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Wings Over Scotland

Black Snake Mone

Posted on August 15, 2018 by

It’s always nice to see Michelle Mone in the news again, especially when the Tory peer crowbars an attempted intervention into Scottish politics into everything she does.

And since there’s not much else going on, it seemed like a good excuse to have a wee delve into what she’s been up to lately.

It was billed as a once in a generation new way of thinking and a chance to be in at the ground level on a powerful new investment movement.

Instead, the newest venture launched by the woman who bills herself as “Baroness Michelle Mone of Mayfair OBE”, since the failures of her lingerie, fake tan and dodgy-diet-pills companies – this time alongside millionaire new boyfriend Doug Barrowman – has left workers out of pocket and been forced to rethink its ambitious plans.

Promoters were shocked to learn that despite toiling for Equi Capital over a five-month period, the company would pay the 3,000-strong workforce not the $2.5m it had advertised, but a somewhat reduced “bounty pool” of just £4,273.37 – equating to £1.40 per person, or around 1p a day.

Workers claim they have yet to receive even that derisory sum from Equi Capital, and have branded the business “a scam project”. Aggrieved promoters are now seeking redress as an inquisition into the failed cryptocurrency scheme begins.

The former lingerie tycoon can never be accused of lacking confidence. She stood side by side with Barrowman in London’s Dorchester Hotel earlier this year to announce the launch of Equi Capital, an initial coin offering (ICO) that sought to raise $75m. In exchange for contributing a minimum of $100,000 (£72,000) in a pre-sale, commencing on March 1, or upwards of $100 in a public sale starting a week later, investors would be issued with EQUI tokens.

“Equi is that disruptor in venture capital investing and, for me, represents the final evolution of a lifetime’s work spent in the industry,” founder Barrowman claimed. But Mone’s take was rather earthier:

Puff pieces in publications including The Telegraph, The Sunday Times and Forbes, some of which amounted to little more than hagiographies, helped raise awareness of the project.

“We’re not in it for money,” Baroness Mone told the Sunday Times in March, somewhat contradicting her comments of just a month earlier. “We’re doing this because we’re passionate about the cryptocurrency community.”

Indeed, in between the two articles Mone had declared herself to be “one of the biggest experts in cryptocurrency and blockchain”, despite having only taken an interest in the field five months earlier.

While many media outlets lapped up her soundbites unquestioningly, a handful were less convinced, expressing concern over both the viability of the project and the character of its co-founder. wrote:

“The Scottish lingerie entrepreneur has a string of failed ventures and dubious business practises to her name, but there was no mention of that in a Sky News story, which has since been deleted. Whatever her ICO may be, it has nothing do with helping women.

The piece is riddled with preposterous claims that crypto heads would see through instantly, but that could easily hoodwink newcomers including the women the project is supposedly designed for.”

(The deleted Sky story can be found archived here.)

Other media outlets began to take a less fawning approach, with the Daily Mail sharing concerns over the unregulated nature of the tokens Equi would be issuing. It quoted Labour MP John Mann, member of the Commons Treasury Select committee, as saying: “You would be better going off to the bookies than investing in this scheme”.

Under US law, investments such as Equi Capital that promise investors a profit share constitute securities and fall under the jurisdiction of the SEC. The Equi team believed it had circumvented this restriction by ensuring its tokens weren’t sold to US investors, but there remain concerns as to the legality of offering tokens to unaccredited investors in the UK, where the FCA regulates the selling of financial services.

Equi Capital remained undaunted, however, and defiantly pressed ahead with its Initial Coin Offering. On 6 February this year, one month prior to its commencement, it announced a $2.5m bounty campaign.

“Bounty hunters” are effectively unpaid marketers, often from developing countries, who help to raise awareness online, particularly among the cryptocurrency community. In return for their efforts, they are remunerated in the form of tokens.

Thanks to the promised bounty package of up to $2.5m, Mone and Barrowman enticed a significant number of workers to promote Equi Capital online. Some of the workers posted adverts on social media platforms and others created YouTube videos, while yet more translated Equi marketing materials into Spanish, Italian, German, French, Korean, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

On March 30, Mone announced to her Twitter followers that Equi Capital had raised $7m (£4.9m) in its first five days of fundraising.

It’s common for popular ICOs to sell out in a matter of hours or even minutes due to oversubscription from eager investors and the sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) this creates. One venture called Bancor raised $153m in three hours last June, for example, while BAT raised $35m in 30 seconds for a new web browser.

The Equi ICO was scheduled to last for one month, but within a week it had become clear that the team were nowhere near their ambitious $75 million target. The company extended its deadline, rather creatively describing the measure as “good news”, and continued to fundraise for a further two months until June 30.

Despite promising transparency, Equi failed to publicly update investors or bounty team members on its financial progress during this period. Behind the scenes, it was evident that the project would be unable to raise more than a fraction of its ambitious target, despite the concerted efforts of its thousands of bounty hunters.

While its token sale floundered, Lady Mone jetted off to Monaco to invest some of Equi’s capital in sponsoring a water bike challenge.

Two weeks later, the Equi crowdsale closed, and the project – which hasn’t published an update since April 5 in its blog or tweeted about the ICO since May 30 – was wrapped up.

The only signs of life were in the Equi group on messaging service Telegram, which filled with bounty hunters wondering when their promised tokens would arrive.

Meanwhile, Equi contacted the investors who had participated in its abortive token sale to offer a refund, since it had failed to meet the minimum funding threshold required. 

We have made the decision to refund your investment, to give you the opportunity to re-evaluate your investment having seen the new Global strategy,” wrote Baroness Mone in an email. “When we launch our new Global strategy… this time I know it will create a Global frenzy so you will not be left out.”

She also described the forthcoming relaunch as “mega exciting”.

While refunds were being processed, Equi fobbed off bounty hunters with excuses for over a month, before eventually informing them that Equi had changed its business plan and that it no longer involved using them or paying them as advertised.

(For perspective, 2% of the $7m that was raised in the first five days alone would have amounted to $140,000 in bounty payments. The total amount that was actually paid to the bounty hunters was around $5,500 between them.)

In a chat group for the Equi Capital bounty team, workers were told: “Our new concept will only allow participation from sophisticated investors. The change to the concept means that bounty members such as yourselves are not able to participate in the project going forward.”

The global workforce, which included a large contingent from developing nations, were left stunned at the outcome of a project led by a woman who some – perhaps not grasping the complexities of the British honours system – had mistakenly believed be a member of the Royal Family. 

When Baroness Mone announced the launch of Equi Capital, a series of slick and professional promotional videos had done nothing to dispel the notion.

Her Twitter account during the fundraising period highlighting visits to Buckingham Palace, and in one YouTube interview she looked directly into the camera and introduced herself saying, “My name is Baroness Mone of Mayfair… I was made a Baroness by Her Majesty the Queen.” She went on to add “The House of Lords is the Upper House of Government and I’m there for life.”

Business partner Doug Barrowman runs a number of businesses including Watchdale Limited, a tax-avoidance subsidiary of The Knox Group which relocated to Panama in 2017. Prior to 2011 the company offered its clients “disguised remuneration” packages known as EBTs. In Scotland, of course, EBTs are best known for the HMRC legal case brought against Rangers Football Club which eventually resulted in its death and liquidation in 2012.

The Equi Capital bounty group on Telegram, where participants shared their marketing progress and filed claims for tokens they were owed, has now been deleted and bounty members who publicly complained about their treatment threatened with legal action in extraordinary exchanges reminiscent of a school playground.

The account administrator, operating on behalf of Equi, tried to assuage the fears of disgruntled bounty hunters, writing: “Our founder is a baroness and I can assure you she doesn’t lie” before dismissing their efforts altogether, claiming: “We raised all the money through our contacts FACT”.

On Aug 5, seven months after the launch of Equi Capital, Michelle Mone announced to her Twitter followers that she would be flying to Silicon Valley for Equi’s new “global” business launch, using the same term with which she had referred to the existing project when launching it back in January.

Equi Capital has now been hastily rebranded as Equi Global as the project attempts to conceal its failed token sale and prepare for a new ICO under a new banner. Having alienated a vast swathe of the cryptocurrency community as well as the investors who contributed to its ICO, Equi may struggle to pull a rabbit out of the hat at the second time of asking.

Doug Barrowman described Equi Capital as a way to “give everyone an opportunity to play in my world”. Those who still await any recompense for their time and effort may wish they hadn’t played at all.

Still, at least now we know why Baroness Lady Mone OBE is in such a prickly mood at the moment. We wonder how long it’ll be before she somehow contrives to blame the SNP and/or “vile cybernats” for her latest flop.

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Adrian Brown

Well blow me down and knock me sideways, another Baroness Mone cock up.

Den Cairns

Mone is indeed a busted bust.


Anyone who voluntarily decides to call themselves ‘Baroness Michelle Mone of Mayfair OBE’ clearly doesnt’t have their challenges to seek.

Proud Cybernat

Baroness Blockheid.

Philip Fraser-Brenchley

As someone who trades on the Forex market, I find bitcoin schemes very dubious. Some people become very rich (the top of the pyramid) and others lose the lot! Madam Moan is of the former! Good article Stu, keep up the good work


Lady Baroness Tits of Mammary is suffering from silicone leakage induced psychopathy along with her dunning-kruger-ism

– in case no one gets the reference, the title is a nod to a film where


– they say the time to get out of the market is when the taxi drivers are giving you stock tips … the time to get out of crypto is long past (though bitcoin, ether, monero seem legit)

Doug Daniel

Michelle Mone and blockchain – the perfect partnership. Most people who wax lyrical about blockchain don’t actually understand what it is, and have just fallen for the weird hype behind it, making it the perfect marketing gimmick for shysters like her.

(I’m surprised she’s not started insisting folk pronounce her last name like “Monet”.)

Heather McLean

No better than the scammers who pretend you’re owed a tax rebate from HMRC or a fake telephone company threatening to cut off your Talktalk or BT account!
They thrive on people’s desperation or greed and desire to make a fast buck. Disgusting and despicable – and she has the bare faced cheek to call Alison Thewliss an SNP moron?
Mone is not even fit to lick Alison’s boots and she ain’t no lady either!

Merkin Scot

Where did the money raised go?


“… many media outlets lapped up her soundbites unquestioningly … “

– which is why the UK is going tits up ! (Pun purely coincidental)

Most media most of the time doesn’t fact check or scrutinise what they print. Plagiarism and regurgitating press releases is how they produce stories. This low quality ‘news’ effects the way ordinary folks view the world and ultimately make important decisions in their lives. We know well the effect on politics, but this dreadful media the UK now has pervades everything.

Journalism is a dying craft …. except on the likes of WoS … good well researched article Robert.


Mone !!!!

katherine hamilton

Hi Rev,
Wondered what you’d been up to. Quiet summer, so I suppose you just knocked this up this morning.
Blistering. The hyperbole in her tweets is so reminiscent of Trump,too.


Baroness Mone, a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
An absolute imbecile and an insult to Scotland.

Ordinary Gal

Thank God for Wings…again. Nobody else reports this sort of stuff. How on earth do these people get away with these shenanigans? It makes me despair. If only we could get this information to all the people of Scotland.
Keep up the good work.


There’s shallow and then there’s… etc.

Graeme McCormick

If a women’s facility is opened at the Bar_L she’ll be close to her roots.

Grouse Beater

Americans used to call cons the likes of Mone and her Man, flim-flam artists.


That David Cameron, shewing all the judgement expected of a UK PM.

No wonder Boris thinks he can too.

mountain shadow

No mention of EquiCapital in the noble Baroness’ Register of Lords Interests. Is there a breach of code here?

link to

Dr Jim

This woman was, is, and always will be, a diddy

It’s mostly only when she speaks though

katherine hamilton

Sorry didn’t read the by-line. Apologies, Robert. Still blistering tho’.

Doug Bryce

Summary : the cryptocurrency bubble burst in Jan 2018. Michelle Mone was unable to attract investment and subsequently abandoned her project (leaving trail of unpaid workers who expected to be paid in the new crypto-tokens).

Sounds like a respectable Tory peer.
Snake oil salesman.


A con artist – and not a very good one either. She might be “busting to make me rich” but if she is an example of what money does to a person then – no thanks.


Did the fire-starter get to keep on the gravy train apres pokey?

Long snake mone would have done, PJ is ok.



What a well researched article on that dreadful woman’s activities.

Auld Rock

As I’ve oft times said, “There is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH, somebody, usually the greedy mug, ends up paying.” When is this woman going to be arrested for fraud?


She communicates like DOnald Trump. Utterly astonishing that there’s two of them.

Jon Drummond

Aye,. Fascinating video; listening to the tone of her voice and watching her body language, as the vid progresses, it is clear she hasn’t a scooby what she is talking about.

It would be interesting to know how many “takes” it took in order to make this seem even marginally credible to the most vacuous of gullible numpties.

Aye. Glasgow and Scotland are proud of you, Michelle. Keep up the good work; you are a great reminder of what none of us want.

As always, Rev, excellent informative and forensic journalism.


– I remember when this first came out, all the shitlords were calling it


– ha! Forgot about that.

while I am here – I can exclusively reveal –

There’s nazi u boat filled with gold sunk in Loch Hourn – my grand-dad left me an old map he looted, er, liberated from the Deutsche-Reichs-Museum in 1945 … this is a once in a lifetime offer, available ONLY to Wings readers … have your credit card details to hand and wait for our call-back – get in quick before we flog it to the Daily Mail crowd!

Robert J. Sutherland

Breastplate @ 15:52,

Your judgement is probably right. But we all inherit what we are, and she is who she is, like it or not. (More often not.)

I reserve my strongest condemnation though for the people who showered her with honours and who damn well knew, or damn well should have known, who she is, but did it anyway, and solely because of her outspoken anti-indy stance in 2014.

This empty promotion of untalented people for political favours reveals starkly (at least to anyone willing to see it) the utter hollowness of the BritNat state.

It may still appear all-powerful on the outside, but in reality it is currently as brittle as an egg-shell. A concerted effort for indy could well push it beyond breaking point, and do so for all to see.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Black Snake Mone It’s always nice to see Michelle Mone in the news again, especially when the Tory […]


Her father refused to call her Lady Mone.

It does seem overly formal!

stu mac

@Martin says:
15 August, 2018 at 4:22 pm
She communicates like Donald Trump. Utterly astonishing that there’s two of them.

Have you ever seen them in the same room together?

Welsh Sion

Was not La Moan appointed by David Cameron, ex- Prime Minister and spinster of this parish, some sort of small business tsar, to tell us plebs how to run (a small) business successfully, during his tenure @ No. 10?

Anyone also notice – pure coincidence, of course – that there has been a recent growth in adverts (sponsored by HMG, I think, but could be wrong) which are warning pensioners notably (and others) not to be taken in my telephone scammers – the result of which may involve them losing thousands in their pension pots. Small comfort for Equi Capital promoters @ 1p a day (not yet received), I know.

Robert Louis

‘Our founder is a baroness and I can assure you she doesn’t lie’. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

Honestly, I could laugh at that for days. The most corrupt, inept people in the UK are made baronesses and ‘lords’. The house of Lords is literally packed to the rafters with these uselsss crooked nobodies who have been rewarded by one government or another. The kind of vacuous parasites who will happily sell out Scotland (their own country) for an ermine robe. Some names spring to mind, Danny Alexander, Nicol Stephen, Alastair Darling, and so on.

It goes like this; ‘ok I’ll completely betray my country and the people of Scotland, but I want a title and a seat in the house of Lords. Oh, and an OBE frae Lizzie windsor.

If the honours system had any integrity (it doesn’t), then Michelle Mone should lose her titles – all of them.

And please tell me, just why a complete no hoper is given a seat in the house of Lords – oh, that’s right ‘Better Together’, keeping Scotland under English colonial rule.

I hope somebody somewhere with bags of money takes the whole lot of them through every court in the world. Con-men, no more, no less.

You know I thought this kind of scam had been stopped, but no, it’s just gone high tech.

This is how they did it in the ‘olden days’.

‘Hi, I’m Larry, a Billionaire investor. People used to say to me, ‘Larry just how do you do it? So just for you, I’m going to let you in on my secrets. Just fill in this coupon and mail your cash order for $300 and you too* could share** in my lifestyle’. This is a time limited offer, send your money NOW!’.

*Terms and conditions apply

**Exclusions apply

Iain mhor

Oooh nice reference!
So if you invested in her currency ‘Blind’ you were sold a ‘Lemon’ not even worth a ‘Jefferson’

I’ll get ma coat.


@Merkin Scot – most of it was returned (minus transaction fees, the tightarse pricks) to investors forcibly, and since the ETH they invested had dropped in value while it was with Equi many people lost as much as 60-75% of their investment in USD terms. Nobody knows what happened with the rest.


Mone is a Tory…that is all that anyone needs to know.

She is a Baroness and doesn’t lie….FFS! that is pathetic.


Looking forward to Reporting Scotland and MSM coverage of this high profile venture


So no uplifting of the masses in Brigton then?

Gullane No4

As they say……a fool and her/his money are soon parted.

Josef Ó Luain

“Black Snake Mone”, right enough.

Thanks for yet another superb contribution to investigative journalism.


What surprises me is that there may have been some who took her venture seriously when it launched.

Donald anderson

Lady Moan moved her Sottish production abroad to hire slave labour. A true Inter(Brit)nationalist.

Thomas Valentine

Convicted arsonists and questionable individuals like Mone, the House of Lords we pay for.


Investment into start-up crypto currencies is always dependent on the trust and faith placed in the start-up to deliver.

The subtle re-branding after taking the bounty hunters for a ride won’t work – their experience plus Mone’s toxic legacy of failure will see this re launch fail.

Josef Ó Luain

“That Black Snake Moan” Blind Lemon Jefferson. Thanks again, Robert Knight.


Sounds like a classic Ponzi to me.

With a twist.

I guess we’ll never know what kind of salary, expenses, perks, etc. the Busty Baroness and her greaser stud were taking out of this dog – in real money not bogus crypto bucks – which is what really counts.

The apparent freebie to the Med clearly is a clue.

In the real world Ponzis are a crime and you get serious crowbar hotel time for pulling one.

But the web is still the Wild Wild West.

So no need for a registered prospectus vetted by a securities commission, independent accountants, or full, true and plain disclosure to the minority investors, I guess.

Never give a sucker an even break.


Lock her up.

If Melania finally sees the light and ditches Trump he and Mone would be a Marriage made in Heaven.

Craig P

Mone has gained millions and a peerage purely from exceptional abilities at self promotion.

The mind boggles as to how much money she could make if she ever bothered to create a business that actually provided value to consumers.

Black Joan

What exactly do you have to do to have your life peerage revoked? Talk about tawdry.

Ian McCubbin

So glad you nailed her . She is such a disgrace to her roots, culture and country.
The ethnic cleansing of her personality is complete to the point she would be easily mistaken for a unionist with no heritage of east end glasgow.
Better she stays in E1 and develops here essex tang..she can do less harm there.


I’d keep a hawk eye on her personal trainer, if i were him.

So Debbie, why did you marry….


If she is going to Silicon Valley for this launch, the “product “ will presumably be sold to US citizens, so the SEC can have her this time! I’m sure the inmates of the US Federal prison system will be ever so impressed by her title.


Good article, Robert. The House of Lords is a disgrace to modern democracy and belongs in the dustbin of history.

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission might be an answer though it’s doubtful whether much reconciliation could be achieved after the catalogue of lies and mendacity Scotland has suffered over the centuries.

Highland Wifie

I am ashamed that Mone is Scottish. She is one in a long line of rags to riches Scots who, in their scramble to the the top, have forgotten where they came from. All that privilege and yet they vote for cuts to working tax credits for the poorest in society.

Like all self publicists they have to play at poverty again to show how much they care. Mone’s daughter will be featured in a Channel 4 programme living in Bridgetown in order to “confront her privilege”.
It’s just more poverty porn. It’s an insult to those who have to live in poverty all the time to try it out for a week knowing you’re going back to a life of luxury in a few days.
If she really wants to do something to help poor Scots, she could campaign for independence.

Bob Mack

I hear she is also into “succession planning”. Apparently she has got her daughter a “show” which involves her living in Bridgeton for a day or so, among people with high deprivation levels.

No doubt a source of endless amusement with the high society folk with whom she shares a bottle or two of bubbly

It’s bad enough causing poverty by voting against benefits, but to revel in it for public entertainment using your daughter as a conduit, is a step too far.

These people are beneath contempt.


“My previous enterprises failed. I’m launching a new one. It’s a great idea. Give me some of your money!”

Aye, right.


@ Portjim, Silicone Valley mair like! Real east-ender Janey Godley would eat her for breakfast!

Walter Scott

They’ll all do a runner to Panama before getting extradited then jailed. Is this just a pyramid scheme ?


She sums up what the British establishment is. Corrupt.
She got plenty silver for stabbing Scotland in the back. That’s what the ‘union’ is all about, fekk u jock, am alright

Joan Edington

She should be locked up and stripped of the ridiculous Baroness title. She only got it for services to the No campaign anyway.


Yup, as Portjim sez, there’s two chances that Baroness Bra takes her dog and pony show to San Jose. And Slim just left town.

First of all she has to get a work permit. And maybe a securities agent license. A foreign national just can’t waltz into California and start pedaling bogus securities.

Second, it now falls under the remit of the Securities and Exchange Commission – not the creepy and gross Threadneedle Street Crooked Casino.

If she ever tried to pull this stunt Stateside she’d be in a whole world of hurt. Even if she is the Queen’s new best buddie.

Maybe Stu or some other Winger could e-mail this excellent piece to the Yanks and get the ball rolling.

Calum McKay

If the US authorities get the merest whiff of any impropriety, they’ll be on Mone like a rash.

We may see dame Mone in an orange jump suit with decorative leg chains, fingers crossed!

Stuart Middleton

Mone tae f*ck Michelle, not another failed business!!

mike cassidy

Highland Wifie 6.15

This is probably why she’s currently so pissed off.

How dare people criticise her daughter!

link to

And here’s the article which lets rip.

link to


As if the lords wasn’t lacking respect and credibility already, they elevate this thing to the benches.

Deary me.

Big Bill

As the saying goes…
$hit flies high when you hit with a stick.


This is a superb piece, it puts to shame most of the MSM in Scotland. They wouldn’t go near this with a bargepole such is their fawning of people like Moan. I’m not even sure there is anybody at the Herald or Scotsman that could write an article as good as this.

This is real investigative journalism not the shock headline anti-SNP trash that inhabits most the Scottish MSM.

Mind you if the Rev can just find a Kremlin angle someone at the Herald may take an interest.


I looked up the Canadian example of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission out of interest. Oh dear. What a farce that seems to have been. Organised for the benefit of the colonists who now want to “move on”.

Wikipedia article has dire warnings about the shortcomings of the article (which suggests it is probably true), overlaid with dire appeals for money.

Given the collusion with the neocon agenda I won’t be donating to Wikipedia now. But the artcle is still readable.

link to


She lives on the Isle of Man, I hear. No inheritance, wealth, gift, death, capital gains or insurance premium taxes or stamp duties.

She and her boyfriend are entitled to live wherever they like of course, but as a proud Scot – or even a patriotic British one, since she’s a Baroness-for-life-and-don’t-you-forget-it – wouldn’t you expect her to want to contribute to the upkeep and running of the UK rather than being non-dom? Or is that just me. 😀

Oh David Cameron. What have you done, dishing out perrages like confetti to all and sundry …


While following up The National article on Michelle Mone and Miss Mone, I noticed a link to the new SNP fact check service launched by Keith Brown.

link to


Superb article Robert . Deserves to be seen by those used only to the comic book MSM. I am embarrassed to be paying my taxes in a polity that promotes such people like this and rewards them with ludicrous titles and stoat coats .


What always pops into my head is Lady Moan of Danube Street, I don’t know why!



Noticed that today with wiki having the begging bowl out again, now that I know more of the views of it’s founder it wouldn’t see a penny from me either.

On the Michelle Mone story that her daughter will be appearing in a new C4 “poverty porn” series so to will Gordon Ramsey’s son.

Very happy to have chosen never to watch any crap on the telly now by not watching at all. The telly keeps you braindead.

Dr Jim

I still recall with a mixture of behind the couch cringe and gut busting hilarity as Ms Mone making her first speech in the Lords quoted the George Benson Whitney Houston hit “The greatest love of all”

Y’know that Scottish thing we all hate when somebody from Scotland reinforces the English Myth that Scots are stupid by actually being even more stupid than we thought possible, and then we think no! it’s not us, they must think she’s bright if she’s been made a Baroness so they’re even stupider than she is

And we sigh with relief and superiority that a Numptie is a Numptie the world over but thank God Scotland may just possibly have less of them ….Maybe? we hope? Oh no not again don’t let her speak somebody stop her

Ah Jeez!

Jock McDonnell

Glad to hear of Keith Brown’s rebuttal unit.
It can start by slapping dour auld Broon about. The man who promised to end boom n bust, who had 13 years at the top of government yet did not plan for a rainy day. His calamitous economic policy of keeping middle England happy led to ultimate disaster as the economy crumbed to dust & those communities which still bore thatcher’s legacy were rewarded for their unquestioning support with a brand new tory government – good job Gordon you useless better-together lacky.


I’m sure the residents of Mayfair are just as enthused at having the “fake tits, fake tans, fake diet” entrepreneur associated with them as we Scots are.

Unfortunately for them her title is in England so they’re stuck with her after indy 🙂

mike cassidy

I think the Americans might already be aware of her.

link to

And don’t you just love that last line!


I thought the baroness was into mens suit recycling? Still it is hard to comprehend that someone can crawl so low into the gutter and think they smile of roses. Unelected, yet votes for universal credit condemning women and children in particular into poverty collecting £300 as she does so. The sort of person Davidson, (who she? )tompkinson and co look up to.

contempt is too nice a word for how I feel about that lot.


O/T This is surreal, where are we headed? Where ever it isn’t good.

Donald Trump has revoked the security clearance of ex-CIA chief John Brennan, denying the US president’s critic of any access to sensitive information…

Mr Trump is also reviewing access to classified information for former FBI director James Comey, who he fired last year, and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, among others.

link to

Richard Hunter

Baroness Razzle more like.

Robert Peffers


Sorry to go O/T so quickly but this Gordon Ross IndyCar newscast needs an airing now:-

link to


Nothing to “mone” about with Keith Brown’s excellent idea of a rebuttal unit. Let’s hope he starts with the SNP hierarchy every single time they are live on air and with no exceptions. Up until now it has been pretty dire.

Let’s watch and record how well they are doing and feed back to Keith.

Jason Smoothpiece

This is a Baroness were talking about dont you know this woman knows the Queen.

The problem with some wingers is you dont know your place most people on here can’t even harrumph properly.


Eminently qualified to take a seat in the Lords.

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 15 August, 2018 at 8:02 pm:

” … I noticed a link to the new SNP fact check service launched by Keith Brown.

link to

All well and good, Capella, and I’ve no doubt Keith has the right idea. The real problem, of course, is that his rebuttal service will suffer the same problems as does the Holyrood Parliament website and the SNPs party website and the SG website.

Joe & Josephine Public are, unlike we Wingers, not political anoraks and will probably not touch it, even with someone else’s bargepole. This though will be a great source of insider information for the YES movement to use. Not just to go and read but to refer Joe & Josephine Public to in order to get the truth to negate the propaganda.

As I’ve pointed out so often in the past the SNP can hand out reams of press releases to the corrupt SMSM and propaganda broadcasters but they cannot force then to print and broadcast them.

Then, of course, they cannot prevent the SMSM and broadcasters spinning the information, as they so often do, while looking innocent and saying, “Us … biased? No way! We are the professional Journalists and that lot’s just social media and social media is BAAAAAAAD.”


“Baroness Mone of Barlinie”.
That would suit her fine, actually maybe that’s not in the too distant future!.


Why am I reminded of the old joke about a cub reporter, about to interview Charlie Haughey, who as Taoiseach of Rep of Ireland, had a vague understanding of the concepts of ‘truth’ & ‘honesty’. ‘When he’s scratching his ear’, he’s lying, when he’s rubbing his nose, he’s lying, etc

‘How do I know when he’s not lying’ asks the cub. ‘When his lips are not moving’.


I don’t really understand much about blockchain and cryptocurrency but I bet I know more than Michelle ‘faetheClose’ Mone.


That woman has a say in the running of the UK.

THAT is the scandal.


@ Robert Peffers – I hope Keith Brown is hiring a team of ferrets to do the hard work. One advantage will be the sheer volume of lies that are exposed. Keeping a record of media failure will be useful.

@ footsoldier – you’ll never get promoted to a general by forming a circular firing squad. Wouldn’t it be more useful to target the Unionist opposition than the only independence party?


…you would have thought a mainstream journalist could have picked up on this….perhaps not!
I suppose once you are part of the establishment you are above investigation.


If you put a turd in a paper bag and place it on someone’s doorstep, then set fire to the bag and ring the bell, then the person will most likely come to the door and stamp on the the burning bag, covering themselves in shit.

The bag is important, but so is the fire.

Robert Peffers

@Ghillie says: 15 August, 2018 at 10:01 pm:

” … That woman has a say in the running of the UK.
THAT is the scandal.”

Well no it isn’t Ghillie – the scandal is twofold in that there is an unelected head of state who is claimed by Westminster as being sovereign and an unelected upper chamber. It is very, very difficult to find out how many Lords there are but it is estimated as over 800. It is the largest unelected government body in the World.

By contrast there are exactly 650 elected Members of the House of commons.

There should be no unelected persons, including royalty, in the government.


Warren Buffett (who knows a thing or $84 billion about investing) has a view on Bitcoin;

‘Unlike buying stocks, bonds or real estate, buying bitcoin is not an investment…

That’s because it lacks intrinsic value…

If you buy something like bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don’t have anything that is producing anything… You’re just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you’ll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he’s going to find someone that’s going to pay more…
It’s a mirage basically…The idea that it has some huge intrinsic value is just a joke in my view…You aren’t investing when you do that, you’re speculating’

link to

Of course it depends on which investment history and track record is more trustworthy doesn’t it.

Ian Brotherhood

It’s quite sad to see so many people having a dig at Oor Michelle, I mean, come on, no, I should say, FFS! that day she got made a Baroness of what-evs? she actually went to the extra time and bother of putting on more make-up to make herself look even more beautiful than she usually is.

You know what that is? – that’s ‘staunch’!



Spam dressed as mutton.



If you buy something like bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don’t have anything that is producing anything… You’re just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you’ll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he’s going to find someone that’s going to pay more…

Which sounds like what are laughing some of the largest companies in the world. Google, facebook, twitter produce absolutely zero real value to the world’s economy. They advertise for others that’s it.

Benefit to the world (and us) is precisely zero, other than entertainment value. All bubbles that will eventually burst when people get bored with them or decide to take their privacy more seriously which is after all their main commodity.

That’s right it’s your privacy that they sell and makes them so valuable. People will soon get fed up of that and then boom! Another bubble burst.


Liam Fox the arch Thatcherite whose links to political financial support are normally well hidden. He is entirely relevant and I intend to write a few posts exposing him.

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Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Peffers (10.39) –

‘There should be no unelected persons, including royalty, in the government.’

Hear hear.

I had a wee slogan in mind to describe those who still kowtow to imagined ‘superiors’ but it doesn’t really work when spoken –
‘forelock-tugging shitebags’ turns out to be a bit of a tongue-twister.


ben madigan

@Muiris who said at 9:33 pm:
“Why am I reminded of the old joke about a cub reporter, about to interview Charlie Haughey, who as Taoiseach of Rep of Ireland, had a vague understanding of the concepts of ‘truth’ & ‘honesty’. ‘When he’s scratching his ear’, he’s lying, when he’s rubbing his nose, he’s lying, etc‘How do I know when he’s not lying’ asks the cub. ‘When his lips are not moving’.

I don’t appreciate anti-Irish jokes.

So I fixed that for you !

“Why am I reminded of the old joke about a cub reporter, about to interview Margret Thatcher who as PM of the UK, had a vague understanding of the concepts of ‘truth’ & ‘honesty’.

‘When she’s scratching her ear’, she’s lying, when she’s rubbing her nose,she’s lying, etc‘How do I know when she’s not lying’ asks the cub. ‘When her lips are not moving’.

No thanks are needed or requested for this correction.


I buy the “National” every day and am committed to contributing to its survival and expansion. But it will only find its own niche in the press jungle if the reporting standard meets that of “the Rev” whose articles, in recent months, exposing the hypocritical actions of Unionist supporting outlets have been truly inspirational.


I once heard a most illuminative bbc radio interview with the erstwhile hairy of haghill. The well travelled presenter asked her “do you ever venture up the west coast, or into the highlands?”

Mone’s contemptuous response was most revealing – a pause, before sneering the words “WITH MY HAGGIS …….” . With my haggis?!!

One could only speculate as to the conditioning involved to engender quite such a degree of cultural self-loathing.

Aye Michelle – we know you can’t help yourself but read thro this, and get all hatey and resentful – scottishness is about tartan, shortbread and roamin in the gloamin coz that’s what yer telly tells you. That’s why it’s called a telly! Coz it tellsye! Dear oh dear, I do despair.

Cringe coz you’re scottish ‘Lady’ Mone. Cringe deeply; then say “no, i’m not scottish i am british”. Then feel all proud, bigged up and validated.

The end.

mike cassidy

Completely OT

But makes an interesting read in the light of the current ‘Get Corbyn’ stramash.

link to


Here’s an interesting one

link to

“browsed a few SNP “fact check” articles & they fall at . . . ”

compared to just ONE fact check on the new twitter thing:

link to

So it seems Average is exaggerating, or just doesn’t know the difference betweene ONE and A FEW. Which isn’t surprising to anyone who’s read one of his blogs.



You’re playing your own own part in a big way too and it’s much appreciated. Cheers for your articles.


Hauf Billy Connelly, hauf David Murray.Oh,an’ mibbee hauf Jackie Bird.

Scottish yoons on the make in their Britain.

Wha’s like them?


An’ their no deid yet.

Robert Alexander Harrison

Mone has proven she’s nothing but a britnat and a female version of Donald Trump business failure extrodiner typical flim flamer glad she left Scotland one less con up here.



He would say anything but he does have a point I think. All SNP fact check tweets should have a link to some place that provides direct links to the source of their claims.

A lot less opportunity to debunk anything then, do it right and show people the original source of both sides claims.

Liz g

Whit … UTTER PISH is this …are you a NUMPTY?
Are you Nicola Sturgeons No 1 ENEMY are you out to WRECK this site by Drip Drip Drip Britishness???
Are you a PROUDSCOT BUT what exactly do you mean @ 9.05
By JOEand JOSEPHINE public ????!!!!????
Not wance but TWICE tae…
Every bugger KNOWS it’s JOCK & JEANNIE public….

How’s things your end Robert… been thinking of ye and sending ye warm thoughts x


Totally agree, and a few including me posted that in The National.

Average’s tweet though is even funnier when I think about it. here it is in full:

browsed a few SNP “fact check” articles & they fall at the first hurdle: no data audit-trails, no explanation of how apparently conflicting claims can be made, no links to the primary sources that would back up their own assertions seems they don’t know how fact-checking works

which, errr, has no links to the primary sources that back up his assertion, no data audit trails, no explanation of how apparently conflicting claims can be made.

It seems he doesn’t know how fact-checking checking works!

Liz g

Yesindyref2 @ 12.58
Haw you,,, I was working on being the biggest bitch in the building…
But that rebuttal was bloody good,just the right amount of sarcasm and style..
Only question is…. Is it mibbi a wee bit tooo… Stylish for a thread about the Baroness??


Lady Mone of Mayfair Bingo at a water bike race in Monaco. Almost as glamorous as Vera Duckworth at the line-dancing in Bolton. But a lot less fun.


Robert Peffers @ 10.39 pm

Aye! What you said =)

Donald Bruce

If I recall England voted to leave the EU after listening to advice from people like this unelected woman who runs or country
We were told the lies that the EU were selected and corrupted. BUT we accept 800 lords unelected and some possibly only there for there own benefit. What a set of idiots we are

Giving Goose


A haggis would be much better company.
A haggis has more self respect.
And it’s much more tasty.


New poll from you gov

66% in scotland now want to remain in EU

link to


Donald Bruce

Ah but not for long 🙂


Quick! Let’s have a sweepstake to guess what BBC Shortbread’s Daily Scottish Disaster will be today.

NHS, Education, Police, or Environmental catastrophe? …. all good contenders, but I’m going with some Urban deprivation story… Our roads are full of potholes because poor kids are ruining their teeth eating tarmac on the way to school, that is now held in a tent because the real school has upped sticks and moved to Europe, leaving a paper trail of unpaid bills which the SNP must mitigate immediately.

Now for the weather. It’ll be lovely everywhere, but pish wherever you are, and it’s all Nicola Sturgeons fault.


Giving Goose and Jim, of course a Haggis WOULD be much better company than wee Miss Mone.

AND oor lovely haggis is a HUGE international success without the need for any daft airs and graces, ‘titles’ or augmented underclothes! 🙂


Y’know I haven’t listened to radio shortbread or watched BBC news coverage for about four? Five years? Lost count really.

Onywise. And this is just a wee bit of advice for them if they’re scrolling these pages? There are very, VERY, real crises occurring all throughout the UK. Failures of institutions and services. Society pulling itself apart and such. I realise the buck stops with your paymaster and all, but just so you’re aware? People REALLY can see see the difference between a manufactured crisis and a real one.

Your paymaster has screwed up biblically and all the bandwidth on the planet can’t cover up the effects. Worse. Their attempts to do so simply make their media outlets look stupid, incompetent and utterly compromised. Repeating/rehashing the snpbaddery of the day isn’t going to save or change lives. Avoiding challenging the state and other political leaders, their parties and policies in Scotland? That’s not going to keep the UK together. It’s driving it apart and not just politically, but also societally. Oh, and it lets the real culprits off the hook.

Just so you know like.


Anybody who still thinks that the UK can survive as an entity, just read her title again. then again, and let it sink in.

That’s how low the British Establishment has sunk.

On it’s knees, honestly, we’re kinder to animals.

Robert Peffers

@Liz g says: 16 August, 2018 at 12:51 am:


Gotcha! Liz g

” … Every bugger KNOWS it’s JOCK & JEANNIE public….
How’s things your end Robert… been thinking of ye and sending ye warm thoughts x”

Naw! Naw! Wi dinna need tae tell JOCK & JEANNIE public onythin kiz they ken aa aboot it a’reddys – It’s Joe an Josephine wha disna ken whit wi need tae scance the truthfae vairsion o the twa kinricks.

Owersettin intil the Inglis,(translation into the English).

“No! No! We have no need to inform Jock & Jeannie Public of anything, because they know all about it already – It is Joe and Josephine Public who do not know and we need them to read the truthful version about the two kingdoms.

As to my health problems – I have to fast tonight until tomorrow mid-day before yet another blood test.

Then I’ll need to wait again for them to assess the results and decide what treatment, if any, will be effective. It seems a long drawn out process.


Have no time for Mone but if you fall for internet cryptocurrency schemes you do deserve all you get. Greed is a two lane highway.



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What follows is my summary of the hearing before the Inner House of the Court of Session on the question whether we can unilaterally withdraw the Article 50 notice. THREAD
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What the collapse of Brexit means for Scotland
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Highland distillery workers told to accept a £10,000 pay cut or facing losing their job
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Brexit: an uphill struggle
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Thread by @GuitarMoog: “My views on this, for what they’re worth. 1/ Firstly, diplomats chat, gossip, and exchange views in cafes. In fact, the reason they go to ca […]”
7:26 PM – Aug 14, 2018
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European officials have poured cold water on hopes that Theresa May could negotiate Brexit with other EU leaders in September to break the deadlock over Britain’s departure.
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Will not archive
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Dorothy Devine

I have frequently had the thought that the creation of ‘ Baroness Mone of Mayfair ‘ was Cameron insult to Scotland.

By the way , she bills herself as the best wee Diamonique designer on QVC as well as the best wee bra pedlar or peddler or peddlar – I have no idea which is correct!

Robert Peffers

@ahundredthidiot says: 16 August, 2018 at 8:37 am:

” … That’s how low the British Establishment has sunk.
On it’s knees, honestly, we’re kinder to animals.”

You have hit a very large nail on the head, ahundredthidiot.

Just yesterday I was reading the Britnat propaganda reports about the statistics showing the rates of homelessness in the United Kingdom’s two unequal kingdoms. Then I came across an item that began rather a long time ago.

The authorities had finally re-homed a horse that a woman had been keeping in her own house because she had no suitable alternative place for the animal.

Now, throughout the long saga the animal was never made homeless to live on the streets yet there are thousands of people, unhoused by the authorities but not re-housed by the authorities.

From 2016:-

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From 2 days ago:-

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Fox News tried coming after Denmark’s social safety net. This Danish politician’s retort was legendary.

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Mr Maugham putting a right shift in on that Nana. And Peter over on Tarff not missing much else.

Keeping well? Bright enough start to the day down my way and the kettle is just hitting boil. 🙂


There of course is the story of the two Michelle’s, one ran a successful property business, another had a string of failed ventures. Guess which one was relentlessly attacked in the Scottish media.

Not really a taxing question as one was in the SNP and the other was a Tory. The string of failures would be endlessly courted by the Scottish MSM with multiple fawning articles.

That is the Scottish MSM and one of the reasons I would now never pay to keep them in business.

Dr Jim

I read this Tweet from London this morning
“We need politicians with different ideas” and a reply came
“We’ve got those in Scotland” which prompted another reply
“Not from you people we don’t”

See how they love us


@ Breeks – BBC Scotland website was practically slavering yesterday over the prospect of schools going back and all the problems the MSM can moan about.

First there are teacher vacancies in schools believe it or not, then there’s the P1 testing which must stop and, best of all, the EIS is demandng a 10% pay rise for teachers so there may be strikes to look forward to.

A whole year of “blow for Sturgeon and Swinney must resign” to look forward to. It’s their flagship policy, don’t you know, and they must be judged on it.

We could write the articles ourselves.

link to


Great piece, Rev. Doing a public service for any innocent member of the point blic, that must ght fall for her rancid self promotion.

Mone is a chav, an Arthur Daly, bouncing around, embarrassingly trying to hob nob with the elite, whilst casting around for some money making scheme.

Have to agree with comment above, the real tragedy, and mark of the UK, is that this horror show has a say in legislation.

That bit really sticks in my throat.


Great piece, Rev. Doing a public service for any innocent member of the public that might fall for her rancid self promotion.

Mone is a chav, an Arthur Daly, bouncing around, embarrassingly trying to hob nob with the elite, whilst casting around for some money making scheme.

Have to agree with comment above, the real tragedy, and mark of the UK, is that this horror show has a say in legislation.

That bit really sticks in my throat.


Black Joan says:
15 August, 2018 at 5:42 pm

What exactly do you have to do to have your life peerage revoked? Talk about tawdry.
Allow Scotland it’s independence! All the Scottish peers won’t belong to the UK and I guess will be kicked out. They don’t want to loose their gravy train and their titles, letter heads etc, so they’ll fight it tooth and nail. So glad they don’t get a say if they don’t live in Scotland.


What a brilliant article Stu, this is truly a vile woman. And when things don’t work out for her in her personal and business life its somehow the fault of those nasty Nats. Here’s a message stay in London we don’t want you back, Scotland is a better place without people like you.


I’m fine Sam other than fingers very swollen this morning. It took a while for the WD40 to take effect 🙂

Nice day here for grass cutting, any volunteers??

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Nana says:
16 August, 2018 at 9:19 am

Fox News tried coming after Denmark’s social safety net. This Danish politician’s retort was legendary.

link to

Very simple, very polite, very constructive, and powerfully effective. I hope Keith Brown is taking notes and has something similar in mind for his Rebuttal Service.

Then again, the UK’s media are swamp dwellers, and they would simply dispute the figures and appoint some useful tool to make up their own figures to suit their own narrative.

Denmark looks so clean and honest, Fox News looks grubby and nasty, but here in Scotland we have something worse… we have “sophisticated nasty”, a hostile broadcasting monopoly with an anti-Scottish imperative, and with no effective right of reply.

I’ve been saying it since before 2014, by now we should have had Scotland holding EU mini-summits, festivals and workshops, and have the whole place crawling with European Broadcasters and news-hounds. It still isn’t too late, but still we dither and procrastinate…


Is the BBC Scotland head of news still the person described by a high court judge as defensive, evasive and not a reliable witness?

BBC Scotland describe Scotland double the growth figures of the UK as matching the UK’s, so I guess the person is still in the job.

BBC Scotland controller still has confidence in someone a high court judge didn’t believe was a reliable witness. What does that say about the running of BBC Scotland. Certainly rebuilding my trust, a head of news that a judge doesn’t even believe.


@ Nana

“It took a while for the WD40 to take effect”

I hear that! My back these days. Like listening to a bag of rusty gears surrounded by broken glass just getting out of bed in the morning. (sigh) 🙁


Oh dear Macart. I think your needing some 3in1 oil 🙂



That Fox report obviously reminded me of the Reporting Scotland style. Sitting spouting basically nonsense. Both Fox and BBC will have viewers who still believe the guff.

Now what we need is a pleasant polite member of the Scottish Government doing a rebuttal video in the same style. Shite from JBird, followed by John Swinney (would be ideal) saying, “well actually, Jackie, that’s not true” and giving some facts and truths.

Get them flying around Twitter, in this Danish style.

It is pretty funny that the US, of all places, would try to be critical of Denmark, of all places.


I wonder if our wonderful MSM will follow up on this Mone story.


The BBC is still smarting over recent events. I noticed in the BBC intro to the Cliff Richard story not that he was innocent or that there was no foundation but, if I remember correctly, there was not enough evidence to bring charges. You know wink, wink, say no more!



I’d love to see that, a ‘daily snpgood video’ doing the rounds on social media.

That fox video has had over 28,000 retweets and almost 52,000 likes so far.

If the snp are not for it why can’t we do it ourselves? I would if I had the skills. I wonder what it would take for an enterprising team like Phantom power to do these rebuttal videos.


@ Boris, a buddy of mine was in Liam Fox’s class in EK, says he was a wee shite & tells lies about his age!

ronnie anderson

Macart take tae the Vapouring nice Malt wee connel ( naw no Jack ) towel er the heid breath deeply , double bonus U get tae drink it afterwards lol

Brian Powell

If anyone here is still paying their licence tax to the BBC that might put in a complaint concerning Jackie Bird’s ‘Scotland is roughly matching England’s GDP’ when in fact this is the reality, ‘The Scottish Government issued revised figures for GDP in the first three months of the year showing it grew by 0.4%, twice the UK rate of 0.2%.’


No word yet on which Nerve Agent was used in the murder of Kim Jong nam – Novichok?


Switched radio on for the 8 O’Clock headlines and caught the tail end of a couple people ripping into what I suspect was the TV programme that Mone’s daughter was on. No idea who the people were but no doubt they will be getting a Baronial “moron” tweet too.

Liz g

Robert Peffers @ 8.53am
Oh I don’t know so much Robert…
I think Jock Tamson would have a thing to say aboot that..
I’ll run it past him if I see him..

Just to keep your fast “interesting” why don’t ye try counting how many wing’s posts today reminded ye about food?
EG .. When ye read Rock ye don’t think fool ye think cake!!!


Frankly the evidence that she is a such a bad businesswomen is her decision to opt for investing in BITcoin as opposed to TITcoin………..Hello what is your background in business…..BRAS so……big Doh for you Michelle !!!

This message was brought to you by someone who always opts for the obvious childish comparison…cannae help myself….especially when subject matter is such a non entity……also accept BRAS was not her forte but then neither is BITcoins …rest my case.

Dr Jim

Free to say what they want:

Freedom of the press unfortunately comes with the problems of freedom of the press to tell lies then protect themselves behind the laws of freedom of the press by refusing to disclose the *sources* or the *critics* or the *insiders* who the press claim to have given them the information they claim are facts the have *uncovered* or *investigated* or *fact checked*

It’s not a good system is it when the press demand freedom but no one else should have it because basically the propagandised system of government pretendy democracy would completely break down and the populace would end up exposed to too much truth and that would never do

The British government used this system to conquer half the world then taught the Americans to use it and now the Americans are buggering it all up by going too far so that now nobody believes anything anymore (quite rightly) but it leaves a new problem for proper democratic truth to hold on or indeed prosper which has led to the basic polarisational (I don’t like you) dirty politics which is where Scotlands politics is right now

In some other countries this has led to violence, now we’re not too keen on that solution in Scotland we kinda like the truthful legal approach if we can get it but in the current climate of political lie telling it seems like a mammoth undertaking to change the system but sorted it has to be

How and who can do it is the question or do we continue to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and by opposing end them

Sorry about that last bit


Mmmm. See one or two titles picking up on the Rev’s EU ref poll results. And bless. They’re all putting their own preferred spin on the outcomes and options.

How and ever, worth pointing out to these folks that Scotland’s population only require one referendum to remain in the single market and customs union and it also has the added bonus of wiping out the UKs parliamentary democratic defecit. Win win really. 🙂


Don’t know if that’ll cure chronic back pain, but I’m all for the adventure of it. 😀

Tam the Bam.

Hand and Shrimp @ 11-14am

The male voice belonged to none other than Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey.
The female voice belonged to …….. I cant remember but a defender of ‘poverty safari’ type tv .


The Mone story is yet another rags to riches saga from so-called stars who just have to keep on coming back to tell us how well they’ve done. Lady Mone apparently comes from Dennistoun but that’s much too trendy so Brigton gets the honour.

We had Lulu telling us that if she stayed in Glasgow she would probably have ended up married a bus conductor, she legged it to the Big-Smoke & appeared on an election platform with Maggie Thatcher. Also on the same platform backing Maggie was expat Molly Weir. Connolly of course became a born-again Deeside laird, court-jester & buddy of Lord Jack MacConnell, castigating our parliament as “Pretendy!” as if his own life wasn’t exactly that. The great pity is that that keep buying return tickets.


@Macart / @Nana
link to

It’s the chondroitin apparently, joint fluid or something. Buy 2 get 1 free. We’ve been taking it for years now, and it really makes a difference. I’m now as limber as a 2 year-old! In training for next years Ayr Grand National. Wish me luck.



My Dad was taking these as part of his RA drug regime, not sure if they helped him much as the disease was too advanced.

I’ll be at the races geeing you on 🙂

Is it worth my while placing a bet and can you give me the odds?



Sszzzzorrrry?*(( Mmmm tryyyin’ ron’s mmmmallltttt remmddddyd ji noooo. 😉

Tinto Chiel

Giddy up, yesindyref2: at least there’ll be no chance of you sitting on the fence 😛 .


My wife’s gor osteo-arthritis (and osteoporosis) and they help her, including her knee. I was diagnosed with o-a, but not sure if it’s right as my legs are now right as rain, though I still take it a bit easy up and down stairs. I swear by them, it was a customer recommended them to me as I hobbled in to see him 3 or 4 years back. He used to hillwalk as I did.

I’d say the odds are pretty well evens there’ll be a YES before the next race. And TC, I intend breaking down the fences, saves all that jumping. No doubt with one or three Isle of Jura (off the back of the exciseman’s van) inside me. The angels would approve.



“The angels would approve.”

Yes they would. 🙂

Used glucosamine pills and ibuprofen for the old back and they do take the edge off.

Scottish Steve

I always see unionists (particularly unionist men) defending figures like Mone and JK Rowling with such vigour. It seems well-heeled unionist ladies give them boners in their big boy UJ pants. But this sense of chivalry quickly dies when they are talking about the First Minister.

Gotta’ love how she professes faux pride in her background and people. If that’s so, why wasn’t she made Baroness of the East End? And why isn’t she living among “her people” there?

That’s because her people are the posh, rich twats in London. Just one of the many rogues in a nation that Burns so perfectly described.

CameronB Brodie

This issues reflects the heart of the matter that we face, as we seek effective political representation for Scotland, i.e. the misreporting of performance information. Tories are not the same as conservatives, who tend towards a cautious antipathy to change. Tories, however, don’t tend to feel morally bound to truthfulness and honesty, are antagonistic to change and actively promote the interests of inherited privilege.

This one appears simply to be a self-serving social climber.

The Malevolent Side of Human Nature
A Meta-Analysis and Critical Review of the Literature on the Dark Triad (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy)


The term dark triad refers to the constellation of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Over the past few years, the concept has gained momentum, with many researchers assuming that the dark triad is a prominent antecedent of transgressive and norm-violating behavior. Our purpose in this meta-analytic review was to evaluate (a) interrelations among narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy; (b) gender differences in these traits; [c] how these traits are linked to normal personality factors; and (d) the psychosocial correlates of the dark triad. Our findings show that dark triad traits are substantially intercorrelated, somewhat more prevalent among men than women, predominantly related to the Big Five personality factor of agreeableness and the HEXACO factor of honesty-humility, and generally associated with various types of negative psychosocial outcomes. We question whether dark triad traits are sufficiently distinct and argue that the way they are currently measured is too simple to capture the malevolent sides of personality. Because most research in this domain is cross-sectional and based on self-reports, we recommend using a cross-informant approach and prospective, longitudinal research designs for studying the predictive value of dark triad features.

Keywords Dark triad, narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, review, meta-analysis

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Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and the Positivity of Self-Views:
Two Portraits of Self-Love

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Beyond a One-Size-Fits-All Mentality: An Experimental Investigation of How Narcissistic Employees Respond to Relative Performance Information
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I presume that Mone’s,daughter will be giving her fee to some local Bridgeton charity.

Aye Right.


@Heather McLean
I had one of the BT ones recently, I accused her fairly quickly of being a scammer and she asked ‘do I sound like a scammer?’ to which I replied that scammers were human beings and sounded like them. I then pointed out we haven’t had a BT line in a couple of decades. Then she switched track and said I needed a licence from BT to get on the internet no matter how I connected. I laughed uproariously at that one and informed her nobody needed a license to get on the internet she hung up.

The worry is those who don’t realise or have a BT line and believe the guff. These scammers don’t need to hit a very high percentage. I like to keep them talking to limit the time they have to go after others and of course to cost them more.

stu mac

@Nana says:
16 August, 2018 at 10:49 am

I’d love to see that, a ‘daily snpgood video’ doing the rounds on social media.


A lot of folk would have to put effort into putting links to it on the Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages of non-Indy folk, otherwise no point to it. You’d soon see it being blocked all over so it would be a never ending battle of getting different folk doing it to keep it in view.


@ stu mac
16 August, 2018 at 5:53 pm
Aye right, why don’t we just roll over and die.

You give the impression we are “Too Poor, Too Wee, Too Stupid”

FYI Nana’s links are copied and posted daily by many Wingers on Facebook and Twitter. Copy and paste is not Rocket Science.


Easy to make money when you can bin your limited company and all it’s debts whilst the company never owned any assets, they were your personal property, and the workers and other business creditors are left to flounder.

I’ve seen companies go down due to repeat offenders failing to pay their bills, employees left unpaid (although the National Insurance Fund WILL step in, THAT takes time and there is a maximum amount which often comes nowhere near what is owed) personal debt of employees can be left unpaid, leading to losing your home, car (essential for travelling to work these days)and the resultant suffering of their families too.

The rich laugh all the way to the bank, the workers have to go to the food bank, literally.

I saw SO much of this when working for HMRC. Company directors is big houses with fancy cars, ripped off customers and employees losing their homes. It sickens me, and she is rewarded by being allowed into the House of Lords??


I think I got one bounced last night for doing an imagined dialogue of Michelle and her cronies at a Glasgow bingo hall – it was a Limmy ripoff anyway.

Seriously though – this woman clearly suffers from extreme narcissism and that is one component of the psychopath (read some Robert Hare) – the shameless, no guilt, no empathy people who love money and power and just -fucking-around- with normal people. It is a condition which runs at 6% of the population, but at around 20% across all who work in finance – it is not known what the level is at higher levels of finance or in politicians. And of course, the jails are full of them.

Our society is plagued by psychopaths – and there are two types

– successful and clever – you get to be a politician, banker, CEO etc
– unsuccessful and stupid – you end up in jail, sooner or later

They have a qualitatively different mentality from that of normal people, (- let’s call them Full Human Beings) – they have brains with a different structure, with unactivated regions (- “not playing with a full deck”). When you deal with them you should not think you are talking to another person, somewhat similar to yourself – you are looking at a crocodile in human form. A lesser thing, but more dangerous. A predatory sub-species. They may be the source of all those vampire stories, psychologically speaking.

The most disgusting thing about Michelle is her brazen “obviousness” – like we can’t detect her fakery – the dyed hair, the veneers on the teeth, the shorter nose, the tits that ride higher than they did 10 years ago, the subtly different shape to her face – but it all largely goes to waste because the woman is so skullsplittingly fucking stupid – she says ridiculous crap and expects us to believe it. She is also lacking in any self-awareness – her internal dialogue is a blank slate.

Makes me think of that old song – Mack the Knife

“oh the shark has
pretty teeth dear
and he shows them
pearly white …”

That Cornton Vale is to be shut is probably good news for Michelle, long-term.

– and mini-Michelle is going on the Poverty Safari …

“cheap holiday … in other peoples misery … “

Big Phil

Get her to look up “The Fourth World” Lilybank, Noo We were poor.

[…] alternative UK media outlet Wings reported this week, “Bounty hunters are effectively unpaid marketers, often from developing countries, who […]


@ Big Phil, Kay Carmichael, that was when Labour were Labour!

Mark Russell

I suppose Michelle has found her place in life after all….

link to

Greg Drysdale

My wife said to me “what are you reading? You have a smile on your face”. I didn’t realise it was showing! 😀

Big Phil

@Fred, sorry mate they all used us ,same as it ever was with labour.

Risk Hanson

Interesting article!
Now I learned more about this woman)

I have been watching this ICO for a long time. He always had not high ratings of rating agencies:
link to
ICObench established a rating: 2.6
it says a lot!
I do not understand why people are so naive and continue to invest in adventurous projects with blondes with big breasts!

[…] As described by Scottish news outlet Wings: […]

[…] share ramping scheme that ripped off hundreds of investors. Michelle Mone is currently engaged in a Ponzi scheme badly disguised as a crypto-currency. None of those will be […]

Moray Nicol

This line made me glad I hadn’t had my dinner yet or I’d have probably needed a new keyboard..

“Doug Barrowman described Equi Capital as a way to “give everyone an opportunity to play in my world””

What a cvnt, he obviously deserves her.

Where’s Robespierre when you really need him ?


I’m guessing here that Michelle Mone hasn’t watched the “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Clue to Lady Mone – it didn’t end well for The Wolf.

[…] alternative UK media outlet Wings reported this week, “Bounty hunters are effectively unpaid marketers, often from developing countries, […]

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