anderson says:
The REV he,s in his coontin hoose sortin oot the money

Tammy doffed tae ye ….

That’s you and me both in the running for the 2014 Cybernat Creative Scotland William Topaz McGonegall prize.

link to


john king

“I did laugh, though I wasn’t sure whether I was laughing at him or the thought I had in my head of painting it blue with WingsOverScotland painted across it”

Theres a good,
Idea thon Angel o the north could dae wi a wee coat o dulux 😉


Regarding Standard Life – currently top story on the MAIN BBC website – strange (not), given that we had to plumb the depths of the Scotland subsection to find find out the likes of RBS have no problem with indy, eh?

Anyway, I seem to recall them making a similar threat before devolution. I know Scottish Widows did, but I think SL did too.


That £20 was for a Ronnie badge. Please note Rev.


11 hours in and +£82,000 thus far (including direct donations tweeted by the Rev) in a fundraiser that was to last 34 days. I imagine the mad dash has peaked, but I do wonder what the final tally will come to.

I guess that billboard ‘stretch goal’ has just sprouted legs and come to life, and with projects like that on the horizon, it will become increasingly difficult for the MSM to ignore the output of this site.


@Ronnie Anderson

Ronnie, we are fighting for a democratic country and the democratic opinion of the Wingers is that you are indeed rather special.

We admire you for your fortitude and strength of character in taking the fight to the unionists, your stoicism in battling your health problems and I love your sharp and acerbic wit.

Aye Ronnie, you are rather special. Here’s to you sir.

Dal Riata

Aaaaand… today’s Scare of the Day from Project Fear has this headline on the BBC’s app.: “Standard Life could quit Scotland”

First paragraph: “Standard Life is putting in place contingency plans to relocate funds, people and operations to England if Scottish people vote for independence and what it regards as material uncertainties about money and regulations are not sorted to its satisfaction.”

Ooooh scary, eh!

Got to love the arrogance of, “… are not sorted to its satisfaction.”

Hey, Standard Life. If that’s your attitude to “Scottish people”‘s democratic wish then you can piss right off to England now. Why wait? You won’t be missed, and others, more that willing to be part of an independent Scotland, will readily take your place. So… what are you waiting for?

By the way, you’ve got to love these headlines that use the likes of ‘might’, ‘may’, ‘maybe’ and ‘could’. Come on the UK’s MSM, it’s time to up your fearmongering game – your headline strategy is soooo boring and soooo last year already.


Comments allowed… get going guys.

link to


What an absolutely astonishing amount to be raised in one day, kudos to all!
If I wasn’t a poor starving artist I’d be donating, at least this action has provuded some inspiration!


Anyone else getting deja vu?

link to

Business Doubts On Devolution

CBI leaders say the business case for devolution still hasn’t been made…

…These comments came as it emerged that the director of the CBI in Scotland, Ian McMillan, is moving towards the viewpoint of the governor of the Bank of Scotland, Sir Bruce Patullo, who is not in favour of a Scottish parliament having tax-varying powers.

Also today, the chairman of Scottish and Newcastle Brewery, Sir Alistair Grant spoke out against devolution…

How’d ’97 work out again?

Research shows when big business says ‘Naw’, people say ‘Aye’ for very obvious reasons, e.g.

link to


I thought I would have a look at the ACTUAL statement from Standard Life as apposed to getting from the Unionist Broadcaster.
Here is the statement from Standard Life to its customers
“Our key priority is to continue serving the needs of our 4 million UK customers, wherever they reside and regardless of any constitutional change. The same applies to our customers in other parts of the world. As a business we have a long-standing policy of strict political neutrality and at no time will we advise people on how they should vote, but we have a duty and a responsibility to understand the implications of independence for our customers and other stakeholders and to take whatever action may be necessary to protect their interests.

In view of the uncertainty that is likely to remain around this issue, there are steps that we can and will take now based on our own analysis. For example, we have started work to establish additional registered companies to operate outside Scotland, into which we could transfer parts of our operations if it was necessary to do so. This is a purely precautionary measure, and customers do not need to take any action. We are simply putting in place a mechanism which, in the event of constitutional change, allows us to provide continuity to customers and to continue serving them, wherever they live in the UK. ”
link to

So I also looked at the official press release from Standard Life of its 2013 Results, strangely I couldn’t find any mention of the referendum
link to

On page 6 of the annual accounts it states this “In September this year, the Scottish people will be voting in a referendum on Scottish independence. Your Company is strictly apolitical and it would be inappropriate for us to give any views on how people should vote. Equally, as one of the largest companies headquartered and based in Scotland, it is appropriate that we have carefully thought through the potential consequences if Scotland were to become an independent nation. We have reviewed all the information that we have available to us at the current time

Key phrase is ‘at the current time’
Go to page 10 of the Annual report, which has more detail of its concerns.
“For this reason, we have engaged with key politicians and analysed the relevant papers published by both sides of the independence debate. These include the Scottish Government publication Scotland’s Future (the ‘White Paper’) and the UK Government’s Scotland Analysis series”
“At the time of publishing this report (February 2014), we believe a number of material issues remain uncertain. These include:
• The currency that an independent Scotland would use
• Whether agreement and ratification of an independent Scotland’s membership to the European Union would be achieved by the target date (currently 24 March 2016)
• The shape and role of the monetary system
• The arrangements for financial services regulation and consumer protection in an independent Scotland
• The approach to individual taxation, especially around savings and pensions, as a consequence of any constitutional change. ”
Note they mention the EU, now why wasn’t that mentioned this morning on GMS, perhaps Glen Campbell didn’t get that far in his reading or perhaps its more to do with the fact that the Tory’s want an in out referendum in 2017
link to

These ARE the facts
My understanding is they are covering all their bases and want more information. They do claim to be ‘apolitical’ and they are ‘neutral’
It will be interesting to see how their share price goes as at the moment its dropped 1%


Apropos of nothing…

Still no tables for the Scotsman ICM indy poll.

Wonder why. Might be nothing to it, but suggests there could be more results to come. That or something was wrong.

They should by BPC rules release them within 48 hours.


Call me thick but I can’t see where the pledge to Ronnie bit is on the donate page 🙁



Fantastic bit of fundraising so far. Lets make it £100K.


I am not with Standard Life, but if I was, I would be contacting them at 9am this morning cancelling my account.

I hope they take a massive hit after this threat to the Scottish people. They are saying that if you vote for democracy then they are off to England.

It just shows you where their heart really lies, it is in London.

I will help load the removal vans for them. We don’t need companies like them in a newly Independent forward looking Scotland.

Aided by BBC Scotland, they are trying to frighten voters into voting NO. That is blackmail.

So my message to Standard Life, BBC’s Douglas Frazer, Glen Campbell and Co. is simple.

The lot of you can go and take a good fuck to yourself.

Seasick Dave

I’ve just e-mailed Standard Life asking them to confirm their intentions.

I’ll bet that they don’t and give me some waffle.

Well, I hope that they have a better time in austerity ridden England than they do in oil rich Scotland.


The media – Scare likes it 1997!


The Standard Life statement was not unexpected as was trailled for a few days so I would expect the Scot Gov to have a good reposte.

The wording of the announcement is more stark than expected though, I think that the top man there (A tory party donor no?)has maybe crossed the line as it could be taken that he trying to influence a democratic decision.

We can now see why Osborne and Co have muddied the waters regards the pound, and even on R4, Evan Davies was trying to prompt the CEO of RBS to say the same.

Dirty dirty.


Reading what they say about registering companies in England, isn’t that unusual considering every English company that is only registered in England will have to register in Scotland if it wants to conduct business in Scotland after independence. Just as currently any ‘UK’ company that operates and conducts business in Europe, is registered in those countries, in which its liable for taxation, such as VAT/IVA.
Companies like Tesco, ASDA, Morrison’s, Marks & Spencer will all have to open up offices in Scotland, in order to service and account for VAT in Scotland.
Any financial company based in London will also have to do likewise in order to retain business in Scotland.
It is a two way street. something that the likes of the BBC tend to gloss over

Training Day

Go now, Standard Life. Now. Go. This is a company with a history of misselling products (I know they were not alone in this). I was embroiled with the Financial Ombudsman for a protracted period because of SL. The situation was only resolved through the intervention of my MP at the time (and kudos to that man who stood for real Labour values). Needless to say I wouldn’t touch SL with a bargepole since then.

So go to your spiritual home among the rats and spivs of London, SL. Don’t look back.

John H.

Standard Life used the same tactics when we were about to vote on devolution. My wife worked there at the time. All the staff were told that the company would move out of Scotland if we got our own parliament. They’re still here.

Is this really all the unionists have got, Threat after threat? It seems that they all share Lamont’s opinion that we are useless. Do they actually believe that they can hold the union together in this way?

When this is over, it will be very difficult to heal the wounds.


O/T: Ross McEwan (chief exec of RBS) was asked about RBS plans in light of the news from Standard Life this morning on Radio 4. He said it was up to the people of Scotland to decide yes or no. He also said that they couldn’t make any plans right now because there was no basis and facts to do so – this work would need to be done during the interim Yes vote and independence day.

Therefore, I think we can say that the Standard Life statement was largely politically motivated. However, what I would say is that the life & pension industry has been through 3 tough years of regulatory change and so there is not much appetite to go though more. If the new Scottish regulatory environment is simpler and the £GBP is retained then I could see financial institutions relocating to Scotland. You’ve got to remember that practically every UK financial institution has offices/subsidiaries in Isle of Man or Jersey – so Scotland shouldn’t be a big problem.

Robert Louis

So, as usual the BBC lines up to completely lie about what Standard life have actually said.

What Standard Life did NOT say ‘Standard life may leave Scotland, if there is a YES vote to independence’. That, however, is what the BBC says on its News channel ticker.

What standard life actually say in their annual report is this;

“Constitutional change
As a large company and employer based in Scotland, we have been following the constitutional debate ahead of the independence referendum on 18 September 2014.
We have a long-standing policy of strict political neutrality and at no time will we advise people on how they should vote. However, we have a duty and a responsibility to understand the implications of independence for our four million UK customers, our shareholders, our people and other stakeholders in our business and take whatever action is necessary to protect their interests.

For this reason, we have engaged with key politicians and analysed the relevant papers published by both sides of the independence debate. These include the Scottish Government publication Scotland’s Future (the ‘White Paper’) and the UK Government’s Scotland Analysis series.

At the time of publishing this report (February 2014), we believe a number of material issues remain uncertain. These include:

• The currency that an independent Scotland would use

• Whether agreement and ratification of an independent Scotland’s membership to the European Union would be achieved by the
target date (currently 24 March 2016)

• The shape and role of the monetary system

• The arrangements for financial services regulation and consumer protection in an independent Scotland

• The approach to individual taxation, especially around savings and pensions, as a consequence of any constitutional change.

We will continue to seek clarity on these matters, but uncertainty is likely to remain. In view of this, there are steps we will take based on our analysis of the risks. For example, we have started work to establish additional registered companies to operate outside Scotland, into which we could transfer parts of our operations if it was necessary to do so. This is a precautionary measure to ensure continuity of our businesses’ competitive position and to protect the interests of our stakeholders. As Chief Executive, my commitment is whatever happens, we will continue to serve the needs of our customers and maintain our competitive position.”

SOURCE: link to

All that they are doing is good preparedness, as they would do, in say Canada (where they operate) or Asia, if there was a chance they may not have a regulatory environment suitable to their operations, or if tax regulations were changing.

It is very important to stress, that Standard Life have not said, they may leave Scotland if there is a YES vote. Indeed the only people to have said Standard life would leave Scotland in the event of a YES vote is the BBC. As I said before, BBC = LIARS.

More project fear brought to you by the BBC.


Pledge to the Ronnie badge sent Stu, X-Sticks, glad to help.

As for standard life, they don’t get it do they. We don’t want a standard life anymore, we want a decent life. Duh!


All UK-wide companies currently with their UK head office in Scotland will have to have a rUK head office to produce accounts, handle employees and pay taxes in that territory. Just as they do in any other territories that they operate in.

Just as all companies currently with their UK head office in rUK will have to have a Scotland head office to do the same. Just as they do in any other territories that they operate in.

It is entirely different from where their corporate head office is located.

Robert Kerr


my 20 in via paypal marked “Also for Ronnie”

This is a community, Like the New Scotland shall be.


Sorry, Edward had already made the point

Robert Louis

Excuse my ignorance, but can somebody explain what the collection for somebody called Ronnie is for? Lots of people talking about it, but I have no idea what it’s about – or is it a private thing, and maybe I shouldn’t ask?

G H Graham

Standard Life manages assets worth about 4 times the GDP of Scotland.

So the vast majority of its assets exist in principle outside of Scotland. Namely equities, debt, bonds, guilts, commodities, investment trusts, gold, etc.

The only thing I can think of that would significantly impact the value of these assets post independence, would be changes to the tax structure with regards to capital gains & earnings.

But they must have forgotten to mention that Gordon (End of boom & bust) Brown, as Chancellor, eliminated the ACT tax relief on dividends, which has been estimated by eminent actuaries to have cost pensioners £100 billion to £150 billion in value.

I don’t recall them lobbying to leave the UK when that happened.

In summary then, nothing much happening at Standard Life but is being spun into another doom & gloom story.

Mary Bruce

Hi SquareHaggis, I just made a regular donation, one without any of the incentive things, then at the end of the transaction you get an option to change what your name is listed as, I changed this to “For Ronnie.” hope that makes sense!


Dropped in another thruppence ha’penny this morn.

If we’re going to do this, we might as well do it right.

Another sixpence next payday. 🙂

George Clark

digested knowledge is power to the people

Robert Louis

Could I just echo what some have said above, that the Labour for indy fundraiser is very worthwhile. This will reach parts other YES campaigns cannot easily reach.

Even a small donation will be welcome.

link to

Mary Bruce

Robert, ronnie is one of the more regular contributors on here. He is a poet. People chipped in the equivalent of the donation needed to get him the Silver wings badge. It looks like there might be enough soon to get him the gold one instead!

Robert Louis

Thanks Mary. Gold sounds very nice indeed.

haud on the noo

Dave McEwan Hill :

Junior Wings ?

“Jings” – surely

G H Graham

RBS lost £22.4 million per day, every day, over the last 12 months.

It has around 17 million customers which means that it lost £480 for each & every one of them.

Chief Executive just announced today that RBS has lost a total of £46 billion over the last 6 years.

So presumably the bonuses were paid for something that had nothing to do with successful financial performance. Perhaps it was related to the number of post it pads that were stolen?

For how much longer will the British Government, The Treasury & the RBS Board sustain the charade that this is a going concern?

Seasick Dave

That’s the Indiegogo over 70k now!

ronnie anderson

@ CalacusMacAndrews,

On yonder hillside I stood there too

ah hud tae move fur that bliddy COO.


@Robert Louis

Ronnie Anderson is the guy who pops up and cheers me up whenever I’m at a low ebb. I don’t know how he knows but he always seems to put a wee spring in my cerebral step just when I need one.

A saviour he’s been through thick and thin and the wee gold badge is for his dedication to the cause and to show his new grandwean he fought the guid fecht for independence.

Thanks Ronnie 🙂


Tell you what, if you were a feart NO voter because you were unsure about the safety of your Standard Life investments in an indy Scotland, well fear not, now that they are making contingency plans in that event, you can now go ahead and vote YES!

Am I spinning this too much LOL?

Les Wilson

There will be some companies that will leave with independence, but others will come. The SG want to ensure, at least within their remit, that Scotland will be a very good environment for business.
That is the key, businesses will go to where they have a good business conditions to work within.

We will have our daily scare tactic, it is all the Unionists have,their case if any, is a poor one compared to the Independent vision. However,we will overcome the negativity, once the shackles are off, our little country will soar. Great to live in, great to work and do business in. We MUST take this opportunity with both hands.


re:ronnie’s SAVIOUR wings badge.

Got 19.5 takers so far (including me) we need 25

Calgacus MacAndrews
call me dave
jingly jangly
Robert Kerr
Quinie frae Angus
Mary Bruce
Midgehunter (you still in?)
Dick Gaughan
Steven Duncan
cearc for the half

Hope I haven’t missed anyone.

Anyone who hasn’t seen what this is about look here:
link to

We’re now going for the Saviour badge so need another 6 volunteers!

To all – this is a little demonstration of the Common Weal we’re all her working for. And what’s more we’re doing it deliberately 😀

PS Morning all!


On this companies leaving issue,the holding of Scots to ransom over democratic decisions is shocking.The present system may suit the financiers of this land,but it isn’t ideal for the ordinary citizen.The RBS for instance hasn’t been a Scottish bank for 300 years remember.Go to London then,someone else will take your place,guiding hand and all that.


Just saw a BBC graphic saying SL investments were £45bn and compared that to Scotlands GDP of £145bn. Are they trying to suggest that that these numbers are in any way linked, as if our GDP would be reduced to £100bn?

Is the BBC biased and twisting things? Does a bear sh@t in the woods?


I’m Astonished!


As far as Standard Life are concerned.

If they consider their statement, such as it is, to be in any way a considered fiscal view, then perhaps they should up sticks now. I’m sure they’ll offer all their employees relocation costs and or redundancy settlemets, and that the disruption to business won’t cripple them to the point of bankruptcy. Its maybe for the best to soothe their tortured wee nerves.

Or on the other hand they could just get with the programme and concentrate on opportunities within an independent Scotland or indeed make the odd threat in the other direction vis a vis currency union.

I seem to remember a similar threat around the time of considering the devolved parliament which came to nothing. But if they want to go, its a free country with a door that swings in two directions. I’m not overly fond of corporate blackmail.


£70,000 in twenty four hours. Amazing.


cearc – Hat tipped to you, actually think you said it better 🙂


Grahame says:

“yes in the glen”

link to

Supported 🙂


Does anyone think that there should be another Wings fundraising day organised specifically for donating to other Yes projects?

After donating here yesterday and watching the Wings total escalate it felt exhilarating. I was somewhat taken back down to earth when witnessing other Yes campaigns struggle to achieve a fraction of what was raised here. Wings alone won’t win this battle. But it does have the numbers no other site has to boost the fight elsewhere.

So, how about folks? Another fundraiser next pay day to give the Yes campaign all over Scotland a shot in the arm?

gerry parker

@jlt, @Dal Riata.
Absolutely. We’re not becoming independent just to be a miniature UK, we’re becoming independent because we want to build our own country – which will be VERY different from what the UK is.
Now if you don’t like that, then you’ll have to find somewhere else to go, because we don’t really want your type here anyway, there are plenty more ethical firms would be willing to set up here.


x sticks

Just paid my tenner to indiegogo, marked ‘for ronnie’s badge from cearc’.

An heirloom for the new great-granwean.


Likewise, yes in the glen, supported.

Thats Broons constituency isn’t it? Mibbee he could see his way to making a donation since he wants to save the beach at Dalgety Bay SO, SO desperately. Mon Broon, dig in pal.


Robert Louis
Confirm what you said regarding Labour for Indy, I gave to Labour for Indy, just after contribution to WOS
It would be very good if everyone pushed the link for contributing on everyones twitter and facebook pages so that everyone is aware that, first of all there is a Labour for Indy that welcomes all likeminded labour supporters that want independence and secondly to give it support by dropping them a small financial contribution.

Can I take the opportunity of highlighting what Jim Murray got up to yesterday in the House of Commons which was reported in NNS link to
But strangely has been ignored by the BBC and the rest of the media rabble

The Water Beastie

Sorry – my current timezone meant I could not join in the celebrations at the right time, but my eyes were pricking as I laughed with joy with the news on the ‘Eight Hours’ post – and, in a belated contribution to the musical suggestions, I kept thinking of Sinead O’Connor singing ‘Nothing Compares to Stu’….. [I’ll get my coat]



That is an idea although we have mucked in and helped others such as the Jimmy Reid Foundation reach their target. Some of the very local Yes branches tend only to be known by their own local area. It might be an ide afor the main Yes site to coordinate these and their fundraisers so they are more visible. The thing is that there are a lot of Yes branches. The one thing we have no shortage of is people.

Robert Louis

niall at 0954,

I wholly agree with your sentiment. I think what you propose is excellent.

This referendum will not be won by Wings alone, good as it is. The electorate consists of many types of people, and there are a good many campaigning groups around to suit most needs.

Let’s spread the love around a bit :), now the target has been reached.


I see Stu’s off duty for the next 12 hours. Yesterday was fun. What’s going to keep us busy today then?

The BBC mis-reporting on Standard Life perhaps? Murphy’s outburst? JoLa’s astonishment? JoLa’s genetically programmed? JoLa?

Great piece over at Business for Scotland

ronnie anderson

@Grahame,just caught up on the Yes Glen,a wee donation tae them.

john king

Main Funding & Crowdfunding

Date Note Amount Funding Source Current Balance
06/02/2014 Opening Balance 100.00 Organiser 100.00
09/02/2014 Crowdfunder 10.00 Indiegogo 110.00
09/02/2014 Crowdfunder 50.00 Indiegogo 160.00
09/02/2014 Crowdfunder 10.00 Indiegogo 170.00
09/02/2014 Crowdfunder 100.00 Indiegogo 270.00
09/02/2014 Crowdfunder 10.00 Indiegogo 280.00
10/02/2014 Crowdfunder 30.00 Indiegogo 310.00
10/02/2014 Crowdfunder 20.00 Indiegogo 330.00
11/02/2014 Crowdfunder 10.00 Indiegogo 340.00
16/02/2014 Crowdfunder 30.00 Indiegogo 370.00
21/02/2014 Crowdunder 10.00 Indiegogo 380.00

As of 22/02/2014 Eventbrite 247.00 Eventbrite sales/donations 247.00


Direct Donations Through Paypal

As of 22/02/2014 Paypal 57.00 57.00


Promised Donation

As of 22/02/2014 Invoice 30 days before date 300.00 300.00




This is how much the YES campaign have received in donations with only 4 days to go.
they need £15 grand folks


Re the Standard Liffe stuff

Project fear has failed

The lovebombing has failed

EU / Sterling failed

Now it’s corporate blackmail – nice!

I think Jim Murphy’s ‘wee thing’ yes-terday says they know they are losing and they don’t like it one little bit – braw!

john king

meant to say it was the Dunfermline Pittencreif park appeal
Yes in the glen


Went over to the LFI site last night to leave a few pennies but couldn’t get it to work, the amount box kept filling up with huge numbers, which fortunately weren’t accepted. Maybe it is because I am using an ipad, who knows, I will have another try later today.


The Standard Life story on the Beeb is silliness personified (no change there from the Beeb). i do love the way the Bitter Ones get all moist if they think their country will do badly even if the promise is rather vague. I wonder if they sing with joy if companies leave the UK for foreign shores?


Listened to this committee yesterday far better than the radio where Jenny Marra typifies Labour’s attitude c1hr 32mins in.

link to


Just sent off an e-mail to;
Mr (chairman) and

Mr (chief Executive)


Cheerio and mind the door doesn’t smack you on the arse on the way out.



It is such an important point to get across. That all taxes paid by UK companies are credited to the ‘region’ where their HO is.

Lists, like yours, really need to be got out there. So that people understand the extent of revenue that is raised in but not attributed to Scotland.

It also applies to all the other areas of the UK. London is not the great wealth producer that they are told, it merely has a lot of head offices.


Robert Louis, we’re just having a wee whip-round in extra Wings donations to make up to a gold Saviour badge for Ronnie Anderson, the poster here with health problems who writes such colourful posts and is doing so much for Yes Scotland despite his problems.


Standard Life have an office in Weisbadden, Germany, Independence is not scaring them, I know an employee in that office who understands the way finance works.


Hand and shrimp

Perhaps a focus on a certain 4 or 5 campaigns. Ones that we think can really make a difference. I’ll leave that choice to someone more knowledgeable about who that could be.

It might be fun, make it into a funding race on the day!


Folks, Standard Life are merely creating a company and registering it in England, they aren’t leaving ffs.

Read the company statement. Rather than the BBC nonsense.


Re SLAC (as we used to call it), I just heard Nick Clegg on the news waffling on about how all this uncertainty caused by you-know-who is causing big huge important companies to make plans about leaving Scotland.

But as a number of commenters here have said, the company’s said no such thing. The BBC, on the other hand, HAVE. And you can imagine the call to Nick:

“Nick, Nick, we’re spinning this story on Standard Life leaving. Stupid we know, but how’s about a wee quote to let everyone know that the government supports businesses leaving Scotland if they have the temerity to vote Yes?”

Sure, like Standard Life is going up sticks and leave. It’ll take them to, oh, 2017, to get things ready and pack all the tea chests, then someone will say, ‘boss, it’s the UK in/out referendum tomorrow, and the money’s on a Leave vote.’ ‘Hmmm, don’t want to be outside the EU do we? Right lads, unpack everything, we’re staying.


X Sticks

Re Ronnie’s badge – put me down for the other 0.5. I’ll punt it in via Paypal with a note to the REV as to what it’s for.

And now for this morning’s grouse – I knew this business with badges would be divisive – there was Mr and Mrs Dram standing outside the Albanach along with Scardycat and we couldn’t get near the rev (or the pub come to that)so serious badge failure.

Now instead of my fellow wingers acting with modest decorum and simply displaying their badges with pride – they BOAST about them! “Oh, I wear my badge at church”, Oh, I wear my badge next to my heart”, Oh, I thrust my badge into NO campaigner’s faces” Grrrrrrrrrr.

On behalf of the non badge owners, might I ask that you GIVE US A BREAK?

Yours jealously, Dram

PS Wear your badge with pride Ronnie but if I see you coming out with any of the above statements about it – I’ll no be pleased!


Pretty mental fundraising effort!

P.S. Anyone know – are we having another rally or anything before the big day? I missed the last one up at Calton Hill.


Arabs for Independence

Please include my contribution to Saviour badge.

Greetings fra Norge


@Jenni –

YES In the glen is the only Rally i know about –

link to



I don’t think there is another official rally before Sept but Yes are planning a lot of street events to engage with and persuade the undecided.


My 20 for ‘Ronnie’s Badge’ just made via Paypal.

Off to deliver more ‘Yes’ papers.

Keep going, guys!



Sorry, just trying to catch up on the comments as I’ve been I’ve been out flat with a virus for a few days.

Yes (I’ve heard that word somewhere before 😉 ) I’m still in with 10 quid.

Should I Indiegogo it “For Ronnie” or what’s the cunning plan?



Myself, Willie from Irvine and Bugger the Panda had nice corner seats…

I wear mine on my old leather bike jacket. Silver and black go so well together don’t you think? 🙂


@Robert Louis

i hope you don’t mind, i’ve stolen your big post about standard life earlier and used on facebook. I have a few daft friends who work for Standard Life who took the BBC Spin on this .



I can’t see all the comments so apologies to the person who answered my question – can’t see your name.

Have put some pennies in the Yes in the Glen pot. Hope it goes ahead.

Quite a way to go so if anyone else has a spare quid…

link to


Sorreee Rev – re-post as typo in the email address for the other comment in moderation.


I can’t see all the comments so apologies to the person who answered my question – can’t see your name.

Have put some pennies in the Yes in the Glen pot. Hope it goes ahead.

Quite a way to go so if anyone else has a spare quid…

link to


@Macart: Party starts at 9pm Taranaich.

Grab a glass and have a toast to wings good fortune.


@Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy): Keep donating. Any money over the target goes to LIVE events

Wouldn’t it be awesome to double the goal? We’re already a good way there!

Any Unionists, including our so-called unbiased media, will be reeling when they read this post.

Aye …read it and weep …for we’re deadly f****** serious about getting our country out of the hands of liars, deceivers, and charlatans who parade themselves as the voice of fairness and democracy. The game is up. The party is over.

Welcome to the real voice of democracy in Scotland…

Honest to God, I feel like having a wee cry about all this.

As of writing, that’s just under 1,300 ordinary people, from the 17 souls who donated £1 to the 28 who parted with $504, who have contributed £80,000. People from all walks of life, from (I presume) all parts of the UK, of all ages, creeds and colours. In a single day. The people did this DESPITE the Coalition’s malign Cult of Austerity, despite the might of the mainstream media against us, despite all the unholy powers at Westminster pressing down.

Imagine what we could do when Scotland becomes independent.

This is the Scotland we’re fighting for.


@ X Sticks

Put me down for £ 20 for Ronnie’s badge

Furthermore, I’m appending a short poem for El Ron

ahem,… “There wiz a coo upon a hill, it’s no there noo, it’s wentit.. ah canna remember the next few lines, It’s driving me pure dementit ” IGMC

Stoatin so it is, pure dead stoatin


No comments no more ;-(


My best “Wings badge” story relates to the commemoration events for the 25th anniversary of Lockerbie. There I was freezing my bits off in Lockerbie on the day, feeling like a cat in a dog suit although there was no way anyone could possibly have known who I was. People were being quite forthcoming and including me in conversations, and an American lady gave me a badge of the Arlington Lockerbie memorial and asked me to wear it.

I was slightly surprised by all this, but put it down to general solidarity. It was only later that I realised I had my Wings badge on, and it really does look like a pilot’s wings from a distance, and it’s quite likely some people took me for a relative of the one of the air crew or at least someone with aviation connections.

Marker Post

Incredible stuff Rev.

Been out of action for a couple of days, log on, and find this. Just donated a few ponies your way by electronic bank transfer, probably doesn’t appear in your fundraiser total, but it’s all the same.

Onwards and upwards!


to X_Sticks
£25 donated “for Ronnies badge fund”



“There wiz a coo upon a hill…

Brilliant! Who says Scotland has no culture? 🙂

Dick Gaughan

Having problems with the Indiegogo site in pitching in for Ronnie’s Badge. Have to go out now but I’ll try again later.

Anybody else having problems? I’m paying by credit card.

Dick Gaughan

Not sure if it’s down to the dDos attack but I tried to post the message below unsuccessfully. Apols if it’s already appeared.


Having problems with the Indiegogo site in pitching in for Ronnie’s Badge. Have to go out now but I’ll try again later.

Anybody else having problems? I’m paying by credit card.


Dick Gaughan – I tried paying by credit card yesterday and got ‘flipped out’ back to first funding rquest page before I could finsh steps to pay.

Will try again in a wee while and also donate £20 for Ronnie’s badge if system accepts.


@ TJenny, set up a paypal account, take seconds!


Hurrah – £20 payt made to Ronnie’s Badge Fund and payt successfully made to fundraiser too.

Oh happy days. 🙂



“There wiz a coo upon a hill…

Brilliant! Who says Scotland has no culture?”

I think it goes
Upon a hill there stood a coo,
It’s no there noo, must have shiftit.

I believe by William Topaz McGonagal


PayPal wouldn’t let me donate, but I got it through on my debit card OK. Seems as if what works for one doesn’t for another.

When I tried for a smaller amount for Ronnie’s badge PayPal were fine about it!


You know, there are days when you just know we’re going to win this. Yesterday was one of them.

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