Brace yourselves, everyone
Posted on
December 05, 2022 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Do we think that anyone believes a word anymore? Surely the serialy gullible cannot be fooled anymore.
Almost felt sorry for poor Nick Eardley trying to make this newsworthy.
More power spread to more people….blah
Abolish The Lords and bring in more expense grabbers …blah
At least BBC Scotland News will be happy no doubt…
Scrapping the House of Lords is to Labour what Independence is now to the SNP.
The son of the manse out on day release from his crypt to parade about with a fake hellfire and brimstone lectures on separation and more absolute guff on how good things will be for us all if we stay.
You can shove your better together crap Gordy boy it’s a con so get back to sermon writing in yer crypt.
What a strange coincidence that this too is being rolled out again, along with ‘Crash Broon’. This old tripe the Labour Party have been pushing for over 100-years. Guess what, folks, they’re going to scrap the Lords again but refuse to say when, again. LOL!
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Anyone believing that con-artist and serial liar and his britnat fascist partei need serious help.
On the previous thread i seen the Rev has been reliably informed Alison Thewliss is more or less a shoo-in to become the SNP’s latest Westminster “Leader”. As soon as i read the Rev’s comment it confirmed 100% for me that this is all just window-dressing by the SNP and it’ll be business as usual. Feeding frenzies at the trough.
“Asked about specific measures in the report which would benefit Scotland he highlighted an improved job centre network…”
No, it’s not from the Christmas edition of Viz, he actually said it.
Brown lying that some folk voted Yes in 2014 because “they thought it was the only change on offer….this time it wouldn’t be independence versus the status quo”.
Erm, the Vow didn’t pretend there was change on offer following a No vote.
He just can’t help himself – utter revisionism.
Even were I minded to think “maybe they might do something this time”, this just reaffirms that he and his ilk never change their lying spots.
Brown lying that some folk voted Yes in 2014 because “they thought it was the only change on offer….this time it wouldn’t be independence versus the status quo”.
Erm, the Vow didn’t pretend there was change on offer following a No vote?
He just can’t help himself – utter revisionism.
Even were I minded to think “maybe they might do something this time”, this just reaffirms that he and his ilk never change their lying spots.
Looking forward to Gordon Brown loudly condemning Lady Mone and also backing all the workers in their fight for a decent wage…
What do you mean they have to ask him first?
Fantastic. Vow2. Labour are already preparing to fight a plebiscitary GE by piling up this heap of steaming ? for the voters.
It’s deja vu all over again.
And for those who may think that this time they mean it – please grow up. You know that the minute Labour get in and see the love note from Rishi telling them all the money has gone Scotland will revert to a cash cow to be squeezed even harder.
Which is why we need a Holyrood election to be used as a plebiscite, and ASAP before Starmer can give this any more oxygen.
There’s more chance of Boris Johnson becoming president of Russia than there is that SIR Keir Starmer will abolish the HoL….
Its’ just another Manic Broonday . New Powers Soonday . Leave n Yr Doomedday . Promise Jocks The Moonday .
I’m SO excited at this forthcoming instalment of Gordie’s Golden Hour I almost woke-up ; but not quite .
Is this what nuSNP is all about
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A totally different variety of liberation.
More sinister than the surreal fantasies of Gordon the Broun.
These liberationists want to climb in your bed…..EEEEEKKKK!
Pervy, and all the rest.
Brown from the Crypt to promise ” the greatest ever transfer of powers from Westminster to Scotland ”
“Make the UK work for Scotland in fact”
I don’t know what anyone else thinks but this mausoleum is an absolute foul bag of excrement. The barefaced vulgarity of his lies knows no bounds. Fool em once, fool em twice, fool em every time, Brown certainly shows what he thinks of the Scottish voter.
But you know what. His Labour Party, the mighty Labour Party who once had the grip of Scotland is no longer. Relegated to a bit playing role, Brown cannot take in that he and his party are dead wood.
Moral compass, son of the manse. His father didn’t teach him well. Come to think of it, there is the story, and from an inside source that Gordon’s brother got the sack from Scottish Media Group. Sacked by the then Gus MacDonald, and now Lord MacDonald of the Coocaddens, his crime was working for another franchise bid whilst getting paid working for the Scottish Media Group.
And with Gordon having a programme I think folks can work out the morality and absolute treachery of the Brown family.
Anyway, he’s back out of the crypt.
The gullible can be fooled. They still vote for Sturgeon. The difference is Brown has no power but Sturgeon could act.
It’s Browns Bingo
More cake for Scots
*shuts down all communications for today*
Aw naw, who let Broon oot the crypt again. Same old song, same old lies.
Away and chase yersle Broon, naebuddies listening. Sigh!
According to the BBC article Gordon Brown pledges this and promises that…WTF? Who actually believes this stuff? And on whose authority can he make such statements?
Its’ just another Manic Broonday . New Powers Soonday . Leave n Yr Doomedday . Promise Jocks The Moonday .
That’s pure genius Robert
…or don’t, because it doesn’t actually matter a shite what you think.
You’d think he’d know by now that Labour can only be a credible party in an independent Scotland.
A section of thier members want indy.
They also want the EU
Why hang onto the coloniser. Has anyone asked him about the colonisers decision to religate him to 2nd class citizen?
Jeez, his gig must come with a hefty pay packet.
August 2014 – just before the Vote
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Who funds this arsehole anyway?
Geoff Anderson’s link archived.
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I’m pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have, in fact, caught and killed independence . But, as you see, it’s a beautiful day, the hills and glen’s are open and people are having a wonderful time.
«Labour will push forward with plans for a constitutional overhaul even if Scots voters reject them at the ballox box» opines Gordon Brown
Democracy etc. I/we/England say/s what is democratic, assuming the concept has any real meaning in Anglo-America’s Planet Global.
Lots of use of the word regional in Browns nonsense, just more belittlement and abuse from the anglo colonisers.
I hear Mr Brown is good friends with Prince William. Maybe he can invite Wills up to help him and in-between, Wills can remininise about how he sang Simply the Best when he was younger. I’m sure that will go down a treat.
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Labour’s new stuff is alright, but I do love the classics.
Go on Gordo say the line…”Scotland will have as close to federalism as you can get.”
PacMan’s Daily Mail link archived…
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And whilst here I’ll drop in my remix of this old Guns and Roses song I now call –
Mr Broonstain
Broon used tae get up around seven
Be in Parliament by nine
He didnae worry bout nothin, no
‘Cos worryin’s a waste of his time
He’d be finished his fuckups around seven
Be home fed and watered by nine
Spend the rest o’ the day countin’ his monies
Sippin’ a drink and feelin’ fine
UK’s been dancin’ with Mr. Broonstain
He’s been raidin’
He wouldn’t leave those pension funds alone
No, no ,no, he wouldn’t leave them alone
He used tae tak a little but a little wouldn’t dae
So the little got more and more
He just kept tryin’ tae get a little richer
Said a little richer than before
He used tae tak a little but a little wouldn’t dae
So the little got more and more
He just kept tryin’ tae get a little shitter
Said a little shitter than before
UK’s been dancin’ with Mr. Broonstain
He’s been sellin’
He wouldn’t leave those gold reserves alone
No, no ,no, he wouldn’t leave them alone
Now he gets up around whenever
He used tae get up on time
But that old man he’s a real muthafucker
Gonna kick him on down the line
He used tae tak a little but a little wouldn’t dae
So the little got more and more
He just keeps tryin’ tae get a little richer
Said a little richer than before
He used tae tak a little but a little wouldn’t dae
So the little got more and more
He just keeps tryin’ tae get a little shitter
Said a little shitter than before
UK’s still dancin’ with Mr. Broonstain
He’s shit talkin’’
He won’t leave us alone
No, no ,no, he won’t leave us alone
Ohh leave us alone
Indyref split Labour doon the middle n’ their vote share’s noo a piddle
And it, it drove them outta their minds
Many Scots see their past error in believin’ lies fae better th’gither
So let’s all wise up and leave this union behind… Yowsa!
Sigh. Here we go again. Could someone please explain the Law of Diminishing Broonterventions to BBC Labour? Gordzilla may have been a big, terrifying political beast (to some) many decades ago, but he is just a figure of fun these days. Long past the sell-by date. Talk about being behind the curve.
A «left» perspective on equality of those UK nations.
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So Mr Broun…..your country is not an equal partner and probably never was except in the delusions of old men.
There’s always the reality..
Labour: vote for us for constitutional change!
Tory: vote for us to undo it!
Labour: vote for us to implement it again!
Tory: vote for us to undo it again!
See how this two party yo-yo shit works? Forever.
I think it was McCluskey that hit the nail on the head. They get into power to make sweeping changes then shit themselves & just keep things as Tory so as not to upset the South East.
« They are also hard at work on the “Good Neighbour” doctrine that will form a key part of the Yes campaign in any second independence referendum. This would meant that Scotland would remain the closest possible ally of the remainder of the UK, working alongside it diplomatically and militarily, more often in agreement than not. It is an extension of a previous position — keeping the monarchy, the BBC, etc — that was intended to avoid scaring off middle-ground voters. We will hear much more about these Good Neighbours in the months ahead, particularly because of the new difficulties thrown up by Brexit and the prospect of significant trade barriers with England if an independent Scotland rejoined the EU»
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Effectively the SNP could just keep the status quo, no?
Keep tight hold of nurse for fear of finding something worse. Old English saw.
Oh dear!
Geri says: 5 December, 2022 at 12:57 pm
It doesn’t matter if Labour will never even attempt constitutional reform when elected, what matters if they make the correct noises in order to get elected as that includes wheeling out old duffers like Gordon Brown for those voters caught up in rose tainted nostalgia to get out an vote.
Given how much the SNP is impotent on the constitutional question and the prospect of Labour potentially getting in at the next UK election, is it not surprising that people will get fooled again and vote Labour?
Dear oh dear. This is exactly why Labour got utterly rejecte by the voters in Scotland.
No one in their right mind would fall for this charlatan’s pish. Why does he even bother. Like Blair and Darling he has made his multi millions since leaving office.
Like the late great Donald Dewer who died twenty years ago leaving over £4m despite only ever having worked as a public servant ( Eg politician) a spokesman for explained that Donald left money, but it was money that he didn’t want for himself!!!
Suck that up folks – and yes Tony Blair is now worth around £300m at the last report with his son Ewan having a similar nett worth.
Nu Labour the people’s champions.
As per Rev’s previous posts, it’s all about perception rather than reality.
Labour can call out to the rafters about their commitment to more Scottish power and with a compliant media that is unable or unwilling to point out the blatant deception of this, enough of the electorate will blindly vote for Labour where quite a few SNP scalps can be collected at the next UK election.
Once they are in power, it doesn’t matter, the most important thing for the unionists is to get rid of SNP MP’s and given how the SNP have been so flaccid about the subject, they have no believable arguments to counter it.
It’s hardly surprising the current crop of SNP MP’s are starting to grow a spine as their cushy lifestyle is under threat.
Anyone heard of Broon’s Bottom.
Most interesting how Brown sold Britain’s gold at the bottom of the gold price losing Britain tens and tend and tens of billions.
Rumour has it that he sold the gold cheap to keep the price down so that some of the big banks who had over-reached on gold could settle up at reduced prices thereby avoiding collapse.
Of course, a few years later, under Prudence Brown’s remarkable watch, the banks did go down. And go down big style. And this is the man promising the greatest ever transfer of powers.
He should be run out of town for the lying scum bag that he is. Prudence, Prudence, Brown. Bring us our Brown Trousers.
No doubt about it, Gordon Brown is yesterday’s man. However, he has a far better grasp of economics/finance then anybody in the current Governments of Holyrood and Westminster.
Of course, money does not matter to the members of the BPHB-does it?
Broon had the hots for Prudence for years, then they had a rammy and he threw her out.
At least, that’s how I like to remember it.
Not at all.
Show us the fucking money!
Any future manifesto for Independence should include the promise to see Broon extradited to Iraq to stand trial for war crimes.
I heard about it on the Max Kaiser show
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Parliamentary Privilege for MSPs to say whatever they like… hmmm, who have we heard crying out for that one over the years…
I agree with Ottomanboy and Willie. Would also like to add that broon nose and bambi malevolence continues in more ways than one. Just like Thatchers legacy. I despair.
Willie says:
5 December, 2022 at 1:22 pm
Dear oh dear. This is exactly why Labour got utterly rejecte by the voters in Scotland.
Latest opinion poll has Labour on 31% in Scotland.
SNP leads Labour by 10 points in Scotland. In 2019, Labour came third.
Scotland Westminster Voting Intention (26-27 Nov):
Scottish National Party 41% (-4)
Labour 31% (+12)
Conservative 16% (-9)
Liberal Democrat 8% (-2)
Other 5% (+4)
Labour gaining 12 seats in Scotland and the SNP losing 4.
A large chunk of the YES movement are more anti-tory than pro-indy.
@Christopher Pike
The figure just show the necessity for ensuring plebiscitary elections are in Holyrood not Westminster. Currently independence is polling at 52%, but the combined SNP/Green Westminster vote in the polls is about 43%. The yoon vote is just re-arranging itself (largely) from Tory back to Labour.
If the independence movement fielded single candidates at Westminster – particularly if they said they wouldn’t take their seats there – I reckon it’d be worth a few extra % points!
I feel sorry for those who work in old folks homes whenever the clunking fist is roused from torpor.
Imagine the chaos in the day rooms whenever his burst mattress of a face appears on the telly. Tippy tea cups and compartmentalised meal trays all over the place…the saviour of the Union! He has returned to us!!!
Dundee Courier hinting that Thewliss’ deputy could be Mhairi Black.Tells you a lot more about Thewliss if it’s true.
Beginning to think, anybody but Thewliss for the job, but then you remember how risky that would be, given what else there is lurking down there in the shadows; Smith, Nicolson, MacDonald…
Jesus H. How did it come to this?
Suddenly you begin to understand why there’s no strategic impetus or ingenuity.
Feeling very let down by Cherry. I really thought getting rid of the Fat Controller was our big break, and a chance to defibrillate the nauseating lethargy being created by Sturgeon, but as in all things SNP, you just feel hope is slipping away.
Just two words: fuck’n ‘ell.
It’s like they all have no shame genes. Just like the millionaire Tories telling the nurses they are aiding pootin! Feckin politicians! There, I’ve said my piece. Very funny cartoon by the way…
Here’s an absolute horror story where the NHS in Scotland has been discussing privatisation where the care will be split between service for those that can pay and service for those who can’t.
Yousaf has been defending the leak by saying it is not for him to stop internal NHS debate about privatisation.
Aye, all part of the neo Liberal SNP agenda, internal market bill.
SNP why would you vote for them.
I thought “Murray” is a fair likeness.
@ Willie at 2:32 pm
Did you catch Robin’s article from a month back.
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Feeling let down by Cherry
How do you know she has done or hasnt done something to let you down?
She quickly put out a statement when Blackford was gone, asking for it to be an open vote and left to Westminster MPs to select as they choose…perhaps with Thewliss emerging, that hasnt happened.
On plus side, the privatised part might have treatment for common cold somewhere between washing your hands and shutting down half the planet – failing which, almost by definition, the option to seek a second opinion should at least become more difficult to deny
The independence movement has been screwed. The political purveyors are not serious, they are not even taken seriously. They appear to want the Brit cake and the baker, anything but a totally new product from a different firm.
They are freeloaders corrupting a once noble idea.
Little wonder the clock appears to be winding backwards.
Something soon has to give in this rotten state.
Ah, the union’s/Labour’s messiah wheeled out again to spout more lies to offer Devo Max, to Scotland, erm… I thought we already had Devo Max, of course the Vow wasn’t worth paper it was written on, and for the gazillionth time Labour are promising to reform the House of Lords.
If it’s not Brown that wheeled out by Labour and the Britnat media its Blair, no doubt he’ll be next up with his bollocks.
In the not to distant future the Britnat media will probably wheel out Sturgeon the Judas, to tell us how wonderful this union prison is.
“Dundee Courier hinting that Thewliss’ deputy could be Mhairi Black.Tells you a lot more about Thewliss if it’s true.”
Here the useless trougher is tipped as Flynn’s deputy.
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Something seemingly the British Labor party & Mr B were going to fix.
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But not yet…rather like that independence waffle.
Trust me, I’m a British politician.
Feeling let down by Cherry
How do you know she has done or hasnt done something to let you down?
She quickly put out a statement when Blackford was gone, asking for it to be an open vote and left to Westminster MPs to select as they choose…perhaps with Thewliss emerging, that hasnt happened.
I rarely agree with Breeks but he happens to have a point WRT Cherry at this point. Whatever her positive qualities, staying within a party as dysfunctional as the SNP at this point does amount to letting the movement as a whole down. There is of course something to be said for her initial decision to stay and try to fight her corner and save her party. Few would want to have walked a mile in her shoes given the monstering she received, the lack of support from her party and the silence of fellow MPs, MSPs, activists and public figures generally who should have supported her.
Given her public statements about having been provoked and browbeaten to the extent she seriously considered giving up politics altogether however, it must have been pretty obvious after the leadership’s coup against the NEC members at the end of 2021 that the game was a bogey. In the end, as an elected politician promoting Scottish independence, she has a higher responsibility to the cause and movement as a whole than to the SNP as a party.
Neither she nor the (presumably?) dwindling band of like minded reasonable people left in the SNP have made any appreciable headway in changing the SNP within, or holding the Sturgeonistas to account, or ensuring open governance, accountability of democracy within the party. If there had been any prospect of a group of MPs or MSPs coalescing around Cherry and others in opposition to Sturgeon, we’d have known about it by now.
Whatever her talents, attributes, and other achievements, history will not be kind to Joanna if she does not take a stand and either help cleanse the SNP of the stain of Sturgeonism, or if that seems impossible to persuade like minded followers to join her and defect to Alba.
Greg Moodie is still going strong link to
“Jockanese Wind Talker says:
5 December, 2022 at 1:49 pm
Any future manifesto for Independence should include the promise to see Broon extradited to Iraq to stand trial for war crimes.”
I am all for this. We could have it in the section marked ‘reparations’.
I assume the BBC turned teh comments off ?
Does anybody really care who heads the constitutionalist SNP in Westminster?
They serve no purpose.
Who remember ABC cinemas and Westlers hotdogs and Pearl & Dean ads?
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If the British labour win in Scotland through a mandate from the Scottish electorate then fair enough, but if the British labour party fail then fuck right off, you don,t have a mandate by the Scottish people.
Gordo Culpability Brown back with his manse dance:
(to any square dance music of your choice)
Walk to the left
Walk to the right
Back to the centre
Talk a lot of shite
The unfortunate thing is that the snp’s continual mismanagement of Scottish governance will only lead to previous liebour voters returning to voting liebour , people have short memories and some even do believe the broontasorous and stammer shite , even if they don’t vote liebour and the sturgeon deviants policies revile them there is no one to vote for
So not only is sturgeon a waste of space when it comes to fighting for independence she is deliberately destroying ANY CHANCE of voters having a choice
Could it be that sturgeon is deliberately poisoning the well by forcing people to vote for liebour, is she so frightened of independence and having to govern competently that in her imposter syndrome she would prefer a long economic spell in opposition with no worries and no challenges , and when the time is right her and her wee bidey in could take their riches and move
Breeks says:
5 December, 2022 at 2:24 pm
Dundee Courier hinting that Thewliss’ deputy could be Mhairi Black.Tells you a lot more about Thewliss if it’s true.
Would be amazed if it was true.
She barely turns up for her work in the Commons as it is (her 359 votes out of 656 aka 54.7% attendance record for votes is one of the worst in Parliament of any sitting MP), and the only time she turns up in her constituency is if her beloved Plastic Whistle have drawn St Liedown in one of the cups.
“Does anybody really care who heads the constitutionalist SNP in Westminster?
They serve no purpose.”
Their purpose is to serve the British Establishment by giving a faux air of legitimacy to its claim that the people of Scotland are represented fairly in the Parliament of Greater England, and that the people of Scotland also benefit hugely from such representation.
For example, look at how much muscle our representatives in the form of the SNP, and Blackford in particular, were able to flex in keeping Scotland within the single market, as per the wishes of nearly two-thirds of those here who voted. An outstanding feat of political influence by our courageous SNP representatives. We’d have surely been dragged out of the single market against our will, had it not been for them.
Netflix second trailer released today.
Looks very much like the Royal Family is going t be exposed for the white supremist anti colour racists that they are.
Phil the Greek used to opine about the pickaninnies. And of course, someone widely reported to be King Charles asked about how dark Prince Harry’s child would be. And then only this week late lamented Queenie’s long term handmaiden Lady Hussey asked a black British woman, not once but three times, where she was really from.
A disregard and demeaning of nig nogs, or anyone with the taint of a nig nog, is woven right through the Royal Family. Fucking horrible people, just look at the new King as he threw tizzy after tizzy when flunkey’s gave him a pen that leaked.
And then folks wonder why the philanderer King’s wife Diana died in mysterious circumstances. Killed perchance because of her relationship with an Arab. Pregnant perchance with an Arab’s baby. And then there is Prince Andrew’s sexual and freeloading behaviour to consider.
There is a bad smell that comes from the Royal Family. This Netflix series might give us all an insight
Abolish the House Of Lords!!!FFS. He said that with a straight face.Starmer has a feckin knighthood.
Nae mention o’ scrapping the Privy council then ?
@Willie says:5 December, 2022 at 6:55 pm
A disregard and demeaning of nig nogs, or anyone with the taint of a nig nog, is woven right through the Royal Family
Too fucking right. No way would any of them ever be allowed to marry somebody who wasn’t the purest of pure white.
Wait. Haud oan.
TBH, I wondered how long it would be before somebody jumped into this cesspit and started running around smearing themselves with shite and licking it off their fingers.
Nah Labour will not abolish the House of Lords they won’t change it at all because it’s where they go when too old to do politics , snoozefest
Nah there’s no privatisation planned in NHS Scotland that story is piffle
Nah don’t believe what you read in the courier it’s Scotlands east coast torygraph
Nah Nicola Sturgeon isn’t a British spy working for Westminster she’s Scotlands first minister trying to do her best for Scottish people with a Westminster government doing its best to stop her and a bunch of newspapers all lying week in week out about Scottish government and a BBC Scotland that works for Westminster
Then you have the backstabbing Scots the thick as two planks of wood Scots and the secretly british loving Scots too
When it comes to the next Scottish independence referendum or the next Scottish election or the next general election who are the above going to vote for ?
Some will vote Labour some Tory some Lib Dem
Me ? And the majority of people in Scotland will vote for SNP , sure there are things about them we don’t like but we are not dumb enough to be taken in by the trash that is written and broadcast about SNP every day
We recognise that there is only one party in town for Scottish independence and that’s SNP
Like it or not you have nowhere else to go
My hero Alex Salmond was crushed , ALBA will never get the votes needed to replace SNP they will only split the independence vote you know it I know it we all know it I wish it were otherwise but it’s not
It wasn’t Nicola Sturgeon that ended Alex Salmond politics it was Westminster the far reaching of Westminsters hand is around Scotlands neck always
We will all have to vote SNP if we want Scottish independence , like it or not it is a fact
Do anything other than that and you will be voting against Scottish independence
Be angry but be sensible there is only one thing that counts and that is Scottish independence
Once independent we can demand the truth , the documentation the investigations and interviewing of all those concerned including the ten women
Once independent the law lords of England will have no power over us
The guy that screwed up the UK economy, and sold gold reserves at a very low historic price point, a failed chancellor, and a short-lived prime minister who very nearly had to be dragged out of Downing Street when the people rejected him, the man who lost labour the most seats in a general election since 1931. He now decides that HE and HE alone shall dictate the future of Scotland. This UNELECTED, failed has-been, Gordon (britin, britin, britin) Brown clearly see himself as some modern day dictator, ruling Scotland with his ‘clunking fist’ without even bothering to get elected, no matter what Scots want.
The man who repeatedly and openly LIED over and over again to Scots in 2014, thinks he has some divine right to tell Scots what they can and cannot do. This utter irrelevancy to world politics, who cannot get elected in Scotland, busies his days thinking up one pointless scheme after another, in a vain attempt to seem important. This utter shambles of a man, who told Scots pensioners that they would lose their pensions if they voted for independence. He is an utter charlatan, a washed-up fraud, that NOBODY in Scotland likes.
Labour in all seriousness can get tae f***, and take that waste of oxygen with them.
Irony being that HOL is one of the history’s more admirable administrative constructs – it bestowing, historically in any event, a great honour to be invited, and a great responsibility to inherit..
Assemblies of the regions and nations on t’other hand sounds like a cunning plan to return England to its pre Norman roots, and possibly weaken its WC ambitions* in the long term, so, given the obstacles to Scots’ own ambitions since 2014, it might not be entirely stupid to allow it time to fester before leaving.
In interim, best shorterm outcome for all true Scots might be if EDf, or one of the (French) banks Brown saved, has the decency to invite him and Sir Starmer to Qatar in time for the quarter final – and have enough photographers on hand for (hopefully) a role reversal of the fun each had whilst watching the Senegal match..
As regards UNELECTED Gordon’s ‘ideas’. The problem is simply this, they would be debated by ENGLAND, decided by ENGLAND, and implemented to suit ENGLAND. They would be imposed upon Scotland by ENGLAND. When, as surely as night follows day, the next English Tory Government is elected, then ENGLAND could and would reverse all of it.
It is an English plan for ENGLAND to impose on Scotland. The very essence of un-democratic, the very essence of colonialism, the very essence of unelected dictatorship.
Seriously, England, is it any wonder we want independence??
Who can forget this corker?
Personal abuse?
John Main is saying Willie has jumped into this cesspit and is running around smearing himself in shite and licking it off his fingers.
It would be good when Stu gives a warning he would point out which posts have triggered the warning.
I lot of people do not know what personal abuse is.
John Main reckons he is so clever he can be personally abusive without the dimwits on this forum being aware unlike his mate Andy Ellis who he reckons is just too blatant.
What do you think?
That is pretty much what Sturgeon is saying to women with concerns about self-id. They are all just bigoted women.
I bet when she left ‘Zero Tolerance’ she was in the back of the car asking ‘who put me in front of that woman’ I gave instructions that there should be no questions about self-id.
Article on SNP Group leader
Thewliss must must be a solid Nicophant with Wishart and McDonald backing her
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The man`s a nonentity or inspiring to be one.
Shades of Constable Savage – but the laughs were always at the expense of the racist copper, not his victims.
“…breaking and entering a boiled egg…”
Desimond says:
5 December, 2022 at 2:51 pm
Feeling let down by Cherry
Because she is the only one competent enough to be leader, but as I heard it, she’s backing Flynn, rather than going for it herself.
Flynn, Thewliss, with Mhairi Black deputy? Jesus wept. An opportunity for change with Blackford gone looks like change from utterly dismal to something even worse. How can it be possible? Oh yeah, it’s the SNP. No bar is ever too low.
We need these Self-ID gender morons out, and true Independents in, and at least pretending they’re serious about Scottish Independence.
Fkg Holyrood is a virtual write off under Sturgeon, and the Westminster faction is beginning to look just as weak, feckless and utterly incapable of delivering progress. There simply aren’t any people of adequate calibre or charisma.
If there was, perhaps this absolute clusterfuck wouldn’t have dragged on for eight miserable years, with no sign of an end to Scotland’s Purgatory.
How the fk was something so important left at the mercy of this shower of troughing douche bag reprobates? There are five and a half million of us, and this lot is somehow became our leadership cadre?
Stop, stop, stop. There is something broken inside the machine. There is too much noise but no power. We’re not going anywhere like this.
The Clunking Fist has spoken.
Isn’t this just more One Nation rubbish?
Religate Scotland to a region, import Mayer’s, knobble the devolved parliament & everyone’s a FM now? Yay!!
Give some wee pretendy job to Scots on International relations – like holding the coats or something?
As for SNP moving back to labour – I’d doubt it for Yessers but hmmm – maybes for new voters.
Disenfranchised with the pish ‘indy is any day now! Be ready! Secret plans!’ rubbish..
The Devil makes work for idle hands & all that…Where there’s a vacuum. Nosebags are all out of carrots now..
Maybe ‘mayors’ says it all. No Provosts in Scotland! How much Scottish History does Keir Starmer know? Maybe even less than Rushi?
Ruby @ 9.48
Not sure about abusive but definitely highly unpleasant.
I guess different people have different values, depending on how they’re brought up, schools, etc.
I’m currently reading a book called “White Trash : The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America” which touches on these sort of issues.
I can see how some people would want to live in gated communities but that’s just avoiding the problem.
My personal approach is to constructively engage with trashy types, to try and help them evolve, but only when they cross certain lines. It’s going pretty well, I think, I’ve definitely seen some progress…
@Hatuey says:6 December, 2022 at 3:47 am
Not sure about abusive but definitely highly unpleasant
“What’s your name?”
“What do you do for a living?”
“Where are you from?”
Simple, standard ice-breaker questions that simple, ordinary Scots like me have been asking each other all of our lives.
You will stop simple, ordinary Scots like me asking new Scots that we meet questions like that only at gunpoint.
Now GTF.
It’s like an interrogation!
You missed one important one John
‘What school did you go to?’
PS. I don’t think it’s polite to tell other posters to ‘get to fuck’
I mean ‘What school did you go to?’
“White Trash” that’s like scheemie.
What amazes me is you have all this political correctness on how you should refer to ethnic minorities like the English for example and yet it’s OK to refer to a group of people as scheemies/white trash.
Ah well looking out my window this morning I see a nice cold day.
Frost all around it seems we are in for a prolonged cold snap with some areas of northern Scotland forecast to reach serious negative thermometer readings.
Certainly made me smile to see this bright crisp cold morning. And made me smile even more how our proud Scots will be able to turn their hearing up so that indoors they can remain cosy and warm.
Their ability to enjoy warm heating is a reflection of the proud nation we are. Truly a nation beyond nation.
And so as I smile at the nice bright cold morning I pay tribute to the warmth that we as Scots all enjoy.
Or am I missing something.
Sure that is true but the problems arise when one group of people decide their values are far superior to others’ values.
You definitely might be missing something Willie! Maybe when the shilling runs out on your pre-paid meter it might dawn on you.
You have a nice day Willie and remember we might be freezin’ but we are still ‘Better Together’
If you truly want IT then seize IT. Do not expect IT to be handed to you without struggle. Do not expect others to obtain IT for you. Trust no one in this matter.
If IT is not worth dirtying your hands for then continue to whinge here and elsewhere in the America owned «metaverse».
England will continue to ignore you. It does not hurt.
Breeks says: “Holyrood is a virtual write off under Sturgeon, and the Westminster faction is beginning to look just as weak, feckless and utterly incapable of delivering progress.”
In a nutshell that is the problem and until it is changed nothing will.
Why is Sturgeon being allowed to proceed with a de facto independence referendum? The SNP are not supported by all of those seeking independence. It is very high risk and will end the independence project for a very long time.
‘And the majority of people in Scotland will vote for SNP , sure there are things about them we don’t like but we are not dumb enough to be taken in by the trash that is written and broadcast about SNP every day
We recognise that there is only one party in town for Scottish independence and that’s SNP’
Wow-just wow! I really don’t know where to start with your post. Do you EVER read any of the accurate, forensically detailed articles, written by the Rev Stu?
The majority of people in Scotland have NEVER voted for the SNP. At the last GE they received approx 31% of the vote. Looks like you are another of the ‘hard of thinking’ who fall for the SNP mantra. Vote for us, Independence is just around the corner, all the time the gravy train continues for the troughers.
The SNP have had ample time to demonstrate that they could effectively run a successful Independent Scotland. They have failed in every way imaginable way, spectacularly at times.
You can vote for Sturgeon and the SNP if you want. Millions of your fellow Scots will never vote SNP again whist Sturgeon is at the helm. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
A truly astonishing post TGC-Nicola will be proud of you!
Ruby @ 9.39
“the problems arise when one group of people decide their values are far superior to others’ values.”
An astute observation Ruby about life in any colony where “only the values of the colonizer are sovereign” (Albert Memmi), which depends on cultural assimilation of a native population to create among them a ‘false persona'(David Purves), and where we might search in vain for any “human values” (Aime Cesaire).
Examples of key values/significance under colonialism:
– CULTURE English Studies-Language/History/Heritage
– POLITICS Sovereignty of Westminster/English Crown/English MPs
– IDENTITY One-Nation Britain political ideology/identity
Examples of key values/significance in an independent Scotland
– CULTURE Scottish Studies-Language/History/Heritage
– POLITICS Sovereignty of the Scottish people
– IDENTITY Scottish national/cultural identity
Well, that’s the freezing weather started as we (Scots) get a blast from the Arctic, many, many poor Scots will be sitting cold in their house this Winter unable to put their heating on, and sadly some will succumb to the cold, possibly more this year than usual.
However, Sturgeon the Judas and her well paid treacherous hoard of MPs/MSPs will be fine, they won’t need to choose between heating and eating, the Scottish taxpayer will make sure of that.
Scotland is swimming in energy sources, so why are Scots freezing in their own homes due to astronomical energy bills, well it’s pretty simple, because we don’t control our own energy. Sure, Westminster has played its part in denying Scots their natural resources, however we could’ve switched control over to Holyrood if Sturgeon the betrayer had gotten us out of this prison of a union, Brexit was a golden opportunity to do so, but the Betrayer and her treacherous MPs/MSPs let that opportunity pass us by in favour of remaining in the union.
There needs to be demos outside Holyrood and Bute House to compel Sturgeon the Judas and her gutless and spineless MSPs to hold a snap Holyrood election next year, in which she must first resign, let’s face it, it will be no big loss to Scots to see the Judas out of office, for Scotland will not prosper whilst the Betrayer is FM. Sadly, for Scots, I don’t see the betrayer, (an egotistical attention seeking sociopath) resigning and we’ll have another two-years of hell under her tenure, until the GE, where a wee bit of railing will come from the Betrayers MPs/MSPs against whoever is PM at the time with regards to Scotland and leaving this prison of union, nothing will come of it, and it will like Brexit, pass us by.
We need to vote the SNP out of Holyrood or as many of those gutless and spineless SNP MSPs as possible out in 2026, and vote in as many Alba MSPs as possible. The betrayer and her MPs/MSPs are only in it for the money.
“working for Westminster she’s Scotlands first minister trying to do her best for Scottish people”
I wonder which one of the betrayers gutless and spineless MPs/MSPs penned the above.
Or was it one of her many acolytes who earns a good living from the status quo, House Jocks everywhere you look.
To be quite honest, why are we even giving flying f*ck who becomes the next SNP MP Westminster leader, I mean it’s not as if anything will change, Flynn and Thewliss have done nothing to further the indy cause both are just troughers, its musical chairs with same bunch of treacherous shits.
SNP MPs should’ve walked out of the HoC after Brexit never to return, they didn’t they are all careerists, we should be focusing on trying to find ways to get Sturgeon to stand down next year and see a snap Holyrood election.
This is my most commentators are telling us we need to forget the politicians. They’re useless because they will always conform.
To get our Independence we need to do it through a convention.
Alf, Robin, Sarah etc all singing from the same hymn sheet. Get them working on currency, policy, consitution, decolonisation etc let them make the case & everything watertight with no head honcho on a power trip – a meeting of experts all bringing thier expertise to the table & crucially bringing all organisations together.
While the politicians will politician – going endlessly down the mundane shit of running a credible, trustworthy government with no ten million questions. Then it will all eventually fall into place.
We have our case.
We have all our answers.
We have a credible government.
Fire the starting pistol GO!
Or, it that blocked our case is ready to go external.
Yessers forget this is what got us Devo. Sturgeon ditched the tried & tested method. We need to get back to the convention ASAP & never let a politician interfere again.
Politicians can’t be trusted. They promise all kinds of shit & go off on tangents *winging it* We need to ditch that & go back to the tried & tested that gave us results.
Bank of England?
Interesting concept for a union of two countries.
The bank of England was a private corporation prior to the treaty. After the treaty the funding was approached to Westminster,
The principle is still standing and the name, it is the bank of England under the same rules that it was prior To the union.
This is exactly why Sturgeon is in so much trouble. She is trying to be all things to all people because that’s what politicians are elected to do. They end up all over the place & we see the absolute shit show Sturgeon has allowed.
A convention building the case on currency, pensions, etc working independently – let’s the politician deal with the mundane shit of running a wee diddy administration.
The real work for is indy is going on independently of government. Never the twain shall meet until it’s time..
Final point before I have to leave..
The convention also bypasses WM appointed civil servants, bad strategists & advisor’s who are rooted in Holyrood whose job it is is to thwart independence & give Sturgeon bad advice she’s too fkn thick to notice & second guess.
Painted windows FFS? It’s like something from Chemical Ali! If you were an undecided you’d rightly think what the actual fuck ??!
Will the drop in support for the SNP in Westminster election polling spur the SNP into action? Sorry.
What the devil is he talking about @ 8.05am?
Sounds rattled.
Oh well. Lol, I suppose.
Gordon Brown, a leg end in his own right, thats the end furthest away from the foot.
Privatisation has already started with dentistry.
My practise has gone private and basic treatment is now expensive. I have tried and failed to get a NHS dentist as none are taking on NHS patients. This is just the start.
Alex Salmond has to be the one to destroy Nicola Sturgeon
It’s the only way he clears his name.